Section 1 Chapter 5 Information Management IRCG personnel identify & report a need for change Summary of Key Policy / Content: All personnel are requested to remain vigilant to the need for change within IRCG Boat Operations. Change Management is a continuous improvement process which can be utilised by any member of the IRCG (either Volunteer or fulltime staff member). The process can be used by any personnel to request change arising from: VS&T Branch review request & issue a timeframe for action ▪ An accident or near miss ▪ Equipment damage or defect ▪ An inability to respond during an incident ▪ An additional requirement for either resource or guidance ▪ A review process identifies contradictory documentation, policy or procedure ▪ A failure in the service or supply chain ▪ Perceived increases in economy, efficiency or effectiveness The OIC is responsible for ensuring the CGU Master Copy of the Boat Operations Manuals is maintained as set out in this chapter. The CGU Master Copy must be readily accessible to all CGU personnel. All IRCG personnel have a responsibility to maintain accurate records of the CGB operations conducted within their CGB Operations Personal Log. VS&T Branch distribute change information throughout the IRCG Every Volunteer must ensure that they receive and understand all organisational communication relating to CGB operations. Reference information is held at the CGU or on the IRCG extranet as described in this chapter. Individual understanding of organisational information relating to CGB operations is confirmed during; CGB exercises; training & qualification; CGU inspections. Additional documentation requirements are described within this chapter. CGB Operations Safety Notices are stored at the end of this Chapter. Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc . Table of Contents . Summary of Key Policy / Content: ..................................................................................... - 1 (1) 5.1 Coast Guard Boat Operations Change Management Process ............................... - 3 (1) 5.1.1 When is Change Needed? .............................................................................. - 4 (1) 5.1.2 Who Can Request Change? ........................................................................... - 4 (1) 5.1.3 How is a Change Requirement Initiated? ........................................................ - 4 (1) 5.1.4 What Happens Next? ...................................................................................... - 5 (1) 5.1.5 Priority of Change ....................................................................................... - 5 (1) 5.1.6 Organisational Review of Change Request Forms ...................................... - 5 Change Accepted ...................................................................................................... - 5 Change Rejected....................................................................................................... - 5 (1) 5.1.7 Distribution of Change Information .................................................................. - 5 (1) 5.1.8 Amendment Notice ...................................................................................... - 5 (1) 5.1.9 Coast Guard Boat Operations Safety Notice ............................................... - 5 (1) 5.1.10 Change Request Form .................................................................................. - 6 (1) 5.2 Distribution and Management of Information .......................................................... - 9 (1) 5.2.1 Organisational Communication of Information ................................................. - 9 (1) 5.2.2 Sources of CGB Operation Organisational Information ................................... - 9 (1) 5.2.3 Maintaining and Accessing Accurate Records............................................... - 10 The Controlled Copy of the IRCG Boat Operations Manual ..................................... - 10 Master Copies of the Boat Operations Manual ........................................................ - 10 Individual Responsibility to Stay in Date .................................................................. - 10 (1) 5.2.4 Confirmation of Receipt and Understanding .................................................. - 11 CGB Exercises ........................................................................................................ - 11 Training & Qualification ........................................................................................... - 11 CGU Inspections ..................................................................................................... - 11 (1) 5.3 Additional Documentation .................................................................................... - 11 - (1) 5.4 Audit, Amendment & Review of Documentation ................................................... - 12 (1) 5.4.1 Audit ............................................................................................................. - 12 (1) 5.4.2 Amendment .................................................................................................. - 12 (1) 5.4.3 Review .......................................................................................................... - 12 5.4.4 Boat Operations Records and Documents Register........................................ - 13 (1) 5.5 CGB Operations Safety Notices ........................................................................... - 14 (1) 5.5.1 CGB Operations Safety Notice Registry ................................................... - 14 - -2This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. Documentation ........................................................................................................ - 11 (1) 5.3.1 Documentation Categories ............................................................................ - 11 - Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc (1) 5.1 Coast Guard Boat Operations Change Management Process IRCG personnel identify and report a need for change Change Management is a continuous improvement process which is summarised as: A need for change is identified by IRCG Personnel involved in CGB operations (either Volunteer or fulltime staff member). Personnel complete 5.1.10 Change Request Form: The OIC is responsible for implementing systems appropriate to the CGU which manage change request information. Duplicated submissions should be avoided. The originator submits 5.1.10 Change Request Form to VS&T Branch. VS&T Branch review request & issue a timeframe for action Designated VS&T staff member makes an initial evaluation and assigns a priority category: Priority 1: (Mandatory) ▪ Safety: Up to 5 working days to action. Priority 2: (Mandatory) ▪ Essential to operational response capability: Up to 10 working days to action. ▪ Recommendations not essential to safety or response capability: VS&T Branch distribute change information throughout the IRCG Up to 20 working days to action. Confirmation of receipt is issued to the originator indicating the priority and deadline for response. VS&T Branch co-ordinate the further consideration of the request. As deemed appropriate; policy or procedure is amended; equipment obtained; information distributed throughout the organisation. -3This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. Priority 3: (Non-essential) Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc (1) 5.1.1 When is Change Needed? (1) 5.1.2 Who Can Request Change? ● Change indicators include: ▪ An accident or near miss: e.g. Hand entrapment during rib anchoring. Change can be requested by any member of the IRCG (Volunteer or fulltime staff member) who has involvement in CGB operations. Examples include: ▪ Equipment damage or defect: e.g. Hull damage as a result of incorrect anchor security / stowage. ▪ An inability to respond to an incident: ▪ Any CGB Personnel or a CGB Crew collectively. e.g. The hi-line gloves were noted as missing from the CGB during the last monthly inspection. Replacement gloves were not sourced. CGB Personnel were unable to conduct hi-line operations during a medical evacuation tasking. ▪ Shoreside personnel including Towing Vehicle Drivers and OICs. ▪ Any CGU member or a CGU collectively. ▪ An additional requirement for either resource, equipment or guidance: ▪ RCC staff. (1) 5.1.3 How is a Change Requirement Initiated? ▪ A review process identifies contradictory documentation, policy or procedure: e.g. The quantity of pyrotechnics listed in the Boat Operations Loose Gear Checklist is different to that contained in VS&T 01. All change requirements must be submitted using the 5.1.10 Change Request Form: ▪ Failure in the service or supply chain: e.g. Equipment was sent away for service and returned with the same fault. The OIC is responsible for implementing systems appropriate to the CGU which manage change request information. Duplicated submissions should be avoided. ▪ Perceived increases in economy, efficiency or effectiveness: e.g. Reducing the distances travelled / amount of high speed transiting during CGB exercises whilst increasing the number of drills conducted. 5.1.10 Change Request Forms are submitted to the VS&T Branch. -4This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. ▪ VS&T Branch staff. e.g. There is confusion in the CGU as to who may act as OIC in the event that the RCC cannot contact the OIC or DOIC. Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc (1) 5.1.4 What Happens Next? (1) 5.1.7 Distribution of Change Information The designated VS&T staff member is responsible for making an initial evaluation of the change. Change information is categorised and distributed as follows: (1) 5.1.8 Amendment Notice The designated VS&T staff member will assign a priority category (see 5.1.5 Priority of Change below). The change requires an alteration to boat operations procedure or policy. The designated VS&T staff member will issue confirmation of receipt to the originator indicating the priority and deadline for response. e.g. The IRCG purchase Dacon Nets to assist with man overboard recoveries. Casualty recovery and Man overboard operating procedures are updated. (1) 5.1.5 Priority of Change Chapters of the Boat Operations Manual are amended to incorporate these alterations. Changes to boat operations are prioritised by the IRCG Organisation as follows: Amendment Notices are issued: See (1) 5.2 Distribution and Management of Information. Priority 1: (Designated as Mandatory) ▪ Safety: Up to 5 working days to action. Priority 2: (Designated as Mandatory) (1) 5.1.9 Coast Guard Boat Operations Safety Notice ▪ Essential to operational response capability: Up to 10 working days to action. Priority 3: (Non-essential) ▪ Recommendations not essential to safety