Azərbaycan Respublikası Təhsil Nazirliyi Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic Xəzər Universiteti Khazar University Magistratura, Doktorantura və Elmi-İşlər Bölməsi Division of Graduate Studies and Research 2014-2015-ci tədris ili üçün Xəzər Universitetində GERMAN DİLLƏRİ üzrə Fəlsəfə doktoru hazırlığı üçün doktoranturaya qəbul PROQRAMI (Əyani -ödənişli) Elmi - İnzibati Şuranın ______________________il _________N-li qərarı ilə təsdiq edilmişdir. German dilləri proqramı 5708.01 Grammar 1. Traditional grammar. Traditional grammar in Ancient Greece. Traditional grammar in Ancient Rome. Prescriptive grammar. Non-structural Descriptive grammar. Structural Descriptive grammar. Transformational Generative Grammar 2. Morpheme. Types of morphemes. Homonym morphemes, zero morpheme, bound and free morphemes. Allomorphs. 3. Noun. Semantic features of nouns. Types of noun. Proper and common, animate and inanimate, countable and uncountable nouns. Article. Definite and indefinite articles 4. Adjectives. Semantic features of adjectives. Types of adjectives. Relative, qualitative, evaluative, specificative adjectives. Adjectivids. Statives 5. Adverbs. Semantic features of adverbs. Types of adverbs. Adverbids 6. Pronouns. Semantic features of pronouns. Types of pronouns. Case, number, person, gender categories of pronouns. 7. Verbs. Semantic features of verbs. Types of verbs. Categories of finite verbs. Verbids( non finite verbs). Infinitive, participle and gerundial constructions. 8. Prepositions. Types and classification. Conjunctions. Types and classification. Particles. Modal words. Interjections. Types and classification 9. Sentence. Types of the sentence according to the purpose of the utterance. Types of the sentence according to the structure. Parts of the sentence. Primary and secondary parts. Composite sentence: compound and complex sentences. Lexicology 1. Morpheme. Types of morphemes. Correlation 2. Word formation in English. Types of affixes. Allomorphs. Types of distribution. Combining forms. Hybrids. Compound words. Curtailment. Blending. Acronyms. Sound interchanges and sound imitations in English. Back formation and conversion. 3. Development of word meaning. Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms 4.Origin of English words. Native and loan words. Denizens. Barbarisms. Etymological dublets. International words 5. Set expressions. Phraseological fusions, phraseological unities, phraseological combinations. Features enhancing set expressions’ stability and unity. Idioms, proverbs, clichés 6. Lexicography. History of dictionaries. Types of dictionaries. Phonology 1. Subject matter and aims of English phonology 2. Major phonological schools. The Prague school, Kopenhagen school, London phonological school, American Descriptive linguistics and phoneme theory, Moscow phonological school 3. The phoneme theory. Phoneme, its nature and functions. Allophones. 4. Principles of phonological analysis. Principal and methods of phonological analysis 5. Theory of phonological oppositions. The system of phonological oppositions of N. S. Trubetskoy Literature 1. Old English period. Beowulf. Bede “ Ecclessiastical history of English”. Cadmon. Alfred the Great 2. Middle English period. Thomas Mallory “King Arthur”. Pre-reneissance period: John Wycliff. William Langland. Geoffrey Chaucer 3. Reneissance. Edmund Spencer. Christopher Marlowe. Thomas More. William Shakespeare 4. 17th century English literature. Johne Donne’s poetry. Ben Johnson. John Milton “Paradise Lost”. Restoration period. John Dryden. John Bunyan 5. Enlightenment. Alexander Pope. Jonathan Swift. Daniel Defoe. Development of the realistic novel in English literature. Henry Fielding. Samuel Richardson. 6.Sentimentalism. Oliver Goldsmith. Lawrence Sterne. Sheridan. Robert Burns 7. Romanticism. Lake school. William Wordsworth. S.T.Coleridge. Robert Southey 8. 19th century. Critical realism. Jane Austen. Charles Dickens. W.M.Thackeray 9.The turn of the century. Victorian period. Thomas Hardy. Rudyard Kipling. Josef Conrad. Oscar Wilde 10. 20th century English literature. Modernism. Post-war literature. Angry Young men Linguistic Features of Germanic Languages 1. Distinguishing linguistic characteristics of Proto-Germanic within the Indo-European Language 2. Distinguishing linguistic characteristics of West Germanic, North Germanic, East Germanic 3. Linguistic Tree of Germanic Languages History of the English Language 1. Key periods of development of the English language. Proto-English, Old English, Middle English, Early Modern English, Modern English (historical and linguistic perspective) 2. Major Dialects of English today Research topics 1. Types of semantic changes in the English words 2. Political factors influencing dialects 3. Words borrowed by modern English 4. “Stream of consciousness” elements in James Joyce’s “Ulysses” 5. Modernism in British literature Reference Introduction to Transformational Grammar, Kyle Johnson, University of Massachusetts , 2007 Blokh M.Y. "A Course in English Theoretical Grammar" An Introductory Course in Theoretical English Grammar , Laimutis Valeika Janina Buitkienė, Vilnius Pedagogical University A Course in Modern English lexicology, R.S.Ginzburg, S.S.Khidekel, G.Y.Knyazeva, A.A.Sankin, MOSCOW VYSŠAJA ŠKOLA 1979 Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics (Open Linguistics) by M.A.K. Halliday, Anna Cermakova, Colin Yallop and Wolfgang Teubert Leksikoloqiya Sovremennoqo Anqliyskoqo Yazika. I.V.Arnold, Москва «Высшая школа» 1986 A History of English Phonology(Longman Linguistics Library) Charles Jones English phonology An Introduction (Cambridge textbooks in linguistics), Heinz J. Giegerich The Norton Anthology of English literature