Employee Relations/Union

March 2007
I am part of a team prepared to create fun and enjoyment for our
My positive attitude is my responsibility.
I choose to create loyal customers with my team, my attitude, and my
Welcome to Billy Casper Golf (‘BCG’), a leading provider of management, consulting and
marketing services to owners, developers and investors of golf course properties throughout the
United States. Established in 1989, the firm was founded by Peter Hill, Chief Executive Officer,
and Bob Morris, President, in cooperation with golf legend Billy Casper, two-time U.S. Open
Winner and Masters Champion. Billy Casper Golf has a diverse management portfolio of over
seventy (70) golf courses and practice facilities nationwide, and it is ranked in the Top 5 golf
management companies in the country.
The policies and practices in this Employee Handbook (hereinafter referred to as “Handbook”)
were designed to provide general information with regard to expectations and standards of
conduct for employment with Billy Casper Golf. The policies in this Handbook are subject to
modification, with or without notice, at any time.
Billy Casper Golf has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary named LEGAL ENTITY NAME.
For ease of reading this Handbook, Billy Casper Golf and LEGAL ENTITY NAME are
hereinafter referred to collectively as SHORT ENTITY NAME, Company or Management.
Should you have any questions or need further clarification on any policy contained in this
Handbook, please consult your immediate supervisor or Katie Spisak, BCG’s Corporate HR
Director at 703.761.1444.
STANDARD EMPLOYMENT POLICIES ................................................................................. 1
Equal Employment Opportunity ...................................................................................................... 1
Sexual and Other Impermissible Forms of Harassment ................................................................... 1
General Policy Statement – Harassment Generally ............................................................ 1
Sexual Harassment .............................................................................................................. 2
Complaint and Investigation Procedures ............................................................................ 2
Discipline ............................................................................................................................ 2
Other Forms of Harassment ................................................................................................ 2
Retaliation ........................................................................................................................... 3
Training Period..... ........................................................................................................................... 3
Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Standards ...................................................................................... 3
Employment of Relatives ................................................................................................................. 3
Outside Employment and Activities ................................................................................................ 4
Promotions and Transfers ................................................................................................................ 4
Dress Code ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Employee Relations/Union .............................................................................................................. 5
Open Door Policy…………… ........................................................................................................ 5
Media Relations Policy…………………………………………………………………………….6
COMPANY REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................... 8
Standards of Conduct ....................................................................................................................... 8
Alcohol and Drug Use ..................................................................................................................... 9
Smoking ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Confidentiality ............................................................................................................................... 10
Solicitation and Distribution .......................................................................................................... 10
Company Property ......................................................................................................................... 10
Employee Personal Property .......................................................................................................... 10
Security .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Productive Work Environment/Workplace Violence .................................................................... 11
Safety ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Telephone Use ............................................................................................................................... 12
Electronic Communication ............................................................................................................ 13
Workplace Monitoring ................................................................................................................... 13
Change of Address, Telephone Number, Etc. ............................................................................... 14
EMPLOYEE STATUS AND PAY ............................................................................................. 15
Employee Status ............................................................................................................................ 15
Overtime ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Work Schedule ............................................................................................................................. 16
Payroll ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Business Expense Policy................................................................................................................ 17
Tipped Employees ......................................................................................................................... 20
Deductions ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Policy on Pay ................................................................................................................................. 20
Employee Appraisals ..................................................................................................................... 21
Leaving the Company .................................................................................................................... 21
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ............................................................................................................ 22
Holidays ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Vacation ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Sick Pay ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Medical Insurance .......................................................................................................................... 23
Dental Insurance ............................................................................................................................ 23
Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance .......................................................... 23
COBRA Insurance ......................................................................................................................... 23
Fidelity 401(k) Retirement Plan..................................................................................................... 24
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)………………………………………………………….…...24
Workers Compensation Insurance ................................................................................................. 24
Benefits to All Employees ............................................................................................................. 24
LEAVE AND ABSENCE POLICIES ........................................................................................ 26
Late Arrival To or Early Departure from Work ............................................................................. 26
Bereavement/Death in Family ....................................................................................................... 26
Jury Service.................................................................................................................................... 26
Voting Time ................................................................................................................................... 26
Military Leave of Absence............................................................................................................. 26
Inclement Weather ......................................................................................................................... 27
Unauthorized Absence ................................................................................................................... 27
Family & Medical Leave ............................................................................................................... 27
BENEFITS DISCLAIMER ......................................................................................................... 28
EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... 29
Equal Employment Opportunity
We employ the most qualified individuals from the available labor force and provide them with
opportunity for advancement in a manner which does not discriminate because of race, color,
religion, gender, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, or other grounds protected
under applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and/or executive orders. Any form of
harassment of any employee because of protected status is prohibited.
Retaliation against any employee, who reports discrimination or harassment to the Company in
accordance with this policy, files a charge of discrimination/harassment, or who cooperates with
the investigation of a charge, is prohibited. This means that no manager or supervisor may
retaliate in any manner against any applicant/employee because s/he reports discrimination or
harassment to the Company in accordance with the policy, files a discrimination charge, or
cooperates and provides testimony in the course of an investigation.
We will provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities so that they
may perform essential job functions and participate and/or enjoy any employment practice, term,
condition or benefit of employment. Please contact your supervisor if you require or have any
questions regarding reasonable accommodation for a disability.
Any incident of discrimination or harassment must be immediately reported, in confidence, to
your supervisor or any other supervisor or the BCG Human Resource Director. Every effort will
be made to promptly investigate all allegations of discrimination and/or harassment in as
confidential a manner as possible and to take the appropriate corrective action. Any employee
who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in discrimination and/or harassment in
violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 ("IRCA") prohibits our Company from
employing any person not legally authorized to work in the United States. In accordance with the
requirements of IRCA, all persons commencing or resuming work must submit to the Company
documentation evidencing their citizenship or resident alien status. The Immigration Reform and
Control Act of 1986 also states that all employees must complete and sign a Department of
Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Services Employment Eligibility Verification Form, also
known as an I-9. This form establishes that all new employees are authorized to work in the
United States. All new employees of the company must complete an I-9 before beginning work.
Also, anyone submitting false documentation must be immediately terminated. In fulfilling its
obligation under the IRCA, we reaffirm our commitment to comply with both state and federal
nondiscrimination laws.
Sexual and Other Impermissible Forms of Harassment
General Policy Statement - Harassment Generally
Consistent with the Company's policy of equal employment opportunity, harassment in the
workplace based on a person's race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, physical or
mental disability, or other grounds protected under applicable state and federal laws, regulations,
and/or executive orders will not be tolerated concerning employees or applicants for employment.
One aspect of our policy requiring some clarification is our prohibition of any form of sexual
harassment in the workplace. Discussed below are the types of conduct that are prohibited as
well as the complaint procedures to investigate and remedy any problems, which may arise.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature. No Company manager, supervisor or other
employee shall threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or implicitly, that another employee's or
applicant's refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect that person's employment,
work status evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, shifts, or any other condition of
employment or career development. Similarly, no Company employee shall promise, imply or
grant any preferential treatment in connection with another employee or applicant engaging in
sexual conduct or consenting to or covering up harassment.
Sexual harassment also includes unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances or propositions, verbal
abuse of a sexual nature, subtle pressure or requests for sexual activities, unnecessary touching of
an individual, graphic or verbal commentaries about an individual's body, sexually degrading
words used to describe an individual, a display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or
pictures, sexually explicit or offensive jokes, or physical assault. The Company prohibits such
unwelcome conduct.
Complaint and Investigation Procedures
Any employee who feels that s/he is a victim of sexual harassment, including but not limited to,
any of the conduct listed above, by any supervisor, management official, other employee,
customer, vendor or any other person in connection with employment at the Company should
bring the matter to the immediate attention of their supervisor. If that would prove to be
uncomfortable, an employee should contact the Corporate Human Resource Director. Every
effort will be made to promptly investigate all allegations of harassment in as confidential a
manner as possible and take appropriate corrective action if warranted.
