SCHEDULE 3 - NEW EMPLOYER SERVICES (NES) DESCRIPTIONS & CODES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2013 1. EXPLANATORY INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. WORKER RELATED CONSIDERATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Worker representative ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Worker Privacy Considerations .................................................................................................................................................. 6 2.3 Managing the expectations of the parties associated with a worker’s RTW ............................................................................. 6 3. AGENT RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.1 Agent NES Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Determining whether RTW with the injury employer has been exhausted ............................................................................... 7 3.3 Agent NES Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.4 Agent prior approval of NES services needed before services can be provided ........................................................................ 8 3.4 NES Service Options ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Worker has a CWC but not at work .......................................................................................................................................... 9 2. Worker at work with the injury employer but this cannot continue ....................................................................................... 9 3. NES services considered as part of a 130 week entitlement review .................................................................................. 9 3.5 Worker choice of OR Provider .................................................................................................................................................. 10 3.6 OR Referral form ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.7 NES Workplace Report ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 4. OR PROVIDER NES RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE) .......................................................................................................... 11 WISE placement exclusions ........................................................................................................................................................ 11 4.2 Job brokerage, a key OR provider deliverable .......................................................................................................................... 12 5. NES REPORT TEMPLATES ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 5.1 Provision of NES reports ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 5.2 Complete NES reports .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 1 of 53 6. NES FUNDING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 6.1 NES Funding Requests .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 6.2 NES funding sought via email ................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.3 OR Consultant Title ................................................................................................................................................................... 15 6.4 NES Provider Travel .................................................................................................................................................................. 15 6.5 OR provider fees for GP RTW Case Conference purposes ........................................................................................................ 16 7. TRAINING AND REDEPLOYMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 17 7.1 Identifying a training course ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 OR provider identifies suitable employment but a particular competency required ................................................................ 17 OR provider cannot identify suitable employment and different competency required .......................................................... 17 Worker participation in training ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Agent approval of a training course ........................................................................................................................................... 17 7.2 Agent advice to worker, training course approval ................................................................................................................... 18 Enrolment in a training course ................................................................................................................................................... 18 Training Course Monitoring ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 8. SUSPENDING, CEASING AND RECOMENCING NES SERVICES ..................................................................................................... 20 8.1 Suspending NES services .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 8.2 Ceasing NES services ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 8.3 Recommencing NES .................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Services previously suspended or ceased .................................................................................................................................. 21 After non sustainable RTW ......................................................................................................................................................... 21 After a sustainable RTW ............................................................................................................................................................. 21 After incentive paid employment ceases or medical evidence received work is no longer suitable ......................................... 21 8.4 NES services during weekly payment ‘non entitlement period’ .............................................................................................. 21 9.0 RTW INCENTIVES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22 9.1 Worker’s privacy following a RTW with a new employer......................................................................................................... 22 9.2 General conditions for paying an incentive .............................................................................................................................. 22 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 2 of 53 9.3 RTW with injury employer after NES commenced ................................................................................................................... 22 9.4 RTW with WISE during NES ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 9.5 RTW with WISE after NES completed ....................................................................................................................................... 23 9.6 RTW incentive not payable in certain circumstances ............................................................................................................... 23 Worker absent for more than 5 working days during 13 week sustainable RTW period .......................................................... 23 Self-employment as an option during NES ................................................................................................................................. 23 9.7 Specific conditions for paying a second incentive .................................................................................................................... 23 10. GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 24 10.1 Reasons for arranging a GP RTW Case Conference ................................................................................................................ 24 10.2 Advising the agent .................................................................................................................................................................. 24 10.3 Worker to be advised if the agent has been invited to the conference ................................................................................. 24 10.4 Scheduling a GP RTW Case Conference .................................................................................................................................. 24 10.5 Confirming the agreed actions from a GP RTW Case Conference .......................................................................................... 25 10.6 Information about GP RTW Case Conference in next OR provider report ............................................................................. 25 10.7 Expected outcome from a GP RTW Case Conference ............................................................................................................ 25 10.8 OR provider fees for GP RTW Case Conference purposes ...................................................................................................... 25 10.9 GP fees for GP RTW Case Conference purposes .................................................................................................................... 26 11. NES SERVICES AND FEES ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 Vocational Report ........................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Subsequent Vocational Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 30 Workplace Report .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Identifying an appropriate training course .................................................................................................................................... 33 Monitoring a worker’s progress in a training course ..................................................................................................................... 34 Vocational Counselling ................................................................................................................................................................... 35 26 Week NES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 12 Week NES Refresher .................................................................................................................................................................. 42 NES Placement Report ................................................................................................................................................................... 43 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 3 of 53 NES RTW Incentives........................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Provider Travel including OR provider GP RTW Case Conference costs ........................................................................................ 45 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report (see also Subsequent Vocational Report) ................................................................... 46 WISE OR Provider fees Payment Type Code 216............................................................................................................................ 48 Attachment 1 - GP RTW Case Conference – Worker Letter ............................................................................................................... 49 Attachment 2 – GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE – GP LETTER ................................................................................................................ 51 Attachment 3 - GP RTW Case Conference Action Plan ...................................................................................................................... 53 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 4 of 53 1. EXPLANATORY INFORMATION New Employer Services (NES) are occupational rehabilitation (OR) services recognised by WorkSafe Victoria (WorkSafe) to support a worker to return to work (RTW) with a new employer. This Schedule should be read in conjunction with the WorkSafe Online Claims Manual and any other guidance provided or released by WorkSafe related to those OR services known as NES services. The information contained in this Schedule replaces prior information and guidance released by WorkSafe. Within this NES information - a reference to: The ‘legislation’ means a reference to Victorian workers compensation legislation A “Qualified rehabilitation professional” means a person who satisfies the qualifications, knowledge and experience for being a Workplace Rehabilitation Consultant as defined by the Nationally Consistent Approval Framework for Workplace Rehabilitation Providers (NCF)1 “Suitable employment” means a reference to pre-injury or suitable employment at an injury workplace unless it is referenced in the context of new employment with a new employer A “Vocational Advisor” means a person who has received formal qualifications in and/or experience and skills in recruitment, employment or disability placement services A “worker” means a reference to a worker including a person (a worker representative) that the worker has requested to assist and support them in the RTW process 1 A qualified rehabilitation professional or a vocational advisor will most usually be referred to as an OR Consultant. