TÁMOP-2.2.3/07/2-2F-2008-0019 Vas Megyei Szakképzés-szervezési Társulás TANANYAGFEJLESZTÉS: ANGOL NYELV Digitális tananyag angol nyelvből a szakképzés alapozó szakaszára, 9. évfolyamra c. tanulmány „TISZK rendszer továbbfejlesztése tárgyú, TÁMOP-2.2.3 program keretében szakmai tanulmányok készítése, szakmai tanácsadás. képzési programok készítése, pedagógusképzések, továbbképzések lebonyolítása, tananyagfejlesztés, felmérések készítése a Vasi TISZK és tagintézményei részére” Szekszárd, 2010. június 15. Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Készítette az Eötvös József Pedagógiai Szolgáltató megbízásából: Nyugat-magyarországi Regionális Pedagógiai Szolgáltató és Kutató Központ (képviseli: dr Iker János) konzulens: Bogáthné Erdődi Judit 2 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Tartalomjegyzék BEVEZETŐ.................................................................................................................................. 5 KOMPETENCIA .......................................................................................................................... 6 GRAMMAR ................................................................................................................................ 10 I. A/AN HATÁROZATLAN NÉVELŐ (INDEFINITE ARTICLE) ..................................................................................................................... 10 II. BIRTOKOS NÉVMÁSOK (POSSESSIVE DETERMINERS) .................................................................................................................... 12 III. BIRTOKOS SZERKEZET (POSSESSION) ............................................................................................................................................. 14 IV. CAN, CAN’T ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 V. COULD ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 VI. ALL, EVERY, EACH ................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 VII. FELSZÓLÍTÁS ÉS TILTÁS (IMPERATIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPERATIVE) ........................................................................................ 24 VIII. (A) FEW, (A) LITTLE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 26 IX. LET’S ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 X. MANY/MUCH, PLENTY OF, A LOT OF, LOTS OF ................................................................................................................................. 29 XI. MEGSZÁMLÁLHATÓ ÉS NEM MEGSZÁMLÁLHATÓ FŐNEVEK (COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS) ............................. 31 XII. MEGSZÁMLÁLHATÓ FŐNEVEK TÖBBES SZÁMA (THE PLURAL OF COUNTABLE NOUNS) ......................................................... 33 XIII. MELLÉKNEVEK, HATÁROZÓK (ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS) ....................................................................................................... 35 XIV. MELLÉKNÉV FOKOZÁS ÉS ÖSSZEHASONLÍTÁS (COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS OF ADJECTIVES, COMPARISON) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 XV. MUST, HAVE TO, MUSTN'T AND NEEDN'T ........................................................................................................................................ 39 XVI. MYSELF, YOURSELF (-SELF/-SELVES) ............................................................................................................................................ 41 XVII. NEED ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 XVIII. ÖNÁLLÓ BIRTOKOS NÉVMÁSOK (POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS) .................................................................................................... 45 XIX. A PREPOZÍCIÓKRÓL ÁLTALÁBAN (PREPOSITIONS) ...................................................................................................................... 47 XX. SHOULD, OUGHT TO ........................................................................................................................................................................... 49 XXI. SOME, ANY .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 XXII. SZEMÉLYES NÉVMÁSOK (PERSONAL PRONOUNS) ..................................................................................................................... 54 XXIII. SZÓREND A KIJELENTŐ MONDATBAN (WORD ORDER).............................................................................................................. 56 XXIV. SZÓREND KÉRDŐ MONDATOKBAN (WORD ORDER IN QUESTIONS) ....................................................................................... 58 XXV. THE HATÁROZOTT NÉVELŐ ÁLTALÁNOS HASZNÁLATA (DEFINITE ARTICLE) ......................................................................... 61 XXVI. A THE HASZNÁLATA FÖLDRAJZI NEVEKKEL ÉS TULAJDONNEVEKKEL (THE IN GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES AND PROPER NOUNS) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63 XXVII. THERE IS/THERE ARE .................................................................................................................................................................... 64 XXVIII. THIS/THESE, THAT/THOSE ........................................................................................................................................................... 67 XXIX. TO BE ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 70 XXX. TO HAVE/TO HAVE GOT ................................................................................................................................................................... 73 XXXI. TOO AND ENOUGH .......................................................................................................................................................................... 75 XXXII. WOULD LIKE TO .............................................................................................................................................................................. 77 XXXIII. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE ............................................................................................................................................................. 79 XXXIV. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE .................................................................................................................................................. 81 XXXV. GOING TO ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 83 XXXVI. WAS/WERE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 85 XXXVII. PAST SIMPLE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 87 3 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv SPEAKING ................................................................................................................................ 89 AT THE CUSTOMS – PASSPORT CONTROL ............................................................................................................................................ 89 AT THE CHECK-IN DESK ............................................................................................................................................................................ 90 AT A CAFÉ ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 91 BUYING CLOTHES AND EXCHANGING THEM ......................................................................................................................................... 94 BUYING SHOES .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 95 SOME MORE SITUATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 96 TOPICS.................................................................................................................................... 104 I. THE SCHOOL AND ME .......................................................................................................................................................................... 104 II. MY FAMILY AND ME ............................................................................................................................................................................. 105 III. MY DAILY ROUTINE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 106 IV. HOUSING ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 107 V. JOBS AND HOBBIES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 108 VI. MEALS AND SERVICES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 109 VII. HOUSEWORK ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 110 USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 112 WRITING ................................................................................................................................. 113 Hogyan írjunk baráti levelet? ...................................................................................................................................................................... 113 Sample Letters ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 116 Hogyan írjunk hivatalos levelet? ................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Sample Letters ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 120 LISTENING .............................................................................................................................. 121 Track # 1. Dream Job ................................................................................................................................................................................. 121 Track # 2. Charles’s Unlucky Day .............................................................................................................................................................. 121 Track # 3. Lost by Coldplay ........................................................................................................................................................................ 122 Track # 4. Stan by Eminem feat. Dido ........................................................................................................................................................ 123 Track # 5. Einstein’s Life ............................................................................................................................................................................ 123 Track # 6. Hard Swim ................................................................................................................................................................................. 123 Track # 7. Old Friendship ........................................................................................................................................................................... 123 Track # 8. Pencil Collection ........................................................................................................................................................................ 124 Track # 9. The Komodo Dragon ................................................................................................................................................................. 125 Track # 10. The Best Products in the World ............................................................................................................................................... 125 READING ................................................................................................................................ 126 1. Mount Vesuvius ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 126 2. Santa's Reindeer .................................................................................................................................................................................... 127 3. Christmas on the British Isles ................................................................................................................................................................. 128 4. Valentine’s Day ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 129 5. The name of the days ............................................................................................................................................................................. 131 6. New Year ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 132 7. Reality Television ................................................................................................................................................................................... 133 8. National Music and Dances in Scotland ................................................................................................................................................. 136 9. Edison’s inventions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 137 10. Getting about by Taxi ........................................................................................................................................................................... 137 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ............................................................................................. 138 4 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv BEVEZETŐ A Közoktatási Törvény szerint a tanulóknak már az általános iskolákban idegen nyelvet kell tanulniuk. Ezt a tényt figyelembe véve, minden középiskolában tanulmányait megkezdő diák már rendelkezik alapismeretekkel valamely idegen nyelv terén. A tananyag ezt az előképzettséget feltételezi, és ezért nem a hagyományos tankönyvek felépítését követi. Az első részben a legfontosabb nyelvtani elemeket eleveníti fel, és gyakorlatokkal teszi lehetővé annak elmélyítését. A második rész olyan szituációkat, illetve témákat tartalmaz, amelyek a korosztály számára érdekesek lehetnek. Ez a rész tartalmaz ízelítőt a levélírás, az olvasásértés, hallás utáni értés és beszédkészség területéről. Mivel alapvetően heti három órában van lehetőség idegen nyelvvel találkozni, a tananyag másfél évre javasolt. 5 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv KOMPETENCIA Kompetencia: Azon elvárható ismeretek, képességek, magatartási és viselkedési jegyek összessége, mely által a személy képes lesz egy adott feladat eredményes teljesítésére. Belépési/bemeneti kompetencia: Mindazon kompetenciák összessége, melyek szükségesek egy képzés,- szakképzés megkezdéséhez. Kilépési/kimeneti kompetencia: Mindazon kompetenciák összessége, melyek szükségesek egy képzés,- szakképzés befejezéséhez, a szakképesítés megszerzéséhez. Kompetencia alapú képzés: Olyan képzés, mely előre meghatározott kompetenciák megszerzésére irányul. A tanuló ismeri a megszerzendő kompetenciákat és a kompetencia megszerzését mérő-értékelő módszereket is. A tanulók tudását, teljesítményét individualizált módon mérik. Általános/kulcskompetenciák: Azon kompetenciák összessége, képzésben (szakmacsoportban) minden tanulónak el kell sajátítani. melyeket egy adott Kompetencia struktúra: • Ismeretek, tudás: megszerzett (szakmai) információk, amivel az adott személy – különböző szinten – rendelkezik. • Készségek, képességek: melyek adott fizikai és szellemi feladatok teljesülésének képességét biztosítják. • Tulajdonságok (személyiségvonások): vagyis a pszichikai-fizikai jellemzők, és a helyzetekre, információkra adott válaszreakciók. Elvárható, hogy a szakképzés megkezdéséig a tanulók - addigi tanulmányaik és élettapasztalataik alapján - már rendelkezzenek a kompetenciák egy olyan „átlagos” szintjével, amelyre – szakmájától függetlenül – minden embernek szüksége van munkája során. A kidolgozásra került kompetencia térkép az idegen nyelv területén az oktatás bemeneti kompetenciáit tartalmazza, melyeket a képzés megkezdése előtt (közben?), illetve a képzés befejezésekor kívánunk mérni. A szakképzést előkészítő évfolyamon szakképzést előkészítő, kompetencia-alapú oktatás folyik. Itt nyílik lehetőség a kiemelt kompetenciák fejlesztésére is. Ennek keretében alapkészségek fejlesztése, szocializáció, pályaorientáció és szakmai alapozás történik. A kompetencia-alapú fejlesztés a szakképzés megkezdéséhez szükséges bemeneti kompetenciák megszerzését teszi lehetővé. A tanulási utak sajátos, komplex támogatását tűzi ki feladatként, s ezzel túllép az oktatás-nevelés-képzés hagyományos rendszerén, ugyanakkor előírja az egyéni különbségekre alapozott nevelés kialakításának szükségességét. Általános tanulási képességek: Képes új információk, ismeretek befogadására, és felhasználására. Ott lehet kulcskompetencia, ahol a szakembernek gyakran és/vagy gyorsan új információt, ismereteket, módszereket, eljárásokat kell elsajátítania. Idegen nyelv tanuási képességek: A magyar nyelv helyes elsajátítása mellett ma már alapkövetelmény legalább egy idegen nyelv ismerete. 6 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Kreativitás ötletgazdagság: Képes a feladat elvégzéséhez/megoldásához szükséges újszerű ötletek kigondolására. Fogalmazó készség: Képes gondolatait kerek és egymással összefüggő mondatokban megfogalmazni. Olyan szakmákban kulcskompetencia, ahol a kommunikáció tartalma és/vagy a kommunikációs partner gyakran változik, ugyanakkor a szakember munkájának sikere azon múlik, hogy hogyan tud mások számára érthető módon információt átadni. Nyelvhelyesség: Gondolatai átadása során a megfelelő kifejezéseket használja, valamint helyesen alkalmazza a nyelvtani és mondatszerkesztési szabályokat. Olyan szakmákban lehet fontos, ahol a szakember szóbeli és/vagy írásbeli megnyilvánulásai alapján alkotnak képet az ügyfelek, partnerek a cégről, illetve ahol mások számára „minta” lehet a szakember kommunikációja. A kulcskompetenciák: Mielőtt érdemben foglalkoznánk a tanulás-tanítás kompetencia-alapú megközelítésével a kulcskompetenciák fejlesztésének és értékelésének problémáival, érdemes különbséget tenni a kompetencia és a kulcskompetencia fogalma között. Az OECD által indított DeSeCo (Defining and Selecting Key Competencies) program (1997-2002) a következő módon definiálta a kompetencia fogalmát: „a kompetencia képesség a komplex feladatok adott kontextusban történő sikeres megoldására”. A fogalom magában foglalja az ismeretek mobilizálását, a kognitív és gyakorlati képességeket, a szociális és magatartási komponenseket és attitűdöket, az érzelmeket és értékeket egyaránt. A DeSECo programban részt vett szakemberek a sikeres társadalmi léthez, a jelen és a jövő kihívásainak legyőzéséhez szükséges kompetenciákat határozták meg. Az együttműködéssel, a társadalmi léttel, az alkalmazható tudással és az egész életen át tartó tanulással kapcsolatos kulcskompetenciákat emelték ki. Azokról a kompetenciákról van szó, amelyek a munkába álláshoz, az élethez és a korszerű műveltség megszerzéséhez elengedhetetlenül szükségesek, egyéni, társadalmi és gazdasági szinten egyaránt fontosak. Hasonló elvek és szempontok szerint dolgozott az Európai Unió alapképességek (basic skills), majd kulcskompetencia (key competence) munkabizottsága, amely nyolc területet értelmezett az alábbiak szerint: anyanyelvi kommunikáció, idegen nyelvi kommunikáció, matematikai és természettudományos kompetencia, digitális kompetencia, a hatékony, önálló tanulás, szociális és állampolgári kompetencia, kezdeményezőképesség és vállalkozói kompetencia, kulturális tudatosság. A kulcskompetenciák felsorolásán túl az egyes területek meghatározása és strukturálása (ismeretek, képességek, attitűdök) is megjelenik. Szükséges ismeretek, képességek, attitűdök: Az egyén rendelkezik azzal a képességgel, hogy különféle kommunikációs helyzetekben, szóban és írásban kommunikálni tud, kommunikációját figyelemmel kíséri, és a helyzetnek megfelelően alakítja. Képes megkülönböztetni és felhasználni különféle típusú szövegeket, megkeresni, összegyűjteni és feldolgozni információkat, képes különböző segédeszközöket használni, saját szóbeli és írásbeli érveit a helyzetnek megfelelő módon meggyőzően megfogalmazni és kifejezni. A pozitív attitűd magában foglalja a kritikus és építő jellegű párbeszédre való törekvést, az esztétikai minőség tiszteletét, és mások megismerésének az igényét. Ehhez ismernünk kell a nyelv másokra gyakorolt hatását, a társadalmilag felelős nyelvhasználat jelentőségét. A hatékony, önálló tanulás: A hatékony, önálló tanulás azt jelenti, hogy az egyén képes kitartóan tanulni, saját tanulását megszervezni, egyénileg és csoportban egyaránt, ideértve az idővel és az információval való hatékony gazdálkodást is. Felismeri szükségleteit és lehetőségeit, ismeri a tanulás folyamatát. Ez egyrészt új ismeretek szerzését, feldolgozását és beépülését, másrészt útmutatások, stratégiák, értelmezési sémák, forgatókönyvek keresését és alkalmazását jelenti. A hatékony és önálló tanulás arra készteti a tanulót, hogy előzetes tanulási 7 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv és élettapasztalataira építve tudását és képességeit helyzetek sokaságában használja otthon, a munkában, az oktatásban és képzésben. A motiváció és a magabiztosság e kompetencia elengedhetetlen eleme. Ahol a tanulás a munka- vagy karriercélok teljesítését szolgálja, az egyénnek megfelelő ismeretekkel kell rendelkeznie a szükséges kompetenciákról, tudástartalmakról, képességekről és szakképesítésekről. A hatékony és önálló tanulás feltétele, hogy az egyén ismerje és értse saját tanulási stratégiáit, készségeinek és szaktudásának erős és gyenge pontjait, valamint képes legyen megtalálni a számára elérhető oktatási és képzési lehetőségeket, útmutatást/támogatást. A hatékony és önálló tanulás olyan alapvető képességek meglétét igényli, mint az írás, olvasás, számolás, valamint az IST5-eszközök használata. E készségekre épül az új ismeretek elsajátítása, feldolgozása és beépítése. A hatékony és önálló tanulás további feltétele a saját tanulási stratégia kialakítása, a motiváció folyamatos fenntartása, a figyelem összpontosítása, valamint a tanulás szándékának és céljának kritikus mérlegelése. Az egyénnek képesnek kell lennie a közös munkára és tudásának másokkal való megosztására heterogén csoportban, saját munkája értékelésére és szükség esetén tanács, információ és támogatás kérésére. A pozitív attitűd mögött motiváció és magabiztosság húzódik, amely a sikeres tanulás egyik záloga lehet egész életen át. A problémamegoldó attitűd segíti a tanulási folyamatot, az akadályok leküzdését és a változások kezelését. A pozitív hozzáállás elengedhetetlen eleme, hogy korábbi tanulási és élettapasztalatainkat felhasználjuk, új tanulási lehetőségeket kutassunk fel, és a tanultakat az élet minden területén széles körben alkalmazzuk. A Nemzeti Alaptanterv meghatározása szerint: „A kulcskompetenciák azok a kompetenciák, amelyekre minden egyénnek szüksége van személyes boldogulásához és fejlődéséhez, az aktív állampolgári léthez, a társadalmi beilleszkedéshez és a munkához”. A kulcskompetenciák fejlesztése: Hogyan lehet a hazai pedagógiai hagyományokhoz illeszteni és a tartalmi szabályozás rendszerébe beépíteni, elterjeszteni az Európai Unió ajánlását? Nyilvánvaló, hogy a kérdés megválaszolása nem pusztán oktatáspolitikai és elméleti szempontból izgalmas. A kulcskompetenciák hatékony, iskolai fejlesztéséről és megbízható értékeléséről van szó. Makroszinten a következő kérdések merülnek fel: • Hogyan függenek össze a tanulói és a tanári kompetenciák? • Milyen kapcsolat van a hatékony kompetenciafejlesztés (tanulói, tanári) és az intézményi innováció között? 8 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv A kulcskompetenciák hatékony, iskolai fejlesztése mikroszinten tantervi, tanulásszervezési és módszertani problémákat egyaránt érint. A tantervi tananyag fogalmának és szerepének megváltozása alapvető tényező a fejlesztésben. A Pedagógiai Lexikon meghatározása szerint a tantervi tananyag az „oktatás és a tanulás kiválasztott, elrendezett tudásanyaga”. A tananyag komplex rendszert alkot, amely több szempontból csoportosítható. Belső struktúráját a hazai oktatáselmélet hagyományosan az ismeretek és az alkalmazások tananyagaira osztja fel. Ennek megfelelően a tantervi tartalom összetett, komplex rendszer, nem egyenlő a tananyag horizontális és vertikális elrendezésével. Napjainkban a tantervi tartalom kiválasztásában és elrendezésében kiemelt szerepet kapnak a fejlesztendő kulcskompetenciák. A tantervi tartalom nem kötött, hanem lényegesen rugalmasabb, a fejlesztés eszközként működik. Hazai kutatások is kimutatták, hogy a tudás transzferjét két tényező hátráltatja. A kötött tartalom és a gondolkodási képességek fejletlensége. A tantervi tartalom ennek értelmében nem pusztán mennyiségi, hanem strukturális probléma. Mindez a gyakorlatban: Hogyan lehet a tartalomba ágyazott képességfejlesztést a gyakorlatban megvalósítani? A tantervi tartalom tudatos tervezése és strukturálása mellett a fejlesztések döntő tényezője a tanulás-tanítás tervezése mellett a folyamat szervezése. A kulcskompetenciák hatékony fejlesztése előtérbe helyezi egyfelől az iskolán belüli és kívüli (formális, non-formális és informális) tanulást, másrészt a progresszív (kooperatív és személyre szabott tanulás) technikákat. Ezzel párhuzamosan kiemelt szerephez jutnak a fejlesztés folyamatában a tanulásszervezés motiváló módszerei. A teljesség igénye nélkül: a csoportmunka, a játék, a vita, a kutató-felfedező módszer, a projekt-módszer. A folyamat tervezése és szervezése azt is jelenti, hogy a fejlesztés szereplői (kutatók, programfejlesztők, pedagógusok, tanulók) tudják azt, hogy honnan hová szeretnének eljutni. Megbízható módon ismerik a kiinduló helyzetet, nyomon követik az adott kompetenciaterület fejlődését. 9 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv GRAMMAR I. A/AN HATÁROZATLAN NÉVELŐ (INDEFINITE ARTICLE) 1. Írd a megfelelő a/an névelőt a szavak elé! (Write a/an in front of the words.) Például (e.g.): a house ..... car ..... boat ..... actor ..... apple ..... fish ..... bird ..... tiger ..... umbrella ..... train ..... song ..... castle ..... old house ..... orange ..... ice-cream ..... football match 2. A feladat az előzőhöz hasonló, az a/an névelők egyikét helyettesítsd be a mondatokba! Most viszont már nem minden esetben kell névelőt használnod! (Complete the sentences with a/an where necessary.) Például (e.g.): He is a teacher. 1. We have ..... vicious dog. 2. I like ..... music very much. 3. My father is ..... policeman. 4. ..... books are very interesting. 5. I'd like to buy that ..... bicycle! 6. ..... parrot is a very loud bird. 7. They are ..... language teachers. 8. This is ..... my favourite film! 10 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Javítsd ki a következő mondatokban előforduló hibákat! (Correct the mistakes.) 1. My wife is secretary at a company. ................................................................................................................................... 2. The elephant is a big animal. ................................................................................................................................... 3. I go running three times the week. ................................................................................................................................... 4. I'd like to buy two bottles of a wine. ................................................................................................................................... 5. This is a book I was looking for. ................................................................................................................................... 6. We have the lot of homework for the next day. ................................................................................................................................... 7. I like reading a novels. ................................................................................................................................... 8. I washed a my car yesterday. ................................................................................................................................... 11 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv II. BIRTOKOS NÉVMÁSOK (POSSESSIVE DETERMINERS) 1. Helyettesítsd be a zárójelben megadott személyes névmások birtokos alakját a mondatokba! (Use the possessive forms of the personal pronouns in brackets.) Például (e.g.): It's my photo. 1. This is ............... (she) book. 2. Can I borrow ............. (you) pen? 3. .............. (they) house is very big. 4. I am invited to ............. (he) party. 5. I like ............. (I) pet very much. 6. Where is ............. (she) coat? 7. ................ (I) fish enjoys ............. (it) aquarium. 8. It's not .............. (they) car! 2. Egészítsd ki az alábbi párbeszédet a megfelelő birtokos névmásokkal! (Complete the dialogue with the proper possessive determiners.) Például (e.g.): What's your name? - Are you married? - Yes, I am. - Really? And what's the name of .......... wife? - .......... name is Susan. And we have a son. - How old is .......... son? - He is only one year old. Sometimes .......... grandma takes care of him. .......... flat is in London. 12 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Karikázd be a helyes szót! (Circle the right word.) Például (e.g.): It's / Its your house. 1. Their / They're from Canada. 2. Peter is she's / her boyfriend. 3. It's / Its my favourite food. 4. My teacher is nice. She's / Her name is Mrs Bullock. 5. What is your / you're favourite film? 6. We're / Our on holiday. 7. He's / His name is Thomas. 8. My / I'm very tied. 4. Helyettesítsd be a megfelelő birtokos névmásokat! (Use the proper determiners.) Például (e.g.): He's forgotten his appointment. 1. You cut .......... finger! 2. She broke .......... leg. 3. We bought ......... first house. 4. I hurt .......... arm. 5. She visited ......... grandfather. 6. They sold .......... car. 5. Helyes vagy hibás? Pipáld ki a helyes mondatokat, a hibásakat pedig javítsd ki! (Tick the correct sentences and correct the wrong sentences.) 1. I was in they house a week ago. 2. He is my husband, Thomas. 3. I found his dog in the street. 4. This is not he bag. 5. She is my girlfriend. His name is Victoria. 6. That was your idea! 7. Africa has it's beauty. 8. My birthday party was memorable. 13 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv III. BIRTOKOS SZERKEZET (POSSESSION) 1. A családfa alapján egészítsd ki a mondatokat! (Complete the sentences with the help of the family tree.) Kelly David Jane Peter Susan Michael Thomas Stephen and Ann Például (e.g.): Ann is Stephen’s sister. 1. Stephen is .......................... son. 2. Peter is ....................... brother. 3. Michael is .................. husband. 4. David is ..................... grandfather. 5. Jane is ..................... aunt. 6. Susan is ..................... daughter. 7. Stephen and Ann are ......................... cousins. 8. Kelly is ............................ wife. 14 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 2. Az alábbi mondatokban húzd alá a helyes formát! (Underline the correct forms.) 1. Have you got Martas'/Marta's phone number? 2. My father's/fathers' sister lives in Paris. 3. I love watching men's/mens' swimming on TV. 4. My two brother's/brothers' names are Paul and Stan. 5. They cancelled the plane's/planes' departure. 3. A következő feladatban azt kell eldöntened, hogy a 's birtoklást (B) vagy létigét (L) fejez ki. (Decide whether ’s means possession or is.) Például (e.g.): He's working in an office now. L 1. My son's school is very good. ..... 2. David's an engineer. ..... 3. It's raining now. ..... 4. Julia's husband is twenty-eight years old. ..... 5. Julia's a teacher. ..... 6. It's my dog's toy. ..... 7. My mother's house is very big. ..... 8. My mother's a pensioner. ..... 4. Alkoss birtokos szerkezetet (of vagy 's) a megadott szavakból! (Create possessive expressions. If the possessor is an object, use the of construction.) Például(e.g.): name, book: pen, Ann: the name of the book Ann’s pen 1. hat, woman .................................................................. ............................................... 2. result, test .................................................................................................................... 3. chair, David ................................................................................................................ 4. name, girl .................................................................................................................... 5. leg, table ..................................................................................................................... 6. wheel, car .................................................................................................................... 7. clothes, Eva................................................................................................................. 8. leaf, tree ...................................................................................................................... 15 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. Az alábbi mondatok közül néhány esetben ’s birtokos szerkezetet kell használni az of helyett. Javítsd ki a hibás mondatokat! (Correct the mistakes in some of the sentences. In case of people, use the ’s construction.) Például (e.g.): Who is the owner of this car? OK This is the room of my sister. This is my si ster’s room. 1. It's the party of our sons.............................................................................................. 2. What's the name of the restaurant? ............................................................................. 3. I can't open the door of the garage.............................................................................. 4. The daughter of Stephen is very nice. ........................................................................ 5. I don't like the end of the film. ................................................................................... 6. She met the prime minister of Hungary. .................................................................... 