CGS 2470 Introduction to AutoCAD 2009 Lab Manual January 2, 2010 developed by Eddie Ray Lee Professor Emeritus Vincennes University Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida Table of Contents Labs and Assignments Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab Lab 1 Orientation and Hardware 2 Operating Systems and File Management 3 File, Draw, and Edit Commands 4 Coordinate Systems 5 Display Commands and Cont Coord Commands 6 Object Snap and Edit Commands 7 Function Keys and Settings Commands 8 Test 1 9 Selection Sets, Edit and Inquiry Commands 10-12 Edit Commands 13 Layers 14 Settings Commands 15 Test 2 16 Hatching Techniques 17 Draw Commands 18 Grips 19 Text Commands 20 Paper and Model Space 21 Plotting 22 Attributes 23 Test 3 24 User Coordinate Systems 25 Basic Dimensioning 26-28 2D Departmental Drawings 29 Review for Final and Finish Drawings Appendix A-1 Outline A-2 Commands, Listed by lab A-3 Commands, Alphabetical A-4 Index 106748250 Lab Manual Organization This lab manual is divided into 30 labs and one final exam. Each lab is approximately 1.5 hours to complete. When the class meets only one day per week two labs will be completed each meeting. Each lab has the following items: Topic - What is the general one or two word topic for this lesson. Performance Objective - Which performance objectives listed in the syllabus will this lesson address. Lesson Objective - What specific items will be learned in this lesson. Lecture Items - This is the items as listed in the course outline that will be covered in this lesson. Lecture Notes - This section has any other lecture notes as may be needed. Commands/Modifiers - This is a list of the new commands and or modifiers learned in this lesson. You should make additional notes as needed in this area. Lab Activity/Assignment - This section explains what the student will do during this lab time. Evaluation - This explains how this lab will be evaluated. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 1 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: ORIENTATION AND HARDWARE Performance Objectives: 1. The student will properly use the operating system and manage files. Lesson Objective: Learn about the course organization, the CAD hardware in this class and workplace professionalism. Lecture Items: ORIENTATION Administrative Procedures Co-requisites for this class Office: hours, room #, phone # Food, Drink, Tobacco, Cell Phone, Pager, Radio policy Syllabus Lecture/Lab procedures Grading Attendance Note taking Due dates Tutoring Open lab policy Final exam time Safety Fire Alarms Extinguishers, locations Procedures, exits Power outage Adverse weather days 106748250 LAB 1 sheet 2 of 4 HARDWARE Workstation Input devices Keyboard Mouse Tablet Pen Puck Optical scanner Output devices Monitor Plotter Printer Modem Memory (Storage devices) Main RAM - Random Access Memory ROM - Read Only Memory Secondary Hard disk Floppy disk Zip drive Tape drive CD Processors Plotter Type Operations EXHIBIT WORKPLACE PROFESSIONALISM Attendance Punctuality Accepting constructive criticism Appropriate dress Personal integrity Lecture Notes: Parts of the computer Before we can understand how a computer can be used to solve problems we must look at the physical and logical composition of the computer. This collection of computer components, called "hardware", is made up of four parts: the input devices, the output devices, the processors and the memory devices. 106748250 LAB 1 sheet 3 of 4 The input device When humans are to solve a problem they are given information or "input". The devices they use to accept this information might be the eyes, ears, or possibly the other senses. The computer also needs to be given information, which is entered through various input devices such as keyboards, scanners, a mouse etc. The output device When humans want to communicate they can speak, write or use other signals. The computer uses devices for communicating to the user such as printers, monitors and plotters. Also the computer can output to devices such a disk, or tape for later use. The processors The brain controls the processes that allow computer also has a "brain" which is called or CPU. The CPU coordinates the interaction as they work together. It reads and carries that are stored in memory. humans to solve problems. The the "Central Processing Unit" of the parts of the computer out instructions (software) Memory unit When humans are asked to solve a problem they are given some information. But they have to call upon their memory to remind them of facts or techniques they have learned to solve the problem. Some times the information stored in the memory portion of the brain is not enough to help solve the problem. sometimes the information needed is not used often, so it hasn't been committed to memory. In such cases it is necessary to go to books, charts, tables, etc. for information to help solve the problem. The computer also has a memory, which is like a set of electronic mailboxes, each with its own address. These mailboxes can hold data for immediate use. This is called "Main" memory. The computer also has a "Secondary" memory called peripheral storage, which is used to store information that is needed, but not used often enough to be kept in the main memory. Peripheral storage units are usually magnetic disks, CD's, etc. AutoCAD info There are approximately 563 AutoCAD 2009 commands. This class teaches 89 of them. That’s 15%. You must learn how to “teach yourself” as it is difficult to take classes to learn all commands. 106748250 LAB 1 sheet 4 of 4 Commands/Modifiers: N/A Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Be sure to bring all books and materials to every class meeting. Complete the following sentences. 1. The best way to succeed in this class is to have ____________ attendance. 2. I understand that I may be absent only ________ times in this class. 3. The instructor should be contacted _______ _______ ____ ________________ concerning an absence. 4. Absences need to be made up __________ the next class meeting if at all possible. 5. The student should _______ plan any other activity during finals week. 6. Keeping a well-organized notebook is a _________________ for this course. 7. If I expect to learn AutoCAD well I must learn to ________________. Evaluation: N/A 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 2 Topic: sheet 1 of 3 OPERATING SYSTEMS AND FILE MANAGEMENT Performance Objectives: 1. The student will properly use the operating system and manage files. 