Nursing - University of Tasmania

Unit details [CNA]
Discipline Studies in Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA105
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Special note: Hobart enrolment is restricted to post-registration, re-entry and enrolled nurse
students; year-1 pre-registration students must study the unit internally at the Launceston campus
Unit description:
Explores the history of nursing, with particular emphasis on the origin of nursing as a
practice-based discipline and the development of nursing knowledge. The unit explores
also the different ways in which the body is conceptualised and the implications of this for
nursing practice.
Staff: Ms S Brennan (Coordinator), other tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks);
Assess: 2 assignments (100%)
Required: Reader
Recommend: Chiarella M, The Legal & Professional Status of Nursing, Churchill Livingstone,
Syd, 2002
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Health Care Where People Live and Work 1
Enrolment code: CNA126
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Draws on the World Health Organisation’s Primary Health Care approach as outlined in
the Alma Ata Declaration (1978) and also examines contemporary public health
developments. The unit title Health Care Where People Live and Work is part of the WHO
definition of Primary Health Care and is explored literally and broadly. Our own health
experiences and behaviour provide the basis for developing our understanding of health
and health care in our communities. The unit provides foundation public health concepts
for integration into professional practice.
Staff: Mr G Crack
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: HGE126
Assess: 1,000-word assignment (40%), 2,000-word assignment (60%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H3D] [M3H] [R3A] [R3C] [R3K]
Faculty website: <>
Health Care Where People Live and Work 2
Enrolment code: CNA127
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Special note: students undertake up to 10 days clinical practice in various health care agencies
Unit description:
Health assessment is regarded as a core component of nursing practice and a holistic
approach incorporating physical assessment will be developed. Areas covered include; a
systems approach to full physical assessment; universal assessment process; rapid primary
assessment; initial assessment; focused assessments. Opportunities for skill development
and practice in assessment will be provided in a supportive environment.
Staff: Mr G Crack, Ms A Marlow, Ms J Spencer, Ms H McDermott
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 3-hr workshop, 2-hr practicum seely
Assess: 2-hr multiple choice exam (50%), practical assessment skills exam (20%), complete
health assessment (30%)
Required: Jarvis C, Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 3rd edn, Saunders, 2000
Jarvis C, Student Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 3rd edn,
Saunders 1996
Courses: [M3H] [R3A] [R3C] [R3K]
Faculty website: <>
Clinical Communication
Enrolment code: CNA128
Offered: Ltn: sem 2 [by web]
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Consists of four modules: Module 1 introduces students to the importance of
incorporating a psychological approach to Nursing; Module 2 deals with some important
dilemmas in Nursing such as ‘mind over matter’ issues; Module 3 explores the challenge
of being ill and the trajectories of adjustments; Module 4 examines the business of
nursing communication and negotiation and encourages and assists students to
appropriately and professionally explain the therapeutics of care to patients.
Staff: Prof P Salmon (Univ of Liverpool), Assoc Prof G Farrell
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: online and by CDROM
Assess: tba
Required: Salmon P, Psychology of Medicine and Surgery. A Guide for Psychologists,
Counsellors, Nurses, and Doctors, John Wiley, Chichester, 2000
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Scientific Perspectives in Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA205
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces students to the research process; the importance of research in different spheres
of nursing and the relationship between evidence based practice and improved health
outcomes. The unit enables students to understand a variety of research strategies, the
data generated and to evaluate and critique research reports and literature.
Staff: Ms C Bobrowski
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr seminar weekly
Assess: 2-hr exam, written assignment
Required: tba
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Supportive Care in Hospital and Community
Settings 1
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA215
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
An exploration of health issues associated with chronic and episodic illness. The unit
builds on studies undertaken in year one and is designed to further develop a substantive
framework of knowledge and skills, utilising individual case studies and experiential
learning. Students have the opportunity to be in practice in hospital and community
settings in a field based experiential curriculum.
Staff: Ms K Cuff and other tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr seminar weekly (10 wks), up to 10 single days of practice
and 3 wks clinical practice in either hospital or community settings; students will be
allocated to clinical placements based on quotas and consultation with health care
agencies for each region. Students are expected to travel and study where the clinical
places are available.
Prereq: CNA126, CNA127
Assess: take-home exam, skills assessment, medication exam (pass/fail), clinical inquiry,
management, performance in practice
Required: ANCinc, National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, 3rd edn.,
Canberra, 2000
From the web at <>
Black L, Hawks L & Keene A., Medical–Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive
Outcomes, 6th edn, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2001
Gatford,JD & Anderson RE, Nursing Calculations, Churchill Livingstone, Melb, 1994
Mims Bi Monthly, Jan/ Feb 2002, MediMedia Australia, NSW
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Supportive Care in Hospital and Community
Settings 2
Enrolment code: CNA226
Offered: Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Continues the exploration of health issues associated with chronic and episodic illness.
The unit builds on studies undertaken in semester one year two and is designed to further
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Unit details [CNA]
develop a substantive framework of knowledge and skills, utilising individual case studies
and experiential learning. Students have the opportunity to be in practice in hospital and
community settings in a field based experiential curriculum.
Staff: Ms K Cuff and other tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 2 hour workshop weekly (10 wks), 3 wks clinical practice
either in hospital or community settings; students will be allocated to clinical placements
based on quotas and consultation with health care agencies for each region; sudents are
expected to travel and study where the clinical places are available.
Prereq: CNA127, CXA181
Coreq: CXA282
Assess: performance in practice, health assessment, medication exam (pass/fail), clinical
Required: ANCinc, National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse, 3rd edn.,
Canberra, 2000
From the web at <>
Black L, Hawks L & Keene A., Medical–Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive
Outcomes, 6th edn, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, 2001
Gatford,JD & Anderson RE, Nursing Calculations, Churchill Livingstone, Melb, 1994
Mims Bi Monthly, Jan/ Feb 2002, MediMedia Australia, NSW
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Child and Adolescent Health
Enrolment code: CNA245
Offered: Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Explores a broad range of health related issues and theories about children and
adolescents within a health promomtion framework. The unit covers an introduction to
the multi-disciplinary field of child and adolescent health care with consideration of the
context in which children grow and develop.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: offered electronically using WWW, or face-to-face tutorials
Assess: 1,500-word assignment (50%), pamphlet and 500-word assignment (50%)
Required: Reader
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Unit details [CNA]
Courses: [H3D] [M3H]
Faculty website: <>
Perspectives on Ageing
Enrolment code: CNA246
Offered: Ltn: sem 2 [by web] dist.ed: sem 2
Unit description:
Seeks to problematise the field of aged care and to promote the students’ independence in
learning. The unit consists of two modules which develop: understanding of the lived
experiences of aged persons who are able to live independently or with some community
support, through conversations, stories and literature; an interest in and understanding of
the issues surrounding the health and well-being of the aged in Australia; and, critical
insights into contemporary research and practice, and policy development in aged care.
Staff: Mr A Robinson (Coordinator), Ms B Francis
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr tutorial, 2 hrs lectures weekly (10 wks)
Assess: 2x1,500-word essays (50% ea)
Required: Bevan C & Jeeawody B, Successful Ageing. Perspectives on Health and Social
Construction, Mosby, 1998.
Majors: Social Ecology
Courses: [H3D] [M3H] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care
Enrolment code: CNA308
Offered: [by web] Ltn: sem 1 Hbt: sem 1 NWC: sem 1
Unit description:
Explores legal issues and bioethics in health care. Contemporary areas of the law and
bioethics most relevant to health care are examined. Students are encouraged to engage
critically with related questions, issues and concerns that create tensions in the provision
of health care. This unit uses advanced information and communication technologies to
ensure students interactive engagements with the teaching material, their lecturers and
other students. Use of this information and communication technology will prepare the
student to function in an increasingly technology-dependent health care industry.