7. I've never met the sister of Michael. ........................................................................... 8. He doesn't know the age of Catherine. ....................................................................... 16 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv IV. CAN, CAN’T 1. A képek alapján alkoss mondatot! (Make sentences with the help of the pictures.) Például (e.g.): He can play tennis. 1. ........................... swim. 2. ........................... write. 3. ........................... play the trumpet. 4. .......................... cook and bake. 2. Tagadd az alábbi mondatokat! (Write negative sentences.) Például (e.g.): She can sing. She can't sing. 1. We can play chess. ................................................................................................................................... 2. He can run two kilometres. ................................................................................................................................... 3. They can speak Spanish. ................................................................................................................................... 4. I can understand you. ................................................................................................................................... 5. You can make tea. ................................................................................................................................... 17 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Egy álláshirdetésre jelentkező két személy képességeit látod az alábbi táblázatban. Válaszolj a kérdésekre! (Answer the questions with the help of the chart.) SIMON ALICE Speak English Speak German Write letters Type letters Answer the phone Use the computer Például (e.g.): Can they speak English? Yes, they can. Can they speak German? Simon can't but Alison can. 1. Can they write letters? ................................................................................................................................... 2. Can they type letters? ................................................................................................................................... 3. Can they answer the phone? ................................................................................................................................... 4. Can they use the computer? ................................................................................................................................... 18 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Párosítsd össze és egészítsd ki a kérdéseket és a hozzájuk tartozó válaszokat a can megfelelő alakjával és az alább felsorolt igék egyikével! (Match and complete the questions and the answers.) Például (e.g.): Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can play the guitar very well. PLAY GO RIDE COOK 1. ................. you ................. a spaghetti? 2. ................. you ................. tennis? 3. ................. you ................. a bicycle? 4. ................. you ................. a car? 5. ................. you ................. to the party? 1. No, I ................., but I can ride a motorbike. 2. No, I ................. I have a lot of homework. 3. Yes, I................ I train twice a week. 4. No, I ................., but I can bake a cake. 5. Yes, I ................. I have a licence. 19 PLAY DRIVE Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv V. COULD 1. Írj négy dolgot, amit 4 évesen tudtál! (Write 4 sentences what you could do at the age of 4.) Például (e.g.): I could walk. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Írj négy olyan dolgot, amit most már tudsz, de 4 évesen még nem tudtál! (Write 4 things you couldn’t do at 4, but you can do now.) Például (e.g.): I couldn't write when I was 4, but I can write now. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 3. Helyettesítsd be a could/couldn't egyikét! (Complete the sentences with could/couldn’t.) 1. When Michael was 12 years old, he .................................... swim. 2. I'm very tired. I .................................................. sleep yesterday. 3. I'm sorry for being late, I ......................................... come sooner. 4. ......................................................you pass me the salt please? 5. He asked me, but I ....................................................... help him. 6. You .......................................................... do some housework! 7. I ...................................................... take a walk in the afternoon. 8. There was an accident, but unfortunately we ............................help. 20 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat a can/can't/could/couldn't szavakkal! (Complete the sentences by using can/can't/could/couldn't.) 1. She ................................................ find the airport, so she missed her plane. 2. I think I ............................... speak English quite well. People understand me. 3. When I arrived, through the walls I .................. hear a woman singing. 4. I ........................................................ tell anything. 5. Where ....................................... I have breakfast? 6. .......................................... I borrow the newspaper? 7. You ..................... use your notes now, it's not allowed. 8. Both children ................................................ ride. 5. Írd át a mondatokat a can/can't/could/couldn't segítségével! (Rewrite the sentences by using can/can't/could/couldn't.) Például (e.g.): I'd like to talk to the boss now. Can I talk to the boss now? 1. Take my car if you want. ................................................................................................................................... 2. I would like to use your office. ................................................................................................................................... 3. He would like to have a coffee. ................................................................................................................................... 4. I don't want to go with you. ................................................................................................................................... 5. They would like to stop work earlier. ................................................................................................................................... 21 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv VI. ALL, EVERY, EACH 1. Helyettesítsd be a mondatokba az all (of) the vagy az every kifejezések egyikét! (Use either all (of) the or every.) Például (e.g.): Every baby is sweet. 1. ....................... lion has large teeth. 2. ....................... lions in this zoo have large teeth. 3. ....................... winter is cold. 4. ....................... plane flies over 9000 metres. 5. ....................... girls in the class have long hair. 6. ....................... car has four wheels. 7. ....................... cars in this car park are red. 8. ....................... presents I got now are interesting. 2. Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat az each vagy az every egyikével! (Complete the sentences with each or every.) Például (e.g.): The book has four units and each unit has a vocabulary section. 1. I tried to talk to her three times, but .............. time she was busy. 2. There is a bus to Budapest .................. two hours. 3. They have a break ................ 45 minutes. 4. There were three apples on the tables. ........... apple have disappeared. 5. I work eight hours ................ day. 6. I have read ............. book you gave me last month. 3. Húzd alá a helyes kifejezést! (Underline the proper expression.) 1. All the dogs/Every dog you have are friendly. 2. I was in every room/each room in the house, but I didn't find the keys. 3. All flowers/All of the flowers in this garden are beautiful. 4. I asked him a lot of questions and he answered each/all of them correctly. 5. They have an English lesson all of the/every Monday. 22 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Fordítsd le az alábbi mondatokat angolra! (Translate the sentences into English.) Minden egér kicsi. ................................................................................................................................... Négy könyvet vettem és mindegyiket elolvastam. ................................................................................................................................... Az összes ember magas a teremben. ................................................................................................................................... 5 percenként jön a busz. ................................................................................................................................... Az összes hely foglalt volt az asztalnál. ................................................................................................................................... 23 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv VII. FELSZÓLÍTÁS ÉS TILTÁS (IMPERATIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPERATIVE) 1. Kösd össze az alábbi szavakat, hogy értelmes felszólító mondatokat kapj! (Match the words and expressions in the two columns to get meaningful imperative sentences.) 1. Stay a. home! 2. Go b. chocolate! 3. Take c. at the hotel! 4. Invite d. your friend! 5. Go e. a shower! 6. Buy f. fishing! 2. Írd át az alábbi felszólításokat tiltó formába! (Rewrite the sentences as the example shows.) Például (e.g.): Go to the cinema! Don't go to the cinema! 1. Eat the cake! ................................................................................................................................... 2. Wash your clothes! ................................................................................................................................... 3. Pack your bags! ................................................................................................................................... 4. Drink orange juice! ................................................................................................................................... 5. Write a letter to Ann! ................................................................................................................................... 24 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Írj a képek alapján 5 felszólítást! (Write 5 imperative sentences.) 1 2 3 4 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 25 5 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv VIII. (A) FEW, (A) LITTLE 1. Helyettesítsd be az (a) little vagy az (a) few kifejezéseket a mondatokba! (Use (a) little or (a) few in the sentences.) Például(e.g.): I have little time to work out. 1. Cactuses need .................. water. 2. Susan moved to Paris last week. She has ........... friends there. 3. I have ............ information about George. 4. I can give you ....... advice. 5. She has ........ flowers in her garden. 6. I have ....... butter for breakfast. 2. A következő mondatokba helyettesítsd be a few/a few/little/a little kifejezések egyikét! (Use few/a few/little/a little.) Például (e.g.): I have little time to read books. 1. Could you give me ......... help? 2. I only need ......... minutes to get ready. 3. I'd like to drink ........... coffee. 4. This is a modern town. There are only ......... old buildings. 5. I have ......... money on my credit card. 6. We have ........... tomatoes, we can't cook tomato-soup. 7. He has ......... knowledge on this theme. 8. They have .......... furniture in the room. 26 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. A feladat az előzőhöz hasonló, a few/a few/little/a little kifejezések egyikét helyettesítsd be a mondatokba! (Use the given expressions in the sentences.) 1. I normally have ........... white wine with my lunch. 2. ......... woman can live without any money. 3. .......... children can read at the age of two. 4. I succeeded with ............. help of my parents. 5. Basketball is a subject I know very ........... about. 6. I'm glad that so many people passed the test, but there were .......... who didn't. 4. Az alábbi mondatok közül néhányban hiányzik az a névelő. Tedd ki ahol szükséges! (Use the indefinite article where necessary.) Például (e.g.): His life is not going well. He has a few problems. 1. I haven't seen her for few months. ................................................................................................................................... 2. There was little traffic, so the journey wasn't long. ................................................................................................................................... 3. I can't answer you now, I need little time to think. ................................................................................................................................... 4. I don't know German, only few words. ................................................................................................................................... 5. Can you give me few pounds? ................................................................................................................................... 27 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv IX. LET’S 1. A képek alapján írj 5 felszólítást a let's kifejezéssel! (Write 5 sentences beginning with let’s.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Az előző feladatban lévő mondatokat írd át tagadó formába! (Make the previous sentences negative.) 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 3. Egyszerű felszólítás vagy let's? Írd a let's kifejezést a mondat elé, ha hiányzik belőle! (Write let’s before the sentence where it’s necessary.) Például (e.g.): Let’s play tennis! I've never played with you! 1. ........... go to the cinema! I want to watch a film with you. 2. ........... do the housework on your own! I'm too tired to help. 3. ........... go home! I don't want to see you now! 4. ........... have lunch! I'm hungry. 5. ........... take a trip! 28 5. Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv X. MANY/MUCH, PLENTY OF, A LOT OF, LOTS OF 1. Írd a következő szavak elé a much vagy a many egyikét! (Use many or much.) Például (e.g.): many cars 1. .................... apples 2. .................... cheese 3. .................... doctors 4. .................... bottles 5. .................... onions 6. .................... margarine 7. .................... desks 8. .................... bread 9. .................... milk 10. .................... lemons 11. .................... butter 2. Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat a How much illetve a How many kifejezésekkel! (Use the expressions How many or How much.) Például (e.g.): How many apples did you buy? 1. ................................................... days are there in July? 2. ................................................... English books do you have? 3. ................................................... time did you spend on your homework? 4. ................................................... languages do you speak? 5. ................................................. people are there at the bus stop? 6. ................................................. did the clothes cost? 7. ................................................... tea do you drink a day? 8. ................................................... cars do you have? 29 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a lot of szerkezettel és az alábbi szavak felhasználásával! (Use the given words with a lot of.) hotels time famous buildings to learn chair Például (e.g.): It's an interesting city to visit. There are a lot of famous buildings. 1. You don't need to hurry. There .................................................. . 2. Sit down here. There .................................................. . 3. I'm sure we'll find somewhere to stay. There .................................................. . 4. He knows a lot, but she still has .................................................. . 4. Alkoss mondatot a megadott szavakból! (Make sentences from the words.) Például (e.g.): a/fridge./lot/the/orange juice/There's/of/fridge There's a lot of orange juice in the fridge. 1. spent/last/money/We/of/a/week./lot ................................................................................................................................... 2. made/lot/homework./in/a/mistake/I/my/of ................................................................................................................................... 3. new/lot/our/students/a/class./We've/of/in ................................................................................................................................... 4. cake/in/sister's/I/lot/ate/a/my/birthday. ................................................................................................................................... 5. Az alábbi mondatok közül néhány rosszul tartalmazza a much szót. A hibás mondatokban javítsd ki a many vagy az a lot of egyikére! (Use much in negative sentences and as a synonym of a lot. Correct the other sentences.) Például (e.g.): Eva drinks much coffee. Eva drinks a lot of coffee. 1. I use my phone much at home. ................................................................................................................................... 2. There wasn't much traffic in the afternoon. ................................................................................................................................... 3. They didn't spend much money. ................................................................................................................................... 4. He always puts much pepper on his food. ................................................................................................................................... 30 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XI. MEGSZÁMLÁLHATÓ ÉS NEM MEGSZÁMLÁLHATÓ FŐNEVEK (COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS) 1. Döntsd el az alábbi főnevekről, hogy megszámlálhatóak-e vagy nem! Ha megszámlálható, írj elé egy M betűt, ha nem megszámlálható, akkor pedig egy N betűt! (Are these nouns countable or uncountable?) ................milk ................house ................flower ................table ................music ................meat ................love ................dust ................song ................flour ................book ................wall ................piano ................oil ................office 2. Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat az alábbi szavakkal! Ha szükséges, akkor tegyél eléjük a/an névelőt! (Complete the sentences with the given words. Use a/an where necessary.) music lemonade minute accident Például (e.g.): Can I ask you a question? 1. I'm not ready yet. Can you wait ..........................? 2. Our car is in the repair shop. We had an ................................................................. . 3. Listen! Can you hear ...................................... ? 4. Are you thirsty? Would you like to drink ....................................................................? 5. He couldn't get into the house because he didn't have ........................................................ . 3. Karikázd be a helyesen használt főnevet a mondatokban! (Circle the correct expression.) Például (e.g.): I was very unfortunate. I had bad luck/a bad luck. 1. This is nice/a nice building. 2. It's easy to find a job/work in London. 3. Did you hear noise/a noise? 4. He had to buy a/some bread. 5. Bad news don't/doesn't make people happy. 31 key question Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Az alábbi mondatok közül néhány hibás. Javítsd ki ezeket a mondatokat! (Correct the wrong sentences.) Például (e.g.): He had to go to the library. He hasn't got book. He hasn’t got a book. 1. I don't like unhappy people. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Can you tell me if there is post office near here? ................................................................................................................................... 3. She was listening to music when I called her. ................................................................................................................................... 4. We went to nice restaurant last weekend. ................................................................................................................................... 5. I like football. It's good game. ................................................................................................................................... 6. When I was in Moscow, I stayed in hotel. ................................................................................................................................... 7. Julia was singing a song. ................................................................................................................................... 8. David has got interview for job tomorrow. ................................................................................................................................... 32 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XII. MEGSZÁMLÁLHATÓ FŐNEVEK TÖBBES SZÁMA (THE PLURAL OF COUNTABLE NOUNS) 1. Írd át a következő főneveket többes számba! (Write the the plural of the nouns.) Például (e.g.): dish dishes car .................... wish .................... address .................... dictionary .................... life .................... tree .................... bus .................... man .................... table .................... monkey .................... economics .................... photo .................... time .................... baby .................... way .................... 2. Javítsd ki a hibásan írt többes számú főneveket! (Correct the mistakes in the plural of the nouns.) Például (e.g.): lifes lives 1. knifes 2. woman 3. buss 4. potatos 5. ladyes 6. thifs 7. hundreds 8. photoes 3. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megadott főnevekkel! (Complete the sentences with the given nouns.) jeans economics articles series Például (e.g.): I need glasses because my eyesight is not the best. 1. Peter writes ................... for a newspaper. 2. I like watching ........................... on TV. 3. He bough these ................ yesterday. 4. I like animals and I know a lot of .................... 5. My friend studies ........................ at the university. 33 glasses species Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Húzd alá a helyesen ragozott igét! (Underline the correct verbs.) Például (e.g.): Where do/does your family live? 1. The police want/wants to catch two men. 2. Five days isn't/aren't enough to prepare for an exam. 3. The people is/are very friendly in this city. 4. I can't find my glasses. Do you know where it is/they are? 5. The trousers she bought for me doesn't/don't fit me. 34 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XIII. MELLÉKNEVEK, HATÁROZÓK (ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS) 1. Írd a megfelelő melléknevet a főnév elé! (Write the suitable adjectives before the nouns.) white red fresh difficult rare black Például (e.g.): red wine 1. ........................ coffee 2. ........................ orange juice 3. ........................ steak 4. ........................ snow 5. ........................ problem 2. Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat a zárójelben megadott szó -ing vagy -ed végződésű alakjával! (Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of the words in brackets.) Például (e.g.): Jane is going to London next month. She has never been there before. (excit...) She is really excited about going to London. It will be an exciting experience for her. 1. The presentation wasn't as good as we had expected. (disappoint...) The presentation was .................................. We were ............................ with the presentation. 2. I'm fed up with this book. (bor...) This book is so ..................................... I'm ................................... with this book. 3. We like sports very much! (interest....) We are ................................................... in sports. Sports are very .................................. 4. I was watching the news an hours ago. (shock...) The news was .............................. I was ........................... when I heard the news. 35 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Húzd alá a helyesen használt szót! (Underline the correct word in each sentence.) Például (e.g.): I was disappointing/disappointed after hearing the news about Susan. 1. The tennis match was very exciting/excited. 2. This was a terrifying/terrified experience. 3. Why do you look so boring/bored? 4. I read an interesting/interested book. 5. I'm very exciting/excited because of the party.4. A megadott igékből alkoss -ed és -ing végződésű melléknevet! (Make adjectives ending in -ed or -ing.) IGE -ED -ING excite excited exciting confuse .......................... .......................... horrify .......................... .......................... bore .......................... .......................... satisfy .......................... .......................... frighten .......................... .......................... amuse .......................... .......................... surprise .......................... .......................... 5. Húzd alá a helyes szót a következő mondatokban! (Underline the correct word.) Például (e.g.): I have serious/seriously problems. 1. Maria likes wearing colourful/colourfully clothes. 2. The rain stopped sudden/suddenly. 3. Tom hurt himself bad/badly in the football match. 4. I'm happy/happily to see you. 5. He speaks four languages fluent/fluently. 6. I think it's a serious/seriously problem. 7. Please complete/completely the form. 8. I heard that Liz is very friend/friendly. 36 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XIV. MELLÉKNÉV FOKOZÁS ÉS ÖSSZEHASONLÍTÁS (COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE FORMS OF ADJECTIVES, COMPARISON) 1. Írd be a melléknevek hiányzó alakjait! (Write the missing forms of the adjectives.) ALAPFOK KÖZÉPFOK FELSŐFOK tall taller the tallest long .......................... .......................... .......................... colder .......................... old .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... the most beautiful .......................... more .......................... bad .......................... .......................... .......................... .......................... the furthest .......................... happier .......................... 2. Írd a megadott melléknevek mellé az ellenkezőjét! (Write the opposite of the adjectives.) Például (e.g.): later ↔ sooner taller ↔ ................................. younger ↔ ................................. bigger ↔ ................................. colder ↔ ................................. cheaper ↔ ................................. better ↔ ................................. noisier ↔ ................................. 37 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Végezz középfokú összehasonlítást a zárójelben megadott melléknevek segítségével! (Make comparisons with the help of the adjectives in brackets.) Például (e.g.): Your car isn't new. My car is newer than your car. (new) 1. Mary's house is ver big. Her house .............................. my house. (big) 2. The town isn't very clean. The country .................... the town. (clean) 3. Your dog is ...................................................................my cat. (sweet) 4. I stayed in a hotel. It was ...................................... a guest-house. (expensive) 5. Dave arrived ..................................................................... (late) Chris. 4. A következő feladatban kérdéseket kell feltenned a zárójelben megadott melléknevek felhasználásával! (Ask questions.) Például (e.g.): Who is the richest (rich) person in America? 1. Where is ......................................... (old) restaurant in the city? 2. Which is ........................................... (high) building in the world? 3. Who is .......................................... (young) person in the class? 4. Which is ................................................... (long) river in Africa? 5. Which is .......................................... (expensive) car in the world? 5. Alkoss mondatot a megadott szavakból! (Make sentences.) Például (e.g.): house/town/I/biggest/the/in/have/the I have the biggest house in the town. 1. the/in/youngest/the/am/family/I ................................................................................................................................... 2. brother/is/older/me/my/than ................................................................................................................................... 3. expensive/the/in/bought/he/the/most/book/shop ................................................................................................................................... 4. English/than/is/Chinese/much/difficult/more ................................................................................................................................... 38 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XV. MUST, HAVE TO, MUSTN'T AND NEEDN'T 1. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a has to/have to kifejezést! (Use has to/have to in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): I have to buy a new car because I had an accident. 1. He .................................................................... type the report. 2. I ......................................................................... feed the dogs. 3. We ................................................................... clean the house. 4. She .................................................................... buy the books. 5. I ..................................................................... do my homework. 6. They ................................................................. make a speech. 7. I .............................................................. invite them to the party. 8. He ........................................................... take me to the station. 2. Húzd alá a helyesen használt formát! (Underline the correct forms.) Például (e.g.): We doesn't/don't have to stand up when our teacher comes into the class. 1. I doesn't/don't have to get up early tomorrow. 2. They doesn't/don't have to wear a uniform. 3. He doesn't/don't have to buy a ticket. 4. We doesn't/don't have to translate the sentences. 5. She doesn't/don't have to go to work. 3. Írd be a következő mondatokba a must vagy has to/have to kifejezéseket! (Write must or has to/have to in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): We have to go to Paris for a meeting. 1. I'm tired. I ................................................... go to bed. 2. They ....................................................... pay in advance. 3. You ..................................................... visit us next week. 4. She ............................................. go to school at the weekend. 5. I ................................................................ stop smoking. 6. Where ............................................................... (you) go? 7. I ................................................................. her address. 8. You ................................................ wear a swimming cap. 39 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a mustn't/don't have to kifejezéseket! (Use mustn’t or don’t have to.) Például (e.g.): Passengers mustn't speak to the driver. 1. You .................. pay for your tickets now. 2. In football you ................ pass the ball forwards. 3. I ............... work tomorrow. 4. You ................... drink alcohol, you're only 15. 5. It's rained today, so we .............. water the garden. 6. You ................. eat ice-cream here. 7. He ..................... go to the hospital, it's not a serious injury. 8. You ........................ run in the building. 5. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a must/mustn't/don't need to felhasználásával! (Complete the sentences with must/mustn’t/don’t need to.) Például (e.g.): I have got a plenty of time. I don't need to hurry. 1. You .............. buy a coat. 2. We have enough food, so we ................... go to the shop. 3. You ................... answer if you don't want to. 4. He ................. get up at 7 o'clock every morning. 5. You ................. read the book. It's very interesting. 6. You ................. shout here. 7. I .................... go to the bathroom. 8. You ......................... go out of the room. 40 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XVI. MYSELF, YOURSELF (-SELF/-SELVES) 1. Egészítsd ki a hiányzó névmásokat! (Write the missing reflexive pronouns.) Például (e.g.): I myself you ........................... we ........................... ............................ herself they ........................... ............................ yourselves it ........................... 2. Helyettesítsd be a mondatokba a visszaható névmások megfelelő alakját! (Complete the sentences with the suitable form of the reflexive pronouns.) Például (e.g.): I talk to myself sometimes. 1. Peter hurt .................. while he was repairing his motorbike. 2. When I saw ............................ in the mirror, I was horrified. 3. Catherine and me enjoyed .............................. at the party. 