Invited speakers: Pawel Artymowicz, Stockholm Obs., Sweden Mailing Address: Stockholm Observatory, SCFAB, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden E-Mail: Alan Boss, CIW, DTM, USA Mailing Address: 5241 Broad Branch Road, NW, Washington, DC 200151305 U.S.A. E-Mail: Adam Burrows, U. Arizona, USA Mailing Address: Department of Astronomy, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA E-Mail: Mark Harrison, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Ray Jayawardhana, U. Michigan, USA Mailing Address: University of Michigan Astronomy Department, 953 Dennison Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1090 USA E-Mail: Laurie Leshin, Arizona State U., USA Mailing Address: Arizona State University Department of Geological Sciences, Box 871404, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 USA E-Mail: Doug Lin, UC Lick Observatory, USA Mailing Address: UCO/Lick Observatory, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA E-Mail: Jonathan Lunine, LPL, AZ, USA Mailing Address: LPL, 1629 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721-0092 USA, Office location: Space Sciences 522 E-Mail: Kevin McKeegan, UCLA, USA Mailing Address: Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences, UCLA, 595 Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA. 90095-1567 USA E-mail: Frank H. Shu, National Tsing Hua U., Taiwan Mailing Address: National Tsing Hua University 101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Road, Hsichu 30013, Taiwan, R.O.C. E-Mail: Chris Tinney, Anglo-Australian Obs., Australia Mailing Address: PO Box 296, Epping 1710 Australia E-mail: Contributed talks: Francis Albarede, Ecole Normale Sup. de Lyon, France Mailing Address: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon 46, Allee d'Italie 69364 Lyon Cedex 7, France E-Mail: Yuri Amelin, Geological Survey of Canada Mailing Address: Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, ON, Canada, K1A 0E8 E-Mail: Jeremy Bailey, AAO, Australia Mailing Address: Anglo-Australian Observatory, PO Box 296, Epping, NSW 1710 E-mail: Victoria C. Bennett, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Mike Bessell, RSAA, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-Mail: Brad Carter, U. of Southern Queensland, Australia Mailing Address: Centre for Astronomy, Solar Radiation and Climate, Department of Biological and Physical Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba Queensland 4350, Australia E-Mail: Geoff Davies, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Ulyana Dyudina, RSAA, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-mail: Justin Freeman, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Andrew Glikson,RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Karl E. Haisch Jr., U. Michigan, USA Mailing address: Dept. of Astronomy, Univ. of Michigan, 830 Dennison Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1090 USA E-mail: Masahiko Honda, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Trevor Ireland, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Ing-Guey Jiang, Astronomy, National Central U., Taiwan Mailing Address: Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, No. 300, Jungda Rd, Jungli City, Taoyuan, Taiwan 320, R.O.C. E-Mail: Warrick Lawson , UNSW@ADFA, Australia Mailing address: School of PEMS/Physics, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra ACT 2600 E-mail: Kurt Liffman, CSIRO and Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: Energy & Thermofluids Engineering, CSIRO/MIT P.O. Box 56, Graham Rd, Highett VIC 3190 AUSTRALIA E-mail: Charley Lineweaver, UNSW, Australia Mailing Address: School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052 Email: Sarah Maddison, Swinburne U., Australia Mailing Address: Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, School of BSEE, Swinburne University of Technology, PO Box 218, Hawthorn, 3122 Victoria, Australia E-Mail: Rosemary Mardling, CSPA, Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, 3800 E-mail: Franklin Mills, RSPhysSE, ANU, Australia The Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Building 60, ANU Campus, Canberra ACT 0200 E-Mail: Louis Moresi, Monash U., Australia Mailing address: School of Mathematical Sciences Building 28, Monash University, Clayton 3800, Victoria, Australia E-mail: James Murray, Swinburne U., Australia Mailing Address: Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, PO Box 218, Hawthorn Victoria 3122, Australia E-Mail: Marc Norman, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Allen Nutman, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing address: Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia E-mail: Andrew Prentice, Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: Room 329, Building 28, School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University Vic 3800, Australia E-Mail: Penny D. Sackett, RSAA, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-Mail: Thomas Sharp, Arizona State U., USA Mailing Address: Arizona State University Department of Geological Sciences, Box 871404, Tempe, AZ 85287-1404 USA E-Mail: Therese Schneck, Consulting Civil Engineer, France Mailing Address: 11/13 Rue Lobineau 75006 Paris E-Mail: Robert G. Smith, UNSW@ADFA, Australia Mailing Address: School of Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, University of New South Wales at The Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, ACT 2600 E-mail: Dave Stegman. Mathematical Sci., Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University Building 28 Victoria 3800 Australia E-Mail: Ross Taylor, Geology, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Geology Department, The Australian National University, Canberra 0200 ACT Australia E-Mail: Mark Wardle, Macquarie U, Australia Mailing Address: Department of Physics, Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2109 E-mail: David Wark, Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: School of Geosciences, Building 28 Monash University Victoria 3800, Australia E-Mail: Peter Wood, RSAA, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-Mail: Chris Wright, ADFA@UNSW, Australia Mailing Address: School of Physical, Environmental & Mathematical Sciences, University of New South Wales at The Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, ACT 2600 E-Mail: Li-Chin Yeh, National Hsinchu Teachers College, Taiwan Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics, National Hsinchu Teachers College, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan E-mail: Williaml Zealey, U. of Wollongong, Australia Mailing Address: Faculty of Engineering, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW2500 E-mail: Students: Daniel Bayliss, MSO, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-mail: Adrian Brown, Macquarie U, Australia Mailing address: Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie Uni, NSW 2109 E-mail: Andres Carmona, ESO Garching., Heidelberg U., Germany Mailing Address: European Southern Observatory, Karl-SchwarzschildStrasse 2, 85748 Garching bei Muenchen, Germany E-mail: Marie Gibbon, Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: 42 Park Street, Seaford Vic 3198 E-mail: Antti Kallio, RSES, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: RSES, Building 61, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia E-Mail: Gareth Kennedy, Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: 2/33 Golf Links Ave, Oakleigh, Vic, 3166 E-mail: A-Ran Lyo, UNSW@ADFA, Australia Mailing address: School of PEMS/Physics, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra ACT 2600 E-Mail: Marco M. Maldoni, UNSW@ADFA, Australia Mailing address: School of PEMS/Physics, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra ACT 2600 E-Mail: Charles Morgan, Monash U., Australia Mailing Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Clayton, Vic. 3800 E-mail: Craig O'Neill, U. Sydney, Australia Mailing Address: The School of Geosciences, Department of Geology and Geophysics Edgeworth David Building F05, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Dr. John Patten, Unaffiliated Student, Australia Kala Perkins, SRES, ANU, Australia Postal Address: School of Resources, Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra 0200 Australia E-Mail: Tamara Rogers, U. Santa Cruz, USA Mailing Address: 5350 S. Morning Sky Ln, Tucson, AZ. 85747 E-mail: Raquel Salmeron, U. Sydney, Australia Mailing Address: School of Physics A28, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia E-Mail: Patrick Scott, MSO, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-Mail: Christine Thurl, MSO, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-Mail: Miguel de Val Borro, Stockholm U., Sweden Mailing Address: Stockholm University, AlbaNova Center, Department of Astronomy, 10691 Stockholm E-mail: David Weldrake, RSAA, ANU, Australia Mailing Address: Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Road, Weston, ACT 2611, Australia E-Mail: Abstracts Yuri Amelin (1), Alexander Krot (2) and Eric Twelker (3) 1) 2) 3) Geological Survey of Canada Hawaiian Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, SOEST, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Juneau Duration of the chondrule formation interval: a Pb isotope study Chondrules are among the earliest solid objects that formed in the solar system. We have determined the ages of chondrules from several carbonaceous chondrites using the Pb-Pb isochron method. High precision Pb isotope dates are obtained for three silicate clasts (large chondrules) from the CBa (Bencubbin-like) chondrite Gujba. Additional analyses of chondrules from the CV3 chondrite Allende allowed to improve precision of the age. The summary of precise Pb-Pb ages of chondrules from primitive chondrites is shown below: Meteorite Allende (CV3) Acfer 059 (CR2) Gujba (CBa) Pb-Pb isochron age, Ma 4566.7±1.0 4564.7±0.7 4562.7±0.5 Comment this study Amelin et al. (2002) this study From these data, we deduce that the period of chondrule formation started simultaneously with, or shortly after the CAI formation [4567.2±0.6 Ma (Amelin et al., 2002)], and continued for at least 4.0±1.5 m.y. If the dates of the chondrules reflect their timing of formation, then there were probably a variety of processes occurring over at least 4-5 m.y. that we now combine under the umbrella name of "chondrule formation". More high-precision Pb-Pb and extinct nuclide dating, as well as geochemical and petrologic studies of chondrules from primitive meteorites, will be required to understand individual processes of chondrule formation. Pawel Artymowicz Stockholm Univ Migration of bodies in disks: Timescales and unsolved problems Solid bodies with size ranging from dust to planets are present in protoplanetary disks, with which they couple via processes involving gas drag, radiation pressure, and gravitational