Supreme Grant Program Guide

Free Government Grants
and Loans
Table of Contents
Click on a topic below to be taken directly to that section
How To Write Your Proposal
Grant Request
Finding A Funding Resource
Proposal Checklist
Why Proposal=s Fail
Letter of Appeal
A Wide Assortment Of Research Grants
Special Emphasis Outreach Program Grants for Agricultural Research
Free Foundation Grants For Personal Needs
Education Grant Assistance
Venture Capital Sources
Free Federal Money For Businesses
Small Business Assistance Grant Sources
Small Business Development Centers
Low Interest Loans To Start A Business
In A Small Town
Unconventional Loan Programs
State Women Business Assistance Programs
Foundation grants For Business Related Purposes
Employee Grants... Home Repair... Elderly and More
Free Money for Housing and Real Estate Ventures
Additional Sources for Money to Fix Up Your Home
Foundation Grants For Foreign Individuals
Other Small Business Administration Offices
Most Frequently Asked Questions
Sample Letter
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We read nearly every day about government spending, but many of us do not realize that we might be eligible to receive some
of the money the government gives away every year. There are thousands of grant programs for established businesses and newcomers.
Whether it=s to develop a unique invention, continue or change your career path through education, work at your artistic vocation or
simply obtaining help with living expenses, there are numerous sources out there for you to tap into.
But how to identify them? This is the bigger stumbling block to those that even think they might qualify for government
funds in some way. But the key to obtaining grant money is not a giant secret. Generally, if you are an organized, detail-oriented
person who can follow instructions, chances are you could qualify for a grant.
There is even a bimonthly magazine you can subscribe to called Humanities, which is published by the National Endowment
for the Humanities, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 410, Washington, D.C. 20506, phone number (202) 606-8443. This
publication features listings of recent grants by discipline, a calendar detailing application, grant deadlines and guide sections for those
who are thinking of applying for a National Endowment of the Humanities grant -- and there are many! This magazine can give you
tips to help you qualify!
Grant money can provide you with the independence you need to start your own business, expand or launch you on a new
career destination. These dollars can help you acquire schooling you=ve either lacked or need to change course.
All it takes is organizational skill, the ability to write a proper grant proposal and knowing who to write to for applications.
This booklet will be your guide and can improve your chances of securing grant money.
Let's start with the Government, there are federal level programs and state level programs. Federal Programs have billions of
dollars available for new businesses start-up, expansion, medical, personal, inventions, research, and pretty much anything you can
think of. The Federal Government resources are eminence not only for grants and loans, but for information. Example: If your business
is growing corn, you need specific things to make your business grow. For example, you may want to know about new technology on
seeding and fertilization. The Department
of Agriculture has experts on how to grow corn effectively.
If you want to expand your customer base, the Government does research on other parts of the country that consumes more
corn than others, where in the world corn is in demand, and where the shortages are. If you need legal help with exporting your product
overseas, you need to know the countries tariff's laws. And import restrictions. The government has the answers to these questions.
They are the ones that write the laws and know the laws of the other countries.
Virtually any type of information you need to get started with your project is available through the Federal Government
Private Foundation's on the other hand are organizations created by large Corporations, they assist
communities with funding for a wide variety of purposes. Their funding is limited to the guidelines outlined by the
Founder and the Grant Administrator.
How to start: Start by choosing one or several organizations from this guide and start making your
contacts. If you are not able to find a certain organization, go to your Public Library and take a look at the
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, this is basically a master index of all Government programs that
is updated every six months.
Secondly, Start making contacts by either calling or writing to them and asking for all the necessary information for the
agencies funding criteria. At first, please refrain from asking too many questions in your initial request. Keep your request only to
asking for applications and guidelines. Remember, if your contact tells you they cannot help you with your project, just ask if you can
be referred to an agency that can help. They may or may not know. Not every person knows what the government has to offer. In order
to establish the right contact it may take several phone calls or letters.
Remember don't burn any bridges on your pursuit, it may seem like your getting the run around, but the only way you can get
anywhere with the Government is to be friendly and offer a positive attitude to everyone you talk to.
Otherwise you may be dead in the water. After you have an established contact, ask them to send information regarding their guidelines
and applications for funding. Read them thoroughly to enforce any advantages you can use to further pursue your project.
When you find out that your project fits in their funding criteria, this is when you start on your proposal or letter of appeal,
submit letter to as many agencies you can find. Being accepted by several agencies is not a bad thing. Please use this directory as a
guideline. There will always be people and hurtles in your way. Please be patient, but persistent.
Congratulations, you have just taken the first step to obtaining the money to finance your dreams
Writing a grant proposal can be as simple as following the directions in your application packet. Add a little flare and your
grant application can stand out, making your chances of selection better.
Every agency bestowing grants has different rules for application which is why reading the packet you receive thoroughly is
so important. The government is a stickler for details, so if you can=t follow directions or make just one small mistake, your
application will be disqualified.
There are reference sources in your library to consult about grant proposal writing in addition to the advice given here. It=s
best to read as much as you can in preparation for your grant writing duties.
If you are requesting a grant for a specific idea or project, contact the agency after you receive the packet to see if they have
recently awarded any grants for this type of work. If they have, it may be that no further grant money is available for that project. You
will then have to come up with another idea to obtain your dollars.
Whatever your idea, try to enlist written support from individuals in your community who may know you and like your idea.
Letters written by your local government, community and business leaders improves your chances of receiving the award. Federal
grant money may actually require these letters of endorsement. Your application packet will inform you of the specific requirements.
Even if not required, support letters are encouraged. It gives further credence to your idea and may make the difference if the
grant award comes down to a couple of applications and the agency is forced to choose.
If you have a partner or two who have a different expertise than you, add their names and qualifications to the overall
proposal. Having assistance on the project often encourages agencies who make grants available as the project=s chances of
completion are heightened.
Relating your idea(s) to the agency individual agents who will be considering your grant request is a sound move. Many of
these employees have been there a substantial length of time and will be well-versed in the ins and outs of obtaining grants. They often
appreciate that you asked their advice up front and can do wonders for you in terms of saving time and effort.
You could make it convenient, if it=s a local agency you can make a personal visit to that agency to meet the individuals who
will be considering your proposal. There may be pertinent reference information in the agency which can help you with your proposal.
By all means, stay in contact with these people, especially if they work in the agency to whom you will be submitting your
bid(s). Even if you don=t get a positive response on the first grant proposal, keep in touch! They can often tip you off to what future
projects have a chance of being funded. If it=s in your area of expertise, you have an inside track to the next funds availability.
You will likely not be the only one writing for grant money, so you have to do a better job of it than your competitor. By
making sure that there is:
- a need for your idea or project;
- sufficient research done on your part to satisfy the grantors;
- no question that you are the best candidate to receive the grant;
- time for you to spend reviewing the application process and preparing your grant proposal;
Then you will be ready to write your first proposal draft
There are two documents you need when requesting a grant, The Grant Proposal and The Letter Of Appeal.
Some Foundations would rather work with an organization than with an individual. If this is the case, you would greatly increase your
chances of getting a grant, if you create a non-profit organization.
First file a certificate for a non-profit organization with the Secretary of State. Next, file an application with the IRS and Treasury
Department. For detailed information on steps to creating a non-profit, we recommend this publication: HOW TO FORM A NONPROFIT CORPORATION - BERKELEY, CA. NOLO PRESS.
Here are the essential parts of a grant proposal:
1. Summary. This generally outlines the proposed idea or project and is naturally slotted for the opening paragraph. Keep it
both brief and interesting. It will be the first impression the grantor(s) will have of you and your abilities, so work hard on this part of
the document. Poorly written, this opener could end your chances immediately. Conversely, well-written beginnings are encouraging
to the reader(s) and improve on your chances. Be sure only your key points are in this portion. Don=t oversell it with too much detail.
Make this part easy to read, but informative.
2. About You (and your Business). The next section summarizes your qualifications and those of any others that will be
working with you. You may want to include up to date biographies of all involved. Let the grantor(s) know about your recent work
and success, especially if you=ve been successful with any other grant program.
3. Problem Statement. This is where you summarize the need for this project or idea. You will need to note your idea=s
purpose, who will benefit, how they will benefit, what social-economic area will be affected, hard data supporting the nature of the
problem, what is currently being done (or not done) about the problem, what will happen if your idea is not funded and implemented
and how you intend to solve the problem. This may be the longest part of your proposal. Get any supporting documents you need from
local community and government organizations. Be sure you can defend all your thoughts contained in this section. It=s the what,
why and how of the grant proposal.
4. Objectives. These are the actual means by which you will solve the problem you outlined in step #3. Outline them in
detail, provide cost analyses of each to support your funding request and lay them out in logical, sequential order. The agency will
periodically review the progress of your project or idea once the grant is given and it will likely be these actual objective points that
will be used to measure your work.
5. Detailed Objectives. While step #4 provided a summary of your objectives, all of the activities relating to accomplishing
these objectives will be laid out in detail here. This could include dates, resources needed, staff needed, progress checkpoints, relevant
diagrams, charts or drawings and all relevant detail. Highlight any innovative work that will be used to help accomplish your
objectives. Provide any reference material necessary to back up your details.
6. Evaluation. Here, you will need to identify the results that will come from the project. You briefly stated these in your
opening, but more specifics will be needed here. The only way to evaluate the project may be from seeing if it meets the results
expected. You are solving a problem, after all, so your results should be your solutions and their resulting benefits. Some agencies
have standard evaluation techniques, so be sure you reference those here if that is the case.
7. Future Funding. What will happen to the idea or project once finished? If it is self-completing, say so. If further
maintenance will have to be done to keep the problem at bay, record how this is to be funded. You might be able to arrange for local
support once the initial funding is depleted and the problem solved if it is something that requires ongoing work.
8. Budget. While it would be nice to see the grant money fund the full cost of your idea or project, current federal budget
cuts may not make that feasible. If you are securing other funding or have a plan for money to pick up the additional expenses of the
project, let the agency know that. Write out a detailed budget listing (and justifying) the assorted expenses. You may receive all of the
funding you need from the one grant, but
you really shouldn=t count on it. It=s often easier to secure government funding if you have also tapped into other sources to help
cover the costs, even if it=s a small investment on your (and, if applicable, your partners=) part.
While these are the key elements of a proposal you will write, get as much help as you need depending on the size of the
project. Obtain as much input from area experts as you need before writing the proposal. They might have excellent suggestions and
could play a role in helping you to complete the various activities associated with accomplishing your stated objectives. They might
even be helpful in writing certain aspects of the proposal, especially the details of the work and tasks necessary to meet your objectives.
Do a first draft. Then -- get feedback! Give it to people who have helped you, or whom you trust to be properly judgmental
about it. The best writing is done during the rewriting phase, so it=s important to have people take a critical look at your first draft.
You=re too close to be thoroughly objective. That=s O.K.! Just know that you should get others to help you analyze your initial work
in preparation for a second draft.
Go through the same process with your second draft. This should be shorter and less feedback should come in if you elicited
enough comments the first time around.
Make any changes necessary and get it to final draft form. Then have it proofread and bound into a booklet for submission
purposes. You=re ready to submit!
Remember that the grant should be written after you=ve obtained the agency=s application and grant guideline forms. There
are many places to contact for potential grant information, and your decision should be closely allied with your skills and interests. The
following list should help get you started isolating the agencies you fell are best possibilities for you.
Review your catalog program the Grant Agency sends you. Special emphasis should be placed on the Objective and Uses and Use
Restrictions sections of the Catalog. The description can tell you which programs might provide funding for an idea.. Do not overlook
the related programs as potential resources. Both the applicant and the grantor agency should have the same interests, intentions, and
needs if a proposal is to be considered an acceptable candidate for funding.
When a potential grantor agency is identified, call the contact telephone number identified in Information Contacts and ask for a
Agrant application kit@. Get to know some of the grantor agency personnel. Ask for suggestions, criticisms, and advice about the
proposed projects. In some cases, the more the agency personnel know about the proposal, the better the chance of support and of an
eventual favorable decision. Sometimes it is useful to send the proposal summary to a specific agency official in a separate cover letter,
and ask for review and comment at the earliest possible convenience.
Always check with the Federal agency to determine it=s preference if this approach is under consideration. If the review is
unfavorable and differences cannot be resolved, ask the examining agency or the official to suggest another department or agency
which may be interested in the proposal. A personal visit to the agency=s regional office or headquarters is also important. A visit not
only establishes face-to-face contact, but also may bring out some essential details about the proposal or help secure literature and
references from the agency=s library.
Government agencies are required to report funding information as funds are approved, increased or decreased among projects
within a given State depending on the type of required reporting. Also, consider reviewing the Federal and State budgets for the
current and budget fiscal years to determine proposed dollars amounts for particular budget functions.
Study the eligibility requirements for each Federal or State Government program under consideration. The applicant may learn that
he or she is required to provide services otherwise unintended such as a service to particular client groups, or involvement of specific
institutions. It may necessitate the modifications of the original concept in order for the project to be eligible for funding. Questions
about eligibility should be discussed with the appropriate program officer.
Deadlines for submitting applications are often not negotiable. They are usually associated with strict timetables for agency review.
Some programs have more than one application deadline during the fiscal year. Applicants should plan proposal development around
the established deadlines.
1. Confirm that the foundation/government source is interested in receiving your proposal.
2. Have the people you plan to serve been involved in planning the project. The proposal
should reflect their involvement.
3. Does your proposal include information on other individuals or organizations working
with your project?
4. Have I followed my funding sources guidelines to the tee?
5. Have I outlined and highlighted innovative features of my project to set it apart from
6. Has my draft been reviewed by a impartial party for clarity and understanding?
7. Have I accurately outlined my budget? Are all budget items complete and my math
8. Has my proposal been proof read and free of typos?
9. Have copies of my proposal been distributed to other project participants?
1. The funding source did not request a proposal.
2. The project you proposed is not convincing or well documented.
3. Your proposal is poorly written, confusing or difficult to follow.
4. Your objectives are not within the interest of the funder.
5. Your proposal=s documentation is not convincing to funder=s interest.
6. Your goals and objectives appear to be unrealistic or overly ambitious.
7. Your budget is incomplete.
8. Your budget is to high for that particular funding agency.
9. Your proposal does not follow their guidelines.
10. There=s know indication that your project can be sustained beyond the funding period.
A letter of appeal is a summary of a proposal. Generally, if a small amount of money under $2,500.00 is requested a letter of appeal
will usually be sufficient. For larger sums of money send both the proposal and letter of appeal.
Your letter of appeal should be brief and to the point, long and unorganized letters could get passed by. Your letter of appeal should
be composed in such a way as to grab the attention of the grantor. This will be your first impression, you should make it count.
The letter of appeal, outlines your program/project in a clear unambiguous and a concise way. The following should be included.
A. The Proposal
B. A Statement of the Need
C. Evidence of the Need
D. How The Need Will Be Met
E. Your Total Cost F. Amount Requested
G. Complete List Of Other Supporters and Proposed Supporters
H. Duration Of Program Or Project
I. Staff Capabilities
J. Future Funding
K. Description Of The Individual, Corporation Or Organization 1. How The Organization Began, 2. How Long Has It Existed,
3. Significant Accomplishments
4. Support Received From Other Organizations.
Research opportunities exist in virtually every field imaginable. The proposal writing for this may not have to be as in-depth
as a field project, but significant information is necessary and it=s a good idea to follow your proposal format without regard to the type
of grant being sought. The more complete -- the better!
Special Emphasis Outreach Program Grants for Agricultural Research
Office of Advocacy and Enterprise
US Dept. of Agriculture
14th and Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C. 20250
Research Grants
Administrator, Cooperative State Resr.
Service, US Dept. of Agriculture
14th and Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C. 20250
Cooperative Forestry Research
Administrator, Cooperative State
Research Service
14th and Independence Ave., SW
Washington, D.C. 20250
Animal Health and Disease Research
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20250
Grants for Agricultural Research
Competitive Research Grants
Chief Scientist, Competitive Res. Grants
Rm. 323, 14th and Independence Ave.
Washington, D.C. 20250
Higher Education Strengthening Grants
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20250
Sustainable Agriculture Research
and Education
Administrator, Cooperative State
Research Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20250
Technical Agricultural Assistance
Office of International Cooperation and
Technical Assistance Division
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20250
Interjurisdictional Fisheries Act of 1986
Director, Office of Fisheries
Conservation & Management
National Marine Fisheries Service
1335 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD. 20920
Sea Grant Support
Director, National Sea Grant College
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin.
1335 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD. 20920
Marine Sanctuary Program
Chief, Sanctuaries & Reserves Div.
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource
National Ocean Service, NOAA
1825 Conn. Ave., NW Room 714
Washington, D.C.
Undersea Research
Director, Office of Undersea Research
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
1335 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD. 20910
Climate & Atmospheric Research
Director, Office of Global Programs
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin.
1335 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD. 20910
Measurement & Engineering Research
and Standards
National Institute of Standards and
Gaithersburg, MD. 20899
Regional Centers for the Transfer of
Manufacturing Technology
Director, NIST MTC Program
Room B112
Chemistry Bldg., NIST
Gaithersburg, MD. 20899
Minority Business Development Centers
Assistant Director, Office of Operations
Room 5063, Minority Business Dev. Agcy.
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th & Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20230 (202)482-3261
Maternal & Child Health Federal
Consolidated Programs (SPRANS)
Maternal & Child Health Bureau
HRSA, Public Health Service
Room 9-11, 5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville MD.20852
Adolescent Family Life Research Grants
Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs
Office of Population Affairs
Office of the Ass=t Secretary of Health
Hubert Humphrey Building Rockville, n
200 Independence Avenue, SW 736E
Washington, D.C. 20201
Food and Drug Administration Research
Grants & Assistance Agreements Section
Division of Contracts and Grants
Food and Drug Administration
HFA-520, Room 3-20
Parklawn Bldg., 5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD. 20852
Biological Response to Environmental
Health Hazards
Director, Div. of Extramural Research and
Training, Nat=l Institute of Environmental
Health Science, Public Health Service
Dept. of Health & Human Services
P.O. Box 12233
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Applied Toxicological Research &
Director, Division of Extramural
Research & Training
National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences
Public Health Service
Dept. of Health & Human Services
P.O. Box 12233
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Biometry and Risk Estimation -- Health
Risks from Environmental Exposures
Director, Division of Extramural
Research & Training
National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences
Public Health Service
Department of Health & Human Services
P.O. Box 12233
Research Triangle Park, NC. 27709
AIDS Activity
Grants Management Branch
Procurement & Grants Office
Centers for Disease Control
Dept. of Health & Human Services
255 E. Paces Ferry Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30305
Oral Disease & Disorders Research
Extramural Program
National Institute of Dental Research
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD. 20892
AIDS Education and Training Ctrs.
Director, Division of Medicine
Bureau of Health Professions
Health Resources and Services Admin.
Room 4C05
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD. 20857
Injury Prevention & Control Research
Division of Injury Epidemiology & Control
Center for Environmental Health & Injury
Center for Disease Control
Public Health Service, Atlanta, GA. 30333
Conference Grant (Substance Abuse)
Office for Substance Abuse Prevention
Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Mental Health
Administration, Rockwell II Bldg.
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD. 20857
Health Services Research & Development
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
PHS, DHHS, Suite 601, Exec. Office Center
2101 E. Jefferson Street
Rockville, MD. 20852
Mental Health Research Grants
Director, Division of Basic Brain &
Behavioral Sciences
National Inst. of Mental Health
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD. 20857
Occupational Safety & Health Research
Procurement & Grants Office, CDC
DHHS, 255 E. Paces Ferry Rd., NE
Atlanta, GA. 30333
General Clinical Research Centers
General Clinical Research Ctrs. Program
Nat=l Center for Research Resources
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD. 20892
Biomedical Research Technology
Biomedical Research Technology Program
National Center for Research Resources
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD. 20892
Head Start
Admin. for Children, Youth & Families
Head Start
U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
P.O. Box 1182
Washington, D.C. 20013
Social Services Research & Development
Director, Div. of Research & Evaluation
Office of Policy & Evaluation
Administration of Children & Families
Room 334-C, L=Enfant Promenade, SW
Washington, D.C. 20201
Social Security - Research &
Chief, Grants Management Staff
Office of Acquisition and Grants, ODCM
Soc. Sec. Admin., 1-E-4
1710 Gwynn Oak Avenue
Baltimore, MD. 21207
Population Research
Chief, Office of Grants & Contracts
National Institute of Child Health &
Human Development
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD. 20892
Aging Research
National Institute of Aging, NIH
Bethesda, MD. 20892
Research for Mothers & Children
Chief, Office of Grants and Contracts
Nat=l Inst. of Child Health & Human Devel.
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD. 20892
Promotion of the Humanities - Regrants
Centers for Advanced Study
Division of Research Programs
Centers for Advanced Study, Room 318
National Endowment for the Humanities
Washington, D.C. 20506
Employment & Training Research
and Development Projects
Chief, Division of Research &
Demonstration, Employment &
Training Administration
U.S. Dept. of Labor
Washington, D.C. 20210
Engineering Grants
Program Analyst, Directorate for
National Science Foundation
Rm. 1126e, 1800 G St. NW
Washington, D.C. 20550
Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Ass=t Director, Mathematical & Physical
National Science Foundation
1800 G ST NW
Washington, D.C. 20550
Safe Drinking Water Research &
Director, Office of Research Grants
RD-675, EPA
Washington, D.C. 20460
Energy-Related Inventions
Director, Office of Technology
Evaluation and Assessment
National Institute of Standards
and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD. 20899
Toxic Substances Research
Director, Research Grants Staff
RD-675, EPA
Washington, D.C. 20460
Fossil Energy Research & Develop.
Director, Dept. of Energy
Fossil Energy Program, FE-122
Germantown, MD. 20545
Environmental Restoration
Office of Environmental Restoration
Office of Restoration & Waste Management
Dept. of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20545
Minority Educational Institution Research
Travel Fund
Office of Minority Economic Impact
MI-2.2, DOE, Forrestal Bldg. Room 5B-110
Washington, D.C. 20585
Free Foundation Grants For Personal Needs
Minnesota State Soldiers Assistance Fund
Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Service Building
20 W. 12th Street,
St. Paul, MN 55155-2079
P/D: To provide emergency financial assistance to disabled veterans and their families in Minnesota. To be eligible for assistance, the
veteran must be disabled and prevented from working, the disability must be temporary in nature and the veteran must be able to
resume his or her normal occupation once returned to health. The funds are to be used to provide food and shelter, as well as to cover
utility payments. Contact foundation for further details. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Armory S. Carhart Memorial Fund
c/o The Fauquier Bank
P.O. Box 561
Warrenton, VA 22186
Application Address:
c/o Margaret A. Wilson, Trustee
P.O. Box 630
Warrenton, VA 22186-0630
P/D: Financial assistance to persons who have incurred injury, illness or disability following activities in a fox hunt, hunter trail, horse
show, hound trail, field trail steeplechase, point to point, hunt race, pony rally, or any similar activity.
Navarro County Health Services Found
P.O. Box 1022
Corsicana, TX 75151
Application Address:
c/o Carol Myers
Navarro Regional Hospital
West Hwy 22
Corsicana, TX 75110 or
c/o Jo Ann Means
121 N. Main Street,
Corsicana, TX 75110
P/D: Funds are distributed directly to Navarro Regional Hospital on behalf of recipients. The financial resources of all recipients are
below the Dept. of Health and Human Services Poverty Income Guidelines. Assistance to indigent Navarro County, TX residents of at
least one year for medical expenses incurred at Navarro Regional Hospital. Applicant=s must be referred by a physician, a health care
agency, or the hospital. Referrals accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal application required.
South Carolina Homestead Tax Exemption Program
South Carolina Comptroller General
Attn: Local Government Division
P.O. Box 11228
Columbia, SC 29211
P/D: To establish a homestead exemption for South Carolina residents who are elderly, disabled, or blind. Legal residents of South
Carolina who own a house or mobile home are eligible for this exemption if they are aged 65 or older, totally and permanently disabled
or legally blind. Spouses of deceased persons who were eligible also qualify to receive the exemption if they were at least 50 years of
age when their spouse died. The exemption continues as long as the homeowners live in their primary residence in South Carolina.
Volkswagen Mobility Access Program
Volkswagen United States, Inc.
3800 Hamlin Road, (800)822-8987
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
P/D: To provide financial assistance for the purchase of a Volkswagen minivan for the orthopedically disabled. This offer is open to the
disabled or anyone else purchasing a Volkswagen minivan to transport or drive a full-time wheelchair user.
The Weinglass Foundation, Inc.
Two Hopkins Plaza, No. 802
Baltimore, MD 21201
Application Address:
Deborah Layman, Admin. Exec.
3300 Fashion Way, (410)538-1000ext.2240
Joppa, MD 21085
P/D; Grants to individuals, primarily for medical treatment and related expenses. Application accepted throughout the year. Initial
approach by letter.
Children=s Wish Foundation Grants
Children=s Wish Foundation International
7840 Roswell Road, Suite 301
P.O. Box 28785
Atlanta, GA 30358
(404)393-WISH or (800)323-WISH
P/D: To fulfill the wishes of terminally ill children. This program is aimed at children in the United States or Europe, up to the age of
18, who are facing life threatening illnesses. The amount varies, depending upon the cost of filling the child=s dream. Applications may
be submitted at any time.
Laurendeau Foundation for Cancer Care
2700 Iron Street,
Bellingham, WA 98225
P/D: Grants to individuals residing in Bellingham, WA for outpatient cancer care. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Joanne Gardner, Manager
Questar Corporate Giving Program
180 E. First South Street
P.O. Box 11150
Salt Lake City, UT 84147
P/D: Funding interest include the aged, medical and health services, education, the disadvantaged, and arts and culture. Initial approach
by letter.
Mid-Iowa Health Foundation
550 39th Street, Ste., 104
Des Moines, IA 50312 (515)277-6411
P/D: Grant to fund health related service projects including drug abuse, mental health, and nutrition. Initial approach by letter. Contact:
Kathryn Bradley
West Virginia Homestead Exemption
Department of Tax and Revenue
Attn: Taxpayer Services Division
P.O. Box 2389
Charleston, WV 25328-2389
P/D: To provide a partial exemption of property taxes on residences owned by disabled or elderly persons and retired veterans in West
Virginia. Eligible for this exemption are single-family residences owned and occupied by any person who is permanently and totally
disabled or at least 65 years old. Applicant=s must have been West Virginia residents for 2 consecutive calendar years prior to the tax
year to which the exemption relates. Members of the U.S. military forces who maintain West Virginia as state of residence throughout
military service and return to the state to purchase a homestead upon retirement or separation from the military because of permanent
and total disability are considered to meet the residency requirement and also qualify for this exemption.
Alexandra Eastman Foundation
c/o New Hampshire Charitable Fund
One South Street, P.O. Box 1335
Concord, NH 03302
P/D: Seeks to improve the quality and availability of health care and to promote the health and well-being of residents of the greater
Derry, New Hampshire area. Initial approach by letter. Contact: Deborah Cowan, Program Director
National Association For The Craniofacially Handicapped Grants-In Aid
National Association for the Craniofacially Handicapped
P.O. Box 11082
Chattanooga, TN 37401
P/D: To provide travel expenses for persons with severe facial deformities who travel to comprehensive medical centers for
reconstructive facial surgery. Persons with craniofacial deformities resulting from birth defects, injury, or disease are eligible to apply
for these grants in aid if they need to travel to comprehensive medical centers to undergo reconstructive facial surgery. Funds are
available for transportation, food, lodging, parking, and tolls related to securing or undergoing treatment. No medical costs are covered.
Grants also provide for 1 accompanying person for each trip. Application may be submitted at any time.
Vermont Emergency Assistance For Disabled and Needy Veterans
State Veterans Affairs
120 State Street,
Montpelier, VT 05620-4401
P/D: To provide emergency financial assistance to disabled needy Vermont veterans or their dependents. Eligible to apply for this
assistance are veterans and their dependents, if the veteran is both disabled and poor, served for at least 90 days (unless discharged
earlier because of disability or the convenience of the government), has been a resident of Vermont for at least 1 year prior to
application, and was discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Pennsylvania Blind Veterans Pension
Bureau of Veterans Affairs
Fort Indiantown Gap, (717)865-8911
Annville, PA 17003-5002
P/D: To provide financial assistance to blind residents of Pennsylvania who lost their sight while serving in the U.S. armed forces.
Persons who have 3/60 or 10/200 or less normal vision are eligible if they are honorably discharged veterans who were residents of PA
when they joined the U.S. armed forces and whose blindness resulted from a service connected injury or disease. Applications may be
submitted at any time.
Alabama Ad Valorem Tax Exemption for the Blind
Alabama Department of Revenue
Attn: Ad Valorem Tax Division
Gordon Persons Building, Room 4126
Montgomery, AL 36132-7210
P/D: To exempt residents who are legally blind from a portion of ad valorem property taxes in Alabama from ad valorem property taxes
imposed by counties. Residents of Alabama are eligible to apply if they are over the age of 65 and have a net annual income of $12,000
or less for income tax purposes for the preceding year or are retired due to permanent and total disability regardless of age, or are
blind, or retirement status. Must meet eligibility requirements.
R. H. Wilkin Charitable Trust Program
R.H. Wilkin Charitable Trust
Attn: Peggy Pittman
P.O. Box 76561
Oklahoma City, OK 73147
P/D: To provide financial support for needy, crippled children residing in Oklahoma County, OK. Funds are made available to
maintain, improve or retard the deterioration of the physical, mental, or emotional health and well-being of the recipients. Expenditure
may include physical and psychiatric examinations, physical therapy, occupation therapy, wheelchairs, crutches, braces, prosthetic
devices, blood and vital organs, food, clothing and shelter. The amount provided to each recipient varies, depending upon individual
needs and the funds available to the trust. Application may be submitted at any time.
Federal Income Tax Deduction for Child and Dependent Care Expenses
Internal Revenue Service, Service Headqrts.
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20224 (800)TAX-FORM
P/D: To provide a federal income tax credit of a portion of the expenses of caring for a child. Eligible for this credit are U.S. citizens or
residents who have earned income and who live with a qualifying dependent who was either a) under the age of 13. b) a spouse who
was physically or mentally unable to care for himself or herself. c) another dependent who was physically or mentally unable to care for
himself /herself and for whom the taxpayer can claim an exemption. Qualifying expenses. Schooling, care outside the home,
transportation and household services.
North Carolina Income Tax Relief for Disabled Veterans
Division of Veterans Affairs
Albermarle Building, Suite 1065
325 N. Salisbury Street,
Raleigh, NC 27603-5941
P/D: To provide income tax relief to disabled N.C veterans. Any assessment of income tax due prior to the time a person was inducted
into the armed forces will be cancelled if the serviceperson is receiving service-connected disability compensation. Disability payments
to veterans by reason of service in the armed forces need not be reported for income tax purposes. Grants by the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs for motor vehicles for veterans who lost their sight or the use of their limbs are exempt from state income taxation.
Grants by the VA to seriously disabled veterans for homes designed for wheelchair living are also exempt from North Carolina income
taxation. The exemptions continue as long as the eligible veteran is a resident of NC.
North Dakota Tax Refund For Senior Citizen or Disabled Renters
Office of State Tax Commissioner
State Capitol Building
600 E. Boulevard Ave.,
Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
P/D: To provide disabled North Dakota residents who live in rented quarters with a tax refund. Persons who are permanently and
totally disabled, are residents of North Dakota, and are renters are eligible to apply for this refund, provided their annual income does
not exceed $13,500 from all sources. Residents over 65 years of age are also eligible, whether they are disabled or not. Applications
must be submitted to the county auditor at any time.
Sidney S. and Grace G. Hirsheimer Grts.
Sidney S. and Grace G. Hirsheimer Foud.
c/o National City Bank
Attn: Trust Department
P.O. Box 868
Evansville, IN 47705
P/D: To provide financial assistance to the needy blind in Indiana. Eligible to apply are blind residents of Vanderburgh County, IN who
require financial assistance to purchase food, clothing, health care, etc. The amount awarded varies, depending upon the needs of the
recipient. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Polish Army Veterans Association of America Assistance
Polish Army Veterans Association of America
17 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003
P/D: To provide assistance to Polish veterans who served in the Allied forces during World War II and are in need because of disability
of other causes. Eligible for this assistance are Poles who served in the Allied forces during World War II but are living in the United
States and are in financial need because of disability or other causes. They must be members of the Polish Army Veterans Association
of America.
German Protestant Orphan Asylum Association
5342 St. Charles Ave., (504)895-2361
New Orleans, LA 70115
P/D: Areas of support include medical services, and youth programs. Initial approach by letter.
Contact: Everett T. Aultman, Exec. Dir.
New Jersey Lifeline Program
Department of Human Services
Attn: Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services
CN 714
Trenton, NJ 08625-0714
P/D: This program is open to residents of New Jersey who are either disabled or over 65 years of age and who utilize public utilities.
Eligible applicant=s include those who pay utility bills to one or more electricity or natural gas companies as well as those whose utility
bills are included in their rent. The program applies only to permanent New Jersey residents, not to those who maintain temporary or
seasonal residence in the state. Contact foundation for further guidelines. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Operation Liftoff of Main Grants
Operation Liftoff of Main
P.O. Box 29
Carmel, ME 04419
P/D: This program is open to the residents of Maine between the ages of 3 and 18 who are seriously or chronically ill. To fill the wishes
of children in Maine who have life-threatening illnesses. The amount involved, varies, depending upon the cost of filling the recipients
dream. Applications may be submitted any time.
Idaho Property Tax Reduction For Disabled Veterans
Idaho Division of Veterans Services
Attn: Office of Veterans Advocacy
550 West Fort, Box 044
Boise, ID 83724-0044
(208) 334-1245 or (800)827-1000
P/D: Eligible for this reduction are a) veteran=s with a compensable disability who own property in Idaho that they utilize as their
primary residence b) veteran=s (whether disabled or not) who served during the Indian Wars, The Spanish-American War, or World
War 1. Eligible veterans are entitled to this exemption as long as they reside in Idaho.
Otto Sussman Trust
P.O. Box 1374
Trainsmeadow Station
Flushing, NY 11370-9998
P/D: Financial assistance for medical bills and care-giving expenses to individuals with serious or terminal illnesses. Limited to
residents of New York, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. Write letter requesting application form and guidelines, explain
circumstances of need, formal application required.
Contact: Edward S. Miller, Trustee
Dexter G. Johnson Educational and Benevolent Trust
P.O. Box 26663
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
P/D: Medical expenses to physically disabled children and young men and women in OK. Assistance includes corrective surgery and
hospitalization and the necessities of life while in convalescence. Past grants have been for ear and eye surgery and prosthesis, and skin
surgery. Applications accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal application required including financial information, family
history, physical condition, age, education goals, and other data necessary to show need. Contact: Betty Crews
Paul Motry Memorial Fund
P.O. Box 357
Sandusky, OH 44870-0357
P/D: Grants for medical expenses to physically disabled children who are residents of Erie and Eastern Ottawa Counties, OH.
Completion of formal application required, including a letter from the doctor proving need.
Charlotte M. Robbins Trust
c/o State Street Bank & Trust Company
P.O. Box 351
Boston, MA 02101
Application Address:
c/o State Street Bank, 225 Franklin Street
Boston, MA 02110
P/D: Financial assistance to aged coupled and aged women for medical bills. Limited to aged residents of the towns of Groten, Ayer,
Harvard, Shirley, and Littleton, Massachusetts. Write letter stating income, expenses, assets, and reason money is needed. Contact:
Cheryl D. Curtin, Vice President
Walter S. and Evan C. Jones Foundation
527 Commercial St., Rm. 515
Emporia, KS 66801
P/D: Assistance with medical expenses to individuals under the age of 21 who have been continuous residents of Lyon, Coffey, or
Osage counties, KS for at least one year. The types of medical assistance given in the past include, dental care, medical procedures,
mental health care, hospital stays, eye-care and eyeglasses, preventative care, and hearing aids. Initial approach by letter. Completion
of formal application required. Interviews required.
Renal Assistance, Inc.
3700 Washington St., Ste. 102
Hollywood, FL 33021
P/D: Grants to residents of Florida who require haematolysis therapy or have received a renal transplant for the purpose of medical
assistance, travel assistance, and emergency assistance. The foundation contributes to preselected individuals.
Nurses House, Inc.
350 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
P/D: Short term assistance to ill and indigent registered nurses in the U.S. who are in need of financial assistance to help meet basic
living expenses. Costs of medical care and education are not funded. Applications accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by
letter. Completion of formal application required, except in some one-time emergency situations. Interview granted upon request.
Charles E. Saak Trust
c/o Wells Fargo Bank
5262 N. Blackstone Ave., (209)442-6232
Fresno, CA 93710
P/D: Dental and emergency medical assistance to children under 21 years of age from low income families residing in the
Porterville/Poplar area of Tulare County, CA. Completion of formal application required, including purpose and estimate statement,
parent=s financial statement, and copy of most recent income tax return. Contact: Christina M. Riley, Scholarship and Grant Director.
Teddi Project Grants
Camp Good Days
Attn: Teddi Project (716)624-5555
1332 Pittsford-Mendon Road
Mendon, NY 14506
P/D: To grant the wishes of seriously ill children in Florida and New York. This program is open to children (up to age 19) who have
life threatening or terminal illnesses. Priority is given to children from central Florida and the upstate New York area, particularly
Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany and Binghamton. Application may be submitted at any time.
Lotta M. Crabtree Theatrical Fund Grants Lotta M. Crabtree Trusts
11 Beacon Street, Ste. 1110
Boston, MA 02108
P/D: To provide financial assistance to disabled and other actors. Members of the theatrical profession are eligible to apply if they are
disabled due to illness or some other misfortune. Requests for assistance must be made in writing.
Rest Haven Preventorium For Children
P.O. Box 23389
San Diego, CA 92193-0389
P/D: Grants to financially needy children only in San Diego County and Imperial County, CA for medical, dental, optical, therapy,
hearing, childcare, and nutritional expenses. Write for guidelines
People In Business Care, Inc.
P.O. Box 39601
Minneapolis, MN 55439
P/D: Grants for medical assistance and emergency aid primarily to residents of MN and CA. Write for guidelines.
Thursday=s Child Grants
Thursday=s Child
P.O. Box 9279
Madison, WI 53713-0279
P/D: To grant the wishes of seriously ill children in Wisconsin. This program is open to children (up to 19) who have life threatening or
terminal illnesses. Priority is given to children from southwest and south central Wisconsin. Applications may be submitted at any
James R. Nicholl Memorial Foundation
c/o Bank One Ohio Trust Co., N.A.
235 West Schrock Road
Westerville, OH 43081
Application Address:
c/o Bank One Ohio Trust Co. N.A.
Trust Dept
1949 Broadway
Lorain, OH 44209
P/D: Medical and surgical expense assistance to needy children (2 to 21 of age) who have been residents of Lorain County, OH for at
least two years. Applications accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal application required, including a letter indicating the
medical need.
Contact: David E. Nocjar, VP and Sr. Trust Office, Ban One Ohio Trust Co.
Ontario Children=s Home
P.O. Box 82
Canadaigua, NY 14424
Application Address:
c/o Mrs. Richard Ogden
210 West Gibson Street
Canadaigua, NY 14424
P/D: Grants for children=s medical and dental expenses for residents of Ontario County, NY. Applications accepted throughout the
year. Completion of formal application required.
Pardee Cancer Treatment Fund of Bay County
213 Center Avenue
Bay City, MI 48708
Application Address:
c/o Patricia White Manager
400 South Trumbull
P.O. Box 541
Bay City, MI 48708
P/D: Payment of medical bills to cancer patients who are residents of Bay County, MI. Application by letter, including list of expenses
incurred and other financial information. Interviews required.
Butterworth Foundation, Inc.
75 Butterworth Road
Royalston, RFD No. 2 (508)249-7612
Orange, MA 01364
P/D: Grants to fulfill the wishes of residents of Worcester and Franklin counties, MA who are diagnosed with AIDS. As funds are
available, applications will also be considered from residents of Hampshire County, MA (Amherst-Northampton area) Cheshire
County, NH (Keene area), and Windham County, VT (Brattleboro area). Application by letter outlining wish, including documentation
from a health care provider or other qualified individual, indicating the applicant has not been an active drug abuser for the past six
months or longer.
Contact: Allen Young, President
High Technology Fund
Independence for the Blind
1278 Paul Russell Road (904)942-3658
Tallahassee, FL 32301
P/D: To provide an opportunity for the multi-handicapped blind in Florida to have access to assistive devices. The rental period can last
as long as 5 years. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Cornelia M. Moore Memorial Free Dental Foundation
c/o Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
525 Market Street, 17th Floor
P.O. Box 63954
San Francisco, CA. 94163
P/D: Dental expense assistance to residents of Santa Barbara, CA who are under the age of 18. Funds are paid directly to dentists. Write
for guidelines.
Josiah Sleeper and Lottie Sleeper Hill Fd.
c/o PNC Bank, N.A.
1632 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Application Address:
c/o Taylor Hospital
Ridley Park, PA 19078
P/D: Grants to women and children, primarily in PA to cover rehabilitative and convalescent expenses. Application accepted
throughout the year. Completion of formal application required.
Alice L. Carlisle Trust for Children of Town of Goshen, Bank of Boston, Conn.
Trust Tax Dept., P.O. Box 2210
Waterbury, CT 06702
P/D: Medical expenses for children living in Goshen, CT. Application by letter.
Foundation of the Alumnae Association of Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing, Inc.
One Gustave L. Levy Place
New York, NY 10029
P/D: Grants to financially needy or ill nurses, and scholarships to financially needy nursing students. Write or call for further
A Helping Hand
Feminist Health Fund
P.O. Box 323
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
P/D: To help Ohio women with medical and related expenses during critical illnesses. Women who are residents of southwestern Ohio,
at least 18 years of age, and are suffering from cancer, heart disease, severe allergies, depression, or other critical illnesses are eligible
to receive support. Write for further guidelines. Requests for support may be submitted at any time.
Physician=s Aid Association
10937 Hillhaven Ave., (818)951-0748
Tujunga, CA 91042-1417
P/D: Medical and financial assistance to physicians in Los Angeles County, CA who are disabled or retired and to their immediate
families. Initial approach by letter or telephone. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Bonnie Ferris, Exec. Dir.
Urann Foundation
P.O. Box 1788
Brockton, MA 02403
P/D: Medical assistance grants for Massachusetts families engaged in cranberry farming and processing. Grants intended to assist in
payment of hospital and medical bills. Limited to families located in MA. Initial contact by phone or letter. Contact: Howard Whelan,
Brass Ring Society Grants
551 E. Semoran Blvd., #E5
Fern Park, FL 32730
P/D: To enrich the lives and fulfill the dreams of children whose lives are being threatened by illness or disease. This program is aimed
at children between the ages of 3 and 18 who are chronically or terminally ill. There are no restrictions on residency, illness, or dream
wishes. Application may be submitted at any time.
William J. Munson Fund
c/o Bank of Boston, Connecticut
P.O. Box 2210, Trust Tax Dept.
Waterbury, CT 06702
Application Address:
c/o Alfred Morency, Chair.
71 Scott Road
Watertown, CT 06795
P/D: Medical expense assistance to residents of Watertown, CT. Completion of formal application required, including financial
State of Arizona, Aging and Adult Admin
1789 W. Jefferson, 2 SW, 950 A
Phoenix, AZ 85007
P/D: Grants and assistance for projects and programs related to the aged. The grant-seeker should contact the agency for the most
recent data on the status of listed or planned programs, as well as be aware of the state=s priorities for the aged, such as housing, health,
transportation, etc.
Wishing Well Foundation Grant
Wishing Well Foundation
P.O. Box 717
St. Louis, MO 63188
P/D: To grant the wishes and dreams of chronically and terminally ill children in the St. Louis area. Children in the St. Louis area who
are facing life-threatening illnesses are eligible for this program. Applications may be submitted any time.
Chrysler Motors Physically Challenged Assistance Program
Chrysler Corporation
Attn: Automobility Program
P.O. Box 3124
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-3124
P/D: To provide a reimbursement for the cost of installing adaptive driving aids on new purchases of new Chrysler Motors cars, trucks,
or vans that required adaptive driving aids or conversion equipment for disabled users. Contact Corporation for further guidelines.
James T. Hambay Foundation
P.O. Box 6361
Harrisburg, PA 17112
P/D: Medical expense assistance to blind, physically disabled, and indigent children under the age of 18, who reside in Harrisburg, PA
and vicinity. Application accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by letter stating medical expenses and current income.
The Steeplechase Fund
400 Fair Hill Drive
Elkton, MD 21921
P/D: Financial assistance and medical expenses only to former steeplechase jockeys and their widows and families. Application by
letter including information about when applicant was disabled and medical bills. Contact: Charles Colgan
Theresa C. Herron Memorial Scholarship
National Federation of the Blind of New Hampshire, c/o Louis Gosselin
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
361 Lincoln Street,
Manchester, NH 03103
P/D: Grants to provide funding for high school expenses incurred by visually impaired students in New Hampshire. This program is
aimed at high school students in New Hampshire who are either legally blind or visually impaired (20/60 in the better eye or worse).
Selection is based on academic record, letters of recommendation, previous awards, personal activities, and personal goals. This is a
one time award.
Dexter G. Johnson Educational and Benevolent Trust
P.O. Box 26663
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
P/D: Medical expenses to physically disabled children and young men and women of OK. Assistance includes corrective surgery and
hospitalization and the necessities of life while in convalescence. Past grants have been for ear and eye surgery and prosthesis, and skin
surgery. Applications accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal application required including financial information, family
history, physical condition, age, education goals, and other data necessary to show need. Contact: Betty Crews
Automobiles or Other Conveyances For Disabled Veterans
Department of Veterans Affair
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20420
(202)418-4343 Or (800)927-1000
P/D: Grant funding for certain disabled veterans and current service personnel who require specially adapted automobiles. Write for
guidelines. Applications must be submitted.
A. C. Needles Trust Fund Hospital Care
c/o First Union National Bank
CHG- 1161
Charlotte, NC 28288
P/D: Grants for hospital care aid to preselected needy individuals in the Roanoke, VA area. Contact fund for current application
deadline and procedures.
Smock Foundation Grants
Frank L. and Laura L. Smock Found.
c/o Norwest Bank Fort Wayne
Attn: Investment and Trust
P.O. Box 960
Fort Wayne, IN 46801-6632
(219) 461-6444
fax: (219)461-6678
P/D: To provide financial assistance to disabled elderly, and ill individuals of the Presbyterian faith who reside in Indiana.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
Lena P. Frederick Trust Fund
c/o Key Trust Company
35 State Street
Albany, NY 12207
Application Address:
c/o Christina Cook
Key Trust Co. of Maine
288 Water Street
Augusta, ME 04430
P/D: Grants to needy persons of Belfast, MD for medical and general assistance. Applications by letter accepted throughout the year.
New Jersey Partial Exemption From Realty Transfer Fee for Senior Citizens or Disabled Persons
New Jersey Division of Taxation
Attn: Taxpayer Information Services
50 Barrack Street, CN 269
Trenton, NJ 08646-0269
(609)292-6400 Or (800) 323-4400
P/D: Grants to provide exemption from realty transfer fees paid by senior citizens, disabled persons, and blind people in New Jersey.
Eligilbe for these exemptions are persons aged 62 and older, permanently and totally disabled individuals, and blind people who are
legal residents of New Jersey. Write or call for guidelines.
Idaho Income Tax Deduction For The Blind And Their Widow (ers) (FT)
Idaho State Tax Commission
Attn: Public Information Office
800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV
P.O. Box 36
Boise, ID 83722
(208)334-7750 or (800)972-7660 (within ID, OR, UT, and WA)
P/D: Grants to exempt a portion of the income of blind or elderly residents from state income tax in Idaho. Eligible for this deduction
are blind residents of Idaho and residents over the age of 65.
Children=s Dream Factory Grants
Children=s Dream Factory of Maine
2273 Congress Street
Portland, ME 04102
(207)774-1330 or (800)639-1492
P/D: To fulfill the dreams of children in Maine who are chronically or terminally ill. This program is aimed at children whose lives are
threatened by illness or disease. They must be residents of Maine aged 3 to 16. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Burks Charitable Trust f/b/o Fresno Lodge No. 247, F. & A. M.
c/o Fresno Lodge No. 247, F.& A. M.
3444 E. Shields Avenue
Fresno, CA 93726
P/D: Financial assistance including medical expenses, to needy families who are residents of CA. Applications by letter outlining
financial need and reason for request. Committee interviews and investigation of all applicants required. No grants are made without a
personal interview at the Trust=s Fresno CA office. Applicants must have resided in CA for at least 12 months prior to application.
Charles Montague Charitable Trust
c/o Fleet Bank, N.A.
915 Main Street, MSN 252
Hartford, CT 06103
Application Address:
c/o Fleet Bank, N.A.
P.O. Box 4276
Boston, MA 02211
P/D: Assistance to financially needy residents of Wakefield, MA to help cover hospital bills, including psychotherapy. Contact
foundation for current application guidelines.
Dream Factory Grant
Dream Factory, Inc.
P.O. Box 3942
Louisville, KY 40201-3942
P/D: To grant the wishes of children who are critically and chronically ill. This program is aimed at children between the ages of 3 and
13 who are facing a life-threatening illness. One time gift.
Southern Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Center, Inc.
228 N. Holly
Medford, OR 97501
P/D: Grants to residents of southern OR particularly Jackson County, for vision and hearing medical care, including exams, surgery,
eyeglasses, hearing aids, and travel expenses. Applications accepted throughout the year. Applications by letter outlining sight and
hearing impairments.
Contact: Exec. Secy.
Louis S. Oppenheim Trust
c/o First of America Trust Co.
301 S. W. Adams
Peoria, IL 61652
P/D: Medical and living expenses to financially needy, blind residents of Peoria County, IL. Applications by letter or telephone
outlining financial need.
Contact: David Welch, VP. First of American Trust.
Frank and Laura L. Smock Foundation
c/o Norwest Bank Indiana, N.A.
P.O. Box 960
Fort Wayne, IN 46801-6632
P/D: Medical and nursing care assistance to ailing, needy, crippled, blind, or elderly residents of IN who are members of Presbyterian
churches and who have less than $3,000 in assets. Initial approach by letter. Completion of formal application required.
Mary Mansfield Fund For The Aged
c/o Fifth Third Bank of Central Kentucky
Dept. 00858
Cincinnati, OH 45263
Application Address:
c/o Fifth Third Bank of Central Kentucky
269 W. Main Street,
Lexington, KY 40507
P/D: Grants for medical expenses to indigent residents of Bourbon County, KY. Applications accepted throughout the year.
Completion of formal application required.
Palestine Temple Charities Trust
One Rhodes Place
Cranston, RI 02906
P/D: Medical expenses assistance primarily to financially needy individuals living in RI. Grants help cover the costs of health care
providers, doctor=s bills, hospital stays, drugs, and medical supplies. Applications by letter including medical information.
Contact: A. Sheffield Reynolds, Treas.
Alice M. G. Soper Fund
Hawaii Community Foundation
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1300
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 537-6333 or (808)521-6286
P/D: To provide financial assistance to older residents of Hawaii who are suffering from a disability or illness. Residents of Hawaii who
are over 50 years of age and are experiencing financial difficulties because of a disability or illness are eligible to apply. This program
is administered by the Hawaii Community Foundation and the Hawaiian Trust (111 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, (808)5384540).
Fanny S. Gilfillan Memorial, Inc.
P.O. Box 68
Morgan, MN 56266
Application Address:
c/o Redwood County Human Services
P.O. Box 27
Redwood, MN 56283
P/D: Medical expense assistance only to financially needy residents of Redwood County, MN who are otherwise unable to pay yet who
are ineligible for government sponsored medical assistance.
Contact: Arliss Becker
Missouri Senior Citizen, Disabled Veteran, and Disabled Person Property Tax Credit Claim
Missouri Department of Revenue
1617 Southridge Drive
P.O. Box 2800
Jefferson City, MO 65105-2800
(800)877-6881 or TDD (800)735-2966
(within MO)
P/D: Grants to provide a tax credit to low-income disabled veterans, senior citizens, and other disabled persons in Missouri. Eligible
veterans, disabled people, and senior citizens may claim this credit when they file their state income tax return, in April of each year.
The Christian Charitable Trust
14450 T.C. Jester, Suite 170
Houston, TX 77014
P/D: Relief assistance for medical treatment to indigent individuals primarily residing in TX. Previous assistance has aided people with
cancer, leukemia, and arthritis. Write for further information.
Southwest Michigan Rehab Foundation
723 Allison Drive, (616)781-2215
Marshall, MI 49068
P/D: Medical equipment expenses for patient rehabilitation to financially needy residents of southwestern MI. Recipients income must
not exceed two and one-half times the poverty rate. Initial approach by letter requesting application form. Completion of formal
application required.
Contact: Carl F. Green, President
Myra Deane Memorial Trust
c/o Harrington & Merryweather
202 High Street
P.O. Box 253,
Cambridge, MD 21613
P/D: Financial assistance for nursing home costs to needy residents of Dorchester County, MD. Contact Trust for current application
Edmondson-Telford Foundation
P.O. Box 3430
Gainesville, GA 30503
P/D: Grants to financially needy residents of the Hall County, GA area, for medical expenses and general welfare assistance. A small
amount is also given for educational expenses. Application by letter or telephone outlining financial need. Contact: William M. House,
New Hampshire Property Tax Credit For Disabled Veterans
New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration
61 S. Spring Street
P.O. Box 457 (603)271-2687
Concord, NH 03302-0457
TDD: (603)225-4033
P/D: Grants to provide property tax credits in New Hampshire to disabled veterans or their surviving spouses. Eligible for this tax
credit are New Hampshire residents who are U.S. citizens, veterans, and totally and permanently disabled from a service connected
injury. Applications for a permanent tax credit may be made at any time.
C. E. Gibbs Memorial Fund Trust
c/o The Honesdale National Bank
733 Main Street, (717)253-3355
Honesdale, PA 18431
P/D: Medical expense assistance to residents of Wayne County, PA. Applications accepted throughout the year. Application by letter
outlining financial and medical needs.
Contact: Mary McElroy, Trust Mgr. The Honesdale National Bank
Alabama Ad Valorem Homestead Exemp.
Alabama Dept. of Revenue
Attn: Ad Valorem Tax Division
Gordon Persons Building, Room 4126
Montgomery, AL 36132-7210
P/D: Grants for disabled, blind and elderly residents of Alabama from ad valorem property taxes imposed by counties. Resident must
meet the eligibility requirements.
Federal Income Tax Credit For The Elderly or The Disabled
Internal Revenue Service, Serv. Hdqrts.
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20224 (800)TAX-FORM
P/D: To provide a federal income tax credit for certain elderly and disabled citizens. Write for guidelines.
Loris and Pauline Keen Charitable Trust
P.O. Box 404
Blackwell, OK 74631
P/D: Medical expenses for financially needy children with eye problems living in OK. Some assistance for children in OK in need of
dental care. Assistance includes exams, screenings, and lenses. Applications accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal
application required, including financial information.
Josiah H. Danforth Memorial Fund
Eight Fremont Street, (518)725-0653
Gloversville, NY 12078
P/D: Grants are awarded for the payment of medical expenses in times of illness need and misfortune for the residents of Fulton
County, NY. Applications accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by letter. Completion of formal application required.
Foundation For The Carolinas
P.O. Box 34769
Charlotte, NC 28234-4769
P/D: Medical expense assistance to financially needy children who are residents of NC and SC. The Foundation administers the
following funds for children:
a) Children=s Medical Fund Provides asst. for the medical needs of children, age 17 and under that are beyond the means of the family
b) E. F. Hutton Fund provides assistance to children under age 18 of NC who are disabled and in need of braces, corrective shoes,
wheelchairs, and other orthopedic appliances. Contact foundation for current application deadline. Initial approach by letter.
Completion of formal application required.
North Dakota Property Tax Credit For Senior Citizens or Disabled Persons
Office of State Tax Commissioner
State Capitol Building
600 E. Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505-0599
(701)328-3127 Fax: (701)328-3700
TDD: (701)328-2778
P/D: Grants to provide property tax exemptions for disabled or senior citizen residents of North Dakota. To qualify for this program,
applicants must be residents of North Dakota and either totally and permanently disabled (regardless of age) or at least 65 years of age.
For husbands and wives who are living together, only one can apply for the credit. Applicant=s must reside in the property for which
the credit is claimed. Write or call for further guidelines.
Faye O. Schenck Trust
c/o Bank One Trust
111 Monument Circle, Suite 1501
Indianapolis, IN 46277-0115
Application Address:
c/o Lyle Fogle, VP. And Trust Officer
Bank One Trust Group, (317)423-0889
Lafayette, IN 47901
P/D: Medical, surgical and hospital expense assistance to indigent residents of Montgomery County, IN. Individuals must be
recommended by Montgomery County doctors, medical laboratories, hospitals, or school nurses. Recommendations by letter accepted
throughout the year. Letters should accompany proof of individual=s inability to pay.
Pharmaceutical Assistance To The Aged and Disabled Program
Dept. of Human Services
Attn: Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, CN 715
Trenton, NJ 08625-0715
(800)792-9745 Or TTY:(609)588-7180
P/D: To provide financial support to the disabled and others in New Jersey who use prescription drugs. This program is open to
residents of New Jersey who are either disabled or over 65 years of age and who purchase prescription drugs, insulin and insulin
needles, and certain diabetic testing materials. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Portland Female Charitable Society
20 Noyes Street
Portland, ME 04103
P/D: Aid limited to financially needy residents of the City of Portland, ME for dental care, prescriptions, hearing aids, glasses, or other
needs having to do with health, food, or shelter, with emphasis on the needs of children, the elderly, and the ill. Requests usually
presented by social workers, public health nurses, counselors, etc. Interviews required. Contact: Jean Leighton, Treas.
Idaho Grocery Credit
Idaho State Tax Commission
Attn: Public Information Office
800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV
P.O. Box 36
Boise, ID 83722
(800) 972-7660 (within ID, OR, UT, & WA
P/D: Grants to provide a credit against withheld taxes to disabled veterans, the blind, and the elderly from state income taxation in
Idaho. Call for guidelines.
Avery-Fuller Children=s Center
251 Kearney Street, No. 301
San Francisco, CA. 94108
(415) 986-1687
P/D: Funds are to pay for medical services, physical and occupational therapy, psychotherapy, special school or remedial education,
prosthetics, appliances, prescriptions, and related services for disabled children. The application must be submitted by the professional
who has the primary case responsibility ( a social worker, teacher, physician, or therapist). Both the professional and the child must
reside within the geographic specifications. Specific forms are required.
Contact: Nancy J. Lobaugh, Exec. Dir.
State of Alaska, Alaska Commission on Aging
P.O. Box C
Juneau, AK 99811
P/D: Grants and assistance for projects and programs related to the aged. The grant-seeker should contact the agency for the most
recent data on the status of listed or planned programs, as well as be aware of the state=s priorities for the aged, such as housing, health,
transportation, etc.
Cloud County Children=s Trust
c/o Citizens National Bank
115 West Sixth Street
P.O. Box 409
Concordia, KS 66901
P/D: Grants to Cloud County, KS children age 12 and under with special needs, and their families. Needs and expenses must not be
covered by insurance or other programs and charities. Write or call for program descriptions.
Division of Public Health
Health and Social Services Dept.
P.O. Box 637
Dover, DE 19903
P/D: Health care for pregnancy and for children with special health-care needs.
Stearns-Blodgett Trust
c/o Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
P.O. Box 30100
Reno, NV 89520-0100
P/D: Financial assistance to indigent residents of NV and northern CA who are in need of opthalmological care. Completion of formal
application required. Application must be certified by a sponsor licensed MD, state-certified hospital, member of the Knight Templar of
the Free and Accepted Masons, or a cooperating organization approved by the trust committee. Write or call for further guidelines.
Contact: Leo Humphrey=s, Member Admin. Comm.
Bridgeport Ladies Charitable Trust
c/o Chase Manhattan Bank of Connecticut
999 Broad Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
P/D: Grants to financially needy residents of the greater Bridgeport, CT area for health care and home assistance. Recipients are
referred by Family Services Woodfield in Bridgeport, CT and other community agencies in CT.
Hoechst Marion Roussel Indigent Patient Program
c/o Samples Dept. K2-M1216
P.O. Box 9950
Kansas City, MO 64134-0950
P/D: Prescription drugs to individuals who fall below the federal poverty level and who are in need of continual drug therapy.
Applicants must be ineligible for third party medication payments. Initial approach by telephone. Completion of formal application
required, including physician=s certification of patient=s medical and financial needs.
Contact: Mr. Pat Mc Nerney, Dir of U.S. Commercial Services.
All Indian Pueblo Council Speech and Hearing Program
All Indian Pueblo Council, Inc.
Attn: Speech, Language, and Hearing Pro
3939 San Pedro NE, Suite D
P.O. Box 3256
Albuquerque, NM 87190
(505)884-3820 fax: (505)883-7682
P/D: Grants to provide hearing aids and other assistive devices to Pueblo Indian children and adults. All hearing aids and their related
services are provided at no cost to children. Adults are charged on a sliding fee scale with the total cost not exceeding the
manufacturer=s actual cost of the aid. Write or call for further guidelines.
George S. Weeks Trust
c/o Bank One, Lexington, N.A.
201 E. Main Street
Lexington, KY 40507
P/D: Financial assistance to needy legally blind individuals of Fayette and Bourbon Counties, KY for equipment, supplies and training.
Application by letter outlining financial need and verifying residency and blindness. Contact: C. K. Conrey
Maternal and Child Health
State Dept. of Health
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 95007
Lincoln, NE 68509
P/D: Health care for pregnancy and for children with special health care needs.
Clarke (Louis G. & Elizabeth L.) Endowment Fund
U.S. National Bank of Oregon
P.O. Box 3168
Portland, OR 97208
Application Address:
Scottish Rite Temple
709 SW 15th Avenue
Portland, OR 97205
P/D: Grants to needy masons or their immediate family who require hospitalization in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area.
(Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties). Limited to Masons and their immediate families. Write for guidelines. Contact: G.
L. Selmyhr, Exec. Sec=y
Swiss Benevolent Society of Chicago
6440 N. Bosworth
Chicago, IL 60626
P/D: Grants to elderly and other individuals of Swiss descent or nationally in cases of need or emergency. Limited to Chicago area
residents of Swiss descent or nationality. Formal application required, write for program information and current program deadlines.
Contact: Admiral Alan Weber, President
Roy M. Speer Foundation
1803 U.S. Highway 19
Holiday, FL 34691-5366
P/D: Grants to individuals in financial difficulty as a result of medical problems. Limited to residents of Florida. Initial approach by
Inez Sprague Trust
c/o Rhode Island Hospital Trust Bank
One Hospital Trust Plaza
Providence, RI 02903 (401)278-8700
P/D: Financial assistance and medical expenses for needy individuals. Limited to residents of Rhode Island. Initial approach by letter.
Contact: Trustee
The Ford (S. N. Ford & Ada) Fund
c/o Key Trust Co. of Ohio, N.A.
P.O. Box 849
Toledo, OH 44901
P/D: Grants for hospitalization and care of the aged and incurably ill. Limited to residents of Richland County, Ohio. Write for
guidelines, and annual report. Contact: Tracey Williamson, Trust Officer,
Key Trust Co. of Ohio, N.A.
Grace Bryan Taylor Trust Estate
c/o Hawaiian Trust Co. Ltd.
P.O. Box 3170
Honolulu, HI 96802-3170
Application Address:
c/o Hawaii Community Foundation
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1300
Honolulu, HI 96813
P/D: Grants to financially needy residents of Hawaii who suffer from angina pectoris. Write for guidelines.
Hynd Blind Fund of the James Hynd Tr
c/o Bank One, N.A.
P.O. Box 4418
Boulder, CO 80306
P/D: Eyeglasses to financially needy individuals given with the cooperation of more than 40 local businesses.
Charles D. Gilfillan Paxton Memorial
c/o Thomas W. Murray, Vice President
W-555 First National Bank Building
St. Paul, MN 55101
Application Address:
511 Morten Drive
Redwood Falls, MN 56283
P/D: Medical assistance to financially distressed Minnesota residents. Priority given to those in areas and towns with populations of
less than 3,000. Limited to residents of MN. Formal application required. Contact: Marie La Plante, Sec=y.
Butler Manufacturing Company Found.
Penn Valley Park
P.O. Box 419917, BMA Tower
Kansas City, MO 64141-0197
(816) 968-3208
P/D: Hardship grants to aid individuals in emergency financial distress due to serious illness, fire or natural disaster. Limited to Butler
Manufacturing Company employees, retiree=s and their dependents. Write for application guidelines and program information.
Contact: Barbara Lee Fay, Foundation Adm
Perkins (B.F. & Rose H.) Foundation
P.O. Box 1064
Sheridan, WY 82801
P/D: Funding for medical assistance ages (2 to 10). Limited to individuals who have been residents of Sheridan County, WY for the
last two consecutive years. Formal application required, obtain application forms from foundation.
Contact: Margaret Sweem, Mgmt.
The Kings Foundation
P.O. Box 27333
Austin, TX 78755
P/D: Grants to individuals in financial need. Intended primarily for residents of Texas. Initial approach by letter.
Society For The Relief of Families of Deceased & Disabled Indigent Members of The Medical Profession Of The State Of South
c/o Ray Investor, M.D.
19 Guerard Road
Charleston, SC 29407-2510
P/D: Grants to families of deceased or disabled SC physicians. The Benevolent Committee evaluates potential recipients throughout the
Arkansas Income Tax Exemptions
Dept. of Finance and Administration
Attn: Revenue Division, Income Tax Sec.
P.O. Box 3628
(501) 682-7250
Little Rock, AR 72203-3628
P/D: Grants to exempt a portion of the income of retired persons, including military personnel, veterans, and dependents of veterans,
from state income taxes in Arkansas. Eligible are residents of Arkansas receiving military service pay, retired pay, survivor benefits, or
disability income from any public or private employment related retirement system, plan, or program, including the armed forces. The
exemption continues as long as the recipient resides in Arkansas.
Lenna M. Keith Charitable Trust
c/o Michigan National Bank
P.O. Box 1707, Trust Tax Dept.
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-1707
P/D: Medical and welfare assistance to financially needy individuals residing at Burcham Hills Retirement Center, Lansing, MI.
Contact Trust for guidelines
Thomas C. Burke Foundation
182 Riley Avenue No. B
Macon, GA 31204-2345
P/D: Medical assistance in one of three forms: a) one-time payments for doctor bills, medical equipment and pharmacy bills, b) weekly
grants of up to $60.00 to assist with medical expenses c) grants for transportation to medical facilities. Limited to residents of Bibb
County, GA. Initial contact by phone. Contact: Carolyn P. Griggers
Harrison and Conrad Memorial Trust
c/o Nations Bank Trust Co., N.A.
Two North Charles St., 3rd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Application Address:
c/o Loudoun Memorial Hospital
Office of the Administrator
70 W. Cornwall St., (703)777-3300
Leesburg, VA 22075
P/D: Grants only to children of Leesburg and Loudoun County, VA who are suffering from polio, muscular dystrophy or any other
crippling disease, and whose families cannot afford treatment. Application by letter outlining financial need. Interviews required.
George T. Welch Testamentary Trust
c/o Baker-Boyer National Bank
P.O. Box 1796
Walla Walla, WA 99362
P/D: Medical assistance for financially distressed individuals. Limited to residents of Walla Walla County, WA. Formal Application
Contact: Holly T. Howard, Trust Officer
State of Utah, Division of Aging and Adult Services
120 N. 200 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
P/D: Grants and assistance for projects and programs related to the aged. The grant-seeker should contact the agency for the most
recent data on the status of listed or planned programs, as well as be aware of the state=s priorities for the aged, such as housing, health,
transportation, etc.
Make-A-Wish Foundation Of The Mid-South Grants
Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Mid South
5118 Park Avenue, Suite 504
Memphis, TN 38117
(901)680-9474 Fax: (901)680-0912
P/D: To fill the dreams of children facing life threatening illnesses. This program is aimed at children who are 17 years of age or
younger and are chronically or seriously ill. They must reside in western Tennessee, the 17 northern counties of Mississippi, or
Arkansas. Applications may be submitted at any time.