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Unit details [CNA]
Staff: Mr L Smith (Nursing), Dr K Atkins (Philosophy)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: www (students receive a learning package that uses the internet and
multi-media resources)
Coreq: CNA315, CNA316
Assess: online tutorial and written submission, written essay
Required: Bioethics Reader developed by DR Kim Atkins
Forrester K & Griffiths D, Essentials of Health Law for Health Professionals, Harcourt, Syd,
Courses: [H3D] [M3H]
Faculty website: <>
Professional Issues in Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA309
Offered: [by web] Ltn: sem 2, Hbt: sem 2, NWC: sem 2
Unit description:
Focuses on exploring contemporary issues in health care, the law and nursing. Students
are assisted to engage critically with related questions, issues and concerns that create
tensions in nursing practice. Consideration is given to the social and political contexts of
health care, and students are encouraged to incorporate a developing critique of
professionalisation processes. Student experiences in clinical practice are examined to
explore the implications and challenges of the law to the profession of nursing
Staff: Mr L Smith (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: www (students receive a learning package that uses the internet and
multi-media resources)
Assess: tutorial work and written submission, essay
Required: Daly L, Speedy S & Jackson D, Context of Nursing: an introduction, Maclennan &
Petty, Syd, 2000
Forrester K & Griffiths D, Essentials of Health Law for Health Professionals, Harcourt, Syd,
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Acute Care Nursing
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA315
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem 2, Ltn: may be taken in
summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem 2, NWC: may be taken in summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem
Special note: Students are required to be available five days a week, including early mornings and
evenings, to be students in hospital settings. This unit is available interstate in semester 2.
Unit description:
Sets nursing practice in the context of individuals and families experiencing illnesses who
require interventions at the secondary and tertiary health levels. Students are exposed to a
range of situations where they can expect to gain competence within the full range of
Australian Nursing Council Incorporated (ANCI) Competencies. The unit is focused on
nursing therapeutics and treatments used to assist individuals in the restoration of health.
Staff: Ms A Marlow (Coordinator), Ms J Barnard, Ms J Sondermeyer, Ms J Cameron
Unit weight: 37.5%
Teaching pattern: (quotas) — 24 hrs weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: CNA215, CNA226, CXA282
Coreq: CNA308, CNA309
Assess: performance in practice (50%), clinical inquiry (30%), health assessment (20%),
students must pass each component
Required: Woundcare Package
Galbraith A, Bullock S & Manias E, Fundamentals of Pharmacology: A Textbook for Nurses and
Allied Health Professionals, 2nd edn, Addison-Wesley, Syd, 1997
Burkitt H, Quick C & Gatt D, Essential Surgery Problems, Diagnosis and Management, 3rd
edn, Churchill Livingstone, Syd, 2002
Haslett C, Chilvers E et al, Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine, 18th edn, Churchill
Livingstone, Syd, 1999
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Community Practice
Enrolment code: CNA316
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem 2, Ltn: may be taken in
summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem 2, NWC: may be taken in summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem
Unit description:
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Unit details [CNA]
Focuses on a primary health care and health promotion approach to studying nursing
practice in various community and mental health care settings. The unit consists of two
modules (Community Health Nursing and Mental Health Nursing). It gives students
comprehensive experience and enables them to gain appropriate knowledge and skills in
both areas. Students are exposed to a range of situations and health care settings where
they can expect to gain competence within the full range of Australian Nursing Council
Incorporated (ANCI) Competencies.
Note: students are required to be available 5 days a week, including early mornings and
evenings, as students in hospital and community settings.
Staff: Ms J Spencer (Coordinator), Ms H Noble, Ms M Wilton, Ms C Bobrowski
Unit weight: 37.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-day introductory workshop, 1-day changeover workshop (week 8), 3
hrs lecture/tutorials weekly (11 wks)
Prereq: CNA225, CXA282
Coreq: CNA307
Assess: Mental Health Nursing performance in practice, practice portfolio and student
presentation (50%); Community-based Nursing performance in practice, practice portfolio
and student presentation (50%). Students are required to achieve a pass in both modules to
pass the unit
Recommend: (on Restricted Loan)
Hunt R, Zurek E, Introduction to Community Based Nursing, Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1997
Malouf, D, How to Create and Deliver a Dynamic Presentation, McPhersons, Melb, 1988
McMurray A, Community Health and Wellness: A Socioecological Approach, Mosby, NSW,
Pike S & Forster D, Health Promotion for All, Churchill Livingstone, NY, 1995
Spradley BW, Readings in Community Nursing, 5th edn. JB Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1997
Wass A, Promoting Health: the Primary Health Care Approach, 2nd edn, Harcourt Saunders,
Syd, 2000
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Legal Issues in Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA326
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
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Unit details [CNA]
Has been designed to assist students to identify those areas in law of most relevance to
health care agencies and explain how they affect nursing personnel in practice. Students
have the opportunity to apply relevant principles to situations typically encountered in
nursing practice and to identify issues in nursing about which the law is unclear.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: equiv of 3 hrs weekly
Assess: 1,200-word assignment (40%), 2,000-word assignment (60%)
Faculty website: <>
Nursing Research
Enrolment code: CNA365
Offered: [by web] Ltn: sem 2, Hbt: sem 2, dist.ed: sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces students to a variety of research approaches, the interpretation of data
generated and strategies for the evaluation and critique of research reports and literature.
The main purpose of the unit is to demonstrate to students how they may use disciplined
inquiry as a means of improving nursing practice and health outcomes.
Staff: Ms C Bobrowski
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: equiv of 3 hrs weekly (26 wks)
Assess: take-home exam (40%), 1,500-word assignment (40%), tutorial worksheets (20%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H3D]
Faculty website: <>
Organising Nursing Care
Enrolment code: CNA386
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Introduces the application of management knowledge and skills to nursing, with
particular emphasis being placed on organising the provision of nursing care in hospitals,
nursing homes, extended care facilities and in the community. Areas such as strategic
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Unit details [CNA]
planning for nursing services, staffing and financial control of nursing practice, power in
relation to organisation structure, and relevant aspects of regionalisation of health care
services are included. Students are encouraged to explore and analyse critically
management issues in their own area of nursing practice.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: equiv of 3 hrs weekly (13 wks)
Assess: budget plan (35%), 2,000-word assignment (50%), class presentation (15%)
Required: Scheiwe D & Clinton M, Management in the Australian Health Care Industry,
Harper Educational, Syd.
Faculty website: <>
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
Enrolment code: CNA400
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
For details, contact Faculty of Health Science
Faculty website: <>
Nursing Inquiry in Practice
Enrolment code: CNA405
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 [by web], Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 [by web], NWC: (fy) ie sem
1 & 2 [by web]
Unit description:
Provides advanced professional study, the focus of which is a research driven, in-depth
study of a field of nursing practice. The experiential curriculum draws on scientific,
interpretative and critical theoretical positions which are the subject of a series of
seminars, tutorials and other teaching and learning strategies which enable students to
explore their practice.
Staff: Mr A Robinson (Coordinator), Assoc Prof G Farrell, Assoc Prof K Blackmore, Prof C
Moorhouse, Dr J Sankey, Dr C Parkinson, Ms J Sondermeyer, Ms D Fassett, Ms S Brennan,
Ms C Handley, Ms C Bobrowski, Ms R Bull, Mr L Smith
Unit weight: 30%
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Unit details [CNA]
Teaching pattern: comprising clinical practicum of 196 hrs minimum, and 3 hrs seminars
Prereq: grade point average of credit or above in 2nd and 3rd year of BN or equiv
Assess: 6,000-word paper
Courses: [H4A]
Faculty website: <>
Research Seminars and Project
Enrolment code: CNA435
Offered: Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 [by web], Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2 [by web], NWC: (fy) ie sem
1 & 2 [by web]
Unit description:
Provides students with research training relevant to nursing, and prepares them for a
higher nursing degree, by research. Students conduct research into a field of nursing
practice which is informed and supported by a series of collaborative seminars which
provide them with a forum to discuss and judge their research critically. The seminars
consider methods, research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and
Staff: Mr A Robinson (Coordinator); Ms D Fassett, Dr G Farrell, Dr C Parkinson, Prof C
Moorhouse, Ms J Sondermeyer, Ms R Bull, Assoc Prof K Blackmore, Mr L Smith, Ms C
Bobrowski, Dr J Saneky, Ms S Brennan
Unit weight: 70%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly
Prereq: grade point average of credit or above in 2nd and 3rd year of BN or equiv
Assess: 15,000-18,000-word research thesis and an oral defence of this research thesis
Required: Grbich C, Qualitative Research in Health: An Introduction, Allen & Unwin, NSW,
Crotty M, The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process,
Allen & Unwin, NSW, 1998
Courses: [H4A]
Faculty website: <>
Communication & Counselling for Health
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA701
Offered: not offered in 2003
Special note: offered also as a distance/external course in continuing education enabling students
to articulate into the graduate program.
