Grade 6 – Math –2nd Nine Weeks Standard(s): Mathematical Processes and Algebra GLE Common Core State Standards 0606.3.5 Use multiple representations including symbolic algebra to model and/or solve contextual problems that involve linear relationships. Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables. SPI 0606.3.3 Write equations that correspond to given situations or represent a given mathematical relationship. Suggested Activities/Strategies SPI 0606.3.4 Rewrite expressions to represent quantities in different ways. SPI 0606.3.5 Translate between verbal expressions/sentences and algebraic expressions/equations. SPI 0606.3.8 Select the qualitative graph that models a contextual situation (e.g., water filling then draining from a bathtub). 0606.3.6 Use equations to describe simple relationships shown in a table or graph. 0606.3.9 Write a contextual story modeled by a given graph. Guest Access box password: courseoutlines 6th Grade MNPS Curriculum Guides Navigating through Algebra Grades 6-8 o “Missing Values” pg 39 o “Stacking Cups” pg 41 o “Walking Rates” pg 44 o “Pledge Plans” pg 46 o “Fund Raising” pg 49 o “Printing Books” pg 56 o “Tiling Tubs” pg 63 o “Plotting Land” pg 65 Literature: “Counting Crocodiles” (writing number stories) Mathplayground-function machine Concept based Problem-Solving Resources Ch 2 “Problem Solving on Location” pg 78 Technology Lab: Graph Points pg 491 Grade 6 – Math –2nd Nine Weeks 0606.2.1 Understand and explain the procedures for multiplication and division of fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. SPI 0606.2.1 Solve problems involving the multiplication and division of fractions. 0606.2.2 Use area models to represent multiplication of fractions. 0606.2.3 Create and solve contextual problems that lead naturally to division of fractions. Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples. SPI 0606.2.2 Solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of mixed numbers. Literature: “Two ways to count to Ten” (factors - Marilyn Burns Math & Literature grades 4-6)) Springboard: “Analyzing Elections” (comparing and ordering fractions, Equivalent Fractions) FunBrain: Decimal Football (Division Game) “Sharing Camels” Activity 3.3. on pg 73 in Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades 5-8 by Van de Walle Math Review Fraction Games Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Activities & PowerPoint /HebeinFinal.html Fractions Soccer Shoot Out Chapter 4 Sec 9 pg 192 Chapter 5 Sec 1 pg 212 Chapter 5 Sec 2 pg 216 Chapter 5 Sec 3 pg 222 Chapter 5 Sec 8 pg 246 Chapter 5 Sec 9 pg 252 Literature: “A Million Fish…More or Less” (number sense, place value of larger numbers - Marilyn Burns Math & Literature grades 4-6) How much is a Million? Literature: “Annabelle Swift, Kindergartner” (Mental Math - Marilyn Burns Math & Literature grades 4-6) Literature: “How Much, How Many, How Far, How Heavy, How Long, How Tall is 1,000?” (Number Sense - Marilyn Burns Math and Nonfiction grades 3-5) Literature: “ One Grain of Rice” (addition, number sense) Teaching StudentCentered Mathematics Grades 5-8 by John A. Van de Walle Fraction Works Manipulatives Kit Fraction Bars and Resource book About Teaching Mathematics by Marilyn Burns SPI 0606.2.3 Solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals. 0606.1.2 Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to problem solving, including estimation, and reasonableness of the solution. SPI 0606.1.2 Judge the reasonableness of the results of rational number estimates and/or computations. 0606.1.2 Recognize when an estimate is more appropriate than an exact answer in a variety of problem situations. 0606.1.3 Recognize errors generated by rounding. N/A See PortaPortal resources Grade 6 – Math –2nd Nine Weeks 0606.2.2 Solve multi-step mathematical, contextual and verbal problems using fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. SPI 0606.2.4 Solve multi-step arithmetic problems using fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples. Fraction Bingo Fraction and Decimal Quizmo SpringBoard: “ I’ll Take…You’ll Take” (divisibility) SpringBoard: “Designing the Stage Set” (LCD, Adding Fractions with like and unlike denominators) Visual Fractions: Mixed Fractions with Lines Fractions, decimals, Percents Jeopardy CyberChase Game Compare All Three mparing/comparingall3/game.shtml Chapter 8 Fraction Works Manipulatives Kit Fraction Bars and Resource book Suggested Integrated Activities Social Studies: Social Studies Link –Market Economy/equivalent fractions (Math textbook pg 175) Social Studies Textbook Geography handbook pgs GH11-GH13 Science: Earth Science Link – Space exploration/algebraic expressions (Math textbook pg 55) Life Science Link – Arthropods/solving algebraic equations (Math textbook pg 72) Life Science Link – Habitats/multiplying Fractions by whole numbers (Math textbook pg 195) Life Science Link – Adaptations/fraction equivalency (Math textbook pg 245) Physical Science Link – Temperature scale/linear equations (Math textbook pg 607) Science Textbook Appendix pg 483-489 Reading and Language: Focus on Problem-Solving “Understand the Problem” pg 57 Math Journals Chapter 2 pg 51 (evaluated), pg 55 (expressions), pg 61 (scales), pg 65 (equations), pg 72 (equations) Write about It: last page of each lesson Focus on Problem-Solving “Solve” pg 231 Math Journals Chapter 5 pg last page of each lesson Focus on Problem-Solving “Make a Plan” pg 417 Math Journals Chapter 8 pg 395 (ratios), pg 401 (proportions), pg 408 (congruent), pg 415 (scale), pg 421 (percents), pg 425 (decimals), pg 429 (percents), pg 435 (estimation)