torques of several types (due to Lindblad and corotational resonances). As a result, several size-dependent migration modes exist, operating on timescales shorter than the lifetime of the disks. Theory of migration studies the role of mobility in accumulation of solids, origin of the orbital distance distribution of extrasolar planets, and the ring-like appearence of some circumstellar dust disks. This talk presents an overview of the underlying physics, timescales, and the outcomes of migration in the scenarios of planetary system formation. We discuss in some detail a newly discovered, fast migration mode of protoplanets (timescale ~1000 yr), dependent on corotational torques (tentatively named type III). Jeremy Bailey AAO Evolution of Terrestrial Planet Atmospheres Time when the process started in the solar system: -4.5 byr Time when it ended: still continuing The planets Venus, Earth and Mars have developed very different atmospheres over 4.5 billion years of evolution, although we suspect that their early atmospheres may have been quite similar. Mars has a very thin (7 mbar) and dry atmosphere of mostly CO2. The Earth's 1 bar atmosphere is predominantly nitrogen and oxygen with very low CO2 content, and Venus has a 90 bar atmosphere of mostly CO2 in which a runaway greenhouse effect has heated the planets surface to 720K. I will review some of the processes which have operated on the three planets to control the evolution of their atmospheres, and discuss issues including the "early faint Sun" problem, "snowball Earth" events and the rise of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere. Jeremy Bailey (1,2), Sarah Chamberlain (2), Malcolm Walter (2) and David Crisp (3) (1) (2) (3) AAO Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Macquarie University Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech Poster: IR Observations of Mars during the August 2003 opposition We present some preliminary results of observations obtained during the very favourable opposition of Mars in August 2003 using the UIST instrument on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. We obtained narrow band images which we believe are probably the sharpest ever obtained with a ground-based telescope, as well as spectral scans of the disk at a range of near-IR wavelengths and resolving powers. The observations include absorption features due to atmospheric gases, CO2 ice at the south pole, and water ice clouds in the north. We can use the CO2 band strength to image the distribution of surface atmospheric pressure and hence topography. The data may be used to search for absorption features due to hydrated clay minerals, carbonates and sulphates which might provide evidence for the past presence of surface water. Jeremy Bailey (1), Phil Lucas (2), Jim Hough (2) and Motohide Tamura (3) (1) (2) (3) AAO & Australian Centre for Astrobiology, Macquarie U. University of Hertfordshire National Astronomical Observatory, Japan Poster: Direct Detection of Extrasolar Planets by Polarimetry Despite the detection of more than 100 extrasolar planets by the radial velocity method, no extrasolar planet has yet been seen directly by its emitted or reflected light. Detections by spectroscopic techniques have so far been unsuccessful while photometric detection requires accuracies which are beyond current ground-based photometry. However, we believe that planets orbiting close to their stars (Hot Jupiters) might be detected by means of the polarization of the light scattered from their atmospheres. While the resulting polarization of the combined light of the planet and star is small, polarization measurements can in principle be made with very high sensitivity since polarimetry is a differential measurement and is not limited by the stability of the Earth's atmosphere as photometry is. We have designed and built a stellar polarimeter which should be capable of achieving the required sensitivity. The instrument is now being tested, and on a 4m or larger telescope should be capable of detecting the polarization signature of bright hot Jupiter systems such as Tau Boo, Upsilon And or 51 Peg. Daniel Bayliss, Ulyana Dyudina and Penny Sackett RSAA, ANU, Australia Modeling of Reflected Light from Extra Solar Planets with Eccentric Orbits An extra solar planet will shine by reflecting light from its parent star. As the planet orbits the star the amount of light reflected will vary as the phase of the planet changes with respect to the observer, resulting in a light curve with a periodicity equal to the orbital period of the planet. We model the reflected light from extra solar planets at different phases based the reflective properties of Jupiter and Saturn obtained by the Pioneer space probes. Since a large proportion of the known extra solar planets display highly elliptical orbits, our models include changes in angular velocity and orbital distance resulting from such elliptical orbits. Current Earth based photometry is limited to a precision of about 100ppm of the parent's stars luminosity due to atmospheric extinction. However, new space photometers such as MOST and Kepler, are expected to have precisions down to less than 10ppm. At these new sensitivities the light curves from many known extra solar planets should be detectable. These light curves should give us information not only on the size and orbital properties of the planet, but also on atmospheric particle size, cloud cover, and the presence of rings. We discuss the likelihood of these properties being extracted from the light curves with the data from space and earth based instruments in the next 5-10 years. Alan Boss Carnegie Institution The Formation of Giant Planets [All times relative to formation Time core accretion started: 0 Myr Time core accretion finished: 5 Myr Time disk instability started: 0 Myr Time disk instability finished: 0.1 Myr of the protosun and solar Error bar: 0 Myr Error bar: 2 Myr Error bar: 0.1 Myr Error bar: 0.1 Myr nebula] Two very different mechanisms have been proposed for the formation of the gas and ice giant planets. The conventional explanation for the formation of gas giant planets, core accretion, presumes that a gaseous envelope collapses upon a roughly 10 Earthmass, solid core that was formed by the collisional accumulation of planetary embryos orbiting in the solar nebula. The more radical explanation, disk instability, hypothesizes that the gaseous portion of the nebula underwent a gravitational instability, leading to the formation of self-gravitating clumps, within which dust grains coagulated and settled to form cores. Core accretion appears to require several million years or more to form a gas giant planet, implying that only long-lived disks would form gas giants. Disk instability, on the other hand, is so rapid (forming clumps in thousands of years), that gas giants could form in even the shortest-lived disks. Core accretion has severe difficulty in explaining the formation of the ice giant planets, unless two extra protoplanets are formed in the gas giant planet region and thereafter migrate outward. Recently, an alternative mechanism for ice giant planet formation has been proposed, based on observations of protoplanetary disks in the Orion: disk instability leading to the formation of four gas giant protoplanets with cores, followed by photoevaporation of the disk and gaseous envelopes of the protoplanets outside about 10 AU by a nearby OB star, producing ice giants. In this scenario, Jupiter survives unscathed, while Saturn is a transitional planet. Adrian Brown Dept of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University Evidence for the earliest Hydrothermal System on Earth in the East Pilbara Granite-Greenstone Terrane Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 3.45 Gy The error bar on the start time: 100 My Time when this process ended: 3.46 The error bar on the end time: 100 My The East Pilbara Granite Greenstone Terrane is a well preserved Archaean succession of domical granite batholiths surrounded by thick greenstone synclinoria. The North Pole Dome region in postulated to be a granite dome predominantly covered by greenstones of the Warrawoona Group. Following intrusion of the granite and eruption of the felsic Panorama Formation around 3.45 Gya, it is hypothesized that a hydrothermal event took place, utilising the felsic magma conduits to propel water to the palaeosurface, thereby creating an epithermal hydrothermal deposit at Miragla Creek. The alteration caused by this event is in the process of being mapped using airborne hyperspectral sensing as part of a three year PhD project. It provides an opportunity to examine one of the earliest hydrothermal events in the history of the Earth. The 600 sq. km hyperspectral dataset was captured in October 2002 and covers the wavelengths from 400 to 2400 nm at 5m resolution. Mapped litholgies so far include sericite, chlorite and pyrophyllite alteration zones, along with a serpentine-rich komatiite flow at the base of the Apex Basalt. These will be discussed and implications of the event, including its possible links with putative stromatolite structures within the 3.42 Gyr Strelley Pool Chert, which overlies the Panorama Formation. Adam Burrows U. Arizona Direct Detection of Extrasolar Giant Planets Over the past eight years we have seen the number of known extrasolar giant planets (EGPs) grow from 1 in 1995 to more than 110 today. However, these epochal discoveries outside our solar system have been made using indirect techniques. In order to truly characterize their physical and chemical nature, more direct detection of the light of the planets themselves is necessary. To this end, NASA and ESA have embarked upon an ambitious plan of direct planet measurement that includes projects with the KIA, LBTI, VLTI, SIM, GAIA, Kepler, COROT, MOST, MONS, WISE, JWST, and the Spitzer Space Telescope. I will review theoretical calculations of the atmospheres, spectra, and evolution of irradiated EGPs as a function of mass, age, orbital separation, eccentricity, primary star, and composition. Moreover, I will describe EGP albedos and orbital phase functions, as well as transit physics. The predictions I summarize are predominantly to inform the numerous direct discovery campaigns being planned for the next decade. Andres Carmona European Southern Observatory. Garching. & Heidelberg University. Heidelberg, Germany Observational studies of gas in circumstellar disks around YSO Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 0 The error bar on the start time: Time when this process ended: 5 Myr The error bar on the end time: 1 Myr Circumstellar disks around young stellar objects (YSO), where the process of planet formation is thought to take place, consist nearly 99% of gas. However, until the present, a great part of the observational effort in understanding YSO's disks has been focused on