Unit description:
Introduces students to communication and counseling skills, and exposes them to some of
the major theories and models used in contemporary practice. The unit will challenge
students to explore the qualities they themselves bring to the client-professional
relationship, and will prepare them to respond to events and interactions such as
bereavement, unexpected major trauma, anxiety and violence. Workshops or tutorials will
include discussion of readings, experiential exercises, case studies and scenarios, and skill
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: study seminars, regional tutorials, video-conferencing tutorials, and
experiential learning
Assess: written assignment (30%), video plus transcript and critique
or simulated case study/role play (35%), classroom/workshop participation (20%),
journalling and documentation (15%)
Required: Egan G, The Skilled helper: a problem-management approach to helping, 6th edn,
Brooks/ Cole, 1998
Egan G, Exercises in Helping Skills, 6th edn, Brooks/ Cole Publishing, 1998
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Professional and Organisational Frameworks in
Nursing Care Delivery
Enrolment code: CNA702
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Comprises three modules. Module One examines the management and education of
patients and personal resources. Module Two addresses research in clinical practice.
Module Three explores outcomes management as it applies to clinical practice.
Approaches to understanding practice in nursing will be discussed having students
engage in the process of concept clarification as it relates to their own speciality.
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Unit details [CNA]
Staff: Dr C Parkinson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 3-hr weekly seminar, (13 weeks)
Assess: progressive management exercises (35%) clinical practice outcomes management
case study (20%) research discussion plan paper (25%)
Required: Gillis A & Jackson W, Research for Nurses: Methods and Interpretations, Davis
Company, 2001
Wojner A, Outcomes Management: Applications to Clinical Practice, Mosby, 2001.
Yoder-Wise P, Leading and Managing in Nursing, 2nd edn, Mosby, 1999
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Population Health
Enrolment code: CNA703
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2, NWC: sem 2, dist.ed: sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces students to basic epidemiology and to a population-based approach to health
issues, particularly in rural and regional contexts. It equips students to gather, analyse and
apply population data at a community level, to undertake community consultation, and to
design and evaluate population-based health interventions. The unit utilises basic research
tools and data analysis techniques. Topics covered include causation and risk, infectious
disease control, injury control, health promotion, and harm minimisation.
Staff: Mr G Crack, Dr K Blackmore, tba (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: study days, regional tutorials/workshops, video-conferencing
Assess: minor 1,000-word research project (25%), major 3,000-word project report (50%)
presentation (25%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Contemporary Issues in Aged Care
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA704
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on contemporary issues and debates specifically related to service delivery in the
aged care sector. The impacts of policy development on the delivery of professional
services to older people are studied in detail, as are the theory and practice of
organisational development in aged care service delivery. The unit has a particular focus
on developing a critical perspective on change in aged care with respect to: demographic
projections and the implications for service delivery; quality assurance, accreditation and
evidence based practice in aged care; funding models and their impact on practice, and;
issues in the coordination of care for elderly people.
Staff: Dr A Robinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: lectures regional tutorials, via webct through the WWW
Assess: 2 x 3,000-word papers
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Contemporary Issues in Midwifery Practice
Enrolment code: CNA707
Offered: Ltn: sem 1 Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Provides students with an opportunity to explore cultural, political, historical and
professional issues in midwifery. Students examine the impact of these issues upon
midwifery practice, and are encouraged to analyse and critique the differing models of
midwifery care through critical reflective processes.
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures, small group work , tutorials and self directed learning
Coreq: CNA708
Assess: 1,500-word assignment (40%), 2,000-word assignment (60%)
Required: Book of readings
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Unit details [CNA]
Recommend: Australian College of Midwives Incorporated (ed), Competency Standards for
Midwives, 1989
Australian College of Midwives Incorporated (ed), Code of Ethics, 1995
Australian College of Midwives Incorporated (ed), Standards for the Practice of Midwifery,
Barclay L & Jones L, Midwifery Trends and Practice in Australia, Churchill Livingstone,
Melb, 1996
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
Research in Midwifery
Enrolment code: CNA708
Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces students of midwifery to the use of disciplined inquiry in midwifery practice.
Students have the opportunity to develop an understanding of evidence-based midwifery
practice, and in the process will analyse and critique current research based literature.
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures, small group work , tutorials and self directed learning
Coreq: CNA707
Assess: 2 qualitative research critiques, 1 research proposal
Required: Cluett E & Bluff R (eds), Principles and Practice of Research in Midwifery, Bailliere
Tindall, Edin, 2000
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
Ethical, Cultural and Spiritual Perspectives of
Palliative Care
Enrolment code: CNA709
Offered: not offered in 2003
Special note: student should be a Registered Nurse, or Allied Health Worker, or Palliative Care
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Explores the role of the practitioner in the identification of social, emotional, cultural and
spiritual need and the provision of holistic care during the experience of terminal illness
within a research directed framework. The unit is comprised of four modules: cultural
beliefs and practices, loss and the work of grieving, ethical considerations, and spiritual
care. This unit approaches the person and family holistically and anticipates the function
of health professionals within the interdisciplinary team.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Administrator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: whole group study days and regional learning sets, videoconferencing
tutorials and experiential learning in palliative care units within and outside the state;
(equiv to 6 hrs per week plus a minimum of 300 hrs critically reviewed clinical practice)
Assess: presentation and research-based paper (40%) reflective essay and analysis (40%)
debate/tutorial participation (20%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Biological and Psychological Treatments in Mental
Enrolment code: CNA715
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2, NWC: sem 2, dist.ed: sem 2
Unit description:
Provides students with an overview of neurobiological concepts. Subjects covered include:
neurophysiology and neuroanatomy. The unit introduces students to psychological
treatments for mental health problems, either as stand alone interventions or in
combination with drug therapy. Students will be introduced to a cognitive behaviour
therapy (CBT) model.
Staff: Dr D Geraghty and tba
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: study days, regional tutorials, video-conferencing (equivto 3 hrs per
Assess: tba
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
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Unit details [CNA]
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Management of the Palliative Care Patient
Enrolment code: CNA717
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Explores chronic and progressive degenerative illness and its impact on individuals and
their families. The unit comprises four modules; science of chronicity, terminal care in
advanced chronic illness, paediatric palliative care, and basing practice on evidence. This
unit approaches the person and family holistically and anticipates the nursing function
within the interdisciplinary team. Competency based practice is developed by the
methodologies within the learning experiences in both the educational and clinical
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Administrator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: whole group study days and regional learning sets, videoconferencing
tutorials and experiential learning in palliative care units within and outside the state;
(equiv to 6 hrs per week plus a minimum of 300 hrs critically reviewed clinical practice)
Prereq: CNA718
Assess: formative tests (35%) clinical essay (25%) tutorial assessment (10%) portfolio of
clinical experience (30%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Palliative Care Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA718
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Explores the foundations of palliative management of malignant and non malignant
disease and its impact on individuals and their families. The unit is comprised of five
modules: Principles and Practice of Palliation; Applied Therapeutic Communication in
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Unit details [CNA]
Palliative Care; Holistic Palliative Assessment and Clinical Decision Making and
Judgement; Pain Management and; Symptom Control in Palliative Care. This unit
approaches the person and family holistically and anticipates the nursing function within
the interdisciplinary team.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Administrator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: four weekend schools alternating between Launceston and Hobart
Campus: 1 19-20 July, Hbt; 2 16-17 August., Ltn; 3 13-14 September, Hbt; 4 4-5 October,
Assess: 5 module assessments (20% ea)
Required: Ferrell & Coyle, Textbook of Palliative Nursing, OUP 2002, ISBN 0195135741
Aranda, S & O’Connor M, Palliative Care Nursing: A Guide to Practice,Ausmed 2002, ISBN
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Health Assessment in Rural/Remote
Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA719
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Participants learn and practice how to conduct and document a systems based full
physical examination. Audio-visual, theoretical and practical sessions will be utilised.