Any employee who is determined, after an investigation, to have engaged in sexual harassment in
violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including
immediate termination of employment.
Other Forms of Harassment
This policy also prohibits any form harassment in the workplace based on a person's race, color,
religion, gender, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, or other grounds protected
under applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and/or executive orders. The Company
prohibits the making of slurs, jokes or similar-type epithets based upon any of the above-listed
protected categories towards any employee by any supervisor, co-employee, or customer. The
same procedures outlined above will be used to investigate claims of such harassment.
Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, taken against the offender if the
claims appear to have merit following the Company's prompt investigation.
The Company expressly prohibits retaliation against another employee or individual who has
complained of sexual or other forms or harassment or discrimination, cooperated with the
investigation of a complaint, or acted as a witness during the investigation of a complaint. Any
employee who retaliates against another employee or individual in violation of this policy shall be
subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The Company will not
condone any form of retaliation against an employee or individual who has made a good-faith
complaint of sexual or other forms of harassment or discrimination with the Company or any
governmental agency.
Training Period
Each new employee will be considered an employee in training for a period of ninety (90) days.
The new employee will be in a skills/training period regardless of prior experience. During this
time, the employee’s immediate supervisor will be conducting initial training to establish the
employee’s job responsibilities and performance objectives. Also the immediate supervisor will
be reviewing policies and procedures with the employee. At the end of the training period, the
employee’s immediate supervisor will prepare a performance evaluation to determine whether
employment will be continued.
All employees are hired “at-will” and either the Company or an employee can terminate
employment at any time, with or without cause or notice.
Conflicts of Interest and Ethical Standards
The successful business operation and reputation of the Company is built upon the principles of
fair dealing and ethical conduct of our employees. Our reputation for integrity and excellence
requires careful observance of the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, as well
as a scrupulous regard for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity.
The continued success of the Company is dependent upon our customer’s trust, and we are
dedicated to preserving that trust. Employees owe a duty to the Company, its customers, and
owners to act in a way that will merit the continued trust and confidence of the public.
The Company will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its directors,
officers, and employees to conduct business in accordance with the letter, spirit, and intent of all
relevant laws and to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct.
In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will guide you with respect
to lines of acceptable conduct. If a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper
course of action, the matter should be discussed openly with your supervisor and, if necessary,
with the Corporate Human Resource Director for advice and consultation.
Compliance with this policy of business ethics and conduct is the responsibility of every
Company employee. Disregarding or failing to comply with this standard of business ethics and
conduct could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination of
No-Fraternization and Employment of Relatives Policy
BCG firmly believes that a work environment where employees observe and maintain clear
boundaries between their personal and business interactions is good policy for conducting
business. Although this policy does not prevent the development of friendships or romantic
relationships between co-workers, it does establish clear boundaries concerning relationships
between co-workers while at work.
Employee off-duty conduct is generally regarded as private, as long as such conduct does not
create problems within the workplace. An explicit exception to this policy is a romantic or sexual
relationship between a supervisor and subordinate. Supervisors, executives or anyone else in
sensitive or influential positions must disclose the existence of any relationship with another coworker that has progressed beyond a platonic friendship. Disclosure may be made to the
immediate supervisor or the Human Resource Director. The disclosure will enable to the
company to determine whether any conflict-of-interest exists.
In addition, BCG reserves the right to refuse to hire relatives or live-in companions of current
employees where, in our sole judgment, such hiring may create an actual or potential conflict of
interest or other business problem. In the case of employment of a relative we require disclosure
from the relative being hired and/or the existing related employee, Relatives include spouses,
children, parents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters, and their spouses or
children. In circumstances where existing employees become related due to marriage, we shall
review each such circumstance and make a determination as to whether a conflict-of-interest
exists. We reserve the right to take measures to eliminate a potential conflict-of-interest, such as
ensuring that an affected employee does not have supervisory authority over another.
Compliance with this policy of no-fraternization and employment of relatives is the responsibility
of every BCG employee. Disregarding or failing to comply could lead to disciplinary action, up
to and including possible termination of employment.
Outside Employment and Activities
Employees may hold outside jobs as long as they meet the performance standards of their job
with the Company. All employees will be judged by the same performance standards and will be
subject to the Company's scheduling demands, regardless of any existing outside work
If the Company determines that an employee's outside work interferes with performance or the
ability to meet the requirements of the Company as they are modified from time to time, the
employee may be asked to terminate the outside employment if s/he wishes to remain with the
Outside employment that constitutes a conflict of interest is prohibited. Employees may not
receive any income or material gain from individuals outside the Company for materials
produced or services rendered while performing their jobs. Please refer to the Conflict of Interest
Policy for additional guidance.
Promotions and Transfers
While we generally promote qualified employees from within the Company, the successful
operation of our Company requires that management must be the final judge in making
promotions and transfers. We reaffirm our policy of equal employment opportunity for
promotion and transfer.
Dress Code
Employees are expected to dress and maintain personal hygiene in a manner that promotes
confidence and respect for the Company. Our clients and customers judge us not only by what we
do, but how professionally we present ourselves. Maintaining appropriate dress codes during
working hours is mandatory, and all employees must adhere to the dress codes established by
their department. When reporting to work, employees are expected to arrive dressed in the
appropriate attire, cleaned and pressed, with nametag in proper location, with shirttails tucked in.
Employees of certain departments may be required to follow specific requirements and dress
code. Uniforms are company property and may not be altered except with company prior
authorization. In addition, it is your responsibility to wash and maintain the uniforms issued to
Hair: Hair must be maintained neatly above the shirt collar, or tied back behind the head.
Hairstyles and/or color should not be extreme. Mustaches, beards and sideburns must be kept
neatly trimmed. Hats are not permitted inside the clubhouse; however, employees working
outdoors may wear a hat that has been authorized by Management and is considered part of the
Jewelry: Jewelry must be kept to a minimum. Ear piercing is the only visible body piercing that is
permissible. No dangle or hoop earrings are permitted.
Manager’s Attire: Managers will wear a logo shirt and slacks on a daily basis, and when deemed
appropriate, will wear a sport coat or suit and tie.
Tattoos: All tattoos are to be covered at all times during work hours.
Should an employee fail to meet the appearance or dress requirements of his/her department, the
employee will be given a written warning. More than one (1) warning of violation of this policy
will result in automatic termination.
Employee Relations/Union
The Company believes that the work conditions, wages, and benefits it offers to its employees are
competitive with those offered by other employers in this area and in this industry. If employees
have concerns about work conditions or compensation, they are strongly encouraged to voice
these concerns openly and directly to their supervisors.
Our experience has shown that when employees deal openly and directly with supervisors, the
work environment can be excellent, communications can be clear, and attitudes can be positive.
We believe that the Company amply demonstrates its commitment to employees by responding
effectively to employee concerns.
In an effort to protect and maintain direct employer/employee communications, we will resist
organization, within applicable legal limits, and protect the right of employees to speak for
If and when employees examine the option of union representation, however, we strongly
encourage careful consideration of such related issues as regular deductions from paychecks for
union dues, the potential for outside interference with supervisory relationships, and the
commitment to comply with directions from unions.
Open Door Policy
LEGAL ENTITY NAME has an open door policy so that employees may seek advice and
counsel on employment related issues. At any time, if an employee feels they are not being
treated with respect and in a fair manner, they can discuss the situation with their direct
Supervisor or the Corporate Human Resource Director.
We must know about problems in order to resolve them equitably and to the employee’s
satisfaction. All employees should be encouraged to communicate their concerns with their
supervisor or whom they are most comfortable speaking to.
Media Relations Policy
This media policy establishes procedures and guidelines for all employees of Billy Casper Golf
(“BCG”) and its subsidiaries concerning communication with members of the news media. BCG
seeks to provide consistent, accurate and timely information to the media while keeping BCG
Corporate Senior Staff informed of emerging media and related external-communication issues.