4. Be careful with that knife. Don't cut ................................... 5. You should be able to do all of the work ............................. 6. I'm going to shave ......................................................... 7. Julie bought ............................................... a nice blouse. 8. She introduced ............................................. at the party. 41 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a visszaható névmások egyikével vagy az each other kifejezéssel! (Use a reflexive pronoun or each other.) Például (e.g.): Jane and Paul write to each other every week. 1. How long have you and Julia known? ................................................................................................................................... 2. Mike had a great holiday. He enjoyed ................................................................................................................................... 3. If you want to drink, help ................................................................................................................................... 4. At Christmas we often give presents to ................................................................................................................................... 5. They are looking at ................................................................................................................................... 4. Válaszolj a kérdésekre! (Answer the questions.) Például (e.g.): Who told you that Sarah was going away? Sarah told me herself. 1. Who cuts Pete's hair? Nobody. He ................................................................................................................ 2. Who helps her to prepare for the exam? Nobody. She............................................................................................................... 3. Who repaired your bicycle? Nobody. I ................................................................................................................... 4. Who taught you to drive? Nobody. I ................................................................................................................... 42 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XVII. NEED 1. Helyettesítsd be a következő mondatokba a need/need to megfelelő alakját! (Use the correct form of need/need to.) Például (e.g.): I need to take more exercise. 1. I ...................................... go home at 6 o'clock. 2. You .......................................... have a shower. 3. I .................................................. more coffee. 4. We ........................................ buy some books. 5. He ............................................ a new bicycle. 6. They .................................. some paper to write. 7. I .......................................... do the housework. 8. She ....................................................... help. 2. Írj 5 mondatot, hogy mit kell tenned! (Write 5 sentences what you need to do.) Például (e.g.): I need to wash the car. 1. I need to ...................................................................................................................... 2. I need to ...................................................................................................................... 3. I need to ...................................................................................................................... 4. I need to ...................................................................................................................... 5. I need to ...................................................................................................................... 43 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Alkoss mondatokat a need és a zárójelben lévő ige felhasználásával! (Make sentences with the verbs in brackets.) Például (e.g.): The bin is full. (empty) It needs emptying. 1. The walls are dirty. (paint) ................................................................................................................................... 2. The grass is long. (cut) ................................................................................................................................... 3. The room isn't very clean. (clean) ................................................................................................................................... 4. The car isn't new. (repair) ................................................................................................................................... 5. The clothes are crumpled. (iron) ................................................................................................................................... 4. Helyettesítsd be az következő mondatokba a needn't és az alábbi igék egyikét! (Use needn’t and one of the verbs.) Például (e.g.): You needn't get up early. get up worry try write tell go 1. You ............................................................................................... about me. I'm fine. 2. You .............................................................................. to explain. I'm not interested. 3. She ........................................................... everything, just the name and the address. 4. We.................................................................................... this secret to anybody else. 5. You ................................................................................................. if you don't want. 44 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XVIII. ÖNÁLLÓ BIRTOKOS NÉVMÁSOK (POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS) 1. Egészítsd ki a hiányzó névmásokat! (Write the missing pronouns.) I ............ you ............. ................ ours ................ hers they ................ ................ his it ................ 2. Egészítsd ki a mondatot a zárójelben megadott személyes névmás önálló birtokos alakjával! (Complete the sentences with the suitable possessive pronouns.) Például (e.g.): This book is (you) yours. 1. The ring is (she) ......................................... 2. The luggage is (they) .................................. 3. That cat is (we) .......................................... 4. The white car is (I) ...................................... 5. The pictures are (he) ................................... 6. The tickets are (you) ................................... 7. The coat is (she) ........................................ 8. The toys are (we) ....................................... 45 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Húzd alá a helyesen használt névmást! (Underline the correct pronoun.) Például (e.g.): -Are these my books? -No, yours/mine are on the desk. 1. - Is this your coat or Mary's? - It's mine/hers. There is my name on it. 2. - Is this our bus? - No, his/ours is there. 3. - Have you got Julia's phone number? - No, yours/hers is a secret. 4. - Is this red car your father's? - No, yours/his is black. 4. Írj 5 mondatot az önálló birtokos névmások felhasználásával! (Write 5 sentences by using a possessive pronoun.) Például (e.g.): That dog is mine. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 5. Írd át az alábbi mondatokat, hogy önálló birtokos névmást tartalmazzanak! (Rewrite the sentences and use possessive pronouns.) Például (e.g.): The motorbike belongs to them. The motorbike is theirs. 1. The dog belongs to her. ................................................................................................................................... 2. The violin belongs to us. ................................................................................................................................... 3. The watch belongs to me. ................................................................................................................................... 4. The car belongs to his. ................................................................................................................................... 5. The jacket belongs to you. ................................................................................................................................... 46 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XIX. A PREPOZÍCIÓKRÓL ÁLTALÁBAN (PREPOSITIONS) 1. Helyettesítsd be a következő mondatokba az in/at/on prepozíciók egyikét! (Use the prepositions in/at/on.) Például (e.g.): I was in England in 1998. 1. We got up early .......... the morning. 2. Could we meet .......... night? 3. I was born .......... October 14th. 4. I will work .......... Saturday. 5. They will go on holiday .......... July. 6. Let's meet .......... 8 o'clock. 7. I will see you .......... a few days. 8. Let's go on an excursion .......... the weekend. 2. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat az in/on/for/at/with felhasználásval! (Complete the sentences by using in/on/for/at/with.) Például (e.g.): I live in Budapest. 1. My father works .......... a farm .......... the country. 2. Anne lives .......... home .......... her family. 3. My girlfriend works .......... London. 4. I'm a journalist .......... the Daily News. 5. I work .......... a business company. 3. Helyettesítsd be a következő mondatokba az on/in/for/at/to prepozíciókat! (Use the prepositions on/in/for/at/to.) Például (e.g.): I'd like to stay at home today. 1. What are we going to have ......................... lunch? 2. What's the highest building .......................... the world? 3. We will go to a party .................................... night. 4. I'm looking ................................................. Eric. 5. I have an appointment ........................ Wednesday. 6. Look .................................................... that car! 7. I left New York and moved .................. a small town. 8 I get up ............................. 7 o'clock every morning. 47 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a megadott kifejezések felhasználásával! (Complete the sentences by using the given expressions.) tonight on holiday about 10 minutes in the evening at the moment at the same time Például (e.g.): I had to wait about 10 minutes. 1. I'm sorry, but I don't have enough time ..................................................................... 2. I'm going to have dinner with Kate............................................................................ 3. I want to go to bed early ............................................................................................ 4. Our phones rang ......................................................................................................... 5. I was ......................................................................................................... last month. 48 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XX. SHOULD, OUGHT TO 1. Helyettesítsd be a mondatokba a should vagy az ought to kifejezéseket! (Use either should or ought to.) Például (e.g.): You should go to bed. 1. He ................................................... learn more. 2. They ............................................... welcome us. 3. I .................................................... write a letter. 4. We .................................................... go by bus. 5. She ................................................. wear a coat. 6. You .................................... listen to music loudly. 7. I ................................................ buy some fruit. 8. He ............................................. go to the doctor. 2. Egészítsd ki a következő mondatokat a should vagy az ought to tagadó formájával! (Use shouldn’t or oughtn’t to to complete the sentences.) Például (e.g.): We shouldn't eat more chocolate. 1. He ...................................... drink so much alcohol. 2. They ............................................................ smoke. 3. We .................................................... fail the exam. 4. She .............................................buy more clothes. 5. I ................................................. eat from the cake. 6. You.................................................... stay at home. 7. He .......................................................drive so fast. 8. They ...........................................tell us what to do. 49 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Írd át az alábbi mondatokat múlt idejűvé. (Transform the sentences into past by using should have.) Például (e.g.): I should take the dog for a walk. I should have taken the dog for a walk. 1. You should be careful. ................................................................................................................................... 2. They should go to school. ................................................................................................................................... 3. He should learn English. ................................................................................................................................... 4. We should visit our grandma. ................................................................................................................................... 5. She should tell him the truth. ................................................................................................................................... 50 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXI. SOME, ANY 1. Alkoss állító mondatokat a some kifejezéssel a példa alapján! (Make sentences with some.) Például (e.g.): I/books I've got some books. 1. He/friends ................................................................................................................................... 2. She/clothes ................................................................................................................................... 3. You/CDs ................................................................................................................................... 4. They/ideas ................................................................................................................................... 5. I/stamps ................................................................................................................................... 2. Alkoss tagadó mondatokat az any kifejezéssel a példa alapján! (Make negative sentences with any.) Például (e.g.): I/postcards. I haven't got any postcards. 1. You/sisters ................................................................................................................................... 2. She/salad ................................................................................................................................... 3. They/balls ................................................................................................................................... 4. We/watches ................................................................................................................................... 5. He/animals ................................................................................................................................... 51 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a some/any kifejezéseket! (Use some or any.) Például (e.g.): Have you got any books? 1. Are there ....................................... messages for me? 2. I want ............................................................. fruit. 3. ................................................. people like travelling. 4. Do you have ............................................... children? 5. I have .................................. money on my credit card. 6. Have you got ................................... language books? 7. Please buy ..................................... bread at the shop. 8. I'd like to listen to ............................................ music. 4. Kérdezz rá az alábbi mondatokra! (Make these sentences negative.) Például (e.g.): I bought some flowers. Did you buy any flowers? 1. I would like to eat some chocolate. ................................................................................................................................... 2. I have some English books. ................................................................................................................................... 3. He would like to have some sandwiches. ................................................................................................................................... 4. We have some money. ................................................................................................................................... 5. She has some ideas. ................................................................................................................................... 52 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. Helyettesítsd be a következő mondatokba a some of/any of kifejezéseket! (Use some of/any of in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): Some of the guests don't want to drink alcohol. 1. ....................................... the suitcases are very heavy. 2. .............................................. my friends often.help me 3. Are there ................................. the invited people here? 4. ....................................... us want to go on an excursion. 5. There aren't ......................................... books I ordered. 6. ............................. the people don't want to come with us. 7. Are there ...................................... my bags in the room? 8. There aren't ........................ the people we are looking for. 53 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXII. SZEMÉLYES NÉVMÁSOK (PERSONAL PRONOUNS) 1. Írd be a hiányzó személyes névmásokat! (Write the missing pronouns.) I me .......... him She .......... It .......... .......... us they .......... 2. Írd az alábbi szavak mellé, hogy melyik személyes névmással helyettesíthetők! (Replace the words with a suitable personal pronoun.) Például (e.g.): Peter he Alison .................... Julia and Ann ................ book .................... Victoria and me ................ John .................... my parents ................ Mary .................... apple ................ dog .................... my sisters ................ 3. Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a megfelelő személyes névmásokkal! (Complete the sentences with a personal pronoun. Például (e.g.): He likes reading books. (Tom) 1. ......................................... are yellow. (the walls) 2. ......................................... has a sister. (Sue) 3. ......................................... are watching TV. (my parents) 4. ......................................... is working now. (George) 5. ......................................... are going to a party tomorrow. (I and Kate) 6. ......................................... need to do your homework. (John and you) 7. .......................................... went to play football. (my son) 8. .......................................... should feed the dog. (my mother) 54 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a személyes névmások tárgyas alakját! (Use the object form of the personal pronouns.) Például (e.g.): The policeman wants to catch him (he). 1. I'd like to meet ............................................ (she) 2. Please take ................................. to the table. (it) 3. Can you hear ............................................. (they) 4. Just leave .................................... a message. (I) 5. Thank ....................................... very much! (you) 55 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXIII. SZÓREND A KIJELENTŐ MONDATBAN (WORD ORDER) 1. Alkoss mondatot a megadott szavak felhasználásával! (Make sentences.) Például (e.g.): live/I/here I live here. 1. English/speak/I ................................................................................................................................... 2. he/travelling/likes ................................................................................................................................... 3. a/she/teacher/is ................................................................................................................................... 4. are/very/they/friendly ................................................................................................................................... 5. music/like/we ................................................................................................................................... 2. Az előző feladathoz hasonlóan mondatokat kell alkotnod, de ezúttal már kicsit nehezebb a feladat! (Make sentences from the words.) Például (e.g.): dog/I/also/a/have I also have a dog. 1. he/this/three/read/book/times ................................................................................................................................... 2. lived/in/for/years/they/three/Moscow ................................................................................................................................... 3. have/England/twice/to/I/been ................................................................................................................................... 4. often/we/football/at/play/weekends ................................................................................................................................... 5. I/an/some/accident/days/saw/ago ................................................................................................................................... 56 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Keresd meg és javítsd ki a következő mondatokban előforduló szórendi hibákat! (Correct the word order.) Például (e.g.): Talks he to his sister. He talks to his sister. 1. She can't a letter write. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Want they to talk to you. ................................................................................................................................... 3. He likes football playing. ................................................................................................................................... 4. I you wrote a letter. ................................................................................................................................... 5. Understand I you. ................................................................................................................................... 57 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXIV. SZÓREND KÉRDŐ MONDATOKBAN (WORD ORDER IN QUESTIONS) 1. Kérdezz rá az alábbi állításokra! (Make questions.) Például (e.g.): I'm tired. Are you tired? 1. He is a teacher. ................................................................................................................................... 2. I'm learning English. ................................................................................................................................... 3. We are waiting for Peter. ................................................................................................................................... 4. They are working hard. ................................................................................................................................... 5. It's very high. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Alkoss kérdő mondatokat az alábbi szavak felhasználásával! (Make questions by using the words.) Például (e.g.): where/live Where do you live? 1. where/born ................................................................................................................................... 2. what/name ................................................................................................................................... 3. what/do ................................................................................................................................... 4. when/arrive ................................................................................................................................... 5. which/your car ................................................................................................................................... 58 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Állítsd helyes sorrendbe az alábbi szavakat! (Put the words into the correct order.) Például (e.g.): were/last/you/where/summer Where were you last summer? 1. favourite/is/your/subject/what ................................................................................................................................... 2. in/you/when/Washington/were ................................................................................................................................... 3. chess/did/learn/to/he/play/when ................................................................................................................................... 4. will/solve/who/to/help/problem/the/you ................................................................................................................................... 5. your/live/where/parents/do ................................................................................................................................... 4. Írj kérdéseket a következő kérőszavakhoz! (write questions.) Például (e.g.): Where is our dog? 1. What ......................................................................................................................... ? 2. Where ....................................................................................................................... ? 3. When ........................................................................................................................ ? 4. Why.......................................................................................................................... ? 5. Which ....................................................................................................................... ? 6. Who.......................................................................................................................... ? 59 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. Írj kérdéseket az alábbi mondatokhoz a don't szerkezet felhasználásával! (Write questions and use don’t.) Például (e.g.): I'm thirsty. Why don't you drink some mineral water? 1. I'm tired. ................................................................................. 2. I'm hungry. ................................................................................. 3. I'm cold. ................................................................................. 4. I'm lonely. ................................................................................. 5. I'm ill. ................................................................................. 60 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXV. THE HATÁROZOTT NÉVELŐ ÁLTALÁNOS HASZNÁLATA (DEFINITE ARTICLE) 1. Írj 5 mondatot a példa alapján, hogy hova szeretnél menni! (Write 5 sentences where you would like to go.) Például (e.g.): I'd like to go to the cinema. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a the névelőt ahol szükséges! (Use the where necessary.) Például (e.g.): What's the capital city of Hungary? 1. I was at ......................................... theatre yesterday. 2. I like listening to .............................................. music. 3. This is........................................ dog which bit my leg. 4. He cleaned ...................................... car two days ago. 5. Have you had ............................................. lunch yet? 61 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. A következő mondatokba helyettesítsd be az a/an/the névelők egyikét! (Use a/an/the in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): I have a car. 1. I have English lesson twice ............................ week. 2. I'd like ................................... glass of orange juice. 3. My mother lives in ....................... centre of the town. 4. Last year we went to ................. island for two weeks. 5. It's ........ first time I have been to ...... United Kingdom. 6. She's ..... ...........................cleverest girl in the class. 7. We have .................................... lot of things to do. 8. This is .................. biggest building I have ever seen. 4. Szintén az a/an/the névelőket kell behelyettesíteni a mondatba, de ezúttal nem mindegyikbe. (Use a definite or indefinite article where necessary.) Például (e.g.): I opened the window. 1. I live in ..... .................Budapest which is .......................... capital of Hungary. 2. I'm ......................... English teacher at .................................. grammar school. 3. They say it's .............. most beautiful country in ........................................ world. 4. Yesterday we went to ..................... cinema to watch ........................... good film. 5. It's .......................... most famous drama of .................................. Shakespeare. 6. Last month I got ..... .......................cat for ...................................... my birthday. 7. He has painted .......................................... walls and ........................ windows. 8. This is .......................... third time I'm in ............................................. England. 62 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXVI. A THE HASZNÁLATA FÖLDRAJZI NEVEKKEL ÉS TULAJDONNEVEKKEL (THE IN GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES AND PROPER NOUNS) 1. Helyettesítsd be a the névelőt ahol szükséges! (Use the where necessary.) Például (e.g.): Who is - Kate? 1. I went to ............................ Doctor House yesterday. 2. I went to ...................................... doctor’s yesterday. 3. Have you seen .................................... Flintstones? 4. Have you seen ........................................ George? 5. My favourite band is .................................. Beatles. 2. Írj 5 földrajzi nevet, mellyel the névelőt kell használni! (Write 5 geographical names where you must use the.) Például (e.g.): the Pacific Ocean 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 3. Helyettesítsd be a the névelőt ahol szükséges! (Use the where necessary.) Például (e.g.): I live in the east of Hungary. 1. Chicago is on ............................... Lake Michigan. 2. The highest mountain is .......................... Everest. 3. France is in ................................ western Europe. 4. I visited ...................... United States last summer. 5. ............................... Amazon is the longest river. 63 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXVII. THERE IS/THERE ARE 1. Írj 5 mondatot, hogy mi van a szobádban! (What is there in your room? Write 5 sentences.) Például (e.g.): There is a desk in my room. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Állítsd helyes sorrendbe az alábbi szavakat! (Put the words in the correct order.) Például (e.g.): on/there/book/table/a/is/the There is a book on the table. 1. cinema/the/is/in/there/a/town ................................................................................................................................... 2. high/is/a/building/there ................................................................................................................................... 3. sea/there/a/in/shark/is/the ................................................................................................................................... 4. apples/on/are/the/there/three/table ................................................................................................................................... 5. some/bus-stop/are/the/there/people/at ................................................................................................................................... 64 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3.There isn't vagy there aren't? Húzd alá a helyes választ! (Underline the correct word.) Például (e.g.): There isn't/aren't a dog in the park. 1. There isn't/aren't any people in the room. 2. There isn't/aren't computers in the library. 3. There isn't/aren't a car in the front of my house. 4. There isn't/aren't good discos in the town. 5. There isn't/aren't a park in the city. 6. There isn't/aren't restaurant near here. 7. There isn't/aren't shoes in the shop. 8. There isn't/aren't a phone in the house. 4. Alkoss kérdéseket az is there és az are there, valamint a megadott szavak felhasználásával! (Write questions by using Is there/ Are there…) Például (e.g.): radio/in the car Is there a radio in the car? 1. cat/in the room ................................................................................................................................... 2. new film/at the cinema ................................................................................................................................... 3. fruits/in the fridge ................................................................................................................................... 4. hotel/near here ................................................................................................................................... 5. any children/in the house ................................................................................................................................... 65 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. Válaszolj a kérdésekre rövid válasszal! (Write short answers.) Például (e.g.): Is there a phone in your bed? No, there isn't. 1. Is there a bank near here? No,............................................................................................................................ . 