the study of the dust. It is well known that dust causes the bulk of infrared continuum radiation, as well as strong infrared spectroscopic features. Interesting insights on the physics of the disks has been consequently obtained even at low spectroscopic resolution. Unfortunately, dust does not provide kinematic information that allow the detailed study of the dynamics of the disk. Indeed dust observations don't permit a direct measure of the mass distribution as a function of the distance to the star. On the theoretical arena, recent studies of planet formation focused principally on the study of the dynamics of the gas in the circumstellar disk. It appears that observational work aimed to study the gas is necessary and fundamental for constructing a more accurate picture of the planet formation process. Specifically, gas studies are vital to constrain and observationally test theoretical scenarios proposed about giant planet formation and migration in particular.Gas has weaker features, so observationally harder to study. However with gas it is possible to obtain kinematic information. Only advanced technology allowing extremely high spectral resolution would permit to resolve the weak spectral features associated with circumstellar gas. Only 8m class telescopes are able to provide the high angular resolution required to spatially resolve the disks around a close stellar objects.The ESO-VLT capabilities combined with a new generation of high resolution infrared spectrometers (VISIR and CRIRES) will allow astronomers for the first time to study the gas and the dynamics circumstellar disks. However, even with the best instrumentation available, to be able to resolve the disks and perform detailed gas studies, young, close, ^Óbig^Ô and bright, stellar objects are required. Young intermediate mass stars Herbig Ae/Be appear to be the more suitable targets for effectuating this new and challenging research. Brad Carter USQ The Anglo-Australian Planet Search Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 3Gyr (2 Gyr ago) The error bar on the start time: 1 Gyr Time when this process ended: 5 Gyr The error bar on the end time: 1 Gyr (The above figures represent the fact that the exoplanets to be discussed are mature objects thought to be several billion years old to roughly solar age or perhaps older.) The Anglo-Australian Planet Search (AAPS) is currently surveying about 250 generally solar-type stars in the southern sky, to detect orbiting planets using stellar reflex motion. Precision Doppler measurements of stellar radial velocity are made with the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) equipped with an echelle spectrograph and an iodine absorption cell. The spectrograph point spread function and wavelength calibration are derived from the iodine line spectra, resulting in a long term precision of 3 metres per second. Because the magnetic activity of young stars produces a jitter that affects precision radial velocity measurements, the target stars selected are older than 3 Gyr and their planets are "mature" objects. The AAPS has revealed more than a dozen planet candidates with minimum mass ranging from 0.2 to 10 times the mass of Jupiter, and an additional four planet candidates have been confirmed. For the most part the exoplanets detected are in eccentric or close orbits that are in marked contrast to our solar system. Nevertheless, a recent result is the detection of a planet orbiting the star HD70642 that suggests a planetary system architecture similar to our own. Geoff Davies Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University Stratifying the Earth Time when the process started: Magma ocean: during Mars-sized impact, late stage of accretion, say 30 Ma after meteorite formation (4.56 Ga). The error bar on the start time: 15 Ma Time when this process ended: 5000 years later The error bar on the end time: 3000years OR Time when the process started: Removal of excess accretional heat from Earth's interior: late stage of accretion, 30 Ma after meteorite formation (4.56 Ga). The error bar on the start time: 15 Ma Time when this process ended: 400 Ma later (4.2 Ga) The error bar on the end time: 200 Ma The Earth's iron core probably began to segregate when the Earth was about half grown, and would then have kept pace with the growth of the Earth, assuming Earth formation lasted a few to a few tens of millions of years. A magma ocean would freeze out in thousands of years, even if it were hundreds of kilometers deep, unless there was a dense, opaque early atmosphere to keep the surface hot. Thus a global magma ocean is only likely to have occurred after giant impacts, and then only briefly. Transient magma seas or lakes would have formed after lesser large impacts. Basaltic crust would have begun to form as soon as melting began, during the later stages of accretion, and this would continue to the present day through mantle convection. Relatively thick basaltic crust (10-50 km) would have been forming as the Earth approached its final size, and would have persisted through the early phase of internal heat dissipation. The mantle strongly self-limits thermally at higher temperatures. The excess internal heat left from accretion would be removed by mantle convection over a few hundred million years. Thereafter the internal temperature would have slowly declined as the main radioactive heat sources (U, Th, K) decayed by a factor of about 4. Much of the early basaltic crust may have been subducted and settled to the bottom of the mantle because under pressure it becomes denser than the mantle. It could have formed a layer 100-1000 km thick, which could explain early geochemical depletion of "incompatible" elements in the upper mantle. Continental crust, closer to granitic composition, apparently accumulated only slowly during the first billion years, more rapidly for the next billion years, and then more slowly again. U. Dyudina(1), P.Sackett(1), D. Bayliss(1), L Dones(2), H. Throop (2), A. Del Genio(3), C. Porco(4), S. Seager(5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Mount Stromlo Obs., Australian National University Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, USA NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NY, USA Space Science Institute, Boulder, USA DTM, Carnegie Institute at Washington, USA Disk-averaged phase light curves of extrasolar Jupiter and Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 106 y The error bar on the start time: ranges from 105 to 106 y Time when this process ended: continuing Saturn. We predict how the remote observer would see the brightness of the giant planets vary as they orbit the star. The prediction is based on our empirical model of Jupiter, Saturn, and Saturn's rings reflectivity. The planets' and rings' surface reflectivity and the phase angle dependence of the reflectivity is derived from Pioneer and Voyagers spacecraft observations. We model the planets and the rings at different planets' obliquities and different viewing geometries. We derive the disk-averaged brightness of the planet and rings depending on the orbital inclination and eccentricity. Back-scattering effect of the real atmosphere makes the planet appear several times brighter than Lambertian sphere at full phase. The rings make the planet appear several times brighter at some geometries. A planet with rings produces complicated non-symmetric light curve as it orbits the star and changes phase. The brightest point on the curve may be different from the full phase geometry. This asymmetry together with a specific shape of the light curve may allow detection of rings in the precise photometry observations. We will discuss detectability of extrasolar planets and the rings around the planets using their phase light curves. J. Freeman (1), L. Moresi (2) and D. May (3) (1) (2) (3) ANU Monash University VPAC, Monash University Stagnant Lid Convection with a Water Ice Rheology Numerical investigations of thermal convection with strongly temperature dependent Newtonian viscosity (diffusion creep) and extremely large viscosity contrasts have demonstrated the existence of three convective regimes. These are the small viscosity contrast regime, transitional regime and the stagnant lid regime. The strong temperature dependence of water ice suggests that convection operating within the mantle of an icy satellite should be within the stagnant lid regime. We study the evolution into the stagnant lid regime with a water ice rheology by solving the equations of thermal convection for a creeping fluid with the Boussinesq approximation and infinite Prandtl number. The viscosity is non-Newtonian (dislocation creep). We fix the Rayleigh number at the base ($Ra_1$) to be $1\times 10^4$ and systematically increase the viscosity contrast (as determined by $\Delta T$) over the region from $\Delta \eta = 1$ to $10^{14}$. The transition to the stagnant lid regime occurs at a viscosity contrast greater than $10^4$ for Newtonian viscosity convection, whilst non-Newtonian viscosity convection accommodates the stagnant lid regime at larger viscosity contrasts. For a stress exponent, $n$, equal to 3, the stagnant lid regime is achieved at a viscosity contrast greater than $108$. Dislocation creep of water ice is characterized by a larger stress dependence ($n=4$) than silicates ($n=3$), and with this water ice rheology, the stagnant lid regime is attained at a viscosity contrast greater than $1010$. Andrew Glikson RSES, ANU Early terrestrial maria-like impact basins: mineralogy and chemistry of early Precambrian asteroid impact ejecta, Pilbara and Transvaal, may imply existence of large oceanic impact basins on the early Precambrian Earth. 3.8 to 2.4 billion years interval 1. Episodic Precambrian asteroid impacts, with which my abstract is concerned, follow the major impact episode at 3.95-3.85 billion years, generally referred to as the "Late Heavy Bombardment" (LHB). 2. The error bar on the onset of the post-LHB era at about 3.85 billion years ago would be about +/-20 or 30 million years. 