VFW Charitable Trust
422 E. Brandon Drive.
Bismarck, ND 58501
P/D: Medical assistance to veterans from ND. Applications accepted throughout the year. Contact: Richard Grenz, Secy.
William B. Lake Foundation
Fidelity Bank, N.A.
Broad & Walnut Streets, 3 MBO
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Application Address:
c/o Sophia O=Lessker, Social Worker
Foxcraft Sq. Apts. #185
Jenkintown, PA 19406
P/D: Aid to individuals suffering from respiratory tract, or pulmonary disease. Limited to residents of the Philadelphia, PA area. Initial
approach by letter. Include details of physical condition and supporting documents. Completion of formal application required.
Interviews required.
Alabama Ad Volorem Homestead Exemp.
Alabama Dept. of Revenue
Attn: Ad Valorem Tax Division
Gordon Persons Building, Room 4126
Montgomery, AL 36132-7210
P/D: Grants for disabled, blind and elderly residents of Alabama from ad valorem property taxes imposed by counties. Resident must
meet the eligibility requirements.
High Hopes Foundation Grants
High Hopes Foundation of New Hampshire
P.O. Box 172
North Salem, NH 03073
(603) 8987-5333 or (800) 639-6804
P/D: To grant the wishes of seriously ill children in New Hampshire. Chronically ill children and children with life threatening diseases
who are between the ages of 3 and 18 are eligible for assistance if they live in New Hampshire. Applications may be submitted at any
Black Students Crisis Fund
Black Student Fund
Suite Ag 15-19
3636 16th Street, N.W. 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20010
P/D: Grants available to Black American families residing in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia who have emergency
short-term needs for food, shelter, or medical care are eligible to apply. Funds are awarded to alleviate short-term crises only.
G.M.L. Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 916
Port Angeles, WA 98362
P/D; Grants for individuals who need medical help. Write for guidelines. Contact: Reba Cornett, Exec. Secy.
R. L. Davis Charitable Trust Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 112
Farmville, NC 27828
Application Address:
c/o Cedric Davis
112 W. Wilson Street, (919)753-4520
Farmville, NC 27828
P/D: Medical assistance to financially needy individuals who live within a five mile radius of Farmville, NC or live on land owned by
heirs of R. L. Davis. Applications accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by telephone. Interview required. Applications must
be made in person. Information requested included the nature of the health problem, extent of financial resources, marital and
dependent status, and place of residence.
Rose Ladies Aid Society
c/o Sackrider & Co., Inc.
1925 Wabash Avenue
P.O. Box 330
Terre Haute, IN 47808
P/D: Grants for low income families in Virgo County, IN for medical, dental, and emergency living expenses. Recipients are referred
by welfare organizations.
Dorothy Ames Trust
c/o Key Trust Co. of Maine
Key Trust Company
35 State Street
Albany, NY 12207
Application Address:
c/o Christina Cook
Key Trust Co. of Maine
P.O. Box 1054
Augusta, ME 04332-1054
P/D: Grants to hearing impaired children only. Assistance is given for hearing aids, auditory trainers, and other expenses related to
hearing impairment. Applications accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by letter stating need.
The Geoffrey Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1112
Kennebunkport, ME 04046
Application Address:
c/o Chester E. Homer, 111, President
89 Ocean Avenue
Kennebunkport, ME 04046
P/D: Grants to severely to profoundly hearing impaired individuals using auditory verbal as their primary mode of communication.
Recipients must be residents of the U.S. and attending school Initial approach by letter.
Idaho Circuit Breaker Property Tax Red
Idaho State Tax Commission
Attn: Public Information Office
800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV
P.O. Box 36, Boise, ID. 83722
(208)334-7750 or (800)972-7660 within ID, OR, UT, and WA.
P/D: Grant to reduce a portion of the property tax of disabled and other veterans and other disabled or elderly residents of Idaho. Must
be residents of Idaho who are disabled (including the blind and veterans with at least a 10 percent service connected disability). Write
for guidelines.
Jefferson (John Percival and Mary C.) Endowment Fund
114 E. De La Guerra
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
P/D: Emergency relief assistance for medical, dental and living expenses. Limited to residents of Santa Barbara County, California.
Initial contact by letter. Formal application required. Contact: Susan Morales
Alaska Property Tax Equivalency
Division of Veterans Affairs
P.O. Box 5800
Ft. Richardson, AK 99505-5800
fax: (907)428-6019
P/D: Grants to provide disabled veterans in Alaska an equivalency payment if they rent their primary residence. Eligible for this
exemption are disabled veterans in Alaska whose disability was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty and whose disability has been
rated as 50 percent or more by the military service of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Qualified veterans are those who rent
their primary residence. Call or write for further guidelines.
Jones (Walter S. and Evan C.) Found.
572 Commercial Street, Room 515
Emporia, KS 66801
Application Address:
c/o Bank IV Emporia
Emporia, KS 66801
P/D: Financial assistance for medical expenses. Grants based on demonstrated financial need. Applicants must have been continuous
residents of Lyon, Coffey or Osage counties, Kansas, for at least one year. Applicants must be under 21years of age. Initial approach by
letter. Formal application required. Contact: Sharon R. Brown, General Mgr.
Governor=s Office of Elderly Affairs
P.O. Box 50063
Old San Juan Station
San Juan, PR 00902
P/D: Grants and assistance for projects and programs related to the aged. The grant-seeker should contact the agency for the most
recent data on the status of listed or planned programs, as well as be aware of the state=s priorities for the aged such as housing, health,
transportation, etc.
Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities
1901 N. Dupont Hwy. Admin. Bldg. Annex
New Castle, DE 19720 (302)577-4791
P/D: Grants and assistance for projects and programs related to the aged. The grant-seeker should contact the agency for the most
recent data on the status of listed or planned programs, as well as be aware of the state=s priorities for the aged, such as housing, health,
transportation, etc.
George S. Ladd Memorial Fund
c/o Wells Fargo Bank, Trust Tax Dept.
P.O. Box 63954
San Francisco, CA 94163
P/D: Financial assistance grants, including funding for medical treatment. Limited to elderly and retired employees of Pacific Bell,
Nevada Bell and Pacific Northwest Bell. Write for guidelines.
Mississippi Tax Deduction for The Blind
State Tax Commission
102 Woolfolk Building
P.O. Box 960,
Jackson, MS 39205
P/D: To deduct a portion of the income of the blind from state income tax liability in Mississippi. Eligible for this exemption are
residents of Mississippi who have been declared legally blind. The deduction must be requested on the resident=s state income tax
return, which is due in April.
Marion Isabelle Coe Fund
c/o Bank of Boston, Connecticut
P.O. Box 2210
Waterbury, CT 06710
P/D: Relief assistance to adults for living and medical expenses. Grants provide continuing assistance to needy individuals, enabling
them to remain in their own homes. Award paid in monthly installments and are renewed annually. Limited to residents of Goshen,
Litchfield, Morris and Warren, CT. Contact: Mrs. Speers.
New Mexico Tax Exemption For The Blind and Elderly
Taxation and Revenue Department
P.O. Box 630
Santa Fe, NM 87504-0630
P/D: Grants to exempt a portion of the income of New Mexico residents who are blind or over the age of 65 from state income tax
liability. The exemption continues as long as the qualifying resident remains in the state.
Mallory-Taylor Foundation, Inc.
115 W. Main Street
La Grange, KY 40031
P/D: Health care assistance to residents of Oldham County, KY who do not have any other form of medical coverage. Applications
accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Barry D. Moore, Char
The Elizabeth Church Clarke Testamentary Trust/Fund Foundation
c/o U.S. National Bank of Oregon
P.O. Box 3168 Trust Division
Portland, OR 97208-3168
Application Address:
c/o Mr. G. L. Seimyhr, Exec. Secy.
Scottish Rite Temple
709 SW 15th Ave., (503)228-9405
Portland, OR 97205
P/D: Grants for medical assistance. Payments may be made directly to the individuals or to the physicians and hospitals providing
services. Limited to residents of Oregon. Initial approach by letter, detailing needs and costs.
State of Nebraska, Depart. Of Aging
P.O. Box 95044
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, NE 68509-5044
(402) 471-2306
P/D: Grants and assistance for projects and programs related to the aged. The grant-seeker should contact the agency for the most
recent data on the status of listed or planned programs, as well as be aware of the state=s priorities for the aged, such as housing, health,
transportation, etc.
Kate Kinloch Middleton Fund
P.O. Box Drawer 2527
Mobile, AL 36601
P/D: Grants to help defray the costs of unexpected serious illness. Limited to residents of Mobile County, AL.
Contact: Joan Sapp
Reade Industrial Fund
c/o Harris Trust and Savings Bank
P.O. Box 755
111 W. Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60690
P/D: Grants to individuals who through accidental injury, illness of themselves or family members, or inability to work, are unable to
care for themselves, their spouses and their children. Limited to individuals who are currently or who have previously been employed
in industry in Illinois. Initial approach by letter. Formal application required. Contact: Tony Abiera
Gore Family Memorial Foundation
501 E. Las Olas
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
P/D: One-time and short-term assistance grants for medical expenses, equipment for the handicapped and housing and transportation
costs. Limited to residents of Broward County, Florida and surrounding areas. Write for application guidelines.
Robert B. Cranston/Theophilus T. Pitman Fund
55 Memorial Blvd.,
Newport, RI 02840
P/D: Grants to the aged, temporarily indigent and indigent people of Newport County, Rhode Island. Funds for medical assistance,
food, utilities, clothing and housing. Limited to residents of Newport County, RI. Reference from a local welfare agency required.
Contact: The Reverend D. C. Hambly, Jr. Admin.
Christian Business Cares Foundation
P.O. Box 36091
Cleveland, OH 44136
P/D: One-time grants for life-threatening medical emergencies. Limited to residents of northeast Ohio. Awards determined on basis of
the effect of grant on applicant=s overall condition. Write for guidelines, brochure and newsletter. Formal application required.
Montana Real Property Tax Relief
Veterans Affairs Division
P.O. Box 5715
Helena, MT 59604
P/D: Grants to exempt from taxation the real property of disabled or deceased veterans in Montana. Eligible veterans or spouses are
entitled to total real property tax relief for one residence. Write for further details.
A. V. Hunter Trust, Inc.
55 Madison Street, Suite 225
Denver, CO 80202
P/D: Grants for residents of Colorado who have financial needs and bills not covered by Medicare or Medicaid. Formal application
Contact: Sharon Holt, Secretary
The Hawaii Community Foundation
900 Fort St. Mall, Suite 1300
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 556-5570
Program 1- Winifred D. Robertson Fund
Description, One-time assistance to adult residents of Oahu, Hawaii.
Program 2 - Alice M.G. Soper Fund
Descr: One-time grants to adults, age 50 or older in financial need due to illness or disability. Program 3 - Irving L. Singer Fd
Descr: One-time assistance to children of Hawaiian ancestry whose families are unable to pay for medical expenses, or for special
education, social services, or mental health services. Program 4 - The Kitaro Watanabe Fund, Desc: Individual assistance to children in
need. Restrictions (for all programs) Limited to residents of Hawaii.
Call for application guidelines. Formal Application required.
Contact: Suzanne Toguchi, Program Officer
Hanna R. Kristianson Trust
P. O. Box 1011
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Application Address:
Clarks Grove, MN 56016 (507)256-4415
P/D: Financial aid to needy individuals over 50 years of age for medical bills. Limited to residents of Freeborn County, MN who are
voer 50 years old. Call or write for guidelines. Contact: Richard S. Haug, Trst.
Arkansas Disabled Veterans Property Tax Exemption
Dept. of Finance and Administration
Attn: Property Tax Refund Unit
P.O. Box 1272
Little Rock , AR 72203-1272
P/D: Grants to exempt from taxation the property owned by disabled veterans, surviving spouses and minor dependent children in
Arkansas. Applications accepted any time.
Maternal and Infant Health
44 Medical Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84114
P/D: Health care for Pregnancy and for children with special healthcare needs.
Herschend Family Foundation
2512 S. Campbell
Springfield, MO 65807
P/D: Assistance for individuals in need of medical assistance. Intended primarily for residents of Missouri. Call or write explaining
Contact: Gary Burgess, Manager
The Gorgen (Peter and Anna) Fund Charitable Trust
141 S. Main Street, (307)684-2211
Buffalo, WY 82834-1824
Application Address:
William J. Kirven
104 Fort Street
Buffalo, WY 82834
P/D: Financial assistance for medical, dental and optical services. Limited to children in Johnson County, WY. Write for guidelines.
Contact: Robert R. Holt, Trustee
Johns Foundation
(Formerly) Chippenham & Johnston-Willis Hospital Foundation)
1401 Johnston Willis Drive
Richmond, VA 23235 (804)330-2049
P/D: Grants for cancer education, care and treatment primarily to residents of the Richmond, VA area. Applications accepted
throughout the year. Application by letter outlining financial need and purpose. Contact: Dr. E. Forrest Jesee, Jr.
Dallas Cotton Exchange Trust
Dallas Cotton Exchange
c/o Texas Commerce Bank
P.O. Box 2320
Dallas, TX 75221-2320
P/D: Financial aid to persons engaged or formerly engaged in the cotton merchandising business in Dallas, TX, their employees and
former employees, and the immediate families of the above, when they are unable to work or if able to work, unable to earn a sufficient
amount to meet their needs because of medical problems. Formal application required.
Contact: Joe Ferguson
Graham Memorial Fund
308 W. Main Street, (803)479-6804
Bennettsville, SC 29512
P/D: Grants for medical assistance and general welfare. Limited to residents of Bennettsville, South Carolina. Formal application
required. Contact: Chairman
Make A Wish Foundation Grants
Make A Wish Foundation of America
100 W. Clarendon Ave., Suite 2200
Phoenix, AZ 85013-3518
fax: (602)279-0855 or (800)722-WISH
P/D: To grant the wishes of children with terminal or life threatening illnesses. Program open to children in the U.S. up to the age of 18
who are either terminally ill or have life threatening medical conditions creating the probability that they will not survive beyond their
18th year. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Hudson-Webber Foundation
333 W. Fort Street, Suite 1310
Detroit, MI 48226
P/D: Counseling services and last resort financial assistance. Grants provided primarily in cases involving problems with physical or
emotional health, and in financial, emergencies. Limited to employees and qualified retired employees of the J. L. Hudson Company.
Formal application required for review by the foundation=s trustee=s, interviews required.
Contact: Gilbert Hudson, President
Anna Emory Warfield Memorial Fund
c/o 1210 Mercantile Bank & Trust Bldg.
2 Hopkins Plaza
Baltimore, MD 21201
P/D: Relief for medical assistance to elderly women in the Baltimore, Maryland area. Write to request application guidelines, formal
application required.
Contact: Thelma K. O=Neal, Secretary
Baker (Clark And Ruby) Foundation
c/o Bank South, Personal Trust Department
P.O. Box 4387 - 678
Atlanta, GA 30302-4387 (770)989-6106
P/D: Grants primarily to retired Methodist ministers for pensions and medical assistance for residents of Georgia. Initial approach by
letter or phone. Interviews required. Contact: Richard L. Watton, Trust Officer
West Virginia Office of Aging Commission on Aging
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E. Holly Grove, Bl.10
Charleston, WV 25305-0160
P/D; Grants and assistance for projects and programs related to the aged. The grant-seeker should contact the agency for the most
recent date on the status of listed or planned programs, as well as be aware of the state=s priorities for the aged.
Iowa Disabled Veteran Property Tax Crt.
Veterans Affairs Division
Camp Dodge
7700 Northwest Beaver Drive
Johnston, IA 50131-1902
(515)242-5331 fax:(515)242-5578
P/D: Grants to provide property tax credits to disabled veterans or their surviving spouses who are residents of Iowa. Must have an
income under $10,000. Surviving spouses are eligible for this benefit, as well, as long as they do not remarry. Write or call for
Orion L. and Emma B. Hurlbut Memorial Fund
c/o First Tennessee Bank, N.A.
701 Market Street
Chattanooga, TN 37401
Application Address:
c/o Jo Ann Clifford
Chattanooga Tumor Clinic.
975 E. Third Street, (423)266-3029
Chattanooga, TN 37403
P/D: Financial assistance for medical expenses to indigent cancer patients at Erlanger Hospital, outside of Hamilton County, TN.
Payments are made directly to the physicians and health facilities providing medical treatment to the individual recipients.
Burlington Cancer Relief Association
304 Maple Street
Burlington, VT 05401-4573
Referral Address:
c/o Edward Aiken, R.N.
Snipe Island Road
Jerico, VT 05465
P/D: Financial assistance to low-income cancer patients in the greater Burlington, VT area. Assistance includes payments for drugs,
medical supplies, dental needs, nutrition, transportation, and other needs as determined by the associations visiting agent, a registered
nurse. Individuals must be referred through the appropriate channels in order to be considered.
Vincent Gaffney Foundation
c/o American State Bank & Trust Co
P.O. Box 1446
Williston, ND 58802-1446
P/D: Grants for the health and welfare of needy children under the age of 18. Applications accepted throughout the year. Initial
approach by letter. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Noel Hanson, VP & Trust Officer
Aberdeen Area Indian Health Service
Federal Building
115- 4th Avenue, SE (605)226-7581
Aberdeen, SD 57401
P/D: Funding to American Indian projects designed to provide a full range of curative, preventive and rehabilitative health services.
Assistance to federally recognized tribal organizations. Designed to increase the capability of American Indians to manage their own
health programs. Contact local Health Service office for standard application forms.
Contact: Kay Carpentier, Grants Management Contact (301)443-5204 or
B. Bowman, Program Contact:
(301) 443-6840 Local Contact person; Terrance Sloan, MD
Addison H. Gibson Foundation
One PPG Place, Suite 2230
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412)261-1611
P/D; Funds to cover hospital and medical costs for individuals with “correctable physical difficulties”. Limited to residents of Western
Pennsylvania, with emphasis on Allegheny County. Applicant=s must be referred by a medical professional. Formal application
required. Medical professional must provide name, age, sex, and address of person for whom funding is sought, describe the nature of
recommended medical assistance and provide the name of the patient=s primary physician. Grants are made directly to the medical
professional Institution providing services. Write for further information. Formal application required, interview required. Contact:
Rebecca Wallace, Director
Oklahoma City Area Indian Health Ser
215 Dean A. McGee Street, NW
Oklahoma City, OK 73102-3477
(405) 237-4796
P/D: Funding for American Indian projects designed to provide a full range of curative, preventive and rehabilitative health services.
Assistance to Federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations. Designed to increase the capability of American Indians to manage
their own health programs. Contact local Health Service office for standard application forms. Contact: Kay Carpentier, Grants
management contact. (301)443-5204 or B. Bowman, program contact
(301)443-6840 Local Contact: Dr. Robert Harry, Dir.
Phillips Foundation
P.O. Box 471
Columbus, MS 39703
Application Address:
c/o Atwell Andrews
116 Fifth Street North
Columbus, MS 39701 (601)327-8401
P/D: General welfare grants to indigent sick residents of Lowndes County, MS for medical, surgical and hospital attention and services
other than doctors bills or surgical fees. Completion of formal application required, including financial information.
Beneficiary Travel
Dept. of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20420
(202)418-4343 Or (800)827-1000
P/D: Grants to reimburse disabled and other veterans for the cost of travel to receive medical care at a VA facility. Eligible veterans
write to or call for guidelines.
The Lucy Daniels Foundation, Inc.
9001 Weston Pkwy.,
Cary, NC 27513
Application Address:
c/o Heather Craiges, MSW, Clinical Coord
9001 Weston Pkwy.
Cary, NC 27513
P/D: Grants for psychoanalytic treatment to creative individuals in the Raleigh-Durham and Chapel Hill, NC area. Contact foundation
for current application deadline. Initial approach by letter or telephone. Completion of formal application required, including an
autobiographical statement. Interviews and psychological testing required.
Mosette Levin Trust
c/o First Citizens Bank, N.A.
Trust Department
P.O. Box 1125, Michigan City, IN 46360
Application Address:
c/o Justina Mejean, First Citizens Bank
515 Franklin Street, (219)874-9301
Michigan City, IN 46360
P/D: Medical aid grants to individuals over the age of 16 who are suffering from any childhood illness. Funds may be used for
treatment, medication, and transportation to and from treatment facility. Limited to residents of La Porte County, IN. Formal
application required.
The Clark Foundation
30 Wall Street, (212)269-1833
New York, NY 10005
P/D; Financial aid for medical and hospital care to needy individuals in upstate New York and New York City. Application accepted
throughout the year. Initial approach by letter. Contact: Joseph H. Cruickshank, Secy
Ford Mobility Motoring Program
Ford Motor Company
Attn; Mobility Program
P.O. Box 3185
TDD (800)TDD-0312
Ruston, LA 71271
(318)257-4562 or (800)952-2248
P/D: To provide a cash reimbursement for the cost of installing adaptive driving aids on the purchase of new vehicle=s from Ford or
Lincoln-Mercury. This program also provides 24 hour roadside assistance and a complimentary Ford cellular telephone.
The de Kay Foundation
c/o Chase Manhattan Bank
270 Park Avenue,
New York, NY 10017
P/D: Grants to elderly individuals in financial need, particularly to those who sick or disabled or who lack proper care. Limited to
residents of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Initial approach by letter. Formal application required.
Camden Home for Senior Citizens
66 Washington Street, (207)236-2087
Camden, ME 04843
Application Address:
Belfast Road
Camden, ME 04843
P/D: Grants for medical care and drugs. Limited to residents of Camden, Rockport, Lincolnville and Hope, Maine. Write or call for
guidelines. Contact: Charles Lowe, Pres
William Babcock Memorial Endowment
305 San Anselmo Ave., Ste. 219
San Anselmo, CA 94960 (415)453-0901
P/D: Grants to persons burdened with exceptional medical expenses which exceed insurance coverage and fall outside the purview of
other community agencies. Limited to persons who have been residents of Marin County, CA, for two or more years. Call for
application guidelines, application required. Contact: Executive Director
Science Service
Westinghouse Science Scholarships and Awards
1719 N. Street, N.W. (202)785-2255
Washington, DC 20036
P/D: Study of science, engineering, math, and related fields; must be high school senior and plan to complete college entrance
qualifications before October 1 of the following year, 1,000 word essay, U.S. citizen or legal resident, requests for applications must be
made by high school official.
Contact: Karen Royden, Director of Youth Program.
Real Estate
American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers Trust
American Institute of Real Estate Educational Trust Scholarship
875 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 2400
Chicago, IL 60611-1980
(312) 335-4100
P/D: Full-time undergraduate or graduate student majoring in real estate appraisal, land economics, real estate, or allied fields. Contact:
Charlotte Timms
Mercyhurst College
Creative Arts Scholarship
Glenwood Hills
501 E. 38th Street, (814)824-2564
Erie, PA 16546
P/D: Talented young musicians, dancers and artists ready to begin their college education, for full-time study at Mercyhurst College
Contact: Michael Fuhrman
Law Enforcement
Assoc. of Former Agents of the U.S. Secret Service, Inc.
J. Clifford Dietrich & Julie Y. Cross
P.O. Box 11681
Alexandria, VA 22312
P/D: Sophomores working toward degrees in law enforcement or police administration
U.S. citizens. Contact: P. Hamilton Brown Executive Secretary
Education Grant Assistance
This section list's sources of educational support for secondary, undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate study, and advanced research.
1. Scholarship's- awarded directly to a student to help with tuition costs.
2. Fellowship's- awarded to graduate student's in college's, universities, or other institutions.
3. Internship's- support undergraduate, graduate, or postgraduate students.
4. Residencies- for study, research, advanced training in a medical specialty, and teaching at a college, university, or research institute.
5. Research grants- support individuals engaged in independent scholarly project's, medical or scientific investigations.
Adams Scholarship Fund
c/o First Agricultural Nat'1 Bank
99 West Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
A-T Medical Research Fond
16255 Ventura Blvd., #803
Encino, CA 91436
Barrows (Augustus & Kathleen)
Memorial Trust Fund
271 South Union Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Allen (Rita) Foundation, Inc.
550 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Aurora Foundation
111 W. Downer Place,#312
Aurora, IL 60507-5136
Blackwelder Foundation, Inc,
P.O. Box 1431
Lenoir, NC 28645
Andalusia Health Service, Inc.
c/o William H. Mc Whorter
P.O. Box 1418
Andalusia, AL 36420
Baker (Jessie H.) Education Fund
c/o Marine Midland Bank
P.O. Box 4203
Buffalo, NY 14240
Brightwell (A.T.) School, Inc.
254 Oakland Avenue
Athens, GA 30606
Allied Education Fund B
467 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Bush Foundation
East 900 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
St. Paul, MN 55101
Alpert (Ida & Benjamin) Fund.
31275 Northwestern Hwy, #233
Farmington Hills, MI 48018
Bamberget (Ruth Eleanor and John
Ernest)Memorial Fund.
1201 Walker Center
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Bank of American-Giannia Fund.
Box 37000, Dept. 3246
San Francisco, CA 94137
Anderson (WilliamP.) Foundation
3552 Bayard Road
Cincinnati, OH 45208
Baker Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 328
Nashua, NH 03061
Charles Foundation
c/o Steven Charles
1700 N. Alpine, Suite 3 II
Rockford, IL 61107
Cogan (George T.) Trust
P.O. Box 418
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Ann Arbor Area Foundation
125 W. Washington, Ste. 400
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
More Listings
Dow Jones Newspaper Fund
P.O. Box 300
(609) 452-2820
Princeton, NJ 08543-0300
P/D: Open to college juniors, seniors, graduate students studying journalism. Contact: Intern coordinator
Scholastic Inc.
Scholastic Writing Awards Scholarships
555 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
P/D: High school seniors demonstrating outstanding creative writing ability combined with high academic standing, U.S. citizens or
legal residents.
The Statler Foundation
Statler Towers, Ste., 508
Buffalo, NY 14202 (716)852-1104
P/D: Students of hotel or food service management. Contact: Peter J. Crotty, Chairman
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc.
Incentive Grants Program
3 West 35th Street, (212)279-2626
New York, NY 10001
P/D: Engineering studies, American Indian, American black, Mexican-American. Or Puerto Rican enrollment in participating college
or university, demonstrate need or receive merit award, U.S. citizen Rican entering freshman or transfer students, Full-time.
Society of Women Engineers
MASWE Memorial, Lillian M. Gilbreth
Ivy Parker Memorial, RCA Corporation
Grumman Corporation, Digital Equipment Scholarships
120 Wall Street,
New York, NY 10005
(212) 509-9577 or (800)666-1793
P/D: Women upper-division students who are majoring in engineering at accredited U.S. Colleges and Universities.
National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts
Arts & Recognition & Talent Search
800 Brickell Ave., (305)377-1148
Miami, FL 33131
P/D: High school seniors to study any of the creative & performing arts, demonstrate talent, U.S. citizens.
FYI Memorial Scholarship Awards
Financial Women International
200 North Glebe, Ste., 814
Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 807-2007
P/D: Awards to women working in the fields of business, banking, or finance who wish to further their education. Must be a member of
James S. Kemper Foundation N-4
1 Kemper Drive, (708)320-2847
Long Grove, IL 60049-0001
P/D: College freshman who are business majors, must reside on campus, list of 16 participating 4-year schools across the country
available from the above address.
KATU-Dargan Minority Scholarship
P.O. Box 2
Portland, OR 97220
P/D: Minority students enrolled in first three years of communication curriculum with emphasis on broadcasting, at colleges in Oregon
and Washington, minimum 3.0 GPA. Contact: Rich Dargan
Business and Professional Women=s Fd
BPW Loans for Women in Engineering
2012 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036 (202) 293-1200
P/D: Women accepted for undergraduate or graduate study in a program accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology, for last 2 years of study, U.S. Citizens, financial need.
Jewish Foundation for Education of Women Scholarship
330 W. 58th Street, (212)265-2565
New York, NY 10019
P/D: Full-time students who live within a 50 mile radius of New York City (including New Jersey and Long Island).
American Council of the Blind Scholar.
American Council of the Blind
Suite 720, 1155 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005 (202)467-5081
P/D: Legally blind U.S. citizens or resident aliens accepted into postsecondary programs, several award categories, students with 3.3
Contact: Jessica Beach, Asst. Schol., Cor.
Ruth A. Cantrall Trust
c/o Bank IV Kansas
10000 College Blvd., (913) 752-4745
Overland Park, KS 66210
P/D: For needy, hearing-impaired students at attend Kansas State School for the Deaf. Contact: Louisa Grill
Stanley E. Jackson Scholarship for the Handicapped
Foundation for Exceptional Children
1920 Association Drive
Reston, VA 22091
P/D: Disabled incoming freshmen enrolling full-time in undergraduate or vocational training programs, two awards specified for
members of ethnic minority groups. Contact: Kenneth Collins
Special Grant Categories
Ethnic Students
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Minority Scholarship Program
1211 Avenue 4 of the Americas
New York, NY 10036 (212)596-6200
P/D: Black Americans, American Indians, Asians, and Hispanic undergraduates to major in accounting. Graduate students may study
taxation, finance, or business administration.
Commission for Racial Justice Special Higher Education Program
United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice
700 Prospect Ave.,
Cleveland, OH 44115
P/D: Non-Caucasian students in financial need, priority to members of United Church of Christ.
Contact: Carmen Williams, Coordinator, Special Higher Education Program
Jose Marti Scholarship Challenge
Florida Department of Education
Office of Student Financial Assistance
Florida Education Center, Room 1344
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
(904) 487-3260
P/D: U.S. citizens residing in and attending school in FL. Must be Hispanic or of Spanish culture, e.g., Mexico, South America, Central
America, or the Caribbean, financial need, minimum 3.0 GPA, FL. residence.
Bristol Children=s Home
26 Acacia Road,
Bristol, RI 02809
P/D: Scholarships for higher education to residents of Bristol, RI only. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Gail L. Nunnery, Trust Officer, John Warner Bank.
Marie D. Berry Funds H and H-1
c/o Key Trust Co. of Ohio, N.A.
127 Public Sq. Trust Tax, 01-127-1603
Cleveland, OH 44114-1306
Application Address:
c/o Hon. John T. Patterson
Court of Common Pleas., Hancock Cty.
Findlay, OH 45840
P/D: Applicants are selected on the basis of character, financial need, and academic ability. Scholarships to financially needy male
residents of Findlay, OH for study at colleges, universities, trade and business schools, graduate schools, postgraduate schools, and
professional schools. Contact fund for application. Completion of formal application required.
Educational Fund of the Honolulu Branch of the American Association of University Women
1802 Keeaumoku St., (808)537-4702
Honolulu, HI 96822
P/D: Graduate and undergraduate scholarships to female residents of HI. Awards also provided to Asian and Pacific women
professionals for specific two-to six-month projects or graduate study in HI, Completion of formal application required. Initial
approach by letter. Contact: Adele D.S. Mitchell, Chair.
Boettcher Foundation
600 17th , Suite 2210 South
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 534-1937
P/D: Scholarships bases solely on merit to CO high school students for attendance at CO colleges and universities. Separate programs
to provide scholarships to minorities living in CO to attend specific CO institutions, and to provide recognition awards to CO teachers.
Contact foundation for current application guidelines.
Adams Educational Fund Inc.
c/o First National Bank Bldg.
400 W. Benson Ave.,
Wilmar, MN 56201
Application Address:
c/o Donald D. Elmquist, Pres.
411 W. Litchfield Ave., (320)235-5267
and Brett N. Aamot, Secy-Treas.
P.O. Box 570
Wilmar, MN
P/D: Student grants to residents of the Wilmar, MN area. Applications accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal application
Bour Memorial Scholarship Fund
c/o Boatman=s First National Bank of Kansas City,
14 West 10th St., P.O. Box 419119
Kansas City, MO 64141
P/D: Scholarships to needy high school graduates residing in Lafayette County, MO to attend any accredited MO college. Completion
of formal application required. Application forms available early each year from Boatman=s First National Bank of Kansas City or
Lafayette County, MO schools.
Davis-Roberts Scholarship Fund, Inc.
116 Lummis Court (307)632-2948
Cheyenne, WY 82007
P/D: Members or former members of the order of De Molay or Job=s Daughters, Bethel, in Wyoming, for full-time study.
Contact: Charles H. Moore, Secy Treas.
Camp Foundation
P.O. Box 813 (757)562-3439
Franklin, VA 23851
P/D: Scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are residents of the city of Franklin and the counties of Southampton and Isle
of Wight, VA. Recipients are selected on the basis of character, leadership, community service, academic achievement, and value to the
community after graduation. Recipients are chosen with regard for financial need. Both types of scholarships are renewable for up to
three additional years.
Contact: Bobby B. Worrell, Exec. Dir.
Bristol Bay Native Corp. Educ. Fond.
800 Cordova St., (907) 278-3602
Anchorage, AK 99501
P/D: Scholarships to shareholders of Bristol Bay Native Corp. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Marie Nash, Dir. and Pres.
Bradford-Nye Trust
P.O. Box 359
Tyler, TX 75710
Application Address:
c/o Dorothy Land
First Baptist Church
300 W. Ferguson St., P.O. Box 277
Tyler, TX 75710
P/D: Scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic merit and potential, citizenship, financial need, and proven Christian
leadership. To the residents of Smith County, TX for study at an educational institution sponsored and supported by the Baptist General
Convention of TX. Or the Southern Baptist Convention with in the State of Texas. Completion of formal application required.
Charleston Scientific & Cultural Educational Fund
P.O. Box 190011
Charleston, SC 29419-9011
Application Address:
c/o Wade H. Logan, 111, Secretary
P.O. Box 848
Charleston, SC 29402
P/D: Grants to SC natives for scientific, cultural, or educational pursuits in Charleston, SC. Completion of formal application required.
B & L Educational Foundation
2111 Northridge Dr., N.E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
(616) 364-8499
P/D: Scholarships restricted to individuals who are residents of or attending school in either MI or AZ. Completion of formal
application required, including transcripts and letter of recommendation.
Badger Mining Scholarship Trust
c/o Markesan State Bank
84 North B Ridge Street
Markesan, WI 53946
Application Address:
c/o Guidance Director of appropriate high school in Taylor, Berlin, or Markesan, WI
P/D: Scholarships to high school graduates from Taylor, Berlin, or Markesan, WI for degrees in mining engineering, engineering
curriculum or environmental science. Children of officers of Badger Mining Corporation are ineligible. Recipients must be full-time
students and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Contact foundation for current application deadline. Completion of formal application
required. Application forms available from the high schools.
Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation
c/o Bank South, N.A. Personal Trust Dep
P.O. Box 4387, MC-678
Atlanta, GA 30302-4387 (770)989-6106
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy GA residents. Preference is given to those who study at small colleges operated by or affiliated
with, the Methodist Church. Application accepted throughout the year. Applications by letter, including educational plans, resumes,
expenses and the anticipated amount required, interview required.
Bright Star Foundation, Inc.
c/o Shale D. Stiller
36 South Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Application Address:
c/o Kenneth L. Greif
3707 Greenway
Baltimore, MD 21218
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Baltimore, MD. Application accepted throughout the year.
Sophie Anderson Educational Trust
c/o Seafirst National Bank
P.O. Box 34345
Seattle, WA 98124
P/D: Scholarships to WA residents attending small colleges in WA such as Whitman College, Whitworth College, Puget Sound
Christian College, and Seattle Pacific College. Scholarships are awarded in the following order of preference, history majors, liberal
arts majors, premedical majors, nursing majors, and teaching majors. Contact trust or listed colleges for application deadline and
Dr. Dante Castrodale Scholarship Fond
c/o First Community Bank - Bluefield
211 Federal Street, P.O. Box 950
Bluefield, WV 24701
Application Address:
c/o Dr. Dante Castrodale, Vecellio and Grogan, Drawer V
Beckley, WV 25801
c/o Mr. J. Kenneth Roberts, Coord. For Guidance and Testing,
Mc Dowell County Schools
30 Central Avenue
Welch, WV 24801
P/D: Scholarships to residents of McDowell County, WV. Completion of formal application required, including class rank, GPA, and
personal statement.
Chattanooga Christian Foundation
736 Market Street, (615) 266-5257
Chattanooga, TN 37402
P/D: Evangelical Christian students studying for the ministry, primarily in Chattanooga area. 45 grants totaling $107,083.
Contact: Dave Worland
University of Vermont Scholarships
330 Waterman, South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05401 (802)656-3156
P/D: University of Vermont students with academic merit, financial need. Number of awards average $7,900.
South Dakota Dept. of Education &
Cultural Affairs
Tuition Equalization Grants (TEG Prog.)
700 Governor=s Drive (605)773-3134
Pierre, SD 57501-2291
P/D: Residents of South Dakota to attend approved South Dakota private colleges and universities, financial need, students may apply
for both TEG and State Student Incentive grants buy may accept only one.
Contact: Roxie Thielen
T. Wistar Brown Trust
(Formerly T. Wistar Brown Teacher=s Fd.
c/o PNC Bank, N.A.
1632 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Application Address:
c/o Ruth A. Seeley, Secretary
141 West Harvey Street
Philadelphia, PA 19144
P/D; Grants to members of Philadelphia Yearly Meting who are 21 years of age or older and who required financial assistance to
prepare themselves to teach at the elementary or secondary school level, or to take advanced courses to enrich their teaching talents.
Completion of formal application required.
A. H. Bean Foundation
c/o First Alabama Bank, Trust Dept.
2222 Ninth Street
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
P/D: Scholarships to Christian individuals who are active members of a church, enrolled in a post-secondary educational institution,
recommended for aid by the church minister and reside in Alabama. Transcript and recommendation by church minister required.
New Hampshire Post-secondary Education Commission
2 Industrial Park Drive (603)271-2550
Concord, NH 03301
P/D: Six state scholarship and grant programs. Call or write for guidelines.
D.A. Biglane Foundation
P.O. Box 966
Natchez, MS 39121
Application Address:
75 Melrose - Montebello Pkwy.
Natchez, MS 39120
P/D: Scholarships only to residents of the Natchez, MS area. Applications accepted throughout the year.
Miriam E. Alsobrooks Educational Fund
c/o Wachovia Bank of South Carolina, N.A.
P.O. Box 3099
Winston-Salem, NC 27450-0001
Contact: Trust Dept.
Application Address:
c/o Barbara Robertson, Dir. of Guidance
Marlboro County High School
Bennettsville, SC 29510
P/D: Scholarships to graduates of Marlboro County high schools, SC. Completion of formal application required.
The Blue River Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 938
Shelbyville, IN 46176
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Shelby County, IN. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Tom Hession, President
Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation, Inc.
60 E. 42nd Street, Room 2520
New York, NY 10165
P/D: Graduate scholarships to talented students in the U.S. and abroad who are preparing to enter the audio engineering profession and
related fields. Completion of formal application required, including two faculty letters of recommendation.
Contact: Emil Torick, President
Maine Department of Higher Education
State House Station 119 (207)289-2183
Augusta, ME 04333
P/D: Scholarships, Grant, and Loan programs include: Maine Student Incentive Program offered to a resident attending a college in
Maine or any other of the 5 New England states, post graduate scholarships in the medical field.
Camden County Hero Scholarship 200 Club, Inc.
191 White Horse Pike
Berlin, NJ 08009
P/D: Scholarships to spouses and children of Camden County, NJ. Firefighter and law enforcement officers who lost their lives or
became disabled in the line of duty. Scholarships are for attendance at colleges, junior colleges, or postsecondary vocational schools.
Some work-related continuing education Grants for firefighter and officers are also available. Applications by letter accepted
throughout the year.
Contact: Muriel Mansmann, Secy.
John Lynn Driscoll, Jr. Scholarship Tr.
c/o First Security Bank of Idaho, N.A.
P.O. Box 2618
Boise, ID 83701-2618
Application Address:
c/o Mrs. Chris Woodward
Boise State University
1910 University Dr., (208)385-1664
Boise, ID 83725
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Ada, County, ID attending postsecondary schools in Ada County. Completion of formal application
Chinese American Citizens Alliance Fd
1055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1210
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2494
(213) 250-5515
P/D: Scholarships to student of Chinese ancestry who are entering their junior year at colleges and universities in the southern CA.
area. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Billy W. Lew, V.P.
The Chazen Foundation
P.O. Box 801
Nyack, NY 10960
P/D; Scholarships to residents of Rockland County, NY. Applications by letter accepted throughout the year.
Ethel N. Bowen Foundation
c/o First National Bank of Bluefield
500 Federal St., (304)325-8181
Bluefield, WV 24701
P/D: Scholarships for students from the coal mining areas of southern WV and southwestern VA. Initial approach by letter, including
resume, transcript and biographical outline. Interview required. Contact: R. W. Wilkinson, Secy-Treas.
Wisconsin Higher Education Aids Brd
Grant Program
P.O. Box 7885
Madison, WI 53707
P/D: Grants for resident of WI enrolled at least half-time in University of Wisconsin or WI state, vocational-technical and/or adult
education programs. Financial need, satisfactory academic standing
Contact: High school counselor
Arthur R. Atwood Scholarship Fund
c/o Key Trust Co.
35 State Street
Albany, NY 12207
Application Address:
Secy. Scholarship Committee
c/o Principal of Champlain Central Schl
Champlain, NY 12919
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy male students who have resided in Champlain, NY or Clinton County, NY for at least seven
years. Preference is given to students accepted to Yale University. Initial approach by letter, Completion of formal application
required, including photograph.
George G. and Jennifer J. Breidenthal
c/o UMB Bank Kansas
601 Minnesota Ave., (913)371-0035
Kansas City, KS 66101
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy high school graduates from Kansas City, KS who are otherwise unable to pursue higher
education. Contact foundation for current application guidelines.
Butte Creek Foundation
1350 E. Lassen Ave. No.2
Chico, CA 95926
P/D: Scholarships to residents of CA. Applications by letter accepted throughout the year. Contact: John Burghardt,
Edwin H. Eddy Family Foundation
c/o Northwest Bank Duluth, Trust Dept.
Duluth, MN 55802 (218)712-2773
P/D: Grants for North MI residents studying communication disorders, nonresidents attending University of Minnesota at Duluth.
Contact foundation for further guidelines.
P.B. Post No. 12 American Legion Memorial Scholarship Funds, Inc.
c/o First Union National Bank of Florida, Trust Dept.
40 Cocoanut Row
Palm Beach, FL. 33480-4072
Application Address:
c/o Palm Beach
Post No. 12
625 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy residents of Palm Beach County, FL who are U.S. citizens. Recipients may study at any
accredited U.S. college or university. Contact fund for current application deadline. Completion of formal application required.
Franklin Lindsay Student Aid Fund
Texas Commerce Bank of Austin
P.O. Box 550
Austin, TX 78789-0001
P/D: Grants for students attending TX colleges or universities. Must maintain at least 2.0 GPA.
Contact: Rebecca Gassenmayer, Adm. Off.
Michigan Department of Management and Budget
Tuition Waiver Program
P.O. Box 30026
611 West Ottawa St., 3rd Fl.
Lansing, MI 48909
P/D: Grants for residents of MI who are 1/4 or more American Indian (certified by their tribal nation) to attend any MI college,
university, or community college.
Judge C. C. Chavelle Foundation
P.O. Box 20362
Seattle, WA 98102
Application Address:
123 Third Ave., South
Seattle, WA 98104
P/D: Scholarships to individuals born in the state of WA. Contact foundation for further guidelines. Contact: Thomas P. Keefe, Trus.
Carmela Gagliardi Foundation
c/o National 1-A Foundation
1860 19th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009-5599
P/D: Scholarships primarily to students of Italian descent who have been accepted to a recognized medical school. Initial approach by
letter. Completion of formal application required.
Calcot-Seitz Foundation
P.O. Box 259
Bakersfield, CA 93302
P/D: Scholarships to students from cotton producing areas, in CA and AZ to pursue four year degrees in agriculture. Applicants must
be full-time students and have at least a 3.0 GPA in high school and college. Recipients are chosen on the basis of scholastic aptitude,
leadership potential, and financial need. Contact Foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Scholarship Committee
Kansas Board of Regents
Kansas Tuition Grant
700 S.W. Harrison, Ste., 1410
Topeka, KS 66603
P/D: Grants for residents of Kansas enrolled at private schools, full time study, financial need. Contact foundation for further
Contact: Christie Crenshaw, Financial Aid Director
Eugene Atwood Fund
68 Federal Street
New London, CT 06320-0270
Application Address:
P.O. Box 270
New London, CT 06320
P/D: Scholarships and student loans to New London County, CT residents enrolled at the undergraduate level only. Initial approach by
letter or telephone. Completion of formal application req=d.
Contact: James McGuire, Esq. Trustee
J. F. Maddox Foundation
P.O. Box 2588
Hobbs, NM 88241-5410
P/D: Grants for Residents of New Mexico and West Texas in financial need. Call or write for further guidelines.
Thomas R. Dargan Minority Scholarsh.
c/o Katu
P.O. Box 2
Portland, OR 97207
P/D: Grants for minority students enrolled in first, second, or third year of communication curriculum at colleges in Oregon and
Washington, minimum 3.0 GPA. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Rich Dargan
Sally Abernethy Charitable Edc. Fund
c/o Nations Bank, N.S.
175 E. Nash Blvd., Suite 201
Melbourne, FL 32901-1998
(407) 722-5850 or (407)646-6360
P/D: Educational grants to individuals who are residents of Polk County, FL pursuing higher education. Completion of formal
application required. Initial approach by letter, including confirmation that applicant lives in Polk County, Florida.
Marshall H. and Nellie Alworth Memorial Fund
306 W. Superior Street, Suite 506
Duluth, MN 55802
P/D: Scholarships in basic science and medicine to high school graduates who are residents of 15 northeastern MN counties. Write
foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Richard H. Carlson, Exec. Dir.
Virginia State Council of Higher Edc.
College Scholarship Assistance Program
101 North 14th St., James Monroe Bldg.
Richmond, VA 23219
P/D: Grants for resident of VA, for at least half-time undergraduate study at an eligible Virginia college or university, financial need.
Contact: Zita Barree
Amarillo Area Foundation, Inc.
700 First National Place 1
801 S. Fillmore,
Amarillo, TX 79101
P/D: Scholarships to graduates of high schools in the 26 counties of the Texas panhandle. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Jim Allison, Pres. And Exec. Dir
James F. Byrnes Foundation
P.O. Box 9596
Columbia, SC 29290
(803) 254-9325 fax: (803)254-9354
P/D: Grants for undergraduate scholarships to young residents of SC who are high school seniors, college freshmen and sophomores,
and whose parent or parents are deceased. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact; Jean P. Elton, Exec. Secretary
Corwill and Margie Jackson Foundation
c/o Comerica Bank-Detroit
Detroit, MI 48275-1022
Application Address:
6954 Jackson Road,
Ludington, MI 49431
P/D: First year university students from Ludington and Mason County, MI high schools. Contact: Mrs. Morgan D. Hall
Cornerstone Foundation
1919 Broadway
Green Bay, WI 54304-1919
P/D: Grants to graduating high school students in Brown County, WI. In financial need. Contact: Scholarships, Inc.
A. T. Brightwell School, Inc.
254 Oakland Avenue, (706)543-6450
Athens, GA 30606
P/D: Scholarships to unmarried or divorced (proof of divorce necessary) students under 25 years of age who have lived within the
strictly defined Maxey=s, GA area for at least one year prior to effective day of scholarship. Parents of student must live and remain in
Maxeys are for the duration of the scholarship. Initial approach by letter requesting application and including SASE
Interviews required.
Contact: Harold Darden, Exec. Secretary
Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board
Washington State Need Grant Program
917 Lakeridge Way S. W.
P.O. Box 43430
Olympia, WA 98504-3430
P/D: Grants for residents of WA for at least 1 year prior to enrollment, to attend WA state colleges and universities, financial need, U.S.
citizen or legal resident. Student must not be pursuing theology degree.
Easter Seal Society of Iowa, Inc.
James L. and Lovon Mallory Annual Disability Scholarship
P.O. Box 4002
Des Moines, IA 50333
P/D: Grants for residents of Iowa who are graduating high school who have a permanent disability. Contact foundation for further
Contact: Deb Wissink
Herschel C. Price Educational Found.
P.O. Box 412
Huntington, WV 25708-0412
P/D: Grants for residents of Ohio County, WV, ages 17-25, who are residents of Wheeling, WV high schools, financial need. Contact:
Ed Johnson, Sen. Tr. Off.
Augusta and Kathleen Barrows Memorial and Trust Fund
271 S. Union Street, (802)863-4531
Burlington, VT 05401
P/D: Grants for women residents of VT under age 25 in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Maureen T. McNeil
Sarah E. Young Trust
c/o Rochester Savings Bank & Trust Co.
2 Wall Street
Manchester, NH 03105
Application Address:
New Hampshire Charitable Fund
Box 1335
Concord, NH 03302
P/D: Grants for College Sophomores, juniors, and seniors, residents of Stratford County, NH, financial need. Call or write for further
guidelines. Contact: Brenda Harrington
The Foundation for the National Capital Region
(Formerly The Community Foundation of Greater Washington, Inc.)
1002 Wisconsin Ave., N. W.
Washington, DC 20007 (202)338-8993
P/D: Scholarships to residents of the metropolitan Washington, DC area. Contact foundation for current application guidelines.
Contact: Terri Lee Freeman, President
Fax: (202) 337-6754
Blackwelder Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1431
Lenoir, NC 28645
P/D; Grants for residents of NC, with preference given to Caldwell County, NC. Write or call for further guidelines.
Contact: Lloyd M. Rash, President
Dodd Foundation
P. O. Box 8247
St. Joseph, MO 64508-8247
P/D: Scholarships primarily to residents of the St. Joseph, MO area. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Robert D. Chesney, Mgr.
James E. Hughes Scholarship Fund
INB National Bank
One Indiana Square, Suite 733
Indianapolis, IN 46266 (800)952-1098
P/D: Grants for residents of Marian County, IN attending Butler University, University of Indianapolis, or Marian College in
Indianapolis, IN. Or must be a graduate of an Indiana high school, preferably Marian County, planning to attend one of the three listed
institutions. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
John Alexander Memorial Scholarship
c/o TRUSCO Bank
P.O. Box 380
Schenectady, NY 12305
Application Address:
c/o C. Koury, Attorney
525 State Street, (518)374-1200
Schenectady, NY 12305
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Schenectady County, NY attending a law school in NY. Application by letter including home and
legal address and outlining financial need and professional objective.
Allied Educational Foundation
467 Sylvan Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
P/D: Scholarships to members of Union Local 815 and the Allied Trades Council in NY and NJ to attend school full time. Initial
approach by letter in the form of an autobiography. Include 3" x 4" photograph of self, transcripts, a family financial statement, and
letters of recommendation from facility advisors, professors, or teachers.
Contact: Karen Badre, Exec. Secretary
Lois and Max Beren Foundation
305 Petroleum Bldg.
Wichita, KS 67202
Application Address:
c/o Carla Beren Garritty, Trustee
3360 South Columbine Circle
Englewood, CO 80110
P/D: Scholarships to individuals for higher education. Completion of formal application required.
American Student Assistance
Help Loans & Plus Loans
330 Stewart Street, (617)426-9434
Boston, MA 02116
P/D: Grants for permanent MA residents
enrolled in and in good standing, or accepted for enrollment, in appr=d. Instit
Boye Scholarship Trust
c/o Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
P.O. Box 63954
San Francisco, CA 94163
P/D; Scholarships to residents of Sacramento County, CA with preference given to those pursuing agricultural studies. Recipients are
guaranteed funding for four years, subject to maintenance of acceptable grades. Further funding may be approved for work above the
undergraduate level. Candidates are identified by teachers and interviews are held to approve funding.
Bauer Foundation
c/o Shipman & Goodwin
Porter Street
Lakeville, CT 06039
Application Address:
c/o Joan Wilkinson
Box 1784
Lakeville, CT 06039
P/D; Scholarships to residents of Regional School District No. 1 in Lakeville, CT. Completion of formal application required.
New Mexico Veterans Service Comm.
Scholarship Program
P.O. Box 2324
Santa Fe, NM 87503
P/D: Son or daughter (16 to 26) whose parent was killed in action or died as a result of military service in the U.S. armed forces during
a time of armed conflict. Write or call for further guidelines.
Contact: Allen Martinez
Kentucky Center for Veterans Affairs Benefits for Veterans & their Dependents
Department of Human Resources
600 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Rm.136J
Louisville, KY 40202 (502)588-4447
P/D: Residents of KY, U.S. armed forces or National Guard veterans, or children (17-23) or non married spouses of veterans killed,
permanently disabled, or listed as POW=s or MIA=s in recognized hostile actions.
Oregon Department of Veteran=s Affairs
Educational Scholarship Aid for Oregon Veterans.
700 Summer Street, N.E., Suite 150
Salem, OR 97310 (503) 373-2085
P/D: Residents of OR prior to and during military service, for study in accredited OR institution, must have qualifying military service
record, U.S. citizen.
The Auroa Foundation
111 W. Downer Place, Suite 312
Aurora, IL 60506-5136 (630)896-7800
P/D: Scholarships to full time students who reside in the Auroa, IL area, including Kendall and Southern Kane counties. Scholarships
are available to graduating high school seniors, undergraduates and graduate students. Initial approach by telephone. Completion of
formal application required. Interviews required. Contact: Sharon Stredde, Exec. Dir.
The Children=s Foundation of Lake Wales, Florida, Inc.
c/o David Wilson
926 Dunkirk Place
Lake Wales, FL 33853
Application Address:
c/o David Rockness, Chair Orgn. Comm.
16 North Third Street, (941)676-0711
Lake Wales, FL 33853
P/D: Grants for undergraduate scholarships to high school students of the Lake Wales, FL district. Initial approach by letter.
Mary E. Hodges Fund
222 Taupton Avenue, (401)435-4650
E. Providence, RI 02914
P/D: Grants for Residents of RI for minimum 5 years or Masonic affiliation, based on financial need and academic achievement.
Contact: Grant Secretary
Avon Products, Inc.
Avon Scholarship Program
175 Progress Place
Cincinnati, OH 45246
P/D: Grants to residents of OH, graduating high school seniors from Princeton, Ramapo, Morton Grove, and Pasadena school districts
who are in the top 10% of their class, U.S. citizen or legal residents and whose parents are employees of Avon .
Contact: Gary Horton
Weller Foundation, Inc.
East Highway 20
P.O. Box 636
Atkinson, NE 68713
P/D: Grants for residents of NE attending one of the Technical Community Colleges in NE or other vocational educational institutions
in fields such as nursing. Primary consideration given to residents of Boyd, Brown, Garfield, Holt, Keya Paha, and Rock Counties.
The E. Perry and Grace Beatty Memorial Foundation
c/o National City Bank, Northeast
P.O. Box 450
Youngstown, OH 44501
P/D: Scholarships to residents of OH for higher education. Contact foundation for current application guidelines.
Charles M. Blair Memorial Trust
c/o First Trust Company of Montana
P.O. Box 30678
Billings, MT 59115
P/D: Grants for graduates of Meagher and Wheatland counties, Harlow Town High School and White Sulphur Springs High School,
Contact: Helen Hancock
Fukunaga Scholarship Foundation
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 500
Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)521-6511
P/D: Grants for HI business students, Hawaii residence, commitment to Hawaii and it=s people. Contact foundation for further
Contact: Scholarship Selection Comm.
The Colorado Masons Benevolent Fund Association
7955 E. Arapahoe Court, Suite 1200
Englewood, CO 80112 (303)290-8544
P/D: Grants for CO high school graduates attending CO colleges and universities. Applications available in Colorado public high
Contact: Arthur Carlson, Exec. Secretary
Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board
Student Loan Program
550 Cedar Street, Suite 400
Capitol Square Bldg., (612)296-3974
St. Paul, MN 55101
P/D: Grants for residents of MN, or non residents attending MN institutions, financial need, U.S. citizenship or legal residency. Contact
foundation for further guidelines.
Arkansas Governor=s Scholars Prog.
Arkansas Department of Higher Educ.
14 E. Capital
Little Rock, AR 72201
P/D: AR high school graduates attending approved AR institutions, minimum 27 composite ACT score, minimum 3.6 GPA one
scholarship per county, plus 25 at-large scholarships.
Emanuel Sternberger Educational Fund
P.O. Box 1735
Greensboro, NC 27401
P/D: Grants for residents of NC who are juniors, seniors, or graduate students in financial need. Contact: Ms. Brenda Henley, Exec.
North Dakota Indian Scholarship Prog.
State Capitol Building, First Floor
600 E. Boulevard, (701)328-2166
Bismarck, ND 58505
P/D: Grants for residents of ND, at least 1/4 Indian blood and an enrolled member of a tribe now, ND resident, high school diploma or
GED certificate, financial need.
State Student Assistance Comm. Of IN
Hoosier Scholarships
150 W. Market St.,
(317) 232-2350
Indianapolis, IN 46204
P/D: Grants for seniors of IN high schools for study at an eligible IN institution, must be in top 20% of class. Contact foundation for
further guidelines.
Children=s Aid Association of Amsterdam
P.O. Box 327
Amsterdam, NY 12010-0327
Application Address:
c/o Beverly Schmidt
14 Columbia Street (518) 842-1845
Amsterdam, NY 12010
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy, single residents of Montgomery County, NY to attend accredited colleges. Completion of
formal application required, including a financial statement. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance
P.O. Box 91202
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-9202
P/D: Grants for graduates of LA high schools with GPA of 3.0 or above to attend an LA state supported institution.
The Edward Thatcher Astle Memorial Foundation
1130 Route 22 East, P.O. Box 6000
Bridgewater, NJ 08807-0010
P/D: Scholarships to high school seniors from central NJ who are U.S. citizens, have at least a AB@ average and require financial
assistance to attend college or trade school. Completion of formal application required. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: David Olekna, Trustee
Sumner O. Hancock Scholarship Fund
Casco, ME 04015 (207)627-4354
P/D: Grants for residents of the Casco, ME area who are in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Elizabeth Hancock, President.
Haugse-Cossey Foundation
c/o Reynolds, Stanton, and Winkle
P.O. Box 2833
Boise, ID 83702
Application Address:
P.O. Box 828
Boise, ID 83701
P/D: Scholarships to high school graduates from Boise, ID and surrounding area. Contact foundation for application guidelines.
Stefan Bergman Trust
c/o Wells Fargo Bank
P.O. Box 63954
San Francisco, CA 94163
P/D: Scholarships for the study of mathematics. Write foundation for guidelines.
John B. Lynch Scholarship Foundation
P.O. Box 4248
Wilmington, DE 19807-0248
P/D; Grants for DE residents under 30 years old attending college in Delaware or in a 20 mile radius of Delaware. Must have 2.75 GPA
at the end of the first semester. Contact: Eleanor L. Clew, Sec.
Nevada Student Incentive Grant Prog.
2601 Enterprise Road (702)784-4666
Reno, NV 29512
P/D: Grants for residents of NV attending NV institutions, applications through financial aid office at institution of choice. Write or
call foundation for further guidelines.
Fred W. Wells Trust Fund
Fleet Bank
One Monarch Place,
Springfield, MA 01144
P/D: Grants for residents of Greenfield, Deerfield, Shelburne, Ashfield, Montague, Buckland, Charlemont, Heath, Leyden, Gill,
Northfield, Conway, Bernardston, Hawley, Rowe, and Monroe, MA. Contact: Edna Walters.
Henry L. and Nellie Blakaslee Trust for Scholarships
c/o Probate Court
158 Main Street,
Thomaston, CT 06787
P/D: Scholarship grants to residents of Thomaston, CT. Contact foundation for current application deadline. Applicants must submit
general and financial information.
Viles Foundation, Inc.
c/o Sunwest Bank
P.O. Box 15500,
Albuquerque, NM 87125
P/D; Grants for residents of San Miguel and Mora counties, NM, financial need. Call or write for further guidelines.
The Ogden College Fund and Research Scholarships.
P.O. Box 3350
Bowling Green, KY 42101-3350
P/D: Grants for graduates of KY high schools with GPA of 3.0 or better to study at Ogden College of Science/ Technology and Health
at Western Kentucky University. Contact: c/o Cooper R. Smith, Jr. 520 Hillwood Drive.,
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Warren H. Bishop Memorial Scholarship Fund
(also known as Priscilla Hill Warren Bishop Scholarship Fund)
c/o U.S. National Bank of Oregon
P.O. Box 3168 Trust Div.
Portland, OR 97208-3168
Application Address:
c/o Scholarship Fund Comm.
70 Jackson County Medical Society
Rogue Valley Medical Arts Bldg.
691 Murphy Road, Suite 216
Medford, OR 97501
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath counties, OR who are members of the sophomore, junior, or senior
class at an accredited medical school. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Black Haw College Foundation
6600 34th Street,
Moline, IL 61265
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Community College District No. 503, IL. Application by letter accepted throughout the year. Contact:
Carmen Juarez
The Buffett Foundation
222 Kiewit Plaza
Omaha, NE 68131
Application Address:
c/o Devon Buffett
P.O. Box 4508
Decatur, IL 62525
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy residents of NE. Scholarships are for tuition and fees at NE state colleges and universities, and
$500 per semester at other institutions. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Allen Greenberg
Norris Bursary Scholarship Fund
431 Alhambra Circle
Miami, FL 33134-4901
P/D: Scholarships to residents of FL for undergraduate study at an accredited college or trade school. Applications accepted
throughout the year. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Matthew Slepin, Trustee
Rhode Island Higher Education Assistance Authority Program
Grant and Scholarship Program
560 Jefferson Blvd.
Warwick, RI 02886
P/D: Grants for residents of RI enrolled at least 2 time at an eligible postsecondary institution, U.S. citizen or legal resident, financial
need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Raeburn E. Barnes Estate Trust
P.O. Box 499
Sidney, OH 45365
Application Address:
c/o Roger McGee
444 Apollo Drive
Sidney, OH 45365
P/D; Educational grants to citizens of Shelby County, OH. Initial approach by letter requesting application. Completion of formal
application required.
Treacy Company
P.O. Box 1700
Helena, MT 56924
P/D: Grants for residents of or students attending institutions in Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Contact: James O=Connell
Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fd.
c/o Funding Trust Fund
1149 Bethel Street, Rm. 207
Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)536-8072
Application Address:
63 Merchant Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Hawaii.
Preference is given to applicant=s whose parents are members of labor organizations. Applications should include a brief resume of
academic qualifications.
Clinton J. Carr Foundation Inc.
P.O. Box 11022
Telluride, CO 81435-4000
P/D: Scholarships to high school graduates who reside in MO. Write for further guidelines.
Lyon Foundation Inc.
65th & Scott Hamilton Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204
P/D: Grants for residents of AR pursuing private higher education. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Ralph Cotham, Secretary-Treas, Lyon Foundation
P.O. Box 4408
Little Rock, AR 72214
Chiefs Children=s Fund
c/o Kansas City Chiefs
One Arrowhead Drive
Kansas City, MO 64129
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy students from the Kansas City, MO area. Applications accepted throughout the year. Contact
foundation for current application guidelines.
Contact: Dale M. Young, Treasurer
Dodd and Dorothy L. Bryan Foun.
P.O. Box 6287
Sheridan, WY 82801
P/D: Grants for resident of Sheridan, Campbell, and Johnson Counties, WY, and of Powder River, Rosebud, and Big Horn Counties,
Contact: Rose Marie Madia, Office Mgr.
Mark and Catherine Winkler Foun.
4900 Seminary Road,
Alexandria, VA 22311
P/D: Grants for residents of VA who are single parents.
Contact: Lynn Ball, Executive Director
Callejo Botello Foundation Charitable Trust
4314 N. Central Expwy. (214)741-6710
Dallas, TX 75206
P/D: Scholarships primarily to students planning to attend educational institutions in Texas. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: William F. Callejo, Trustee
The Dave Cameron Educational Foun.
P.O. Box 181
York, SC 29745
P/D: Grants for York, SC undergraduate students who maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, based on financial need and academic
Contact: John Adkins.
Alliance Franchise of Tucson
P.O. Box 18851
Tucson, AZ 85731
Application Address:
3801 Calle Cortez
Tucson, AZ 85716
P/D: Grants for scholarships, book awards, and medals to university and high school students in the Tucson, AZ area who are enrolled
in french classes. Initial approach by letter. Completion of formal application required. Contact your french teacher for application.
Contact: Antoinette Wagner, President
Battle Creek Community Foundation
(formerly Greater Battle Creek Foun)
One Riverwalk Ctr.
34 West Jackson Street,
Battle Creek, MI 49017-3505
Fax: (616)962-2182
P/D: Scholarships to residents of the greater Battle Creek, MI area. Initial approach through high school counselors. Completion of
formal application required.
Contact: Brenda L. Hunt, V.P.
Maryland State Scholarship Admin.
Maryland Distingquished Scholar Award
Jeffrey Building
16 Francis Street, (410)974-5370
Annapolis, MD 21401
P/D: Grants for graduates of, or seniors at a MD high school and legal resident of MD, who are in financial need. Contact foundation
for further guidelines.
Brisley Scholarship Loan Fund
(Formerly Ella Frances Brisley & Norma Brisley Phillips Scholarship Loan Fund)
c/o Boatman=s First National Bank of Kansas City, 14 West 10 th Street
P.O. Box 419119
Kansas City, MO 64141-6119
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy medical and nursing students attending accredited schools. Write for further guidelines.
Utah Board of Regents
Student Incentive Grants, Educationally Disadvantaged Fund
355 W. North Temple
#3 Triad, Suite 550,
Salt Lake City, UT 84180
P/D: Grants to residents of UT to attend eligible Utah institutions, substantial financial need, U.S. citizens and legal residents.
Anna Beal Trust
c/o Mercantile Bank of Eastern Iowa
P.O. Box 88
Waterloo, IA 50704-0088
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy residents of Iowa studying in agriculture and biology-related fields, who attend colleges and
universities previously select by the trustee. Contact trust for current application. Initial contact by letter or telephone.
Contact: Vicki Angove, Asst. VP. & Trust Officer
Goldstein Scottish Rite Trust
P.O. Box 021194
Juneau, AK 99802
P/D: Grants for needy graduates of local Juneau, Alaska, high schools. In financial need.
Contact: James H. Taylor, Manager,
4365 N. Douglas Road (907)586-2849
Juneau, AK 99801
The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc.
1701 American National Bank Building
Chattanooga, TN 37402 (615)265-0586
P/D: Grants for residents of Chattanooga area who will be working in nursing or social work. Academic achievement and financial
need are required.
Contact: Peter T. Cooper, Exec. Director
Vermont State Labor Council AFL-CIO
James Cross Scholarship
149 State Street, Box 858
Montpelier, VT 05602 (802)223-5229
P/D: Grants for graduating high school seniors, dependent or member of a union affiliated with the Vermont AFL-CIO planning to
attend an accredited educational institution. Contact: Tom Belville
The Hatterscheidt Foundation, Inc.
c/o First Bank - Aberdeen
320 South First Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
P/D: Grants for residents of SD and Jamestown, ND, area high school seniors with financial need and 3.0 minimum GPA. Contact:
Kaye De Young
Addison H. Gibson Foundation
6PPG Place, Suite 860
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412)261-1611
P/D: Grant for residents of western PA, only after 1 year of self-maintenance study. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Rebecca Wallace Sapiente, Dir.
Charles P. Chapman Trust
c/o First NH Bank
P.O. Box 2770
Concord, NH 03302-2770
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Manchester NH, entering college as first-year students only. Completion of formal application
required, including financial aid forms and high school transcript.
Contact: Verne Pare, VP.
The Health Education Fund
Dept. 550, P.O. Box 40200
Jacksonville, FL 32202-0200
(800) 457-6417
P/D: Grants for High School Graduates from schools in the southeastern U.S. to study for the ministry, missionary activities, or social
Contact: Donna Nichols
New Careers Scholarships for Adult Students
University of Pittsburgh
Bruce Hall, Second Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412)624-7488
P/D: Grants for adult students with financial need.
Contact: Dr. Betsy Porter, Director of Financial Aid.
