MRR to Material Issue

MRR (Material Received Register) Process
There are various types of MRR is available in Finsys ERP for fulfillment of user
requirement such as
 MRR Against PO
 MRR without PO
 MRR Against RGP
 Material Received for Job Work
 MRR: Imported Material
 Rejection MRR
The process of making MRR is given below:
Steps: Just you Login into Finsys >> click on Inventory Management >>
Double Click on Transactions >>
Click on icon Material Receipt (Inward) >>
Click on the button New >>
Choose Type of MRR and double click on it>>
Gate Entry Pop up will be shown, just you have to select Gate Entry from List and double
click on it >>
MRR No & MRR Date, Supplier Name, Bill No & Bill Date, Carrier Vehicle No, In Time, and
item Details will be automatically filled >>
Click mouse button on Item Code & Press Enter, put remarks if you want to write
remarks on Remarks Column >> check the Actual Qty in Act (NOS) column, if wrong
then correct the Qty >> You can also mention Actual Weight if you know >> Put Rate
in Rate Column >>
After that fill up all parameter (If applicable) as Excise Duty, Edu Cess, SHE Cess etc,
make Excise Doc Status “Y” if applicable
You can see the PO
Status by clicking on
this icon
You can see
Schedule Status by
clicking on it.
After that click on save button >> MRR will be save and ask for Print/OK. Just click on
Print button.
The Report will be shown below: (It is in Neat Format)
The Report will be shown below: (It is in Quick Format)
Note: You can also take same Print from Print button on MRR form by just clicking on
Print button >> selecting MRR type >> select MRR from Select Range or Document to
Print/View (To & From) and click on OK button. >> Report will be shown.
You can also give command PRINT more than one MRR by Range Define (To & From).
Material Issue within Factory Process
There are various types of Material Issue (Store Issue) is available in Finsys ERP for
fulfillment of user requirement such as
 Issue Against General Indent
 Issue of Raw Material –Against BOM
 Issue Intermediate Store
 Stock Reconciliation
 Issue (General Items/Consumables)
 WIP TFR (Inter Stage)
 WIP TFR (From Quality)
 WIP TFR (From Packing)
 WIP TFR (From Vendor Inspection)
The process of Material Issue within Factory is given below:
Steps: Just you Login into Finsys >> click on Inventory Management >>
Double Click on Transactions >>
Click on icon Material Issue within Factory >>
Click on the button New >>
Click on the Pop up Document Type Selection Screen >>
Choose Type of Store Issue and double click on it>>
System will automatically filled Doc. No & Doc. Date, You have to select Department by
clicking on Department POP up, click on Item Code >>
After click on Item code, Press Enter >> System will show Item List >> Select Item
from List (You can also search Item from Search Option)>>
Put Required Qty in Required Qty Column >> fill up the filed Remarks and press Save
After that Store Issue has been done and Show below message:
Press OK button.
IF you want to print the Document of Store ISSUE then Just click on Print button
on Store Issue Screen
Click on the Pop up Document Type Selection Screen >>
Choose Type of Store Issue and double click on it>>
Select the Store Issue No and Press Enter Key >>
Choose the Print Format >>
After that Report will show on your Screen
Material Returned within from Factory Process
There are various types of Material Returned within from Factory is available in
Finsys ERP for fulfillment of user requirement such as
Returned from General Material
Production WIP Material Receipt
Line Rejection
Returned from Shop Floor
The process of Material Returned within from Factory is given below:
Steps: Just you Login into Finsys >> click on Inventory Management >>
Double Click on Transactions >>
Click on icon Material Returned within Factory >>
Click on the button New >>
Click on the Pop up Document Type Selection Screen >>
Select the Store Return Type & double click on it >>
System will automatically filled Doc. No & Doc. Date, You have to select Department by
clicking on Department POP up, click on Item Code >>
Item from Item List & double click on it >>
Fill up Adv QTY of each item and put the Remarks which you want to give.
Click on Save button, the below message will shown. Just press OK button.
IF you want to print the Document of Store ISSUE then Just click on Print button
on Store Issue Screen
Click on the Pop up Document Type Selection Screen >>
Choose Type of Store Issue and double click on it>>
Select the Store Issue No and Press Enter Key >>
Choose the Print Format >>
After that Report will show on your Screen
Material Transfer from Rejection to OK Store Process
There are various types of MRR is available in Finsys ERP for fulfillment of user
requirement such as
 MRR Against PO
 MRR without PO
 MRR Against RGP
 Material Received for Job Work
 MRR: Imported Material
 Rejection MRR
The process of Material Transfer from Rejection to OK Store is given below:
Steps: Just you Login into Finsys >> click on Inventory Management >>
Double Click on Transactions >>
Click on icon Material Tfr From Rej.Store to OK Store >>
Click on the button New >>
S.N and Date will be automatically filled. Click on S.N. and Press Enter >> All rejected
Material will be shown. You have just Select & Press Enter Key (You can also search Item
from Search Option).
Put Tfr Qty and Press Enter >> as this you can select required Item from List. >> Put
Remarks as per your reference.
Click on Save button. The below message will be shown:
Click OK.