April Board meeting minutes

PYC Board Meeting Minutes April 25, 2015
OPENING: The April 25, 2015 Board Meeting of the Pentwater Yacht Club was called to order by
Commodore Skip Barnes at 9 o’clock a.m. at the club.
PRESENT: Commodore Skip Barnes, Vice Commodore Doug Nelson, Secretary Nancy Ceton and
Treasurer Kathy Hamilton.
Board Members present: John Grant, Phil Ceton , Gary Nicholson and past Commodore Marsha LaHaye.
Present electronically: Rear Commodore Russ Murphy, Board Member Bill Walker, Board Member
Doug Crossman, and Board Member Valerie Bass.
Not present: Brad Davis and Andy Noble.
Additions to Agenda: There were no additions/corrections to Agenda.
Secretary’s Report: Nancy asked for a Motion to Approve the March 28th 2015 Board Meeting Minutes –
Treasurer,Kathy, made the Motion with Vice Commodore Doug seconding it; vote taken passed the
Motion unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Kathy had passed out her April 20, 2015 financial report and stated she had
completed the transfer of approved funds from General Funds to Capital Funds. Skip asked what the
“Banquet Funds” item was – Kathy explained that is the prepayment for the DeMars Memorial. Skip
also questioned the $400 gas bill and it was explained that the store drywall project was done during
that time period; the $664 fee was for the eco lab filters.
Kathy asked to continue speaking but for
the Finance Committee as Chairperson, Rita, could not be present. Kathy reported the committee is
reviewing and prioritizing budget-wise Lisa Baker’s list for the Club Appearance Committee. Kathy
further reported that the Direct Deposit has been set up with Shelby State Bank for club employees; this
was done as a free service to the club. Kathy stated PYC accountants, Brickley Delong, will come to the
May Board Meeting to present the Annual Report which is due to be filed on May 15th. Kathy ended
her report by stating she is taking a new position as CFO of St. Joseph Schools and will be out of
Pentwater on Tuesday and Wednesdays which should not affect her Treasurer’s schedule but asked that
everyone take this into consideration with check requests.
Commodore’s Report: Skip began his report by thanking each and every person who volunteered for
the annual club cleanup. Skip stated he felt it’s questionable if the club needs to hold meetings for both
March and April; Skip mentioned how the budget could be approved in April as easily in March. Skip
suggested the subject could be a consideration for next year.
Vice Commodore’s Report: Doug reported that the club was opened earlier than usual to host the
charrette – this meant the club cleanup was held earlier. There was a tremendous response by our
members to get the club opened and in order. Doug pointed out how beautiful the club floor is after the
refinishing; new felt pads were installed on all tables and chairs but Doug reminded everyone to please
lift and carry furniture versus sliding on the floor. Doug reported happily that most of the kitchen staff
is returning but there is a need for additional cooks. Doug reported that the AED pads and batteries
have been replaced; the company from whom we purchased the unit will send us notification when the
pads/batteries need replacement. There is a free training session for staff which is offered by the
company and it was agreed that this should be scheduled. The AED discussion reminded everyone of
Micki Slocum’s CPR presentation; Micki has offered again this year and it was agreed that her
presentation should also be scheduled.
Rear Commodore’s Report:
There was no report
Committee Reports:
Apparel: Amy reported that everything is ordered, the embroidered items are being completed, and
then the merchandise would need coding. The POS coding will be done to differentiate between last
year’s merchandise and this year’s and to assist the staff in ringing up the sales. She questioned when
the renovation on the store would be completed as it’s quite a job to stock the merchandise; the store
should be completed very shortly and include a lockable door with a large window. Hopefully the store
will be fully stocked and ready by Mother’s Day. It was also discussed how it would be a good idea to
display the PYC cookbooks at the Derby Party.
Building/Maintenance: Dick began his report by thanking everyone for his job security! The club’s
baseboard molding will be painted with completion by April 30th. Dick mentioned how the vent fans in
the Men’s Room are inoperative and need replacement. Dick stated the parking lot needs striping and
that Doug Nelson had info. Doug obtained a quote from a Shelby company for $1900 where the lot
would be cleaned, cracks filled then sealed and then striping painted. The lot would be shut down for 2
days. Another quote will be obtained. Dick ended by reporting the card table storage project is
presently being worked on.
Club Appearance: Lisa Baker was not present but Kathy Hamilton did a recap on the proposed store
sign and the new bulletin board – plans were submitted for review to the Artisan Center. It was agreed
that the project would wait for further discussion at the May meeting.
Finance Committee: see Treasurer’s Report
House Committee: Doug reported that the committee has met twice. He indicated that the Ad Hoc
committee is going well, that there will be an early season menu with lots of favorites and new dishes.
Doug said there will be the old standbys plus new additions to the basket night menu. There is
consideration given to add a regular music night (maybe Monday or Tuesday) to the club’s schedule.
Doug reported it’s a great group of enthusiastic people and gave thanks for all their work.
