Ιούλιος 2010
Τρίτη 13/07/2010
Introduction to MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In this webinar we introduce the MATLAB product family and provides a high-level overview
of the major capabilities. Through product demonstrations, attendees will see how the
MATLAB product family is used for:
 Programming and algorithm development
 All phases of data analysis, from data acquisition to visualization
 Application development and deployment
This webinar is for people unfamiliar with MATLAB. Existing MATLAB users interested in
more in-depth information on the latest features available with the MATLAB product family
should view the relevant product web pages, and watch for webinars focused on recent
A Q&A session will follow the demos and presentation.
Product Focus
 MATLAB® product family for new users
Τετάρτη 14/07/2010
Introduction to Simulink
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In this webinar we introduce you to Simulink, an environment for multidomain simulation and
Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems. Through product demonstrations, you
will see a high-level overview of the major capabilities and how you can use Simulink to design,
simulate, implement, and test a variety of time-varying systems, including communications,
controls, signal processing, video processing, and image processing.
This webinar is for people who are unfamiliar with Simulink. Simulink users interested in learning
about new Simulink features should view the recorded webinar: "What’s New for Simulink with
R2010a" located here.
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Product Focus
 Simulink®
Πέμπτη 15/07/2010
Designing Vehicle-Mounted Communications Systems with Simulink
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In vehicle-mounted communication systems, the vehicle’s motion can affect the pointing of the
antenna and, hence, the quality of the transmission. In this webinar, we will use integrated models
of communications systems to investigate the interaction between the antenna control system and
the wireless communication link.
Specifically, we will demonstrate a model of a ship-mounted system. We will test, through
simulation, the controlled motion of a gimbal linkage for pointing the system’s antenna. To ensure
the system will be able to maintain communication in stormy conditions, the test case harness
must be able to subject the antenna system to the acceleration fields typical of a small ship in
turbulent waters.
Because the model includes the signal processing system, users can assess the effect of a
pointing error on the quality of the signal transmission through metrics such as bit error rate. In the
case of video transmission, users can directly view the predicted transmitted image stream. By
representing such full integration of the control and signal processing systems, the model enables
users to assess the antenna pointing accuracy requirement in reference to the overall requirement
of the system, which is to provide high quality and robust transmission of a given signal.
This webinar is for mechanical, control, and communication systems engineers and is particularly
valuable to those developing vehicle-mounted communications systems.
A Q&A session will follow the demos and presentation.
Product Focus
 Communications Blockset™
 Communications Toolbox™
 Control System Toolbox™
 Image Processing Toolbox™
 Signal Processing Blockset™
 Simscape™
Τρίτη 20/07/2010
Production Code Generation and Verification for the Automotive Industry
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In this webinar we begin with a review of how Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder generates
high quality and efficient C/C++ code from Simulink models, Stateflow charts, and Embedded
MATLAB functions for deployment on embedded applications, including automotive ECUs. It then
introduces how Embedded IDE Links can be used for building, optimizing and verifying the
generated code on the target hardware.
Next we demonstrate important new technologies for code generation and verification involving
automotive applications, including:
• Bidirectional model and code traceability
• Function prototype control to ease software integration
• Target optimized code for software deployment
• Processor-in-the-loop (PIL) testing for software verification
• Checking models and code for IEC 61508 certification
This webinar is primarily focused on people new to Model-Based Design and production code
generation, but will also be of interest to those currently using Model-Based Design in previous
Product Focus
 Embedded IDE Link™
Real-Time Workshop® Embedded Coder™
Simulink® Fixed Point™
Τετάρτη 21/07/2010
Parallel Computing with MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 11.30 π.μ.
This webinar introduces Parallel Computing Toolbox™ and MATLAB® Distributed Computing
Server™. It shows how MATLAB users can solve large scientific and engineering problems using
multiple processors such as multicore desktops, computer clusters and grid and cloud computing
services, all from within the MATLAB environment and without making significant changes to their
existing code.
The webinar will provide a brief overview of features in the toolbox, including parallel for loops and
distributed arrays, which can help you easily develop parallel MATLAB applications.
Demonstrations will show practical examples of how to address various classes of problems using
the toolbox and the engine.
The webinar will conclude with a brief discussion on how these tools can be integrated in users'
development environments, which will address hardware, software, and licensing requirements.
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Product Focus
 Parallel Computing Toolbox™
 MATLAB® Distributed Computing Server™
Τετάρτη 21/07/2010
Using MATLAB and Symbolic Math Toolbox to Develop and Analyse Financial
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 2 π.μ.
This webinar introduces how MATLAB and Symbolic Math Toolbox can be used to develop and
evaluate analytical models of financial systems. Because analytical models describe systems
using math equations, they offer insight into how various parameters affect system behaviour –
insight that is often difficult to gain with purely numeric modelling approaches.
Through product demonstrations we will show how the Symbolic Math Toolbox notebook interface
can help you manage and document the derivation and analysis of your models. We will also show
how symbolic results computed in the notebook can be integrated with MATLAB.
A live Q&A session with an application engineer will follow the presentation
Πέμπτη 22/07/2010
Model-Based Design for DO-254
To σεμινάριο έχει διάρκεια 90 λεπτά και θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 5.00 μ.μ.
Companies building complex electronics for the commercial and military aviation market often
struggle with achieving DO-254 compliance. It is an increasingly common requirement for both
military and commercial projects. Compliance can be time consuming and costly.
We will demonstrate how organizations can maximize their investment in Model-Based Design and
help achieve DO-254 compliance.
This webinar will be broken down into two sections (including Q&A) and will last approximately 90
minutes in length.
The first half of the webinar will give an overview of the DO-254 workflow and demonstrate how
models are built, are linked to requirements, and are verified using simulation. A short break will be
taken to field questions at this point.
The second half of the presentation will focus on the latter stages of the DO-254 workflow,
focusing on HDL generation and verification. A final Q&A session will occur at the end of the
A technical demonstration showing the complete workflow will be used throughout the webinar.
Product Focus
 Simulink®
 Simulink® Verification and Validation™
 Simulink® Design Verifier™
 SystemTest™
 Simulink® HDL Coder™
 EDA Simulator Link™
Τρίτη 27/07/2010
Real-time Testing with Simulink and xPC Target Turnkey
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In this webinar we will present an approach for performing real-time tests directly from models in
Simulink. Through product demonstrations MathWorks engineers will show how you can build and
execute real-time tests, and connect those tests to turnkey hardware for realistic functional testing
of a control system. Key concepts will include:
Building and interacting with the real-time test
Configuring IO blocks
Parameter tuning and data logging
Introduction to xPC Target Turnkey, a complete, fully assembled, real-time testing solution
Product Focus
 Real-Time Workshop®
 Simulink®
 Simulink® Control Design™
 Vehicle Network Toolbox™
 xPC Target™
 xPC Target™ Embedded Option™
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