Indiana Department of Education Assessing the Effectiveness of Indiana Charter Schools Introduction Calumet College of St. Joseph (CCSJ) proposes to create and conduct an independent evaluation of the effectiveness of the Public Charter School Program (PCSP) in Indiana. Under this proposal, in Year 1 the college would develop appropriate survey and interview instruments to assess student achievement and a productivity analysis that would integrate various data pertaining to resource utilization, including financial data and data about student performance or achievement. In Years 2 and 3, CCSJ would apply these tools, assess the effectiveness of the public charter schools in the state, prepare and disseminate a complete evaluation, and provide recommendations for future directions based upon educational best practices. CCSJ is the appropriate institution to conduct such an evaluation for several fundamental reasons. We are committed to our mission to provide high-quality educational programs for the underserved populations in the region we serve, populations that are similar in many ways to the target populations for many of Indiana’s charter schools. For example, we provide a large and well-trained cadre of teachers for some of the highest need K-12 school systems in the state through our comprehensive education program and the largest Transition to Teaching program in Indiana. On our campus, we provide sound and effective support programs for the students we admit to our programs to ensure their success. In the community, we have developed close relationships with high-need K-12 school systems. We work with schools in Gary, Hammond, East Chicago, and Merrillville, among other local communities, offering them team teaching and professional development opportunities. Our teacher candidates provide tutoring and after-school programming at these schools and receive invaluable experience there. Therefore, we have already developed a base of experience in addressing the educational issues involved in working with this type of high-need student body. We intend to build upon this unique experience base to develop, then implement, a sound and appropriate research model. In addition to broad institutional experience, the college can also offer depth of individual evaluation and research experience. Joi Patterson, Ph.D, Education Program Director, is a member of the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Board of Examiners and chair of the Indiana Association of Teaching Education (IACTE) Outstanding Schools committee, positions in which she regularly applies standards of educational excellence and utilizes educational evaluation processes. Dr. Patterson would bring these exemplary skills to her role overseeing the charter school evaluation program (see Appendix 1 for her curriculum vitae). The other members of the core team, described below, bring complementary skill sets to the project that will ensure design and implementation of an innovative and appropriate research program. Calumet College of St. Joseph therefore would bring appropriate skills and experience, along with a unique mission-driven emphasis on ensuring the best possible education for underserved populations and a track record in that area, to the charter school evaluation program. This research initiative would also offer advantages for the college. Both the core team and other education department staff members look forward to undertaking this substantive research initiative, while the college anticipates making a significant contribution on the statewide level. Capacity for the Project Calumet College of St. Joseph (CCSJ) has the professional personnel, graduate researchers, support from top administration, and material support to conduct a thorough audit of Indiana’s forty charter schools in order to analyze the relationship between PCSP funding and student achievement. Personnel: All faculty in the Department of Education at CCSJ are professional educators with teaching and administrative experience in K – 12 school systems. The charter school evaluation effort would be implemented by a core team of Dr. Patterson, Michele Dvorak, Ph.D., John Shields, Ph.D., Jeannette Shutay, Ph.D., and Garrard McClendon, working with the CCSJ Education Committee. These faculty members bring substantial experience and diverse research interests to the project that together will ensure the skills necessary to complete it successfully. Their research interests are described in the following section, and curriculum vitae are found in Appendixes 1 – 5. Membership in the Education Committee, which meets monthly, is listed in Appendix 6. Graduate Students: Calumet College of St. Joseph’s Leadership in Teaching master’s degree program is a cohort model for working teachers that requires courses in educational research and research design. This group of well-qualified and highly motivated students would provide assistance in implementing the research, while this statewide research initiative would in turn offer them a real-world analytical experience that would become an important part of their graduate education. Support of Top Administration: The charter school evaluation project has been endorsed by Vice President for Academics, Daniel Lowery. Dr. Lowery meets with college president Dennis Rittenmeyer on a daily basis as well as in formal weekly meetings. The administration supports the program as an opportunity to contribute CCSJ’s skills in educational research to the broader education community in Indiana and to develop meaningful research agendas for graduate students. Because of the importance of the project, Dr. Lowery and Dr. Patterson would directly oversee its implementation, analysis, and reporting functions, with Dr. Patterson as project director reporting to Dr. Lowery on a regular basis. Material Support: The research team would be well supported by appropriate research materials. Library director Virginia Rodes specializes in research and would obtain all materials necessary in support of the project’s research goals. Her background makes her ideal for the task – she holds two master’s degrees and has decades of experience connecting people and information in college and university settings. The Department of Education has adequate support staff to undertake the project. In addition, the college has the types of equipment and software (such as the SPSS statistical analysis program) necessary to complete the project. Experience in the Field The faculty team from the Department of Education that would implement the charter school evaluation project has substantial research experience in educational best practices, program