Μάρτιος 2010
Τρίτη 2/03/2010
Using Symbolic Computations to Develop Efficient Algorithms and System
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In this webinar we show how engineers and scientists can use Symbolic Math Toolbox to develop
efficient solutions to their technical problems. Whether you are developing algorithms or modeling
engineering systems, there are often advantages to solving problems analytically, including:
• Efficiency – algorithms and models expressed analytically are often more efficient than equivalent
numeric implementations
• Transparency – because they are in the form of math expressions, analytical solutions offer a
clear view into how variables and interactions between variables affect the result, often helping you
gain important insights (e.g. conditions that result in discontinuous regions, resonant frequencies,
or a critically damped response)
Through product demonstrations we will show how the notebook interface provided in Symbolic
Math Toolbox makes it easy to manage and document the steps taken to derive your analytical
solutions, including any assumptions made. We will also show how analytical results computed in
the notebook can be integrated with MATLAB and Simulink.
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Product Focus
Symbolic Math Toolbox™
Πέμπτη 4/03/2010
Developing Wind Power Systems Part 1: Model-Based Design of a Wind
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
Many technical professionals find that they run into limitations using Excel for their data analysis
applications. This webinar highlights how MATLAB can supplement the capabilities of Excel by
providing access to thousands of pre-built engineering and advanced analysis functions and
versatile visualization tools. We will also discuss how MATLAB improves computational speed and
enables you to handle larger data sets.
Through product demonstrations you will learn how to:
• Exchange data between MATLAB and Excel
• Create custom analysis and visualization functions in MATLAB and call them from Excel
• Automatically generate reports to document your analysis
• Freely distribute your MATLAB functions as Excel add-ins
Previous knowledge of MATLAB is not required for this webinar.
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Product Focus
 Spreadsheet Link™ EX (for Microsoft® Excel®)
 MATLAB® Compiler™
 MATLAB® Builder EX™ (for Microsoft Excel)
Πέμπτη 4/03/2010
MATLAB for Teaching
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 2.00 π.μ.
This webinar discusses the use of MATLAB in curriculum and shows demonstrations from a real
course on mathematical modeling that includes math and visualization as common denominators
for MATLAB users. Features demonstrated include:
• cell execution mode
• using MATLAB as a presentation tool with HTML links
• publishing to HTML
• introduction to programming with MATLAB
Product Focus
Τρίτη 9/03/2010
Modeling Variable Annuities with MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In this webinar we introduce how MATLAB can be used to develop and deploy insurance models
within financial services. This webinar follows the creation of a variable annuity product from its
inception through data integration, analysis, modeling and finally deployment. The example shown
will demonstrate how the capabilities of MathWorks products can benefit insurers.
Highlights include:
• Integrating data sources
• Valuing and creating a variable annuity product
• Application development and deployment
This webinar will be relevant to practitioners or academics in finance whose focus is quantitative
analysis, modeling, risk analysis and valuation, particularly but not exclusively for actuaries and
professionals in the insurance industry. Familiarity with MATLAB is helpful, but not required
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Product Focus
Datafeed Toolbox™
Econometrics Toolbox™
Financial Toolbox™
Optimization Toolbox™
Statistics Toolbox™
Τρίτη 9/03/2010
Modelling and Testing Hardware in the Simulink Environment
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 12.00 π.μ.
Do you use hardware data from your components to ensure models accurately represent your
How do you emulate the operating environment to fully test your system before deployment?
Discover how you can save money streamlining your design and testing process by using one set
of tools to make your development cycle more efficient and effective.
In this webinar, you will learn how you can use the Simulink environment to:
• Model your system components
• Create a test harness that is also used to test hardware
• Qualify models with data from hardware
• Use qualified component models to design your system
• Evaluate system design with hardware-in-the-loop testing
Πέμπτη 11/03/2010
MATLAB to C Code Generation with Embedded MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
In this webinar we will showcase new capabilities of MathWorks products enabling you to
automatically generate C code from MATLAB functions. This capability is available for a subset of
MATLAB language called the Embedded MATLAB. This subset consists of over 300 MATLAB
operators and functions and more than 110 Fixed-Point Toolbox and 40 Signal Processing
Toolbox functions and new system objects from Signal Processing and Video and Image
Processing Blocksets.
Algorithms that use Embedded MATLAB operators, functions and system objects can be compiled
into efficient, numerically reliable C code for embedded applications.
Through demonstrations, you will learn how to use specific features of Fixed-Point Toolbox,
Simulink, Real-Time Workshop, and related products to:
• Develop and validate MATLAB algorithms compliant with the Embedded MATLAB subset
• Automatically generate C code from your compliant floating-point and/or fixed-point designs in
MATLAB and Simulink
• Handle typical design patterns like use of variable-size data & fixed-point data
A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
Product Focus
Fixed-Point Toolbox™
Real-Time Workshop®
Real-Time Workshop® Embedded Coder™
Τρίτη 16/03/2010
Computer Vision and Video Processing Using MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
Typical applications for computer vision and video processing have widely varying real-world
conditions that make it difficult to design robust algorithms. These situations require a
comprehensive technical computing environment for data analysis, visualization, algorithm
development, and deployment. Using MATLAB and related tools, you can:
• Import and export images and video
• Acquire images and video from industry-standard imaging hardware
• Detect and track objects of interest
• Register image and video data to a real world scene
• Inspect intermediate video data within an algorithm
• Test algorithms under a wide range of conditions
Join us at this webinar to learn about new algorithms and tools for computer vision and video
processing in Video and Image Processing Blockset. We will demonstrate key features through
real-world examples including:
• Monitoring traffic by detecting cars using optical flow
• Reconstructing a 3D scene from a pair of stereo images
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Product Focus
Video and Image Processing Blockset™
Τετάρτη 17/03/2010
Harnessing the Art of MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 15.00 π.μ.