Field operations employees- Only personnel at the Regional Vice President, Regional Manager,
General Manager and Director of Golf levels are authorized to speak directly with media at their
discretion. They must limit their discussion about their immediate area of operations and
activities, and given information shall be confined to facts about which they have specific
knowledge. All media inquiries shall be treated efficiently and courteously.
BCG Corporate employees- For media opportunities pertaining to BCG, the Corporate
Spokesperson shall be Messrs. Peter Hill and Richard Katz, unless otherwise directed by them.
Only those employees identified by BCG as BCG Corporate Senior Staff, based in the company’s
Vienna, Virginia office, are authorized, but not obligated, to speak directly with media at their
discretion. They must limit their discussion about their immediate area of operations and
activities in connection with the BCG golf course(s) they manage, and given information shall be
confined to facts about which they have specific knowledge. All media inquiries shall be treated
efficiently and courteously.
All media inquiries about BCG must be referred to BCG Corporate, c/o Rich Katz,
rkatz@billycaspergolf.com, 703.891.3319, cell 703.283.4852, home 301.365.5366. Mr. Katz is
available 24 hours a day to facilitate BCG’s media relations policy, answer questions, respond to
developing situations, and offer assistance as needed. When Mr. Katz is unavailable to serve as
BCG Corporate spokesperson, an alternate spokesperson shall be designated.
Operating Procedure
Non-authorized employees who receive requests from media for scheduled interviews shall
forward to authorized employees outlined above. All employees shall remain aware of media
deadlines and attempt to accommodate to the extent possible. Authorized employees shall
attempt to provide timely and thorough responses to all interview requests, but may ask for and
expect to be afforded additional time to research the relevant issues and to prepare for the
interview. If an authorized employee does not feel comfortable answering a reporter’s questions,
he or she may terminate the interview with the understanding that the employee or another
authorized BCG representative will follow up with the reporter in a timely fashion. When an
authorized employee terminates an interview, he or she shall immediately discuss the topic with
his or her BCG Corporate supervisor and/or Mr. Katz to determine if any further action should be
Requests for Public & Private Information and Records
All media requests for public and/or private information and records related to BCG and Clubs
shall be referred to Mr. Katz for handling. At no times shall any employee either distribute said
materials or discuss matters in connection with such requests
Confidential and Emergency / Crisis Matters
Items of confidential, litigious and/or reasonably-deemed sensitive matter shall not be addressed
or discussed with the media. Such items include but are not limited to:
1. Press Releases
All press releases shall be drafted and subsequently disseminated (to media) by authorized
personnel at BCG Corporate, unless otherwise authorized by BCG Corporate. A schedule of
employees (and clients) associated with approval of news releases shall be noticed by BCG
Corporate on a quarterly or, if sooner deemed necessary by authorized BCG Corporate Senior
Staff, case-by-case basis. All news releases shall reflect positively on the images of BCG and its
clients. Lists of appropriate media contacts are maintained by BCG Corporate.
2. Violations of Policy
Adherence to this policy is mandatory and parallels BCG’s media mandate to “protect and
promote” the company and its clients. The media is extremely powerful and BCG recognizes the
potential that one (1) mistake managing the media could lead to severe consequences from which
it is difficult to recover – and advance our individual and collective businesses as well as
individual professional growth.
Failure to adhere to this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination, at the
discretion of BCG Corporate Senior Staff.
Some procedures within this policy may be modified to accommodate case-by-case situations. In
this event, the modification shall only be in effect with prior written consent by Messrs. Katz or
Hill and, from time to time, their delegation to other BCG Corporate Senior Staff; in only these
cases, non-adherence shall not constitute policy violations.
Standards of Conduct
SHORT ENTITY NAME is dedicated to establishing and maintaining a safe and professional
work environment for all employees. In the event the work environment has been compromised
and a violation of policies has occurred, Management will determine the appropriate disciplinary
action to be taken, which may include one or all of the following at management’s sole
verbal warning;
written warning;
suspension; or
These rules do not cover all circumstances for which an employee may be disciplined. Also,
additional rules may be added from time to time, and existing rules may be amended. The order
in which they are listed does not reflect the importance or weight placed on any particular rule.
Employees are required to familiarize themselves with these Rules and to adhere to them.
Reasons for disciplinary action may include, but are not limited to:
Endangerment of others and creating an unsafe work environment.
Violation of the discrimination or harassment policy.
Unsatisfactory performance as determined by the standards of the job.
Discourtesy in any form or disrespect to customers or employees; use of vulgarity or
failing to render the appropriate degree of service or courtesy to any customer or
Soliciting (or giving the impression of soliciting) or receiving of gifts, samples or
gratuities from customers or others, without authorization.
Failure to maintain accurate and proper accountability and control of cash banks,
excessive or continuous cash shortages, or other irregularities are considered
irresponsible, unacceptable, or negligent.
Interfering with or hindering of work schedules. Failing to work on a shift as scheduled
or arranging your own replacement on a shift without the permission of your supervisor.
Tampering with fire or safety equipment.
Use of abusive, profane or obscene language directed at a customer, supervisor or
member of management; similar conduct directed at fellow employees which causes or is
intended to cause a disruption of work or the peaceful atmosphere of the Company.
Unauthorized or unreported absence from work; leaving work or leaving the premises
during working hours without prior notice and permission. (An unreported or unexcused
absence for three (3) consecutive workdays shall be considered a voluntary termination.)
Excessive absenteeism or tardiness in reporting to work or returning to duty following
rest and meal periods.
Violation of the Alcohol and Drug Use policy.
Unauthorized possession, custody, or utilization of customer, employee, or Company
property, including any item (lost or otherwise) found or present on Company premises.
(All articles found on Company premises must immediately be turned in to your
Unauthorized possession of explosives or firearms on Company property.
Disclosing confidential Company information. Discussing confidential company or work
matters with unauthorized personnel. This includes the unauthorized use or
dissemination of confidential information.
Failure to report loss, damage, breakage or breakdown of Company property; failing to
immediately report any job-related injury, illness, or accident; falsifying information or
refusing to give testimony or to cooperate in the investigation of accidents, employee
misconduct, or grievances conducted by or on behalf of the Company.
Falsification or dishonesty in any form, including falsification of any records, reports,
and specimens; clocking in or out for another employee; giving a false reason for sick
leave, leave of absence, or time off from work; supplying false or misleading information
during employment, or as part of the application process (regardless of when discovered);
knowingly making false charges of illegal conduct against other employees in relation to
their work. Any material omission or falsification will automatically result in
termination, regardless of when discovered.
Violation of the dress code.
Inappropriate language and/or actions that are indecent, unethical and/or immoral.
Stealing, credit card fraud, and under-ringing of transactions.
Violation of the discount policy.
Sleeping or giving the appearance of sleeping during working hours; inattention to duty.
Insubordination or refusing to follow Management's instructions.
Engaging in jokes, horseplay, fighting, assaulting, or threatening co-workers or customers
during working hours, either by word or actions.
Gambling or promoting gambling during working hours and/or on Company premises at
any time.
Loitering or unauthorized presence while on the job or anywhere on Company premises.
Having personal visitors; making or receiving personal phone calls during working hours
except in cases of extreme emergency.
Operating Company equipment without permission or in a way that may create an unsafe
environment for co-workers or customers.
Other conduct that is detrimental to the Company’s operations.
Failure to cooperate with requests of any management official, supervisor or security
guard to:
1. Open and/or to search any vehicle or person, locker, clothes, pocket, purse,
package, box or other container on Company premises or in Company
2. Assist the Company in any theft or pilferage or other investigation by
reporting any incident of theft or pilferage, or other violations of these rules,
observed by or reported to you.
3. Assist the Company to identify the participant in any theft or pilferage.
4. Recover any pilfered or stolen Company property.
The above list is not intended to be all-inclusive. Also, the order of these rules is not indicative of
importance or severity of violations.
