Prof. Othuon Lucas Onyango Ayado

January, 2013
ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: PhD – University of British Columbia, Canada
M.A – University of British Columbia, Canada
B.Ed (Hons) – University of Nairobi (1980)
Hon. Colonel of Kentucky (2006)
March 8th, 1956
Married with three children
Maseno University,
P. O. Private Bag,
Phone: +254-57-351008/351622 (Office)
P. O. Box 9019,
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I hold a PhD degree from University of British Columbia which I earned in 1998,
specializing in Measurement, Evaluation & Research Methods. Prior to this, I had
served as a High School Teacher at Maseno School, Kenya for 9 years (1980-1989).
Then I got promoted in 1989 to become a District Secondary Schools Inspector, a
position I held up to 199I. I competitively won a Canadian International Development
Agency scholarship for a Masters degree in Canada in 1991 and graduated with M.A.
(Measurement, Evaluation & Research Methods) from the University of British
Columbia in 1993 before starting my PhD program in 1994. I have been a member of
academic staff at Maseno University since 1994 where I was appointed the Chairman,
Department of Educational Psychology in 1998. I became a Senior Lecturer in 2000
and was appointed Dean of Faculty of Education the same year, a position I held for a
full 3 year term. On June 25th 2010, I got promoted to the position of Full Professor of
Psychology. I teach Measurement & Evaluation, Research Methods, Educational
Statistics, Research Design and Analysis, and Computer Application courses both at
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I have supervised and examined a reasonable
number of postgraduate students. I have more than 30 research articles published in
both local and international peer reviewed journals. In addition, I have co-authored 8
books. I have won a number of prestigious research grants, most notably from the
Rockefeller Foundation under its Quality Education for Social Transformation
(QUEST) between 2003 and 2005. In 2009, I was involved in a research project
targeting the youth and funded by the National AIDS Control Council of Kenya. In
2012, I conducted a successful baseline survey on Most Vulnerable Children under the
auspices of Kenya Medical and Education Trust with funds from UNICEF. I am an ILO
certified trainer in business development services. I have trained a number of youth
groups on entrepreneurial skills. I am a certified eLearning expert trained by
Commonwealth of Learning (COL). I am a Member of the prestigious Emerald® Literati
Network. In 2006, I visited the University of Kentucky/Bluegrass Community &
Technical College in US as a scholar where I was awarded the honorary title of
Honorable Colonel of Kentucky by the then Governor of Kentucky Ernie Fletcher as a result of
my commendable academic contribution.
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30th March, 2012
Certificate awarded by ILO in “Start and Improve your
Business (SIYB)” at Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi.
1994 – 1998
Ph.D. (Measurement, Evaluation &
Research Methods), University of British
Columbia, Canada.
1991 – 1993
M.A. (Measurement, Evaluation & Research
Methods), University of British Columbia
1977 – 1980
B.Ed (Science), University of Nairobi (2nd Class
Honours, Upper Division)
1975 – 1976
East African Advanced Certificate of
Education, 2 Principals (Maths & Physics); 2
Subsidiaries (Chemistry & General Paper):
Kijabe High School
1971 – 1974
East African Certificate of Education: Sawagongo
1994 - 1998
-Pursued a Ph.D degree program at the University of
British Columbia (UBC) in Canada.
-Was a Research/Teaching Assistant at UBC.
- My PhD thesis is entitled “The accuracy of
parameter estimates and coverage probability of
population values in regression models upon
different treatments of systematically missing
-Over and above the comprehensive examination, the
graduate courses registered for and passed were:
Doctoral Seminar A
Doctoral Seminar B
Multivariate Statistics II
Structural Equations Modelling
Judgement & Decision Making Theory
Qualitative Research Methods
Developmental Psychology
Concept Learning
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1991 - 1993
1977 - 1980
-Was a Canadian International Development Agency
scholar at UBC pursuing a Master of Arts degree
-My M.A thesis is entitled “A study of the predictive
validity of the Kenya Certificate of Primary
Education examination: Application of
Hierarchical Linear Models”.
-The graduate courses registered for and passed
 Introduction to Statistics
 Test Theory
 Introduction to Educational Research
 Research Design & Analysis
 Multiple Regression Analysis
 Multivariate Statistics I
 Small Sample Research Designs
-Pursued a Bachelor of Education (Science) degree at
the University of Nairobi. Obtained a B.Ed (Hons)
degree – Mathematics major and Physics minor.