evaluation, assessment, research design, and statistical analysis. Joi Patterson, Ph.D., Education Program Director, has a research background in educational evaluation and charter schools. Michele Dvorak, Ph.D., has been responsible for new program development, program review, and the assessment of academic structures and processes. John Shields, Ph.D., has research experience in the areas of staff morale and leadership skills in education. Jeanette Shutay, Ph.D., has extensive experience in program evaluation, student assessment, analyzing student performance, research design, and statistical analysis. In addition to a number of projects in the corporate arena that involved data screening and manipulation, response modeling, customer segmentation, forecasting, and general data analysis, Dr. Shutay has performed three major analytical projects that are relevant to this proposal. She analyzed student performance data and identified weakness of student assessment for the Chicago Public Schools. She performed program evaluations using qualitative and quantitative data and participant pretest/posttest performance data to develop recommendations for program delivery at the University of South Florida. And she assessed student performance data for the Glenbard South School District 87 in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. These research projects utilized the same skills and activities as the project proposed here, assessing the performance of Indiana charter schools, will require. Garrard McClendon brings a research base in facilitating teaching, diversity in the classroom, and communication skills to the project. He has impressive credentials in writing and teaching in these areas. The CCSJ team therefore brings complementary skills and research interests to the project. Tools to Be Developed The study of charter school effectiveness will be aligned to Indiana Department of Education measures of student achievement. It will utilize a triangulation approach to assess (1) evidence of student achievement, including data such as ISTEP scores; (2) evidence of each charter school’s goals, including the school mission, improvement plan and calendar of events; and (3) evidence of achievement and satisfaction that cannot be quantified through surveys of parents, teachers, and administrators and through interviews of a random sample of the population of interest that will be generalizable to the entire group. This approach will combine the quantitative assessment of data (for example, from standardized tests) and the qualitative analysis of surveys and interviews. Next, a productivity analysis will be devised that integrates various data pertaining to resource utilization, including financial data and data regarding student performance or achievement. Productivity ratios are especially effective in analyzing the effectiveness of ongoing programs. They can be used to compare a school or group of schools against a standard of achievement; to compare a school’s or group of schools’ performance over time; and to compare the relative effect of different educational strategies by contrasting achievement among charter schools using different methods or approaches. Developing appropriate productivity ratios is a key aspect of the project that will provide a number of measurements to assess the relationship of PCSP funding to student achievement. The assessment, then, will require collecting the following information from each charter school in Indiana: 1. Budget/allocation 2. Grants 3. ISTEP scores 4. SAT/ACT scores 5. NWEA (if applicable) 6. School Improvement Plan, including goals for graduation rates, parental participation, ISTEP scores, attendance, and technology. 7. Curriculum 8. Instructional methods 9. Instructional resources 10. Schedule/hours per subject 11. Extracurricular activities 12. Academic achievement 13. AYP status 14. Retention rate 15. College attendance rate 16. Community participation 17. Parental satisfaction 18. Faculty satisfaction 19. Administration satisfaction The data required for items 1 through 16 can be secured through school records. The faculty team for this project will determine the best statistical methods for evaluating this data in Year 1, as outlined in the following timeline. Items 17 through 19 will be secured through the tools to be developed during Year 1. These tools include the following: 1. A survey to measure satisfaction among parents. 2. A survey to measure satisfaction among faculty. 3. A survey to measure satisfaction among administration. 4. An interview guide for each group: parents, faculty, administration. Next, CCSJ’s research team will develop the appropriate set of productivity ratios to correlate financial investment in the charter schools with each school’s performance. Ratios will be developed in three categories: 1. Ratios to compare each charter school’s and the overall group’s performance against a standard of achievement. 2. Ratios to compare each school’s and the group’s performance over time. 3. Ratios to compare the relative effect of different strategies by comparing charter schools. Project Staff and Duties The project team has identified a lead person from the Education Department who will be responsible to oversee the development of each research tool and its later implementation. Similarly, a lead person has been named who will identify the best method for assessing each type of data collected from the Indiana charter schools and produce a model to be followed in collecting and assessing the data. This person, again, will later be responsible for requesting and analyzing the data in question. Although the identified lead person will be ultimately responsible for each tool or assessment model, he or she will work closely with the Education Committee, which consists of education faculty, liberal arts faculty, teacher candidates and department alumni, and the Education Department staff. The following table identifies the type of information that will have to be collected to assess Indiana’s charter schools. The CCSJ team will assess the availability of data, best methods of procuring it on a timely basis, and the most efficacious points for comparing the data They will then identify the proper research method for evaluating the data collected during Year 1 as indicated in the following table. Information to Be Collected ISTEP scores NWEA (if applicable School Improvement Plan: Grad. Rate Parental participation ISTEP Attendance Technology AYP status Retention rate Academic achievement Instructional methods Schedule/hours per subject SAT/ACT scores College enrollment/admission rate Professional development