Efficient Data Placement Algorithm for Cloud-based Workflow1 Peng Zhang1,2,3, Guiling Wang3, Yanbo Han3, Jing Wang3 1 Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049, China, 2Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100190, China, 3North China University of Technology, 100041, China Abstract While cloud-based workflow shows potentials of inherent scalability and expenditure reduction, such issues as data transfer and efficiency have popped up as major concerns. The workflow engine must intelligently select locations in which the data will reside to avoid redundant data transfer when one task needs several distributed data in cloud. In this paper, an efficient data placement algorithm for cloud-based workflow is proposed. The data placement algorithm uses affinity graph to group datasets to minimize data transfers while keeping a polynomial time complexity. By integrating the algorithm into cloud-based workflow engine, we can expect efficiency improvement in data transfer. Experiments and analysis supported our efforts. Keywords: data placement, affinity graph, cloud computing, workflow, data transfer 1. INTRODUCTION Recently, cloud computing has been gaining popularity as a technology that promises to provide the next generation of Information Technology (IT) platforms based on the concept of utility computing [1-3]. Some key features of cloud computing such as high performance, massive storage and relatively low cost of infrastructure construction attract many attentions. By taking advantage of cloud computing, the Workflow Management System (WfMS) shows potentials of inherent scalability and expenditure reduction, and enables to gain a wider utilization for cross-organizational e-business application. However, they will also face some new challenges, where data transfer is one of them. One the one hand, since in the cloud computing system, datasets may are distributed and the communication is also based on the Internet. When one task needs to process data from different locations, data transfer on the Internet is inevitable [4]. On the other hand, the infrastructure of the cloud computing system is hidden from their users, who do not know the exact physical locations where their data are placed. This kind of model is very convenient for users, but random data placement could lead to unnecessary data transfers [5]. So we need an efficient data placement to respond to the challenge. Concerning the data placement problem, Kosar and colleagues [6] propose a data placement scheduler for the distributed computing systems. It guarantees the reliable and efficient data transfer with different protocols. Cope et al. [7] propose a data placement strategy for urgent computing environments to guarantee the data’s robustness. At the infrastructure level, NUCA [8] is a data placement and replication strategy for distributed caches that can reduce the data’s access latency. These works mainly focus on how to transfer the application data, and they cannot minimize the total data transfers. As cloud computing has become more and more popular, new data management systems have also appeared, such as the Google File System [9] and Hadoop [10]. But they are designed mainly for Web search applications, which are different from workflow applications. The closest data placement research to ours is the workflow system which has proposed some data placement strategies based on the k-means cluster algorithm [5], but the algorithm requires objective function and shows exponential cost growth. This paper treats the cloud as an umbrella term referring to Internet-based interconnect computing and storage nodes, which partition the Internet-based cyberspace for controlled sharing and collaboration, and reports a practice of the data placement algorithm for cloud-based workflow that have the following specific features: Efficient data placement. The data placement works in tight combination with task scheduling to place data in a graphical partition manner, upon which the data transfers could be minimized. Moreover, the data placement algorithm is polynomial and involves no arbitrary empirical objective functions to evaluate candidate partitions. We evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm and demonstrate that our data placement algorithm achieves significant performance improvements. 