2. Are there any books in the library? Yes, .......................................................................................................................... . 3. Is there a tiger in the zoo? Yes, .......................................................................................................................... . 4. Are there any pictures on the wall? No,............................................................................................................................ . 5. Is there a man in the room? No,............................................................................................................................ . 66 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXVIII. THIS/THESE, THAT/THOSE 1. Húzd alá a helyesen használt névmást!(Underline the properly used determiner.) Például (e.g.): This is/These are my picture. 1. That is/Those are our sandwiches. 2. This is/These are my cassettes. 3. This is/Those are your cat. 4. That is/These are their newspapers. 5. This is/These are her bag. 2. Írd át az alábbi mondatokat tagadóvá! (Make these sentences negative.) Például (e.g.): This is my baby. This isn't my baby. 1. These are our videos. ................................................................................................................................... 2. This is my car. ................................................................................................................................... 3. That is your father. ................................................................................................................................... 4. Those are my friends. ................................................................................................................................... 5. That is our day. ................................................................................................................................... 67 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Írd át a mondatokat többes számba! (Write the sentences in plural.) Például (e.g.): This is my dog. These are my dogs. 1. This is her pencil. ................................................................................................................................... 2. That is my book. ................................................................................................................................... 3. That is your bag. ................................................................................................................................... 4. This is his letter. ................................................................................................................................... 5. That is their coin. ................................................................................................................................... 4. Válaszolj a kérdésekre a képek alapján! (Answer the questions with the help of the pictures.) Például (e.g.): What's this? This is a dog. What is this? (present) What is that? (Christmas tree) What are these? (balloons) 68 What are those? (snowballs) Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. Alkoss kérdéseket a példa alapján! (Make questions.) Például (e.g.): It's a postcard. What's this? 1. It's a dictionary. ................................................................................................................................... 2. They are lions. ................................................................................................................................... 3. It's a pineapple. ................................................................................................................................... 4. They are stamps. ................................................................................................................................... 5. They are watches. ................................................................................................................................... 69 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXIX. TO BE 1. Írd át a mondatot rövidítés nélkül! (Use long forms.) Például (e.g.): I'm Chris. I am Chris. 1. She's my sister. ................................................................................................................................... 2. He's my brother. ................................................................................................................................... 3. It's your dog. ................................................................................................................................... 4. They're very friendly. ................................................................................................................................... 5. We're staying at a hotel. ................................................................................................................................... 2. Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a létige megfelelő alakjával! (Use the correct form of be.) Például (e.g.): She is from Japan. 1. I ...................................................................a teacher. 2. He ........................................................ working hard. 3. They .............................................................. guests. 4. You ......................................................... very clever. 5. She ............................................................. beautiful. 6. It ............................................................ a smart dog. 7. I ............................................................ from France. 8. They ................................................. famous people. 70 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Tagadd a következő mondatokat! (Make the sentences negative.) Például (e.g.): It is a big house. It isn't a big house. 1. She is a secretary. ................................................................................................................................... 2. They are from Italy. ................................................................................................................................... 3. It is a vicious dog. ................................................................................................................................... 4. He is my teacher. ................................................................................................................................... 5. We are watching a film. ................................................................................................................................... 4. Kérdezz rá az alábbi mondatokra! (Make questions.) Például (e.g.): You are English. Are you English? 1. She is a travel agent. ................................................................................................................................... 2. It is a plane. ................................................................................................................................... 3. They are musicians. ................................................................................................................................... 4. We are team members. ................................................................................................................................... 5. It is a newspaper. ................................................................................................................................... 71 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. Adj rövid választ a kérdésekre! (Give short answers.) Például (e.g.): Are you tired? Yes, I am. 1. Is he a policeman? No,............................................................................................................................ . 2. Are you from Hungary? Yes, .......................................................................................................................... . 3. Are they eating now? No,............................................................................................................................ . 4. Is she tall? No,............................................................................................................................ . 5. Are you working now? Yes, .......................................................................................................................... . 72 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXX. TO HAVE/TO HAVE GOT 1. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a has/have felhasználásával! (Use has/have.) Például (e.g.): I have a dog. 1. I ................................................two sisters. 2. She ................................................... a car. 3. They ................................. English lessons. 4. We ...................................... a new camera. 5. He .............................................. a nice flat. 6. You ....................................... some apples. 7. It ............................................ blue colour. 8. You ........................................ a daughter. 2. Írd át a mondatokat, hogy azok a has got/have got szerkezetet használják! (Rewrite the sentences by using has got/have got.) Például (e.g.): He has a motorbike. He has got a motorbike. 1. I have a new computer. ................................................................................................................................... 2. They have a long day. ................................................................................................................................... 3. She has a high salary. ................................................................................................................................... 4. You don't have a wife. ................................................................................................................................... 5. He doesn't have a son. ................................................................................................................................... 73 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a doesn't have/don't have kifejezésekkel! (Complete the sentences with doesn't have/don't have.) Például (e.g.): I don't have a good day. 1. She .......................................................... long hair. 2. They ..................................................... a passport. 3. You ................................................ enough money. 4. We ........................................................... any idea. 5. He ............................................... a good condition. 4. Alkoss kérdő mondatokat a zárójelben megadott személyes névmás és a has/have megfelelő alakjával! (Make a question by using the proper form of has/have.) Például (e.g.): Do you have (you) a dog? 1 ............................ (they) any friends? 2. ............................ (she) lunch? 3. ............................ (you) an umbrella? 4. ............................ (we) anything to do? 5. ............................ (he) money? 5. Javítsd ki az alábbi mondatokban előforduló hibákat! (Correct the mistakes.) Például (e.g.): I doesn't have a good job. I don't have a good job. 1. He don't have any game. ................................................................................................................................... 2. They don't have got any animals. ................................................................................................................................... 3. Have we a plan? ................................................................................................................................... 4. I has a good film. ................................................................................................................................... 5. We haven't enough money to go to a restaurant. ................................................................................................................................... 74 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXXI. TOO AND ENOUGH 1. Helyettesítsd be a mondatokba too kifejezést és a zárójelben megadott melléknevet! (Use the word too and the adjectives in brackets.) Például (e.g.): The bag is too heavy (heavy) to carry. 1. The tea is ................... .....................(hot) to drink it. 2. The sea is ..................................... (cold) to swim. 3. The weather is ............................... (bad) to walk. 4. The book is. ........................ (big) to take it with me. 5. The soup is ................................................. (cold). 2. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat az enough és a zárójelben megadott szó felhasználásával! (Complete the sentences with enough and the adjectives.) Például (e.g.): You are not strong enough (strong) to carry this box. 1. The coffee is ................................. (cold) to drink. 2. The car is not ................................... (fast) to arrive in time. 3. Your answer is ................................... (good). 4. The storm is ..................................... (far) from our house. 5. The serving is .................................. (good). 3. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a too much/too many kifejezéseket! (Use too much/too many in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): There are too many cars in the city. 1. I drank ........................ coffee. 2. I watched ........................ horror films. 3. I haven't learn ......................... 4. I read .............................. newspapers. 5. I work .............................. 75 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Helyettesítsd be a következő mondatokba a too few/too little kifejezéseket! (Use too few/too little in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): I have too little money to buy a car. 1. I have ...................... information about this. 2. You have ...................... time to prepare for the exam. 3. She has ....................... friends. 4. They have ....................... idea. 5. We have ....................... guests. 76 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXXII. WOULD LIKE TO 1. A megadott szavak és a would like kifejezés felhasználásával alkoss mondatot! (Make sentences with would like and the given words.) Például(e.g.): drink a coffee I would like to drink a coffee. 1. go home ................................................................................................................................... 2. listen to music ................................................................................................................................... 3. eat something ................................................................................................................................... 4. go to a party ................................................................................................................................... 5. have a new car ................................................................................................................................... 2. Írj 5 mondatot, hogy mit szeretnél csinálni! (Write 5 sentences what you would like to do.) Például (e.g.): I would like to go on holiday. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 77 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Javítsd ki az alábbi mondatokban esetlegesen előforduló hibákat! (Correct the mistakes.) Például (e.g.): I would like take the exam. I would like to take the exam. 1. We would like to talk to the boss. 2. He would likes to buy this book. 3. I would like have a licence. 4. She would like to send a postcard. 5. Would like you to play tennis? 4. Alkoss kérdéseket a megadott szavak felhasználásával! (Make questions.) Például (e.g.): you/join the army Would you like to join the army? 1. they/rent a room ................................................................................. 2. she/buy something ................................................................................. 3. he/do the shopping ................................................................................. 4. you/drive ................................................................................. 5. you/have a dog ................................................................................. 78 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXXIII. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE 1. Írd a megadott igék mellé az egyes szám harmadik személyű alakjukat! (Write the 3rd person singular form of the verbs.) Például (e.g.): fly flies drink ........................ live ........................ take work ........................ study ........................ watch ........................ read ........................ teach ........................ play ........................ use ........................ ........................ 2. Húzd alá a helyesen ragozott igét a mondatokban! (Underline the correct form of the verbs.) Például (e.g.): He collect/collects stamps. 1. I like/likes dogs very much. 2. My father work/works in a shop. 3. He like/likes playing football. 4. We get/gets up early. 5. They live/lives in England. 6. You go/goes to work by bus. 7. She drive/drives very carefully. 8. He speak/speaks English well. 3. Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a doesn't/don't és a zárójelben megadott ige felhasználásával! (Complete the sentences with doesn't/don't and the verbs in brackets.) Például (e.g.): I don't like (like) flying. 1. We ................................................................. (come) from France. 2. He .......................................................................... (work) at night. 3. They ......................................................................... (play) tennis. 4. She ...................................................................... (live) in the city. 5. You ......................................................................... (take) photos. 6. I .......................................................... (speak) foreign languages. 7. He ........................................................................... (drink) coffee. 8. You .............................................................. (go away) very often. 79 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Írd át a következő mondatokat tagadóvá! (Make the sentences negative.) Például (e.g.): I like action films. I don't like action films. 1. She works in a restaurant. ................................................................................. 2. I travel a lot. ................................................................................. 3. They have two children. ................................................................................. 4. He has a lot of friends. ................................................................................. 5. We like animals. ................................................................................. 5. Alkoss kérdéseket a megadott szavak felhasználásával! (Make questions from the words.) Például (e.g.): where/you/work Where do you work? 1. what/you/do ................................................................................................................................... 2. where/you/live/ ................................................................................................................................... 3. how/you/think ................................................................................................................................... 4. when/he/get up ................................................................................................................................... 5. what/she/suppose ................................................................................................................................... 80 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXXIV. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 1. Írd az igék mellé a -ing-es alakjukat! (Write the -ing form of the verbs.) Például (e.g.): smile smiling read ........................... swim ........................... buy ........................... do ........................... drive ........................... use ........................... get ........................... play ........................... have ........................... close ........................... 2. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a létige megfelelő alakjával és a zárójelben megadott igével! (Complete the sentences with the proper form of be and the verbs in brackets.) Például: I am doing (do) the housework. 1. You ................................................. (drive) carelessly. 2. We ....................................................... (make) dinner. 3. They ........................................................ (try) to help. 4. She ............................................... (buy) new clothes. 5. I .................................................. (take) some photos. 6. He ..................................................... (ride) the horse. 7. We ........................................................... (eat) fish. 8. They ................................................. (stay) in a hotel. 81 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Írd át tagadóvá az alábbi mondatokat! (Make these sentences negative.) Például (e.g.): I'm feeling cold. I'm not feeling cold. 1. She is doing her homework. ................................................................................................................................... 2. They are drinking coffee. ................................................................................................................................... 3. You are reading a book. ................................................................................................................................... 4. He is playing football. ................................................................................................................................... 5. We are sitting in a room. ................................................................................................................................... 4. Alkoss kérdéseket a megadott szavak felhasználásával a példa alapján! (Make questions.) Például (e.g.): you/eat/an ice-cream Are you eating an ice-cream? 1. they/watch/TV ................................................................................................................................... 2. he/sleeping/in his room ................................................................................................................................... 3. you/have/a goog holiday ................................................................................................................................... 4. she/wear/a hat ................................................................................................................................... 5. you/talk/about Julia ................................................................................................................................... 82 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXXV. GOING TO 1. Alkoss mondatokat a going to szerkezettel és a megadott szavakkal! (Write sentences by using going to and the given words.) Például (e.g.): I/watch/a film I'm going to watch a film. 1. I/learn/English ................................................................................................................................... 2. you/go/to the doctor’s ................................................................................................................................... 3. we/clean/the house ................................................................................................................................... 4. they/welcome/guests ................................................................................................................................... 5. he/buy/a new car ................................................................................................................................... 2. Írd át tagadóvá az alábbi mondatokat! (Make the sentences negative.) Például (e.g.): I'm going to travel to Italy. I'm not going to travel to Italy. 1. He is going to fly next week. ................................................................................. 2. We are going to play football. ................................................................................ 3. You are going to do the shopping. ................................................................................. 4. She is going to have a haircut. ................................................................................. 5. I'm going to visit my grandmother. ................................................................................. 83 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Írj 5 mondatot a going to szerkezettel, hogy mit fogsz tenni! (Write 5 sentences with going to to say what you are going to do.) Például (e.g.): I'm going to read this book. 1. ................................................................................................................................... 2. ................................................................................................................................... 3. ................................................................................................................................... 4. ................................................................................................................................... 5. ................................................................................................................................... 4. Alkoss kérdéseket a megadott szavak felhasználásával! (Write questions.) Például (e.g.): what/you/see What are you going to see? 1. what/you/read ................................................................................................................................... 2. where/they/travel ................................................................................................................................... 3. it/rain ................................................................................................................................... 4. she/swim ................................................................................................................................... 5. you/stay here ................................................................................................................................... 84 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXXVI. WAS/WERE 1. Helyettesítsd be a mondatokba a was/were igéket! (Use was/were in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): I was at the cinema yesterday. 1. You...................................... very angry when you saw him. 2. She ................................................................ at the hospital. 3. They ................................................. very considerate to us. 4. The weather.................................................... bad last night. 5. He ................................................................. at the museum. 6. The film.............................................................. interesting. 7. The girl............................................................very friendly. 8. The bags ..................................................................... heavy. 2. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a wasn't/weren't igéket! (Use wasn't/weren't in the sentences.) Például (e.g.): I wasn't at home in the morning. 1. You................................................................... clear for me. 2. He ............................................................. on the discussion. 3. They ......................................................................very nice. 4. You.................................................................... at the party. 5. She .........................................................good at geography. 6. The car ........................................................ very expensive. 7. We ................................................................................ tired. 8. The exam................................................................ difficult. 85 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Alkoss kérdéseket az alábbi mondatokból! (Make questions.) Például (e.g.): The film was good. Was the film good? 1. He was tired. ................................................................................................................................... 2. The weather was cold. ................................................................................................................................... 3. You were in a hurry. ................................................................................................................................... 4. The room was comfortable. ................................................................................................................................... 5. She was ill last night. ................................................................................................................................... 4. Javítsd ki az alábbi mondatokban előforduló hibákat! (Correct the mistakes.) Például (e.g.): I were not in a good condition. I was not in a good condition. 1. Was you on holiday last summer? ................................................................................................................................... 2. They wasn't at home when I called them. ................................................................................................................................... 3. We were at the sea? ................................................................................................................................... 4. I weren't at work yesterday. ................................................................................................................................... 5. Where you were when I wanted to see you? ................................................................................................................................... 86 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv XXXVII. PAST SIMPLE 1. Írd az igék mellé a második (Past Simple) alakjukat! (Write the 2nd form of the verbs.) Például (e.g.): find use found ......................... carry ......................... play ......................... open ......................... like drive ......................... ......................... study ......................... sit ......................... wear ......................... break ......................... 2. Egészítsd ki a mondatot a zárójelben megadott igével! (Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.) Például (e.g.): I went (go) to the party last night. 1. We ........................................... (visit) our grandma yesterday. 2. They ................................................ (ask) too many questions. 3. He ......................................................... (have) a lot of money. 4. I ...................................................................... (move) to Paris. 5. She ............................................................. (marry) last week. 6. You ..................................................................... (travel) a lot. 7. I ............................................................ (play) with my friend. 8. The car .......................................................... (stop) suddenly. 3. Helyettesítsd be a zárójelben megadott szavakat a mondatba, de most úgy, hogy azok tagadó formában legyenek! (Use the verbs in brackets in negative form.) Például (e.g.): I didn't go (go) to the cinema yesterday. 1. We ..................................................... (hear) about this. 2. He ......................................................... (arrive) in time. 3. You .......................................................... (tell) me that. 4. They ................................. (spend) too much time here. 5. She ................................................. (have) enough time. 6. It ......................................................... (rain) yesterday. 87 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 7. We ...................................................... (stay) at a hotel. 8. I .................................................................... (visit) her. 4. Írd át a következő mondatokat kérdő mondattá! (Turn the sentences into questions.) Például (e.g.): I went to a restaurant. Did you go to a restaurant? 1. They bought some new clothes. ................................................................................................................................... 2. We started to learn English. ................................................................................................................................... 3. I met a friend of mine. ................................................................................................................................... 4. He enjoyed the holiday. ................................................................................................................................... 5. She left her keys. ................................................................................................................................... 