Membership: Julie Shaw gave the report as Chairperson, Chris Conroy, was unable to attend. The first
meeting will be held the following Sunday. Julie reported that there are presently 562 members (8
new members) 12 open slots and 30 on the waiting list. The club has experienced many members
passing away and a few drops. The renewal stickers will be passed out until the directories are
available. The renewal stickers will be attached to the directories. If a member prefers having his
renewal sticker mailed he only needs to request it from Membership.
Regatta: Bill Walker gave his report via phone – the June Seminar looks great – we need 35
participants and already have 24 signed up. Another membership email will be sent and Bill felt
confident that we’ll meet the necessary number.
Planning: no report
Social: Margot wasn’t present – Skip read her report. There’s no plan for an additional big event due to
the filled calendar. An idea for a “martini and music night” is being discussed and Social will happily
meet with the House Committee to co-ordinate the event. The Derby Party is ready to go with the
hats and bowties plus mint juleps and bloody marys. There will be several Ice Cream Socials. The
annual Michigan vs MSU event may be a night event due to the time of broadcast. For Fall there has
been discussion for other sports events such as the World Series.
Stations: Doug Crossman gave his report via phone – PYC neighbor’s white boathouse is back in place;
there’s no definite time for the fence replacement but, hopefully, it will be soon. All the docks are
leased. Andy and Joan Noble are renting their slip under a leave of absence. The slip assignments are in
process. Quentus Renshaw will rent a slip made available by Andy Noble; when Quentus submits
payment the club should reimburse Andy. Doug gave a big “thankyou” for all the help on the docks and
hoped he hadn’t missed anyone – Doug Nelson, Phil Ceton, Frode, and Dick Johnson. The docks should
be installed no later than May 9th but weather is always a factor.
Unfinished Business: Skip read the 4/22/15 assessment letter from Nordlund & Associates regarding the
Foundation of Club House & Deck – “On 4/16/15 the foundation of the club house and deck were
inspected. The original building is more than 100 years old and was built on timber piles. In 2008 a steel
sheet pile retaining wall was constructed between the building and the Lake. At this time sand was
placed under the building and treated 6x6 posts bolted to concrete pads installed for additional support.
A boardwalk deck between the building and retaining wall was also constructed with treated 4x4 posts
shimmed against the sand. The floor near the door of the clubhouse facing the lake has settled. The
boardwalk decking in this area was removed to allow limited inspection of the foundation under the
floor. It appears that water washed away the sand at the supports in this area. The deck in this area has
also been settling, some of the 4x4 posts were hanging under the deck not being supported by anything.
The contractor onsite suggested jacking up the floor of the building and replacing the sand that has
washed away. This solution will not prevent the sand from being washed away in the future. The
washout may be caused by a compromised retaining wall from raising lake levels; the lake levels are
starting to rebound and the wall is 30 years old +/-. We recommend that after the building has been
repaired that the boardwalk deck be removed and tremie concrete be poured along the retaining wall to
seal the wall. This may be a costly option and will require a permit from the MDEQ; another option
would be to replace the sand with 6AA stone that will not wash away if it is exposed to water. If you
have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time, Holly
A. Mulherin, P.E.” Doug Nelson and Josh Adams were present the inspection. Josh laid out a plan to
correct the situation which would entail unbolting the connection between the building and pier then
shimming up under the pier then reconnecting to the building. The engineer stated that the plan
would be an acceptable solution. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that the project requires a firm
estimate (with inclusion of some of the suggestions made by the engineer) from Josh Adams and be
scheduled for Fall. The second project, separation of the wall from the floor by the back entry, had a
Motion made by Marsha which was seconded by Kathy; vote taken passed the Motion unanimously.
Skip stated that the $400 fee from Nordlund has already been paid.
New Business: Skip reported that the Service Club has changed their date for their annual event to
Thursday, May 21, 2015. Skip made the Motion to approve the date, it was seconded by John Grant;
vote taken passed the Motion unanimously. Marsha reported that there is another Memorial request –
July 5th, 2015 for Marge DiPangrazio; the memorial was on the calendar per Vice Commodore Doug
Lisa Baker, Club Appearance, arrived and gave an informative report regarding the proposed store signs
and the relocation of the store’s entry with a pocket door. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that
information was needed on whether the new door was lockable. Lisa had diagrams of different styled
signs plus an announcement “board/sleeve” which would be placed outside the store. It was agreed to
get more information regarding the project from Gene Davidson (Artisan Center) and continue
discussion at the May meeting.
Member Concern: Julie Shaw questioned how the newly refinished floor is maintained. Skip explained
the staff sweeps and mops. Julie mentioned how she uses a large sweeper, Bona, and another
implement for cleaning. Discussion ensued – it was felt the Bona products were expensive but vinegar
and water could be substituted. Julie agreed to get more information regarding the two implements
and discuss with Vice Commodore Doug Nelson.
Adjournment: As there was no further business a Motion to Adjourn was made by Kathy and seconded
by John Grant; vote taken was unanimous for adjournment at 12:25.
Respectfully submitted by Nancy Ceton, Secretary.