English 10 – Short Story Test Review

English 10 – Short Story Test Review
Complete the following on loose-leaf
USING YOUR NOTES – Define the following words:
1. Protagonist
2. Antagonist
3. Dramatic Irony
4. Situational Irony
5. Flashback
6. Foreshadowing
7. 3rd person objective
8. 3rd person omniscient
9. 3rd person limited omniscient
10. Atmosphere
11. Symbolism
Answer the following questions in full sentences.
12. What is the difference between a dynamic character and a static character?
13. What are the 5 parts of a plot?
14. What is the difference between internal and external conflict?
15. What are the 4 different kinds of conflict?
16. What is the difference between 1st and 3rd person point of view? Give examples.
English 10 – Short Story Test Review
Complete the following on loose-leaf
USING YOUR NOTES – Define the following words:
1. Protagonist
2. Antagonist
3. Dramatic Irony
4. Situational Irony
5. Flashback
6. Foreshadowing
7. 3rd person objective
8. 3rd person omniscient
9. 3rd person limited omniscient
10. Atmosphere
11. Symbolism
Answer the following questions in full sentences.
12. What is the difference between a dynamic character and a static character?
13. What are the 5 parts of a plot?
14. What is the difference between internal and external conflict?
15. What are the 4 different kinds of conflict?
16. What is the difference between 1st and 3rd person point of view? Give examples.