2010 to date
External examiner, Kisii University College
Jun 2010
I was interviewed and subsequently promoted to the
position of Professor of Psychology, Maseno
Oct 2008 to Feb 2012:
2002 – 2005
Chairman, Department of Educational Psychology, Maseno
External Examiner, Educational Psychology, Kikuyu
Campus, University of Nairobi.
Jul 2008 – Dec 2008:
Acting Director, School of Graduate Studies,
Maseno University.
Jun 2008 to Feb 2012:
Associate Dean, Faculty of Education,
Maseno University.
Apr 2008
I was interviewed and subsequently promoted to the
position of Associate Professor of Psychology, Maseno
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2005 – Apr 2008
Chairman of the Department of Educational Psychology and
Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, Maseno University.
Duties included:
 Lecturing
 Research
 Advising students
 Developing Faculty programs
 Coordinating the activities of the Department
 Supporting the Dean in the coordinating activities of
the Faculty
 Participating in Deans Committee meetings
 Participating in University Senate meetings
2004 – 2005
Chairman of the Department of
Educational Psychology. Duties included:
 Lecturing
 Researching
 Advising students
 Co-ordinating activities of the Department
 Developing academic programs
2001 – 2004
Dean of Faculty of Education, and Chairman of the
Department of Educational Psychology, Maseno University.
Duties included:
 Lecturing
 Researching
 Advising students
 Developing and overseeing Departmental programs
 Chairing Faculty Board
 Participating in Deans Committee meetings
 Participating in University Senate meetings
 Participating in Graduation Committee meetings
 Developing Faculty programs
 Participating in activities of the Joint Admissions
April 2000
I was interviewed and subsequently promoted to the position
of Senior Lecturer at Maseno University
1994 – 2000
Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology, Maseno
University. Duties included:
 Lecturing
 Researching
 Advising students
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1989 – 1994
District Secondary Schools Inspector, Ministry of Education,
Kenya. Duties included:
 Recommendation of teachers for promotion
 Maintenance of educational standards
 In-servicing teachers
 Inspecting and advising schools
 Organizing co-curricula activities for schools
 Co-ordinating examination activities for schools
1980 – 1989
Teacher at Maseno High School, Kenya. Duties included:
 Teaching
 Class Master
 Volleyball Master
 Patron of Science Club
 District and Provincial Students Science Congress
1) Lenod Salanwa Ilondanga (2012). An examination of teacher factors in the
implementation of Kenyan Sign Language curriculum in secondary schools in
Kenya (Graduated in 2012).
2) Luyali, Patrick Endere: Impact of vocational training on economic
empowerment of youth in west, north and central Pokot districts, Kenya
(Graduated in 2012).
3) Awuor Sylvia Manoah (2011). Influence of selected factors on performance of
students’ in mathematics curriculum in public secondary schools in Kisumu East
District, Kenya (Graduated in 2011).
4) Susan Wambui Mukiri (2011). Influence of adult learners’ background on their
perception of adult functional literacy curriculum in Kisumu East District, Kenya.
(Graduated in 2011).
5) Amanya, Lucy Mutuli: Influence of psychosocial factors on breastfeeding
behaviour of mothers aged 18-40 years attending maternal and child health
clinics in Kakamega Central district, Kenya (Graduated in 2011).
6) Oketch, Erick Omondi: Factors affecting efficiency levels in instructional time
use by secondary schools in Rachuonyo district, Kenya (ongoing).
7) Momanyi, Susan Moraa: Factors related to Vitamin A supplementation
coverage to pre-school children in Gucha District, Western Kenya (Graduated in
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8) Tella John (2010). Relationship between students’ perspectives on secondary
school English curriculum and their academic achievement in Kenya Certificate
of Secondary Examination in Emuhaya district. (Graduated in 2010).
9) Ndolo, Maurice: Implications of school based investments on access to
secondary education in Homa-Bay district, Kenya (Graduated in 2010).
10) Aloo, Fredrick (2010). The impact of structural adjustment programmes
on access, equity and quality on secondary school education in Migori
District, Kenya (Graduated in 2010)
11) Ariko, Collins Oliver (2009). Factors influencing secondary school teacher
transfer requests in Suba District, Kenya (Graduated in 2009).
12) Olendo, Caren Akoth (2008). The relationship between mean performance in
KCSE examination and educational resource inputs in public secondary schools
in Nyando District, Kenya (Graduated in 2009).
13) Nyakweba, A. James (2008): Provision of educational facilities in public
schools of Kenya (graduated in 2008).
14) Imbuki, Alice (2008): Apparel acquisition by people who are physically
Handicapped (Graduated in 2008).
