CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY EXAMINATIONS LIST OF CONTENTS Application Forms : 1) C.O.P.-1 (COP Application Form for Admission to Examination for a Certificate of Proficiency in Radio Telephony Restricted (Aeronautical). 2) AF-1 (COP Application Form for permission to operate a Radio Telephone Station on-board India Aircraft against Foreign FRTOL). 3) C.O.P.-2 (COP Application Form for Admission to GMDSS Maritime Examination) Application Form for Renewal of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) Licence: C.O.P.23 (COP Renewal Form-For Radio Telegraphy/Telephony Aeronautical/Maritime Services). Guidelines for Renewal of Maritime COP Licences. Guidelines for Renewal of Aeronautical COP Licences. Radio Telephony Restricted (Aeronautical) Examination: Syllabus and List/Addresses of RTR(Aeronautical) Examination Centres. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Maritime Examination: Pattern of GMDSS Examination and List/Addresses of Approved/Recognised GMDSS Institutes to impart course/training etc. Guidelines for approval of Training Institute for imparting Training for GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate Course Intake, Staff requirements, Teaching facilities and equipments, manual & other publications, Application for an Experimental Licence and Import Licence APPLICATION FORMS COP-1 IMPORTANT: APPLICATIONS NOT SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN PAGE 7 WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED * GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FORM OF APPLICATION For ADMISSION TO EXAMINATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN RADIO-TELEPHONY RESTRICTED (AERONAUTICAL) The form when completed should be sent to: (For use by the Office) Roll No. The Assistant Wireless Advisor to the Govt. of India, WPC Regional Licencing Office, To be filled in by the applicant Name & Postal address of applicant. (Tel. no. & E-Mail address, if any) ...……………………………………… (Respective RLO as mentioned in the examination schedule.) ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… (a) Centre* (b) Class of Examination & Part. (Tick whichever applicable) (c) RTR (Aero) Full: RTR (Aero) Pt.I: Note:-Pt. I - Renewal by Test (copy of Indian Licence/ Foreign Licence and Indian Permit to be submitted along with application. Original Licence should be produced during examination for verification) Month of examination: (d) Details of Bank Draft. @ (i) Name of State Bank of India branch. (ii) No. and date ٱ ٱ (iii) Amount:- (e) State, if appearing in any other class of COP Examination. (Tick appropriate box) ٱ ٱ No. Yes. Specify class if yes:______________________________________________________________________________ *Name of the centre, duly notified. @The Bank Draft should be obtained from any branch of the STATE BANK OF INDIA and drawn in favor of PAO (HQ), DOT, NEW DELHI payable at STATE BANK OF INDIA, NEW DELHI, Parliament Street, New Delhi. Service Branch (Code 7687). In case of payment from Delhi, Banker’s cheque from State Bank of India is also acceptable. 2 1. Name of Applicant (In Block Letters) Name in Hindi, if possible. NAME SURNAME Metres Centimeters 2. Full postal address to which Communication to be sent 3. Permanent Home Address 4. Contact No. and E-Mail address if any 5. Description of Applicant: (a) Height (b) Colour of eyes (c) Colour of hair (d) Complexion (e) Mark of Identification 6. Date of Birth: (*Please attach attested copy of your School Leaving Certificate or Matriculation Certificate) (Applicant should be of 18 years of age) 7. Place of birth (with District and State) 8. Name of State to which you belong 9. (a) Are you a citizen of India by birth and /or domicile Note: A certificate to this effect in the form given at page 4 of the application may obtain from persons duly authorised from time to time by the Central Government. (b) If not, to which country you belong? 10. Father’s name, address and nationality (if dead, state Last address) 11. Particulars of Certificates of Competency/Proficiency If any, already held by the applicant: Class of Certificate No. and date of issue Authority by whom issued 3 12. Educational Qualification of the Candidate (Please attach proof, a copy duly attested by a Gazetted officer of Central or State Govt.) DECLARATION 1. I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and correct and nothing is false therein and nothing material has been concealed there from. I also agree that in case any information given by me herein before is found false at later date, the certificate and licence to operate, if granted will be cancelled. 2. I further solemnly give an undertaking that I will not either directly or indirectly divulge to any person, except when lawfully authorised or directed to do so, the purport or any message which I may transmit or receive by means of any wireless apparatus operated by me or which may come to my knowledge in connection with the operation of the said apparatus. 3. I have carefully read and understood the rules contained in the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators Certificates of Proficiency and licence to operate Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954 and undertake to abide by them. Signature of Witness Signature of applicant Name (in Capital Letters) Address : Name (in Capital Letters) Date : Place : Date : Place : (To be witnessed by any responsible person) I enclosed the following documents: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Bank Draft for Rs……. Character and Nationality Certificate Domicile Certificate, if any required. Proof of Age (Applicant should be above 18 years of age on the date of commencement of the examination) Photographs stamps size 3x4 cms – Two Nos. (One should be pasted in the space provided in the Attendance Sheet, page no.6, and the second one should be enclosed in an envelope and secured to the application form). Enclosed a self addressed and stamped (Rs.5/- only) envelope of size 23X10 cm. Signature of applicant 4 *CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER AND NATIONALITY Certified that I have known Shri………………………………………………………… Son of Shri…………………………………………………..for the last…………….……..years ………months. He bears a good moral character and is of …………………………….nationality. He is not related to me. Place: Date: This certificate should be from any one of the following: 1. Gazetted Officer of Central or State Governments. 2. Member of Parliament or State Legislature 3. Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Officer or Tehasildar Signature Name (in Capital Letters) Designation & Address with Stamp 5 (This page will be posted to the candidate. Therefore it should be on a separate sheet of paper) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WPC WING), Regional Licensing Office, …………………….. ADMISSION CERTIFICATE Shri…………………………………… is hereby admitted to the following examination: Examination Centre Roll No. Date Time RTR (A) 1. Candidates must carefully study the following instructions for strict compliance: i) ii) iii) iii) iv) No candidate will be admitted to the Examination Hall after half an hour from the commencement of examination Candidates should bring their own pen, ink, pencil, erasures and drawing instruments. Candidates shall not be allowed the help of any scribe to write answers for them. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the Examination Hall unless half an hour has elapsed after the commencement of the paper. Candidates are not allowed to take mobile phone to the examination hall. 2. If the candidate is found guilty of impersonation or using or attempting to use unfair means in the Examination Hall, he is liable to criminal prosecution and/or he may be debarred either permanently or for a specified period from appearing in the examination. THE CANDIDATES MUST ABIDE BY ANY OTHER INSTRUCTIONS WHICH MAY BE GIVEN TO THEM BY THE CHIEF EXAMINER OR THE INVIGILATING OFFICER. For Assistant wireless Adviser to the Government of India Candidate to write his postal address: To Shri………………………. …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… 6 (Please use an exclusive/separate sheet for this page GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WIRELESS PLANNING & COORDINATION WING) ATTENDANCE SHEET (To be filled by the Candidate, preferably typed and should be on a separate sheet of paper) Class of Exam: Click the respective box. Part I only Part I & II Name of the Centre: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Paste recent Photograph 3X4 cm Roll No:…………… here. The photograph should be signed and dated Sl no of Lic. ………. on the front. RTR(A) Lic. No…… Date:……………….. 1. Name of the Candidate in BLOCK LETTERS……………………………………………… 2. Postal address where the licence to be posted. 3. Father’s name. 4. Date of birth. 5. Place of birth. 6. Nationality. 