2. The student will use file commands. Lesson Objective: Learn about the types of OS, basic OS functions, directories, windows, and file management. Lecture Items: OPERATING SYSTEMS and FILE MANAGEMENT Type DOS Windows 3.1 Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows NT Always shut down properly Windows 2000 Windows Millennium Windows XP Disk drive names A: floppy drive C: hard drive Directories Using windows moving changing size opening closing slide bar 106748250 2 LAB sheet 2 of 3 Files Saving files Naming conventions Standard DOS – XXXXXXXX.XXX Windows – several characters including spaces Windows Explorer functions List files Delete files Rename files Copy files Backing up files Formatting disks Lecture Notes: All data stored on a disk must have a filename. With the new Windows operating systems filenames can be almost any configuration. However is it suggested that when using AutoCAD the standard DOS naming convention be used. Filenames are in two parts separated by a period. The first part is the file specification, which can be up to eight characters, and the second part is the extension, which can be up to three characters. Some filenames have special extensions, which the operating system understands. The following are some examples: .DWG .BAK .DWK .EXE .SYS .DOC an AutoCAD drawing an AutoCAD backup drawing an AutoCAD lock file an executable file a system file to be used by the operating system a text file There are many other extensions used by various software packages. Filenames should be descriptive of the contents of the file they identify. Therefore a filename plan should be developed. Filename method for this class: NNNNNLLA.DWG where NNNNN = your last name or first 5 characters LL = lab number A = A or B if more than one drawing per day 106748250 LAB 2 sheet 3 of 3 Care of floppy disks and disk drives Don't Don't Don't Don't Carry Clean touch magnetic disk when slide door is open expose the disk to extreme heat or cold expose the disk to magnetic devices get the disk dirty or wet the disk in approved containers the disk drive heads with a wet head cleaner Commands/Modifiers: N/A Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Follow instructor’s directions to practice operations. -Log on -Use the explorer -Format disk -Copy file to disk -Be sure to save your files on the server under your folder. Complete the following sentences. 1. The operating system in this lab is _______________. 2. Formatting a disk _______________ all information on the disk. 3. Directories are _____________ to put other directories or files. 4. All data on a disk has to have a ______________________. 5. When creating files one should __________ them often and ________ ______ _____ every day. 6. The part of the filename on the right of the period is called the __________________. Evaluation: N/A 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 3 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: FILE, DRAW, AND EDIT COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 2. The student will use file commands. 8. The student will use draw commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. 11. The student will use Settings commands. 13. The student will use Display commands. Lesson Objective: Learn how to start AutoCAD, AutoCAD FILE commands, file types, and how to repeat commands. Learn basic Draw, Edit, and Display commands. Lecture Items: Drawing Screen Areas Drawing name title bar Pulldown Menu bar Standard toolbar Layer toolbar Graphics screen Graphics cursor Modify toolbar Draw toolbar Coordinate system icon Command prompt window Status bar FILE COMMANDS Commands NEW - starts new drawing, Same as FILE > NEW on menu bar OPEN - opens old drawing, Same as FILE > OPEN on menu bar CLOSE – Closes the drawings but stays in AutoCAD SAVE - saves dwg to disk Same as FILE > SAVE on menu bar SAVEAS - saves dwg to disk and renames it Same as FILE > SAVEAS in menu bar QSAVE - saves dwg to disk using current name Same as FILE > SAVE on menu bar 106748250 3 LAB sheet 2 of 3 Default values of commands Identify default values Example: default value of radius of fillet is .5 File types used in AutoCAD .dwg – AutoCAD drawing .dwk – Locked AutoCAD file .bak – AutoCAD Backup file .dwt – AutoCAD templete file .dxf – standard file transfer Repeating commands and carriage return (Enter) Enter key Space bar Right mouse button (then select command) DRAW COMMANDS ARC CIRCLE ELLIPSE LINE Use of “C” to close EDIT COMMANDS ERASE FILLET DISPLAY COMMANDS REDRAW used mostly on older versions of AutoCAD SETTINGS COMMANDS TOOLBAR - (the command) shows or hides toolbars on screen VIEW > TOOLBARS on menu bar Toolbars Flyouts Yellow flags to tell what icon does Dock and Undock toolbars Lecture Notes: To start AutoCAD - click on AutoCAD icon The correct CAD software name ESC to get command prompt ESC to turn off GRIPS ( blue square markers on objects ) Alias commands (there are many alias commands) C = CIRCLE E = ERASE R = REDRAW L = LINE Go to explorer and check for .dwg and .bak files 106748250 3 LAB sheet Commands/Modifiers: 3 of 3 ARC CIRCLE CLOSE ELLIPSE ERASE FILLET LINE NEW OPEN QSAVE REDRAW SAVE SAVEAS TOOLBAR Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Follow instructor’s directions to practice operations. Save your drawing on the hard disk and back it up. Complete the following sentences. 1. The CAD software we are using is __________________________. 2. The operating system is ___________________________. Evaluation: Instructor will monitor your practice during lecture. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 4 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: COORDINATE SYSTEMS Performance Objectives: 3. The student will use Absolute and Relative Cartesian and Absolute and Relative Polar coordinate systems. Lesson Objective: Learn the coordinate systems used in AutoCAD. Lecture Items: COORDINATE SYSTEMS Cartesian Absolute, example 5,8 Relative, example @3,4 Polar Absolute, example 3<20 Relative, example @5<30 Use of @ symbol, last known point CALCULATE Commands/Modifiers: @ - Last known point CAL - calculator 106748250 LAB 4 sheet 2 of 4 Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Complete the following sentences. 1. 4,7 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. 2. @3,5 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. 3. @5<10 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. 4. 8<30 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. Lab activities 1. We will draw some practice lines as directed by the instructor during lab. 2. We will then draw the object on sheet 3 using only cartesian coordinates. 3. Complete the work sheet on page 4 and turn in for grade. Evaluation: Turn in page 4 next class. If there are any errors the instructor will review correct answers with each student. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 5 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: DISPLAY COMMANDS and CONTINUE COORDINATE SYSTEMS Performance Objectives: 3. The student will use Absolute and Relative Cartesian and Absolute and Relative Polar coordinate systems. 9. The student will use edit commands. 