15) Omondi Anolyce Nyanjom (2007). Career guidance in secondary schools in
Kisumu District, Kenya: Implications for the curriculum. (Graduated in 2007).
16) Obura, Caroline Atieno (2007). Perceptions of career aspirations of
secondary school students in Kisumu Municipality (Graduated in 2007).
17) Onyango, Agatha Christine (2007): Effects of HIV/AIDS on food security
of households in East Kolwa Location, Kisumu District (Graduated in 2007).
18) Omondi, David Okeyo (2006). Relationship between physical activity
patterns and dietary intake and health status among University of Nairobi
lecturers in Kenya (Graduated in 2006).
19) Njuguna, Annie (2006): Predictive validity of the KCSE Mock
Examination (Graduated in 2006).
20) Juma, Lucy Stella (2004): Gender factor in performance at Kenya Certificate of
Primary Education (Graduated in 2004).
21) Orwa, Dornela Akomo (2004): The gender distribution of students from Siaya
District into various degree programmes in public universities in Kenya
(Graduated in 2004).
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22) Amuka, Lorna Muga (2003): Gender factor in access to and success in science
and technology education and training in Mombasa Polytechnic, Kenya
(Graduated in 2003).
23) Mitei, Reuben Kipkorir (2003): An evaluation of distance learning: A case
study of the military science program in Kenya (Graduated in 2003).
24) Otieno, Julius Gogo (2002): The impact of cost-sharing on access,
equity and quality of secondary education in Rachuonyo District, Kenya
(Graduated in 2002).
25) Odebero, O. Stephen (2002): Bursary as a method of financing
education and equity implications in Kenya (Graduated in 2002).
26) Olel, Maureen (2000): Optimal utilization of educational resources in
secondary schools: A case study of Kisumu District (Graduated in 2000).
1) Quinter Migunde (ongoing).
2) Ukanda, Ferdinand Ingubu: Effectiveness of Mantel-Haenzel and
Logistic regression statistics in detecting Differential Item Functioning
under different conditions (ongoing).
3) Atela, Richard Juma: The influence of types of intelligence on personality
types, career choices and development among Maseno University
students, Kenya (ongoing).
4) Wara, Erick Otieno: The influence of the school environment on the
students’ self-concept and academic achievement motivation, and the
schools’ academic performance: A study of selected Nyanza and Western
Province Girls’ secondary schools, Kenya (ongoing).
5) Patrick B. Ojera (2011). Impact of strategic orientation on strategic
control and organizational performance of sugar farms in western Kenya.
(Graduated in 2011).
6) Fwaya, Eric (2010). Development of performance measurement model
and instrument for hotels in Kenya (Graduated in 2012).
7) Karen Nyambura Nyangara (2010): Perceived attitudes, sex stereotypes,
and achievement in Home Science in Kenyan Secondary schools.
(Graduated in 2010).
8) Omondi, Okeyo David (2010). The influence of selected moderators and
mediators on the relationship between psychosocial factors, dietary and
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physical activity behaviours of Type 2 diabetics in Kisii Level 5 hospital,
Kenya. (Graduated in 2010).
1). Peter Onchomba Nyabera (2013). The utilization of economic stimulus
funds on physical infrastructure in public secondary schools in Nyamira
County, Kenya (Kisii University).
2). Ruth Obwamu (2013). Leadership factors influencing secondary school
students’ choice of French Language as a subject of study in Kisii
County. (Kisii University).
3). Momanyi Charles Ocharo (2013). Impact of computers on administration
in public secondary schools in Nyamira North District, Nyamira CountyKenya. (Kisii University).
4). Moindi M. Rose (2012). Retention and completion challenges of selfsponsored regular degree students of Egerton University constituent
colleges in Kenya (Kisii University College).
5). Nyang’au Michael Achwata (2012). Students’ indiscipline, a
communication challenge; A case study of Nyamira South District
secondary schools in Kenya (Kisii University College).
6). Carolyne Nekesa Wekesa (2012). The elusiveness of the implementation
of free primary education: Nyamira Division, Nyamira County (Kisii
University College).
7). Benecha Joshua Nyaberi (2012). A comparative study of factors
influencing academic performance in private and public primary
education in Getembe Division, Kisii County, Kenya (Kisii University
8). Christine Olando Adera (2012). Perceived effects of substance abuse on
academic performance of public secondary school students in Eldoret
East District (Moi University)
9). Opondo, Christine Mwajuma (2012). Impact of selected factors on
teenage pregnancy among secondary school girls in Turkana districts,
10) Quinter Antoinatte Migunde (2010). Factors influencing career choice
among Form Four school students in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya.