Alcohol and Drug Use
SHORT ENTITY NAME is a drug free and alcohol free working environment. Being under the
influence of alcohol and/or drugs in the workplace can create serious health and safety risks to the
person using the substances and the co-workers and customers surrounding them. Any employee
found using or under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs while on the job or on Company
property will be terminated immediately. Any employee that tests positive for drugs without
proper prescription will be terminated. Grounds for termination may include, but are not limited
Employee reporting to work or on Company grounds while engaging in the use of
alcohol, drugs, and/or any controlled substance.
Employee engaging in the use of alcohol, drugs, and/or any controlled substance while
operating Company equipment or vehicles.
Employee purchasing, selling, distributing, dispensing, transferring, or possessing
alcohol, drugs, and/or any controlled substance while on Company premises or during
work hours.
If positive test results are returned for use of a controlled substance without a prescription, the
employee will be terminated immediately. If the employee refuses to submit to the drug screen or
will be considered as insubordination and termination will result.
Use of tobacco products by employees of SHORT ENTITY NAME is discouraged. Employees
who do smoke or use tobacco are not permitted to do so while inside Company facilities. The use
of any tobacco product in view of a customer is prohibited. Management will designate smoking
areas, which will be available only during breaks. Violation of this policy will result in a written
warning, and a second offense will result in immediate termination.
Confidential information should not be discussed with any other employee, customers, or with
anyone from outside of the Company. All employees are required to maintain a high level of
confidentiality at all times. Failure to obey this policy will result in immediate termination.
Solicitation and Distribution
Solicitation of any kind by employees, customers, or anyone outside of the Company is
prohibited on Company property. Violation of this policy will result in a written warning, and a
second offense will result in immediate termination.
Company Property
SHORT ENTITY NAME expects all employees to maintain Company property in a proper way.
Company property is defined as all equipment, materials, databases and facilities that have been
purchased or provided by SHORT ENTITY NAME for the operation of its business. Company
property that has been destroyed, stolen, lost, damaged, and/or defaced will be grounds for
When terminating from the Company, all employees must return all Company property issued to
them. If the Company property (i.e., cell phones, pagers and the like) has been lost or stolen, the
employee will be held accountable for it and will have to pay the cost of replacing it. All
Company property should be returned in satisfactory condition and must be returned by the last
day of employment, unless otherwise advised by Management.
Employee Personal Property
SHORT ENTITY NAME is not responsible for any employee-related personal items lost or
damaged while on Company property. Employees are encouraged to utilize a locker, if available,
and provide their own lock to secure their personal belongings. Management reserves the right to
have access to all employees’ lockers at anytime.
To protect you, your fellow employees, our customers, and the Company from personal injury or
the loss or damage of property or false accusations of dishonest or unlawful conduct,
management must reserve the right to examine any person or object while on Company premises.
Accordingly, as a condition of hire or continued employment with the Company, every employee
will be required to permit upon the Company's request, the Company's search of: (1) any vehicle
brought on Company premises; (2) any pocket, package, box, purse, briefcase, tool box, lunch
box or other container brought onto or being taken off Company premises including Company
vehicles; and (3) any desk, file, locker or other stationary container provided by the Company,
whether or not locked. As a general rule, we recommend that you not bring personal, confidential
or private information, documents, or other belongings to work.
The results of any search shall be kept confidential and disclosed only to the persons performing
the search or test and those Company representatives responsible for the employee's supervision,
security and employee safety and discipline, unless otherwise required by law. The Company
reserves the right to seize, and either retain or destroy as appropriate, any property found on
Company premises that the Company determines to be stolen, illegal or hazardous to the health or
safety of its employees, customers and invitees.
All employees are expected to cooperate fully concerning any Company inspection or its
investigation, and failure to cooperate may result in disciplinary action, up to any including
discharge. It must be emphasized, however, that no stigma should be attached to routine spot
inspections of personal effects or Company-supplied containers or equipment. Any employee
may be subject to a requested inspection, and being selected does not suggest suspicion of a
violation of any Company rule.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping the Company prevent theft and eliminate hazardous
materials, alcohol and illegal drugs from our workplace.
Productive Work Environment/Workplace Violence
The Company is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work
environment. Given the increasing violence in society in general, we have adopted the following
guidelines to deal with intimidation, harassment, or other threats of (or actual) violence that may
occur during business hours or on our premises.
All employees, including supervisors and temporary employees, should be treated with courtesy
and respect at all times. Employees are expected to refrain from fighting, "horseplay," or other
conduct that may be dangerous to others. Firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous
devices or substances are prohibited from the premises of the Company without proper
Conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another employee, a customer, or a member of the
public at any time, including off-duty periods, will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes all
acts of harassment, including harassment that is based on an individual's sex, race, age, religion,
sexual orientation or any characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law.
All threats of (or actual) violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported as soon as possible
to your immediate supervisor or any other member of management. This includes threats by
employees, as well as threats by customers, vendors, solicitors, or other members of the public.
When reporting a threat of violence, you should be as specific and detailed as possible.
All suspicious individuals or activities should also be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor.
Do not place yourself in peril. If you see or hear a commotion or disturbance near your
workstation, do not try to intercede or see what is happening.
The Company will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats of (or actual)
violence and of suspicious individuals or activities. The identity of the individual making a report
will be protected as much as is practical. In order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity
of its investigation, the Company may suspend employees, either with or without pay, pending
Anyone determined to be responsible for threats of (or actual) violence or other conduct that is in
violation of these guidelines will be subject to prompt disciplinary action up to and including
immediate termination of employment.
Safe working conditions are required by law and must be maintained at all times. It is your
responsibility to practice safety on the job. Injury to an individual means a loss to both the
individual and the Company. The following rules apply to all employees and are minimum
requirements for safety and health.
Be careful! Report all unsafe conditions to your supervisor immediately. If you
are in doubt as to whether something is safe, ask your supervisor.
Horseplay and practical jokes on the job are prohibited.
Safety is largely a matter of good housekeeping. Keep all walking areas clear
and dry. Do not overload electrical sockets. Always turn off electrical
equipment before leaving for the day.
Report every injury or illness, however slight, immediately to your supervisor.
Your supervisor will obtain first aid or get medical assistance. First-aid kits are
located in all Company facilities- find out where they are located in your area.
If medical attention is necessary, keep calm and do not attempt to move the
injured person unless absolutely necessary. Know who your qualified first aid
CPR employees are and call them in an emergency. Call 911 for an ambulance
and then render first aid if
you are qualified to do so.
Do not attempt to remove foreign bodies from the eye of an employee or
customer. Refer the employee or customer to a doctor immediately.
If a fire occurs, warn your fellow employees and customers first. Immediately
call 911 for the Fire Department and then fight the fire. Do not risk injury.
Never stack material so that it blocks exit doors, exit ways or fire-fighting
equipment. Know where fire-fighting equipment is located and how to use it.
Practice fire prevention by keeping your work area clean, obeying all "No
Smoking" signs and not storing flammable in work areas.
When lifting heavy objects, lift with your legs or better yet, ask for help.
Telephone Use
A telephone call is generally the first impression a caller has of our Company. It is SHORT
ENTITY NAME’s policy that only properly trained individuals be responsible for answering
incoming telephone calls. The standard SHORT ENTITY NAME telephone greeting must be
used in answering a call, and employees are asked to exercise professionalism and customer
service at all times while on the telephone.
Telephone use by employees should be strictly limited to business-related calls only, unless
otherwise authorized by an immediate supervisor.
Cellular Phones and Pagers: Cellular phone and pager use is only acceptable if it is for work
purposes or is authorized by Management. Personal cellular phone and pager use is strictly
prohibited during working hours. All ring tones must be muted during working hours to maintain
a pleasant work environment.
Violation of the Telephone Use policy will result in a written warning, and a second offense will
result in immediate termination at the sole discretion of management.
