直通UVic工程 - timchina

加拿大移民部5月4日将启动新联邦技术移民项目,涵盖24个职业, 从职业目录中可以看出加拿大紧缺工程
0211 Engineering managers 工程经理
1112 Financial and investment analysts 金融和投资分析员
2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers
2131 Civil engineers 土木工程师
2132 Mechanical engineers 机械工程师
2134 Chemical engineers 化学工程师
2143 Mining engineers 矿业工程师
2144 Geological engineers
2145 Petroleum engineers 石油工程师
2146 Aerospace engineers
2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers/designers)计算机工程师
注:$ 必选的带薪实习专业
* (带薪实习,可选
计算机科学 *
Biomedical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
*Software Engineering
个月的带薪实习,可以获得50,000加元左右的经济收入。 小班教学,可以和同学与教授建立良好的合作与师生
关系。根据英国QS 2012世界大学排名,在电力工程专业的排名上,上榜的加拿大的大学中维多利亚大学排名第
our rankings.
international viewbook.
2011年,根据 Re$earch Infosource 的报告,维多利亚大学连续第九次被评为加拿大最佳研究型大学
Research University of the Year in Canada。
2012年 Globe and Mail’s Canadian University Report 显示,维多利亚大学,学生综合满意度为B+
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麦克林杂志Maclean’s 2011年加拿大大学排名显示,在综合类大学中,维多利亚大学排名第二。
The COTR Engineering Certificate is designed to satisfy the Year 1 requirements of undergraduate
engineering programs at UVIC and UBC; it may also help students transfer into the engineering programs at
other institutions.
Block Transfer agreement with University of Victoria
College of the Rockies' engineering certificate students will receive full credit for first-year engineering at
UVIC and will be on equal footing with UVIC students when it comes to competitive entry into second year.
College Signs Engineering Program Agreement with UVIC
College of the Rockies signed an engineering program block transfer agreement with the University of Victoria
on February 20, 2013, which allows students who complete COTR’s one-year full-time engineering certificate
program to block transfer all of their COTR year one credits to UVIC and be on a level playing field with UVIC
students for entry into year two of UVIC’s engineering program.
The COTR engineering certificate meets the first-year requirements of all UVIC engineering streams except
software engineering. COTR students can enter software engineering by taking an additional computer
science course at UVIC after they transfer.
Dr. LillAnne Jackson, Associate Dean of undergraduate programs at UVIC, is proud of the unique program
offered at the university.. “Part of what makes University of Victoria’s engineering program different from
other universities is the co-op experience we offer,” says Jackson. “All engineering students participate in
four full terms of paid co-op work in jobs related to their degree. This gives them practical work experience by
the time they graduate.”
“Undergraduate engineering students optionally participate in international design competitions designing, for
example, an ‘EcoCar’ and a satellite. UVIC teams have placed extremely well in recent competitions. Other
attractive features of our program are a sustainability focus and research innovations relating to clean
technology,” Jackson continues.
“This is a terrific opportunity for students to begin their engineering education at College of the Rockies with
smaller class sizes and more personal instruction,” Bethune notes
Required Courses
UVIC Required Courses
Course Acronym
APSC 122
APSC 151
CHEM 101
ENGL 100
MATH 103
PHYS 103
COMC 102
MATH 104
MATH 221
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Course Name
Fall Semester
Introduction to Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Fundamentals of Chemistry 1
English Composition
Differential Calculus
Introduction to Physics 1
Winter Semester
Advanced Professional Communications
Integral Calculus
Elementary Linear Algebra
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PHYS 104
PHYS 141
APSC 123
COMP 105
Introduction to Physics 2
Engineering Statics
Spring Semester
Engineering Design
Introduction to Programming in the C and
C++ Language
Course Name
Fall Semester
Introduction to Engineering
Engineering Graphics
Fundamentals of Chemistry 1
English Composition
Differential Calculus
Introduction to Physics 1
Winter Semester
Fundamentals of Chemistry 2
Integral Calculus
Elementary Linear Algebra
Introduction to Physics 2
Engineering Statics and Dynamics
Spring Semester
Engineering Design
Introduction to Programming in the C and
C++ Language
UBC Required Courses
Course Acronym
APSC 122
APSC 151
CHEM 101
ENGL 100
MATH 103
PHYS 103
CHEM 102
MATH 104
MATH 221
PHYS 104
PHYS 170
APSC 123
COMP 105
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Choose your program to learn about typical career paths and co-op requirements.
Note: If you're pursuing a BEng or BSEng Mechatronics and Embedded Systems Option, you only need to complete three
work terms rather than four.
Computer Engineering Co-op
Electrical Engineering Co-op
Mechanical Engineering Co-op
Software Engineering Co-op
Computer Engineering Co-op
What do computer engineers do?
Computer engineers use engineering principles and science to make products that we use in everyday life, including iPods,
radios, power grids and cell phone communication. They also take part in projects involving artificial intelligence and
digital design.
How many work terms will you complete?
You’ll complete four four-month work terms in order to graduate with a degree in computer engineering.
How to apply
As an undergraduate computer engineering student, you’re automatically enrolled in the Engineering and Computer
Science/Math co-op program when you’re admitted to the Faculty of Engineering. You’ll need to print and sign a copy of
the terms and conditions at the start of your program—bring your signed copy to the co-op office in ECS 204.
If you’re a graduate student, you’ll need approval from your graduate adviser to take part in the co-op program. Download
and complete the graduate co-op application form then contact the graduate co-op coordinator for help. You can apply by
November 30 and March 31 each year.
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Amazing job prospects
Nearly everyone who graduates from our programs
finds work in their field within a few months, with
starting salaries around $66,500 per year. With changing
demographics and an increasingly wired world, the
demand for Engineers and Computer Scientists will only
keep growing.