Cordelia Lunceford Beatty Trust
c/o Security Bank Bldg. 2nd Floor
P.O. Box 514
Blackwell, OK 74631
Application Address:
105 North Main
Blackwell, OK 74631
P/D: Grants to Postsecondary scholarships and preschool tuition to financially needy residents of Blackwell, OK who are under the age
of 19. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: James R. Rogers, Trustee
Pickett and Hatcher Education Fund
1800 Buena Vista Road
Columbus, GA 31908 (706)327-6586
P/D: Grants for residents of TN, and attending college. No funds available for technical or vocational students or for students planning
to enter fields of medicine, law or the ministry.
Contact: Robert E. Bennett, President
Vermont Student Assistance Corp.
Incentive Grants
Champlain Mill, P.O. Box 2000
Winooski, VT 05404 (802)655-9602
P/D: Grants for residents of VT for minimum 1 year, high school graduate or equivalent to attend approved post-secondary VT
institution, financial need, U.S. citizen or legal resident.
Treacy Company
P.O. Box 1700
Helena, MT 56924
P/D: Grants for residents of or students attending institutions in Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota.
Contact: James O=Connell
The Barker Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 328
Nashua, NH 03061-0328
P/D: Undergraduate scholarships primarily to residents of NH. Grants for scholarships are based on financial need, academic
performance, and recommendations. Application by letter.
Contact: Allan M. Barker, President
Field Cooperative Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 5054
Jackson, MS 39296
P/D: Grants for residents of MS in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Ann Stephenson
James M. Hoffman Scholarship Trust
c/o South Trust Bank of Alabama, N.S.
P.O. Box 1000
Anniston, AL 36202
P/D: Grants for graduates of high school in Calhoun County, AL. Referral by high required. Contact: Bill Priddy
Laura Fields Trust
P.O. Box 2394
Lawton, OK 73502
P/D: Grants for residents of Comanche County, OK in college and graduate school. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Jay Dee Fountain, Exec. Sec=y
District of Columbia State Student Incentive Grant
District of Columbia Office of Post-secondary Education, Research & Assist.
2100 Martin Luther King Ave., SE Ste. 401
Washington, DC 20020 (202)727-3688
P/D: Grants for DC residents in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Shelia Kornegay, Acting Program Manager
Brewer Foundation, Inc.
3819 Woodlaw Road, (919)443-1333
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
P/D: Scholarships for higher education to residents of North Carolina. Contact foundation for current application deadline and
Contact: Joseph B. Brewer, Jr., President
North Dakota State Grant Program
Capitol Building, Tenth Floor
600 E. Boulevard
Bismarck, ND 58505
P/D: Grants for ND residents planning to attend college in ND, rank in top 20% of graduating class and score in top 5% of ACT
assessment, renewable.
Contact: Peggy Wipf
Lois and Mary J. Abstine College Scholarship Fund
c/o National City Bank, Indiana
P.O. Box 5031
Indianapolis, IN 46255
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Shelby County, IN. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Linda A. Richard, Trust Officer
Margaret A. and Lawrence J. Bennett Scholarship Fund
c/o Chase Manhattan Bank
270 Park Ave., 21st Fl.
New York, NY 10017
Application Address:
c/o Capt. Vincent Doherty
677 83rd Street,
P/D: Scholarships to children of New York City police officers, either active, retired, or killed in the line of duty. Applications
accepted through the year. Contact fund for current application guidelines.
The William T. and Ethel Lewis Burton Foundation
One Lakeshore Drive, Suite 1700
Lakes Charles, LA 70629 (318)433-0142
P/D: Scholarships for southwest LA high school seniors and the McNeese State University, Louisiana football team. Applications
accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by letter. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: William B. Lawton, Chair.
John H. Biggs, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
811 B Dombarton Drive (908)920-1385
Lakewood, NJ 08701
P/D: Scholarships to students from Gloucester High School, MA who have been accepted at an accredited institution of higher
education. Contact school for current application.
Contact: John H. Biggs, Chair
The Maine Community Foundation, Inc
210 Main Street, P.O. Box 148
Ellsworth, ME 04605 (207)667-9735
P/D: Grants for Residents of Maine in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Ms. D=Angelo, Assoc. Director
H. Fletcher Brown Trust
(Formerly Florence H. Brown Trust)
c/o PNC Bank, Delaware
222 Delaware Ave., 16th Fl. Trust Dept.
Wilmington, DE 19899 (302)429-2827
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy DE residents, who were born in DE and are studying chemistry, engineering, law, medicine, or
dentistry. Completion of formal application required, including transcript, SAT scores. Write foundation for guidelines.
A. P. & Louise Rouch Boys Foundation
c/o Twin Falls Bank & Trust Company
Trust Department
P.O. Box 7
Twin Falls, ID 83303-0007
P/D: Grants for students attending college in the Magic Valley area ID, financial need.
Contact: Janice Stover, Asst. Trust Off.
Children=s Educational Opportunity Foundation of Southern California
(also known as CEO Foundation of Southern California)
P.O. Box 459
Cerritos, CA 90702-0459
P/D: Scholarships to financially needy children from Los Angeles and Orange counties, CA to attend private, nonprofit schools in Los
Angeles and Orange counties, CA. Children must qualify for the federal lunch program and must be entering grades K-8. Contact
foundation for further guidelines.
Laura E. Porter Trust
Drawer H
Pratt, KS 67124
P/D: Grants for male graduates of Pratt County Community College, KS to further their education at a university approved by the
trustees. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: J. W. Van Blaricum, Bill Hampton, Jr., Mike Lewis, Trustees
Harvey Foundation, Inc.
First Federal Building, Suite 507
1519 Ponce de Leon Avenue
Santurce, PR 00909
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Puerto Rico. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Arthur J. Harvey, Jr., President
Nevada Dept. of Education
400 West King Street, (702)885-3104
Carson City, NV 89710
P/D: Grants for Nevada administers financial aid programs through Nevada colleges. Write for guidelines.
The Ethan Allan Brown Scholarship Fd
18 Tremont Street, Ste. 1040
Boston, MA 02108
P/D: Grants for undergraduate scholarships primarily to residents of MA
Write for guidelines.
Contact: Frank Santangelo, Trustee
The Balso Foundation
c/o The Ball & Socket Manufacturing Co.
493 West Main Street
Cheshire, CT 06410
Application Address:
c/o Guidance Dept.
Cheshire High School
South Main Street,
Cheshire, CT 06410
P/D: Scholarships to high school seniors and college undergraduates in Cheshire, CT and surrounding towns. Scholarships are only
available for undergraduate study and are renewable. Completion of formal application required.
Albuquerque Community Foundation
P.O. Box 36960
Albuquerque, NM 87176-6960
P/D: Scholarships and financial aid awards to residents of the state of NM. Recipients may be graduating high school seniors or
continuing education adults. Contact foundation for current application. Initial approach by letter or telephone. Completion of formal
application required. Each program requires a separate application.
Fred (B.A.) Batterton Fund
c/o Kentucky Bank
P.O. Box 157
Paris, KY 40362
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Bourbon County, KY for medical education. Applications by letter accepted. Contact foundation for
further guidelines.
Alexander Family Education Foundation Welfare Trust
8401 N. E. Halsey, Suite 106
Portland, OR 97220
Application Address:
c/o Nicolas Alexander, Trustee
802 N. E. 199th
Portland, OR 97233
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Oregon. Completion of formal application required. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Art and Clara Butts Scholarship Found.
P.O. Box 577
Burwell, NE 68823
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Garfield County, NE and the surrounding areas. Completion of formal application, including
academic transcripts, college application letter, and two letters of recommendation. Contact: Elinor Johns
Jacob Stump, Jr. & Clara Stump Memorial Scholarship Fund
Broadway & Charleston at 14th Street
P.O. Box 685
Mattoon, IL 61938
P/D: Grants for high school graduates from Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, and Moultrie Counties who will attend state supported
Illinois colleges. Contact foundation for further guidelines. Contact: Trust Officer
Brevard Heart Foundation, Inc.
228 Eighth Avenue
Indialantic, FL 32903
P/D: Scholarships for residents of Brevard County, FL for nursing and medical education. Contact foundation for current application
deadline. Initial approach in person or by letter. Completion of formal application required. Interviews for first-time applicants
required. Contact: Dr. Jack Bechtel, President
Paul O. and Mary Boghossian Found.
c/o The Rhode Island Hospital Trust National Bank
One Hospital Trust Plaza
Providence, RI 02903 (401)278-8752
P/D: Scholarships to Rhode Island residents. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Deidre W. S. Martin, V.P.
Peter J. Blosser Student Loan Fund
(also known as Peter J. Blosser Scholarship Trust)
P.O. Box 6160
Chilicothe, OH 45601
P/D: Grants to residents of Ross County, OH. Completion of formal application required, including copy of most recent tax return and
copy of commutative GPA or transcript. Interviews required. Contact; Marie Rosebrook, Admin. Secy.
Helen S. Davis Scholarship Trust No.3
c/o Norwest Bank Investment Mgmt. & Trust Company
P.O. Box 597
Helena, MT 59624-0597
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Montana attending accredited medical schools. Completion of formal application required, including
undergraduate transcript, three reference letters, federal income tax forms, and letter of acceptance. Contact: Fay Logan, Trust Officer.
John A. Burns Foundation
P.O. Box 1149
Wahiawa, HI 96786
P/D: Scholarships to public high school seniors from Hawaii only. For the study of education. Application by letter including any
supporting materials.
Contact: Robert C. Oshiro, President
The Charter Fund
370 17th Street, Ste., 5300
Denver, CO 80202
P/D: Scholarships to CO high school seniors. Contact foundation for current application deadline. Initial approach by letter or
telephone requesting application. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Cindy Kennedy
John Brandt Memorial Foundation
c/o Northwestern National Bank
831 66th Avenue, N.E. Trust Dept.
Minneapolis, MN 55432-4502
Application Address:
c/o Gint Behrens
P.O. Box 116
P/D: Scholarships to graduate students of dairy and animal science at upper Midwest institutions. Contact foundation for guidelines.
Arkansas Community Foundation, Inc.
700 S. Rock
Little Rock, AR 72202
P/D: Scholarships for students who are AR residents. Call or write foundation for more information.
Contact: Martha Ann Jones, President
The Burkhalter Educational Fund
c/o First Baptist Church
Seventh & South Caroline
Louisiana, MO 63353
P/D: Scholarships to students living in the area of First Baptist Church, Louisiana, MO. Completion of formal application required.
Include parent=s tax return with form. Interviews required.
Paul Stock Foundation
1135 14th Street
P.O. Box 2020
Cody, WY 82414
P/D: Education Grants for Cody, WY residents in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Herbert E. and Marion K. Bragg Found.
c/o Crestar Bank, N.A. Tax Services
P.O. Box 27385, HDQ5905
Richmond, VA 23261-7385
Application Address:
c/o Perry Gorham, Trust Officer
Crestar Bank
510 South Jefferson Street
Roanoke, VA 14011
P/D: Scholarships to students at colleges and universities in Maine and Virginia. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Tom C. Barnsley Foundation
c/o Nations Bank of Texas, N.A.
P.O. Box 270
Midland, TX 79702
P/D: Scholarships to graduates of Crane High School, Texas studying agriculture related fields. Application accepted throughout the
S. Carolina Department of Veterans Aff.
Governor=s Office, Dept of Veterans Affair
225 Edgar Building
Columbia, SC 29201
P/D: Grants for children of war veterans who were legal residents of SC at the time of their entry into the U.S. armed forces and who
were killed in action or died of disease, disability, or other causes resulting from service. For undergraduate study at state supported SC
Contact: Jimmie L. Gresham, Field Off. Sp
Charlotte Hall School Board of Trustees
P.O. Box 283
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
P/D: Scholarships to residents of MD for higher education. Contact foundation for further guidelines. Contact: William Runyon,
BF Foundation
23 East Fine Avenue - fax:(602)774-2810
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-3217
P/D: Grants for undergraduate scholarships primarily to AZ residents who are U.S. citizens and enrolled full-time at Northern Arizona
University. Continuing education students at Arizona State University who are AZ residents and U.S. citizens may also apply.
Completion of formal application required. Contact: Katherin Lee Chase, President
AEI Scholarship Fund
c/o Society Bank
100 South Main
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
P/D: Scholarship to financially needy female students accepted to or attending, accredited medical schools in the U.S. Applicant=s
must maintain at least a AC+@ average. Completion of formal application required, including transcript, reference letter and verified
financial information. Interviews granted upon request. Contact: B. Todd Jones,
Fuller E. Callaway Foundation
209 Broome Street
P.O. Box 790
Le Grange, GA 30241
P/D: Scholarships to individuals who have been residents of Troup County, GA for at least two years. Initial approach by letter.
Completion of formal application required. Interviews required at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.
Contact: J. T. Gresham, General Mgr.
Violet R. and Nada V. Bohnett Memorial Foundation
15600 Redmond Way, Suite 200
Redmond, WA 98052
P/D: Scholarships to individuals primarily in western Washington, California, Arizona, Colorado, and Hawaii for the study of Christian
ministry. Students from western WA have priority. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Mr. Jamie Bohnett, Admin.
Ruth Eleanor and John Ernest Bamberger Memorial Foundation
1201 Walker Center (801)364-2045
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
P/D: Undergraduate scholarships to Utah residence, with preference given to nursing students. Occasional loans awarded for medical
education. Contact: William H. Olwell, Secy-Treas.
Carter Family Foundation
c/o United National Bank
129 Main Street, Trust Dept.
Beckley, WV 25801 (304)256-7300
P/D: Grants to residents of WV who plan to become teachers in WV. Priority is shown to Raleigh County residents. Application by
letter including resume. Contact: John Barry, Trust Div. Mgr.
Rex Bishop and Christine Bishop Perpetual Scholarship Fund for Iowa Valley Community School District
P.O. Box 267
888 Court Ave.,
Marengo, IA 52301
P/D: Scholarships to students residing in Iowa Valley Community School District for higher education, including college, trade, and
technical education with the state of Iowa. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Charles R. Dillin, Trustee
Arctic Education Foundation
301 Arctic Slope Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99518
Application Address:
c/o Flossie Anderson
P.O. Box 129
Barrow, AK 99723
P/D; Scholarships to worthy and financially needy Native Alaskan students residing in the Arctic and descendants of persons residing
in the Arctic for post secondary education. Applications accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by letter requesting application.
Completion of formal application req=d.
Jim Blevins Foundation
P.O. Box 150056
Nashville, TN 37215
P/D: Scholarships primarily to residents of TN. Application by letter. Write for guidelines. Contact: Jim V. Blevins,
Trustee of Chester Academy
c/o First Vermont Bank & Trust Co.
P.O. Box 595, Banknorth Group Tax Dt.
Williston, VT 05495-0595
P/D: Scholarships to high school graduates residing in Chester, VT. Contact foundation for current application guidelines.
Engen Seminary Student Scholarship Assistance Trust
c/o First Bank of South Dakota, N.A. Trust Dept.
P.O. Box 90
Rapid City, SD 57709
Application Address:
c/o Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Presho, SD 57568
P/D: Scholarships to students who are members of the Evan. Lutheran Church and attend an accredited ELCA seminary in preparation
for the parish ministry.
Abernathy Black Community Development & Educational Fund
325 Washington Trust Bldg.
Washington, PA 15301
Application Address:
P.O. Box 177
Washington, PA 15301
P/D: Scholarships to African-American students from Washington, PA to attend colleges and technical schools. Contact foundation for
current application.
J. Wilfred Anctil Foundation
c/o Fleet NH Investment Services
P.O. Box 2770
Concord, NH 03302-2770
Application Address:
c/o Wayne Nelson
P.O. Box 96
Nashua, NH 03061-0096
P/D: Scholarships for higher education to needy residents of the greater Nashua, NH area. Initial approach by letter, including high
school or college transcript of grades and a statement of need.
Andalusia Health Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 667
Andalusia, AL 36420
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Covington County, AL who are pursuing a degree in a health related field, such as nursing, medicine,
and medical or laboratory technology. Completion of formal application required. : Carolyn Davis
Fern Brown Memorial Fund
c/o Liberty Bank & Trust Co. of Tulsa, NA
P.O. Box 1
Tulsa, OK 74193
P/D: Scholarships to residents of OK. Applications by letter accepted throughout the year. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Mike Bartel, V.P.
Phil Hardin Foundation
P.O. Box 187
Meridian, MS 39302-0187
P/D: Grants to residents of MS in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Ernest G. Arps Memorial Education
c/o Branch Banking & Trust Co.
223 West Nash Street
Wilson, NC 27893
Application Address:
c/o Samuel Styons, Trustee
P.O. Box 1271
Plymouth, NC 27962
P/D: Scholarships to residents of Washington County, NC to attend a four year college in NC. Completion of formal application
required, including photographs.
Gabriel J. Brown Trust
112 Ave., E. West
Bismarck, ND 58501-3662
(701)223-5916 or (701)223-5119
P/D: Grants to financially needy residents of ND. Initial approach by letter or telephone. Completion of formal application required,
including current grade level, GPA, and financial information. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
William M. and Louise O. Allen Scholarship Fund
c/o National City Bank, Indiana
P.O. Box 5031
Indianapolis, IN 46255
P/D: Scholarships to high school graduates in Montgomery County, IN who plan to attend IN colleges and universities. Completion of
formal application required, including a letter outlining financial need and future plans.
Contact: David Houck, Trust Officer
Otto Sussman Trust
P.O. Box 1374
Trainsmeadow Station
Flushing, NY 11370-0998
P/D: Grants for residents of NY, NJ, OK, PA, demonstrate financial need due to death or illness in family. Write for further guidelines.
Contact: Edward S. Miller, Trustee
Carl & Grace Baker Memorial Scholarship Loan Fund Trust
c/o Bank of Stockton, Trust Dept.
P.O. Box 1110
Stockton, CA 95201
P/D: Educational grants to students in the public school system within the territorial jurisdiction of Stockton, CA Scottish Rite Bodies.
Completion of formal application required, including three references and transcript. Contact: R. W. Friedberger
Board of Trustees Academic Awards
Louisiana Tech University
P.O. Box 7925, Tech Station
Rouston, LA 71272 (800)528-3241
P/D: Grants for students in good academic standing financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Jan Albritt, Financial Officer.
Career Advancement Awards
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102
P/D: Grants for NJ freshmen who are women and/or minority students in financial need. Contact foundation for further guidelines.
Contact: Joanne Range
The William L. and Victorine Q. Adams Foundation, Inc.
306 Mondawmin Mall
2401 Liberty Heights Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
Application Address:
c/o Adams Future Business Leader Scholarship Fund Assoc. Black Charities
1114 Cathedral St., 2nd Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 659-0000
P/D: Undergraduate scholarships to financially needy African-American residents of the City of Baltimore, MD who are U.S. citizens,
for the study of business. Completion of formal application required, including GPA transcript, financial statement, recommendation
from high school official Contact foundation for further guidelines. Contact: Blanche D. Rodgers.
State of Idaho Scholarship
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0037
P/D: Grants to graduates of Idaho high schools to attend Idaho institutions. Write for guidelines. Contact: Caryl Smith
Venture Capital Sources
Birmingham Venture Club
Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 10127
Birmingham, AL 35202
205-250-7669 fax
Contact: Patricia Fox
Mobile Venture Club
c/o Mobile Area Chamber of
5 Commerce
451 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36652
205-443-6951 fax:205-431-8608
Contact: Walter Underwood
Sherman Shores
Alabama Development Office
401 Adams Ave., #600
Montgomery, AL 36130
205-242-0400 fax: 205-242-0486
Small Business Administration
2121 Eighth Ave., N. Suite 200
Birmingham, AL 35202-2398
205-731-1344 fax: 205-731-1404
Small Business Administration
222 West 8"- Avenue
P.O. Box 67
Anchorage, AK 99513-7559
907-271-4022 fax: 907-271-4545
Alaska Pacific Venture Club
405 W. 27* Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99503
fax: 907-279-9319
Bureau of Indian Affairs
P.O. Box 25520
Juneau, AK 99802-5520
(907) 586-7600
Small Business Assistance
2828 N. Central Ave., #800
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1025
Florida Venture Group
2838 Kansas Street
Oviedo, FL 32765
407-365-5374 fax
Contact: Maryjim King
Hawaii Venture Capital Assoc.
University of Hawaii, OTTED
2800 Woodlawn Drive., Ste. 280
Honolulu, HI 96822
808-526-1277 fax:808-524-2775
Arizona Ventures
2419 N. Black Canyon Hwy.. Ste.4
Phoenix, AZ 85009
fax: 602-254-9650
Contact: Merritt Chamberlain
Venture Resources, Inc.
100 S. Main Street, Ste. 416
Little Rock, AR 72201
501-375-2004 fax: 501-375-8317
Orange Coast Venture Group
c/o American Accounting
23011 Moulton Prkwy., Ste. F2
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Contact: Renee Wagoner
Orange County Venture Group
P.O. Box 2011
Laguna Hills, CA 92654
Contact: Gregory Beck
Community Entrepreneurs Organization
P.O. Box 2781
San Rafael, CA. 94912
Contact: Dr. Robert Crandall
San Diego Venture Group
750 'B' Street, Ste. 2400
San Diego, CA. 92101
fax: 619-231-8055
Small Business Administration
211 Main Street
San Francisco, CA. 94501-1988
415-744-6820 fax:415-744-6812
Local Offices:
Los Angeles:
San Diego: 619-557-7252
San Francisco:
Santa Ana: 714-836-2494
Ventura: 805-642-1866
Treasure Valley Venture Capital Forum Idaho
Small Business Development Center
Boise State University College of
1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725
Iowa City Development
ICAD Group
P.O. Box 2567
Iowa City, IA 52244
319-354-3939 fax:319-338-9958
Rockies Venture Club, Inc.
4950 E. Evans, Ste. 115
Denver, CO 80222
Contact: Maita Lester
Small Business Administration
U.S. Customs House
99918th Street, #701
Denver, CO 80202
303-294-7186 fax:303-294-7153
Colorado Community College and
Occupational Education System
1391 N. Speer Blvd., Suite 600
Denver, CO 80204
Connecticut Venture Capital Fund
200 Fisher Drive
Avon, CT 06001
Contact: Sam Me Kay
Baltimore-Washington Venture Group
Michael Dingman Center for
College Park, MD 20742-7215
Contact: Mark Feuerberg
Economic Development and
Commercial Revitalization
Bureau of Community Assistance
2740 Centerview Drive
Rhyne Building, Tallahassee, FL, 32399-2100
Gold Coast Venture Capital Club
5820 N. Federal, Ste. A-2
Boca Raton, FL 33478
fax:407-997-6347 fax
Contact: Mike Donnelly
Gold Coast Venture Capital Club
11401-A W. Palmetto Park Rd., Ste. 202
Boca Raton, FL 33428
407-488-4505 fax:407-487-4483
Madison Dearborn Partners
70 W. Madison, Ste. 1330
Chicago, II 60602
312-732-5400 fax:312-732-4098
Small Business Administration
500 West Madison, Suite 1250
Chicago, IL 60661-2511
312-353-4528 fax: 312-886-5108
Richmond Venture Capital Club
9101 Midlothian, Ste. 900
Richmond, VA 23235
Contact: Sally Cook
Northwest Venture Group
P.O. Box 21693
Seattle, WA 98111
Enterprise Venture Capital Company
P.O. Box 460
Summerville, WV 26651
304-872-3000 fax :304-872-3040
Contact: William Bright
Wisconsin Venture Network
823 N. Second Street, Ste. 605
Milwaukee, Wl 53203
Puerto Rico Venture Capital Club
P.O. Box 2284
Contact: Danol Morales
Johannesburg Venture Capital Club
162 Anderson Street
P.O. Box 261425
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2001
Contact: Graham Rosenthal
Cape Town Venture Capital Assoc.
c/o Arthur Anderson and Company
12*" Floor, Shell House
Capetown, South Africa, 8001
Contact: Colin Hultzer
Westchester Venture Capital Network
c/o Chamber of Commerce
222 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
914-948-2110 fax:914-948-0122
Rochester Venture Capital Group
100 Corporate Woods, Ste. 300
Rochester, NY 14623
Enterprise Venture Capital Corporation of
111 Market Street
Johnstown, PA 15901
814-535-7597 fax:: 814-535-8677
The CPA Firm Coopers and Lybrand
1251 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
212-536-2000 fax 212-536-1858
Small Business Administration
60 Park Place, 4th Floor
Newark, NJ 07102
201 -645-2434 fax: 201 -645-6265
Venture Economics, Inc.
22 Pittsburgh Street
Boston, MA 02210
Contact: Kelly Mc Gow
Small Business Administration
Regional Office
26 Federal Plaza, Room 3100
New York, NY 10278
212-264-2454 fax 212-264-4963
Securities Date Publishing
40 W. 57th Street
11th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Contact: David Fabel
Small Business Administration
911 Walnut Street, 13* Floor
Kansas City, MO 64016
816-426-3608 fax: 816-426-5559
Office of Community Planning and
Development Division
Department of Housing and Urban Dev..
10 Causeway Street, 3'" Floor
Boston, MA 02222
Michigan Department of Commerce
525 W. Ottawa
Lansing, MI 48909
Small Business Administration
515 MacNamara Bldg.
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226 .
313-226-6075 fax : 313-326-4769
Missouri Department of Economic Dev.
P.O. Box 118
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Long Island Venture Group
CW Post Campus, Long Island Univ. College
of Management
Deans Office, Worth Hall
Room 309, North Blvd.
Brookville,NY 11548
516-299-3017 fax:516-299-2786
Contact: Carol Caracappa
New York Venture Group
605 Madison Avenue, Ste. 300
New York, NY 10022-1901
212-832-7300 fax:212-832-7338
Contact: Burt Alimansky
Local Government Assistance Division
Department of Commerce
1424 9th Avenue
Helena, MT 59620
Edmonton Chamber of Commerce
600 10123 99th Street
Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5J 3G9
Contact: Ace Cetinski
Venture Capital/Entrepreneurship Club of
Montreal, Inc.
1670 Sherbrooke Street
East Montreal (Quebec) Canada, H2L
514-526-9490 Contact: Claude
Montana Private Capital Network
7783 Valley View Road
Poulson, MT 59860
406-883-5470 fax
Contact: Jon Marchi, President
Grand Island Industrial Foundation
309 W 2"" Street
P.O. Box 1486
Grand Island, ME 68802-1486
308-382-9210 fax:308-382-1154
Contact: Andrew G. Baird, II CED
Venture Assoc. of New Jersey, Inc.
177 Madison Avenue., CN 1982
Morristown, NJ 07960
201-267-4200 fax:201-984-9634
Contact: Amy or Jay Trien
The Federal Government is the World=s Largest Source of free grant money, to help start or expand a business.
You may think, Why haven=t I heard about these free cash giveaways before?
The government does not really advertise the availability of grant programs to the public. Those who happen to
hear about the programs, find it difficult to locate the right office, cannot get all the necessary information, and find that
there are so many programs, that not even the government employees know the procedure=s to follow. For some, it
becomes a losing battle and they give up in total frustration.
Generally, people do not believe that government cash giveaway programs are for the average person, they also
tend to believe budget cut headlines, and thus fewer people attempt to get their share of available free grant money. Many
programs saw applications for grant money drop by 30 percent when, in fact, the amount of money available remained the
same or even increased.
Federal Information Centers Program (FIC) is a focal point for information about the Federal Government. The
FIC assists people who have questions about Federal services, programs, and regulations, but do not know where to turn
for an answer. FIC information specialists either answer an inquirer=s questions directly or perform the necessary research to
locate and refer the inquirer to the expert best able to help. There is a new toll-free telephone number, now
available for all states; 1-800-688-9889. Or write to the Federal Information Center, P.O. Box 600 Cumberland, MD
20501. TDD users may reach the FIC by dialing a toll-free number, 1-800-326-2996.
There are many SBA programs you can apply for. For more complete information, write to the Small Business
Administration, 1441 "L" St. NW Room 602 Washington, DC. 20416. Or Call (716) 282- 4612 or (202) 482-3261. They
can provide you with information on obtaining Grant Money For:
Women's Enterprises
Technical Assistants to Small Businesses
Investors in Rental Apartment Buildings Who are in Financial Trouble
For Doing Business in Low Economic Areas
Small Business Research
Investors, Builders or Developers of Rental Housing for the Elderly
Training to Help Small Business Managers Operate Their Businesses
Indian-Owned Businesses
Minority-Owned Businesses, with awards from $ 10,000 to $5 million.
Low-to-Moderate Income Housing (these are low % loans) from $1,000 to $70,000
and many more
If any phone numbers are incorrect, please call (area code) 555-1212 and request new listing
Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) could be the best deal the government has to offer
to entrepreneurs and inventors, and a lot of people don't even know about them! Where else in
the world can you have access to a $150 an hour consultant for free? There are over 700 of these
offices all over the country and they offer free (or very low cost) consulting services on most
aspects of business including:
- how to get financing
- how to write a business plan and more.
There are Small Business Development Center centers in all States. Starting with:
Funding Source:
Office of State Director
Alabama Small Business Development
University of Alabama at Birmingham
1717 11th Ave. S., Suite 419
Birmingham, AL 35294-7645
Fax: 205-934-7645
Auburn University
Small Business Development Center
108 College of Business
Auburn, AL 36849-5243
Fax: 334-844-4268
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Small Business Development Center
160111th Ave. S.
Birmingham, AL 35294-2180
Fax- 205-934-0538
Alabama Small Business Procurement
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Small Business Development Center
1717 11th Ave. S., Suite 419
Birmingham, AL 35294-4410
Fax: 205-934-7645
University of North Alabama
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 5248
Keller Hall, School of Business
Florence, AL 35632-0001
Fax: 205-760-4813
North East Alabama Regional Small
Development Center
Alabama A&M University and University
of Alabama in Huntsville
225 Church St., NW
Huntsville, AL 35804-0168
Fax: 205-535-2050
Jacksonville State University
Small Business Development Center
114 Merrill Hall
Jacksonville, AL 36265
Fax: 205-782-5179
Livingston University
Small Business Development Center
212 Wallace Hall
Livingston, AL 35470
205-652-9661, ext. 439
Fax: 205-652-9318
Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Small Business Development Center
1801 Parks Highway, #C-18
Wasilla, AK 99654
Fax : 907-373-2560
Kenai Peninsula
Small Business Development Center
110 S. Willow St., Suite 106
Kenai, AK 99611-7744
Fax : 907-283-3716
Cochise College
Small Business Development Center
901 N. Colombo, Room 411
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Fax: 602-459-9737
1-800-966-7943, ext. 778
Eastern Arizona College
Small Business Development Center
622 College Ave.
Thatcher, AZ 85552-0769
fax: 602-428-8462
Funding Source:
Arizona Small Business Development
9215 N. Black Canyon Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Fax: 602-943-3716
Coconino County Community College
Small Business Development Center
3000 N. 4th St., Suite 25
Flagstaff, AZ 86004
Fax: 520-526-8693 1-800-350-7122
Northland Pioneer College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 610
Holbrook, AZ 86025
Fax: 520-524-2227
Mojave Community College
Small Business Development Center
1971 Jagerson Ave.
Kingman, AZ 86401
Fax : 520-787-0836
Rio Salado Community College
Small Business Development Center
301 West Roosevelt, Suite B
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Fax: 602-340-1627
Gateway Community College
Small Business Development Center
108 N. 40th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Fax: 602-392-5329
Yavapal College
Small Business Development Center
117 E. Gurley St., Suite 206
Prescott, AZ 86301
Fax: 602-778-3109
Pima Community College
Small Business Development Center
4M3 E. Broadway, Suite 101
Ticsoil, AZ 85709-1260
Fax: 602-748-4585
Arizona Western College
Small Business Development Center
281 W. 24th St.
1152 Century Plaza
Yuma, AZ 85364
Fax : 520-726-2636
Funding Sources
Arkansas Small Business Development
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Little Rock Technology Center Building
100 S. Main, Suite 401
Little Rock. AR 72201
Fax: 501-324-9049
Henderson State University
Small Business Development
P.O. Box 7624
Arkadelphia, AR. 71923
Fax: 501-230-5236
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville
Snall Business Development Center
College of Business - BA 117
Fayetteville. AR 72701
Fax: 501-575-4013
Arkansas State University
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1403
Jonesboro, AR 72467
Genesis Technology Incubator Small
Business Development Center
University of Arkansas Engineering
Research Center
Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201
Fax: 501-575-7446
W. Arkansas Regional Office-SBDC
1109S. 16111 St.
P.O. Box 2067
Fort Smith, AR 72901
Fax: 501-785-1964
NW Arkansas Regional Office-SBDC
818 Highway 62-65-412 N.
P.O. Box 190
Harrison, AR 72601
Fax: 501-741-1905
W. Central Arkansas Regional
835 Central Ave., Box 402-D
Hot Springs, AR 71901
Fax: 501-624-6632
NE Arkansas Regional Office-SBDC
100 S. Main. Suite 401
Little Rock, AR 72201
Fax: 501-324-9079
SW Arkansas Regional Office-SBDC
600 Bessie, P.O. Box 767
Magnolia, AR 71753
Fax: 501-234-0135
SE Arkansas Regional Office-SBDC
Enterprise Center III
400 Main, Suite 117
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Fax: 501-536-7713
Arkansas State University-SBDC
Drawer 1650
State University, AR 72467
Fax: 501-972-3868
Stuttgart Regional Office-SBDC
301 S. Grand, Suite 101
P.O. Box 289
Stuttgart, AR 72160
Fax : 501-673-8707
Funding Sources:
California Small Business Development
California Department of Commerce
Office of Small Business
801 K St., Suite 1700
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-322-5084
Central Coast Small Business Assistance
6500 Sequel Dr.
Aptos, CA 95003
Fax: 408-479-6166
Sierra College
Sinai] Business Development Center
560 Wall St., Suite J
Auburn, CA 95603
Fax: 916-823-4142
Weill Institute
Small Business Development Center
1330 22nd St., Suite B
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Fax: 805-322-5663
Butte College Tri-County Small
Business Development Center
260 Cohasset Ave., Suite A
Chico, CA 95926
Fax: 916-895-9099
Southwestern College
Small Business Development Center and
International Trade Center
900 Otay Lakes Rd., Bldg. 1600
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Fax: 619-482-6402
Satellite Operation
Small Business Development Center
Hilltop Professional Ctr.
Suite 205, Box 4550
Clearlake, CA 95422-4550
Fax: 707-995-3605
North Coast Small Business
207 Price Mall
Crescent Cily, CA 95531
Fax: 707-445-9652
North Coast Satellite Center
529 E. St.
Eureka. CA 95501
Fax: 707-445-9652
Central California Small Business
1999 Tuolumine St., Suite 650
Fresno, CA 93721
Fax: 209-275-1499
Gavilan College
Small Business Development Center
7436 Monterey St
Gilroy, CA 95020
Fax: 408-847-0393
Accelerate Technology Small Business
Development Center
Graduate School of Management
Room 230, University of California
Irvine, CA 92717-3125
Fax: 714-509-2997
Greater San Diego Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
4275 Executive Square, Suite 920
La Jolla, CA 92037
Fax: 611-450-1997
Export Small Business Development
of Southern California
110 E. 9th. Suite 669
Los Angeles, CA 90079
Fax: 213-892-8232
Satellite Operation
Small Business Development Center
1632 N. St.
Merced, CA 95340
Fax: 209-383-4959
Valley Sierra Small Business
1012 11th St., Suite 300
Modesto, CA 95354
Fax: 209-521-9373
Napa Valley College
Small Business Development
1556 First St., Suite 103
Napa. CA 94559
Fax: 707-253-3068
East Bay Small Business Development
519 17th St., Suite 210
Oakland, CA 94612
Fax: 510-893-5532
Satellite Operation
Small Business Development
300 Esplanade Dr., Suite 1010
Oxnard, CA 93030
Fax: 805-988-1862
Eastern Los Angeles County Small
Development Center
363 Main St., Suite 101
Pomona, CA 91766
Fax: 909-629-8310
Inland Empire Small Business
2002 Iowa Ave., Suite 1 10
Riverside, CA 92507
Fax: 909-781-2345
Greater Sacramento Small Business
Development Center
1410 Ethan Way
Sacramento, CA 95815
Fax: 916-563-3264
Northern Los Angeles Small Business
Development Center
14540 Victory Blvd., Suite #206
Van Nuys, CA91411
Fax: 818-373-7740
Fort Lewis College
Small Business Development Center
Miller Student Center, Room 108
Durango, CO 81301
Fax: 970-247-7620
Satellite Operation
Central California Small Business
Development Center
430 W. Caldwell, Suite D
Visalia, CA 93277
Fax: 209-625-3053
Morgan Community College
Small Business Development Center
300 Main St.
Fort Morgan, CO 80701
Fax: 970-867-3352
Silicon Valley - San Mateo County
Small Business Development Center
III N. Market St., #150
San Jose, CA 95113
Fax: 408-971-0680
San Mateo County Satellite Center
Bayshore Corporate Center
1730 S. Amphlett Blvd., Suite 208
San Mateo, CA 94402
Fax: 415-358-9450
Rancho Santiago Small Business
Development Center
901 East Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 101
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Fax: 714-835-9008
Redwood Empire
Small Business Development Center
520 Mendocino Ave., Suite 210
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Fax: 707-524-1772
San Joaquin Delta College
Small Business Development Center
814 N. Hunter
Stockton, CA 95202
Fax: 209-474-5605
Solano County Small Business
320 Campus Lane
Suisun, CA 94585
Fax: 707-864-3386
Southwest Los Angeles County Small
Business Development Center
21221 Western Ave., Suite 110
Torrance, CA 90501
Fax: 310-782-8607
Colorado Small Business Development
Office of Economic Development
1625 Broadway, Suite 1710
Denver, CO 80202
Fax: 303-892-3848
Adams State College
Small Business Development Center
Alamosa, CO 81102
Fax: 719-589-7522
Canon City (Satellite)
402 Valley Rd.
Canon City, CO 81212
Fax: 719-275-4400
Pikes Peak Community College/
Colorado Springs Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Drawer B
Colorado Springs, CO 80901-3002
Fax: 303-635-1571
Colorado Northwestern Community
Small Business Development Center
50 College Dr.
Craig, CO 81625
Fax: 970-824-3527
Delta Montrose Vocational School
Small Business Development Center
1765 U.S. Highway 50
Delta, CO 81416
Fax: 970-874-8796
Community College of Denver/
Denver Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
1445 Market St.
Denver, CO 80202
Fax: 303-534-3200
Mesa State College
Small Business Development Center
304 W. Main St.
Grand Junction, CO 81505-1606
Fax: 970-241-0771
Aims Community College/Greeley and
Weld Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
902 7th Ave.
Greeley, CO 80631
Fax: 970-352-3572
Red Rocks Community College
Small Business Development Center
777 S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Lakewood CO 80226
Fax: 303-987-1331
Lamar Community College
Small Business Development Center
2400 S. Main
Lamar, CO 81052
Fax: 719-336-2448
Arapaho Community College/
South Metro Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
7901 S. Park Plaza, Suite 110
Littleton, CO 80120
Fax: 303-795-7520
Pueblo Community College
Small Business Development Center
900 West Orman Ave.
Plitblo, CO 81004
fax: 719-546-2413
SMton (Satellite)
P.O. Box 28
SUittoi, CO 80836
Fax: 719-348-5887
TminM State Junior College
Small Business Development Center
136 W. Main St.
Trilidad, CO 81082
Fax: 719-846-4550
Front Range Community College
Small Business Development Center
3M5 West 112th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80030
Funding Source:
Connecticut Small Business
Development Center
University of Connecticut
School of Business Administration
2 Bourn Place, U-94
Storrs, CT 06269
Fax: 806-486-1576
Business Regional B.C.
Small Business Development Center
10 Middle Stä 14th Floor
Bridgeport, CT 06604-4229
FK: 203-366-0105
Qnmebaiig Valley Community College
Small Business Development Center
742 Upper Maple St.
Danielson, CT 06239-1440
Fax: 203-774-7768
University of Connecticut/MBA
Small Business Development Center
1800 Asylum Ave.
West Hartford, CT 06117
Fax: 860-241-4907
University of Connecticut
Small Business Development Center
Administration Building, Room 300
1084 Shennecossett Rd.
Groton, CT 06340-6097
Fax: 860-445-3415
Middlesex County Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
393 Main St.
Middictown, CT 06457
Fax: 860-346-1043
Greater New Haven Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
195 Church St.
New Haven, CT 06510-2009
203-782-4390 ext. 190
Fax: 203-787-6730
Southwestern Area Commerce and
Industry Association (SACIA)
Small Business Development Center
One Landmark Square
Stamford, CT 06901
203-359-3220 ext. 302
Fax: 203-967-8294
Greater Waterbury Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
101 Main St.
Waterbury, CT 06706-1042
Fax: 203-756-9077
Marshall Heights Community
3917 Minnesota Ave. ME
Washington, DC 20019
Eastern Connecticut State University
Small Business Development Center
83 Windham St.
Willmantic, CT 06226-2295
Fax: 960-456-5670
Ward Five Community Development
901 Newton St. ME, Suite 103
Washington, DC 20017
Fax: 202-396-4106
Funding Source:
Delaware Small Business Development
University of Delaware
Pumell Hall, Suite 005
Newark, DE 19716
Fax: 302-831-1423
Funding Source:
Sussex County Department of Economic
PO Box 610
Georgetown, DE 19947
Fax: 302-856-5779
Delaware State University
1200 N. Dupont Highway
Dover, DE 19801
Fax: 302-739-2333
Small Business Resource & Information
1318 N. Market St.
Wilmington, DE 19801
District of Columbia
Funding Source:
District of Columbia Small Business
Development Center
Howard University
6th and Fairnont St., NW, Room 128
Washington, DC 20059
Fax: 202-806-1777
Small Business Clinic
720 20th St., NW
Washington, DC 20052
Fax: 202-994-4946
Office of Latino Affairs
2000 14th St. NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20009
George Washington University
3101 MLK Jr. Ave. SE, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20010
202-561-4975 ext. 3006
Florida Small Business Development
University of West Florida
Downtown Center
19 W. Garden St., Suite 300
Pensacola, FL 32501
Fax: 904-444-2070
Seminole Community College
Small Business Development Center
Seminole Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 150784
AltaMonte Springs FL 32715-0784
Florida Atlantic University
Small Business Development Center
Building T-9
P.O. Box 3091
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Fax: 407-362-5623
Brevard Community College
Small Business Development Center
1519 Clearlake Rd.
Cocoa, FL 32922
407-951-1060, ext. 2045
Small Business Development Center
46 SW 1st Ave.
Dania, FL 33304
Small Business Development Center
Florida Atlantic University
Commercial Campus
1515 West Commercial Blvd., Room II
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Fax: 954-776-6645
Indian River Community College
Small Business Development Center
3209 Virginia Ave., Room 114
Fort Pierce, FL 34981-5599
Fax: 407-462-4796
University of South Florida
Small Business Development Center
Sabal Hall, Rooms 219 and 220
8099 College Parkway SW
Fort Myers, FL 33919
Fax: 941-489-9051
University of West Florida
Fort Walton Beach Center
Small Business Development Center
1170 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547
Fax: 904-863-6564
Small Business Development Center
505 NW 2nd Ave., Suite D
P.O. Box 2518
Gainesville, FL 32601
Fax: 352-372-4132
University of North Florida
Small Business Development Center
College of Business
4567 St. John's Bluff Rd., S.
Jacksonville, FL 32216
Fax: 904-646-2594
Gulf Coast Community College
Small Business Development Center
2500 Minnesota Ave.
Lynn Haven, FL 32444
Fax: 904-271-1109
Florida International University
Small Business Development Center
Trailer MOI, Tamiami Campus
Miami, FL 33199
Small Business Development Center
600 N. Broadway, Suite 300
Bartow, FL 33830
Fax: 941-533-1247
Daytona Beach Community
1200 W. International Speedway Blvd.
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Fax: 904-254-4465
Minority Business Development Center
5950 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 307
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33313
Fax: 954-485-2514
Florida Gulf Coast University
The Midway Ctr.
17595 Tamiami Tr., Suite 200
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Miami Dade Community College-SBDC
6300 NW 7th Ave.
Miami, FL 33150
Fax: 305-237-1908
Seminole Community College-SBDC
100 Weldon Blvd., Bidg. R
Sanford, FL 32707
407-328-4755 ext. 3341
Fax: 407-330.4489
Small Business Development Center
110 East Silver Springs Blvd.
P.O. Box 1210
Ocala, FL 32670
University of Central Florida
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 161530
Orlando, FL 32816-1530
Fax: 407-823-3073
University of West Florida
Small Business Development Center
Building 8, 11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 32514
Fax: 904-474-2126
Florida A & M University
Small Business Development Center
1157 Tennessee St.
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Fax: 904-561-2395
University of South Florida
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
4202 Minnesota Ave., BSN 3403
Tampa, FL 32444
Small Business Development Center
Prospect Place, Suite 123
3111 S. Dixie Highway
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Funding Source:
Georgia Small Business Development
University of Georgia
Chicopee Complex
1180 East Broad St.
Athens, GA 30602
Fax: 706-542-6776
Small Business Development Center
Southwest Georgia District
Business and Technology Center
230 S. Jackson St., 3rd Floor, Suite 333
Albany, GA 31701-2885
Fax: 912-430-3933
Small Business Development Center
University of Georgia
Chinnnftfi Cninniex
1180 East Broad St.
Athens, GA 30602-5412
Fax: 706-542-6823
Morris Brown College
Small Business Development Center
643 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., NW
Atlanta, GA 30314
Fax: 404-688-5985
Georgia State University
Small Business Development Center
Box 874, University Plaza
Atlanta, CA 30303-3083
Fax: 706-651-1035
Small Business Development Center
1061 Katherine St.
Augusta. GA 30904-6105
Fax: 706-731-7937
Small Business Development Center
1107 Fountain Lake Dr.
Brunswick, GA 31525-3039
Fax: 912-262-3095
Small Business Development Center
928 45th St. North Bldg., Room 523
Columbus, CA 31904-6572
Fax: 706-649-1928
DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development
750 Commerce Dr.
Decatur, GA 30030-2622
Fax: 404-378-3397
Small Business Development Center
500 Jesse Jewel Parkway, Suite 304
Gainesville, GA 30501
Fax: 706-531-5684
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 13212
401 Cherry St., Suite 701
Macon, GA 31208-3212
Fax: 912-751-6607
Kennesaw State College
Small Business Development Center
1000 Chastian Rd.
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
Fax: 770-423-6564
Clayton State College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 285
Morrow, GA 30260
Fax: 404-961-3428
Floyd College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1664
Rome, OA 30162-1864
FK: 404-295-6732
Small Business Development Center
450 Mall Blvd., Suite H
Savannah, GA 31406-4824
Fax: 912-353-3033
Small Business Development Center
3255 S. Main St.
Statesboro, GA 30460
Fax: 912-681-0648
Small Business Development Center
Valdosta Area Office
Baytree West Professional Offices
Suite 9, Baytree Rd.
Valdosta, GA 31602-2782
Fax; 912-245-3741
Middle Georgia Technical Institute
Small Business Development Center
151 Osigian Blvd.
Wamer Robins, OA 31088
Funding Sources:
Hawaii Small Business Development
University of Hawaii at Hilo
200 W. Kawili St.
Hilo, HI 96720-4091
Fax: 808-933-3683
Small Business Development Center Kauai
Kanai Community College
3-1901 Kaumualii Highway
Lihue, HI 96766-9591
Fax: 808-245-5102
Small Business Development Center Maui
Maui Research and Technology Center
590 Lipoa Parkway
Kihei, HI 96753
Small Business Development Center Oahu
Business Action Center
130 N. Merchant St., Suite 1030
Honolulu, HI 96813
Funding Sources:
Idaho Small Business Development
Boise State University
College of Business
1910 University Dr.
Boise, ID 83725
Fax: 208-385-3877
Idaho State University
Small Business Development Center
2300 N. Yellowstone
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Fax: 208-523-1049
Lewis-dark State College
Small Business Development Center
500 8th Ave.
Lewiston, ID 83501
Fax: 208-799-2831
Boise Satellite Office
Small Business Development Center
Boise State University
305 E. Park St., Suite 405
McCall, ID 83638
Idaho State University
Small Business Development Center
1651 Alvin Ricken Dr.
Pocatello, ID 83201
Fax: 208-233-0268
North Idaho College
Small Business Development
525 W. Clearwater Loop
Post Falls, ID 83854
Fax: 208-769-3223
College of Southern Idaho
Small Business Development Center
Region IV
315 Falls Ave.
Twin Falls, ID 83303
208-733-9554, ext. 2477
Fax: 208-733-9316
Funding Sources:
Illinois Small Business Development
Center Network
Dept. of Commerce and Community
620 East Adams St., 3rd Floor
Springfield, IL 62701
Fax: 217-785-6328
Southern Illinois University/Carbondale
Small Business Development Center
Carbondale, IL 62901-6702
Fax: 618-453-5040
Waubonsee Community College/
Aurora Campus
Small Business Development Center
5 East Galena Blvd.
Aurora, IL 60506
708-892-3334, ext. 139
Fax: 708-892-3374
Kaskaskia College (Satellite)
Small Business Development Center
2710 College Rd.
Centralia, IL 62801
Fax: 618-532-4983
Back of the Yards Neighborhood
Small Business Development Center
1751 West 47th St.
Chicago, IL 60609
Fax: 312-254-3525
Greater North Pulaski Economic
Development Corp.
Small Business Development Center
4054 West North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639
312-384-2262 Fax: 312-384-3850
Women's Business Development Center
Small Business Development Center
8 S. Michigan, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60603
Fax: 312-853-0145
Olive-Harvey College
Small Business Development Center
10001 S. Woodlawn Dr.
Chicago, IL 60628
Fax: 312-468-8086
Industrial Council of NW Chicago
Small Business Development Center
2023 West Carroll
Chicago, IL 60612
Fax: 312-421-1871
Latin American Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
539 N. Kedzie, Suite II
Chicago, IL 60647
Fax: 312-252-7065
Eighteenth Street Development Corp.
Small Business Development Center
1839 S. Carpenter
Chicago, IL 60608
Fax: 312-733-7315
Loop Small Business Development
Center DCCA, State of Illinois Ctr
100 West Randolph, Suite 3-400
Chicago, IL 60601
Fax: 312-814-2807
McHenry County College
Small Business Development Center
8900 U.S. Highway 14
Crystal Lake, IL 60012-2761
Rend Lake College
Small Business Development Center
Route #l
Ina, IL 62846
618-437-5321, ext. 335
Fax: 618-437-5677
Rock Valley College
Small Business Development Center
1220 Rock St.
Rockford, IL 61102
Fax: 815-968-4157
Danville Area Community College
Small Business Development Center
28 West North St.
Danville, IL 61832
Fax: 217-442-6228
Joliet Junior College
Small Business Development Center
Renaissance Center
Room 319, 214 N. Ottawa St.
Joliet, IL 60431
815-727-6544, ext. 1313
Fax: 815-722-1895
Lincoln Land Community College
Small Business Development Center
200 West Washington
Springfield, IL 62701
Fax: 217-789-0958
Small Business Development Center
985 W. Pershing Rd., Suite F
305 East Locust
Decatur, IL 62526
Fax: 217-875-8289
Sauk Valley College
Small Business Development Center
173 Illinois Route #2
Dixon, IL 61021-9110
Fax: 815-288-5958
Southern Illinois
Small Business Development Center
Campus Box 1107
Edwardsville, IL 62026
Fax: 618-692-2647
Elgin Community College
Small Business Development Center
1700 Spartan Dr.
Elgin, IL 60123
Fax: 847-888-799S
Kankakee Community College
Small Business Development Center
101 S. Schuyler Ave.
Kankakee, IL 60901
Fax: 815-933-0380
Western Illinois University
Small Business Development Center
114 Seal Hall
Macomb, IL 61455
Fax: 309-298-2520
Black Hawk College
Small Business Development Center
30142nd Ave
East Moline, IL 61244
309-75S-2200 ext. 211
Fax: 309-755-9847
Maple City Business and Technology
Small Business Development Center
620 S. Main St.
Monmouth, IL 61462
Fax: 309-734-8579
Evanston Business and Technology
Small Business Development Center
1840 Oak Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201
Fax: 847-866-1808
Illinois Valley Community College
Small Business Development Center
Building II, Route I
Oglesby, IL 61348
Fax: 815-224-3033
College of DuPage
Small Business Development Center
22nd and Lambert Rd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Fax: 708-942-3789
Illinois Eastern Community College
Small Business Development Center
401 East Main St.
Olney, IL 62450
Fax: 618-395-1922
College of Lake County
Small Business Development Center
19351 West Washington St.
Grayslake, IL 60030
Fax: 708-223-9371
Moraine Valley College
Small Business Development Center
10900 S. 88th Ave.
Palos Hills, IL 60465
Fax: 708-974-0078
Southeastern Illinois College (Satellite)
303 S. Commercial
Harrisburg, IL 62946-2125
Fax: 618-252-0210
Bradley University
Small Business Development Center
141 N. Jobst Hall, 1st Floor
Peoria, IL 61625
Fax: 309-677-3386
East St. Louis
DCCA, State Office Building
10 Collinsville
East St. Louis, IL 62201
Fax: 618-588-2274
Sliawnee College (Satellite)
Small Business Development Center
Shawnee College Rd.
Fax: 618-634-9028
Governor's State University
Small Business Development C
University Park, IL 60466
Funding Source:
Indiana Small Business Development
Economic Development Council
One N. Capitol, Suite 420
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Fax: 317-264-3102
Greater Bloomington Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
116 W. 6th St.
Bloomington, IN 47404
Fax: 812-336-0651
Columbus Enterprise Development
Small Business Development Center
4920 N. Warren Dr.
Columbus, IN 47203
Fax: 812-372-0228
Evansville chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
100 NW Second St., Suite 200
Evansville, IN 47708
Northeast Indiana Business Assistance
Small Business Development Center
1830 Wayne Terrace
Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Fax: 219-424-0024
Hoosier Valley Economic Opportunity
Small Business Development Center
1613 E. 8th St.
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Fax: 812-284-8314
Indiana University
Small Business Development Center
342 Senate Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Fax: 317-261-3053
Kokomo-Howard County Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
106 N. Washington
Kokomo, IN 46901
Fax: 317-452-4564
Greater Lafayette Progress, Inc.
Small Business Development Centers
122 N. Third
Lafayette, IN 47901
Fax: 317-742-6276
Bates Office of Economic Development
132 S. Main
Batesville, IN 47006
Bedford Chamber of Commerce -SBDC
1116 W. 16th St.
Bedford, IN 47421
Clay County Chamber of
Twelve N. Walnut St.
Braxil, IN 47834
Clinton Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
292 N. Ninth St.
Clinton, IN 47842
Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
112 N. Main St.
Columbia City, IN 46725
Connersville SBDC
504 Central
Connersville, IN 47331
Madison Area Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
301 East Main St.
Madison, IN 47250
Fax: 812-265-2923
Harrison County Development Center
The Hairison Center
405 N. Capitol, Suite 308
Muncie-Delaware County Chamber
Small Business Development Center
401 S. High St.
Muncie, IN 47308
Fax: 317-741-5489
Montgomery County Chamber of
211 S. Washington St.
Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Northwest Indiana Forum, Inc.
Small Business Development Center
6100 Southport Rd.
Portage, IN 46368
Fax: 219-942-5806
Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
125 E. Monroe St.
Decatur, IN 46733
Richmond Area Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
33 S. 7th St.
Richmond, IN 47374
Fax: 317-966-0882
South Bend Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
300 N. Michigan St.
South Bend, IN 46601
Fax: 219-282-4344
Indiana State University
Small Business Development Ctr.
School of Business
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Fax: 812-237-7675
City of Delphi Community Development
20 S. Union
Delphi, IN 46923
Elkhart Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
421 S. Second St.
Elkhart, IN 46515
Elwood Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
108 S. Anderson St.
Elwood, IN 46063
Clinton County Chamber of Commerce
207 S. Main St.
Frankfort, IN 46041
Northlake Small Business Development
Firth Avenue Mall
487 Broadway, Suite 201
Gary, IN 46402
Greencastle Partnership Ctr.-SBDC
Two S. Jackson St.
Greencastle, IN 46135
Greensburg Area Chamber of
125 W. Main St.
Greensburg, IN 47240
Hammond Development Corp.-SBDC
649 Conkey St.
Hammond, IN 46324
Blackford County Economic
P.O. Box 43
Hartford, IN 47348
Indiana Region 15 Planning Commission
511 Fourth St.
Huntingburg, IN 47542
Kendallville Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
228 S. Main St.
Kendallville, IN 46755
LaPorte Small Business Development
414 Lincoln way
LaPorte, IN 46350
Dearborn County Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
213 Hads Parkway
Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Fax: 812-537-0845
Union County Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
102 N. Main St., #6
Liberty, IN 47353-1039
First Citizens Band SBDC
515 N. Franklin Square
Michigan City, IN 46360
137 Lynn Ave.
Ames, IA 50010
Fax: 515-292-0020
Mitchell Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
First National Bank
Main St.
Mitchell, IN 47446
White County Chamber of
P.O. Box 1031
Monticello, IN 47960
Mt. Vernon Chamber of
405 E. Fourth St.
Mt. Vernon, IN 47602
East Central Indiana Regional SBDC
401 S. High St.
Muncie, IN 47308
Fax: 317-741-5489
Brown County Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 164
Nashville, IN 47448
Floyd County Private Industry Council
Workforce Development Center
Small Business Development Center
3303 Plaza Dr., Suite 2
New Albany, IN 47150
Jennings County Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 340
North Vernon, IN 47265
Private Industry Council Workforce,
326 B. N. Gospel
Paoli, IN 47464
Peru Area Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
Two N. Broadway, Suite 202
Peru, IN 46970
Jay County Development Corp.-SBDC
121 W. Main St., Suite A
Portland, IN 47371
Park County Economic
P.O. Box 296
Rockville, IN 47872
Rushville Chamber of Commeree-SBDC
P.O. Box 156
Rushville, IN 47173
Seymour Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
P.O. Box 43
Seymour, IN 47274
Sullivan Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
Ten S. Court St.
Sullivan, IN 47882
Tell City Chamber of Commerce-SBDC
Regional Federal Bldg.
645 Main St.
Tell City, IN 47586
Fax: 812-547-8378
Tipton County Economic Development
136 East Jefferson
Tipton, IN 46072
Porter County SBDC
911 Wall St.
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Vevay/Switzerland County Foundation
P.O. Box 193
Vevay, IN 47043
Vincennes University-SBDC
P.O. Box 887
Vincennes, IN 47591
Wabash Area Chamber of
67 S. Wabash
Wabash, IN 46922
Washington, Davies County SBDC
One Train Depot St.
Washington. IN 47501
Fax: 812-254-2550
Purdue University SBDC
Business & Industrial Development
1220 Potter Dr.
West Layfayette, IN 47906
Randolph County Economic Dev.
III S. Main St.
Winchester, IN 47394 317-584-3266
Funding Source:
Iowa Small Business Development
Iowa State University
College of Business Administration
Chamblynn Building
ISU Small Business Development Center
ISU Audubon Branch
Circle West Incubator
P.O. Box 204
Audubon, IA 50025
Fax: 712-563-2301
University of Northern Iowa
Small Business Development Center
Suite 5, Business Building
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0120
Fax: 319-273-6830
Iowa Western Community College
Small Business Development Center
2700 College Rd., Box 4C
Council Bluffs, IA 51502
Fax: 712-325-3408
Southwestern Community College
Small Business Development Center
1501 West Townline
Creston, IA 50801
Fax: 515-782-4164
Eastern Iowa Community College
Small Business Development Center
304 West Second St.
Davenport, IA 52801
Fax: 319-322-8241
Drake University
Small Business Development Center
Drake Business Center
2401 University
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505
Fax: 515-271-4540
Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce
Northeast Iowa Small Business
770 Town Clock Plaza
Dubuque, IA 52001
Fax: 319-557-1591
University of Iowa Oakdale Campus
Small Business Development Center
108 Pappajohn Business Adm. Bldg.
Suite S-160
Iowa City, IA 52242-1000
Fax: 319-335-2445
Kirkwood Community College
Small Business Development Center
2901 Tenth Ave.
Marion, IA 52302
Fax: 319-377-5667
Kansas State University
Small Business Development Center
2323 Anderson Ave., Suite 100
Manhattan, KS 66502-2947
913-532-5529 Fax: 913-532-5827
North Iowa Area Community College
Small Business Development Center
500 College Dr.
Mason City, IA 50401
Fax: 515-423-0931
Cloud County Community College
Small Business Development Center
2221 Campus Dr.
P.O. Box 1002
Concordia, KS 66901
Fax: 913-243-1459
Indian Hills Community College
Small Business Development Center
525 Grandview Ave.
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Fax: 515-683-5263
Dodge City Community College
Small Business Development Center
2501 N. 14th Ave.
Dodge City, KS 67801
316-227-9247, ext. 247
Fax: 316-227-9200
Western Iowa Tech Community College
Small Business Development Center
4647 Stone Ave., Bldg. B, Box 265
Sioux City, IA 51102-0265
Fax: 712-274-6429
Emporia State University
Small Business Development Center
207 Cremer Hall
Emporia, KS 66801
Fax: 316-341-5418
Iowa Lakes Community College
Small Business Development Center
Gateway Center
Highway 71 N.
Spencer, IA 51301
Fax: 712-262-4047
Fort Scott Community College
Small Business Development Center
2108 S Horton
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Fax: 316-223-6530
Southeastern Community College
Small Business Development Center
Drawer F
West Burlington, IA 52655
319-752-2731, ext. 103
Funding Source:
Kansas Small Business Development Cte
Wichita State University
1845 Fail-mount
Wichita, KS 67260-0148
Butler County Community College
Small Business Development Center
600 Walnut
Augusta, KS 67010
Neosho County Community College
Small Business Development Center
1000 S Alien
Chanute, KS 66720
316-431-2820, ext 219
Fax: 316-431-0082
Garden City Community College
Small Business Development Center
801 Campus Dr.
Garden City, KS 67846
Fax: 316-276-9630
Fort Hays State University
Small Business Development Center
1301 Pine St.
Hays, KS 67601
Fax: 913-628-1471
Hutchinson Community College
Small Business Development Center
815 N. Walnut, #225
Hutchinson, KS 67501
Fax: 316-665-8354
Ottawa University
Small Business Development Center
College Ave., Box 70
Ottawa, KS 66067
913-242-5200, ext. 5457
Fax: 913-242-7429
Johnson County Community College
Small Business Development Center
CEC Building, Room 223
Overland Park, KS 66210-1299
Fax: 913-469-4415
Labette Community College
Small Business Development Center
200 S. 14th
Parsons, KS 67357
Fax: 316-421-0921
Pittsburg State University
Small Business Development Center
Shirk Hall
Pittsburg, KS 66762
Fax: 316-232-6440
Pratt Community College
Small Business Development Center
Highway 61
Pratt, KS 67124
Fax: 316-672-5288
KSU-Salina College of Technology
Small Business Development Center
2409 Scanlan Ave.
Salina, KS 67401
Fax: 913-826-2936
Washburn University
Small Business Development Center
101 Henderson Learning Center
Topeka, KS 66621
913-231-1010, ext. 1305
Fax: 913-231-1063
Independence Community College
Small Business Development Center
College Ave. and Brookside, Box 708
Independence, KS 67301
Fax: 316-331-5344
Coffeyville Community College
Small Business Development Center
11th and Willow Sts.
Coffeyville, KS 67337-5064
Fax: 316-252-7098
Allen County Community College
Small Business Development Center
1801 N. Cottonwood
Iola, KS 66749
Fax: 316-365-3284
Colby Community College
Small Business Development Center
1255 S. Range
Colby, KS 67701
913-462-3984, ext. 239
Fax: 913-462-8315
Seward County Community College
Small Business Development Center
1801 N. Kansas
Liberal, KS 67905
316-624-1951, ext. 150
Fax: 316-624-0637
Funding Resource:
Kentucky Small Business Development
University of Kentucky
Center for Business Development
College of Business and Economics
225 Business and Economics Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0034
Fax: 606-258-1907
McNeese State University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
Lake Charles, LA 70609
Fax: 318-475-5012
Ashland Small Business Development
Center Boyd-Greenup County Chamber
of Commerce Building
P.O. Box 830
20715th St.
Ashland, KY 41105-0830
Fax: 606-325-4607
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green Small Business
Development Center
245 Grise Hall
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Fax: 502-745-2902
Southeast Community College
Small Business Development Center
Room 113, Chrisman Hall
Cumberland, KY 40823
Fax: 606-589-4941
Elizabethtown Small Business
238 West Dixie Ave.
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Fax: 502-769-5095
Northern Kentucky University
North Kentucky Small Business
Development Center
BEP Center, Room 468
Highland Heights, KY 41099-0506
Fax: 606-572-5566
Hopkinsville Small Business
Development Center
300 Hammond Dr.
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Fax: 502-886-3211
University of Kentucky
Small Business Development Center
College of Business and Economics
c/o Downtown Public Library
140 Main St.
Lexington, KY 40507
Fax: 606-257-1751
Bellarmine College
Small Business Development Center
School of Business
2001 Newburg Rd.
Louisville, KY 40205-0671
Fax: 502-452-8288
University of Louisville
Small Business Development Center
Center for Entrepreneurship and
Room 122, Burhans Hall
Louisville, KY 40292
Fax: 502-588-8573
Morehead State University
Small Business Development Center
207 Downing Hall
Morehead, KY 40351
Pax: 606-783-5023
Murray State University
West Kentucky Small Business
College of Business and Public Affairs
Murray, KY 42071
Fax: 502-762-3049
Owensboro Small Business Development
3860 U.S. Highway 60 West
Owensboro, KY 42301
Fax: 502-684-0714
Pikeville Small Business Development
222 Hatcher Court
Pikeville, KY 41501
Fax: 606-432-8924
Eastern Kentucky University
Small Business Development Center
107 West Mt. Vernon St.
Somerset, KY 42501
Funding Resource:
Louisiana Small Business Development
Northeast Louisiana University
Adm. 2-57
Monroe, LA 71209
Fax: 318-342-5510
Small Business Development Center
934 3rd St., Suite 510
Alexandria,, LA 71301
Fax: 318-484-2126
Capital Small Business Development
1933 Wooddale Blvd. Suite E
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Fax: 504-922-0999
Southeastern Louisiana University
Small Business Development Center
Box 522, SLU Station
Hammond, LA 70402
Northeast Louisiana University
College of Business Administration
Monroe, LA 71209
Fax: 318-342-1209
Northwestern State University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
Natchitoches, LA 71497
Fax: 318-357-6810
University of New Orleans
Small Business Development Center
LA International Trade
2 Canal St., Suite 2926
New Orleans, LA 70130
Fax: 504-568-8228
Loyola University
Small Business Development Center
Box 134
New Orleans, LA 70118
Fax: 504-865-3347
Southern University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
New Orleans, LA 70126
Fax: 504-286-5131
University of New Orleans
Small Business Development Center
Lakefront Campus
College of Business Administration
New Orleans, LA 70148
Fax: 504-539-9205
Louisiana Tech University
Small Business Development Center
Box 10318, Tech Station
Ruston, LA 71271-0046
Fax: 318-257-4253
Louisiana State University at Shreveport
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
I University Place
Shreveport, LA 71115
Fax: 318-797-5208
Nicholls State University
P.O. Box 2015
Thibodaux, LA 70310
Fax- 504-448-4922
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Arcadiana Small Business Development
Box 43732
Lafayette, LA 70504
Fax: 318-262-5296
Carroll County Economic Development
Small Business Development Center
125 N. Court St., Room 103
Westminster, MD 21157
Fax: 410-848-0003
Maine Small Business Development
Center University of Southern Maine
96 Falmouth St., P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME 04101
Fax: 207-780-4810
Harford County Economic Development
Office Small Business Development
220 S. Main St.
Bel Air, MD 21014
Fax: 410-879-8043
Androscoggin Valley Council of
Governments (AVCOG)
Small Business Development Center
125 Manley Rd.
Aubum, ME 04210
Fax: 207-780-4810
Manufacturing and Technology
Small Business Development Center
Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship
College of Business and Management
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-1815
Fax: 301-314-9152
Eastern Maine Development
Corporation Small Business
Development Center
P.O. Box 2579
Bangor, ME 04402-2579
Fax: 207-942-3548
Howard County Economic Development
Office Small Business Development
6751 Gateway Dr., Suite 500
Columbia, MD 21043
Fax: 410-313-6556
Northern Maine Regional Planning
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 779
2 Main St.
Caribou, ME 04736
Fax: 207-493-3108
Western Region Small Business
3 Commerce Dr.
Cumberland, MD 21502
Fax: 301-777-7504
Southern Maine 'Regional Planning
Small Business Development Center
Box Q
255 Main St.
Sanford, ME 04073
Fax: 207-324-2958
Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
Small Business Development Center
Water St., Box 268
Wiscasset, ME 04578
Fax: 207-882-4456
Funding Source:
Small Business Development Center
1420 N. Charles St., Room 142
Baltimore, MD 21202
Fax: 410-837-4151
Anne Arundel Office of Economic
Small Business Development Center
2660 Riva Rd., Suite 200
Annapolis, MD 21401
Fax: 410-222-7415
Business Resource Center
Small Business Development Center
217 E. Redwood St., 10th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Fax: 410-333-4460
Cecil Community College
Eastern Region SBDC
135 E. Main St.
Elkton, MD 21921
Fax: 410-392-6225
Arundel Center N
Small Business Development Center
101 Grain Highway NW, Room HOB
Glen Bumie, MD 21601
Fax: 410-766-1911
Suburban Washington Small Business
Development Center
1400 McCormick Dr., Suite 282
Landover, MD 20785
Fax: 301-883-6479
Eastern Shore Small Business
Center Subcenter
Salisbury State University
Power Professional Bldg. Suite 400
Salisbury, MD 21801
Fax: 410-548-5389
Baltimore County Chamber of
Commerce Small Business Development
102 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 402
Towson, MD 21204
Fax: 410-821-9901
Funding Source:
Massachusetts Small Business
Development Center
University of Massachusetts
205 School of Management
Amherst, MA 01003
Fax: 413-545-1273
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Minority Business Assistance Center
250 Stuart St., 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02125-3393
Fax: 617-287-7725
Boston College
Metropolitan Regional Small Business
Development Center
96 College Rd. - Rahner House
Chestnut Hill, MA 02167
Fax: 617-552-2730
Boston College Capital Formation
Small Business Development Center
96 College Rd. - Rahner House
Chestnut Hill, MA 02167
Fax: 617-552-2730
University of Massachusetts at
Dartmouth Southeastern Massachusetts
Regional Small
Business Development Center
200 Pocasset St.
P.O. Box 2785
Fall River, MA 02722
Fax: 508-674-1929
Salem State College
North Shore Regional Small Business
Development Center
197 Essex St.
Salem, MA 01970
Fax: 508-741-6345
University of Massachusetts
Western Massachusetts Regional Small
Business Development Center
101 State St., Suite #424
Springfield, MA 01103
Fax: 413-737-2312
Dark University Central Massachusetts
Regional Small
Business Development Center
950 Main St., Dana Commons
Worcester, MA 01610
508-793-7615 Fur sns-701-sson
Macomb County Business Assistance
115 S. Groesbeck Hwy.
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043
Fax: 810-469-6787
Funding Resource:
Michigan Small Business Development
2727 Second Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
Fax: 313-964-3648
Ottawa County Economic Development
Office, Inc.