Research Method to Be Identified Statistical quantitative Statistical quantitative Educational qualitative Timeframe Responsible Party January 2008 Lead: Patterson January 2008 Lead: Shields February 2008 Lead: Patterson Statistical quantitative Educational quantitative Educational quantitative Educational qualitative Educational qualitative Statistical quantitative Statistical quantitative February 2008 Lead: McClendon March 2008 Lead: Education faculty Lead: Patterson Educational qualitative March 2008 April 2008 April 2008 Lead: Education faculty Lead: McClendon September 2008 Lead: Shields September 2008 Lead: Shields October 2008 Lead: Dvorak In a second phase of the Year 1 project, Dr. Shutay will assess data available about each charter school’s budget, including the specific budget allocations for curriculum and instructional resources, and any grants received to develop the productivity ratios that will enable the CCSJ team to determine the relationship between funding and student achievement. This assessment will take place in September and October 2008. The third phase of the Year 1 project involves developing the instruments required for the qualitative research that the project will require, including surveys of parental satisfaction, faculty satisfaction, administrative satisfaction, and community participation, and an interview guide to determine administrative satisfaction with the school improvement process. This development process will be led by the education faculty and completed in June 2008. While specific time frames have been identified and deadlines set to ensure that the work is completed in a timely fashion, the goal is to complete all evaluations and development by the end of October. Early in November, the Education Committee will meet to ensure that all preliminary work required to evaluate Indiana’s charter schools is complete and to develop a comprehensive research model for the next two years based upon it. Budget, Year 1 The Year 1 budget primarily involves the cost of faculty time for assessing research methodology and to develop the required instruments, as outlined in the previous section. Therefore, it breaks down as follows: Stipend, project director $ 2,050 Faculty stipends, lead faculty members at $1,950 each Department supplies 11,700 150 SUBTOTAL Indirect costs @ 8 %, $1,112; amount requested TOTAL REQUEST 13,900 1,100 $15,000 Tentative Budget, Year 2 Tentative budgets for Years 2 and 3 also would primarily fund faculty stipends, reflecting the amounts of time required to apply the research methods identified and the tools developed in Year 1, with the addition of travel, supplies, and postage costs. Stipend, project director $ 5,000 Faculty stipends, lead faculty members at $4,000 each 24,600 Estimated travel to charter schools 2,400 Estimated supplies 2,500 Estimated postage 2,500 Support staff, 1 part-time person 7,500 SUBTOTAL Indirect costs @ 8 %, $3,560; amount requested TOTAL REQUEST 44,500 3,500 $48,000 Tentative Budget, Year 3 The Year 3 budget requests the most support for faculty stipends because this year of the project will focus on data analysis, conclusions, and recommendations. Stipend, project director $ 6,000 Faculty stipends, lead faculty members at $5,000 each 30,000 Estimated travel to charter schools 1,250 Estimated supplies 1,500 Estimated postage 1,000 Support staff, 1 part-time person 7,500 SUBTOTAL Indirect costs @ 8 %, $3,780; amount requested TOTAL REQUEST 47,250 3,750 $51,000 APPENDIX 1 C CU UR RR RIIC CU UL LU UM MV VIIT TA AE E Joi F. Patterson, Ph.D. 926 W. 66th Avenue Merrillville, Indiana 46410 E-mail: Current: 219.795.9077 Other: 219.473.4293 EED DU UC CA ATTIIO ON N Master of Science - Education Administration, August 1998 Chicago State University, Chicago, Illinois Doctor of Philosophy - Education, December 1995 Walden University for Advanced Studies, Naples Florida Master of Science - Environmental Biology, May, 1993 Governors State University, University Park, Illinois Bachelor of Arts - Biology/Chemistry (minor Spanish), May, 1989 Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas R REELLEEV VA AN NTT PPR RO OFFEESSSSIIO ON NA ALL EEX XPPEER RIIEEN NC CEE B Booaarrdd ooff E Exxaam miinneerr National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Since 2004 Responsibilities: Work effectively in a team environment Use multiple evaluation tools effectively Have an in-depth knowledge of the NCATE standards Conduct on-site visits to Universities Department Chair, Teacher Education Program D Diirreeccttoorr ooff tthhee U Unnddeerrggrraadduuaattee E Edduuccaattiioonn PPrrooggrraam m A s s o c i a t e P r o f e s s o r Associate Professor L Liicceennssiinngg A Addvviissoorr Calumet College of St. Joseph- Whiting, Indiana August 2001 – Current Responsibilities: All duties of a department chair All duties of a full-time faculty member All duties of the director of the traditional program All duties of the director of the alternative program All duties of the field director All duties of the licensing advisor All duties of a researcher Teaching Specialization: Cultural Values in Education Measurement and Evaluation Introduction to the Teaching Profession Math and Science Methods Founder/Owner EXceptional Schools 2000 – Current Mission: To create exceptional, effective, innovative, creative, student centered teachers through professional development and mentoring. Topics include, but not limited to: Raising Test Scores Management Strategies/Character Development Effective Communication Grant Writing/Fundraising Adjunct Professor – Education Department Maricopa County Colleges, Glendale, Arizona August 1998 – August 2001 Responsibilities: Instructing and developing lesson plans for the following courses every semester: Cultural Values in Education Introduction to the Teaching Profession PPrriinncciippaall Nobel Learning Community, Glendale, Arizona 1998 – 2001 Responsible for the following: Day-to-Day operations of school (K – 8) Designing and overseeing the implementation of the curriculum Writing and implementing Character Education Curriculum and activities Staff development Discipline (Responsible Thinking Process) Scheduling (block and traditional) Fundraisers Designing and overseeing the implementation of school improvement plan Proposal writing for public and private funds Designing and implementing budget Designing and implementing Policies and Procedures Marketing and Design Supervising and Overseeing Various Programs and Services Assistant Principal Chicago Board of Education, Chicago, Illinois John Hope Community Academy 1995 - 1998 Responsible for the following: Substitute Teacher Orientation