Electronic Communication
It is SHORT ENTITY NAME policy to facilitate the access to and sharing of information to
increase our efficiency and assist communication amongst our employees. SHORT ENTITY
NAME encourages its employees to use computers, e-mail and voice mail in a proper and
responsible way. Electronic communication using Company property is for business purposes
only, and each employee is responsible to use such means of communication in a manner that
does not compromise the confidentiality of SHORT ENTITY NAME. The Company may
monitor computer usage, e-mail and voice mail communications, override individual passwords
or codes, and/or control the information that is distributed over Company property.
The following conduct is not permitted and is grounds for immediate termination:
creation, solicitation, or distribution of any inappropriate or sexually-oriented images or
usage of e-mail addresses assigned to you by the Company for personal reasons;
transmission of any threatening, harassing, pornographic, false, vulgar and/or
impermissible information that is offensive, illegal or immoral;
participation in any computer games, chain letters, or broadcast of viruses; and
installation of any non-standard or personal software on any Company computer or
computer network, without authorization from Management.
Workplace Monitoring
Workplace monitoring may be conducted by the Company to ensure quality control, employee
safety, security, and customer satisfaction.
Employees who regularly communicate with customers may have their telephone conversations
monitored or recorded to the extent permitted by law. Telephone monitoring is used to identify
and correct performance problems through targeted training. Improved job performance
enhances our customers' image of the Company as well as their satisfaction with our service.
Computers furnished to employees are the property of the Company. As such, computer usage
and files may be monitored or accessed.
The Company may conduct video surveillance of non-private workplace areas. Video monitoring
is used to identify safety concerns, maintain quality control, detect theft and misconduct, and
discourage or prevent acts of harassment and workplace violence.
Change of Address, Telephone Number, Etc.
For benefits administration and emergency purposes, it is vital that we maintain accurate and
current personnel records. Accordingly, it is your responsibility to notify Administration of any
change in your residence address, phone number, number and names of dependents, the name and
phone number of a person you wish us to contact in the event of an emergency, or other necessary
personal information, within three months of any change.
Employee Status
SHORT ENTITY NAME has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary named LEGAL ENTITY
NAME. All employees are employees of LEGAL ENTITY NAME.
The first ninety (90) days of your employment provide you and the Company with the
opportunity to learn more about each other and to evaluate whether the job for which you were
hired is suitable to your skills, personality, and career goals. The Company may extend your
training period for any reason. If you successfully complete this period, you may be given
regular status depending on your skills and availability and our needs. Whether or not your
employment continues after the training period, YOUR EMPLOYMENT WITH THE
Full-Time Regular: Employees who are regularly scheduled to work forty (40) or more hours per
week and are employed in year-round or positions for not less than ten (10) months, although
there is no work guarantee. Employees who meet these criteria are eligible for the Employee
Benefits contained in this Handbook.
Part-Time Regular: Employees who are regularly scheduled to work not more than an average of
thirty-nine (39) hours per week. Employees who meet this criterion are not eligible for the
Employee Benefits contained in this Handbook.
When you are hired you will be informed of your employee status with the company. Any
changes in employee status must be made in writing and must be signed off by the General
Manager or Regional Manager.
Temporary: Temporary positions, either full-time or part-time, may be created for a specific
period of time for the accomplishment of specific tasks; this may include seasonal employment.
Temporary employees will be classified as temporary or seasonal employees and are not eligible
for the Employee Benefits contained in this Handbook.
Under the Wage and Hour law, employees are classified as exempt or nonexempt employees.
You will fall into one of these two classifications depending on your duties and wage level.
Exempt or Nonexempt Status: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law which
requires that most employees in the United States be paid at least the federal minimum wage for
all hours worked and overtime pay at time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all hours
worked over 40 hours in a workweek.
However, Section 13(a)(1) of the FLSA provides an exemption from both minimum wage and
overtime pay for employees employed as bona fide executive, administrative, professional and
outside sales employees. To qualify for exemption, employees generally must meet certain tests
regarding their job duties and be paid on a salary basis at not less than $455 per week. Job titles
do not determine exempt status. In order for an exemption to apply, an employee’s specific job
duties and salary must meet all the requirements of the Department’s regulations.
Being paid on a “salary basis” means an employee regularly receives a predetermined amount of
compensation each pay period on a weekly, or less frequent, basis. The predetermined amount
cannot be reduced because of variations in the quality or quantity of the employee’s work.
Subject to exceptions listed below, an exempt employee must receive the full salary for any
workweek in which the employee performs any work, regardless of the number of days or hours
worked. Exempt employees do not need to be paid for any workweek in which they perform no
work. If the employer makes deductions from an employee’s predetermined salary, i.e., because
of the operating requirements of the business, that employee is not paid on a “salary basis.” If the
employee is ready, willing and able to work, deductions may not be made for time when work is
not available.
Deductions from pay are permissible when an exempt employee: is absent from work for one or
more full days for personal reasons other than sickness or disability; for absences of one or more
full days due to sickness or disability if the deduction is made in accordance with a bona fide
plan, policy or practice of providing compensation for salary lost due to illness; to offset amounts
employees receive as jury or witness fees, or for military pay; or for unpaid disciplinary
suspensions of one or more full days imposed in good faith for workplace conduct rule infractions
(see Company Policy on penalties for workplace conduct rule infractions). Also, an employer is
not required to pay the full salary in the initial or terminal week of employment; for penalties
imposed in good faith for infractions of safety rules of major significance, or for weeks in which
an exempt employee takes unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act. In these
circumstances, either partial day or full day deductions may be made.
It is our policy to comply with the salary basis requirements of the FLSA. Therefore, we prohibit
all company managers from making any improper deductions from the salaries of exempt
employees. We want employees to be aware of this policy and that the company does not allow
deductions that violate the FLSA.
If you believe that an improper deduction has been made to your salary, you should immediately
report this information to your direct supervisor or to Human Resources.
Reports of improper deductions will be promptly investigated. If it is determined that an improper
deduction has occurred, you will be promptly reimbursed for any improper deduction made.
Non-Exempt employees will receive Overtime compensation at the rate of one-and-one-half (1½) times their base pay hourly pay rate for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week.
All overtime must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor and has to be authorized
in advance. Any employee that works overtime without prior approval by their immediate
supervisor will be subject to disciplinary action. No payment of overtime will be made to exempt
Work Schedule
Your supervisor will assign and post your working hours. It is your responsibility to know your
work schedule. No changes to the work schedule may be made without prior approval of your
As an employee of our Company, you are an integral part of our team. It is important that you are
on the job, appropriately attired and ready to work, at the beginning of each shift that you are
scheduled to work. If you are unable to work or expect to be late for any reason (including illness
or injury), you must notify your supervisor or Department Head no later than two (2) hours before
your scheduled starting time. At that time, you must advise your supervisor or Department Head
of the reason(s) for your absence and your anticipated date of return to work. If your anticipated
date of return to work is extended, you must notify your supervisor in writing of the change as
soon as possible, but no later than one day before the anticipated date of return to work. We will
assume that you are ready to return to work if you do not notify us of any change to your
anticipated date of return to work and may schedule you for work on or after that date. If your
absence from work or tardiness is due to illness or injury, you may be asked to submit a doctor's
certificate verifying your unavailability for work and/or your ability to return to work to your
If your supervisor is not available, contact any other management personnel in your Department
If an employee does not show up for work when scheduled and fails to notify the Company in
accordance with this notification procedure for three (3) consecutive days, the employee will be
deemed to have resigned.
Time Cards: All employees (salaried and hourly) are required to maintain an accurate time card,
which must be signed by the employee and reviewed and approved by his/her immediate
supervisor. Employees should also record the beginning and ending time of any split shift or
departure from work for personal reasons. It is the employee’s responsibility to review his/her
time card for correctness and notify his/her immediate supervisor of any errors. Department
Heads are responsible for notifying the HR/Payroll Department in writing of any days or partial
days an employee has not worked and the reasons why they had not worked (sick, vacation,
bereavement, holiday, etc.). A paycheck will not be issued until the HR/Payroll Department
receives approved time cards.