7. Height in mtrs. 8. Colour of eye. 9.Colour of hair 10.Complexion 11.Mark(s) of identification 12. Particulars of Certificate of Proficiency Licence, if any, already held by the applicant. (a) Class of Licence. (b) No. and date of Licence. (c) Issued by. Date 1 Subject 2 Part I Part II Signature of the Candidate 3 7 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WIRELESS PLANNING & COORDINATION WING) INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CANDIDATES FOR FILLING IN THE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO EXAMINATIONS FOR CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN RADIO-TELEPHONE RESTRICTED (AERONAUTICAL) 1. Application duly completed should reach the Assistant Wireless Adviser to Govt. of India, WPC Regional Licencing Office of the respective region as mentioned in the schedule of the examination by the prescribed due date. Applications received, without proper enclosures and after the due date, will summarily be rejected. Further, NO enquiry or correspondence will be entertained on the matter. Also applications otherwise not in order in any manner would also be rejected summarily without entertaining any correspondence in this regard. 2. (i) Every application form should be accompanied by:Two identical copies of the recent photographs of the candidate. The photographs should be of head and shoulders only (full face) and 3 X 4 cms size. They should be duly signed and dated in ink on the front and one of them enclosed in a small open envelop. The other should be pasted on the right hand top of the attendance sheet enclosed. The name and complete address should be written on the back of the photographs enclosed in the open envelope. The nationality and character certificate in the prescribed format from one of the officers listed below:Gazetted Officers of Central or State Governments. Member of Parliament or MLA, MLC of State Government Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Officer Tehasildar of Naib/Deputy Tehasildar authorized to exercise magisterial powers. Evidence of age (e.g. Attested copy of Matriculation Certificate or School leaving Certificate). Examination fee in the form of SBI Demand Draft. Domicile Certificate, in case a candidate is an Indian not by birth, issued by competent authority, either in original or copies duly attested. Enclose a self addressed and stamped (Rs.5/- only) envelope of size 23X10 cm. (ii) a) b) c) d) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 3. Candidate’s address, at which he desires to receive his admission Certificate, should be written in the space provided on the blank admission Certificate form. 4. (i) The prescribed fee should be paid only by a crossed BANK DRAFT OF STATE BANK OF INDIA. The Bank Draft should be obtained from any branch of the STATE BANK OF INDIA, and drawn in favor of PAO (HQ), DOT, NEW DELHI payable at STATE BANK OF INDIA, Parliament Street, New Delhi. Service Branch (Code 7687). In case of payment from Delhi, Banker’s cheque from State Bank of India is also acceptable. In no case, Bank Draft drawn on any other banks/Cheques will be accepted. Defaced or mutilated Bank Drafts will also not be accepted. Fees for the different classes of Certificates of Proficiency Examination is Rs. 50/- only. (ii) (iii) 8 5. There is no minimum educational qualification prescribed for appearing fro these examinations. It should however, be emphasized that the syllabus for these examinations is such, as would require a sound educational qualification at least up to Matriculation standard with Mathematics and Physics as subject for a candidate efficiently study them. Particular attention of intending candidates is, therefore, drawn to the necessity for a good general education as a perquisite for attempting these examinations. It is also emphasized that during the examination the proficiency in English language also will be considered. 6. The language of the examination will be English. 7. No claim for a refund of the examination fees will be entertained, nor can it be held in reserve for any subsequent Certificate of Proficiency Examination. 8. For detailed syllabus and form of Examination, candidates are advised to refer to the pamphlet, “Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators, Certificate of proficiency and Licence to Operate wireless Telegraphy) Rules 1954” available at the prescribed cost from the Controller, Government of India Publication Branch, New Delhi110001 or any of its branches or authorised agents. 9. Certificate of Proficiency Examinations are qualifying examinations only. These are not meant for filling up any vacancy or imparting training. 10. Examination conducted at various Centres during one particular session, if any, will be considered as one and the same examination. Application for the COP examination shall be considered for one centre only during a particular session. 11. Failure to comply with the above instructions will render the applications liable to be rejected. No representations on rejected applications will be entertained, in any manner whatsoever. 13. Candidates are not allowed to take mobile phone to the examination hall. *** Form AF-1 APPLICATION FORM FOR PERMISSION TO OPERATE A RADIO TELEPHONE STATION ON BOARD INDIAN AIRCRAFT AGAINST -- FOREIGN FRTOL Note: Before filing in the application, please see the instructions given overleaf. 1. FRTO Licence No. & date of issue : 2. FRTOL issuing authority : 3. Name (as recorded in the foreign FRTO) : 4. Name (as recorded in the passport) : 5. Are the names as given at Sl. 3 & 4 Identical? (YES/NO) : 6. Name in Hindi : 7. Nationality : 8. Does the validity period of the relevant VISA cover the date(s) on which the Examination for foreign FRTO was Undertaken? (YES/NO) : 9. Indian passport Number : 10. VISA Number : 11. Contact Tel. No. and E-Mail Address, if any: 12. Are all the required papers enclosed with the application ? (YES/NO) : Declaration: I hereby solemnly declare that the aforementioned facts as well as the papers enclosed herewith are true and correct and nothing is false therein, and that nothing material has been concealed there from. I also agree that in case any information given by me herein before is found false at a later date, the permission granted to me to operate a Radio Telephone Station on Board Indian Aircraft will be cancelled, and that I will be subject to punishment/penalty as specified under the Indian Telegraph Act in force. Name, Contact Address, Tel.No. & email address, if any ……………………………………. …………………………………… …………………………………… …………………………………… (Signature of the Applicant) Name: Date: Place: 2 Instructions for filling in the application form: 1. (Ref Sl.1,2,3,4,10&11 of the application form) The applicant should provide the information as required. 2. (Ref Sl. 5 of the application form) The name recorded against Sl. 3 & 4 should be identical, except as noted below, and hence the response against Sl. 5 should be YES. Exception: The name recorded against Sl. 3 (Sl. 4) may begin with the surname first, followed by remaining part(s) of the name, whereas the name recorded against Sl. 4 (Sl. 3) may have surname at the end. For example, if the Name is ABC LMN XYZ, where XYZ is surname, the following combination is permissible. Name (as recorded in FRTO) And : XYZ, ABC, LMN or XYZ ABC LMN Name (as recorded in the Passport or Name (as recorded in the FRTO) And Name (as recorded in the Passport : ABC LMN XYZ : ABC LMN XYZ : XYZ, ABC LMN or XYZ ABC LMN Except for the above difference in the name, no other difference is acceptable to the Ministry. In the case of there being any difference, it is the responsibility of the applicant to get his/her name corrected by the foreign FRTO issuing authority. (No other approach in this regard is acceptable). 3. (Ref Sl.6 and Declaration of the application form) The applicant should put his signature exactly the same way against Sl. 6 and at the bottom of the Declaration as made in the foreign FRTO. 4. (Ref Sl. 7 of the application form) The applicant should record his/her name in Hindi, preferably as recorded in the Certificate/Degree awarded by the School Examination Board/University. In case the applicant does not record his/her name in Hindi, the Ministry will make the necessary translation of the name in Hindi, and any subsequent request to rectify the error, if any arising out of inappropriate/inaccurate translation of the name, may not be entertained by the Ministry. 5. (Ref Sl. 8 of the application form) The response to Sl.8 should be YES. If the response is not YES, the application will be treated as incorrect/incomplete, and hence will not be acted upon by the Ministry. 