13. The student will use Display commands. Lesson Objective: Continue coordinate systems and learn the Zoom and Pan commands. Lecture Items: DISPLAY COMMANDS ZOOM All – zooms to the limits which is the grid size Extents – zooms to show all graphics Previous Scale(X) Window PAN LIST ALL – will show the number of objects in the drawing This will not count objects on a frozen layer. Use center wheel on mouse: press to RTPAN, roll to RTZOOM EDIT COMMANDS U (Undo use while in a command) 106748250 LAB 5 sheet 2 of 4 Commands/Modifiers: LIST ALL PAN U ZOOM ALL EXTENTS PREVIOUS ?X WINDOW Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawings # XXXXX05A and XXXXX05B as directed by your instructor. Drawing XXXXX05A is just like XXXXX04A but today we will be using relative polar and cartesion coordinates. Then we will draw it using direct distance polar tracking. You used Absolute Cartesian coordinates to draw it in lab 4. Now and in the future save all drawings to the local disk and back up to your personal device (flash drive, etc.) Complete the following sentences. 1. @7,2 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. 2. 22<5 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. 3. @1<180 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. 4. 3,2.5 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. 5. @2>30 is an example of an _______________ _______________ coordinate. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your drawings. Check the number of objects in your drawings using the LIST ALL command. 05A is 26 and 05B is 18. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 6 sheet 1 of 5 Topic: OBJECT SNAP AND EDIT COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 5. The student will use Object Snaps. 9. The student will use edit commands. 10. The student will use Grips. 11. The student will use Settings commands. Lesson Objective: Continue coordinate practice and learn Object Snap and error correction techniques. Lecture Items: EDIT COMMANDS OFFSET - parallel lines, arcs, circles, polylines OOPS - unerases last erased set of objects UNDO - undoes the last AutoCAD command REDO - reverses most recent undo MREDO – reverses several undo’s SETTINGS COMMANDS – DSETTINGS is the command or right click on SNAP, GRID, POLAR, OSNAP, or OTRACK on bottom of screen and then click SETTINGS There are three tabs in the Drafting Settings dialog box: Grid and Snap, Polar Tracking, and Object Snap GRID - spacing, grid will display only to limits On and Off by command or use status bar SNAP – spacing On and Off by command or use status bar Polar Tracking Angle settings Increment Additional New Object snap Tracking Settings Track orthogonally only Track using all polar angle settings Direct distance input 106748250 6 LAB sheet Object Snaps CENter ENDpoint EXTension INSertion INTersection MIDpoint NEArest NODe PARallel PERpendicular QUAdrant TANgent 2 of 5 In OSNAP tool bar: Snap to none – temporally turns off snaps Object Snap Settings – Same as Right click on OSNAP at bottom of screen and select SETTINGS How to use osnaps Type the osnap command at appropriate time Use the Icon toolbar Right Click on OSNAP in status bar How to get the Icon Tool bar on the screen (TOOLBAR) Type TOOLBAR and select the appropriate toolbar from the list Right click on any tool bar icon 106748250 LAB 6 sheet 3 of 5 Commands/Modifiers: DSETTINGS – Same as Right click in status bar icons OFFSET OOPS OSNAP REDO MREDO TOOLBAR UNDO Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawings XXXXX06A, AND XXXXX06B. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. The number of objects in 06A is 16. The number of objects in 06B is 9. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 7 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: FUNCTION KEYS AND SETTINGS COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 11. The student will use Settings commands. Lesson Objective: Learn function keys and settings commands. Lecture Items: Function Keys F1 – Help F2 – Graphics to text (toggle) GRAPHSCR and TEXTSCR SETTINGS COMMANDS ORTHO – type or use status bar icon OPTIONS – type OPTIONS or use pulldown TOOLS > OPTIONS Display Crosshair size Drafting Aperture size Osnap size Selection Pick box size Open more than one drawing at a time. Thumbnail print Seeing more than one drawing at a time. WINDOW > pulldown CTRL tab to switch between drawings 106748250 LAB 7 sheet 2 of 4 Commands/Modifiers: GRAPHSCR – puts graphic screen up (same as F2 toggle) HELP OPTIONS ORTHO TEXTSCR – puts text screen up (same as F2 toggle) Lab Activity/Assignment: Create drawings XXXXX07A, and XXXXX07B. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. The number of objects in 07A is 30. The number of objects in 07B is 44. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 8 sheet 1 of 1 Topic: TEST 1 Performance Objectives: 1. The student will properly use the operating system and manage files. 2. The student will use file commands. 3. The student will use Absolute and Relative Cartesian and Absolute and Relative Polar coordinate systems. 5. The student will use Object Snaps. 8. The student will use draw commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. 11. The student will use Settings commands. 13. The student will use Display commands. Lesson Objective: Complete test over the first 7 labs. Lecture Items: N/A Commands/Modifiers: @ ARC CAL CIRCLE DSETTINGS ELLIPSE ERASE FILLET LINE LIST MREDO NEW OFFSET OOPS OPEN OSNAP PAN QSAVE REDO REDRAW Lab Activity/Assignment: Complete the test in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Evaluation: Give test to your instructor when finished. 106748250 SAVE SAVEAS TOOLBAR U UNDO ZOOM Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 9 sheet 1 of 2 Topic: SELECTION SETS, EDIT COMMANDS, INQUIRY COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 4. The student will use the Inquiry commands. 7. The student will use selection sets. 8. The student will use draw commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. Lesson Objective: Learn selection sets, edit commands, and inquiry commands. Also review test 1. Lecture items: Review test 1. Be sure to keep your test for review. INQUIRY COMMANDS AREA Add Subtract Object ID – absolute cartesian coordinate of a location. BEGINNING SELECTION SETS All Window – solid line, picks up only objects inside of window Crossing – dotted line, picks up objects inside and that cross window Fence Last – last object inserted Undo Window Polygon Crossing Polygon Previous – previous selection set Add Remove Modify size of selection set pickbox - OPTIONS 106748250 9 LAB sheet DRAW COMMANDS PLINE Width 2 of 2 EDIT COMMANDS PEDIT Change entity to polyline Use Join option Multiple EXPLODE – changes polyline back into its various objects Commands/Modifiers: AREA EXPLODE PEDIT PLINE ID Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Calculate the area of the first six drawings you have completed and write the answers in the spaces below. Your answers should be to four decimal places. XXXXX05A ____________________ (minus the holes) XXXXX05B ____________________ (minus the holes and rectangular slot) XXXXX06A ____________________ XXXXX06B ____________________ (minus 5 holes) XXXXX07A ____________________ (area minus the two rectangles) XXXXX07B ____________________ (area of all five parts) Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 10 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: EDIT COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 9. The student will use edit commands. Lesson Objective: Learn more edit commands. Lecture Items: EDIT COMMANDS MOVE COPY TRIM When using TRIM hold down shift key to switch to EXTEND. You may select the trimming objects by pressing enter or space bar. EXTEND When using EXTEND hold down shift key to switch to TRIM. You may select the boundary by pressing enter or space bar. ARRAY uses dialog box Rectangular Number of rows Number of columns Offset for rows Offset for columns Angle Polar Center X,Y Method Rotate 106748250 LAB 10 sheet 2 of 3 Commands/Modifiers: ARRAY COPY EXTEND MOVE TRIM Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Follow instructor’s directions to practice operations. Create drawing XXXXX10A. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 11 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: EDIT COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 9. The student will use edit commands. Lesson Objective: Learn more edit commands. Lecture Items: EDIT COMMANDS MIRROR ROTATE Copy Commands/Modifiers: MIRROR ROTATE Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawings XXXXX11A and XXXXX11B. Answer the questions. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 12 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: EDIT COMMANDS AND INQUIRY COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 4. The student will use the Inquiry commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. Lesson Objective: Learn more edit and inquiry commands. Lecture Items: INQUIRY COMMANDS DIST Between two points Angle between X-Y plane between two points Delta X and Delta Y distance LIST – information about an object STATUS – status of a part PROPERTIES – type PROPERTIES or in pulldown TOOLS > PROPERTIES or click Properties icon Used to change any information about objects. Autohide feature. EDIT COMMANDS CHAMFER Dist 1 and Dist 2 Angle SCALE Reference STRETCH - must always use crossing window 106748250 LAB 12 sheet Commands/Modifiers: CHAMFER DIST LIST PROPERTIES SCALE STATUS STRETCH 106748250 2 of 4 LAB 12 sheet 3 of 4 Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawing XXXXX12A. After you finish item one below you should create a backup drawing named XXXXX12B so if you have a problem later you have a good part to go back to. Complete the following: 1. After it is finished calculate the area of the part minus the two cutouts. The area is ____________________. Number of objects is _____ Only count the object lines. 2. Stretch the part so that the 7.00 dimension becomes 8.00 and the 2.50 dimension becomes 3.00. Make sure no other dimensions change. 3. Calculate the area again like in item 1 above. The new area is _________________________. 4. What is the X,Y coordinate of the center of the lower fillet? ______________________________. 5. Use SCALE to make the part 75% of its current size. Keep 0,0 in the same place. 6. Now what is the new X,Y coordinate of the center of the lower fillet? ______________________________. 7. What is the distance from the center of the circle to the top end of the left 1.25 R arc? ____________________ 8. Use LIST to determine the diameter of the circle. _______________ DIA 9. Use PROPERTIES to change the diameter of the circle to .25. 10. Calculate the area again like in item 1 above. The area is ____________________. Number of objects is ______. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 13 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: LAYERS Performance Objectives: 8. The student will use draw commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. 11. The student will use Settings commands. 12. The student will use Layers. 13. The student will use Display commands. Lesson Objective: Learn layers, color, and linetypes. Lecture Items: LAYERS LAYER - opens layer dialog box Dialog box options Layer names Creating new layers Renaming layers - click on name slowly 2 times Delete layers Always keep layer “0” and do not change it Turning layers on and off Color Set color Change color Selecting linetypes - click on name of linetype to select Selecting layers - click layer control down arrow in object properties toolbar then click layer Move object to another layer – select object then click on layer name Zoom down and up to show how hidden/center lines react to zoom DRAW COMMANDS POINT 106748250 LAB 13 sheet 2 of 4 SETTINGS COMMANDS DDPTYPE - changes points, may need to REGEN after changing point size with AutoCAD versions before 2000 LTSCALE - Sets scale of line (default is 1) EDIT COMMANDS BREAK - trims middle of (BREAK at POINT) – this DIVIDE - puts points on LENGTHEN, total - makes line is an Icon command only lines equal distance apart line specific length; DY - dynamic DISPLAY COMMANDS REGEN Commands/Modifiers: BREAK DDPTYPE DIVIDE LAYER LENGTHEN LINETYPE LTSCALE POINT REGEN Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawing XXXXX13A. Make the outline of the part red on a layer named OBJECT, the circles red on a layer named CIRCLES and centerlines blue on a layer named CENTERLINE. Create drawing XXXXX13B. Make the arcs, circles and straight lines RED on a layer named OBJECT, and centerlines blue on a layer named CENTERLINE. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 14 sheet 1 of 5 Topic: SETTINGS COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 8. The student will use draw commands. 11. The student will use Settings commands. Lesson Objective: Learn Grids, linetypes and miscellaneous settings commands. Lecture Items: SETTINGS COMMANDS – DSETTINGS is the command or right click on SNAP, GRID, POLAR, OSNAP, or OTRACK on bottom of screen There are three tabs in the Drafting Settings dialog box: Grid and Snap, Polar Tracking, and Object Snap GRID - spacing, grid will display only to limits On and Off by command or use status bar SNAP – spacing ISO grid use LIMITS - 9X12 default DRAW COMMANDS RECTANG Chamfer Fillet Dimensions 106748250 LAB 14 sheet 2 of 5 Commands/Modifiers: GRID LIMITS RECTANG SNAP Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawing XXXXX14A. All small squares are 2" by 2". Remember to always have the lowest number of objects in a part. Create drawing XXXXX14B. Put the object lines on a layer named OBJECT and the centerlines on a layer named CENTER. Make the centerlines green and the object lines red. Create drawing XXXXX14C. Use the ISO grid to help. Set the grid and snap to .50 inches. You will need to change the limits and set up layer for green hidden lines and red object lines. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 15 sheet 1 of 1 Topic: TEST 2 (midterm) Performance Objectives: 1. The student will properly use the operating system and manage files. 2. The student will use file commands. 3. The student will use Absolute and Relative Cartesian and Absolute and Relative Polar coordinate systems. 4. The student will use the Inquiry commands. 5. The student will use Object Snaps. 7. The student will use selection sets. 8. The student will use draw commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. 11. The student will use Settings commands. 12. The student will use Layers. 13. The student will use Display commands. Lesson Objective: Complete test over first 14 labs. Commands/Modifiers: Bold are new since last test @ ARC AREA ARRAY BREAK CAL CHAMFER CIRCLE CLOSE COPY DDPTYPE DIST DIVIDE DSETTINGS ELLIPSE ERASE EXPLODE EXTEND FILLET GRAPHSCR GRID HELP ID LAYER LENGTHEN LIMITS LINE Lab Activity/Assignment: LINETYPE LIST LTSCALE MIRROR MOVE MREDO NEW OFFSET OOPS OPEN OPTIONS ORTHO OSNAP PAN PEDIT PLINE POINT PROPERTIES SNAP STATUS STRETCH TEXTSCR TOOLBAR TRIM U UNDO Complete the test in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Evaluation: Give test to your instructor when finished. 106748250 QSAVE RECTANG REDO REDRAW REGEN ROTATE SAVE SAVEAS SCALE Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 16 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: HATCHING TECHNIQUES Performance Objectives: 15. The student will use Hatch commands. Lesson Objective: Learn how to use crosshatching. Also review test 2. Lecture Items: Review test 2. Be sure to keep your test for review. HATCHING TECHNIQUES HATCH Select hatch pattern Change scale of pattern Change angle of pattern Boundary pick points select objects Preview Hatch Advanced style normal outer ignore Associative yes no Exploded HATCHEDIT, modify hatch pattern using dialog box Also double click on hatch to edit it. Explode a hatch pattern Use stretch command on hatched object 106748250 LAB 16 sheet 2 of 3 NOTES: Always put hatch on separate layer Always preview hatch before clicking OK More than one area can be selected to hatch within the same hatch command so that several hatched areas are one object. Commands/Modifiers: HATCH – will open Boundary Hatch dialog box. HATCHEDIT – used to edit an existing hatch. Also double click to edit hatch. Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Modify drawing # XXXXX14A to include hatch as shown on sheet 3. Use 45 degree plain line hatching as shown. For solid hatching look use same hatch but change the spacing between the lines. Put the lined hatch on a layer named RED and make it red. Put the solid looking hatch on a layer named BLUE and make it blue. The finished drawing must look exactly like the example. Use ANSI31 style pattern. File this drawing under the name XXXXX16A. Retain drawing XXXXX14A in its original condition. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 17 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: DRAW COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 8. The student will use draw commands. 11. The student will use Settings commands. Lesson Objective: Learn more draw commands Lecture Items: DRAW COMMANDS POLYGON – Creates regular polygons Inscribed – center to corner distance Circumscribed – center to flat distance BOUNDARY, used to trace polyline around closed shape, excellent for use in calculating areas Always put boundaries on separate layers. SETTINGS COMMANDS Object snap Node - Used for snapping to POINTS UNITS - sets units, angles, precision, direction Lecture Notes: Explain, Pitch, Span, Overhang, size of 2 x 4's. How to write feet and inches for AutoCAD coordinates. Example: 25 feet 7 and 1/2 inches is written 25'7-1/2" 106748250 LAB 17 sheet 2 of 4 Commands/Modifiers: BOUNDARY POLYGON UNITS Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawing # XXXXX17A on sheet 3. Put the object lines on a red layer and the centerlines blue. Create drawing # XXXXX17B on sheet 4. Be sure to draw it in feet and inches. Use the UNITS command as needed. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 18 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: GRIPS Performance Objectives: 10. The student will use Grips. Lesson Objective: Learn beginning grips commands. Lecture Items: GRIPS Identify grips location on lines circles arcs polylines texts ellipse splines Modify object(s) using the GRIP command modes Stretch Move Rotate Scale Mirror Select multiple Grips with Shift key Turn off grips with ESC key Change color and size of grips with OPTIONS dialog box. (right click and select OPTIONS or type OPTIONS or in pulldown TOOLS>OPTIONS under the “selection” tab. 106748250 LAB 18 sheet 2 of 3 Commands/Modifiers: GRIPS – lets you turn on or off grips. (1=ON, 0=OFF) OPTIONS – opens OPTIONS dialog box / Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawing XXXXX18A. Select eight different hatch patterns for the fill and use a different color for each. Make the object lines red and .7mm wide. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 19 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: TEXT COMMANDS Performance Objectives: 14. The student will use Text commands. Lesson Objective: Learn to use text. Lecture Items: TEXT COMMANDS INSERTING TEXT TEXT - puts in one or multiple lines of text Justify - Left, Right, Center Height Rotation angle MTEXT - puts in multiple lines on text inside box EDITING TEXT DDEDIT - edit text string. Best to double click on text string. Double click on text string PROPERTIES - edit text string and modify color,layer,loc,texthgt,rot,style (Use properties dialog box) SPELL CHECKING TEXT SPELL – spell checks selected text strings CHANGING TEXT STYLE STYLE – Opens the text style dialog box FORMAT > TEXTSTYLE – in the pull down Special %%D = %%P = %%C = 106748250 characters when using the TEXT command (Degree symbol) %%U = (Underscore) (Plus/Minus symbol) %%O = (Overscore) (Diameter symbol) LAB 19 sheet 2 of 3 NOTE: To be able to see decimal parts of degree (XX.X) in the ARRAY command you must use the UNITS command to change precision to one decimal place. Leave the length units at decimal in 4 place. Commands/Modifiers: DDEDIT MTEXT PROPERTIES SPELL TEXT STYLE Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create drawing XXXXX19A. The boxes around the text .4 high and as long as needed (use RECTANG). Put each item on one layer. Calculate the area of each piece of pie. Create the chart as shown except put the answers where the blanks are. The pie chart diameter is 10. Use Arial .2 inch high lettering in the pie and Courier New .1 inch high in the chart above the pie. This drawing will be used in a future lab. PIE ITEMS PERCENT COLOR HATCHING Marketing 30% RED ANSI37 Management 15% GREEN ANGLE R & D 12% BLUE BOX Other 6% CYAN DOTS at scale 2 YELLOW ESCHER Manufacturing 37% Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 