2400 Sec PQR outline2013

Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
AP/ADMS 2400
Winter 2013
Dr. Sabrina Deutsch Salamon
Course Syllabus
Contact Information
Dr. Sabrina Deutsch Salamon
Telephone: 416-736-2100, ext. 70844
Office: Atkinson Building, Room 236
E-mail: sdeutsch@yorku.ca
Office Hours: by appointment
If you would like to discuss your progress in the course or if you need assistance with the
course material, please send me an e-mail to set up an appointment. I encourage you to meet
with me as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns.
Course Description
Introduces concepts of individual and group behaviour as they affect performance in
organizations. Topics covered include motivation, communication, decision-making,
leadership and structural issues. Lectures and case discussions are employed to develop
theoretical models and illustrate their use.
AK/ADMS 1000 3.00. Note: AK/ADMS 1000 3.00 cannot be taken concurrently with
AK/ADMS 2400 3.00.
Required Text
Custom Textbook Packet: Colquitt, Organizational Behaviour 1st Canadian edition with
Kreitner Custom, © 2010. This shrink-wrapped packet is available at the York University
Bookstore, ISBN 0071059695. The packet includes:
Colquitt, Wesson, LePine & Gellatly (2010). Organizational Behaviour:
Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, Canadian Edition.
McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Canada.
Custom publication for York University: Kreitner, Kinicki, Cole & Digby (2010),
OB: Key Concepts, Skills, and Best Practices (Excerpts for AP/ADMS2400).
Includes Chapters 2 and 7 from Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour, 3rd
Canadian Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Canada.
Cases: 4 cases will be used in the second part of the course (after the midterm exam): Best
Food Grocer, Datasil Inc., LiveLife Health Care, and The Police Department*. These will
be available for purchase as an e-book at a cost of $10 before tax. All cases are from the 7th
Ed. of Hoffman & Ruemper’s Organizational Behaviour Canadian Cases and Exercises
(except the one marked with an asterisk (*) which is in the 6th Ed). Further information will
be provided on the course website.
Course Objectives
Acquaint you with major concepts and theories of individual and group behavior in
organizations that guide management thinking today
Develop your ability to apply these concepts and theories to recognize, analyze and
suggest solutions to organizational problems
Assist you in developing skills that will help you become a successful and contributing
member of an organization (manager or otherwise)
These objectives will be accomplished through lectures, class discussions, exercises and inclass group work.
You are expected to contribute to the creation of a learning community in the classroom.
Come prepared -- complete all the assigned readings for each session before coming to
Be courteous. Come on time and do not leave early. Do not interrupt or engage in
private conversations while others are speaking. It is also disrespectful to your classmates
to read the newspaper or surf the web during class.
Respect others’ rights to hold opinions and beliefs that differ from your own
Course Evaluation
Mid-Term Examination: 45%
A mid-term examination will be held on Sunday Feb 10, 12:30-3pm. Please mark your
calendar. The mid-term exam is a closed-book exam covering materials covered in class as
well as the relevant material in the textbook. The format will most likely be a combination of
multiple choice and short questions/cases.
Students who have missed the midterm exam for medical reasons must communicate
this by e-mail to Carolyn Sebastian (carolyns@yorku.ca) and cc Dr. Deutsch Salamon
(sdeutsch@yorku.ca) no later than 12 noon on Friday, February 15, 2013.
An Attending Physician's Statement form must be submitted to Carolyn Sebastian at
Atkinson 282. A “Doctor’s Note” will not be accepted.
The weight of the Midterm Examination cannot be transferred to the Final Examination.
Final Examination: 55%
The exam will be held during the formal examination period for the semester. You will be
advised of the format prior to the exam date.
Tentative Schedule
Week Topic & Readings
Week 1
Introduction to Organizational Behaviour (OB)
Colquitt, Chapter 1
Week 2
Behavioral Outcomes
Colquitt, Chapter 2
Colquitt, Chapter 3 (withdrawal behaviour pp. 60-64)
Week 3
Perception& Individual Differences
Krietner, Chapter 2
Colquitt, Chapter 8 (faulty perceptions and faulty attributions pp. 202207)
Colquitt, Chapter 9
Week 4
Krietner, Chapter 7
Week 5
Colquitt, Chapter 6
Midterm Examination: Sunday, February 10, 2013 (12:30pm-3:00pm)
Week 6
Work-Related Attitudes
Colquitt, Chapter 4
Colquitt, Chapter 3 (except pp. 60-64)
Best Food Grocer
Reading Week: February 16-22, 2013
Week 7
Trust / Organizational Justice
Colquitt, Chapter 7 (except pp. 174-178)
Week 8
Team Characteristics and Processes
Colquitt Ch. 10
Week 9
Decision Making
Colquitt Ch. 8 (except pp. 192-197)
Week 10
Power, Conflict and Negotiation
Colquitt Ch. 11
Week 11
Colquitt Ch. 12
Week 12
The Police
Datasil Inc.
LiveLife Health
School of Administrative Studies Deferred Examination Process
Deferred standing may be granted to students who are unable to write their final
examination at the scheduled time
or to submit their outstanding course work on the last day of classes. In order to apply for
deferred standing,
students must:
Register at http://apps.eso.yorku.ca/apps/adms/deferredexams.nsf (a ticket number
will be assigned)
Hand in a completed Deferred Standing Agreement (DSA) form and supporting
documentation directly to
the main office of the School of Administrative Studies (282 Atkinson) and add your ticket
number to the
DSA form. Note: The DSA and supporting documentation must be submitted no later than
five (5)
business days from the date of the exam.
Any request for deferred standing on medical grounds must include an Attending
Physician's Statement
form; a “Doctor’s Note” will not be accepted.
DSA Form: http://www.registrar.yorku.ca/pdf/deferred_standing_agreement.pdf
Attending Physician's Statement form:
These requests will be considered on their merit and decisions will be made available by
logging into the following
link http://apps.eso.yorku.ca/apps/adms/deferredexams.nsf. No individualized communication will
be sent by the School to
the students (no letter or e-mail).Students with approved DSA will be able to write their
deferred examination
during the School's deferred examination period. No further extensions of deferred exams
shall be granted. The
format and covered content of the deferred examination may be different from that of the
originally scheduled
examination. The deferred exam may be closed book, cumulative and comprehensive and
may include all
subjects/topics of the textbook whether they have been covered in class or not.
The deferred examinations for the Winter 2013 term shall be held in the period May 24,
25, 26, 2013.