5. Adj rövid választ az alábbi kérdésekre! (Give short answers.) Például (e.g.): Did you go to the theatre? Yes, I did. 1. Did they lose their money? Yes, .......................................................................................................................... . 2. Did she write a letter? No,............................................................................................................................ . 3. Did you take the dog for a walk? No,............................................................................................................................ . 4. Did he visit us last summer? Yes, .......................................................................................................................... . 5. Did you watch the film? No,............................................................................................................................ . 88 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv SPEAKING AT THE CUSTOMS – PASSPORT CONTROL Customs Officer: Good morning! Can I see your passport? Mrs von Ventolin: Here you are. Customs Officer: Are you a tourist or on business? Mrs von Ventolin: I’m on business. I’m coming back next week. Customs Officer: Mr von Ventolin, do you have anything to declare? Mrs von Ventolin: No, I don’t have anything to declare. Customs Officer: All right. Could you open your suitcase, please? Mrs von Ventolin: Certainly. Customs Officer: That’s fine. Have a pleasant stay. Mrs von Ventolin: Thank you. PRACTICE: Can I see your passport/ID/driving licence? Láthatnám az útlevelét/személyi igazolványát/jogosítványát? Can I see your ...? Láthatnám a ...-t? Here you are. Tessék, itt van. Are you a tourist or on business? Turista vagy üzleti úton van? I’m on business. Üzleti úton vagyok. Do you have anything to declare? Van valami elvámolnivalója? I don’t have anything to declare. Nincs semmi elvámolnivalóm. I have something to declare. Van elvámolnivalóm. Could you open your suitcase? Ki tudná nyitni a bőröndjét? Have a pleasant stay! Kellemes itt-tartózkodást kívánok! 89 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv AT THE CHECK-IN DESK Flight attendant: Good afternoon! Can I have your ticket, please? Ms Mendez: Here you are. Flight attendant: Would you like a window or an aisle seat? Ms Mendez: A window seat, if possible. Flight attendant: Do you have any luggage? Ms Mendez: Yes, a suitcase and this handbag. Flight attendant: Here is your boarding card. Have a nice flight! Ms Mendez: Thank you. PRACTICE: Can I have your ticket, please? Láthatnám a jegyét? Would you like a window or an aisle seat? Ablak melletti vagy sorszéli jegyet szeretne? Do you have any luggage/baggage (US)? Van csomagja? Here’s your boarding card/boarding pass. Itt a beszállókártyája. Have a nice flight! Kellemes repülést kívánok! 90 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv AT A CAFÉ - different names for ’café’ - types of drinks - other things you can have in a café Different names for ’café’ CAFÉ a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals. Alcohol is not usually served in British or American cafes. COFFEE BAR a small restaurant, often in a store, hotel, etc where coffee, tea, other drinks without alcohol and simple food are served. COFFEE SHOP a small restaurant that sells special sorts of coffee and cakes. 91 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv WHAT CAN YOU GET IN A CAFE? TYPES OF COFFEE DRINKS coffee espresso, café latte, cappuccino, decaf, frappe, iced coffee, Irish coffee Here you can see how to prepare different kinds of coffees: HOT DRINKS tea, hot chocolate, milk COLD DRINKS/BEVERAGES milk shake, juices, soft drinks, sodas, mineral water, iced tea, lemonade ALCOHOLIC DRINKS wine, beer, brandy, champagne, spirits SANDWICHES AND SALADS ham, cheese, tuna, vegetarian, Caesar salad, Waldorf salad, hamburger, hot dog DESSERTS pie, ice cream, cake, tart, meringue, doughnut, muffin, cookie 92 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv salad sushi pizza/ hamburger/ a slice of pizza cheeseburger hot dog chips (GB)/ French fries (US) saláta (elkészítve) sushi pizza/egy szelet pizza hamburger/ sajtburger hot dog sültkrumpli kebab/gyro/ Turkish food sandwich soup spaghetti/pasta fried fish kebab, gyros, török étel szendvics leves spagetti/főtt tészta sült hal ham roast beef shrimp/prawn mussels sonka marhasült koktélrák kagyló Chinese takeaway kínai gyorséttermi étel (elvitelre) baked/jacket fried chicken potato fóliában sült és sült/rántott csirke töltött krumpli ice-cream pie cake waffle shake fagylalt pite süti gofri turmix milk tej coffee kávé (orange) juice soft drink/Coke (narancs)lé üdítő/kóla potato chips/crisps chips/ rágcsálnivaló wine bor Do you often go to cafés? Who do you generally go with? What do you generally have? Is it expensive to go to a café in Hungary? Are there famous cafés in your town? What are they famous for? 93 beer sör Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv BUYING CLOTHES AND EXCHANGING THEM CHANGING SOMETHING Assistant: Good morning! What can I do for you? Man: I would like to change this sweater. The sleeves are a bit too long for me. Assistant: I see. No problem, Sir. Do you have the receipt? Man: Yes, here it is. Assistant: Thank you. Would you like a smaller size, or you want to choose something else at the shop? Man: I'd like to try on a smaller size. Assistant: In the same colour? Man: Yes, please.... Where is the changing room? Assistant: Over there, next to the cash desk. Man: I think it fits me much better. I’ll take this. PRACTICE: I'd like to change this ... . - Szeretném kicserélni ezt ... I'd like to change these shoes/boots. - Szeretném kicserélni ezt a cipőt/csizmát. Do you have the receipt? - Megvan a blokk? Would you like a smaller/bigger size? - Szeretne egy kisebb/nagyobb méretet? Do you want to choose something else at the shop? - Szeretne valami mást/különbözőt a boltban? In the same colour? - Ugyanabban a színben? Where is the changing room? - Hol van a próbafülke? I think it fits me/you much better. - Azt hiszem, ennek jobb a mérete. I think it suits me/you much better. - Azt hiszem, ez jobban áll nekem. These trousers don't fit me, I have to change them. They are too small for me. Ez a nadrág nem jó nekem, ki kell cserélnem. Túl kicsi nekem. This sweater fits you. You don't have to change it. It's the perfect size. Ez a pulcsi jó neked. Nem kell kicserélned. Tökéletes a mérete. This hairstyle doesn't suit you. You look older now. Nem áll jól ez a hajviselet. Most öregebnek nézel ki. These boots don't suit me. They're too elegant for me. I'm more sporty than elegant. Ez a csizma nem áll jól nekem. Túl elegáns nekem. Én ennél sportosabb vagyok. 94 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv BUYING SHOES Miss Woodbridge: Excuse me, can you help me? Shop assistant: Certainly. What can I do for you? Miss Woodbridge: I'd like a pair of elegant shoes. Shop assistant: What color would you like? Miss Woodbridge: Black. Shop assistant: And what size are you? Miss Woodbridge: Five. Shop assistant: Ok, have a look at these. Do you like them? Miss Woodbridge: Well, I like them but I think the heels are too high for me. I walk a lot during the day and high heels are not comfortable enough for me. I prefer a pair of shoes with flat heels. Shop assistant: What do you think of these? Miss Woodbridge: Oh, I like them. Can I try them on? Shop assistant: Of course. PRACTICE: I'd like a pair of shoes/boots/sandals. - Szeretnék egy pár cipőt/csizmát/szandált. What colour would you like? - Milyen színt szeretne? What size are you? What size do you take? - Milyen méretet hord?/Mi a mérete? What do you think of this/these? - Mi a vélemény erről? Have a look at these! - Nézze csak ezt (ezeket)! Do you have it/them in different colours? - Van ez más színben? (lábbelire vonatkozik) I'm afraid, I don't/we don't. - Sajnálom, nincs. Can you show something similar? - Tudna nekem mutatni valami hasonlót? Can you show something else? - Tudna nekem mutatni valami mást? How much is it? - Mennyibe kerül? How much is it? - Mennyibe kerül? How much are they? - Mennyibe kerülnek? Can I pay by credit card? - Fizethetek hitelkártyával? I like them but I think the heels are too high for me. - Tetszik, de azt hiszem, hogy a sarka túl magas. I like it/them but I think ... - Tetszik, de azt hiszem... Can I try it/them on? - Felpróbálhatom? 95 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv SOME MORE SITUATIONS Vásároljon egy új farmert a megfelelő méretben és szinben. Válasszon hozzá egy pólót, majd fizessen a butikban. Good morning. Can I help you?/Are you being served? Good morning. Yes, please./Not yet. I would like to buy a pair of jeans, please. Certainly. What colour have you thought of? Well, I think I’m looking for blue jeans, a dark shade of blue, actually. Right. We can offer you a wide selection of different brand names. What size are you? I’m size 36, Small, in fact. Here you are. What about these pairs of Gas, Levi and Mustang? Can I try them on? Where can I find the fitting rooms? The fitting rooms are over there in the corner. How do you like them? Unfortunately, the pair I like is too small. Do you have a bigger size? Of course. Here you are. They look all right on me. I think I’ll take them. How much do they cost? That’ll be £25.90 Anything else? May I recommend some of our fantastic shirts from the new selection? Why don’t you try a matching one? Can I have the short-sleeved orange shirt with those lovely flowers on the front? Certainly. Here you are. How would you like to pay? Can I pay by credit card? Credit cards are fine. Please press the green button first then your pin code and the green button again. Hívja meg barátját moziba és válasszanak egy filmet közösen, beszéljék meg, hol, mikor találkoznak. I’m bored. What shall we do tonight? Hi. I’m thinking of going to the cinema with my sister. Would you like to join us? That’s a great idea. I have a monthly cinema program. Let’s check what’s on, shall we? Actually, I have the multiplex cinema program. Why don’t we see ‘Taxi 2’, a French action film? They say it’s fantastic. The problem is that it is subtitled and I hate reading captures. Well, I’m not keen on action films either. How about the American family movie, ‘The 102 Dalmatians’ with the Oscar winner Glenn Close and all those lovely puppies in it? Yeah, I know the story but I’m not interested in children’s movies. We should choose something more exciting. What about seeing the ‘50 first dates’, which is an American comedy and it is dubbed. 96 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv It sounds too romantic to me. Who is starring the film? I guess Adam Sandler plays the main role. I quite like the way he plays. I think he is cool. Right. When and where shall we meet? Let’s meet outside the cinema at 6: 45. See you then. Foglaljon le egy szobát a szállodában 2 főre, 4 éjszakára. Kérjen tengerre néző szobát és érdeklődjön a szolgáltatásokról. Good afternoon. How may I help you? I would like to stay at your hotel for 4 nights. Certainly, would you like a double room or a single room? Let me see. Room 204 is at the back of the hotel with a lovely view to the seaside. Can I have your details? Of course. Please tell me how much the room is per night. Can I pay by bank transfer, please? Yes. Is there anything that I can do for you? I wonder when and where breakfast is served. Buffet breakfast is served between 7 and 10 in the hotel restaurant on the 1st floor but you can have breakfast in bed. Can you tell me what sports facilities the hotel offers for guests? In fact, there is an open air swimming pool and tennis courts in the garden behind the building. Finally, can I make phone calls and have access to the Internet from my room? Certainly. There are conference facilities and a mini bar in your room. When should I vacate the room after checking out? At 12 but we can store your luggage in a spare room and guard your valuables in the hotel safe. Thank you so much. This way please. Enjoy your stay. Hívja meg barátját egy kalandtúrára a hétvégén, válasszanak sportot, beszéljék meg meddig maradnak és milyen felszerelést kell vinni. Hello. It’s nice to see you again. Are you free at the weekend? Shall we go on an adventure holiday? It sounds like a great idea. Where shall we go? Why don’t we go rafting or bungee jumping? I find both of them exciting. I think I prefer rafting. When shall we start? I think we may set off earlier on Friday if it’s all right with you. Perfect. But I should be back for Sunday if it’s possible. 97 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Fine. Sorry, I have no idea about rafting. What special equipment shall we pack into our backpack? I believe we must take a torch and life jackets just in case. Adjon tanácsot barátjának, hogy milyen sportot válasszon. Hi. How are you? Not bad, but unfortunately, I have put on some weight recently. What do you suggest I should do? You had better take up some kind of sports. What about tennis or jogging? Well, tennis sounds all right to me. But where can we pursue it? Actually, there is a tennis court near the Boating Lake and two more in Sitke. Good idea, but I’m afraid, I’m very busy on weekdays so let’s go at weekends, shall we? Right. Saturday morning is OK with me. Shall I give you a lift to Sitke then? Perfect. Can we meet at 10 in front of my house? By the way, why don’t we have a hearty meal and a drink in the local pub? They say food is fantastic there. It might be an idea. We’ll see. See you on Saturday. Bye. Orvosi rendelőben van, ahol elmondja a panaszait az orvosnak és megkérdezi, mikor kell visszajönni ellenőrzésre. Good morning. Can I see your social security card? Yes, of course. Here you are. How can I help you? What’s wrong with you? Well, I haven’t been feeling well recently. I think I have caught a cold. Could you please tell me what your symptoms are? In fact, I often cough and sneeze, I feel weak, shivery and dizzy. Also, I have a runny nose. Do you happen to have pain in your back? Yes, I think so, especially when I breathe deeply. How long have you had it? Have you had high temperature as well? Let me see, I had fever last night. When I took my temperature, it was 38 degrees. Let me examine you. You are infected with a virus. I’ll prescribe you some antibiotics and vitamin pills. May I ask you when I have to come back to your surgery? Please see me in a week for a medical check up. Goodbye. See you then. 98 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Adjon tanácsot barátjának az egészséges életmóddal kapcsolatban: mit egyen, mit sportoljon, stb. Unfortunately, I have put on some weight recently. I love eating, especially chocolate and cakes. How about you? Are you health conscious? You had better stop eating chocolate and snacks because they will make you overweight. What should I do to be in good shape? If I were you I would eat brown bread, dairy products and cereals for breakfast and white meat, fish with salad or vegetable sauce for lunch. And you should drink a lot of mineral water or natural fruit juice. Sounds like a good idea. I think I ‘ll start a healthy diet tomorrow. Listen. Why don’t we do some sport together? Let’s play tennis on Wednesdays and go swimming at weekends. All right. Shall we meet at 10 on Saturday outside the spa? I’d love to be fit and healthy again. Vigye el külföldi vendégét étterembe és ajánljon neki magyar specialitásokat. Why don’t we go to a pleasant restaurant tonight? How about going to The Red Crab, shall we? Yes, it’s a good idea. I’d love to have dinner in a typical Hungarian restaurant and taste Hungarian specialities. This place has a nice atmosphere with wooden furniture, Matyó embroidery and pottery. Take a seat and let’s look at the menu, shall we? What shall we have for starter? What do you recommend? Would you like to have goose liver, fish soup or pancake with meat filling Hortobagy style? I’m afraid I don’t eat meat. I’d prefer the soup. What shall we have for the main course? I think I’ll have beef stew or pork in breadcrumbs but I can recommend you noodles with cottage cheese and sour cream which is excellent here. Fine. How about the dessert? Shall I try some of your specialities? Well, we can choose from cherry strudel, pancake a’la Gundel or chestnut paste with whipped cream. They all sound very delicious. I believe I’ll have the chestnut dessert. You should taste some of our famous wines, for example dry wine with the fish and sweet Tokaj wine or rose with the dessert. Yes, I’m looking forward to it. Let’s call the waiter. 99 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Beszélje meg barátjával, hova menjenek nyaralni és milyen szállást válasszanak. Hi. The school year is over. Why don’t we book a holiday? That’s a good idea. Where shall we travel? I would personally go to the seaside in Italy. I have a Neckerman brochure about Italian holidays. OK. Let’s have a look. Where shall we stay? How much does accommodation cost per person per night? The 4-star hotel costs 50 Euros and the campsite costs 12 Euros. The hotel is much more expensive. Can we afford to pay that much? I’m not sure. How about the services they offer? The hotel has a swimming pool, a restaurant, a car park and the campsite offers washing facilities and a place to put up your tent. How far are they from the beach? The hotel is 500 m from the sea but the campsite is right on the beach. Which one should we choose? I think the cheaper will do. We shouldn’t waste our money on accommodation. We won’t spend too much time in our place anyway when we are on holiday. I’m convinced. Let’s go to the travel agency and book our holiday. Iratkozzon be Londonban egy nyelviskolába, kérdezze meg, mikor vannak az órák, hányan vannak a csoportban és mennyibe kerül a kurzus. Good morning. How can I help you? Good morning. I would like to ask you some information about the courses available at your school. Could you tell me how long the courses are? Certainly. We offer participants two courses: an ordinary and an intensive course. The general course is 15 weeks with 60 hours and the intensive one is 3 weeks with 75 hours. Well, could you please tell me when the classes are? Of course. The classes of the general course are held in the afternoon, twice a week and the intensive course is held in the morning hours on weekdays. Also, do you happen to know how many students are there in a group? The group size in both cases is limited to 8 to 10 students. I wonder if you could tell me the price of each course? 100 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv The price of the intensive course is 375 pounds including unlimited Internet access and the general course costs 360 pounds including course books and library fee. Which course are you interested? I think I’ll choose the intensive course because it lasts 3 weeks and I’m free in the mornings during my summer holidays. Can I enrol now? Londonban turista, kérdezze meg, hogy lehet eljutni a múzeumba és milyen közlekedési eszközt használhat. Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the museum? I’m a stranger here. Well, let me think. The museum is in King Street. Go straight ahead as far as the crossroads and then turn left at the traffic lights. Right. What is next to the museum? In fact, there is a lovely park in front of the building and it’s opposite the church. So, I should go straight then turn left. I can see a park at the front. I’m wondering how far it is? How much does it take to get there? It’s about 15 minutes on foot. Shall I take public transportation as well? Yeah. There is a bus stop over there at the corner. You can take bus No 17 and you should get off at the 4th stop. You can’t miss it. Thank you very much indeed. You are most helpful. Enjoy your stay in Aberdeen. Goodbye. Vásároljon karácsonyi ajándékot családtagjainak. Hi. Christmas is next week. What gifts shall we buy for our family? It’s hard to decide, isn’t it? Why don’t we go shopping to the plaza tomorrow afternoon? Xmas shopping. It’s a good idea. Let’s choose a lovely bottle of perfume for mom. No, I don’t think so. She would definitely prefer flowers. Yes. You must be right. How about father? He would be glad to get a tie. Actually, he has hundreds of ties and he never wears one. Let’s find something else for him. How about a book on fishing? 101 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv I think we should go to the toy shop to buy presents for the children first. They asked for soft toys, board games, CDs and Barbie dolls. Well, I’m thinking of buying a teddy bear, an Activity and the new Blink 182 CD. And what would you like? Don’t worry. I’d be happy with anything I get. Győzze meg szüleit, hogy vegyenek születésnapjára egy mobil telefont. What would you like to get for your birthday, Johnny? I think I want a mobile. It’s high time I had one because all my friends have it in class. In fact it’s quite expensive, not to talk about the phone bill or the phone cards. Why is it important for you? There are several reasons. For example I‘ll be available all the time. If I have a problem, I can always ask for advice or help. Also, I can easily make changes in my programs. All right, it sounds a good idea. Still you can’t use it at school, can you? It’s against the rules. No, not really. During the breaks it’s OK to phone. I can let you know my test results. Besides, it’s not just a phone but you can send SMS messages and take photos with it, which can be very useful too. OK. .I’m convinced. Go ahead and buy one. Adjon információt Magyarországra utazó angol barátjának az időjárásról, ruháról és programokról amit szervez neki. 342-988 Hi. This is Emma speaking. Can I speak to ......................... please? Speaking. I’m just phoning to ask you a couple of questions about my stay in Hungary this summer. Go ahead. What would you like to know? Can you tell me what the weather is like in July? Does it often rain? Well, summers are usually hot and dry, the temperature is over 30 degrees. The sun shines all the time. Sometimes there are scattered showers even storms with thunder and lightening in the evenings. Also, what clothes am I supposed to bring? Should I take elegant clothing? Actually, you will only need light clothes for example jeans, T-shirts, trainers and of course a jumper or a raincoat just in case. I’m planning to take you to an open air musical so you might bring smart clothes as well. By the way don’t forget about your swimsuit. 102 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Can you give me some information about what sights I should see in your country? Certainly. I will certainly show you the capital city and we will travel to Lake Balaton. In Budapest we’ll visit Castle Hill (with Buda Castle, Matthias Church, Holy Trinity and Fishermen’s Bastion), Heroes Square (and Vajdahunyad Castle, City Park, Zoo, Circus and Amusement Park) and Vaci Street, where we can shop. Then we’re going to spend a long weekend at Lake Balaton in Keszthely where we can visit Festetics Castle, the Balaton Museum and of course we will spend most of our time on the beach swimming and sailing. Do you think you will like it? Definitely. I’m looking forward to seeing you in July. Bye for now. Take care. Az idegenforgalmi hivatalban érdeklődő turistának adjon információt városa nevezetességeivel kapcsolatban. Good morning. How can I help you? Good morning. May I ask you about the cultural and entertainment facilities in Sarvar? Could you tell me whether there are any historical monuments in your city which are worth visiting? Of course. In fact, Sarvar is famous for Nadasdy Castle which houses the Nadasdy Museum, Sylvester Library with an Art Gallery. In the museum there is a permanent exhibition with paintings, furniture, armours and guns whereas in the Art Gallery a temporary exhibition is held. You could also visit the Catholic Church in Kossuth Square. Do you happen to know what the opening hours of the museum are and how much the ticket costs? Well, the Nadasdy Museum is open from 10 to 6 every day excluding Mondays. The entrance ticket is 400 Hungarian forints but there is a reduction of 100 forints for children under 10. I’d also be interested in the entertainment facilities. I wonder if there are any good restaurants nearby where we can spend the evenings? Certainly. Sarvar is rich in entertainment facilities, there are a number of good restaurants and pubs, I hope you don’t mind my asking about a good restaurant in the centre of the city? As a matter of fact, my favourite one is Varkapu, which is just opposite the castle, the food is delicious and the prices are reasonable, not too high. Could you please let me know about the shopping facilities? Where could I buy souvenirs for my family and friends? You could either buy souvenirs in the Gift shop of the museum or you can find a Folk Art shop in Batthyany Street opposite the Church. Thank you very much. I’m really grateful. 103 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TOPICS I. THE SCHOOL AND ME When and where were you born? Where do you live? What kind of personality have you got? What do you look like doing? What do you do? Which year are you in? Do you enjoy school? Why? Why not? What are your favourite subjects? Which are the ones that you don’t like? How do you get on with your classmates? What is the teacher-student relationship like in your school? How many periods do you normally have a day? What is your form-teacher like? What does he/she teach you? What do you do in the English lessons? What out-of-class activities are you involved in? What are your main interests? Vocabulary: to be married divorced to attend-ed sg. primary school secondary school local nearby nursery to be accepted at secondary grammar school secondary technical school vocational school at the moment to do well at school grade to prepare-d to give an oral presentation atmosphere arts subjects science subjects strong/weak point to take private lessons study circle házasnak lenni elvált jár valahová általános iskola középiskola helyi közeli óvoda felvesz gimnázium szakközépiskola szakmunkásképző jelenleg jól tanul osztályzat, jegy felkészül felel légkör, hangulat humán tárgyak reál tárgyak erős/gyenge pont magánórákat vesz szakkör 104 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv II. MY FAMILY AND ME How big is your family? Who do you live with? How many sisters or brothers have you got? How many people are there in your family altogether? Who are they? How old are your parents? What are their jobs? What do they look like? How do you get on with them? Do you spend a lot of time with your family? What do you do when you are together? How often do you see your relatives? Which of them do you like best? Why? What family occasions do you celebrate? What is the greatest family festival for you? How do you celebrate Christmas? Vocabulary: an only child younger brother elder brother old age pensioner clerk agent lawyer accountant between jobs plump to be careful of one’s appearance to trust-ed sy to quarrel-led to treat-ed to turn to sy for advice outing cook cousin on family occasions board game to play cards chocolate layer cake Christmas Eve Christmas tree to decorate-d chicken soup in return egyke öcs báty nyugdíjas hivatalnok ügynök jogász könyvelő munkanélküli kövérkés, duci ügyel a külsejére bízni valakiben vitatkozni kezelni tanácsot kér valakitől kirándulás szakács unokatestvér családi alkalmakkor társas játék kártyázni csokoládétorta karácsony előestéje karácsonyfa feldíszít tyúkhúsleves viszonzásul 105 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv III. MY DAILY ROUTINE How do you wake up? When do you usually get up? What do you do in the bathroom? Who prepares your breakfast? What do you usually have for breakfast? How do you go to school? How long does it take to get there? What is your school time-table like? How do you like your school? What is the building like? Where do you have lunch? What do you do after school? How many hours of sleep do you need? Describe your daily routine on a Sunday. What’s the difference? Vocabulary: weekday to set the alarm clock to get out of bed to dry oneself towel to take a shower to have a bath to comb one’s hair to get dressed to be in a hurry buttered toast honey scrambled eggs soft-/hard-boiled eggs chocolate white coffee on foot to cycle-d to get on/off seven-o’clock lesson to be over canteen gymnasium playing field to help sy with sg to make a bed outdoors to feel like doing sg to relax-ed munkanap beállítja az ébresztőórát kikel az ágyból megtörölközni törölköző zuhanyozik megfürdik megfésülködik felöltözködik sietni vajas pirítós méz tojásrántotta lágy-/keménytojás kakaó tejeskávé gyalog kerékpározni felszáll/ leszáll nulladik óra befejeződni menza tornaterem sportpálya segít valakinek valamiben beágyazni szabad levegőn kedve van valamihez kikapcsolódni 106 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv IV. HOUSING Where do you come from? What is your town/village like? Are you happy to live there? Where would you prefer to live: in a town or in the country? Why? Do you live near/ far from the centre? Do you live in a house or in a flat? What kind of house/flat is it? Is there a garden around it? What is there in the garden? How many rooms are there in your flat/house? How is your room furnished? What things are there in your bathroom? Have you got a balcony? What different types of housing do you know? Vocabulary: Transdanubian region industrial lively noisy inhabitant to be located neither…nor shopping and entertainment facilities polluted to be close to sg peaceful to go out housing estate to be a long way house with a garden two-room flat block of flats detached house orchard to grow, grew, grown study desk dining table sink gas cooker settee bath-tub towel rack fireplace Dunántúl ipari élénk, eleven zajos lakos elhelyezkedik, található sem…sem vásárlási és szórakozási lehetőségek szennyezett közel van valamihez békés elmegy szórakozni lakótelep messze van kertesház kétszobás lakás tömbház különálló kétszintes ház gyümölcsöskert termel dolgozószoba íróasztal ebédlőasztal mosogató gáztűzhely kanapé fürdőkád törölközőtartó kandalló 107 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv V. JOBS AND HOBBIES What are your hobbies? What else do you like doing in your spare time? What other hobbies could you name? What are your plans for the future? What would you like to become? Do you think you will need English in your job? What is your dream job? Name some skilled and unskilled jobs! Vocabulary: collecting stamps pet to sew, sewed, sewn to knit-ted coin modelling taking photos to go on trips mounting climbing cross-word puzzle painting writing poetry card games to make friends to go ont o university university of law university of medicine lawyer guide to give up to tell the truth to get on all right with sy to work-ed full time to work part time to work flexible hours profession skilled worker trade turner car mechanic bélyeggyűjtés kedvenc háziállat varrni kötni pénzérme modellezés fényképezés kirándulni járni hegymászás keresztrejtvény festés versírás kártyajátékok barátságot köt főiskola jogi egyetem orvostudományi egyetem jogász idegenvezető felad, abbahagy az igazat megvallva jól kijön valakivel teljes munkaidőben dolgozik részmunkaidőben dolgozik kötetlen munkaidőben dolgozik hivatás szakképzett munkás szakma esztergályos autószerelő 108 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv VI. MEALS AND SERVICES How many times do you eat a day? What are these meals? What are our national dishes? What does a lunch usually consist of in Hungary? What do you usually have for supper? What do you keep in the fridge? Who does the cooking in your family? Can you cook? Do you like cooking? What is your favourite dish? How do you make it? How do you lay the table? Do you often go to restaurant? How often do you go shopping? What do you buy every day? What can you get in a supermarket? What shops are there in the main street of your town? Vocabulary: elevenses supper to consist-ed of sg course pork beef veal duck turkey lentil noodles cottage cheese pancake chicken paprika with sour cream stuffed cabbage cold cuts to be on a slimming diet vegetable sauce to mix-ed to order the dishes tip dairy product trolley toiletries jewellery electrical appliances urgent tízórai könnyű vacsora áll valamiből fogás sertéshús marhahús borjúhús kacsa pulyka lencse kifőtt tészta túró palacsinta csirkepaprikás töltött káposzta hideg felvágottak fogyókúrázik főzelék összekever megrendeli az ételeket borravaló tejtermék bevásárlókocsi pipereszerek ékszerek műszaki berendezések sürgős 109 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv VII. HOUSEWORK The Browns are a very busy family. Mr Brown is a bank manager, his wife, Mrs Brown works as a doctor in a private health care centre. They hardly have time to do the housework, so they pay a cleaning lady to help them with the housework. Mr Brown is not a 'Jack of all trades'; he can't even change a bulb. When something goes wrong in their house they need to call a repairman who can fix it. If you don't have a cleaner, you have to do the housework at home. Learn some useful expressions: 1. doing the washing 2. hovering the carpets 3. doing the washing up/doing the dishes 4. doing the cleaning 5. doing the ironing 6. doing the gardening 7. mopping the floor 8. watering the plants detergent and sponge dishwasher Hoover (BR)/ vacuum cleaner ironing board tisztítószer és szivacs mosogatógép porszívó vasalódeszka iron washing machine washing powder mop and bucket vasaló mosógép mosószer felmosófa és vödör Vocabulary with flats and houses: It’s on the floor – c....................... You put books on them – sh.................... It tells you the time – c.......................... You find them in the garden – p....................... You find it in the bathroom – sh......................... You use it for making dinner – c.......................... You put things in it – c..................................... It’s cold and it’s in the kitchen – f.......................... You turn it on when it’s dark – l.............................. It’s in the living room – a..................................... You put them on the walls – p................................... Three people can sit on it – s...................................... 110 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Vocabulary: brush bucket bulb busy cleaner cleaning lady dishwasher electrical appliance fabric softener Hoover (BR)/vacuum cleaner housekeeper housework iron ironing board Jack of all trades (Master of Nothing) lawnmower liquid mop repairman sponge sweep to change to do the cleaning to do the gardening to do the hovering to do the ironing to do the washing to do the washing up/to do the dishes to go wrong to help somebody to make the bed to mop the floor to prepare to water the plants washing machine washing powder kefe vödör villanykörte elfoglalt takarító takarítónő mosogatógép elektromos berendezés öblítőszer porszívó bejárónő, házvezetőnő házimunka vasaló, vas vasalódeszka ezermester (nem jó értelemben), Mekk Mester fűnyíró folyadék felmosófa szerelő szivacs seprű kicserélni takarítani kertészkedni porszívózni vasalni mosni mosogatni elromlik segíteni valakinek beágyazni felmosni a padlót készíteni megöntözni a növényeket mosógép mosószer 111 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv USEFUL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS in his/her twenties húszas éveiben in his/her mid-thirties harmincas évei közepén in his/her early forties negyvenes évei elején in his/her late Fifties ötvenes évei végén in his/her sixties hatvanas éveiben in his/her seventies hetvenes éveiben in his/her eighties nyolcvanas éveiben in his/her nineties kilencvenes éveiben retirement nyugdíjba vonulás childhood gyerekkor adolescence kamaszkor to grow up felnőni to be brought up (by somebody) felnevelve lenni (vki által) to go out randizni, járni argument veszekedés to slip up szakítani to fall in love egymásba szeretni to get married összeházasodni to get pregnant teherbe esni to last long sokáig tart to get divorced elválni to remmarry újraházasodni PRACTICE: Match the beginning and end of the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Claudia was born She grew up Her first boyfriend She went out with him She went to university She fell in love They got married She had a baby Her father retired a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. was a boy at her secondary school. in her early thirties. in a block of houses. when she was in her late twenties. in a small local hospital in 1973. for six months. just after the baby was born. with another student doing economy. when she left school. 