LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR BOARD MEETING Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 5:30 P. M., Board Room Tommy Angelle, President, Presiding The School Board of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at its meeting place, the Lafayette Parish School Board Administrative Building, Board Room, Lafayette, Louisiana, on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 5:30 P.M. pursuant to notice given in writing to every member. MEMBERS PRESENT: Tommy Angelle, President; Dawn Morris, Vice-President; Elroy Broussard, Justin Centanni, Tehmi Chassion, Jeremy Hidalgo, Erick Knezek, Britt Latiolais and Mary Morrison, Board Members; Burnell LeJeune, Interim SecretaryTreasurer/Superintendent MEMBERS ABSENT: None I. MEETING OPENINGS The meeting was called to order by Angelle followed by a moment of silence. the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. He led OPENING COMMENTS Superintendent LeJeune recognized the Teachers of the Year for their outstanding work with young people. The teachers have a tremendous responsibility and he thanks them for what they do. He also recognized Administrative Professionals for their true admiration of loyalty to their bosses. Mr. LeJeune announced Gallet Elementary had submitted a video to win the Courtesy Giveaway of $18,000.00. He commended the principal, staff, parents and students and Courtesy for sponsoring the event. He also mentioned a Board Workshop on May 6 at 4:30 p.m. on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA None APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion (Latiolais, Hidalgo) That the Board approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. II. RECOGNITIONS/PRESENTATIONS 1. Elementary Fitness Meet Winners The Board congratulated the following Elementary Fitness meet winners: 6-7 year old girls/boys: Ava Speakman, Plantation Elem. (433 points) and Tevontray Jackson, Carencro Hts. Elem.(455 points); 8 year old girls/boys: Mckenzie Griffen, Carencro Hts. Elem.(502 points) and Tavion George, Carencro Hts. Elem. (496 points); 9 year old girls/boys: Taylor McGinn, Westside Elem. (531 points) and Omari Dupas, Prairie Elem., (509 points); 10 year old girls/boys: Karrington Eugene, Gallet Elem.(710 1 points) and Conner Prejean, Carencro Hts.(595 points). 11 year old girls/boys: Mayah Richard, Gallet Elem.,(632 points) and Jaylon John, Ossun Elem.,(586 points). The Board also congratulated the students representing LPSS at the Louisiana Govern’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports’ Elementary Fitness Meet: Karrington Eugene and Maya Richard, Gallet Elementary; and Conner Prejean, Carencro Hts., Elem., and Jaylon John, Ossun Elem. 2. NIAAA Scholar/Essay Contest Winners The Board congratulated Caden Cunningham and Sarah Nicole Bergeron of Acadiana High School as the state female and male winners in the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) Scholar/Essay Application Contest. 3. Charles Burke Teacher Selected as Louisiana Farm Bureau's "Ag in the Classroom" Teacher of the Year 2015 Also congratulated was Judy Morgan, 4th grade teacher at Charles Burke Elementary, who was selected as Louisiana Farm Bureau's "Ag in the Classroom" Teacher of the Year 2015. The "Ag in the Classroom" program is designed to help students gain an awareness of the role agriculture plays in the economy and society so they can become better citizens who support wise agriculture policies. Ms. Morgan coordinates the LSU Ag Center’s School Garden Initiative Program at Charles Burke Elementary with the assistance of the Lafayette Parish Master Gardeners and other 4th grade Charles Burke teachers. 4. Teacher of the Year for 2015-2016 Lafayette Parish The Board recognized the Teachers of the Year for 2015-2016 with a certificate. Three of the teachers were selected as District Winners and awarded with a plaque, and recognized by Angela Morrison and Brian Leger of the Lafayette Schools Credit Union. III. A. CORRECTIONS AND/OR APPROVAL OF BOARD/COMMITTEE MINUTES CORRECTIONS ON THE MINUTES OF: Motion (Morris, Centanni) That the Board approve in globo the following minutes: 1. Regular Board Meeting of March 18, 2015; 2. Regular Board Meeting of 4/1/15; 3. Special Board Meetings of 4/1/15; and 4. Special Board Meeting of 4/9/15. Motion carried. B. APPROVAL OF THE COMMITTEE MINUTES OF: Motion (Morris, Morrison) That the Board approve in globo the following minutes: 1. Facilities Committee Meeting of 3/31/15 and 2. Finance Committee Meeting of 4/9/15. Motion carried. IV. A. FINANCIAL INFORMATION/REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS 1. Ratification of Bills for February 2015 Motion (Centanni, Latiolais) That the Board approve the Ratification of Bills report for the month of February 2015. Motion carried. 