This webinar is specifically aimed at staff and researchers of universities that offer campus wide
access to MathWorks tools by means of a Total Academic Headcount license.
“Harnessing the Art of MATLAB” will introduce MATLAB and demonstrate how to interactively use
MATLAB in classroom lecture and lab projects. The webinar will be presented in two ~45 min
parts, each followed by a question and answer session.
In part one, Loren Shure, Ph.D., a principal developer at The MathWorks, discusses the use of
MATLAB in curriculum using demonstrations from a real course on mathematical modeling that
includes math and visualization as common denominators for MATLAB users. MATLAB and
toolboxes for Signal Processing, Statistics and Curve Fitting will be featured in the demo.
Many disciplines start with a simple problem to illustrate techniques, and add complexity as
students build their understanding and skills. In part two of this webinar, Loren will use a problem
that develops a student’s core skills in mathematics and physics, and is used in those domains as
well as throughout engineering curricula. Loren will then show a variety of approaches to solve the
problem, allowing you the flexibility to choose the right approach for your own discipline. MATLAB,
Symbolic Math Toolbox, and the Simulink family of products will be featured in the demo.
Agenda (Central European Time):
14:00 - Part 1: MATLAB in curriculum
~14:45 - Q&A
15:00 - Part 2: Solve a problem in MATLAB
~15:45 - Q&A
Τετάρτη 17/03/2010
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 2.00 π.μ.
Using engineering examples, this webinar will demonstrate how to define classes and work with
objects in MATLAB, highlighting the benefits of object-oriented programming over traditional
procedural techniques. It will highlight a number of features, including:
Class definition files, enabling definition of properties, methods, and events
Handle classes with reference behavior, aiding the creation of data structures such as linked lists
Events and listeners, allowing the monitoring of object property changes and actions
No prior knowledge of object-oriented programming is required.
A live Q&A session with an application engineer will follow the presentation.
Product Focus
Πέμπτη 18/03/2010
Introduction to Data Analysis in MATLAB for Scientists
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
Geared towards scientists with little to no programming experience, this webinar will introduce
basic concepts such as file input/output, analysis, visualization, and batch-processing. An image
processing example will be used to show you how to go from data to a full application and results.
Highlights include:
• Image input and output
• Function generation and process automation
• Report generation
• GUI building
• Deployment
A Q&A session will follow the presentation.
Product Focus
Image Processing Toolbox™
Τρίτη 23/02010
Teaching State Machines and Control Logic with Stateflow
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet σε δύο ίδια Sessions.
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 16.00
Αναλυτικό Πρόγραμμα και εγγραφή για τις 21.00
This webinar series is intended for faculty and students involved in teaching and research on:
• Reactive control systems
• Control system logic
• Finite state machines
• Scheduling
• Fault detection
• Event driven systems
Stateflow is a popular tool for modeling and simulating these types of systems in industry.
Common uses include diagnostics testing for automotive; guidance, navigation and control for
aerospace; and machine logic for industrial robotics.
As a teaching tool Stateflow can be useful to teach concepts such as digital logic, fault
management, and path planning found in robotics and mechatronics.
In Part 1, we begin by discussing the foundational elements of Stateflow: states and transitions.
We then move onto additional features, such as state entry actions, subcharts, and graphical
A Q&A session will follow the presentation and demos.
Product Focus
Τετάρτη 24/03/2010
Data Acquisition with MATLAB
To σεμινάριο θα μεταδοθεί ζωντανά μέσω internet στις 11.00 π.μ.
In this webinar we'll provide an overview of the data acquisition products which enable you to
directly access data from many external sources. Engineers and scientists need to communicate
with external data sources directly from the MATLAB environment in order to analyze and visualize
live or archived data.
MATLAB provides tools to connect to external devices such as plug-in data acquisition hardware,
video capture devices, CAN interface devices, and standalone instruments like oscilloscopes,
signal generators and signal analyzers. In addition, MATLAB provides tools to connect with
databases and data servers.
Through discussion and product demonstrations, attendees will see how the data acquisition
products enable you to:
• Control and acquire data directly from instruments and test equipment
• Control and acquire data directly from data acquisition boards and webcams
• Exchange data with ODBC compliant databases
• Access data from OPC Servers
• Access data from financial servers
Product Focus
Data Acquisition Toolbox™
Database Toolbox™
Datafeed Toolbox™
Image Acquisition Toolbox™
Instrument Control Toolbox™
Vehicle Network Toolbox™
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Φειδιππίδου 25Α 153 51 - Παλλήνη Αττικής
Τηλ.: 210 6031121 Fax: 210 6031024
©1994-2009 by The MathWorks, Inc.
MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Handle Graphics, Real-Time Workshop, SimBiology, SimHydraulics, SimEvents, and
xPC TargetBox are registered trademarks and The MathWorks, the L-shaped membrane logo, Embedded MATLAB,
and PolySpace are trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.