112 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv WRITING Hogyan írjunk baráti levelet? Hogyan írjunk levelet angolul? Ez egy fontos kérdés. Nemcsak azért, mert a hétköznapi életben nagyon sokszor szükségünk lehet rá, hanem azért is, mert szinte mindegyik nyelvvizsga típus tartalmaz egy levélírás feladatot. Az első részben a nem hivatalos levéllel foglalkozunk. Mielőtt megnéznénk egy konkrét példát, nézzük meg, hogy milyen szabályokat kell ismerni, és milyen hasznos kifejezéseket tudsz felhasználni levélíráskor! A címedet kell a jobb felső sarokba írni, házszám, utca neve, helység, ország, irányítószám, nevet nem kell írni A dátumot a címed alá írd, ilyen formában: milyen nap, hónap, év Levél bevezetése (miért írsz, hogy van, stb.) Külön bekezdésekben a témák, amelyeket érinteni akarsz Levél befejezése, elköszönés Nézzük először a legfontosabb formai szabályokat: a megszólítás után (Dear Pedro) nem felkiáltójel, hanem vessző jön a hivatalos levéllel ellentétben itt szokásos összevont alakokat használni (it's, we're, didn't, stb.) ha nagyon jól ismered a személyt, akinek írsz, akkor befejezheted a leveledet a következő kifejezésekkel: 'Love' , 'Lots of love' , ' Take care', ' Hugs' ha nem akarsz ennyire személyeskedő lenni, akkor ennyit írj a levél aljára elköszönésképpen: 'Best wishes' vagy 'Warm regards' , 'Cheers' a következő kifejezések, mondatok használatosak a baráti levél egyes bekezdései előtt, ill. magában a levélben: Hope it’ll help you. You’ve been most helpful. I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it on Friday. Well, I must be off now. By the way, I’ve got to tell you … Why don’t you come and see us? Write back soon. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Keep in touch. How’re you? Hope everything is going well. How about getting together? Pop in for a chat sometime. 113 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Anyway, we’re staying on a campsite. You asked me about … Luckily, we didn’t come here especially for this. How’re things with you? I must say good bye to you now. Here’s some info on Tom for you. I was delighted/amazed to hear ... It/A short break sounds like a great idea. Well done! Can you believe it? You know … Actually, Just imagine how scared I am. Well, Here’s some news for you. I think I’ll deserve a long break after all those difficult exams. You must tell me all your news. I’d be glad if you could make it. This is just a quick note to say … Do write me soon. You can really get the feel for … I’m so pleased that you’re coming. You can hop over. We’ll have a great time. Happy to give you the number. There’s no way to tell you. If you’re interested … It’s out of the question. Give me a ring to find out … You’d better be prepared. Isn’t it beautiful? Sorry it has taken so long to reply. I wish you were here and could see it with your own eyes. I’ve been really busy revising for the exam. Thank you so much for .. Please let me know what you like doing in your spare time. Hogyan kezdjük el... Thanks a lot for your lovely letter. – Nagyon köszönöm a kedves leveledet. It was great to hear from you again. - Csodás, hogy újra hallok felőled. I'm sorry I haven't written before, but I've been very busy recently. - Elnézést, hogy nem írtam korábban, de nagyon elfoglalt voltam mostanában. This is just a short message to let you know that… – Azért írok, hogy tudassam veled, hogy… Köszönetet kifejező levél I'm just writing to thank you for ... - Csak azért írok, hogy megköszönjem a ... Thanks very much for ... - Nagyon köszönöm, hogy ... It was very kind of you to ... - Nagyon kedves volt tőled, hogy .. 114 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Tanácsadás In your letter you said you weren't sure what to do about... - A leveledben említetted, hogy nem vagy biztos abban, hogy mit tegyél ... Well, if I were you I would ... - Nos, a helyedben én ... You had better… - Jobban tennéd ... Jó hír közlése I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that ... - Biztos vagyok benne, hogy örömmel hallod, hogy ... By the way, did you know that ...? - Egyébként tudtad, hogy ...? You'll never guess what happened yesterday! - Soha nem fogod kitalálni mi történt tegnap! Rossz hír közlése I'm sorry to tell you that ... - Sajnálom, hogy ezt kell mondanom, de ... Bad news. I'm afraid. - Rossz hírem van. Sajnálom. Segítség kérése I hope it's not too much to ask, but ... - Remélem, nem kérek túl sokat,de ... Can you do me a favour...? - Kérhetnék-e tőled egy szívességet? Bocsánatkérés I'm writing to say sorry for you. - Azért írok, hogy bocsánatot kérjek tőled. I’m terribly sorry for ... – Szörnyen sajnálom amiért ... Levél befejezése Well, that's all for now. - Nos, hát ennyi mára. I'll tell you more when I see you next week. - Majd mesélek többet, amikor jövő héten találkozunk. Thanx again. - Még egyszer köszönöm. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again. - Alig várom, hogy újra találkozzunk. See you soon. - Hamarosan találkozunk. Üdvözlet átadása, elköszönés Give my regards to Mary. - Add át üdvözletem Mary-nek! Take care. Best regards. - Vigyázz magadra. Üdvözlettel. Bye for now. – Most búcsuzom. 115 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Sample Letters 1.Invitation 43 King’s Road Cardiff, CG246Y UK 1 November 2010 Dear Emma, Thanks a lot for your recent letter. It was good to hear from you. I’m sorry it’s taken such a long time to reply to your last letter, I’ve been busy with my exams. Anyway, the reason I’m writing now is to let you know that Jane and I have decided to hold a housewarming party on Saturday 23rd June. It would be great if you could come. By the way, we’re planning a big party with 30 guests. You’ll know all of them, because they’re old schoolmates. There’ll be a lot to eat and drink, of course. We thought that a variety of Mexican dishes would be perfect since all of us love spicy food. Jane has already started planning the menu and making the decorations and so on. I guess, you’ll probably coming by train, wont’you? Just give us a ring from the station when you arrive and I’ll pick you up. I expect the party will go on quite late so you need to stay overnight. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of room for both of you, we can put you up. Well, hope you can make it. Do try and come, it seems ages since I last saw you. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can join us. Bye for now. Take care, Brian 2.Accepting an invitation 43 King’s Road Cardiff, CG246Y UK 1 November 2010 Dear Emma, I’m writing to thank you very much for the invitation to your party for the first weekend of June. I was so pleased to hear that you are celebrating your newly-built house. We wouldn’t miss it for anything. It sounds as though it will be fun. Of course, we’d love to come. What a great way to celebrate with good friends and delicious food. Are you sure we won’t bother if we stay overnight? By the way, if you need us to bring anything just let me know. We’re really looking forward to seeing you again. Until then take care of yourself. Cheers, Mike 3.Refusing an invitation 43 King’s Road Cardiff, CG246Y UK 1 November 2010 116 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Dear Joe, I’m writing to thank you very much for the invitation to your party for the first weekend of June. It sounds as though it will be fun. I was so pleased to hear that you are celebrating your newly-built house. We’d love to come but unfortunately, Monica and I won’t be able to make it. I’m afraid we’ll have to miss it as we’ll be away on holiday in Mallorca. We’ve already arranged to spend two weeks there. I do hope you’ll understand. Once again, I’m really sorry for that. It was very kind of you to invite us though. Hope we can get together some time soon. Anyway, I’ll call you to see how it went. All the best, Anna Hogyan írjunk hivatalos levelet? Az első részben megnéztük, hogyan kell baráti hangvételű levelet írni. Most térjük át a hivatalos levélre, és nézzük meg, ebben az esetben milyen szabályokra kell figyelnünk! Mielőtt megnéznénk egy konkrét levélmintát, vizsgáljuk meg a legfontosabb formai szabályokat, és kifejezéseket! A Te címedet kell a jobb felső sarokba írni A bal felső sarokba irjuk annak a személynek a nevét /titulusát/, ill. a cégnek a nevét, akihez a levél szól Dátum: nap, hónap, év a címed alatt lesz Bevezetés: In reference to your letter of 3 May 2010 I would like to… - Hivatkozva a 2010. májusi levelére szeretnék… A levél különálló bekezdésekben taglalja a témákat, amiket érinteni akarunk. Minden bekezdést kezdjünk beljebb, hogy jól elkülönüljenek Befejezés: I look forward to hearing from you. – Nagyon várom válszukat. A Te aláírásod teljes név legyen Nézzük először a legfontosabb formai szabályokat: a megszólítás után vessző legyen a nem hivatalos levéllel ellentétben, itt NEM LEHET összevont alakokat használni, ki kell írni a teljes alakot (DO NOT, IT IS), stb. ha nem ismered a személyt, akinek írsz, akkor a megszólítás: 'Dear Sir or Madam' és a levelet a következőképpen fejezd be: 'Yours faithfully' (Amerikai angolban: 'Truly yours') Ha tudod a nevét a személynek, akihez írsz, akkor így szólítsd meg: 'Dear Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs Williams' és így fejezd be: 'Yours sincerely' (Amerikai angolban: 'Respectfully vagy 'Truly yours') A következő kifejezések és mondatok használatosak a bekezdések elején, ill. magában a levélben. 117 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv To some extent, As regards … In other words, As far as I am concerned That is to say, As for … Coming back to the point, As for me, Nevertheless, Firstly, secondly, thirdly, … As a result, Finally, On the contrary, After all, First and foremost, There is no doubt … First of all, As a matter of fact, Furthermore, In fact, Last but not least, To tell the truth, In conclusion, Honestly, However, For one thing for another thing It can be argued … Moreover, It is undoubtedly true In addition to, It is also obvious … Similarly, Some people say/argue … On the one hand, on the other hand, Could you give me some information … For instance, Could you please let me know … Broadly speaking, I would be interested to know … Basically, I wonder if you could inform me … Apparently, Do you happen to know … In sum, I hope you don’t mind my asking … In short, 118 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Az eleje és a vége Dear Sir/Madam - Tisztelt Uram/Hölgyem Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss Jones - Tisztelt Jones úr/stb ... Yours faithfully - Tisztelettel/Üdvözlettel Yours sincerely - Tisztelettel/Üdvözlettel Válasz egy hirdetésre With reference to your advert in the current issue of ... - A ... aktuális számában megjelent hirdetésére hivatkozva ... I have read your advertisement in the July issue of ... - Olvastam hirdetését a ... júliusi számában In your advertisement you state that .... - A hirdetésében Ön azt állitja, hogy ... Could you confirm that ... - Meg tudná erősíteni, hogy ... Hivatkozás egy levélre Thank you for your letter of December 3rd giving me information about ... - Köszönöm a december 3-i levelét, amelyben tájékoztat a ...ról Részletek megerősítése I am writing to confirm my telephone order of this morning. I would like to order ... Azért írok, hogy megerősítsem a reggeli telefonos rendelésem . Szeretnék rendelni ... I would like to confirm my booking of (one double room) for (three) nights, arriving on (Thursday 15th July), and leaving on (Sunday 18th). - Szeretném megerősíteni a szobafoglalásom, amely egy (két) ágyas szobára, (három) éjszakára vonatkozik, július 15-i érkezéssel és 18-i (vasárnap indulással. Ha kérünk valamit I would be grateful if you would send me a ... - Hálás lennék, ha küldene nekem egy ... Could you possibly send me ... - Esetleg tudna nekem küldeni egy ... Ha panaszt teszünk I am writing to complain about ... - Azért írok, hogy panasz tegyek a ...-tal kapcsolatban. Last week I bought a ... . It is not working and I would like to return it for a full refund. - Múlt héten vásároltam egy ...-t. Nem működik és szeretném, ha a teljes árát visszatérítenék. Hogyan fejezzük be a levelet I hope you will give this matter immediate attention. - Remélem, hogy azonnal figyelmet tud szentelni ennek az ügynek. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. - Várom válaszát amilyen hamar csak lehetséges. 119 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Sample Letters 1. Booking a hotel room 2 Alkotmany Street Sarvar 9600 Hungary Hotel Plaza 8 Sunshine Beach Alicante Spain 16 November 2009 Dear Sir/Madam, In reply to your advertisement in the English Magazine Cosmopolitan I would like to enquire about your hotel. My family is planning to travel to Costa Brava this summer and we are looking for a pleasant holiday resort with a sandy beach. In fact, we need two double rooms with a bathroom preferably overlooking the sea. We will arrive on 3 July and leave on 13 July. Could you please let me know if you have rooms available for this period of 10 nights? In addition, I wonder if your services include a swimming pool and a jacuzzi. I would also be interested to know if you offer any sports facitlities like squash or tennis courts. Could you also recommend good restaurants and cafes in Alicante? We intend to taste all Italian specialities. Finally, may I ask you about the price rate per night per person? Is breakfast included in the price? I wonder if we have to transfer a deposit in advance? Please send us the necessary information and confirm our reservation. I look forward to hearnig from you. Yours faithfully, Jim Daily 2. Letter of Application 43 Batthyany Street Sarvar 9600 Hungary Grand Hotel Las Vegas California C34 DS 8 USA 26 November 2009 Dear Sir/Madam, In reply to your advertisement on TV last night, I am writing to apply for the 2007 Competetion in the Dancers Section. In fact, I have been learning ballroom dancing for 8 years. I started it in the Ballet Institute in 2001. I am competent in waltz, tango and cha- cha but I especially like rumba. I am sure I can contribute to the success of the television programme with my spectacular show. Finally, could you please inform me how long my solo should take. I also wonder if I get any professional help during the show. Please confirm my application. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Mary Greenfield 120 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv LISTENING Track # 1. Dream Job Listen to the text and choose the correct answer A, B or C. 1.Why does he want to be a firefighter? A. Because he is brave. B. Because he wants to save lives. C. He likes the red fire engine. 2.Who was also a firefighter in the family? A. His father. B. An aunt in America. C. His uncle. 3.Where did his relative take him? A. To the cinema. B. To the fire station. C. To the plaza. 4.How often does he go to the gym? A. Three times a week. B. Never. C. Every day. 5.Why does he go to the gym? A. He meets a friend there. B. He wants to keep fit. C. He works out for a body building competition. Track # 2. Charles’s Unlucky Day What does the time indicate? 6:30 7:30 7:15 8:00 9:30 121 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Track # 3. Lost by Coldplay1 Complete the lyrics. Just because I'm losing Doesn't mean I'm lost Doesn't mean I'll 1. .......................... Doesn't mean I would cross Just because I'm hurting Doesn't mean I'm hurt Doesn't mean I didn't get What I deserved No 2. ...................... and no worse I just got lost Every river that I tried to 3. ........................... Every door I ever tried was locked Ohhh and I'm... Just waiting 'til the shine wears off You might be a big fish In a little 4. ......................... Doesn't mean you've won Cause along may come A 5. ......................... one And you'll be lost Every river that you tried to cross Every 6. ......................... you ever held went off Ohhh and I'm... Just waiting until the firing stopped Ohhh and I'm... Just waiting 'til the shine 7. ...................... off Ohhh and I... Just waiting 'til the shine wears off Ohhh and I.. Just waiting 'til the shine wears off 1 Bibliography Coldplay Viva La Vida CD Dezsényi István: Angol alapfokú nyelvvizsga Akadémia Kiadó www.lyricsdownload.com www.oh.gov.hu Érettségi feladatok 2006. október www.oh.gov.hu Érettségi feladatok 2006. február 122 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Track # 4. Stan by Eminem feat. Dido Answer the questions in Hungarian. 1.Milyen az időjárás? 2.Mitől lesz jókedvű? 3.Kinek ír levelet? 4.Mit lehet tudni a barátnőjéről? 5.Kinek kér autogrammot? 6.Találkoztak-e személyesen? 7.Kapott-e választ a levelire? 8.Miért történt a baleset? Track # 5. Einstein’s Life Complete the sentences with the missing information. 1. If you were asked who the greatest ................................of the 20th century was, without a moment’s hesitation you would answer Albert Einstein. 2. He was the genius who developed the Theory of ................................ . 3. It is also a well-known fact that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in ................................ . 4. He took the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton ................................ . 5. He became a United States ................................ in 1940. Track # 6. Hard Swim Answer the questions in English? 1.How old is the boy who has swam from Alcatraz to San Fransisco? 2.How long did the swim last? 3.Can you describe the weather conditions? 4.Why was it especially dangerous? 5.Who was waiting for him? 6.What charity does he support? Track # 7. Old Friendship Match up Column A with Column B. A B 1. They grew up a. was Alice in Wonderland. 2. The title of the play b. was the White Rabbit. 3. The leading role c. lasts for 50 years. 4. The supporting role d. in Queens. 123 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. Their friensdship e. at the age of 13. 6. They started singing f. at the age of 14. 7. They started arguing g. was the Cheshire Cat. Track # 8. Pencil Collection Listen to the text and choose the correct answer A, B or C. 1.Where does John come from? A. the USA B. Holland C. Hungary 2.How many pencils does he have? A. 10,000 B. 6,5000 C. 3,428 3.The smallest pencil is A. three inches long. B. 2 cm long. C. two quarters long. 4.The biggest pencil is A. 3 foot long B. 1.5 m long. C. 3 foot 2 inches long. 5. What’s there on it? A. His wife’s name is on it. B. His daughter’s name is on it. C. His name is on it. 124 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Track # 9. The Komodo Dragon Complete the text about the Komodo Dragon with the given words. snake dinosaurs spider meat-eater measured sandy cannibals lizard buffalo blood vegetarian Welcome to the Nature Reserve of the Island of Komodo. How do you like the 1. .................... beaches? My name’s Peter Lawrence and I’m here to help you find out everything about our island’s most famous animal the Komodo dragon. Komodo dragons are the largest 2. .................... still living on Earth, but they are not the largest reptiles. Alligators and crocodiles grow larger and they are most closely related to 3. .................... than a Komodo dragon. Our dragons grow up to a little over 3 metres and weigh up to 120 kilograms. The heaviest one ever 4. .................... weighed 135 kilos. They live up to 40 years and if you are lucky you might meet Hilda the oldest dragon who is 43 years old. The Komodo dragon is 5. .................... a and has a huge appetite. They regurarly kill animals as large as pigs and can bring down a water 6. .................... . Tim, one of our park rangers once saw a dragon eat 41-kilogram pig in less than 20 minutes. They are excellent swimmers and can run as fast as a dog. Komodo dragons are 7. .................... so the young ones must spend their early years living in trees to be safe from the older ones. Like other reptiles Komodo dragons catch the smell of their 8. .................... with their long tongues and can find the dead body of an animal up to 8 kilometeres away. Now let me give you some advice for tomorrow. If you want to see the big Komodo dragons you should get to the park early before 6:00 when the first tour starts. Even this early in the morning the 9. .................... is hot. You should dress lightly and bring a lot of water. Before the tour starts you can visit the museum at the park 10. .................... where you can see an exhibition of poisonous snakes found on the island. Track # 10. The Best Products in the World Complete the chart with the missing data. Nationality Product Scottish salami Corona beer American Amstel beer 125 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv READING 1. Mount Vesuvius Mount Vesuvius, a volcano located between the ancient Italian cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, has received much attention because of its frequent and destructive eruptions. The most famous of these eruptions occurred in A. D. 79. The volcano had been inactive for centuries. There was little warning of the coming eruption, although one account unearthed by archaeologists says that a hard rain and a strong wind had disturbed the celestial calm during the preceding night. Early the next morning, the volcano poured a huge river of molten rock down upon Herculaneum, completely burying the city and filling in the harbor with coagulated lava. Meanwhile, on the other side of the mountain, cinders, stone and ash rained down on Pompeii. Sparks from the burning ash ignited the combustible rooftops quickly. Large portions of the city were destroyed in the conflagration. Fire, however, was not the only cause of destruction. Poisonous sulphuric gases saturated the air. These heavy gases were not buoyant in the atmosphere and therefore sank toward the earth and suffocated people. Over the years, excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum have revealed a great deal about the behavior of the volcano. By analyzing data, much as a zoologist dissects a specimen animal, scientist have concluded that the eruption changed large portions of the area's geography. For instance, it turned the Sarno River from its course and raised the level of the beach along the Bay of Naples. Meteorologists studying these events have also concluded that Vesuvius caused a huge tidal wave that affected the world's climate. In addition to making these investigations, archaeologists have been able to study the skeletons of victims by using distilled water to wash away the volcanic ash. By strengthening the brittle bones with acrylic paint, scientists have been able to examine the skeletons and draw conclusions about the diet and habits of the residents. Finally, the excavations at both Pompeii and Herculaneum have yielded many examples of classical art, such as jewelry made of bronze, which is an alloy of copper and tin. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its tragic consequences have provided us with a wealth of data about the effects that volcanoes can have on the surrounding area. Today volcanologists can locate and predict eruptions, saving lives and preventing the destruction of cities and cultures. Herculaneum and its harbor were buried under ___lava. A. liquid B. solid C. flowing D. gas E. answer not available The poisonous gases were not ___ in the air. A. able to float B. visible C. able to evaporate D. invisible E. able to condense 126 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Scientists analyzed data about Vesuvius in the same way that a zoologist ___ a specimen. A. describes in detail B. studies by cutting apart C. photographs D. chart E. answer not available ____have concluded that the volcanic eruption caused a tidal wave. A. Scientist who study oceans B. Scientist who study atmospheric conditions C. Scientist who study ash D. Scientist who study animal behavior E. Answer not available in article Scientist have used ___water to wash away volcanic ash from the skeletons of victims. A. bottled B. volcanic C. purified D. sea E. fountain 2. Santa's Reindeer We all know that Santa's sleigh is pulled through the sky by a team of reindeer. But where did this essential part of our Christmas/Xmas tradition originate? Like much of the modern Christmas, the origin of Santa's reindeer is relatively new. They were first devised by Clement Clarke Moore in his famous 1822 poem "A Visit From Saint Nicholas". This is better known today as "The Night Before Christmas". Here he describes Saint Nicholas being pulled by a team of eight reindeer. What Are The Names Of Santa's Reindeer? Knowing what Santa's reindeer are called is a great skill for quiz nights! According to Moore's original poem the eight reindeer were named: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder / Donner, Blixem / Blitzen It has been suggested that in the original version Donner and Blitzen (thunder and lightning) were actually called by the Dutch equivalents of Dunder (sometimes Donder) and Blixem. Rudolph One name is conspicuous from the list above by its absence: the most famous reindeer of all, Rudolph. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is the best known of all Santa's reindeer yet he wasn't part of the original team of eight. Rudolph was created in 1939 by Robert L. May. May worked for the Montgomery Ward chain of department stores which used to give away free colouring books and other gifts to children over Christmas. They wanted a story specially written for them and May - who already liked to write children's stories - was assigned the task May invented Rudolph, a shy reindeer with an unusually shiny red nose who was a bit of an ugly duckling but whose shiny nose ultimately saved the day. The story was a great success and Rudolph became an instant hit. May's original poem was turned into the famous song by his brother-in-law Johnny Marks. 127 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 3. Christmas on the British Isles Many of our current American ideals about the way Christmas ought to be derive from the English Victorian Christmas, such as that described in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. The caroling, the gifts, the feast, and the wishing of good cheer to all - these ingredients came together to create that special Christmas atmosphere. The custom of gift-giving on Christmas dates only to Victorian times. Before then it was more common to exchange gifts on New Year's Day or Twelfth Night. Santa Claus is known by British children as Father Christmas. Father Christmas, these days, is quite similar to the American Santa, but his direct ancestor is a certain pagan spirit who regularly appeared in medieval mummer's plays. The old-fashioned Father Christmas was depicted wearing long robes with sprigs of holly in his long white hair. Children write letters to Father Christmas detailing their requests, but instead of dropping them in the mailbox, the letters are tossed into the fireplace. The draft carries the letters up the chimney, and theoretically, Father Christmas reads the smoke. Gifts are opened Christmas afternoon. From the English we get a story to explain the custom of hanging stockings from the mantelpiece. Father Christmas once dropped some gold coins while coming down the chimney. The coins would have fallen through the ash grate and been lost if they hadn't landed in a stocking that had been hung out to dry. Since that time children have continued to hang out stockings in hopes of finding them filled with gifts. The custom of singing carols at Christmas is also of English origin. During the middle ages, groups of serenades called "waits" would travel around from house to house singing ancient carols and spreading the holiday spirit. The word "carol" means "song of joy." Most of the popular old carols we sing today were written in the nineteenth century. The hanging of greens, such as holly and ivy, is a British winter tradition with origins far before the Christian era. Greenery was probably used to lift sagging winter spirits and remind the people that spring was not far away. The custom of kissing under the mistletoe is descended from ancient Druid rites. The decorating of Christmas trees, though primarily a German custom, has been widely popular in England since 1841 when Prince Albert had a Christmas tree set up in Windsor Castle for his wife Queen Victoria, and their children. The word "wassail" is derived from the Anglo-Saxon phrase waes hael, which means "good health." Originally, wassail was a beverage made of mulled ale, curdled cream, roasted apples, nuts, eggs, and spices. It was served for the purpose of enhancing the general merriment of the season. Like many of the ancient customs, "wassailing" has a legend to explain its origin. It seems that a beautiful Saxon maiden named Rowena presented Prince Vortigen with a bowl of wine while toasting him with the words "Waes hael." Over the centuries a great deal of ceremony had developed around the custom of drinking wassail. The bowl is carried into a room with great fanfare, a traditional carol about the drink is sung, and finally, the steaming hot beverage is served. For many years in England, a roasted boar's head has been associated with Holiday feasting. The custom probably goes back to the Norse practice of sacrificing a boar at Yuletide in honor of the god Freyr. One story tells of a student at Oxford's Queen College who was attacked on Christmas Day by a wild boar. All he had in his hand to use as a weapon was his copy of Aristotle, so he shoved the book down the boar's throat. Wanting to retrieve his book, the student cut off the animal's head and brought it back to the college where it was served for Christmas dinner with much pomp and ceremony. The celebration of Boxing Day, which takes place on December 26 - the feast of St. Stephen, is a part of the holiday season unique to Great Britain. Traditionally, it is on this day that the alms box at every English church is opened and the contents are distributed to the poor. Also, this is the day that servants traditionally got the day off to celebrate with their families. It became traditional for working people to break open their tip boxes on this day. Boxing Day began in the mid-nineteenth century when the custom of tipping by rich persons to persons in service positions had apparently gotten out of hand. Children and others pretended to be in the trades 128 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv and solicited tips. The custom was expanded to giving to anyone and everyone who had less money than you did, and soon the streets at Christmastime were full of aggressive soliciting of tips. To contain the nuisance "Boxing Day" was designated as the one day for giving to the less fortunate. 4. Valentine’s Day Before you read look at the statements about Valentine’s Day below. Work in small groups and try to decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F). 