Real-life learning
No need to wait to start cashing in on the job market—
the integrated Co-operative Education program,
optional in most Computer Science programs, adds
16 months of work experience to your degree. You’ll
build your resume, meet valuable contacts, and make an
average of $50,000 before you even graduate!
Inspired teaching in small classes
Don’t be just a number. Our class sizes are smaller
than at many other universities—you can develop
real relationships with your professors and classmates,
and get the support and recognition that make the
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How Canadian schools stack up in the QS rankings (part one)
By Josh Dehaas | July 18th, 2012 | 2:59 pm
Subject rankings for science, medicine, engineering...
Here are the top five highest ranked universities in the QS World University Rankings by Subject and the
rankings of Canadian schools in science, engineering, and health disciplines. For arts, humanities and
business, click here. For the full rankings, visit TopUniversities.com.
1. Harvard University (United States)
2. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
3. National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapore)
4. University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
5. Karolinska Institute (Sweden)
11. University of Toronto
25. University of Alberta
26. University of British Columbia
29. McGill University
51-100. Western University, Université de Montréal
101-150. University of Waterloo
151-200. Dalhousie University, Laval University, University of Saskatchewan
1. Harvard University (United States)
2. University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
3. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
4. Stanford University (United States)
5. Yale University (United States)
17. University of Toronto
19. McGill University
30. McMaster University
51-100. University of British Columbia
101-150. Western University, Université de Montréal, University of Alberta, University of Calgary, University of
151-200. Dalhousie University, Laval University, Queen’s University
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
3. Harvard University (United States)
4. Stanford University (United States)
5. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (United States)
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26. University of British Columbia
34. University of Toronto
46. McGill University
101-150. University of Alberta
151-200. McMaster University, Université de Montréal, University of Calgary, University of Ottawa
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. Harvard University (United States)
3. Stanford University (United States)
4. University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
5. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
23. University of British Columbia
51-100. University of Toronto
101-150. McGill University, University of Victoria
151-200. University of Alberta, University of Waterloo
Earth and Marine Sciences
1. Harvard University (United States)
2. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
3. Princeton University (United States)
4. University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
5. University of Chicago (United States)
18. University of British Columbia
22. University of Toronto
51-100. McGill University, University of Waterloo
101-150. Dalhousie University, Queen’s University, Université du Québec, University of Alberta, University of
151-200. McMaster University, Western University, Université de Montréal, University of Victoria
Environmental Sciences
1. Stanford University (United States)
2. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
3. Harvard University (United States)
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
5. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (United States)
10. University of Toronto
35. University of British Columbia
38. McGill University
51-100. University of Alberta, University of Waterloo
101-150. Université de Montréal
151-200. Dalhousie University, Queen’s University, Université du Québec, University of Calgary, University of
Materials Science
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. Stanford University (United States)
3. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
4. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
5. Harvard University (United States)
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30. University of Toronto
51-100. McGill University, McMaster University, University of British Columbia
101-150. Queen’s University, Université de Montréal, University of Alberta, University of Waterloo
Computer Sciences
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. Stanford University (United States)
3. Carnegie Mellon University (United States)
4. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
5. Harvard University (United States)
15. University of Toronto
27. University of British Columbia
34. University of Waterloo
47. McGill University
101-150. Université de Montréal, University of Alberta
151-200. McMaster University, Simon Fraser University, Western University, University of Calgary, York
Biological Sciences
1. Harvard University (United States)
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
3. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
4. Stanford University (United States)
5. University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
23. University of Toronto
30. McGill University
34. University of British Columbia
101-150. McMaster University, Université de Montréal, University of Alberta, University of Ottawa,
151-200. Western University, University of Calgary
1. Stanford University (United States)
2. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
4. Harvard University (United States)
5. National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapore)
24. University of Toronto
25. University of British Columbia
51-100. McGill University, Université de Montréal, University of Waterloo
101-150. McMaster University,Western University, York University
151-200. Carleton University, Dalhousie University, Simon Fraser University, Université du Québec,
University of Alberta, University of Calgary
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. Harvard University (United States)
3. Stanford University (United States)
4. Princeton University (United States)
5. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
5. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
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24. University of Toronto
34. University of British Columbia
51-100. McGill University, Université de Montréal, University of Alberta, University of Waterloo
101-150. York University
151-200. University of Calgary
Engineering (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. Stanford University (United States)
3. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
4. Harvard University (United States)
5. National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapore)
45. McGill University
51-100. University of British Columbia, University of Toronto
101-150. University of Waterloo
151-200. McMaster University, Université de Montréal, University of Alberta, University of Calgary
Engineering (Electrical)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. Stanford University (United States)
3. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
4. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)
5. University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
23. University of Toronto
38. University of British Columbia
46. University of Waterloo
49. McGill University
101-150. University of Alberta, University of Victoria
151-200. McMaster University, Simon Fraser University, Université de Montréal, University of Calgary
Engineering (Civil)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (United States)
2. The University of Tokyo (Japan)
3. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (United States)
4. Stanford University (United States)
5. National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapore)
37. University of Toronto
51-100. McGill University, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary,
University of Waterloo
101-150. Queen’s University
151-200. Concordia University, Laval University, McMaster University, Western University, Université de
Montréal, University of Saskatchewan
Engineering (Chemical)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States
2. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) United States
3. University of Cambridge United Kingdom
4. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Switzerland
5. Stanford University United States
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27. University of Toronto
36. McGill University
51-100. University of Alberta, University of British Columbia
101-150. McMaster University, Queen’s University, University of Waterloo
151-200. Western University, Université de Montréal, University of Calgary
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