Altering, falsifying, tampering with time records, or recording time on another employee's time
record may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Payroll: All employees will be paid by check every other Friday (bi-weekly) for the two-week
period ending the previous Sunday. Paychecks are distributed by the Head Golf Professional or
Superintendent at each golf course.
Once the employee receives their paycheck, it is their responsibility. If the employee loses their
paycheck, they must notify their Supervisor immediately. A stop payment will then be issued and
a duplicate check will be issued. The cost for stopping payment on a lost paycheck, is the
employee’s responsibility. If the original check is then found, please alert your Supervisor and
return the check to your Supervisor.
Business Expense Policy
BCG has a uniform system for reporting and reimbursement of ordinary and necessary business
expenses incurred by employees. Any deviation from the policy and procedures may result in the
loss of a tax deduction to the Company or additional taxable income to the employee. Items not
provided for herein are considered to be personal in nature and therefore not reimbursable.
Approval and Responsibilities: Employees are required to obtain approval from their direct
supervisor for their expense reports. It is the responsibility of each employee to understand and
comply with the business expense policy prior to submitting expenses for payment. Any
questions or guidance should be directed to the employee’s supervisor or the HR Director.
Periodic audits will be conducted on expense reports for compliance with the policy. Noncompliance with the policy is grounds for immediate termination.
The act of signing an expense report form is a representation that the expenditures incurred are in
accordance with this policy. The completed and signed expense report form with the required
documentation and receipts should be forwarded to accounts payable for processing.
Upon submission of an expense report, employees will be reimbursed by check for ordinary and
necessary expenses incurred while on Company business (as described elsewhere herein).
Expense reports must be submitted within 30 days from the date of the expense.
Documentation Requirements: A daily record of expenses is required. All items listed on the
expense report should show date, business location (city and state) and business purpose.
Receipts must be attached for individual meals exceeding $15, entertainment, lodging, auto
rental, cab fare and commercial travel. Although receipts are not readily available for individual
miscellaneous expenditures (gratuities, parking, baggage handling, etc.), employees are
encourage to submit receipts whenever possible. Original receipts are required for processing.
Additional requirements unique to a particular type of business expense are detailed in the
appropriate sections that follow.
Expenses Charged to Company by Employee: Certain expenses may be paid directly by the
Company. Examples include such items as airline tickets, rental cars, leased vehicles, hotel
deposits and seminar registration. The fact that certain allowable business expenses may be paid
directly by the Company does not relieve an employee from complying with the substantiation
requirements of this policy (original receipts, airline tickets and other supporting documentation
must be attached). Expenses directly paid by the Company are included in the gross total of the
expense report when assessing signatory approval.
Lodging: Receipts must substantiate lodging expense. When a guaranteed reservation is made and
the employee has a change of plans, every reasonable effort should be made to cancel the
reservation on a timely basis.
Transportation: Every effort should be made to use the lowest priced transportation available.
Reimbursement will be made for the following modes of transportation:
Commercial airline travel will only be reimbursed for coach class unless otherwise approved
by management.
Rental cars. Please note additional insurance should not be purchased.
Personal auto used for business will be reimbursed at the prevailing IRS mileage allowance,
not to exceed the applicable coach rate airfare for an equivalent distant trip. The mileage
reimbursement rate covers all vehicle expenses including gas, insurance, and depreciation.
Cost of taxi or bus to hotels or airports from place of business or residence.
Local commuting costs between residence and work location are not allowable business
expenses. Local commuting costs between residence and place of departure for commercial
travel in excess of commuting cost between residence and work locations are an allowed
Meals: Reimbursement will be made for the actual cost of meals, including reasonable gratuities.
When away from home or headquarters overnight on Company business.
When served as an integral part of formal business meetings, seminars, etc.
Business meals are discussed in Section Business Entertainment.
Miscellaneous Expenses: Costs incurred for items of a business nature not provided for above
(such as telephone, postage, service gratuities, small supplies on an emergency basis, etc.) will be
reimbursed. These items should be detailed on the expense report and substantiated by applicable
While away from the office on Company business, a reasonable expense for personal telephone
calls will be allowed. Purchases of miscellaneous supplies, software or computer hardware should
be purchased through the appropriate department and not included on employee expense reports.
Exceptions must be approved by management.
Business Entertainment
1. General
 Expenditures for entertaining individuals, other than employees of BCG must be ordinary
and necessary to be allowable and must meet Company standards for appropriate
business conduct. The person(s) must have an influence on Company business or
business activities and their entertainment should be “direct” or “associated” as defined in
the following paragraphs (2) and (3), respectively.
 Employees may claim reimbursement for the business meals with Company employees
away from home to the extent that their expenses are reasonable and necessary to the
conduct of Company business.
 When faced with project/duty time constraints, management level personnel may claim
reimbursement for a reasonable amount for business meals with other Company
employees to facilitate the conduct of Company business. This is to be strictly interpreted
and no reimbursement will be allowed for reciprocal meals not meeting this description.
2. Business Meals and Directly Related Entertainment
Reimbursement is allowed for ordinary and necessary business meal and entertainment expenses
with person(s) outside the Company who have an influence on Company business. Business meal
expenses must be directly related to business and incurred under circumstances conducive to a
business discussion. The employee that is more senior in the company should be elected to pay
for the meal. Generally, a restaurant, hotel dining room or similar place would be considered
conducive to a business discussion.
Entertainment expense is directly related to business if the employee is actively engaged in a
business meeting, negotiation, discussion or other bona fide business activity, other than the
entertainment itself.
3. Associated Entertainment
Entertainment directly preceding or following a substantial and bona fide business discussion is
associated with the active conduct of business and is reimbursable. Generally, the entertainment
should occur on the same day the business associate arrives from out of town, on the day before
or the day after the business discussion.
4. Documentation Requirements
When reporting expenditures for entertainment, the following should be shown on page two of
the expense report form:
 Date.
 Name and address or location of restaurant or other facility.
Name, title and company of the person(s) involved. Where expenses are incurred for a large
number of people readily identifiable as a particular group or individuals, the group itself may
be identified rather than the individual participants.
Business reason: The nature of the expected business benefit to be derived.
If associated entertainment: Date, duration and location of the related business discussion or
Amount of each separate expenditure..
Training, Conferences and Seminars: Registration fees or similar expenses for Companyapproved training courses, conferences, seminars and conventions are reimbursable if approved in
accordance with outside seminars, workshops and conference policy.
Donations or Contributions: Donations or contributions are not reimbursable expense items.
Expense Advance: Cash advances for employee travel are generally not provided by BCG
employees traveling regularly on Company business are encouraged to personally obtain a widely
accepted credit card or will be given a business credit card by the company. Any interest charges
incurred are considered personal expenses and will not be reimbursed to the employee.
Exceptions to this policy will need functional approval from the Senior Vice President or above.
Tipped Employees
As required by the Internal Revenue Service all tips earned by a staff member must be reported as
income. There are two types of tips: 1) tips collected by the staff member directly which are
called reported tips and 2) tips collected by the employer on behalf of the staff member which are
called payable tips.
Tips are generally limited to cash tips and must be declared by the employee. The reported tips
will be identified on the payroll records as earned income and records for these tips will be
maintained with the time cards and payroll records. Any paid through payroll are payable tips
and will be taxed accordingly.
The following deductions are made from your gross earnings each pay period:
Federal and State income taxes
Social Security taxes
In addition, for your convenience, the Company may make deductions for group health,
dental, and disability insurance and savings plans, as you may direct in writing on a form
provided by the Company. All other deductions from your paycheck, except for court-ordered
garnishments, must be authorized in writing by you and approved by the Company.
Policy on Pay
It is our policy to pay employees in accordance with their skill, performance, and experience in
the labor market. We monitor pay rates in the community and strive to provide competitive pay
rates and benefits for our employees. Whether an hourly rate, commission, productivity rate or
straight salary determines your pay, it is based mainly on your individual performance in your
specific job. Your pay is confidential Company information and should not be disclosed to
fellow employees.
Employee Appraisals
Each new employee will have an appraisal administered by his/her immediate supervisor at the
end of the ninety (90) training period to assess continued employment.
