UNIVERSITY OF THE EAST COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Caloocan Campus DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTANCY, BUSINESS LAW & TAXATION (ACLAT) A. B. C. D. E. SUBJECT CODE COURSE TITLE COURSE CREDIT PRE-REQUISITE SUBJECT COURSE DESCRIPTION : : : : : AC 206 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING, PART II SIX (6) UNITS AC 4 & 5 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING, PART I This course is a continuation of Financial Accounting & Reporting Part I. It is designed to cover the financial accounting principles relative to recognition, measurement, valuation, and financial statement presentation of liabilities, shareholders’ equity, and special topics (leases, accounting for income taxes and employee benefits) including disclosure requirements. The related internal control, ethical issues, and management of liabilities and owner(s)’ equity are also covered. It also deals with contemporary issues such as leases, employee benefits, and accounting for income taxes and other current related items. F. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. GENERAL: : At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1.1 Acquire knowledge on the latest pronouncements of the Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial statements and the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards PFRS) through the Philippine Accounting Standards (PAS). 1.2 Acquire sufficient knowledge and familiarity with the updated PAS 1 / IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements. 1.3 Acquire familiarity with the latest / updated PFRS on the preparation and presentation of the asset accounts in the Statement of Financial Position. 1 1.4 Appreciate the significance of preparation and presentation of financial statements in adherence to the latest PFRS in order to objectively serve the needs of the different financial information users or stakeholders. 1.5 Show concern on the related internal control, ethical issues and the efficient and effective management of assets/resources of the business enterprise. 1.6 Show commitment to the social and economic upliftment of business enterprises by adhering to the basic concepts and principles of financial accounting in solving problem situation. 2. SPECIFIC : At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 2.1 COGNITIVE 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 Know and understand the concepts of the FRAMEWORK and the updated PASs on the asset accounts of the Statement of financial Position. Understand fully the FRAMEWORK and the PASs as they are applied in the discussion of the different asset accounts. Apply the accounting concepts in conformity with the FRAMEWORK and PASs Analyze the applications of accounting concepts based on the FRAMEWORK and PASs Prepare in classified form the financial statements in conformity with the FRAMEWORK and PASs Analyze and interpret the financial statements to ascertain the liquidity and profitability position of the business enterprise. Evaluate the significance of applying the FRAMEWORK and PASs in relation to the real business environment. 2.2 AFFECTIVE 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 Appreciate the different features of FRAMEWORK and the updated PASs Appreciate the values of the different asset accounts to the business enterprise to ensure and efficient and effective operations and long-term viability. Relate the topics discussed in the classroom with the actual situation in the business industry. 2.3 PSYCHOMOTOR 2 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 Apply the accounting concepts in conformity with the FRAMEWORK and updated PASs Follow the accounting process as they are applied in the PFRS and in the textbook with the FRAMEWORK and updated PASs Perform the analytical task of recording transactions based on the FRAMEWORK and updated PASs Practice the art of using the accounting concepts in the preparation and presentation of financial statements in properly classified format. Carry out the knowledge learned in classroom discussions to the real business world. G. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. CLASS STANDING: 1.1 Recitation 1.2 Assignment 1.3 Group Report Others: 1.4.1 Seat work 1.4.2 Attendance 1.4.3 Board work 2 MAJOR QUIZZES: 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 PRELIM QUIZ NO. 1 QUIZ NO. 2 QUIZ NO. 3 : 2.4 2.5 2.6 MIDTERM QUIZ NO. 4 QUIZ NO. 5 QUIZ NO. 6 2.7 2.8 2.9 FINALS QUIZ NO. 7 QUIZ NO. 8 QUIZ NO. 9 PERIODIC DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS – PRELIM, MIDTERM AND FINALS 3.1 3.2 3.3 Prelim Departmental Examination Midterm Departmental Examination Final Departmental Examination CLASSROOM DECORUM: 1. You are expected to be always in your prescribed uniform plus your University issued ID. 3 2. You are expected to attend the class on time and University Policy on attendance will be applied. H. COURSE OUTLINE : WEEKS TOPICS Week 1 -3 1. Accounting for Intangible Assets (PAS 38)/Impairment of Assets(PAS 36) a. Definition, nature and classes (18 hrs) b. Recognition criteria c. Initial measurement d. Accounting for intangibles (patents, copyright, trademark, trade names, franchise right, leasehold right, computer software, goodwill, research and development cost other intangibles) = mage/00020000/2000/logo-honda READING / ASSIGNMENTS By: N. Robles / P. Empleo Chapter 6 Intangible Assets p. 340-389 By: Valix / Peralta / Valix Chapter 25 Intangible Assets p. 1194 - 1132 ACTIVITIES Lecture / Discussion EVALUATION Class Standing Board work Seatwork Graded Recitation Quiz 1 e. Subsequently incurred costs f. Measurement subsequent to initial recognition (cost method, revaluation method) g. Amortization h. Impairment of value of intangible assets i. Reversal of impairment loss j. Retirement and disposition k. Financial statement presentation and disclosure 4 n-financial-statemen l. Internal control measures for intangibles Week 4-6 18 hours 2. Accounting for Trade & other Payables 2.1. Definition and composition 2.2. Recognition and measurement of Financial and non-financial Liabilities ctionary-financial-liability 2.2.1. Financial liabilities with definite amount Trade payables Short-term notes payable Commercial papers sonal/DepositsInvestments/I AS/CommercialPaper.asp Current portion of longterm debt Accrued expenses 3.2.2 Non-financial liabilities Unearned revenues Customer’s deposits http://www.accountingtools. com/questions-andanswers/what-is-acustomer-deposit.html Outstanding gift certificates Deposits for returnable containers Framework-Recognition and measurement of Liabilities IAS 1 - Current Liabilities Chapter 1 – Current Liabilities, Provisions and contingencies p. 1 – 82 Intermediate Accounting Vol. 2 2012 Edition By PM Empleo and NS Robles Lecture / Discussion Class Standing Board work Seatwork Graded Recitation Quiz 2 & 3 Chapter 1 Liabilities p. 1- 63 Financial Accounting Vol 2 2012 Edition By: CT Valix and JF Peralta Chapter 13 Accounting for :Liabilities p. 516 – 571 Fundamentals of Intermediate Accounting 2008 Edition By: Lieso, Fargher, Wise, Weygandt and Warfield 5 2.3. 3. WEEK 7 18 hrs. 3. Provisions, Contingent Assets, and Contingent Liabilities(PAS 37) 3.1. Provisions and other liabilities 3.2. Contingent liabilities 3.3. Contingent assets 3.4. Financial statement presentation and disclosures PRELIM EXAMINATION WEEK 2. Administration of Prelim Examination 3. Evaluation of Prelim examination 4. Discussion of Prelim exam solution to students 5. Computation of prelim grades 6. Distribution of prelim grade to students 7. Checking of columnar lecture note book WEEK/ HOURS WEEK 9 -11 Bonuses Unearned service contracts Others Financial statement presentation and disclosure TOPICS 4. MIDTERM PERIOD READING ASSIGNMENTS Non-current Liabilities(Bonds Payable)/Government Grants (PAS 20) 4.1. Definition and composition 4.2. Recognition and measurement 4.3. Bonds