Small Business Development Center
6676 Lake Michigan Dr.
P.O. Box 539
Allendale, MI 49401-0539
Fax: 616-895-6670
Merra Specialty Business Development
Small Business Development Center
2200 Commonwealth, Suite 230
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1485
Fax: 313-769-4064
Huron County Economic Development
Corporation (Satellite)
Small Business Development Center
Huron County Building, Room 303
Bad Axe, MI 48413
Fax: 517-269-7221
Wayne State University
Small Business Development Center
School of Business Administration
2727 Second Ave.
Detroit, MI 48201
Fax: 313-577-8933
1st Step, Inc.
Small Business Development Center
241514th Ave., S.
Escanaba, MI 49829
Fax: 906-786-4442
Genesee Economic Area Revitalization,
Small Business Development Center
711 N. Saginaw St., Suite 123
Flint, MI 48503
Fax: 810-239-5575
Grand Rapids Community College
Small Business Development Center
Applied Technology Center
151 Fountain ME
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Fax: 616-458-3768
Kellogg Community College
Small Business Development Center
34 W. Jackson, Suite A
Battle Creek, MI 49017
Oceana Economic Development
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 168, 100 State St.
Hart, MI 49420-0168
Fax: 616-873-5914
Lake Michigan College
Small Business Development Center
Corporate and Community Services
2755 E. Napier
Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Fax: 616-927-8103
Michigan Technological University
Small Business Development Center
Bureau of Industrial Development
1400 Townsend Dr.
Houghton, MI 49931
Fax: 906-487-2858
Ferns State University
Small Business Development Center
330 Oak St., W115
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Fax: 616-592-3539
Kalamazoo College
Small Business Development Center
Stryker Center for Management Studies
1327 Academy St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49006-3200
Fax: 616-337-7415
Tuscola County Economic Development
Small Business Development Center
194 N. State, Suite 200
Caro, MI 48723
Fax: 517-673-2517
Lansing Community College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 40010, 333 N. Washington Sq.
Lansing, MI 48901-7210
Fax: 517-483-1675
NILAC-Marygrove College
Small Business Development Center
8425 West McNichols
Detroit, MI 48221
Fax: 313-864-6670
Lapeer Development Corporation
449 McConnick Dr.
Lapeer, MI 48446
Fax: 313-667-3541
Central Michigan University
Small Business Development Center
256 Applied Business Studies Complex
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
Fax: 517-774-7992
Muskegon Economic Growth Alliance
Small Business Development Center
230 Terrace Plaza
P.O. Box 1087
Muskegon, MI 49443-1087
Fax: 616-728-7251
Sanilac County Economic Growth
175 East Aitken Rd.
Peck, MI 48466
Fax: 313-648-4617
St. Claire County Community College
Small Business Development Center
800 Military St., Suite 320
Port Huron, MI 48060
Fax: 810-982-9531
Saginaw Future) Inc.
Small Business Development Center
301 East Genesee, Third Floor
Saginaw, MI 48607
Fax: 517-754-1715
Saginaw Valley State University
Business and Industrial Development
7400 Bay Rd.
University Center, MI 481
517-790-4388 Fax: 517-790-4983
West Shore Community College
Business and Industrial Development
3000 N. Stiles Rd., P.O. Box 277
Scottville, MI 49454-0277
Fax: 616-845-0207
Montcalm Community College (Satellite)
2800 College Dr. SW
Sidney, MI 48885
Fax: 517-328-2950
Sterling Heights Area Chamber of
12900 Hall Rd., Suite 110
Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Fax: 810-731-3521
Small Business Development Center
Hennepin Technical College
1820 N. Xenium Lane
Plymouth, MN 55441
Fax: 612-550-7272
Northwestern Michigan College
Center for Business and Industry
1701 East Front St.
Traverse City, MI 49686
Fax: 616-922-1722
Travers Bay Economic Development
Corporation Traverse City Small
Business Development Center
202 E. Grandview Parkway
Traverse City, MI 49684
Fax: 616-946-2565
Greater Northwest Regional CDC
2200 Dendrinos Dr., P.O. Box 506
Traverse City, MI 49685-0506
Walsh/O.C.C. Business Enteiprise
Development Center
1301 W. Long Lanke, Suite 150
Troy, MI 48098
Fax: 810-952-1875
Funding Source:
Minnesota Small Business Development
Department of Trade and Economic
500 Metro Square
1217th Place E.
St. Paul, MN 55101-2146
Fax: 612-296-1290
Customized Training Center
Small Business Development Center
Bemidji Technical College
905 Grant Ave., SE
Bemidji, MN 56601
Fax: 218-755-4289
Nonnandale Community College
Small Business Development Center
9700 France Ave. S.
Bloomington, MN 55431
Fax: 612-832-6352
Brainerd Technical College
Small Business Development Center
300 Quince St.
Brainerd, MN 56401
Fax: 218-828-5321
University of Minnesota at Duluth
Small Business Development
10 University Dr., 150 SBE
Duluth, MN 55812
Fax: 218-726-6338
Itasca Development Corporation
Grand Rapids Small Business
Development Center
19 ME Third St.
Grand Rapids, MN 55744
Fax: 218-327-2242
Hibbing Community College
Small Business Development Center
1515 East 25th St.
Hibbing, MN 55746
Fax: 218-262-6717
Small Business Development Center
Rainy River Community College
1501 Hwy 71
International Falls, MN 56649
Fax: 218-285-2239
Mankato State University
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 3367
410 Jackson St.
Mankato, MN 56001
Fax: 507-387-7105
Sonthwest State University
Small Business Development Center
ST *105
Marshall, MN 56258
Fax: 507-537-6094
Pottery Bus. & Tech. Ctr.
Small Business Development Center
2000 Pottery Place Dr., Suite 339
Red Wing, MN 55066
Fax: 612-385-2251
Rochester Community College
Small Business Development Center
851 30th Ave, , SE
Rochester, MN 55904
Fax: 507-280-5502
Dakota County Technical Institute
Small Business Development Center
1300145th St. East
Rosemount, MN 55068
Fax: 612-322-5156
Small Business Development Center
SE Minnesota Development Corp.
Ill W. Jessie St.
Rushford, MN 55971
Fax: 507-864-2091
St. Cloud State University
Small Business Development Center
Business Resource Center
41912nd St. S
St. Cloud, MN 56301-3761
Fax: 612-255-4957
Minnesota Project Innovation
Small Business Development Center
Suite 100, III Third Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Fax: 612-338-3483
Minnesota Technology Inc.
Small Business Development Center
Olcott Plaza
820 N. 9th St.
Virginia, MN 55792
Fax: 218-741-4249
Small Business Development Center
University of St. Thomas
1000 LaSalle Ave., Suite MPLIOO
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Fax: 612-962-4410
Wadena Technical College
Small Business Development Center
222 Second St., SE
Wadena, MN 56482
Fax: 218-631-2396
Moorhead State University
Small Business Development Center
1104 7th Ave.S
MSU Box 303
Moorhead, MN 56563
Fax: 218-236-2280
North/East Metro Technical College
Small Business Development Center
3300 Century Ave. N, Suite 200D
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-1894
Fax: 612-779-5802
Small Business Development Center
Owatonna Incubator, Inc.
P.O. Box 505
560 Dunnell Dr., Suite #203
Owatonna, MN 55060
Fax: 507-455-2788
Funding Resource:
Mississippi Small Business Development
Center University of Mississippi
Old Chemistry Building, Suite 216
University, MS 38677
Fax: 601-232-5650
Pine Technical College
Small Business Development Center
1100 4th St.
Pine City, MN 55063
Fax: 612-629-7603
Northeast Mississippi Community
College Small Business Development
Cunningham Blvd.
Holliday Hall, 2nd Floor
Booneville, MS 38829
Fax: 601-728-1165
Delta State University
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 3235 DSU
Cleveland, MS 38733
Fax: 601-846-4235
East Central Community College Small
Business Development Center
P.O. Box 129
Decatur, MS 39327
Fax: 601-635-2150
Jones Jr College Small Business
Development Center
900 Court St.
Ellisville, MS 39437
Fax: 601-477-4152
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community
College Small Business Development
Jackson County Campus
P.O. Box 100
Gautier, MS 39553
Fax: 601-497-9604
Delta Community College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 5607
Greenville, MS 38704-5607
Fax: 601-378-5349
MS Contract Procurement Center
Small Business Development Center
301512th St.
P.O. Box 610
Gulfport, MS 39502-0610
Fax: 601-864-2969
Pearl River Community College
Small Business Development Center
5448 U.S. Highway 49 S.
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Fax: 601-544-0032
Mississippi Valley State University Small
Business Development Center
MS Valley State University
ltta Bena, MS 38941
Fax: 601-254-6704
Jackson State University
Small Business Development Center
Suite Al, Jackson Enterprise Center
931 Highway 80 West
Jackson, MS 39204
601-968-2795 Fax: 601-968-2796
Jackson County Extension Center
University of Southern Mississippi
Small Business Development Center
136 Beach Park Place
Long Beach, MS 39560
Fax: 601-865-4581
Alcom State University SBDC
P.O. Box 90
Lorman, MS 39095-9402
Fax: 601-877-6266
Meridian Community College
Small Business Development Center
910 Highway 19 N.
Meridian, MS 39307
Fax: 601-482-5803
Mississippi State University
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Drawer 5288
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Fax: 601-325-4016
Copiah-Lincoln Community College
Small Business Development Center
823 Hwy. 61 N.
Natehez, MS 39120
Fax: 601-445-5254
Hinds Community College
Small Business Development Center
International Trade Center
P.O. Box 1170
Raymond, MS 39154
Fax: 601-857-3535
Holmes Community College Small
Development Center
412 West Ridgeland Ave.
Ridgeland, MS 39159
Fax: 601-853-0844
Northwest MS Comm. College Small
Business Development Center
Desoto Center
8700 Northwest Dr.
Southaven, MS 38671
Fax: 601-342-7648
Southwest MS Comm. College Small
Business Development Center
College Dr.
Summit, MS 39666
Fax: 601-276-3867
Itawamba Community College
Small Business Development Ctr
653 Eason Blvd.
Tupelo, MS 38801
Fax: 601-842-6885
Funding Source:
Missouri Small Business Development
University of Missouri
Suite 300, University Place
Columbia, MO 65211
573-882-0344 Fax: 573-884-4297
Camden County Extension Center
Small Business Development Center
113 Kansas
P.O. Box 1405
Camdenton, MO 65020
Fax: 573-346-2694
Southwest Missouri State University
Small Business Development Center
222 N. Pacific
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Fax: 573-290-5005
Small Business Development Center
Chillicothe City Hall
715 Washington St.
Chillicothe, MO 64601
Fax: 816-646-6811
St. Louis County Extension Center
Small Business Development Center
121 S Meramac, Suite 501
Clayton, MO 63105
Fax: 314-854-6147
Boone County Extension Center
Small Business Development Center
1012 N. Hwy UU
Columbia, MO 65203
Fax: 573-445-9807
University of Missouri at Columbia
Small Business Development Center
1800 University Place
Columbia, MO 65211
Fax: 573-884-4297
Hannibal Satellite Center
Small Business Development Center
Hannibal, MO 63401
Fax: 816-385-6568
Jefferson County Extension Center
Small Business Development Center
Courthouse, #203
725 Maple St., P.O. Box 497
Hillsboro, MO 63050
Fax: 573-789-5059
Center for Technology Transfer and
Economic Development
University of Missouri at Rolla
Room 104, Nagogami Terrace
Rolla, MO 65401-0249
314-341-4559 Fax: 314-341-6495
Small Business Development Center
1507 S. Noland Rd.
Independence, MO 64055-1307
Fax: 816-252-5575
Cape Girardeau County Extension
Center Small Business Development
P.O. Box 408
815 Highway 25S
Jackson, MO 63755
573-243-3581 ext. 283
Fax: 573-243-1606
Cole County Extension Center
Small Business Development Center
2436 Tanner Bridge Rd.
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Fax: 573-634-5463
Missouri Southern State College
Small Business Development Center
107 Mathews Hall, 3950 Newman Rd.
Joplin, MO 64801-1595
Fax: 417-926-4588
Rockhurst College
Small Business Development Center
1100 Rockhurst Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64110-2599
Fax: 816-926-4646
Three Rivers Community College
Small Business Development Center
Business Incubator Bidg.
3019 Fair St.
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Fax: 314-686-5467
Washington County
102 N. Missouri
Potosi, MO 63664
MO Enterprise Bus. Assistance Center
800 W 14th St., Suite III
Rolla, MO 65401
Fax: 573-341-6495
St. Louis County Extension Center
207 Marillac, UMSL
8001 Natural Bridge Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63121
MO PAC-Eastern Region
975 Hornet Dr., Bldg. 279 Wing B
St. Louis, MO 63042
Northeast Missouri State University
Small Business Development Center
207 East Patterson
Kirksville, MO 63501-4419
Fax: 816-785-4181
Thomas Hill Enterprise Center
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 246
Macon, MO 63552
Fax: 816-385-6568
Northwest Missouri State University
Small Business Development Center
127 S. Buchanan
Maryville, MO 64468
Fax: 816-562-1900
Audrain County Extension Center
Small Business Development
101 N. Jefferson
4th Floor Courthouse
Mexico, MO 65265
Fax: 573-581-3232
Randolph County Extension Center
Small Business Development
417 E. Urbandale
Moberly, MO 65270
Fax: 816-263-1874
Small Business Development Center
Mineral Area College
P.O. Box 1000
Park Hills, MO 63601-1000
Fax: 314-431-2144
Three Rivers Community College
Small Business Development
Business Incubator Building
3019 Fair St.
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Fax: 314-686-5467
Washington County Extension Center
Small Business Development
102 N. Missouri
Potosi, MO 63664
Fax: 314-438-2079
MO Enterprise Business Assistance
Small Business Development Center
800 W. 14th St., Suite III
Rolla, MO 65401
Fax: 314-364-6323
Phelps County Extension Center
Small Business Development Center
200 N. Main
P.O. Box 725
Rolla, MO 65401
Fax: 314-364-0436
Pettis County Extension Center
Small Business Development
1012 A Thompson Blvd.
Sedalia, MO 65301
Fax: 816-826-8599
Southwest Missouri State University
Small Business Development
Center for Business Research
901 S. National
Springfield, MO 65804-5685
Fax: 417-836-6337
St. Louis County Extension Center
207 Marillac, UMSL
8001 Natural. Bridge Rd
St. Louis, MO 63121
Fax: 314-977-7241
St. Louis University
Small Business Development
3750 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
Fax: 314-534-7023
St. Charles County Extension Center
Small Business Development
260 Brown Rd.
St. Peters, MO 63376
Fax: 314-970-3000
Franklin County Extension Center
Small Business Development
414 E. Main
P.O. Box 71
Union, MO 63084
Fax: 573-583-5145
Central Missouri State
Center for Technology
Grinstead #75
Warrensburg, MO 64093-5037
Fax: 816-747-1653
Howell County Extension Center
Small Business Development
217 S. Aid Ave.
West Plains, MO 65775
Fax- 417-256-8569
Funding Sources:
Funding Sources:
Montana Small Business Development
Department of Commerce
1424 Ninth Ave.
Helena, MT 59620
Fax: 406-444-1872
Billings Area Business Incubator
Small Business Development Center
115 N. Broadway, 2nd Floor
Billings, MT 59101
Fax: 406-256-6877
Bozeman Human Resources
Small Business Development Center
321 E. Main, Suite 413
Bozeman, MT 59715
Fax: 406-587-9565
Butte REDI
Small Business Development Center
305 W. Mercury St., Suite 211
Butte, MT 59701
Fax- 406-782-9675
Haver Small Business Development
Bear Paw Development Corporation
P.O. Box 1549
Haver, MT 59501
Fax: 406-265-3777
Flathead Valley Community College
Small Business Development Center
777 Grandview Dr.
Kalispell, MT 59901
Fax: 406-786-3815
Missoula Incubator
Small Business Development Center
127 N. Higgins, 3rd Floor
Missoula, MT 59802
Fax: 406-721-4584
Sidney Small Business Development
123 W. Main
Sidney, MT 59270
Fax: 406-482-5306
Great Falls SBDC
High Plains Dev. Authority
710 First Ave. N
Great Falls, MT 59403
Fax: 406-454-2995
Keene State College
Funding Sources:
Nebraska Small Business Development
Omaha Business and Tech. Ctr.
2505 N. 24th St., Suite 101
Omaha, NE 68110
Nevada Small Business Development
University of Nevada at Reno
College of Business Administration
Room 411, Business Bldg.
Reno, NV 89577-0100
Fax: 702-784-4337
Chadron State College
Small Business Development Center
Administration Building
Chadron, NE 69337
Fax: 308-432-6430
Great Basin College
Small Business Development Center
1500 College Pkwy.
Elko, NV 89801
Fax: 702-753-2242
University of Nebraska at Keamey
Small Business Development Center
Welch Hall
19th and College Dr.
Keamey, NE 68849-3035
Fax: 308-865-8153
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Small Business Development Center
College of Business and Economics
Box 456011
Las Vegas, NV 89154-0611
Fax: 702-895-4095
University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Small Business Development Center
Comhusker Bank Bidg.
11th and Comhusker Hwy., Suite 302
Lincoln, NE 68521
Fax: 402-482-0328
Carson City Chamber of
1900 S. Carson St., MOO
Carson City, NV 89701
Fax: 702-882-4179
Mid-Plains Community College
Small Business Development Center
416 N. Jeffers, Room 26
North Platte, NE 69101
Fax: 308-534-5117
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Small Business Development Center
Peter Keiwit Conference Center
1313 Farnam, Suite 132
Omaha, ME 68182-0248
Fax: 402-595-2385
Peru State College
Small Business Development Center
TJ. Majors Building, Room 248
Peru, ME 68421
Fax: 402-872-2422
Small Business Development Center
Nebraska Public Power Building
1721 Broadway, Room 408
Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Fax: 308-635-6596
Wayne State College
Small Business Development Center
Garner Hall, III Main St.
Wayne, NE 68787
Fax: 402-375-7574
Incline Village Crystal Bay
Chamber of Commerce SBDC
969 Tahoe Blvd.
Incline Village, NV 89451
Fax: 702-832-1605
X Foreign Trade Zone Office SBDC
III GrierDr.
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Fax: 702-896-8351
Small Business Development Center
19 W. Fourth St.
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
Fax: 702-399-6301
Tri-County Development Authority
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 820
50 W. Fourth St.
Winnemucca, NV 89446
Fax: 702-623-5999
New Hampshire
Funding Sources:
New Hampshire Small Business
University of New Hampshire
108 McConnell Hall
Durham, NH 03824-3593
Fax: 603-862-4876
Small Business Development Center
Blake House
Keene, NH 03431
Fax: 603-358-2612
Small Business Development Center
120 Main St.
Littleton, NH 03561
Fax: 603-444-5463
Small Business Development Center
1000 Elm St., 14th Floor
Manchester, NH 03101
Fax: 603-634-2449
Plymouth State College
Small Business Development Center
Hyde Hall
Plymouth, NH 03264
Fax: 603-535-2611
Center for Economic Development
Small Business Development
I Indian Head Plaza
Nashua, NH 03060
Fax: 603-598-1164
First National Bank of Portsmouth
Small Business Development
One 3rd St., Suite 2
Dover, NH 03820
Micro Enterprise Assistance Program
Small Business Development
Portsmouth City Hall, Room 325
P.O. Box 628
Portsmouth, NH 03802-0628
Fax: 603-427-1526
New Jersey
Funding Sources:
New Jersey Small Business Development
Rutgers Graduate School of
University Heights
180 University Ave.
Newark, NJ 07102
Fax: 201.648.1110
Small Business Development
Greater Atlantic City Chamber of
1301 Atlantic Ave.
Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Fax: 609-345-4524
University of New Mexico at Los Alamos
Rutgers - The State University Of New
Jersey at Camden
Small Business Development Center
Business and Science Building
Second Floor
Camden, NJ 08102
Fax: 609-225-6231
Albuquerque Technical Vocational
Small Business Development Center
525 Buena Vista SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Fax: 505-224-4251
Brookdale Community College
Small Business Development Center
Newman Springs Rd.
Lincroft, NJ 07738
Fax: 908-842-0203
New Mexico State University at
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1090
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Fax: 505-885-0818
Rutgers - The State University of New
at Camden
Small Business Development Center
University Heights
180 University Ave.
3rd Floor, Ackerson Hall
Newark, NJ 07102
Fax: 201-648-1110
Bergen Community College
Small Business Development Center
400 Paramus Rd
Paramus, NJ 07552
Fax: 201-447-7495
Mercer County Community College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box B
Trenton, NJ 08690
609-586-4800, ext. 469
Fax: 609-890-6338
Kean College of New Jersey
Small Business Development Center
East Campus, Room 242
Union, NJ 07083
Fax: 908-527-2960
Warren County Community College
Small Business Development Center
Route 57 West, Box 55A
Washington, NJ 07882-9605
Fax: 908-689-7488
New Mexico
Funding sources:
New Mexico Small Business
Santa Fe Community College
P.O. Box 4187
Santa Fe, MM 87502-4187
Fax: 505-438-1237
New Mexico State University at
Small Business Development Center
1000 Madison
Alamogordo, NM 87310
Clovis Community College
Small Business Development Center
417 Schepps Blvd
Clovis, NM 88101
Fax: 505-769-4190
Northern New Mexico Community
Small Business Development Center
1002 N. Onate St
Espanola, NM 87532
Fax: 505-747-2180
San Juan College
Small Business Development Center
4601 College Blvd.
Farmington, NM 87402
University of New Mexico at Galiup
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1395
Gallnp, NM 87305
Fax: 505-863-6006
New Mexico State University at Grants
Small Business Development Center
709 E. Roosevelt Ave
Grants, NM 87020
Fax: 505-287-2125
New Mexico Junior College
Small Business Development Center
5317 Lovington Highway
Hobbs, NM 88240
Fax: 505-392-2526
Dona Ana Branch Community College
Small Business Development Center
Box 30001, Department 3DA
Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001
Fax: 505-527-7515
Luna Vocational Technical Institute
Small Business Development Center
Luna Camp
P.O. Drawer K
Las Vegas, NM 88701
505-454-2595 Fax: 505-454-2518
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 715
9018th St., #18
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Fax: 505-662-0099
University of New Mexico at Valencia
Small Business Development Center
280 La Bntrada
Los Lunas, NM 87031
Fax: 505-865-3095
Eastern New Mexico University at
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 6000, 57 University Ave.
Roswell, NM 88201-6000
Fax: 505-624-7132
Santa Fe Community College
Small Business Development Center
S. Richards Ave.
P.O. Box 4187
Santa Fe, NM 87502-4187
Fax: 505-438-1237
Western New Mexico University
Southwest Small Business Development
P.O. Box 2672
Silver City, NM 88062
Fax: 505-538-6341
Tucumcari Area Vocational School
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1143
Tucumcari, NM 88401
Fax: 505-461-1901
New York
Funding Sources:
New York Small Business Development
State University of New York
State University Plaza, S-523
Albany, NY 12246
Fax: 518-465-4992
Small Business Development Center
74 N. Main St
Brockport, NY 14420
Fax: 716-637-2102
SUNY Geneseo
Small Business Development Center
I College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454-1485
Fax: 716-245-5430
Bronx Community College
Small Business Development Center
McCracken Hall, Room 14
West 181st St. and University Ave
Bronx, NY 10453
Fax: 718-563-3572
Geneva Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center at
122 N. Genesee St
Geneva, NY 14456
Kingsborough Community College
2001 Oriental Blvd
Bidg. Tr Room 4204
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Fax: 718-368-4629
EOC Hempstead Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
269 Fulton Ave
Hempstead, NY 11550
Fax: 516-481-4938
Downtown Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
395 Flatbush Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Fax: 718-260-9797
York College
Small Business Development Center
Science Building, Room 107
The City University of New York
Jamaica, NY 11451
Fax: 718-262-2881
State University College at Buffalo
Small Business Development Center
1300 Elrnwood Ave., BA 117
Buffalo, NY 14222
Fax: 716-878-4067
Cobleskill Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
SUNY Cobleskill
Wamer Hall, Room 218
Cobleskill, NY 12043
Fax: 518-234-5272
Corning Community College
Small Business Development Center
24 Denison Parkway West
Corning, NY 14830
Fax: 607-936-6642
Mercy College Outreach Ctr.
Small Business Development Center
555 Broadway
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-1189
Fax: 914-693-4996
State University of New York at Albany
Small Business Develonment Center
Draper Hall, Room 107
135 Western Ave
Albany, NY 12222
Fax; 518-442-5582
State Univ. College of Technology at
Small Business Development Center
Campus Commons
Faimingdale, MY 11735
Fax: 516-293-5343
SUNY at Binghamton
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
Fax: 607-777-4029
SUNY at Oswego
Marist College
Small Business Development Center
Fishkill Extension Center
2600 Route 9, Unit 90
Fishkill, MY 12524-2001
Fax: 914-897-4653
Jamestown Community College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 20
Jamestown, NY 14702-0020
Fax: 716-665-6733
Kingston Small Business Development
I Development Court
Kingston, NY 12401
Fax: 914-339-1631
Harlem Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
163 W. 125th St, Room 1307
New York, NY 10027
Fax: 212-534-4576
East Harlem Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
145 E 116th St, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10029
Fax: 212-410-1359
Midtown Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
Baruch College
360 Park Ave. S., Room 1101
New York NY 10010
Fax: 212-802-6613
Pace University
Small Business Development Center
I Pace Plaza, Room W483
New York, MY 10038
Fax: 212-346-1613
Small Business Development Center
Operation Oswego County
44 W. Bridge St
Oswego, NY 13126
Fax: 31S-343-1546
Clinton Community College
Small Business Development Center
Lake Shore Rd, Suite 9 S.
136 Clinton Point Dr
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
Fax: 518-563-9759
Riverhead Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
Suffolk County Community College
Riverhead, NY 11901
Fax: 516-369-3255
Small Business Development
Brockport Temple Bldg
14 Franklin St, Suite 200
Rochester, NY 14604
Fax: 716-637-2182
Niagara County Community College at
Small Business Development Center
3111 Saunders Settlement Rd.
Sanborn, NY 14132
Fax: 716-731-3595
Southampton Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
Long Island University at Southampton
Abney Peak, Montauk Highway
Southampton, NY 11968
Fax: 516-287-8287
The College of Staten Island
Small Business Development Center
2800 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10314-9806
Fax: 718-982-2323
SUNY at Stony Brook
Small Business Development Center
Harriman Hall, Room 109
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3775
Fax: 516-632-7176
Rockland Community College at Suffern
Small Business Development Center
Suffern, MY 10901-3620
Fax: 914-356-0381
Onondaga Community College
Small Business Development Center
Excell Bldg, Room 108
4969 Onondaga Rd.
Syracuse, NY 13215
315-492-3029 Fax: 315-492-3704
Winston-Salem University
Manufacturing Technology Center
Small Business Development
New York Manufacturing Partnership
385 Jordan Rd
Troy, NY 12180-7602
Fax: 518-286-1006
SUNY College of Technology at Utica/
Rome Small Business Development
P.O. Box 3050
Utica, NY 13504-3050
Fax: 315-792-7554
Jefferson Community College
Small Business Development Center
Watertown, NY 13601
Fax: 31S-782-0901
The Small Business Resource Center
Small Business Development
222 Bloomingdale Rd, 3rd Floor
White Plains, NY 10605-1500
914-644-4116 Fax: 914-644-2184
North Carolina
Funding Sources:
North Carolina Small Business Develop]
University of North Carolina
333 Fayette St. Mall, Suite 1150
Raleigh, NC 27601
Fax: 919-715-7777
Asheville Office
Small Business Development Center
34 Wall St, Suite 707
Public Services Bldg
Asheville, NC 28805
Appalachian State University
Small Business Development Center
Northwestern Region
Walker College of Business
Boone, NC 28608
Fax: 704-262-2027
Small Business Development Center
Central Carolina Region
608 Airport Rd., Suite B
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Fax: 919-962-3291
Small Business Development
Southern Piedmont Region
The Ben Craig Center
8701 Mallard Creek Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28262
Fax: 704-548-9050
Small Business Development Center
Center for Improving Mountain Living
Western Carolina University, Bird Bldg.
Cullowhee, NC 28723
Fax: 704-227-7422
Elizabeth City State University
Small Business Development Center
Northeastern Region
P.O. Box 874
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
Fax: 919-335-3648
Fayetteville State University
Small Business Development Center
Cape Fear Region
Continuing Education Center
P.O. Box 1334
Fayetteville, NC 28302
Fax: 910-486-1949
NC A&T University/CH Moore
Agricultural Research Center
Small Business Development Center
Box D-22, 1602 E. Market St.
Greensboro, NC 27411
Fax: 910-334-7073
East Carolina University
Small Business Development Center
Eastern Region
300 E. 1st St., Willis Bldg.
Greenville, NC 27858-4353
Fax: 919-328-6992
Catawba Valley Region
Small Business Development Center
514 Hwy 321, Suite A
Hickory, NC 28601
Fax: 704-326-9117
Pembroke State University
Office of Economic Development and
Pembroke, NC 28372
Fax: 910-521-6550
MCI Small Business Resource Center
800 1/2 S. Salisbury St
Raleigh, NC 27601
919-715-0520 Fax: 919-715-0518
NC Wesleyan College
Small Business Development Center
3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd
Rocky Mount, NC 27804
University of North Carolina at
Wilmington Small Business Development
Southeastern Region
601 S. College Rd.
Wilmington, NC 28403
919-395-3744 Fax: 910-350-3990
Small Business Development Center
Northern Piedmont Region
P.O. Box 13025
Winston-Salem, NC 27110
Fax: 910-750-2031
Small Business Development Center
Minot Regional Center
1020 20th Ave. SW
P.O. Box 940
Minot, ND 58702
Fax: 701-838-2488
North Dakota
Funding Sources:
North Dakota Small Business Development
University of North Dakota
118 Gamble Hall, Box 7308
Grand Forks, ND 58202-7308
Fax: 701-777-3225
Small Business Development Center
Bismarck Regional Center
400 East Broadway, Suite 416
Bismarck, ND 58501
Fax: 701-252-3843
Devils Lake Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
417 5th St
Devils Lake, ND 58301
Small Business Development Center
Dickinson Regional Center
314 3rd Ave. West, Drawer L
Dickinson, ND 58602
Fax: 701-225-5116
Small Business Development Center
Fargo Regional Center
417 Main Ave.
Fargo, ND 58103
Fax: 701-237-9734
Graftal Outreach Center
Red River Regional Planning Council
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 633
Graftal, ND 58237
Small Business Development Center
Grand Forks Regional Center
The Hemp Center
1407 24th Ave. S, Suite 201
Grand Forks, ND 58201
Fax: 701-775-2772
Jamestown Outreach Center
Small Business Development Center
210 10th St. SE, Box 1530
Jamestown, ND 58402
Fax: 701-251-2488
Mid-Ohio Small Business Development
Williston Outreach Center
Tri-County Economic Development Assn
Small Business Development Center
Box 2047
Williston, ND 58801
Funding Sources:
Ohio Small Business Development Center
Department of Development
77 S. High St., 28th Floor
Columbus, OH 43226-0101
Fax: 614-466-0829
Small Business Development Center
Akron Regional Development Board
One Cascade Plaza, 8th Floor
Akron, OH 44308
Fax: 216-379-3164
Ohio University
Small Business Development Center
Innovation Center
20 E. Circle Dr
Athens, OH 45701
Fax: 614-593-1795
Athens Small Business Center, Inc
900 East State St.
Athens OH 45701
Fax: 614-593-8283
Wood County Small Business Development
WSOS Community Action Commission,
P.O. Box 539
121 E. Wooster St
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Fax: 419-353-3291
Wright State University
Lake Campus
Small Business Development Center
7600 State Route 703
Celina, OH 45882
Fax: 419-586-0358
Cincinnati Small Business Development
IAMS Research Park, MC189
UII Edison Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45216-2265
Fax: 513-948-2007
Clermont County Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
4440 Glen Este-Witharnsville Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45245
Fax: 513-753-7146
Northern Ohio Mfg. Small Business
Development Center
Prospect Pk. Bldg.
4600 Prospect Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44103-4314
Fax: 216-361-2900
Greater Cleveland Growth Association
Small Business Development Center
200 Tower City Center
50 Public Square
Cleveland, OH 44113-2291
Fax: 216-621-4617
Columbus Small Business Development
Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce
37 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43215
Fax: 614-469-8250
Dayton Satellite
Center for Small Business Assistance
College of Business, 310 Rike Hall
Dayton, OH 45433
Fax: 523-873-3545
Northwest Small Business Development
1935 E. Second St, Suite D
Defiance, OH 43512
Fax: 419-782-4649
EMTEC/Small Business Development
Southern Area Mfg. Small Business
Development Center
3171 Research Park
Kettering, OH 45420
Fax: 513-259-1303
Lima Technical College
Small Business Development Center
545 West Market St., Suite 305
Lima, OH 45801-4717
Fax: 419-229-5424
Lorain County Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
6100 S. Broadway
Lorain, OH 44053
Fax: 216-246-4050
246 E. 4th St
P.O. Box 44901
Mansfield, OH 44901
Fax: 419-522-6811
Marietta College
Small Business Development Center
213 4th St
Marietta, OH 45750
Fax: 614-376-4832
Marion Small Business Development
Marion Area Chamber of Commerce
206 S. Prospect St.
Marion, OH 43302
Fax: 614-387-7722
Kent State Univ7Salem Campus
Small Business Development Center
2491 State Route 45 S.
Salem, OH 44460
Fax: 330-332-9256
Youngstown/Wanren SBDC
Region Chamber of Commerce
180 E. Market St.
Warren, OH 44482
Fax: 330-392-6040
Tuscarawas Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
330 University Dr, ME
New Philadelphia, OH 44663-9447
216-339-3391 ext. 279
Fax: 216-339-2637
Miami University Small Business
Development Center
Dept. of Decision Sciences
336 Upham Hall
Oxford, OH 44046
Fax: 513-529-1469
Upper Valley Joint Vocational School
Small Business Development Center
8811 Career Dr.
North County Rd. 25A
Piqua, OH 45356
Fax: 513-778-9237
Portsmouth Area Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
1208 Waller St.
P.O. Box 1757
Portsmouth, OH 45662
Fax- 614-353-2695
Northwestern State University
North Central Small Business Development
Fremond Office
Terra Technical College
1220 Cedar St.
Freemont, OH 43420
419-332-1002 Fax: 419-334-2300
Springfield Small Business Development
Center, Inc.
300 E. Aubum Ave
Springfield, OH 45505
Fax: 513-322-7824
Enterprise Center Small Business
Development Center
129 E. Main St
Hillsboro, OH 45132
Fax: 513-393-8159
Department of Development of the CIC of
Belmont County
Small Business Development Center
St. Clairsville Office
100 East Main St.
St. Clairsville, OH 43950
Fax: 614-695.1536
Ashtabula County Economic Development
Council, Inc.
Small Business Development Center
36 West Walnut St.
Jefferson, OH 44047
Fax: 216-576-5003
Kent Regional Business Alliance Small
Business Development Center
Kent State Univ. Partnership
College of Business Admin., Room 302
Kent, OH 44242
216-672-2772 ext. 254
Fax: 216-672-2448
Lakeland Community College
Lake County Economic Development
Small Business Development Center
750 Clocktower Dr.
Mentor, OH 44080
Fax: 216-951-7336
Women's Network
1540 W. Market St., Suite 100
Akron, OH 44313
Fax: 330-884-6526
Women's Entrepreneurial Growth
Small Business Development Center
The University of Akron
Buckingham Bidg., Room 55
Akron, OH 44309
Women's Business Development Center
2400 Cleveland Ave. NW
Canton, OH 44709
Fax: 216-773-2992
Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
U.S. Route 52 and Solida Rd.
P.O. Box 488
Southpoint, OH 45680
Fax: 614-894-3836
Greater Steubenville Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
630 Market St.
P.O. Box 278
Steubenville, OH 43952
Fay- 614-282-6285
Northwest Ohio Women's Business
Entrepreneurial Network
Small Business Development Center
Toledo Regional Growth Partnership
300 Madison Ave
Toledo, OH 43604
Fax: 419-252-2724
Youngstown State University
Cushwa Center for Industrial Development
Small Business Development Center
241 Federal Plaza W.
Youngstown, OH 44503
Fax: 330-746-3324
Zaiesville Area Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
217 N. Fifth St.
Zanesville, OH 43701
Fax: 614-454-2963
Funding Sources:
Oklahoma Small Business Development
Center Network
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
517 University
Durant, OK 74701
Fax: 405-920-7471
East Central State University
Small Business Development Center
1036 East 10th
Ada, OK 74820
Fax: 405-436-3190
Small Business Development Center
709 Oklahoma Blvd
Alva, OK 73717
Fax: 405-327-0560
Southeastern State University
Small Business Development Center
517 University
Durant, OK 74701
Fax: 405-920-7471
Phillips University
Enid Satellite Center
100 S. University Ave.
Enid, OK 73701
Fax: 405-237-1607
Langston University
Minority Assistance Center
Hwy. 33 East
Langston, OK 73050
Fax: 405-466-2909
Lawton Satellite Center
Small Business Development Center
American National Bank Building
601 SW "D", Suite 209
Lawton, OK 73501
Fax: 405-355-3560
Miami Satellite
2151 St. ME
Miami, OK 74354
Fax: 918-540.0575
Rose State College
Procurement Specialty Center
6420 SE 15th St.
Midwest City, OK 73110
Fax: 405-733-7495
Univ. of Central Oklahoma
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1439, 115 ParkAve.
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1439
Fax: 405-232-1967
Carl Albert Junior College
Poteau Satellite Center
Small Business Development Center
1507 S. McKenna
Poteau, OK 74953
Fax: 918-647-1218
Northeastern State University
Small Business Development Center
Tahlequah, OK 74464
Fax: 918-458-2105
Columbia Gorge Community College
Tulsa Satellite Center
State Office Building
440 S. Houston, Suite 507
Tulsa, OK 74127
Fax: 918-581-2745
Oregon Institute of Technology
Small Business Development Center
3201 Campus Dr., South 314
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Fax: 541-885-1855
Southwestern State University
Small Business Development Center
100 Campus Dr.
Weatherford, OK 73096
Fax: 405-774-7091
Small Business Development Center
229 N. Bartlett
Medford, OR 97501
Fax: 503-776-2224
Funding Sources:
Oregon Small Business Development
44 W. Broadway, Suite 501
Eugene, OR 97401-3021
Fax: 503-345-6006
Linn-Benton Community College
Small Business Development Center
6500 SW Pacific Blvd.
Albany, OR 97321
Fax: 541-917-4445
Southern Oregon State College
Small Business Development Center
Regional Service Institute
Ashland, OR 97520
Fax: 541-482-5838
Central Oregon Community College
Small Business Development Center
2600 NW College Way
Bend, OR 97701
Fax: 541-383-7503
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Small Business Development Center
340 Central
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Fax: 541-269-0323
Lane Community College,.
Small Business Development Center
1059 Willamette St.
Eugene, OR 97401
Fax: 503-686-0096
Rogue Community College
Small Business Development Center
214 SW 4th St
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Fax: 541-471-3589
Mount Hood Community College
Small Business Development Center
323 ME Roberts St.
Gresham, OR 97030
Fax: 503-666-1140
Clackamas Community College
Small Business Development Center
7616 SE Harmony Rd.
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Fax: 503-652-0389
Treasure Valley Community College
Small Business Development Center
88 SW Third Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914
Fax: 541-889-8331
Blue Mountain Community College
Small Business Development Center
37 SE Dorion
Pendleton, OR 97801
Fax: 541-276-6819
Portland Community College
Small Business Development Center
123 NW 2nd Ave., Suite 321
Portland, OR 97209
Fax: 503-294-0725
Small Business International Trade
121 SW Salmon St., Suite 210
Portland, OR 97204
Fax: 503-228-6350
Umpqua Community College
Small Business Development Center
744 SB Rose
Rosenburg, OR 97470
Fax: 541-672-3679
Chemeketa Community College
Small Business Development Center
365 Ferry St. SE
Salem, OR 97301
Fax: 503-581-6017
Clatsop Community College
Small Business Development Center
1240 S. Holladay
Seaside, OR 97138
Fax: 503-738-7843
Rhode Island
Lead Center:
Small Business Development Center
212 Washington
The Dalles, OR 97058
Fax: 541-298-3119
Tillamook Bay Community College Service
Small Business Development Center
401 B Main St.
Tillamook, OR 97141
Fax: 503-842-2555
Lead Center:
Pennsylvania Small Business Development
University of Pennsylvania
The Wharton School
409 Vance Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6374
Fax: 215-898-1063
Lehigh University
Small Business Development Center
Rauch Business Center #37
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Fax: 610-758-5205
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Small Business Development Center
Dana Still Building, Room 102
Clarion, PA 16214
Fax: 814-226-2636
Gannon University
Small Business Development Center
Carlisle Building, 3rd Floor
Erie, PA 16541
Fax: 814-871-7383
Kutztovm University
Small Business Development Center
University Center
2986 N. 2nd St.
Harrisburg, PA 17110
Fax: 717-233-3181
Indiana University of PA
Small Business Development Center
Robt. Shaw Bldg.
Indiana, PA 15705
Fax: 412-357-4514
St. Vincent College
Small Business Development Center
Alfred Hall, 4th Floor
Latrobe, PA 15650
Fax: 412-537-0919
Clemson University
Bucknell University
Small Business Development Center
126 Dana Engineering Building
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Fax: 717-524-1768
St. Francis College
Small Business Development Center
Business Resource Center
Loretto, PA 15940
Fax: 814-472-3202
Temple University
Small Business Development Center
Room 6, Speakman Hall 006-00
Philadelphia, PA 19122
LaSalle University
Small Business Development Center
1900 W. and Oiney Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19141
Fax: 215-951-1597
University of Pennsylvania
Small Business Development Center
The Wharton School
423 Vance Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6374
Fax: 215-898-2135
Duquesne University
Small Business Development Center
Rockwell Hall-Room 10 Concourse
600 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15282
Fax: 412-396-5884
University Small Business Development
208 Bellefield Hall
315 S. Bellefield Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Fax: 412-648-1636
University of Scranton
Small Business Development Center
St. Thomas Hall, Room 588
Scranton, PA 18510
Fax: 717-941-4053
Wilkes College
Small Business Development Center
Hollenback Hall
192 S. Franklin St.
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18766-0001
Fax: 717~R34.7745
Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1636
105 N. Pine St
Spartanburg, SC 29304
Fax: 803-594-5055
Rhode Island Small Business Development
Bryant College
1150 Douglas Pike
Smithfield, Rl 02917
Fax: 401-232-6111
Salve Regina University
Small Business Development Center
Miley Hall, Room 006
Newport, Rl 02840
Fax: 401-847-0372
Rhode Island Small Business Development
Quonset P/D Industrial Park
35 Belver Ave., Room 2127
North Kingstown, Rl 02852-7556
Fax: 401-294-6897
Rhode Island Small Business Development
CCRI-Providence Campus
One Hilton St
Providence, Rl 02905
Fax: 401-455-6047
Bryant College
Small Business Development Center
30 Exchange Terrace, 4th Floor
Providence, Rl 02903
Fax: 401-454-2819
South Carolina
Funding Sources:
South Carolina Small Business
University of South Carolina
College of Business Administration
Columbia, SC 29208
Fax: 803-777-4403
University of South Carolina
Alkan Office
Small Business Development Center
171 University Pkwy., Suite 100
School of Business
Alkan, SC 29801
Fax: 803-641-3647
University of South Carolina at Beaufort
Small Business Development Center
800 Carterat St.
Beaufort, SC 29902
Fax: 803-521-4198
Small Business Development Center
425 Sirnne Hall, College of Commerce
Clemson, SC 29634-1392
Fax: 803-656-4869
University of South Carolina
USC Regional Small Business
College of Business Administration
Columbia, SC 29208
Fax: 803-777-4403
Coastal Carolina
Small Business Development Center
School of Business Administration
P.O. Box 1954
Conway, SC 29526
Fax: 803-349-2445
Florence Darlington Technical College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 100548
Florence, SC 29501.0548
Fax: 803-661-8041
Greenville Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
24 Cleveland St
Greenville, SC 29601
Fax: 803-282-8549
South Dakota
Funding Sources:
South Dakota Small Business Development
University of South Dakota
414 East dark
Vermillion, SD 57069
Fax: 605-677-5272
Small Business Development Center
226 Citizens Building
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Fax: 605-626-2667
Small Business Development Center
105 S. Euclid, Suite C
Pierre, SD 57501
Fax: 605-773-5942
Small Business Development Center
444 Mount Rushmore Rd., Room 208
Rapid City, SD 57701
Fax: 605-394-6140
Small Business Development Center
200 N. Phillips, Suite 302
Sioux Falls, SD 57102
Fax: 605-367-5755
Upper Savannah Council of Governments
Small Business Development Center
Small Business Development Center
Exchange Building
222 Phoenix St., Suite 200
P.O. Box 1366
Greenwood, SC 29648
Fax: 803-941-8090
Funding sources:
Tennessee Small Business Development
Memphis State University
South Campus (Getwell Rd.)
Building #1
Memphis, TN 38152
Fax: 901-678-4072
University of South Carolina at Hilton Head
Small Business Development Center
Suite 300, Kiawah Bldg.
10 Office Park Rd.
Hilton Head, SC 29928
Fax: 803-777-0333
Chattanooga State Technical Community
Small Business Development Center
4501 Amnicola Highway
Chattanooga, TO 37406-1097
615-697-4410 ext. 505
Fax: 615-698-5653
South Carolina State College
Small Business Development Center
School of Business
300 College Ave
Orangeburg, SC 29117
Fax: 803-536-8066
Southeast Tennessee Development District
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 4757
Chattanooga, TN 37405
Fax: 423-267-7705
Winthrop University
Small Business Development Center
119 Thunnond Building
Rock Hill, SC 29733
Fax: 803-323-4281
Memphis State University
Small Business Development Center
Alvin Community College
Small Business Development Center
3110 Mustang Rd.
Alvin, TX 77511-4898
Fax: 713-388-4903
Austin Peay State University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business
Clarksville, TN 37044-0001
Fax: 615-648-5985
Cleveland State Community College
Small Business Development Center
Business and Technology
P.O. Box 3570
Cleveland, TN 37320
Fax: 423-478-6251
Small Business Development Center
Memorial Building
Room 205, 308 West 7th St.
Columbia, TN 38401
Fax: 615-388-5474
Tennessee Technological University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
P.O. Box 5023
Cookeville, TN 38505
Fax: 615-372-6249
Dyersburg Community College
Small Business Development Center
1510 Lake Rd.
Dyersburg, TN 38024
Fax: 901-286-3271
Four Lakes Regional Industrial
Development Authority
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 63
Hartsville, TN 37074-0063
Fax: 615-374-4608
Jackson State Community College
Small Business Development Center
2046 N. Parkway St.
Jackson, TN 38305
Fax: 901-425-2647
East Tennessee State University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business
P.O. Box 70,698A
Johnson City, TN 37614-0698
Fax: 423-461-7080
International Trade Center
301 E. Church Ave.
Knoxville. TN 37915
Fax: 423-523-2071
Memphis State University
Small Business Development Center
320 S.Dudley St.
Memphis, TN 38104
Fax: 901-527-1047
International Trade Center
Memphis, TN 38152
Fax: 901-678-4072
Walters State Community College
Small Business Development Center
Business/Industrial Services
500 S. Davy Crockett Parkway
Morristown, TN 37813
Fax: 423-585-2679
Middle Tennessee State University
Small Business Development Center
School of Business
1417 E. Main St.
P.O. Box 487
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Fax: 615-898-2861
Tennessee State University
Small Business Development Center
School of Business
33010th Ave. N.
Nashville, TN 37203-3401
Fax: 615-963-7160
North Texas Small Business Development
Dallas County Community College
1402 Corinth St.
Dallas, TX 75215
Fax: 214-860-5813
Houston Small Business Development
University of Houston
1100 Louisiana, Suite 500
Houston, TX 77002
Fax: 713-756-1500
Northwest Texas Small Business
Development Center
Center for Innovation
2579 S. Loop 289, Suite 114
Lubbock, TX 79423
806-745-3973 Fax: 806-745-6207
South Texas Border Small Business
Development Center
University of Texas at San Antonio
1222 N. Main, Suite 450
San Antonio. TX 78205
210-558-2450 Fax: 210-558-2464
Abilene Christian University
Caruth Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
648 E, Highway 80
Abilene, TX 79601
Fax: 915-670-0311
Sam Houston State University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Administration
West Texas State University
Panhandle Small Business Development
T. Boone Pickens School of Business
1800 S. Washington, Suite 209
Amarillo, TX 79102
Fax: 806-372-5261
Trinity Valley Small Business Development
500 S. Prairieville
Athens, TX 75751
Fax: 903-675-6316
Austin Small Business Development Center
221 S. IH 35, Suite 103
Austin, TX 78767
Fax: 512-443-4094
Lee College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 818
Baytown, TX 77522-0818
Fax: 713-425-6309
John Gray Institute/Lamar University
Small Business Development Center
855 Florida Ave.
Beaumont, TX 77705
Fax: 409-880-2201
Bonham Small Business Development
110 W. First
Bonham, TX 75418
Fax: 903-583-6706
Blinn College
Small Business Development Center
902 College Ave.
Brenham, TX 77833
Fax: 409-830-4135
Bryan/College Station Chamber of
Small Business Development Center
4001 E. 29th St.
Bryan, TX 77805
Fax: 409-260-5208
Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
1201 N. Shoreline
Corpus Christi, TX 78539
Fax: 512-882-4256
Collin County Small Business Development
4800 Preston Park Blvd.
Piano, TX 75093
Fax: 214-985-3775
Angelo State University
Small Business Development Center
2610 West Ave. N
Navairo Small Business Development >
120 N. 12th St.
Corsicana, TX 75110
903-874-0658 Fax: 903-874-4187
International Business Center
2050 Stemmons Freeway
World Trade Center, Suite #150
P.O. Box 58299
Dallas, TX 75258
Fax: 214-748-5774
Grayson Small Business Development
6101 Grayson Dr.
Denison, TX 75020
Fax: 903-786*6284
Denton Small Business Development Ctr.
P.O. Drawer P
Denton, TX 76202
817-380-1849 Fax: 817-382-0040
University of Texas/Pan American
Small Business Development Center
1201 West University Dr.
Edinburg, TX 78539-2999
Fax: 210-381-2322
El Paso Community College
Small Business Development Center
103 Montana Ave., Room 202
El Paso, TX 79902-3929
Fax: 915-534-4625
Tarrant Small Business Development
1500 Houston St., Room 163
7917 Highway 80 West
Fort Worth, TX 76102
817-794-5900 Fax: 817-794-5952
Cooke Small Business Development Center
1525 West California
Gainesville, TX 76240
817-668-4220 Fax: 817-668-6049
Galveston College
Small Business Development Center
4015 Avenue Q
Galveston, TX 77550
Fax: 409-740-7381
North Harris Community College District
Small Business Development Center
250 N. Sam Houston Parkway
Houston, TX 77060
Fax: 713-591-3513
Midwestem State University
Small Business Development Center
Division of Business
3400 Taft Blvd.
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Fax: 817-689-4374
P.O. Box 2058
Huntsville, TX 77341-2058
Fax: 409-294-3738
Campus Box 10910
San Angelo, TX 76909
Fax: 915-942-2096
Kingsville Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
635 E. King
Kingsville, TX 78363
Fax: 512-592-0866
International Small Business Development
1222 N. Main
San Antonio, TX 78212
Fax: 210-558-2464
Brazosport College
Small Business Development Center
500 College Dr.
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
Fax: 409-265-7208
Laredo Development Foundation
Small Business Development Center
616 Leal St.
Laredo, TX 78041
Fax: 210-722-6247
Kilgore College
Small Business Development Center
100 Triple Creek Dr., Suite 70
Longview, TX 75601
Fax: 903-753-7920
Texas Tech University
Small Business Development Center
Center for Innovation
2579 S. Loop 289, Suite 210
Lubbock, TX 79423
Fax: 806-745-6217
Angelina Community College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1768
Lulkin, TX 75902
Fax: 409-639-1887
Northeast Texarkana Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1307
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
Fax: 903-572-0598
University of Texas/Permian Basin
Small Business Development Center
4901 East University
Odessa, TX 79762
Fax: 915-552-2433
Paris Small Business Development Center
2400 Clarksville St.
Paris, TX 75460
Fax: 903-784-1801
Dixie College
Small Business Development Center
225 South 700 East
Houston Community College System
Small Business Development
13600 Murphy Rd.
Stafford, TX 77477
Fax: 713-499-8194
Tarleton State University
Small Business Development Center
Box T-0650
Stephenville, TX 76402
Fax: 817-968-9329
College of the Mainland
Small Business Development Center
8419 Emmett F. Lowry Expressway
Texas City, TX 77591
Fax: 409-935-5816
Tyler Small Business Development
1530 S. SW Loop 323, Suite 100
Tyler, TX 75701
Fax: 903-510-2978
University of Houston-Victoria
Small Business Development Center
700 Main Center, Suite 102
Victoria, TX 77901
Fax: 512-575-8852
McLennan Small Business
4601 N. 19th St., Suite A-15
Waco, TX 76708
Fax: 817-750-3620
Wharton County Junior College
Small Business Development
Administration Building, Room 102
911 Boling Highway
Wharton, TX 77488-0080
Fax: 409-532-2410
Lamoille Econ. Dev. Center
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 455
Funding Sources:
Utah Small Business Development Center
University of Utah
102 West 500 South, Suite 315
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Fax: 801-581-7814
Southern Utah University
Small Business Development Center
351 West Center
Cedar City, UT 84720
Fax: 801-586-5493
Snow College
Small Business Development Center
345 West First North
Ephraim, UT 84627
Fax: 801-283-6913
Utah State University
Small Business Development Center
East Campus Building
Logan, UT 84322-8330
Fax: 801-797-3317
Weber State University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business and Economics
Ogden, UT 84408-3806
Fax: 801-626-7423
College of Eastern Utah
Small Business Development Center
451 East 400 North
Price, UT 84501
Fax: 801-637-4102
Utah State College
Small Business Development Center
School of Management
800 W. 1200 S
Orem, UT 84058
Fax: 801-225-1229
Uintah Basin Applied Technology Center
Small Business Development Center
1100 East Lagoon
P.O. Box 124-5
Roosevelt, UT 84066
Fax: 801-722-5804
New River Valley Small Business
Development Center
Donaldson Brown Center, Room 234
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0539
Fax: 703-231-8850
St. George, UT 84770
801-673-4811, ext 353
Fax: 801-674-5839
Morrisville, VT 05661-0455
Fax: 802-888-5640
Bennington Co. Industrial Corp.
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 357
No. Bennington, VT 05257
Fax: 802-442-1101
Funding Sources:
Vermont Small Business Development
Vermont Tech. College
P.O. Box 422
Randolph, VT 05060-0422
Fax: 802-728-3026
Northwestern Vermont Small Business
Development Center
P.O. Box 786 NW VT SBDC
Burlington, VT 05402-0786
Fax: 802-860-1899
Southwestern Vermont Small Business
Development Center
256 N. Main St.
Rutland, VT 05701
Fax: 802-773-2772
Southeastern Vermont Small Business
Development Center
P.O. Box 58
Springfield, VT 05156-0058
Fax: 802-885-3027
Central Vermont Small Business
Development Center
Green Mountain SBDC
P.O. Box 246
White River Jet., VT 05001-0246
Fax: 802-295-3779
Brattleboro Dev. Credit Corp.
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1177
Brattleboro, VT 05301-1177
Fax: 802-258-3886
Addison Co. Econ. Dev. Corp
Small Business Development Center
2 Court St.
Middlebury, VT 05753
Fax: 802-388-8066
Central VT Econ. Dev. Center
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1439
Montpelier, VT 05601-1439
Fax: 802-223-4655
Capital Area Small Business Development
403 East Grace St.
Lake Champlain Islands
Chamber of Commerce SBDC
P.O. Box 213
No. Bero, VT 05474-0213
Fax: 802-372-6104
Franklin County Industrial Dev. Ctr.
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1099
St. Albans, VT 05478-1099
Fax: 802-527-5258
Northeastern VT Dev. Assn.
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 630
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Fax: 802-748-1223
Funding sources:
Virginia Small Business Development
901 E. Byrd St., Suite 1800
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax: 804-225-3384
VA Highland Community College
Small Business Development
P.O. Box 828
Abingdon, VA 24212
Fax: 703-628-7576
George Mason University/Arlington
Small Business Development Center
3401 N. Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, VA 22201
Fax: 703-993-8130
Mt. Empire Community College
Southwest Small Business Development
Drawer 700, Route 23
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
Fax: 703-523-4130
Washington Small Business Development
Washington State University
Central Virginia Small Business
Development Center
918 Emmet St. N, Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Fax: 804-295-7066
Northern Virginia Small Business
Development Center
4260 Chainbridge Rd, Suite A-l
Fairfax, VA 22030
Fax: 703-993-2126
Longwood College
515 Main St
Small Business Development Center
Famiville, VA 23901
Fax: 804-395-2359
Rappahannock Region Small Business
Development Center
1301 College Ave., Seacobeck Hall
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Fax: 703-899-4373
James Madison University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business Building, Room 523
Hamsonburg, VA 22807
Fax: 703-568-3299
Lynchburg Regional Small Business
Development Center
147 Mill Ridge Rd,
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Fax: 804-582-6106
Small Business Development Center
Dr. William E.S. Flory
10311 Sudley Manor Dr.
Fax: 703-335-1700
Lord Fairfax Community College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 47
Middletowl, VA 22645
Fax: 703-869-7881
Hampton Roads, Inc.
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 327
420 Bank St.
Norfolk, VA 23501
Fax: 804-825-3552
Southwest Virginia Community College
Small Business Development Center
Richlands, VA 24641
703-964-7345 Fax: 703-964-5788
Richmond, VA 23219
Fax: 804-648-7849
501 Johnson Tower
Pullman, WA 99164-4727
Fax: 509-335-0949
The Blue Ridge Small Business
310 First St., SW Mezzanine
Roanoke, VA 24011
Fax: 703-983-0723
Bellevue Community College
Small Business Development Center
3000 Landerholm Circle
Bellevue, WA 98007-6484
Fax: 206-649-3113
South Boston Small Business Development
P.O. Box 1116
515 Broad St.
South Boston, VA 24592
Fax: 804-572-4087
Western Washington University
Small Business Development Center
College of Business and Economics
308 Park Hall
Bellingham, WA 98225-9073
Fax: 360-650-4844
Loudoun County Small Business
Development Center
21515 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 200
Sterling, VA 22170
Fax: 703-430-9562
Centralia Community College
Small Business Development Center
600 West Locust St.
Centralia WA 98531
Fax: 360-753-3404
Warsaw Small Business Development
P.O. Box 490
106 W. Richmond Rd
Warsaw, VA 22572
Fax: 804-333-0187
Big Bend Community College
Small Business Development Center
7662 Chanute St., Bldg. 1500
Moses Lake, WA 98837-3299
Fax: 509-762-6329
Wytheville Community College
Small Business Development Center
1000 E. Main St.
Wytheville, VA 24382
703-223-4798 ext. 4798
Fax: 703-223-4850
Eastern Shore Office
P.O. Box 395
Belle Haven, VA 23306
Mountain Empire Community College
Small Business Development Center
Drawer 700, Route 23 S.
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
Fax: 703-523-8139
Small Business Development Center
525 Butler Farm Rd., Suite 102
Hampton, VA 23666
Skagit Valley College
Small Business Development Center
2405 College Way
Mt. Vernon, WA 98273
Fax: 360-336-6116
South Puget Sound Community College
Small Business Development Center
721 Columbia St. SW
Olympia, WA 98501
Fax: 360-586-5493
South Seattle Community College
Small Business Development Center
6770 E. Marginal Way S
Seattle, WA 98106
Fax: 206-764-5838
Washington State University at Seattle
Small Business Development Center
180 Nickerson, Suite 207
Seattle, WA 98109
Fax: 206-464-6357
Funding Sources:
Fairmont State College
Small Business Development Center
Fairmont, WV 26554
Fax: 304-366-4870
North Seattle Community College
Small Business Development Center
International Trade Institute
9600 College Way N.
Seattle, WA 98103-3599
Fax: 206-527-3734
Marshall University
Small Business Development Center
1050 Fourth Ave.
University of Wisconsin
432 N. Lake St., Room 423
Madison, WI 53706
Community College of Spokane
Small Business Development Center
665 N. Riverpoint Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99202
Fax: 509-358-2059
Washington State University at Tacoma
Small Business Development Center
950 Pacific Ave., Suite 300
Box 1933
Tacoma, WA 98401-1933
Fax: 206-597-7305
Columbia River Economic Development
Small Business Development Center
100 East Columbia Way
Vancouver, WA 98660-3156
Fax: 360-694-9927
Yakima Valley Community College
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 1647
Yakima. WA 98907
Fax: 509-454-4155
Columbia Basin College
Tri-Cities SBDC
901 N. Colorado
Kennewick, WA 99336
Fax: 509-735-6609
Edmonds Community College
Small Business Development Center
20000 68th Ave. W
Lynwood, WA 98036
Fax: 206-640-1532
Wenatchee Valley College SBDC
P.O. Box 741
Okanogan, WA 98840
Fax: 509-826-1812
Port of Walla Walla SBDC
500 Tausick Way
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Fax: 509-525-3101
Quest SBDC
327 East Penny Rd.
Industrial Bldg. #2, Suite D
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Fax: 509-663-0455
West Virginia
Funding Sources:
West Virginia Small Business Development
West Virginia Development Office
950 Kanawha Blvd.
Charleston, WV 25301
304-558-2960 Fax: 304-558-0127
University of Wl at Parkside SBDC
Huntington, WV 25755-2126
Fax: 304-696-6277
West Virginia Institute of Technology
Small Business Development Center
Room 102, Engineering Building
Montgomery, WV 25136
Fax: 304-442-3307
West Virginia University
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 6025
Morgantown, WV 26506
Fax: 304-293-7061
West Virginia University at Parkersburg
Small Business Development Center
Route 5, Box 167-A
Parkersburg, WV 26101
Fax: 304-424-8315
Shepherd College
Small Business Development
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
Fax: 304-876-5117
College of West Virginia SBDC
P.O. Box AG
Bechkey, WV 25802
Governor's Office of Community and
Industrial Development SBDC
950 Kanawha Blvd. East
Charleston, WV 25301
Fax: 304-558-0127
Elkins Satellite SBDC
10 Eleventh St., Suite One
Elkins, WV 26241
Fax: 304-637.4902
Funding Sources:
Wisconsin Small Business Development
West Virginia Northern Community
Small Business Development Center
College Square
Wheeling, WV 26003
304-233-5900, ext. 206 Fax: 304-232-9065
608-263-7794 Fax: 608-262-3878
University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 4004
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
Fax: 715-836-5263
University of Wisconsin at Green Bay
Small Business Development Center
460 Wood Hall
Green Bay, WI 54301
414-465-2089 Fax: 414-465-2660
University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse
Small Business Development Center
School of Business
120 N. Hall
La Crosse, WI 54601
608-785-8782 Fax: 608-785-6919
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Small Business Development Center
975 University Ave., Room 3260
Madison, WI 53706
608-263-2221 Fax: 608-263-0818
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Small Business Development Center
161 W. Wisconsin Ave., Suite 600
Milwaukee, WI 53203
University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh
Small Business Development Center
157 Clow Faculty Bldg.
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
414-424-1453 Fax: 414-424-7413
University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point
Small Business Development Center
Main Building, Lower Level
Stevens Point, WI 54481
Fax: 715-346-4045
University of Wisconsin at Whitewater
Small Business Development Center
2000 Carlson Bldg
Whitewater, WI 53190
Fax- 414-472-4863
Low Interest Loans To Start A Business In A Small Town
284 Tallent Hall
Kenosha, WI 53141
Fax: 414-595-2S13
WI Innovation Service Ctr. SBDC
Univ. of WI at Whitewater
402 McCutchan Hall
Whitewater, WI 53190
Fax: 414-472-1600
Funding sources:
University of Wisconsin at Superior
Small Business Development Center
29 Sundquist Hall
Superior, WI 54880
Fax: 715-394-8454
Wyoming Small Business Development
III West 2nd St., Suite 416
Casper, WY 82601
Fax: 307-577-7014
Laramie County Community College
Small Business Development Center
1400 East College Dr.
Cheyenne, WY 82007-3298
307-632-6141 800-348-5208
Fax: 307-632-6061
University of Wyoming
Small Business Development Center
P.O. Box 3620
University Station
Laramie, WY 82071-3622
307-766-3050 800-348-5194
Fax: 307-766-3406
Northwest Community College
Small Business Development Center
John DeWitt Student Center
Powell, WY 82435
Fax: 307-754-6069
Wyoming Small Business Development
P.O. Box 1168
Rock Springs, WY 82902
307-352-6894 800-348-5205
Fax: 307-352-6876
The Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) is a rural development program administered by the Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS). The purpose
is to provide loans for the establishment of new businesses, expansion of existing businesses, creation of new employment opportunities, saving of existing
jobs, and funds to recipients for business facilities or community development projects in rural areas. Loans are made to intermediaries who relends funds
to recipients for business facilities or community development. You can borrow up to $150,000 with a maximum term of 30 years and an interest rate as
low as one percent per year. For information, copies of regulations, and forms, contact any USDA, Rural Development State Office or write to the RBS
National Office at USDA, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 5050 South Building, Washington, DC 20250;
202-720-1400. Contact the USDA Rural Development office closest to you.
