Objectives - MNPS2010

Grade 6 – Math –2nd Nine Weeks
Standard(s): Mathematical Processes and Algebra
Common Core
State Standards
0606.3.5 Use multiple representations
including symbolic algebra to model
and/or solve contextual problems that
involve linear relationships.
Represent and
analyze quantitative
between dependent
and independent
 SPI 0606.3.3 Write equations that
correspond to given situations or
represent a given mathematical
Suggested Activities/Strategies
 SPI 0606.3.4 Rewrite expressions to
represent quantities in different ways.
 SPI 0606.3.5 Translate between verbal
expressions/sentences and algebraic
 SPI 0606.3.8 Select the qualitative graph
that models a contextual situation (e.g.,
water filling then draining from a
 0606.3.6 Use equations to describe
simple relationships shown in a
table or graph.
 0606.3.9 Write a contextual story
modeled by a given graph.
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6th Grade MNPS Curriculum Guides http://mnps2010.wikispaces.com/
Navigating through Algebra Grades 6-8
o “Missing Values” pg 39
o “Stacking Cups” pg 41
o “Walking Rates” pg 44
o “Pledge Plans” pg 46
o “Fund Raising” pg 49
o “Printing Books” pg 56
o “Tiling Tubs” pg 63
o “Plotting Land” pg 65
Literature: “Counting Crocodiles” (writing number stories)
Mathplayground-function machine
Concept based Problem-Solving
Ch 2 “Problem Solving on
Location” pg 78
Technology Lab: Graph
Points pg 491
Grade 6 – Math –2nd Nine Weeks
0606.2.1 Understand and explain the
procedures for multiplication and division
of fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
 SPI 0606.2.1 Solve problems involving
the multiplication and division of
 0606.2.2 Use area models to
represent multiplication of
 0606.2.3 Create and solve
contextual problems that lead
naturally to division of fractions.
Apply and extend
understandings of
multiplication and
division to divide
fractions by
Compute fluently
with multi-digit
numbers and find
common factors and
 SPI 0606.2.2 Solve problems involving
the addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division of mixed numbers.
Literature: “Two ways to count to Ten” (factors - Marilyn Burns Math
& Literature grades 4-6))
Springboard: “Analyzing Elections” (comparing and ordering fractions,
Equivalent Fractions)
FunBrain: Decimal Football (Division Game)
“Sharing Camels” Activity 3.3. on pg 73 in Teaching Student Centered
Mathematics Grades 5-8 by Van de Walle
Math Review http://www.purplemath.com/modules/fraction3.htm
Fraction Games http://www.jamit.com.au/fraction-games.htm
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Activities & PowerPoint
Fractions Soccer Shoot Out
Chapter 4 Sec 9 pg 192
Chapter 5 Sec 1 pg 212
Chapter 5 Sec 2 pg 216
Chapter 5 Sec 3 pg 222
Chapter 5 Sec 8 pg 246
Chapter 5 Sec 9 pg 252
Literature: “A Million Fish…More or Less” (number sense, place value
of larger numbers - Marilyn Burns Math & Literature grades 4-6)
How much is a Million?
Literature: “Annabelle Swift, Kindergartner” (Mental Math - Marilyn
Burns Math & Literature grades 4-6)
Literature: “How Much, How Many, How Far, How Heavy, How
Long, How Tall is 1,000?” (Number Sense - Marilyn Burns Math and
Nonfiction grades 3-5)
Literature: “ One Grain of Rice” (addition, number sense)
Teaching StudentCentered Mathematics
Grades 5-8 by John A.
Van de Walle
Fraction Works
Manipulatives Kit
Fraction Bars and
Resource book
About Teaching
Mathematics by Marilyn
 SPI 0606.2.3 Solve problems involving
the addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division of decimals.
0606.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of
appropriate strategies to problem solving,
including estimation, and reasonableness
of the solution.
 SPI 0606.1.2 Judge the reasonableness
of the results of rational number
estimates and/or computations.
 0606.1.2 Recognize when an
estimate is more appropriate than
an exact answer in a variety of
problem situations.
 0606.1.3 Recognize errors
generated by rounding.
See PortaPortal resources
Grade 6 – Math –2nd Nine Weeks
0606.2.2 Solve multi-step mathematical,
contextual and verbal problems using
fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
 SPI 0606.2.4 Solve multi-step arithmetic
problems using fractions, mixed
numbers, and decimals.
Compute fluently
with multi-digit
numbers and find
common factors and
Fraction Bingo
Fraction and Decimal Quizmo
SpringBoard: “ I’ll Take…You’ll Take” (divisibility)
SpringBoard: “Designing the Stage Set” (LCD, Adding Fractions with
like and unlike denominators)
Visual Fractions: Mixed Fractions with Lines
Fractions, decimals, Percents Jeopardy
CyberChase Game
Compare All Three
Chapter 8
Fraction Works
Manipulatives Kit
Fraction Bars and
Resource book
Suggested Integrated Activities
Social Studies:
Social Studies Link –Market Economy/equivalent fractions (Math textbook pg 175)
Social Studies Textbook Geography handbook pgs GH11-GH13
Earth Science Link – Space exploration/algebraic expressions (Math textbook pg 55)
Life Science Link – Arthropods/solving algebraic equations (Math textbook pg 72)
Life Science Link – Habitats/multiplying Fractions by whole numbers (Math textbook pg 195)
Life Science Link – Adaptations/fraction equivalency (Math textbook pg 245)
Physical Science Link – Temperature scale/linear equations (Math textbook pg 607)
Science Textbook Appendix pg 483-489
Reading and Language:
Focus on Problem-Solving “Understand the Problem” pg 57
Math Journals Chapter 2 pg 51 (evaluated), pg 55 (expressions), pg 61 (scales), pg 65 (equations), pg 72 (equations)
Write about It: last page of each lesson
Focus on Problem-Solving “Solve” pg 231
Math Journals Chapter 5 pg last page of each lesson
Focus on Problem-Solving “Make a Plan” pg 417
Math Journals Chapter 8 pg 395 (ratios), pg 401 (proportions), pg 408 (congruent), pg 415 (scale), pg 421 (percents), pg 425 (decimals), pg 429 (percents), pg 435 (estimation)