1. We know who the original St. Valentine was. T F 2. Valentine’s Day is popular in France. T F 3. When you send a Valentine’s Day card you do not sign your name. T F 4. In Japan on Valentine’s Day women give flowers to men. T F 5. Valentine’s Day is the result of very clever marketing. T F 6. Valentine’s Day used to be less commercial. T F Love is in the air... Cards, email, phone calls... How many cards are sent on (or before) Valentine’s Day? No-one knows exactly, of course, but it is estimated that it is approximately 1 billion, making Valentine’s Day the second most popular card-giving day (after Christmas, of course). Most are sent in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Australia and France, but Valentine’s Day is becoming more popular in other countries as well. How did it all start? The truth is, no-one really knows. There are many legends about Saint Valentine and at least three candidates who could claim to be him. The most popular legend is that Valentine was a priest in Rome in the third century who performed marriages even though the Roman Emperor, Claudius, had banned them because he thought married men would not want to be soldiers; the Emperor had him killed for his disobedience. Valentine’s Day traditions Sending valentine cards - anonymously, of course, and signed simply lFrom Your Valentine’ - is the most popular tradition. Flowers, chocolates and presents of all kinds are also given on Valentine’s Day. Apart from giving presents, there are many other traditions connected with love, romance and the future. For example, how can you find out how many children you will have? One way is to cut an apple in half; the number of pips you can see is the number of children you will have. Perhaps you would like to know the name of the person you will marry? Think of five or six possible names and recite them as you twist and apple around on its stem. The name you say when the apple comes off its stem is the name of the person you will marry! Around the world In Sweden Valentine’s Day is called Alla hjärtans dag (All Heats’ Day) and is celebrated in the same way. In Finland it is called Ystävänpäivä (Friends’ Day) and is less of a romantic day and more about remembering your friends. In Japan, Valentine’s Day is celebrated by women giving chocolates to men; there is another day (White Day, March 14th) for men to give presents to women. Romance and love, or just great marketing? 129 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Valentine’s Day is very popular and is becoming more and more popular. But how far is this a real tradition? The answer, unfortunately, is not very romantic at all: Valentine’s Day was popularised by card producers, the diamond industry and flower farmers. In many countries, such as those in the preceding section, there is no local Valentine’s Day tradition - in Sweden and Japan, for example, the first Valentine’s Days date from the 1960s. In short, Valentine’s Day has always been more about making money than love - and there is no denying how successful it has been and, doubtless, it will continue to be in the future. Below are some ideas for romantic gifts. Which do you think are most romantic? Which are least romantic? o Sending your Valentine a huge bouquet of flowers (perhaps roses). o Taking your Valentine shopping and letting them choose whatever they like. o Buying your Valentine some chocolates. o Leaving one red rose for your Valentine to find. o Arranging for a singing telegram to surprise your Valentine. o Buying and sending an anonymous Valentine’s Day card. o Taking your Valentine to an expensive restaurant. o Taking your Valentine to the cinema. First reading Read the text quickly and check to see if you were right. Be careful - the information is not in the same order in the text as in the questions. Second reading Read the text again and find the answers to the questions below. 1. How many candidates are there who might have been the real St. Valentine? 2. Why were marriages unpopular with Emperor Claudius? 3. What are apples used for in Valentine’s Day traditions? 4. Are all Valentine’s Days connected with romance and love? 5. Is Valentine’s Day a real tradition? Why (not)? 6. Will Valentine’s Day lose its popularity in the future? 130 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 5. The name of the days Can you tell what Sunday is named for? Yes, the sun. What about Monday? Yes, the moon. The other days of the week are not as easy. Tuesday is Tyr's day. Tyr was a god of war in northern Europe. Wednesday is Woden's day. Woden was the greatest god of northern Europe. He lived in a palace called Valhalla. Thursday is Thor's day. Thor was the strongest of the gods of northern Europe. He had a hammer which no man could lift. Friday is Frigga's day. Frigga, the wife of Woden, was highest among goddesses. Saturday is Saturn's day. Saturn was a Roman god. The Romans used to feast and make merry in honor of Saturn. A. The god of war in northern Europe was called – 1. Woden. 2. Tyr. 3. Frigga. 4. Saturn. B. Valhalla was the home of – 1. Saturn. 2. Thor. 3. Tyr. 4. Woden. C. The strongest of the gods in northern Europe was called – 1. Thor. 2. Frigga. 3. Saturn. 4. Tyr. D. The highest among the goddesses was called – 1. Tyr. 2. Woden. 3. Thor. 4. Frigga. 131 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 6. New Year Before you read the text,find the answers to the questions below: 1. Do you think oxen (according to the Chinese zodiac) are good characters for difficult times? Why/Why not? 2. A marathon is approximately 40 km long. How many marathons do you have to run each day to complete the Marathon de Sables? 3. What criticisms of the Eurovision Song Contest are offered in the text? 4. The Running of the Bulls festival is both dangerous and controversial. How? 5. What are the attractions of the Star Trek Convention? 6. How long has the Oasis of the Seas been sailing? After you have answered the questions, check them with a partner. JANUARY The Chinese will be celebrating the start of the Year of the Ox on the 26th of January. Oxen endure hardship without complaining and achieve success through hard work and patience. FEBRUARY The middle of February marks the start of the traditional carnival in Rio de Janeiro. The Rio Carnival is the biggest and the most famous in the world, with over a million people taking part in different ways and over half a million tourists visiting. MARCH The toughest race in the world will take place in Morocco in March: the Marathon des Sables. The race lasts six days and covers over 240 kilometres of the Sahara desert. Good luck! APRIL In 1609 Galileo Galilei gazed through a telescope for the first time and so 2009, the 400th anniversary of this, will be the International Year of Astronomy. There will be a series of events in April called lThe Hundred Hours of Astronomy’ for you to take part in. MAY In May the Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Russia. As usual, the quality of the music will be very mixed, and the voting is sure to be controversial. JUNE World Naturist Day falls on the 8th of June this year so if you enjoy taking your clothes off there will be plenty of opportunities this summer. JULY The famous lRunning of the Bulls takes place in July, when participants can test their courage and speed by running ahead of sixteen animals in the narrow streets of Pamplona in northern Spain. The Festivals controversial with animal rights groups, who hold protests before it. AUGUST The 2009 Star Trek Convention will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, in August. Thousands of diehard fans of the Star Trek series (lTrekkies’) and films will gather to dress as their favourite character and meet the stars of the show. 132 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv SEPTEMBER The tallest man-made structure in the world will be completed in late September 2009. The Burj Dubai (lDubai Tower’) will cost over $4 billion and will be over 800 metres tall when it is finished, making it the tallest building of any type anywhere in the world. OCTOBER. Asterix has his fiftieth birthday. The famous little Gaul’s stories have been translated into over 100 languages and many films have been made of his exploits, including two recent films starring Gerard Depardieu. NOVEMBER The UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen opens. Delegates will try to agree a new treaty to cut greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming. DECEMBER The Oasis of the Seas takes its maiden voyage. Costing $1.2 billion and carrying 5,400 passengers, it will be the largest cruise ship ever built. 7. Reality Television Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother. Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques. Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic locales. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity. Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate description for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition-based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living-environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-to-day activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and other reality shows, has agreed with this assessment, and avoids the word "reality" to describe his shows; he has said, "I tell good stories. It really is not reality TV. It really is unscripted drama." 133 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv QUESTIONS Q1 - In the first line, the writer says „it is claimed” because they agree with the statement. everyone agrees with the statement. no one agrees with the statement. they want to distance themselves from the statement. Q2 - Reality television has always been this popular. has been popular since well before 2000. has only been popular since 2000. has been popular since approximately 2000. Q3 - Japan is the only place to produce demeaning TV shows. has produced demeaning TV shows copied elsewhere. produced Big Brother. invented surveillance focused productions. Q4 - People have criticised reality television because it is demeaning. it uses exotic locations. the name is inaccurate. it shows reality. Q5 - Reality TV appeals to some because it shows eligible males dating women. it uses exotic locations. it shows average people in exceptional circumstances. it can turn ordinary people into celebrities. Q6 - Pop Idol turns all its participants into celebrities. is more likely to turn its particiapants into celebrities than Big Brother. is less likely to turn its particiapants into celebrities than Big Brother. is a dating show. Q7 - The term 'reality television' is inaccurate for all programs. just for Big Brother and Survivor. for talent and performance programs. for special-living-environment programs. Q8 - Producers choose the participants on the ground of talent. only for special-living-environment shows. to create conflict among other things. to make a fabricated world. 134 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Q9 - Paul Burnett was a participant on Survivor. is a critic of reality TV. thinks the term 'reality television' is inaccurate. writes the script for Survivor. Q10 - Shows like Survivor are definitely reality TV. are scripted. have good narratives. are theatre. A TELEVISION AND MEDIA QUIZ 1. Turn on the TV! There is live ...... of the cricket match between England and Australia. coverage report review 2. "Those were today's headlines. And now it's Angela McCarthy with her weather ...... ". forecast broadcast presentation 3. I can't stand that stupid comedy. Can you switch to another ...... , please? host channel transmission 4. A ...... is some kind of TV drama in parts based on inter-human relationships. documentary soap opera sit-com 5. We're just getting some ...... news, that a tidal wave has destroyed much of the city of Atlanta. sensation arriving breaking 6. I like the new ...... introducing and reviewing progammes on our local TV. actor guide presenter 135 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 7. 'The Weakest Link' is a very popular ...... based on general knowledge, broadcast daily on BBC television. quiz exam test 8. The time of day when most people are watching television is known as ...... . prime time popular time best time 9. Many TV viewers were shocked when late-night presenter John Smith's face started puffing up horribly while ........ . filmed on (the) air acting 10. "Welcome to another live TV debate. Our ...... is as usual Simon Bainbridge, and his guests today are some of Poland's most prominent politicians". announcer host actor 8. National Music and Dances in Scotland The national music of Scotland is the music of bagpipes. Not everybody likes the music of the bagpipes. Scottish music is often dance-music. Sometimes it is played on the violin instead of the bagpipes. The Scots are very fond of dancing and they say they dance better than the English. Glasgow has more dancing schools than any European cities. Scottish dancing is fun, and a lot of people enjoy it. There are difficult ones which are for only one or two people. Another well-known dance is the Highland Fling. This is a dance for only one person. Complete the gaps in the sentences from the text. 1. The national musical instrument of Scotland is the ............................... . 2. The Scots can ............................... better than the English. 3. ............................... has the most dance schools in Europe. 4. Highland Fling is a dance by ............................... person. 136 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 9. Edison’s inventions Thomas Edison's most famous invention is probably the light-bulb; his favourite though was the phonograph. The phonograph, he said, would replace shorthand typists and it would be used to teach languages. He believed that the phonograph and a clock could be used together so that the clock would actually say what the time was. He thought that people would send phonographic records instead of letters and that they would record the voices of their children and the last words of the dying. Edison also believed that people would listen to world- famous musicians on phonograph in their own homes. People have forgotten many strange nineteenth century inventions. They have largely forgotten Edison's phonograph, too, but it vas actually an early kind of record or cassette player. So, also we don't use phonographs any more, Edison was right - in a way - about his strange nineteenth century invention. Answer the questions in Hungarian. 1. Mit talált fel Edison? 2. Mit akart helyettesíteni vele? 3. Hogyan látta találmánya jövőbeni hasznosítását? 4. Minek az elődje volt a találmány? 10. Getting about by Taxi You can find taxi ranks at railway stations and other convenient pick up points, or you can stop a taxi in the street. When taxis are free to pick up a customer, the words "Taxi" or "For Hire" are lit up in yellow on the front of the cab. You can also phone a taxi rank and ask for a taxi to come to your address. Private hire cars may only be booked by telephone and may not pick up passengers in the street. You can find the telephone numbers of taxi ranks and minicab companies in Yellow Pages. When you get into the cab the taxi driver will ask you "Where to?" and you simply give your destination. A taxi fare is metered, that is the cost is shown on a display panel. When paying for your journey it is not absolutely necessary to tip, it depends on how rich you feel. However, the tip is usually 15% of the fare. Match up the first halves of the sentences with the second halves. A B 1. Taxi ranks are usually at a. means the taxi is free. 2. The sign ‘For Hire’ b. in Yellow Pages. 3. The phone numbers of taxi companies are c. railway stations and pick up points. 4. There is a taxi meter that d. 15%. 5. The usual tip is e. measures fare. 137 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL TEST ONE Put in 'this' or 'these'. 1. Is................your exercise-book? 2. ............... policemen are from Italy. 3. Read ................... letter, please. 4. ..................are my desks. Make these sentences negative. 1. We are 14 years old. 2. There's a hospital in their street. 3. She is my aunt. 4. I've got a picture. 5. They're my uncles. Write questions for these answers. 1. My name's Aniko Nagy. 2. I'm 24 years old. 3. I'm from Hungary. 4. I'm a typist. 5. I live at 25 Virag Street. Write the plurals for these words. 1. actress ................. 2. writer 4. box ................. 5. footballer Write in the prepositions. ................ ................ 3. pop star 6. television 1. Is there a church ...... Tudor Road? 2. Does Jenny live ...... 15 Park Street? 3. Go .............. Nelson Road, then take the 2nd street ..... your right. 4. Could you tell me the way ........ the post office, please? 5. What's the time ........ your watch? 6. How many days are there ......... a month. 7. Let's meet ...... the airport. 8. What's the matter ........... you? Answer the questions. 1. Where do you sleep? 2. Where do you cook? 3. Where do you have dinner? 4. Where do you have a shower? 5. Where do you read, watch TV and listen to music? 138 .................... .................... Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Use Simple Present or Present Continuous or 'going to'. 1. My sisters usually ........... the shopping. (do) 2. The children ............................ at the moment. (not play) 3. His father never.................... the clothes. (iron) 4. Who .......................... in the classroom? (dance) 5. Her mother .......................... tomorrow. (arrive) 6. They...... ........................ a test-paper in Maths on Wednesdays. (write) 7. Where's Jim? He ......... absent. (be) Fill in the blanks with one word. 1. I like ................................tea. 2. She can't ........................tennis. 3. Can you ..........................English? 4. Do you ever .......................your bed? 5. Who ................................music? 6. The four ........................... are summer, ..................., .................... and .................... . 7. What .......................... is the Greek flag? Complete the sentences with countries and their adjectives.. 1. Budapest is in ........................, the ............................... flag is red, white and green. 2. Rome and Milan are in ......................., A. C. Milan is an .......................... football team. 3. Paris is the capital of ....................... Alain Delon is a ................. actor. 4. London and Oxford are cities in .............................. Queen Elizabeth II is .................... 5. Boris Becker and Steffi Graf are from ......................... . Volkswagen is a ..................... car. Fill in the blanks with auxiliary verbs. 1. ............... the thief ............... to escape from the police? I don't know, I wasn't there. 2. ........................... I speak to Mr Scott, please? I'm sorry, you ...................... wait a bit. 3. .................. the Hungarian children ..................... to go to school on Sundays? 4. .................. I smoke here? No, you ........................ smoke in this room. 5. There are some black clouds in the sky. It ............... rain in the evening. 6. Somebody has stolen my money. I ................ find it. 7. I ........................... to cook yesterday because my mother was at hospital. 8. We ........................... run. We have a lot of time to catch the bus. 9. ................................. you write and read at the age of 7? Express them with one word. 1. It's a large room where you can hear orchestra music: ....................................................... 2. It's a person who plays in a dance band or a pop group: .................................................... 3. Somebody who works with lots of books: .......................................................................... 4. Something you use a lot when you have got a flu: .............................................................. 5. Somebody who helps the actors when they forget their lines: .............................................. 6. Afternoon performance at a theatre:..................................................... 139 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST TWO What’s the time? Write with words. 1. 5.35....................................... 3. 12.30 .................................... 2. 7.45.................................. 4. 13.57................................. 5. 11.14.............................. Write the ordinal numbers. ten --> tenth 1. nine.................. 2. five.................. 3. thirty.................... 4. three................. 5. one............... 6. twelve............... 7. two.................. 8. twenty.................. 9. eight................ 10. four............. Write the questions. 1. ...........................................................................? It' s about 5 degrees below zero. 2. ...........................................................................? It was cloudy. 3. ...........................................................................? Summer. 4. ...........................................................................? I like sunny weather. 5. ...........................................................................? Yes, it's snowing. 6. ...........................................................................? My father's birthday was yesterday. 7. ...........................................................................? In 1979. 8. ...........................................................................? Mrs Cooper does. 9. ...........................................................................? The third month of the year is March. 10. .........................................................................? No, my watch isn't slow. Give short answers. 1. Do you live in Budapest? ................................... 2. Are you 15 years old? ................................... 3. Does your aunt like milk? ................................... 4. Can you dance? ................................... 5. Is there a hotel near here? ................................... Which subject is it? 1. H2O. HCl, H2SO4 ................................... 2. 1848, 1945, 1956 ................................... 3. Arany, Ady, Karinthy ................................... 4. 102=100, 15+26=41 ................................... 5. pV=kNT, Ff= Vt *g *g ................................... Adjectives in comparative sentences Wyoming is as (big) as Germany. The (hot) place is Death Valley, California. People in the USA earn much (good) wages than in Mexico. 140 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Spanish is the second (important language) after English. Texas is much (large) than France. She was in a much (good) position. This earthquake was (bad) than the previous. My (old) daughter is 5 years (old) than my son. Can you give me some (far) info? Write the questions. 1. ......................................................................................................................................... She is 165 centimetres tall. 2. ......................................................................................................................................... I weigh 60 kilograms. 3. ......................................................................................................................................... Take a No. 5 tram, then at Baross Square change for the underground. 4. ......................................................................................................................................... It means that you must turn left. 5. .......................................................................................................................................... I travelled by train. Use the proper prepositions. 1. I collect pictures ........... film-stars. 2. I was late ................... school in the morning. 3. I like listening ............ pop music. 4-5. Charlie spoke ........ an Englishman .......... the street. 6. Do you prefer swimming .......... tennis? 7. I often go to school ......... foot. 8. Small boys are interested ........ cars. Fill in the blanks with auxiliary verbs. 1. ............... the thief ............... to escape from the police? I don't know, I wasn't there. 2. ........................... I speak to Mr Scott, please? I'm sorry, you ...................... wait a bit. 3. .................. the Hungarian children ..................... to go to school on Sundays? 4. .................. I smoke here? No, you ........................ smoke in this room. 5. There are some black clouds in the sky. It ............... rain in the evening. 6. Somebody has stolen my money. I ................ find it. 7. I ........................... to cook yesterday because my mother was at hospital. 8. We ........................... run. We have a lot of time to catch the bus. 9. ................................. you write and read at the age of 7? 141 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST THREE Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense. 1. I .............................................. a blouse and jeans now. (wear) 2. My brother sometimes ...................................... the guitar. (play) 3. We ......................................... TV at five o'clock yesterday. (watch) 4. Mr Smith ....................................... to Budapest next week. (come) 5. They .......................................... a new car last weekend. (buy) Use AT / IN / ON 1. .... Monday 2. .... February 4. .....night 5. .... March 15th 3. ...Sunday evening 5. ....the afternoon Complete this dialogue at the shop. – Can I help you, miss? – – Sorry, miss. We haven't got it in your size. But how do you like this blue one? – – Certainly. The changing room is this way. – – That's 20, please. – – Thank you. Good bye. Fill in the blanks with a verb. 1. I .......................... at 7 o’clock every day. 2. I want to.......................... this dress. 3. I....................... two sandwiches for breakfast in the morning. 4. Who........................... second in the Men’s Wrestling? 5. I............................ an English test at the moment. Complete this story. This is what happened to Johnny yesterday (on Friday): After school I (leave) .................. school with Jimmy. We (go) ..................... home by bus. Sue (not come)..................... with us. She (stay) ............... at school. I (take) ..................... her bags. When I (arrive) ................ home I (have) ............ lunch. Then I (visit) ................... my grandparents, but they (not be) ................. at home. So I (give) .............. some milk to the cat. On Saturday morning I (play) .......................... football with the school team. In the afternoon Sue and I (help) ..................... Mrs Kelly. She is very old. We (do) ............. the shopping for her and ( clean) .......................... the rooms. She (be) ....................... very happy. Complete the sentences. 1. My mother is 37 ..... old. 2. Her ..... is Barbara. 3. My mother's mother's my ..... . 142 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Can you ..... this song ? 5. Sergei is a ..... name . 6. You can hear with your ..... . 7. My mother and my father are my ..... . Complete these with the comparative or the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Jackie is....................... than Sue. (heavy) 2. I think Ann is............................... than her sister. (beautiful) 3. John is the........................... footballer in the team. (good) 4. The blue whale is the.............................. animal in the world. (big) 5. I washed my hair but now it’s ........................ than before. (bad) 6. Tom Cruise is one of the ............................ film stars in the world. (popular) 7. Our new house is....................................... than the old one. (comfortable) 8. I can answer ........................... questions now than last year. (many) 2. I think Jane is ................................... than Anne. (attractive) 3. Rome is ........................... away from London than Paris. (far) 4. Tuesday was the ............................ day for ten years. (hot) 6. Who is the ....................................girl in the class? (pretty) 7. The blue whale is the .................................. animal in the world. (big) 8. This must be the ....................................... suit in the shop. (expensive) 9. Is Dustin Hoffman ............................... than Robin Williams? (good) 10. I have got ................................ money than you. (little) Use 'any' or 'some'. 1. They had ........................... coffee for breakfast. 2. Is there ..........................wine on the table? 3. We haven't got ...................... potatoes in the pantry. 4. Did you eat ..................... ice-cream yesterday? 5. There are ........................... flowers on the wall. Complete the sentences with ‘this’ or ‘these’. 1. Do you like..................... trousers? 2. I’ll take ................. jeans. 3. How much is.................. black coat? 4. I like .................. film. It’s interesting. 5. Are...................... shoes the right size? 143 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST FOUR Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. We....................(go) to France for our holidays 2 years ago. 2. I............... to England yet. (not be) 3. Mary.................... me to write my homework tomorrow. (help) 4. Greg ....................... yesterday. (leave) 5. I don’t want to go to the cinema. I....................... that film. (see) 6. My mother usually ........................... the meal. (cook) Write the questions to complete these micro-dialogues. 1. ............................................................... I went to Italy. 2. ............................................................... By car. 3. ............................................................... At 4 o` clock p.m. 4. .............................................................. It cost L 500. 5................................................................ My weight is 60 kg. Write in the proper prepositions. 1. I have a meeting ...... 5. 2. She's a tall girl ....... a round face. 3. My brother reads a lot of books ....... pop music. 4. Did that man look ...... the prescription? 5. The museum in our town is open ........... 10 o'clock ............. 18 o'clock. 6. Can you see an "A" film ............. 16? No, only if I have someone with me. 7. What is your city famous ..........? 8. Where is Jenny? I think she's ..........home. 9. This book was written ....... J. F. Cooper. Fill in the blanks with auxiliary verbs. 1. I ....................... clean my room. I've already cleaned it. 2. ..................... you speak German four years ago? 3. Jim's grandmother has got a toothache. She ....................... see the dentist tomorrow. 4. ...................... I read your newspaper, please? 5. You ........................ go to the cinema, because you ........................ help me cook. 6. ...................... I take the table out? Yes, please. 7. ...................... the children .......................... to finish that book next week? 8. You ........................................ to go to school on March 15th. 9. Where's Jane? I .................... find her. 10. She ................. be at the cafe or the restaurant. Ask questions. 1..............................................? Mary enjoyed the film. 2..............................................? Dickens became a journalist when he was 18. 3..............................................? We arrived at school at 7. Say with one word. 1. It tells us to smoke this, drink that, wash with this, travel with that, etc.: ........................... 2. Some people collect it, but you need it on the envelope when you send a letter: ................ 3. People go to the dentist when they have got a .................................. 144 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. Desks, chairs, tables are made of it: ............................... 5. There are three different ................................ on English TV. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. We ...................... in Japan last year. (be) 2. My father often .................... flowers for my mother. (buy) 3. They ................................. in this village for three years. (live) 4. I ............................. lunch in the school canteen next month. (not have) 5. His brother .......................................... with an English girl since 1989. (correspond) 6. They .......................... already ......................... this book. (read) Write in the proper prepositions. 1. Anne is ill. What's the matter .................... her? 2. I think the shops in Hungary are open ............. 18.00. 3. My best friend is a girl ............ 18 .............. black hair and blue eyes. 4. The man went ............. the first chemist's shop .......... his way. 5. How long is the news ...... for? 6. Buses don't run ......... night. 7. You can travel to Nelson Street ........... underground. 8. I've just got a telegram .......... Kitty. SOMEBODY, SOMETHING, ANYBODY, ANYTHING , NOBODY 1. You don't have to pay ............................... 2. I didn't meet ............................ in the street at night. 3. ....................... has been found in the park under the tree. What is that? 4. There's ........................... in my bag. It's empty. 5. Everybody went to the forest, therefore there's ................... in the house. 6. I don't like ....................... in this family. 7. I'm sure ......................... will call the police in case of accident. 