and Supervision Supervision of Instructional and Bilingual Programs Staff Development All Other Duties As Assigned By The Principal Bilingual Science Teacher/Coordinator 1991 - 1995 Responsibilities include the following: Coordinate ESL and Science Program Math and Science instructor to Bilingual Teacher PPU UB BLLIIC CA ATTIIO ON NSS “Imagine That” Making Learning Visible – (in progress) “Teach Like It’s an Emergency” 2000 The Most Important Steps to Get Your Non-Fiction Book Published - 1999 A Descriptive Study of a Home Schooling Program - 1996 Family Learning Reading and Writing System – 1993 PPR RO OPPO OSSA ALLSS Step II – $1,800.00 – Indiana Professional Standards Board - 2005 Transition to Teaching Proposal for Calumet College of St. Joseph (2.5 million) - 2003 Charter School Proposal for First Church of God – 2002 (700 students) Host of non competitive Arizona state funding grants – 1998 - 2001 Positive Behavior Initiative – ($10,000) AZ state funding - 2001 Technology Proposal – ($95,000.00) AZ state funding – 2000 Literacy/Reading – (&25,000.00) AZ state funding – 2000 Gifted Services – ($5,000.00) AZ state funding - 2000 East Coast Field Trip – ($50,000) private funding – 2000 Schools-On Line – ($5,000) public funding - 2000 Communication system – ($20,000) public funding – 1999 Playground equipment – ($2,000) private funding – 1999 After School equipment – ($2,000) private funding – 1999 Science Desert-Scape – ($1,000) private funding – 1999 Art Program – ($1,000) private funding – 1999 Technology Grant – ($5,000) public funding - 1998 After School Latchkey Program ($150,000) private funding - 1997 Lego Science - John Hope Community Academy ($2,000) - 1997 Technology Grant - John Hope Community Academy ($100,000) - 1997 Urban Imagination - John Hope Community Academy ($90,000) - 1997 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Countless number of assessment conferences - Nationwide No Excuses – Department of Education – Arizona, 2001 What Matters Most for Educators, – Steven Covey, Phoenix, AZ, 2001 Lyons Quest- Positive Classroom Management, Phoenix, AZ 2001 National Women’s Conference, Phoenix, AZ. 2000 How To Be An Effective Administrator, Phoenix, AZ. 2000 State Charter School Conference, Phoenix, AZ. 2000 National Charter School Conference, Denver, CO. 1998 National Middle School Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 1997 National Technical Training, Chicago, IL, 1997 High School Scheduling, CBOE, Chicago, IL, 1997 National Educational Leadership Training, Walloon, MN, 1996 Efficacy Training, Efficacy Institute, Lexington, MA, 1995 Chicago System Initiative - CBOE, Chicago, IL, 1994 Bilingual Pathways - CBOE, Chicago, IL, 1994 Mathworks for Business - Motorola, Shaumburg, IL, 1993 TEM Introduction - McCrone Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 1991 Electron Microscopy - Chicago State University, Chicago, IL, 1991 Photomicrography - McCrone Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 1990 Polarized Light - McCrone Research Institute, Chicago, IL, 1990 C CEER RTTIIFFIIC CA ATTIIO ON NSS & & EEN ND DO OR RSSEEM MEEN NTTSS Science - K - 9 - Illinois Biology 6 - 10 - Illinois Middle School - Illinois Elementary K - 9 - Illinois Bilingual (Spanish) K - 12 - Illinois Education Administration - Illinois Community College – Arizona Science K – 9 – AZ Elementary - AZ PPR RO OFFEESSSSIIO ON NA ALL O OR RG GA AN NIIZZA ATTIIO ON NSS Association for Teacher Education Discovery Alliance American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Phi-Delta Kappa Association for Curriculum and Supervision National Association For Female Executive - NAFE Gifted Education – AZ Dept. of Education National Association of Charter Schools Urban Imagination - DePaul University Chicago Students At The Center - National Lewis Chicago Systemic Initiative Design Team National Science Council Doctorate Association APPENDIX 2 Michele K. Dvorak, PHJC, Ed.D. 4321 Elm Street East Chicago, IN 46312 Education Catholic University of Louvain, American College, Belgium Fall 2006 Institute of Public Policy and Educational Leadeship in Higher Education Summer 2006 University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California May 1998 Doctor of Education: Private School Administration Minor: Organization and Leadership Dissertation: An Analysis of the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching as Practiced in Inner-City Catholic Schools. UMI, MI 1999 University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio Master of Arts: Educational Administration August 1985 Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Bachelor of Arts: Education, Environmental Education Minor: Music Education June 1979 Ancilla College, Donaldson, Indiana Associate of Arts May 1976 Employment Associate Professor in Education Calumet College of St. Joseph (CCSJ), Whiting, IN Responsible for teaching courses, participating on the Education Committee, and contributing to the development of the Education Program. Research and Sabbatical 2006 - Present Research Agenda: Presently engaged in descriptive research on alternative licensure, specifically determination of satisfaction levels for those who have secured licensure through the Transition to Teaching in the State of Indiana. Presentations to the State and to professional organizations are planned. Sabbatical Program: University of Louvain, Belgium from September 20 – December 17, 2006. Focused my studies on Catholic Social Teaching and the writers/framers of significant papal documents. Vice President of Academic Affairs 1999 – 2006 Calumet College of St. Joseph (CCSJ), Whiting, IN Responsible for the proper functioning of the academic programs. Coordinate activities of the Academic Affairs area in collaboration with the governance of the college; communicate with the various accreditation bodies; report to the President on academic activities, new programs, program reviews and participate on administrative staff; provide leadership relative to the mission of the college; coordinate the planning and staff for academic programs including hiring of faculty and assignment of contracts; participate in the annual review process that determines recommendations for non-reappointment, promotion, tenure and sabbaticals; develop and maintain organizational databases; provide final layout and review for all institutional documents; participate in budget development; assess academic structures and processes; and oversee institutional and faculty grants. Instructor/Assistant Professor 1998 – 1999 Calumet College of St. Joseph Education Program, Whiting, IN Taught education courses; advised teacher candidates (62); supervised elementary student teachers; assumed a leading role in the Indiana Professional Standards Board accreditation process; created communication delivery systems for teacher candidates; designed accountability procedures; and collaborated with faculty in creating a quality educational climate. Administrative Assistant 1996-1998 Institute of Catholic Educational Leadership (ICEL), University of San Francisco (USF), CA Developed an Administrative Handbook, organized subscription and mailing lists of publications, managed the Web Page, participated in recruitment activities, updated handbooks annually, attended ICEL faculty/staff meetings, and created and distributed dissertation defense announcements. Academic Student Services Internship 1996 Laney Community College, Peralta District, Oakland, CA Participated in daily activities and decisions with leadership in student services at Laney College, one of the four Peralta Community Colleges; engaged with leadership in staff meetings; assumed responsibilities for the coordination of a collaborative project and assumed an active role in the decisions relative to student grievances and services. Principal 1989-1995 St. Michael Elementary School, Chicago, IL Oversight responsibilities for three plants and their respective programs; conducted faculty/staff interviews, in-services, and professional development; supervised faculty and staff; held oversight financial responsibilities; developed and executed grants to complement school program; created programs which responded to parent needs and sought grants for the maintenance and development of the school. Principal 1985-1989 St. Martin of Tours Elementary School, East St. Louis, IL Oversight and supervisory responsibilities for faculty/staff interviews, in-services and professional development, developed and executed grants to complement school program, created programs which responded to student and parent needs, worked with diocesan personnel in long range planning for the school. Teacher, 8th grade, Junior High/Middle School, Student Council Moderator Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Hammond, IN 1984-1985 Taught departmental social studies, religion, and English and participated actively as a faculty member. Teacher, 7th grade, Junior High/Middle School, Student Council Moderator St. Bavo, Mishawaka, IN 1982-1984 Taught departmental religion, social studies, literature, and math and participated actively as a faculty member. Teacher, 7th grade, Junior High/Middle School 1979-1982 St. Augustine School, Chicago, IL Taught departmental religion, social studies and language arts and participated actively as a faculty member. Awards 2001 Criminal Justice Club Award 1997 Dissertation Forum Presenter at University of San Francisco (USF) 1995-1997 Graduate Merit Scholarship (USF) 1991-1995 Big Shoulders Principal Award (St. Michael School, Chicago, IL) 1992 South Chicago Chamber of Commerce Award, Chicago, IL 1990 Excellence in Management Award, Archdiocese of Chicago Scholarly Papers and Presentations 2006 September 14 Burning Desire to Change the World? Bring Justice! Initial speaker for the Sr. Joel Lampen Speaker Series at Ancilla College. 2006 Role of Women in the Catholic Church: Presentation to the Justice Committee at St. James Church, Highland, IN 2006 January 17 Good to Great- Collins: Mediocre Teacher to Excellent Educator-You! Presentation to Education Students 2006 February 15 Presentation Racial Profiling and Catholic Social Teaching: CCSJ Lunch and Learn 2005 Presentation to new Chief Academic Officers as Mentor Assistant Coordinator, Council of Independent Colleges 2005 Gender Inequities: Camp U Can 2004 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: CCSJ Lunch and Learn Presentation 2004 Higher Learning Commission Expectations: North Central Division, Chief Academic Officers Conference: Breakfast Discussion Leader, Council of Independent Colleges 2004 Department Chair Workshop: Breakfast Discussion Leader, Council of Independent Colleges 2004 New Chief Academic Officer Mentor, Council of Independent Colleges 2004 Principles of Catholic Social Teaching: PHJC Leadership Retreat 2003 Archiving Digital Documents, Chief Academic Officers Conference: Breakfast Discussion Leader, Council of Independent Colleges 2003 New Chief Academic Officer Mentor, Council of Independent Colleges 2002 Dynamic Duo: Designing a Collaborative Environment for a Successful Self-Study, North Central Association Annual Meeting: Presentation on Accreditation Process 2001 Chief Academic Officers Conference: Chair, Council of Independent Colleges 2000 Institutional Structures That Promote Communication: Presentation to new college/university presidents, North Central Association Annual Meeting Grants Awarded 2002 Principle developer/editor: One million dollar grant to Attract and Retain Intellectual Capital for Indiana Higher Education Institutions, Project Manager. 2002 Re-directed the $35,000 PHJC grant to purchase a CCSJ mobile 20 station laptop wireless cart. 2002 Secured a $442,000 CCSJ Transition to Teaching grant in collaboration with the Director of the Education Program and the Indiana Professional Standards Board. 2002 Secured a $35,000 grant to CCSJ to provide for a revolving loan for students without access to computers. 2001 Secured with others a Ball Venture Grant for CCSJ: Building Bridges: Breaking Down Barriers to Earning a Bachelor Degree. 2000 Secured a $2,500 grant to assist CCSJ Education candidates with information about health services: Healthy Women 2001. 2000 Secured a $2,500 grant for CCSJ: Parents and Kids: Designing a College Future. Funded; not implemented. 2000 Secured grant initiative (with CCSJ team) as an institutional participant in the Notre Dame Social Justice Project: Infusing Catholic Social Teaching. 2000 Implemented/administered a $17,000 grant from the Twin City Foundation, Inc. Child Development Association (CCSJ). 1999 Secured a $5000 grant to assist CCSJ Education candidates with information about health services: Healthy Women 2000. 1999 Secured a $10,000 grant from the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ to purchase ten laptops for the CCSJ Education Program students. 