Invite to interview letter Insert Name and Address Insert Date Dear Re: Job Title and Department Thank your application for this post. I am pleased to confirm that you have been successful at this stage of the recruitment process and I would like you to attend an interview. The interview will take place on DATE TIME LOCATION Can you please report to INSERT NAME in the INSERT NAME Building. It would be appreciated if you could attend a few minutes before your specified appointment time. The panel members will consist of:Chair - Job Title Job Title Job Title *As part of the interview process you will be asked to Insert details of other selection criteria e.g. presentation, in tray exercise, psychometric test etc Delete as appropriate I would be grateful if you could telephone INSERT NAME on EXT INSERT NUMBER to confirm your attendance. I look forward to meeting you on the DATE Yours sincerely Insert Name Insert Title Shortlist rejection letter Insert name and Address Insert Date Dear Insert Name Re: Job Title and Department I am writing in regard to your application for the position as detailed, I regret to inform you that you have not been successful on this occasion. The standard of applications was extremely high and the candidates who were selected for interview more closely matched the requirements for the role as specified in the Person Specification. (Brief details as recorded on the Applicant details form can also be inserted here if wished) * delete as appropriate I wish you every success in your future career and thank you for the interest you have shown in this post. I do hope that this will not deter you from applying for any future positions within the University. Yours sincerely Insert Name Insert Title KEELE UNIVERSITY REFERENCE REQUEST Date: Personal, Private and Confidential For the intended addressee only RE – REFERENCE REQUEST FOR (NAME OF CANDIDATE/EMPLOYEE) We have offered (NAME OF CANDIDATE/EMPLOYEE) the post of (POST TITLE) at Keele University, subject to satisfactory references. He/She has given your name as a referee and I would be grateful if you could provide the following information regarding his/her employment with you. Name of company Position held by (NAME OF CANDIDATE/EMPLOYEE) Start date of employment End date of employment Brief summary of duties and responsibilities Comments on the individuals performance against the job description and person specification (documents attached) Does the individual have any live warnings on their record? Any other comments that you think may be relevant All information received will be remain in the strictest of confidence and will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act Yours sincerely, NAME KEELE UNIVERSITY RESPONSE TO REFERENCE REQUEST Date: Personal, Private and Confidential For the intended addressee only This is a standard template for the use of Keele University managers when responding to a reference request by another employer. The information provided within this reference, is to the best of the referee’s knowledge, a true and accurate account of the individual’s employment at Keele University. Name of individual Name of referee and designation Position held at Keele University Department/ Directorate Start date of employment End date of employment Brief summary of duties and responsibilities Comments on the individuals performance against the job description and person specification (if provided) Note to Keele University manager: If an employee has been managed in accordance with any HR procedures (e.g. disciplinary, capability processes) please contact your HR Advisor for further advice before submitting this reference. PLEASE DELETE THIS PARAGRAPH Reject after interview letter Insert Name Insert Title Dear Re: Job Title and Department I am writing in regard to your application for the above position. I regret to inform you that you have not been successful on this occasion. The standard of applicants for this position was exceptionally high and it was a difficult decision to make. (Brief details as recorded on the Applicant details form can be inserted here is wished) Should you wish to obtain detailed feedback on your application process then please do not hesitate to contact me. I wish you every success in your future career and thank you for the interest you have shown in this post. I do hope that this will not deter you from applying for any future vacancies that arise within the University. Yours sincerely Insert Name Insert Title