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11). Phylis Adhiambo Mboi (2010). Implication of extra tuition on social
interaction of pupils in Kisumu Municipality, Kenya.
12). Otiang’a, Ruth Atieno (2008). A correlational study between school
factors and performance in Chemistry at KCSE mock examination
among girls in secondary schools in Kisumu District.
13). Makachia, Andrew E. K. (2008). Discipline problems and modes of
punishment used in primary schools for the hearing impaired in
Vihiga District, Kenya.
14). Muma, Henry Maina (2008). Influence of substance abuse on
indiscipline amongst students of public secondary schools in
Nakuru Municipality, Kenya.
15). Wadongo, Billy Indeche (2008): Managerial roles and performance
measurement practices in the Kenyan hospitality industry.
16). Mbagaya, Catherine (2007). Prevalence, patterns and risk factors of
dating violence amongst Maseno University students.
17). Thuo, Onesmus Muroki (2005). External efficiency of university
education and training in Kenyan universities: Graduates general
job competencies with special reference to manufacturing industry
in Thika town.
18). Wamukuru, David Kuria (2002). An evaluation of the quality of
education in Kisumu Municipality primary schools before and after the
School Improvement Programme by the Aga Khan Education Services.
19). Mbuthia, E. Kariuki (2000). Enrolment in Kenya’s public universities’
B.Ed (Science) program necessary to meet the demand for
teachers in secondary schools: A projection.
1. Susan Anyango Abong’o (2003): Selection of clothing items among
adolescents in Kisumu Town and Mfangano Island – Kenya.
(Maseno University).
2. Daniel K. Korir (2012): The effects of Item Characteristics, Item
Response Theory Model and Type of Aberrance on the
Distributions and Effectiveness of Person-Fit Indices. (Moi
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(a) Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
Ayiro Lylian, Prof. Oburu Paul & Prof. Othuon Lucas (2013). Sexual Risk-taking
Behaviors among Youth in Secondary Schools in Bondo District, Kenya. Greener
Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 001-006. [Available online at].
ISSN: 2276-7789.
Susan Wambui Mukiri, Francis Chisikwa Indoshi, Lucas A. Othuon (2013). The
Influence of Adult Learners’ Background on their Perception of Adult Functional
Literacy Curriculum. The International Journal of Adult, Community and
Professional Learning, Vol. 19. [Available online at]. ISSN: Pending.
Lucas Othuon, Wilson Odero, Doreen Othero, Omondi Ahawo and Richard
Wachana (2013). Youth character and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS in western
Kenya. Elixir Psychology, 54, 12442-12451. [Available online at].
ISSN: 2229-712X.
Ayiro, L., Othuon, L. & Oburu, P. (2012). Moderating effects of age, gender and
orphan hood on social exclusion and sexual risk-taking Behaviors associated
with HIV/AIDS among youth in Bondo District, Kenya. Elixir Psychology, 52,
11367-11372. [Available online at]. ISSN: 2229-712X.
Ariko, C. O. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2012). Minimizing teacher transfer requests: A
study of Suba District secondary school, Kenya. International Journal of
Educational Administration and Policy Studies, 4(2), 61-69. DOI:
Fwaya, E. V. O., Odhuno, E., Kambona, O. O. & Othuon, O. L. (2012).
Relationships between drivers and results of performance in Kenyan hotel
industry. Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism, 3(3), 46-54. DOI:
Susan Wambui Mukiri, Francis Chisikwa Indoshi, Lucas A. Othuon (2011). Adult
Learners' Perception of Adult Functional Literacy Curriculum (AFLC) in Kenya.
BRICS Journal of Educational Research Vol. – 1, Issue 2, 87-93.
Ojera, P. B., Ogutu, M., Siringi, E. M. & Othuon, L. A. (2011). Belief control
practices and organizational performances: A survey of sugar industry in Kenya,
African Research Review: An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal, Vol. 5 (4),
July, 2011.
Ojera, P. B., Ogutu, M., & Othuon, L. A. (2011). Strategic Control Practices:
Evidence from Sugar Industry in Kenya. Aim Explore – A Journal of Management
Awareness, Vol. 8
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January, 2013
Manoah, S. A., Indoshi, F. C. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2011). Influence of attitude
on performance of students in mathematics curriculum. Educational Research,
Vol. 2, No. 3, 965-981, ISSN 2141-5161.