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 5 of 53 2. WORKER RELATED CONSIDERATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 WORKER REPRESENTATIVE The legislation allows a worker to be represented, assisted and supported in the RTW process.2 A worker may request their representative be involved in meetings with, or arranged by the agent or an OR provider with the injury employer or the worker’s treating health practitioner (THP). NES reports or information prepared by an OR provider for a worker should be provided to the worker representative. A worker may verbally advise the agent or an OR provider that a person is acting as their worker representative.3 On being made aware of a worker representative, the agent and an OR provider should liaise with them when scheduling any meetings with the worker so the representative can be present. 2.2 WORKER PRIVACY CONSIDERATIONS The agent and an OR provider must only communicate about information that is relevant to the provision of NES services and at all times, a worker’s privacy must be maintained. Similarly information collected about other parties must be afforded the same considerations and protections. It is recommended that an OR provider advises a worker that information they share may be included in NES reports which are sent to them, their THP and the agent. 2.3 MANAGING THE EXPECTATIONS OF THE PARTIES ASSOCIATED WITH A WORKER’S RTW The agent and an OR provider must exercise care in managing the expectations of the worker and the worker’s THP throughout NES service provision. As the various parties may perceive the issues and barriers delaying or impeding the worker’s RTW differently, it falls to the OR provider as the independent RTW expert to test and verify the different perceptions particularly when they relate to: the worker’s capacity for work; the most recent medical opinion from the worker’s THP; and the tasks or jobs that may be available at a new workplace allowing for any work restrictions. WorkSafe has several publications that may be helpful if a worker or the worker's THP is seeking more information about why an agent may consider a RTW with a new employer including a specific NES publication for workers. These publications can be found on WorkSafe’s website . 2 The legislation also states that a worker representative cannot include a legal practitioner. 3 The agent or an OR provider cannot request a worker provide advice about their worker representative in writing. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 6 of 53 3. AGENT RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 AGENT NES RESPONSIBILITIES The agent will consider NES service approval as part of their regular review of the worker’s individual circumstances and RTW needs. These considerations may include but are not limited to: Collecting appropriate evidence to demonstrate the injury employer has satisfied their RTW obligations under the legislation; Deciding with the worker, the worker’s THP or an independent medical examiner (IME) whether there are any medical issues or concerns that may be impacting or impeding the worker’s RTW with a new employer; Establishing then managing the worker and the worker’s THP expectations about the RTW Goal and the proposed RTW date; Revising their activities in response to new information or medical opinion received about the worker’s current work capacity (CWC) including any work restrictions; Reviewing available information or medical reports including IME and OR provider reports to identify those activities most likely to result in the worker achieving then sustaining a RTW with a new employer; and Arranging for supplementary or new information to be collected via medical or IME reports where gaps in information are identified, and Inviting the worker to attend an interview under the legislation to explain why there has been a change in RTW Goal to RTW with a new employer. 3.2 DETERMINING WHETHER RTW WITH THE INJURY EMPLOYER HAS BEEN EXHAUSTED Sometimes, the agent will form the view that the injury employer’s RTW obligations have been satisfied even when the worker has achieved some RTW at an injury workplace. The types of reasons that an agent may rely on include but are not limited to: There is medical evidence suggesting the worker cannot undertake or does not have a capacity for any of the duties or jobs available at the injury workplace; The worker has relocated and a RTW is no longer practicable at the injury workplace; The worker has resigned from the pre-injury employment; The employer no longer has pre-injury or suitable employment available at an injury workplace; The employer has terminated the worker’s pre-injury employment; or The employer has ceased to trade. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 7 of 53 The exhausting of RTW opportunities with the injury employer may also include providing a retraining course to the worker to gain a new competency to satisfy the requirements of suitable employment that may be available at an injury workplace. The opinion and information included by an OR provider in the OES reports are important when the agent is deciding whether a RTW with the injury employer has been fully exhausted for a worker. For more detail about what the agent is required to do, see 2013.2 Schedule 2 OES descriptions & codes effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 including: o Determining whether RTW with the injury employer has been fully exhausted, page 24 o Agent Senior Review required to consider NES before 52 weeks, page 24 o NES approval, page 25 o OES & NES services at the same time, page 25 o Worker privacy where they are receiving OES and NES services at the same time, page 25 o RTW incentive payable for a RTW negotiated with injury employer after NES commenced, page 26 3.3 AGENT NES RESPONSIBILITIES The agent must: Approve a NES services as well as agree activities with the OR provider consistent with this Schedule; Ensure the Novus NES process requirements are met; Determine at particular points in time whether NES services should continue to be approved for a worker or should be suspended or ceased; and Ensure that an OR provider’s service provision as well as the service outputs (NES reports and invoices) conform with WorkSafe’s expectations and NES guidelines as found in this Schedule; An agent requiring clarification about their role and/or responsibilities or WorkSafe’s expectations for RTW and NES services provision as outlined in this Schedule should contact WorkSafe via WorkSafe will provide a response within 48 working hours. WorkSafe may seek further information during this period and any determination will then be made within 48 hours of this further advice being received by WorkSafe. 3.4 AGENT PRIOR APPROVAL OF NES SERVICES NEEDED BEFORE SERVICES CAN BE PROVIDED NES services will be approved by the agent because the services are required following the worker’s work related injury; the services are reasonable and necessary for the worker’s circumstances and the costs associated with those services are reasonable. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 8 of 53 When considering NES services, the agent should determine whether there is medical evidence that the worker has a CWC. For NES purposes, the worker’s CWC may be established from a worker’s THP certificate or an IME report. 3.4 NES SERVICE OPTIONS 1. WORKER HAS A CWC BUT NOT AT WORK Where the worker is receiving Payment Type 3 weekly payments because they have a CWC but are not at work and the agent forms the view that the injury employer’s RTW obligations have been satisfied, the agent should approve a Vocational Report. The report will help the agent determine whether a 26 Week NES may be required to assist and support the worker RTW in suitable employment with a new employer as soon as is practicable. The agent and OR provider will negotiate whether other NES services in addition to a 26 Week NES are required. 2. WORKER AT WORK WITH THE INJURY EMPLOYER BUT THIS CANNOT CONTINUE Where the worker is not receiving weekly payments because they are at work PIH with the injury employer or they are receiving Payment Type 2 weekly payments because their RTW is not at PIH, the agent needs to determine whether a RC800 Vocational Report should be approved. The report will help the agent determine whether a 26 Week NES may be required to assist and support the worker RTW in suitable employment with a new employer as soon as is practicable. The agent and OR provider will negotiate whether other NES services in addition to a 26 Week NES are required. 3. NES SERVICES CONSIDERED AS PART OF A 130 WEEK ENTITLEMENT REVIEW When completing a 130 Week entitlement review, the agent must be satisfied that a worker receiving Payment Type 3 weekly payments because they have a CWC but are not at work has: been offered every opportunity to RTW; or if the injury employer’s RTW obligations have been satisfied that a RTW in suitable employment with a new employer has been considered. If the agent determines NES servicing is required then the agent will consider which of the following options is most appropriate for the worker’s circumstances. OPTION A: 12 WEEK REFRESHER A 12 Week Refresher is approved if the date the worker completed a 26 Week NES was more than 12 weeks prior to the date that the 130 Week entitlement review commenced. OPTION B: RC840 VOCATIONAL COUNSELLING If the date the worker completed a 26 Week NES was less than 12 weeks prior to the date that the 130 Week entitlement review commenced then RC840 Vocational Counselling is approved. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 9 of 53 OPTION C: NO 26 WEEK NES PREVIOUSLY APPROVED If the agent has not previously approved a 26 Week NES for the worker then a RC800 Vocational Report 4 and a 26 Week NES should be approved to commence as soon as is practicable. NB: With Option C, although the date for terminating the worker’s weekly payments may be prior to the date a 26 Week NES being completed, the agent must approve a 26 Week NES. 3.5 WORKER CHOICE OF OR PROVIDER The agent must ensure that the worker is given a list of least 3 OR providers (where available) to choose from. A worker will select an OR provider from this list or if they do not choose an OR provider, the agent will choose the OR provider on their behalf. Once the choice of OR provider is confirmed, the agent will forward an OR Referral form to them requesting that NES services commence. 3.6 OR REFERRAL FORM An agent will advise the OR provider that NES services have been approved by sending them an OR Referral form requesting a Vocational Report. The form must have relevant medical opinion/ information attached confirming the worker’s capacity for work including medical restrictions. The agent may vary what is included with the OR Referral form if they reasonably believe that the provision of this medical opinion/information is not necessary or an exemption to this or any other information applies. 3.7 NES WORKPLACE REPORT Agent prior approval of a Workplace Report is not required. An OR provider providing NES services submits this report when the worker is due to commence a new job. NB: An OR provider will not complete a RC810 Workplace Report following a RTW when the worker says they do not want the OR provider to visit the workplace as the new employer does not know they have had a claim. 4 A RC500 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report may be used as an alternative for a RC800 Vocational Report if this has already been submitted to the agent at the time they are determining that a 26 Week NES should be approved. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 10 of 53 4. OR PROVIDER NES RESPONSIBILITIES An OR provider is an independent expert who is expected to revise and amend their activities in response to changes in the worker’s RTW circumstances at particular points of time. The activities completed by an OR provider should varying depending on whether the worker is at work or not at work when NES services are approved, what weekly payment type they may be receiving and whether suitable employment can be identified for the worker with their existing level of transferable skills and abilities. The types of OR provider activities may include but are not limited to: Actively engaging and regularly updating the worker, the worker’s THP and the agent to create a common understanding about the RTW process or any actual or perceived barriers to RTW and the expected time it will take for a RTW to be achieved; Preparing ‘complete’ NES reports reflecting the worker’s capacity for work including any work restrictions, the progress made to resolve any actual or perceived RTW barriers, what agreed activities have been completed or will be completed prior to the next report and proposing a RTW date if the worker has not returned to work in the report period; Finding new jobs for workers by promoting and using the WorkSafe Incentive Scheme for Employers (WISE) to address possible disadvantage as workers compete against other job seekers in an open labour market; and Overseeing a RTW at the new workplace and actively engaging the worker, the worker’s THP or an IME, the new employer and the agent to resolve any concerns or issues to ensure the RTW is maintained. As NES services continue the above activities should be reviewed and amended by an OR provider especially as actual or perceived barriers to RTW or changes in the worker’s circumstances are identified and resolved. An OR provider with concerns or queries about the worker’s recovery from injury or their response to other barriers to their RTW should contact the agent in the first instance. An agent may seek supplementary information from the worker’s THP or an IME as part of responding to an OR provider’s concerns or queries. 4.1 WORKSAFE INCENTIVE SCHEME FOR EMPLOYERS (WISE) A worker who has NES services approved by an agent may also access WISE. WISE is a 12 month financial incentive of up to $26,000 paid to a new employer who offers ongoing employment of 15 hours or more a week. Most employers are eligible for WISE including interstate employers where the worker resides outside Victoria. . WISE PLACEMENT EXCLUSIONS Labour hire companies, employment agencies or group training organisations that place a worker into the workplace of another employer are not eligible for WISE. Workers cannot access WISE for themselves. This includes self-employment or where a worker is a director or board member of a company that offers them employment. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 11 of 53 Where a worker accepts a job offer and the employer wishes to access WISE, an OR provider will visit the workplace and review the job requirements to give the worker and new employer confidence that the worker can safely perform the role. An OR provider should also assist the employer complete the WISE payment paperwork. More information about WISE can be found in Chapter 8 of the Online Claims Manual and publications found on WorkSafe’s website . 4.2 JOB BROKERAGE, A KEY OR PROVIDER DELIVERABLE OR provider job brokerage activities must focus on achieving suitable employment for the worker and ensuring the worker has the competencies and confidence to successfully secure job in an open labour market. Job brokerage activities may include but are not limited to: o Identifying suitable job vacancies by actively canvassing prospective employers (reverse marketing); o Preparing or forwarding worker resumes on their behalf to prospective employers or job agencies; o Marketing the worker’s experience, skills and abilities as well as their access to WISE to prospective employers or job agencies; o Ensuring the worker knows how to promote their access to WISE to prospective employers or job agencies; o Creating worker awareness of how to effectively identify jobs from the internet, informal employment networks as well as the hidden labour market; o Coaching and providing the worker with interview skills and techniques so they can confidently and effectively participate in job interviews and know how to handle injury-related questions if asked; o Ensuring the worker can effectively use email to lodge job applications and/or pursue job opportunities including cold canvassing prospective employers; o Giving the worker the best opportunity to compete in an open labour market against other job seekers; and o Encouraging the worker to register with recruitment, job service or private employment agencies who have links to particular industries of interest to the worker or are located within a reasonable distance to where they reside. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 12 of 53 5. NES REPORT TEMPLATES An OR provider is required to use WorkSafe approved NES report templates. NES reports are provided to the worker, the worker’s THP and the agent to create a common understanding about the types of activities that may be needed to achieve a sustainable RTW for the worker and the progress being made towards that RTW Goal. NES reports must clearly reflect the OR provider’s independent opinion formed at the time the report was completed. A NES report should not be submitted to the injury employer even where the worker may remain at work with them while receiving NES services. For more detail, see 2013.2 Schedule 2 OES descriptions & codes effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 including: o OES & NES services at the same time, page 25 o RTW incentive payable for a RTW negotiated with injury employer after NES commenced, page 26 5.1 PROVISION OF NES REPORTS An OR provider has the discretion not to provide a NES report to a worker if they determine an exception applies under the Privacy Act or Health Records Act, for instance: it would pose a serious threat to the life or health of the worker or any other person; or there would be an unreasonable impact on the personal privacy of a person other than the worker (although in the absence of the individual’s consent, the individual’s personal details or statements can be blanked out meaning the NES report could still be released). An agent and/or OR provider requiring clarification about the release of a NES report to a worker may contact WorkSafe via . WorkSafe will provide a response within 48 working hours. WorkSafe may seek further information during this period and any determination will then be made within 48 hours of this further advice being received by WorkSafe. 5.2 COMPLETE NES REPORTS An OR provider must submit a ‘complete’ NES report to the worker, the worker’s THP and the agent within the nominated timeframe. These reports should contain sufficient information to enable all parties but most particularly the agent to have confidence about the progress made to date against the agreed activities from previous reports. If a report cannot be submitted within the nominated timeframe an OR provider must advise the agent the reason for the delay and the expected date of submission. When completing their most recent NES report, an OR provider is expected to consider and review the opinion and information found in previous NES reports. However, opinion or information previously provided in a report should only be referenced in a subsequent NES report where it is 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 13 of 53 pertinent or relevant to the worker’s circumstances and RTW needs at the time the latest report is completed. NES reports must only contain information and opinion that is relevant to the NES service being provided. An OR provider should not provide comment on the worker’s treatment or make suggestions about other treatment options. If an OR provider forms a view when preparing a NES report that the worker does not have a CWC or there is an actual or perceived barrier to RTW preventing them from being able to actively participate in NES services then the agent must be contacted immediately. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 14 of 53 6. NES FUNDING 6.1 NES FUNDING REQUESTS Where an OR provider submits a Funding Request the request must only include the actual NES services and the cost of those services that an OR provider reasonably expects to provide in the time period nominated within the Funding Request. An OR provider must not seek agent approval for ‘possible’ or ‘potential’ NES services outside the period referenced in the funding request. If the worker’s circumstances change after a Funding Request has been submitted to the agent then the OR provider must seek further agent approval of further NES services. An agent and/or OR provider requiring clarification about Funding Requests may contact WorkSafe via . 6.2 NES FUNDING SOUGHT VIA EMAIL An OR provider may seek funding approval via email which includes: the time period the funding request applies to; the service item code, the name of each service, the cost and the number of hours already approved for each service to date; and how many hours for each service have actually been ‘used/invoiced for’ up to the date of the email. 6.3 OR CONSULTANT TITLE OR providers will use the following signature block for all correspondence related to OR service provision with the exception of emails: OR Consultant Name Service provided: Occupational Rehabilitation Professional Background - Physiotherapist 6.4 NES PROVIDER TRAVEL Most NES services will be provided by an OR provider from their nearest location to where the worker resides. A worker may claim travel expenses to attend NES services provided at a location of an OR provider. An OR provider may also seek approval for Provider Travel when services may be provided at a location other than the OR provider’s nearest location because the worker: 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 15 of 53 has no or restricted access to public transport between their residence or to where an OR provider has scheduled an appointment; cannot drive and no-one is available to drive the worker to the location where the OR provider has scheduled the appointment; cannot drive due to a medical restriction; or The worker secures a new job and a Workplace Report is arranged at a workplace of the new employer. An OR provider must separately list RC899 Provider Travel on their invoice and ensure that the appropriate OR provider location number is referenced. 6.5 OR PROVIDER FEES FOR GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE PURPOSES Provider Travel may also be approved for the time spent by an OR provider: On arranging and attending the GP’s rooms; Sending of an Action Plan post the meeting; and The time spent in travelling to and from their nearest location to the GP’s rooms. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 16 of 53 7. TRAINING AND REDEPLOYMENT 7.1 IDENTIFYING A TRAINING COURSE A OR provider should request agent consideration of training course approval to enhance the worker’s employability and competiveness in the open labour market. An OR provider should not recommend a retraining course when the worker’s existing level of transferable skills and abilities are sufficient to enable the worker to be competitive in the open labour market. An OR provider should also not recommend a worker participate in a training course simply because a worker suggests they have a preference for a particular type of employment or because they show a reluctance to work in the type of employment identified by the OR provider in the Vocational Report or a Retraining Report. An OR provider must ensure that the worker understands that a training course approval relies on the agent determining that a course is a reasonable and necessary to enhance the worker’s employability and competitiveness in the open labour market. OR PROVIDER IDENTIFIES SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT BUT A PARTICULAR COMPETENCY REQUIRED Suitable employment has been identified by an OR provider using the worker’s existing level of transferable skills and abilities but they recommend a particular competency (most usually a certificate or a licence) be obtained to fully satisfy the particular requirements of that suitable employment. OR PROVIDER CANNOT IDENTIFY SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT AND DIFFERENT COMPETENCY REQUIRED Sometimes the worker’s existing level of transferable skills and abilities do not satisfy the requirements of the suitable employment that is generally available. The OR provider may then recommend the worker obtain a different competency to satisfy the particular requirements of suitable employment that may be available. WORKER PARTICIPATION IN TRAINING When approving a training course, the agent must be satisfied that the worker can complete the course as soon as it is practicable. If the worker is at work at the time the course commences, the agent must consider whether the worker can remain at work or continue to participate in a 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling at the same time they are participating in the course. If the agent forms the view the worker may be disadvantaged they should consider whether to suspend or cease a 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling until the course can be completed. AGENT APPROVAL OF A TRAINING COURSE 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 17 of 53 Where an OR provider recommends a retraining course with a duration of greater than 6 months or the course cost is more than $2000, the agent must complete a Senior Review. An OR provider may be contacted during a Senior Review to support and assist this process. The agent should also seek relevant information from the worker, the worker’s THP or an IME prior to making a decision about a course. The agent should also contact the training course provider to establish what the worker is expected to do to successfully complete the course. The agent should approve a training course within 10 working days of an OR provider submitting a Vocational Report or a Vocational Retraining Report where they are satisfied that the type of course being recommended in the report: Will assist and support the worker to commence suitable employment as soon as it is practicable; Is reasonable and necessary for the worker i.e. obtaining that competency is key to the worker being able to meet the particular requirements of that suitable employment; The worker is able to actively participate in the course; and There are no actual or perceived barriers to the worker completing the course within the specified timeframe. An agent requiring clarification about training course approval should contact WorkSafe via prior to discussing this option with the worker or the worker’s THP and the OR provider. WorkSafe will provide a response within 48 working hours. WorkSafe may seek further information during this period and any determination will then be made within 48 hours of this further advice being received by WorkSafe. 