6. (Ref Sl. 9 of the application) (A) The applicant is required to submit the duly attested xerox copies of the following documents/papers: (I) Foreign FRTO (all the pages); (ii) Passport (only those pages 3 supporting the personal particulars recorded in the foreign FRTO, and the VISA for the country where from the FRTO was issued); (iii) A Bank draft of Rs. 50/- obtained from any branch of the STATE BANK OF INDIA, and drawn in favour of "PAY AND ACCOUNTS OFFICER (HQ), DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NEW DELHI” PAYABLE AT THE STATE BANK OF INDIA, New Delhi Main Branch, Parliament Street, New Delhi (code 691) or Service Branch (code 7687) (in case of payment from New Delhi, Banker’s cheque from STATE BANK OF INDIA is also acceptable). (B) Every xeroxed page, as mentioned in (A) above, should be attested by either (I) a gazetted officer of the Central or State Government, or (ii) a Member of Parliament of State Legislature (The applicant should ensure that the person attesting the paper(s) should record his/her name as well as complete postal address. Attestation by any person other than mentioned here is not acceptable) (C) All the xeroxed pages should be legible in particular the passport number should be easily readable on the xerox copies of the passport FRTO licence number should be recorded on every xerox page of the FRTO by the person attesting the FRTO. 7. General instruction/information: (A) The application should be duly typed and the envelope containing the application should be superscribed in bold letters with “PERMIT AGAINST FRTO” (B) The incomplete/incorrect application may not be responded to by the Ministry. (C) Processing of correct application may take about 8 weeks. (D) Application duly completed should reach the Assistant Wireless Adviser to Govt. of India, WPC Wing, COP Section, Department of Telecom, 619, Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001. Note: The application form can be typed and distributed freely as long as the format and content is strictly followed. C.O.P. - 2 Government of India Ministry of Communications & Information Technology Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing FORM OF APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO EXAMINATION FOR AWARD OF Global Maritime Distress & Safety System (GMDSS) GENERAL OPERATOR’S(GOC) CERTIFICATE 1. Name of Applicant (in Block letters) : 2. Father’s Name : 1. Full Postal Address for communication : 4. Marks of Identification : 5. Date of Birth (Attach an attested copy of : School Leaving Certificate or Matriculation Certificate) 6. a) Are you a citizen of India by Birth and /or Domicile : b) If not, to which country you belong (attach attested copy of Passport) : 7. Whether copy of requisite Qualification Cerificate attached: (i) 10+2 certificate : No. Date OR (ii)COP/COC/COS: No. Date of expiry: ( i ) Demand Drafts Number/Date/Amount : (ii) Issue Branch with Code No. : DECLARATION I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and correct and nothing is false therein and nothing material has been concealed therefrom. I also agree that in case any information given by me herein before is found false at later date, the certificate and licence to operate, if granted, will be cancelled. I also certify that I shall maintain Secrecy of correspondence as required under the Rules. 8. Place: Signature of the applicant Date: Name (in Block letters) 1. Certified that the particulars furnished by the candidate above are true to the best of my knowledge and behalf. 2. Certified that the candidate above has undergone/has not undergone prescribed training. Date: (PRINCIPAL) 2 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Roll Number allotted : Centre : Date of Examination : Marks obtained : NEW DELHI Part I ……………….. Part II ………………. Result : (Witness Signature) Passed/Failed Signature of Examination-in-Charge Certificate/Licence Number Issued Validity of Certificate/Licence Signature of AWA to Govt. of India 3 ATTENDANCE SHEET CUM RESULT SHEET GMDSS GOC LICENCE NO.: DATE OF ISSUE : AWA TO GOI PHOTOGRAPH 1. NAME: (a) in Hindi: (b) in English: 2. FATHER’S NAME (In Eng) 3. DATE OF BIRTH : 4. PLACE OF BIRTH : 5. NATIONALITY : : 6 (a) HEIGHT (In Cms) ______ (b) COLOUR OF EYES ____________ (c) COLOUR OF HAIR________________ (d) COMPLEXION________________ 7. MARKS OF IDENTIFICATION: ________________________________ 8. QUALIFICATION: (a) 10+2: (i) Certificate No.: _________________ Dated: _____________ (ii) Marks Shee No: _________________ (b) IN CASE OF COC, COP, COS Licence No. _________________valid till: ____________ 9. PERMANENT ADDRESS ___________________________________________________ (WITH PIN CODE) ___________________________________________________ 10. CONTACT TEL. NO./E-MAIL : ___________________________________________ CENTRE : Signature of the candidate Examiner PART:I (Written) PART: II (Sec.A) (Commercial Wkg.) PART: II Practical Examiner DGS Examiner, WPC Exam.-in-Charge Date : Marks : Result ROLL NO.: Signature of the Exam-I-C/Examiner : : : : : : : Prov. GOC. Lic. No.--------------------------------- Issued on:--------------------------------------Note: Staple two identical colour photographs with name, on reverse side with this form and paste one above. Necessary undertaking wherever necessary must be attached by provisionally admitted candidates. 4 DECLARATION I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and correct and nothing is false therein and nothing has been concealed therefrom. I also agree that in case any information given by me herein before is found false at a later date, the certificate and licence to operate, if granted, will be cancelled. I also certify that I shall maintain secrecy of correspondence as required under the Rules. Place Signature of the Applicant Date Name (in block letters) 1. Certified that the particulars furnished by the candidate Shri__________________________________ above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2. Certified that the candidate has undergone prescribed training from ________ to _________. Place: Date: Signature (…………………………….) Name Chief Course Coordinator GMDSS Name of the Institute Stamp of the Institute : FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS PERSONAL PARATICULARS OF APPLICANT (To be submitted in six copies) 1. (a) SURNAME : NATIONALITY (b) NAME: PLACE OF BIRTH: 2. DATE OF BIRTH: 3. FATHER’S NAME: 4 (a) PRESENT FULL ADDRESS : (IN INDIA) CITY STATE : : 5 (a) PASSPORT NO: (b) VISA NO. : : PERMANENT ADDRESS : CITY STATE : : DATE: VALID UPTO: DATE: VALID UPTO: 6. PURPOSE & PERIOD OF STAY IN INDIA: Alongwith Full Address 7.(a) DO YOU BELONG TO DEFENCE FORCES OF YOUR COUNTRY? : 8. ANY OTHER INFORMATION : I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and correct and nothing is false therein and nothing material has been concealed there from. I also agree that in case any information given by me is found false at a later, the certificate and licence to operate, if granted, will be cancelled. Name & Signature of Applicant Place : Dated : Form of application for Renewal of COP Licence (Radio Telegraphy/Telephony In Aeronautical/Maritime Services) C.O.P.- 23 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNICTIONS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing) Form of application for Renewal of COP Licence (Radio Telegraphy/Telephony in Aeronautical/Maritime Services) To operate/endorse in the Certificate of Proficiency under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators Certificate of proficiency and Licence to Operate wireless Telegraphy) Rules 1954” 1. Name in full (in block letters) 2. Postal address in full (Contact No. and E-Mail address, if any) 3. Nationality (Indicate by birth or domicile) 4. Particulars of the State Bank of India Draft enclosed with the application Name of the Bank 5. Number and Date Amount Particulars of Certificate(s) of *Competency/Proficiency held by the applicant: Class and Registration Number of Certificate Service Maritime/Aero- By whom issued Date of last Remarks nautical renewal/Date of Expiry of Licence 6. Details of experience during the last three years: From To Designation of the post Name and address of the Held Employer Nature of duties performed (See Para ‘G’ on page 4) 2 DECLERATION 1. I hereby solemnly declare that the foregoing facts are true and correct and nothing is false therein and nothing material has been concealed there from. I also agree that in case any information given by me herein before is found false at later date, the certificate and licence to operate, if granted, will be cancelled. 2. I further solemnly give an undertaking that I will not either directly or indirectly divulge to any person, except when lawfully authorized or directed to do so, the purport of any message which I may transmit or receive by means of any wireless apparatus operated by me or which may come to my knowledge in connection with the operation of the said apparatus. 3. I have carefully read and understood the rules contained in the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators Certificates of Proficiency and licence to operate Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954 and undertake to abide by them. Date Signature of applicant Name (in Block Letters) *Certified that the particulars entered above are correct. Signature Name in Block Capitals Station Dated Designation Office Stamp *Attested by Gazetted Officer(s)/Appropriate Authority (ies) (such as D.G.C.A. / D.G. Shipping etc.)* THE CERTIFYING AUTHORITY SHOULD SATISFY ITSELF FULLY AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE PARTICULARS CONTAINED IN COLUMNS 1 TO 6 ABOVE. 