


Spring 2012


Primary Learning Objectives:

*Knowledge of and facility with fundamental legal concepts, including the legal process, the laws and the regulations that affect business.

*Ability to perform basic legal research.

*Present legal arguments and thought through effective written communication.

*Discuss legal issues in groups with differing viewpoints.


Catherine E. Jorgens, Esq.

301 Voorhees cjorgens@carrollu.edu


This class is a hybrid course using MyCourses. I check my email at least once a day. You can expect a response to questions about course content within 24 hours.

Your question and my answer will be posted on the Main Page on the course site, so that the entire class receives the same clarification.



The Legal Environment of Business, 11th Edition, Roger E. Meiners, Al H. Ringleb, Frances L.

Edwards, ISBN-10: 0538473991 ISBN-13: 9780538473996

NOTE: You do not need to purchase any additional web-based package or access key.

Class Structure:

Class Structure

Each week, we will cover approximately two chapters in your textbook, not necessarily in order. All of the assignments, quizzes and reading material (other than the textbook) will be available on the course site under the "Coursework" tab. Weeks in this class run from Saturday to the following Friday night. The weekly material is only available during that week. In other words, you cannot "catch up" on material you missed in Week

1 in Week 2, nor can you work ahead on Week 3 material. You will, however, have some flexibility during the week about when you complete your work. For the most part, you should be reading your chapters over the weekend, attending class on Monday, completing internet assignments and engaging in an online discussion about a legal issue from Sunday to Thursday, attending class on Thursday, and taking a weekly quiz sometime between class on Thursday and Friday at 6 pm, then starting it all over again.

In general, each week will look like this:

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Internet Assignments

Online Discussion


Reading Assignments

Our pace will be approximately two chapters each week. In addition to the textbook chapters, you should use, as necessary, the optional flash cards, key terms and

Powerpoints found on the textbook website. http://www.cengagebrain.com/shop/ISBN/9780538473996?cid=APL1

Note – we will NOT be using the quizzes and internet assignments from this site. The graded quizzes and internet assignments are found on the MyCourse site at my.carrollu.edu.


Internet Assignments

Even more so than other fields, you will find through your research that "the law" is in a constant state of change. To learn business law in a manner that will be useful to you throughout your career, it is critical that you gain the ability to identify a legal question and research the current answer to that question – memorizing today's rules will not aid you as much as learning how to find a legal answer. Attorneys use fee-based online legal research tools like Westlaw and Lexis-Nexis, but there are many excellent resources available to business people for free. Each week, you will be provided links to some of these resources and a set of legal questions. By exploring these sources of the law, you will be able to answer the questions posed. You may do so succinctly, but please maintain a professional writing style (in other words, write in complete sentences!). Each week, you will upload your answers in a Word document (any version of Word will work) to the Assignment link, which will be available from Saturday at midnight to

Thursday morning at 8 am, when we begin class. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Please note – these are individual assignments. Plagiarism will be referred to the Office of Academic Affairs for further action and will result in a "0" for the Internet Assignment portion of your grade.

Weekly Discussions

Each week, the class will participate in a discussion about a legal issue or case. The discussions will give you an opportunity to use the concepts and terminology in your reading. The discussion is sparked each week by a set of questions. At a minimum, you are required to post an answer or reaction to the questions that uses the concepts from your weekly reading, and two legally substantive responses to one of your colleagues' posts. The Discussion will be available from Saturday at midnight to Thursday morning at 8 am, when we begin class. A detailed grading rubric with my expectations for your participation is provided on the MyCourses site.


There will be eleven multiple choice weekly quizzes. The quizzes are not cumulative.

For exam, in Week 2 we are covering three chapters, Chapters 3 and 4. The questions will be only from those chapters, and not from the material covered in Week 1. The quizzes will be taken online through the MyCourses site. The link will be available each week after class every Thursday and will close at 6 pm on Friday evenings. Each quiz will be 25 multiple choice questions in one hour.

Judicial Writing Assignment

Congratulations! You have been appointed as the next justice to the Supreme Court of the United States. Your first case will be assigned in Week 2. The briefs will be available for you to review in Weeks 2 -4. You are responsible for completing your initial review of the parties' briefs by the beginning of Week 4. After reading the briefs


and listening to the oral argument, all of you will participate in a judicial caucus for your

Week 4 Discussion. You will discuss how you plan to rule in the case and why, laying out your legal reasoning for your fellow justices on the court. Just like your other weekly discussion assignments, you will be responsible for an initial post and a response to at least two of your fellow justices' arguments. The result of the caucus will determine which side is the majority (the winner) and which side the dissent (the loser). Following the caucus, you will have the remainder of the course to write a written judicial opinion ruling on the legal issues raised by the case. By the time you write your opinion, you will have read many opinions by real judges. In addition, a detailed grading rubric will be provided.

