COIS20025 Assessment item 3—Modelling Due date: Midnight 11:55 PM AEST, Monday of Week 11 Weighting: 30% Length: No fixed length ASSESSMENT 3 Objectives This assessment relates to course learning outcomes 1 to 6 stated in the e-course profile. Assessment 3 is an individual assessment. Following on Assessment 2, Assessment 3 is based on the same project case study. In Assessment 3 - Modelling, you are required to complete tasks below which assess your general course knowledge, particularly your course knowledge on modelling diagrams from weeks 6-10 about different facets of systems development. Please note that ALL submissions are passed through a computerized copy detection system and it is extremely easy for teaching staff to identify copied or otherwise plagiarised work. Copying (plagiarism) can incur penalties ranging from deduction of marks to failing the course or even exclusion from the University. Please ensure you are familiar with the University’s Plagiarism Policy, available from: The tasks In the report format used in CQUniversity (refer to Help section below for a link to the report guide), explain how you would complete the following modelling tasks. The report presentation including the references and appendices will be awarded 10 marks. You are to develop the report having each task clearly numbered together with your answer. You are also expected to write an introduction and conclusion for this report. In performing the following tasks, you have to strictly follow all diagramming rules used in the text for this course. In each task, please feel free to make any assumption necessary for the readers. The explanation of your assumptions can help the readers to understand what you have considered differently but as important criteria in producing your model. Task 1 Data Flow Diagram – Context Diagram and Level 0 Diagram (20 marks): You are assigned a role to develop a new system based on the project case study. Draw a context diagram and a level-0 DFD for it. Task 2 Use Case Diagram (10 marks): Draw a use case diagram by using the Level-0 DFD that you provided in Task 1. Note: Your use case diagram directly relates to the information in Level-0 diagram, but it will also relate to the same system presented as in the context diagram. Task 3 Domain Model Class Diagram (20 marks): Develop a domain model class diagram for the system based on the project case study. Task 4 Activity Diagram (20 marks): Develop an activity diagram for the scenario. Task 5 System Sequence Diagram (20 marks): Using the Activity Diagram above, produce a system sequence diagram, i.e. only include two swimlanes – one for the actor (PSSM employee) and the other for the entire system as a system class object. Help Help on writing reports is contained in the Faculty Guide for Students – Chapter 4 Academic Report Writing: You may also benefit from a video supplied by the CQUniversity Communications Learning Centre available here: Assessment criteria Marks for Assessment 3 will be allocated as follows: TOPIC Weight Mark An effective report: Introduction, clear sections and conclusion 5 Task 1 Context Diagram and Level-0 DFD 20 Task 2 Use Case Diagram 10 Task 3 Domain Model Class Diagram 20 Task 4 Activity Diagram 20 Task 5 System Sequence Diagram 20 A list of references, in-text citations, presentation of the entire report, clear 5 sentence expressions, and effective grammar TOTAL: Assessment mark will be weighted to 30%. 100