Areas to be covered include: History taking; General survey, measurement and vital signs;
Skin, hair and nails; Head and neck, including regional lymphatics; Eyes; Ears; Nose,
mouth and throat; Breast and axilla, including regional lymphatics; Thorax and lungs;
Heart and neck vessels; Peripheral vascular system and lymphatics; Abdomen;
Musculoskeletal system; Neurologic system; Genitalia, anus, rectum and prostate.
Staff: Mr G Crack (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: study days, regional tutorials, video-conferencing, assessment day
Prereq: CNA718
Assess: A multiple choice exam, practice scenarios, submission of completed Chapters 5
and 25 of Jarvis C, Student Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination and Health Assessment,
3rd edn, WB Saunders, 2000
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Unit details [CNA]
Required: Jarvis C, Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 3rd edn, WB Saunders,
Jarvis C, Student Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination and Health Assessment, 3rd edn,
WB Saunders, 2000
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Cancer Nursing Theory
Enrolment code: CNA720
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Consists of two parts. The first concentrates on ‘cancer the disease’, its nature, spread and
manifestations, and the second focuses on contemporary debates on cancer prevention
strategies and screening. Epidemiological issues and pathophysiological concepts will be
explored prior to an overview of contemporary approaches to care.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (13 wks)
Assess: 2 x 2,000-word assignments focusing on a current clinical issue in cancer nursing
(50% ea)
Recommend: Groewald SL, Frogge ML, Goodman M & Yarbo H, Cancer Nursing Principles &
Practice, 3rd edn, Chapman & Hall, (distributed by Nelson Melb), 1993.
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Management of the Cancer Patient Theory
Enrolment code: CNA721
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on the impact of cancer and its treatment on the individual and the family.
Students are encouraged to develop understandings and issues related to cancer as a
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chronic illness. The meanings that cancer holds for individuals and families are explored
using a variety of methods.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: seminars, video-conferencing
Assess: 2 x 2,000-word assignments focusing on a current clinical issue in cancer nursing
(50% ea)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Cancer Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA722
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on the nursing management of cancer patients. The emphasis is on experiential
learning emerging out of practice. Nursing interventions necessary for the patient with
symptoms of advanced cancer and the various treatments are explored. Competencies
required for effective cancer nursing are incorporated into the unit. The practicum will be
arranged on a contract basis.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (13 wks), seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: (a) data from a journal reflecting on all aspects of the student’s practice — taking
the form of a 3,500-4,000-word essay, (b) the achievement of selected specialist nursing
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Management of the Cancer Patient Practice
Enrolment code: CNA723
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on CNA722. The emphasis is on developing and extending the knowledge and
competencies for effective cancer nursing. Students have the opportunity to select practice
areas within the broad field of cancer nursing and to work with preceptors in an
experiential inpractice curriculum.
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: seminars, video-conferencing
Assess: journal reflecting on all aspects of the student’s practice; a 3,500-4,000-word
assignment is developed from the journal; competency-based assessment in practice
Required: selected readings provided by the faculty.
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Emergency Management in Rural/Remote Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA724
Offered: not offered in 2003
Special note: part time employment (120 hrs/semester) in an agency providing care and support to
elderly people.
Unit description:
Provides Registered Nurses with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide a high
standard of first line emergency care in rural and regional health settings. It consists of 5
modules: Professional, legal and ethical issues; First line emergency assessment and
management; Emergency drugs; Advanced life support; and Administration of parenteral
The unit builds on CNA719 Advanced Health Assessment.
Staff: tba (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: workshops, video-conferencing, assessment day
Assess: Written examination (short answer, multiple choice and scenarios) (50%),
simulated assessment and management of clinical emergencies (50%)
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Healthy Ageing
Enrolment code: CNA725
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Unit details [CNA]
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1, NWC: sem 1
Special note: part time employment (120 hrs/semester) in an agency providing care and support to
elderly people.
Unit description:
Explores ageing as a normal process with a focus on developing student’s understanding
of the process of ageing and their skills in the health assessment of elderly people. The
intent is to enable students to differentiate between changes associated with the ageing
process and those associated with pathology when assessing clients and managing
nursing care across a variety of contexts. An introductory consideration of major
psychological and patho-physiological changes potentially encountered by ageing
individuals will be undertaken by way of contrasting them to normal ageing. Topics
addressed will include: life stages; ageing and physical function; ageing and cognition;
sexuality; sensory impairment; sleep, and; continence. The unit will also involve a clinical
practicum with a focus on further developing students assessment skills and
understanding of the ageing process.
Staff: Dr A Robinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: study days; regional tutorials; video-conferencing
Assess: clinical exam, 3,000-word paper, 3,000-word case study
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Health Assessment and Ageing
Enrolment code: CNA726
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1, NWC: sem 1
Special note: part time employment (120 hrs/semester) in an agency providing care and support to
elderly people.
Unit description:
Builds on CNA725 Healthy Ageing. The focus is on students developing their assessment
skills and clinical practice in the context of a consideration of issues related to key
pathophysiological and psychopathological alterations in the elderly people’s health
status. In the course of the unit case studies of elderly people will be employed to examine
issues such as: challenging behaviours; depression; communication; nutrition
incontinence; mobility; skin integrity; pain; chronic & acute illness; polypharmacy.
Concurrent participation in a clinical practicum will inform students’ exploration of these
issues and the development of their assessment skills
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Unit details [CNA]
Staff: Dr A Robinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: study days; regional tutorials; video-conferencing
Prereq: CNA725
Assess: assignment, case study
Required: tba
Recommend: tba
Courses: [H6F] [H7F]
Faculty website: <>
Immunisation Education for Registered Nurses
Enrolment code: CNA727
Unit description:
Please contact School of Nursing for details
Courses: [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Promoting Health in Child & Family Health:
Theoretical Perspectives
Enrolment code: CNA730
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Allows students to explore critically how the family has been constructed in Australia in
response to changing social, political and economic influences. The development of child
health services is also examined. The unit is developed in a way which allows flexibility
and student-centred learning.
Staff: Ms S Brennan
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: flexible study mode — which may include statewide study days, regional
Assess: 2,000-3,000-word essay (70%), 1,000-word seminar paper addressing contemporary
issues in child and family health (30%)
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Unit details [CNA]
Required: book of readings
Courses: [H6A] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Approaches to Child Development in Child &
Family Health: Theoretical Perspectives
Enrolment code: CNA731
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on CNA730. The emphasis is on developing and extending the knowledge and
competencies for effective Child and Family Health nursing.
Staff: Ms S Brennan
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 6 hrs weekly (13 wks), seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: 2,000-word essay and a 1,500-word seminar paper addressing contemporary issues
in child and family health
Courses: [H6A] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Promoting Health in Child & Family Health:
Practice Perspectives
Enrolment code: CNA732
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Introduces students to the specialist area of family, child and youth health nursing. The
unit focuses on communication and counselling skills, group skills – infant and young
child nutrition. A three-week in-practice learning experience is included.
Staff: Ms S Brennan
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: study days and workshops
Assess: A 2,000-word essay (70%) and presentation of a seminar paper (30%)
Courses: [H6A] [H6F]
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Unit details [CNA]
Faculty website: <>
Approaches to Child Development in Child &
Family Health: Practice Perspectives
Enrolment code: CNA733
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Provides the student with opportunities to further develop competencies through critical
reflective practice in more complex health settings and includes a practicum.
Staff: Ms S Brennan
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 6 hrs weekly (13 wks), seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: 1,500-word self-critique of practice, based on data from student’s personal journals;
various competency based assessments
Courses: [H6A] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
The Woman Who Experiences a Normal Birth
Enrolment code: CNA734
Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Provides students with the knowledge to work with the woman and her family during
labour and the first post partum days, including assessment of the newborn.