1 The work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61033006, 60970131. Male, PhD candidate, His research interests include service composition, workflow management. Email:zhangpeng@software.ict.ac.cn 1 2. MOTIVATING EXAMPLE We provide an example scenario for explain a typical problem can be addressed by the reported work. Emergency Materials Management (EMM) is an entire lifecycle management that includes key tasks like demand analysis, raise, storage, transport and consumption. EMM is also a typical cross-organizational e-business application that represents the kind of systems that can be used as the motivational example for the reported work. Since an EMM is usually quite complicated system, we have decided to choose describe only a simplified episode of an EMM to illustrate the problem that we have address. As shown in Figure 1, the episode that involves investigation office, materials management office and transport office, who are required to act on a following scenario. controlflow dataflow Investigation Office Analyze demand Materials Management Office In stock Receive Order Out of stock Plan sourceing Allocation Make Load Source Transport Office Delivery Distribution Sign in …... data transfer Shipping Order Delivery Order Form Node A Node B Node C …... Node D Figure.1 The random data placement To support the abovementioned relief management workflow scenarios, several kinds of data need are required; an analysis task produces an “Order form” reporting the emergency materials report. The materials management office receives the “Order Form” and outputs the “Shipping Order”. The local transport office delivers the emergency materials as soon as the “Order Form” and “Shipping Order” are received. All the data required to support this workflow are placed on different nodes in the cloud. Figure 1 shows that the “Order Form” in the WfMS is placed on node A and the “Shipping Order” is placed on node C, then there is at least one data transfer in each workflow instance, regardless of the delivery task is scheduled for node A or C. If there is a need to a large number of concurrent instances for supporting the workflow, we can anticipate a very high cost of data transfer even if the nodes are connected with Ethernet. Let us suppose that there are 10 transport offices, 1Mbits order form and 100Mbits/sec Ethernet bandwidth, each transport office enables 1000 delivery instance, the total data transfer time is more or less 1×102 seconds, which can be a significant amount of time in disastrous relief scenarios. It is noteworthy that it is usually impossible to place all data to the same node as a result of storage limit. In addition, placing all data to the same node will also lead to a node becoming a super node that has a high workload. 2. DATA PLACEMENT MODEL For e-business applications, their processes need to be executed for a large number of times sequentially within a very short time period or concurrently with a large number of instances [11], so that when one task needs data located at different nodes, these concurrent instances makes the data transfer become more criticality. To effectively place these data, the workflow engine must intelligently select nodes in which these data will reside. In this paper, a data scheduling engine has been proposed, as shown in Figure 3. The data scheduling engine mainly does two things: analyze the dependencies between tasks and data; place the data based on the analysis results. After that, the data scheduling engine notifies the task scheduling engine to schedule the tasks. As have been known, in workflows, both tasks and data could be numerous and make up a complicated many-to-many relationship. One task might need many data and one data might be used by many tasks. So the data placement should be based on these dependencies between tasks and data. In order to facilitate understanding, some related definitions are given as follows. DEFINITION 1 Workflow Specification: A workflow specification can be represented by a directed acyclic graph WSpc =(T, E),where T is a finite set of task ti (1≤i ≤n,n=|T|) and E is a finite set of directed edges eij(1≤i≤ n, 1≤j≤n). Task T= (ActivityTask, ControlTask) are basic building blocks of a workflow. ActivityTask defines the abstract functional requirements, ControlTask defines the control logics. ActivityTask = (Name, In, Out), where the three elements represent the task’s name, input parameters and output parameters. ControlTask={Start, AndSplit, AndJoin, OrSplit, OrJoin, End}. DEFINITION 2 Data Set: The data set D is a finite set of data, and every data has a size, so every data di∈D has attributes denoted as <i, si>, where i denotes the identifier, si denotes the size of di. The data are used to represent the parameters of ActivityTask, so each ti ∈ ActivityTask(1≤i≤|ActivityTask|) has attributes denoted as<j, Dj>, where j is the identifier, Dj⊆D. DEFINITION 3 Data Affinity: The data affinity is acckij , where acckij is the number defined as affij k ServiceTask of task k referencing both data i and j. The summation occurs over the ActivityTask in WSpc. This definition of data affinity measures the strength of an imaginary bond 2 between the two data, predicated on the fact that data are used together by activity tasks. DEFINITION 4 Data Affinity