2 B. OTHER FINANCIAL REPORTS 1. Ratification of Purchases for March, 2015 Motion (Broussard, Morris) That the Board accepts the Ratification of Purchases report for the month of March, 2015. Motion carried. 2. Budget-to-Actual Status Report Motion (Morris, Latiolais) That the Board receive the Budget-to-Actual Report. Motion carried. 3. Summary of Grant Funding and Activity Motion (Morris, Hidalgo) That the Board receive the Summary of Grant Funding and Activity Report. V. A. REPORTS/INFORMATION/INTRODUCTION ITEMS INFORMATION REPORT 1. Personnel Changes for April 15, 2015 New Employees Name Adams, Emily Poole, Lisa Location Evangeline ES/S. J. Montgomery ES Carencro HS Position Eff. Date Fund Speech Therapist Custodian 04/16/15 04/15/15 01 01 Note Replacing Emily Pitre Replacing Qiana Noel Employee Transfers Name From/To Northside HS (Teacher – English) to Adult Ed. (Teacher – Transition) Derouen, Bonnie Eff. Date Fund Note 03/30/15 30 Replacing Dana Arceneaux Appointments & Reappointments Name Location Position Contract Term Note NONE Other Action Name NONE Location Position Eff. Date Fund Note Exiting Employees Name Banyard, Spurgeon Calais, Gracelyn Location Carencro MS Milton ES/MS Clifton, Wayne Desormeaux, Linda Doucet, Jacques Emberg, Leigh Gale, Nichole Gee, Akala Martin, Melanie Thornton, Carol Wright, Sheilah Transportation Dept. Acadiana HS Acadiana HS Acadiana HS Northside HS Northside HS Health & Wellness Broadmoor ES Prairie ES Position Principal SFS Technician Bus Driver – Board Owned Speech Therapist Teacher – Math Teacher – Math Custodian Para-educator – SPED LPN Teacher – 3rd Teacher – 3rd 3 Eff. Date 04/07/15 03/04/15 Fund 01 70 05/27/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 03/30/15 04/13/15 04/03/15 05/28/15 05/27/15 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Note Resignation Resignation Service Retirement Service Retirement Resignation Resignation Resignation Resignation Resignation Service Retirement Service Retirement RETIREE RETURNING TO WORK Number of Full-Time, Active Employees by Funding Source as of: General Fund (01) 2002 Sales Tax (15) Special Revenues (20) Other Grants (25) Consolidated Adult Education (30) Consolidated Other Federal Programs (35) Special Education (40) Self-Funded Construction (45) IASA Title I (50) Consolidated Other State (55) GEARUP/Magnet Grant (57) Child Development & Head Start (60) IASA Titles II/III/IV/VI (65) Child Nutrition (70) Group Insurance Fund (85) TOTAL B. (04/08/15) 3,706.5 43 16.5 19 9 5 142 2 165 8 22 66 25 262 2 4,493 Last Meeting (04/01/15) 3,715.5 43 16.5 19 9 5 142 2 165 8 22 66 25 263 2 4,503 One Year Ago (04/16/14) 3,660.5 51 18.5 20 9 5 137 2 168 7 16 63 25 270 2 4,450 INTRODUCTION ITEMS – ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT A SUBSEQUENT MEETING 1. 2012 Qualified School Construction Bond (QSCB) Fund Budget Revision # 2-FINAL Fiscal Year 2014-2015 2. Capital Improvement Fund Budget Revision #3 Fiscal Year 2014-2015 3. Construction Fund 2012 Limited Tax Bond Fund Budget Revision #3 2014-2015 4. Self-Funded Insurance Activity Budget Revision # 2 - Fiscal Year 2014-2015 5. General Fund Budget Revision #2 for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 6. 2002 Half-Cent 2014-2015 Sales Tax Fund Budget Revision #2 Fiscal Year 7. School Food Service Program Fund Budget Revision #2 for 2014-2015 8. Self-Funded Construction Fund Budget Revision # 3-Fiscal Year 2014-2015 9. Special Revenue Fund Budget Revision #3 - Fiscal Year 2014/2015 10. Approval of Chief Academic Officer Job Description per organization structure adopted by the Lafayette Parish School System Board 11. Approval of Chief Administrative Officer job description per organization structure adopted by the Lafayette Parish School System Board 12. Approve the Child Care Resource and Referral Marketing/Development Specialist 4 13. French Immersion Pathway Growth at Myrtle Place Elementary 14. Proposed Revision to the Current Counselor Staffing Allocation Formula 15. Contingent approval of a Reduction-In-Force, by the LPSS Board, if such is caused by the approval of the 2015-2016 budget 16. Move Items to Action Agenda - NONE C. OTHER REPORTS VI. APPROVAL OF ACTION ITEMS 1. Approve Bid Award: Electric Forklift Bid# 31-15 Bids received from: Briggs Equipment; Deep South Equipment; and Scott Equipment That the Board authorize staff's recommendation and award Electric Forklift Bid# 31-15 to Scott Equipment. 