MIS 183: Business Intelligence Applications - Spring 2013 COURSE OUTLINE Instructor Office Office Hours Office Phone E-mail Web Page Spiros Velianitis, MS/MIS TAH-2077 Monday and Wednesday 4:20 – 5:50 pm and by appointment 278-5940 Spiros@CSUS.edu http://www.csus.edu/indiv/v/velianitis [Course Description] [Course Objectives] [Text] [Tools] [Exams] [Homework Assignments] [Grading] Course Description [Top] Course Objectives MIS 183. Business Intelligence Applications. Advanced information technologies that extract non-trivial, actionable, and novel knowledge from data to achieve strategic goals of organizations. Emphasis on multidimensional data modeling, online analytic processing, data warehouse, and data mining. Prerequisite: MIS 150 or MIS 151. 3 units. Understand the concepts and principles of developing a multidimensional data models. Understand ROLAP, MOLAP, and HOLAP data environments and their pros and cons. Understand and apply the data warehouse development life cycle. Understand and apply different phases of data mining process. Apply data mining software to generate business intelligence. DETAILED LEARNING OBJECTIVES Multidimensional Data Models 1|Page Understand the difference between a relational data model and multidimensional data model. Learn the basic techniques to develop a multidimensional data model including how to identify dimensions, characteristics, and hierarchies. Differentiate among star schema, snowflake schema, and multi-star schema. Learn how to select the best schema to satisfy business users’ needs. Data Warehouse Understand the purposes of a data warehouse. Plan for and justify a data warehouse. Identify data requirements, architecture, and infrastructure of a data warehouse. Develop a logical data model for a data warehouse. Develop a physical data model for a data warehouse. Data Mining Understand the purposes of data mining. Understand the data mining process including objective identification, model selection, hypothesis formulation, target data collection, data preprocess, model fitting, testing/verification, interpretation/evaluation, and application. Learn about values of data mining from real-life data mining applications. Learn about decision trees and neural networks as two major data mining algorithms. Understand the importance of text mining. Use SAP to illustrate relevant concepts in section 1, 2, and 3. SAP [Top]Course Methodology The goal of this course is to develop analytical and critical thinking skills for the development of integrative plans for enterprise-wide systems that optimize enterprise performance. To pass this course you should: 1. Prepare - Spend as much time needed to study the assigned topics before coming to class 2. Practice - Review and practice the class exercises at your own pace 3. Present - Complete the homework assignments, come to class, and deliver your work to your instructor Text [Top] Efraim Turban, et al. Business Intelligence, 2/E , 2011, Prentice Hall, IS BN-10: 013610066X • ISBN-13: 9780136100669 In addition, I will provide you with 3 free electronic manuals for Business Intelligence I, Business 2|Page Tools [Top] Exams [Top] Intelligence II, and Business Intelligence III from the SAP University Alliances program. In this class we will use the SAP GUI 7.3 and/or SAP GUI 7.3. Connect to http://worker.cob.csuchico.edu/ to download and install this software to your computer. I will give two in-class term examinations and one final exam. Each exam consists of thirty five multiplechoice questions and two essay questions. You will need a scantron form 882 to answer the multiple-choice questions; I will provide you with paper for the identification and essay questions. Examination material will be drawn from the textbook reading, any other assigned readings, and class lectures and discussion. Emphasis will be placed on the conceptual understanding of the material and NOT on memory alone. Understanding the application of the concepts will greatly enhance your grade. No make-up examination will be given without the prior approval of the instructor. If you fail to take the exam, without valid documentation, I will prepare a different exam which you will take at 75% of its grade value. Homework The purpose of the homework assignment is to encourage further practice for the topics covered in our book Assignments but not covered in class (due to time constraints) and to give you the opportunity to work on more comprehensive exercises than those covered in the book. I will provide with each team, a comprehensive set of assignment exercises. More information about the homework can be found in my assignments.htm web page Grading[Top] Final grades will be assigned according to the total points you have obtained through exams and homework assignments relative to the total possible number of points. Assignment Points 3 Term Exams 300 4 Assignments @ 25 points each 100 