3. Impact by large asteroid clusters, with which the paper is concerned, continue throughout geological history, the last being about 35 billion years ago (late Eocene). Asteroid impact fallout units, consisting of microkrystite (impact condensate) spherules and microtektites, increasingly allow the deciphering of the early impact history of Earth. In a paper of key importance, B.M. Simonson, D. Davies, M. Wallace, S. Reeves, and S.W. Hassler, (1998, Iridium anomaly but no shocked quartz from Late Archie microkrystite layer: oceanic impact ejecta?, Geology, 26:195-198) point out the likely oceanic (mafic-ultramafic) crustal source of early Proterozoic impact ejecta in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. Studies of mainly chloritic microkrystite spherules from the Barberton greenstone belt, Transvaal, are consistent with a mafic derivation of impact condensates (Lowe et al., 1989; Byerly and Lowe. 1994; Shukloyukov et al., 2000; Kyte et al., 2003; Lowe et al., 2003). Recent field and geochemical studies of Archaean to early Proterozoic impact units in the Pilbara Craton (Glikson and Vickers, 2003) lend support to Simonson et al.'s (1998) suggestion, on the following basis: [1] [2] Siderophile element (Ni, Co), ferroan elements (Cr, V) and Platinum Group Element (PGE) patterns of least-altered microkrystite (impact-condensate) spherules and microtektites from Archaean and early Proterozoic impact fallout in the Pilbara Craton (northwestern Australia) and the Kaapvaal Craton (Transvaal) (Table 1) indicate a mafic/ultramafic composition of impact target crust. No shocked quartz grains are observed in the impact fallout units. Estimates of asteroid and crater sizes based on (a) Mass balance calculations of asteroid masses based on the flux of Iridium and Platinum as measured from impact fallout units, and (b) spherule size-frequency distribution using the method of Melosh and Vickery (1991), provide evidence for asteroids several tens of kilometer in diameter (Byerly and Lowe,1994; Shukloyukov et al., 2000; Kyte et al.; Glikson and Vickers, 2003) and consequent oceanic (sima crust-located) impact basins with diameters on a scale of several hundred kilometers. The implications of these observations for the nature of the early Earth are inconsistent with strict uniformitarian geodynamic models based exclusively on plate tectonic processes. It is suggested the evolution of the early crust represents the combined effects of mantle-driven convection, modified plate tectonic regimes, and large extraterrestrial impacts which triggered deep faulting and adiabatic mantle melting. The latter resulted, in turn, in a feedback mechanism which temporally and spatially controlled the onset and loci of long term dynamic plate tectonic patterns. A picture emerges of a post-3.8 Ga early Precambrian Earth, i.e. postdating the Late Heavy Bombardment of 3.9-3.8 Ga, which consisted of sialic (SiAl-dominated) continental nuclei composed of multiple superposed greenstone-granite cycles interspersed within extensive tracts of simatic (SiMg-dominated) oceanic crust. The latter included maria-like impact basins on scales of up to several hundred kilometer, i.e. similar in size to the lunar Mare Crisium impact basin (~3.2 Ga; Ds ~ 400 km) or even Mare Serenitatis (Ds ~ 600 km). References: Byerly, G.R., Lowe, D.R., 1994, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 58, 3469-3486 Glikson, A.Y., Vickers, J., 2003, Geol. Surv. West Aust. Report Kyte, F.T., Shukloyukov, A., Lugmair, G.W., Lowe, D.R., Byerly, G.R., 2003 Geology, 31, 283-286 Lowe, D.R., Byerly, G.R., Asaro, F., Kyte, F.T.1989, Science 245, 959-962 Lowe, D.R., Byerly, G.R., Kyte, F.T., Shukloyukov, A. Asaro, F., Krull, A., 2003, Astrobiology, 3, 7-48 Melosh, H.J., Vickery, A.M., 1991, Nature, 350, 494-497; Shukolyukov, A., Kyte, F.T., Lugmair, G.W., Lowe, D.R. and Byerly, G.R. (2000), Springer, Berlin, pp. 99-116 Simonson, B.M., Davies, D., Wallace, M., Reeves, S., Hassler, S.W., 1998, Geology, 26, p. 195-198 Karl E. Haisch Jr University of Michigan Circumstellar Disk Evolution in Young Stellar Clusters Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 200,000 yr The error bar on the start time: 100,000 yr Time when this process ended: 6 Myr The error bar on the end time: 1 Myr We report the results of the first sensitive infrared and millimeter continuum surveys of the young clusters NGC 1333, NGC 2071, NGC 2068, and IC 348 to obtain a census of the circumstellar disk fractions in each cluster. Our observations reveal that the variation in the fraction of detected millimeter sources from cluster to cluster is similar to the variation in the fraction of infrared sources for these clusters, implying that the inner and outer disks are coupled. In addition, we conclude that our published estimation of disk lifetimes (t ~ 6 Myr) from infrared excesses provides accurate upper limits to the lifetimes of massive outer disks. This is the timescale for essentially all the stars in a cluster to lose their disks, and should set a meaningful constraint for the planet building timescale in stellar clusters. The implications of these results for current theories of planet formation are discussed. Masahiko Honda Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University The origin and evolution of planetary atmospheres - implications from noble gases Time the formation of the terrestrial atmosphere started: unknown Time the formation of the terrestrial atmosphere finished: 100 Ma relative to the formation of solar system Error bar: 40 Ma The differences in noble gas elemental abundances between the Earth's atmosphere and the solar abundances lead to the recognition that the Earth's atmosphere was formed secondarily by extensive degassing of volatiles from the Earth's interior, rather than by directly acquiring a primary atmosphere from the surrounding solar nebula. Models of degassing of volatiles from the Earth based on the differences of 40Ar/36Ar ratios in the Earth's atmosphere (=295.5; 40Ar produced from the decay of radioactive isotope 40K in the Earth and 36Ar is primordial) and in mantle-derived samples (>40,000) suggest that the Earth atmosphere was formed during a short period within ~100 million years of the formation of the solar system; namely by catastrophic degassing. Excess 129Xe, relative to the atmospheric 129Xe/130Xe ratio, observed in mantle-derived samples is believed to be attributable to the radioactive decay of the extinct nuclide 129I (half life 16 million years) once present in the Earth; this requires that the Earth's atmosphere must have separated from the mantle before all the 129I had decayed (another powerful argument in favour of early catastrophic degassing of the Earth). The observation of primordial solar neon, distinctly different from present-day atmospheric neon, in mantle-derived samples implies that the Earth's atmosphere has not evolved in a closed system. This can be explained by postulating that isotope fractionation occurred in the Earth's atmosphere as a consequence of hydrodynamicescape processes, possibly associated with the rupture of the Moon, or, that volatilerich meteoritic material accreted at a late stage in the Earth's formation. Similarities between the noble gas elemental abundances of the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets (Venus, Earth and Mars), and between the neon isotopic compositions of the Earth's atmosphere and Mars-derived meteorites, suggests that insights to the formation of the Earth's atmosphere may be generally applicable to the atmospheres of the other inner "terrestrial-type" planets. Ing-Guey Jiang Institute of Astronomy, National Central University, Taiwan The Eccentricity Outburst and Resonance Sweeping Time when the process started in the solar system: 0 Myr The error bar on the start time: 0.9 Myr Time when this process ended: 1.0 Myr The error bar on the end time: + 1.0 Myr, - 0.9 Myr The dynamics of asteroids within planetary systems is studied and the role of protostellar discs is discussed. We found that the orbital eccentricities of test particles near the resonant region can be amplified significantly. The disc depletion could lead to the migration of resonant region, which would definitely affect the resulting observed dynamical properties of the asteroid belts for any planetary systems in general. Ray Jayawardhana University of Michigan Timescales of Disk Evolution and Planet Formation Most newborn stars are surrounded by disks of dust and gas. It is out of these disks that planetary systems form. Studies of disk evolution can provide valuable insight into the timescales and processes of planet formation. Recent observations at infrared and millimeter wavelengths of young stars spanning a range of ages suggest that their (inner) dusty disks evolve relatively rapidly, on timescales of 10 million years or less. I will review the current evidence and discuss the constraints on planet formation models. Gareth Kennedy Monash U., Australia The Influence of a Binary Companion on Planetary Formation The timescale for terrestrial planets, or giant planet cores, to form by accretion depends on the balance between excitation in the early planetesimal disk caused by self-gravitational interactions, and de-excitaton caused by inelastic collisions. However, since approximately 48% of local galactic field stars have binary companions, we investigate the disruption of this balance when a binary companion is included. The method used to study this problem removes the effect of the interaction between planetesimals, thus allowing the "tidal stirring" effect on the disk caused by the binary to be examined. A summary of results will be given from computer simulations investigating additional excitation caused by a binary companion, and the implications for planetary formation. Warrick Lawson UNSW@ADFA, Australia Long-lived accretion in nearby T Tauri stars Time when the process started in the solar system: 0 Myr The error bar on the start time: 0.9 Myr Time when this process ended: 1.0 Myr The error bar on the end time: + 1.0 Myr, - 0.9 Myr The nearest young stellar populations share a kinematic origin with the nearest OBstar population (the Oph-Sco-Cen association) and have inferred ages of 5-15 million years. These stars are prime targets for all early stellar and planetary evolution issues, including the issue of circumstellar disk longevity. Optical/infrared study finds a small fraction of these stars still possess inner disks and are undergoing active diskstar accretion at 10 Myr, a timescale comparable to that demanded by planet formation theory to grow Jovian planets to near their final masses. Laurie A. Leshin(1) and Steven J. Desch(2) (1) (2) Geological Sciences/Meteorite Center, Arizona State University Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State University Making Waterworlds: The Importance of 26Al In order to understand the possibility of discovering life elsewhere, we seek to explore factors that affect the likelihood of forming "waterworlds" like the Earth in other solar systems. Here, we consider the effect of the astronomical setting of a forming solar system, and specifically its effect on the abundance of the short-lived radioisotope 26Al. If the source of 26Al in our solar system and others is a nearby supernova, the essentially random distance to the supernova explosion sets a solar system's initial abundance of 26Al. Recent models for the delivery of water to the forming terrestrial planets indicate that most of Earth's water was carried in by hydrated asteroids. In solar systems with more initial 26Al, asteroids would be drier, and dry Earths would result. In fact, solar systems with less 26Al