20 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: PAPER AND MODEL SPACE Performance Objectives: 16. The student will use Paper and Model space. Lesson Objective: Learn the difference between paper and model space and how to properly use them. Lecture Items: PAPER AND MODEL SPACE PSPACE - click MODEL in box at bottom to switch to PAPER space MSPACE - click PAPER in box at bottom to switch to MODEL space INSERT - to insert titleblock into drawing MVIEW – use to create viewport or use viewports toolbar Viewports – use viewports toolbar Size - Use grips to change size of viewport Scale of model – or use toolbar Zoom 1/1XP for full scale Zoom 1/2Xp for half scale Zoom 2/1XP for double scale, etc. Delete – Use ERASE command in PAPER space to remove viewport. Center justify techniques for text in rectangle. How to create a MODEL space title block: 1. Open new drawing 2. Name the drawing 3. Keep everything on layer 0 4. Draw paper size – 8.5 X 11 for “A” size, 11 X 17 for “B” size 5. Zoom extents 6. Zoom .9x 7. Offset .5 inch to the inside for border 8. Change the border to a Polyline and use PEDIT to change width to .04 (At this point you will be shown how to use the title block) 9. Go to FORMAT > TEXT STYLE and in font name select GDT.shx, click apply and close. 10. Create remainder of title block as shown on sheet 3 or 4 11. Save the drawing 106748250 LAB 20 sheet 2 of 4 Note: Any important letters or numbers on a drawing should be no smaller than .10 inch tall. Unimportant letters or numbers such as the word “DATE” or “SCALE” may be as short as .07 inch tall. How to use the title block in paper space: 1. Open drawing that you want the title block on 2. Go into paper space (layout) 3. Use the INSERT command to insert the title block drawing 4. Zoom extents to see all 5. A viewport will automatically be on the layout. You may adjust it with grips. 6. Make sure you have a layer named VIEWPORT and TITLE 7. Put the view on the layer named VIEWPORT and set it not to plot with the no print icon in the layer dialog box. 8. Put the title block on the layer named TITLE. 9. Change the standard text to gdt.shx text. Commands/Modifiers: INSERT MSPACE MVIEW PSPACE Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. Create an "A" size or “B” size (as directed) title block sheet to be used on future drawings. The file name should be TITLEA.dwg or TITLEB.dwg. Create a title block as shown on sheet 3 or 4. It must be created in model space. Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 21 sheet 1 of 2 Topic: PLOTTING Performance Objectives: 6. The student will plot drawings in paper and model space. Lesson Objective: Learn how to plot a drawing in paper space. Lecture Items: For paper space plotting set viewport scale first. Use “Viewports” toolbar to set scale or type ZOOM ?/?XP (1/1XP for full scale, 1/2XP for half scale, etc.) Locking viewport. PLOT COMMAND Plot Device tab Select plotter (none until at plot station) Select “monochrome.ctb” in the Plot Style Table (this will make all color plot to black rather than greytones.) Plot Settings tab -Paper size -Select inches -Plot Scale Scale: 1:1 for paper space plotting Scale: ?? for model space plotting -Plot Area Display Window -Preview 106748250 21 LAB sheet 2 of 2 Commands/Modifiers: PLOT ZOOM Lab Activity/Assignment: Listen to lecture and take notes as needed. 1. Create drawing XXXXX21A by putting your title sheet on drawing XXXXX19A, save it as XXXXX21A and plot it. Be sure to fill out the title block completely. Be sure to LOCK the viewport after you set the viewport scale. Steps: 1. Open 19 2. save as 21A 3. Select layout 1 4. Select plotter and paper size 5. Select monochrome.cbt 6. Insert blank titleblock 7. Create View and Title layer 8. Put viewport on viewport layer 9. Put title on title layer 10. Adjust viewport size 11. Scale the viewport 12. pan the viewport as needed 13. Lock the viewport 14. Change standard text to GDT 15. Fill out the title block in paper space 2. Plot 17B but name it 21B. Use appropriate scale. 3. Plot XXXXX18A in MODEL space at ½ scale. Put your name on it before plotting. For grading purposes this will be called XXXXX21C. Evaluation: Give the plots to your instructor to grade. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 22 sheet 1 of 2 Topic: ATTRIBUTES Performance Objectives: 18. The student will use attributes in title blocks. Lesson Objective: Learn to use attributes in title blocks. Lecture Items: STYLE = FORMAT – TEXT STYLE in pulldown, how to set up text style. Use ATTDEF to set up attributes. TAG – Character to select when editing attributes. Use “X”. PROMPT – The question you want displayed when inserting the block. VALUE – Default value displayed in drawing if no other value is entered. Insert values into the attributes when using INSERT to insert the title block. It will automatically ask you the questions. While creating the title block use PROPERTIES to change the attributes. After the title block drawing is created and inserted into another drawing double click on the attribute to get a dialog box to change properties of the attribute. Use ATTEDIT to change only the values. 106748250 LAB 22 sheet 2 of 2 Commands/Modifiers: INSERT or I – used to insert blocks (titleblocks) ATTDEF or ATT – Opens attribute definition box. PROPERTIES – to change properties of objects. ATTEDIT or PROPERTIES – Edit attributes STYLE or (Pulldown FORMAT – TEXT STYLE) to create new text styles or change default style. Lab Activity/Assignment: 1. Open drawing TITLEA.dwg or TITLEB.dwg as directed. 2. Set up attributes for: DRAWING NUMBER, SCALE, DATE. 3. Save it. 4. Open drawing XXXXX18B and rename it to XXXXX22A. Put your title block on it and properly fill out the title block. 5. Plot it. Evaluation: Turn in a plot of XXXXX22A.dwg. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 23 sheet 1 of 2 Topic: TEST 3 Performance Objectives: 1. The student will properly use the operating system and manage files. 2. The student will use file commands. 3. The student will use Absolute and Relative Cartesian and Absolute and Relative Polar coordinate systems. 4. The student will use the Inquiry commands. 5. The student will use Object Snaps. 6. The student will plot drawings. 7. The student will use selection sets. 8. The student will use draw commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. 10. The student will use Grips. 11. The student will use Settings commands. 12. The student will use Layers. 13. The student will use Display commands. 14. The student will use Text commands. 15. The student will use Hatch commands. 16. The student will use Paper and Model space. 