or response capability: Up to 20 working days to action. (1) 5.1.6 Organisational Review of Change Request Forms e.g. The appointed Service Agent report several CGB sustained hull damage as a result of incorrect anchor security. VS&T Branch co-ordinate the further consideration of the request and may request further information if required. The anchoring SOP stands, a reminder is sent to all CGUs to highlight the importance of proper security. Change Accepted See (1) 5.2 Distribution and Management of Information for further information as to the distribution and access of CGB-OSNs. As deemed appropriate; policy or procedure is amended; equipment sourced; information distributed throughout the organisation. Change Rejected VS&T Branch provide feedback to the originator. -5This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. CGB Operations Safety Notices (CGBOSN) are issued to append boat operations documentation in instances where incidents occur which highlight the requirement for further guidance but do not require an alteration to existing boat operations documentation. Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc (1) 5.1.10 Change Request Form Date: ____________ Originated by: Name: __________________ Unit __________________ Role ________________ Email (to which VS&T correspondence will be sent): _____________________________ Additional input from: Name(s): Role(s): The need for change was identified by (tick as appropriate): □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ An accident or near miss An inability to respond during an incident Equipment damage / defect A review of procedure or policy An additional requirement for either resource, equipment or guidance Perceived in increases economy, efficiency or effectiveness Contradictory documentation / policy / procedure A failure in the service or supply chain Other (please state) ______________________ Equipment □ Procedure □ Policy □ Documentation □ Service Provision □ Guidance □ Other (please state) _________________________________________ List the documentation, policies and procedures which currently support the practise which requires change (either include copies of relevant sections or reference editions and page numbers): Describe the change(s) required (continue on additional sheets if required): -6This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. The type(s) of change requested is a review of / alteration to (tick as appropriate): Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc Identify the positive outcomes of change (tick as appropriate): □ □ □ □ □ □ 1. Safer practise 2. Conformity to legislation 3. Economy i.e. costs can be reduced for the same output 4. Efficiency i.e. greater output be achieved for the same cost 5. Effectiveness i.e. goals or objectives are better met 6. Other (please state) ______________________ Describe (and provide evidence where possible) the positive outcomes of the suggested change (continue on additional sheets if required): Provide any other relevant information which will assist in assessing the requirement and priority of change: Assessment criteria includes: ___________________________________________________________________ Originator Signature ____________________ Date: ____________________ Originator Contact Details: Tel: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________ ______________________To be forwarded to VS&T Branch_____________________ -7This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. Safety / Legislation Affect on operational effectiveness (benefit) Resourcing requirements / ability (cost) Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc ____________________________ HQ use only ____________________________ Date received: ________________________ Person responsible for VS&T initial review: ________________________ Priority assigned: □ Priority 1: (Mandatory) ▪ Safety: 5 days to action. □ Priority 2: (Mandatory) ▪ Essential to operational response capability: 10 days to action. □ Priority 3: (Non-essential) ▪ Recommendations which are not essential to safety or response capability: 20 days to action. Assigned deadline for response: ________________________ Receipt of change request & response deadline emailed to originator: Yes / No Additional person(s) involved in review: □ Accepted Final outcome of review: □ Declined Method of communication: □ Amendment Notice □ CGB Operations Safety Notice Confirmation that change has been communicated throughout the Organisation: Name _____________________ Position: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________________ -8This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. Findings of initial review / Details of further advice sought: Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc The Controlled Copy of the IRCG (1) 5.2 Distribution and Management of Information Boat Operations Manual The controlled copy of the Boat Operations Manual is stored on the M Drive: It is copied to the extranet. Electronic Copies are stored as follows: (1) 5.2.1 Organisational Communication of Information Folder: Controlled Boat Operations Manual Organisational Communication is defined as the activity of conveying information throughout the IRCG Organisation. Sub Folder: Document Registry ▪ Index of Amendment Notices ▪ Amendment Notice 01 ... ▪ Index of CGB Operations Safety Notices ▪ CGB-OSN 01 ... Effective