payable 4.3.1. Issuance of bonds Interest and amortization of discount and premium using straight-line and ACTIVITIES EVALUATION Topic discussion Class Standing Board work Seatwork Graded Recitation IAS 32 and 39 Chapter 2 Noncurrent liabilities p. 83 to 164 Intermediate Accounting Vol. 2 2012 Edition Internet search group work Samples of different Bond Quiz 4 6 effective interest method Extinguishment of bonds- prior to maturity; upon maturity, and conversion into ordinary shares Financial statements presentation and disclosures By PM Empleo and NS Robles Indentures with Appropriate descriptions Chapter 13 Accounting for :Liabilities p. 516 – 571 Fundamentals of Intermediate Accounting 2008 Edition By: Lieso, Fargher, Wise, Weygandt and Warfield Chapter 3 Bonds Payable p. 98 to 187 Chapter 8 Notes Payable and Debt Restructure p. 368 to 405 4.4. 5. 6. 7. Long-term Notes Payable 4.4.1. Nature 4.4.2. Issuance of notes For cash –stated and market rate For assets or services Installment note issued for noncash considerations Innovative mortgage notes Note with an unrealistic interest rate Special Topics Shareholders’ Equity 7.1. Nature 7.2. Presentation on the Statement of Financial Position Topic discussion Group work: Submission of sample actual Lease Contracts Chapter 3 – Shareholders’ Equity p. 172 – 296 Topic Discussion Class Standing Board work 7 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.8. 7.9. 7.10. 7.11. 7.12. 7.13. 7.14. 7.15. 7.16. 7.17. 7.18. 7.19. Contributed Capital Par and No – Par value shares Ordinary and Preference shares Equity Instruments under IAS 32 Authorized, Issued and Outstanding shares Issuance of Share Capital 7.8.1. Shares issued with other securities 7.8.2. share issue costs and stock assessments 7.8.3. reacquisition of share capital 7.8.4. share split or stock split 7.8.5. stock rights, warrants and options 7.8.6. share appreciation rights Retained Earnings Current profit or loss allocation of cash dividends between preference and ordinary shares appropriation of retained earnings correction of prior period error cumulative effect of change in accounting policy quasi – reorganization revaluation surplus statement of changes in equity book value per share disclosure requirements Intermediate Accounting 2012 Edition by: PM Empleo and NS Robles Seatwork Graded Recitation Quiz 5 Quiz 6 8 WEEK 12 MIDTERM EXAMINATION WEEK 1. Administration of MIDTERM Examination 2. Evaluation of MIDTERM examination 3. Discussion of MIDTERM exam solution to students 4. Computation of MIDTERM grades 5. Distribution of MIDTERM grade to students 6. Checking of columnar lecture note book FINAL GRADING PERIOD WEEK/ READING / TOPICS HOURS ASSIGNMENTS Week 8.0. Leases(PAS 17) Chapter 4 Leases 13-16 7.1. Nature and classification p. 284-378 Intermediate Accounting 49/lease.html 24 Vol. 2 2012 Edition hours 7.1.1. Lessee’s viewpoint By PM Empleo and NS Operating lease Robles Capital / Finance lease 7.1.2. Lessor’s viewpoint Chapter 4 Operating Operating lease Lease and Leaseback Direct financing lease p. 188-217; Chapter 5 Sales-type lease Finance Lease Lessee Sale of assets during p. 218-263; Chapter 6 lease term Finance lease Lessor p. 7.1.3. Sale-leaseback 264-301 transactions Financial Accounting Vol 7.1.4. Leveraged lease 2 2012 Edition 7.1.5. Disclosure requirements By: CT Valix and JF for lease Peralta IAS 17 Leases 9.0. Income Taxes (PAS 12) 9.1. Nature of Income Tax 9.2. Current tax liabilities and Chapter 5 Income Taxes p. 399- 452 Intermediate Accounting Vol. 2 2012 Edition By PM Empleo and NS ACTIVITIES Topic Discussion EVALUATION Class Standing Board work Seatwork Graded Recitation Quiz 7 Lecture / Discussion Class Standing Board work Seatwork Graded 9 current tax assets accounting income and taxable income 9.4. deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets 9.5. temporary differences 9.6. tax rate considerations 9.7. reversal of temporary differences 9.8. computation of deferred tax based on the difference between the book basis and the tax basis of assets and liabilities 9.9. operating loss carry forwards 9.10. financial statement presentation and classification 9.11. disclosure requirements Robles Recitation 9.3. 