In addition, every employee will receive an employee appraisal from his/her immediate
supervisor a minimum of once per year. The purpose of the appraisal is to measure the
employee’s job performance, ability to meet the standards that are required by a particular job,
assess readiness for promotion, and discuss merit increases in pay.
Leaving the Company
ANY REASON WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE. Employees who are laid off by the Company
(as opposed to being terminated for cause) will receive fourteen (14) days written notice of such
termination and will be paid for unused accrued vacation as outlined above in “Vacation.” In
such cases, the Company shall not be required to give the employee notice of such termination
nor pay in lieu of notice.
Resignation: Although advance notice of resignation is not required, SHORT ENTITY NAME
considers it a matter of professional courtesy to provide a fourteen (14) day advance notice in
Before receiving your final paycheck, you should turn in your name badge, uniform, locker, cash
bank, keys, password/codes, and all other items belonging to the Company.
Full-Time Regular employees are eligible for the following Employee Benefits:
Full-Time Regular employees are eligible for holiday pay on the following three (3) designated
New Year's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
If you are a Full-Time Regular employee and you are required to work on a designated holiday,
you may choose to take your holiday on another day with authorization from Management.
Part-Time Regular and Temporary employees who work on the three (3) designated holidays will
be paid one-and-one-half (11/2) times their hourly pay rate for the schedule hours worked. If a
part-time regular or temporary employee is not scheduled to work on the three (3) designated
holidays, they will not be eligible for holiday pay.
Full-Time Regular employees are eligible for paid vacation at the rate of ten (10) days annually.
Vacation is accrued at 0.0385 hours for every regular hour of service, whether it be paid time,
accrued sick time, accrued vacation time or holiday time. The rate of vacation accrual increases
as your length of service with SHORT ENTITY NAME increases. Beginning in the sixth (6th)
year of employment, Full-Time Regular employees are eligible to receive fifteen (15) days of
paid vacation. More than seven (7) days of vacation cannot be taken consecutively unless
approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Vacation requests must be made and
approved in writing by the employee’s immediate supervisor thirty (30) days in advance of the
requested time off.
Unused Vacation at the end of the Calendar Year: At the end of the calendar year, all unused
time will be paid to you.
Unused Vacation Time at Termination: Upon termination of employment, all unused time will be
paid to you.
Company tenure will normally be used to determine preference when personal requests for
specific dates create scheduling problems. Your supervisor will make the final decision on all
vacation scheduling. Due to the nature of our business, vacations are normally not approved
during peak business periods.
Sick Pay
We recognize that non-work-related illness or injury may occur which prevents you from
working. It is your responsibility to personally notify your Supervisor each day or time period
that you are unable to work due to illness or injury. You must provide such notice as soon as
possible, but in no case less than two (2) hours before your scheduled work starting time. If you
are unable to personally advise your supervisor of your inability to work as scheduled, you must
have a friend or relative call for you to inform the Company of your absence as soon as possible.
DO NOT LEAVE MESSAGES with coworkers or friends at the Company, messages may only
be if you are unsuccessful speaking directly with your immediate supervisor or the supervisor on
duty. You will be required to provide a medical certification of your inability to work for two (2)
or more days. You also maybe examined by a physician selected and paid for by the Company to
determine your ability to perform your essential job functions before returning to work and to
receive sick leave pay.
Full-Time Regular employees are eligible for five (5) days of sick pay per year after completion
of the ninety (90) day training period. There is no accumulation of sick pay benefits from year to
year, and there is no cash payment for sick pay upon termination, with or without notice.
Doctor’s Appointments: All doctor’s appointments are encouraged to be made outside of normal
working hours. Based on circumstance, an employee’s immediate supervisor will approve such
an absence during regular working hours.
Medical Insurance
Medical Insurance is available to Full-Time Regular employees and their dependents on a cost
sharing basis between SHORT ENTITY NAME and the employee. You are eligible to enroll with
the medical plan on the first day of the month after you finish three (3) months of employment. If
the employee misses the enrollment window, they must wait until the next Open Enrollment or
present evidence of a qualifying event. Payment of the employee contribution for the medical
premium will be made through pre-tax automatic payroll deductions. Open enrollment is
available in June for a July 1 effective date. Further details of the Medical Plan offered by
SHORT ENTITY NAME will be provided by your supervisor and/or HR/Payroll Department.
To enroll in the SHORT ENTITY NAME medical insurance plan you must be a Full-Time
Regular employee. On or around the effective day of coverage, you will receive our medical plan
summary information and an insurance ID medical card.
Dental Insurance
Dental Insurance is available to Full-Time Regular employees and their dependents on a on a cost
sharing basis between SHORT ENTITY NAME and the employee. You are eligible to enroll with
the medical plan on the first day of the month after you finish three (3) months of employment. If
the employee misses the enrollment window, they must wait until the next Open Enrollment or
present evidence of a qualifying event. Open enrollment is available in June for a July 1 effective
date. Payment for the dental premium will be made through pre-tax automatic payroll deductions.
Further details of the Dental Plan offered by SHORT ENTITY NAME will be provided by your
supervisor and/or HR/Payroll Department.
To enroll in the SHORT ENTITY NAME medical insurance plan you must be a Full-Time
Regular employee. You will not receive an insurance ID card for the dental plan.
Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment:
Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (‘AD&D) Insurance is available to Full-Time
Regular employees and their dependents on a on a cost sharing basis between SHORT ENTITY
NAME and the employee. You are eligible to enroll with the Life and AD&D plan on the first
day of the month after you finish three (3) months of employment. If the employee misses the
enrollment window, they must wait until the next Open Enrollment or present evidence of a
qualifying event. Open enrollment is available in June for a July 1 effective date. Payment for the
Life and AD&D premium will be made through pre-tax automatic payroll deductions. Further
details of the Life and AD&D Plan offered by SHORT ENTITY NAME will be provided by your
supervisor and/or HR/Payroll Department.
COBRA Insurance
Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (“COBRA”), Federal law
requires the Company to offer employees enrolled in medical and dental plans the right to
continue such coverage when certain qualifying events occur:
termination (except termination for cause);
regular work hours drop below 39+ hours per week and status is changed to part-time;
death of a covered employee;
divorce or legal separation from a covered employee;
dependent status of covered child changes under the terms of the plan; or
spouse or children of the covered employee become eligible for Medicare benefits.
Under COBRA, the employee or eligible dependents are required to pay the full cost of the
monthly premiums for coverage at the Company’s group rate plus any administration fees.
Additional information about COBRA Insurance can be obtained through the HR/Payroll
Fidelity 401(k) Retirement Plan
Employees are eligible to participate and enroll during Open Enrollment, in the Billy Casper
Golf’s 401(k) Retirement Plan after completing six (6) months of continuous service (you must
be at least 21 to enroll) with the company. The plan allows you to invest up to sixty percent
(60%) of your regular earnings on a pre-tax basis through automatic payroll deductions. Open
enrollment is available in December for a January 1 effective date and again in June for a July 1
effective date each year. Plan and enrollment information will be provided by the HR/Payroll
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Employees are eligible to participate and enroll during Open Enrollment, in the Billy Casper Golf
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) once they have completed ninety (90) days of continuous
employment with the company. Open enrollment is available in December for January 1 effective
date. The Billy Casper Golf FSA allows you to set aside pre-tax money from your regular
paycheck in a special, tax-deferred account. You can use this money at your discretion to pay for
qualified health care or dependent care expense during the year while you fund the account. Plan
and enrollment information will be provided by the HR/Payroll Department.
Workers Compensation Insurance
Workers Compensation Insurance is fully paid by SHORT ENTITY NAME. If you are injured or
become ill as a result of a work-related activity, your first priority is to get immediate medical
attention and then notify your immediate supervisor and the HR/Payroll Department. No matter
how minor the incident, all work-related injury or illnesses must be reported within twenty-four
(24) hours of the incident. The HR/Payroll Department will report the incident to STATE Bureau
of Worker’s Compensation (‘BWC’). Benefits will be approved or denied according to the
BWC’s policies and procedures and their investigation of the incident.