than our own are more likely, and this could result in much wetter Earths. Clearly this is only one factor that could affect the habitability of an extrasolar Earth, but it demonstrates the need to bring together astronomers, planetary scientists, and geoscientists to consider which factors are likely to be the most critical to forming and sustaining life. Kurt Liffman Monash University & CSIRO Particle Size Sorting in the Solar Nebula Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 2 Myr The error bar on the start time: 1 Myr Time when this process ended: 7 Myr The error bar on the end time:+ 3Myr, - 5 Myr We wish to examine size sorting of chondrules and metal grains within the context of the jet flow model for chondrule/CAI formation. In this model, chondrules, CAIs, AOAs, metal grains and related components of meteorites are formed in the outflow region of the inner most regions of the solar nebula and then ejected, via the agency of a bipolar jet flow, to outer regions of the nebula. We wish to see if size sorting of chondrules and metal grains occurred in the outflow formation region or after the particles had left the outflow and were moving above or into the solar nebula. Doug Lin UC Lick Observatory, USA The ubiquity of planets and the diversity of planetary systems Based on the core-accretion scenario, we consider the emergence of planetesimals, growth of cores, accretion of gas, and migration of gas giants in an evolving protostellar disks. We outline the condition which lead to the dynamical architecture of our own Solar System. We discuss the mass and period distribution of gas giant planets and show their dependence on the metallicity of their host stars. Based on these results we infer the time scale for gas giant planet formation is a few Myr and that for terrestrial planets and ice giants is a few times longer. Charles Lineweaver UNSW, Australia Galactic prerequisites for the formation of other Earths (I will be talking about a paper by Lineweaver, Fenner and Gibson that will appear in Science Magazine on Jan 2, 2004.) The process I will be describing is the formation of other Earths in the galaxy within the Galactic Habitable zone. This started about 8 +/- 1 billion years ago and continues today. As we learn more about the Milky Way Galaxy, extrasolar planets, and the evolution of life on Earth, qualitative discussions of the prerequisites for life in a Galactic context can become more quantitative. We modelled the evolution of the Milky Way to trace the distribution in space and time of four prerequisites for complex life: the presence of a host star, enough heavy elements to form terrestrial planets, sufficient time for biological evolution, and an environment free of life-extinguishing supernovae. We identified the Galactic habitable zone and obtain an age distribution for the complex life that may inhabit our Galaxy Jonathan Lunine The University of Arizona Making worlds habitable - the delivery of water and Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 106 years The error bar on the start time: 0-107 years Time when this process ended: 30 million years The error bar on the end time: +/- 20 million years organics The formation of terrestrial planets may have been the final stage in the formation of our solar system, one that was encouraged by the growth of Jupiter and the consequent stirring of orbits. Water, if unavailable locally at 1 AU, was not primarily provided by comets but rather by large bodies in what is now the asteroid belt. This statement is supported by both isotopic evidence and dynamical modelling. However, the organic compounds necessary for the origin of life could have been delivered by comets, at least in part, and may have come to the Earth after our water was obtained. The possibility of multiple sources for water and organics for terrestrial planets leads to the speculation that considerable variety exists from one planetary system to another in the abundance of water and organics on rocky planets around 1 AU, and dynamical studies bear this out. A-Ran Lyo ADFA , Australia Disk fraction in the ~10Myr-old pre-main sequence Eta Chamaeleontis cluster Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: ~10 Myr The error bar on the start time +/- 1Myr Time when this process ended: The error bar on the end time: +/- 1Myr The study of disk longevity and the duration of the accretion phase in low-mass premain sequence (PMS) stars is important for planet formation and the growth of protoplanets to their final masses. Studies of the disk fraction in PMS clusters - the majority based on K-band surveys - suggest most disks and star-disk interactions disappear in a few Myr. This is in apparent conflict with planet formation theories demanding Jovian planet formation timescales > 10 Myr. This issue has been difficult to resolve owing to a lack of older PMS sample. To date only three ~10 Myr-old groups have been discovered; the TW Hya Association, the Beta Pic moving group, and the Eta Chamaeleontis cluster. We analysed JHKL observations of the stellar population of the Eta Chamaeleontis cluster. Using IR colour-colour and colour excess diagrams, we found that the fraction of stellar systems with near-IR excess emission is ~ 0.60. We also obtained an accretion fraction of ~ 0.27 for this cluster from their IR excesses Delta(K-L) > 0.4mag and broad H_alpha line profiles. The result for Eta Cha cluster implies considerably longer disk lifetimes than found in some recent studies of other young stellar clusters. Sarah Maddison (1), James Murray (1), Laure Barriere-Fouchet (2), Robin Humble (3) and Jean-Francois Gonzalez (2) (1) (2) (3) Swinburne ENS Lyon CITA Predicting Dust Distribution in Protoplanetary Disks Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: Just post cloud collapse. Time when this process ended: About a million year later The error bar on the end time: +/- a few 10,000 yrs We present hydrodynamic calculations and analytical models that follow the evolution of distributions of dust (solid material of order microns to meters in size) in the solar nebula. We find that a quasi-stable end state is reached in which the dust comoves with the nebula gas. The innovation of our approach lies in the use of a three dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics code that represents the gas and dust as two inter-penetrating fluids that interact via gravity and drag. Thus for the first time we are able to predict the three dimensional structure of the dust distribution in protoplanetary disks. The final density structure in these discs gives insight into likely zones for planet formation. Rosemary Mardling CSPA, Monash U., Australia Gravitational Instability and Planet Formation: From Planetesimal Collisions to Free Floaters Gravitational instability is fundamental to planet formation from the smallest scales (planetesimal collisions to form terrestrials and giant cores) to the largest scales (ejection of large bodies to form free-floaters; collisions of large bodies to form planet-moon pairs; long-term stability). It is fundamental to understanding how protoplanetary disk populations of bodies dynamically evolve, with resonances playing an important role in energy transport. Hence gravitational instability is very much at the heart of understanding timescales in the planet formation process. Until now people have studied stability numerically, or analytically using the circular restricted three-body problem, the latter being very successful for small bodies in the Solar System. Here we will describe a new formulation which allows one to analytically study stability in the general three-body problem, that is, there are no restrictions on mass ratios, eccentricities or orientations. It is then clear how stability depends on all these parameters without having to cover parameter space numerically. This is particularly useful for understanding the extrasolar planet configurations which are so different to the Solar System. Marco M. Maldoni (1), M. P. Egan (2), Robert G. Smith (1), Garry Robinson (1), C. M. Wright (1) (1) (2) UNSW@ADFA, Australia Air Force Research Laboratory, Pentagon, Washington, USA Poster: Dust and Water Ice in Highly Evolved Oxygen-rich Stars Tell-tale signs of ice mantles on dust grains in dust shells (DS) of O-rich stars are infrared bands at 3, 44 and 62 micron. The laboratory spectrum of ice also displays a band located between 11.5 and 13 micron (hereafter the 12 micron band) depending on the structural phase. Surprisingly, this has only been detected towards two stars, OH32.8-0.3 and OH231.8+4.2. The profile of the 3 micron band is a diagnostic of the structural phase of ice. The observational evidence suggests that the crystalline phase is the dominant one in DSs containing ice. OH231.8+4.2 stands out as the only object in its class having largely amorphous ice in its DS. The salient questions are: 1a. Why is the 12 micron ice band not easily detected? 1b. Why is it only detected towards OH32.8-0.3 and OH231.8+4.2? 2. Why is ice in the DS of OH231.8+4.2 amorphous? Radiative transfer modelling has been used to tackle the above questions. The results indicate that radiative transfer effects in the 9-15 micron region severely hinder the detection of the 12 micron ice band. The 11.5 micron bands detected towards OH32.8-0.3 and OH231.8+4.2 are likely due to dust components. The 11.5 micron band in OH231.8+4.2 may be due to Al2O3 grains. If this interpretation is correct it is the first instance of the detection of a population of Al2O3 dust grains in a very evolved star. The results also indicate that the ice mantles in OH231.8+4.2 are crystalline, the previous assignment being based on unrealistically thick ice mantles. Kevin D. McKeegan University of California. Los Angeles Short-lived radioactivity in the solar nebula: interstellar inheritance and local irradiation Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: time zero (formation of Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions, 4567 Ma). "Process"; is collapse and high temperature evolution of the inner regions of the solar nebula. The error bar on the start time: <1 Ma Time when this process ended: 5 Ma The error bar on the end time: 4 Ma I will review the record of short-lived, now-extinct radioisotopes that is preserved in the earliest-formed solar system rocks. The goal is to understand the source(s) of these newly synthesized isotopes, whether as debris from nearby mass-losing stars or as a result of nuclear reactions during local energetic processes associated with formation of the Sun. In fact, there is evidence to support both sources as contributing to solar system matter: 10Be and (most likely) 7Be (as well as other isotopic and petrogenetic evidence) indicate formation of refractory inclusions (CAIs) in a high-radiation environment, probably near the proto-Sun, but 60Fe, which has