1996 Secured a $13,000 Solo Cup Middle School Grant, St. Michael School, Chicago, IL 1994 Secured a $10,000 Solo Cup Middle School Grant, St. Michael School, Chicago, IL 1993 Secured a $5,000 Mazza Foundation Grant, St. Michael School, Chicago, IL 1989 Secured a $5,000 Solo Cup Preschool Grant, St. Michael School, Chicago, IL Academic Accomplishments 2006 Mentor Coordinator: Council of Independent Colleges 2003-2005 Mentor for new Chief Academic Offices (6 total) 2005 Assistant Mentor Coordinator: Council of Independent Colleges 2005 Final Editor/layout, CCSJ Faculty Handbook 2005 Study: Effectiveness of CCSJ Transition to Teaching: Three Years Later (Present) 2004 Develop hybrid course utilizing Blackboard (Distance learning) 2004 Principle Reviewer/Editor Report Law Enforcement Administration Assessment 2004 Principle Editor CCSJ Assessment Report 2004 Principle Author/Editor Change: Law Request for Approval of Institutional Enforcement 2004 Principle Author/Editor Educator of the 21st Century: CCSJ Education Program, Institutional Report 2004 Principle Author/Editor in Teaching Principle Author/Editor team) CCSJ Master of Science in Education: Leadership Principle Author Dvorak Model for Implementing New Programs, Clark, 2001 2001 NCA Self-Study Report (Collaborated with 2000 Principle Editor Student CCSJ Assessment Plan 2000-2005 To Improve Learning Outcomes 1999-2005 Principle Designer CCSJ Fact Book 1998 Principle Author/Editor Educator of the 21st Century 1998 Principle Author/Editor Future Reading the Signs of the Times: Designing Our 1998 Author Documents Content Analysis of Six Selected Roman 1998 Author Content Analysis of Diocesan Documents 1997 Principle Author/Editor CCSJ Academic Principles 1991-1994 Supervisor of Graduate Students, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, IL Community Service 2004-2006 Bishop Noll Institute Board Chair: Development Committee 2003-Present St. Mary Medical Center Board Member at-large 2001-2006 2000-Present St. Joseph’s College Institutional member; President’s Representative Fellows member 1999-2005 Administrative staff to Board of Trustees Academic Affairs 1999 Board of Trustees Faculty Representative Finance Committee 1998 Board of Trustees Faculty Representative Finance Committee 1997-2006 Ancilla College Board Member Academic Affairs Committee 1997 Technology Council USF Department Representative, 1996 Assistant to the Dean of Student Services, Laney College, Oakland, CA 1996 Compiled and designed Symposium Proceedings, USF, San Francisco, CA 1996 Produced Working Database for Western Association of Schools and Colleges. St. Felicitas School, San Leandro, CA 1996 Educational Presenter, Faculty In-service presenter: Catholic Identity St. Anne Elementary School, Salt Lake City, UT 1996 Directed data input for NCEA Publication, USF 1991-1995 Ancilla College Board Member, Development Committee 1986-1989 St. Mary’s Hospital, Ethics Committee Member, East St. Louis, IL 1985-1989 Catherine Kasper Center, Board Member, East St. Louis, IL South Metropolitan Higher Calumet College of St. Joseph and Local Community Service Experience Advisory Boards 2005-2006 2005 Mayor’s Advisory Board, Whiting, IN CCSJ Computer Information Systems Advisory Board 2005 Working toward a CCSJ Communications Advisory Board 2004-2005 Law Enforcement Advisory Board 2004-Present CCSJ Institutional Review Board 2004-Present CCSJ Center of Excellence: Social Justice 2003-Present CCSJ Center of Excellence: Law Enforcement 2000 CCSJ Paralegal Advisory Board 1998-2005 CCSJ Education Committee Advisory Board Committee Chair Assignments 2004-Present Academic Council 2004-2005 Lilly Million Committee 2003-2004 Graduate Council Task Force 1999-2003 Curriculum and Assessment 1999-2003 Academic Senate 1998-1999 Lilly Retention Committee Committee Memberships 2006 Mentor Planning Committee: Council of Independent Colleges 2006 Latino Summit Planning Committee Member; Independent Colleges of Indiana, Marian College 2005 Graduate Council Committee 2005 Academic Quality Improvement Program Committee 2004 Communication Task Force 2004 Social Sciences Task Force 2004 Graduate council Task Force 2004 Institutional Review Board Committee 2003-2004 Academic Structures Task Force and Committee 2003 Graduate Education Task Force 1999-2004 Retention and Persistence Committee 1999-Present Curriculum and Assessment Committee 1998-1999 General Education Task Force and Committee 1998–1999 Lilly Retention Committee 1998-Present Education Committee 1999-2000 Community College Initiative of Northwest Indiana 1999-2001 NCA Committee 1999-Present Academic Affairs Committee 1999-Present Administrative Staff 1999-Present Finance Committee Active Membership in Professional Organizations 2000-Present South Metropolitan Higher Education Consortium 1999-Present American Association of University Women 1999-Present American Association of Higher Education 1997-Present Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges 1999-Present Council of Independent Colleges 1999-Present Independent College of Indiana 1996-Present Phi Delta Kappa, San Francisco Chapter Contributions to Increased Social Welfare 2005 Guatemala Experience: We Are Family 2005. Have invited CCSJ Board members to sponsor a student for 2006 at $500. Thus far, I have secured two commitments of $500. 2005 Member of the CCSJ Book Club 2004 Initiated, designed (with others) and implemented a year-long program entitled: Simple Maxims from Women of Wisdom, PHJC Community 2003 Guatemala Experience: We Are Family inaugural group. Assisted with pictures and presentations about experience. 2000 Habitat for Humanity: Worked on the building of houses APPENDIX 3 John M. Shields Ph.D. 12 Bertoldo Road Park Forest, IL 60466 (708) 747-1384 WORK HISTORY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION Presently Assistant Professor of Education at Calumet College of St. Joseph in Whiting, Indiana while also continuing to serve as Adjunct Professor of Theology at Loyola University of Chicago. Graduate Program Director of the M.S. in Education Program, Leadership in Teaching, at Calumet College of St. Joseph. UNIVERSITY FELLOW AND GRADUATE ASSISTANT 1999 to 2002. Attended Loyola University of Chicago as a full time University Fellow and Graduate Assistant in the Department of Theology. I also served as an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Loyola University of Chicago and at Calumet College of St. Joseph in Whiting, Indiana. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS FOR THE DIOCESE OF GARY, IN 1992 to 1999. In this position I have been responsible for collaborating with the central administration of the Diocese and with local Catholic school leadership in carrying out the mission of Catholic education of the Diocese of Gary. The Catholic school system of the Diocese comprises thirty-four elementary and secondary schools with a student population of 10,000 children and with a professional staff of more than five hundred teachers. PRINCIPAL OF BISHOP NOLL INSTITUTE, HAMMOND, IN 1987 to 1992. In this position I guided this co-educational Catholic secondary school community towards fulfilling its mission while striving to greatly improve staff morale and to achieve the financial stability of the school. VICE PRINCIPAL OF MENDEL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL, CHICAGO, IL 1974-1987. In this position I worked collaboratively with the administrative staff to develop and implement a strong college prep curriculum. SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER, ST. RITA HIGH SCHOOL, CHICAGO, IL 1972-1973. I served the St. Rita High School community as a social studies instructor. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Constructive Theology Loyola University of Chicago. Degree granted in December of 2004. Dissertation topic: An Eschatological Imagination: A Revisionist Christian Eschatology in the Light of David Tracy’s Theological Project. M.A. in Theology University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN. Degree granted in August of 1999. Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Supervision Loyola University of Chicago. Degree granted in May of 1987. Dissertation topic: Leadership Skills of Catholic Secondary School Principals in the Archdiocese of Chicago. M.Ed. in Educational Administration and Supervision Loyola University of Chicago. Degree granted in February of 1976. B.A. in Philosophy Tolentine College, Olympia Fields, IL. Degree granted in June of 1968. COMMUNITY SERVICE/MEMBERSHIPS I have served as an active and committed member of the following boards/commissions: Diocese of Gary Education Commission, Diocese of Gary Ministry Formation Board, Indiana Non-Public Education Association Board, Indiana Catholic Principals' Institute, Board of Trustees of LeMans Academy. Presently, I am also a member of the Indiana Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development as well as the American Academy of Religion and the Catholic Theological Society of America. APPENDIX 4 Jeanette C. Shutay 13804 Rockbluff Way Homer Glen, IL 60491 (773) 791-0776 EMPLOYMENT: August 2006 Present Position Calumet College of St. Joseph 2400 New York Avenue Whiting, IN 46394 Assistant Professor, Tenure Track Responsibilities Teaching Research Methods and Issues in Psychology courses for the Leadership in Teaching Masters Program. Teaching Statistics related courses in the Quality Assurance Master Program. Teaching Research Methods and Statistics courses in the Public Safety and Administration Departments. Conducting research (see current research initiatives), advising students and serving on the Faculty Senate Committee and the Education Committee. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________ October 2001 Havi Global Solutions (HGS), ISIS Demand Planning (previously named Perseco) June 2007 3075 Highland Parkway, Suite 200 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Position Responsibilities Demand Planner (September 2006 – June 2007) –part-time basis. Forecasting Manager (May 2005 – August 2006) Forecasting Analyst (October 2001 – April 2005) Providing leadership regarding adult food continuous item replenishment for McDonalds Canada and Japan including data validation, assessing consumer behavior trends and providing restaurant level forecasts. Spearheading the development of a country “readiness” assessment to determine a country’s potential for restaurant order proposal services to be supplied by ISIS Demand Planning. Conducting forecasts and volume plan quantities at the restaurant and national level. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________ September 2002 National-Louis University June 2005 1000 Capital Drive Wheeling, IL 60090 Position Assistant Professor, Tenure Track Responsibilities Teaching master and doctoral level research courses (quantitative and qualitative), serving on graduate committees and councils (Assessment Council and Graduate Admissions & Retention Council), pursuing own personal research endeavors, analyzing college and program level data, participating in program evaluation and student assessment, revising and developing graduate level courses, etc. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ August 2000 Sears Roebuck & Company October 2001 3333 E. Beverly Road Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 Position Research Statistician Responsibilities Data mining, model building, customer profiling, customer relationship management, and providing analytical support in general. ASSESSMENT RELATED CONSULTANTSHIPS: July 2006 Present Chicago Public Schools (CPS) 125 South Clark Street Chicago, IL 60603 Position Independent Consultant - Psychometrics Assignments Providing psychometric expertise to CPS. Reviewing, critiquing and explaining the work done by Harcourt regarding the new Standardized Reading Assessment and the work done by Education Testing Systems (ETS) with regard to a new Math Assessment for grades three through eight. Analyzing student performance data and identifying weaknesses of the assessments. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ July 2005 University of South Florida, College of Public Health September 2005 13201 Bruce B. Downs Blvd. – MDC 56 Tampa, FL 33612-3805 Position Independent Consultant – Program Evaluation and Psychometrics Assignments Conducting seven program evaluations using course evaluation qualitative and quantitative data and participant pretest/post-test performance data. Providing recommendations for program delivery improvements and modifications to the course evaluations and assessment instruments. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ November 2004 Glenbard School District 87 As needed basis 560 Crescent Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 Position Independent Consultant – Assessment Issues Assignments Assisting English teachers with their assessment process and the analysis of their student performance data. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I provide consultation services for master and doctoral level graduate students. I work with dozens of students every year from various disciplines (i.e. finance, medicine, education, psychology, business). However, the bulk of my clients are from the field of Education. I started Jshutay Consulting, Inc. in September 2001 and have been consistently providing services over the past five years. CURRENT RESEARCH INITIATIVES I am currently working in collaboration with Two by Two Animal Campus regarding their Humane Education Program which is designed for second grade students and aligned with the NCE learning standards. I am evaluating their current assessment tool and providing specific recommendations for modifications to the assessment tool based in test theory and quantitative data analysis. I am working as the Primary Investigator for a research project which is intended to evaluate an alternative sentencing program (i.e. family counseling) for young adult alcohol and drug offenders. My role is to structure the research design including the research methods, instrumentation and data analysis strategies, oversee the study, analyze the data and report on the data analysis findings. We are working in cooperation with Judge Harkin in Hammond, IN. and therefore our participants will be people who have committed their alcohol or drug offense in the city of Hammond, IN. EDUCATION: -Ph.D. in Research Methodology (applied statistics minor) 1/01 from Loyola University, Chicago -M.A. in Developmental Psychology 5/99 from Loyola University, Chicago. -B.A. in Psychology 6/94 from DePaul University. UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPTS Master Thesis: Differences in Ratings of Perceived Infant Temperament as a Function of Infant Attractiveness, Infant Gender, Infant Behavior and Gender of the Rater. Doctoral Dissertation: Developing a Profile for Adolescent Male and Female Parents as a Function of Demographic and Individual Characteristics: A Comparison of Mothers and Fathers. UNPUBLISHED ASSESSMENTS Dispositions Assessment Survey – This survey is intended to measure the dispositions of student teachers and focuses on the areas of professionalism, ethics, self management style and student management style. This survey has not yet been piloted. Questionnaire of Classroom Discussions as an Instructional Method – This questionnaire has been piloted on 300 students at a predominately African American University. The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine the current practices of instructors with regard to their use of classroom discussions as an instructional method (frequency and classroom dynamics surrounding the classroom discussions) and to determine the perceived effects that the classroom discussions have on student learning outcomes controlling for student behavior (coming to class regularly, participating in the discussions, etc.). PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: -American Statistical Association (ASA) -American Society of Quality (ASQ) -American Educational Research Association (AERA) -Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) APPENDIX 5 Curriculum Vitae Garrard McClendon PERSONAL INFORMATION Home Address: 2301 West 63rd Avenue Merrillville, IN 46320 (219) 887-6653 FORMAL EDUCATION Ph.D. In Progress Loyola University Chicago Educational Leadership Policy Studies ABD in Fall of 2007 M.A. Valparaiso University (Valparaiso, Indiana) Education and English Degree Conferred 1995 B.A. Wabash College (Crawfordsville, Indiana) Major: English Minor: History Degree Conferred 1990 Diploma Hammond High School (Hammond, Indiana) PUBLISHED MATERIALS McClendon, Garrard. Ax or Ask? The African American Guide to Better English. Positive People Publishing, Inc. 2004. TEACHING and PROFESSIONAL SNAPSHOT Ten years of teaching and seminar training experience Publisher of educational texts Courses taught: English, Education, and Multicultural Diversity SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS HELD 2004-Present Educational Consultant, McClendon Report, LLC Facilitating Teaching Methods and Strategies for Educators Diversity Consulting 2004 Professor, Department of Education Calumet College of St. Joseph Whiting, Indiana 1999 – 2002 Assistant Professor, Department of English Purdue University North Central and Purdue University Calumet Westville, Indiana and Hammond, Indiana 1998-2001 Program Manager, Indiana Department of Commerce Hammond Urban Enterprise Association Hammond, Indiana 1997-1998 Teacher, Department of English Bishop Noll Institute Hammond, Indiana 1996-1997 Interim Computer Trainer, Inland Steel/Microsoft Corporation Inland Steel East Chicago, Indiana 1995-1996 Adjunct Professor Davenport University Merrillville, Indiana 1990-1996 Teacher and Curriculum Developer, Department of English Culver Military Academy and Culver Girls’ Academy Culver, Indiana 1989-1990 Teacher, English and Communications Department Bishop Chatard High School CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS McClendon, G. Are Unmarried Black Women Single by Choice or Circumstance. Gary Historical Society Presentation, Gary, Indiana, October 31, 2004. McClendon, G. Educational Motivation. Speech presented to Hammond High School Seniors, Hammond, Indiana, April 9, 1997. McClendon, G. The State of Emergency in African American English Skills. Presentation to Students at Delta College and Saginaw Public Schools, Saginaw, Michigan, February 20, 1997. McClendon, G. Knowing the Language of Power and Finance. Presentation to Junior Achievement and Urban League, New Orleans, April 29, 1996. McClendon, G. English Language Symposium. Presentation to students, University of Delaware, Wilmington, Delaware, October 3, 1995. McClendon, G. Better English Skills for All Children. Presentation to Cleveland HeightsUniversity Heights City Schools, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, November 1, 1994. McClendon, G. Celebration of Reading. Presentation to Hammond Public Library, Hammond, Indiana, September 9, 1994. McClendon, G. Language and Culture. Presentation to students, Virginia Western Community College, Roanoke, Virginia, March 2, 1994. McClendon, G. Dialects and Demographics. Paper presentation to Valparaiso University Faculty, Students, and Staff, Valparaiso, Indiana, January 20, 1994. MEMBERSHIPS Northern Indiana Arts Association (Member Since 2001) Indiana Advocacy for the Arts Council (Member Since 2003) Association for Supervision, Curriculum, and Development (Member Since 2003) V.A.L.U.E.S. and World of Opportunities, Inc. (Contributor Since 1998) Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce (Member Since 2002) Gary Chamber of Commerce (Member Since 2002) Merrillville Chamber of Commerce (Member Since 2002) APPENDIX 6 Calumet College of St. Joseph Education Program 2007 – 2008 Education Committee Representing the Education Department John Shields Joi Patterson Bruce Wisowaty Garrard McClendon Angela Ramsey Lynn Duimich Nicole Blackwell Michele Dvorak Representing Calumet College of St. Joseph Faculty and Staff Barbara Goodman Antonia Koslow Jeanette Shutay Virginia Rhodes Walter Skiba Representing Local School Districts Maria Dalhoumi Alicia Madeka Joan Kras Dariel McGraff Representing Local Community (TBA) Representing Teacher Candidates Ryan Keelan Jennifer Pollitt Carla McCall Representing Alumni Teachers Voronda Tillman Maleesa Losnedahl