MATH 105 Linear Mathematical Analysis

MATH 153 Linear Mathematical Analysis
Instructor’s Name
Office Location
Office Hours
Contact Information
Dr. Ruben Avetisyan
RLC 300
Tuesday, Thursday 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Required Text: Applied Mathematics, 6th edition, Tan, Brooks/Cole Cenage Learning, 2013.
Required Software: Excel.
Class exams (3):
Final exam:
Written homework/Excel projects:
20% each
TENTATIVE EXAM DATES: Wednesday Sept 23, Wednesday Oct 21, Wednesday Nov 11
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to use and apply functions, simultaneous linear equations and inequalities,
and matrix algebra, basic probability concepts.
I. Functions /Financial Applications
[6 weeks]
Elementary Functions (Chapter 2): [3 weeks]
A. Cartesian Coordinates
B. Linear Functions and Straight Lines (Graphs)
C. Linear Cost, Revenue, Profit Functions
D. Quadratic Function in the context of Financial Models (e.g. P 144 # 10);
Review 1.2, 1.8
E. Polynomials in the context of Regression Models;
Mathematical Modeling with applications for Business
Excel Practice: graphs Pg. 86-87, 124
Excel Project (1): Regression Models Pg. 149-152
Additional Functions (Chapter 3):
A. Exponential Functions
B. Logarithmic Functions
Finance (Chapter 4):
[2 weeks]
A. Simple and Compound Interest
B. Future and Present Value
Excel Practice: Present Value, Effective Interest Rate Pg. 206-208
Excel Project (2): create Amortization schedule (Pg 221) vs
Excel PMT function
[1 week]
II. Systems of Equations and Inequalities/Linear Programming
[5 weeks]
Systems of Equations/Matrices (Chapter 5):
[3 weeks]
A. Systems of Linear Equations: review 1.6, excel linear graphs; matrix representation
B. Matrix Operations
C. Inverse of a Matrix
Excel Practice: Matrix Operations P 293-295, 322-323
Systems of Inequalities and Linear Programming (Chapter 6):
[2 weeks]
A. Systems of Linear Inequalities with Geometric Linear Programming Solutions
B. Simplex Method
C. Excel Practice: Solver P381-383
Excel Project (3): Linear Programming Model
III. Probability
[3 weeks]
Probability (Chapter 7):
A. Basic Counting Principles
B. Permutations and Combinations
C. Sample Space, Events, Probability
D. Union, Intersection, Complement
E. The Birthday Problem
Excel Practice: P 440
Howework Assignments and Suggested Exercises
 For each section of the textbook, there is a list of suggested exercises from the book. You are responsible
for submitting a subset of those exercises. The HW due dates will be announced in class. Come with
questions and comments about past and future HWs and the upcoming quiz. ALL WORK and steps
should be clearly shown and no credit will be given for just the answers. Remember, office hours are a
good place to get homework help.
Dates and Times of Quizzes and Exams
 QUIZZES: Usually there will be a quiz once a week (except on the first week of the semester and exam
weeks). They will be given in class on the Thursdays.
EXTRA CREDIT: There will be occasional extra credit opportunities. Stay tuned for the details of each
extra credit assignment as the semester progresses.
MAKE-UPS: Make-up quizzes and exams are generally not allowed unless you tell me in advance that
you are going to be absent on a quiz/exam day. After solutions to a HW or quiz have been posted, makeups for that HW or quiz will not be allowed.
Attendance Policy
You are expected to attend each class. Please come to class prepared and ready to learn. Ask questions and make helpful comments.
Be ready to participate in class discussions and activities. If you miss class, you are responsible to get the notes and assignment(s)
from someone in the class, as well as any handouts. You must notify me IN ADVANCE if you will be absent on a quiz/exam day.
Expected Academic/Professional Conduct
All written work must conform to standard English usage. Failure to meet such standards will affect your grade.
When placed on your assignments, your name verifies that the work is your own.
All Manhattan College students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic and personal
integrity. Any violations of academic integrity like exam cheating, facilitation of dishonesty, plagiarism, i.e. copying from any
source (classmates, published sources, internet) for an assignment without proper quotation and citation, will be dealt with in
accordance with the student handbook of Manhattan College and will result in disciplinary penalties.