organisational communication is required to ensure the continued safe operation of IRCG Boats. It requires the: ▪ Creation of a message which clearly conveys the required information. Sub Folder: Section 1 containing a document for each chapter ▪ Transmission of the message. Sub Folder: Section 2 containing a ▪ Confirmation that the message has been received and correctly interpreted by the intended recipient(s). document for each chapter Section 2 Sub Folders: ▪ Job Cards Equipment ▪ Job Card D Class ▪ Job Card Rib The processes outlined within this chapter are intended to: ▪ Encourage effective communication Each containing a document per job card ▪ Ensure documentation held in relation to IRCG Boat Operations is: Sub Folder: Section 3 containing a document for each chapter Accurate. Sub Folder: Section 4 containing a Relevant. document for each chapter Current. Received and understood by all those affected. (1) 5.2.2 Sources of CGB Operation Organisational Information Containing a document per procedure Master Copies of the Boat Operations Manual Information relating to CGB operations is transmitted through the IRCG Boat Operations Manual. Master copies of the Boat Operations Manual are issued to designated Master Copy Holders: The OIC of the CGU is the CGU’s designated Master Copy Holder. The manual underpins the safe management of CGB operations. It includes: Each Master Copy Holder is responsible for ensuring that their master copy is maintained in accordance with (1) 5.2.3 Maintaining and Accessing Accurate Records. ▪ Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures (SOPs & EOPs). ▪ Reference material. ▪ Supporting policies and procedures (training, administration, maintenance etc.) -9This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. Section 4 Sub Folders: ▪ Standard Operating Procedures ▪ SAR Operating Procedures ▪ Emergency Operating Procedures Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc (1) 5.2.3 Maintaining and Accessing Accurate Records Individual Responsibility to Stay in Date All personnel are responsible for actively seeking and contributing to organisational information pertaining to CGB operations in order to: The Controlled Copy of the IRCG Boat Operations Manual A copy of the controlled Boat Operations Manual is accessible via the extranet pending CGU direct access to the M drive. Promote safety. Keep personnel up to date. The controlled copy is maintained in real time by the VS&T Branch: i.e. As change requests are authorised, the relevant sections or chapters of the controlled copy are amended. Inform those involved in CGB operations as to their duties. Empower personnel to perform their duties safely. Encourage review and collate feedback from all personnel involved in CGB operations. Amendment and CGB Safety Notices are posted in the document registry and issued to Master Copy Holders. All personnel involved in CGB operations must maintain a CGB Operations Personal Log (the Log). Master Copies of the Boat Operations Manual In addition to recording exercise, training and qualification the Log contains a Record of Familiarisation & Understanding: CGB Operations Safety Notices and Amendment Notices. OICs must ensure that the CGU master copy is readily accessible to all personnel at all times. Amendment and CGB Safety Notices are issued from the VS&T Branch directly to the designated Master Copy Holder. The designated Master Copy Holder is responsible for promptly inserting Amendment and CGB Safety Notices as follows: ▪ Amendment Notices are inserted in to the manual to replace content as directed. Records of amendment updated. Updates are obtained by either: ▪ Accessing the Controlled Document online. or ▪ Referencing the CGU Master Copy. ▪ CGB-OSNs logged and retained in Section 1 – Chapter 5 – (1) 5.5.1 CGB Operations Safety Notice Registry. Designated Master Copy Holders have a duty to cross check the Master Copy Amendment and Safety Notice Registries against the Document Registry maintained in the Controlled Document stored on either the M Drive or extranet at least once per month. NB. This system is critical in ensuring that all personnel are current. Refer to the CGB Operations Personal Log for further information. - 10 This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. All personnel have a responsibility to obtain the information contained in newly issued Amendment and Safety Notices at the intervals described in the: Record of Familiarisation & Understanding: CGB Operations Safety Notices and Amendment Notices in the Personal Log. Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc Administration / Communication (1) 5.2.4 Confirmation of Receipt and Understanding ▪ IRCG operational contact list. ▪ Regulatory certification. Individual understanding of CGB Operations information is confirmed during the following: ▪ Records of review, audit & amendment. Training & Qualification CGB Exercises ▪ Lists of; authorised vehicle drivers; appointed CGB Personnel. All Boat Cox are responsible for constructing their CGB exercises to incorporate the Boat Operations Manual. ▪ Personal CGB Operations Log includes copies of personnel certification. Training & Qualification It is the responsibility of each volunteer to maintain their own personal log. The VS&T Branch are responsible for ensuring externally accredited training &/or qualification is delivered in a manner