3 NOTES:- (a) The renewal fee is Rs.50. In case the holder of the licence does not apply for its renewal prior to the date of expiry of the licence, he may apply for the renewal of licence subsequently also, but within a period of two years after the date of expiry of the licence on payment of a surcharge at the rate of Rs. 15 for every half year or part thereof, however, the licence in such case shall be renewed only for a period of three years from the date of expiry of licence. (b) The renewal application alongwith prescribed fee should be sent to The Assistant Wireless Adviser to the Govt. of India, Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing, COP Section, Department of Telecom, 619, Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001. The application for further renewal may be submitted within three months period preceding the date of termination of the licence and in no case before the above three month’s period. (c) The renewal fee is payable by means of a BANK DRAFT only which should be obtained from any branch of THE STATE BANK OF INDIA and drawn in favour of ‘PAY AND ACCOUNTS OFFICER (HQ) DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS, and payable at the STATE BANK OF INDIA, SERVICE BRANCH, PARLIAMENT STREET, NEW DELHI, (Code No. 7687). In no case Bank Draft drawn on any other bank or cheques etc. will be accepted. Mutilated or defaced Bank Drafts will not be accepted. (d) Applicants at the time of application should furnish the certificate from their last employer, and those who are not employed may submit attested true copies of contents (attested by a Gazetted officer of Central or State Govt.) of their Personal Log Book (For Aeromobile Licence Renewal)/Continuous Discharge Certificate or three month’s Maritime Experience (For Maritime Licence Renewal) of the relevant period i.e. during the last 3 years period prior to the date of expiry of licence, including the first page bearing the name of candidate. (e) Full details of duties for the post held, should be given. In the case of Licences in the Aeronautical mobile service, the number of hours of flying experience (minimum of 30 hours flying RT experience for pilots during the 3 years period prior to the date of expiry of licence) as Radio Telephony Operator, as appropriate should be clearly specified. 4 (f) Original Certificates should not be sent with the application. In accordance with para 10 (ii) and 10 (iii) of Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators Certificates of Proficiency and Licence to Operate Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954, the licence can be renewed, if the holder: Para 10(ii) “has a total experience of more than 3 months within 3 years prior to the date of expiry of licence” (in case of Ground Aero RT Operation). Para 10 (iii) “Satisfies the Central Government by re-examination or otherwise, that he still possesses all of the qualifications specified in this certificate.” EXPLANATION: For the purpose of this rule, the expression ‘experience’ means the experience gained at a mobile station in the Maritime or Aeronautical Mobile Service as adequate for a Radio Officer or Wireless Operator or experience gained as an operator of Radio-telegraph apparatus at a RadioTelephony/Telegraph Station maintained on land for communication with mobile stations’ in the Maritime or Aeronautical Mobile Service, as being appropriate to the licence, which is sought to be renewed. *Attested by Gazetted Officer/Appropriate Authority (ies) (such as D.G.C.A./D.G. Shipping etc) Guidelines for Renewal of Maritime COP Licences. Application in Form No. COP –23 duly completed is to be submitted not more than three months before the date of expiry of the Licence, along with the following. a) Bank Draft of Rs. 50/- from STATE BANK OF INDIA drawn in favor of “Pay & Accounts Officer(HQ), Department of Telecommunication payable at Service Branch (Code 7687), New Delhi. b) (i) Experience Certificate as per Performa given below, showing details of employment during last three years preceding the date of expiry of the licence in case of Persons engaged in the maintenance of Radio Telegraph/Radio Telephone equipment in the Maritime Mobile Service. In case of Persons engaged in duties in a Ship/Vessel, Photo Copy of CDC, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and clearly indicating the name of person to whom it belongs. (3 months of experience in the Maritime Mobile Service) 2(a) Late fee @ Rs. 15/- per 6 months or part thereof as late fee will be charged if application for Renewal is received after the date of expiry of the Licence. Licence can be renewed only within a Period of two years after the date of the expiry of the Licence after payment of late fee as mentioned above failing which the licence is deemed to have lapsed. Certificate Ref No………… Date ………………. This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Miss ………………………………………….. holder of COP Licence No…………………………. has been serving in our organization as …………………………from …………… to …………….. It is also certified that as a part of his duties, he/she has successfully carried out Radio Telephony/Telegraphy Operation/ Maintenance related to Maritime Radio Communication for more than three months time during the above period. Date: Place: ( ) Name & Designation with Stamp Tel No: Note: 1. 2. Certificate must be issued by competent authority and submitted in original. Certificate must be on letter pad. Guidelines for Renewal of Aeronautical COP Licences. 1. Application in the Form No. COP –23 duly completed is to be submitted not more than three months before the date of expiry of the Licence, alongwith the following 2. Bank Draft of Rs. 50/- drawn from STATE BANK OF INDIA in favour of “Pay & Accounts Officer (HQ), Department of Telecommunication Payable at Service Branch (Code 7687), New Delhi. 3 (i) Experience * Certificate as per proforma given below, showing details of employment during the last three years preceding the date of expiry of the licence. Photo copy of Flying logbook, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and clearly indicating the name of person to whom it belongs is required to be furnished. A certificate from the employer is required to be produced in the case of persons engaged in the maintenance of Radio Telephone equipment in the Aeromobile Service. Minimum Experience required: Aeromobile: (a) 30 hours of flying experience for CPL holders during three years preceding expiry of licence. OR Flying experience of 20 hours during three years preceding the expiry of licence out of which 10 hours will be during the year immediately preceding the expiry of licence. (as applicable to P1,P2 etc) (b) 15 hours of flying experience for Hobby flyers. * (Attested copy of first page and relevant pages of Log Book to be enclosed for flying experience) For RT Ground personnel: More than 3 months experience of Radio Telephony operation on the ground station either as Flight Despatcher or as Aircraft maintenance Engineer/Officer during the last 3 yrs period preceding the date of expiry of RTR (A) licence (Certificate from the employer to be enclosed, stating the name, designation, the RTR(A) certificate number, the above requisite Radio Telephony operation experience and the period of employment etc. as per the prescribed proforma,) (iii) If the licencee does not have requisite experience he has to appear for the “Commercial Working Test” i.e. Part-I of RTR (Aero) Examination. 4. (ii) Late fee @ Rs. 15/- per 6 months or part thereof as late fee will be charged if application for Renewal is received after the date of expiry of the Licence. -25. Licences can be renewed only within a Period of two years after the date of the expiry of the Licence with payment of late fee as mentioned at above failing which the licencee shall have to appear for commercial working test i.e. part-I of RTR(Aero) examination. 6. For Renewal of permit,(issued on the basis of foreign FRTO’s) two Passport size photographs, photocopy of permit issued earlier and licence issued by other administrations attested by a Gazetted Officer with experience as per para b(i) above, are to be submitted. 7. Logbook is required to be submitted for verification wherever called for. 8. Original licence with renewal application form need NOT be submitted. * All the pages of Log Book are required to be signed by Licensee. Summary of Log Book is invariably signed by the licensee and countersigned by the competent authority. EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE (For Renewal of RTR (A) licences) No: Dated: This is to certify that Mr./Ms ______________________________________ holder of RTR(A) Licence No .________________has been serving in our organization as (designation)_________________________________ (date) from ______________ (date) to _________________. It is also certified that as part of his/ her duties, He/ She has successfully operated Radio telephony operation for more than three(3) months time during the last 3 years period prior to the expiry (date) __________ of the above RTR(A) Licence No. _______________ in connection with Operation and maintenance of Aircraft Radio Telephony equipments. OR He/She has successfully carried out flying of Aircraft for more than 30 hours time during the last three years period prior to expiry (date) ________ of the above RTR(A) Licence No. ___________ OR He/ She has successfully carried out Flight Despatch Radio Telephony operation for more than three (3) months time during the last 3 years period prior to the expiry (date)___________ of the above RTR(A) Licence No.______________ ( ) Name & Designation Tel.No. NOTE: 1. The above Certificate must be issued by the authorities of the rank of Dy. General Manager and above & submitted in original. 2. Copy of this certificate to be endorsed to DGCA, New Delhi. 3. Certificate must be issued on the printed letter head of Organisation/company with reference No. and date. 4. This Ministry has the right to refer the certificate to DGCA at any time for verifying the authority of the organization to issue such certificates. 