Total Points 400 Your grade is also affected by the number of unexcused absences. You are allowed to have 5 unexcused absences. For each absence after your allowance, 5 points will be deducted. Note that absences are only excused for a valid reasons (health problems, jury duty etc) and MUST be accompanied with documentation (i.e., health center note with a phone number to call for questions) provided within a week of returning to class. Pluses and minuses will be awarded along the extremities (i.e., greater than 3% below the upper limit and 3|Page less than 3% of the lower limit, respectively). Based on the total points, your grades will be assigned as follows: Percent Grade 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0-59 F Any queries or appeals for a graded component (such as an assignment or an exam) must be directed to the instructor in person within 2 weeks after the graded component is returned. No adjustment will be made for the scores of graded components after the two-week period. Students are responsible for keeping track of their graded components. Uncollected graded components will be kept in the instructor’s office until the end of the current semester. Academic Dishonesty Grading system may change for compelling reasons. Unfortunately, the subject of academic dishonestly must be discussed for those who are inclined toward such activities. The university's policy is discussed in the following paragraphs. Please, there is no need to engage in any unethical behavior in this class! If you need help, my door is always open. Academic dishonesty involves acts which may subvert or compromise the integrity of the educational process of the university. Included is any act by which a student gains or attempts to gain an academic advantage for him/herself, or another, by misrepresenting his/her, or another's work or by interfering with the completion, submission, or evaluation of work. These include, but are not limited to, accomplishing or attempting any of the following acts: 4|Page Using any materials that are not authorized by the instructor for use during an examination. Copying from another student's paper during an examination. Collaborating (i.e., talking, passing notes and/or signals, etc.) during an examination with any other person by giving or receiving information without specific permission of the instructor. Stealing, buying or otherwise obtaining information about an unadministered examination. Substituting for another person or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take an examination. Submitting another person's work as yours either in its original or altered form. Giving someone else your work to fulfill his/her assignment. Using the assignment of another class to fulfill an assignment for this class without authorized consent of the instructor. Plagiarizing Violations of proper ethical conduct will NOT be tolerated. A failing semester grade will be assigned to all involved parties (NO exceptions). Severe cases of academic dishonesty will be handled at the university level. If you are aware of any academic dishonesty, please notify me either personally (your identity will remain confidential) or anonymously. Cheating devalues everyone's grade and degree, including your own. Student Tutorial on how not to plagiarize: http://library.csus.edu/content2.asp?pageID=353 Incomplete (I) An incomplete grade (I) will only be issued in accordance to College of Business Administration policy. and Among the conditions imposed by the instructor that must be met are: (1) a current passing grade (70 Unauthorized percent or better), (2) the successful completion of all prior assignments and exams, and (3) an unforeseen Withdrawal and unusual event beyond your control which prevents you from completing the semester, and can be (WU) Grades documented and verified (employment-related events do not qualify). (4) An incomplete will only be considered after it has been determined that a withdrawal (W) cannot be issued. If you do not meet (1) through (4), you do not qualify for an incomplete. As stipulated by the University, an incomplete cannot be assigned when it is necessary for the student to attend additional class meetings to complete the course requirements. Other Unauthorized Withdrawal (WU) indicates that a student did not officially withdraw from the course but failed to complete it. Among the conditions imposed by the instructor that must be met are: (1) a passing grade (70 percent or better) at the time that the student stopped attending classes, (2) attendance stopped before the 11th week of the semester. If you do not meet (1) and (2), you do not qualify for an unauthorized withdrawal (WU) grade and as a result you will be assigned a failing (F) grade. Laptop and cell phone regulation: No photographing, recording or text messaging is allowed without permission of the instructor. If you have a disability