ILR funding and monitoring data 2010-11: funding summaries 2012-13 teaching enhancement and student success (TESS) allocation technical document Derived statistics algorithms that may inform the 2012-13 TESS allocation Purpose 1. This document details the algorithms used to determine the derived fields from the 2010-11 ILR LR05 data which may be used to calculate the 2012-13 full-time improving retention element of the TESS allocation. 2. The algorithms listed in this document are subject to further change, for example following a decision by the board or if an error is identified. 3. This document is aimed at readers with in-depth knowledge of the data. Readers are advised to have a copy of the ‘Specification of the Individualised Learner Record for 2010/11’ (available from the Information Authority) to hand when using this document. 2010-11 ILR fields used in the TESS derived statistics algorithms 4. Only certain fields, detailed in Table 1 will be used to generate the TESS allocation fields. Note that the IHTESS10YYYYYY.xls output will show only outputs for the improving retention element of TESS – this is because improving retention is the only element of TESS which is informed by ILR data. 5. Throughout this document, fields taken or derived from the ILR return or derived for the TESS allocations are shown in capitals using the names given in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. Using the individualised file 6. When working through this document it is necessary to use the individualised file IHTESS10YYYYYY.ind, where YYYYYY is the provider number ST_UPIN (L01) for your college. Details of how to access this file are given on the HEFCE web-site ( The file will show the allocation of students to cells within the tables and, where relevant, details of why they were excluded from the TESS population. Table 1 ILR fields which may inform the TESS allocations Column in individualised Field code Description Name Dataset file* L01 Provider number ST_UPIN Learner A L03 Learner reference ST_REF Learner C number L11 Date of birth ST_DOB Learner P L24 Country of domicile ST_DOMIC Learner Q L42 Provider-specified ST_COLL1/ Learner AF learner data ST_COLL2 AG L45 Unique learner number ULN Learner AC L46 UK provider reference UKPRN Learner AD Learning D number A05 Learning aim data set A09 QA_SEQNO sequence aim Learning aim reference QA_AIM_R Learning AB aim A11 Source of funding other QA_FEHE1/ Learning M than LSC (occurs QA_FEHE2 aim N QA_ST_DA Learning O twice) A27 Learning start date aim A48 H09 Provider-specified QA_COLL1/ Learning AH learning aim data QA_COLL2 aim AI Student instance HQ_NUMHU HE E HE I identifier H11 Highest qualification on HQ_QUAL_ entry H13 Type of Instance year HQ_PYTYP HE J H39 UCAS tariff points HQ_UCATP HE L H41 UCAS application code HQ_UCAAC HE K H45 Qualification on entry HE AJ HQ_QENT * The individualised data file IHTESS10YYYYYY.ind, downloadable from the HEFCE extranet (see † These fields are not used in the allocation but are included in the individualised file to allow easy identification of students. Description of derived fields 7. This section provides details of the derived fields in the individualised data file. These fields may be used in calculating the TESS allocation. Table 2 Derived fields which may be used to inform the TESS allocation Column in individualised Field name Description Paragraph file* ENTQUAL Grouping of student’s highest qualification 11 Y 8 Z 9-10 AA on entry ENTRANT Field indicating students in their first year of programme of study ENTRYAGE Student’s age on commencement of programme of study EQGRP Entry qualification risk group 13 X EQPOP Field indicating inclusion in the full-time 12 W 40 V 48 H improving retention allocation population HEFCOMP† Completion of year of programme of study indicator HEFEXCL† Reason for exclusion from the HEIFES re-creation HEFFEELV† Fee level 23 AE HEFLEVEL† Level of study R HEFMODE† Mode of study HEFQAIM† Recognised as HE qualification aim Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. Error! Reference source not found. HEFTYPE† Fundability status 20 U ILRKEY† Unique learning aim identifier Error! Reference source not found. F STUBID† Unique year of programme of study 13-14 G S T identifier * The individualised file IHTESS10YYYYYY.ind, downloadable from the HEFCE extranet (see † The algorithms for deriving these fields are given in ’HEIFES10 re-creation algorithms’ (see the 'HEIFES10 re- creation technical document); the paragraph references refer to this document. ENTRANT (Column Z) 8. This field identifies students in their first year of programme of study. Value Description 1 Entrant Definition (HQ_PYTYP (H13) = 1 and QA_ST_DA (A27) ≥ 1 August 2010) or (HQ_PYTYP (H13) = 2, 4, 5 and QA_ST_DA (A27) ≥ 1 August 2009 and QA_ST_DA (A27) ≤ 31 July 2010) 0 Otherwise Otherwise ENTRYAGE (Column AA) 9. The ENTRYAGE field contains the student’s age at the commencement of the programme of study. This is the number of full years between ST_DOB (L11) and QA_ST_DA (A27). 