5. This Ministry has the right at any time to call for the basic documents as proof for issue of such certificates SYLLABUS AND LIST/ADDRESS OF EXAMINATION CENTRES Syllabus of the RTR(Aero) Examination Radio Telephone Operator’s Certificate (Restricted) Aeronautical Mobile Service PATTERN OF EXAMINATION: The examination will consist of the following two parts:Part-I – Practical test in Regulations and Procedure – 100 Marks A practical test will be conducted over a synthetic R/T circuit. Candidates will be required to use phonetic alphabets and general procedure for radio telephone working. Candidates will be required to carry out communications associated with mobile and/or base stations. Typical examples of what the candidates are expected to carry out are: Preparation of messages for transmission, exchange of traffic, use of priorities requesting D/F assistance, obtaining meteorological information, position reports, distress urgency, safety and D/F procedure. Part-II – Oral examination in (a) Regulations and Procedure } } (b) Radio Principles and Practice } - 100 Marks 2 SYLLABUS: (A) Regulations and Procedure: Shall cover the following: International Telecommunication Convention & Radio Regulations General and Aeronautical ‘Q’ Code Signals and other abbreviations as contained in Annexure 10 (Vol.I & II) of International Civil Aviation Organisation. General Radio telephone Communication procedures and radio telephone communication procedure for distress urgency and direction finding. Procedures for distress communication in Maritime Mobile Service. Words and figures spelling used in radio telephone. Licensing requirements of installation and operation of radio apparatus used in aircraft. Minimum requirement of radio equipment to be carried on aircraft as prescribed in Annexure 6 of the International Civil Aviation Organisation and Civil Aviation Authority in India. Flight Information Regions in India and main Radio Communication and Navigation facilities available together with principal frequencies to be used for communication and navigation within India. Meteorological codes, pre-flight briefing services and their usages. Knowledge of notices to airmen issued by the Civil Aviation Authorities in India as applicable to the Aeronautical mobile and Air traffic Control Services. Radio Principles & Practice:Candidates will be required to have knowledge of Electrical Units such as Volt, Ampere, Ohm and Watt; Wavelength, frequency and their relationship; Elementary knowledge of radio frequency propagation, and night frequencies, skip distances, fading, ground shadow and its effect on communication, choice of frequencies to attain maximum efficiency in handling air ground HF Communications. General knowledge of systems employed for air-ground communications including SELCAL operation, inter-communication and announcing systems of aircraft; elementary knowledge of Radio-navigation Aids, operation of microphones and headphones, Squelch, AVC, Volume control, tuning of transmitter, simplex and duplex operation; advantages and disadvantages of Radio telephone communication; limitations of range due to frequency interference etc. Note: ( i ) (ii ) The maximum marks in each Part I and II is 100 and minimum pass is 50 in individual parts. Candidates who do not qualify in Part I will be considered failed in the R/T examination. Reference for study (limited to Aeromobile service requirements and allied regulatory matters). 3 There are many books which cover various aspects of the syllabus; a brief selection which is given below is for guidance: (A) ITU Radio Regulations. (B) ICAO Publications:a) Annexure - 10 Vol. I & II. b) DOC 4444 – Procedure of Air Navigation Service (PANS) and Air Traffic Management (ATM) c) DOC 9432 - Manual of Radio Telephony. d) DOC 8400 - Abbreviations and codes. (C) AAI/DGCA Publications:a) Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP). b) AERADIO. Suitable book(s) for Radio Communication Principles. Many books are available on this subject. The amateur Radio Relay league handbook may be useful for basic radio understanding. Note:- (iii) It is recommended that the candidates in their own interest may study the functioning of a typical modern R/T installation on board a civil passenger aircraft, as well as at the ground station. LIST/ADDRESS OF RTR (AERONAUTICAL) EXAMINATION CENTRES 1. Engineer-in-Charge (SRHQ), Southern Regional Headquarters, International Monitoring Station, Perungudi, Chennai-600096. (Tele.No.: 044 -24960234/ 24960979 FAX 044 – 24960235) 2. Director (Wireless Monitoring), Monitoring Organisation, E-Wing, III Floor, Pushpa Bhavan, Madangir Road, New Delhi-110062. (Tel.: 011 – 2905 4618, 2905 1005 ) 3. Indian Airlines Limited, Operational Department, Santacruz Airport, Ville Parle (East), Mumbai – 400009. 4. Sea Com Marine College, 11 Kendua Main Road, Kolkata -700 004 (Sh. Anish Chakravorty Tel. No. 033 – 2430 1749/ 6582 FAX 033 -2430 9308 ) 5. AP Aviation Academy , Hyderabad Old air port , Hyderabad-500 011 (Phone 040 27753759 & 27752828) GMDSS EXAMINATION LIST OF APPROVED INSTITUTES MUMBAI 1. Anglo-Eastern Maritime Training Centre, St. Xavier’s Technical institute premises, 2nd Floor, off Mahim Causeway, Mahim (W), Mumbai – 400016 (26837007, Fax: 4459970) 2. FOSMA Maritime Institute & Research Organisation, C/o St. Xaviers Technical institute, Mahim, Mumbai 40016. (Peter Lobo TF 4018866/4018877) 3. LBS College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research, Hay Bunder, Mumbai 400 033. (Capt. Subramanian TF 3719944/3738048) (Fax; 7379784) 4. Mohd. Yusuf Seaman Welfare Foundation, Jahaz Mahal Annexe, Samundra Point Estate, Off: Lala Lajpat Rai Marg, Worli, Mumbai 400 018. (Capt. Sitaraman TF 7212236/7212097). 5. Maritime Training Institute, Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., 52C, Adi Shankaracharya Marg, Powai, Mumbai 400 072. (Tel.: 25704222/ 25701342 Fax: 5700338). 6. Mumbai Maritime Training Institute, Victor House, 1st Floor, Veera Desai Raod, Next to Chitralekha House, Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 053 (Capt. C.L. Dubey TF: 6313884 FAX: 6313511). 7. Naval Maritime Academy, INS Kunjali, Bahind US Club, R.C. Church, Colaba, Mumbai – 400 005 (Cdr K.S. Mathews). Tel : 22187861, Fax : 22153516). 8. St. Xavier’s Technical Institute & Research Organisation, Off Mahim Causeway, Mahim (W), Mumbai 400016. (Tele: 4455937, 4451961, 440359 Fax: 4454482). 9. T.S. Chanakya, Karave, New Mumbai 400 706 (FAX 770 0398) (TF: 7701315, 7701571) 2 KOLKATA 10. Institute of Marine Radio Officer, Shyampur, Budge Budge, West Bengal -743 319. (Shri Satkar TF 24701416) 11. Indian Institute of Port Management, 40 Circular Garden, Reach Road, Kolkata – 700043 (Tel: 24394123, 24394124) 12. Radio Marine Institute, 6 Gariahat Road South, Dhakuria, Kolkata – 700031 (Shri P.K. Roy Tel: 24139251 ; FAX: 24736163) 13. Sea Com Marine College, 11 Kendua Main Road, Kolkata-700 004. (Anish Chakravortty TF 24301749) (TELE FAX: 033 – 24309308) DELHI 14. Applied Research International, Lado Sarai, New Delhi-30 (Shri Jeet K. Wadhwa, Tel : 26969825) 15. FOSMA’s Maritime Institute & Research Organisation, F-322 A Adarsh House, Lado Sarai, New Delhi-110 030. (Shri KARANA, TELEFAX: 6601436, 6527975, 6525911, 6528469 6527964, 6601435) CHENNAI 16. Academy of Maritime Education and Training, 135 East Coast Road, KANTHUR603112 (Kind attention: Shri (Capt.) K. Vivekanand, TF 4847617/4844568). 17. Indian Maritime College, 14A, Masilamani Street, T. Nagar, Chennai- 600 017. (Shri Nandakumar TF 4344482/4342839) 18. Marine Officer Training Academy, No.5 Republic Street, Reddiarpalayam, Pondicherry-605010. (Tel: 0413-201125). Gazette Notification regarding GMDSS Maritime Examination Government of India MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (Department of Telecommunications) NOTIFICATION New Delhi dated the 6th July,1998 G.S.R. 133 - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885) and in supersession of the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency and licence to operate Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) Rules, 1994, except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules namely:1. Short title and commencement: -- (1) These rules may be called, the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operators certificate of proficiency and licence to operate Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) Rules, 1997. (2)They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions:- Unless the context otherwise requires, in these rules:“Convention” means the convention of the International Telecommunication Union as amended from time to time. 3. Categories of Certificates and Licences – On the result of an examination which may, from time to time be held by it or by and officer empowered by it in this behalf, the Central Government may grant (in accordance with the terms of the Convention) the following categories of the Certificates of proficiency or Licence to operate Global Maritime Distress and Safety System namely:(i) First Class Radio Electronic Certificate of Proficiency and Licence (ii) Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate of Proficiency and Licence (iii)General Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency and Licence (iv)Restricted Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency and Licence. 