and require accommodations, you need to provide disability documentation to SSWD, Lassen Hall 1008, (916) 278-6955. Please discuss your accommodation needs with me ASAP, so I 5|Page can prepare your exams. Schedule A disruptive student is a student who engages in classroom behavior that interferes with the process of teaching and learning. If a student is disruptive to my class, I will follow the Procedures for dealing with incidents of disruptive behavior described in the DEALING WITH INCIDENTS OF DISRUPTIVE STUDENT BEHAVIOR IN THE CLASSROOM document (http://www.csus.edu/umanual/student/UMD03250.htm). Please look at our current semester's schedule.htm web page. The above items of this syllabus are subject to change, update, or more specific interpretation: (i) material to be covered in the lectures, (ii) material to be covered in the exams and exam format, (iii) the exact way of group collaboration for each project part, and (iv) the exact cutoff point (specific second or third decimal) for every letter grade. Changes and updates will be posted on the WWW and announced in class ahead of time. SCHEDULE Date Topic Introduction - Syllabus, projects, MISA Prepare Practice Syllabus.htm The New BI 1/30 BI1-M1 Introduction to Business Intelligence BI1-M1-01-BI_Intro-Slides.ppt Chapter 1 Introduction to Business Intelligence Lab: Multi-dimensional Material/BI1-M1-02Reporting with PivotTables CaseStudy01_Xl2003.doc Material/pivottable_03.xls Pivot Table Tutorial 2/6 BI1-M2 Data Warehouse Architecture BI1-M2-01-Data Warehouse Architecture.ppt Chapter 2 Data Warehousing 2/13 BI1-M3 SAP BI Overview BI1-M3-01-SAP BI Overview.ppt 6|Page Answer/BI1-M1-03-CaseStudy01_Xl2007.doc Video/HowToLogon.html Present BI1-M4 Enterprise Material/BI1-M4-01.ppt Reporting Lab: Enterprise Reporting with BEx Analyzer 2/20 Material/BI1-M4-02CaseStudy01.doc Answer/BI1-M4-03CaseStudy01-Solution.doc Lab: Developing a Query Material/BI1-M4-04CaseStudy02.doc with BEx Query Designer Answer/BI1-M4-05CaseStudy02-Solution.doc BI1-M5 Business Planning 2/27 Lab: Usage of Business Planning BI1-M6 Data Mining Material/BI1-M5-01-Business Planning.ppt Video/ModuleBI1_M5_BusinessPlanning.html Material/BI1-M5-02-CaseStudy01.doc Material/BI1-M6-01-Data Mining Slides.ppt 3/6 BI2-M1 Data Modeling Material/BI2-M1-01-DataModellingSlides.ppt 3/13 Exam 1 BI2-M2 SAP BI Modeling Material/BI2-M2-01-BI ModelingSlides.ppt Lab: SAP BW Data Modeling Material/BI2-M3-01-ETL-Slides.ppt Answer/BI2-M2-03-SAP BI Modeling-Solution01_A4.docx Answer/BI2-M2-05-SAP BI Modeling-Solution02_A4.docx Answer/BI2-M3-03-ETL-Solution01_A4.docx Lab: Extraction, Transformation and 3/20 Loading (ETL) Lab: Master Data Maintenance from Flat Files Material/BI2_BW_DataModelling.docx Answer/BI2-M3-05-ETL-Solution02_A4.docx Material/BI2-M2-02-SAP BI ModelingExercise01_A4.docx Material/BI2-M2-04-SAP BI ModelingExercise02_A4.docx Files:Material/BI2_Files_for_Exercises.zip Video:Video/BI_II_CaseStudy_SAP_BW_Data_Modeling.wmv Video: Video/BI_II_Module_BI2_M3_ETL.avi Material/BI2-M3-02-ETL7|Page Assignment 1 Exercise01_A4.docx 3/27 4/3 Chapter 4 4/10 Answer/BI2-M3-05-ETL-Solution02.doc Material/BI2-M3-04-ETLExercise02_A4.docx Spring Recess Data Mining for Business Intelligence Assignment 2 Exam 2 Lab: Advanced Options for Developing a Query with BEx Query Designer Lab: Enterprise Reporting Material/BI2-M4-01Slides.ppt with BEx Analyzer Design Mode Material/BI2-M4-02CaseStudy01_A4.docx BI2-M4 Enterprise Reporting Material/BI2-M4-04Answer/BI2-M4-03-CaseStudy01-Solution_A4.docx CaseStudy02_A4.docx 4/17 BI2-M5 Business Planning Answer/BI2-M4-05-CaseStudy02-Solution_A4.docx Material/BI2-M5-01-Business Planning.ppt Lab: Planning of Material/BI2-M5-04-CaseStudy03.doc Hierarchical Relationships Material/BI2-M5-03-CaseStudy02.doc Lab: Customize Sales Organization Planning Material/BI2-M5-04-CaseStudy03.doc Material/BI2-M5-05-Exercise.doc Lab: SAP BI Integrated Planning BI2-M6 Data Mining 4/24 Lab: SAP BW Data Mining (Association 8|Page Material/BI2-M6-01-Data MiningSlides.ppt Material/BI2-M6-02-Data Mining-Case Video/CaseStudy_SAP_BW_DataMining_AssociationAnalysis.avi Material/shoppingdataset.csv Assignment 3 Analysis) Study.doc Material/BI2-M6-03-Data MiningExercises.doc Material/BI3_M1_01_UniverseDesign.pptx BI3-M1 Reporting using BOBJ Web Intelligence 5/1 and Universe Design Material/BI3_M1_02_WebIntelligence.pptx Xcelsius Demos: Acme Consolidated-Gas Prices at the Pump-Sales Dashboard Material/bi3-m1-03-casestudy.doc Answer/bi3-m1-05-exercises_soln.doc Business Objects Server Information.doc 5/8 Chapter 3 Business Performance Management Assignment 4 5/15 Review 5/22 Final Exams @ 5:15 pm ASSIGNMENTS [Assignment 1[ [Assignment 2] [Assignment 3[ [Assignment 4] The purpose of the homework assignment is to encourage further practice for the topics covered in our book but not covered in class (due to time constraints) and to give you the