Underpinning this course is a belief that childbirth is essentially a normal and problem
free process. The unit encourages students to develop attitudes which respect and
support women in the decisions they make regarding their birthing experience. Students
develop the skills necessary to provide women centred care and guidance during the
birthing experience.
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures, tutorials and self directed learning, practicum
Prereq: CNA707, CNA708, CNA788, CNA789
Coreq: CNA735
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Unit details [CNA]
Assess: 1 assignment, examination, case study
Required: Sweet B & Tirich D (eds), Mayes’ Midwifery: A Textbook for Midwives, Bailliere
Tindall, Syd, 1997
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
Mother and Baby Care After Birth
Enrolment code: CNA735
Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Focuses on the care of the woman and her baby following birth. Physiological and
psychosocial adaptation of the woman and her baby are included. Infant feeding,
promotion and establishment of breastfeeding and early parenting issues are explored.
The unit also covers the special needs of women after a complicated birth.
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures, tutorials, small group work, practicum
Prereq: CNA707, CNA708, CNA788, CNA789
Coreq: CNA734
Assess: 1 assignment, 1 case study
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
The Woman Who Experiences a Complicated Birth
Enrolment code: CNA736
Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Provides an opportunity to examine the midwives’ responsibility to provide safe care
during labour and birth. The unit considers at-risk and complicated situations that may
endanger the health of either the woman or her fetus/neonate. Emphasis is on working
with women to achieve appropriate referral to and collaboration with other members of
the health care team to enhance the outcomes for mother and family.
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures, tutorials, small group work, practicum
Prereq: CNA707, CNA708, CNA788, CNA789, CNA734, CNA735
Coreq: CNA737
Assess: 1 assignment, exam, portfolio
Required: Sweet B (ed), Mayes’ Midwifery: A textbook for Midwives, Bailliere Tindall, Syd,
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
The Baby Who Experiences Problems
Enrolment code: CNA737
Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to care for sick infants and
their families following birth. Studies include initiating emergency management and
assisting in the stabilising of a sick neonate as well as related social issues. In addition,
emphasis is placed on the psychosocial problems faced by the families of neonates who
require extra care.
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures, tutorials and self directed learning, practicum
Prereq: CNA707, CNA708, CNA788, CNA789, CNA734, CNA735
Coreq: CNA736
Assess: skills assessment, assignment, case study
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
Introduction to Acute Care Mental Health Nursing:
Theoretical Perspectives
Enrolment code: CNA740
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Introduces students to some of the fundamental concepts and key debates in mental
health/psychiatric nursing. A main focus is on client assessment and the use of
cognitive-behavioural interventions for clients who are experiencing acute mental
disorders. Current trends in mental health care and the legal and ethical issues as they
affect nurses’ practice are also introduced.
Staff: Dr G Farrell, Mrs C Handley
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: seminars, video-conferencing
Assess: seminar presentation (40%), 2,500-word essay on a topic related to a contemporary
clinical issue (60%)
Required: Wilson H & Kneisl C, Psychiatric Nursing, 4th edn, Addison Wesley, Menlo Park,
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Introduction to People with Long Term Mental
Illness: Theoretical Perspectives
Enrolment code: CNA741
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on CNA740. Students now focus on the issues, approaches to assessment and forms
of intervention employed in community care settings. The unit also considers aspects of
rehabilitation in the mental health area.
Staff: Dr G Farrell, Mrs C Handley
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (13 wks), seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: seminar presentation, and a resource portfolio
Recommend: Wilson HS & Kneisl CR, Psychiatric Nursing, 4th edn, Addison Wesley, Menlo
Park, 1992.
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Introduction to Acute Care Mental Health Nursing:
Practice Perspectives
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA742
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Special note: rotational unit
Unit description:
Encourages students to move beyond psychiatric nomenclature and to begin to appreciate
illness from the perspective of the client. Students are encouraged to take a critical
reflective approach to care, that is, to question taken-for-granted practices and policies in
order to enhance their sensitivity, refine their skills and discover insights relevant for
expert practice.
Staff: Dr G Farrell, Mrs C Handley
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: seminars, video-conferencing
Assess: problem-based learning packages (30%), 2,000-word essay (40%),
performance-based assessment (30%)
Recommend: Wilson HS & Kneisl CR, Psychiatric Nursing, 4th edn, Addison Wesley, Menlo
Park, 1992.
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Introduction to People with Long Term Mental
Illness: Practice Perspectives
Enrolment code: CNA743
Offered: not offered in 2003
Special note: rotational unit
Unit description:
Builds on CNA742, with the emphasis being placed on critical reflection on practice as the
vehicle for acquiring the competencies necessary for effective nursing practice in the area
of mental health.
Staff: Dr G Farrell, Mrs C Handley
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly (13 wks), seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: 1 case study or rehabilitation project, 1 take-home exam
Recommend: Wilson HS & Kneisl CR, Psychiatric Nursing, 4th edn, Addison Wesley, Menlo
Park, 1992.
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Unit details [CNA]
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Rural/Remote Nursing Practice A
Enrolment code: CNA744
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2, NWC: sem 2
Unit description:
Focuses on the development of advanced knowledge and skills in health assessment
relevant to nursing in rural and remote areas. The unit uses an evidence-based approach
to health assessment and is centred on practice and on the issues that are commonly
encountered in rural or remote settings.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days, practical sessions and tutorials; 3-week
in-practice learning experience
Coreq: CNA746
Assess: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Rural/Remote Nursing Practice B
Enrolment code: CNA745
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on CNA744, with a specific focus on emergency assessment and management in
rural and remote areas. The unit is currently accredited by the Nursing Board of Tasmania
and allows Registered Nurses to apply for authorisation under the Poisons Amendment
(Nursing) Regulations 1998. It prepares nurses to provide a high standard of first line
emergency care in rural settings.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days, practical sessions and tutorials; 3-week
in-practice learning experience
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Unit details [CNA]
Prereq: CNA744
Coreq: CNA747
Assess: tbas
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Rural/Remote Nursing Studies A
Enrolment code: CNA746
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2, NWC: sem 2
Unit description:
Focuses on the theory and practice of population health and basic epidemiology. The unit
relies on a broad public health perspective that incorporates concepts of health promotion,
community development, and public health interventions. Current rural or remote health
practices and strategies for improvement of health status are explored. The unit also
introduces students to basic research tools for gathering and analysing health information.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days and tutorials
Coreq: CNA744
Assess: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Rural/Remote Nursing Studies B
Enrolment code: CNA747
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on practical conselling and communication skills required by rural and remote
nurses in a variety of circumstances. The unt explores relevant theories and their
application within a practice context.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [CNA]
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days and tutorials
Prereq: CNA746
Coreq: CNA745
Assess: 4,000-word (max) assignment on a current issue in rural/remote nursing (75%),
tutorial presentation (25%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Perioperative Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA754
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Concentrates on field-based learning within the area of perioperative care. Advanced
clinical skills acquisition in both perioperative care and management context is the main
focus of the unit. Students also complete a clinical practice profile.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, 3–4 days experience in operating rooms throughout the
state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Coreq: CNA756
Assess: 2–3,000-word clinical enquiry into practice (40%), objective structured clinical
assessment [OSCA] (40%), clinical practice profile (20%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Management of the Perioperative Patient Practice
Enrolment code: CNA755
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on CNA754, concentrating on advanced field-based studies within the area of
operating room management, including anaesthetics and post-anaesthetic care.