4. Eligibility for admission to the examination for licence – No person shall be eligible for admission to an examination held under these rules for grant of a certificate specified under rule 3 unless such person is – (i) a Citizen of India (ii) is above the age of eighteen years on the date of examination (a) has passed all India Senior Secondary School Certificate examination or an equivalent examination conducted by a recognised board/university with Mathematic and Physics as optional subjects. 2 or holds a valid certificate of competency or its equivalent issued or recognized by the Directorate General of Shipping under the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958); or holds a valid certificate of proficiency or its equivalent issued by the Ministry of Communications (Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing) under the provisions of the Indian Wireless Telegraphy (Commercial Radio Operator’s Cificate of Proficiency and licence to operate Wireless Telegraphy) Rules, 1954; iv) has undergone a practical training on Global Maritime Distress and Safety System equipments for a period not less than six months in any of the institutes approved by the Central Government except in case of category of certificates under sub-rule (iii) and subrule (iv) of rule 3 where the practical training may be for a period not less than two weeks. 5. Application: -- An application for admission to an Examination specified in Rule 3 above, shall be made to the Central Government or to an officer empowered by it, In this behalf, in the form prescribed by the Government from time to time, together with all the subsidiary forms and documents duly filled in and complete in all respect through an Institute approved by the Central Government in which the candidate had undergone practical training prescribed by the Central Government. 6. Fee for the examination: -- A candidate for admission to an examination for the grant of certificates specified the Rule 3 shall pay fees in the following scale namely: (i) For First Class Radio Electronic Certificate of proficiency and Licence or Second Class Radio Electronic Certificate of proficiency and Licence:a) for Part-I Rupees 1000/- b) for Part-II and/or Part-III Rupees 1000/- For General Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency and Licence or Restricted Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency and Licence: For Part-I and/or Part-II Rupees 500/- (Fee for an examination specified above is subject to revision by Central Government from time to time). 7. EXAMINATION: (1) The examination for the award of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System certificates specified under rule 3 shall be held in accordance with the terms of the convention and in the manner determined, from time to time, by the Central Government who shall notify the place at which and the date on which such an examination shall be held. 3 (2) Any person admitted to the examination and found guilty of impersonation of submitting fabricated documents which have been tempered with or making statements which are in correct or false or suppressing material information or otherwise resorting to any other irregular or improper means for obtaining admissions to the examination may, in addition to rendering him/herself liable to criminal prosecution, be debarred either permanently or for a specified period from appearing in any of the examination held for the award of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System certificate specified under Rule (3). Provided that order under this rule shall not be made unless the person has been given a reasonable opportunity of making a representation against the action proposed to be taken. 8. VALIDITY OF LICENCES: Every Licence specified under rule 3 shall be valid for a period of ten years from the date of issue of the certificate for such licence. On the expiry of the initial period of the validity of licence under sub-rule (1) it may be renewed for a further period of five years at a time, if the person to whom such licence is issued. i) Pays a fee of Rs. 500/- ii) Has a total experience of not less than 6 months within 5 years immediately preceding the date of expiry of a licence and or iii) Satisfies the Central Government by re-examination or otherwise that he still possesses all the eligibilities required for issue of the certificate. If the holder of a licence, in the opinion of the Central Government has willfully or negligently provided incorrect or false information for the purpose of re-validation of the licence, the Central Government may endorse, suspend or cancel the licence. Provided that no order to suspend or cancel the licence under this rule shall be made unless the person concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of making a representation against the action proposed to be taken. Explanation:- For the purposes of this rule, the expression “experience” means the experience gained at a mobile station in the Maritime or Aeronautical Mobile Service using GMDSS. 9. ISSUE OF DUPLICATE OR REPLACEMENT OF CERTIFICATES AND LICENCES: A holder whose certificate or licence under these rules has been lost, mutilated or destroyed shall immediately notify the loss to the Central Government. A properly executed application for duplicate certificate shall be made to the Central Government embodying a statement of the circumstances involved in the loss, mutilation or destruction of the certificate or licence for which a duplicate is required. If the certificate or licence has been lost, the applicant must state that reasonable search has been made for it and further, that in the event it be found, either the original or the duplicate shall be returned for cancellation. 4 The Central Government may issue duplicate copy of any certificate or licence on the payment of Rs. 500/-. 9. DISCIPLINE OF OPERATORS: (1) If in the opinion of the Central Government the holders of the Certificate or licence has wilfully or negligently failed to comply with the provisions of the convention, or of these rules or of any regulations lawfully applicable to him/her in respect of operation of Radio Apparatus the Central Government may endorse, suspend or cancel the certificate. (2) The Central Government may under these rules at any time require the holder of a certificate of proficiency to produce the same and the holder shall comply with such requisition. (3) The Central Government may at any time require the holder of a certificate of proficiency or licence to be re-examined in order to test his knowledge and ability and may as a result of such examination, endorse, suspend or cancel the proficiency or the licence. No fee shall be chargeable for such examination. (4) Every holder of the certificate under these rules shall observe secrecy of the correspondence. A declaration to this effect shall be made by such holder in the application for admission to the examination for such certificate: Provided that the Central Government may modify, vary, cancel or revoke any of the conditions governing the issue of GMDSS certificate under these rules either by sending notice in writing to the holder or by a general notice published in the Official Gazette or News Paper in New Delhi. 10. Admission and award of proficiency and ‘licence to operate’ to foreigners: Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, the Central Government may, subject to such conditions as it may impose from time to time: ( I ) admit a person, who is not a citizen of India to an examination held under these rules, and (II) award him/her a certificate of proficiency in wireless telegraphy or certificate of licence to operate wireless telegraphy or (III) award him only a certificate of proficiency in wireless telegraphy. 5 11. RECOGNITION OF CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY OTHER COUNTRIES: The Central Government may recognize, subject to any conditions as it may prescribe from time to time, certificate specified under rule 3 issued by a competent authority in any other country as a certificate of proficiency or licence of the same class issued by it. 12. PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE: The Central Government may issue a provisional certificate to the successful candidates immediately on declaration of the results before issue of regular certificate under these rules. 13. LANGUAGE: The Language of the examinations conducted under these rules shall be English. Sd/(T.K. Varada Krishnan) Assistant Wireless Adviser to the Government of India No. R-11014/13/97-LR Training for Radio Operators related to the GMDSS GENERAL OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE (GOC) 1. General 1.1 The requirements of medical fitness, especially as to hearing, eyesight and speech, should be met by the candidate before training is commenced. 1.2 The training should be relevant to the provisions of the STCW Convention, the Radio Regulations and SOLAS Convention currently in force, with particular attention given to provisions for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). In developing training requirements, account should be taken of at least the knowledge and training given in the following paragraphs: 2. Theory 2.1 Knowledge of the general principles and basic factors necessary for safe and efficient use of all the sub-systems and equipment required in the GMDSS sufficient to support the practical training provisions given in following paragraph: 2.2 Knowledge of the use, operation and service areas of the GMDSS sub-systems, including satellite system characteristics, navigational and meteorological warning systems and selection of appropriate communication circuits. 