7.2 AGENT ADVICE TO WORKER, TRAINING COURSE APPROVAL After approving the training course, the agent may advise the worker verbally however the training course details must be confirmed in a letter that includes: Title of training course, duration and cost; The name of the training provider and the location where the training course will be provided; Confirm the need for regular contact with the agent to be maintained (this may include nominating approximate dates for the contact); The expectation that the worker advises the agent if they stop attending the course; The requirement that the worker actively participate in the training course because it is an OR service. The agent may determine the format of the letter as there is no WorkSafe approved letter template. On receiving an invoice, the agent will pay for the training course using Payment Type Code 170. ENROLMENT IN A TRAINING COURSE 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 18 of 53 The worker should be encouraged to directly contact the training provider to complete the enrolment requirements. WorkSafe also expects the OR provider who completed the Vocational Report or Retraining Report will support and assist the worker with their course enrolment without seeking additional costs. TRAINING COURSE MONITORING The agent may approve Training Course Monitoring to support and assist the worker after they commenced the training course. This service would usually be provided by telephone. The agent should negotiate the frequency of that contact with the OR provider. A training course of more than six months or a worker experiencing difficulty in completing the course modules may suggest that more training course monitoring is required. Training Course Monitoring may also include contact with the course provider. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 19 of 53 8. SUSPENDING, CEASING AND RECOMENCING NES SERVICES 8.1 SUSPENDING NES SERVICES The agent may consider suspending NES services where the medical evidence supports the worker has no CWC or will have no CWC for more than 4 weeks but is expected to have a CWC within 13 weeks. This may be prompted by the agent responding to information received from an OR provider in an email, telephone call or a NES report. The agent may contact the worker, the worker’s THP or an IME or an OR provider to discuss the possibility of NES services being suspended. An OR provider should not discuss or raise the possible suspension of NES services with the worker and the worker’s THP or include this possibility in any NES reports until this has been discussed and approved by the agent. On receiving the agent advice to suspend NES services, an OR provider will forward any outstanding NES reports to the worker, the worker’s THP and the agent. 8.2 CEASING NES SERVICES The agent may consider ceasing NES services where medical evidence supports the worker has no CWC or will have no CWC for more than 13 weeks. This may be prompted by the agent responding to information received from an OR provider in an email, telephone call or a NES report. The agent may contact the worker, the worker’s THP or an IME or an OR provider to discuss the possibility of NES services being ceased. An OR provider should not discuss or raise the possible cessation of NES services with the worker and the worker’s THP or include this possibility in any NES reports until this has been discussed and approved by the agent. On receiving agent advice to cease NES services, an OR provider will forward any outstanding NES reports to the worker, the worker’s THP and the agent. 8.3 RECOMMENCING NES When considering whether NES services should be recommenced, the agent should establish whether a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher has already been completed by the worker and whether the worker remains entitled to weekly payments. Alternatively the agent may approve a Subsequent Vocational Report. If the agent approves a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher recommence, the next NES report that will be due will be the report that would have been submitted if the NES services had not been suspended or ceased. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 20 of 53 SERVICES PREVIOUSLY SUSPENDED OR CEASED NES services may be recommenced where the worker continues to require support and assistance to RTW with a new employer and medical evidence supports the worker has a potential CWC or regained their CWC or can now actively participate in a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher. AFTER NON SUSTAINABLE RTW The agent may approve a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher be completed after the worker had previously achieved a RTW but this was not sustained for 13 weeks. AFTER A SUSTAINABLE RTW The agent may approve a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher be completed after the worker had previously achieved a RTW but after the RTW was sustainable for 13 weeks, the RTW did not continue. AFTER INCENTIVE PAID EMPLOYMENT CEASES OR MEDICAL EVIDENCE RECEIVED WORK IS NO LONGER SUITABLE The agent may approve a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher be completed or RC840 Vocational Counselling to commence to support the worker find a new job with a different employer. 8.4 NES SERVICES DURING WEEKLY PAYMENT ‘NON ENTITLEMENT PERIOD’ A worker may lose their entitlement to weekly payments for a specified period known as a ‘non entitlement period’. The agent may approve a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher for a worker during a nonentitlement period and if the worker achieves a RTW, a RTW Incentive is payable. To determine which RTW Incentive should be paid, the agent calculates the number of weeks that would have been paid to the worker at the date the 26 Week NES or the 12 Week Refresher commenced assuming that the nonentitlement period had not been applied. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 21 of 53 9.0 RTW INCENTIVES A RTW Incentive is payable when the agent and an OR provider agree that the conditions for paying this incentive can be satisfied including the submission of an appropriate invoice. Which RTW Incentive may be paid depends on the number of hours being worked in the new job excluding overtime and shift allowance. 9.1 WORKER’S PRIVACY FOLLOWING A RTW WITH A NEW EMPLOYER The agent may request a worker provide copies of their payslips or other employment evidence to help determine which RTW Incentive may be payable. However a worker is not required to comply unless the worker is also seeking to have weekly payments paid for all or some of that 13 week sustainable RTW period. An OR provider should not ask a worker to provide them or the agent with copies of their payslips or other employment evidence. 9.2 GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR PAYING AN INCENTIVE Most usually a RTW Incentive is only paid once on a claim. WorkSafe expects that prior to submitting an appropriate invoice for a RTW Incentive, an OR provider and the agent will agree that an incentive is payable by mutually discussing and confirming the following: 1. Was the RTW achieved with a new employer during a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week NES Refresher or Vocational Counselling? 2. How many weeks of weekly payments had been paid at the date the NES service commenced? 3. Was the worker receiving weekly payments on the date the NES service commenced? 4. What was the number of hours being worked by the worker 13 weeks after the date they returned to work? 5. What was the amount of wages the worker was receiving 13 weeks after the date they returned to work? 6. Which RTW Incentive service code is being sought by the OR provider? 9.3 RTW WITH INJURY EMPLOYER AFTER NES COMMENCED A RTW incentive may be paid when the OR provider who is providing NES services negotiates a RTW with the injury employer and the agent and an OR provider agree that the conditions for paying the incentive can be satisfied. If the OR provider has previously commenced RC 715 OES services for the worker, an RC750 RTW incentive is payable. If the OR provider has NOT previously commenced RC 715 OES services to the worker, an RC891 RTW incentive is payable. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 22 of 53 9.4 RTW WITH WISE DURING NES A RTW Incentive may be paid when the agent and an OR provider agree that a WISE placement was secured during a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher or Vocational Counselling. 9.5 RTW WITH WISE AFTER NES COMPLETED A WISE OR provider placement fee using Payment Type Code 216 may be paid when the agent and an OR provider agree that a WISE placement was secured after a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week NES Refresher or Vocational Counselling was completed.. 9.6 RTW INCENTIVE NOT PAYABLE IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES A RTW Incentive is not payable if the worker resigned from employment or ceased work due to a new compensable injury or a secondary stress condition or a non-compensable medical condition. WORKER ABSENT FOR MORE THAN 5 WORKING DAYS DURING 13 WEEK SUSTAINABLE RTW PERIOD Where a worker was receiving weekly payments at NES commencement has more than 5 working days off work in the 13 week sustainable RTW period due to the compensable injury, a further 13 week sustainable RTW period can be calculated from when the worker commences work again. If during this second 13 week sustainable RTW period they are again absent for more than 5 working days due to the compensable injury then no RTW Incentive is payable. In calculating the more than 5 working days during a 13 week sustainable RTW period, a part day is counted as 1 day. SELF-EMPLOYMENT AS AN OPTION DURING NES During NES services, an OR provider may form the view that self-employment is a reasonable RTW outcome for this worker. An OR provider should not discuss or support the worker following selfemployment as their RTW outcome until this has been discussed and approved by the agent. A RTW incentive is not usually paid where the RTW solution is self-employment. An agent who forms the view that a RTW incentive may be appropriate should contact WorkSafe by forwarding supporting documentation via . WorkSafe will provide a response within 48 working hours. WorkSafe may seek further information during this period and any determination will then be made within 48 hours of this further advice being received by WorkSafe. 9.7 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS FOR PAYING A SECOND INCENTIVE If the worker is participating in a 26 Week NES or a 12 Week Refresher or Vocational Counselling and a second RTW is achieved with a different employer then a second incentive can be paid. In this instance, the agent is only authorised to pay RC891 as a second RTW incentive. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 23 of 53 10. GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE A GP RTW Case Conference is a face to face meeting arranged by an OR provider with the worker and the worker’s GP at the GP’s rooms. An OR provider can only arrange two GP RTW Case Conferences per claim. The face-to-face component of a GP RTW Case Conference should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. An OR provider may seek up to two hours in total for the time spent on arranging and attending the GP RTW Case Conference and the sending of an Action Plan. 10.1 REASONS FOR ARRANGING A GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE The types of reasons for arranging a GP RTW Case Conference may include but are not limited to: An IME or worker self-reporting suggest the worker has a work capacity however, the GP continues to provide medical certificates that the worker does not have a CWC; The OR provider has identified suitable employment however, the GP says the worker does not have a CWC; and The GP and IME have a differing opinion about the worker’s degree or type of capacity or the suitability of identified employment. 