Competency development is furthered, supported by clinical preceptors and clinical
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Unit details [CNA]
facilitators. Students are also guided by readings, lectures, practical laboratories and case
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, 3–4 days experience in operating rooms throughout the
state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Prereq: CNA744
Coreq: CNA747
Assess: 2–3,000-word professional practice portfolio (60%), objective, structured clinical
assessment [OSCA] (40%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Perioperative Nursing Theory
Enrolment code: CNA756
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on nursing and medical science specific to specialist perioperative nursing
practice. Topics include: physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, therapeutics,
anaesthetics and nursing science. These subjects are explored in a contextual fashion in
order to develop an integrated understanding using problem-based learning.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures and tutorials
Coreq: CNA754
Assess: 2-hr exam (40%), clinical grand round review, presentation and 2–3,000-word
supporting paper (60%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Management of the Perioperative Patient Theory
Enrolment code: CNA757
Offered: not offered in 2003
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA756. As nursing occurs within the social and
political context of society at large, practical application of theory generated in the
exploration of social and human therapeutics is undertaken in interactive workshops
which address the specialised needs of the perioperative nursing client who is physically
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures and tutorials
Prereq: CNA754, CNA756
Coreq: CNA755
Assess: 2-hr exam (40%), quality improvement project [QIP] (60%)
Courses: [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Gerontic Nursing Studies A
Enrolment code: CNA760
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Examines the impact of ageing on individuals in contemporary society from a variety of
perspectives. The unit explores prevailing Western attitudes, concepts and debates around
the aged and ageing, and how these might impact on issues such as policy formation,
service provision, and the health status of older people.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 statewide study days and regional tutorials (equiv 3 hrs weekly)
Coreq: for H6A students — CNA762
Assess: tutorials (10%), case study of interview/conversations with an older adult (40%),
2,500-word essay (50%)
Required: Ebersole P & Hess P, Toward Healthy Aging, Mosby, St Louis, 1994.
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Gerontic Nursing Studies B
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA761
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on disruptions to the health status of the ageing person, including a critical
consideration of factors that might contribute to these, and how health disruption might
impact on the life of the ageing individual. The unit examines the health and life
experiences of older people in community and institutional settings, and explores concepts
such as power, change, loss and grief.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 statewide study days and regional tutorials (equiv 3 hrs contact weekly)
Prereq: CNA760 and CNA762
Coreq: CNA763
Assess: 3500-4000 word essay (or equiv) critically addressing an issue or issues of interest
structured around the relationship between the older adult and their life world
Required: Chenitz WC, Stone JT & Salisbury SA, Clinical Gerontological Nursing, WB
Saunders, Philadelphia, 1991.
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Gerontic Nursing Practice A
Enrolment code: CNA762
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Takes a critical, reflective approach to gerontic nursing practice with a focus on supporting
the elderly in their particular social contexts. Students are required to undertake a
practicum in a field of gerontic nursing and to keep a reflective journal based on their
practice. The unit emphasis is on experiential learning from practice and the development
of the role of the registered nurse in providing care.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: three statewide study days and regional tutorials (equiv 3 hrs contact
weekly) plus a practicum in a selected field of gerontic nursing.
Coreq: CNA760
Assess: 3,500-4,000-word essay derived from significant journal extracts (60%);
performance-based assessment (40%)
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Unit details [CNA]
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Gerontic Nursing Practice B
Enrolment code: CNA763
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on CNA762. The unit emphasises developing and extending knowledge and
critique to inform effective practice. Students have the opportunity to select a practice area
within gerontic nursing and to develop and implement a learning contract which includes
a practicum.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 statewide study days and regional tutorials (equiv 3 hrs contact
weekly), 1 practicum in a selected field of gerontic nursing
Prereq: CNA760, CNA762
Coreq: CNA761
Assess: 3500-4000-word essay incorporating critical reflection on practice (60%),
performance-based assessment (40%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Paediatric Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA764
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Explores what it means to be a paediatric nurse and situates the practitioner within the
specialty area. Clinical practice strongly guides the unit where meanings may be explored
within an experiential mode of learning. Competency development is built on and
supported by clinical preceptors and clinical facilitators, guided by readings and tutorials.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms K Ford (Coordinator, south), Mr M
Sherring (Coordinator, north)
Unit weight: 12.5%
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Unit details [CNA]
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials/laboratory practicals and 3–4 days experience in
paediatric departments through the state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum
Coreq: CNA766
Assess: 3–4,000-word critique of nursing practice (40%), clinical performance based
assessment (50%), tutorial assessment (10%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Acute Care Management of the Child & Family
Enrolment code: CNA765
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Builds on CNA764. Competency development emerges through clinical rotations in the
paediatric specialty including ambulatory care, neonatal intensive care, clinics, community
and other designated areas. Advanced medical, surgical and psychological nursing
interventions are discussed through case conferences and supported by clinical preceptors
and course facilitator.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms K Ford (Coordinator, south), Mr M
Sherring (Coordinator, north)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly tutorials/laboratory practicals and 3–4 days experience in
paediatric departments through the state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum
Prereq: CNA764, CNA766
Coreq: CNA767
Assess: practice portfolio (60%), clinical performance based assessments (40%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Paediatric Nursing Theory
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA766
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Focuses on the family unit within the social, political and economic influences in Australia.
The unit allows students to explore how their practice is influenced in an acute care
family-centred environment. The development of paediatric nursing as a discipline is
examined and the implications for practice explored in an ever-changing society. The
growth and development of the child from birth to adolescence which underpins the
approach to practice is examined. Students also gain knowledge in pathophysiology,
pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic practices which are related to caring for the child with
alteration in respiratory and GIT status.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms K Ford (Coordinator, south), Mr M
Sherring (Coordinator, north)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
Coreq: CNA764
Assess: 2,000-word seminar paper (30%), 3–4,000-word clinical essay (60%), tutorial
assessment (10%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Acute Care Management of the Child & Family
Enrolment code: CNA767
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA766. The application of theory generated in the
exploration of social and human therapeutics is undertaken in interactive workshops (eg
palliative care, crisis intervention, grief and loss), addressing the special needs of the child
which is physically and/or emotionally compromised. Students also gain knowledge in
pathophysiology, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic practices related to caring for the
child with alterations in gentourinary, musculoskeletal, neurological, haematological,
oncological, metabolic status. The student works on a proposal and develops a best
practice project.
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Unit details [CNA]
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms K Ford (Coordinator, south), Mr M
Sherring (Coordinator, north)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
Prereq: CNA764, CNA766
Coreq: CNA765
Assess: 2-hr exam (40%), quality improvement project (60%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Critical Care Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA770
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Concentrates on field-based learning within the area of critical care. Advanced clinical
skills acquisition in the acute care contexts is the major focus of the unit. Students explore
patient care episodes in structured seminars and they complete a clinical performance
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms M
Greenwood, Mr A Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly tutorials/laboratory practicals and 3–4 days experience in
critical care departments through the state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum
Coreq: CNA772
Assess: performance-based assessment (40%), 3 reflective narratives (total of 3–4,000
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Contemporary Critical Care Nursing Practice
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA771
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Concentrates on advanced field-based learning within the area of critical care.