Matrix: Based on this definition of data affinity, the data affinity matrix DA is defined as follows: It is an n n matrix for the n-data problem whose (i,j) element equals affij. DEFINITION 5 Data Block Set: The data block set B is a finite set of data block, and each data block has a set of data, and is denoted as<m, Dm>, where m is the identifier, Dm⊆D. DEFINITION 6 Node Set: The node set R is a finite set of nodes, and each node rn has a size and a set of data blocks, and is denoted as <n, sn, Bn>, where n is the identifier, sn denotes the storage limit of rn, Bn⊆B. From workflow deployment to workflow execution, this paper mainly discusses two data placement cases. The first case is initial data placement. When workflow specifications are deployed in cloud, the data used by activity tasks need to be placed. The second case is runtime data placement. When workflow specifications are executed, the data generated by activity tasks need to be placed. Let us introduce the two cases in details. 2.1 Initial Placement Vertical partitioning is the process that divides a global object which may be a single relation or more like a universal relation into groups of their attributes, called vertical fragments. It is used during the design of a distributed database to enhance the performance of transactions. Vertical partitioning has a variety of applications wherever the match between data and transactions can affect performance [12]. In this paper, the match between data and tasks can affect directly the data placement, which can affect indirectly the data transfer performance, so we can apply the vertical partitioning to the data placement, where the tasks are seem as transactions and data are seem as attributes in a relation. We shall use the following notation and terminology in the description of our initial data placement. Primitive cycle denotes any cycle in the affinity graph. Affinity cycle denotes a primitive cycle that contains a cycle node. Cycle completing edge denotes a “to be selected” edge that would complete a cycle. Cycle node is that node of the cycle completing edge, which was selected earlier. Former edge denotes an edge that was selected between the last cut and the cycle node. Cycle edge is any of the edges forming a cycle. Extension of a cycle refers to a cycle being extended by pivoting at the cycle node. The above definitions are used in the proposed data placement to process the affinity graph and to generate possible cycles from the graph. The intuitive explanations will be found in the paper [12]. Let’s take the materials management and transport process for example. Firstly, the workflow specification 3 as shown in Figure 2(a) is transformed into a data affinity matrix as shown in the left of Figure 2(b).A diagonal element DA(i,i) equals to the sum of the usage for the data di. This is reasonable since it shows the “strength” of that data in terms of its use by all activity tasks. The procedure for generating the data blocks by the affinity graph is described below. Each partition of the graph generates a data block. Transport Office d2 Materials Management Office d1 AndSplit AndJoin S2 S1 S4 S7 S6 S5 S8 S3 d3 d5 d4 (a) d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d1 2 1 2 0 0 d2 1 3 1 2 1 d3 2 1 2 0 0 d4 0 2 0 2 1 d5 0 1 0 1 3 d1 1 2 1 d2 1 1 2 d3 d5 d4 (b) d1 d1 1 2 2 1 d2 1 1 1 d5 1 2 d3 d3 d5 d4 1 d2 d4 2 (c) S3 d4 d2 S4 S1 B2->R2 d3 d1 S2 S5 B1->R1 d5 B3->R3 (d) Figure 2.The data placement process Construct the affinity graph from the workflow specification being considered. Note that the data affinity matrix is itself an adequate data structure to represent this graph. No additional physical storage of data would be necessary. Figure 2(b) shows an affinity graph. 2 Start from any node. In Figure 2(b), we start from the node d1. 3 Select an edge which satisfies the following conditions: It should be linearly connected to the tree already constructed. It should have the largest value among the possible choices of edges at each end of the tree. In Figure 2(b), we firstly select the edge (d1, d3), and secondly select the edge (d3, d2). Next, we select the edge (d2, d4) and the edge (d4, d5). Finally, we select the edge (d5, d2).This iteration will end when all nodes are used for tree construction. 4 When the next selected edge forms a primitive cycle: 1 If a cycle node does not exist, check for the “possibility of a cycle”, and if the possibility exists, mark the cycle as an affinity cycle. The possibility of a cycle results from the condition that no former edge exists, or p(former edge) <= p(al1 the cycle edges). Consider this cycle as a candidate partition. Go to step 3. In Figure 2(b), when we select the edge (d5, d2), there is no cycle node and no former edge exists, so the primitive cycle d2-d4-d5 constitutes a candidate partition, where the cycle node is d2. If a cycle node exists already, discard this edge and go to step 3. 