ANDHRA PRADESH STUDY CIRCLE: HYDERABAD APPLICATION FOR FREE COACHING FOR UPSC CIVIL SERVICES PRELIMINARY EXAM – 2013 1. Name of the Candidate: Affix recent passport size photograph with Gazetted Officer’s attestation 2. Male / Female: 3. Father/Husband/Guardian’s Name: 4. Native Place, Mandal and District: 5. Date of Birth: 6. Highest Educational Qualification: 7. Caste : 8. Self & Parent’s Combined Annual Income: 9. School Education: Please Fill - (1) Up to 5th Class _______ (2) Up to 10th Class _______ (3) Intermediate _______ (V = Village, M = Mandal, MC = Muncipal, C = Corporation) 10. Education: Please Fill them : Intermediate ________ Graduation ________ Post-Graduation ________ S = Science, SS = Social Science/Arts/Humanities 11. Address for Communication: 12. Phone No. for contact (Compulsory): MARKS OBTAINED SSC Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Intermediate % Maximum Marks Marks obtained Degree % Maximum Marks Marks obtained Post Graduation % Maximum Marks Marks obtained DECLARATION I swear that the facts mentioned above are true and correct and that I have not concealed anything. If any information is later found to be incorrect, wrong or misleading, I shall abide by any penal action of the Management. Signature of the Candidate. % PART – II ANDHRA PRADESH STUDY CIRCLE: HYDERABAD (1ST COPY) HALL TICKET FOR ADMISSION TO THE SCREENING TEST OF APSC FOR FREE COACHING FOR CIVIL SERVICES PRELIMINARY EXAM – 2012 1. Name of the Candidate : 2. Father / Husband / Guardian’s Name : Affix recent passport size photograph with Gazetted Officer’s attestation Signature of the Candidate (To be filled in O/o. APSC) Venue/Centre : Date : Time : Signature of the Convenor PART – II ANDHRA PRADESH STUDY CIRCLE: HYDERABAD (2nd COPY) HALL TICKET FOR ADMISSION TO THE SCREENING TEST OF APSC FOR FREE COACHING FOR CIVIL SERVICES PRELIMINARY EXAM – 2012 1. Name of the Candidate : 2. Father / Husband / Guardian’s Name : Affix recent passport size photograph with Gazetted Officer’s attestation Signature of the Candidate (To be filled in O/o. APSC) Venue/Centre : Date : Time : Signature Convener of the