Competency development is further built on, supported by clinical preceptors, clinical
facilitator and guided by readings and case conferences. Department management and
case load administration is explored and the special, advanced nursing/technical needs of
the critical care patient is investigated.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms M
Greenwood, Mr A Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly tutorials/laboratory practicals and 3–4 days experience in
critical care departments through the state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum
Prereq: CNA770, CNA772
Coreq: CNA773
Assess: professional practice portfolio (60%), reflective praxis seminar (40%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Critical Care Nursing Science
Enrolment code: CNA772
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Focuses on exploring the foundations in critical care nursing practice. The unit includes
scientific practice issues related to critical care such as principles of positive pressure
ventilation, haemodynamic management of the critically ill patient and the applied
psychological dimensions of critical care practice. Students gain knowledge in the
pathophysiology and care of respiratory, cardiac and neurological disease processes as
they relate to the critically ill patient. Pharmacokinetics and first line management of
emergency situations are addressed.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms M
Greenwood, Mr A Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
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Unit details [CNA]
Coreq: CNA770
Assess: practical and theoretical test (50%), 2,500-word applied pathophysiological essay
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Contemporary Critical Care Nursing Science
Enrolment code: CNA773
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Special note: rotational unit
Unit description:
Focuses on exploring advanced critical care nursing practice. Students gain knowledge in
the applied biosciences, pathophysiology, and related pharmacology, of the renal, GIT,
haemotological/immunological, trauma and burns and endocrine/metabolic acute
disorders as well as the principles of management of these conditions in the critically ill
patient. The student works on a proposal and develops a best practice project.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms M
Greenwood, Mr A Brown
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
Prereq: CNA770, CNA772
Coreq: CNA771
Assess: formative testing (40%), quality improvement project [QIP] (60%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA774
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Concentrates on field-based learning within the area of neonatal intensive care. Advanced
skills acquisition in acute care contexts is the major focus of the unit, with the theoretical
components of CNA776 Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Science A being integrated and
applied from a practice perspective. Students are expected to complete a practice portfolio
over the duration of the unit. This unit focuses on the development of neonatal intensive
nursing care science as a discipline examining the theoretical basis of embryology,
pathophysiology, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic practices. The unit allows students to
explore how their practice is influenced in an acute care family-centred environment.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms C Norris (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials and 3–4 days experience in the NICU department;
minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Coreq: CNA776
Assess: 2–3,000-word clinical practice paper (40%), clinical performance based assessment
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Clinical Perspectives of Nursing the Complex and
Critically Ill Neonate
Enrolment code: CNA775
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Builds on the application of theoretical concepts to clinical practice in CNA774. Clinical
competency development continues to be the focus of the unit with more advanced and
complex nursing management of the sick neonate undertaken. Advanced nursing and
medical management is discussed in both tutorial, interactive workshops, and Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit meetings. The application of therapeutic intervention and the effect of
these applications on nursing practice are examined and the evidence-based practice
model is used to investigate nursing practice.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials/laboratory practicals and 3–4 days experience in
the NICU department; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Prereq: CNA774, CNA776
Coreq: CNA777
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Unit details [CNA]
Assess: practice portfolio (60%), clinical performance based assessment (40%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA776
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Special note: rotational unit
Unit description:
Focuses on introducing the student to the science of neonatology and the development of
neonatal intensive nursing care as a discipline. The unit examines the theoretical basis of
embryology, pathophysiology, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic practices. The unit
allows students to explore how their practice is influenced in an acute care family-centred
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms C Norris (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
Coreq: CNA774
Assess: problem-based case studies (40%), tutorial paper and presentation (60%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing the Complex
and Critically Ill Neonate
Enrolment code: CNA777
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Continues to build on learning undertaken in CNA776. Advanced theoretical concepts
relating to Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing are researched and explored. The application
of advanced therapeutic technologies and agents in Neonatal Intensive Care management
are examined and the effects, both expected and unexpected of those technologies, are
questioned in relation to efficacy, efficiency and patient outcomes. The social and political
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Unit details [CNA]
context of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing are also examined. The student works on a
proposal and develops a best practice project.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms C Norris (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
Prereq: CNA774, CNA776
Coreq: CNA775
Assess: quality improvement project, presentation (20%) and paper (80%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Acute Care Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA780
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Concentrates on field-based learning within the area of acute care nursing. Advanced
critical skills acquisition in acute care and management context is the major focus of the
unit. Students also complete a clinical performance record.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials and experience within paediatric nursing units
throughout the state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Coreq: CNA782
Assess: 3,000–4,000-word esay on a significant issue derived from clinical nusing practice
in acute care (40%), tutorial assessment (10%), performance-based assessement (50%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Practice Perspectives in Managing the Complex
Acute Care Patient
Enrolment code: CNA781
Offered: not offered in 2003
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA780. Students also progress through a series of
guided readings and complete a clinical performance record.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials and experience within paediatric nursing units
throughout the state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Prereq: CNA780
Coreq: CNA783
Assess: 3,000–4,000-word essay on a significant issue derived from clinical nursing practice
in acute care (40%), tutorial assessment (10%), performance-based assessment (50%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Acute Care Nursing Theory
Enrolment code: CNA782
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on nursing and medical science specific to specialist acute care nursing practice.
Topics in physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, therapeutics and nursing science are
explored in an integrated fashion using problem-based learning.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days, tutorials and practical sessions
Coreq: CNA780
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), three short answer tutorial exams during
sem (30%), 2,500-word essay (50%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Theoretical Concepts in Managing the Complex
Acute Care Patient
Enrolment code: CNA783
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Unit details [CNA]
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA782. As nursing occurs within the social and
political context, practical application of theory arising from the exploration of social and
human therapeutics is undertaken in interactive workshops which address the special
needs of the client in the acute care context who is physically compromised.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days, tutorials and practical sessions
Prereq: CNA782
Coreq: CNA781
Assess: 2,500–3,000-word quality improvement project paper/presentation (60%), 2-hr
exam (40%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Emergency Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA784
Offered: Hbt: sem 2, Ltn: sem 2
Unit description:
Explores what it means to be an emergency nurse, situating the practitioner within the
specialty area. Clinical practice strongly guides the unit where meanings may be explored
within an experiential mode of learning. Competency development is built on, supported
by clinical preceptors, clinical facilitator and guided by readings, lectures, practical
laboratory work and case conferences. The unit develops an emergency nurse practitioner
who is able to asses/triage the emergency patient’s condition and prioritise management.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms L Gardner,
Mr S Probert
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials and 3–4 days experience in emergency
departments through the state; minimum of 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Coreq: CNA786
Assess: 2–3,000-word enquiry into practice paper (40%), competency-based assessment
(40%), clinical practice profile (20%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [CNA]
Clinical Perspectives of Emergency Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA785
Offered: Ltn: sem 1, Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA784, concentrating on advanced field-based
exploration of practice with the specialty areas of emergency nursing. Disaster planning,
trauma management, clinical leadership and supervision are included in the unit.
Competency development is further built on, supported by clinical preceptors, clinical
facilitator and guided by readings, lectures, practical laboratories and case conferences.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms L Gardner,
Mr S Probert
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials /laboratory practicals and 3–4 days experience in
emergency departments throughout the state; minimum of 300 hrs experiential curriculum
Prereq: CNA784, CNA786
Coreq: CNA787
Assess: professional practice portfolio (60%), competency-based assessement (40%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Foundations of Emergency Nursing Science
Enrolment code: CNA786
Offered: Ltn: sem 2, Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Foundational unit focusing on the applied biosciences that relate to emergency nursing.
Students gain knowledge of the principles of emergency care, exploring the related
pathophysiology (mechanisms of trauma and disease), pharmacokinetics, theory of triage
and trauma, and the first-line management of emergency presentations of patients with
cardiac, respiratory, shock and neurological states.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms L Gardner,
Mr S Probert
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
Coreq: CNA784
Assess: 2-hr exam (40%), emergency case, 2–3,000-word paper and presentation (60%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Triage and Complex Management of the
Emergency and Trauma Patient
Enrolment code: CNA787
Offered: Hbt: sem 1, Ltn: sem 1
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA786. Students explore the advanced theoretical
understandings which emerge in practice, with emphasis on ophthalmic, ear, nose and
throat, GIT, renal, gynaecological/obstetric, endocrine/metabolic,
haematological/immunological and psychiatric emergencies. The theory of disaster
planning and department management is addressed. The student works on a proposal and
develops a best practice project.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Course Administrator), Ms J Lyneham (Coordinator), Ms L Gardner,
Mr S Probert
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures/tutorials
Prereq: CNA784, CNA786
Coreq: CNA785
Assess: 2-hr exam (40%), quality improvement project [QIP] (60%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H5A] [H6A] [H5F] [H6F]
Faculty website: <>
Context in Which Women Live
Enrolment code: CNA788
Offered: Ltn: sem 2 Hbt: sem 2
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Introduces students to a primary health care approach in working with women and their
families during pregnancy, birth and early parenting experiences. Students learn to
conduct a health assessment of the childbearing family in the context in which they live.
In making their assessment, students consider the social, political, cultural factors, and the
broader health care system as they interact upon the childbearing family. Strategies to
empower women and their families are critically examined to determine the ways in
which women can be assisted in playing an active role in decision-making about their
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: lectures, tutorials and self directed learning
Prereq: CNA707, CNA708
Coreq: CNA789
Assess: 2 assignments
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
The Woman During Pregnancy
Enrolment code: CNA789
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2, Hbt: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Unit description:
Students explore the maternity care and support of the pregnant woman and her family.
The unit prepares students to work in partnership with women in providing midwifery
care from pre-conception to the onset of birth. Students build upon their knowledge of
human bioscience, and behavioural sciences in developing an understanding of
pregnancy. Students examine the anatomy and physiology of reproduction and the
pathophysiology of conditions the woman may experience during pregnancy. Students
are given the opportunity to examine models of care that include choice, continuity, and
control for the woman surrounding the birthing experience.