10.0. Employee Benefits(PAS 19) / Retirement benefits(PAS 23) 10.1.1. Employee benefits defined 10.1.2. Recognition and measurement Short-term employee benefits Post-employment benefits: nature of pension plans, types of pension plans (defined contribution pension plans and defined benefit pension plans) Termination benefits Quiz 8 Class Standing Board work Seatwork Graded Recitation Quiz 9 Chapter 6 Employee Benefits p. 433- 483 Intermediate Accounting Vol. 2 2012 Edition By PM Empleo and NS Robles Chapter 9 Employee Benefits p. 406-498 Financial Accounting Vol 2 2012 Edition 10 Equity compensation benefits Pre-retirement compensation plans Share-based compensation plans – share award plans, share option plans, share appreciation rights, and share purchase plans WEEK 19 I. By: CT Valix and JF Peralta IAS 19 Employee Benefits FINAL EXAMINATION WEEK 1. Administration of FINAL Examination 2. Evaluation of FINAL examination 3. Discussion of FINAL exam solution to students 4. Computation of FINAL grades 5. Distribution of FINAL grade to students 6. Checking of columnar lecture note book 7. Checking of Folder of accounting activities return to students COURSE OUTLINE SUMMARY: WEEK 1 2 and 3 4-5 6 7 8-9 10 -14 15 16 - 17 TOPICS / ACTIVITIES Accounting for Impairment of Assets (PAS 36) Accounting for Intangibles (PAS 38) Accounting for Trade & Other Payables Contingent Liabilities, Provisions, and Contingent Assets(PAS 37) PRELIM EXAMINATION WEEK Total Accounting for Non-Current Liabilities(Bonds Payable) Shareholders’ Equity MIDTERM EXAMINATION WEEK TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS Accounting for Leases (PAS 17) LECTURE. 6 hrs. 12 hrs. 12 hrs. 6 hrs. 36 hrs. 12 hrs. 24 hrs. 36 hrs. 12 hrs. 11 18 - 19 20-21 J. Accounting for Income Taxes Accounting for Employee benefits(PAS 19) TOTAL NUMBER OF HOURS 12 hrs. 12 hrs. 30 hrs. PRESCRIBED TEXTBOOK: P. M. EMPLEO and N. S. ROBLES (2012) Intermediate Accounting Vol. 2; Millennium Books, Inc., Manila K. READING REFERENCES: Conrado T. Valix / Jose F. Peralta / Christian Aris M. Valix (2012) Financial Accounting Volume 2 GIC Enterprises and Co., Inc Alfredson, Keith, L. Ken., R. Picker, P. Pacter, and J. Radford. (2005). Applying International Accounting Standards. Australia: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Cabrera, E.B. Financial Accounting and Reporting, Theory and Practice Volume I, 2007 Edition, GIC Enterprises, C.M. Recto, Manila Valencia, E. and G. Roxas (2004). Financial Accounting. Mandaluyong: Millennium Books, Inc. L. WEB – BASED LEARNING MATERIALS: 1. Understanding University Financial Statements & the Reconciliation Process, Accounting Coach 2. Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity, (2011); Larry M. Walther, CPA and Christopher J. Skousen 3. Principles of Accounting, (2011); Larry Walther, Ph.D., CPA, CMA M. GRADING SYSTEM: PRELIM Class Standing Major Quizzes Periodical Examination 10% 40% 50% MIDTERM Class Standing Major Quizzes Periodical Examination 10% 40% 50% FINALS Class Standing Major Quizzes Periodical Examination PRELIM GRADE 100% TENTATIVE MIDTERM 100% TENTATIVE FINAL 10% 40% 50% 100% 12 (*PG) GRADE(*TMG) MIDTERM GRADE (*MG): 1/3 OF PG + 2/3 OF TMG = MG *TMG – TENTATIVE MIDTERM GRADE * MG - MIDTERM GRADE *PG – PRELIM GRADE GRADE EQUIVALENT DESCRIPTION 98 - 100 = 1.00 - Excellent 95 - 97 = 1.25 - Excellent 92 - 94 = 1.50 - Very Good 89 - 91 = 1.75 - Very Good 86 - 88 = 2.00 - Good 83 - 85 = 2.25 - Good 80 77 75 70 - 82 79 76 74 = = = = BELOW 70 = 2.50 2.75 3.00 4.00 GRADE(*TFG) FINAL GRADE (*FG): 1/3 OF MG + 2/3 OF TFG = FG *TFG -TENTATIVE FINAL GRADE *FG - FINAL GRADE - 5.00 - Fair Passed Passed Conditioned (for prelim and midterm only) Failed Prepared by: PROF. EMETERIA B. DALISAY 13