Nyangara, K. N., Indoshi, F. C. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2010). Impact of
educational policy changes on Home Science education in secondary schools
in Kenya: 1981-2005. International Journal of Vocational & Technical
Education, Vol. 2, No. 5, 82-88.
Tela, J., Indoshi, F. C. & Othuon, L. A. (2010). Students’ perspectives on the
secondary school English curriculum in Kenya: Related implications.
Educational Research, Vol. 1, No. 9, 390-395, ISSN 2141-5161. [Available online
http: //]
Nyangara, K. N., Indoshi, F. C. & Othuon, L. O. (2010). Home Science
education in Kenya: The need for review. Educational Researcher, Vol. 1, No.
9, 396-401, ISSN 2141-5161. [Available online http:]
D. O. Omondi, M. K. Walingo, G. M. Mbagaya & L. O. A. Othuon (2010). Preintention mediators within the Theory of Planned Behaviour applied to dietary
practices among Type II diabetics: What is the position of perceived dietary
knowledge? Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 6, 259-265, ISSN
2040-8773. [Online access @ []
Fwaya, E. O., Odhuno, E., Kambona, O. O. & Othuon, O. L. (2010).
Performance measurement and hotel industry in Kenya-A review. International
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems, Vol. 3 Issue 1, 86-92. [Online access
Nyangara, K. N., Indoshi, F. C. & Othuon, L. O. (2010). Policies and practice
of home science education in secondary schools. Educational Research, 1(6),
Wadongo, I. B., Odhuno, E., Kambona, O. O. & Othuon, O. A. L. (2010). Key
performance indicators in the Kenyan hospitality industry: A managerial
perspective. Benchmarking: An International Journal. Vol. 17, No. 6, 858-875.
[Available at]
Onyango, C. O., Walingo, M. K. & Othuon, L. (2010). Expenditure patterns on
food and non-food items in HIV-AIDS affected and non-affected households in
Kisumu District, Kenya. African Journal of Agriculture, Nutrition and
Development, 10(4),
Omondi, D. O., Othuon, L. O. A. & Mbagaya, G. M. (2010). Can physical
activity and dietary fat intake influence body mass index in a cross-sectional
design? International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 1(3), 163166.
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January, 2013
Omondi, D. O., Walingo, M. K., Mbagaya, G. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2010).
Understanding physical activity behaviour of Type 2 diabetics using the Theory
of Planned Behaviour and Structural Equation Modeling. International Journal
of Social Sciences, 5(3), 160-165.
Omondi, D. O., Walingo, M. K., Mbagaya, G. M. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2010).
Advancing the Theory of Planned Behavior within dietary and physical
domains among Type 2 diabetics: A mixed methods approach. International
Journal of Behavioral, Cognitive, Educational and Psychological Sciences,
2(3), 137-144.
Omondi, D. O., Walingo, M. K., Mbagaya, G. M. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2010).
Predicting dietary practice behaviour among Type 2 diabetics using the Theory
of Planned Behaviour and Mixed Methods Design. International Journal of
Medicine and Medical Sciences, 1(2), 117-125.
Onyango, A. C., Walingo, M. K. & Othuon, L. (2009). Food consumption
patterns,diversity of food nutrients and mean nutrient intake in relation to
HIV/AIDS status in Kisumu district, Kenya. African Journal of AIDS Research,
8(3), 359-366.
Omondi, D. O., Othuon, L. O. A. & Mbagaya, G. M. (2009). Physical activity
and dietary fat as determinants of Body Mass Index in a cross-sectional
correlational design. East African Journal of Public Health, 6(1), 32-36.
Omondi, D. O., Othuon, L. O. A. & Mbagaya, G. M. (2008). Physical activity
emerges as powerful predictor of hypertension among other determinants in a
cross-sectional correlational design. Global Journal of Community Medicine,
Vol. 1, No. 1 & 2, pp. 47-53. ISSN 1597-9857,.
Odebero, S. O., Sang, A. K., Bosire, J. N. & Othuon, L. A. (2007). Equity in the
distribution of bursary to secondary school students in Busia District, Kenya.
Educational Research and Review, 2(12), 315-320, ISSN 1990-3839. [Available
Omondi, D. O., Othuon, L. O. A. & Mbagaya, G. M. (2007). Physical activity
patterns, dietary intake and health status among University of Nairobi lecturers
in Kenya. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and
Recreation (Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Sport, Liggaamlike
Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning), 29(2), 87-98.