Staff: Dr J Sankey (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: lectures, tutorials, integrated clinical practicum, and self directed learning
Prereq: CNA707, CNA708
Coreq: CNA788
Assess: 2 assignments, 1 case study
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Unit details [CNA]
Required: Sweet B & Tirian D (eds), Mayes’ Midwifery: A textbook for Midwives, Bailliere
Tindall, Syd, 1997
Courses: [H6C]
Faculty website: <>
Anaesthetic Nursing Practice A
Enrolment code: CNA790
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Concentrates on field-based learning within the area of anaesthetic care. Advanced critical
skills acquisition in anaesthetic management focusing on pre-anaesthetic, anaesthetic and
post-anaesthetic care of the patient. Competency development is built on, supported by
clinical preceptors, clinical facilitator and guided readings, lectures, practical laboratories
and case conferences.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials and 3–4 days experience in anaesthetic
departments throughout the State; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum practice
Coreq: CNA792
Assess: 2–3,000-word enquiry into practice paper (40%), objective, structured clinical
assessment (OSCA) (40%), clinical practice profile (20%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Anaesthetic Nursing Practice B
Enrolment code: CNA791
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA790, concentrating on advanced field-based
exploration of practice within the specialty areas of anaesthetics. Competency
development is further built on, supported by clinical preceptors, clinical facilitator and
guided by readings, lectures, practical laboratories and case conferences.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials/laboratory practicals and 3–4 days experience in
anaesthetic departments throughout the state; minimum 300 hrs experiential curriculum
Prereq: CNA790, CNA792
Coreq: CNA793
Assess: professional practice portfolio (60%), objective, structured clinical assessment
(OSCA] (40%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Anaesthetic Nursing Science A
Enrolment code: CNA792
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Foundational unit focusing on the science of anaesthetics, addressing applied anatomy,
physiology, pathophysiology, physics, biochemistry, microbiology and therapeutics,
pharmacology and nursology. These subjects are explored in an integrated manner using
problem-based learning.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days, tutorials and practical sessions
Coreq: CNA790
Assess: tutorial presentation and paper (20%), three short answer tutorial exams during
sem (30%), 2,500-word essay (50%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Anaesthetic Nursing Science B
Enrolment code: CNA793
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
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Unit details [CNA]
Advanced unit, building on the pattern of CNA792. The unit addresses the applied science
that relates to patients undergoing an anaesthetic for complex surgery such as cardiac,
neurological, trauma and burns. In addition, the unit explores the special needs of the
neonate, paediatric, elderly and obstetric patient. The student works on a proposal and
develops a best practice project.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, lectures and tutorials
Prereq: CNA790, CNA792
Coreq: CNA791
Assess: 2-hr exam (40%), quality improvement project [QIP] (60%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Community Nursing Practice A
Enrolment code: CNA794
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Focuses on nursing clients in a variety of community settings with an emphasis on
experiential learning in practice. The unit takes into account competency development
specific to community nursing.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials and experience within paediatric nursing units
through the state; 3-week in-practice learning experience
Coreq: CNA796
Assess: clinical practice portfolio including completion of negotiated clinical competencies
(50%), 3,000-word clinical case presentaton or equiv (50%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Community Nursing Practice B
Enrolment code: CNA795
Offered: not offered in 2003
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Unit details [CNA]
Unit description:
Builds on CNA794. Students participate in community based activities including
community development and health promotion programs.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, tutorials and experience within paediatric nursing units
through the state; 3-week in-practice learning experience
Prereq: CNA794
Coreq: CNA797
Assess: clinical practice portfolio including satisfactory completion of selected clinical
competencies (50%), 3,000-word clinical case presentation or equiv (50%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Community Nursing Studies A
Enrolment code: CNA796
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Examines theories and concepts in Community Nursing as they affect contemporary
nursing practice. The unit explores the social, political and economic underpinnings of
community practice.
Staff: tba
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days, tutorials and practical sessions
Coreq: CNA794
Assess: 4,000-word max assignment focusing on a current issue in community nursing
(75%), tutorial presentation (25%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Community Nursing Studies B
Enrolment code: CNA797
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Unit details [CNA]
Offered: not offered in 2003
Unit description:
Builds on and continues the pattern of CNA796, exploring issues relevant to community
development including community assessment, community participation, and program
development and evaluation. The unit also addresses current trends and issues related to
the role of the nurse practitioner in the community.
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 3 hrs weekly, study days, tutorials and practical sessions
Prereq: CNA796
Coreq: CNA795
Assess: 4,000-word max assignment exploring an issue related to community health (75%),
tutorial presentation (25%)
Courses: [H5A] [H6A]
Faculty website: <>
Discipline Studies in Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA805
Offered: Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Explores and develops philosophical and theoretical perspectives, which influence and
construct nursing as a practice discipline. The unit critiques and challenges the questions,
assumptions, values and theories underpinning the notion of a discipline as it applies to
nursing and professional practice. The students are encouraged to engage in critical
discourse theorizing around such topics as defining discipline, nursing philosophy
historical perspectives of nursing, nursing paradigms, the body in nursing, advanced
practice and postmodernism. Opportunities will be available for students to explore the
discipline of nursing in relation to their specific area of nursing practice.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: seminar paper (40%), systematic review (60%)
Courses: [H7A]
Faculty website: <>
Contemporary Health Issues
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Unit details [CNA]
Enrolment code: CNA806
Offered: Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Examines contemporary health issues that confront nurses in their day-today practice. The
exploration of these issues will be investigated from an Australian and International
context. Over the semester students will identify such topics as coordinating care, best
practice (quality improvement), provision of primary health care and education, politics,
policy development and implementation, physical and human resources, interdisciplinary
collaborative relationships and future trends in health care. Students will be expected to
identify a relevant issue from their own practice and conduct a seminar presentation on
the topic.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: seminar presentation and an 8,000-word (maximum) major paper (100%)
Courses: [H7A]
Faculty website: <>
Research Methods in Nursing
Enrolment code: CNA807
Offered: Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Provides foundations in undertaking nursing research. The semester will cover such topics
as the research process, formulating research problems and writing a research proposal,
ethical considerations, methodology, analysing qualitative and quantitative data. Students
are encouraged to develop an understanding of research strategies through analysis and
critique of current research literature and through a series of research seminars conducted
with the Bachelor of Nursing honours students. Students will be required to select and
critique a research method, which may be appropriate to their thesis.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: (pending enrolments) — seminars, video-conferencing and study days
Assess: research portfolio containing a 3–4,000-word research proposal, a 5–6,000-word
methological paper, and a statistics test (100%)
Required: tba
Courses: [H7A]
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Unit details [CNA]
Faculty website: <>
Nursing Practice
Enrolment code: CNA808
Offered: Ltn: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Offers experienced practitioners the opportunity to develop and extend their knowledge
and skills within their chosen specialty. Both the national and international perspective are
considered in helping students contextualise their practice at the local level. This unit
prepares students to provide leadership within their specialist area of practice. Together
with their thesis, students are able to make a substantive contribution to both knowledge
and practice in their chosen area of specialisation.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: (pending enrolments) — seminars, self directed learning,
video-conferencing and study days
Assess: 8,000-word portfolio of clinical practice
Courses: [H7A]
Faculty website: <>
Part time (over 2 semesters)/Full time
Enrolment code: CNA809/810
Offered: Ltn: (fy) ie sem 1 & 2
Special note: part-time students enrol in CNA809 (25%); full-time students in CNA810 (50%)
Unit description:
Is the equivalent of a full semester workload and takes the form of a supervised project of
approximately 20,000 words.
Staff: Dr C Parkinson (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%/50%
Teaching pattern: seminars, video-conferencing and study days
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Unit details [CNA]
Prereq: CNA805, CNA806, CNA807 and CNA808; completion of coursework units
Assess: approx 20,000-word thesis (100%). There will be 2 examiners, one of whom is
external to the University
Courses: [H7A]
Faculty website: <>
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