18. The student will use Atributes in title blocks. Lesson Objective: Complete test over first 22 labs. Lecture Items: N/A 106748250 LAB 23 sheet 2 of 2 Commands/Modifiers: Bold are since last test. @ ARC AREA AARRAY ATTDEF ATTEDIT BOUNDARY BREAK CAL CHANFER CIRCLE CLOSE COPY DDEDIT DDPTYPE DIST DIVIDE DSETTINGS ELLIPSE ERASE EXPLODE EXTEND FILLET GRAPHSCR GRID GRIPS HATCH HATCHEDIT HELP ID INSERT LAYER LENGTHEN LIMITS LINE LINETYPE LIST LTSCALE MIRROR MOVE MREDO MSPACE MTEXT MVIEW NEW OFFSET OOPS OPEN OPTIONS ORTHO OSNAP PAN PEDIT PLINE PLOT POINT PLOYGON PROPERTIES PSPACE QSAVE Lab Activity/Assignment: Complete the test in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Evaluation: Give test to your instructor when finished. 106748250 RECTANG REDO REDRAW REGEN ROTATE SAVE SAVEAS SCALE SNAP SPELL STATUS STRETCH STYLE TEXTSCR TOOLBAR TRIM U UNDO UNITS ZOOM Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 24 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: User Coordinate System (UCS) Performance Objectives: 16. The student will use Paper and Model space. Lesson Objective: Practice using all methods learned thus far to create 2D drawings and moving 0,0 when necessary. Lecture Items: PAPER AND MODEL SPACE UCS New-makes new 0,0 location World UCSICON ON OFF ORigin – puts icon on 0,0 No origin – moves Icon back to Lower left of screen In the pulldown go to VIEW>DISPLAY>UCSICON>PROPERTIES to get the UCS dialog box. You can set color, size and style of UCS icon. Commands/Modifiers: UCS UCSICON Lab Activity/Assignment: Create drawing XXXXX24A. Follow the directions and answer the questions. Create drawing XXXXX24B. Follow the directions and answer the questions. Do not put these on your title block. You must follow the directions! Evaluation: Have your instructor check your work. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 25 sheet 1 of 3 Topic: Basic Dimensioning Performance Objectives: 6. The student will plot drawings. 17. The student will use Basic Dimensioning. Lesson Objective: Learn basic dimensioning. Lecture Items: Dimensions may be put in model space or paper space because since AutoCAD 2002 they are associative to the objects. In this class is it best to put dimensions in MODEL space. Lock Viewport before dimensioning. Remember, when dimensioning in paper space the dimensions will only be in that one layout. In dimensioning toolbar. BASIC DIMENSIONING Liner Aligned Radial Diameter Angular Leader Use PROPERTIES to change dimensions. DIMTEDIT or use icon in tool bar or best way is to click once and move by using grips. Use to move dimensions. Remember, double click on dimensions opens the properties dialog box. Dim > Style > Modify > Primary units > Unit format – Decimal or Architectural Precision – Number of decimal places Dim > Style > Modify > Fit – Scale dimensions to layout (paper space) DDEDIT edit the text of dimensions to add prefixes or suffixes. Dimension > update – select dimensions to update after changing style. 106748250 LAB 25 sheet 2 of 3 Line width Use layer dialog box to change line width. Use LWT to see the line width in model space PROPER STEPS TO DIMENSION 1. Create model in model space 2. Switch to layout 3. When entering layout select the proper plotter and paper size. 4. Insert titleblock in paper space and put on title layer. 5. Establish proper viewport and put on viewport layer and set to not plot. 6. Use viewport toolbar or ZOOM command to set proper scale for drawing. 7. Lock the viewport. Click on viewport in paper space to turn on grips then right click and select DISPLAY LOCKED and select YES. 8. Then dimension part in MODEL space in the layout or go back to model space tab (black screen). 9. Save the part 10. Before plotting select monochrome.cbt in plot dialog box.. Commands/Modifiers: DDEDIT DIMALIGNED DIMANGULAR DIMDIAMETER DIMLINEAR DIMRADIUS DIMSTYLE DIMTEDIT Lab Activity/Assignment: Create drawing XXXXX25A as shown and dimension. Include object lines, center lines, and dimensions. Make dimensions green and centerlines blue. Make object lines red and plot to .7mm wide. Plot on title block. Answer the questions and put them in paper space on the drawing. Evaluation: Give plot to your instructor. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 26 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: 2D DRAWINGS Performance Objectives: all Lesson Objective: Use what you have learned to create professional quality drawings in your particular technical area. The drawings are of industrial, architectural and surveying subjects. If your area of interest is something other than these see your instructor for possible alternatives. Lab Activity/Assignment: Create one of the following drawings and plot it on a “A” or "B" size title sheet as directed. Properly use layers, line widths, color, dimension styles, etc. Sheet 2 XXXXX26A is an Industrial drawing. Sheet 3 XXXXX26B is an Architectural drawing. Sheet 4 XXXXX26C is a Survey drawing. Evaluation: Turn in the plot to your instructor for evaluation. 106748250 LAB 26 sheet 4 of 4 Drawing XXXXX26C.DWG Draw the plat using the information given. Put on all distances and bearings. Include the following information on the drawing. The distance from the last point given to the start point. The bearing from the last point given to the start. The total acreage. Start point 0,0 then 120.54' N75d 0' 0"E then 137.03' N40d30'45"E then 125.21' S84d20'54"W then 26.54' S24d53' 5"W then 38.62' S76d49'18"W then 72.69' N67d11'10"W then 105.27' S30d 9'56"W then to start point 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 27 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: 2D DRAWINGS Performance Objectives: all Lesson Objective: Use what you have learned to create professional quality drawings in your particular technical area. The drawings are of industrial, architectural and surveying subjects. If your area of interest is something other than these see your instructor for possible alternatives. Lab Activity/Assignment: Create one of the following drawings and plot it on a “A” or "B" size title sheet as directed. Properly use layers, line widths, color, dimension styles, etc. Sheet 2 XXXXX27A is an Industrial drawing. Sheet 3 XXXXX27B is an Architectural drawing. Sheet 4 XXXXX27C is a Survey drawing. Evaluation: Turn in the plot to your instructor for evaluation. 106748250 LAB 27 sheet 4 of 4 Drawing XXXXX27C.DWG Draw the plat. Calculate the area in acres and put it on the drawing. Put on all bearings and distances. Show the road width (25 feet) and label it as Alexander Hill Road. This is an actual land description written by a surveyor. LAND DESCRIPTION A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 2 North, Range 7 West, Veal Township, Daviess County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at a 1/2" diameter steel rod found 394.30 feet South of the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 27; thence North 89 degrees 03 minutes 55 seconds East 230.19 feet to the center of a County Road and passing through a 1/2" diameter steel rod found at a distance of 210.33 feet; thence South 05 degrees 28 minutes 19 seconds East along and with the center of said County Road 32.65 feet to the beginning of a 257.42 feet radius tangent curve; thence in a Southwesterly direction along and with said curve and the center of said County Road to the left 145.96 feet (Chord Bearing = South 10 degrees 46 minutes 18 seconds West, Chord Length = 144.01 feet); thence South 27 degrees 00 minutes 56 seconds West along and with the center of said County Road 134.00 feet; thence South 86 degrees 46 minutes 03 seconds West 145.73 feet to a 1/2" diameter steel rod found and passing through a 1/2" diameter steel rod found at a distance of 19.