ELEC 206 Matlab Practice Questions Chapter Questions 1 Sample problems 1-1, 1-2, 1-4 Problem 15 a, b Sample problems 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, Problems 1, 2, 3, 12, 17 Sample problems 3-1, 3-4 Problems 1, 3, 7a, 18 Sample problem 4-3 Problem 6 Sample problem 5-1 7, 9, 15 Sample problems 6-1, 6-2 Problem 15, 19 Sample problems 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 Problem 1, 2 Sample problems 8-1, 8-2 Problem 1 Sample problems 9-1, 9-2 Problems 1, 6 Sample problem 10-2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. True/False (circle your choice): a. T F The final step of the Engineering Problem-Solving Methodology is algorithm development. b. T F The semicolon (;) suppresses output when used with MATLAB commands. c. T F The transpose operator (T) interchanges the rows and columns of a matrix. d. T F The disp command pauses a MATLAB program and prompts the user for input. 2. Which MATLAB command generates a two-dimensional representation of a threedimensional surface? a. mesh(z) c. pie(x) b. contour(z) d. figure(n) 3. Which MATLAB command generates 100 uniform random numbers between -5 and +5? a. 10*rand(100)-5 c. 10*randn(100,1)-5 b. 10*rand(100,1)-5 d. 5*randn(100)-10 4. Write the MATLAB commands to define the following matrices. a. 1 3 5 G 2 4 6 b. F 0.0 0.2 0.4 ... 99.6 99.8 100.0 5. Show the results generated by the following MATLAB command. y = [2.1 3.8; 8.5 5.1; 4.7 9.2]; maxy = max(y) 6. Given the following table of line and color options, write the MATLAB command to generate a plot for x vs y1 as a dotted green line and x vs y2 as a dashed red line. Line Type dotted dashed Indicator : -- Color green red Indicator g r 7. Which MATLAB command generates the solution to the system of equations AX=B? a. X = A/B c. X = sum(A.*B) b. X = inv(A)*B d. X = B*A' 8. Given the following matrices, show the results generated by these MATLAB command A.*I I = eye(2) A = [1 2; 2 3] . 9. Given the following matrix, show the results generated by these MATLAB commands. v = [3.7 2.4 0.3 5.2 4.8] a. h = find(v>3.5) b. high = v(h) 10. Given the following matrix, show the results generated by the MATLAB command. R = [1.22 3.78 2.41] fprintf('R = %3.1f \n', R) 11. Write a MATLAB function that accepts time t as an input and returns a voltage corresponding to the following equation: v = e-tsin(5t). 12. Write a MATLAB program to prompt the user for a time constant τ and a max time T, then generate a plot of v = e-t/τ. 13. Write the MATLAB commands to generate a table of conversions from inches to centimeters. The range of inches should be from 0 to 36 in increments of 3. 14. Write a complete C++ program similar to that required by Exam 1.