Contact the USDA Rural Development
office closest to you
38 West Trenton Boulevard
Fayetteville, AR 72701
501-443-2700 Fax: 501-443-5036
Alaska Village Initiatives
1577 C Street #304
Anchorage, AK 99501
Delta Community Development
335 West Broadway Street
Forrest City, AR 72335
Tanana Chiefs Conference
1221st Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99705
East Arkansas Planning and Development
P.O. Box 1403
Jonesboro, AR 72403
Juneau Economic Development Council
612 W. Willoughby Ave., Suite A
Juneau, AK 99801-1732
Business Development Finance Corporation
186 East Broadway Boulevard
Tucson, AZ 85701
Northern Arizona Council of Governments
119 East Aspen Avenue
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-5296
PEEP Microbusiness
806 East 46th Street
Tucson, AZ 85713
Arkansas Capital Relending Corporation
225 South Pulaski Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Active/Approved IRP Loans
Arkansas Development Finance Authority
100 Main Street, Suite 200
Little Rock, AR 72201
Arkansas Enterprise Group
708 Clinton Street, Suite 111
Arkadelphia, AR 71732
Mississippi County AR Economic
Opportunity Commission
2513 Atlanta
Blytheville, AR 72315
Southwest Arkansas Planning and
Development District
P.O. Box 767
Magnolia, AR 71753
White River Planning and Development
P.O. Box 2396
Batesville, AR 72503
Arcata Economic Development Corporation
Aldergrove Industrial Park
100 Ericson Court, Suite 100
Arcarta, CA 95521
Fax: 707-822-8982
CDC Small Business Finance Corporation
1224 State Street, Suite C
El Centre, CA 92243
Fax: 760-353-0305
California Capital Small Business
Development Corporation
926 J Street, Suite 1500
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-442-7852
Arkansas Land and Farm Development
Rt. 2, Box 291
Brinkley, AR 72012
Community Resource Group
221 Main Street
Suite 301
Salinas, CA 93901
Fax: 831-424-1094
Santa Cruz
Fax: 831-459-6097
California Statewide Certified Development
129 "C" Street
Davis, CA 95616
Fax: 530-756-7519
Crown Economic Development Corporation
1222 W. Lacey Blvd., Suite 101
Hanford, CA 93230
Del Norte Economic Development
882 "H" Street
P.O. Box 728
Crescent City, CA 95531
Fax: 707-464-3561
Lake County Business Outreach &
Response Team
4615 Work Right Circle, Suite B
Lakeport, CA 95453
Fax: 707-262-1092
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
2125 19th Street, Suite 203
Sacramento, CA 95818
Fax: 916-447-2878
1626 Fourth Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Fax: 707-577-7348
P.O. Box 473
Crescent City, CA 95531
Superior California HDD
737 Auditorium Drive, Suite A
Redding, CA 96001
California Coastal Rural Development
Tri-County Economic Development
2540 Esplanade, Suite 7
Chico, CA 95973
Fax: 530-893-0820
1010 Ridge Road
Gainesville, GA 30501
300 South Whittle Avenue
Oiney, IL 62450
Valley Small Business Development
3417 W. Shaw, Suite 100
Fresno, CA 93711
Fax: 559-271-9078
Middle Flint Area Development
228 West Lamar
Americus, GA 31709
City of Flora
P.O. Box 249
151 North Sycamore Street
Flora, IL 62838
South Georgia Area Resource Development
Agency, Inc.
327 West Savannah Avenue
Valdosta, GA 31601
Illinois Development Finance Authority
150 Pleasant Hill Road
Box 46
Carbondale, IL 62901
Fort Valley State University Foundation
Rural Business Outreach Institute
10005 State University Drive
Fort Valley, GA 31030
City of Tell City
P.O. Box 515
City Hall Building
Tell City, IN 46586
Yuba-Sutter E.D.C.
422 Century Park Drive, Suite B
Yuba City, CA 95991
Fax: 530-751-8515
The Colorado Housing & Finance Authority
1981 Blake Street
Denver, CO 80202
TDD: 303-297-7305
Mercy Housing, Inc.
601 East 18th Avenue #150
Denver, CO 80203
Contact the USDA Rural Development
office closest to you
Contact the USDA Rural Development
office closest to you
Jackson County Development Council
P.O. Box 920
Moriama, FL 32447
Community Equity Investments, Inc.
302 North Barcelona Street
Pensacola, FL 32501
Central Savannah River Area Rural
Authority, Inc.
2123 Wrightsboro Road
Augusta, GA 30914
Coastal Area District Development
1313 New Castle Street, 2nd Floor
Brunswick, GA 31520
Development Corporation of Middle
600 Grand Building
651 Mulberry Street
Macon, GA 31201
Georgia Mountains Regional Economic
Development Corporation
Lokahi Pacific
1935 Main Street, Suite 204
Wailuku, HI 96793
Fax: 808-244-2057
Molokai Ranch Foundation
55 Merchant Street, Suite 2000
Honolulu, HI 96813
Fax- 808.511-2279
Panhandle Area Council
Planning & Development Association
11100 Airport Drive
10624 W. Executive Drive
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
Boise, ID 83713
East Central Idaho Planning and
Southeast Idaho Council of Governments
P.O. Box 330
310 N 2nd East
Rexburg, ID 83440
P.O. Box 6079
Pocatello, ID 83205-6079
Clearwater Economic Development
1626 6th Avenue, North
Lewiston, ID 83501
South Central Illinois Regional Planning
Development Commission
120 Delmar Avenue, Suite A
Salem, IL 62881-2006
City of Oiney
South Central Kansas Economic
Dubuque County
720 Central Avenue
Dubuque, IA 52001
Albia Industrial Development Corporation
6 South Main
Albia, IA 52531
Upper Explore Land Regional Planning
134 West Green Street
P.O. Box 219
Posiville, IA 52162
Butler County Rural Electric Cooperative
428 6th Street
Allison, IA 50602
Cherokee Area Economic Development
418 West Cedar Street
Cherokee, IA 51012-1340
Humbolt County Development Association
Courthouse Box 100
Dakota City, IA 50529-0100
Newton Development Corporation
113 First Avenue West
Newton, IA 50208
Wright County
P.O. Box 214
Clarion, IA 50525
Sheldon Community Development
P.O. Box 276
Sheldon, IA 51201
Development District (SCKEDD)
151 North Volutsia
Wichita, KS 67214
P.O. Box 12248
Alexandria, LA 71315-2248
Great Plains Development Inc. (GPDI)
100 Military Plaza
Dodge City, KS 67801
Macon Ridge Economic Development
P.O. Drawer 746
Ferriday, LA 71334-0746
Appalachian Investment Corporation
431 Chestnut Street, Suite 7
Berea, KY 40403
Buffalo Trace Area Development District
327 West 2nd Street
P.O. Box 460
Maysville, KY 41056
Barren River Area Development District
177 Graham Avenue
P.O. Box 90005
Bowling Green, KY 42102-9005
Fax: 502-842-0768
Harlan Revitalization Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 1709
Harlan, KY 40831
Kentucky Highlands Investment
400 South Main Street
London, KY 47476
Pennyrile Area Development District
300 Hammond Drive
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Fax: 502-886-3211
Purchase Area Development District
1002 Medical Drive
P.O. Box 588
Maysfield, KY 4206
Fax: 502-247-9000
Evangeline Economic & Planning District
P.O. Box 90070
Lafayette, LA 70509
Coordinating & Development Corporation
P.O. Box 37005
Shreveport, LA 71133-7005
Dixie Electric Membership Corporation
16262 Wax Road
Greenwell Springs, LA 70739
Kisatchie-Delta Regional Planning &
Marquette County
Minden/South Webster Chamber of
P.O. Box 819
Minden, LA 71058
North Delta Regional Planning &
Development District
2115 Justice Street
Monroe, LA 71201
Northeast Louisiana Delta Community
Development Center
P.O. Box 1149
Tallulah, LA 71282
University Community Development
7990 Scenic Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70807
Northern Maine Development Commission
P.O. Box 779
Caribou, ME 04736
Fax: 207-493-3108
Growth Finance Corporation of Oxford
166 Main Street
South Paris, ME 04281
Fax: 207-743-5917
Caribou Development
60 Sweden Street
Caribou, ME 04736-2320
Fax: 207-492-1362
Eastern Maine Development Corporation
P.O. Box 2579
Bangor, ME 04402-2579
Fax: 207-942-3548
Kennebec Valley Council of Governments
17 Main Street
Fairfield, ME 04937-1119
Fax: 207-453-4264
Beddeford-Saco Development Corporation
110 Main Street
Suite 1202
Saco, ME 04072
Fax: 207-282-3149
Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 268
Wiscasset, ME 04578-0268
Fax: 207-882-7308
Town of Lisbon
P.O. Box 8
Lisbon, ME 04525
Franklin County Community Development
324 Wells Street
Creenfield, MA 01301
Cape & Islands Community Development,
480 Bamstable Road
Hyannis, MA 02601
Androscoggin Valley Council of
125 Manley Road
Aubum, ME 04210
Fax: 207-783-521
Lewiston-Aubum Economic Growth
P.O. Box 1188
Lewiston, ME 04243-1188
Fax: 207-786-4412
Finance Authority of Maine
P.O. Box 949
Augusta, ME 04333-0949
Fax: 207-623-0095
417 A. Avenue
Cornerstone Alliance
38 West Wall Street
P.O. Box 428
Benton Harbor, MI 49203
First Rural Relending Co.
130 South Cedar Street
Manistique, MI 49854
Fivecap, Inc.
302 North Main Street
Scottville, MI 49454
Great Lakes Energy Cooperative
P.O. Box 70
Boyne City, MI 49712-0070
800-748-0121 616-582-6521
Owinn, MI 498413
Muskegon Heights
City of EDC
3635 South Can- Road
Fmitport, MI 49415
Northern Initiatives Corporation
228 West Washington
Marquette. MI 49855
Northern MI Foundation
P.O. Box 1569
Acme, MI 49610
Rural MI IRP Co.
121 East Front Street
Suite 201
Traverse City, MI 49783
Benton County
531 Dewey Street
Foley, MN 56239
Fax: 320-968-7626
Blooming Prairie EDA
City Hall
P.O. Box 68
Bloooming Prairie, MN 55911
Fax: 507-583-4520
Caledonia Economic Development
231 East Main Street
P.O. Box 68
Caledonia, MN 55921
Initiative Foundation
700 SSE First Avenue
Little Falls, MN 56345
Fax: 320-632-9258
Community Development of Morrison City,
107 SE 2nd Street
P.O. Box 356
Little Falls, MN 56345
City of Crookston
124 North Broadway
Crookston, MN 56716
Fax: 218-281-5609
Austin, MN 55912
East Central Regional Development
100 Park Street
Mora, MN 55051
Fax: 320-679-4120
City of East Grand Forks
P.O. Box 373
East Grand Forks, MN 56721
City of Fergus Falls
112 West Washington
P.O. Box 868
Fergus Falls, MN 56538-0868
City of Fosston
220 East First Street
Fosston, MN 56542
Fax: 218-435-1961
Housing & Redevelopment Authority In
For the City of Willmar
333 SW 6th Street
Willmar, MN 56201
Lakefield Economic Development
City Hall
P.O. Box 900
Lakefield, MN 56150
Fax: 507-662-5990
City of Mcintosh
115 Broadway NW
Mcintosh, MN 56553
Fax: 218-563-3042
Meeker County Development Corporation
325 North Sibley Avenue
Litchfield, MN 55355
Fax: 320-693-5444
Midwest Minnesoda Community
P.O. Box 623
Washington Square Mall
Detroit Lakes, MM 56501-0623
Fax: 218-847-3192
Detroit Lakes Development Authority
1025 Roosevelt Avenue
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Minnesota's Community Development
P.O. Box 509
Park Rapids, MN 56570
Fax: 218-732-8985
Development Corporation of Austin (DCA)
1900 8th Avenue, NW
Northland Foundation
Northeast MS Planning & Development
610 Sellwood Building
202 West Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
4225 Technology Drive NW
Bemidji, MN 56601
Fax: 218-759-2328
City of Perham
125 Second Avenue ME
P.O. Box 130
Perham, MN 56573
Fax: 218-346-9364
Prairieland Economic Development
2401 Broadway Avenue, Suite 3
Slayton, MN 56172-1142
Fax 507-836-8866
Red Lake Falls Development Corporation
201 Second Street
P.O. Box 280
Red Lakes Falls, MN 56750
Red Wing Port Authority
433 West Third Street
Red Wing, MN 55066
The Initiative Fund
540 West Hills Circle
P.O. Box 570
Owatonna, MN 55060
Fax: 507-455-2098
Southwest Minnesota Foundation
P.O. Box 428
Hutchinson, MN 55355
Fax: 320-587-3838
Stevens County Economic Improvement
507 Oregon Avenue
Morris, MN 56267
Fax: 320-589-4814
West Central Minnesota Initiative Fund
220 West Washington Ave., Suite 205
Ferrous Falls, MN 56537
Fax: 218-739-5381
Wheaton Economic Development Authority
104 Ninth Street North
P.O. Box 868
Wheaton, MN 56296
P.O. Box 600
Booneville, MS 38829
P.O. Box 599
Ogallala, NE 69153
Watertown, NY 13601
South Delta Planning & Development
P.O. Box 1776
Greenville, MS 38702
Rural Nevada Development Corporation
740 Park Avenue
Ely, NV 89301
REDEC Relending Corporation
145 Village Square
Painted Post, MY 14807
Southwest MS Planning & Development
110 South Wall Street
Natchez, MS 39120
New Hampshire
Belknap County Economic Development
64 Court Street
Laconia, NH 03246
Three Rivers Planning & Development
75 South Main
P.O. Drawer B
Pontotoc, MS 38863
Rural Missouri, Inc.
1014 Northeast Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Green Hills Rural Development, Inc.
900 Main Street
Trenton, MO 64683
N.W. Development Corporation
P.O. Box 565
Camron, MO 64429
North Central Missouri Rural Housing
Development Corp.
P.O. Box 220
Mylan, MO 63556
Knox County Community Development
104 East Jackson Street
Edina, MO 63537-1335
Bear Paw Development Corporation
P.O. Box 1549
Harve, MT 59501
Nebraska Economic Development
Corporation (NEDCO)
Southeast Nebraska Development District
2631 "0" Street
Lincoln, ME 68510
West Central Nebraska Development
New Jersey
South Jersey Economic Development
18 N. East Avenue
Vineland, NJ 08360
New Mexico
New Mexico Community Development
700 4th Street SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
New York
Adirondack Economic Development
Trudeau Road
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
Fax: 518-891-9820
COMCO Development Corporation
572 S. Salina Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional
Development Corporation
Amherst Street
Lake George, NY 12845
Herkimer County Industrial Development
P.O. Box 390
4301 North Washington St.
Room 434
Herkimer, NY
New York Job Development Authority
605 3rd Avenue
26th Floor
Rural Opportunities, Inc.
400 East Avenue
Rochester, MY 14607
Southern Tier Enterprise Development
465 Broad Street
Salamanca, NY 14779
Tioga County Local Development
County Building
56 Main Street
Owego, NY 13827
Washington County Local Development
Washington County Municipal Center
383 Broadway
Fort Edward, NY 12828
North Carolina
Dunn Area Committee of 100, Inc.
600 South Magnolia Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334
Self Help Ventures Fund
301 West Main Street
Durham, NC 27701
North Dakota
Lake Agassiz Regional Development
417 Main Avenue
Fargo, ND 58018
Lewis & Clark Regional Development
400 E. Broadway Ave., Suite 418
Bismarck, ND 58501
Roosevelt Custer Regional Council
Pulver Hall
Dickinson, ND 58601
Ashtabula County 503 Corporation
36 West Walnut Street
Jefferson, OH 44047
North Country Alliance Local Development
317 Washington Street
Enterprise Development Corporation
900 East State Street
Suite 101
Athens, OH 45701
Mahoning Valley Economic Development
4319 Belmont Avenue
Youngstown, OH 44505
Portage Area Development Corporation
231 West Main Street
Ravenn, OH 44266
Central Oklahoma Economic Development
400 North Bell
P.O. Box 3398
Shawnee, OK 74802-3398
Little Dixie Community Action Agency,
502 West Duke Street
Hugo, OK 74743
Logan County Economic Development
P.O. Box 995
Guthrie, OK 73044
Miami Area Economic Development
2 North Main, Suite 601
Miami, OK 74354
Ozarks Corporation for Innovation
Development, Inc.
P.O. Box 1335
Durant, OK 74702-1335
Choctaw Nation
Drawer 1210
16th and Locust
Durant, OK 74702-1210
Adair County Indian Credit Association
P.O. Box 602
Stilwell, OK 74960
Cherokee Nation
P.O. Box 948
Tahlequah, OK 74465-0948
918-456-0671 ext.: 2532
Valley Development Initiatives
C/O Mid-Willamette Valley Council of
105 High Street, SE
Salem, OR 97301
Oregon Cascades West Council of
P.O. Box 686
Albany, OR 97321
Morrow Development Corporation
C/O Port of Morrow
P.O. Box 200
Boardman, OR 97818
Curry Economic Development Corporation
P.O. Box 848
Brookings, OR 97415
Port of Bandon Economic Development
P.O. Box 1950
Bandon, OR 97411
People's Electric Cooperative
1130 West Main Street
P.O. Box 429
Ada, OK 74820
Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
2363 SW Glacier Place
Redmond, OR 97756
Rural Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Box 1335
Durant, OK 74702
CCD Business Development Corporation
744 SE Rose Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
South Western Oklahoma Development
P.O. Box 569
Fourth & Sooner Drive
Building 420
Burns Flat, OK 73624
Southern Oregon Regional Economic
Development, Inc.
332 West Sixth Street
Medford, OR 97501-2711
Cherokee Hills RC&D
1007 South Muskogee Avenue
Tahlequah, OK 74464-4733
Jefferson County Development Council, I
R.D. 5, Box 47
Brookville, PA 15825
Greater Eastern Oregon Development
P.O. Box 1041
Pendleton, OR 97801
Lane Council of Governments
Rhode Island
125 East 8th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
Northeast Oregon Business Development
101 NE First Street, Suite 100
Enterprise, OR 97828
Columbia Pacific Economic Development
District of Oregon, Inc.
P.O. Box 598
St. Helens, OR 97051
Mid-Columbia Economic Development
400 East Scenic Drive
Suite 2420
The Kalles, OR 97058
541-296-6182 ext. 3208
Northwest Pennsylvania Regional Planning
Development Commission
Biery Building
Suite 406
Franklin, PA 16323
Fax: 814-432-3002
Northern Tier Regional Planning
507 Main Street
Towanda, PA 18848-9987
Fax: 717-265-7585
SEDA-Council of Governments
R.R. I, Box 372
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Fax: 570-524-9190
Washington County Council on Economic
100 West Beau Street, Suite #703
Courthouse Square
Washington, PA 15301
Fax: 724-250-6502
Southern Alleghenies Planning and
Development Commission
541 58th Street
Altoona, PA 16602-1193
North Central Pennsylvania Regional
Planning and Development Commission
P.O. Box 488
Ridgway, PA 15853
Economic Development Council of North
East Pennsylvania
1151 Oak Street
Pittston, PA 18640-3795
South Carolina
Carolina Capital Investments Corporation
1201 Main Street
Suite 1750
Colmnbia, SC 29201
Sisseton, SD 57262
Fax: 605-698-3038
Catawba Regional Development
P.O. Box 450
215 Hampton Street
Rock Hill, SC 29731
Rural Electric Economic Development, Inc.
121 SE 1st Street
P.O. Drawer E
Madison, SD 57042
Fax: 605-256-8058
Lake City Development Corporation
P.O. Box 1329
202 Kelley Street
Lake City, SC 29560
843-394-5421, ext. 276
South Dakota Economic Development
Finance Authority
Governor's Office of Economic
711 East Wells Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501-3369
Fax: 605-773-3256
Lower Savannah Regional Development
P.O. Box 850
2748 Wagener Road
Aiken, SC 29802
Santee-Lynches Regional Development
P.O. Drawer 1837
36 West Liberty Street
Slirnter, SC 29151
Williarnsburg Enterprise Community
Commission, Inc.
P.O. Box 428
Kingstree, SC 29556
South Dakota
Beadle and Spink Enterprise Community
P.O. Box 68
Yale, SD 57386
Fax: 605-599-2992
First District Development Company
124 First Avenue NW
P.O. Box 1207
Watertown, SD 57201
Fax: 605-882-5049
West River Foundation
P.O. Box 218
2885 Dickson Avenue
Sturgis, SD 57785
Fax: 605-347-5223
Areawide Development Corporation
5616 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37939-2806
Caney Fork Electric Cooperative, Inc.
920 Smithville Highway
P.O. Box 272
McMinnville, TN 37110
Cumberland Area Investment Corporation
1225 South Willow Avenue
Cookeville, TN 38506-4194
East Tennessee Enterprise Partnership,
P.O. Box 186
Carson Drive
Huntsville, TN 37756
Grant County Development Corporation
707 South 5th Street
Milbank, SD 57252
Fax: 605-432-6258
First Tennessee Economic Development
207 North Bone Street
Suite 800
Johnson City, TN 37604-5699
Greater Huron Development Corporation
375 Dakota Avenue South
Huron, SD 57350
Fax: 605-352-9327
Mid-Cumberland Area Development
501 Union Street, 6th Floor
Nashville, TN 37219-1705
Northeast Council of Governments
P.O. Box 1985
Aberdeen, SD 57402-1985
Cnv. AA< ú1L 1(172
Northeast South Dakota Economic
414 3rd Avenue East
Northwest Tennessee Certified
Development Corporation
124 Weldon Drive
P.O. Box 963
Martin, TN 38237
Seouachee Valley Electric Cooperative
512 ferfar Avenue
South Pittsburg, TN 37380
South Central Tennessee Development
815 South Main Street
Columbia, TN 38402-1346
Southeast Local Development Corporation
25 Cherokee Boulevard
Chattanooga, TN 37405
Southwest Tennessee Development District
27 Conrad Drive, Suite 150
Jackson, TN 38305
Brownwood Industrial Foundation
P.O. Box 880
Brownwood, TX 76804
Utah Technology Finance Corporation
177 East 100 South
Salt Lake City, LIT 841 II
Deseret Certified Development Company
7050 Union Park Center, Suite 570
Midvale, UT 84047
Central Utah Office at Evergreen Square
907 South Orem Boulevard
Orem, UT
Addison County Economic Development
RD4, Box 1309 A
Middlebury, VT 05753
Connecticut River Valley
P.O. Box 246
White River Jet., VT 05001-0246
Franklin County Industrial
2 North Main Street
St. Albans, VT 05478-1099
Lamoille Economic Development
P.O. Box 455
Morrisville, VT 05661
Northern Community Investment
20 Main Street
P.O. Box 904
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Northeastern Vermont Development
44 Main Street
P.O. Box 640
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Rutland Economic Development
256 North Main Street
Rutland, VT 05701
Vermont 503 Corporation
56 East State Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
Vermont Community Enterprise Fund Inc.
7 Court Street
P.O. Box 827
Montpelier, VT 05602
Vermont Small Business Development
56 East State Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
Southeast Rural Community Assistance
Project Incorporated
P.O. Box 2868
Rolling Oak, VA 24001-2868
347 West Second
Suite A
Colville, WA 99114
509-684-4571 Fax: 509-684-4788
Okanogan County Investment Association
P.O. Box 741
Okanogan, WA 98840
Columbia Regional Economic Development
P.O. Box 217
Richland, WA 99352
Lending Network
P.O. Box 916
Chenghalis, WA 98532
Fax: 360-748-1235
Cascadia Revolving Fund
119 First Ave. South
Suite 1000
Seattle, WA 98104
Fax: 206-682-4804
Lake County Development Corporation
P.O. Box 150
South Hill, VA 23970
Private Industry Council of Snohomish
County (PIC)
728-134th Street SW
Building A, Suite 211
Everett, WA 98204
TDD: 425-743-9669
Fax: 425-742-1177
Mount Rogers Planning District
1021 Terrace Drive
Marion, VA 24354
Evergreen Community Development
900 Fourth Avenue, Suite 2900
Seattle, WA 98164
Hampton University Rural Business
Assistance Center
11916 Roife Highway
Furry, VA 23887
Shorebank Trading Group
P.O. Box 826
llwaco, WA 98624
Virginia Eastern Shore Economic
Development and Housing Corporation
P.O. Box 814
Nassawadox, VA 23413
TRICO Economic Development
Unconventional Loan Programs
P.O. Box 247
Parkersburg, WV 26102
Mountain CAP of West Virginia, Inc.
26 North Kanawha Street
Buckhannon, WV 26102
West Virginia Economic & Development
1018 Kanawha Boulevard East, Suite 501
Charleston, WV 25301-2827
Northwest Wisconsin Business
1400 S. River Street
Spooner WI 54801
North Central Wisconsin Development
407 Grant Street
Wausau, WI 54403
Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative
401 E. Lake Street
P.O. Box 70
Friendship, WI 54934-0700
Impact Acceptance Corporation
651 Garfield Street
Almena, WI 54805
Frontier Certified Development Company
232 East 2nd Street, Suite 300
Casper, WY 82601
West Virginia
The McDowell County Action Network
P.O. Box 158
Wilcoe, WV 24895
Mid-Ohio Valley Regional P&D Council
The following is a description of loan programs available to low and moderate income individuals, minorities, Native Americans, Hispanics, refugees,
unemployed individuals, welfare recipients, youths, and low and moderate income individuals who don't qualify for credit through conventional methods.
Most of these programs allow individuals (depending on the situation) to roll closing costs and fees into the amount of the loan. So you actually go to the
closing with NO money in your pocket. The aim of these programs is to stimulate economic growth through small businesses or microenterprises. Helping
individuals become self-sufficient is the main focus, and also to challenge conventional methods of providing credit. All of the programs hope to
demonstrate that persons with limited incomes are responsible, will repay, and can become successful if given access to knowledge and resources.
Some programs are designed just for youths, (15-21 years old), to develop their own businesses, avoid drugs and crime, sharpen academic skills and form
positive attitudes about themselves and their communities. This is accomplished by utilizing the leadership, communication, management and business
skills they may have acquired through affiliation with the illegal drug trade and other street activities. Loan amounts can range from $50 to $2,000 with
terms from six months to two years.
* SBA Microloan Program
Birmingham Business Resource Center
110 12th Street North
Birmingham, AL 35203
Fax: 205-250-6384
Generally this loan is open to any micro business, but it has mainly served minorities and women owned businesses. Attendance of monthly peer group
meetings for technical assistance is required. The loan can be up to $7,5C with the interest rate at 10 to 13 percent. The term is determined by each
case, but generally from 12 to 24 months. This is for the Jefferson County
* Borrowers' Circle
Self-Employment Loan Fund, Inc.
201 North Central Avenue, Suite CCIO
Fax: 602-340-8953
Phoenix, AZ 85703
TDD: 800-842-4681
SELF offers assistance for those just starting a small business or that have been operational for less than six months. They use a peer lending system
with a group of graduates that review the loans. Initial loans are up to $1,000 with 12 months to repay. Subsequent loans can be up to $5,000 with as many
as 24 months to repay. Funding is through the U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of Women's Business Ownership, the City of
Phoenix, corporations, foundations and Arizona banks.
* Small Business Loan
PEEP Microbusiness and Housing Development Corporation
1100 East Hao Way, Suite 209
Tucson, AZ 85713
Fax: 520-806-9515
This loan targets minority women and low-income small business owners. It is specific to the Rural Central and Southern Arizona areas. The loan is for
$500 to $25,000 and the term is 60 months. It can be used for inventory, supplies, equipment and fixed assets.
* The Good Faith Fund (GFF) Peer Group Loan Program
The Good Faith Fund (OFF)
2304 W. 29th Ave.
Pine Bluff, AR 71603
Fax: 870-535-0741
GFF's peer-lending program is for new and emerging entrepreneurs and operates much like a community based credit union, with OFF providing the
loan capital. Members join peer-lending groups, which consider and approve small business loans for their fellow member entrepreneurs. First time
borrowers are eligible to borrow up to $1,200. In a "Stair-step" loan process, borrowers may secure loans of up to $7,500. Loan representatives assist
interested borrowers in preparing their loan request, including cash flow projections indicating that the proposed loan use will produce increased sales
and ensuring that the loan payments will be manageable. This Fund receives funding from private foundations, SBA Microloan Demonstration Program,
contributions, and earnings.
* Micro Loan
Good Faith Fund
2304 West 29th Street
Pinebluff, AR 71603
This loan is available to people in the Delta region that would like to start a business. The amount of the loan is from $500 to $25,000. The interest rate
varies depending on the loan, from 9 1/2% to 12%. Repayment must not be over 7 years.
* Micro Enterprise Assistance Program
of Orange County
Micro Enterprise Assistance Program of Orange County
18011 Skypark Circle, Suite E
Irvine, CA 92614
Eligible applicants are women and ethnic minorities below the poverty level. This program receives funding from banks and private organizations. The aim
of this program is to provide access to credit, training, and support so that low income individuals and their families may become self-sufficient. Loans
are up to $1,500 with terms up to one year. The interest rate is prime rate plus 4%.
* Self-Employment Loan Fund
Women's Economic Ventures of Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
Fax: 805-962-9622
This program is helping women create their own employment in a community that is currently losing jobs. Loans are from $1,000 to $25,000,
with terms set by the loan officer. This fund receives funding from foundation grants, corporate and individual gifts, fees, and interest payments.
* Self-Employment Microenterprise Development
Economic and Employment Development Center (EEDC)
241 S. Figueroa St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
SEMED assists the Southeast Asian Community in Los Angeles and surrounding counties to attain self-sufficiency. Eligible applicants an
refugees admitted to the U.S. within the last five years and currently living under the national poverty level. Loans are from $2,000 to $5,000 with loan
term at one year. Group Lending loans are from $2,000 to $5,000 with the term at one year and the interest rate at 9.3%. SEMED receives funding from
the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
* The West Company
The West Enterprise Center
367 N. State St., Suite 206
Ukiah, CA 95482
Fax: 707-462-8945
This program has a comprehensive approach that combines human and economic development. The aim is to stimulate the growth of economic
opportunity in Northern California. Particular emphasis is on small business, economic options for low income people, and employment in the community.
Eligible applicants are low income women/minorities located in Mendocino County. Loans are from $200 to $5,000 with terms from 6 to 24 months. The
interest rate is at 10%. West Company receives funding from foundations, banks, utilities, CAP agency, local, state, and federal government, and
* Revolving Loan Fund
Tri-County Economic Development Corporation
2540 Esplanade, Suite 7
Chico, CA 95973
Fax: 530-893-0820
The goal of this loan is to stimulate economic growth in Chico. The loan can be used for working capital, machinery, equipment, and leasehold
improvements. You can apply for $2,500 to $50,000. The amount of time allowed for repayment varies with each loan. The interest rate is Prime pins
2%, or as low as 7%. For every $10,000 borrowed, one job must be created.
* City of Long Beach Microenterprise Loan
City of Long Beach Business Assistance Division
200 Pine Avenue, Suite 400
Long Beach, CA 90802
The goal of die program is to assist in the development of new businesses, to help economic growth, and to create and retain jobs. It is available to low
and moderate income small business owners who cannot get conventional funding. The existing or start-up business must be located in the City of
Long Beach. Funds can be used for property acquisition, machinery, equipment and moveable fixtures and working capital. The loan amount is
from $5,000 to 125,000 at a fixed rate.
* Micro-Loan Program
Oakland Business Development Corporation
519 17th Street, Suite 100
Oakland, CA 94612
Fax: 510-763-1273
This loan is for small businesses located within the Seven Community Development Districts of Oakland. It can be used for working capital,
inventoly purchases, expansions and renovations, and contract finishing. Initially from $ 1,000 to $ 10,000 can be borrowed. After that has been repaid,
up to $20,000 can be requested. The maximum term is 5 years and the interest is Prime + 3%. Eligible businesses are those in operation for one
year, but 25% of funds are available for start-ups.
* Entrepreneurial Resource Center Loan
Entrepreneurial Resource Center
2555 dovis Avenue
Clovis, CA 93612
Loans are only available to graduates of the Entrepreneurial Training Program. Funds are available from $1,000 to $5,000. The term is from 12 to
36 months depending on the loan amount.
* Micro Loan Fund
Start Up: An East Palo Alto Micro-Business Initiative
1935 University Avenue
East Palo Alto, CA 94303
To take advantage of tills loan, entrepreneurs must graduate from the Start-Up Program. Up to $5,000 is available with a term of 5 years. Preferences
are given to the residents of Palo Alto.
* The Los Angeles Community Development Bank
Micro Loan Program
Community Financial Resource Center
4060 S. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90037
Fax: 323-235-1686
The goal of this loan is to create jobs and to promote a positive investment environment in the Los Angeles Supplemental Empowerment Zone. It is
available to micro businesses, home-based businesses and recent start-ups. Loans are from $1,000 to $25,000 and for those that have been turned down
for a conventional loan. The term is 3 to 5 years at 12% fixed interest rate.
* Micro Loan Revolving Loan Fund
Economic and Employment Development Corporation
2411 Figueroa Street, Suite 240
Los Angeles, CA 90012
This program is available to refugees in the service area that have not been naturalized by the US. After completing a business training program, the
applicant can submit a business plan and loan application. The maximum loan amount is $5,000. However, if a husband and wife apply for the same
business, they could apply for $ 10,000. After the original has been paid back, borrowers can apply for 2 to 3 more loans and can double the loan amount.
Technical assistance continues with the loan and the business is monitored on a weekly basis.
* Micro Loan Fund
Interfaidi Service Bureau
2117 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95828
This group is available for refugees that are green card holders and low income Americans. It is for those small businesses in the Sacramento area for
start-up and inventory costs. After completing the training program, you may apply for a loan of up to $5,000. The maximum amount of time to repay the
loan is 3 years. Funding is from private grants.
* Women's Initiative Loan Fund
Women's Initiative For Self Employment
450 Mission Street, Suite 402
San Francisco, CA 94105
Women's Initiative helps low-income women to learn the skills necessary to successfully start and run their businesses. After completing the training
course, you can apply for a small loan. The initial loan amount is up to $ 1,000, and after that, up to $ 10,000 can be sought. The staff will work with
each owner on a one-to-one basis for post loan assistance. Networking and access to experts are also available.
* Small Business Micro'Lending Program
Lenders for Community Development
111 West St. John St., Suite 710
San Jose, CA 95113
Fax: 408-297-4599
This loan program targets women, minority, and low-income business owners, and those businesses that are located in low-income areas. The
business must have been in operation for one year and located in Santa Clara or San Mateo County. The loans range from $5,000 to $50,000 and can be
used for working capital, equipment, inventory, leasehold improvements, and business acquisition.
* Peer Lending Circles
West Company
306 East Redwood Ave., Suite 2
Ft. Bragg, CA 95437
It is their mission to expand economic self-sufficiency and social well-being for those people that have limited access to conventional resources. The Peer
Lending Circles have up to 6 members with at least 6 months of self-employment or a complete business plan. The loan amount ranges from $250
to $5,000 and the members all sign the loan note. Technical assistance is part of this program and must be continued for the term of the loan.
* Business Center for Women (BCW)
Mi Casa Resource Center for Women
571 Galapago St.
Denver, CO 80204
Fax: 303-595-0422
This program assists women who are low income and Hispanic in achieving self-sufficiency. It has assisted in startup businesses and helped existing
businesses expand. Loan amounts are up to a maximum of $500 for individual lending and from $500 to $5,000 for group lending. Loan terms
are up to one year for individual lending; up to two years for group lending. The interest rate is at S% for individual lending; prime rate plus 3% for
group lending.
* Project Success (PS)
Mi Casa Resource Center for Women
571 Galapago St.
Denver, CO 80204
Fax: 303-595-0422
This program is available to women receiving welfare benefits in Denver County. The aim is to assist women who are low income and Hispanic in
achieving self-sufficiency. Loans are at a maximum of $500 for individual lending and from $500 to $5,000 for group lending. Terms are up to one year
for individual lending; up to two years for group lending. The interest rate is 8% for individual lending and at prime rate plus 3% for group lending.
* Micro Loan
Credit for All, Inc.
2268 Birch Street
Denver, CO 80207
This loan is geared towards low-income people to help them get out poverty. Credit for All uses a pure lending model method. Five to sev
small business owners approve and insure repayment of loans to peers. The first loan amount is for 1500 and must be repaid in 4 months. After th
$ 1,000 is available and there are 8 months for repayment. If everything gc well with the first year of loans, up to $8,000 can be applied for in t
second year, and so on for the following years. This is available for the within the service are of Credit for All.
* Micro Loan
Colorado Capital Initiatives
1616 17th Street, Suite 371
Denver, CO 80202
Basically, they provide loans to those people of good character who have difficulty obtaining conventional funding. With this program, there are 1.
counties where each area makes up its own community group. Each group sets its own guidelines and standards that would best serve their region. From
$500 to $30,000 is available for a loan with a maximum of 3 years for repayment. The interest rate is I or 2% over Prime, depending on the loan.
* Small Business Loan
Colorado Enterprise Fund
1888 Sherman Street, Suite 530
Denver, CO 80203
This is available in the 10 county service are of Colorado Enterprise. It is for small businesses that need money for things like working capital ani
equipment. Up to $25,000 can be applied for with a term of up to 5 years. The interest rate is from 13.5% to 14.25'/o.
* Community Enterprise Lending Initiative
Denver Small Business Development Center
1445 Market Street
Denver, CO 80203
Fax: 303-514-3200
It is the mission of this program to provide counseling and loans to finance new or expanding businesses that are located in low-income, multi-ethnic
areas. Also, it is for those entrepreneurs that cannot get a conventional loan. An existing business must have been in operation for at least one year. The
maximum loans are $2,000 for a start-up and $15,000 for an existing company. The goal is that after this program the borrowers will be able to
get conventional funding.
* El Valle Microloans
San Luis Valley Christian Community Services
P.O. Box 984
309 San Juan Avenue
Alamosa, CO 81101
Fax: 719-589-4330
SLVCCS wants to encourage economic development for disadvantaged individuals through support for existing and start-up business owners in the
San Luis Valley. It is for those entrepreneurs that cannot get traditional bank loans. The loan amount is between $500 and $19,000 for a term of 3 years.
They also have technical assistance, computer access, and network exposure.
* Hartford Economic Development Corporation
Loan Programs
Hartford Economic Development Corp.
15 Lewis St.
Hartford. CT 06103
Fax: 860-727-9224
This Corporation receives funding from CDBO funds, membership fees,! dues. Their aim is to create and retain jobs and tax rateable property. I
program is available to AFDC recipients, low and moderate income individuals. Loans are from $1,500 to S20,000 with terms from 6 month 7 years. The
interest rate is 9%.
* Trickle Up Grant
Action for Bridgeport Community Development
955 Connecticut Ave, Suite 1215
Bridgeport, CT 06607
Fax; 203-382-544
Over 75% of the recipients of the Trickle Up Grant program either have no credit or bad credit history. Entrepreneurs are given $700 in conditional start
up capital in two installments. For the first $500, they must complete Business Plan, agree to spend a minimum of 250 hours per person over a
month period, and save or reinvest at least 20% of the profits in the busing At the end of three months, and when all of the requirements have been mi
they can receive the final $200. Most of the recipients work out of their homes.
* Capital Works Team Success Loans
First State Community Loan Fund and YWCA of New Castle County
100 West 10th Street, Suite 1005
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax: 302-656-1272
This program uses the peer group lending process. The group offers support, training, and loan reviews. It is available to those businesses that are located
in Delaware. The loan amounts are from $500 to $6,000. The term is 4 months to 3 years at a 12% interest rate. The group will approve the business
use of the funds.
District of Columbia
* Youth Microloan Fund
The Entrepreneurial Development Institute
P.O. Box 65882
Washington, DC 20035-5882
This fund was established to empower disadvantaged youth to develop their own businesses, avoid drugs and crime, sharpen academic skills, and form
positive attitudes about themselves and their communities. Eligible applicants are minority youths ages 17 to 21 years old. There are three levels of
financing: up to $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000. Young people must have a business plan and have successfully repaid each loan before advancing to the
next level. Loans carry below market interest and must be repaid within one year.
* Micro Loan Fund
East of the River Community Development Corporation
4800 Nannie Helen Burroughs
Washington, DC 20019
This loan is available to people in the area who want to start a small business or one that has been in existence for 2 or more years. Up to $25,000 can be
applied for at 12% interest. The amount of time allowed for repayment varies depending on the loan.
* SBA Microenterprise Loan Fund
Community Equity Investments, Inc. (CEII)
302 North Barcelona Street
Pensacola, FL 32501
Fax: 850-595-6234
CEII provides assistance to businesses in northwest Florida and southern Alabama to help create jobs in those areas. The program has loans available
for up to $25,000 for existing or start-up small businesses. The loans must be paid back within 5 years. Normally these are available to those that have
had problems qualifying for a conventional loan. to be used for inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment, and working capital. The
maximum loan is $25,000 for a maximum term of 6 years.
* Micro Loan
Florence Villa Community Development Corporation
111 Avenue R ME
Winter Haven, FL 33881
Fax: 941-299-8134
Available businesses are start-up and existing that are generally owned by low to moderate-income people. The money can be used for mainly
equipment. A loan of $5,000 is the maximum at 6.5% interest. The term is up to 3 years. It is only for the Polk county area.
* Working Capital Program
3000 Biscayne Blvd., Suite IOIA
Miami, FL 33137
Fax- 305-418-1411
Working Capital's loans are set up in steps with each amount having a different repayment time. They start off at $500 and go in steps up to
$10,000, in some cases they will go as high as $20,000. There is a 16% interest rate for processing loans. Members also can also take advantage of
the business programs and network with other business owners.
* Working Capital Program
52 W. Alton St.
Atlanta, GA 30303
Fax- 404-688-4009
Working Capital's loans are set up in steps with each amount having a different repayment time. They start off at $500 and go in steps up to
$10,000, in some cases they will go as high as $20,000. There is a 16% interest rate for processing loans. Members also can also take advantage of
the business programs and network with other business owners.
* Micro Loan Fund
Goodwill Industries of North Georgia
2201 Glenwood Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30316
This fund primarily serves Decatur and metro Atlanta. It is for women business owners that have low to moderate income. It mostly funds existing
businesses, but there are some startups also. A loan from $50 to $5,000 can be applied for after completion of the Business Now training program. The
term of the loan is 12 months with an interest rate that is currently 10%.
* Refugee Enterprise Development Project
Immigrant Center
720 N. King St.
Honolulu, HI 96817
Fax: 808-842-1962
This program focuses on Vietnamese and Laotian low income or welfare recipients. The objective of this program is to advance economic selfsufficiency among recently arrived refugees by providing culturally sensitive lending and support programs for the startup or expansion of microenterprise
in Hawaii. Loans are from $1,500 to $5,000 with terms from 6 months to two years. The interest rate is at prime rate plus 2%. 3%. or 4%.
* RED Manini MicroLoan Fund
The Immigrant Center
720 North King Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
Fax: 808-842-1962
This loan fund provides small loans, support, and technical assistance in order to help business owners to turn their talents and personal resources into
economic self-sufficiency. It is for start-up and growing small businesses and to be used for inventory, supplies, furnature, machinery, equipment, and
working capital. The maximum loan is $25,000 for a maximum term of 6 years.
* JTPA Entrepreneurial Training
IDA-ORE Planning and Development Association
10624 West Executive Dr.
Boise, ID 83704
Fax: 208-322-3569
JTPA receives funds from EDA revolving loan fund grant, EDA revolving loan fund interest, and JTPA training funds. Program is available to
individual entrepreneurs who do not qualify for commercial credit, and who are located in rural southwest Idaho, Malheur and Hamey counties. The
primary motive is business and economic development in rural areas where jobs are few, and entrepreneurial activity may be the only option to support
rural families. Loans are up to $10,000 with loan terms up to three years.
The interest rate is at prime rate plus 5% or 12%.
* Small Business Micro-Loan Program
Panhandle Area Council, Inc.
11100 Airport Drive
Hayden, ID 83835
This loan is available in North Idaho to ensure growth and prosperity of the region's small businesses. Generally the loans are for businesses that have
been operational for at least one year. Consideration will be given to start-up businesses. The minimum amount for a loan is $1,000 and the maximum is
$25,000. The term is three to five years at a fixed interest rate. The loan can be used for the purchase or repair of equipment, purchase of inventory, and
working capital.
* Community Enterprising Project
Uptown Center Hull House Association
4520 N. Beacon St.
Chicago, IL 60640
Fax: 312-561-3507
Eligible applicants are low and moderate-income individuals located in Uptown, Edgewater, and Ravenswood areas. This project has assisted several
new start up businesses, and others have been able to increase sales for businesses such as food industry and service businesses. Loans are from
$1,000-$ 10,000 with terms from 1-2 years. Interest rate is at prime rate plus 6%. Receives funds from foundations, corporations, governments and
* Peoria Area Micro Business Development
The Economic Development Council for The Peoria Area, Inc.
124 S. West Adams St., Suite 300
Peoria, IL 61602
Fax: 309-676-7534
The Economic Development Council (EDC) is committed to assisting in the development of small businesses and microbusinesses and helping them
overcome obstacles to growth. Eligible applicants are low and moderate-income existing or startup businesses, minorities and females. Loans are from
$500 to $25,000 with terms from three to five years. The interest rate is from 5 to 12%. Receives funds from SBA Microloan Demonstration program. City
of Peoria, and county of Peoria.
* Self-Employment Loan Fund
Chicago Association of Neighborhood Development Organizations
123 W. Madison St., Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60602-4589
Fax: 312-372-2637
The aim of this Fund is the revitalization of all Chicago neighborhoods, retail and industrial areas. It works with community based organizations to assist
low and moderate-income individuals start new business ventures. Loans are from $1,000 to $10,000 with a term of two years. Interest rate is at prime
rate plus 6%. Closing costs can be included in the loan amount.
* Self-Employment Training Program
Project NOW - Community Action Committee
418 19th St., P.O. Box 3970
Rock Island, IL 61201
Fax: 309-793-6352
Eligible applicants are low-income county residents in the counties of Rock Island, Henry, and Mercer. Assists individuals interested in self-employment
by providing training, consulting services, support services and assistance in identifying and accessing startup capital. Loans are from $1,500 to $45,000
with terms from two to four years. The interest rate is 5%. Funding comes from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
* WBDC Micro-Loan Program
Women's Business Development Center
8 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60603
Fax: 312-853-0145
This program has started a new initiative to strengthen the programs and services for women, and worked as an advocate on access to financing
through relationship building with banks and regulators. The aim is to support women in their quest for economic self-sufficiency through
entrepreneurship. Loans are up to $5,000 with terms up to one year. The interest rate is at 9%. This program receives funding from loans from various
foundations and banks.
* Women's Economic Venture Enterprise (WEVE)
22916th St.
Rock Island, IL 61201
Fax: 309-788-9825
Women's Economic Venture Bnterprise (WEVE) assists women in achieving economic self-sufficiency through business ownership. Eligible applicants
are women of all races and income levels living in Scott County, Iowa, Rock Island County in Illinois, and Metropolitan Quad Counties. Loans are from
$200 to $3,000, terms from three months to five years. Interest rate is 2% below prime rate. WEVE receives funding from Banks, SBA, foundations,
individuals, program fees and corporations.
* Women's Self-Employment Project (WSEP)
20 N. dark St.
Chicago, IL 60602
The Women's Self-Employment Project (WSEP) programs provide economic support and a chance for self-sufficiency to women who reside in some of
Chicago's most disinvested communities. The goal of WSEP is to raise the income of low/moderate income women through a strategy of selfemployment. Loans are from $ 100 to $10,000 with terms from four months to two years. The interest rate is at 15%. WSEP receives funding from SBA
Microloan Demonstration, foundations, corporations, government contracts, individual donors, and consulting contracts.
* Self-Employment Loan Fund
Chicago Association of Neighborhood Development
Organizations (CANDO)
123 West Madison, Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60602-4589
This loan is generally available to low income business owners that are primarily women and minorities. It is for start-up and emerging businesses
in Chicago. The loans for emerging businesses are $1,000 to $20,000 at 12.5% and repayable in 3 months to 2 years. A start-up company can apply
for $1,000 to $15,000 at 10 to 12.5% interest for a term of 3 months to 2 years.
* City of Rockford Microenterprise Investment
Match Program
City of Rockford
Illinois Community Development Department
425 East State Street
Rockford, IL 61104
This program has been designed to strengthen new or young businesses owned by low and moderate-income residents in the City of Rockford. The
City will provide up to four times the amount of the business' equity, or $10,000, whichever is less. Equity can include cash, previously purchased
equipment, and "sweat-equity". The term is 5 years, with 20% forgiven each of the 5 years. The interest rate is 0%. Fifty-one percent of the jobs must be
for low and moderate-income residents of the City. The applicant must graduate from the training program or have a business education.
* Special Initiative Funds
ACCION Chicago
3245 West 26th Street
Chicago, IL 60623
This loan is geared towards African Americans, women owned businesses, and geographic areas that are depressed. These loans are based on character
as long as there is a cash flow in the business. The loan amount is from $500 to $25,000 with a term of 3 months to 24 months. This is for start-up and
existing businesses.
* Micro Loan Program for Small Businesses
West Cook Community Development
1127 South Mannheim Road, Suite 1021
Westchester, IL 60559
Fax: 708-450-0655
This program is for small businesses in Western Suburban Cook County that have first been turned down by a bank for funding. It targets low lo
moderate-income women and minorities. The loan amount is from $2,000 to 150,000 with a term of up to 5 years. For funding, money is pooled from
loans received from 20 area banks, and then in turn is loaned out from West Cook Community Development.
* Eastside Community Fund
Eastside Community Investments (BCI)
26 N. Arsenal Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Fax: 317-637-7581
The aim is to loan money and provide technical assistance to both startup and existing small businesses. Preference is given to New Eastside residents or
low income individuals. Loans are from $150 -$25,000; terms from three months to five years. Interest rate is 10 to 12%. This fund receives funding
from SBA, Mott Foundation, state loan money, and Partners for Common Good Loan Fund.
* Rural Business Assistance Grant
City of Madison Micro Loan Program
P.O. Box 765
Versailles, IN 47042
This loan is funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It is available to start-up or growing businesses. A maximum of $25,000 can
be applied to equipment and working capital. The amount of time allowed for pay back is generally 5 to 7 years, depending on the loan, and the loan
committee can decide on an extension.
* City of Madison Micro Loan Program
SE Indiana Regional Planning Commission
P.O. Box 765
Versailles, IN 47042
This loan is for start-up or growing small businesses in the area. The maximum of a $25,000 loan can be used for equipment and working capital.
The term varies with the loan amount. Funding is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
* SBA Microloan Demonstration Program
Siouxiand Economic Development Corporation
428 Insurance Centre
Sioux City, IA 5 II 02
Fax: 712-279-6920
Eligible applicants are low and moderate-income individuals located in Woodbuly, Plymouth, Cherokee, Ida and Monona counties. This program
receives referrals from local banks and community development organizations and assist in funding non-bankable individuals. Loans are from $1,500 to
$25,000 with terms from 1-6 years. Funding comes from SBA grant, SEDC cash match, and other SEDC operating surplus and revenue.
* Small Enterprise Development
Institute for Social and Economic Development
1901 Broadway, Suite 313
Iowa City, IA 52240
This program is focused on low income, ethnic minorities, and women, Receives funds from foundations, corporations, civic and religious
organizations, federal and state grants and contracts, and private contributions. The aim is to facilitate the empowerment of disadvantaged
populations through the integration of social and economic development strategies. Loans are from $500 to $23,000 with terms from 6 months to five
years. The interest rate is 5% for Institute's loans, and 8.5% to 15% for bank loans.
* Micro-Enterprise Loan Fund
Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation
P.O. Box 1738
London, KY 40743
The purpose of this fund is to encourage the development of small businesses in counties of Kentucky Highlands. Expansion and start-up for profit
businesses that meet the Small Business Administration's size standards are eligible. A maximum loan of $25,000 can be used for working capital and
equipment. Borrowers have up to 6 years to repay with a fixed interest rate based on the loan.
* SBA Micro Loan Program
Community Ventures Corporation
1458 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40505
Fax: 606-231-0261
This loan is open to existing micro businesses in Central Kentucky, a 20 county region. Its use is primarily for working capital and equipment. The
maximum amount of the loan is for $20,000. The term is determined by the loan.
* SBA Microloan Program
Siouxiand Economic Development Corporation (SEDC)
P.O. Box 447
Sioux City, IA 50102
Small businesses in and around the 6 counties of Sioux City can apply for this loan. The maximum amount is for $25,000 that is to be paid back in a
maximum of 6 years. The interest rate is 10%. Funding is from the Small Business Association.
* SBA Micro-Loan
South Central Kansas Economic Development District
209 East William, Suite 300
Wichita, KS 67202-4012
The goal of this loan is to stimulate the economy within the 14 county service area. A maximum of $25,000 is available for a term of 6 years. No
funds may be used for the purchase of real estate. Funds are from the Small Business Association.
* Bluegrass Microenterprise Program
Community Ventures Corporation
1450 N. Broadway
Lexington, K.Y 40505
Upon joining the small business training program, you will have access to classes designed to help with specific areas of self-employment and business
ownership. Classroom instruction is offered in business feasibility, management, marketing and financial planning. Upon completion of an
approved business plan, you may be considered for inclusion in a small loan group, where loans of $500 to $2,500 are made to people operating or
starting a small business.
* Community Loan Fund
Human/Economic Appalachian Development Corp.
P.O. Box 504
Berea, KY 40403
Fax: 606-986-1299
The Community Loan Fund is available to low income individuals and women located in Central Appalachia. Fund has provided loans to new and
existing businesses in low-income communities including pilot program targeting welfare recipients and community day care. The aim is to
strengthen low-income communities. Receives funds from permanent capital, investments, grants and donations. Loans are from $100 to $25,000 with
terms from one to five years. The interest rate is from 8 to 12%.
Micro Loan Fund
Catholic Social Services
1220 Aycock Street
Houma, LA 70360
The area covered by this loan is the Diocese of Houma-Thibodax. A start-up business can borrow up to $1,500 and then borrow more after that loan has
been paid off on time. If the business is existing, it can borrow up to 12,000 for the first loan, and more after that. The term is from I to 2 years.
* Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments
125 Manley Rd.
Aubum, ME 04210
Fax: 207-783-5211
The primary goal of these programs is to stimulate business investment that results in job creation and retention within the Androscoggin, Franklin, and
Oxford Counties. Loans are up to $150,000. Terms are for 3-5 years at prime rate plus 1%. Eligible applicants are startups and existing businesses of all
* Aroostook County Action Program, Inc. Fleet Bank Set-Aside
P.O. Box 1116
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Fax: 207-768-3040
This program is available lo individuals who cannot obtain funding through conventional loan programs. Program is for startup and existing micro
businesses, and to establish a link to conventional lending channels for each sustained business. Loans are from $1,000 to 110,000. Terms are up to five
years at prime rate plus 2%.
* Auburn Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Microloan
Lewiston/Aubum Economic Growth Council
P.O. Box 1188
37 Park St.
Lewiston, ME 04240
Fax: 207-786-4412
The Auburn Community Development Block Grant (CDBC) Microloan program is available to startup and existing businesses, manufacturing,
distribution, service, non-retail, and low to moderate incomes.
Enterprise Fund
Coastal Enterprises Inc. (CEI)
P.O. Box 268
Wiscasset, ME 04578
The aim of this fund is to help people with limited resources create their own jobs. Women-owned and child care businesses are typical examples. Loans
are from $500 to $50,000. Rates are fixed market rate. Terms are up to 15 years. Funding is from the Ford Foundation, Mott Foundation, state
legislative appropriation. Betterment Fund, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, national churches, Maine Department of Economic and
Community Development.
* Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Loan Fund
Newmarket Tech
P.O. Box 724
Augusta, ME 04330
Fax: 207-287-3038
The Entrepreneurs With Disabilities Loan Fund is available to startup and existing businesses, businesses that create jobs, manufacturing, and people
with mental and physical disabilities. Loans are from $500 to $2,000 and terms vary. New market Tech also provides technical assistance.
* Maine Centers for Women, Work and Community
46 University Dr.
Augusta, ME 04330
Fax: 207-621-3429
This microloan is available to startup and existing businesses. Applicants must submit a written Business Plan to a committee. Loans are from $100 to
$1,000. Eligible applicants are: family income below $20,000; displaced homemakers; single parents; and people in transition.
* Working Capital Program
Western Mountains Alliance
P.O. Box 29
Farmington, ME 04938
Fax: 207-778-7247
This loan is based on a peer-lending process. A potential applicant joins a business loan group of 4-10 business owners and applies directly to the group
for loans. The group reviews and approves loans. All members must be current on their loans before any group member is eligible for another loan.
Available to startup or businesses that projects to have a sustainable idea or product to sell or create. Loans are from 1500-S5,000. Terms are four months
to three years at 12%. Applicants must be a member of a peer lending group.
* SBA Microloan Program
Eastern Maine Development Corporation
One Cumberland Place, Suite 300
Bangor, ME 04401
This loan is available only to counties in the area. Businesses that are starting up, expanding, or that need working capital can apply for up to $25,000. The
loan includes post-loan technical support to help the owner in being successful. It must be paid back in up to 5 years.
* Microloan Fund
Biddeford-Saco Area Economic Development Corporation
110 Main Street, Suite 1202
Saco, ME 04072
The loan is available to any small business in the area with emphasis on women and minorities. The maximum loan is for $25,000 at a fixed interest
rate based on the market rate. One hundred percent financing is available up to $15,000. The terms of the loan vary depending on the use of the funds,
but on an average are from 5 to 10 years. The Corporation is certified by the Treasury Department as CDFI.
* New Ventures Loan Fund
Maine Centers for Women, Work, and Community
Stoddart House UMA
46 University Drive
Augusta, ME 043303-9410
Fax: 207-621 -3429
They established this fund to help women become economically successful. In order to apply for funds, women must graduate from New Ventures of
Career/Life Planning Training. The loan is for up to $500. The term is from 3 months to one year. After that, borrowers are eligible to apply for another
loan. Either start-ups or existing businesses that are low income and create jobs are eligible in the state of Maine.
* NMDC Microloan Program
Northern Maine Development Commission
302 Main Street
P.O. Box 779
800-427-8736 (Maine only)
Caribou, ME 04736
Fax: 207-493-3108
The purpose of this loan is to provide capital to women, low-income and minority small business owners that cannot get conventional loans. Money
may be used for the purchase of machinery and equipment, furniture and fixtures, inventory, supplies and working capital. For loans of $7,500 and
less, the interest rate is 10%. Loans over $7,500 have an interest rate of 9%, Applicants are eligible for technical assistance. Call first to be sure your
business falls within the guidelines of the Small Business Administration.
* Commercial Lending Program
Perquis Community Action Program
P.O. Box 1162
Bangor, ME 04402
The Commercial Lending Program offers gap financing. The applicants must fall within the HUD guidelines for low income. One-third of the total amount
needed can be applied for, with the maximum loan of $35,000. The term is an average of 5 to 7 years. It is available in Pennobscott and Piscataquis
* Androscoggin Valley Micro Loan Program
Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments
125 Manley Road
Auburn, ME 04210
They call themselves the "Lender of last resorts". This loan can be used by either start-up or existing businesses for things like working capital,
equipment. The loan amount is up to $40,000 with a maximum term of 7 years. Collateral, cash flow and a business plan are required. It is available
to those in the 3 county service area.
* Aroostook County Action Micro Loan Program
Aroostook County Action Program Inc.
P.O. Box 1166
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Business owners in the Aroostook County area that meet HUD's median income guidelines can join this program. The maximum loan is $10,000 at
10% for a term of 10 years.
* Business Owners Startup Services (BOSS)
Council for Economic and Business Opportunities
800 N. Charles St., Suite 300
Baltimore, MD 21201
Fax: 410-576-2498
The aim of Business Owners Startup Services (BOSS) is to develop microenterprises via training and funding and to maintain microenterprises
through technical assistance, support and funding. Eligible applicants are AFDC recipients, and residents of Housing Authority of Baltimore County.
Loans are from $5,000 to $10,000, terms up to two years and interest rate is 10%. Receives funds from SBA, CDBG funds, SEID Grant, state, city,
county PI and Title III contracts, and a grant from HUD.
* Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore, Inc. (WEB)
1118 Light St., Suite 202
Baltimore, MD 21230
Fax: 410-727-4989
Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore, Inc. (WEB) is a nonprofit organization, and its clients must have a viable business idea and the entrepreneurial spirit
to make their business a success. WEB is committed to the economic empowerment of neighborhood women and the revitalization of Baltimore's
neighborhoods. The development of microenterprise in Baltimore helps to revitalize these neighborhoods by stopping the dollar drain. The owners serve
as strong role models and in some instances provide employment in their communities. Eligible applicants are economically disadvantaged women in
Baltimore City. Loans are up to $500 with terms from three to six months. The interest rate is at 10%. WEB receives funding from foundations and
bank contributions.
* Hilltown Enterprise Fund
Hilltown Community Development Corp.
432 Main Rd. #A
Chesterfield, MA 01012
Fax: 413-296-4020
This fund receives funding from state and federal grants, loans from individuals. Western Massachusetts Enterprise Fund, and contributions. The aim is to
promote rural cooperation and to ensure the best quality of life for all Hilltown residents. This is available to individuals with limited resources
who wish to start or expand a business. Loan amounts are from $500 to $10,000 with loan terms at three years. The interest rate is 12%. For
Hilltown residents only.
* Microenterprise Development Program
Brightwood Development Corporation
2345 Main St.
Springfield, MA 01107
Fax: 413-746-3934
This program's aim is to provide affordable housing and economic development to low and moderate income Hispanics and Puerto Ricans.
Program is presently assisting eight new businesses to start in a low-income community. Loans are from $500 to $15,000. Terms are from three to five
years. The interest rate is at 10%. Receives funds from the City of Springfield, Springfield Chamber of Commerce, SBA, and HUD.
* Microenterprise Training and Loan Program for
Jewish Vocational Service
105 Chauncy St., 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02111
Program receives funds from the Office of Refugee Resettlement and the Jewish Vocational Service. Provides refugees the opportunity to create their
own jobs within the communities in which they live. Vulnerable populations, such as the disadvantaged and disabled, are the agency's priority. Loans are
from $100 to $5,000 with terms from six months to three years. The interest rate is at prime rate plus 4%.
* New Bedford Working Capital Network
Community Economic Development Center
166 William St.
New Bedford, MA 02740
Fax: 508-990-0199
Eligible applicants are low and moderate income, racially and culturally diverse individuals. Small loans provide needed resources to these individuals
who would not have funds to invest in their businesses. Loans are from $500 to $10,000 with the interest rate at 12%. Funding comes from credit through
Fleet Banks, operating funds from Working Capital Institute for Cooperative Community Development, other banks, and private foundations.
*Hampton City Employment and Training
Springfield Business Development Fund (SBDF)
1176 Main St.
Springfield, MAO II 03
413-781 -6900
Eligible applicants are low and moderate income, and minorities located in Springfield. SBDF provides secondary loans to small business for startup or
expansion within the City of Springfield. It receives funding from the Small Business Administration and the Economic Development Administration.
Loans are from $10,000 to $50,000 with terms from 5 to 20 years. The interest rate is at 6%.
* Hilltown Enterprise Fund
Hilltown Community Development Corporation
P.O. Box 17
Chesterfield, MA 01012
The Hilltown Enterprise Fund is available to the 11-town area around Hilltown for businesses that cannot otherwise get funding. Amounts from $500 to
$15,000 are available at 12% interest. The terms of the loan are 6 months to 5 years, depending on the amount loaned. Funds come from local people.
* Working Capital Program
Working Capital
99 Bishop Alien Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617-576-8623
Borrowers join a business loan group which control the lending process. Working Capital's loans are set up in steps with each amount having a
different repayment time. They start off at $500 and go in steps up to $10,000, in some cases they will go as high as $20,000. There is a 16%
interest rate for processing loans. Members also can also take advantage of the business programs and network with other business owners. This is for
the greater Boston area.
* Micro Loan
Twin Cities Community Development Corporation
195 Kimball Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420
The goal of this fund is to increase economic development and income, and to create assets and jobs. It is available to business owners that have low to
moderate incomes and do not fall within conventional loan guidelines. The business must be in operation for at least one year and located in the
Fitchburg area. The loan amount is up to $50,000 with a term of 3 to 10 years. The interest rate is 12%.
* Small Business Loan Fund
Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation
594 Columbia Road, Suite 302
Dorchester, MA 02125
Fax: 617-825-3522
This loan is open to residents or small businesses located in Dorchester. It is also available to a client that comes through a Community Development
Corporation in another community. They also help with technical assistance, credit repair, financial planning, and more. The maximum loan amount is
$25,000. The term is up to 5 years with a compounded interest rate.
* Cambodian American League Fund
Cambodian American League of Lowell, Inc.
60 Middlesex Street
Lowell, MA 01852
After a 7-week training program, small business owners must submit a business plan with their application for a loan. The loan amount is a
maximum of $5,000. The loan must be paid back from one to two years, depending on the loan.
* Greater Springfield Entrepreneurial Fund
Hampden County Employment and
Training Consortium
1176 Main Street
Springfield, MA 01103
413-781-6900 ext. 227
This fund is available to the people in Hampden county except for the Chicopee and Chester areas. Small business owners can apply for a maximum
of $25,000. It must be repaid in up to 5 years. The interest rate is 8%.
* SEED Micro Loan Program
South Eastern Economic Development Corporation
88 Broadway
Taunton, MA 02780
The eligible business types for this loan are manufacturing, retail, wholesale, and service. The money can be used for working capital, real estate for the
use of the small business, and for machinery and equipment. The loan amount is up to $25,000 with a term up to 5 years. The interest rate is
usually the market rate. The business must show potential for creating jobs, especially for low to moderate-income people. The service area of SEED is
Bamstable, Bristol, Dukes, Plymouth and Nantucket counties.
* Wise Program
Ann Arbor Community Development Corp.
2008 Hogback Rd., Suite 12
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Fax: 313-677-1465
The WISE Program is to encourage small business development among women/minorities. This program assists women to become self-sufficient
through self-employment. Loans are from $500 to 17,000. Terms are from 6 months to 7 years. Interest rate is prime rate plus 1%. Closing costs can be
included in the amount of the loan. Receives funding from the City of Ann Arbor, Mott Foundation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Michigan Women's Foundation, and the Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan.
* Lansing Community Micro-Enterprise Fund
520 West lonia
Lansing, MI 48933
Fax: 517-485-4761
To become eligible for this loan, the borrower must meet the criteria for low to moderate income and live in the City of Lansing. Or, the location of their
business or residence must be within the City of Lansing where 70% or more of households are low to moderate income. They must also show that LCMF
is the best loan option. The loan amount is $500 to $10,000. The term is from 12 months to 4 years at a 7% interest rate. A business training program
is available, but not required.
* Project Invest
Northwest Michigan Council of Governments
2194 Dendrinos Drive
P.O. Box 506
Traverse City, MI 49685-0506
Fax: 231 -929-5012
The goal of this program is to help entrepreneurs develop successful small businesses to create income and possible employment for others. To achieve
this, a borrower must complete the Enterprise Development Workshops. After that, a loan of between $250 to $1,500 can be sought. Borrowers must meet
with a loan advisor monthly.
