THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA UBC Curriculum Proposal Form Change to Course or Program Category: (1 or 2) Faculty: Science Department: Physics and Astronomy Effective Session: 09W Proposed Calendar Entry: PHYS 305 (3) Introduction to Biophysics. Physical principles involved in biological systems at the microscopic and molecular scales. Diffusion, low Reynolds number dynamics, the physicist's view of biomolecular structure, models of molecular motors and membranes. Date: October 15, 2008 Contact Person: R. Kiefl Phone: 2-3037 Email: Present Calendar Entry: PHYS 305 (3) Introduction to Biophysics. Physical principles involved in biological systems at the microscopic and molecular scales. Topics include diffusion, low Reynolds number dynamics, the physicist's view of biomolecular structure, models of molecular motors and membranes. Prerequisite: One of PHYS 203, PHYS Prerequisites: One of PHYS 102, PHYS 257, PHYS 313, CHEM 201, CHEM 205 108, PHYS 153, SCIE 001, and either (a) and one of PHYS 102, PHYS 108, PHYS 153. one of PHYS 203, PHYS 313, or (b) one of PHYS 257, CHEM 201, CHEM Action: Change prerequisites. 205 and one of MATH 302, MATH 318, STAT 241, STAT 251, STAT 302. Rationale: A small number of students have registered in the course who were disadvantaged by a lack of knowledge of statistics, which is required due to the emphasis on statistical mechanics in the course. The current change updates the prerequisites to require a course that provides a basic knowledge of statistics and probability needed in the course. The majority of the class already takes at least one of the additional prerequisite courses. Faculty Approval Date: UBC Curriculum Proposal (v1/04) 1