10. Where ST_DOB (L11) or QA_ST_DA (A27) are missing, ENTRYAGE will be set to zero. ENTQUAL (Column Y) 11. The ENTQUAL field contains the group of the student’s highest qualification on entry. Value Description Definition ACCESS Access course HQ_QUENT (H45) = X00, X01 or (HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 44, 45, 48 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA) AH Other Level 3 qualifications HQ_QUENT (H45) = P50, P68, P91 or included in the tariff (HQ_QUENT (H45) = P80 and HQ_UCATP (H39) > 0) or (HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 39, 40 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA) BACC Baccalaureate HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 42, 47 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA BTEC DEG ONC or OND (including BTEC and HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 41 and SQA equivalents) HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA Degree and higher HQ_QUENT (H45) = DUK, DZZ, D80, MUK, MZZ, M2X, M41, M44, M71, M80, M90, HUK, HZZ, H11, H71, H80 or (HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 01 to 05, 10 to 16 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA) FOU Foundation course HQ_QUENT (H45) = J49 or (HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 29, 43, 72 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA) NONE No formal qualifications HQ_QUENT (H45) = X02, X03, X05 or (HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 92, 93, 98 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA) OHE Other HE HQ_QUENT (H45) = J10, J20, J30, J48, J80, C20, C30, C44, C80, C90 or (HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 21 to 28, 30, 31 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA) OTHER Other qualifications HQ_QUENT (H45) = P41, P42, P46, P47, P51, P69, P70, P92, Q51, Q52, Q80, R51, R52, R80, X04 or (HQ_QUAL_ (H11) = 37, 38, 55, 56, 57, 94, 97 and HQ_QUENT (H45) = BLANK, X06, NA) UNKNOWN Unknown entry qualifications Otherwise EQPOP (Column W) 12. The EQPOP field indicates whether the student is included in the full-time improving retention allocation population. Value Description Definition 0 Not included in full-time (ENTRYAGE 21 and ENTQUAL = AH and improving retention allocation HQ_UCATP (H39) = 0 and population HQ_UCAAC (H41) 000000000, BLANK, NA) or (HQ_QUENT (H45) = P80 and HQ_UCATP (H39) = 0) or HEFCOMP 4 or HEFEXCL 0 or ENTRANT 1 or ST_DOMIC (L24) XF, XG, XH, XI, XJ, GB or HEFTYPE HOMEF, HOMEIF or HEFLEVEL UGX, FD or HEFMODE FTS, SWOUT 1 Otherwise Otherwise EQGRP (Column X) 13. The EQGRP field holds the entry-qualification risk group the student was assigned to. Value Description Definition Y_U Young, unknown ENTRYAGE < 21 and (ENTQUAL = UNKNOWN or (ENTQUAL = AH and HQ_UCATP (H39) = 0 and HQ_UCAAC (H41) 000000000, BLANK, NA)) Y_L Young, ENTRYAGE < 21 and low risk (ENTQUAL = DEG, BACC or (ENTQUAL = AH and HQ_UCATP (H39) > 260)) Y_M Young, medium ENTRYAGE < 21 and risk (ENTQUAL = FOU, OHE or (ENTQUAL = AH and ((160 < HQ_UCATP (H39) < 260) or (HQ_UCATP (H39) = 0 and HQ_UCAAC (H41) = 000000000, BLANK, NA)))) Y_H Young, ENTRYAGE < 21 and not in Y_U, Y_L or Y_M above high risk M_U Mature, unknown ENTRYAGE 21 and ENTQUAL = UNKNOWN M_L Mature, ENTRYAGE 21 and low risk (ENTQUAL = DEG or (ENTQUAL = AH and HQ_UCATP (H39) > 320)) M_M Mature, medium ENTRYAGE 21 and risk (ENTQUAL = OHE, FOU, ACCESS or (ENTQUAL = AH and HQ_UCATP (H39) 320)) M_H Mature, ENTRYAGE 21 and not in M_U, M_L or M_M above high risk Re-building the 2012-13 TESS allocations using the individualised file 14. The downloadable document ‘Detailed TESS allocation method’ ( describes how to re-build the TESS derived statistics shown in the IHTESS10YYYYYY.xls workbook.