* Arrowhead Microenterprise Program
Airowhead Community Economic Assistance Corporation
702 Third Ave. S.
Virginia, MN 55792-2775
Fax: 218-749-2913
The aim of this program is to assist with startup or expansion of local businesses that increase employment opportunities, that retain existing jobs,
identify and develop local skills and talents, and that provide economic opportunity for unemployed, low income and minority citizens. Loans are
from $500 to $10,000. Terms are from 90 days to 10 years. The interest rate is a minimum 8%, and is adjusted annually. Receives funds from federal,
state and county funds, private loans, and revenue from operations.
* Business Development Services
Women Venture
2324 University Ave., Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55114
Fax: 651-641-7223
The aim of this service is to secure a stronger economic future for women through employment, career development, business development, and
financial responsibility. Eligible applicants are women, with particular interest in reaching low-income women. Loans are from 150 to $25,000 with terms
from three months to five years. The interest rate is at 10%. Women Venture receives funding from SBA Microloan Demonstration Grant, state and federal
grants, and foundations.
* Emerging Entrepreneur Development Program
Northwest Minnesota Initiative Fund
4225 Technology Dr.
Bemidji, MN 56601
Fax: 218-759-2328
Although this program is available to everyone, it targets women, minorities and low-income individuals. The mission is to improve the quality of life for
the people who live and work in NW Minnesota. This program provides opportunities for self-employment and the establishment of new businesses
which makes it economically feasible for people to remain in the region. Loans are from $136 to $13,500, terms from one month to five years. The
interest rate is 8%. Program receives funding from the SBA and The McKnight Foundation.
* Northeast Entrepreneur Fund, Inc.
820 Ninth St., N., Suite 140
Virginia, MN 55792
Fax: 218-741-4249
This is available to unemployed and underemployed individuals. This Fund helped to revitalize a rural region that has experienced severe economic
dislocation in the last 15 years, and helped start or expand over 120 microbusinesses. The purpose is to encourage economic self-sufficiency
through the growth of small businesses. Loans are from $100 to $100,000 with terms from 60 days to three years. Funds come from foundations, loans,
contracts, fees, and interest.
* Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
North Star Community Development Corporation
604 Board of Trade Building
301 West First St.
Duluth,MN 55802
North Star CDC is a community based economic development organization providing assistance to small businesses. Focus is placed on assisting low and
moderate income individuals to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Loans are from $400 to $20,000 with the terms from 90 days to 5 years. The interest
rate is 8%. Funding comes from the Community Development Block Grant. Only for those residing within the city limits of Duluth.
* Self-Employment Training Opportunities (SETO)
Women Venture
2324 University Ave., Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55114
Eligible applicants are women, with particular interest in low-income women. The aim of SETO is to secure an economic future for women through
employment, career development, business development, and financial responsibility. Loans are from $50 to $25,000 with terms from three months
to five years. The interest rate is at 10%. Women Venture receives funding from SBA Microloan Demonstration Grant, state and federal grants, and
* Child Care Provider Loan
Arrowhead Community Economic Assistance Corporation
8880 Main Street
P.O. Box 406
Mountain Iron, MN 55768-0406
Fax: 218-735-8202
ACEAC's goal is to help start-up and expansion of local businesses in order to create economic opportunities for the area residents. The child care loan
is offered between $300 and $7,000. Generally, repayment is from 2 to 3 years. The interest rate is 3 to 8% depending on the borrower's adjusted
gross income. Priority is given to people who are open during non-traditional hours, people who care for children with disabilities, and those who operate
in areas with a lack of child care. Technical support is available throughout the loan.
* Micro Enterprise Loan Program
Neighborhood Development Center
651 1/2 University Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104
Small business and start-up loans are available to businesses in the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul for up to $10,000. First, a 16-week NDC business
training program must be completed. Repayment is up to 5 years at 10% interest rate. Business owners that have income below area median for their
area are eligible.
* Northeast Entrepreneur Fund
Northeast Entrepreneur Fund
820 Ninth Street North
Virginia, MN 55792
Fax: 218-749-5213
This fund is offered to small business owners that do not have reasonable access to other sources of money. The business must be located in, or the
owner must be a resident of, the seven-county Arrowhead Region of northeast Minnesota. For a start-up or expansion of a business up to $100,000
may be requested. Repayment period varies from 30 days to 6 years. The interest is at market rate.
* Revolving Loan Fund
North Star Community Development Corporation
301 West First Street, Suite 604
Duluth, MN 55802
This loan is for low to moderate-income business owners. Currently, it serves the Duluth area, but it is expected to expand those boundaries soon. Up to
$20,000 can be borrowed at 8% interest. The term of the loan is a maximum of 5 years.
* Micro Loan
Phillips Community Development Corporation
1014 East Franklin, Suite #l
Minneapolis, MN 55404
Fax: 612-871-8131
This loan is for general small businesses in the 8 neighborhood areas. The business must have been in operation for at least one year. Equity is required
for a loan up to $10,000. The rate is 5 years with an interest of Prime plus 3%.
* Dayton Hudson Artists Loan Fund
Resources and Counseling for the Arts
308 Prince Street, Suite 270
Fax: 651-292-4315
St. Paul, MN 55101
TTY: 651-292-3218
This program is a community based revolving loan program for artists who cannot find traditional funding. It is available to those in the Minneapolis-St.
Paul metro area. A loan of $ 1,000 to $5,000 with a term of 12 to 36 months can be applied for. The interest rate is 1% over Prime. The money can be
used for artistic development and the artist's business development.
* Micro Loan Program
Northwest Minnesota Foundation
4225 Technology Drive, NW
Bemidji, NM 56601
Fax: 218-759-2328
This loan is offered in order to help to develop small businesses and to create self-employment. It is available in the 12 extreme counties of Northwest
Minnesota. Up to $20,000 can be applied for with a term of up to 5 years. This is open to either start-up or existing small businesses.
* SBA Loan
Women Venture
2324 University Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55114
This loan is available to help women to gain economic success. It is offered to new or existing small businesses in the 14 county service area. The amount
of the loan is from $200 to $25,000 and technical assistance is given with it. The term is 30 days to 6 years with the interest up to 4 percent over prime.
Fifty percent collateral is required.
* Small Farm Loan
Alcom State University
Small Farm Development Center
1000 ASU Drive #1080
Alcom State, MS 39096-7500
Fax: 601-877-3931
The Small Farm Loan is used to give short-term loans to small farmers. The money can be used for agriculture related expenses. The applicant must have
a minimum farming experience of one year or have an educational background. Additionally, the farmer must have been turned down by 2 or more
creditors. Repayment terms are from I to 5 years. There is a I to 3% service fee for approved loans, but the interest rate is 0%. Preference is given to
emerging crop enterprise.
* SELF Loan Fund
Bconomic Alternatives
P.O. Box 5208
Holly Springs, MS 38634
This microloan targets low to moderate-income people. The business can be either just starting or an existing one. The loan amount is $500 to $2,500,
with a 2-month grace period. The term is for not beyond 3 years with a 5% interest rate. This is available to businesses in Marshall and Benton counties.
Funding is from USDA and private foundations.
* Microloan Program
First Step Fund
1080 Washington, Suite 204
Kansas City, MO 64105
Fax: 816-472-4207
This loan is only for the graduates of the business training program that are members of the Alumni Group. They must also fall within the federal low
to moderate income guidelines. A maximum loan for a first time borrower is $2,500; the next level of loan is up to $5,000. This money can be used for
supplies and/or equipment. The average loan is 2 years. The interest rate is the prime rate. The loan is approved by the Borrowers' Group.
* SBA Microloan Program
Rural Missouri, Inc.
1014 Northeast Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Fax: 573-635-5636
The SBA Microloan Program is for start-up and expanding businesses to provide funds for working capital, inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures,
machinery and/or equipment. The loan amount is from $500 to $25,000. The term is I to 5 years with an interest rate that is NY Prime plus 3%. Technical
assistance is given on a one to one basis.
* Action for Eastern Montana - Microbusiness Loan
2030 N. Men-ill
Glendive, MT 59330-1309
Action for Eastern Montana receives funds from the Montana Department of Commerce, banks, utilities. Rural Conservation and Development District,
and small business donations. The mission is to help create a flourishing microbusiness climate. Eligible applicants are low income, women and
minorities. Loans are from $500 to $20,000, interest rate are prime plus 2%. Closing costs/fees can be included in the loan.
* Montana Microbusiness Finance Program
Montana Department of Commerce
1424 9th Ave.
Helena, MT 59620
Fax: 406-444-2808
Eligible applicants are minorities, women and low income individuals. The goal is to provide disadvantaged individuals with self-employment opportunities. Loans and terms vary. Receives funds from State legislative appropriation from in-state investment fund, local capital, and operating budget.
* Montana Women's Economic Development Group
Women's Opportunity and Resource Development
127 N. Higgins
Missoula, MT 59802
Fax: 406-721-4584
Aim is to provide business assistance services including training, consulting and capital access, targeting low and moderate income women. It works with
community teams planning and implementing timber diversification strategies, and employ business assistance specialists to assist entrepreneurs.
Loans are up to $35,000, terms up to five years. Interest rate is 1-2% above market rate. Receives funds from city, county, and state government, Ms.
Foundation, Department of Health and Human Services, and US West Foundation. Only for residents of western Montana.
* Opportunities, Inc. - Microbusiness Finance
Opportunities, Inc.
P.O. Box 2289
Great Falls, MT 59403
Eligible applicants are those unable to receive loans from conventional sources. The purpose is to stimulate better coordination among available
federal, state, local and private resources to enable low income families and individuals in rural and urban areas, to attain the skills and motivations they
need to secure opportunities necessary to become self-sufficient. Loans and terms vary.
* Microbusiness Loan
District 7 Human Resources Development Council
P.O. Box 2016
Billings, MT 59103
E-mail: dist7hrdc@imt.nel
Fax: 406-248-2943
This loan program is available to start-up and existing micro businesses in Big Horn, Carbon, Stillwater, Sweetgrass and Yellowstone Counties. The
amount that can be applied for is from $500 to $35,000 with the average term being 36 months. The money can be used for equipment, working
capital, and property. There is also technical assistance and training available.
* Rural Enterprise Assistance Project
Center for Rural Affairs
P.O. Box 406
Walthill, NE 68067
Fax: 402-846-5420
The aim of this project is to demonstrate and implement programs to meet the long-term needs of existing and potential small businesses to succeed in
rural areas of Nebraska. Loans are from $100 to $10,000; terms from 6 months to two years. Interest rate is prime rate plus 1% and 4%. It receives
funding from the Ford Foundation, Mott Foundation, SBA Grant, The Aspen Institute, and Share Our Strength.
* Rural Business Enterprise Program
Central Nebraska Community Services, Inc.
626 N Street
P.O. Box 509
Loup City, ME 68853
Fax: 308-745-0824
The goal of this loan is to maintain or increase employment in Central Nebraska. Small business loans are available from 1500 to 115,000 to small
and emerging businesses. The term is a maximum of 5 years at a fixed interest rate. Free consulting services are also provided.
* Northeast Nebraska Microloan Fund
Northeast Nebraska Economic Development District
111 South 1st Street
Norfolk, ME 68701
Fax: 402-378-9207
A For Profit Micro business in Northeast Nebraska can apply for this loan. for each $20,000 borrowed, one job must be created. And of those, at least
51% of the jobs retained must be for low to moderate-income employees. Security is required for the loan of 110,000 to $25,000, which must generally
be paid back within 5 years. The interest rate is fixed by NNEDD.
* Small Enterprise Economic Development Loan (SEED)
Mid-Nebraska Community Services, Inc.
16 West 11th Street
P.O. 2288
Keamey, NE 68848
The borrower is asked to attempt conventional financing first. If that fails, they can apply for a loan up to $5,000. The term is a maximum of 5 years
with a fixed interest rate. This is available to a 27 county area in South Central Nebraska. With the funding that comes from the USDA, the loan
maximum is $15,000 within a 10 county area.
* Lincoln Action Program Loan
Lincoln Action Program
2202 South 11th
Lincoln, NE 68502
This loan targets small business owners that are in the low-income bracket. They use a pure lending peer group system. The loans are given in steps;
they start small with a shorter term and when that is repaid, the next loan is larger, and so on. The maximum loan is $2,000. This is available to
Lancaster County.
* Micro Loan Program
New Community Development Corporation
3147 Ames Avenue
Omaha,NE 68131
The goal of this program is to tiy and make loans available to a population that has been historically denied access to capital. The loan is available in the
amounts of $100 to $10,000 for up to 36 months. Each loan level comes with a different origination fee and fixed interest rate. The eligible area is mainly
North Omaha.
* Rural Enterprise Assistance Project (REAP)
Center for Rural Affairs
101 Tallman
P.O. Box 406
Walthill, ME 68067
Fax: 402-846-5420
REAP is designed to enhance the formation of local businesses and to invest in local people and the future of the community. Local communities form an
association of members between 5 and 20 people. They meet for monthly training, support, networking and reviewing of loans. The committee can loan
funds between the amounts of $100 and $10,000. This is done by step-up borrowing, with the first time amount up to $2,000. The next loan amount
can be doubled up to $10,000. The interest for the first 2 loans is Prime +1%, and after that it is Prime +4%.
* Micro Business Training and Development
Catholic Charities- Juan Diego Center
5211 South 31st Street
Omaha, ME 68107
Applicants must go through the training and development program either here or at their sister agency. Generally, this is for start-up businesses, but an
existing one will be considered if it has been operational for 3 years, with 3 years of tax returns. The funds available are from $250 to $1,000, but they
will go up to $3,000 with sufficient reason. It may be used for inventory, operating expenses, and equipment. Available in their service area only.
* Self Employment Loans Fund of Lincoln
Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development
P.O. Box 83006
Lincoln, ME 68501-3006
Fax: 402-436-2360
This program is available to low or moderate income business owners. They must join a Business Loan Group where the group meets monthly for
assistance, networking, and loan processing. The loans are given in steps where the first amount is a maximum of $1,000. The next loan can be
doubled and so on, for a maximum of $10,000. These loans are not based on credit history, but character. This program is available in Lincoln Partnership
for Economic Development's (LPED) service area.
* Nevada Microenterprise Initiative Microloan
Nevada Microenterprise Initiative
116 East 7th Street, Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701
Fax: 702-841-2221
It is the goal of the Nevada Microenterprise Initiative to strengthen the economic and quality of life of low and moderate-income business owners
in the state of Nevada through training, technical assistance, and loans. For those people that cannot get commercial funding, they must attend NMI's
workshop before applying for a loan. A start-up business can borrow up to $7,500, for existing or returning borrowers, the maximum loan is $25,000.
The term either is up to 36 or 72 months, depending on the loan. After that, they meet with an advisor once a month.
New Hampshire
* Working Capital-MicroenterprisePeer Lending
New Hampshire Community Loan Fund
7 Wall St.
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-225-7254
This program is available to low and moderate income individuals in the Concord area. It assists underserved individuals in meeting their own basic
economic needs by complementing and extending the reach of conventional lenders and public institutions. Loans are from $500 to $5,000 with the
interest rate at 12%. This fund receives funding from commercial banks.
* Working Capital
New Hampshire Community Loan Fund
7 Wall Street
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603-225-7425
This program was created to increase the income and success of small business owners. They use a peer lending system where members apply for
loans from their group. All members must be current on their loans for any member to apply for another loan. The available loans are from $500 to
$5,000. Call for the service area covered.
* Citizens Bank Women Business Owners' Loan Fund
Women's Business Center
150 Greenleaf Avenue, Unit 8
Portsmouth, NH 03801
The Women's Business Center (WBC) is designed to encourage and support women in all phases of enterprise development in order to create economic
development. Technical assistance and workshops must be attended in order to become a member. After that, a loan from $10,000 to $100,000 can be
requested if the business is also owned by at least 51% of women. The money can be used for start-up, relocation, and working capital to expand and /or
purchase equipment and/or inventory.
* Working Capital
Women's Rural Entrepreneurial Network (WREN)
2013 Main Street
P.O. Box 331
Bethlehem, NH 03574
Fax: 603-869-9738
This program has been created to support self-employed members and to give small business loans. The peer group lending system is used so that the
business owner becomes a member of the group where the loan is reviewed. The amount starts at $500 and has a $5,000 maximum. After that, there are
meetings where the group gets a report as to how the loan is being used. This is for both start-up and existing businesses in the area.
New Jersey
* Micro Loan
Trenton Business Assistance Corporation (TBAC)
36 Broad Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
Fax: 609-396-8603
About 70% of the funds offered by TBAC are loaned to women and minority business owners. At least 50% of the loans are made to businesses owned by
women. The loan amounts are up to $25,000 with a maximum term of 5 years. The interest rate is 10.5%. The for-profit business must be located in
Mercer, Burlington, or Hunterdon counties.
New Mexico
* Women's Economic Self-Sufficiency Team
(WESST Corp.)
Women's Economic Self-Sufficiency Team
414 Silver SW
Albuquerque, MM 87102-3239
Fax: 505-848-2368
The aim of Women's Economic Self-Sufficiency Team (WESST Corp.) is to help women in New Mexico achieve economic self-sufficiency through
sustained self-employment. Eligible applicants are low income women and minorities located in the State of New Mexico. Loans are from $500 to
$7,000 with terms from 30 days to 5 years. The interest rate is at prime rate plus 2-4%. WESST Corp. receives funding from Seton Enablement Fund,
SBA Microloan Demonstration Program, and in-kind contributions.
* Micro Loan Program
#20 First Plaza NW, Suite 417
Albuquerque, NM 87102
The main focus of this loan is to aid those businesses in urban or low-income areas of the Albuquerque area. Traditionally, these owners cannot get
funding from banks. The loans are from $100 to $50,000. The repayment depends on the type of loan. The interest rate is from 11% to 14%. Technical
assistance is also available.
New York
* Adirondack Entrepreneurial Center
Adirondack Economic Development Corporation
P.O. Box 747
Saranac Lake, MY 12983
Fax: 518-891-9820
The mission is to promote the development of small business. Loans are from $500 to $150,000, with flexible terms and rates. Eligible applicants are low
income, women, minorities, and rural entrepreneurs. Receives funds from the Small Business Administration, Farmers Home Administration, Adirondack
North County Association, MY State Urban Development Corporation, Rural Economic Development Program, and the Department of Economic
Development Entrepreneurial Assistance Program.
* Entrepreneurship Training Program
Worker Ownership Resource Center, Inc.
400 E. Church St.
Elmira, MY 14901
Fax: 607-734-6588
This program assists low income and minority entrepreneurs to start businesses in their communities and to build personal and business assets.
Eligible applicants are persons with household income below WIC guidelines and minorities. Loans are from $100 to $5,000 with terms from 6 months to
two years. Interest rate is 12%. Receives funding from Diocese of Rochester, and Campaign for Human Development.
* Micro-Enterprise Loan and Assistance Program
Church Avenue Merchants Block Association
885 Flatbush Ave., Suite 202
Brooklyn, MY 11211
The Micro-Enterprise Loan and Assistance Program is devoted to recently arrived refugees. Goal is to enable low income persons attain self-sufficiency
through microenterprise development. This program makes loans to persons who have limited or no access to capital for small businesses. Loan amounts
are up to $5,000. Terms are 12 or 18 months, with an interest rate at 14%. For residents of New York City.
* Minority and Women Business Development Center
Urban League of Rochester, New York, Inc.
215 Tremont St., Door #4
Rochester, NY 14608
The aim is to provide training, counseling, and technical assistance to minorities and women seeking to start their own businesses. Loans are from
$2,000 -$50,000; terms from 1-5 years. Interest rate is prime rate plus 1-2.5%. Receives funds from the Urban Development Corp., and NY State
Department of Economic Development Entrepreneurial Assistance Program. Only for residents of greater Rochester - Monroe County.
* Neighborhood Micro-Loan Program
Ridgewood Local Development Corporation
59-09 Myrtle Ave.
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Fax: 718-381-7080
The Neighborhood Micro-Loan Program serves neighborhood retailers, small manufacturers, professionals and health care providers, service businesses.
and young businesses and businesses owned by minorities and women. Program is used to contract startup costs, storefront improvements, and
purchase new equipment. Loan amounts and terms vary. Only for residents of the greater Ridgewood area in Queens, NY.
* Queens County Overall Economic Development
Corporation - NY State Department of
Economic Development Entrepreneurial
Assistance Program
Queens County Overall Economic Development Corp.
120-55 Queens Blvd., Suite 309
Kew Gardens, NY 11424
This program provides a package of services to encourage and train would be entrepreneurs; to support and assist new startup businesses in surviving the
first two years of business, and assist existing businesses with their relocation and/or expansion efforts. Eligible applicants are low income and minority
residents of Queens. Loans and terms vary. Funding comes from seven banks and equity investors, borough presidents, city and state agencies.
* Regional Economic Development Assistance
Corporation Mini Loan Program
New York City Economic Development Corporation
110 William St.
New York, NY 10038
This program is for small/startup service, retail, contractor, manufacturing businesses. Loans are available for machinery and equipment, leasehold
improvements, real estate acquisition and working capital. Loans are from $5,000 to $50,000. Terms are two to five years. Interest rates are prime rate
plus 1.5%.
* Rural Ventures Fund
Rural Opportunities, Inc.
400 East Ave.
Rochester, NY 14607
Fax: 716-340-3337
Eligible applicants are low and moderate income individuals denied access to bank credit. The aim is to promote self-sufficiency and economic
independence through the creation and expansion of small businesses and microenterprises. Loans are from $3,000 to $50,000 with terms from 3 to 60
months. The interest rate is up to 15%. Funding comes from FmHA Industrial Development Grant, SBA Microloan Demonstration Program,
CDBG funds, and New York State. For residents of upstate New York, primarily rural and small communities.
* WORC Loan Fund
Worker Ownership Resource Center
One Franklin Square
Exchange Street
Geneva, MY 14456
Fax: 315-789-0261
Worker Ownership Resource Center (WORC) funds are available to people with low to moderate income. In order to be considered for a loan, a training
program through the center must be completed. Five thousand dollars is the maximum amount for first time borrowers. After half of that has been paid
off on time, additional funds may be applied for. Only the interest is required during the first 3 months of a new loan. After that, repayment is normally 2
years. That may be extended for loan over $5,000. Interest is the prime lending rate at closing. The business or owner must reside in the 10 county
service area.
* Manhattan Loan Fund
Manhattan Borough Development Corporation
15 Park Row, Suite 510
New York, MY 10038
Fax: 212-571-0873
The Manhattan Loan Fund is available to moderate-income business owners located in Manhattan. The amounts of the loan are from $5,000 to $25,000.
It can be used for leasehold improvements, machinery and equipment and working capital. The terms are 6 months to 5 years at 10.5% interest.
* Micro Loan Program
Project Enterprise
2303 7th Avenue
New York, NY 10030
This program is for microentrepreneurs in the Brooklyn and Harlem areas that live at or below the poverty level, in order that they can increase their
incomes and improve the quality of their lives. A group of peers build up a Group Savings Fund, which is used for loans to members of the group at no
interest. Bi-weekly meetings must be attended. The first loan is for a maximum of $750 for 5 months or $ 1,500 for 12 months. After that the loan
amount doubles with a maximum of $10,000. A good credit record or collateral is not needed to enroll in this program.
* ACCORD Business Development Program
ACCORD Corporation
50 West Main Street
Friendship, MY 14739
Fax: 716-973-3014
To be able to apply for a loan, a 10-week course or equivalent independent study must be completed. It is available to business owners that fall within
HUB'S low to moderate-income levels. It is for start-up or existing businesses that need money for working capital, real property, and equipment.
Up to 125,000 can be applied for with the term varying. It is offered in Allegany County.
* Micro Loan Program
235 Havemeyer Street
Brooklyn, MY 11211
ACCION does not require that a business be formal in their operation. It is preferred that they have been in business for at least I year. The loan is from
$5,000 to $25,000 with a term of 3 months to 24 months. The interest is amortized on a monthly basis. This is available to businesses in New York
City that cannot get conventional lending.
* Appleseed Trust
Microcredit Group of Central New York
222 Herald Place, 2nd Floor
Syracuse, NY 13202
Fax: 315-424-7056
It is the mission of this program to assist low and moderate-income residents in this community to start, expand, or improve their business through
training, support, and loan access. Members must join a Peer Group where they can apply for a first loan of up to $500. The money can be used for
equipment, materials, or advertising and promotions. Expansions and additional loans can be sought for up to $5,000.
* Trickle Up Program
Trickle Up
121 West 27th St., Suite 504
New York, MY 10001
Over 75% of the recipients of this program either have no credit or bad credit history. Entrepreneurs are given $700 in conditional start-up capital in
two installments. For the first $500, they must complete a Business Plan, agree to spend a minimum of 250 hours per person over a 3 month period,
and save or reinvest at least 20% of the profits in the business. At the end of three months, and when all of the requirements have been met, they can
receive the final $200. Most of the recipients work out of their homes.
North Carolina
* Child Care Providers
301 W. Main St.
Durham, NC 27701
Fax- 919-956-4600
This is a special loan program created by the NC Division of. Child Development to help an individual get started or expand, buy indoor or
outdoor equipment, upgrade buildings, and improve a particular program's quality. These loans have a below market, fixed interest rate of 5%, and no
minimum/maximum loan size. Eligible applicants are anyone who runs or wants to run a registered and licensed child care program that serves or is
willing to serve subsidized children.
* Good Work
Good Work
115 Market St.#211
Durham, NC 27702
Fax: 919-687-7033
The aim is to be a resource for those who want to start or expand their small businesses. Eligible applicants are startup and small businesses. Loans arc
from $ 100-$ 10,000 with terms from three months to three years. Interest rate is 13%. Receives funds from Self-Help Credit Union, foundations, and
* Microbusiness Development
WAMY Community Action, Inc.
P.O. Box 2688
Boone, NC 28607
Fax: 828-264-0952
This program allows low-income persons to begin or expand small business efforts in an area where few jobs are available. Eligible applicants are
persons below poverty level located in Watauga, Avery, Mitchell and Yancey counties only. Loans are from $500 to $10,000; terms and interest rates vary.
* Mountain Microenterprise Fund
29 1/2 Page Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801
Fax: 828-255-7953
Eligible applicants are women and minorities, and low income persons. The aim is to create small businesses and microenterprises through a program of
Financial and technical assistance. Funding is from NC General Assembly, operating budget, Dogwood Fund, NC Rural Economic Development Center,
and the Z. Smith Reynolds/Janirve Foundations. Loans are from $200-$25,000; terms vary.
* North Carolina Microenterprise Loan Program
NC Rural Economic Development Center, Inc.
4021 Carya Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27610
Fax: 919-250-4325
The North Carolina Microenterprise Loan Program (NCMLP) is one of the largest microenterprise loan funds in the country. It's funded by public and
private sources. It offers financing and support for the startup and expansion of small businesses for residents of the 85 counties defined as rural in NC.
Borrowers have included mechanics, seamstresses, crafts people, janitorial service operators, building contractors, and retailers. Loans are from $350 to
* Northeastern Community Development
154 Highway 158 East
Camden, NC 27921
Fax: 252-338-5639
The mission of this fund is to make funding available to craft artisans to startup or expand their businesses. The Fund works with low-income people
who need loans to buy equipment/supplies in order to begin making crafts, or who need working capital for expanding their business. Loans are from
$50 to $750 with terms from one to three months. The interest rate is prime rate of 2%. This fund receives funding from the Ms. Foundation.
* West Greenville CDC Micro Loan Program
West Greenville Community Development Corp.
706 West 5th St.
P.O. Box 1605
Greenville, NC 27835-1605
Eligible applicants are women, and other high risk borrowers. The aim is to increase economic index in target counties. Loans and terms vary. Also
provide business training and planning, individual business counseling, peer support, and mentoring. This program receives funding from the NC Rural
Economic Development Center.
* Micro Loan
Mountain Microenterprise Fund (MMF)
291/2 Page Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801
Either a secured or unsecured loan is available to those small business owners that cannot set a conventional loan through a bank. For an unsecured loan.
$99-$l,500 can be applied for. The first level for a secured loan is $99 to $2,500. After that has been repaid up to $5,000 can be sought. The last level
of the loan is for up to $8,000. The repayment varies from 12 months to 36 months for the larger loans. Most of the funding comes from the Rural
Economic Development Center.
* Micro Loan
Good Work, Inc.
P.O. 25250
Durham, NC 27702
While the target of this loan is low-income minority small business owners, anyone in the service area can apply. In order to be eligible, a technical
training class through the company must be completed. The loan amounts are $1,000 to $10,000. The term is from 6 to 12 years. The interest rate is 13%,
but is negotiable depending on the loan size.
* Microenterprise Loan Program
North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center
4021 Caiya Drive
Raleigh, NC 27610
The goal of this program is to help rural people become self-sufficient. It offers loans to people that could not get conventional funding in order to
start-up or expand their business. Loans up to $25,000 are available. With this program, five local lending sites have group-based lending programs. The
business owner joins into a group where they are involved in training and get certification. Each group controls the loan payments. This is for small
businesses in the 85 rural counties of North Carolina. The local lending office should be contacted for information.
* East Carolina Microenterprise Loan Program
East Carolina Microenterprise Loan Program
315 Turner Street
Beaufort, NC 28516
Fax: 252-504-2248
It is the goal of the East Carolina Microenterprise Loan Program to loan money to microentrepreneurs in order to create more jobs in rural areas.
Participants must attend business sessions and afterwards they form small groups that administer their own loans. After that they meet monthly for
further training, networking and loan presentations. From $500 to $8,000 can be applied for in three stages. The terms range from 20 months to 30 months.
It is available to either start-up or existing businesses in the service area.
* Microenterprise Program
Lima-Alien Council for Community Affairs
405 East Market St.
Lima, OH 45801
Fax: 419-227-7626
This program is available to low income workers, displaced workers, ADC/JOBS recipients located in Alien county. The aim is to empower low
income individuals through self-employment, creating self-sufficiency and alleviating poverty. Loans are up to $1,000, terms from two to five years and
interest rate is at prime plus 2%. Receives funds from various financial institutions and CSBG.
* CAC Microenterprise Training Program
Community Action Committee (CAC) of Pike County
941 Market St.
P.O. Box 799
Piketon, OH 45661
Fax: 740-289-4291
The program is available to low and moderate income persons. The aim is to improve economic conditions through training, small business development
and support services leading to self-sufficiency. Loans are $500 to $10,000, terms three months to three years, and interest rate at prime plus 2%.
Receives funds from CDC Grant Program, banks, local housing authority, and organization contributions.
* City of Cleveland Microloan Program
City of Cleveland Department of Economic Development
601 Lakeside Ave., Room 210
Cleveland, OH 44114
Fax: 216-664-3681
The aim is to provide Financial and management support to existing and new businesses that do not have access to traditional financial sources. Eligible
applicants are businesses in the City of Cleveland. Loan amounts and terms vary. Receives funds from City of Cleveland and local financial institutions.
* Columbus/Franklin County Microloan Program
Columbus Countywide Development Corp.
941 Chatham Lane, Suite 207
Columbus, OH 43221
Fax: 614-645-8588
This program is available to women and minority-owned businesses, day care facilities and targeted Columbus neighborhoods. The aim is to encourage the
creation of small micro businesses and provide financing for small projects not available from conventional lenders. Loans are $1,000 to $25,000, terms
30 days to 6 years, and interest rate is 10.6% to 11.6%. Receives funds from SBA, Ohio Department of Development, Columbus Department of
Development, and banks.
* Food Ventures Project and Product Development
94 N. Columbus Rd.
Athens, OH 44701
Fax: 740-593-5451
The aim is to transform relationships within communities to allow people with low incomes to successfully enter the economic mainstream by creating
opportunities for both business ownership and employment in expanding firms. Eligible applicants are low to moderate-income persons, public
assistance recipients, and firms participating in ACEnet business networks in Southeastern Ohio. To promote food manufacturing businesses; funds can be
a loan, royalty, or equity. Receives funds from private sources and foundations.
* HHWP Community Action Commission
Microenterprise Development Program
HHWP Community Action Commission
122 Jefferson St., P.O. Box 179
Findlay, OH 45839
This program is available to low income and public assistance recipients. The aim is to create self-employment opportunities that enable low income
residents to improve their living conditions and become self-sufficient. Loans are up to $5,000, terms from 3-24 months. Interest rate is prime plus 2%.
Receives funds from CSBO and private foundations.
* Neighborhood Economic Development Loan
Program (NEDL)
Office of Economic Development, City of Toledo
One Government Center, Suite 1850
Toledo, OH 43604
Fax: 419-245-1462
The Neighborhood Economic Development Loan Program (NEDL) is available to low and moderate income target communities served by CDC
housing programs. The aim is to provide commercial credit for neighborhood-based businesses and provide a competitive advantage to
neighborhood commercial and industrial areas. Loan amounts and terms vary. Receives funding from City of Toledo and banks.
* Women Entrepreneurs, Inc.
P.O. Box 2662, C-OH45201
36 East 4th St., Suite 92
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Fax: 513-684-0779
New businesses that are started offer services to the community such as adult day care, home-bound disabled worker assistance and extra support to
women in traditional industries. Receives funding from Society National Banks, Liberty National Banks, independent member/corporate contributions, and
local foundations. Eligible applicants are AFDC recipients, low and moderate income individuals located in Hamilton, Clermont, Warren, Butler, Brown,
Adams, Highland, Pike and Ross counties, and Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana. Loans and terms vary.
* Micro Loan Fund
Neighborhood House, Inc
1000 Atohenson Street
Columbus, OH 43203
Fax- 614-252-7919
E-mail: lboykin(*,
The purpose of this loan is to build up the empowerment zone. It is available to start-up and existing small businesses in that area, or for those business
owners that live in the zone. Applications can be made for up to $7,500 for a 3 year term. The interest rate is 12%.
* Appalachian Microloan Program
Enterprise Development Corporation
9080 Hocking Hills Drive
The Plains, OH 45780
Fax: 740-797-9659
This is for small business located in the 30 counties of Appalachia. It may be used for working capital, equipment and machinery, furniture and fixtures,
inventory and supplies, and leasehold improvements. The size of the loan is $100 to $25,000. The term is flexible with a maximum of 6 years. The
interest rate is from 11% to 12.75% APR. Funding is from the Small Business Administration.
* SBA Microloan Program
Cascades West Financial Services, Inc.
1400 Queen Avenue SE
P.O. Box 686
Albany, OR 97321
Fax: 541-967-4651
The purpose of this microloan program is to help women, low income, minority and other business owners get loans that they could not otherwise
get. The ultimate goal is to help them become eligible for conventional banking loans. The money available is up to $25,000 for up to 6 years at a
fixed rate of up to 14,75%. Technical support is offered throughout the life of the loan. The business must be located in the 14 county service area of
Cascades West.
* Microenterprise Loan
O.U.R. Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 11922
Eugene, OR 97440
This loan is for businesses that have been operational at least 12 months and have proof of business activity. They must be members of the credit union
and have participated with or in a health or human services agency in Lane County. The loan amount is a maximum of $5,000 at 13.9% interest. The
term is up to 36 months.
* Child Care Loan
Lima/Alien Council on Community Affairs (LACCA)
540 South Central
Lima, OH 45804
Fax: 419-227-7626
The Child Care Loan is available to those child care providers that target low income people, infants, workers of 2nd or 3rd shifts, and disabled kids. The
maximum amount of the loan is $25,000. It must be repaid in up to 5 years and the interest is Prime + 2. The borrowers must be in the 5 county service
area of LACCA
* Micro Loan
Southern Oregon Women's Access to Credit
33 North Central, Suite 209
Medford, OR 97501
Start-up or expansion businesses in the Jackson County area can apply for a loan of up to $25,000. The term is 5 years with an interest rate of 3 1/2
points over prime. A written business plan must be submitted before applying for the loan. The funds can be used for working capital.
* MicroLoan Program
Hamilton County Development Company, Inc.
1776 Mentor Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45212
This loan is open to small business owners located in one of the 8 counties of Southwest Ohio. The maximum loan for a start-up business is $7,500. For
an existing business, one year or more, the amount is $15,000. The term is up to 6 years with an interest rate of 16%. Funding is provided by the Small
Business Administration
* Child Care Neighborhood Network Loan Fund
Rose Community Development Corporation
7211 ME 62nd Avenue
Portland, OR 97206
Through community based microenterprise development. Rose Community Development Corporation helps to increase the character of child care and
secure the providers' businesses. These loans are established in order to help child care providers who have difficulty getting conventional loans. The loan
amounts are $500 to $5,000 with a term between 24 and 48 months. The money may be used for business improvements, equipment or toys, and
related business expenses.
* MicroLoan
Columbus Countywide Development Corporation
941 Chatham Lane, Suite 300
Columbus, OH 43221-2416
Fax: 614-645-85883
This program helps healthy growing businesses by offering financial and technical support. The maximum loan for a start-up business is $15,000. For
an existing business, the loan starts at $1,000 and has a maximum of $25,000. The term depends on what the loan is being used for, but on an
average is 2 years. The interest ranges from 11.6% to 10.6%. Borrowers are required to attend Technical Assistance Group meetings. This available area
is in 13 counties of Central Ohio.
* Pike County Microloan
CAC of Pike County, Inc.
941 Market Street
Piketon, OH 45661
While they tend to serve business owners that cannot get loans from the banks, this program is also open to other entrepreneurs in Pike County. After
completion of the business class, a loan for up to $10,000 can be applied for. The term is a maximum of 3 years with the interest rate of Prime plus 2.
* Ben Franklin Enterprise Growth Fund
Ben Franklin Technology Center of Southeastern Pennsylvania
1110 Penn Center
1835 Market St., Suite 1100
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Fax: 215-972-5588
Fund was established to make capital available to low income, minority, and women business owners, startups, and to help client businesses obtain credit
from conventional sources in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties. Loans are from $5,000 to $15,000. Interest rate is
fixed at prime rate plus 3%. Closing fees are up to $350 (can be financed in the loan).
* Local Enterprise Assistance Program (LEAP)
Bloornsburg University College of Business
243 Sutliff Hall
Bloornsburg, PA 17815
Fax: 570-389-3892
The aim is to create opportunities for startup and self-employed business persons to earn equitable incomes and control productive resources. Dedicated
to building the economic capacity of rural communities through small enterprises by providing access to credit, business training and self-management
skills. Eligible applicants are the unemployed, rural microentrepreneurs, and AfDC recipients. Loans and terms vary.
* Micro-Enterprise Development
Lutheran Children and Family Service
45 Garrett Rd.
Upper Darby, PA 19082
Fax: 610-734-3389
This program is available to refugees in the U.S. less than five years, who are AFDC recipients, low/moderate income located in Philadelphia. Receives
funding from the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Loans and terms vary.
* Service for Self-Employment Training and Support (ASSETS)
Mennonite Economic Development Associates
447 S. Prince St.
Lancaster, PA 17603
This program is available to low income individuals as defined by HUD guidelines. The Associates have assisted new businesses to start or expand in
the most disadvantaged areas of Lancaster. The purpose is to increase personal income, create jobs, foster economic linkages, develop human
potential and encourage community development through small business. Loans are from $500 to $5,000 with terms from 6 months to three years. The
interest rate is prime rate.
* Enterprise Growth Fund
Ben Franklin Technology Center of Southeastern Pennsylvania
11 Penn Center
1835 Market St., Suite 1100
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Fax: 215-972-5588
This Fund was created to make capital available to small businesses in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, so that they
may be able to get conventional funding in the future. Eligible businesses are owned by credit-challenged women, minorities, low to moderate income
people, and those that are located in economically distresses areas. The maximum loan is $25,000 for existing businesses and $5,000 for start-ups to
be used for development and expansion.
South Dakota
* Revolving Loan Fund Program
Northeast South Dakota Economic Corporation
414 Third Ave. East
Sisseton, SD 57262
Fax: 605-698-3038
This program receives funding from Northwest Area Foundation, CDBG, SBA Microloan Demonstration Program, East River Electric Power Coip.,
and the First State Bank of Roscoe. The program addresses the economic needs of small rural communities as they relate to business development and
job creation. Eligible applicants are low income, disadvantaged persons, minorities, and women. Loans are from $100 to $150,000 with tenns from
6 months to 25 years. For residents of northeastern South Dakota.
* Micro Loan
447 South Prince Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Fax: 717-290-7936
In order to apply for this loan, applicants must complete a 13-week training program. It is available to people with low to moderate income that live in
Lancaster. Up to $5,000 can be loaned with a term of up to 3 years. The interest rate is the Prime lending rate.
* Micro Loan
Community Action Development Corporation
of the Lehigh Valley
605 Turner Street
Allentown, PA 18102
This program was designed to help to build up the community and to establish business owners. Before applying for the loan, the Start Your
Business Program must be completed. Graduates can apply for a loan up to $5,000. The terms and interest rate of the loan vary case by case. It is
available for the areas of Center City, Allenton, and South Side.
* Community Capital Works
Philadelphia Development Partnership
1334 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Applicants must go through the customized business training to qualify for this small business loan. After that, they join a peer lending group which
governs the loan. The funds are loaned in steps starting with $500. After that amount is repaid the business owner can apply for $1,000. This goes up to
a maximum amount of $5,000. The amount of time to repay the loan depends on the amount. The interest rate is a 12% annual rate. Borrowers must be in
the service are of PDP.
* Community Microloan Program
Knoxville's Community Development Corporation
Economic Ventures, Inc.
P.O. Box 3550
Knoxville, TN 37927-3550
Fax: 423-594-8659
This program helps individuals in getting their businesses established through financial and technical assistance. Borrowersjoin apeer group where they get
training, support, and apply for the loans. All members must be current for one to get a loan. The loans are given in 5 stages, the first is $500 and the
maximum is $10,000. Terms are from 6 months to 48 month. This is available to low to moderate-income people, women, and minorities in East
* Micro Loan Program
Firestone Retirees CDC
659 North Manassas Street, Room 106-107
Memphis, TN 38107
P.O. Box 80073
Memphis, TN 38108
901 -454-9524
Firestone Retirees is trying to help people in poverty to become income achievers. While they offer business training courses, it is not a requirement
for a loan. The Peer Lending Group method is used with a IO-person group administering the loans. The loan amounts range from $250 to $5,000 with
the term varying from 5 months to 25 months, depending on the loan. The interest rate is currently 10% and subject to change. It is available to their
service area.
* Women's Opportunities Resource Program
Women's Opportunities Resource
1930 Chestnut Street, Suite 1600
Philadelphia, PA 19103
After applicants have attended the free business classes, they can apply for a loan. The maximum amount available is $2,500 for a term of 24 months.
It is intended for minority, woman, refugee and immigrant business owners. They say they are a "fund of last resort" in the 5 county area that is served.
* Micro Loan
7744 North Loop Road, Suite A
El Paso, TX 79915
This loan requires that a business has one year of experience or is a start-up in El Paso. It is for those that have limited access to bank credit. The amount
loaned to a small business is $250 to $1,000, the medium business loan is for $1,000 to $3,000, and the large fund is for the maximum of $10,000. The
term depends on the type of loan issued. The rate is an 18% simple interest.
* Tyier Development Fund
Tyier Economic Development Council, Inc.
P.O. Box 2004
Tyier, TX 75710
Fax: 903-597-0699
The goal of the Tyier Economic Development Council is to create a solid economy for small and minority business owners with low to moderate
income. This fund is for those that have results within 18 months of operation and located in Smith County. The maximum amount of a loan is
$50,000 with bank participation for loans over $25,000. The terms depend on the loan and the interest rate is fixed.
* MicroLoan Program
Corporation for Economic Development
of Harris County, Inc.
2223 West Loop South, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77027
Fax: 713-840-8806
Their mission is to enhance the economic and community development in Harris County and the Gulf Coast Region. The target is low to moderate
income people who are having trouble finding conventional funding. The amounts available for a loan are $500 to $25,000.
* Eagle Staff Fund - Seed Grants
First Nations Development Institute
The Stores Building
11917 Main St.
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
540-371 -5615
This Fund is dedicated to promoting economic understanding among Native people. Seed grants are to identify and develop ideas and concepts about
economic development, and provide funds for training, convening meetings, and community organizing. Amounts are from 11,500 to $5,000. The
applicant's proposed budget must accurately reflect the project scope.
* Northern Virginia Microenterprise Loan - SBA
Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc.
1038 S. Highland St.
Arlington, VA 22206
Applicants must be opening or expanding a small business, unable to find alternative sources of financing. Loans are up to $25,000 with the interest rate at
prime rate plus 4%.
* MicroLoan Program
Corporation for Economic Development
of Harris County, Inc.
2223 West Loop South, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77027
Fax: 713-840-8806
The goal with the Corporation for Economic Development of Harris County, Inc. (CEDHC) is to provide gap financing in order to create permanent jobs
that will improve the community economically. This is available for low to moderate business owners in Harris County and the Gulf Coast Region. The
loan amount is from $500 to $25,000. Technical seminars and one-on-one counseling are also offered.
* Utah Microenterprise Loan Fund
Utah Microenterprise Loan Fund
3595 South Main Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
801 -269-8408
This Fund was developed to help socially and economically disadvantaged people. It is available for small businesses in Salt Lake, Davis, Summit,
Toouele and Morgan Counties. Up to $10,000 can be borrowed with a term of 5 years. The interest rate varies.
* Burlington Revolving Loan Fund
Community and Economic Development Office
Room 32, City Hall
Burlington, VT 05461
Fax: 802-865-7024
The aim is to create a sustainable local economy that equitably distributes costs and provides meaningful opportunities for participation by residents in
essential resource allocation decisions. The fund is aimed at low and moderate-income individuals located in the Champlain Valley. Loans are
from $4,000 to $100,000, terms from 3-10 years, and the interest rate is variable.
* Refugee Microenterprise Loan - ORR
Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc.
1038 S. Highland St.
Arlington, VA 22204
Applicants must be refugees and political asylees in the U.S. for less than five years, and have proper documents; want to open or expand a business,
and are willing to write a business plan. Loans are up to $10,000 at prime rate plus 2%.
* Microloan Fund
Small Business Development Center, Inc.
147 Mill Ridge Rd.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
This program is available to low to moderate-income individuals who lack access lo bank or other financing. All new business owners must complete
the Self-Employment Training Program prior to making application for the loan fund. (Training Program covers the basics of owning your own
business). Loan amounts range from $50.00 to $10,000 with terms from 1-3 years for long term loans, and 0-12 months for short-term loans. Interest rate
is prime plus 3, which is fixed at time of closing. This program is sponsored by the SBA, Virginia Department of Economic Development, Greater
Lynchburg Chamber of Commerce, Virginia's Region 2000, and the City of Lynchburg. For residents of Lynchburg and these counties: Amherst,
Appomattox, Bedford, and Campbell.
* Business Loan Program
South Fairfax Regional Business Partnership, Inc.
6911 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22306
Fax: 707-768-0547
Loans are provided for entrepreneurs that can not get conventional loans. They are for start-up or small businesses in the southeast Fairfax County.
Direct loans of $3,500 to $25,000 are available with interest rates in the range of Prime + 3% to Prime + 7%. The repayment period is 3 years on an
average. The funds can be used for business machinery and equipment, working capital and paying marketing expenses. The owner must be in the
low or moderate-income bracket.
* Micro-Business Development Program
Central Vermont Community Action Council, Inc.
195 US Route 302/Berlin
Barre, VT 05641
Fax: 802-479-5353
The aim of this program is to eliminate poverty by opening to everyone the opportunity to live in decency and with dignity. It is aimed at low-income
persons. Loans and terms vary. Closing costs can be included in the loan amount. Receives funding from the Family Foundation, HeadStart, Vermont
Community Development Program, Vermont State, USDA Food Stamps, Veterans grant, and CDBG discretionary grant.
* Micro Loan
VA Eastern Shore Economic Empowerment
and Housing Corp.
P.O. Box 814
Nassawadox, VA 23413
Fax: 757-442-7530
This loan assists low to moderate-income people to start-up or improve an existing business. The funds that may be applied for are from $500 to
$50,000. The interest is 6.5% plus costs. This is only for residents of Virginia Eastern Shore.
* New Enterprises Loan Fund
New Enterprises Fund
930 Cambria Street
Christiansburg, VA 24073
This fund is available in the New River Valley of southwest Virginia. Its goal is to promote the development of micro-enterprises through training,
technical assistance, loaning of funds, and follow-up support. After completing the training program, a loan from $1,000 to $25,00 can be
applied for. The terms are from I to 4 years at an 8% interest rate. This is for both start-up and existing businesses.
* Northern Neck Enterprise Program
Northern Neck Planning District Commission
153 Yankee Point Road
Lancaster, VA 22503
This loan is available to micro start-up or expansion businesses in the Northern Neck Area. They must have been turned down by a bank and pass
the loan committee review. Up to $25,000 can be applied for and the term is up to 3 years.
* MicroLoan Program
Virginia Economic Development Corporation
P.O. Box 1505
Charlottesville, VA 22902-1505
Fax: 804-979-1597
This program is accessible to small business owners that live and operate their businesses in the Thomas Jefferson Planning District. There is an
emphasis on women and minority ovmers. An Entrepreneur Training Course or equal training and/or experience is a requirement before applying for a
loan. The maximum loan is $25,000 with a variable interest rate at Prime plus 1.5% to 5%. Collateral and a credit check are needed.
* African American Community Endowment Fund
Black Dollar Days Task Force
Seattle, WA 98122
This is a new program that hopes to make its first micro-enterprise loan this year (1996). This proposed microenterprise loan fund hopes to foster an
entrepreneurial spirit and encourage self-sufficiency through the growth of small business opportunities primarily in the economically depressed areas of
Seattle. This micro-enterprise loan is a source of business financing for people who are unable to access capital from other sources. As this is a new
program, the amount of loans, interest, etc. are not know as yet. For further information, contact the above number.
* Cascadia Revolving Fund
Cascadia Revolving Fund
119 1st Ave. S., Suite 100
Seattle, WA 98104
Fax: 206-682-4804
This is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that provides loans and technical assistance to socially/environmentally based enterprises and nonprofit
organizations. Loans can be up to $150,000 with variable interest rates and terms. Eligible applicants are low income women, minorities, and refugees.
Receives funds from individual investors, religious orders, nonprofit corporations, earnings and individual gifts.
* DownHome Washington Microloan Program
Snohomish County Private Industry Council
728 134th Street SW, Bidg. A, Suite 211
Everett,WA 98204
This program is designed for those borrowers who do not fit into the general banking guidelines. It is offered with technical assistance and available to
those who have their business within the 16 county service area of the program. The loan amounts are from $500 to $25,000. Funding is from the SBA.
* CASH Loan Program
Washington CASH- Community Alliance far Self-Help
410 Boston Street
Seattle, WA 98109
Fax: 206-352-1899
This program was established to create self-sufficiency and self-employment for low-income women, people with disabilities, and new immigrants and
refugees. It uses a peer support group lending model. Each group regulates its own loans and repayment. The first loan amount is $500. After that has
been successfully repaid, up to $5,000 can be applied for. A required 12-week business training course, post loan technical assistance and peer support
are part of this program. It is available within CASH'S service area.
* Micro Loan Program
Tri-Cities Enterprise Association
2000 Logston Boulevard
Richland, WA 99052
TEA wants to promote the growth and development of new businesses in order to economically benefit the community. The small business loans are
available to for-profit start up businesses in Benton or Franklin counties. The money can be used for working capital or acquisition of materials, supplies,
furniture, fixtures or equipment. From $500 to $7,500 is available for a loan, but up to $25,000 may be considered. The average term is 18 to 36 months
with up to 6 years as the maximum.
* SNAP Program
Spokane Neighborhood Action Programs
212 South Wall
Spokane, WA 99201
*Northwest Business Development Association
9 South Washington, Suite 215
Spokane, WA 99201
This loan requires that the Technical Assistance Program be attended. Funds are available to start-up or existing businesses where the owners are in the
low to medium income bracket in their area. The loan amount is up to $10,000 with repayment in a maximum of 5 years. The interest rate is Prime
plus 2%. This is only for the Spokane County area. The training program is offered by SNAP and the loan comes from Northwest Business Development.
West Virginia
* Monroe Neighborhood Enterprise Center
Monroe County Community Services Council
P.O. Box 403
Union, WV 24883
Fax: 304-772-4014
The aim is to improve the income and self-sufficiency of low to moderate-income persons by providing loans, business training, and opportunities for
microenterprises. This center receives funding from banks of Monroe, Union, West Virginia by providing lines of credit, operating funds from
NeighborhoodReinvestmentCorp., andBenedum Foundation. Loansarefrom $500 to $10,000 with terms from one to five years. Loan review committees
will determine loan conditions.
* Lighthouse MicroLoan
Lightstone CDC
H 363 Box 73
Moyers, WV 26815
Fax: 304-249-5310
Lightstone has developed this loan in order to help create and sustain new business development in rural areas. It is available in 10 counties in the
Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, and 2 counties in Virginia. After working with the Small Business Development Center, a loan with a
maximum amount of $10,000 can be applied for. The maximum term is 5 years. This is often used by low and moderate-income entrepreneurs. They
are CDFI.
* ADVOCAP Business Development Loan Fund
19 W, 1st St.
Fond (hi Lac, Wl 54935
Fax: 920-922-7214
This Loan Fund is to help low income persons become self-sufficient by developing businesses that will create jobs. Loans are from $100 to 115,000.
Terms are from 30 days to 6 years. Interest rate can be from 7 to 10%. Closing costs/fees can be included in the amount of the loan. Receives
funding from ADVOCAP business development fund, SBA Microloan Demonstration, C.O.E. fund from agency funds. Only for residents of Fond
du Lac, and Winnebago and Green Lake counties.
* Business Ownership and Operations
Juneau Business High School
6415 West Mount Vernon
Milwaukee, Wl 53213
Program is available to 15-19 year old multi-cultural students, of which a large percentage are low income. It provides high school students with
practical, hands-on experience in business ownership and operations. Provides youth with alternative career options and education in the areas of
economics, citizenship and ethics. Loans are from $50 to $500 with terms at 9 months. Interest rate is 12%.
* Economic Development Project
West Cap
525 2nd St.
Glenwood City, Wl 54013
Fax: 715-265-7031
The aim is to create opportunities that allow people to achieve self-sufficiency for themselves, their families, and their communities. Eligible applicants are
low income individuals with special emphasis on women. Loans are up to $15,000. Receives funding from Farmers Home Administration and the Bremer
* Self-Employment Project
CAP Services, Inc.
1725 W. River Dr.
Stevens Point, Wl 54481
Fax: 715-345-6508
The aim is to mobilize public and private resources to help low income individuals to attain self-sufficiency. Loans are up to $10,000; terms up to
five years. Interest rate is at 8%. Receives funds from the U.S. Office of Community Services, corporate contributions. State of Wisconsin, and CDBO
funds. For residents of these counties only: Portage, Waupaca, Outagamie, Waushara, Marquette.
* Small Business Loan
Wisconsin Women's Business Initiative
2745 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Milwaukee, Wl 53212
Although this loan is open to any small start-up business in Wisconsin, women, minority and low-income entrepreneurs are targeted. Those businesses that
cannot get conventional loan funding may apply for up to $25,000. The money is to be used for tangible items, but working capital will
be allowed. Terms are generally from 3 to 5 years. The interest rate is a flexible one.
* Job and Business Development Loan
Wisconsin Coulee Region Community Action Program
201 Melby Street
Westby, Wl 54667
This new fund is available to help low to moderate-income people who want to start a new business. To be able to apply for the loan, borrowers must
complete the Business Program. It is offered in the 4 county area of LaCross, Monroe, Crawford and Vernon. The loan can be obtained from $100 to 1500.
This funding amount is expected to increase. There are 12 months to repay the loan and at this point in time, there is no interest.
* Revolving Loan Fund
CAP Services
1725 West River Drive
Stevens Point, Wl 54481
This loan is specific to a 5 county area of Wisconsin; Marquette, Waushara, Portage, Waupaca, and Outagamie. It is available for low to moderate-income
entrepreneurs or those that create jobs for low to moderate-income people. There is a maximum of $10,000 available at 8% for a maximum term of 5
years. It requires a matching conventional loan.
* West CAP Child Care Loan
West Central Wisconsin Community Action Agency, Inc. (West CAP)
119 West 6th Avenue
Menomonie, Wl 54751
This small business loan is available to child care providers. If the business is run out of a center, the owner must be low income to be eligible for a
maximum loan of $ 15,000. If they are licensed or certified to woric out of the home, they must target low income clients for a loan of up to $5,000. The
term is up to 5 or 6 years, depending on the loan. This is available to those businesses in a seven county area.
State Women Business Assistance Programs
The feds aren't the only ones noticing the emerging importance of female entrepreneurship in the U.S. business economy. Many states now have special
programs to help new and expanding women-owned businesses get the special assistance they need to succeed. So far, almost half the states offer some
kind of assistance to women business owners, from special set-aside programs to help women compete for lucrative government contracts, to
nuts-and-bolts, one-on-one counseling, to special low interest loan programs, such as the ones offered by Iowa and Louisiana. It's important to keep in mind
that just because your state doesn't currently have any special programs for women entrepreneurs, that doesn't mean that they won't in the near future. In
fact, many states, like Florida and Utah, now have special women's business advocates in the state capital to help bring the needs of women business
owners to the attention of their legislators. We all know that many newly elected legislators happen to be women, too. This could mean new business
programs for women offered in the future, so keep in touch with your state capital to keep informed on the current status of these programs.
Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE)
Alabama Development Office
401 Adams Ave.
Montgomery, AL 36130
The Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) helps women and minority entrepreneurs interested in starting or expanding their businesses prepare
business plans and applications for SBA loans, fill out applications for state and federal procurement opportunities, and certify women and
minority-owned businesses to participate in the state purchasing programs.
Minority Business Development Center
1577 C St.
Suite 304
Anchorage, AK 99501
The Minority Business Development Center provides management and financial consulting services including loan packaging, development,
marketing, investment decisions, accounting systems, and other valuable business advice.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Alaska Area Office
P.O. Box 25520
Juneau, AK 99802-5520
Indian Business Development Grants: This program provides grants to assist in the development of Native-owned enterprise that will create jobs and
other economic benefits for Alaska Native communities. Priority is given to rural business development projects. For profit businesses are eligible if they
are at least 51% owned and operated by individual natives. Grants to individual natives range up to $100,000 with a minimum 75% match from
private and/or public sector. The applicant must demonstrate that sufficient funding is not available from other sources. Indian Loans for Economic
Development: The program provides business management, and technical and financial assistance to individual natives and Native organizations for
starting, expanding, or purchasing a business enterprise whose enterprise will create jobs and have other economic benefits. Priority is given to rural
business development projects. Financial assistance is in the form of guaranteed or direct loans. 20% equity is required on loans
Arizona Department of Commerce
3800 N. Central, Suite 1400
Phoenix, AZ 85012
602-280-1480 abc.shtml
This office serves as a clearinghouse of information to assist small businesses. One-on-one counseling is available.
Arkansas Economic Development Commission
One Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201
The Minority and Small Business Development Division provides business loanpackaging,contractprocurementassistance,bondinginformation, general
business counseling, seminars, workshops, and referrals to other agencies.
Office of Small and Minority Business
Department of General Services
180814th St.
Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
This office helps women-owned businesses interested in participating in the state's purchasing/contracting system, along with counseling, assistance, and
protection for their interests.
Business Enterprise Program
Department of Transportation
1820 Alhambra Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95816
This office offers women-owned businesses information on the certification necessary to participate in the state procurement program.
Women's Business Office
Office of Business Developrement
1625 Broadway, Suite 1710
Denver, CO 80202
800-592-5920 (in CO)
The Women's Business Office acts as a resource clearinghouse for women business owners. They refer callers to the appropriate state and local offices
that can provide them with the hands-on assistance they need, from business planning and marketing assistance to procurement programs and financing.
The program also holds business planning seminars at 16 locations throughout the state.
Minority Enterprise Office
800 French St., 6th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
The agency assists minority businesses in the city of Wilmington by providing technical assistance, certificate of minority businesses, and workshops. They
sponsor a Minority Business Trade Fair (the largest in the Northeast) once a year. The agency works with the Wilmington Economic Development
Corporation to provide financing.
Florida Department of Transportation
Minority Programs Office
3717 Apalachee Pkwy, Suite G
Tallahassee, FL 32311
The office develops outreach programs to recruit and inform disadvantaged business enterprises about contracting opportunities with the Department of
Transportation. It also has a business support component which assesses business needs for training and technical assistance. Specific programs
include classroom training, on-the-job training, conferences, seminars, workshops, and proficiency standards attainment.
Minority Business Office
Department of General Services
2012 Hartman, Room 100
Koger Executive Center
Capitol Circle SE
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100
This office is responsible for certifying minority businesses to do business with the state and for maintaining a directory of these certified businesses.
The directory is available to all state agencies. They identify the concerns and unique needs of small and minority-owned businesses in Florida. It
serves as a liaison between the business community, state agencies, and the legislature. It also serves as a review board for policies, procedures, and
regulations as they relate to key issues of concern.
Small and Minority Business Affairs
Georgia Department of Administrative Services
200 Piedmont Ave., SE
West Tower #1620
Atlanta, GA 30602
The office assists small businesses in conducting business with state government, identification of coordinating offices in state agencies, and
prerequisites. The Minority Subcontractors Tax Incentive is available to any company which subcontracts with a minority-owned firm to furnish goods,
property, or services to the state of Georgia. The credit is for 10% of the total amount of qualified payments to minority subcontractors during the tax
year, but may not exceed $100,000 per year.
Minority Business Development Agency
401 W. Peachtree, Suite 1715
Atlanta, GA 30308
At any of the regional offices of the Minority Business Development Agency (of the U.S. Department of Commerce), a minority owner can get help with
preparing a business loan package, securing sales, or solving a management problem. The centers maintain networks of local business development
organizations, assist businesspeople in the commercialization of technologies, and coordinate other federal agency activities which assist minority
Honolulu Minority Business Development Center
1132 Bishop St.
1st Hawaiian Tower #1000
Honolulu, HI 96813
The center provides management and technical assistance to qualified ethnic minority individuals and firms in the areas of business and financial planning,
contract procurement, marketing analyses, general management, bonding, office systems, and procedures.
Small Business Advocate
Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
State of Illinois Center
100 W. Randolph St.
Suite 3-400
Chicago, IL 60601
The Small Business Advocate specializes in helping women, minorities, startups, and home-based business owners cut through the bureaucratic red
tape and get the answers they need by offering information and expertise in dealing with various state, federal, and local agencies.
Small Business Assistance Bureau
Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
State of Illinois Center
620 H. Adams
Springfield, IL 62701
800-252-2923 (in IL)
The Women's Business Advocate offers programs to women entrepreneurs through a business calendar of events, which includes conferences at which
business owners have an opportunity to network. The Advocate also maintains an extensive mailing list of women entrepreneurs. Through the
Women's Business Development Center of The Neighborhood Institute, women business owners can get assistance in all phases of business
development. Under the Minority and Women Business Loan Program, women business owners can get long-term, fixed rate direct financing at below
market rates for loans from $5,000 to $50,000. One job must be created or retained for each $5,000 borrowed. Business owners can use the money for
leasing or purchasing land and buildings, construction or renovation of fixed assets, purchase and installation of machinery and equipment, and working
capital. Under the Minority and Female Business Enterprise Program, Matchmaker Conferences are held to connect women business owners interested in
landing government contracts with state and local purchasing agents.
Small Business Development Corporation
One North Capitol
Suite 1275
Indianapolis, IN 46204
This office helps women and minority-owned small businesses with all phases of development, from management and technical assistance, to contract
bidding, procurement, educational seminars and training, and financial alternatives. As part of their Procurement Program, women and minority-owned
businesses receive help in seeking government services contracts.
Targeted Small Business
Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
Lucas Building, 2nd Floor
Des Moines, IA 50319-0083
Under the Targeted Small Business Program, women and minority-owned businesses can get help in getting certified as a targeted small business (any
business 51% or more women or minority-owned), and thereby become eligible for set-aside procurement programs sponsored by the state.
Office of Minority and Women Business
Existing Industry Development Division
Kansas Department of Commerce
700 SW Harrison
Topeka, KS 66603-3712
This office helps women and minority-owned businesses with the bidding procedures for public and private procurement opportunities in Kansas. They
also offer management assistance to these businesses and help identify financial resources for them.
Office of Minority Affairs
State Office Building
501 High St., Room 904
Frankfort, KY 40622
This office certifies women and minority-owned businesses interested in participating in the procurement program for state highway-related contracts.
Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development
67 Wilkinson Blvd.
Frankfort, KY 40601
The Small and Minority Business Division is a resource center for small and minority business owners/managers. It identifies construction contracts,
procurement opportunities, and offers training programs that address the business needs of these enterprises. It focuses on new job creation and job
retention by serving existing small and minority businesses in the roles of ombudsman and expediter for business growth and retention.
Maine Department of Transportation
Division of Equal Opportunity
Employee Relations
16 State Station House
Augusta, ME 04333
Under the Disadvantaged/Minority/Women Business Enterprise Program, women-owned businesses can get certification to obtain government
contracts. This office helps business owners with the procurement procedures used to obtain government contracts.
State Office of Minority and Women Business Assistance
Department of Commerce
100 Cambridge St., Room 1305
Boston, MA 02202
This office helps women and minority-owned businesses get certified to
participate in the state procurement programs.
Targeted Services Division
Michigan Department of Commerce
4th Floor Law Building
P.O. Box 30225
Lansing, MI 48909
This office runs Women Business Owners Services program which works largely as a referral service for women business owners. Business owners can
also participate in special entrepreneurial education and procurement programs.
Department of Administration
Materials Management Division
112 Administrative Building
St. Paul, MN 55155
This office certifies women-owned businesses to participate in the Small Business Program for procurement opportunities with the state. Once
certified, a business earns a 6% preference on government contract bids.
Department of Economic and Community Development
P.O. Box 849
Jackson, MS 39205
Under the Minority Business Enterprise Loan Program, women-owned businesses that show that they are economically disadvantaged are eligible to
receive low interest loans for up to 50% of a business project's cost.
Council on Women's Economic Development & Training
2023 St. Mary's Blvd.
P.O. Box 1684
Jefferson City, MO 65102
The Council helps women small business owners through various programs, seminars, and conferences. The Missouri Council on Women's Economic
Development and Training assists women in small business enterprises. The Council conducts programs, studies, seminars, and conferences. It promotes
increased economic and employment opportunities through education, training, and greater participation in the labor force.
Missouri Department of Economic Development
P.O. Box 118
Jefferson City, MO 65102
The Minority Business Assistance Program is designed to promote and encourage the development of minority-owned businesses in Missouri. The
program provides assistance in obtaining technical and financial assistance, education programs, minority advocacy, and networking with other programs
and agencies.
DBE Program Specialist
Civil Rights Bureau
Montana Department of Transportation
2701 Prospect Ave.
P.O. 201001
Helena, MT 59620-1001
The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Women Business Enterprise program certifies women-owned businesses interested in bidding on and
obtaining federal-aid highway construction contracts.
Office of Women's Business Ownership
Small Business Administration
11145 Mill Valley Rd.
Omaha, NE 68154
The office directs Small Business Administration (SBA) programs to women business owners through special women's groups, seminars, networks, and
other activities for women in the private sector.
New Hampshire
Office of Business and Industrial Development
Division of Economic Development
172 Pembroke Rd.
P.O. Box 856
Concord, NH 03302-0856
This office serves as a clearinghouse and referral center of programs for women and minority-owned businesses.
New Mexico
Economic Development Department
Joseph Montoya Building
1100 St. Francis Dr., Room 2006
Santa Fe, NM 87503
The Procurement Assistant Program educates business owners in all phases of government contracting, and provides comprehensive technical
procurement counseling for obtaining defense, federal, state, and local government contracts. It offers training seminars (hands-on workshops), and
offers small, minority, and women-owned businesses the opportunity to be entered into the annual New Mexico MSBPAP Business Directory.