2. Early Obligation and Release of Funds for Textbooks and Consumables That the Board approve the early obligation and release of funds to purchase textbooks and consumables for the 2015-2016 school session. 3. Early Obligation and Release of Funds for Library Periodicals That the Board approve the early obligation and release of funds to purchase library periodicals for the 2015-2016 school session. 4. Early Obligation and Release of Funds for Annual Agreements That the Board approve the early obligation and release of funds to renew all annual agreements for the 2015-2016 school session. 5. Approval of Quotes for Milton Elementary/Middle Chiller Replacement Quotes received from: Air Plus; Bernhard Mechanical Contractors, Inc.; and Calcasieu Mechanical Contractors That the Board authorize staff to award the low quote to Calcasieu Mechanical Contractors for $48,500 for the Milton Elementary/Middle Chiller Replacement in accordance with Lafayette Parish School System purchasing regulations. 6. Approval of Quotes for Truman Early Childhood Center Soft Surface Play Areas Quotes received from: Dyna Play, LLC; Hahn Enterprises; and No Fault Sports Group That the Board authorize staff to award the low base quote and alternate #1 to Hahn Enterprises for $147,895 for the Truman Early Childhood Center Soft Surface Play Areas in accordance with Lafayette Parish School System purchasing regulations. GROUPED ACTION ITEMS 1. Approval of All Action Item(s) with the Exception of Items Pulled Motion (Centanni, Latiolais) That the Board approve All Action Items with the exception of Items Pulled. Motion carried. 5 ITEMS PULLED FROM ACTION 1. 2015-2016 Goals Motion (Centanni, Morris) That the Board refer 2015-2016 Goals to the Executive Committee. Motion carried. 2. Approval of the Pupil/Teacher ratio for the 2015-2016 school year Motion (Morris, Chassion) That the Board defer Approval of the Pupil/Teacher ratio for the 2015-2016 school year until the first meeting in May. A substitute motion was made by Hidalgo and seconded by Centanni that the Board approve: Approval of the Pupil/Teacher ratio for the 2015-2016 school year. Voting for were Broussard, Centanni, Hidalgo, Knezek, Latiolais and Morrison. Voting against were Angelle, Chassion and Morris. Motion carried. 3. Classroom % Capacity Motion (Knezek, Centanni) That the Board request staff to return to the Board within 30 days with both temporary and permanent solution recommendations to remedy this issue. Motion carried. 4. Cooperative Agreement to Support and Administer Louisiana Cooperative Extension Units Off Campus Motion (Centanni, Latiolais) That the Board approve the Cooperative Agreement to Support and Administer Louisiana Cooperative Extension Units Off Campus between the LSU AgCenter and the Lafayette Parish School System. Voting for were Angelle, Broussard, Centanni, Hidalgo, Knezek, Latiolais and Morrison. Voting against were Chassion and Morris. Motion carried. 5. Consideration of Recommendation to Terminate Secretary I - Alice Boucher Elementary Motion (Morris, Latiolais) That the Board approve the recommended termination of the Secretary I - Alice Boucher Elementary. Voting for were Angelle, Broussard, Hidalgo, Knezek, Latiolais, Morris and Morrison. Voting against was Chassion. Centanni abstained. Motion carried. VII. A. REPORTS Public Comments Concerns about French Immersion at Myrtle Place Elementary, Chinese Immersion and overcrowding at Broadmoor Elementary were shared with the Board. B. Closing Comments Board members commented on classrooms not being used as classrooms, the 2015-16 school calendar, and congratulated honorees. VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION 6 IX. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: SIGNED: /s/ Tommy Angelle /s/ Burnell LeJeune Tommy Angelle, President LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD mgp Burnell LeJeune, Interim Secretary-Treasurer LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD 7