Draft letter re GP education to doctors newly

Educational resources and contacts
Information kindly provided by Dr Eileen Gorrod 2008
There is a diversity of opportunity for continuing professional development available across
Hampshire. GP appraisal has been used to help inform what specific provision needs to be
Practice based education
Some, but not all practices have a regular education programme. Funding through the
Practice Education Accreditation Scheme (PEAS) may be available. There is also some
funding to support practice away days. Further information -Gigi.Cozens@suht.swest.nhs.uk
Sessional doctors
Sessional doctors have varying access to GP education and support depending on their
working arrangements and location. Some sessional doctors may find they get little
information about GP education if they are not on a regular mailing list.
2 localities have GP Tutors with a special interest in sessional doctors:
Winchester, Eastleigh, Southampton
and South West Hants
Julie Chinn ajwear@btinternet.com
Portsmouth and South East Hants
Meryl Deane
Additional Information is available at the National Association of Sessional GPs website,
Southampton and West Hampshire Out of Hours Service
This service organises education specifically for Out of Hours Doctors. Contact the Medical
Director Majid Jalil, majidjalil@hotmail.com , for further details.
Web based learning
Web based learning is a growing field with www.gpnotebook.co.uk, www.doctors.net.uk and
www.bmjlearing.com being particularly popular, and many others in development.
Wessex GP Education Trust (WGPET)
Highcroft, Romsey Road, Winchester. S022 5DH
This is an educational trust. GPs pay an annual subscription (currently £180, less for those on
lowish income), this enables them to attend meetings funded through the scheme without
further payment. Many of the courses organised by local tutors are funded through WGPET.
There is usually a charge for non-members attending WGPET funded events.
Ron Travis
01962 870638
The Royal College of GPs has a programme of local meetings. It will also be responsible for
setting and applying the standards for recertification contributing to revalidation of GPs, based
on their core curriculum, so it an idea to keep an eye on their website, www.rcgp.org.uk.
Books of interest:
How to influence Jo Owen 2010Prentice Hall £12.99 978-0-273-73116-0 (tips on influencing
others, especially by listening and understanding other peoples viewpoint)
Brilliant Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Dr Stephen Briers 2009 Prentice Hall £12.99 978-0273-72490-2 (tips on thinking and acting positively)
Really Managing Healthcare Valerie Iles 2005 Open University Press 0-335-21009-0
(management and leadership tips including the three rules)
GP Education is delivered from a number of local centres. Do contact your local centre direct
to ensure you are on local mailing lists and have good access to educational opportunities.
Southampton City, Eastleigh, Test Valley and New Forest areas
GP Education Unit,
Mailpoint 10, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD
023 8079 6751
GP Tutors
Peter White
Sandy Miles
Julie Chinn
Local lunch time meetings are held in Bitterne, Aldermoor, Romsey, Hedge End, Forest Gate
and Lymington. For further information visit www.gpeducation.org.uk
If you would like emails concerning education events please ask
theresa.lawrence@suht.nhs.uk to put you on the circulation list.
Portsmouth City, East Hampshire, Fareham and Gosport
GP Education. 2nd floor, Finchdean House, Milton Road, Portsmouth PO3 6DP
023 9283 5099/5071
GP tutors
Portsmouth & East Hants
Fareham & Gosport
Sessional GPs
Isle of Wight
Kate McNicol
Nick Lewkowicz
Meryl Deane
John Partridge
In Portsmouth and SE Hants regular updates on all GP educational events are provided
electronically. For GP partners these go to practice managers, if you prefer direct mailing than
please email your details. A separate list is maintained of sessional doctors-but you will need
to contact GP education to add your name to this list. To add your email to either list email
tracy.dickinson@ports.nhs.uk with your request.
Winchester, Basingstoke, Mid Hampshire, North Hants
PHCE, University of Winchester, Winchester, Hants, SO22 4NR
01962 827596
Ann Collins.
GP tutors
Basingstoke and North Hants
Mid Hants
Salisbury (not really Hants!)
Rob Lorge
Heidi Penrose Heidi.Penrose@winchester.ac.uk
Peter Jenkins peter.jenkins@nhs.net
Please feel free to contact all the relevant people to ensure that you make the most of the
education that is on offer.
We look forward to meeting you.
Eileen Gorrod
Medical Advisor on behalf of the Education Teams