New York
Division of Minority and Women's Business
Department of Economic Development
I Commerce Plaza
Albany, NY 12245
633 Third Ave.
New York, MY 10017
This office gives women and minority-owned businesses consulting and technical assistance in obtaining benefits from state programs, with a focus on
business financing. They also help these businesses get the proper certification to participate in the state procurement opportunities. Additionally, this
office can help these business owners obtain Federal government contracts.
New York Urban Development Corp.
Minority and Women Revolving Loan Fund
1515 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Women and minority-owned industrial, commercial, service oriented, and start-up businesses can receive low interest loans. Retail businesses are
evaluated on a case-by-case basis before they qualify. Loans range from $20,000 to 1500,000 and may be used for construction, renovation, leasehold
improvements, acquisition of land and buildings, acquisition of an ongoing business, establishment of a nationally recognized franchise outlet, machinery
and equipment, and working capital.
North Carolina
North Carolina Minority Business Development Agency
205 Fayetteville St. Mall
Raleigh, NC 27601
The agency provides information, referral, and support assistance to minority businesses. It offers technical referral assistance, procurement opportunities
referral, management workshops and seminars, and coordination with other state and federal agencies.
North Dakota
Women's Business Program
Department for Economic Development and Finance
4182 Broadway, Suite 25
Bismarck, ND 58501
These offices provide technical assistance in getting businesses started. Some of the services provided include location of funding and preparation of
business plans. They also certify women businesses for federal and state contracting.
Small Business Development Center
Ohio Department of Development
P.O. Box 1001
Columbus, OH 43266-0101
Under the Women's Business Resource Program, women can get help for start-up, expansion and management of their businesses. The program seeks
to provide women with equal access to assistance and lending programs, and helps businesswomen locate government procurement opportunities. This
office also acts as a statewide center of workshops, conferences, and Women's Business Owners statistics. All of the program's services are free.
This office also publishes Ohio Women Business Leaders, a directory of women-owned businesses in Ohio, along with other free publications.
Oklahoma Department of Commerce
Small Business Division
P.O. Box 26980
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0980
Under the Women Owned Business Assistance Program, businesswomen can get a variety of technical assistance, from business planning and marketing
assistance, to financial information and government procurement practices.
The Minority Business Development Program provides support and assistance in the establishment, growth, and expansion of viable business enterprises.
Counseling in the preparation of business plans and marketing strategies is available. The program also provides assistance for loan packaging, bid
preparation, feasibility studies, and certification requirements.
Office of Minority, Women & Emerging Small Businesses
155 Cottage St., ME
Salem, OR 97310
This office certifies women-owned, disadvantaged, and emerging small businesses, allowing them to participate in the state's targeted purchasing
Women's Business Advocate's Office
354 Forum Building
Department of Community and Economic Development
Harrisburg, PA 17120
The Office offers women business owners one-on-one counseling and helps them get the information they need to solve their problems in developing a
business. They also will refer women business owners to the appropriate state offices and agencies that can best help them with every kind of issue, from
procurement assistance to developing business and financial strategies.
Rhode Island
Office of Minority Business Assistance
Department of Economic Development
One West Exchange St.
Providence, Rl 02903
This office certifies women and minority-owned businesses under federal and state set-aside and goal programs and provides counseling assistance to these
Office of Minority Business Enterprise
Department of Economic & Community Development
Rachel Jackson Building, 7th Floor
m 6fc Ms. Morth
Nashville, TN 37219-5308
800-342-8470 (in TN)
This office offers information, advocacy, referral, procurement, and other services to minority businesses in the state. They publish a directory of
minority businesses, offer conferences and seminars on topics useful to business owners, and serve as a clearinghouse of important information to
women and minorities. They also match vendors with potential clients and help women and minorities identify and obtain procurement opportunities.
Small Business Administration
Salt Lake District Office
125 S. State St.
Salt Lake City, UT 84138
The Women's Business Ownership Program offers a series of business training seminars and workshops for women business owners and for women
who want to start their own small firms. This program provides a focus on business planning and development, credit, and procurement as it relates
specifically to women and their businesses.
Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises
P.O. Box 41160
Olympia, WA 98504-1160
This office helps women and minority-owned businesses interested in participating in state contracting opportunities by moving them through the
certification process. Once certified, businesses are eligible to receive a 5% preference when bidding competitively on goods and services purchased by
the state. Upon request, businesses can be placed on bid lists maintained by individual agencies, education institutions, or contractors by contacting them
Department of Commerce
P.O. Box 7970
Madison, Wl 53707
800-435-7287 (in Wl)
The Women's Business Services offers assistance in gaining information about die state's loan programs available to women business owners. The
office keeps track of the top 50 fastest growing and top 10 women-owned businesses in Wisconsin. They also maintain a database of women-owned
businesses in the state
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority
One South Rnckney St., #500
P.O. Box 1728
Madison, Wl 53701-1728
Under the Linked Deposit Loan Program, women or minority-owned businesses with gross annual sales of less than $500,000 can qualify for low
rate loans. Loans are available under the prime lending rate for purchase or improvement of buildings, equipment, or land, but not for working capital.
Business must be in manufacturing, retail trade, tourism, or agriculture packaging or processing.
Wisconsin Women Entrepreneurs
1126 S. 70th St., Suite 106
Milwaukee, Wl 53214
The office provides monthly programs, training, seminars, mentor committees, and a membership directory.
Contact: Luis F. Bueso
Economic Development Administration
Room H7319 Herbert C. Hoover Bidg.
Washington, D.C. 20230
202- 482-2873
($21,000,000.00 CURRENTLY AVAILABLE)
Educational Networks Division
Room 502, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20208-5644
Contact: Mr. George Uriano, Director
Advanced Technology Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
($400,000,000.00 CURRENTLY AVAILABLE)
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 301- 975-5187
Division of Research Programs
Subventions, Room 318
National Endowment for the Humanities
Washington, D.C. 20506
Contact: Dr. Thomas E. Finch
Rehabilitation Services Administration
Office of Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitation Services
U.S. Department of Education
Washington, D.C. 20202
($22,071,000.00 CURRENTLY AVAILABLE)
Contact: Ms. Theresa Speake
Assistant Director for Program Development
Room 5096, Minority Business Development Agency
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20230
Contact: Deputy Administrator
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service 202-720-7583
P.O. Box 2415
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20013
(13,000,000,000.00 CURRENTLY AVAILABLE)
Department of Economic Development & Tourism
1100 St. Francis Dr. Room 2006
Santa Fe, NM 87503 505-827-0425
P/D: Grants for woman owned and minority owned businesses, plus special information sources to assist in all aspects of
business management.
Contact: Richard G. Mund
3225 Gallows Road
Fairfax, VA. 22037-0001
Fax #(703)846-3397
Grant types: Capital, Department, Employee matching gifts, general support, project research and scholarship. Initial contact proposal(local, community
based organization's should contact Mobil manager in their area. Include information on, description of organization and it's goals, amount requested, and
specific purpose, other sources of funding, budget and audited financial statement, other pertinent information.
Contact: Pamela Cox
1303 E. "E" Algonquin Road
Schaumburg, IL 60196
(847)576-6200 Fax : 847-576-3997
Grant types: Capital, Employee matching gifts, general support, project and scholarship's.
Initial contact: Call or write for guidelines, then two page proposal.
Contact: William Pauli
19001 South Western Avenue
Torrance, CA 90509
Grant types: Capital, Employee matching gifts, general support, fellowships, emergency, matching, and project.
Do not give grants to individuals, but if your organization or institution is seeking cash these are some sources.
Minority Business Development Agency
26 Federal Plaza, Room 3720
New York, NY 10278
Contact: Heyward Davenport
(212) 264-3262
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New
York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Delaware,
Pennsylvania, W. Virginia, Washington DC,
Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia
1401 W Peachtree St. NW, Suite 1715
GA 30308
Contact: Robert Henderson
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky
N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virgin Atlanta,
Islands, Tennessee
55 E Monroe St, Ste 1406
Chicago, IL 60603
Contact: David Vega
(312) 353-0182
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio
1100 Commerce St, Room 7B-23
Dallas, TX 75242
Contact: John Iglehart
(214) 767-8001
Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana
New Mexico, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas,
Utah, Wyoming
221 Main St, Room 1280
San Francisco, CA 94105
Contact: Melda Cabrea
(415) 744-3001
Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona,
California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada
Oregon, Washington, Arizona
A foundation is a nonprofit organization whose main purpose is to improve society. Each foundation has it's own special field of interest, and if you meet
the eligibility requirements within that special interest, you can receive cash grants. There are more than 30,000 active private foundations in the United
States. These foundations have been created by individuals, businesses, and large corporations. An individual might want to give back part of their wealth
to society, another may give money in remembrance of a loved one.
Foundation Grants For Business Related Purposes
The Wilder Foundation (PR)
P.O. Box 99
Key Biscayne, FL 33149
Program Description: Cultural and Educational support funding. Support general purposes, building funds, endowment funds, research, scholarship funds
and matching funds.
Contact person: Rita or Gary Wilder,
President and Vice President.
Sales Office of Technology Development
Forum Bldg. Room 352
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Program Description: Research seed grant for developing or commercializing new technology.
Contact person: n/a
John W. Anderson Foundation (NP)
402 Wall Street
Valparaiso, IN 46383
P/D: Building grants for the following fields of interest. Child welfare, health organization, social welfare, physical and mentally disabled, hospital, college
and universities, community development, youth organizations.
Contact person: William N. Vinovich, Vice Chairman
Pew Charitable Trust
2005 Market Street, #1700
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 575-9050
P/D: Funding for the environment, conservation, art, education, culture.
Contact person: Rebecca W. Rimel, President
William G. Selby and Marie Selby Foundation (NP)
1800 2nd Street, Suite 905
Sarasota, FL 34236 (941)957-0442
P/D: Building and equipment grants for the following fields of interest. All levels of education, elderly, disabled, social welfare, health organization, public
television, performing arts, YMCA, renovation grants.
Contact person: Robert E. Perkins Exec. Dir.
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (NP)
One Biscayne Tower, Suite 3800
2 S. Biscayne Blvd.,
Miami, FL 33131-1803 (305) 908-2600
P/D: Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2000, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation makes national grants in journalism, education and arts and
culture. Its fourth program, community initiatives, is concentrated in 26 communities where the Knight brothers published newspapers, but the Foundation
is wholly separate from and independent of those newspapers. Grants given in areas of, for the following fields of interest: museums, performing arts,
zoos, community development, churches, women minorities, social welfare, recreation, higher education, hospice, disabled, youth organizations, homeless,
child welfare, low income housing, food banks, boys club, renovation grants.
Sales Office of Minority, Women & Emerging Small Bus.
155 Cottage Street NE, 3rd Floor
Salem, OR 97310 (503) 378-5651
P/D: Grants for woman owned and minority owned businesses, plus special information sources to assist in all aspects of business management.
Chatos Foundation Inc., (NP)
P.O. Box 915048
Longwood, FL 32791
P/D: Building and equipment grants for the following fields of interest. Social welfare, cultural organization, colleges and universities, hospitals, religious
org., child welfare, homeless, recreation, disabled, renovation grants. Contact person: William J. Chatos, President.
Dept. of Economic Dev.
7 Jackson Walkway
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 277-2601
P/D: Grants for woman owned and minority owned businesses, plus special information sources to assist in all aspects of business management.
Michigan Strategic Fund
525 W. Ottawa 3rd Floor
Lansing, MI 48909 (517)373-1820
P/D: Grants $20,000 to $50,000 for prototype development and to support certain small business innovation projects for Michigan residents. State
Research Fund (1-517-335-2139 If they are not currently making loans or grants you can also contact the Federal Small Business Administration at 1-800827-5722 to learn about financing programs for which you may qualify.
Richard King Mellon Foun.
500 Grant Street, 41st Fl, Ste. 4106
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412)393-2800
P/D: Funding for education, health care, medical research, conservation, social services, mainly in Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania.
Contact person: Michael Watson, VP
Oregon Resource & Technology Dev. Corp.
1934 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97232 (503)282-4462
P/D: Seed and early-state capital for new products.
Department of Economic Dev
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, NE 68509 (800)426-6505
P/D: Economic Development Finance Program/Community Development Block Grant Program: provides grants to businesses for job-creating business
development in towns under 2,500 population. Maximum loan is 50% of the project cost. At least one new job must be created or retained for every
$20,000 and at least 51% of the jobs created or retained must be for low and moderate income persons. (402)471-4167
Retirement Research Foundation
8765 W. Higgins Rd., Ste. 401
Chicago, IL 60631 (773)714-8080
P/D: Funding to improve the quality of life of senior citizens, including nursing home care, unemployment, opportunities, independent living. Limited
mostly to the Midwest & Florida area.
Contact person: Marilyn Hennessy, Pres.
Economic Development & Commercial Revitalization
Bureau of Community Assistance
2740 Centerview Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32399 (904)488-3581
P/D: Small City Community Development Block Grant Program: grants funds to small cities which lend money to businesses in order to foster economic
Rhode Island Dept. of Economic Development
7 Jackson Walkway
Providence, RI 02903 (401)277-2601
P/D: One stop center which provides assistance and information to Business. Various small business grants, innovative and applied research grants, tax
Troy Foundation
c/o Star Bank
910 W. Main Street
Troy, OH 45373 (513) 335-8513
P/D: Local funding for community development, recreation, education, youth, cultural programs.
Contact person: Melissa A. Kleptz
Exec. Dir.
Missouri Dept. of Economic Dev
Box 118
Jefferson City, MO 65102
P/D: Development Block Grants: make funds of up to $500,000 available for commercial rehabilitation of buildings for business, commercial industrial
purposes. New jobs must be created, at least 51% for low & moderate income
Sun Trust Bank Atlanta Foundation
c/o Suntrust Co. Bank, Atlanta
P.O. Box 4418, MC 041
Atlanta, GA 30302 (404)588-8250
P/D: Special project funds, building funds, renovation projects, equipment and employee matching gifts for local community development, welfare, social
services, education, cultural programs, the arts and youth agencies.
Contact person: Victor A. Gregory
Dept. of Community Dev.
P.O. Box 48300
Olympia, WA 98504 (206)753-5632
P/D: Community Development Block Grant and Community Development Finance Program: provide loans, loan guarantees, and grants to businesses in
select small cities and counties of Washington for economic development.
B. W. A. (NP)
321 E. Walnut, Suite 200
Des Moines, IA 50309
P/D: Building and equipment grants for the following fields of interest. Child welfare, cultural organizations, renovation grants.
Contact person: Harriet Macomber
Allen H. & Selma W. Berkman Charitable Trust
1500 Oliver Bldg.
Pittsburgh, PA 15232 (412)355-8640
P/D: Local funding for community and urban development, historic preservation, arts, health and social services.
Contact person: Allen H. Berkman
The Ben May Charitable Trust (FT)
Am South Bank, N.A.
PO Drawer 1628
Mobile, AL 36629
Application address: P.O. Box 123
Mobile, AL 36601
P/D: Grants for higher education, cancer and community development. No application form required.
Contact person: Mr. Vivian G. Johnston, Jr., Chairperson, Distribution Committee.
Fair Play Foundation (FT)
350 Delaware Trust Building
Wilmington, DE 19801
P/D: Renovation projects, equipment and land acquisition for historic preservation, museums, environment and wildlife.
Contact person: Blaine T. Phillips
Sales Office of Business Dev.
1625 Broadway, Ste. 1710
Denver, CO 80202 (303)892-3840
P/D: Rural Development Financing
Program and Economic Development Commission Funds: make grants to businesses which create or retain jobs for low/moderate income persons.
Florida First Capital Finance
Dept. of Commerce
Bureau of Business Assistance
107 W. Gains Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(904) 487-0466
P/D: Small Business Innovation Research Grants Program: provides financing for the early research and development phase of innovation for small
technology-based businesses.
Rhode Island Foundation
70 Elm Street
Providence, RI 02903 (401)274-4564
P/D: Funding for arts, education, environment, social services, child welfare, health in Rhode Island.
Contact person: Ronald Thorpe, VP Pro.
The Needmor Fund (PR)
2305 Canyon Blvd., Suite 101
Boulder, CO 80302
P/D: Seed money, technical assistance, general purposes, operating budgets for projects designed to empower disadvantaged populations. Emphasis on
grassroots, member-controlled organizations with realistic strategies and goals. Funding interest includes the environment agriculture, rural development,
housing, community development and minority populations
Contact person: Lynn Gisi, Coordinator
The Hawaii Community Foundation (FT)
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1300
Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 537-6333
P/D: Funds for families in crises, youth problems, environment concerns, historic preservation, community-based economic development and family
services. Grants for operating budgets,
seed money, equipment, technical assistance, research, special projects, renovations, student aid, scholarship funds, consulting services and seminars.
Contact person: Jane Renfro Smith, Chief Executive Officer
Hall Family Foundation (PR)
Charitable & Crown Investment-323
P.O. Box 419580
Kansas City, MO 64141-6580
(816) 274-8516
P/D: Funding support for the arts, youth (especially education) economic development, and the elderly. Grants for program-related investments, seed
money, emergency funds, building funds, special projects and renovation projects.
Contact person: Wendy Burcham, Peggy
Collins, Margaret H. Pence or John Laney, Program Officers.
Virginia Dept. of Housing and Community Dev.
205 N. 4th Street
Richmond, VA 23219 (804)786-4474
P/D: Community Development Block Grants: are made to cities and counties which in turn lend them to eligible businesses to provide jobs.
General Research & Technology Activity
Assistant Secretary
Policy Development & Research
Budget, Contracts and Program Control Division, Department of Housing & Urban Development
451 76th Street SW
Washington, DC 20410
P/D: Project grants for research and demonstration projects preselected by the Department of Housing and Urban Development as high priority projects
designed to improve HUD program operations.
Utah Technology Finance Corp.
419 Wakara Way
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
(801) 364-4346
P/D: Grants to assist the growth of new and emerging technology businesses.
The Christian Workers Foundation (PR)
3038 Bankhead Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36106
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 457
Wolfeboro, NH 03896
P/D: Program related investments to evangelistic Christian organizations involved in youth work. Applications are by invitation only.
No geographic restrictions.
Contact person: G.R. Lockhart,
Center for Innovation and Business Development
Box 8103, University Station
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND 58202
P/D: Grants to entrepreneurs for research on technical innovations.
Metropolitan Life Foundation
1 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10010
(212) 578-6272
P/D: Funding for urban development, health, education, social services, cultural programs, art. Contact person: A. Dennis White, VP. Corporate
Promotion of the Humanities Text/Publication
Subventions, Division of Research Programs, Room 318
National Endowment for the Humanities
Washington, DC 20506
(202) 606-0207
P/D: Project grants to publishing entities for the dissemination of works of scholarly distinction that, without support, could not be published. Eligible to
non-profit and commercial scholarly presses and publishers.
New Jersey Economic Development Authority
Capital Place One
200 S. Warren Street, CN990
Trenton, NJ 08625 (609)292-1800
P/D: Direct loans, loan guarantees, revolving lines of credit.
California Dept. of Commerce
801 K Street, Ste. 1700
Sacramento, CA 95814
P/D: Sales Office of Business Dev.
Enterprises Zones: provide tax incentives to encourage job producing businesses.
Department of Economic and Community Development
193 State Street, #59
August, ME 04333 (800)872-3838
P/D: Development Block Grant Loan Program: makes funds available to cities and counties which then lend the funds to businesses for commercial
rehabilitation or existing buildings used for business, commercial, or industrial purposes. Every $15,000 must create one full-time job.
David H. Koch Charitable Foundation (PR)
4111 E. 37th Street North
Wichita, KS 67220 (316)832-5222
P/D: Grants for seed money, building funds, campaigns, scholarship funds, operating budgets, general purposes and continuing support. Focus on the arts,
education, cultural programs and economics. Contact: Ruth E. Williams
Minority Business Development Centers
Office of Operations
Minority Business Dev. Agency
U.S. Department of Commerce, Rm.5096, 14th & Constitution Ave.,NW
Washington, DC 20230
(202) 377-8015
P/D: Project grants for businesses willing to provide free management and technical assistance to economically and socially disadvantaged individuals who
need help in starting and/or operating businesses. Primary objective of the assistance are to increase the gross receipts and decrease the failure rates of the
client firms. National Contact:
Associate Director, Office of Operations
Xerox Foundation
P.O. Box 1600
Stamford, CT 06904 (203) 968-3445
P/D: Funding for civic, cultural and social organizations, science & tech., higher education. Contact: Joseph M Calahan, VP
The Nathaniel and Elizabeth
P. Stevens Foundation (PR)
P.O. Box 111
North Andover, MA 01845
(508) 688-7211
P/D: Support for conservation, housing social services, historic preservation, the arts. Grants for general purposes, program-related investments, seed
money, emergency funds, building funds, equipment, land acquisition, matching funds, and special projects. Contact:
Elizabeth A. Beland, Administrator.
Department of Economic Development & Tourism
1100 St. Francis Dr. Room 2006
Santa Fe, NM 87503 (505)827-0425
P/D: Grants for woman owned and minority owned businesses, plus special information sources to assist in all aspects of business management.
Foundation for the Tri-State Community (FT)
P.O. Box 2096
Ashland, KY 41105 (606)324-3888
P/D: Funding for charitable, scientific, cultural, and educational concerns. Support for general purposes, special projects, seed money, consulting services
and technical assistance. Contact:
Theodore N. Burke Jr., Chief Exec.
Officer and President
Management and Technical Assistance for Minority Business Enterprises
Office of Minority Economic Impact
Department of Energy
Forrestal Building, Rm. 5B-110
Washington, DC 20585
(202) 586-1594
P/D: Grants and services to encourage increased participation of minority and women business enterprises (MBEs) in the Department of Energy=s high
technology research and development activities.
Omaha Community Foun.
Two Central Park Plaza
222 South 15th Street
Omaha, NE 68102 (402)342-3458
P/D: Support for cultural programs, education, neighborhood and community development, health, social services, women and youth. Grants for building
funds, conferences and seminars, continuing support, emergency funds, matching funds, publications, renovation projects, seed money, technical
assistance and other types of support. Contact person: W. Earl Taylor, Exec. Director
Promotion of the Humanities Centers for Advanced Study
Centers for Advanced Study
Division of Research Programs
National Endowment for the Humanities, Rm. 318
Washington, DC 20506
(202) 606-8210
P/D: Support to independent research centers, American research centers overseas, and independent libraries and museums for interrelated scholarly
research in well-defined subject areas. Funding provided allows these research centers to offer fellowships stipends.
Department of Commerce
1424 Ninth Avenue
Helena, MT 59620 (406)444-3757
P/D: Development Block Grant Program: make funds of up to $500,000 available for business, commercial, industrial purposes. New jobs must be
created, at least 51% for low and moderate income persons.
Mc Inery Foundation (NP)
c/o Pacific Century Trust
130 Merchant Street
Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)538-4944
P/D: Building and equipment grants for the following fields of interest. Hospitals, youth organizations, special education, social welfare, performing arts,
abused women.
Operating Assistance for Troubled Multifamily Housing Projects
Director, Office of Multifamily Housing
Dept. of Housing and Urban Devlop.
Washington, DC 20410 (202)708-3730
P/D: Flexible subsidy to assist in restoration and maintenance of physical/financial stability of structure; top assist with ongoing management and operating
costs of low-to-moderate-income projects approved under the National Housing Act or under the HUD Act of 1965. National Contact:
Director, Program Support Branch.
Boettcher Foundation (NP)
600 17th Street, Ste. 2210S
Denver, CO 80202 (303)534-1937
P/D: Building and equipment grants. Grants issued throughout Colorado for the following fields of interest: Low income housing, disabled, elderly, child
welfare, hospitals, community development, all levels of education, youth organizations, health organizations, social welfare, performing arts, museums,
zoos, planned parenthood, boy scouts.
Contact: Timothy W. Schultz, Pres.
The Minneapolis Foundation
A200 Foshay Tower
821 Marquette Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612)339-7343
William C. And Taheodosia Murphy Nolana Found.
200 N. Jefferson, Ste. 308
El Dorado, AR 71730
P/D: Building and equipment grants for the following field of interest: Hospitals, education, cultural organizations.
Contact: William E. Nolan, VP
Post & Courier Foundations
134 Columbus Street
Charleston, SC 29403 (803)577-7111
P/D: Local funding for community dev.,
law enforcement, cultural programs, conservation. Contact: J. Douglas Donehur, Admin.
Sunnen Foundation (PR)
7910 Manchester Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63143 (314)781-2100
P/D: Grants for matching funds, special projects, capital campaigns, endowment funds. Support for family planning, civil rights, child welfare, youth,
family services, primarily for protection of reproductive and First Amendment Rights. Contact:
Helen S. Sly, President
Division of Economic & Community Development
Dept. of Commerce
Barrett Bldg. 4th fl. North
Cheyenne, WY 82002
P/D: Economic Development Block Grant Program: gives money to participating cities, towns and counties for economic development projects, which
then lend the money to local businesses to create jobs.
Biological Models and Materials Research
Office of Grants and Contract Management, National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health
Public Health Service
Bethesda, MD 20892
P/D: Project Grants and SBIR Grants to fund biomedical research in non-mammalian models. Eligible to hospitals, educational institutions, and other
organizations. SBIR grants are awarded to small domestic businesses with fewer than 500 employees.
Contact: Grants Management Officer
Kimberly-Clark Foundation
P.O. Box 619100
Dallas, TX 75161 (214)830-1200
P/D: Funding for community development, conservation, museums, the arts, youth, drug abuse, higher education, primarily where the corporation has
Contact: Colleen B. Manno, VP
Phelps Dodge Foundation- NP
2600 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004 (602)234-8100
P/D: Building and equipment grants for the following fields of interest. Welfare, cultural organizations, performing arts, youth organizations, health
organizations social welfare, community development, YMCA.
Contact: R. C.I Swan, Pres.
Women=s Business Ownership Assistance
Small Business Administration
Office of Women=s Business Ownrshp
409 3rd Street, SW
Washington, DC 10416
(202) 205-6673
P/D: This office makes a small number of grant to nonprofit organizations to run women's business centers.
Their website home page at www. sba. gov/womeninbusiness and the Online Women's Business Center website is at . Their
programs and services, including loan guaranty programs and more. are administered through the SBA district offices across the country. There is at least
one in your state; you can call the SBA Answer Desk at 1-800-U ASK SBA.
Charles Stewart Mott Foun.
Office of Proposal Entry
1200 Mott Foundation Building
Flint, MI 48502-1851 (313)238-5651
P/D: Program-related investments, support for community improvement and education, environmental management, vocational education, family services,
early childhood education and minorities.
Contact: Judy Samelson, VP. Comm.
Bureau of Minority Business Development
Dept. of Development, P.O. Box 7970
Madison, WI 53707 (608)267-9550
P/D: Grants for woman owned and minority owned businesses, plus special information sources to assist in all aspects of business management.
Procurement Assistance to Small Businesses
Associate Administrator Procurement Assistance
Small Business Administration
409 3rd Street, SW
Washington, DC 20416
P/G: Assistance to small businesses to help them obtain contracts and subcontracts for federal government supplies and services and to help obtain
property sold by the federal government. Eligible to existing and potential small businesses, i.e. those that are independently owned and operated but are
not dominant in their fields.
Local Contact: Field Office of Small Business Admin.
Management and Technical Assistance for Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses
Associate Administrator
Minority Small Business & Capital Ownership Development
Small Business Administration
409 3rd Street, SW #
Washington, DC 20416 (202)205-6423
P/D: Project grants to give technical and management assistance to individuals, public and private organizations to help them succeed with existing or
potential businesses that are socially or economically disadvantaged and are located in areas of high unemployment.
Ramuson Foundation (PR)
c/o National Bank of Alaska
P.O. Box 10060
Anchorage, AK 99510
(907) 265-2908
P/D: For Alaska nonprofit organizations. Building and equipment grants. Performing arts; museums, community development; social welfare; youth
organizations, elderly, disabled, recreation. Contact: Diane Kaplan
Business Services
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, General Services Administration
Washington, DC 20405
(202) 501-1021
P/D: Provides small and disadvantaged business firms with advice and counseling on taking advantage of government contracting opportunities.
Procurement and surplus sales contracts are available as are concession and construction contracts. National contacts: Dir.
Local Contact: Business Serv. Ctr. General Services Administration
Deposit Guaranty Foun. (PR)
One Deposit Guaranty Plaza
P.O. Box 730
Jackson, MS 39105
P/D: Program-related investments and other types of support for education, community fund, social services, youth and the arts.
Contact: William M. Jones Sen. VP
Deposit Guaranty Nat=l Bank
Engineering Grants
Directorate for Engineering
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230 (703)306-1302
P/D: Grants for research in engineering and technology, including funds for laboratory improvement and for research opportunities for women, minorities
and disabled scientists and engineers. Contact: Paul Herer, Senior Advt., Direct. For Engineering
Computer and Information Science and Engineering
Computer and Information Science and Engineering, National Science
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230 (703)306-1900
P/D: Grants funding to support research to improve the fundamental understanding of computer and information processing, to improve the training and
education of scientists, engineers, and other personnel in the field, to provide access to advanced computer networking capabilities. Available to small
businesses as well as academic institutions and government agencies.
Commercial Drivers Ed.
Division of National Programs
Office of the Assistance Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20202-7242
(202) 205-5864
P/D: Project grants to establish and operate adult education programs to improve literacy skills of commercial drivers. Contact: Paul Geib
Cooper Foundation (PR)
304 Cooper Plaza
211 North 12th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508 (402)476-7571
P/D: Seed money, general purposes, and matching funds for the arts, social services for humanities. Contact: Art Thompson, President
The Lupin Foundation (PR)
3715 Prytania Street, Ste. 307
New Orleans, LA 70115
(504) 897-6640
P/D: Support for education, the arts, civic affairs, community development. Grants for equipment research, scholarship funds, special projects, matching
funds, continuing support, general purposes, program- related investments, renovation projects and seed money. Contact: Loni Wesolowski
UNUM Charitable Foundation
2211 Congress Street
Portland, ME 04122 (207)770-4378
P/D: Support for AIDS, the aged, handicapped, family services, community development, the arts, and education. Grants for capital campaigns, employee
matching gifts, matching funds, seed money, and special projects.
Contact: Janice Manning, Secretary
Economic Dev. Administration
304 N. 8, #441
Boise, ID 83702 (208)334-1521
P/D: Makes grants to communities for industrial site development. Communities then makes grants for individual businesses which are enable to obtain
loans from conventional sources. One job must be created for every $10,000.
Federal Transit Capital Improvement Grants
Federal Transit Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590
P/D: Project grants to help finance the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, and improvement of facilities and equipment for use in mass
transportation service in urban areas, and to assist in coordinating such service with other forms or transportation in such areas.
Robert Z. Hawkins Foun.
One East Liberty St., Ste. 509
Reno, NV 89501 (702) 786-1105
P/D: Special project grants for youth, child welfare, higher education, community development, social services and Protestant giving.
Contact: William A. Lindsay
Capital Construction Fund
Associate Administrator For Maritime Aids, Maritime Admin.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590
(202) 366-0364
P/D: Grants in the form of tax benefits for replacement vessels, additional vessels, or reconstructed vessels, built sand documented under the laws of the
United States for operation in the United States= foreign, Great Lakes, or non contiguous domestic trade. For U.S. citizens who own or lease one or more
eligible vehicles and demonstrate financial capability to complete program. Contact:
Associate Administrator for Maritime Aids.
Ellis L. Phillips Foundation
29 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02116-2349
(617) 424-7607
P/D: Seed money, funding for emerging organizations developing new programs, grants for education on public issues, bio-diversity conservation,
women=s issues, music, visual arts and historic preservation.
Contact. Janet Walsh, Exec. D
Foundation=s in this section make grants directly to the employee=s, former employee=s, and
families of employee=s of specific companies or corporation=s. Employee-related assistance
may include education support, general welfare grants, in-kind services, personal, living,
medical expenses, and other emergency or long-term benefits.
American Express Foundation
American Express Plaza
New York, NY 10004
American Optical Foundation
American Optical Corp.
14 Mechanic St., P.O. Box 1
Southbridge, MA 01550
Avon Products Foundation
Nine West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Beech Aircraft Foundation
9709 E. Central Avenue
Wichita, KS 67201
Briggs & Stratton Corp. Foundation
12301 W. Wirth Street
Wauwatosa, WI 53222
Brunswick Foundation, Inc.
One Brunswick Plaza
Skokie, IL 60077
Wal-Mart Foundation
608 SW 8th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716
Disney Foundation
500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521
Gerber Companies Foundation
c/o Gerber Products Company
445 State Street
Fremont, MI 49412
Alcoa Foundation
Attn: F. Worth Hobbs, President
1501 Alcoa Bldg.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Pollock-Krasner Foundation
725 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
P/D: Grants based on need to talented artists to further their
careers and their personal being. Emergency aid is also made in cases of personal catastrophe.
Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation
380 West Broadway
New York, NY 10012
P/D: (1) Grants for painters and sculptors who=ve been working at least 20 years in a mature phase of their career; (2) Emergency assistance for painters
and sculptors who have been working at least 10 years in a mature phase of their career and are in need due to some unexpected, catastrophic event.
The Thanks Be To Grandmother Winifred Foundation
P.O. Box 1449
Wainscott, NY 11975
P/D: Grants to women over 54 years to develop and implement programs that empower and enrich the lives of women.
Ella Lyman Cabot Trust
109 Rockland Street
Holliston, MA 01746
P/D: Grants to individuals for unique projects which have personal significance to them, and which have some promise of making a contribution to others.
It seldom supports the writing of a book, production of a film, or completion of an artistic work.
American Society of Journalists & Authors Charitable Tr.
1501 Broadway, Ste. 305
New York, NY 10036
P/D: Assistance to needy, established professional freelance writers 60 years of age or older, disabled or in an extraordinary professional crisis, and who
have no pension from a former employer.
Edward Albee Foundation
c/o A. Kozak Co.,
192 Lexington Ave., Ste. 1100
New York, NY 10016
P/D: Grants of a free room in the foundation=s living colony for one month to writers, visual artists, and scultors.
Theodore A. Vierra Foundation
c/o Hawaiian Trust Co.
P.O. Box 3170
Honolulu, HI 96802
P/D: Assistance to needy Hawaiian residents, generally age 50 and older.
Phone numbers periodically change without notice, please refer to that states local (area code) and 555-1212 directory
Dept. of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD)
Interest Reduction Payments, Office of Multifamily Housing Management, Philadelphia Regional Office.
Liberty Square Bldg.
105 South Seventh Street
Philadelphia, PA 19016
P/D: Direct payments to reduce interest payments for low and moderate - income persons in rental & cooperative housing.
Welfare Trust Fund Of The Twenty-Five Year Club of I.D
c/o The Bank of New York, Tax Dept.
One Wazil Street
New York, NY 10286
P/D: Grants for aged, infirmed or other-wise needy individuals connected with the independent distribution of magazines, small-sized books, or
Tallman Boys Fund Trust
c/o First American Trust Co.
1 Dearborn Sq.,
Kankakee, IL 60901
P/D: Short term aid to neglected or homeless Protestant boys under 12 living in Kankakee County.
Puffin Foundation
20 East Oakdene Avenue
(201) 836-8923
Teaneck, NJ 07666
P/D: Grants to encourage and help young artists in the areas of the written word and performing arts.
Greater Tacoma Community Foundation
P.O. Box 1995
(206) 383-5622
Tacoma, WA 98401
P/D: Grants to any unwed mother-to-be who lives in Pierce County, Washington, and is pregnant with her first child..
Attila Szigethy Foundation
400 Old Pond Road
(412) 221-7600
Bridgeville, PA 15017
P/D: Grants to widows or direct descendants of persons who
actively fought on the side of the Hungarian Freedom Fighters against the Hungarian communist government in 1956.
Steve Stove Foundation
P.O. Box 307, Olf Ferry Road
Ashland City, TN 37015
P/D: Aid to needy Tennessee residents, including employees of State Industries company.
Musicians Emergency Relief Fund - Local 802
330 W. 42nd Street
(212) 245-4802
New York, NY 10036
P/D: Welfare assistance to sick, distressed or indigent musicians who=ve been union members for at least 3 years.
J. F. Schoellkiopf Silver Wedding Fund
c/o Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co.
P.O. Box 22900
Rochester, NY 22900
P/D: Welfare assistance to Buffalo residents who are members or spouses or children of members of the Mutual Aid Society.
Frank Rider Trust
c/o Maurice Allert
P.O. Box 195
Rosalia, WA 99170
P/D: Grants mainly for indigent Masons in Whitman, Lincoln, Adams, Franklin, and Grant Counties in Washington State.
Ontario Children=s Home
P.O. Box 82
Canadaigua, NY 14424
P/D: Grants for child daycare, youth organization memberships, children=s medical expenses, day camp, field trips, and taking part in Special Olympics.
Dramatists Guild Fund
330 W. 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
P/D: Grants in aid to needy playwrights in New York who have their works produced or published.
Lenna M. Keith Charitable Trust
c/o Michigan National Bank
P.O. Box 1707
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
P/D: Financial assistance to needy residents at Burcham Hill Retirement Center, Lansing, MI.
Great Commission Foundation
10454 County Road., 128
Findlay, OH 45840
P/D: Grants to individuals who agree with and who strive to uphold the statement of Christian faith set forth by the Foundation.
District Lodge No.3 of Norway Charitable Trust
121 Glen Road
North Babylon, NY 11703
P/D: Grants to indigent individuals of Norwegian descent, who are members in good standing of Sons of Norway, District Lodge No. 3.
The de Kay Foundation
c/o Chemical Bank
270 Park Avenue., 27th Floor
New York, NY 10017
P/D: Financial assistance to needy elderly persons Aof culture or refined heritage@ in New York, New Jersey and Conn.
Farmers Home Administration (FMHA)
Federal Building
1220 SW Third Ave., Room 1590 (503)326-2731
Portland, OR 97204
P/D: Grants to help very low income homeowners in rural areas repair or improve their dwellings. Grant recipients must be at least 62 years old and
unable to repay a loan.
Dallas Cotton Exchange Trust
c/o Texas Commerce Bank
P.O. Box 2320
Dallas, TX 75221
P/D: Financial assistance to individuals engaged or formerly engaged in the cotton merchandising business in Dallas, their employees or former
employees. If these individuals are unable to earn a sufficient amount to meet the basic cost of living, their immediate family members are also eligible.
The James Gordon Bennett Memorial
100 Bertwell Road
Lexington, MA 02173
P/D: Pecuniary aid to needy journalists who have been employees for ten or more years on a daily newspaper in New York City. Acceptance is based on
need and is to be used for the physical needs of person.. who, by reason of old age, accident or bodily infirmity, or through lack of means, are unable to
care for themselves.
Nurses House Financial Assistance
Nurses House, Inc.
350 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014-4504
P/D: Assistance is provided to registered nurses who need temporary financial assistance because of disability, illness, unemployment, or other causes.
Requests for assistance can be made by the nurse, a colleague, a friend, or other source. The amount of assistant offered depends on need of the recipient.
These are short term grants to tide the nurse over a temporary crisis or need. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Allgemeiner Deutscher Frauen-Hilfsverein
(also known as German Ladies General Benevolent Society)
P.O. Box 27101
San Francisco, CA 94127
P/D: Provides temporary assistance to needy women and children of German descent residing in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Application form
required. Contact: Inge G. Byrnes, Secy-Treasurer.
Veterans Housing-Guaranteed and Insured VA Home Loans
Alaska Housing Finance Corp.
P.O. Box 101020
Anchorage, AK 99510
P/D: Interest subsidies, tax breaks, to buy, construct, repair homes, mobile homes, condominium units.
Ella B. Thompson Trust
c/o Nations Bank of Texas, N.A.
P.O. Box 2518, TX4-213-31-09
Houston, TX 77252-2518
P/D: Financial assistance to retired school teachers of the Galveston Public School System TX. Contact foundations for guidelines.
Westport-Weston Foundation Trust
c/o The Westport Bank & Trust Co.
P.O. Box 5177
Westport, CT 06881
P/D: Grants for assistance with medical and basic living expenses and Christmas presents to financially needy residents of Westport and Weston, CT only.
Applications accepted throughout the year. Initial approach by letter. Completion of formal application required.
Farmers Home Administration
Alabama Development Office
401 Adams Ave., #600
Montgomery, AL 36130
P/D: The federal government and state governments have funds available to renters, homeowners, real estate investors as well as developers in urban and
rural areas. These funds can take the forms of grants and direct payments.
Society of Kastorians AOmonoia@ Inc.
246 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10011
P/D: Relief assistance to financially needy individuals in NJ and NY. Contact the society for current application guidelines. Contact: Vasili Zissis, Dir.
Smock Foundation Grants
Frank L. and Laura L Smock Foundation
c/o Norwest Bank Fort Wayne
Attn: Investments and Trust
111 E. Wayne Street, P.O. Box 960 (219)461-6444
Fort Wayne, IN 46801-6632
P/D: To provide financial assistance to elderly individuals of the Presbyterian faith who reside in Indiana and are in financial need.
Dept. of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD)
Interest Reduction Payments
Office of Multifamily Housing Management
Albany HUD Office
52 Corporate Circle
Albany, NY 12203
P/D: Direct payments to reduce interest payments for low and moderate - income persons in rental and cooperative housing.
Farmers Home Administration (FMHA)
3727 Government Street
Alexandria, LA 71302
P/D: Grants to help very low income homeowners in rural areas repair or improve their dwellings. Grants recipients must be at least 62 years old and
unable to repay a loan.
Sophia Byers Mc Comas Foundation
c/o U.S. National Bank of Oregon
P.O. Box 3168, Trust Div.
Portland, OR 97208
P/D: Financial assistance by recommendation only to needy residents of Oregon. Applicants are recommended to the trustees by various church groups
and service agencies. Approximately 40 individuals receive monthly grants from the foundation.
Specially Adapted Homes for Disabled Veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W. (202)418-4343 / (800)827-1000
Washington, DC 20420
P/D: To provide financial assistance to certain disabled veterans for a home specially adapted to their needs. Veterans must be entitled to compensation
for permanent and total service-connected disability due to 1) the loss or loss of use of both lower extremities, such as preclude locomotion without the aid
of braces, crutches, canes, or a wheelchair, or 2) blindness in both eyes, having only light perception, plus loss or loss of use of 1 lower extremity, 3) a loss
or loss of use of 1 lower extremity together with residuals of organic disease or injury or the loss or loss of use of 1 upper extremity, such as to preclude
locomotion without resort to braces, canes, crutches, or a wheelchair. The VA may approve a grant of not more than 50 percent of the cost of building,
buying, or remodeling homes for eligible veterans, or paying indebtedness of such homes already acquired. Applications are accepted at any time.
Merchants Fund
(Formerly Merchants-Oliver Fund)
c/o 9 Hemmenway & Reinhardt, Inc.
Four Park Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1723
Application Address:
c/o C. Joyce Kwaufmann, Secy.-Treas.,
P.O. Box 111
Point Pleasant, PA 18950
P/D: Relief assistance to indigent merchants, their widows, and their families in the Philadelphia, PA area. Applications accepted throughout the year.
Initial approach by letter requesting application. Completion of formal application req.
The Anshutz Family Foundation
555 17th Street., Suite 2400
Denver, CO 80202
P/D: The Foundation=s mission is to support efforts to assist the elderly, the young, and the economically disadvantaged. The Foundation expresses
special interest in endeavors that promote community development which emphasizes self-sufficency. Further, the Foundation encourages strengthening
the family and their values to become responsible citizens of society. The Foundations goal in philanthropy is to help people help themselves while
preserving their self respect. Giving primarily in CO, with emphasis on Denver.
Dept. of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD)
Interest Reduction Payments
Office of Multifamily Housing Management
Bangor HUD Office
23 Main Street
Bangor, ME 04401
P/D: Direct payments to reduce interest payments for low-and moderate-income persons in rental and cooperative housing.
Up To $10,000 For Refugees
ORR/Division of Community Resettlement
370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW Sixth Floor
Washington, DC 20447
Refugees can receive technical assistance, training, or loans of up to $10,000 through a program called the Micro-Enterprise Development Project. The
program allows states and public or private, nonprofit organizations an institutions to apply to receive grants to develop and administer mien enterprise
programs consisting of small-scale financing ($10,000) available
through microloans to refugees. It also includes funding for technic; assistance and support to these refugee entrepreneurs. For information on
organizations which were awarded grants, contact the office listed above
Get Money From Your State
Community Connections
Information Center
Office of Community Planning and Development
P.O. Box 7189
Oaithersburg,MD 20898-7189
This is the second largest component of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBO) program and aids communities that do not qualify for
assistance under the CDBG entitlement program. The grants assist communities in carrying out a wide range of community development
activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. Funds can
also be used to provide assistance to public and private organizations, agencies, and other entities (including nonprofits and for profits to facilitate
economic development in supporting micro-enterprise). Funds can be used to establish credit (direct loans and loan guarantees, revolving loan funds, and
more) for the stabilization and expansion of micro-enterprises; provide technical assistance, advice, and business support services to owners of
micro-enterprises; and provide general support to owners of micro-enterprises and organizations developing micro-enterprises. If you are an interested
citizen, you should contact your local officials for more information. If your local government or state officials cannot answer your questions, you may
wish to contact the HUD Field Office that services your area (look for the office closest to you from the list later in this chapter). Be aware that the state
administers the program and determines which local projects receive funding.
You can also contact: Community Connections, Information Center, Office of Community Planning and Development, P.O. Box 7189, Gaithersburg, MD.
20898-7189; 1-800-998-9999
Public Housing Entrepreneurs
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Deputy Director of Resident Initiatives
451 Seventh Street, SW, Room 4112
Washington, DC 20410
Call yourself a handyman and get money to fix up your neighborhood. Money is set aside to give to public housing residents to modernize existing public
housing projects. The money can also be used to provide residents with on-the-job training in construction and contractor related trades. It's called the
Comprehensive Grant Program, and is available to Public Housing Agencies of 250 housing units or more, which includes 897 public housing agencies
nationwide. Contact your local Public Housing Authority for more information or you may contact the office listed above.
South Carolina Specially Adapted Housing Tax Exemption
South Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs
1205 Pendleton Street, Room 226
Columbia, SC 29201 (803)734-0200 fax (803)734-0197
P/D: To provide for the exemption of taxes on specially adapted housing in South Carolina that was acquired from the U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs. Veterans having service-connected disabilities resulting in the loss or loss of use of lower extremities (requiring braces, crutches, or wheelchairs
for locomotion) as well as blinded veterans who have loss of use of a lower extremity qualify for specially adapted housing from the U.S. Dept. of
Veterans Affairs. Disabled veterans who are residents of South Carolina and who have acquired such housing with financial assistance from the VA are
eligible for this exemption. If the eligible veteran is deceased, the spouse, dependent children, or dependent parents are eligible for the exemption.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
John Anson Kittredge Educational Fund
c/o Key Trust Co. of Main
P.O. Box 1054
Augusta, ME 04332
P/D: Grants to artists and scholars for travel to conferences, research, and other projects.
Michigan State Housing Development Authority
P.O. Box 30044
Lansing, MI 48909
P/D: Grants for single-family homes and condominiums Rent subsidies for low income households in Grand Rapids and Buena Vista.
Farmers Home Administration
355 East Hancock Avenue
Athens, GA 30610
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low-income rural homeowners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Roncari Family Foundation, Inc.
c/o Pepe & Hazard
Goodwin Sq.,
Hartford, CT 06103-4302
Application Address:
c/o Raymond A. Roncari
P.O. Box 326
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
P/D: General support grants primarily to residents of CT, with preference shown to members of the clergy. Applications by letter accepted throughout the
Albert B. Cutter Memorial Fund
c/o Box 712
Riverside, CA 92506
P/D: Limited emergency grants only to persons who have been permanent residents of Riverside, CA for a minimum of one year and have been referred
by local agencies. Application accepted from local agencies throughout the year. Completion of formal application required. Interview or presentation
recommended. Individuals are referred by local agencies. Contact: Trust Dept.
Frank Rider Trust
P.O. Box 195
Rosalia, WA 99170-0195
P/D: Assistance to indigent Masons in Whitman, Lincoln Adams, Franklin, and Grant counties. Applications accepted throughout the year. Completion
of formal application required.
Farmers Home Administration (FMHA)
P.O. Box 147010
Gainesville, FL 32614
P/D: Grants to help very low income homeowners in rural areas repair or improve their dwellings. Grant recipients must be at least 62 years old an unable
to repay a loan.
The CB Trust
8201 Preston Road, Suite 600
Dallas, TX 75225
P/D: Grants to players and coaches, and their spouses, who are now or were at one time on the active roster of a member team of the National Football
League. Applications accepted throughout the year. Applications by letter outlining financial need.
The Bill Baldwin Fund, Inc.,
P.O. Box 388
Troy, NY 12181-0388
P/D: Financial Assistance to individuals who are or were employed in the publishing or periodical distribution industry.
Kids Inc. Grants
Kids, Inc.
9300-D Old Keene Mill Road (703)455-KIDS
Burke, VA 22015
P/D: To fill the wishes of chronically or terminally ill children (frequently those suffering from cancer) who are 18 years of age or younger are eligible to
apply. There are no geographical restriction in the United States. The amount involved varies, depending upon the cost of filling the child=s dream.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
Italian-American Community Services Agency
(Formerly Italian Welfare Agency, Inc.)
678 Green Street
San Francisco, CA 94133-3896
P/D: Assistance to indigent individuals, including senior citizens. Contact foundation for current application. guidelines.
Western Association of Ladies for the Relief & Employment of the Poor
c/o First Fidelity Bank
Broad and Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Application Address: c/o Marlane G. Bohon, Exec. Secy.
404 Beaumont Circle,
(601) 692-7962
West Chester, PA 19380
P/D: Relief to the poor and aged of Philadelphia County, PA.
Candidates must be referred by a social service agency and not be covered by government programs or other funding sources. Application accepted
throughout the year. Application must be submitted in writing through a social worker from an approved social service organization.
High Hopes Foundation Grants
High Hopes Foundation of New Hampshire, Inc.,
P.O. Box 172
(603)898-5333 (800)639-6804
North Salem, NH 03073
P/D: To grant the wishes of chronically ill children and children with life threatening diseases who are between the ages of 3 and 18 are eligible for
assistance if they live in New Hampshire. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Dept. of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD)
Interest Reduction Payments
Office of Multifamily Housing Management
Manchester HUD Office
275 Chestnut Street
Manchester, NH 03101
P/D: Direct payments to reduce interest payments for low-and moderate - income persons in rental & cooperative housing.
Oklahoma Emergency Aid Grants
Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Memorial Building
2311 North Central
P.O. Box 53067
Oklahoma City, OK 73152
P/D: To provide emergency aid to Oklahoma veterans and their families who, because of disaster are in financial need. Wartime veterans with at least 90
days of wartime service and an honorable discharge who are current residents of Oklahoma and who have resides in Oklahoma for 1 year immediately
preceding the date of application are eligible for these grants. The cash may be used for rent or mortgage payments, food, and/or utilities by veterans who
have suffered a loss from a disaster. Applications must be submitted to the local post or chapter of a veterans services organization for initial approval or
disapproval. They may be submitted at any time during the year.
Federal Money for Housing and Real Estate Ventures
The following is a description of the federal funds available to renters, homeowners, developers, and real estate investors for housing assistance in urban
and rural areas. This information is derived from the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance which is published by the U.S. Government Printing Office
in Washington, D.C. The number next to the title description is the official reference for this federal program. Contact the office listed below the caption
for further details. The following is a description of some of the terms used for the types of assistance available:
Loans: money lent by a federal agency for a specific period of time and with a reasonable expectation of repayment. Loans may or may not require a
payment of interest.
Loan Guarantees: programs in which federal agencies agree to pay back part or all of a loan to a private lender if the borrower defaults.
Grants: money given by federal agencies for a fixed period of time and which does not have to be repaid.
Direct Payments: funds provided by federal agencies to individuals, private firms, and
institutions. The use of direct payments may be "specified" to perform a particular service or for "unrestricted" use.
Insurance: coverage under specific programs to assure reimbursement for losses sustained.
Insurance may be provided by federal agencies or through insurance companies and may or may not require the payment of premiums.
* Money for Conserving the Water and Soil During
an Emergency
(10.054 Emergency Conservation Program (ECP))
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2415
Washington, DC 20013
Objectives: To enable farmers to perform emergency conservation measures to control wind erosion on farmlands, or to rehabilitate farmlands damaged
by wind erosion, floods, hurricanes, or other natural disasters and to carry out emergency water conservation or water enhancing measures during periods
of severe drought. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Direct payments) $19,489,000.
* Money to Insure Your Soil and Land Remains
(10.063 Agricultural Conservation Program (ACP))
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2415
Washington, DC 20013
Objectives: Control of erosion and sedimentation, encourage voluntary compliance with Federal and State requirements to solve point and nonpoint
source pollution, improve water quality, encourage energy conservation measures, and assure a continued supply of necessary food and fiber for a
strong and healthy people and economy. The program will be directed toward the solution of critical soil, water, energy, woodland, and pollution
abatement problems on farms and ranches. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Direct payment)
* Money to Insure That Your Water is Clean
(10.068 Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP))
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2415
Washington, DC 20013
Objectives: To achieve improved water quality in the most cost-effective manner possible in keeping with the provisions of adequate supplies of food,
fiber, and a quality environment, and to develop and test programs, policies, and procedures for control of agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Types
of assistance: direct payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Direct payments) $43,000.
* Money to Improve Your Water and Soil
(10.069 Conservation Reserve Program (CRP))
Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2415
Washington, DC 20013
Objectives: To protect the Nation's long-term capability to produce food and fiber; to reduce soil erosion; to reduce sedimentation; to improve water
quality; to create a better habitat for fish and wildlife; to curb production of some surplus commodities; and to provide some needed income support for
farmers. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds available: $1,808,578,000.
Money Available to Change Your County Property Into a Wetlands (10.070 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Program (CRBSCP)) Agricultural
Stabilization and Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2415
Washington, DC 20013
Objectives: To provide financial and technical assistance to: (1) Identify salt source areas; (2) develop project plans to cany out conservation practices to
reduce salt loads; (3) install conservation practices to reduce salinity levels; (4) cany out research, education, and demonstration activities; (5) carry out
monitoring and evaluation activities; and (6) to decrease salt concentration and salt loading which causes increased salinity levels within the Colorado
River and to enhance the supply and quality of water available for use in the United States and the Republic of Mexico. Types of assistance: direct
payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Direct payments) $8,394,000.
* Loans to Help Your Country Property Recover
From an Emergency
(10.404 Emergency Loans)
Administrator, Consolidated Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC
Objectives: To assist established (owner or tenant) family fanners, ranchers and aquaculture operators with loans to cover losses resulting from major
and/or natural disasters, which can be used for annual farm operating expenses, and for other essential needs necessary to return disaster victims'
farming operations to financially sound bases in order that they will be able to return to private sources of credit as soon as possible. Types of assistance:
direct loans. Estimate of annual funds available: $100,000,000.
* Money to Build Houses for Your Employees
(10.405 Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants (Labor Housing))
Mulrifamily Housing Processing Division
Consolidated Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
Objectives: To provide decent, safe, and sanitary low rent housing and related facilities for domestic farm laborers. Types of assistance: project grants;
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans) $16,012,000. (Grants) $11,297,000.
* Money to Buy, Fix Up or Build Houses in Small Towns
(10.410 Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans
(Section 502 Rural Housing Loans))
Consolidated Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
Objectives: To assist lower income rural families through direct loans to buy, build, rehabilitate, or improve decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings and
related facilities for use by the applicant as a permanent residence. Subsidized funds are available only on direct loans for low and very low income
applicants. Nonsubsidized Funds (loan making) are available for very low and low income applicants who are otherwise eligible for assistance, but based
on the amount of the loan requested, the interest credit assistance formula results in no interest credit. Nonsubsidized funds (loan servicing) are available
to very low, low and moderate income applicants/borrowers who do not qualify for interest credit assistance for: (1) Subsequent loans for repair and
rehabilitation; and (2) subsequent loan part only (repair or rehabilitation or the payment of equity) in connection with transfers by assumption or credit
sales. Loan guarantees are also available to assist moderate income rural families in home acquisition. Types of assistance: direct loans;
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Direct Loans) $1,400,000,000 (for subsidized low or moderate income loans for servicing
and repairs). (Guaranteed loans) $1,000,000,000. * Money for Nonprofits to Build Rental Houses in Small Towns
(10.415 Rural Rental Housing Loans) Director
Multifamily Housing Processing Division
Consolidated Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
Objectives: To provide economically designed and constructed rental and cooperative housing and related facilities suited for independent living for
rural residents. Types of assistance: direct loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Direct Loans) $220,000,000.
* Money to Improve Your Water for a House in
the Country
(10.416 Soil and Water Loans (SW Loans))
Consolidated Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
Objectives: To facilitate improvement, protection, and proper use of farmland by providing adequate financing and supervisory assistance for soil
conservation, water resource development, conservation and use, forestation, drainage of farmland, the establishment and improvement of permanent
pasture, the development of pollution abatement and control facilities on farms, development of energy conserving measures and other related
conservation measures. Types of assistance: direct loans; guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Direct Loans) $2,894,700.
(Guarantee Loans) $832,290.
* Loans and Grants to Fix Up Your House in
the Country ($5,000 Grants)
(10.417 Very Low Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants
(Section 504 Rural Housing Loans and Grants)
Single-Family Housing Processing Division
Consolidated Farm Service Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
Objectives: To give very low income rural homeowners an opportunity to make essential repairs to their homes to make them safe and to remove health
hazards to the family or the community. Types of assistance: direct loans; project grants. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans) $25,000,000.
(Grants) $25,000,000.
* Money to Conserve Soil and Water in Small
(10.900 Great Plains Conservation)
Deputy Chief for Programs
Soil Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2890
Washington, DC 20013
Objectives: To conserve and develop the Great Plains soil and water resources by providing technical and financial assistance to farmers, ranchers,
and others in planning and implementing conservation practices. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use; advisory services and
counseling. Estimate of annual funds available: (Grants) $2,045,000. (Salaries and expenses) $8,892,000.
* Money to Fix Up an Abandoned Coal Mine
(10.910 Rural Abandoned Mine Program (RAMP))
Deputy Chief for Programs
Soil Conservation Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 2890
Washington, DC 20013
Objectives: To protect people and the environment from the adverse effects of past coal mining practices, and to promote the development of soil and
water resources of unreclaimed mined lands. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use; advisory services and counseling. Estimate of
annual funds available: (Grants) $8,524,403. (Salaries and expenses) $4,854,550.
* Loans to Fix Up Houses That Are More Than
One Year Old
(14.108 Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance (203(k)))
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help families repair or improve, purchase and improve, or refinance and improve existing residential structures more than one year old.
Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans insured) $201,259,000.
* Loans to Buy Trailers
(14.110 Manufactured Home Loan Insurance-Financing Purchase of
Manufactured Homes as Principal Residences of Borrowers (Title 1))
Title I Insurance Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentSOO-733-4663
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To make possible reasonable financing of manufactured home purchases. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual
funds available: Loans reported under program No. 14.142.
* Loans to Co-op Investors
(14.112 Mortgage Insurance for Construction or Substantial
Rehabilitation of Condominium Projects (234(d) Condominiums))
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To enable sponsors to develop condominium projects in which individual units will be sold to home buyers. Types of assistance:
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages ò insured) $0.
* Loans to Homeowners Anywhere With 1 to 4 Family Units
(14.117 Mortgage Insurance-Homes (203(b)))
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help people undertake home ownership. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages
insured-including funding for 14.119, 14.121, 14.163 and 14.175) $52 610,678 000.
* Loans to Buy Single Family Homes for Disaster Victims
(14.119 Mortgage Insurance-Homes for Disaster Victims (203(h)))
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help victims of a major disaster undertake homeownership on a sound basis. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of
annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) reported under Program No. 14.117.
* Money for Low to Moderate Income Families
Hurt by a Disaster or Urban Renewal
(14.120 Mortgage Insurance-Homes for Low and Moderate Income
Families (221(d)(2)))
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To make homeownership more readily available to families displaced by a natural disaster, urban renewal, or other government actions
and to increase homeownership opportunities for low income and moderate income families. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of
annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) $127,193,000.
* Money for Homes in Outlying Areas
(14.121 Mortgage Insurance-Homes in Outlying Areas (203(i)))
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help people purchase homes in outlying areas. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available:
(Mortgages insured) reported under program No. 14.117.
* Money for Homes in Urban Renewal Areas
(14.122 Mortgage Insurance-Homes in Urban Renewal Areas
(220 Homes))
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help families purchase or rehabilitate homes in urban renewal areas. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual
funds available: (Mortgages insured) $47,000.
* Money for Homes in Older Areas of Town
(14.123 Mortgage Insurance-Housing in Older, Declining Areas (223(e)))
For Single Family:
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
For Multifamily: Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To assist in the purchase or rehabilitation of housing in older, declining urban areas. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate
of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured - single family and multifamily) $16,794,000.
* Money to Buy a Co-op Apartment
(14.126 Mortgage Insurance-Cooperative Projects (213 Cooperatives))
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To make it possible for nonprofit cooperative ownership housing corporations or trusts to develop or sponsor the development of housing
projects to be operated as cooperatives and to allow investors to provide good quality multifamily housing to be sold to such nonprofit corporations or
trusts upon completion of construction or rehabilitation. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages
insured-including funding for 14.132) $0.
* Money to Buy a Trailer-Home Park
(14.127 Mortgage Insurance-Manufactured Home Parks (207(m)
Manufactured Home Parks))
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To make possible the financing of construction or rehabilitation
of manufactured home parks. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans.
Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) Reported under
program No. 14.134.
* Money to Buy a Hospital
(14.128 Mortgage Insurance-Hospitals (242 Hospitals))
Hospital Mortgage Insurance Staff
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Division of Facilities Loans
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Rockville, MD 20857
Objectives: To facilitate the affordable financing of hospitals for the care and
treatment of persons who are acutely ill or who otherwise require medical
care and related services of the kind customarily famished only or most
effectively by hospitals. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans.
Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) $350,000,000.
* Money to Buy a Condominium
(14.133 Mortgage Insurance-Purchase of Units in Condominiums
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To enable families to purchase units in condominium projects. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds
available: (Mortgages insured) $4,844,885,000.
* Money to Invest in Apartment Buildings for
Middle Class Families
(14.135 Mortgage Insurance-Rental and Cooperative Housing for
Moderate Income Families and Elderly, Market Interest Rate (221 (d)(3)
and (4) Multifamily - Market Rate Housing))
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide good quality rental or cooperative housing for moderate income families and the elderly and handicapped. Single Room
Occupancy (SRO)mayalsobeinsuredunderthissection(see 14.184). Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available:
(Mortgages insured excluding coinsurance) $444,913,000.
* Money to Buy a Nursing Home
(14.129 Mortgage Insurance-Nursing Homes, Intermediate Care
Facilities and Board and Care Homes (232 Nursing Homes))
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Mullifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20412
Objectives: To make possible financing for construction or rehabilitation of nursing homes, intermediate care facilities and board and care homes, to
allow purchase or refinancing with or without repairs of projects currently insured by HUD, but not requiring substantial rehabilitation, and to provide
loan insurance to install fire safety equipment. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages
insured) $1,019,908,000.
* Money to Buy Your House if It is in a Long
Term Ground Lease
(14.130 Mortgage Insurance-Purchase by Homeowners of Fee Simple
Title From Lessors (240))
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help homeowners obtain fee-simple title to the property which they hold under long-term leases and on which their homes are located.
Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) $0.
* Money to Invest in Rental Housing for the Elderly
(14.138 Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing for the Elderly (231))
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide good quality rental housing for the elderly. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available:
(Mortgages insured) $0.
* Money to Invest in Rental Housing in Urban Renewal Areas
(14.139 Mortgage Insurance-Rental Housing in Urban Renewal Areas
(220 Multifamily))
For production information:
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
For management information:
Director, Office of Multifamily Housing Management
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide good quality rental housing in urban renewal areas, code enforcement areas, and other areas designated for overall revitalization.
Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) 0.
* Money to Buy Your Co-op
(14,132 Mortgage Insurance-Purchase of Sales-Type Cooperative
Housing Units (213 Sales))
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To make available, good quality, new housing for purchase by individual members of a housing cooperative. Types of assistance:
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) Reported under program 14.126.
* Money to Fix Up Your Home
(14.142 Property Improvement Loan Insurance for Improving All
Existing Structures and Building of New Nonresidential Structures
(Title 1))
Director, Title I Insurance Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development800-733-4663
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To facilitate the financing of improvements to homes and other existing structures and the building of new nonresidential structures. Types
of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans insured including funding for programs 4.110 and 14.162)
* Money to Fix Up Multifamily Projects
(14.151 Supplemental Loan Insurance-Multifamily Rental Housing
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20411
Objectives: To finance repairs, additions and improvements to multifamily projects, group practice facilities, hospitals, or nursing homes already insured
by HUD or held by HUD. Major movable equipment for insured nursing homes, group practice facilities or hospitals may be covered by a mortgage
under this program. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans) $43,630,000.
* Money to Finance Coop Buildings
(14.163 Mortgage Insurance-Single Family Cooperative Housing
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide insured financing for the purchase of the Corporate Certificate and Occupancy Certificate for a unit in a cooperative housing
project. Ownership of the corporate certificate carries the right to occupy the unit located within the cooperative project. Types of assistance:
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: Reported under program No. 14.117.
* Money to Investors to Purchase or Refinance
Multifamily Housing
(14.155 Mortgage Insurance for the Purchase or Refinancing of
Existing Multifamily Housing Projects (Section 223(f) Insured Under
Section 207))
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
Policies and Procedures Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide mortgage insurance to lenders for the purchase or refinancing of existing multifamily housing projects, whether conventionally
financed or subject to federally insured mortgages at the time of application for mortgage insurance. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans.
Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages Insured) (Excludes coinsurance) $894,910,000.
* Money to Build Housing for the Elderly That
Also Provides Support Services
(14.157 Supportive Housing for the Elderly (202))
Housing for the Elderly and Handicapped People Division
Office of Elderly and Assisted Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To expand the supply of housing with supportive services for the elderly. Types of assistance: project grants. Estimate of annual funds
available: (Reservations for Capital Grants, Rental Assistance and Service Coordinators) $166,300,000.
* Money to Buy a House With Graduated Mortgage Payments
(14.159 Section 245 Graduated Payment Mortgage Program)
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To facilitate early home ownership for households that expect their incomes to rise. Program allows homeowners to make smaller monthly
payments initially and to increase their size gradually over time. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available:
(Mortgages Insured - includes 14.172) $414,624,000.
* Money to Buy a Trailer and Trailer Lot
(14.162 Mortgagelnsurance-CombmationandManufacturedHomeLot
Loans (Title 1))
Director, Title I Insurance Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Room B-133
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To make possible reasonable financing for the purchase of a manufactured home and a lot on which to place the home. Types of
assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Guaranteed/Insured Loans) Reported under program No, 14.110.
* Money to Developers in Financial Trouble
(14.164 Operating Assistance for Troubled Multifaroily Housing
Projects (Flexible Subsidy Fund) (Troubled Projects))
Office of Multifamily Housing Management
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20420
Objectives: To provide loans to restore or maintain the physical and financial soundness, to assist in the management and to maintain the low to moderate
income character of certain projects assisted or approved for assistance under the National Housing Act or under the Housing and Urban Development Act
of 1965. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Reservations) $125,000,000
* Money to Buy Houses in Areas Hurt by Defense Cuts
(14.165 Mortgage Insurance-Homes-Military Impacted Areas(238(c)))
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help families undertake home ownership in military impacted areas. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual
funds available: (Mortgages Insured) $16,259,000.
* Money for Active Duty Military to Buy Houses
(14,166 Mortgage Insurance-Homes for Members of the Aimed
Services (Section 222))
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help members of the armed services on active duty to purchase a home. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of
annual funds available: (Mortgages Insured) $1,776,000.
* Loans to Developers in Trouble During Their
First Two Years of Operation
(14.167 Mortgage Insurance-Two Year Operating Loss Loans, Section
223(d) (Two Year Operating Loss Loans))
For program information:
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
For management information:
Office of Multifamily Housing Management
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To insure a separate loan covering operating losses incurred during the first two years following the date of completion of a multifamily
project with a HUD-insured first mortgage. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans) $19,100,000.