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January, 2013
Njuguna, A., Othuon, L. & Agak, J. (2007). Gender disparity in the prediction of
performance in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE) from
the Mock examination. Maseno University Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Journal, 2 (1), 1-10, ISSN 189-6977.
Gogo, J. G. O. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2006). The sources of funds in the cost
sharing strategy of financing secondary education in Kenya. Egerton Journal:
Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Series, Vol. VI, Numbers 2 & 3,
ISSN 1021-1128. [Available at].
Othuon, L. O. A., Kirop, L. & Ayieko, M. A. (2006). Reforms and challenges in
Maseno University. Maseno University Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Journal, 1(2), 1-13, ISSN 189-697.
Othuon, L. O. A. (2006). Bias in regression coefficient estimates upon different
treatments of systematically missing data. The East African Journal of
Statistics, 1(2), 185-197, ISSN 1811-7503.
Olel, M. & Othuon, L. O. A. (2005). Optimal utilization of educational resources
in secondary schools: A case study of Kisumu District. Maseno Journal of
Education, Arts and Science, 5(1), 1-12.
Othuon, L. A. (2001). A simulation study comparing the accuracy of multiple
regression estimates after different treatments of missing data. Maseno
Journal of Education, Arts and Science, Vol. 3, No. 2.
Othuon, L. A. & Kishor, N. (1994). Hierarchical linear modelling of predictive
validity: The case of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
examination.Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 20, 174-194.
(b) Books
1). Mutuli, L., Walingo, M. & Othuon, L. (2012). Breastfeeding behaviour of
breastfeeding mothers in Western Kenya. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN
2). Oluoch, P. A. & Othuon, L. A. (2011). Towards a policy on adult and continuing
education. Lake Publishers & Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu. ISBN 9966-847-41-3.
3). Oluoch, P. A. & Othuon, L. A. (2008). Participation of learners in adult literacy
programmes. Lake Publishers & Enterprises Ltd.: Kisumu. ISBN 9966-847-41-3.
4). Othuon, L. A., Ang’awa, F., MCOnyango, O. & Ayieko, M. (2006). Growing up and
sexual maturation among the Luo of Kenya: Removing barriers to quality
education. Phoenix Publishers: Nairobi. ISBN 9966-47-300-9.
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5). Mondoh, H., MCOnyango, O., Othuon, L. A., Sikenyi, V. & Changeiywo, J. M.
(2006).Grandmother’s Visit. Phoenix Publishers: Nairobi. ISBN 9966-47-300-9.
ISBN 9966-47-300-9.
6). Mondoh, H., MCOnyango, O., Othuon, L. A., Sikenyi, V. & Changeiywo, J. M.
(2006).The Wedding. Phoenix Publishers: Nairobi. ISBN 9966-47-300-9.
7). Mondoh, H., MCOnyango, O., Othuon, L. A., Sikenyi, V. & Changeiywo, J. M.
(2006). The Drama Festival. Phoenix Publishers: Nairobi. ISBN 9966-47-300-9.
8). Mondoh, H., MCOnyango, O., Othuon, L. A., Sikenyi, V. & Changeiywo, J. M.
(2006). It happened in Somanet. Phoenix Publishers: Nairobi.
ISBN 9966-47-300-9.
(c) Articles in Refereed Journals Citing my Work
(1) Cited Article: Othuon, L. A. & Kishor, N. (1994). Hierarchical linear modelling
of predictive validity: The case of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
examination. Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 20, 174-194.
Cited in: Pastor, José Blas Navarro (2003). Methods for the analysis of
explanatory linear regression models with missing data not at random.
Quality and Quantity, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 363-376. Published by Springer
Netherlands. ISSN 0033-5177 (Print) 1573-7845 (Online).
(2) Cited Article: Othuon, L. A. & Kishor, N. (1994). Hierarchical linear modelling
of predictive validity: The case of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
examination. Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 20, 174-194.
Cited in: Liddell, Christine & Rae, Gordon (2001). Predicting early
grade retention: A longitudinal investigation of primary school progress
in a sample of rural South African children. British Journal of
Educational Psychology, 71, 413-428.
(3) Cited Article: Othuon, L. A. & Kishor, N. (1994). Hierarchical linear modelling
of predictive validity: The case of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
examination. Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 20, 174-194.
Cited in: Adeyemi, T. O. (2008). Predicting students’ performance in
senior secondary certificate examination. Humanity & Human Sciences
Journal, 3(1), 26-36. [ISSN 1818-4960].