10.2 ADVISING THE AGENT When an OR provider determines that a GP RTW Case Conference is needed they should telephone or email the agent. A GP RTW Case Conference can proceed unless the agent advises them within two working days of that contact that a GP RTW Case Conference is not approved. A second GP RTW Case Conference requires agent approval and no arrangements should be made to schedule a GP RTW Case Conference until that approval is received. 10.3 WORKER TO BE ADVISED IF THE AGENT HAS BEEN INVITED TO THE CONFERENCE The OR provider may also invite the agent to attend a GP RTW Case Conference. The worker should be advised prior to the GP RTW Case Conference where the agent has indicated they will attend a conference. 10.4 SCHEDULING A GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE The worker, the GP and any other party are contacted and a mutually suitable time for the GP RTW Case Conference is agreed. The worker must be advised prior to the GP RTW Case Conference when the agent has agreed to attend the conference. If the worker or GP decline to participate in a GP RTW Case Conference then the OR provider must contact the agent immediately. At least one working day prior to the scheduled GP RTW Case Conference, an OR provider will confirm via email or facsimile the date, time and location of the conference with all parties who have agreed to attend. The GP RTW Case Conference Agenda letter is required to be sent to the worker (Attachment 1, page 27) and GP (Attachment 2, page 28). A GP Information Sheet must be included with the GP letter to 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 24 of 53 explain why a GP RTW Case Conference has been arranged. The Agenda letter and Information Sheet also explains how the GP may seek payment for their involvement. 10.5 CONFIRMING THE AGREED ACTIONS FROM A GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE An OR provider may complete a GP RTW Case Conference Action Plan and gain agreement from the participants to the each action prior to the conference being concluded. An OR provider may give a copy of the GP RTW Case Conference Action Plan to the worker, the GP and any other parties attending the conference at the meeting’s conclusion or alternatively within five working days (Attachment 3, page 29). An OR provider must also email or facsimile a copy of the GP RTW Case Conference Action Plan to the agent within five working days of the date of the GP RTW Case Conference. 10.6 INFORMATION ABOUT GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE IN NEXT OR PROVIDER REPORT Where the next NES report falls due within five working days of the date of the GP RTW Case Conference then an OR provider should include information with that report. The GP RTW Case Conference Action Plan can be attached or alternatively the following can be included under the section of the report headed COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The date of and who was present at the conference; The key discussion points; A summary of the agreed actions which may include but are not limited to the GP changing or issuing a medical certificate amending the worker’s capacity for work including any medical restrictions or the number of hours that can be worked. 10.7 EXPECTED OUTCOME FROM A GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE Following a GP RTW Case Conference, all parties should have a better understanding of: The OR provider’s role as an independent RTW expert; The importance of the GP’s opinion and medical certificate when determining the suitability of employment identified at a new employer; and The types of duties and hours of work available at a new employer. 10.8 OR PROVIDER FEES FOR GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE PURPOSES An OR provider may seek up to two hours in total for the time spent on arranging and attending the GP RTW Case Conference and the sending of an Action Plan. The inclusion of the Action Plan details in a NES report is payable as part of the fee for that particular report. An OR provider may not seek additional payment under the GP RTW Case Conference fee for this activity. An OR provider will submit an invoice for Provider Travel for the time spent on arranging and attending the GP RTW Case Conference and the sending of an Action Plan in addition to the Provider Travel cost associated with travelling to and from their nearest location to the GP’s rooms. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 25 of 53 10.9 GP FEES FOR GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE PURPOSES The GP submits an invoice including their patient’s name, the WorkSafe claim number and the date of the conference to the agent. The agent will pay for the RTW Case Conference within 28 days of receiving the GP’s invoice. A GP who also saw the worker on the same day for their regular consultation may seek payment for that consultation on that same invoice. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 26 of 53 11. NES SERVICES AND FEES In accordance with WorkSafe’s Agreement with OR providers for the provision of OR services, the NES fees will be automatically indexed on 1 July each year. VOCATIONAL REPORT Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC800 Vocational Report Fixed amount $755.69 paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice The agent approves a Vocational Report to identify suitable employment for the worker and determine whether a 26 Week NES may be needed to achieve a RTW as soon as is practicable. Within 2 working days of receiving an OR Referral form, an OR provider must telephone the agent and the worker. In the agent discussion, an OR provider will confirm the agent’s understanding of the worker’s attempts to RTW to date and why a Vocational Report has been approved for this worker. An OR provider should also seek clarification about any matter that may be unclear or not fully explained in the OR Referral form. In the worker discussion, an OR provider will confirm the worker’s understanding of why a Vocational Report has been approved and establish what issues or barriers the worker considers may be delaying or impeding their RTW. An OR provider should also check the worker’s availability so they can schedule a meeting with them as soon as it is practicable. After these discussions, an OR provider should have sufficient information to form a preliminary view prior to the first meeting with the worker what activities may be needed or what issues may need to be resolved to facilitate a negotiated RTW with a new employer. They will have also established or verified: - The worker’s pre-injury job and hours of work; - Why the worker had not been able to RTW with their injury employer or if they returned to work with the injury employer the reasons why this has not continued; - The current medical evidence related to the worker’s capacity for work including any work restrictions; and - Whether a RTW date has been suggested by the agent or the worker’s THP. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. A Vocational Report must clearly state the independent opinion formed by an OR provider about the worker’s suitability to participate in a 26 Week NES or a training course. It will summarise the information collected by them at the time the report was completed and include a review of the medical evidence related to the 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 27 of 53 worker’s CWC including any work restrictions, list any actual or perceived barriers to RTW, the worker’s transferable skills and abilities and the prioritised suitable employment opportunities identified for the worker based on a labour market analysis relevant to the worker and where they reside. Prior to Vocational Report being submitted An OR provider is required to contact the agent prior to the Vocational Report being submitted to advise whether they will be recommending a 26 Week NES, a training course be considered to obtain a competency or no 26 Week NES to commence at this point of time. Additional information to be obtained where the agent supports a training course consideration To cover the cost of an OR provider investigating and including training course information as part of a Vocational Report, the agent should approve additional funding (under the RC830 Retraining Report service code). The type of training course information to be included in the Vocational Report is: - The name of at least two training courses available in locations suitable to where the worker resides; - The cost, duration, the name and location of the retraining provider offering those training courses; - Any pre-requisites for the training courses i.e. an expectation of prior learning; and - The type of competency that would be obtained by the worker completing these training courses e.g. a Certificate VI in Workplace Training. No 26 Week NES to commence An OR provider must be able to substantiate why they have formed a view the worker should not commence a 26 Week NES at this point of time. The types of reasons may include but are not limited to: - A worker has no CWC; - There is a current barrier to the worker’s RTW preventing them from being able to actively participate in a 26 Week NES; - They cannot identify suitable employment for the worker. Vocational Report submitted Within 15 working days of the OR Referral form being received, the report is submitted with an invoice reflecting the outcome of the discussion with the agent: - 26 Week NES to commence, an invoice for RC800 and RC880. The service date for RC880 will be the same date as the date of the Vocational Report; - no 26 Week NES to commence, an invoice for RC800 only ; - Consideration of a training course, an invoice for RC800 and RC830. Commencing RC880 Week 1 services 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 28 of 53 An OR provider may commence a 26 Week NES as soon as the first meeting can be arranged with the worker. Possibility of training course approval An OR provider must ensure that the worker understands that a training course approval relies on the agent determining that a course is a reasonable and necessary to enhance the worker’s employability and competitiveness in an open labour market. An agent may agree to consider a training course as part of a Vocational Report but a separate approval is required to approve a specific training course. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 29 of 53 SUBSEQUENT VOCATIONAL REPORT Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC805 Subsequent Vocational Report Agent approved hours @$151.22 hourly rate paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice The agent may approve a Subsequent Vocational Report when they wish to: - Confirm that the prioritised suitable employment identified in a Vocational Report remain relevant while the worker participates in a 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling; - Review a previous decision not to commence a 26 Week NES at a particular point of time; - Consider whether a 26 Week NES should commence after a training course has been completed; - Consider whether a 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling or a 12 Week NES Refresher should be recommenced after it was suspended or ceased or the worker’s return to work was not sustained for 13 weeks; or - Review the prioritised suitable employment identified previously in a Vocational Report to determine whether they remain relevant to the agent completing a 130 Week entitlement review. The agent and an OR provider will adopt the same service requirements, processes and timelines for the approval and submission of a Subsequent Vocational Report as adopted for a Vocational Report. WorkSafe expects that this report will not require the same level of engagement or time as a Vocational Report as it is an update or review of work previously completed by an OR provider. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 30 of 53 WORKPLACE REPORT Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC810 Workplace Report Agent approved hours @ $151.22 hourly rate paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice A Workplace Report is submitted as soon as advice is received that the worker is due to commence a new job unless the worker says they do not want the OR provider to visit the workplace as the new employer does not know they have had a claim. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. The Workplace Report must clearly state the independent opinion formed by an OR provider and will summarise the information collected by them at the time the report was completed. It will compare the requirements of the new job’s duties and tasks with the worker’s CWC and any medical restrictions and determine whether the workplace is safe and appropriate for the worker. While completing this report an OR provider may form the view that: - Workplace modifications are needed to minimise the risk of further injury to the worker; or - The worker needs to improve their work fitness by increasing their physical and mental capacity as well as their confidence because the worker’s CWC does not match the requirements needed to perform the new job’s duties and tasks. In this circumstance, an OR provider should contact the agent immediately. The discussion should include whether additional funding needs to be approved for an OR provider to complete the new activities identified after the initial funding for this service was approved. Work Fitness As part of completing a RC810 Workplace Report , an OR provider may form the view that the worker would benefit from having their work fitness improved to enable them to perform the identified suitable employment. An OR provider should contact the agent to seek their approval to complete objective and relevant tests to verify where the worker’s physical and mental capacity as well as their confidence may be improved. Following these tests, an agent may approve work fitness activities be provided as part of the RC810 Workplace Report. Where the worker is receiving treatment from a medical or allied health provider such as a physiotherapist or an occupational therapist or an occupational physician or a psychologist then the agent should request that any work fitness activities be part of the treatment service offered to the worker. Workplace modifications If the agent approves workplace modifications, the report must outline the types of modifications being 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 31 of 53 recommended including an estimated cost. Workplace Report submitted Within 10 working days of the worker commencing a new job, the report is submitted with an invoice for RC810. An OR provider may determine the format of a Workplace Report as there is no WorkSafe approved report. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 32 of 53 IDENTIFYING AN APPROPRIATE TRAINING COURSE Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC830 Retraining Report Agent approved hours @ $151.22 hourly rate paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice During 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling servicing, an OR provider may form the view that the worker’s competitiveness in an open labour market would be enhanced by a particular or different competency being obtained. In these circumstances, an OR provider should contact the agent immediately. The discussion should consider whether the worker can actively participate in a 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling as well as complete a training course. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. Agent agrees to training course consideration When the agent agrees that a training course should be considered, they approve a Retraining Report to identify suitable training courses based on the worker’s existing transferable skills and abilities and identified suitable employment. The report must include: - The name of at least two training courses available in locations suitable to where the worker resides; - The cost, duration, the name and location of the retraining provider offering those training courses; - Any pre-requisites for each training course i.e. an expectation of prior learning; and - The type of competency that would be obtained by the worker completing these training courses e.g. a Certificate VI in Workplace Training. Retraining Report submitted Within 15 working days of the agent approving this service, the report is submitted with an invoice for RC830. An OR provider may determine the format of the report as there is no WorkSafe approved report template. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 33 of 53 MONITORING A WORKER’S PROGRESS IN A TRAINING COURSE Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC831 Training Course Monitoring Agent approved hours @ $151.22 hourly rate paid on receipt of a complete invoice Training Course Monitoring is not to be used by an OR provider to complete a course enrolment for a worker. The reasonable cost of course enrolment is included as part of a RC830 Retraining Report fee when a training course is approved by an agent following a discussion with an OR provider. When completing this service an OR provider may form the view that: - The worker has no CWC; or - There is a current barrier to the worker’s RTW preventing them from being able to actively participate in a 26 Week NES or RC840 Vocational Counselling as well as the training course. In this circumstance, an OR provider should contact the agent immediately. The discussion should include whether additional funding needs to be approved for an OR provider to complete the new activities identified after the initial funding was approved. Training Course Monitoring will most usually be provided to the worker by telephone. The agent and OR provider will negotiate the frequency and number of hours required for this service using the worker’s progress through the training course as a guide. Training Course Monitoring should also include contact with the training course provider to confirm the worker’s progress though the course. Where the worker’s participation or progress in the training course may be a concern, the agent may request an OR provider to complete a brief email report. Within 3 working days of the agent request, an OR provider submits the email report with an invoice for RC831 for the number of hours of training course monitoring provided to date. Within 3 working days of the agent approved number of hours of Training Course Monitoring hours being completed, an OR provider submits an invoice for RC831. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 34 of 53 VOCATIONAL COUNSELLING Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC840 Vocational Counselling Agent approved up to 2 hours per month for 2 months @ $151.22 hourly rate can be paid in advance on receipt of a complete invoice Vocational Counselling may be approved by the agent where: - A RTW is not achieved during a 26 Week NES (i.e. within 130 working days of the Vocational Report being submitted) and there is an expectation that this service will address ongoing RTW barriers and secure a sustainable RTW within the next 3 months; or - The worker completed a 26 Week NES within 12 weeks of the date of the 130 Week entitlement review commencing but has not returned to work. No RTW during a 26 Week NES At least 10 working days prior to the 26 Week NES ceasing, an OR provider should contact the agent to discuss why they have formed the view that Vocational Counselling is needed for the worker. If the agent approves the service, an invoice for RC840 should be submitted with the 26 Week Worker Independent Job Seeker Plan. Agent approval after a 130 Week entitlement review Within 2 working days of receiving an OR Referral form, an OR provider must telephone the worker and commence the service. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. When completing this service an OR provider may form the view that: - A worker has no CWC; - There is a current barrier to the worker’s RTW preventing them from being able to actively participate in Vocational Counselling; - They cannot identify suitable employment for the worker; - The worker may need a training course to obtain a competency would address the RTW barrier and assist with suitable employment being identified. In this circumstance an OR provider must contact the agent immediately. The discussion should include whether services should be suspended or ceased. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 35 of 53 Vocational Counselling Report A Vocational Counselling Report is submitted no later than 2 months after the service commenced. The report should inform the agent about the progress towards addressing ongoing RTW barriers and achieving a sustainable RTW. If Vocational Counselling was commenced because a RTW was not achieved during a 26 Week NES then the report should also demonstrate the progress against agreed actions included in the ‘Future activities’ section of the Worker Independent Job Seeker Plan. Vocational Counselling continuing post 2 months At least 10 working days prior to the 2 months ceasing, an OR provider should contact the agent and discuss why they have formed the view that Vocational Counselling is needed for the worker. If the agent approves the service, an invoice for RC840 is submitted with a Vocational Counselling Report. RTW achieved during the service If a RTW is achieved An OR provider submits a Placement Report and a Workplace Report (if completed) with an invoice for RC889 and RC810. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 36 of 53 26 WEEK NES Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC880 Week 1 includes Job Seeker Plan Fixed amount $591.45 paid in advance on Agent approval and receipt of a complete invoice Commencing RC880 Week 1 services An OR provider commences servicing if the agent does not advise within 2 working days of a Vocational Report being submitted that the services are not approved. RTW achieved by Week 4 If a RTW is achieved within 20 working days of the Vocational Report being submitted, a Placement Report and a Workplace Report (if completed) are submitted with an invoice for RC889 and RC810. A Job Seeker Plan is not required. Job Seeker Plan submitted where no RTW achieved in 4 weeks During a 26 Week NES an OR provider may contact the agent to discuss whether a 26 Week NES should continue, be suspended or ceased or a training course be considered to obtain a competency. Where this has not occurred then prior to a Job Seeker Plan being completed, they should contact the agent to discuss what they propose to recommend in the report. A Job Seeker Plan should not make a recommendation that has not previously been discussed with the agent. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. Additional information to be obtained where the agent supports a training course consideration To cover the cost of an OR provider investigating and including training course information as part of a Vocational Report, the agent should approve additional funding (under the RC830 Retraining Report service code). The type of training course information to be included in the Job Seeker Plan is: - The name of at least two training courses available in locations suitable to where the worker resides; - The cost, duration, the name and location of the retraining provider offering those training courses; - Any pre-requisites for the training courses i.e. an expectation of prior learning; and - The type of competency that would be obtained by the worker completing these training courses e.g. a Certificate VI in Workplace Training. 26 Week NES not continuing An OR provider must be able to substantiate why they have formed a view the worker should not continue a 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 37 of 53 26 Week NES at this point of time. The types of reasons may include but are not limited to: - A worker has no CWC; - There is a current barrier to the worker’s RTW preventing them from being able to actively participate in a 26 Week NES; - They cannot identify suitable employment for the worker. If the agent approves the OR provider’s recommendation then the plan must clearly state their independent opinion and summarise the information collected by them at the time the plan was completed. It will include a review of the medical evidence related to the worker’s CWC including any work restrictions, list any actual or perceived barriers to RTW and restate prioritised suitable employment opportunities identified for the worker in the Vocational Report. The plan’s agreed actions (i.e. for the first 8 weeks) must be consistent with NES service expectations and demonstrate what job brokerage and WISE promotion is proposed and why these actions are seen as the most likely to achieve a RTW. If the OR provider forms the view that the prioritised suitable employment identified in the Vocational Report is no longer relevant then the actions in the Job Seeker Plan must explain what suitable employment has now been identified and why. An OR provider should not include in any reference in the plan to the possibility of the service being ceased until this has been discussed and approved by the agent. If the agent does support the service ceasing then the plan may reference that the agent is considering this possibility. When completing this service an OR provider may form the view that: - A worker has no CWC; - There is a current barrier to the worker’s RTW preventing them from being able to actively participate in a 26 Week NES; - They cannot identify suitable employment for the worker; - The worker may need a training course to obtain a competency that would address the RTW barrier and assist with suitable employment being identified. In this circumstance an OR provider must contact the agent immediately. The discussion should include whether services should be suspended or ceased. RTW achieved by Week 8 If a RTW is achieved within 40 working days of the Vocational Report being submitted, a Placement Report and a Workplace Report (if completed) are submitted with an invoice for RC889 and RC810. A Week 8 Job Seeker Plan is not required. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 38 of 53 RC881 Week 8 Job Seeker Plan Fixed amount $591.45 paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice During a 26 Week NES an OR provider may contact the agent to discuss whether a 26 Week NES should continue, be suspended or ceased or a training course be considered to obtain a competency. Where a RTW is not achieved by Week 8 and that contact has not occurred then prior to a Week 8 Job Seeker Plan being completed, they should contact the agent to discuss what they propose to recommend in the report. A Week 8 Job Seeker Plan should not make a recommendation that has not previously been discussed with the agent. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. The agent and an OR provider will adopt the same service requirements, processes and timelines for the approval and submission of a Week 8 Job Seeker Plan as adopted for a Job Seeker Plan. Specific Week 8 Job Seeker Plan requirements If the agent approves the OR provider’s recommendation that a 26 Week NES continue then a plan is submitted with an invoice for RC881. The plan must clearly state the independent opinion formed by an OR provider and summarise the information collected by them at the time the plan was completed. It will include a review of the medical evidence related to the worker’s CWC including any work restrictions, list any actual or perceived barriers to RTW and restate the current prioritised suitable employment options identified for the worker in the Job Seeker Plan. The plan’s agreed action (i.e. for the next 8 weeks) must be consistent with NES service expectations and explain what job brokerage and WISE promotion is proposed and why these actions are seen as the most likely to achieve a RTW. If the OR provider forms the view that the prioritised suitable employment identified in the initial Job Seeker Plan is no longer relevant then the actions in the Week 8 Job Seeker Plan must explain what suitable employment has now been identified and why. The plan should also confirm the actions from the initial Job Seeker Plan have been completed including: - Stating the worker has satisfied the NES Competency Checklist requirements by Week 8; - Listing the dates where the worker did not attend meetings or interviews or returned calls between Weeks 1 and 8; - Listing the number of job seeking attempts such as applications sent and interviews attended by the worker between Weeks 1 and 8; and - Explaining why any outstanding actions from the first 8 weeks were not addressed as proposed. RTW is achieved by Week 16 If a RTW is achieved within 80 working days of the Vocational Report being submitted, a Placement Report and a Workplace Report (if completed) are submitted with an invoice for RC889 and RC810. A Week 16 Job Seeker Plan is not required. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 39 of 53 RC883 Week 16 Job Seeker Plan Fixed amount $591.45 paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice During a 26 Week NES an OR provider may contact the agent to discuss whether a 26 Week NES should continue, be suspended or ceased or a training course be considered to obtain a competency. Where a RTW is not achieved by Week 16 and that contact has not occurred then prior to a Week 16 Job Seeker Plan being completed, they should contact the agent to discuss what they propose to recommend in the report. A Week 16 Job Seeker Plan should not make a recommendation that has not previously been discussed with the agent. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. The agent and an OR provider will adopt the same service requirements, processes and timelines for the approval and submission of a Week 16 Job Seeker Plan as adopted for a Week 8 Job Seeker Plan. Specific Week 16 Job Seeker Plan requirements If the agent approves the OR provider’s recommendation that a 26 Week NES continue then the plan is submitted with an invoice for RC883. The plan must clearly state the independent opinion formed by an OR provider and summarise the information collected by them at the time the plan was completed. It will include a review of the medical evidence related to the worker’s CWC including any work restrictions, list any actual or perceived barriers to RTW and restate the current prioritised suitable employment options identified for the worker in the Week 8 Job Seeker Plan. The plan’s agreed action (i.e. for the next 10 weeks) must be consistent with NES service expectations and explain what job brokerage and WISE promotion is proposed and why these actions are seen as the most likely to achieve a RTW. If the OR provider forms the view that the prioritised suitable employment identified in the Week 8 Job Seeker Plan is no longer relevant then the actions in the Week 16 Job Seeker Plan must explain what suitable employment has now been identified and why. The plan should also confirm the actions from the Week 8 Job Seeker Plan have been completed including: - Listing the dates where the worker did not attend meetings or interviews or returned calls between Weeks 8 and 16; - Listing the number of job seeking attempts such as applications sent and interviews attended by the worker between Weeks 8 and 16; and - Explaining why any outstanding actions from Weeks 8 to 16 were not addressed as proposed. RTW is achieved by Week 26 If a RTW is achieved within 130 working days of the Vocational Report being submitted, a Placement Report and a Workplace Report (if completed) are submitted with an invoice for RC889 and RC810. A Worker Independent Job Seeker Plan is not required. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 40 of 53 RC882 Worker Independent Job Seeker Plan Fixed amount $591.45 paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice During a 26 Week NES an OR provider may contact the agent to discuss whether a 26 Week NES should continue, be suspended or ceased or a training course be considered to obtain a competency. Where a RTW is not achieved by Week 26 and that contact has not occurred then prior to a Worker Independent Job Seeker Plan being completed, they should contact the agent to discuss whether they propose to recommend that Vocational Counselling be approved. A Worker Independent Job Seeker Plan should not make a recommendation that has not previously been discussed with the agent. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. Vocational Counselling not recommended An OR provider must be able to substantiate why they have formed a view the worker should not commence Vocational Counselling at this point of time. The types of reasons may include but are not limited to: - A worker has no CWC; - There is a current barrier to the worker’s RTW preventing them from being able to actively participate in Vocational Counselling; - They cannot identify suitable employment for the worker; - The worker is an independent job seeker. Specific Worker Independent Job seeker Plan requirements If the agent approves the OR provider’s recommendation, a plan is submitted with an invoice for RC882. The plan must clearly state the independent opinion formed by an OR provider and summarise the information collected by them at the time the plan was completed. It will include a review of the medical evidence related to the worker’s CWC including any work restrictions, list any actual or perceived barriers to RTW and restate the current prioritised suitable employment options identified for the worker in the Week 16 Job Seeker Plan. The plan should inform the agent about the progress towards addressing ongoing RTW barriers and explain why a sustainable RTW was not achieved. The plan should also confirm the actions from the Week 16 Job Seeker Plan have been completed including: - Listing the dates where the worker did not attend meetings or interviews or returned calls between Weeks 16 and 26; - Listing the number of job seeking attempts such as applications sent and interviews attended by the worker between Weeks 16 and 26; and - Explaining why any outstanding actions from Weeks 16 to 26 were not addressed as proposed. If Vocational Counselling has been approved then the ‘Future activities’ section of the plan must outline the actions to be completed during that service provision. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 41 of 53 12 WEEK NES REFRESHER Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC884 12 Week NES Refresher Vocational RC884 Fixed amount $755.69 plus RC885 Fixed Report amount $1,144.76 paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice & RC885 12 Week NES Refresher Plan A 12 Week NES Refresher is approved when following a review of a worker’s entitlement to weekly payments for 130 weeks purposes, the agent finds the worker completed a 26 Week NES more than 12 weeks prior to the review, has a CWC but is not at work. Within 2 working days of receiving an OR Referral form, an OR provider must telephone the agent and the worker. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when completing this service. The agent and an OR provider will adopt the same service requirements, processes and timelines for the approval and submission of a 12 Week NES Refresher Vocational Report as adopted for a Vocational Report. Prior to 12 Week NES Refresher Vocational Report being submitted An OR provider is required to contact the agent prior to the 12 Week NES Refresher Vocational Report being submitted to advise whether they will be recommending a 12 Week Refresher commence or no 12 Week NES Refresher to commence. 12 Week NES Refresher Vocational Report submitted Within 15 working days of the OR Referral form being received, the report is submitted with an invoice reflecting the outcome of the discussion with the agent: - 12 Week NES Refresher to commence, an invoice for RC8884 and RC885. The service date for RC885 will be the same date as the date of the 12 Week NES Refresher Vocational Report; - no 12 Week NES Refresher to commence, an invoice for RC8884 only. Commencing RC885 services An OR provider may commence a 12 Week NES Refresher as soon as the first meeting can be arranged with the worker. RTW is achieved during a 12 Week NES Refresher A Placement Report and a Workplace Report (if completed) are submitted with an invoice for RC889 and RC810. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 42 of 53 NES PLACEMENT REPORT Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC889 NES Placement Report Fixed amount $591.45 paid on receipt of a complete report and invoice A Placement Report is submitted when a worker achieves a RTW during a 26 Week NES or a 16 Week NES or a 12 Week NES Refresher. A Placement Report is a summary of the information collected by an OR provider at the time and includes the new employer and job details, hours of work and nominates the date the job will commence and the sustainable RTW date will be reached (i.e. the date 13 calendar weeks after the worker has returned to work). When a RTW is achieved during a 26 Week NES, the date when the RTW is achieved will determine whether a Week 8 Job Seeker Plan, a Week 16 Job Seeker Plan or a Worker Independent Job Seeker Plan is required (see appropriate service codes above). NES RTW INCENTIVES NB. The agent should confirm they have received a Placement Report PRIOR to paying for a RTW Incentive. Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC890 Incentive weekly payments <52 weeks & Fixed Amount $3,905.40 paid on receipt of a complete no payments at 13 weeks sustainable RTW invoice An OR provider submits an invoice for RC890 when at the NES commencement date the worker was receiving weekly payments but less than 52 weeks of weekly payments had been received AND no weekly payment was payable at the 13 week sustainable RTW date. RC891 Incentive weekly payments <52 weeks & Fixed Amount $1,952.70 paid on receipt of a complete <50% payments at 13 weeks sustainable RTW invoice An OR provider submits an invoice for RC891 when at the NES commencement date the worker had received less than 52 weeks of weekly payments AND: A. No weekly payments were payable at that date or at the 13 week sustainable RTW date; OR B. Weekly payments were payable at that date and the 13 week sustainable RTW date but the amount is 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 43 of 53 50% less than the amount paid at the NES commencement date. Alternatively, an OR provider submits an invoice for RC891 when: the worker returns to work with the injury employer after the NES commencement date and the OR Provider delivering the NES is not the OR Provider who provided original employer services (OES) to the worker previously: OR the worker could not continue at work after a RTW Incentive was paid because the employer withdrew the employment or medical evidence suggested the work was no longer suitable and following more NES services, sustainable RTW is achieved; OR the worker resigned after a RTW Incentive was paid but following a 130 week entitlement review and more NES services, a sustainable RTW is achieved. RC892 Weekly payments >52 weeks & no Fixed Amount $6,617.49 paid on receipt of a complete payments at 13 weeks sustainable RTW invoice An OR provider submits an invoice for RC892 when at the NES commencement date the worker was receiving weekly payments and more than 52 weeks of weekly payments had been received AND no weekly payment was payable at the 13 week sustainable RTW date. RC893 Weekly payments >52 weeks & <50% Fixed Amount $3,308.75 paid on receipt of a complete payments at 13 weeks sustainable RTW invoice An OR provider submits an invoice for RC893 when at the NES commencement date the worker had received more than 52 weeks of weekly payments AND: A. No weekly payments were payable at that date or at the 13 week sustainable RTW date; OR B. Weekly payments were payable at that date and the 13 week sustainable RTW date but the amount is 50% less than the amount paid at the NES commencement date. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 44 of 53 PROVIDER TRAVEL INCLUDING OR PROVIDER GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE COSTS Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST RC899 Provider Travel Agent approved hours @ $151.22 hourly rate paid on receipt of a complete invoice The need for Provider Travel is considered when: - The worker is unable to travel to the OR provider’s nearest location for NES servicing; or - The OR provider is travelling to a workplace to conduct a Workplace Report because the worker has secured a new job. The cost of Provider Travel is calculated as the OR provider’s travel costs from and to their location nearest to where the worker resides or where the new workplace is located. An OR provider can commence Provider Travel, if the agent does not advise an OR provider within 2 working days that Provider Travel is not approved. GP RTW Case Conference An OR provider may seek up to two hours in total for the time spent on arranging and attending the GP RTW Case Conference and the sending of an Action Plan etc. The inclusion of the Action Plan details in a NES report is payable as part of the fee for that particular report. An OR provider may not seek additional payment under the GP RTW Case Conference fee for this activity. For NES, this is payable using the Provider Travel service code. An invoice for Provider Travel is submitted for (a) the time spent on arranging and attending the GP RTW Case Conference as well as the sending of an Action Plan and (b) for the time spent in travelling to and from their nearest location to the GP’s rooms. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 45 of 53 130 WEEK VOCATIONAL ASSESSMENT REPORT (SEE ALSO SUBSEQUENT VOCATIONAL REPORT) Service Item Code and Description RC500 130 Week Report Fee + GST Vocational Assessment Agent approved hours @ $151.22 hourly rate paid on receipt of a complete invoice The agent approves a 130 Week Vocational Assessment to assist them determine a worker’s entitlement to weekly payments post the second entitlement period (i.e. to continue weekly payments after 130 weeks of weekly payments has been paid). As part of collecting appropriate evidence for this review, agent consideration should be given to a recently obtained 26 Week Vocational Report or a Subsequent Vocational Report or a 12 Week Refresher Vocational Report. If the information contained in such reports suggests no new information is available about the worker then a separate 130 Week Vocational Assessment may not be necessary. On receiving an OR Referral form, an OR provider must contact the worker to arrange the 130 Week Vocational Assessment within 2 working days. The 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report is a summary of the information collected by an OR provider at the time and includes a review of the medical evidence related to the worker’s CWC including any work restrictions, it lists any identified actual or perceived barriers to RTW, the worker’s transferable skills and abilities and establishes the prioritised suitable employment opportunities recommended by the OR provider for the worker based on a labour market analysis relevant to the worker and where they reside. The OR provider must attempt to engage the worker’s THP when preparing to complete a 130 Week NES Vocational Assessment Report. The report should contain sufficient information to substantiate an OR Provider’s observations and/or comments. An OR Provider may determine the format of a 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report as there is no WorkSafe approved report. As a guide WorkSafe would recommend reference be made to the Vocational Report format. If an OR provider forms the view while completing a 130 Week NES Vocational Assessment Report that the worker has no CWC or there is a current barrier to the worker’s RTW then the agent must be contacted immediately. Within 15 working days of the 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report being completed, the report is submitted with an invoice for RC500. RC505 Subsequent 130 Week Assessment Report Vocational Agent approved up to 4 hours @ $151.22 hourly rate paid on receipt of a complete invoice The agent approves a Subsequent 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report when they wish to: 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 46 of 53 confirm that the prioritised suitable employment identified in a Vocational Report remain relevant after the worker has participated in a 26 Week NES; review a previous 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report at a particular point of time; confirm the findings of a prior 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report by that the prioritised suitable employment options identified for a worker remain relevant by completing a comprehensive live labour market analysis based on the worker’s transferable skills and abilities and where they reside; or review the prioritised suitable employment identified previously in a 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report or Vocational Report with the worker’s THP. The agent and an OR provider will adopt the same service requirements, processes and timelines for the approval and submission of a Subsequent 130 Week Vocational Report as for a 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report. WorkSafe expects that this report will not require the same level of engagement or time as a 130 Week Vocational Assessment Report as this is an update or review of work previously completed by the OR provider. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 47 of 53 WISE OR PROVIDER FEES PAYMENT TYPE CODE 216 Service Item Code and Description Fee + GST EWP200 Placement Fixed amount $641.90 paid on receipt of a complete invoice An OR Provider will submit a RC889 Placement Report with an invoice for EWP200. EWP203 Sustainability & Action Plan Fixed amount $1283.80 paid on receipt of a complete invoice An OR Provider will submit a Sustainability & Action Plan with an invoice for EWP203 if the worker remains in work for 13 weeks and the agent and OR provider can agree the criteria has been satisfied for paying a WISE sustainability fee. This fee is payable where the OR provider cannot seek a NES RTW incentive because the worker was: A. Not participating in a 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling or a 12 Week NES Refresher at the time the WISE placement was achieved; OR B. Participating in a 26 Week NES or Vocational Counselling or a 12 Week NES Refresher at time the WISE placement was achieved but the weekly payments at the 13 week sustainable RTW date is greater than 50% of what was payable at the most recent NES service commencement date. 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 48 of 53 ATTACHMENT 1 - GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE – WORKER LETTER OR provider letterhead Date Worker Name & Address Dear Worker, GP Return to Work Case Conference Name: Mary Worker Claim number: 12345 Thank you for agreeing to participate in a GP Return to Work (RTW) Case Conference at your general practitioner’s clinic. The purpose of the GP RTW Case Conference is to have a face to face discussion to ensure that any proposed return to work activity is safe, sustainable and appropriate to your stage of recovery. Conference support You can be supported, assisted and represented in the return to work process by a family member, friend, colleague or union representative if you would also like to invite a support person to attend with you. Please advise if you require an interpreter. Conference details Date and time: Address: Participants: Conference topics During the GP RTW Case Conference you and your general practitioner will be able to: Provide an update on the progress of injury recovery Discuss return to work goals Discuss potential return to work time frames and suitable duties available with a new employer Identify any workplace issues, barriers or concerns about a return to work with a new employer 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 49 of 53 Agree on actions to be taken to support the return to work goals and to help with a return to work with a new employer Other topics may also be raised by conference participants. After the GP RTW Case Conference, a letter will be sent to you and your general practitioner confirming the agreed actions from the conference. Getting more information If you have any questions about this letter you can call me on 9999 9999. Yours sincerely OR Consultant Name Service provided: Occupational Rehabilitation Professional Background – [insert qualification] 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 50 of 53 ATTACHMENT 2 – GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE – GP LETTER OR provider letterhead Date GP Name & Address Dear Dr , GP Return to Work Case Conference Name: Mary Worker Claim number: 12345 Date of birth: Thank you for agreeing to participate in a GP Return to Work (RTW) Case Conference with your patient. The purpose of the GP RTW Case Conference is to have a face to face discussion to ensure that any proposed return to work activity is safe, sustainable and appropriate to your patient’s stage of recovery. Conference details Date and time: Address: Participants: Conference topics During a GP RTW Case Conference you and your patient will be able to: Provide an update on the progress of injury recovery Discuss return to work goals Discuss potential return to work time frames and suitable employment identified with a new employer Identify and agree actions to overcome any issues, barriers or concerns about a return to work with a new employer Agree actions to support and assist your patient to return to work with a new employer 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 51 of 53 Other topics may also be raised at a conference by the participants. After the GP RTW Case Conference a letter will be sent to you and your patient confirming the next steps and agreed actions from the conference. Conference invoicing You should invoice the WorkSafe Agent for your participation in a GP RTW Case Conference using Item Code RTWCC. The fee is $122.80 for a maximum of 30 minutes. Getting more information If you have any questions about this letter you can call me on 9999 9999. Yours sincerely OR Consultant Name Service provided: Occupational Rehabilitation Professional Background – [insert qualification] 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 52 of 53 ATTACHMENT 3 - GP RTW CASE CONFERENCE ACTION PLAN OR provider letterhead Date Dear Name [Client Full Name] Claim number [Claim Number] Date of birth Thank you for attending the Return to Work Case Conference on [insert date]. Outcome of the conference The following actions were agreed to at the conference: Activity5 By whom When Getting more information If you have any questions about this letter you can call me on 9999 9999. Yours sincerely OR Consultant Name Service provided: Occupational Rehabilitation Professional Background – [insert qualification] 5 Additional activities can be added into table by adding a row 2013.1 Schedule 3 NES effective 1 July 2013 released 1 February 2014 Page 53 of 53