5 When the next selected edge does not form a cycle and a candidate partition exists: If no former edge exists, check for the possibility of extension of the cycle by this new edge. The possibility of extension results from the condition of p(edge being considered or cycle completing edge)>= p(any one of the cycle edges). If there is no possibility, cut this edge and consider the cycle as a partition. Go to step 3. In Figure 2(b), because there is no possibility of extension of the cycle d2-d4-d5, we cut the edge (d3, d2), and consider d2-d4-d5 as a partition. If a former edge exists, change the cycle node and check for the possibility of extension of the cycle by the former edge. If there is no possibility, cut the former edge and consider the cycle as a partition. Go to step 3. In our present approach, however, we consider the data affinity matrix as a complete graph called the affinity graph in which an edge value represents the affinity between the two data. Then, forming a linearly connected spanning tree, the procedure generates all meaningful data blocks in iteration by considering a cycle as a data block. A linear and connected tree has only two ends. In the right of Figure 2(b) shows the affinity graph corresponding to the data affinity matrix after excluding zero-valued edges. Note that the data affinity matrix serves as a data structure for the affinity graph. The major advantages of the proposed method are that: There is no need for iterative binary partitioning. The major weakness of iterative binary partitioning is that at each step two new problems are generated increasing the complexity; furthermore, termination of the algorithm is dependent on the discriminating power of the objective function. The method requires no objective function. The empirical objective functions were selected after some trial and error experimentation to find out that they possess a good discriminating power. Although reasonable, they constitute an arbitrary choice. This arbitrariness has been eliminated in the proposed methodology. Now we consider the computational complexity. Step 1 does not affect the computational complexity because the attribute affinity matrix can be used as a symmetric matrix. The repeat loop in the detailed description is executed n-l times, where n denotes the number of data. At each iteration, selection of the next edge takes a time O(n). Also whether a cycle exists or not can be implemented in time of O(n). Thus, the algorithm takes a time O(n2). The partition results are shown as in Figure 2(c), where each broken line partition a data block and each data block includes a group of data. For example, the data d1 and the data d3 constitute a data block <1, {d1, d3}>, and the data d2 and the data d4 and the data d5 constitute a data block <2, {d2, d4, d5}>. Next, these data blocks are placed in different nodes. The procedure is introduced as follows: 6 Get the ActivityTask from WSpc; 7 Calculate the estimated data transfer time if the data block Bk is scheduled to the node Rj according to formula 1. The bandwidth set is denoted as BW, BWij denotes the bandwidth between node Ri and node Rj. Here the sum of the storage limit of all nodes is greater than the sum of the size of all data. min Rj (dk / BWij) (1) dkRj , dk Ri , dkBk 8 Sort the data transfer time and then select the node Rj with the least data transfer time; 9 If the storage limit of Rj is greater than the size of data block Bi, then place the Bi to the node Rj; else try other nodes and go to Step 9; 10 If the size of data block Bi is greater than any storage limit of nodes, then the data block will be partitioned into two data blocks with the maximum sum of affinity weight until the size is satisfied; As shown in Figure 2(d), the data block B1 is placed in the node R1, and the data block B2 is partitioned two data blocks as a result of the total size of d2, d4 and d5 is greater than any storage limit of nodes. Since the partition {d2, d4} and the partition {d5} have the maximum sum of affinity weight, the d2 and d4 constitute one data block and is placed in the node R2, and the d5 constitute another data block and is placed in the node R3. There are only two data transfers after the S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5 are executed. Suppose that the number of data and nodes is n respectively, and the time complexity from step 6 to step 10 is O(n2)+O(log(n)n). 