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(4) Cited Article: Othuon, L. A. & Kishor, N. (1994). Hierarchical linear modelling
of predictive validity: The case of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
examination. Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 20, 174-194.
Cited in: Adeyemi, T. O. (2008). Effective teaching of Geography in
secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria. MoiweU The Social Sciences,
3(1), 200-206. [ISSN 1818-6125].
(d) Training, Conference and Workshop Presentations
Othuon, L. A. (Oct., 2012). Conducted training of technical staff of World
Agro-forestry Centre, Kisumu, on the use of SPSS computer application
as a data analysis tool. 1st October 2012 to 31st October 2012. Contact
person Georges Aertssen Telephone 0722631983.
Othuon, L. A. & Kore, T. (2012). Trained Vijana Tuishi Self-Help Group in
Ahero in business entrepreneurship as a requirement for certification by
International Labour Organization (15th & 16th March, 2012).
Othuon, L. A. & Kore, T. (2011). Trained youth groups in Nyatike
constituency in business entrepreneurship through consultancy service
awarded to Millenium School of Business and financed by Youth
Enterprise Development Fund (25th & 26th May, 2011)..
Othuon, L. A. & Kore, T. (2011). Trained youth groups in Kuria
constituency in business entrepreneurship through consultancy service
awarded to Millenium School of Business and financed by Youth
Enterprise Development Fund (23rd & 24th May, 2011).
Othuon, L. A. & Kore, T. (2011). Trained youth groups in Mbita
constituency in business entrepreneurship through consultancy service
awarded to Millenium School of Business and financed by Youth
Enterprise Development Fund (26th & 27th April, 2011).
Othuon, L. A. & Kore, T. (2011). Trained youth groups in Migori
constituency in business entrepreneurship through consultancy service
awarded to Millenium School of Business and financed by Youth
Enterprise Development Fund (11th & 12th April, 2011).
Othuon, L. O. A. (2009). Stakeholders and partners in education: Roles
and challenges. A paper presented at the conference of the Kenya
Primary Schools Heads Association, Nyanza Branch, from 5th to 7th
August, 2009 at Lakers Inn, Kisumu.
Othuon, L. A. (2008). Speech delivered to students and teachers at
Ukwala Secondary School on 11th October, 2008 following a students’
Othuon, L. A. (2008). Speech delivered to students, teachers and parents
at Thurdibuoro Secondary School during its parents and prize giving day
on 13th June, 2008.
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January, 2013
Othuon, L. A. (2005): How to Study: A talk presented to students at
Kisumu Boys High School on 22nd March 2005.
Othuon, L. A. (2004). Gender mainstreaming at Maseno University: A
position paper. A paper presented at the Gender Training Workshop
organized by the World Bank Institute in collaboration with Kenyatta
University at Utalii Hotel, Nairobi, June 24 – 26, 2004.
Kishor, N. & Othuon, L. (1999). The influence of nonresponse treatment
methods on parameter estimates of a regression model when
nonresponse is nonrandom. A paper presented at the International
Conference on Survey Nonresponse, Portland, Oregon, USA. October 2831, 1999. (See
Othuon, L. A. (1998). Bias and accuracy of regression estimates after
different treatments of incomplete data. A paper presented at the
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, San
Diego, California, April 13 – 17, 1998.
Farokh, K. & Othuon, L. A. (1997). Three dimensional concept mapping
and student achievement. A paper presented at the Fourth International
UNDERSTANDING, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, June 13 – 15,
(e) Unpublished Research Reports
Othuon, L. A., Ang’awa, F., MCOnyango, O. & Ayieko, M. (2003). The
traditional management of growing up and sexual maturation: Vetted
information among the Luo Community of Kenya (Research Report No.
28 under Rockefeller Foundation Research Grant No. 2002 AR
Othuon, L. A., Ang’awa, F., MCOnyango, O. & Ayieko, M. (2003). The
traditional management of growing up and sexual maturation: Language
issues among the Luo Community of Kenya (Research Report No. 29
under Rockefeller Foundation Research Grant No. 2002 AR 022).
Othuon, L. A., Ang’awa, F., MCOnyango, O. & Ayieko, M. (2003). The
traditional management of growing up and sexual maturation among the
Luo Community of Kenya: The role of primary schools (Research Report
No. 30 under Rockefeller Foundation Research Grant No. 2002
AR 022).
Othuon, L. A. & Kirop, L. (2002). Study of public university reform in
Kenya: Mapping the key changes of the last decade at Maseno University.
Unpublished Research Report.
