Java Reference Guide(Chapters 1-7) Page 1 3/6/2016 Syntax Example statements type variableName; or type variableName = value; final type name = value Assignment statements variable = value to store; Method Call (return and display) Method Call (store return value) Method Call (no return) Import class Construct object System______(object.method(parameters)); int numberItems; String greeting = "hello"; Class public static final double TAX_RATE = .07; Method final double TAX_RATE = .07 score = 10; total = total + newItem; running total count = count + 1; counter count++ ; shortcut for adding 1 System.out.print(“Balance = “ + larry.getBalance()); type variable = object.method(parameters); double grade = course.calculateGrade(); object.method(parameters); Display output System.out.println( ); new line System.out.print( ); print on same line (cast type) variable; harrysChecking.deposit(500); line.determineLineType(); import java.awt.Rectangle; Rectangle box = new Rectangle(5,10,20,30); Payroll john = new Payroll(name,payRate,hours) System.out.println("Area = " + area); System.out.print("X = " + r1.getX( )); average = (double) totalScores / NumberScores; Define local variables Define constants Cast import packageName.className; class variable = new constructor(parameters); Common Data Types Type int long double char boolean String Use Small Whole numbers Large whole numbers Decimal values Single character value (char values are put in ' ') Storing true or false; Use when making decisions in if statements Storing words (Note: String is really a class) – put strings in " " Math Operators + Add – Subtract * Multiply / Divide % Mod (return remainder) 13 % 5 = 3 Order of Operations (PEMDAS) Strings Action Convert string input to integer Convert string input to floating-point Find length of string variable and store in variable Extract part of the string value Compare 2 strings Check to see if 1 string is contained inside another string Example int count = Integer.parseInt(input) double price = Double.parseDouble(input) int numChars = message.length() Message = "Hello World" (numbered 0 – 11) message.substring(6,9) = "Wor" (start, end) response.equals(“Y”) response.equalsIgnoreCase(“Y”) vowels = "aeiou" testString = "a" vowels.indexOf(testString) Returns -1 if not found Math Methods and Constants Constant or Method Math.PI Math.pow(x,n) Math.sqrt(x) Math.abs(x) Math.round(variable) Description Constant value for pi Finds Xn Finds square root Finds absolute value Round to nearest integer Math.pow(2,4) = 24 = 16 Math.sqrt(16) = 4 Math.abs(-8) = 8 (int)Math.round(12.64) = 13 Common Classes to Import Class java.util.Scanner javax.swing.* and java.awt.* java.util.Random java.text.* What it is for Scanner for input to console window Java graphics Random number generator formatting Java Reference Guide(Chapters 1-7) 3/6/2016 Page 2 GETTING INPUT FROM USER – USING SCANNER Code import java.util.Scanner; Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.println(“Enter the _________: “); double price = in.nextDouble(); int quantity = in.nextInt(); String address = in.nextLine(); String state =; What it does Includes the scanner class Construct a scanner to use for getting input Prompt user for data to enter Get a decimal value and store in a variable Get an integer and store in a variable Get line of text and store in a variable Get 1 word and store in a variable GETTING INPUT FROM USER AND SHOWING MESSAGES – USING JOPTIONPANE Code import javax.swing.JOptionPane; String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter quantity: ", "Quantity", 1); double price = Double.parseDouble(input); int quantity = Integer.parseInt(input); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid entry. Try again.", "ERROR", 1); System.exit(0); What it does Includes the JOptionPane class Prompt user for data to enter The parameters: null, Prompt message, Title of Box, 1 Change string input value to a double value Change string input value to an integer value Show error message You must have this line at end of code when using JOption FORMATTING OUTPUT Code import java.text.*; DecimalFormat formatMoney = new DecimalFormat("$#,###,##0.00"); DecimalFormat formatPercent = new DecimalFormat("##%"); DecimalFormat formatGeneral = new DecimalFormat("###,###,##0.0"); System.out.println("Bill is " + formatMoney.format(register.getBill()); System.out.println("Bill is " + formatMoney.format(bill)); What it does Includes the class needed for formatting Formatter for money Formatter for percents Formatter for general numbers Display money amount using a getter Display money amount using a local variable GENERATING RANDOM NUMBERS Code import java.util.Random; Random generator = new Random(); int die = generator.nextInt(6) + 1; double number =generator.nextDouble( ); What it does Includes the class needed