3. Regulations and Documentation The operator should have knowledge of: 1 the SOLAS Convention and the Radio Regulations with particular emphasis on; .1 distress, urgency and safety radiocommunications; .2 avoiding harmful interference, particularly with distress and safety traffic; .3 prevention of unauthorised transmissions; 2 Other documents relating to operational and communication procedures for distress, safety and public correspondence services, including charges, navigational warnings, and weather broadcasts in the Maritime Mobile Service and the Maritime Mobile Satellite Service; and 3 Use of the International Code of Signals and the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary as replaced by the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases. 2 4. 5. Watchkeeping and Procedures Training should be given in : 1. Communication procedures and discipline to prevent harmful interference in the GMDSS sub-systems; 2. Procedures for using propagation prediction information to establish optimum frequencies for communications; 3. Radiocommunications watch keeping relevant to all GMDSS sub-systems, exchange of radiocommunications traffic, particularly concerning distress, urgency and safety procedures and radio records; 4. Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet; 5. Monitoring a distress frequency while simultaneously monitoring or working on at least one other frequency; 6. Ship position-reporting systems and procedures; 7. Radiocommunications procedures of the IMO Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual (MERSAR); 8. Radio medical systems and procedures; 9. Causes of false distress alerts and means to avoid them. Practical Practical training should be given in: 1. Correct and efficient operation of all GMDSS sub-systems and equipment under normal propagation conditions and under typical interference conditions; 2. Safe operation of all the GMDSS communications equipment and ancillary devices, including safety precautions; 3. Accurate and adequate keyboard skills for the satisfactory exchange of communications; 4. Operational techniques for: i) ii) receiver and transmitter adjustment for the appropriate mode of operation, including digital selective calling and direct-printing telegraphy; antenna adjustment and re-alignment as appropriate; iii) use of radio life-saving appliances; and iv) use of emergeny position indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) 3 4. Miscellaneous Knowledge of, and/or training in: 1. the English language, both written and spoken, for the satisfactory exchange of communications relevant to the safety of life at sea; 2. world geography, especially the principal shipping routes, services of Rescue Coordination Centres (RCCs) and related communication routes; 3. survival at sea, the operation of life boats, rescue boats, liferafts, buoyant apparatus and their equipment, with special reference to radio life-saving appliances; 4. fire prevention and fire-fighting with particular reference to the radio installation; 5. preventive measures for the safety of ship and personnel in connection with hazards related to radio equipment, including electrical, radiation, chemical and mechanical hazards; 6. first aid, including heart-respiration revival technique; and 7. Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC), global time zones and International Dateline Pattern of GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate Examination Part-I Written paper on Technical Theory, Radio Regulations and GMDSS/SOLAS. The Questions may be approximately 35 (consisting of 10 multiple choice objective questions in Technical Theory, 20 multiple choice objective question s in Radio Regulations and 5 questions in GMDSS/SOLAS) and the time allowed is 1 Hour. Each question in Technical Theory and Radio Regulations carries 1 mark and the questions in GMDSS/SOLAS will carry 6 marks each. The Pass percentage in this part is 60%. Unless qualified in Part I, candidates will not be allowed to appear in subsequent part. SECTION A OF PART II : COMMERCIAL WORKING TEST (THESE QUESTIONS MAY BE TREATED ONLY AS GUIDANCE) EXERCISE SCENARIO : (Instructor acts as the Ship in Distress or a Coast Station sending the Distress Alert Relay) (Candidates will work as Ship stations in the near vicinity of occurrence of Distress. Each candidate will be designated a Ship’s Name, Call-sign and MMSI number) Instructor : MV Ritu/VWDW MMSI 4195320000 is in Distress in position 1126N 063.36E at 10:15 UTC. The vessel sends out a DSC Distress Alert on 2187.5 KHz, with nature of Distress as “Sinking” and request for subsequent communication as R/T (H3E) Candidates 1. Alpha/ VWDA MMSI 4195322401 2. Bravo/ VWDE MMSI 4195322402 3. Charlie/ VWDC MMSI 4195322403 4. Delta/ VWDD MMSI 4195322404 5. Echo/ VWDE MMSI 4195322405 6. foxtrot/ VWDF MMSI 4195322406 Examination Procedure 1. Candidates shall be issued the GMDSS radio Log Sheets and allowed 5 minutes for the preliminary entries like voyage particulars, equipment testing, switching on of equipment etc. 2. Then transmit the DSC Distress Alert by writing either on a Black Board or on a clearly visible chart. 3. Candidates will receive the same and log the DSC A and switch to the required frequency. 4. Transmit the Distress Call and Message on R/T on appropriate R/T frequency (on 2182 kHz on MF) 5. Each candidate will then acknowledge the receipt of Distress Message by rotation and the Instructor responds asking each to Standby. 2 6. candidates will be asked in the order of their acknowledgement their position. Each candidate will in turn respond with their position, speed and ETA to the position of incidence. They will then be asked to proceed for rescue or say ‘assistance not required’. This exercise will be repeated for all candidates. 7. Candidates will then be allowed to complete the log and also to make an entry in the log of having relayed the Distress Alert to the RCC ashore (if the Shore authority is not involved in the Distress procedure). 8. The candidate will finally log down the end of distress traffic signal ‘SEELONCE FEENEE’ on 2182 kHz transmitted by the instructor and signs off. SECTION B OF PART II : PRACTICAL TEST (these questions may be treated only as guidance) MAIN MF/HF TRANSRECEIVER Tune both Tx and Rx to 2182 kHz assuming distress condition Explain how alarm signal would be transmitted on 2182 kHz. Test the alarm generator. Set up the Tx/Rx on MF working freqs. for a given station. Set up the Tx/Rx on HF working freqs. for a given station/time. Using documents select correct R/T freqs. for communication with a Coast Station for a given position and time. Using appropriate documents, tune the receiver to obtain given service for a given geographical area and time. Select appropriate modes of emission and explain the difference between each class. Adjust transmit output power. Operate either simplex or duplex function and explain the difference between each mode. Adjust appropriate controls for clear reception (fine tune) Adjust the controls for indicating AF and RF gains and explain. Explain the purpose of AGC. VHF TRANSRECEIVER Select International Distress/Calling channel. Use Squelch and Volume controls for optimum reception. Using documents, select correct channel for communication with a given coast station. Explain dual watch facility. Using documents, select correct Port Operations Channel for a given purpose. Adjust Power output of the transmitter and explain. NAVTEX RECEIVER Demonstrate the On/Of functions. Display current status and explain displayed information. Demonstrate programming for given area/station. Demonstrate programming for given type of message. Explain functions of each control. State frequency of operation. Run the Self – test. Demonstrate how to change the paper roll. DSC EQUIPMENT Transmit Undesignated Distress Alert. Input Position, time and date. View details of received distress alert. Transmit distress acknowledgement. Transmit distress relay. Transmit ship to ship routine call. Programme the DSC Call with all appropriate information as given prior to sending the distress alert. 