This is your only semester long assignment in this course. Please note – this is an individual assignment. Plagiarism will be referred to the Office of Academic Affairs for further action and will result in a "0" for the assignment. Opinions will not be accepted after midnight on May 5, 2012.


Each quiz or written assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded based upon the point scale below. The quizzes and internet assignments will be averaged. The average will constitute 60% of your grade. Your response to and participation in the weekly discussions will constitute 20% of your grade. The final written project will constitute

20% of your graded. For each three classes missed, grades will be lowered one full grade.

The grade scale is:















Each assignment grade will be rounded to the nearest whole percentage. This means that

94.4% is rounded down to 94% and earns you an A/B, but a 94.5% is rounded up to 95% and earns an A. Final grades are not rounded.

Preparation and Participation:

All students in this course must have frequent- almost daily- access to the Internet. You must use the course site regularly to keep up with announcements and to complete the assigned activities. Be sure to have access to a reliable computer and a back-up plan for

Internet access.

Less time spent in class does NOT mean less work. You may find that the time spent in online activities will be considerable, but it is expected that your active participation will


enhance your learning.

Learning is not a spectator sport. You are expected to take the responsibility to actively use the online learning material and to manage your time so that you complete assigned reading and online activities within the timeframes assigned. It is essential that you respect the time constraints of you classmates and post your responses by the deadlines so that you and your classmates can respond to one another.

Accommodations for Persons With Disabilities:

Students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations or any student considering obtaining documentation should make an appointment with Ms. Marty

Bledsoe, our disabilities coordinator, no later than the first week of class. She can be reached by calling 524-7335 or contacting her via e-mail at mbledsoe@carrollu.edu.

Notification of the Academic Integrity Policy

Due notification is made to students regarding student academic integrity. Students should read and be familiar with the terms and conditions described in the Student

Handbook. This document is also available online under ‘Student Affairs’ on Carroll’s intranet.

Right to Modify

The instructor reserves the right to modify this document as the need arises.



(Business 290HY)


WEEK 1 - Introduction to the Legal System

(Note that "weeks" in this course begin on Saturdays and end on Fridays):

Saturday, January 21, 2012 – Friday, January 27, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

 Read Chapters 1-2

 Key Terms

 Flash Cards


 Study Guide

 Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 1-2.

All week:

Read the article "How to Read a Judicial Opinion" by Prof. Orin Kerr.


WEEK 2 – Trial Practice

Saturday, January 28, 2012 – Friday, February 3, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

 Read Chapters 3-4

 Key Terms

 Flash Cards


 Study Guide

 Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 1-2.


WEEK 3 – Criminal and Tort Law

Saturday, February 4, 2012 – Friday, February 10, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

 Read Chapters 5-6

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues'

Friday answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.

Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 5-6.


WEEK 4 – Product Liability

Saturday, February 11, 2012 – Friday, February 17, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

 Read Chapters 7, 19

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues'

Friday answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.

Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapter 7 and 19.


WEEK 5 – Property, Both Real and Intellectual

Saturday, February 18, 2012 – Friday, February 24, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

Read Chapters 8-9

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 8-9.


WEEK 6 – Contracts and the UCC

Saturday, February 25, 2012– Friday, March 2, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

 Read Chapter 10-11

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues'

Friday answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.

Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 10-11 and additional materials.


WEEK 7 – Negotiable Instruments and Regulation

Saturday, March 3, 2012 – Friday, March 16, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

Read Chapter 12, 15

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 12 and 15.



WEEK 8 – Business Organizations and Competition

Saturday, March 17, 2012 – Friday, March 23, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

Read Chapter 13, 20

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 13, 20.


WEEK 9 – Employment

Saturday, March 24, 2012 – Friday, March 30, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

Read Chapter 14

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 14.


WEEK 10 – Employment Continued

Saturday, March 31, 2012 – Friday, April 13, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

Read Chapter 16 and 17

Key Terms

Flash Cards


Study Guide

Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.

Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapters 16-17.



WEEK 11 – Securities Law

Saturday, April 14, 2012 – Friday, April 20, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

 Read Chapter 21 and supplemental reading

 Key Terms

 Flash Cards


 Study Guide

 Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapter 21.


WEEK 12 – International Law

Saturday, April 21, 2012 – Friday, April 27, 2012

Complete Required Reading:

 Read Chapter 22 and supplemental reading

 Key Terms

 Flash Cards


 Study Guide

 Power Points

Sunday - Thursday

Complete Weekly Internet Assignments:

 The link to the internet assignment will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning and will be unavailable after we begin class on Thursday mornings. Late assignments will not be accepted.

Engage in Week Discussion:

 The link to the Weekly Discussion will be available from 12:00 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Your answers to the discussion questions must be posted by

Tuesday night at midnight. A substantive response to at least two of your colleagues' answers must be posted by the time we begin class on Thursday morning.


Take Weekly Quiz:

 Take the weekly quiz covering the material in Chapter 22.