which incorporates the policies and procedures of the Boat Operations Manual. ▪ Training / Course reference material. Operations ▪ CGU Master Copy of the Boat Operations Manual includes standard & emergency operating procedures. CGU Inspections The ORAs and CUSM processes will include the audit of the distribution, understanding and implementation of organisational information concerning Boat Operations. ▪ CGB Operations Amendment Notices. ▪ CGU Boat Operations Log. ▪ Charts and tide tables. Equipment (1) 5.3 Additional Documentation ▪ CGB equipment lists. Contained in: Section 2 – Chapter 1. Documentation ▪ Records of care & maintenance procedures as described throughout Documentation refers to all records, documents, notices and publications which are relevant to IRCG Boat Operations. Section 2. The OIC is responsible for managing all documentation relating to CGB Boat Operations. ▪ CGU planned maintenance records for The OIC is responsible for implementing procedures within the CGU to ensure that all information is accessible to all Volunteers affected. ▪ Manufacturers’ Equipment Manuals (to all time expired and time serviced equipment: Refer to Section 2 – Chapter 1. be kept with the asset). ▪ Asset Defect & Service Agent Logs (to be kept with the asset). (1) 5.3.1 Documentation Categories Health and Safety This topic outlines the documentation which must be held and maintained at the CGU to support IRCG boat operations: ▪ CGB Operations Safety Notices In addition to requirements as prescribed in: The Occupational It must be recognised that this is a generic list. Additional information may be referenced or stored depending on CGU requirements. Health & Safety Management System. - 11 This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. ▪ CGU Planned Maintenance Logs. Supported by Section 2 – Job Cards. Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc (1) 5.4.3 Review (1) 5.4 Audit, Amendment & Review of Documentation Regular, constructive review is required to enable safety management systems to operate effectively. (1) 5.4.1 Audit The purpose of review is to re-visit, refresh and survey documentation, policies, procedures and practises. The purpose of auditing is to officially examine and verify the documents held at the CGU. Constructive reviews will identify whether documentation, policies, procedures and practises are still: The OIC is responsible for completing and maintaining the 5.4.4 Records and Documents Register: (the Register) to aid with the auditing of records pertaining to CGB Operations. The Register must: Accurate Relevant ▪ List all additional documentation held at the CGU in relation CGB operations. Current Followed ▪ Be kept readily available at the CGU for reference and inspection. The VS&T Branch is responsible for coordinating the organisational wide review of policies, procedures and practises. IRCG staff will periodically audit documents against the Register to check the accuracy of record keeping at the CGU. The OIC is responsible for co-ordinating the regular and systematic review of boat operations at unit level, examples include: (1) 5.4.2 Amendment e.g. systematically assigning the review of boat operation procedures to those partaking in a CGB exercises. The term amendment refers to alterations or additions as issued by the Controlling Authority: For example amendments to the IRCG Boat Operations Manual are issued by the VS&T Branch to designated Copy Holders. e.g. integrating the systematic review of policies to CGU meetings. If the OIC chooses to delegate documentation duties to a Volunteer, then the individual must be noted as the designated Copy Holder in the Register. As a minimum, every policy, procedure and practise must be reviewed once per annum by all personnel appointed to the roles described within the procedure: This process is supported by the CGB Operations Personal Log. In order to maintain accurate and current documentation the Copy Holder must be familiar with document amendment protocols and actively monitor these: Amendment protocols are usually described at the front of official documentation. The OIC should consult the CUSM if unsure as to the amendment protocol for documentation. - 12 - This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. All Boat Cox are responsible for constructing their CGB exercises to incorporate the Boat Operations Manual. Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. 5.4.4 Boat Operations Records and Documents Register D:\533571576.doc - 13 This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet Section 1 - Chapter 5 – Information Management Irish Coast Guard Boat Operations Manual: Date Issued: 19 August 13 : Revision No.: Original D:\533571576.doc (1) 5.5 CGB Operations Safety Notices All CGB-OSNs issued must be indexed and stored within this chapter. Designated Master Copy Holders are responsible for maintaining this section. In order to ensure all personnel obtain the contents of all newly issued notices all personnel must review the index below at least once per month: This process is supported by the CGB Operations Personal Log. (1) 5.5.1 CGB Operations Safety Notice Registry Reference Date of Issue (c) Irish Coast Guard 2013: All Rights Reserved. Notice Title - 14 This Document is UNCONTROLLED if printed or downloaded. Printed on 06/03/2016 07:22. The Controlled version is stored on IRCG M-Drive & Extranet