Benefits to All Employees
Employee Purchases: Employees who wish to purchase items from the pro shop will receive a
discount of twenty percent (20%) off the ticketed price. This discount applies to all merchandise
marked at regular retail price. Sale or reduced price merchandise must be purchased at the
reduced price with no additional discount.
Food: Employees can purchase meals at fifty 50% percent off during working hours.
Golf Course Use: Employees are permitted to use the golf course at a designated employee rate
which is zero dollars and under the discretion of the General Manager and/or the Head Golf
Professional. Employees must receive prior approval from their immediate supervisor before
using the golf course, and the General Manager has the right to deny use of the Club’s facilities at
any time in his/her discretion. Employees are not allowed to hold a tee time, and they do not
have any priority over members or guests. Use of golf carts by employees is allowed with prior
approval from the General Manager. Employees must obey the rules of the Club and SHORT
ENTITY NAME at all times while utilizing the facility. Failure to obey these rules will result in
the immediate and permanent suspension of the Golf Course Use privilege. Any proven
vandalism or abuse of the facilities will result in immediate termination of employment.
Parking: All employees are to park in the designated area for employee parking. The Company is
not liable for employee actions concerning their personal vehicles on Company property.
Late Arrival To or Early Departure From Work
In the event an employee will be more than fifteen (15) minutes late for a scheduled shift or is
required to leave early from a scheduled shift, it is the employee’s responsibility to advise his/her
immediate supervisor prior to the start of a shift. If an employee is more than 15 minutes late for
a shift or leaves early, without supervisor permission, disciplinary action will be taken. Violation
of this policy will result in a written warning, and a second offense will result in immediate
Bereavement/Death in Family
Full-Time Regular employees are eligible for up to three (3) days off with pay due to a death in
the employee’s immediate family. This includes parents, spouse, spouse’s parents, grandparents,
brothers, sisters, children, and immediate step relationships. Any additional leave time needed
will be counted as accrued vacation time or unpaid leave.
Jury Service
SHORT ENTITY NAME recognizes each employee’s responsibility to perform his/her civic duty
of jury service. Employees will be excused from work for required court duty and will paid
during such absence for up to five (5) days. Upon receipt of notice to serve, the employee should
present court documentation to his/her immediate supervisor to accommodate scheduling. If jury
service is required for more than five (5) days, the employee will be required to take unpaid
leave. If you are released from court duty on any particular day during your normal working
hours, you must notify your supervisor of your availability and you may be required to report to
work. Unless otherwise stated by State law.
Voting Time
We encourage all eligible employees to register and vote in Primary, General, or Special
Elections. On election day, you may be given up to two hours off with pay for voting time, if you
are unable to vote before or after working hours. See your supervisor at least one week in
advance if you require this voting time.
Military Leave of Absence
An employee who is a member of or applies to be a member of a uniformed service, and performs
or has an obligation to perform service in a uniformed service (Armed Forces; the Army National
Guard when engaged in active duty for training, inactive duty training, or full-time National
Guard duty; the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service; and any other category of
persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency) will be allowed a military leave
and will be given vacation and other earned pay, exclusive of sick leave, due the employee at the
time of taking leave from the Company. Seniority will continue to accrue for employees on
military leave.
Upon satisfactory completion of military service and timely notice of intent to return to work, an
employee will be reinstated to his/her job or to a job comparable to the one he/she left, provided
the employee is qualified and Company's circumstances have not changed to the extent that it
would be impossible or unreasonable to provide re-employment. Such employees are responsible
for providing the Company with reasonable advance notice of military training duty. Failure to
provide such notice may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Full-time exempt employees who are in the National Guard or Reserves and required by law to
fulfill annual military duty will be reimbursed for the difference between their military pay and
regular pay for a maximum of two (2) weeks per calendar year if their military pay is less,
provided they supply their supervisor with their authorized military rank, pay rate, and orders.
All benefits and job status will resume as if continued if the employee reports back to work on the
next regularly scheduled work period after his or her release from active duty. Part-time
employees, full-time employees whose temporary duty exceeds two (2) weeks, and employees
who voluntarily would be impossible or unreasonable to provide re-employment.
Inclement Weather
In the case of inclement weather, such as snow and ice, the employee should call his/her
immediate supervisor prior to the start of the scheduled shift. All employees are expected to
report for work, unless otherwise notified by their immediate supervisor.
Unauthorized Absence
In the case of an unauthorized absence, such as illness, the employee must call his/her immediate
supervisor prior the start of a scheduled shift. After three (3) consecutive days of such
unauthorized absence with no notification to the employee’s immediate supervisor, the employee
will be terminated, and it will be recorded as a voluntary resignation.
Family & Medical Leave
All active staff members, whether Full-Time Regular, Part-Time Regular, or Temporary
employees, who have completed twelve (12) months and 1,250 hours of service, are eligible for
up to twelve (12) weeks of family and medical leave during any twelve (12) month period in
accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
To be eligible for FMLA, the employee must be taking leave for one (1) of the following reasons:
the birth of an employee’s child;
the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care;
the care of a family member (child, spouse, parent) who has a serious health condition;
employee’s own serious health condition.
An employee who anticipates taking a leave is required to notify his/her immediate supervisor of
the anticipated length of the leave at least thirty (30) days in advance of the leave request. Failure
to provide thirty (30) days notice prior to taking the leave may result in a delay or denial of leave.
When requesting leave for a medical reason, employees must submit a physician’s certification
stating the reasons for the leave and the anticipated length of the leave required. When an
employee takes FMLA, he/she must use accrued paid vacation and sick leave first and take the
remainder of the twelve (12) week time period as unpaid leave.
Continuation of Employee Benefits: Employee Benefits, such as medical, dental, and life
insurance, for a Full-Time Regular employee will be maintained under the same conditions as
covered prior to the leave; however, the employee is required to make the appropriate payments
directly for those benefits while on leave. It is the responsibility of the employee to set up
payment arrangements with the HR/Payroll Department. If the employee fails to pay his/her
benefit premiums, coverage will retroactively terminate from the date of last payment.
Returning from FMLA: Upon return from leave, the employee will be able to return to the same
position or a position that is equal based on pay, benefits and other employment terms. If the
employee fails to return to work immediately following expiration of the authorized leave, the
employee will be terminated, and it will be recorded as a voluntary resignation.
March 2007
I hereby acknowledge receipt of SHORT ENTITY NAME Employee Handbook. Since the
information, policies and benefits described herein are necessarily subject to change, with or
without notice to me, I acknowledge that revisions to the Handbook may occur at SHORT
ENTITY NAME discretion. I understand that revised information may supersede, modify or
eliminate existing policies as outlined in this Handbook.
I have entered into my employment relationship with SHORT ENTITY NAME voluntarily
and acknowledge that there is no specified length of employment. Furthermore, I
acknowledge that this Handbook is neither a contract of employment nor a legal document.
I understand that it does not create a contract for a definite term, set forth terms or
conditions of employment, or limit possible reasons for dissolution of the employment
relationship. I have received the Handbook and understand that it is my responsibility to
read and comply with the policies contained in this Handbook and any revisions made to it.
I understand that this Handbook is the property of SHORT ENTITY NAME for the exclusive use
of its Management and employees. I further understand and agree that its contents, and any
additions, are confidential and are not to be reproduced, quoted or removed from the Company’s
premises, except with approval of Management or in the connection with official Company
business. I further agree that in the event I should leave the employ of SHORT ENTITY NAME,
I will surrender the aforementioned Handbook intact.
I understand as part of that my commitment to working at SHORT ENTITY NAME, I
agree to base my attitude and effort on the following vision statement:
I am part of a team prepared to create fun and enjoyment for our customers.
My positive attitude is my responsibility.
I choose to create loyal customers with my team, my attitude, and my actions.
Employee’s Name (printed)
Employee’s Signature
March 2007