2.2 Runtime Placement In workflow execution, there are two situations to change the data placement. One situation is that new workflows are deployed to the cloud computing environment, together with the new data and activity tasks will be added to the system; the other situation is that the ready activity task has been executed, together with the output data, which might be used by several later activity tasks or later workflows. For the former situation, we only repeat the initial placement. For the latter situation, our idea includes three steps: 11 Calculate the data affinity weights between the newly generated data and existing nodes: The data affinity 4 weight between data di and node Rj is denoted as dRij, which is the sum of the data affinity weight of di with all the data in Rj, Based on the data affinity weights and the storage limit of the nodes, we select one to place the new generated data. 12 Place the newly generated data: The newly generated data is placed on the node which has the greatest data affinity weight and enough storage; else try other nodes like step 9 and step 10. 13 Task scheduling engine will periodically monitor the states of all the workflow’s tasks and schedule the ready task to the node has the most required data. Workflow Engine Task Scheduling Engine Data Scheduling Engine Shipping Order Delivery Order Form Node A Node B Node C 15 16 17 dataSet=engine.fetchNewData(); for each dm dataSet for each node Ri calculate dRmj/ 18 19 Rn=max(dRmj) result+=scheduleData(dm, Rn)/ 20 21 Return result; 22 END To our knowledge, little effort has been allocated to investigate the data placement for workflow using the graphical algorithm. This graphical algorithm can be used effectively for data partitioning because it overcomes the shortcomings of binary partitioning and it does not need any complementary algorithms such as the BEA procedure that has been described in the work reported in paper[4]. Furthermore, the algorithm involves no arbitrary empirical objective functions to evaluate candidate partitions. 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Figure 3. The data placement architecture Let us review our example. After the runtime data placement, the newly generated data “Shipping Order” and newly generated data “Order Form” will be placed on the same node as shown in Figure 3. 3. DATA PLACEMENT ALGORITHM In order to generalize the above described steps, the algorithm is given. According to our analysis for abovementioned steps, the time complexity of algorithm is no more than O(n2) +O(n2)+O(log(n)n), and is a near optimal solution while keeping a polynomial time complexity. Function DP4WF(Msg, WSpc, R, DA) 1 BEGIN if (Msg ==”1”)//initial stage 2 Set dataSet //generate data set 3 4 5 for i=0 to set.size() 6 ActivityTask t= taskSet.get(i); 7 dataSet.add(t.D) 8 DA=Affinity(dataSet, taskSet) 9 Graph g= AffinityGraph(DA)/ 10 Set set= GraphPartition(g) 11 for j=0 to set.size() 12 B block =set.get(j); 13 result+=scheduleBlock(block, R) 14 5 Set taskSet=WSpc.T.ActivityTask We have adopted a pub/sub message-oriented middleware ActiveMQ2 to enhance our prior tools named VINCA Personal Workflow [13], and develop a cloudbased workflow platform that has been used for the experimental evaluation of our approach in this Section. To evaluate their performance, we run some workflow instances through 3 simulation strategies: Random: In this simulation, we randomly place the existing data during the initial stage and store the generated data in the local node (i.e., where they were generated) at the runtime. This simulation represents the traditional data placement strategies in old distributed computing systems. At that time, data were usually stored in the local node naturally or in the nodes that had the available storage. The temporal intermediate data, i.e. generated data, were also naturally stored where they were generated waiting for the tasks to retrieve them. K-Means: This simulation shows the overall performance of k-means algorithms. The strategy need object function to cluster generated data and place them in the appropriate nodes. DP4WF: This simulation shows the overall performance of our algorithms. Our algorithms are specifically designed for cloud workflows. The strategy is based on data dependency and can automatically partition the existing data. Comparisons with other strategies will be made with different aspects to show the performance of our algorithms. The traditional way to evaluate the performance of a workflow system is to record and compare the execution time. However, in our work, we will count the total data transfer instead. The execution time could be influenced if (Msg ==”2”)//runtime stage 2 http://activemq.apache.org/ by other factors, such as bandwidth, scheduling strategy and I/O speed. Our data placement strategy aims to reduce the data transfers between nodes on the Internet. So we directly take the number of datasets that are actually transferred during the workflow’s execution as the measurement to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. In a cloud computing environment with a limited bandwidth based on the Internet, if the total data transfers have been reduced, the execution time will be reduced accordingly. Furthermore, the cost of data transfers will also decrease. 