* Money to Buy a Home Using Increased Equity
(14.172 Mortgage Insurance-Growing Equity Mortgages (OEMs))
Director, Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide a rapid principal reduction and shorter mortgage term by increasing payments over a IO-year period, thereby expanding housing
opportunities to the home buying public. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages
insured) Reported under program 14.159.
* Money to Buy a Home Using an Adjustable Rate Mortgage
(14.175 Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMS))
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide mortgage insurance for an adjustable rate mortgage which offers lenders more assurance of long term profitability than a fixed
rate mortgage, while offering consumer protection features. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available:
Reported under 14.117.
* Money for Nonprofits to Build Houses for Lower-Income Families
(14.179 Nehemiah Housing Opportunity Grant Program (Nehemiah
Morris E. Carter, Director
Single Family Development Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
4517th St., SW
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide an opportunity for those families who otherwise would not be financially able to realize their dream of owning a home, to
increase the employment opportunities of the residents in neighborhoods where the housing is proposed and to create sound and attractive
neighborhoods. Types of assistance: project grants. Estimate of annual funds available: (Grants) $16,552,000.
* Money to Invest in Houses for Those With Disabilities
(14.181 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities (811))
Housing for Elderly and Handicapped People Division
Office of Elderly and Assisted Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide for supportive housing and related facilities for persons with disabilities. Types of assistance: project grants. Estimate of
annual funds available: (Reservations for Capital Grants and Rental Assistance) $387,000,000.
* Rental Supplements for Investors Who Provide Houses to Low Income Families
(14.182 Lower Income Housing Assistance Program-Section 8 New
Construction/Substantial Rehabilitation (Section 8 Housing Assistance
Payments Program for Very Low Income Families-New Construction/
Substantial Rehabilitation))
For management information:
Office of Multifamily Housing Management
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To aid very low income families in obtaining decent, safe and sanitary rental housing. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified
use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Outlays for N/SR units under payment) $4,077,884,000.
* Money to Help Elderly Homeowners Convert Their Equity into a Monthly Income
(14.183 Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (255))
Insured Family Development Division
Office of Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To enable elderly homeowners to convert equity in their homes to monthly streams of income or lines of credit. Types of assistance:
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured): $34,763,000.
* Money for Low Income Housing Tenants to Buy Their Building
(14.186 Mortgage Insurance-Equity Loans (241(f) Equity Loans))
For program information:
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
For management information:
Office of Preservation and Property Disposition
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To insure a separate equity loan to owners of eligible low income multifamily properties who wish to extend the low income affordability
restrictions or to insure an acquisition loan for select purchasers who will maintain such restrictions. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans.
Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans) $53,630,000.
* Grants to Nonprofits Who Lend Money to Low Income Families to Buy Houses
(14.240 HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family Homes (Hope 3))
Cliff Taffet
Office of Affordable Housing Programs
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Room 7168,4517th St., SW
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide homeownership opportunities to lower income families and individuals by providing grantees with Federal assistance to finance an
eligible homebuyer's direct purchase and rehabilitation of eligible single family properties or to fund the grantee's acquisition and rehabilitation of single
family properties for sale and occupancy by families at affordable prices. Types of assistance: project grants. Estimate of annual funds available:
(Grants) $50,000,000.
* Money for Homes That Use New Building Ideas
(14.507 Mortgage Insurance-Experimental Homes (ExTech 233-Homes))
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research
Division of Innovative Technology
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th St., SW
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To help finance the development of homes that incorporate new or untried construction concepts designed to reduce housing costs, raise living
standards, and improve neighborhood design by providing mortgage insurance. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual
funds available: Mortgages are insured and experimental features are guaranteed to the homeowner. No direct funding or subsidies are provided for
the project.
* Money for Doctor's Offices and Hospitals That Use New Building Ideas
(14.508Mortgagelnsurance-Experimental Projects Other Than Housing
(ExTech 233-Projects Other Than Housing)
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research
Division of Innovative Technology
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
4517th St., SW
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide mortgage insurance to help finance the development of group medical facilities that incorporate new or untried construction
concepts intended to reduce construction costs, raise living standards and improve neighborhood design. Typesof assistance: guaranteed/insured loans.
Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured - reported under program No. 14.509).
* Money for Apartment Buildings That Use New Ideas
(14.509 Mortgage Insurance-Experimental Rental Housing (ExTech
233 - Experimental Rental Housing))
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research
Division of Innovative Technology
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
4517th St., SW
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide mortgage insurance to help finance the development of multifamily housing that incorporates new or untried construction concepts
designed to reduce housing costs; raise living standards; and improve neighborhood design. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate
of annual funds available: Mortgages are insured and experimental features are guaranteed. No funds or subsidies are available.
* Rent Supplements to Building Owners With Tenants That Have Low Incomes
(14.856 Lower Income Housing Assistance Program-Section 8
Moderate Rehabilitation (Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments
Program for Very Low Income Families-Moderate Rehabilitation))
For program information:
Office of Assisted Housing
Rental Assistance Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To aid very low income families and homeless individuals in obtaining decent, safe and sanitary rental housing. Types of assistance: direct
payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Contract replacements to certificates) $54,000,000.
* More Rent Supplements for Building Owners With Tenants That Have Low Incomes
(14.857 Section 8 Rental Certificate Program (Section 8 Rental
Office of Assisted Housing
Rental Assistance Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To aid low income families in obtaining decent, safe, and sanitary rental housing. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use.
Estimate of annual funds available: Reported under Program 14.156.
* Grants to Organizations Who Help Low Income Families Buy Houses
(14.858 HOPE for Public and Indian Housing Homeownership (HOPE
for Public and Indian Housing (HOPE 1)))
Gary Van Buskirk
Homeownership Division for Public and Indian Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development202-708-4233
Washington, DC 20410
TDD: 202-708-9300
Objectives: To provide homeownership programs for eligible public and Indian housing residents and other low income families through the sale of
eligible public and Indian housing. Types of assistance: project grants. Estimate of annual funds available: (Grants) $266,800,000.
* Money to Have Your State Buy Your Old Farm and Turn It into a Park
(15.916 Outdoor Recreation-Acquisition, Development and Planning
(Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants))
Recreation Grants Division
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
P.O. Box 37127
Washington, DC 20013-7127
Contact: Sam L. Hall
Objectives: To provide financial assistance to the States and their political subdivisions for the preparation of Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor
Recreation Plans (SCORPs) and acquisition and development of outdoor recreation areas and facilities for the general public, to meet current and
future needs. Types of assistance: project grants. Estimate of annual funds available: (Grants) $24,750,000.
* Grants to Build Houses on Indian Reservations
(15.141 Indian Housing Assistance)
Division of Housing Assistance
Office of Tribal Services
Room 4640, Main Interior Building
Bureau of Indian Affairs
1849 C St., NW
Washington, DC 20240
Objectives: To use the Indian Housing Improvement Program (HIP) and Bureau of Indian Affairs resources to substantially eliminate substandard
Indian housing. This effort is combined with the Indian Health Service (Department of Health and Human Services). Types of assistance: project
grants (contracts); dissemination of technical information. Estimate of annual funds available: (Total HIP program costs including grant funding, self
governance compact funding, salaries, and expenses) $19,083,000.
* Money for Veterans Who Want to Buy a House
(64.114 Veterans Housing-Guaranteed and Insured Loans
(VA Home Loans))
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420
Objectives: To assist veterans, certain service personnel, and certain unremarried surviving spouses of veterans, in obtaining credit for the
purchase, construction or improvement of homes on more liberal terms than are generally available to non-veterans. Types of assistance:
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Closed Loans Guaranteed) $30,256,320,000.
* Loans for Disabled Veterans to Buy a House
(64.118 Veterans Housing-Direct Loans for Disabled Veterans)
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420
Objectives: To provide certain severely disabled veterans with direct housing credit in connection with grants for specially adaptive housing with special
features or movable facilities made necessary by the nature of their disabilities. Types of assistance: direct loans. Estimate of annual funds available:
(Loans) $33,000.
* Money for Veterans to Buy Mobile Homes
(64.119 Veterans Housing-Manufactured Home Loans)
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420
Objectives: To assist veterans, servicepersons, and certain unremarried surviving spouses of veterans in obtaining credit for the purchase of a
manufactured home on more liberal terms than are available to non-veterans. Types of assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds
available: (Guaranteed Loans) $2,557,000.
* Loans for Native American Veterans to Buy or
Build a Home
(64.126 Native American Veteran Direct Loan Program
(VA Native American Home Loan Program))
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, DC 20420
Objectives: To provide direct loans to certain Native American veterans for the purchase or construction of homes on trust lands. Types of assistance:
direct loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans): $11,202,000.
* Grants for Storm Windows or to Weatherize Your Home
(81.042 Weatherization Assistance for Low Income Persons)
Jeanne Van Viandren, Director
Weatherization Assistance Programs Division
Mail Stop CE-532
Conservation and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
Forrestal Building
Washington, DC 20585
Objectives: To insulate the dwellings of low income persons, particularly the elderly and handicapped low income, in order to conserve needed energy and
to aid those persons least able to afford higher utility costs. Types of assistance: formula grants. Estimate of annual funds available: $230,000,000.
* Government Subsidized Flood Insurance to Homeowners
(83.100 Flood Insurance)
James M. Rose
Federal Insurance Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, DC 20472
Objectives: To enable persons to purchase insurance against losses from physical damage to or loss of buildings and or contents therein caused by
floods, mudflow, or flood-related erosion in the United States and to promote wise flood plain management practices in the Nation's flood-prone and
mudflow-prone areas. Types of assistance: insurance. Estimate of annual funds available: $808,220,000.
* Money For Nonprofits to Provide Rural Housing Site Loans
(10.411 Rural Housing Site Loans
(Section 523 and 524 Site Loans))
Single-Family Housing Processing Division
Farmers Home Administration
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
Objectives: To assist public or private nonprofit organizations interested in providing sites for housing, to acquire and develop land in rural areas to be
subdivided as adequate building sites and sold on a cost development basis to families eligible for low and very low income loans, cooperatives, and
broadly based nonprofit rural rental housing applicants. Types of assistance: direct loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Loans) $616,000.
* Money to Fix Up Your Home in the Country
(10.433 Rural Housing Preservation Grants)
Multiple Family Housing Processing Division
Farmers Home Administration
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250
Objectives: To assist very low and low income rural residents individual homeowners, rental property owners (single/multi-unit) or by providing the
consumer cooperative housing projects (co-ops) the necessary assistance to repair or rehabilitate their dwellings. These objectives will be accomplished
through the establishment of repair/rehabilitation, projects run by eligible applicants. This program is intended to make use of and leverage any other
available housing programs which provide resources to very low and low income rural residents to bring their dwellings up to development standard
Types of assistance: project grants. Estimate of annual funds availablie rnranlil 121000 000
* Money for Homes for Low Income Indian Families
(14.850 Public and Indian Housing)
Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To provide and operate cost-effective, decent, safe and affordable dwellings for lower income families through an authorized local Public
Housing Agency (PHA) or Indian Housing Authority (IHA). Types of assistance: direct payments for specified use. Estimate of annual funds
available: (Includes obligationsfor 14.851, 14.852, 14.853 and 14.854) $0. Indian Development: $263,000,000.
* Loans for Families With Bad Credit Histories
(14.140 Mortgage Insurance-Special Credit Risks)
For production information:
Single Family Development Division
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
For management information:
Single Family Servicing Division
Secretary-Held and Counseling Services Branch
Office of Insured Single Family Housing
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To make homeownership possible for low and moderate income families who cannot meet normal HUD requirements. Types of assistance:
guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: (Mortgages insured) $13,000.
* Money to Provide Affordable Rental Housing for Low-Income Families
(14.239 HOME Investment Partnerships Program)
Gordon McKay, Director
Office of Affordable Housing Programs
Community Planning and Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
4517th St., SW
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: (1) To expand the supply of decent and affordable housing ,particularly rental housing, for low and very low income Americans; (2) To
strengthen the abilities of State and local governments to design and implement strategies for achieving adequate supplies of decent, affordable
housing; (3) To provide both financial and technical assistance to participating jurisdictions, including the development of model programs for
developing affordable low income housing and; (4) To extend and strengthen partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector, including
for-profit and nonprofit organizations, in the production and operation of affordable housing. Types of assistance: formula grants. Estimate of annual
funds available: (Grants) $1,400,000,000.
* Rental Voucher Program for Low Income Indian Families
(14.855 Section 8 Rental Voucher Program)
Office of Assisted Housing
Rental Assistance Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To aid very low income families in obtaining decent, safe, and sanitary rental housing. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified
use. Estimate of annual funds available' Renorteri under Program 14 177
* Money to Invest in Rental Housing for Lower Income Families
(14.856 Lower Income Housing Assistance Program-Section 8
Moderate Rehabilitation)
For program information:
Office of Assisted Housing
Rental Assistance Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: To aid very low income families in obtaining decent, safe and sanitary rental housing. Types of assistance: direct payments for specified
use. Estimate of annual funds available: (Contract replacements to certificates) $54,000,000.
* Loans to Investors, Builders, Developers of Affordable Housing
(14.189 Qualified Participating Entities QPE Risk Sharing Pilot
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410
Objectives: Under this program HUD will provide reinsurance on multifamily housing projects whose loans are originated, under-written, serviced, and
disposed of by qualified participating entities (QPEs) and/or its approved lenders, up to 15,00 units through fiscal year 1994. The program is a pilot
designed to assess the feasibility of risk-sharing partnerships between HUD and QPEs, including Government Sponsored Enterprises, State and local
housing finance agencies, financial institutions and the Federal Housing Finance Board, in providing affordable housing for the nation. Types of
assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: $640, 000, 000.
* Money for Developers, Investors, and Builders of Low Income Housing
(14.188 HFA Rick Sharing Pilot Program)
Policies and Procedures Division
Office of Insured Multifamily Housing Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20412
Objectives: Under this program, HUD will provide full mortgage insurance on multifamily housing projects whose loans are under-written, processed,
serviced, and disposed of by HFAs, up to 30,000 units through fiscal year 1995. The program is a pilot designed to assess the feasibility of risk-sharing
partnerships between HUD and qualified State and local Housing Finance Agencies (HFA) in providing affordable housing for the nation. Types of
assistance: guaranteed/insured loans. Estimate of annual funds available: $539,000,000.
Pottstown Mercury Foundation
24 North Hanover Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
P/D: Grants to Children of needy and indigent families in Pottstown, PA for overnight camps, toys and food. Write for guidelines.
Black Student Crisis Fund
Black Student Fund
Suite AG 15-19
3636 16th Street, N.W., 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20010
P/D: To assist black children in the Washington area facing a short-term financial or social crisis that affects their ability to function adequately in school.
Black American families residing in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia who have emergency short-term needs for food, shelter, or medical
care are eligible to apply. Funds are awarded to alleviate short-term crisis only.
Beulah Cliff Rest
199 Main Street No. 215
White Plains, NY 10601-3296
P/D: Vacation grants to needy women, young girls, and female invalids in NY. Recommendation must come from a member of the clergy, member of the
foundation=s board, or other responsible person known to the foundation. Interviews required. Contact: Hastings Ross, Secretary
Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD)
Interest Reduction Payments
Office of Multifamily Housing Management
Burlington HUD Office
P.O. Box 879
Burlington, VT 05402
P/D: Direct payments to reduce interest payments for low- and moderate- income persons in rental & cooperative housing.
Maine Veterans Financial Assistance Grants
Division of Veterans Service
State House Station #117
Augusta, ME 04333
P/D: To provide temporary financial assistance to veterans or the dependents (spouses or children) of disabled veterans in Maine. Eligible veterans must
have served honorably during 1 or more of the following federally recognized periods of conflict: World War 1, World War II, Korean Conflict, or
Vietnam War. They must have been disabled due to illness or injury. Application for financial assistance under this program may be made by the eligible
veteran or the veteran=s dependents. Selection is based on residency (in Maine) and need.
Idaho Veterans Emergency Grant Program
Idaho Division of Veterans Services
Attn: Office of Veterans Advocacy
550 West 6 Fort, Box 044 (208)334-1245 (800)827-1000
Boise, ID 83724-0044
P/D: To provide emergency assistance to Idaho disabled veterans, wartime veterans, and their families. The limit of $1,000 applies for the lifetime of each
veteran or his/her family.
Yellow Brick Road Foundation
P.O. Box 13691
Berkeley, CA 94701
P/D: Financial assistance to children who are court dependents in Alameda County, CA. Applications accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal
application required. Application forms supplied to welfare workers of court dependent children.
Dept. of Housing and Urban Affairs
Interest Reduction Payments
Office of Multifamily Housing Mangmt.
Boston Regional Office
10 Causeway Street, Ste. 375
Boston, MA 02222 (617)565-5234
P/D: Direct payments to reduce interest payments for low- and moderate - income persons in rental & cooperative housing.
New Horizons Foundation
c/o Gifford & Dearing
700 S. Flower St., Ste.,6E 1222
Los Angeles, CA 90017-4160
P/D: Financial assistance to needy Christian Scientists who are over 65 years of age and are residence of Los Angeles, County, CA. Applications accepted
throughout the year. Initial approach by letter or telephone. Interviews required.
Contact: G. Grant Gifford, President
G. I. V. Benevolent Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 9
Bastian, VA 24314
Application Address:
P.O. Box 733
Wytheville, VA 24382
P/D: Relief assistance to families in southwest VA for food, clothing and shelter. Application by letter.
Contact: Maryann Blessing
A. F. Mac Pherson Trust
(also known as Anonymous Fund)
c/o Firstar Bank Madison, N.A.
P.O. Box 7900
Madison, WI 53707-7900
Application Address:
c/o Atty. Roger Gierhart, Bell, Metzner, Giehart & Moore, S. C.
44 East Mifflin Street
P.O. Box 1807
Madison, WI 53701
P/D: Assistance to financially needy Protestants in the U.S. and Canada, with preference shown to residents of Madison, WI. Initial approach by letter.
Round Rock Area Serving Ctr. Inc.
P.O. Box 1420
Round Rock, TX 78680-1420
P/D: Grants to financially needy residents of Round Rock, TX for assistance in paying basic utility bills. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Mary Poole, Director
Jamey Harless Foundation, Inc.
Drawer D
Gilbert, WV 25621
P/D: Grants for residents of Gilbert with financial emergencies. Write for guidelines, Formal application required.
Contact: Sharon Murphy, Secretary
The Ostberg Foundation, Inc.
278 Fountain Road
Englewood, NJ 07631
P/D: Financial aid to elderly and ill individuals, regardless of country of residence. Completion of formal application required.
The Foundation
c/o Chapman Bird & Grey
1990 Bundy Dr., Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90025
P/D: Grants for home repairs to low income homeowners in Monmouth County, NJ. Maximum grant is $10,000.00
Applications by letter
Milton and Hattie Kutz Foundation
100 West 10th Street, Ste. 301
Wilmington, DE 19801 (302)427-2100
P/D: Grants for residents of Delaware to help pay for child welfare, high education, and living expenses. Write for guidelines.
Contact: Bernard L. Siegel, President
Farmers Home Administration
451 West Street
Amherst, MA 01002
P/D: Grants to help very low income homeowners in rural areas repair or improve their dwellings. Grant receipients must be at least 62 years old and
unable to repay loan.
George W. Davenport Charitable Trust
c/o Fleet Investment Mgmt.
One Monarch Pl. MA SP M21 TRU
Springfield, MA 01144
P/D: Provides assistance to needy, elderly women or couples residing in Bernardston, Leyden, or Greenfield, MA. Appl.accept.
Contact: Thea Katsounakis
Greater Bridgeport Retired Teachers Building Fund
c/o Fleet Bank, N.A.
915 Main Street, MSN 252
Hartford, CT 06103
Application Address:
c/o Wanda Dick,
17 Channing Road
Trumbull, CT 06611
P/D: Grants to retired teachers of the Greater Bridgeport, CT area. Initial approach by letter outlining reason for financial need and including a doctors
statement. Contact: Wanda Dick
Kentucky Housing Corp.
1231 Louisville Road
Frankfort, KY 40601
P/D: Grants to rural elderly to install indoor plumbing, and energy repairs. Write for guidelines
Blanch Fischer Foundation
1001 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 1550
Portland, OR 97204 (503)323-9111
P/D: Grants for physically disabled residents of Oregon who can demonstrate financial need. Formal application required. Write for guidelines.
Contact: William K. Shepherd, President
Reade Industrial Fund
c/o Harris Trust & Saving Bank
P.O. Box 755
111 West Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60690
P/D: Grants for individuals who have been or are employed in industries in Illinois and who by reasons beyond their control, such as job loss, illness,
injury, etc. cannot care for themselves or their families. Write for guidelines; formal application required.
Contact: Ronald F. Tuite, JR.
The GRT Foundation, Inc.
1704 Thomasville Road, No. 194
Tallahassee, FL 32303
P/D: Assistance to physically disabled individuals, primarily those who are residents of FL. Application not accepted. Write for guidelines.
Joseph & Caroline Gruss Gemilath Chesed Fund
1650 56 Street
Brooklyn, NY 11204
P/D: Loans to needy individuals. Contact
fund for current application deadline and procedures.
Grace A. Gossens Testamentary Trust
One Sea Gate, 24th Fl.
P.O. Box 10032
Toledo, OH 43604
Application Address:
c/o Alice J. Servais, Trustee,
416 West Wayne Street (419)893-8603
Maumee, OH 43537
P/D: Relief assistance to elderly women living in rest homes, in the Maumee, OH area. Applications by letter outlining financial need. Contact: Ralph S.
Teresa F. Hughes Trust
c/o Hawaiian Trust Co. Ltd.
P.O. Box 3170
Honolulu, HI 96802
Application Address:
c/o Hawaii Community Foundation
900 Fort Street, Mall, Ste. 1300
Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)566-5570
P/D: Giving to financially needy HI residents who are orphans, half-orphans (neglected or abused). Children born out of wedlock, or indigent or infirmed
adults over the age 50. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Karen K. White, Hawaiian Trust.
Fort Collins Area Community Found.
215 West Oak Street, Suite 102
Fort Collins, CO 80521 (303)224-3462
P/D: Grants for residents of Larimer and Weld counties who can demonstrate financial need. Write letter and proposal, six copies of proposal required.
Contact: Diane M. Hogerty, Exec. Dir.
William A. Roberts Trust F/B/O Orphan, Children of Chase City
c/o Central Fidelity Bank, Trust Departmt.
828 Main Street
Lynchburg, VA 24504
P/D: Grants for orphan children of Chase City who can demonstrate financial need. Write letter describing needs of applicant.
Sunnyside Foundation, Inc.
8222 Douglas Ave., No. 501
Dallas, TX 75225-5936 (214)692-5686
P/D: Grants and camperships to under privileged Christian Science children under the age of 20, who regularly attend Christian Science Sunday schools
and reside in Texas to provide for their physical moral and spiritual needs. Completion of formal application required, including Sunday school info. &
parents financial info.
Contact: Joan Mc Clendon, Exec. Dir.
Oshkosh Foundation
404 North Main Street
P.O. Box 1726 (414) 426-3993
Oshkosh, WI 54902
P/D: Grants for residents of Oshkosh who have financial needs. Contact: Sandra A. Noe, Trust Officer
Washington Women in Need
1595 N. W. Gilman Blvd. No. 5
Issaquah, WA 98027 (206)391-4585
P/D: Grants to financially needy women who reside in WA, for health care and emergency services. Completion of formal application required
Contact: Coleen Crowley, Exec. Dir.
Hill Stump Disaster Charitable Trust
c/o First Community Bank
P.O. Box 950, Bluefield, WV 24701
Application Address:
c/o First Community Bank, Trust Dept.
P.O. Box 280 (304) 472-1112
P/D: Emergency aid to residents of Upshur County, WV who have suffered loss due to a natural disaster such as fire, flood, or storm. Applications
accepted throughout the year. Completion of formal application required.
A.L. Johnson Charitable Trust
c/o First Fidelity Bank, N.A. PA
Broad & Walnut Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19109
P/D: Financial assistance to the deserving poor of Bristol Borough, Bristol, PA. In the past, the Trust has provided the following types of assistance:
clothes, rent, food and utilities. Application by letter including a complete detailed history of problems.
Contact: Fay Potter, V.P. First Fidelity BK.
Walter G. Ross Foundation
c/o ASB Capital Management Inc.
1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 3rd floor
Washington, DC 20004
P/D: Grants to support family services and child welfare and development for the disadvantaged in the Washington, DC area. Application form not
required, send letter and one proposal.
Contact: Scott Amling
Farmers Home Administration
210 Walnut St. Rm. 873 (515)284-4663
Des Moines, IA 50309
P/D: Grants to assist very low & low income rural homeowners to repair or re-habilitate their housing.
Farmers ome Administration (FMHA)
P.O. Box 2778 (501)324-6281
Little Rock, AR 72203
P/D: Grants to help very low income homeowners in rural areas repair or improve their dwellings. Grant Recipients must be at least 62 years old and
unable to repay loan.
Thomas Taylor Poor Fund
c/o Midlantic Bank N.A.
Metro Park Plaza
Edison, NJ 08818
Application Address:
c/o Walter W. Henkel, V.P.
Continental Bank, Main & Swede Streets
Norristown, PA 19404
P/D: Assistance to the most worthy and deserving of the borough of Pottstown, PA. All requests for assistance must come through a social agency or
church. Write for guidelines.
Portland Seamen=s Friend Society
14 Lewis Street
Westbrook, ME 04092
P/D: Financial assistance in the form of a small monthly stipend to indigent seamen who reside in the state of Maine. Application by letter outlining
financial need and including references. Interviews required. Contact: Lewis G. Emery, Treas.
Haugse Cossey Foundation
P.O. Box 2833
Boise, ID 83700
Application Address:
P.O. Box 828
(208) 343-7514
Boise, ID 83701
P/D: Grants for needy individuals. Call or write for guidelines and program information. Limited to Boise, ID. Area.
Contact: William A. Hon, Trustee
Battered Women=s Assistance
P.O. Box 1119 (408) 426-2111
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
P/D: Financial assistance and volunteer guidance to battered women and children in Santa Cruz County, CA. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Marsha B. Shanle, Secy. Treas.
Newburyport Howard Benenolent Soc.
P.O. Box Nine (508) 465-9147
Newburyport, MA 01950
P/D: Financial assistance to low-income families in Newburyport, MA. Call for guidelines.
Larrabee Fund Association
c/o Fleet National Bank
65 La Salle Road
West Hartford, CT 06107
P/D: Relief assistance to indigent women in the Hartford, CT area only. Apply at any church in the Hartford, CT area.
Contact: Kathy Mc Lanahan, Trust Officer
Farmers Home Administration
Federal Bldg. 517 Gold Ave., SW Rm.3414 (505)766-2462
Albuquerque, NM 87102
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
P. H. P., Inc.
P.O. Box 319
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
P/D: Medical expenses and household utility payments to financially needy individuals. Contact foundation for current application guidelines.
Contact: William P. Munday, President
Scottish Rite Oregon Consistory Almoner Fund, Inc.
709 S. W. 15th Ave., (503) 228-9405
Portland, OR 97205
P/D: Relief Assistance to distressed Masons and their widows and orphans living in the state of OR. Applications by letter indicating reason for request.
Contact: Walter L. Peters, Exec. Dir.
Gore Family Memorial Foundation
c/o Sun Trust Bank, Central Florida, N.A.
501 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
P/D: Relief assistance to financially needy and physically disabled residents of Broward County, FL. Grants are awarded to assist individuals with medical
expenses, equipment for the physically disabled, and housing and transportation costs. Initial approach by letter.
Townsend Aid for the Aged
8 Eadie Street
Newport, RI 02840
P/D: Grants for older residents of Newport who can demonstrate financial need. An advisory committee initiates the application process. Write for details.
Contact: Helen S. Tennant, President
Virginia Gay Fund
c/o National City Bank, Columbus
155 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43251
Application Address:
750 Brooksedge Blvd., Suite 104
Westerville, OH 43081
P/D: Relief assistance to retired, elderly female schoolteachers in OH. Completion of formal application required including financial statement and three
references. Write for guidelines.
Farmers Home Administration
P.O. Box 850 (406)585-2580
Bozeman, MT 59771
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
The Hawaii Community Foundation
900 Fort Street Mall, Suite 1300
Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)537-6333
P/D: Assistance for residents of Hawaii who can demonstrate financial need. (Winnifred D. Robertson Fund - one time assistance to adult residents of
Oahu, Alice M. G. Soper Fund - one time assistance to adults 50 or older with illness or disability) Call first, formal application required.
Contact: Jane Renfro Smith, C.E.O. & Prs.
Colorado Masons Benevolent Fund Assc.
7955 Arapahoe Court, Suite 1200
Englewood, CO (303)837-0367
P/D: Grants for Colorado Masonic lodge members and their families who are in financial distress. Write or call local members= lodge.
Contact: Local Lodge in Colorado
Farmers Home Administration
P.O. Box 830 (307)261-5271
Casper, WY 82602
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Trolinger Trust
c/o Crestar Bank, N.A.
P.O. Box 27385, Trust-HDQ 5905
Richmond, VA 23261-7385
Application Address:
P.O. Box 3064, First St. Station
Radford, VA 24141
P/D: Financial assistance to residents of Montgomery Cty., and Radford, VA and other southwestern VA counties and cities. Initial Approach by letter.
Contact: John I. Barton, Chair.
Wisconsin Easter Star Foundation, Inc.
5829 West Wisconsin Avenue
Wauwatosa, WI 53213
Application Address:
c/o M. J. Kimber, W336 Golden Park Cir.
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
P/D: Relief assistance to members of Eastern Star chapters in WI. Completion of formal application required.
Charles Meyer Trust
c/o U.S. National Bank
P.O. Box 179
Galveston, TX 77553
Application Address:
c/o Rabbi, Temple B=nal Isreal
3008 Avenue O
Galveston, TX 77550
P/D: Grants to underprivileged Jewish residents of Galveston, TX. Application by letter outlining financial need and indicating Jewish faith and residence.
The Eaton Fund, Inc.
c/o Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Co.
Two Hopkins Plaza (410)237-5552
Baltimore, MD 21201
P/D: Grants for female residents of Baltimore who are 60 or older and can demonstrate financial need. Write for guidelines. Contact: Donna Davis
Harriet Mc Daniel Marshall Trust in Memory of Sanders Mc Daniel
c/o Trust Co. Bank
P.O. Box 4418
(404) 588-8246
Atlanta, GA 30302
P/D: Grants for organizations of Metropolitan Atlanta for assisting the disadvantaged. Formal application required. Send letter and one proposal.
Contact: William R. Bowdion, Secretary
Carrie Welch Trust
P.O. Box 244
Walla Walla, WA 99362
P/D: Grants for residents of Washington State, particularly the elderly in Walla Walla County, who can demonstrate financial need. Write for guidelines.
Contact: George Conkey
Nehemiah Housing Oppt. Grant Prog.
Single Family Housing Development Div.
Salt Lake City HUD Office
257 Tower Bldg., 257 E. 200 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801)524-5379
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
Tom C. Smith Charitable Trust
P.O. Box 1216 (304)523-3424
Huntington, WV 25714-1216
P/D: Emergency aid and assistance to financially needy residents of Chesapeake, OH and Huntington, WV. Initial approach by letter or telephone.
Contact: Don Carrohan, Principal Mgr.
Farmers Home Administration
634 South Bailey, Ste. 103
Palmer, AK 99645 (907)745-2176
P/D: Grants to help very low income homeowners in rural areas repair or improve their housing. Grants recipients must be at least 62 years old and unable
to repay a loan.
William A. Morse Fund
c/o The Stratevest Group, N.A.
P.O. Box 812, 215 Main Street
Brattleboro, VT 05302
Application Address:
c/o Dora Powers, RR2 Box 239-D
West Brattleboro, VT 05301 or
Frederick Jenness, Box 14
Newfane, VT 05351
P/D: Grants are given to help pay for medical treatment and prescriptions, dental expenses, childcare, summer camp, and educational expenses. Write for
French Benevolent Society of PA
c/o First Fidelity Bank, N.A. PA
Broad and Walnut Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19109
Application Address:
1301 Medical Arts Bldg., 1601 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215)563-3276
P/D: Aid to persons of French extraction reduced to want by misfortune, age or illnesses. Preference is given in the following order: persons of French
birth, of French born parents, of French extraction. Limited to residents of the Philadelphia, PA metropolitan area. Completion of formal application
Herman and Hazel Owen Foundation
P.O. Box 1366 (601) 328-2316
Columbus, MS 39703
P/D: Welfare assistance to indigent residents of Lowndes County, MS and to individuals residing within 50 miles of Columbus, MS. Contact: Marjorie
Nehemiah Housing Oppt. Grant Prog.
Single Family Housing Devel. Division
Washington, DC HUD Office
820 First St., NE (202) 275-9200
Washington, DC 20002
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
John T. Hollingsworth
c/o Hemlock Friends Church
P.O. Box 117
Hemlock, IN 46937
P/D: Financial assistance to needy individuals residing in Hemlock and Kokomo, IN. Write for guidelines.
Brockway Foundation for the Needy of the Village and Township of Homer, NY
c/o Key Bank
25 S. Main St., Homer, NY 13077-1314
Application Address:
c/o Jean Alexander
112 S. Main St., Homer, NY 13077
P/D: Financial assistance only to needy residents of the Homer, NY area. Applications by letter. Contact: M. Lee Swartwout
Several Sources Foundation, Inc.
300 Airmount Avenue
Ramsey, NJ 07446-1289
P/D: Shelter, food, and clothing the New York City metropolitan area for mothers, and their babies, and for poor inner-city children who are at risk or
afflicted with AIDS. Also provides guidance and assistance to young women in obtaining the various items of public assistance that are available. Write
for guidelines.
Anita Card Montgomery Foundation
20 Mechanic Street
Camden, ME 04843-1707
P/D: Grants for residents of Camden, Rockport, Linconville, and Hope with financial needs. Write for guidelines, formal application required.
Contact: Julia L. Libby, President
Margaret W. Reed Foundation
P.O. Box A (208) 664-2161
Coeur d=Alene, ID 83814
P/D: Grants for charitable giving primarily in the northwestern United States, with emphasis on Idaho and Washington. Write letter. Contact: Scott W.
Reed, Trustee
All Culture Friendship Center Refugee and Immigration Services
5250 Santa Monica Blvd. (213)667-0489
Los Angeles, CA 90029
P/D: Grants for immigrants and refugees who are residents of California, to help pay general living expenses, and social services. Write or call for
Security Benefit Life Insurance Co.
Charitable Trust
700 SW Harrison Street (913)295-3000
Topeka, KS 66636
P/D: Grants and employee matching funds for women, youth, disadvantaged, and homeless who are residents of Topeka. Write letter. Contact: Howard R.
Nehemiah Housing Oppt. Grant Program.
New San Juan Office Bldg.
159 Carlos Chardon Ave.,
San Juan, PR 00918 (809) 498-5201
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
Farmers Home Administration
1390 S. Curry St. (702) 887-1222
Carson City, NV 89703
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society
c/o M. Forbes & Co.
79 Milk Street
Boston, MA 02109
P/D: Giving limited to the Boston, MA area for individuals who have suffered the tragedy of fire loss and require assistance in replacing necessities.
Application should include a description of the event giving rise to the need and the specific items for which relief is requested.
Contact: Julian Crocker
Horace C. Hurlbutt Memorial Fund
c/o Westport Bank & Trust Co.
P.O. Box 5177
Westport, CT 06881
P/D: Grants to financially needy individuals of Westport, CT. Previous grants have been given for attendance at an after-school program, medical
expenses, and rent assistance.
Nehemiah Housing Opportunity Grant Program Single Family Housing Dev. Div
Albuquerque HUD Office
625 Truman Street NE (505)262-6463
Albuquerque, NM 87110
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
The Sidney W. Eline, Sr. Memorial Foundation, Inc.
4629 Beaver Road (502)896-0524
Louisville, KY 40207
P/D: Financial assistance primarily to residents of Louisville, KY. Assistance is given for food, rent and other living expenses. Application by letter.
Contact: Sidney W. Eline, Jr. President
Friendly Hills Foundation, Inc.
17602 S W Richmond Way
Beaverton, OR 97006
Application Address:
c/o Dr. Richard N. Ozemghar, V.P.
7501 Palm Avenue Sp. 177
Yucca Valley, CA 92284
P/D: Assistance to financially needy Christian Scientists living in the Southern CA area. Application by letter. Contact: Harold Faunt, Treas.
Nehemiah Housing Oppt. Grant Prog.
Single Family Housing Development Division Omaha HUD Office.
10909 Mill Valley Road
Omaha, NE 68154
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
Swiss Benevolent Society of Chicago
6440 North Bosworth Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
P/D: Relief assistance to financially needy or elderly Chicago area residents of Swiss descent or nationality. Phone for guidelines
Alfred I. Du Pont Foundation
P.O. Box 1380
Jacksonville, FL 32201
P/D: Grants awarded to the needy elderly whose other sources of income are inadequate. The majority of those receiving grants are experiencing extreme
hardship and require health, economic or education assistance. Initial approach by letter. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Rosemary
C. Willis
Robert B. Cranston - Theophilus T. Pitman Fund
55 Memorial Blvd. (401)847-0217
Newport, RI 02840
P/D: Grants for older residents of Newport County who have financial needs, and other living expenses. Formal application required. Contact: V. AZ.
Harvey, Trustee
Hugh A. Fraser Fund
c/o Huntington Trust Co. N.A.
P.O. Box 1558, HC 1012
Columbus, OH 43216
Application Address:
c/o Richard L. Stephenson
New Philadelphia Lions Club
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
P/D: Grants to financially needy children who are residents of Tuscarawas County, OH. Grants are given for speech therapy, medicine, hospital costs,
shoes, summer camp, and other expenses.
Nehemiah Housing Opportunity Grant Program Single Family Housing Development Division
Helena HUD Office, Federal Office Bldg.
301 S. Park, Rm 340, Drawer 10095
Helena, MT 59626
(406) 449-5205
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
The George E. Isaacs Foundation
P.O. Box 879 (808) 889-6102
Kapaau, HI 96755
P/D: Grants for elderly individuals in Hawaii to help with payments for general costs, boarding home or day care costs, rent, transportation, drug bills, etc.
Call or write for guidelines and program information. Formal application required.
Contact: George E. Isaacs, President
Sheftal and Miriam Foundation
P.O. Box 5850 (303)295-2323
Denver, CO 80217
P/D: Financial assistance to indigent persons living in CO, NY, NJ, MD and Israel. Contact foundation for current application guidelines.
Contact: Sheldon K. Beren, President
Lorraine Mulberger Foundation, Inc.
c/o Burch & Cracciolo
702 East Osborn
(602) 274-7611
Phoenix, AZ 85014
P/D: Residents of AZ who can demonstrate financial need. Contact: Andrew Abraham.
Precious Moments Foundation
P.O. Box 802
Carthage, MO 64836
P/D: Grants to financially needy U.S. citizens for general welfare support. Some grants are made to foreign individuals, especially residents of the
Phillipines. Completion of formal application required.
B.F. and Rose H. Perkins Foundation
P.O. Box 1064 (307) 674-8871
Sheridan, WY 82801
P/D: Financial assistance to individuals who are from 2 to 20 years of age and have been residents of Sheridan County, WY for the last two consecutive
years. Completion of formal application required. Application forms available from the above address.
Contact: Donna B. Rawlings, Mgr.
St. Paul=s Church Home
c/o Hunton & Williams, Riverfront Plaza,
East Tower, (804) 788-8408
951 East Byrd Street
Richmond, VA 23219-4074
Application Address;
c/o Elizabeth Moreau, VP
1314 Loch Lomont Lane
Richmond, VA 23221 (804)358-6153
P/D: Grants to minors (under age 18) in the Richmond, VA metropolitan area for care, maintenance and education. Grants for care, maintenance and
medical and hospital expenses to any destitute sick person in Richmond, VA without regard to age. Initial approach by letter outlining financial need.
Completion of formal application required, including financial statement and three references.
Contact; Mark S. Dray, Esq. Secy.
The Arch L. Ferguson Foundation, Inc.
601 East Abram Street
P.O. Box 1839
Arlington, TX 76010
P/D: Grants to financially needy Protestants primarily in Arlington, TX. Aid is also given to ministers and retired ministers. Write for guidelines.
Society for the Relief of Families of Deceased and Disabled Members of the Medical Profession of the State of S.C.
19 Guerard Road
Charleston, SC 28407
P/D: Grants for families of deceased or disabled doctors in SC. Families do not have to be residents of SC. Committee selects applicants.
Contact: Ray Investor, MD
Gilmore Foundation
c/o Old Kent Bank
300 Old Kent Bank Bldg.
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
P/D: Financial assistance to extremely low-income residents of the Kalamazoo, MI area who are unable to care for themselves due to physical limitations
or advanced age. Complete of formal application required.
Theodore and Catherine Schulte Found.
c/o Bank One Wisconsin Trust Co., N.A.
P.O. Box 1308
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Application Address:
Dan Oderkirk
P.O. Box 221
(414) 633-8201
Racine, WI 53408
P/D: Housing allowances for retired Catholic priests from Racine, WI. Initial approach by letter.
Fleisher-Jacobson International Children=s Education Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 5658
Baltimore, MD 21210
P/D: Programs operated by the Foundation to provide financially needy school children with tuition, books, and related expenses, academic tutoring,
transportation to school and tutoring, clothing and living expenses. Write for application. Contact: Katherine Jacobson
Pine Mountain Benevolent Foundation
630 Hopewell Church Road
Pine Mountain, GA 31822
P/D: Grants for residents of Georgia who can demonstrate financial need. Write for guidelines. Contact: Cason J. Callaway, Jr.
Whatcom Foundation, Inc.
Bellingham National Bank Bldg.
Rm 423
Bellingham, WA 98225
P/D: Grants to financially needy individuals who have lived in Whatcom County, WA for two years, for rent, food, utilities, medical care, and clothing.
Completion of formal application required, Interview required. Call for guidelines. Contact: Linda Lee
Copley Fund
P.O. Box 696
Morrisville, VT 05661
P/D: Grants for older residents of Lamoille County, for housing expenses. Write for guidelines. Contact: Richard Sargent, Trust.
Farmers Home Administration (FMHA)
Federal Building (801)524-4063
125 S. State Street, Room 5438
Salt Lake City, UT 84138
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Human Aid Society of Iowa
317 Sixth Street, Suite 400
Des Moines, IA 50309
P/D: Grants for individuals with financial needs or who need food, clothing and other material goods. Write for guidelines, include information on
applicant=s need and situation. Contact: Joseph S. Brick, President
The Roy Chambers Foundation
1358 National Road (304)242-8410
Wheeling, WV 26003
P/D: Grants to needy children of Ohio County WV for general welfare, including eye care, clothing, school supplies and sports camp. Completion of
formal application required. Contact: Linda M. Borda, Trustee
The Quarter Century Fund
c/o International Paper Co.
6400 Poplar Ave., Tax Dept.
Memphis, TN 38197-0001
P/D: Grants are given upon recommendation from clergy, relatives, or others who have knowledge of the individuals plight.
Contact: John J. Dillon, Secy.
Nehemiah Housing Opportunity Grant Program Sioux Falls HUD Office
2400 W. 49th Street, Ste. 1-201
Sioux Falls, SD 57105 (605)330-4223
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
Charles and Betty Degenstein Found.
c/o First National Trust Bank
400 Market Street
Sunbury, PA 17801
P/D: Emergency assistance to residents of Snyder, Union and Northumberland Counties, PA. Completion of formal application required.
Mary R. Martin Trust 1
Union Street, P.O. Box 545
Wolfeboro, NH 03894-0273
P/D: Aid to financially, needy residents of Wolfeboro, NH. Completion of formal application required. Contact: Philip J. Ganem, Trustee
D.W. Mc Millan Foundation
329 Belleville Avenue (334)867-4881
Brewton, AL 36426
P/D: Grants for organizations and residents of Escambia County, to help pay for general living expenses. Write for Guideline. Contact: Ed Leigh
II Managing Trustee
Farmers Home Administration
Federal Building (517)337-6635
100 West Capitol, Ste. 200
East Lansing, MI 48823
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Buckly Charity Fund of Federal Lodge No. 1
1212 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Application Address:
7015 Leesville Road
Springfield, VA 22151
P/D: Grants for widows, and orphans of deceased former members of Federal Masonic Lodge No. 1. Write letter to Trustees showing financial needs upon
death of husband. Contact: Willard E. Griffing
VFW Charitable Trust
422 East Brandon Drive
Bismarck, ND 58501
P/D: Medical assistance to veterans from ND. Application by letter outlining financial need. Contact; Richard Grenz, Secretary
Cora Lembre Trust
c/o First National Bank Trust Dept.
P.O. Box 2147
Valparaiso, IN 46384
P/D: Financial assistance to elderly women who are residents of Porter County, IN.
Application by letter stating need and financial situation.
The Bagby Foundation for the Musical Arts, Inc.
501 Fifth Ave., Suite 1401
New York, NY 10017
P/D: Grants for pensions and emergency aid to aged needy individuals who have aided the world of music. Applications in writing, explaining why
assistance is required. Contact: Eleanor C. Mark, Exec. Dir.
Pruden Foundation
c/o United Counties Trust Company
30 Maple Street (201) 522-5410
Summit, NJ 07901-9512
P/D: Grants to alleviate suffering and promote the welfare of blind persons in Elizabeth, NJ. Application by letter giving particulars and physicians
certificate regarding blindness. Contact: Janet Poland, V.P. & Trust Offc.
Bangor Fuel Society
P.O. Box 39
Brooksville, ME 04317
Application Address:
c/o Dorothy M. Jones
146 West Broadway
Banfor, ME 04401 (207)945-0749
P/D: Deliveries of fuel to low income residents of Bangor, ME. Applications accepted by telephone. Contact: Franklin W. Eaton, Secy-Treas.
A.P. and Louise Rouch Boys Foundation
c/o First Security Bank of Idaho, N.A.
P.O. Box 7
(208) 736-1207
Twin Falls, ID 83303-0007
P/D: Relief assistance to financially needy children in the Twin Falls, ID area. Assistance is given for clothing, medical care, and summer camp fees.
Phone for guidelines.
Rivendell Stewards= Trust
P.O. Box 3037
Santa Barbara, CA 93130
P/D: Grants to financially needy individuals who work with the Christian Church. Completion of formal application required, including financial
Holland Lodge Foundation, Inc.
71 W. 23rd Street (212)675-0323
New York, NY 10010
P/D: Relief grants for the elderly and the young primarily in New York, NY. Appl. by letter outlining financial need and reason for assistance.
Sidwell Charitable Trust
119 East Ninth Street, P.O. Box 754
Winfield, KS 67156 (316)221-4600
P/D: Grants to financially needy individuals over the age of 60 who reside in Winfield, KS. Completion of formal application required, including personal
statement. Contact: Kay Roberts Light, Dir
Farmers Home Administration
G.P.O. Box 6106G (809)766-5095
Hato Rey, PR 00918
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Borkee-Hagley Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 4580 (302)652-8616
P/D: Grants for elderly and for individuals who are residents of Delaware, to help pay for housing expenses. Write letter, formal application required.
Contact: Henry H. Silliman, Jr. President
Nehemiah Housing Oppt. Grant Prog.
Single Family Housing Development Div.
Reno HUD Office
P.O. Box 30050
(702) 784-5356
Reno, NV 89502
Application Address:
Las Vegas HUD Office
1500 East Tropicana Avenue, Suite 205
Las Vegas, NV 89119
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
Broadcasters Foundation, Inc.
296 Old Church Road
Greenwich, CT 06830
P/D: Financial assistance to needy members of the broadcast industry. Grants are paid directly to the individual for his or her general welfare. The
foundation does not pay any bill directly. Completion of formal application required.
New Mexico State Housing Authority
1100 St. Francis Dr. (505) 827-0258
Santa Fe, NM 87503
P/D: Rehabilitation grants for low income elderly, handicapped, and disabled home owners. Write for guidelines.
Fred (B.A.) Batterton Fund
c/o Kentucky Bank
P.O. Box 157 (606) 987-3640
Paris, KY 40362
P/D: Grants to residents of Bourbon Cty., KY for medical expenses. Applications. accepted..
Louis G. and Elizabeth L. Clarke Endowment Fund
c/o Scottish Rite Temple
709 S.W. 15th Avenue (503)228-9405
Portland, OR 97205
P/D: Medical expenses, assistance to financially needy Masons and their wives, widows, and daughters requiring hospitalization in any hospital in the
Portland, OR metropolitan area. (Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties) Recipients must be residents of OR. Contact foundation for current
application guidelines.
Farmers Home Administration
Federal Building (402) 437-5551
100 Centennial Mall, Rm.308
Lincoln, NE 68508
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Reginald Coeli Foundation, Inc.
739 North Lake St.
Mundelein, IL 60060
P/D: Financial assistance to disadvantaged individuals residing in the Chicago, IL area. In the past grants have been given for medical assistance, hardship
assistance, and special counseling. Application by letter outlining financial need.
Contact: Rev. John R. Hoffman, President
C.S.I. Foundation, Inc.
515 E. Lasolas Blvd., Ste. 1600
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-2268
P/D: Medical expenses, insurance premiums and provision of legal services to indigent victims of AIDS in FL whose carriers wrongly refuse to pay
claims. Initial approach by mail. Contact: William M. Reiter, M.D. Pres.
Providence Female Charitable Society
87 Don Avenue (401) 434-8555
Rumford, RI 02916
P/D: Assistance to financially needy women who are residents of RI. Types of assistance include the purchase of clothing, furniture, dentures, and hearing
aids, and the costs of home repairs and nursing home aids. Initial approach by telephone or letter outlining financial need. Contact: Mrs. Charles E. Gross,
Columbus Female Benevolent Society
1234 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43205
Application Address:
c/o Mrs. J. Richard Briggs, Treas.
228 South Drexel Avenue
Columbus, OH 43209
P/D: Direct aid on a regular, special, or temporary basis to pensioned widows who are residents of Franklin County, OH. All recipients are referred by
local people who are familiar with their circumstances.
God=s Love Inc.
533 North Main Streeet (506)442-7000
Helena, MT 59601
P/D: Welfare assistance primarily to indigent individuals and families residing in Helena, MT for lodging, food, hygiene, clothing, and other expenses.
Applications accepted throughout the year. Application by letter or telephone outlining financial need. Contact: Ann E. Miller, Director
Hawaii Community Foundation
900 Fort St. Mall, Suite 1300
Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)556-5570
P/D: Assistance to individuals in need living in Hawaii. Initial approach by telephone; completion of formal application required. The Foundation
administers the following six funds for residents of Hawaii in need:
1. May Templeton Hopper Fund: Provides assistance to HI=s aged men and women in order to help them maintain independence and dignity.
2. Abraham & Annie Lau Children=s Fund: Provides support to needy children in Hawaii.
3. James & Winifred D. Robertson Fund
Provides assistance for the comfort and relief of needy individuals on Oahu.
4. Irving L. Sing Fund: Provides assistance to needy and poor people of Hawaiian descent.
5. Alice M. G. Soper Fund: Provides assistance to defray all reasonable expenses of the aged who are sick, infirmed, or helpless and without adequate
6. Kitaro Watanable Fund: Provides assistance to needy children in Hawaii, particularly those who are sick or in life threatening situations.
Contact: Jane Renfro Smith, President
Fax No: (808) 521-6286
Effie H. and Edward H. Curtis Trust Fd
c/o Norwest Bank Fort Collins, N.A.
1740 Broadway, No. 8681
Denver, CO 80274 (970)490-6240
Application Address:
c/o Jean-DeGrave, Norwest Bank Fort Collins, N.A.
401 South College
Fort Collins, CO 80522
P/D: Grants to permanent residents of Larimer County, CO who are under 18 years of age and in need of emergency medical and dental assistance.
Completion of formal application required, including itemized bills and estimated of pre-approvals from the attending physician, and a copy of applicant=s
latest tax return.
Hanna R. Kristianson Trust
P.O. Box 1011
Albert Lea, MN 56007
Application Address:
Clarks Grove, MN 56016 (507)256-4415
P/D: Grants for residents of Freeborn County over 50 who can demonstrate financial need. Write for guidelines. Contact: Richard S. Haug, Trustee
Lyon Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 5308
Little Rock , AR 72119
P/D: Grants for residents of Arkansas who can demonstrate financial need. Letter and proposal, include background information. Contact: Paul E. Moore
Ian Calkins Board
c/o Boatmen=s First National Bank of Kansas City, 14 West 10th Street
P.O. Box 419119
Kansas City, MO 64141-6119
P/D: Welfare assistance to financially needy elderly residents of Kansas City, MO. Write for guidelines. Contact: David P. Ross Sr. V.P.
Nehemiah Housing Oppt. Grant Program.
Single Family Housing Dev. Division
Casper HUD Office
P.O. Box 120
(307) 261-5252
Casper, WY 82602
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
Della Lucille Hazelton Charitable Trust
c/o First Interstate Bank of Arizona, N.A.
P.O. Box 53436, Phoenix, AZ 85072-3436
P/D: Financial assistance to Native Americans who are residents of AZ & MT.
Agnes C. Robinson Trust
c/o Crestar Bank, N.A., Trust Tax Svcs.,
P.O. Box 27385 (202) 879-6339
Richmond, VA 23261-7385
Application Address:
c/o Lori Anne Caumeil, Crestar Bank, NA
1445 New York Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20005 (202)879-6339
P/D: Financial assistance to the needy in the metropolitan Washington, DC area, including MD and VA, Application by letter outlining financial need.
The Forbes Kirkside Foundation, Inc.
Five Adams Street, (508) 366-0511
Westboro, MA 01581
P/D: Personal aid grants to residents and former residents of Westboro, MA. Applications by proposal. Contact: Scott Sargent, Treas.
Graham Memorial Fund
P.O. Box 533 (803) 479-6824
Bennettsville, SC 19512
Application Address:
308 West Main Street
Bennettsville, SC 19512
P/D: Grants for needy residents of Bennettsville. Formal application required. Contact: Chairperson
The Barstow Foundation
c/o Chemical Bank
333 East Main Street, (517) 631-9200
Midland, MI 48640
P/D: Grants for organizations in Michigan, primarily for the disadvantaged of the community. Application form not required, send two copies of proposal.
Contact: Bruce M. Groom, Senior VP Chemical Bank
Edward Rutledge Charity
404 North Bridge Street
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Application Address:
c/o Gerald J. Naiberg, President
P.O. Box 758 (715) 723-6618
P/D: Charitable gifts to worthy needy residents of Chippewa County, WI. Completion of formal application required, Interviews required.
Anna Emory Warfield Memorial Fund
c/o 1210 Mercantile Bank & Trust Bldg.
Two Hopkins Plaza, (410) 547-0612
P/D: Relief assistance to aged and dependent women in the Baltimore, MD area. Initial approach by letter. Appl. & interview required. Cont: Thelma
Savannah Widows= Society
P.O. Box 30156 (912) 232-6312
Savannah, GA 31410-0156
P/D: Grants primarily to single women, 55 or older, residing in Chatham County, GA. Also aid to seriously disabled or handicapped persons residing in
Chatham County, GA, whose income from other sources is insufficient to provide their care in a reasonably comfortable manner. Contact foundation for
current application deadline; completion of formal application required. Contact: Barbara Wall, President
W. L. Pegram Evangelistic Association
14709 East 17th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99037
P/D: Grants to retired ministers and small grants to individuals for emergency assistance to cover living expenses. Application accepted.
Utah Housing Finance Agency
177 E. 100 South (801) 521-6950
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
P/D: Money to first-time home buyers in targeted areas with required down payment.
A. J. Magnus Home
c/o Taylor, Rees & Co., P.C.
500 Cedar Street
Muscatine, IA 52761
P/D: Room and Board in a group home for men over the age of 65 in the city and county of Muscatine, IA. Completion of formal application required,
including a physician=s assessment of applicant=s physical and mental condition. Write for guidelines.
Alaska Property Tax Equivalency
Division of Veterans Affairs
P.O. Box 5800 (907) 428-6016
Ft. Richardson, AK 99505-5800
Fax: (907) 428-6019
P/D: To provide disabled veterans in Alaska an equivalency payment if they rent their primary residence. Eligible for this exemption are disabled veterans
in Alaska whose disability was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty and whose disability has been rated as 50 percent or more by the military service
of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Qualified veterans are those who rent their primary residence.
Mary F. Battle Memorial Education Fd.
c/o Huntington National Bank, WV
P.O. Box 2490 (304) 623-7260
Clarksburg, WV 26302-2490
P/D: Financial assistance to underprivileged children of Taylor County, WV. Types of assistance given include clothing, tutoring, school supplies are field
trip fees. Application by referral only. Completion of formal referral required.
The Lazarus Foundation, Inc.
501 Fifth Street
Bristol, TN 37620
P/D: Grants by referral only to financially needy individuals, primarily in TN, NC, and VA. Provides grants to individuals to help cover the costs of
general needs, such as rent and car repairs. Contact: John M. Gregory, President
Warner Home for Little Wanderers
Four Forest Hill Drive
St. Albans, VT 05478
P/D: Financial assistance to needy residents, age 21 and under, from Franklin County, VT to help defray costs of summer camp, musical instrument rental,
purchase and lessons, art lessons, equipment, and other extracurricular activities. Contact Foundation for current application deadline and procedures.
Contact: Donna Roby, Treas.
Farmers Home Administration
Huron Federal Building
200 Fourth St. SW, Rm. 308
Huron, SD 57350 (605) 353-1430
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Mary L. C. Biddle Foundation
c/o PCN Bank, NA
1632 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
P/D: Financial assistance to women in the Philadelphia, PA area. Grants are usually paid in monthly installments. Applications by letter accepted.
Mary R. Martin Trust 1
Union Street, P.O. Box 545
Wolfeboro, NH 03894-0273
(603) 569-3484
P/D: Aid to financially, needy residents of Wolfeboro, NH. Completion of formal application required.
Contact: Philip J. Ganem, Trustee
The William H. and Kate F. Stockham Foundation, Inc.
c/o Stockham Valves and Fittings, Inc.
4000 North Tenth Avenue
P.O. Box 10326
Birmingham, AL 35202
P/D: Grants for present and former employees who reside in Alabama or in a southeastern state, to help pay for general living expenses. Write for
guidelines. Contact: Richard I. Stockham, Jr.
Cordelia Lunceford Beatty Trust
c/o Security Bank Bldg., 2nd floor
101 North Main, P.O. Box 514
Blackwell, OK 74631 (405) 363-3684
P/D: Types of assistance include needy residents, medical and dental expenses, school related travel expenses, and sport camperships. Limited to residents
of Blackwell, OK who are under the age of 19. Contact Foundation for current application guidelines.
Contact: James R. Rodgers, Trustee
Nehemiah Housing Oppt. Grant Programs.
Sinlge Family Housing Dev. Division
Jackson HUD Office
100 West Bay Street (601) 965-5308
Jacksonville, MS 39269
P/D: Grants to provide an opportunity for those families who would otherwise not be financially able to own a home.
Farmers Home Administration
P.O. Box 400 (302) 697-4300
Camden, DE 19934
P/D: Grants to assist very low and low income rural home owners to repair or rehabilitate their housing.
Maxwell M. Corpening, Jr. Memorial
P.O. Box 2400
Marion, NC 28752
P/D: Grants for rent, utilities, medicine, and other necessities to financially needy residents of McDowell County, NC. Completion of formal application
required. Contact: Terri J. Straughn
Emmons County Sports Alumni, Inc.
c/o Terry Gimbel
420 North Broadway
Linton, ND 58552
P/D: Emergency assistance to needy individuals residing in Emmons County, ND. Write for guidelines.
William Higgins Trust for Avaline Fund
c/o Bank One Trust Group
111 Monument Circle, Suite 1701
Indianapolis, IN 46277-0117
(317) 646-5400
Application Address:
c/o Robert A. Duff, National City Bank
P.O. Box 849
Anderson, IN 46015
P/D: Financial assistance to aged, indigent residents of IN. Application by letter outlining, financial need accepted throughout the year.
Contact: Robert A. Duff
Emma J. Adams Memorial Fund, Inc.
605 Third Avenue 25th Floor
New York, NY 10158
P/D: Welfare assistance primarily through institutions to the elderly and gentlemen and gentlewomen indigent in the greater New York, NY, metropolitan
area. Initial approach by letter detailing specific need for which request is made. Completion of formal application required. Interview req.
Contact: Edward R. Finch Jr. President
Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Fd.
1801 Pere Marquette Building
New Orleans, LA 70112 (504)522-4233
P/D: For residents in Louisiana in financial need. Contact: D. P. Spencer - Write proposal
The Arthur Crames Family Foun., Inc.
19 Briarcliff Road
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
P/D: Grants to families of firemen and policemen killed or injured in the line of duty, primarily in New York, NY. Contact Foundation for current
application guidelines. Contact: Arthur Crames, Dir.
Camden Home for Senior Citizens
66 Washington Street, (207)236-2087
Camden, ME 04843
Application Address:
Belfast Road
Camden, ME 04843 (207) 236-2014
P/D: Grants for residents of Camden, Rockport, Hope, and Linconville, for heating, food, medical bills, drugs, rent, real estate taxes, etc. Write for
Contact: Adele Hopkins, Sec. Treasurer
Morrison Knudson Corporation Foundation, Inc.
(formerly Morrison Knudsen Employees Foundation, Inc.)
P.O. Box 73 (208)386-8100
Boise, ID 83729
Application Address:
One Morrison Knudsen Plaza
Boise, ID 83729
P/D: Welfare assistance to financially needy individuals and families, including employees and former employees, in regions where Morrison Knudsen
Corporation has operations. Completion of formal application required, including financial statement. Interviews required.
Contact: Marlene Puckett, Admin.
Grant Info Web Sites
Up to $15,000.00 are available for home improvement. This money comes from the government and is given to local groups in your community, who in
turn give the money to home owner's. To identify the local groups in your area, contact:
Rural Housing and Community Development Services
US Dept. of Agriculture
Washington, D.C. 20250
(202) 720-1606
The Federal Government and the SBA are involved in making grants, which never have to be repaid. The Federal Government at one time or another, has
money for a variety of purposes. The most successful grant program is the small business innovation research program, which have grants ranging from
$50,000.00 up to $500,000.00. To contact the SBIRP call (202)653-6458
No single directory/manual is able to list all of the Government Foundation and Private Foundation Grant sources. There are well over 30,000 in the
United States alone, that give money for specialized programs. The purpose of this manual is to provide you the grant-seeker one of the widest varieties
possible, with the best information available. So you can obtain your grant in the shortest time possible.
The key to obtaining your grant is preparation.
Steps to follow:
a) Identify the correct foundation that fits your purpose.
b) Be extremely knowledgeable about your project.
c) Request only application guidelines at first, and any other information or materials they may have.
d) Call or write to the foundation and obtain the name to whom the proposal or application should
be submitted to.(We recommend a written letter only requesting guidelines at first)
e) Note the date of your call, the name of the person you spoke to for further reference.
Thank you for the purchase of our Program, Good Luck with your personal or financial success.
Grants which are made to foreign individuals by U.S. foundations include, funds for travel to the United States, general welfare assistance, and for creative
and scholarly endeavors.
The Commonwealth Fund
United Kingdom
Australia New Zealand
One East 7th Street
New York, NY 10021-2692
(The Trustee of Ivan V.)
Education Fund, Inc.
Russian Immigrants
651 11th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
11 Dupont Circle NW, Ste. 750
Washington, D.C. 20036
Meftah Scholarship Foundation
Immigrant and refugee youths
2777 Me Coy Road
Columbus, OH 43220
Harkham Foundation
857 S. San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, CA 90014
Shatford (J.D.) Memorial Trust
c/o Chemical Bank
Hubbards, Nova Scotia, Canada
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, MY 10112
Hawthorne (Hugh A.) Foundation
5634 Brair Drive
Houston. TX 77056
Taraknath Das Foundation
c/o Southern Asia Institute
Columbus University India
420 W. 118th Street
New York, NY 10027
Other Small Business Administration Offices
Business Service Center (IAB)
10 Causeway St., Room 290
Boston, MA 02222
(617) 565-8100
Program Support Div. (2AR)
Business Services, Room 18-130
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY 10278
(212) 264-1234
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico,
U.S. Virgin Islands
(215) 656-5525
Program Services Div. (3ADS)
Wanamaker Bldg., 100 Penn Sq. East, Room 829
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Delaware, West Virginia
Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia
Office of Enterprise Dev. (4E)
401 W. Peachtree St., Room 302
Atlanta, GA 30365-2550
(404) 331-5103
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky
North Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Mississippi
Business Service Center (5ADB)
230 S Dearborn St, Room 3714
Chicago, CL 60604
(312) 353-5383
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota
Ohio, Wisconsin
Office of Enterprise Dev. (6ADB)
1500 E. Bannister Rd., Room 1160
Kansas City, MO 64131
(816) 926-7016
Iowa. Kansas. Missouri, Nebraska
Office of Enterprise Dev. (7CPP)
819 Taylor St., Room 9AOO
Ft. Worth, TX 76102
(817) 978-3284
Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico,
Oklahoma, Texas
(303) 236-7408
Business Service Ctr. (8PB-B), Denver Federal Center
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
Bldg. 41, Room 145, P.O. Box 25006
Denver, CO 80225
Office of Enterprise Dev. (9ADB)
450 Golden Gate Avenue
Room 6514, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102
Business Service Center (9ABD-L)
300 N. Los Angeles St., Room 3259
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(415) 522-2700
Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada
(213) 894-3210
Most Frequently Asked Questions:
What should I say when I contact the foundation/agencies?
Does your organization have any grants/loans or resource programs available for corn producers?
"If they say yes". What should I ask for?
Could you please send me all literature, guidelines, and applications for your programs.
"What if they say no"
Could you please direct me to an organization or individual who maybe able to assist me in the
corn producer's field?
What should I do if it appears I'm getting the run around?
If you keep getting referred to different departments and have not found exactly what your looking for, this in
some cases can be normal. It can sometimes take 5 to 10 phone calls for you to find the right contact. You must
remember the government employs thousands of people for these
agencies, and not everyone will know what the government has to offer. You must be patient, friendly and
What do I do when I receive my application kit?
Read the contents of the guidelines thoroughly. And always look for ways for your project to fit
the agencies well being, plus your own personal agenda.
What if money is not my only objective. Is their any other services available?
The Government has many services they can offer, just to name a few: Help with taxes, legal help, marketing
analyzes, trends, new technologies, and education support. The whole key to this is, you must find the right
contact for your particular purpose. This will open the door to a wealth of knowledge.
What if my proposal keeps getting rejected?
Government proposals are open to the public. You can ask for copies of successful proposal's, which have been
What if the Organization I am interested in only gives to non-profits.
Contact them and ask them for a list of the agencies they fund. What happens is that the money or service is then
distributed at the local level
Disclaimer: We do not guarantee that you will receive the grant money or, are we liable for any financial loss or personal damage.
However, We do guarantee that if after following the procedures set forth you do not receive a free grant, or if you are not satisfied
with this product for any reason, you may return it in like new condition for a 100% refund, less S&H.
Current date:
Contact=s Name
Contact=s Title
Name of Organization
City, State, Zip
Re: Name of Government Grant, Foundation Grant, Etc.
Dear Sir/Madam:
It has been brought to my attention that I may qualify for participation in your (Grant/Foundation/etc.) program for a
(Business Grant/Personal Grant/Scholarship/etc.).
My (Business Interest/Business Product or Service/Personal Needs/Educational Interests/etc.) Are
I would greatly appreciate receiving information regarding your program=s eligibility requirements, and the necessary
application form.
If you have knowledge of similar programs which may be beneficial, I would appreciate that information as well.
Thank you for your time and cooperation. I look forward to receiving your information.
Sincerely yours,
Your Name
Your Business Name (if applicable)
Your Home or Business Address
City, State, Zip
(NOTE: Make a copy of all letters and applications before mailing your originals.)