GEOMETRY MAJOR PROJECT: Networks DUE DATE: ________________ In math, it’s called the “traveling salesman problem”. In computers, it’s called a minimum spanning tree (which is how we send a message to several people). To the rest of us, it’s a child’s game. Can you trace this picture without lifting your pencil and without going over the same segment more than once? This picture is called a network. The points on this picture are called vertices (one point is a vertex). The lines are called edges. A vertex is even if an even number of edges meet at the vertex. (The middle one is even because 4 edges meet there.) A vertex is odd if an odd number of edges meet at the vertex. (The left corner vertices are odd because 3 edges meet at each.) For this project, you’re going to make a conjecture to predict which networks are traceable. To begin, try to trace each of these pictures without lifting your pencil and without going over the same edge more than once: Next, count how many edges meet at each vertex. Make a table to show three things for each network: the number of vertices that were even, the number that were odd, and if it was a traceable network. Describe any patterns that you notice and make a conjecture about how you can tell if a network is traceable. Is a network with 4 odd and zero even vertices traceable? Sketch one and try your conjecture. What’s the most complicated traceable network you can sketch? WHAT YOU WILL HAND IN: Either a report or a poster with this information: PART Pictures of these networks (you can cut out the ones on this sheet) Description/diagram of how you would trace each (or why you can’t) A complete and accurate table Patterns that you notice are well described. Conjecture is well written. The 4 odd, 0 even network is drawn and includes written results of your test. The “most complicated” network is drawn and includes written results of your test. Professional or creative submission Has the MOST complicated network in the class! NOTE: LATE projects lose 5 points EACH DAY! POINTS 5 points 20 points 20 points 25 points 10 points 10 points 10 points BONUS 5 points.