for formatting Construct a random number generator Get an integer from 1-6 Return a decimal value from 0 to 1. IF STATEMENTS Relational Operators > Greater Than >= Greater Than or Equal To < Less Than <= Less Than or Equal To = = Equal to (remember, assignments use just 1 =) != Not Equal to if/else statement if (amount < 0) System.out.println("Error"); else { balance = balance + amount; System.out.println("Amount has been deposited."); } if/else/if (use to compare variable to a list of values) Check grade and display A, B, or C Logical Operators And && both must be true Or || only 1 has to be true Not ! Nested If Statements if (isBattleshipHit()) { if (isShipSunk()) System.out.println(“You sank my battleship”); else numberHits++; } else System.out.println(“You missed.”); switch (use only with type int and char) Check answer to a question Java Reference Guide(Chapters 1-7) if (grade >= 90 && grade < = 100) System.out.println("A"); else if (grade >= 80 && grade <= 89) System.out.println("B"); else if (grade >= 70 && grade <= 79) System.out.println("C"); Check Number of Copies and Determine Cost if (copies >=1 && copies <= 100) cost = copies * .10; else if (copies >=101 && copies <= 199) cost = copies * .05); else if (copies >= 200 && copies <= 299) cost = copies * .03; else System.out.print("Please enter a number 1-299"); Page 3 3/6/2016 switch(answer) answer is of type char { case 'A': System.out.println("Correct"); correct = correct + 1; break; case 'B': System.out.println("Incorrect"); break; case 'C': System.out.println("Incorrect"); break; default: System.out.println("Choose A, B, or C"); break; } LOOPS For Loop for (int x = 1; x <= 10; x++) body counts 1 to 10 Do While Loop (to validate input) do { Get input if (bad input values) Display error } while (bad input values); While Loop while(condition) body -while this condition is true do the body While Loop (using Sentinel value) boolean done = false; Q is sentinel in this example while(!done) { Get input if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("Q")) done = true; else { change input to numeric value continue processing the input value as needed } } Nested loop to process 2D tables for (int row = 1; row <= #rows; row++) { do whatever is needed for beginning of a row for (int col = 1; col <= #cols; col++) do what is needed for a column do what is needed after all columns in row are done } Chapter 7 – Arrays and ArrayLists (to use ArrayList import: java.util.ArrayList) Action Define array Get length of array Access an element in array Define ArrayList Add object to ArrayList Get length of ArrayList Access an object in ArrayList Remove element in ArrayList ArrayList of numbers Define a 2 dimensional array Example statements double[ ] scores = new double[10]; scores.length; scores[5] = 94; ArrayList<BankAccount> accounts = new ArrayList<BankAccount>(); students.add(“Joe Cool”); accounts.size(); accounts.get(0); accounts.remove(3); ArrayList <Double> measurements = new ArrayList<Double>(); String[][] board = new String[3][3]; Java Reference Guide(Chapters 1-7) Page 4 3/6/2016 EXAMPLE CLASS DIAGRAM BankAccount – balance:double + INTEREST_RATE:double = .07 + getBalance( ):double + deposit(double amount):void + withdraw(double amount):void – variable name: type + constant name: type = value + method(parameters):type – private + public EXAMPLE CONSTRUCTORS /** * Constructs a bank account with zero balance. Document the constructor’s purpose */ public BankAcount( ) CONSTRUCTOR-assign default values { balance = 0; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/** * Constructs a bank account with an initial balance. Document constructor’s purpose * @param initialBalance the starting balance for account */ public BankAcount(double initialBalance) CONSTRUCTOR-assign user value's { balance = initialBalance; } EXAMPLE METHODS GETTER (returns, no parameters) /** * Gets current balance of the bank account. * @return the current balance */ Document the method's purpose Document the return value public double getBalance() { return balance; } MUTATOR (no return, with parameters) /** * Withdraws money from the bank account. * @param amount amount of money to withdraw */ public void withdraw(double amount) { balance = balance - amount; } Document the method's purpose Document each parameter MUTATOR (no return, no parameters) /** * Determine type of line. */ public void determineLineType() { if (rise == 0) lineType = ‘H’; else if (run == 0) lineType = ‘V’; else lineType = ‘S’; } Document the method's purpose Java Reference Guide(Chapters 1-7) CLASS DEFINITION accessSpecifier class ClassName { constructor methods fields(variables) } 3/6/2016 EXAMPLE public class BankAccount { //-------------------------constructors-------------------------public BankAccount(double