
There is a Redeemer
Easter Sunday
Luke 24:1-12, 1 Corinth 15:19-26, Isaiah 65:17-25
I. Intro.
Morning person, didn’t mind taking 8AM classes, sunrise
only (like sunrise service, considered not doing it, early Easter,
couldn’t realistically be outdoors, decided to go for it, glad you’re
here at dawn)
Easter story begins at early dawn. New day, new
possibilities, anticipation of what is to come.
II. Body
How does story begin? Faithful women, walking to the tomb.
Some named- Mary Magdelene, Joanna, Mary mother of James,
others not named. Admire these women. Provided support for
Jesus while he was alive, were there when he died, and now were
going to care for body after his death. Finish. Disciples didn’t do
that. Afraid. Scattered. Might happen to them. Women finish and
close this chapter of their lives.
Why going? Bringing burial spices properly prepare Christ’s body,
not able to do night before. Final act of love for the one that died.
Mom buying new shirt and tie for dad, to be buried in. Bought new
shirt and tie for service
Critical to understand Jesus truly died, not sleeping, not in some
suspended spiritual state, died. Central to the Christian faith. Born
in condition of sin. Infects us, runs through us, Do wrong things, lie,
cheat, hurt others, manifestation of this condition. Because we
have that condition, nothing we can do on our own to be made right
with a perfect God. No good actions can overcome the core
condition. Only hope is if God sends someone saves us, a redeemer,
buy us back to God.
Unique to Christianity. Other religions talk about sin as choice,
not condition. Choose to do wrong, can also choose to do right.
Choose more right than wrong, that’s what God wants. That’s how
you please God, earn God’s favor, have an eternal home with God.
No need for redeemer, you can redeem yourself.
Condition of sin leads to death. Paul writes, “All die in Adam” and
death came through a human being.” Only way to overcome this is
if the Redeemer dies, and God somehow makes it possible for
Redeemer to defeat death.
Early morning women went to the tomb, but immediately realized
something unusual was going on. Stone rolled away, there was no
body. Divine encounter, Angels, mysterious beings that were the
messengers of God. Received this message, “Why do you look for
the living among the dead. He is not here, but has arisen.” Imagine
hearing that. Angels prompted them to remember what Jesus had
said. That he had to die, and that on the third day he would be
raised. And they did remember, and I’m sure they were still
perplexed by this change of events. They go, find the disciples. Tell
them, but as men tend to do, they don’t listen, they don’t believe.
But Peter does decide to check it out, and goes to the tomb, to find
it empty as they said.
Take awhile for the impact of this to set in. Jesus would appear to
them, they’d begin to put it together, and the resurrection would
change lives and world forever. What does resurrection mean for
Sin is overcome. It’s defeated. Still hangs on. Still do wrong things
frequently. Can’t keep us from God. The resurrection defeats the
condition that led to the cross. We are forgiven. Do we still need
forgiveness? Yes Every day. When last trumpet sounds, victory is
in Christ
Resurrection – death is overcome. If condition of sin is defeated,
then its consequence, death is done as well. Yes, we still die in
Adam, but we are made alive in Christ. Paul says the last enemy to
be destroyed is death, and indeed it is.
There is something more to come. Captured in the vision in Isaiah
65, which we read. “I am about to create a new heaven and new
earth…Be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating…no more
shall the sound of weeping be heard in it, or the cry of distress. No
more shall there be an infant that lives but a few days, or an old
person that does not live out a lifetime… The wolf and the lamb
shall feed together. The lion shall eat straw like an ox…they shall
not hurt or destroy on all my holy mountain, says the Lord.” Grave
does not await us. The tomb cannot hold us. God’s kingdom in all
its fullness await. Death is overcome in the resurrection.
Finally resurrection tells us, we do have a savior. We do have a
redeemer. God in Christ defeats sin and death. It’s not up to us.
God has done it.
And so we gather for worship to praise and thank God for our
Redeemer. Seek to live as God would want, as demonstrated by
Christ. In particular, to love God, and to love one another. We live
for God right now, because of what God has done on the cross and
I don’t know what all the specific challenges are you face. This day
is all about hope and new beginnings. Guilt, shame- defeated in the
resurrection. Forgiveness is yours today. Striving to please God.
Defeated in the resurrection. Christ has done what we cannot do.
Afraid of illness, death? Death is defeated, and God’s Spirit now
leads and guides us along the way.
Today is a great day of celebration. Christ is Risen. He is Risen
indeed. And that changes everything. Sin is overcome. Death is
defeated. We do have the savior we need. May we all take the
opportunity today to once again renew our commitment to God our
Father, Christ our Savior, and the Spirit who lives among us. For
God has done a great and life changing thing in the resurrection of
our Lord. Amen