recently been found in chondrites, can only be produced in stars. Implications for developing a high-resolution chronology of earliest solar system evolution will be discussed. Frank Mills RSPhysSE and CRES, ANU The photochemical stability of the Venus atmosphere Time when process started: 400 million years before present Uncertainty on start time: 100 million years Time when process ended: Presently occurring The primary constituent of the Venus atmosphere, CO2, dissociates into CO and O when it absorbs ultraviolet radiation at wavelengths shorter than about 225 nm. In an initially pure CO2 atmosphere, the O atoms preferentially would combine with each other to produce an atmosphere that is approximately 90% CO2, 7% CO, and 3.5% O2. The observed upper limit on O2 in the Venus atmosphere, however, is 0.3 ppm. Catalytic cycles involving ClC(O)OO as an intermediary have recently been shown capable of producing an O2 abundance that is within the observational upper limit if the rates for specific reactions are varied within reasonable limits. The time scales associated with these chemical processes will be discussed and compared with the time scales for other relevant atmospheric processes, such as condensation (10-105 sec), modelled vertical mixing (105-107 sec), and horizontal transport (104-105 sec). Charles Morgan Monash University Formation of the "Classical" Kuiper Belt Start Time: 500,000 years Error Bar on start time: 400,000 years End Time: 200 million years Error Bar on end time: 50 million years I have simulated the orbital evolution of Kuiper belt. Most of the Kuiper belt we see today took shape over a span of roughly 200 million years following the era of planetesimal accretion. The orbital distribution of the Kuiper belt has turned out to be a complex mixture of sub-populations. Just a couple of years ago most people envisaged a vast planetesimal disk, like the disk of Beta Pictorus extending 900 AU from the star. In fact, there are no trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) whose orbits look vaguely primordial beyond 48 AU from the Sun. The orbital evolution of this complex distribution turns out to be surprisingly simple. The only processes at work were gravitational scattering in TNO close mutual encounters and perturbation by the planets in their present relative positions. The Kuiper belt appears to have expanded from an initial population with a narrow range of orbits, just like the particulate ring observed around the young star HR 4796A (age ~8 million years). The timescale of orbital evolution is constrained by competition between weakly destabilizing resonances due to Uranus and Neptune and to scattering by the most massive TNO. All TNOs started within the zone of weak instability around 41 AU. The largest TNO scattered some into adjacent stable orbits. These formed the core of what has been called the "classical Kuiper belt". The eccentricities of those remaining in the unstable zone were pumped up until they were scattered by Neptune, some outward into the "scattered disk". The structure of the "classical Kuiper belt" was frozen in when the dominant TNO was perturbed away after around 200 million years. The balance between the various populations constrains the tenure of the largest TNO, as well as its size to something like Ganymede. Marc Norman Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University Timescales of Planetary Formation in the Inner Solar System: Constraints from the Age of the Lunar Crust Time when the process (planetary differentiation) started: 4.55 Ga Error bar on start time: 0.1 Ga Time when the process (planetary differentiation) ended: On active planets such Earth the process continues today. The crust of the Moon is composed of feldspathic igneous rocks thought to have formed by crystallization of a global magma ocean. The compositions and ages of lunar crustal rocks provide unique information about the early evolution of terrestrial planets, and the timescales of planetary formation and differentiation in the inner solar system. Large impact events have severely modified the primary compositions of many lunar crustal rocks. However, unusually well-preserved samples yield radiogenic isotopic compositions indicating a crystallization age of ~4.46 Gyr for the earliest crust. The terrestrial planets must have formed, melted, and cooled no later than about 100 million years after the formation of the first nebular phases such as those preserved in primitive meteorites. Allen P. Nutman (1), Clark R.L. Friend (2), Vickie C. Bennett (1), Masahiko Honda (1) (1) (2) Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU Oxford Brookes University, U.K. The World's Oldest Rocks: Extracting Useful Information on Early Terrestrial Fractionation and Evolution from an Awful Geological Mess Start time: 4.1 Ga Error on start time +/- 0.4 Ga End time: 3.6 Ga Error on end time +/- 0.1 Ga Earth is a dynamic planet. The hydrosphere attacks the surface. Mantle convection constantly produces new igneous crust and keeps the crustal plates in motion. These processes efficiently resurface Earth, so that only about a millionth of the accessible planet now consists of >3.55 billion-years (Ga) rocks. This millionth contains record of Earth's transformation from an inhospitable rock pock-marked by meteorites to a watery planet with continents and probably life by 3.55 Ga (broadly like Earth nowadays). Surviving >3.55 Ga rocks are fragments that fortuitously escaped destruction in the following three-quarters of Earth's history. These fragments occur in "gneiss complexes", where >3.55 Ga igneous and sedimentary rocks were unfortunately transformed almost beyond recognition by heating up to 800°C and distortion during strong deformation. Extracting useful information out of this awful geological mess is a task needing integrated geological observation, robust dating (particularly the U/Pb zircon geochronometer) and cutting edge geochemistry. Transformation of >3.55 Ga materials into gneisses can corrupt chemical and isotopic tracers to the extent that they yield equivocal results. Employing geological and mineralogical techniques to identify domains in >3.55 Ga materials least corrupted by later geological disturbances maximises the success of geochemical studies. Ultimately, less than a billionth of Earth's surface contains the most suitable materials! Some key advances from this tiny part of the accessible Earth are: * The age of the hydrosphere pushed back from 3.5 Ga (1970) to definitely >3.85 Ga (1990) and likely >4.0 Ga (this decade). * Ancient zircon (and atmospheric) noble gas geochemistry established the great antiquity of the present atmosphere. * Growing acceptance of life at ca. 3.7 Ga, but controversy still surrounds evidence for life by 3.85 Ga. Hence the Earth was benign with a retained liquid hydrosphere before 4.0 Ga, something that would have been regarded unlikely only a decade ago. Craig O'Neill and Louis Moresi School of Geosciences, University of Sydney School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University The formation of crustal dichotomies on the terrestrial planets Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 4.55Ga The error bar on the start time: 0.05 Time when this process ended: ongoing The Earth's crust is a reworked composite of terranes that primarily forms as a result of ongoing volcanic activity. Crustal formation has a first order effect on subsequent planetary evolution, in that it concentrates a large proportion of heat producing elements near the surface and forms a heterogeneous insulating blanket to the convecting mantle. Many of the planets exhibit marked variations or dichotomies in crustal thickness. These variations arise due to the interplay between mantle convection patterns, surface volcanism, near surface stress, buoyancy of the thickened crust, and the ability of the lithosphere to support deviatoric stress. These features are continually evolving while the surface of a planet retains some mobility; for example the Earth's continents are continually evolving today. On 'one-planet' planets, such as Mars, Mercury and the Moon, crustal thickness variations were locked in at the cessation of active-lid convection. We examine causes leading to the stagnation of terrestrial planets, and the effect of the formation of crustal dichotomies on convective regime. We also explore the implications of these factors on ongoing volcanism on rocky planets. Andrew Prentice Mathematical Sciences, Monash University Origin and Bulk Chemical Composition of our Inner Planets and Jupiter Time when the described process started in the Solar system: 0 yr The error bar on the start time: 0 yr Time when this process ended: 1 Myr Error bar on the end time: 0.5 Myr There is a growing body of evidence that the planets of the inner Solar system condensed within narrow, compositionally-distinct annuli, close to their present orbital radii (Drake & Righter, 2002, Nature, 416, 39). Such a picture is consistent with the Laplacian nebular hypothesis whereby the planetary system had formed from a concentric family of gas rings. These rings were shed by the contracting proto-Solar cloud [hereafter PSC] as a means for disposing of excess spin angular momentum (Prentice: 1978, Moon & Planets, 19, 341; Earth, Moon & Planes, 2001, 87, 11; 2001, in URL: A new model for the PSC has been constructed. It consists of an adiabatic convective core surrounded by a superadiabatic envelope of negative polytropic index. This structure is suggested by numerical simulations of supersonic thermal convection in a model atmospheric layer (Prentice & Dyt, 2003, MNRAS, 341, 644). The cloud possesses a radial turbulent stress whose ratio to the gas pressure achieves a maximum value ~15 at the core/envelope boundary. If the controlling parameters stay constant, the PSC contracts homologously and sheds gas rings whose mean orbital radii R{n} (n = 0,1,2,) are nearly geometrically spaced. The ring mean temperatures T{n} vary with R{n} as T{n} ~ C/R{n}^0.9, where C is a constant. Choosing iron-rich Mercury to calibrate C, so that this planet forms at 1643 K and contains a mass fraction of 0.67 of Fe-Ni-Cr metal, Venus forms at 917 K and contains 0.325 by mass of metal and is totally anhydrous. The initial Earth (678 K) has 0.0023, by mass fraction, of water tied up in tremolite. Mars (460 K) contains a water mass fraction of 0.00295 in tremolite and 0.0027 in (Na,K)OH. Mars is thus the most water-rich of all the inner planets. At Jupiter's orbit, where the pressure on the mean orbit of the gas ring is p{J} = 0.0000063 bar, T{J} = 164 K lies just 5 K below the condensation temperature of water ice. A process of rock/ice fractionation now takes place whereby only 33% of the total water vapour condenses. A subsequent enhancement by a factor of ~2 in the abundance of solids relative to gas, via gravitational