3 TELEX Tune the Tx/Rx for proper telex operation to a given station. Use appropriate documents for transmitting a Telex call to a given station. Explain the use of FEC and ARQ modes. INMARSAT A Demonstrate the initial setting up of the terminal (acquisition of the satellite). Select a particular Ocean Region. Select a particular Land Earth Station. Select a particular Ship Earch Station in a different Ocean region. Send a Distress communication to the RCC by Radio Telephone/ Telex Transmit a routine Communication to a given subscriber by Telephone/Telex. INMARSAT C Explain log in / logout functions. Transmit an undesignated distress alert. Transmit a designated distress alert prepare a distress message and initiate procedure for transmission. Prepare a routine message and initiate procedure for transmission. GUIDELINES FOR APPROVAL OF TRAINING INSTITUTES FOR IMPARTING TRAINING FOR GMDSS GENERAL OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE (GOC) GUIDELINES FOR APPROVAL/RECOGNITION OF TRAINING INSTITUTES FOR IMPARTING TRAINING FOR GMDSS GENERAL OPERATOR’S CERTIFICATE COURSE INTAKE: The number of trainees should preferably not exceed 12 in a course and subject to adequate supervision, the practical training should be undertaken in small groups not exceeding 6 trainees. STAFF REQUIREMENTS: All training and instructions should be given by properly trained and qualified personnel in possession of a valid General Operator’s Certificate. In addition to considerable experience in Maritime Radiocommunications, including the GMDSS, all instructors should have good general knowledge of ships and maritime safety including search and rescue matters. TEACHING FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENTS: Ordinary class room facilities, including blackboard, white board, flip charts and overhead projector. Audio Visual materials to use video tape recording etc., adequate equipments for using the same must be made available. Both Inmarsat terminal and simulator will be required for training. Two working areas to simulate ship and shore stations separately should be fitted with the following equipments: 1. Two fully operational MF/HF Transmitter/Receiver sets for Radio Telephony, NBDP and DSC (two sets of equipment provides the advantage of being able to communicate locally by using dummy antenna or hard-wired back-to-back DSC controllers). 2. One dedicated MF/HF watch receiver for the DSC distress frequencies. 3. At least one dummy Satellite DPIRB (406 MHz OR 1.6 GHz) 4. One dummy SART 5. One EGC Receive facility 6. One NAVTEX Receiver 7. Two fully operational VHF transmitter/receiver for Radio telephony and DSC, incorporating a DSC watch Receiver for Channel 70. 8. One 2182 KHz watch receiver 2 9. Two way portable VHF Radiotelephone with charging equipment 10. One personal computer for every two students capable of running relevant programmes for simulating the operation of Inmarsat A/B, Inmarsat C, DSC and NBDP as appropriate. 11. One battery invertor power supply of adequate capacity to provide power for eight hours of continuous operation of all equipment (not necessarily located in the working area) 12. Signs and markings in accordance with the requirement of the Administration for GMDSS Ship stations. Note: Two sets of equipment are desirable, but to start with one set would suffice as long as ship site and shore site functions are clearly demonstrated during the training. MANUALS & OTHER PUBLICATIONS Instructors Manual (as prescribed in IMO Model Course) ITU “Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile Satellite Services”. This publication is mandatory for ship stations. Other ITU publications required by the Radio Regulations List of Coast Stations List of Special Service Stations List of Call signs and Maritime Identities List of Ship Stations Specific IMO Publications GMDSS Hand-Book Master Plan of the Shore based facilities for use GMDSS Specific INMARSAT Publications Inmarsat A/B User Guide Inmarsat “Maritime Communications Handbook” PC Programmes, including documentation, for simulation of: INMARSAT –A/B Operation INMARSAT –C Operation Narrow-Band Direct Printing 9NBDP) Digital Selective Calling (DSC) User manuals for all installed GMDSS equipment ITU Map of Coast Radio Stations IMO Model Course Supplementary material: Handbook for Radio Communication Video Cassette on GMDSS Text Books, Course Outline, Detailed teaching syllabus, Course Time table as per IMO Model Course. APPLICATION FORM FOR APPROVAL/RECOGNITION OF GMDSS (GOC) COURSE BY DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS 1. Name & address of the Institute : 2. Experimental Licence No: and date : : 3. Name and address of Owner (s) : : 4. Details of the GMDSS equipments held by the Institute : 5. Details of the standby power supply : 6. Are the premises owned or hired? If hired, is it on long term basis ? (give details) 7. Carpet area of the Institute : 8. Faculty :(a) Permanent : : : : : `(b) Part-time : (give details with qualifications and experience) 9. Has the Institute any previous experience in coaching COP candidates(give details) 10. Students per simulator : 11. Is there any library at the Institute (give details) We undertake to abide by the procedures laid down by WPC Wing and supply any information sought by WPC Wing. ` We agree that recognition does not bind nor cause to bind Government to provide any financial assistance, loan, provision of land or manpower or any other support. Date: Signature Name Institute: and 3 APPLICATION FOR AN EXPERIMENTAL WIRELESS LICENCE (to be submitted in quadruplicate) (Two copies to be submitted on the original form and two photocopies) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of applicant (in Block Letters) Postal Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nature of activity in which--------------------------------------------------------------------engaged Particulars of any licence (issued by the Ministry of -----------------------------------------------------------------------Communications) held at present Type of licence required (please tick ( ) appropriate item) a)Radiating i)Design, development & testing of wireless apparatus. In case of manufacturers, the list of products and reference of Letter of Intent (LOI) issued by Deptt. Of Industrial Development may be furnished. ii)Research and Experimentation. experiment may be furnished. Brief details of proposed b)Non-radiating: i) Training/Imparting instructions to students. (indicate brief details of courses conducted). ii) Servicing, maintenance and testing of wireless apparatus. 5. 6. 8. 9. (The write up should cover salient points and may not exceed one page) Technical papameters desired: Frequency range of equipment: Preferred frequency (ies), if any, along with justification R.F. Power Output Emission & Bandwidth Details of equipment held, if any i) Location of wireless stations/Factory (for industry) ii)Area of operation of mobile stations, if any. Hours of working desired (@Attach list on separate paper, if necessary) DECLARATION I/We hereby declare that (i) details above are correct & factual; (ii) the conditions imposed for the grant of licence shall be observed; (iii) no unauthorised person shall be permitted to have access to the wireless installations; (iv) I/we will not, without authorization, divulge to any person the purport of message, other than a message intended for the general use of the public which I/we may transmit or received by wireless equipments operated by me or which may come to my knowledge with the operation of the said equipment. Place & date……………………… (Signature) 4 ANNEXURE A (To be submitted on separate sheet of paper, in quadruplicate) 1. Name & Address of the applicant 2. Purpose for which licence is required: Experimental-Radiating/Non-radiating Design, development & testing Research & Experimentation, Training / Imparting instructions to students Servicing, maintenance and testing of equipment (Delete whichever is not applicable) 3. Location of wireless equipment/station 4. Equipment proposed to be used /developed 5. R.F. Power output 6. Frequency (ies) or frequency band desired 7. Type of emission 8. Proposed hours of operation: From………………….to……………………… 9. Particulars of foreign nationals, if any, who will Operate the wireless equipment. (Name, Nationality, Home address, passport & visa No. with date of validity etc.) ANNEXURE – B PERSONAL PARTICULARS OF OWNER/MANAGING DIRECTOR/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1. Name in full : 2. Father’s Name : 3. Designation : 4. Nationality : 5. Date of birth : 6. Place of birth : 7. Permanent address : 8. Present Address : 9. Passport No., if any : 5 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WPC WING) APPLICATION FOR A LICENCE TO IMPORT WIRELESS TRANSMITTING AND/OR TRANSRECEIVING APPARATUS INTO INDIA 1. NAME OF APPLICANT (IN BLOCK LETTER) 2. PERMANENT ADDRESS IN INDIA 3. PORT AT WHICH IT IS DESIRED TO IMPORT APPARATUS 4. PROBABLE DATE OF IMPORTATION 5. WHETHER THE APPLICANT IS DEALER/SERVICE PROVIDER/USER IF DEALER, DEALER’S POSSESSION LICENCE NUMBER & DATE OF VALIDITY (UPTO) IF SERVICE PROVIDER, WPC LICENCE NO. IF USER, REFERENCE OF MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT LETTER WHETHER EQUIPMENT IMPORTED EARLIER HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED IN WPC LICENCE 7. DETAILS OF EARLIER IMPORT LICENCE NUMBER AND STATUS OF EQUIPMENT IMPORTED EARLIER (SIGNATURE) LIST OF ENCLOSURES 1. COPY OF DPL/WPC LICENCE/AGREEMENT LETTER 2. STATEMENT OF STATUS OF EQUIPMENT IMPORTED EARLIER (AS PER ANNEXURE FOR ITEM 8) 3. COPY OF WPC LICENCE FOR ITEM 7 ABOVE 6 Item No. 1 Manufact urer’s Name 2 Whether Model or Quantity Transmitt type No. er/Transre ceiver of compone nt thereof 3 4 5 Frequenc y of operation & R.F Power Output 6 Aprox. C.I.F. Value, if known 7 TECHNICAL LITERATURE TO BE ENCLOSED PLACE DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 7 DETAILS OF IMPORT OF WIRELESS APPARATUS DURING THE PAST 1 YEAR (PERIOD FROM----------------TO------------------) S.No. WPC Import Licence Number & Date Description of apparatus including Frequency Band Quantity Supplied to Supplied to Name of Party Quantity Balance in Stock Signature Date