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January, 2013
(f) Training, Workshops & Seminars Attended
29th May 2011 – 10th June 2011: Training of Trainers workshop on
strengthening business entrepreneurship skills at Government Training InstituteBaringo, Kenya. The training was offered by International Labour Organization in
liaison with Youth Enterprise Development Fund.
30th Nov.-2nd Dec., 2009: International Society for the Study of Behavioral
Development (ISSBD) 8th African Regional Workshop held at the Kisumu Hotel.
11th -19th June, 2007: Open and Distance Learning workshop, Kisumu
Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya. The workshop was funded and conducted by the
Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada.
4th – 6th March, 2005: Workshop on improving quality of primary education
in Kenya: Management of growing up and sexual maturation at the center of
learner’s persistence and mastery of literacy, Merica Hotel, Nakuru. Organized
under Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) project funded by
the Rockefeller Foundation.
3rd – 6th September 2003: Quality Education for Social Transformation
(QUEST) Regional Conference on Improving the Management of Sexual
Maturation organized by Kyambogo University at Ridar Hotel, Seeta-Mukono,
24th – 25th April, 2003: DAAD seminar for scholarship holders in public
universities, Maseno University, Kenya.
16th – 17th November, 2002: Questionnaire testing workshop, Lakers Club,
Kisumu, Kenya. Organized under Quality Education for Social Transformation
(QUEST) project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
19th October, 2002: Research methods workshop, Sunset Hotel, Kisumu,
Kenya. Organized under Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST)
project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
18th October, 2002: Internet training workshop by SANGONET, Kisumu,
Kenya. Organized under Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST)
project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
13th – 14th September, 2002: First regional workshop on growing up and
sexual maturation, Egerton University, Kenya. Organized under Quality
Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) project funded by the Rockefeller
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January, 2013
10th – 11th September, 2002: Planning workshop for growing up and sexual
maturation project, Kericho Tea Hotel, Kenya. Organized under Quality
Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) project funded by the Rockefeller
27th – 28th March, 2002: Sexual maturation workshop, The Stanley Hotel,
Nairobi. Organized under Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST)
project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
(US $)
Traditional Management of Growing Up and Sexual Maturation among
Luo Community of Kenya
Traditional Management of Growing Up and Sexual Maturation among
Luo Community of Kenya
Writing 5 books on Growing Up and Sexual Maturation
National Aids
Control CouncilTOWA Project
Homa Hills
Enhancing Youth Character Formation and Behaviour Change in
Kenya: Role of the Dialogue Model as an Interactive Communication
To evaluate ACTION-AID’s Technical Assistance and Capacity
Building Efforts.
As a consultant under the umbrella of Millennium School of Business
Studies, I successfully conducted a baseline survey on behalf of KMET with funding from UNICEF, on most vulnerable children (MVC) in
FIVE informal settlements within Kisumu City. The settlements are
Obunga, Manyatta, Manyatta Arab, Bandan and Nyalenda. Contact
person: Sam Owoko, Programme Manager, K-MET, Telephone 0710125-393
*Researchers: Prof. Wilson Odero, Prof. Lucas Othuon, Dr. Doreen Othero,, Dr. Omondi Ahawo & Mr. Richard
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January, 2013
: Chairman Board of Governors, Kibos Secondary School
: Chairman, Founder member and Director of Hadassah Girls
Secondary School
2010 to date : Executive member of Board of Governors, Obwolo Secondary
2007 to date : Secretary and founding member of Obwolo Development Group.
The group has constructed a housing and operations unit for
Administration Police at Obwolo Chief’s Camp in Kisumu East
2006 – 2009 : Judge of Trade Stands, The Agricultural Society of Kenya, Kisumu
Regional Show.
: Chairman, Board of Governors, Sagam Mixed Secondary School.
2007 to 2010 : Member of Board of Governors, Nyamninia Secondary School.
o Dec 2009 to date: Member, International Society for the Study of
Behavioral Development (ISSBD).
o 2010 to date: Member, Emerald® Literati Network.
1). Prof. Helen Mondoh,
Pwani University College,
P. O. Box 195,
Kilifi, KENYA.
Phone: +254-722-756036; +254-735-684665.
2). Prof. Wilson Odero,
Director, School of Public Health & Community Development,
Maseno University,
Private Bag,
Maseno, KENYA. Phone: +254-733-784417; +254-57-351008/351622.
3). Prof. John Ogonji Agure
Maseno University
P. O. Box 333,
Maseno, KENYA. Phone: +254-733-784417; +254-57-351008/351622.
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