250 Random K-Means DP4WF Data Transfers 200 150 100 50 0 30 50 Data Sets 80 120 (a) The data transfer comparison 120 Random K-Means DP4WF 110 100 400 Random K-Means DP4WF 350 300 90 Data Transfers Data Transfers test workflows with different numbers of datasets. In Figure 4(b), we fixed the test workflows’ datasets count to 50, and ran them on different numbers of nodes. From the results, we could conclude that the K-Means and DP4WF algorithms can effectively reduce the total data transfers of the workflow’s execution. However, in the simulation described above, we did not limit the amount of storage that the nodes had available during runtime. In a cloud computing environment, nodes normally have a limited storage, especially in some storage constrained systems. When one node is overloaded, we need to reallocate the data to other nodes. The reallocation will not only cause extra data transfers, but will also delay the execution of the workflow. To count the reallocated datasets, we ran the same test workflows as in Figure 5 with a storage limit in every node. From Figure 5, we can see that as the number of nodes and datasets increases, the performance of the random strategy decreases. This is because the datasets and tasks are gathering on one node. This triggers the adjustment process more frequently, which costs extra data transfers. 80 70 60 250 200 150 100 50 50 5 10 Nodes 15 20 0 30 (b) The data transfer comparison 80 120 (a) The data transfer comparison 250 Random K-Means DP4WF 230 210 Data Transfers Figure 4. The data transfers without storage limit To make the evaluation as objective as possible, we generate test workflows randomly to run on our platform. This would make the evaluation results independent of any specific applications. As we need to run Random and the K-Means and DP4WF algorithms separately, we set the number of existing datasets and generated datasets to be the same for every test workflow. That means we have the same number of existing datasets and tasks for every test workflow, and we assume that each task will only generate one dataset. We can control the complexity of the test workflow by changing the number of datasets. Every dataset will be used by a random number of tasks, and the tasks that use the generated datasets must be executed after the task that generates their input. We can control the complexity of the relationships between the datasets and tasks by changing the range of this random number. Another factor that would have an impact on the algorithms is the storage limit of nodes. We can randomly set the storage limit for the nodes. We will run new simulations to show their impact on the performance. Here, we have only included graphs of the simulation results. In Figure 4(a), we ran the test workflows with different complexities on 15 nodes. We used 4 types of 50 Data Sets 190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50 5 10 Nodes 15 20 (b) The data transfer comparison Figure 5. The data transfers with storage limit During the execution of every test workflow instance, we recorded the number of datasets that transferred to each node, as well as the tasks that scheduled to that node. The objective was to see how the tasks and datasets were distributed, which could indicate the workload balance among nodes. We also calculated the standard deviation of the nodes’ usage. Figure 6 shows the average standard deviation of running 1000 test workflows on 15 nodes each having 80 existing datasets and 80 tasks. From Figure 6, we can see 6 relatively high deviations in the nodes’ usage in the two simulations without the runtime algorithm. This means that the tasks and the datasets are allocated to one node more frequently. This leads to a node becoming a super node that has a high workload. By contrast, in the other two simulations that use the runtime algorithm to preallocate the generated data to other nodes, the deviation of the node usage is low. This demonstrates that the runtime algorithm can make a more balanced distribution of the workload among nodes. availability and scalability. However, to our knowledge, only a few works give some preliminary research results. In this paper, we propose an efficient data placement algorithm for cloud-based workflow, which works in tight combination with task scheduling to place data in a graphical partition manner, upon which the data transfers could be minimized. Moreover, the data placement algorithm is polynomial and involves no objective function. REFERENCES Standard Deviation 16 14 Data Transfer 12 Task Scheduling 10 [1] [2] 8 6 4 [3] 2 0 Random K-MEANS DP 4WF Figure 6. 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