8. I hope I can buy ............................ for your birthday. 9. I don't know .......................... at the party. 10. ........................ can speak Japanese in our class. 11. I want to eat ........................ for dinner. 12. ................................. has found a cat in the street. 13. Thank you. I don't want to drink .................... 145 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST FIVE Complete the prepositions where necessary. 1. The gallery is too far ..................... the stage in a big theatre. 2. The curtain is ........................... the stage and the auditorium. 3. I'd like to take .............. a detective story, please. 4. My friend is interested ................... science fiction. 5. I came ................... home late, because I had had a lot of work to do. 6. What did you tell ................. teacher? 7-8. When did you come back ............... holiday? Two days ................. 9. Would you like to live ................... abroad? 10. I have been waiting .............. you for an hour. Use the proper pronouns. 1. Give Julie ............... glass, will you? ---Which is ...............? I can't find it. 2. What are these children's names? ---- ........... name is Bobby and ............ name is Jo. 3. Whose car is this? ---It's ......... parents' car. ---- Is this nice car really ................? 4. Whose are these pullovers? ---- The blue one is ............, but where's .............. T-shirt? 5. Are those poems ..............., Peter? ---- No, they aren't ............... 6. Mum, Mr Brown's garden is as long as ..............., isn't it? No, ............. garden is shorter. Complete the sentences with one word.. 1. Pop music first ........................................ popular in the USA in the 1950s. 2. Do you read English ...................................... or newspapers? 3. Piano is my favourite ........................................ 4. A ..................................... is a very tall man from fairy tales. Write the long forms. 1. It's my birthday today. 2. The purple desk 's here. 3. They're all right. 4. We're from Germany. 5. Her name's Jane Morris. Make negative sentences. 1. I am a schoolboy. 2. This book is small. 3. She is from New Zealand. 4. You are my friend. 5. My mother is an actress. Put the words in the correct order. 1. his/see/I/passport/can? 2. boy/the/door/girl/next/and/nice/are 3. I/can/help/you? 4. yellow/it/a/book/is 5. do/Jenny/what/does? 146 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Write in the missing articles. 1. Bill Clinton is from ....... USA. 2. Our new neighbour is .... schoolboy. 3. Is your father ...... actor? 4. ..... English is my favourite subject. 5. My sister is ...... bit quiet. Choose the right option. 1. Your friend is older ........... mine. a) as b) like c) than d) to 2. I like listening ......... pop music. a) about b) -c) at d) to 3. Jane usually goes to the library ...... the afternoon. a) on b) in c) from d) at 4. He did not want to come .........home. a) at b) out c) in d) --5. My friend is interested ........ fast cars. a) on b) in c) about d) off Complete the chart. glass policeman glasses feet secretary tooth ladies woman boxes key photograph feet people 147 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST SIX Complete the sentences with definite articles where necessary. a) Excuse me. Can you tell me where ........ nearest garage is? It is on ..... main road; just after ...... supermarket. b) Do you think that ...... men are better drivers than ...... women? Not necessarily. Some of ...... worst drivers I know are ....... men. c) I don't agree that ..... honesty is always ....... best policy. Do you? Definitely not. ....... diplomacy is sometimes more important. d) Who put ....... first man into ......... space? ........ America or ...... Russia? ........ Russia. But ..... Americans were first on ........ moon. e) Society, in those days, was divided into the rich and .............. Life for ................... was easy. They could send their children to school and they could afford the best doctors. However, life for the vast majority was very different. There was little education for ..................., no free hospital treatment for ................ and no state pensions for ................ this/that/these/those 1. Who is that man talking to ............ people over there? 2. I like this suit, but it is rather expensive. How much is ......... one in the middle? 3. This is my husband, Robert and ........... are my children, Tom and Helen. Write question words. 1. ............ did you get back? Saturday night. 2. .............do you want to know? I am just interested, that is all. 3. .............did you get home? Peter gave me a lift. 4. .............do you see him? Only once or twice a year. 5. .............is it exactly? On the outskirts of Liverpool. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1. That's ........ bag, isn't it? a) Terry b) Terry's c) Terrys' 2. I'm borrowing my .............. car while they're away. a) parent b) parent's c) parents' 3. Could you take these books to the .............Room, please. a) Teacher b) Teacher's c) Teachers' 4, ......... are fond of golf. a) English b) The English c) Englishes 5. We arrived .......... the airport in time. a) to b) at c) on Complete the following by choosing the appropriate phrasal verb and a suitable noun. 1. We were going away on Saturday, but we've had to ............................for a couple of weeks. 2. We didn't know what to do about the problem until Nick............................. 3. John likes his wife's mother, but he doesn't .................... 148 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. We'd better stop at a garage soon. We don't want to.......................... get on with put off run out of come up with our holiday his father-in-law an idea petrol Complete the following with many or much. What was the party like? Oh, not very good. There were too ................. people there, so there wasn’t .................. room to dance or move about and talk to people. How ............... people were there? About forty, I should think. Mind you, I didn’t know ............... of them and I’m not very good at talking to people I don’t know. I didn’t get there till late anyway, so by the time I got there, there wasn’t ....... food left or ................. drink either. I’ve been to one or two of her parties before, but not ............ I don’t think I’ll go to another one. It wasn’t ............ fun. Read Jennifer's invitation and then answer the questions. COME TO A PARTY Jennifer Newton is having a party on Saturday 22nd June for her 17th birthday. Food, drink, dancing. 8 o'clock until late. Any kinds of clothes. Bring a bottle and a friend. RSVP Pear Tree Cottage, Applefield, Berkshire 1. a) Why is Jennifer having a party? b) What time does the party start? c) What time does it finish? d) What can the guests wear? e) RSVP is French. It means: Don't be late. Please answer this invitation. This is where I live. 2. Now write an invitation to your party. Say: the date, time and place of the party the reason for it what you're going to do at the party what you want the guests to bring or wear 149 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST SEVEN Fill in the spaces with the correct pronoun. 1. I cut ............when I was opening a tin. 2. Thanks for coming to the party, Jack. I hope you're enjoying ............. 3. Come on, everybody. There's plenty to eat and drink, so please help ............... 4. It's not your pen. I bought it ............. 5. Their mother didn't help them. They ............ cleaned their rooms. Fill in the sentences to make them negative. 1. I .............. like omelettes very much, and my brother ........... ... like them either. 2. Mrs. Harrison .............. cook good meals, so Arthur ............ eat at home very often. 3. I ............... want to learn German because I .......... know any German people. 4. You ............ drive very fast, do you? No, I......... drive fast because my wife ............. like it. 5. His parents............. write crime stories IT or THERE 1. Let's open the windows. .......'s awfully hot here. 2...........'s an anti-cyclone, they say, heading in our direction. 3. ..........'s an anti-cyclone they say, which is heading in our direction. 4. ..........'s some lipstick on your forehead. 5. ...........'s clear that you weren't listening to what I was saying. Choose the correct word. 1. Can this camera ............. photos? a) make b) to make c) take d) taking 2. Spanish people usually speak .............. than English. a) quicklier b) more quicklier c) more quickly d) quicker 3. Did you hear .......... Julie said? a) what b) that c) that what d) which 4. A person who talks to ................ is not necessarily mad. a) himself b) oneself c) yourself d) itself Use a suitable article where necessary. From ..... Atlantic Ocean in ...... east to ..... Pacific Ocean in ....... west ........ USA is 4,500 km. When I looked through .................. window I saw .............. beautiful ............... tree. They had .............. breakfast at ...................... work. She is .................. teacher at ...................... school. .............. water is vital. .......... water of ................... Danube is polluted. ............. people and .................... animals cannot live healthily. Complete the following weather forecast with a few or a little. After a clear night, it will be a dry day in most places, though ................. areas will have......... rain in the afternoon. In the south it will be rather dull with only ......... sunshine and the possibility of .......... showers later in the day. In the Midlands and East Anglia there may be ..........fog at first, but this should 150 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv clear quickly, giving a bright day with temperatures .............. degrees above zero. The cold weather over Scotland is likely to continue for .............. more days, with .......... snow on high ground. However, milder weather is expected by the weekend. Complete these dialogues with will or going to. I’m just going to the shops. Do you want anything? No, I don’t think so. Oh, hang on. We haven’t got any sugar left. It’s all right. It’s on my list. I ..................................... buy some. What about meat? Meat? OK. I ............................. go to the butcher’s and buy a kilo. Poor Sue went to hospital yesterday. I’m sorry to hear that. I ......................................... bring her some flowers. Are you still going out with Alice? Oh yes. We .......................................get married next year. Jack is very angry with you. Is he? I didn’t realize. I ..................... ring him and apologize. Prepositions I’m good ..........writing compositions. What happened ................... this plane? She used to live ................. 22 Park Road. She travelled ...................... her car. This is the woman who looks ................. our baby this evening. ............ he age of 5 he was sent to kindergarten. Take .............. your coat. It’s warm inside. Look ..............! A car’s coming. He is proud .................... his sons. He has been ..................... London several times. Adjectives ending in -ing or -ed. borsurprise excitannoy worry It was very ................................... when my parents lost their keys. My German teacher was a .............................. teacher. He always did things in the same way. The children were .......................... after school. They went to bed immediately. Bruce’s going on a safari in Africa. Really? It’s ............................. . Everybody was ................................. to see Mark again after 2 years. 151 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST EIGHT Put some, any, a, an. 1. There are .................... flowers in the garden. 2. Can I have .................. orange, please? 3. Are there ..................... books in the living room? 4. There is .................... umbrella on the table. 5. There aren’t .................. any photographs on the wall. 6. John has ................... pens in his pencil-case. 7. There’s ................ newsagent’s in our street. 8. There are ...................... good restaurants in our town. 9. I can’t buy these shoes. I haven’t got ............... money. 10. Have your friends got .................. Bros records. 11. There are ....................... beautiful houses in our street. 12. I can’t see ................... books on your desk. Use can, can’t, could, couldn’t. 1. Sylvia .................. swim now, but she ................ swim at the age of 3. 2. .................. you give me the salt, please? 3. I ................ visit my uncle yesterday. 4. ....................... they speak German? No, they .................. 5. I'm Jamie and 15. When I was five I ….......... run fast, but I …............. now. I'm a teenager, but 8 years ago I .... a child. My mother is an English teacher, so she …........ speak English fluently. I …..... also speak English, but 2 years ago I …............. speak only a little. My father …...... born in Italy, so he …......... speak Italian. He ….......... drive a car when he ….......... at the university in 1975. I have a brother, who is a receptionist. He …...... a real sportsman three years ago. He ..... play tennis very well, and he …...... still play it. Yesterday we …........ at the sports centre together. I …. play tennis before, so he taught it. I ….. so tired on the way home. Write the correct pronoun. 1. Where's my bag? I can't see .............. 2. My Grandmother is bossy. Nobody likes .............. 3. These balls are heavy. Don't you want to take ..................? Oh no, .................. aren't heavy. 4. Pamela doesn't like hamburgers. ................... likes French fries. 5. Mum, take ............... to the theatre, please. 6. Jimmy is terrible. I don't want to meet ................. Give short answers. 1. Have you got a sister? ................... 2. Do you smoke? ...................... 3. Are you an interpreter? ................... 4. Can you drive a car? ....................... 5. Did you eat ice-cream yesterday? ...............6. Could you talk when you were one? ……… Write the opposites. remember dark start late small beautiful city open poor love 152 good inside buy bring Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Find the missing vowels. 1. br . . d 6. j . . ce 2. l . . ve 7. . . ght 3. r . . d 8. c . . ght 4. f . . ght 9. ch . . se 5. afr . . d 10. t . . k Put these words in the right order to make questions. 1. there/pencils/on/desk/the/five/are? 2. in/house/how/bedrooms/many/there/are/the? 3. computer/classroom/there/a/in/is/the? 4. there/a/is/disk/computer/in/the? Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the proper tense. Elvis Presley (come) ................. from a very poor family. He (love) .................... music very much. He (go) ............ to church every Sunday and (sing) ................ in the choir. When he (be) ................13, his mother (buy) ........... him a guitar. In the same year Elvis and his family (leave) ........... Mississippi. They (move) .......................... to Memphis, Tennessee. In 1955 , Elvis (appear) .......... on TV in New York. The following year he (make) ........ his first film Love Me Tender in Hollywood. In the next two years he (have) .................. many hit records. In 1958, Elvis (join) .......... the American army. When he (return)........... from Germany in the 60s, pop ( not be) .......... the same. In his last years Elvis (become) ............................ fat and depressed. He (die) ..................... of heart attack on 16 August 1977. But for his millions of fans, Elvis (be) ........... still the King. Jeremy Brown, for example, (have) ............. got more than 250 albums by Elvis. He (say) ..............., 'Man, he (be) .............. great. Elvis (can) ..................... really (sing) ....................' Fill in the gaps. - Good evening. Can I help you? - Yes, please. Could I have a room for the night? - Certainly. A ……….. room or a double? - Double, please. - Would you like a room with a shower or ..................? - A shower. How much does the room .....................? - L72 for the room and breakfast. - Can I pay by ............................ ? - Yes, of course. Could you sign the register, please? - Yes, sure. - Do you have any ..................................? - .................. this one bag. - Here’s your key. Your room ........................ is 311. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay. 153 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TEST NINE Complete the dialogue. - Good morning. Can I help you? - Yes, please. ………………. I have a room? - Certainly. A ……………. or a double room? - Double, please. - …………. you like a room with a ………….. or a bath? - A bath, please. How much does the room …………… ? - L 85 for the room and breakfast. Choose the right answer. 1. When is your mother's birthday? In July. I ............................... a) gave to her some flowers. b) gave her some flowers. c) gave some flowers her. d) gave her some flowers to. 2. We arrived ..................... the railway station in time. a) to b) in c) at d) on 3. Most crimes happen ........................ night. a) in b) at c) during d) ---4. When I studied to ride a bicycle, I never ....................... a) fall b) feel c) felt d) fell 5. You always drink coffee. How many cups ................ a day? a) are you drinking b) do you drink c) you drink d) did you drink Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense. 1. I .................... (wear) a pullover and jeans now. 2. My brother sometimes..............(play) the guitar. 3. Where...............................you (go)? I..................(go) to the library. 4. When you usually............................. (get) up in the mornings? (question!) 5. My neighbours ................... (buy) a new car last week. 6. Kathy ...................... (sit) on a picnic box at the moment. Circle the correct answer. This/These is Tom and his/her wife. Tom is a/an doctor. He/she has a big car. He live/lives in London. Jane don't/doesn't like London. There's/there are too many cars. At/In the weekend Jane and her sister go/goes to the country. Make these positive sentences negative. 1. We enjoyed the film. 2. I took a photograph of my sister. 3. Angela wrote a letter to her friend. Complete these with the comparative or the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Jackie is....................... than Sue. (heavy) 2. I think Ann is............................... than her sister. (beautiful) 3. John is the........................... footballer in the team. (good) 154 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv 4. The blue whale is the.............................. animal in the world. (big) 5. I washed my hair but now it’s ........................ than before. (bad) 6. Tom Cruise is one of the ............................ film stars in the world. (popular) 7. Our new house is....................................... than the old one. (comfortable) 8. I can answer ........................... questions now than last year. (many) Put articles where necessary. My aunt lived on........ground floor of ....... old house on..........river Thames. She was very much afraid of ........... burglars and always locked up.......... house very carefully before she went to.......bed. She always looked under......... bed to see if........ burglar was hiding there. ".......modern burglars don't hide under........beds", said her daughter. Write in the proper prepositions. 1. Is your mother........ home? 2. I get dressed ............. 6.30 ........... the morning. 3. Most students in Britain do their community work ................... hospitals. 4. There are four rooms ............ our flat. 5. Are there any discos .............. the island? 6. Let’s go ................ the football match. It starts ............. 8 o’clock. 7. We can fish .................. the river and play ................ the beach. 8. My desk is ..................... the window and the door. 9. There’s a lamp ............... ................... the television. 10. We have a blue carpet ............... the floor ............ .............. ................ the fireplace. 11. The teacher is usually ................... the desk. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. 1. Graham wants to drive to Spain, but I'd prefer.......... a) to fly b) flying 2. I hate .................. to get up early. a) to have b) having 3. It was such a funny story, I couldn't stop............... a) to laugh b) laughing 4. I must buy some new .................... curtains. a) bedroom b) bedroom's c) bedrooms' Write questions. .....................................................? .....................................................? .....................................................? .....................................................? With Sue and Terry. By train. The black one. My son is 125 cm tall. 155 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv TENSES Present Continuous or Present Simple What she (do) in the evenings? She usually (play) cards or (watch) TV. My teacher often (speak) so quickly that I (not understand) him. It (rain) at the moment and I (not have) an umbrella. I (like) black coffee but today I (drink) white coffee. He (speak) 3 languages. Where’s Peter? He (cook) in the kitchen. What you (think) about Shakespeare? Restaurants (stay ) open late in Spain. He (have) a flat near the centre. Ann (make) a dress for herself at the moment. She (make) all her clothes. Why you (put) on your coat? I (go) for a walk. You (come) with me? You always (write) with your left hand? Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. Charlie .................................(eat) too much. He is rather fat. It is time she ........................... (stop) fighting. In Asia it ............................ (not rain) enough. He .....................................(phone) you next Monday. You ..............................................(dream) anything last night? Don’t worry. They .....................................only (kid). I am afraid, you can’t see George now, he ................................ (have) a bath. What ................................................. you (look) at? Mary ...................................(see) her best friend just now. Listen. What noise .............................................................. this radio (make)? What ................................................. your father (do)? I ........................................(break) my leg last year. Dear Debbie, Thanks very much for your letter, which ............. (arrive) more than six week ago! I ............... (mean) to reply it for ages, but I just ................................. (not have) time. As you ...............(know), I ............... (start) a new job at the beginning of the month and I .............. (work) very hard ever since. It’s quite interesting, and I ............ (like) my new boss, but I ................. (not finish) until six o’clock and when I .................. (get) home, I’m too tired to do anything. I .............. (take) a week’s holiday very soon and I ..................... (think) of coming to London the weekend after next. My sister .................. (invite) me to stay with her for a few days. If you ........... (not make) any plans yet, .............. (meet) for lunch on that Saturday or Sunday! It’s ages since I last .............(see) you and I .................. (have ) lots to tell you. Anyway, I ..........(phone) you during this week to see if you’re free. With love, Alison Use the proper tense in the situations. 1. The house next to yours ......................... (be) full of policemen and police dogs yesterday. What ............................................. they (do) ? I (hear) ................................ that they (look) ......................... for drugs. 156 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv They ..............................................(find) any? Yes, I believe one of the dogs (find) ............................................. some. 2. I (smell) ..................................................... something burning. So do I. I (think) ................ it (come) .......................... from the kitchen. Ann probably (iron)................ . She usually (iron) ............... and (watch) ............ TV at the same time and if she (get) ...............very interested in a programme she (forget) ........... that she (press) ............. a hot iron on somebody’s shirt. Mum (think) ...........of selling the TV. 3. If you (leave) .............. your keys with the hall porter he (take) ...........the car round the garage. 4. We have some very nice strawberries. OK. I (have) ........................... a pound. 5. Where you (go) ............................ on your holiday? I (travel) .......................... to Norway. What you (do) ............................... there? I (fish) .................................... 6. If we ( eat) ................. to much we (be) ................................ fat. 7. While Jenny (talk) ........................... to Peter, she (see) .......................... her teacher. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense. 1. He always ......................................... better marks than I do. (get) 2. Yesterday I .................... an accident, while I ........................... the street. (have/cross) 3. That boy ............................ at me now. (look) What does he want from me? 4. My father ............................................... for this company for 15 years now. (work) 5. Let's go to the cinema on Friday. I'm sorry I ..................tennis with Jenny on Friday.(play) 6. Last week we ............ Peter and he ............. he ........... school last year. ( meet/ say/ leave). Simple Past or Past Continuous While we (go) to work yesterday, we (see) an accident. A woman (cross) the street, when a car (hit) her. When he (hit) her, the driver (not stop). But as he (drive) away, a police car (come) round the corner. When they (see) the car, they (chase) it. While the police (chase) the car, an ambulance (arrive). I (play) with my friends, when I (have) an accident. While I (ride) my bike, I (fall) off. When I (fall) off, I (cry). When my friends (see) me, they (run) to get my mother. My mother (dig) in the garden, when they (tell) her. She (run) to find me and she (pick) me up. She (take) me indoors and (wash) my hands. While she (wash) my hands, my father (come) home. I (make) a cake, when the light (go) out. When I (arrive) home my mother (have) lunch. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. I ............................... him for a long time. (know) 2. We .............................. two letters the day before yesterday. (get) 3. My mother .................................. my friend yet. (not see) 4. Peter usually .................................... his homework in the afternoon. (do) 5. I ............................. 17 next year. (be) 6. Her sister ....................................... a diary since last April. (keep) 157 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Use Present Simple in the following questions (Do/Does) 1. …………… you speak English? 2. …………… she speak Slovakian? 3. .................... English people really wear bowler hats? 4. What …………… this word mean? 5. What time …………… this class finish? 6. Who …………… we have to report to? 7. How many cigarettes …………… you smoke a day? 8. …………… your grandmother live with you? 9. …………… hearing bad news make you depressed? 10. …………… penguins live in the Arctic or the Antarctic? Use Present Simple in the negative sentences (Don’t/Doesn’t) 1. Mary …………… work on Saturdays. 2. My boss …………… like going to meetings. 3. You …………… like me, do you? 4. My friend Paul …………… work very hard. 5. Why …………… we go to the cinema tonight? 6. David is very quiet. He …………… talk very much. 7. I …………… know what you’re talking about. 8. This restaurant is very cheap. It …………… cost a lot to eat here. 9. We …………… like going to parties. 10. I …………… give money to beggars. Complete the sentences with some / any / something / anything / somebody / anybody / somewhere / anywhere. 1. She told me the information but I didn't understand………………………. 2. Did ………………………find my scarf? No, I'm sorry. 3. Would ………………………help me, please? Yes, I can help you. 4. Have you got …………………………to eat? No, my fridge is empty. 5. Is there …………………………in this house? No, it's deserted. 6. What's the matter with you? "There's ………………………in my eye. 7. ………………………….broke the window last night. I don't know who. 8. Mum, can we go ……………………...on Sunday? Yes, what about going to the circus? 9. I have ……………………..money left in my wallet. 10. I'm afraid I don't have ………………………..answers to your problems. 158 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Present Simple or Present Continuous? Choose the correct answer. 1.) I_____ to music every day. A) have been listening B) listen C) am listening D) have listened 6.) She usually__________in the evening. A) run B) is running C) is run D) runs 2.) I __________ every year. A) fly B) flown C) flewn D) flying 7.) I__________on my books now. A) works B) am working C) work D) have work 3.) They_________cards now. A) play B) are playing C) has played D) have been playing 8.) They________their plants. A) have water B) is watering C) waters D) are watering 4.) Tom often__________before 8 a.m.. A) gets up B) get up C) is getting up D) is getting up 9.) _______chocholate? A) Do you like B) Do you liking C) Do you likes D) Does you like 5.) Kate_________me with my work. A) help B) are helping C) is helping D) am helping 10.) Joe sometimes__________at 5 p.m.. A) go home B) goes home C) go to home D) goes to home Past Simple or Past Continuous? Put the verbs into the correct form. 1. Yesterday at 8 am I …………………………..(play) tennis with my boss. 2. We ………………………. (walk) along the street when suddenly a patrol car ……………………………(appear). 3. While little Tom ……………………………(play) in his room his mother ………………………………..(iron) the clothes. 4. The doorbell ………………………..(ring) while I ………………………………(take) a shower. 5. How fast ……………………………..(you/drive) when the accident ………………………….(happen)? 6. My father ……………………………(wait) for us when we ………………………..(come) home. 7. My mother ………………………..(cook) dinner when she ………………………….(burn) her fingers. 8. A horrible storm ………………………….. (start) when we ………………………...(drive) home. 9. What ………………………………..(they/do) when the postman…………………………..(arrive) ? 10. After having dinner I ………………………………(clean) my teeth and ………………..(go) to bed. 159 Tananyagfejlesztés: Angol nyelv Write the past form of the verbs. 1. Claudia went fishing and ............................. a fish. (catch) 2. Robert ........................... a prize in a photography competition. (win) 3. I ............................ the answer but the teacher didn't ask me. (know) 4. Mr Smith .................................... me to play the piano. (teach) 5. My brother .................................... me by accident. (shoot) 6. Julia ...................................... for her new slippers by credit card. (pay) 7. The sun .................................. brightly yesterday. (shine) 8. My friend ................................... a car crash yesterday. (see) 9. Someone .................................... my car a few years ago. (steal) 10. The audience went quiet when the film ...................................... (begin) Find the missing prepositions. (in/at/ on) I went to a party ……….. New Year’s Eve. I’m going on holiday ………. August. The banks open ………. 9 a.m.. I moved to London ……….1987. The meeting is ………. Monday. I’ll call you ………. Half past ten. The concert is ………. 24 September. My garden looks lovely ………. spring. I had a party ………. my birthday. I was born ……….1968. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. Charlie .................................(eat) too much. He is rather fat. 2. In Asia it ............................ (not rain) enough. 3. You ..............................................(dream) anything last night? 4. I am afraid, you can’t see George now, he ................................ (have) a bath. 5. What ................................................. you (look) at? 6. Listen. What noise .............................................................. this radio (make)? 7. What ................................................. your father (do)? 8. I ........................................(break) my leg last year. 9. The house next to yours ......................... (be) full of policemen and police dogs yesterday. 10. They ..............................................(find) any drugs? 11. Yes, I believe one of the dogs (find) ............................................. some. 12. I (smell) ..................................................... something burning. 13. So do I. I (think) .......................... it (come) ................................... from the kitchen. 14. Ann probably (iron).............. . She usually (iron) ............... and (watch) ............ TV at the same time and if she (get) ......................very interested in a programme she (forget) ..................... that she (press) ............... a hot iron on somebody’s shirt. 15. He always ......................................... better marks than I do. (get) 16. Yesterday I .................... an accident, while I ........................... the street. (have/cross) 17. Let's go to the cinema on Friday. I'm sorry I .................tennis with Jenny on Friday.(play) 18. Last week we ............ Peter and he said he had left school the previous year. ( meet) 160