Ch 4 & 5 Review answers

Chapter 4 & 5 Review
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1. TRUE The Rocky Mountains are younger than the Appalachian Mountains because the Rocky
Mountains have sharp peaks and the Appalachian Mountains are more rounded.
2. What is the result of a weathered rock? SEDIMENT
3. What is the major process that wears down whole mountain ranges? WEATHERING
4. What causes older statues or monuments to be covered with small holes or pits? ACID RAIN
5. What are the four main components of soil?
6. Soil that is rich in nutrients has a lot of what ORGANIC MATERIAL
7. The main component of soil is WEATHERED ROCK PARTICLES.
8. Which 2 physical processes has changed Georgia’s landscape the most?
9. Which soil component is the by-product of decomposers? HUMUS
10. Which mechanical weathering occurs often in climates that have alternating freezing and thawing
conditions ICE WEDGING
11. What is the cause of most chemical weathering? ACID RAIN
12. TRUE Overgrazing by cattle will cause the soil to be eroded by wind and water more quickly.
13. TRUE Farmers can surround a field with shrubs and a fence to help stop soil erosion.
14. A rocky cliff becoming smaller rocks is called WEATHERING.
15. Cutting down trees is a type of deforestation. This type of deforestation has increased EROSION
16. Humus, silt, clay and sand are all parts of SOIL.
17. Draw a picture of a sand dune cause by the wind.
18. What is the bottom layer of soil? BEDROCK
19. What is the source of organic matter in soil? DECAYED PLANTS & ANIMALS
20. Is plastic a part of soil? NO