initialBalance) {…code… } //-------------------------methods-------------------------------public void deposit(double amount) {…code…} //-----------------------instance variables---------------------private double balance; } CONSTRUCTOR DEFINITION EXAMPLE accessSpecifier Class(parmType parmName, …) { constructor body – initialize instance variables } public BankAccount(double initialBalance) { balance = initialBalance; } METHOD DEFINITION accessSpecifier returnType methodName(parameterType parameterName, …) { method body } Example Method No Return public void deposit(double amount) { balance = balance + deposit; } INSTANCE FIELD DECLARATION accessSpecifier fieldType fieldname; Example: private double balance; Method with Return____ public double getWidth( ) { return width; } always put private public – any code anywhere can access the public feature Use public for: classes, constants, methods, and most constructors private – only code within the same class can access the private feature Use private for: all instance variables and for methods you don’t want outside code to be able to call Page 5 Java Reference Guide(Chapters 1-7) Page 6 3/6/2016 EXAMPLE CLASS BankAccount – balance:double + MAX_WITHDRAW:double = 300 + getBalance( ):double + deposit(double amount):void + withdraw(double amount):void – var name: type +constant name: type=value + method(parameters):type – private + public + public import java.___.____ MUST PUT IMPORT LINES ABOVE CLASS COMMENT /** * A bank account has a balance that can be changed by deposits and withdrawals. Document the class's purpose * @author Mr. Moon * @version 2/20/06 */ public class BankAccount START OF THE CLASS { -------------------------------CONSTRUCTORS--------------------------------------/** * Constructs a bank account with zero balance. Document the constructor’s purpose */ public BankAcount( ) CONSTRUCTOR-assign default values { balance = 0; } /** * Constructs a bank account with an initial balance. Document constructor’s purpose * @param initialBalance the starting balance for account */ public BankAcount(double initialBalance) CONSTRUCTOR-assign user value's { balance = initialBalance; } //-----------------------------METHODS-----------------------------------------------/** * Withdraws money from the bank account. Document the method's purpose * @param amount amount to withdraw Document each parameter */ public void withdraw(double amount) METHOD – NO RETURN, 1 PARAMETER { balance = balance - amount; } /** * Gets current balance of the bank account. Document the method's purpose * @return the current balance Document the return value */ public double getBalance() METHOD – RETURN, NO PARAMETERS { return balance; } //-----------------------------INSTANCE VARIABLES------------------------------------private double balance; } public class BankAccountTester Example Tester class for BankAccount { public static void main(String[] args) { BankAccount account = new BankAccount(); construct BankAccount object account.deposit(1000); call deposit System.out.println("Balance is " + account.getBalance()); display balance } } Java Reference Guide(Chapters 1-7) Page 7 3/6/2016 Algorithm for Creating a New Program Read the program requirements System Analysis Create a Class Diagram DETERMINE METHODS Accessor -"getter" Returns data Return type: double, int, String Parameters: none Mutator -"setter" Changes data Return type: void Parameters: usually has some BankAccount Start Program in BlueJ Create project Create class - balance:double + RATE: double = .07 variableName:type constantName:type = value + getBalance():double + deposit(double amount):void + withdraw(double amount):void method(parms):type - private + public Add necessary import lines Javadoc comments for class Create constructors Default User defined Create methods public BankAccount { balance = 0; } public BankAccount (double initialBalance) { balance = initialBalance; } ACCESSORS public double getBalance() { return balance; } public String getName() { return employeeName; } MUTATORS Add javadoc comments For constructors, methods Create instance variables Class constants Compile class Create a Tester Class Compile Tester class Test the program public void deposit() { balance = balance + amount; } private double balance; public static final double RATE = .07; public void addInterest(double rate) { double interest = balance * rate/100; balance = balance + interest; } public void setBase(double newBase) { base = newBase; } public class BankAccountTester { public static void main(String[] args) { BankAccount account = new BankAccount(); account.deposit(1000); account.withdraw(400); System.out.println("Balance = " + account.getBalance()); } } JAVADOC COMMENTS (for constructors and methods) \** * Description of what code does * @param parmName what is the parm used for * @return description of what is being returned */