opportunity to work on more comprehensive exercises than those covered in the book. I will provide you with a comprehensive set of assignment exercises. Assignment Submitting Standards: All assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. All assignments should be printed and stapled together with the cover letter statement (click for sample) on the top. When presenting your analysis report please insert your SAP screens/documentation to demonstrate the completion of each task. 9|Page ASSIGNMENT 1 [top] 1. BI1-M1-04 Multi-Dimensional Reporting in a Data Warehouse Environment 1. Source and open the Microsoft Excel File Material/pivottable_03.xls (documentation: none) 2. Which product provided the most revenue? (documentation: text) 3. Which sales person provided the most sales revenue? (documentation: text) 4. Which customer spent the least amount of money in February? (documentation: text) 5. Which customer spent the most in February and which sales person was responsible for the majority of these sales? (documentation: text) 2. BI1-M4-03 Enterprise Reporting with BEx Analyzer 1. Open the Query “MU9R1000_000_Q1_Case1”. What is the total sales quantity of the bike company? (documentation: text) 2. Slicing: Select a Filter to only display the Sales Organizations GER1, GER2 and GER3. What is the total revenue in Germany? (documentation: text) 3. Dicing: Further restrict your display by only looking at the distribution channel “Wholesale”. What is the total revenue for wholesale in Germany? (documentation: text) 4. Drill-down: Break down the display of the key figures by calendar months. Since you are only interested in the revenue, eliminate the display of the columns for discount and sales quantity. Limit the display to the months October, November, and December 2007. Display the monthly values in columns. (documentation: print screen) 5. Drill-across: Switch the display so that the revenues by months are displayed in the rows and the Sales Organizations are displayed in the columns.(documentation: print screen) 6. Roll-up: Eliminate the breakdown by Sales Organization so that only one column is displayed for the revenues by month. (documentation: print screen) 7. Chart: Display the information as a bar chart. Delete the bar for the overall result, so that only one bar per month is displayed. (documentation: print screen) 3. BI1-M4-04 Developing a Query with BEx Query Designer 1. Start the BEx Query Designer. (documentation: none) 2. Create a new Query. In the first step select the InfoProvider “Bike Company Reporting 000” (Technical name: MU0R1000). (documentation: none) 3. Define a restriction for your query: The query shall be limited to evaluate only data from the year “2007” and only data for country “United States”. (documentation: print screen) 4. Display the key figures Revenue (Bike Company) and Discount (Bike Company) in the columns and the characteristic Sales Organization (Bike Company) and Material (Bike Company) in the rows. Define Distribution Channel as a free characteristic. (documentation: print screen) 10 | P a g e 5. Define a calculated local key figure as formula with the name “% Discount”, description “% Discount” which is calculated based on the formula: “Discount / Revenue * 100”. (documentation: print screen) 6. Define an “Exception 1” with the alert level “critical 3” for cases where the discount is higher than 8,6%. (documentation: print screen) 7. Use the “Save As” function to save your Query with the description and technical name MU9R1000_nnn_Q1_Sales where (nnn = Student-ID). (documentation: text) 8. Execute your Query via the BEx Web. (documentation: none) 9. Display the “Information” about the executed query to display filters (documentation: none) 10. Modify the filter criteria so that only material MB-0012, MB-0013 and MB-0014 are displayed. (documentation: print screen) ASSIGNMENT 2 [top] 2.1 BI2-M2-03 SAP BI Data Modeling: Material/BI2-M2-02-SAP BI Modeling-Exercise01_A4.docx and Material/BI2-M2-04-SAP BI ModelingExercise02_A4.docx 2.2 BI2-M3-02 Master Data Maintenance from Flat Files: Material/BI2-M3-02-ETL-Exercise01_A4.docx 2.3 BI2-M3-04 Transaction Data ETL from Flat File: Material/BI2-M3-04-ETL-Exercise02_A4.docx Assignment 2 Help: Assignment 2 Answer Help.doc ASSIGNMENT 3 [top] 3.1 BI2-M4-02 Advanced Options for Developing a Query with BEx Query Designer: Material/BI2-M4-02-CaseStudy01_A4.docx 3.2 BI2-M4-04 Enterprise Reporting with BEx Analyzer Design Mode: Material/BI2-M4-04-CaseStudy02_A4.docx 3.3 BI2-M5-04 Customizing Sales Organization Planning: Material/BI2-M5-04-CaseStudy03.doc ASSIGNMENT 4 [top] 11 | P a g e 4.1 BI2-M6-02 SAP BW Data Mining (Association Analysis) Material/BI2-M6-02-Data Mining-Case Study.doc (this document has step by step instructions on the exercise). 4.2 BI3-M1-05 Report Design and Analysis Using Web Intelligence Material/bi3-m1-04-exercises.doc 12 | P a g e