sedimentation of solids onto the mean orbit of the gas ring, accounts not only for the observed enhanced heavy element abundance in Jupiter's atmosphere but also for the nearly equal proportions of rock and ice in Ganymede and Callisto. I thank John D. Anderson [NASA/JPL] and David Warren [Hobart] for much support. Tamara Rogers University of California Santa Cruz Poster: 2D Semiconvection Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 106-107 yr I will describe two dimensional numerical simulations of penetrative convection as well as semiconvection. These simulations describe the nature of convection bounded by a stable region and convection in the presence of a stabilizing compositional gradient. While general and basic at the moment these simulations will be applied to planetary interiors and the possible erosion of (heavy element) planetary cores by overlying turbulent convection during planet formation. Raquel Salmeron (1) & Mark Wardle (2) (1) (2) The University of Sydney Macquarie University Magnetorotational instability in protostellar discs Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 0 Error bar on the start time: 1 Myr Time when this process ended: 6 Myr Error bar: 4 Myr We present a linear analysis of the vertical structure and growth of the magnetorotational instability (MRI), a promising mechanism to explain angular momentum transport in accreting systems. The method incorporates vertical stratification and non-ideal MHD regimes appropriate for protostellar discs. This study revealed that, for a weak magnetic coupling, the Hall effect causes perturbations to grow faster and act over a more extended cross-section of the disc than those obtained using the ambipolar diffusion approximation. As a result, considerable accretion can take place in regions closer to the midplane, despite the weak magnetic coupling, rather than in the surface regions, which have a much stronger coupling, but significantly less fluid density. Results using a realistic height-dependent conductivity indicate that the MRI can grow at a significant fraction of its ideal rate for a wide range of magnetic field strengths and radial locations. At 1 AU, under the assumption that dust grains have settled towards the midplane of the disc, unstable modes are found for 1 mG < B ~ 10 G. These results are relevant for our understanding of disc evolution and planet formation mechanisms. Therese Schneck Consulting Engineer, PhD. Poster: Protoplanetary Disks Time when the process you describe started in the solar system:4 billion years ago. The error bar on the start time: 100 million years. Time when this process ended: 3.9 billion years The error bar on the end time: 100 million years The behaviour of the trends in abundances of heavy elements in galactic halo stars give us major clues about the conditions and populations of stars that existed early. The iron epoch ended roughly 10 billion years ago in the fossil structure of the Milky Way (1).ACS images from the Hubble Telescope provide a panchromatic atlas of the inner region. The gas and dust in the centre of protoplanetary disks compressed by gravity and density is such that it generates enough heat to balance the stream of particles, moving at 4500 to 8900 miles per hour, from the star. In the Trapezium region, several globules of gas and dust (about 5 -8 times larger than our solar system) surround the main stars. In NGC 3603 ,the starbust cluster dominant source of ionization, which has a projection of 1.3pc from the cluster, has the spectral characteristics of an ultra compact HII region(2).The Protoplanetary Disks located within NGC 3372, 7300 light years from earth, are 100 times the diameter of our solar system (3). The giant star forming region in NGC 3372(Curtis Schmidt Telescope) gather the light from 3 different filters tracing emission from O(blue and hot ionized temperature), H(green) and S(red).Thermal bremsstrahlung and non thermal synchrotron radiation are at work in the proplyd source studied(4) and magnetized regions within the envelope of the proplyd-like nebulae exist. The interaction of the jet outflow with the surrounding ambient medium generates both the target electrostatic plasma waves and the radiating swept up relativistic electrons. It does not reply on the existence of large intrinsic ordered magnetic fields to account for strong emission due to the synchrotron radiation process(5). References: (1) Ancient Stars in Milky Way Reveal Colorful Epochs of Heavy Element Formation NOAO 2000 November,14 (2) W.Brandner and al HST/WFPC2 observation of Proplyds in the giant HII region NGC3603 Harvard Smithonian Center for Astrophysics.NASA. (3) National Optical Astronomy Observatory News release January 8,2003 NOAO (4) A.Mucke,B.S.Koribalski,A.F.J.Moffat,M.F.Corcoran and I..R.StevensProplyds like object in NGC 3603 APJ 571:366-377 2002 (5) R.Sclhickeiser.Non thermal radiation from jets of active galactic nuclei:Electrostatic Bremsstrahlung as alternative to synchrotron radiation.A&A 410,397-414(2003) T.G. Sharp (1), Z. Xie (1), C. Aramovich Weaver (1) and P.S. DeCarli (2) (1) (2) Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, 85287-1404 SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493 Poster: Late Impacts on the L-chondrite parent body: Constraints from ShockVeins Shock effects in meteorites provide a record of major impact events on meteorite parent bodies. Nearly all type 5 and 6 chondrite show some evidence of shock metamorphism. Based on radiometric dating, most of the shock metamorphism in chondrites occurred at about 500 Ma (Bogard, 1995). Shock veins in chondrites, which result from local melting during shock loading, record the high-pressure history of impact events. The mineralogy and microstructures in shock veins provide a record of crystallization pressures that can be used to constrain shock pressures and pulse duration from impact events. Ten L6 chondrites, ranging from shock stage S3 to S6, were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy: RC 106 (S6), Tenham (S6), Acfer 040 (S6), Sixiangkou (S6) Umbarger (S4-S6), Roy (S3-S5), Ramsdorf (S4), Kunashak (S4), Nakhon Pathon (S4) and La Lande (S4). Igneous melt-vein assemblages, combined with published phase equilibrium data (Agee et al. 1996), indicate crystallization pressures from less than 2.5 GPa to approximately 25 GPa. These crystallization pressures are about half those based on calibration of shock deformation and transformation effects in shock recovery experiments (Stöffler et al. 1991). Because shock veins quench primarily by thermal conduction, crystallization pressure versus time can be estimated based on melt-vein mineralogy and thermal modelling. Most samples appear to have crystallized prior to shock release and therefore record the shock pressure. Tenham and RC 106, (S6) crystallized nearly isobarically at approximately 25 GPa during pressure pulses that lasted at least 50ms and 500 ms, respectively. These relatively low pressures and long pulse durations suggest that the late impact on the L-chondrite parent body involved a large impactor travelling at a relative velocity of only a few km/s. Frank H. Shu National Tsing Hua University Stellar Collapse from Molecular Clouds We review the evidence and arguments, theoretical and observational, for the timescales of the formation of sunlike stars in molecular clouds, starting from the condensation of molecular cloud cores, to the gravitational collapse of such cores to produce star/disk/pseudodisk/envelope structures, to the breakout of stellar jets and bipolar outflows, to the T Tauri phase which has been traditionally identified with the epoch of planet formation. We discuss the similarities and differences engendered by star formation in clustered and dispersed environments, and we present a simple new derivation for the stellar initial mass function that incorporates most of the modern thinking about the process of star formation. Dave Stegman (1), Mark Jellinek (2), Mark Richards (3), Michael Manga (3), John Baumgardner (4) (1) School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Bldg 28, Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3800 Australia (2) (3) (4) Dept. of Physics, University of Toronto, 60 St. George Street, Toronto, Ont M5S 1A7 Canada Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, 307 McCone Hall, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720 United States Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Mail Stop B216, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 United States Model of mantle convection on Mars Time when the process you describe started in the solar system:~ 4Ga The error bar on the start time: +/- 400 Myr Time when this process ended: ~ 4Ga The error bar on the end time: +/- 400 Myr Mars' large-scale physiography is dominated by a hemispheric dichotomy (thin northern crust with low, smooth topography vs. thick southern crust with high, rugged topography) and by the Tharsis rise (an enormous volcanic plateau), both of which developed within the first ~1 Gyr of Martian history. Using a 3-D spherical mantle convection model with temperature-dependent viscosity, we explore the effect of hemispheric-scale crustal thickness variations on Martian mantle convection. Thickened crust in the "southern" hemisphere of the model causes insulation of that hemisphere which may effect the underlying mantle circulation. This leads to a transient, regional-scale partial melting event sufficient to generate the Tharsis rise during the first ~0.5-1.0 billion years following the formation of the crustal dichotomy. Our model avoids some problems of timing inherent in plume models, provides testable hypotheses regarding the history of Martian volcanism, and suggests a causal link between the formation of the N-S dichotomy and Tharsis. Ross Taylor Dept. of Geology Australian National University Earth-like planets: Common or rare in the galaxy? Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: T zero 4566 Myr The error bar on the start time: 5 Myr Time when this process ended: 50-100 m.y. after T zero The error bar on the end time: 50 m.y. (editor's comment by U.D.) Earth-like planets: Common or rare in the galaxy? This problem, like astrobiology, cannot be addressed directly at present in the absence of extra-solar examples. However an examination of the processes by which the terrestrial-type planets formed in our own system reveals, apart from the obvious requirements for metals, orbits of low eccentricity and avoidance of giant planet migration into the inner nebula, that rocky planet formation was essentially stochastic. Following the formation of Jupiter, the inner nebula was dry, as revealed by the anhydrous primary mineralogy of meteorites, while the water content of the Earth is only 2 x 10-4 that in the primordial solar nebula. Not only do the inner planets mostly lack the gas and ice components of the solar nebula, but they are also depleted in elements volatile below about 1000K, including biologically significant elements. Formation from differentiated planetesimals has also resulted in differences in planetary compositions for the major elements (e.g., Mg/Si and Al/Si) from the primordial CI abundances. While planets such as Earth and Venus, unlike Mars and Mercury, are close in density, bulk composition and heat production, subsequent collisional histories (e.g. lack of a Moon for Venus) and random late accretion of icy planetesimals have produced startling differences in the geological histories of these "twin" planets. So the problem of forming Earth-like planets elsewhere would seem to depend on the repetition in detail of the essentially random processes of planetary accretion and subsequent geological evolution that has characterised the terrestrial planets. Taylor, S. R. (1999) On the difficulties of making Earth-like planets. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 34, 317-329 Taylor, S. R. (2000) Destiny or chance: our solar system and its place in the cosmos Cambridge University Press, 229 pp. Miguel de Val Borro, Pawel Artymowicz Stockholm Observatory Poster: Instabilities in protoplanetary disks (Times given with respect to the formation of solar Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 0 Myr The error bar on the start time: 0 Myr Time when this process ended: ~ 10 Myr The error bar on the end time: 5 Myr system) We study hydrodynamic instabilities in protoplanetary disks caused by gaps opened by giant planets. We consider wave-like perturbations to the initial disk in the linear approximation and calculate the growth rate of the most unstable modes. The surface density of the studied disks include analytical edges and bumps, as well as more realistic gap profiles obtained from numerical simulations of disk-planet interaction. We compare the results from the linear theory with two-dimensional non linear hydrodynamic simulations. In particular, we address how the instabilities may influence planet formation and migration in the disk. Mark Wardle Macquarie University Magnetic activity in protoplanetary discs Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 0 yr Time when this process ended: 5 Myr The error bar on the end time: 4 Myr Magnetic fields affect the dynamics and evolution of protoplanetary discs through their influence on the rare charged species in the weakly ionised gas. In turn, charged particle drifts induced by electric and magnetic fields determine the evolution of the magnetic field and its degree of coupling to the bulk neutral material. If the coupling is sufficient, the presence of magnetic fields strongly modifies disc evolution via magnetically-driven turbulence and/or centrifugally-driven outflows. Preliminary calculations of the degree of coupling of the magnetic field to the weakly-ionised matter in protoplanetary discs indicate that magnetic activity influences disc evolution and planet formation. David Wark Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, and A.C.R.C., Monash University The Sequence of High Temperature Events in the Early Solar Nebula Time when process started: 50,000 y Error bar on start time: 40,000 y Time when process ended: 5 million y Error bar on end time: 4 million y Ca-Al-rich Inclusions (CAIs) in meteorites define the 4.56 billion year age of the Solar System. They are the oldest dated objects and contain isotopic anomalies due to their formation from incompletely mixed stardust, and the effects of nuclear reactions, in the early solar nebula. Their chemical and mineralogical composition was created at high temperature, probably close to the protosun. CAIs must then have been transported outwards where they accreted with other materials to make asteroids, the "parent bodies" of meteorites. CAIs reveal the following history of multiple, high-temperature processes, which need to be accounted for by models of solar nebula evolution: 1. Volatilisation, condensation and/or partial melting to produce CAIs from 16Orich material. 2. "Flash-heating" of cm-sized CAIs to ~3000 K for a few seconds, producing a thin, refractory, surface residue rich in Al oxide, Zr, Pt, etc. 3. At lower temperatures (1400-1500 K), Mg, Si, Ca & O diffused into the residue from nebular gas & dust to create microscopic (~0.05 mm) layers of the minerals spinel, melilite and pyroxene known as ^ÓWark-Lovering (WL) rims^Ô on the CAIs. WL rims probably formed very soon after the ^Ñflash heating^Ò, because both they and underlying CAIs contain the same anomalous, 16O-rich material. 4. Slow infiltration and alteration of many CAIs at lower temperatures volatiles (alkalis, Fe, H2S, etc) prior to their being accreted into asteroids. The consistent layering and thickness of WL rims indicates that probably all coarse CAIs passed through the same terminal sequence of extreme ^Ñflash heating^Ò, then high temperature diffusion, before final cooling and accretion. This sequence needs to be explained by nebular models. Peter Wood RSAA, ANU, Australia Could long secondary periods in red giant light curves be due to close orbiting companions? Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: +5.5 x 109 yr AD The error bar on the start time: 0.5 x 109 yr Time when this process ended: +5.500001 x 109 yr AD The error bar on the end time: (0.5 + 0.0001) x 109 yr About 25% of variable red giant stars show evidence for long secondary periods (4001000 d) in their light curves. The long secondary periods (LSPs) are longer than the radial fundamental mode of pulsation and therefore can not be due to radial, normalmode pulsation. An initial suggestion was that these long secondary periods could be due to a close orbiting companion. Subsequent studies of radial velocity variations in the largest amplitude examples of these stars show that they mostly have asymmetric radial velocity curves which, if interpreted as binary orbit motion, suggest a close companion of mass ~0.1 Msun in an eccentric orbit (a ~ 1.5 AU, e ~ 0.35). The orbital decay and merger timescale for such a binary companion is only ~1000 years, and the expected number density of such stars is only ~1/200 the observed number density. In addition, 7 of the 9 stars with known radial velocity variations have an argument of periastron from 180-360 degrees, a situation with only 7% probability. Overall, the binary companion explanation for the LSPs does not seem very plausible. A possible way of stopping the rapid orbital decay would be to have a resonance between the orbit and a nonradial g-mode, although the details of such an interaction have not been investigated. If the large light amplitude variations can be explained as binary companions, then the lower amplitude stars would likely have planetary-mass sized companions. In this case, the frequency of some orbiting body around a typical solar mass star would be ~ 25%. Christopher M. Wright (1), David K. Aitken (2), Alistair C. H. Glasse (3), Craig H. Smith (4), Patrick F. Roche (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ARC ARF, School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra ACT Australia University of Hertfordshire, UK Royal Observatory Edinburgh, UK Electro Optical Systems, Queanbeyan NSW University of Oxford, UK Cosmic Dust Mineralogy Derived from Mid-Infrared Spectropolarimetry Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: -10 to -1 million years The error bar on the start time: 1 million years Time when this process ended:1 to 10 million years The error bar on the end time: 1 million years We will present astronomical mid-infrared polarisation observations, including newly obtained data using the Michelle spectropolarimeter at the UKIRT telescope, of various stellar environments. Modelling of the polarisation spectrum from 8-13 and 16-22 microns can yield important dust grain information, especially its mineralogy. We will describe such modelling of several objects, including those i) lying behind large columns of the interstellar medium, ii) embedded in molecular clouds, and iii) with putative circumstellar disks. Assuming time zero corresponds to when a new star begins its gravitational contraction, these phases might be approximately interpreted as minus one million years, zero years and plus one million years. An evolution of the dust begins to emerge for these different types of environments, proceeding from bare amorphous silicate grains, to grains coated with ice mantles, and then mixtures of amorphous and crystalline silicate. We look at what factors inherent in the evolution of young stars might influence the detected spectral changes. Li-Chin Yeh Department of Mathematics, National Hsinchu Teachers College, Taiwan On the Chaotic Boundaries of Disc-Star-Planet Systems Time when the process started in the solar system: 0 Myr The error bar on the start time: 0.5 Myr Time when this process ended: 5 Myr The error bar on the end time:+ 5Myr, - 4 Myr The influence from a disc is included in the three-body problem and thus the orbits of test particles in a disc-star-planet system are studied. We calculate the Lyapunov Exponent of test particles' orbits for many different initial conditions and then determine the boundaries between chaotic, regular and ejected orbits. The implications on the resonant orbits of disc-star-planet systems will be discussed. Bill Zealey School of Engineering Physics, University of Wollongong Syria Planum and Thaumasia Planum: Highland Lakes on Mars? Time when the process you describe started in the solar system: 3.5By The error bar on the start time: 500 My Time when this process ended: 1By The error bar on the end time: 500 My The high altitude plains Syria, Solus, Sinai and Thaumasia Plani lie within the contiguous volcano-tectonic province of Tharsis. Each plain forms a separate catchment area sharing the Mariner Valley/ Labyrinthus Noctis rise as a common boundary to the north and the Claritis and Thaumasia Highlands to the south. Highlands are bounded to the east by the Coprates Rise. The Tharsis Montes ridge lies to the west but the Syria mons boundary appears to be an extension to the Labyrinthus Noctis Rise. Although there is some evidence for volcanic activity and possible hydrothermal vents no major collapse features, similar to those associated with flood channels, are found in this highland region. Evidence for flow channels exist on the eastern flanks of Thaumasia Planum. The following questions arise: Are the flows sourced from hydrothermal vents or widespread rainfall over the Highlands? Was there standing water on the plains? What drainage patterns would have resulted if there had paleolakes? Do we see evidence for channels between the hypothesised catchment areas? Can we estimate rainfall and flow volumes from altimetry data? What is the timeframe for these events?