Helter Lesson Plan

Year: Year 5
Lesson Coverage: Helter Skelter
Curriculum Covered: KS2
En1 Speaking and listening
1a,c,e, 2e, 3a,b, 8a
En2 Reading
En3 Writing
1a,c,e, 2e, 4a-f, 5a,b
Ma2 Number
2a-c, 3a, 4b
Ma3 Shape, space and measures
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
Sc2 Life processes and living things
1a,b, 2a,b,e
Knowledge, skills and understanding
1a, 5b
About the Game
The aim of ‘Helter Skelter’ is to answer questions correctly to move up a level on the Helter
Skelter ride. Six questions have to be answered correctly to get to the top. When a question is
answered incorrectly the correct answer is shown. The ‘next question’ option can then be
selected to have another chance to move up the Helter Skelter.
The game has 4 levels, Level 4 is most appropriate for children in Year 5. The content of the
questions in the game covers three main subject areas - English, Science, and Maths. Most of
the questions are food orientated and healthy foods are used to promote a good balanced diet.
Lesson Plan
Before online activity
Explain to the children that they will be playing on one of the
games in the My School Lunch website. After they have had
chance to play on ‘Helter Skelter’, they will have a task to design
some new questions for the game that would be appropriate for
children in Reception. Encourage the children to think about this
whilst they are playing ‘Helter Skelter‘ and ask them to make
notes whilst online.
During online activity
Additional Resources
1. Ask the children to start up the computer and enter the My
School Lunch website. Ask the children to select the ‘For
Fun’ section.
2. Ensure that all children have selected ‘Helter Skelter’ and
then chosen Level 4.
3. Ask the children to read the ‘How to play’ instructions. Ask
the children if they would change anything about the
instructions for a younger audience.
4. Ensure all children have selected ‘START’, using their mouse
5. Talk to the children about what they can see - Helter Skelter,
1 question and 3 answers.
Possible online activity questions:
o Is the screen attractive to Reception children?
o Is there anything you would change?
6. Ask the children to use the mouse to select the answers,
making sure they can locate the white hand on screen.
7. Get the children to read through the questions and see if they
can think of any questions for younger children. If they have
any questions, ask them to make a note of these.
8. After the first correct answer the girl figure will appear on
screen. Ask the children to think about a different figure for a
younger audience playing the game.
9. Show the children that with each correct answer the figure will
move up one level on the Helter Skelter.
10. Select a wrong answer to demonstrate what happens, show
the children how easy it is to select ‘Next question’ and reenter the game.
11. Explain that the children need to answer six questions
correctly to move the figure to the top of the ride.
12. Ask the children to move through each question talking to
their partner about the answers.
13. Encourage children to alternate players.
14. At the end of the game ask the children to read the on screen
instructions and select ‘Play this level again’, if time allows.
15. Remind the children to add any final thoughts to their notes
on re-designing ‘Helter Skelter’ before shutting down.
16. At the end of the session ask the children to close the website
and shut down the computer.
Following online
Additional Resources
Coloured Pens
National Curriculum
Teaching Books
Activity 1: Design a new ‘Helter Skelter’ game
 Ask the children to work with their computer partner and read
through their online notes.
 Encourage the children to add any other ideas to these notes.
 Ask the children to share their ideas with the rest of the class
and explain their choices.
 Ask the children to work with their partner and write 6 questions
for Helter Skelter for Reception children – 2 English, 2 Maths
and 2 Science.
 Allow the children to access to the National Curriculum and
relevant classroom help guides.
 Invite the children to share their questions with the class and
check suitability.
 Ask the children to re-design the Helter Skelter tower, thinking
about new colours and patterns.
 Encourage the children to plan their thoughts initially before
producing their final drawing.
 Ask the children to produce their new ideas for Helter Skelter as
a presentation.
Support/Extension Ideas
The ideas below are given to support the less able and extend the more able children in year 5.
Support Ideas
 Seat less able child with a more able partner (child/adult).
Extension Ideas
 Encourage the more able children to help less able children
play ‘Helter Skelter’.
 Ask some children to produce their new Helter Skelter designs
on the computer.