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) along and with remnants of an old wire fence 297.82 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 1.40 acres subject to all legal highways and rights-of-way. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 28 sheet 1 of 4 Topic: 2D DRAWINGS Performance Objectives: all Lesson Objective: Use what you have learned to create professional quality drawings in your particular technical area. The drawings are of industrial, architectural and surveying subjects. If your area of interest is something other than these see your instructor for possible alternatives. Lab Activity/Assignment: Create one of the following drawings and plot it on a “A” or "B" size title sheet as directed. Properly use layers, line widths, color, dimension styles, etc. Sheet 2 XXXXX28A is an Industrial drawing. Sheet 3 XXXXX28B is an Architectural drawing. Sheet 4 XXXXX28C is a Survey drawing. Evaluation: Turn in the plot to your instructor for evaluation. 106748250 LAB 28 sheet 4 of 4 Drawing XXXXX28C.dwg Draw the two plats and put them together on one sheet. Put on distances and bearings, acreage, north arrow, and show road. These are actual legal descriptions. Plat 1 A part of the Southeast quarter of Section 27, Township 2 North, Range 7 West, Veal Township, Daviess County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 27; thence north 00 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds West 1387.08 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set at the point of beginning and passing through a 5/8” steel rod found at a distance of 1005.63 feet; thence West 477.70 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set in a county road; thence along and with said county road the following four (4) calls, North 09 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds West 150.75 feet, North 00 degrees 04 minutes 13 seconds East 41.28 feet, North 11 degrees 25 minutes 07 seconds East 44.39 feet, North 27 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds East 37.62 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set; thence East 475.94 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set; thence South 00 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds East 266.79 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 3.00 acres subject to all legal highways and rights-of-way. Plat 2 A part of the Southeast quarter of Section 27, Township 2 North, Range 7 West, Veal Township, Daviess County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 27; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 33 seconds West 1005.63 feet to a 5/8” steel rod found; thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 37 seconds West 796.29 feet to a 1/2” steel rod found; thence North 368.12 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set and the point of beginning; thence North 378.54 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set; thence North 70 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 222.76 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set; thence South 49 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds East 200.14 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set in the center of a county road; thence along and with the center of said county road the following five (5) calls, South 47 degrees 19 minutes 36 seconds West 55.34 feet, South 27 degrees 24 minutes 30 seconds West 44.99 feet, South 11 degrees 25 minutes 07 seconds West 44.39 feet, South 00 degrees 04 minutes 13 seconds West 41.28 feet, South 09 degrees 41 minutes 15 seconds East 165.53 feet to a 1/2” steel rod set, thence West 319.70 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 2.96 acres, subject to all legal highways and rights of way. 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 29 sheet 1 of 1 Topic: REVIEW FOR FINAL AND FINISH DRAWINGS AS NEEDED Performance Objectives: N/A Lesson Objective: Prepare for the final test over all labs. Lecture Items: Review all labs as needed. Finish drawings as needed. Lab Activity/Assignment: Come to class prepared to ask questions about any material covered in this course that may be unclear. Use the remainder of time to review and practice on the computer. This time should not be used to "finish" prior assignments. All assignments for this course must be completed and checked before the end of class today. Evaluation: N/A 106748250 Introduction to AutoCAD CGS 2470 Lake City Community College Lake City, Florida LAB 30 sheet 1 of 2 Topic: TEST 4 (Drawing part of final) Performance Objectives: 1. The student will properly use the operating system and manage files. 2. The student will use file commands. 3. The student will use Absolute and Relative Cartesian and Absolute and Relative Polar coordinate systems. 4. The student will use the Inquiry commands. 5. The student will use Object Snaps. 6. The student will plot drawings. 7. The student will use selection sets. 8. The student will use draw commands. 9. The student will use edit commands. 10. The student will use Grips. 11. The student will use Settings commands. 12. The student will use Layers. 13. The student will use Display commands. 14. The student will use Text commands. 15. The student will use Hatch commands. 16. The student will use Paper and Model space. 17. The student will use Basic Dimensioning. 18. The student will use Attributes in title blocks. Lesson Objective: Complete the drawing part of the final test. Lecture Items: N/A 106748250 LAB 30 sheet Commands/Modifiers: @ ARC AREA ARRAY ATTDEF ATTEDIT BOUNDARY BREAK CAL CHAMFER CIRCLE CLOSE COPY DDEDIT DDPTYPE DIMALIGNED DIMANGULAR DIMDIA DIMEDIT DIMLINEAR DIMRADIUS DIMSTYLE DIST DIVIDE DSETTINGS ELLIPSE 2 of 2 Bold are since last test. ERASE EXPLODE EXTEND FILLET GRAPHSCR GRID GRIPS HATCH HATCHEDIT HELP ID INSERT LAYER LENGTHEN LIMITS LINE LINETYPE LIST LTSCALE MIRROR MOVE MREDO MSPACE MTEXT MVIEW NEW OFFSET OOPS OPEN OPTIONS ORTHO OSNAP PAN PEDIT PLINE PLOT POINT POLYGON PROPERTIES PSPACE QSAVE RECTANG REDO REDRAW REGEN ROTATE SAVE SAVEAS SCALE SNAP SPELL STATUS STRETCH STYLE TEXTSCR TOOLBAR TRIM U UCS UCSICON UNDO UNITS ZOOM Lab Activity/Assignment: Complete the text in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Evaluation: Give plot to your instructor. This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner. 106748250 106748250