JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 1 of 22 INSPECTION OF SMALLER AIRPORTS (JIG 4) DEPOT AND INTO-PLANE (HYDRANT) FACILITIES Location Facility (Airport Depot, Hydrant and/or Into-plane) Managing/Operating Company Name of inspector and company Date of visit Recommendations reviewed with Date of issue of this report Overall Assessment (see page 2 for definitions) Note if the assessment is less than satisfactory, the report shall be issued within 3 weeks of the inspection. Last aviation inspection/visit (name of company and date visited) Has a Tier 3 non-disclosure agreement been signed by all inspecting parties (for Joint Venture operations) Have any items of a serious nature been communicated to all participants and the local manager without delay? Date of last revision to local/site operating procedures. This document is intended for the guidance of Members of the Joint Inspection Group (JIG) and companies affiliated with Members of the JIG. The contents contained within the completed document are confidential to Members of the JIG and Joint Venture participants and in the case of Throughput Locations confidential to through-putting companies and shall not be copied, redistributed or passed to unauthorised parties. Neither the JIG, its Members, nor the companies affiliated with its Members accept responsibility for the adoption of this document or for compliance with this document. Any party using this document in any way shall do so at its own risk. This document, when used for smaller JIG Joint Ventures (as defined by the JIG 4 Standard), or stand-alone airport operations shall be deemed a sampling review to determine the overall rating of the operation and identify areas for improvement. It is not a compliance audit. Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Page 1 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 2 of 22 Notes for Inspectors Questions and Abbreviations Each question in this report is identified by a reference number. These reference numbers should be inserted next to any Recommendations made. Inspectors should use the following abbreviations: C Comment Y Yes N No NA Not Applicable R Recommendation. The question ref number and the recommendation should be shown on the page A-3. RO Recommendation Overdue NW Not Witnessed Close-out Meeting The inspector shall discuss the inspection findings and agree close-out dates for all Recommendations at the conclusion of the inspection visit. High Priority Recommendations These are Recommendations concerning fundamental QC, operational or safety issues which need to be addressed at the earliest possible opportunity. Recommendations Open/Overdue These are Recommendations shown in the previous JIG International Inspection Report which remain open and have not been closed out by the agreed date or, in the opinion of the Inspector, have not been satisfactorily addressed. They should be identified on page A-2 with a comment on the status of implementation. The Summary Page Page A-1 should be used to give an overall assessment of the facility. Inspectors should: - highlight any significant areas of concern state how many Overdue Recommendations there are identify any Overdue High Priority Recommendations assess the overall operation as being good, satisfactory, or less than satisfactory in accordance with the following descriptions: Good: Used when the location is above average. There are no recommendations overdue from the previous international inspection report that are within the control of the facility management, no new High Priority Recommendations and less than 10 new recommendations within the control of the facility management, mostly of a minor nature, in the current report. Satisfactory: The previous international inspection report recommendations have been implemented and there are no High Priority Recommendations overdue that are within the control of the facility management. There are no systematic QC or safety issues. Less than Satisfactory: This description is used when the operation is showing signs of systematic failure to meet QC or safety requirements. Equipment may be serviceable, but the majority of the previous international inspection report recommendations have not been satisfactorily addressed and staff attitudes suggest that the operation is more likely to deteriorate than to improve. Excellence Certificates Where an inspector judges a location ranked as Good to have exceptional performance as detailed below, it is possible to nominate an award of excellence. This applies only to locations with a very high standard of operation. There are no recommendations overdue from the previous international inspection report that are within the control of the facility management and there are only a few new recommendations of a minor nature in the current report. Staff are well trained and motivated, records are complete and up to date and equipment is maintained in “as new” condition. Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Page 2 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 3 of 22 A1: SUMMARY OVERALL ASSESSMENT: (see page 2 for description definitions) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Page 3 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 4 of 22 A2: RECOMMENDATIONS OPEN/OVERDUE FROM PREVIOUS INSPECTION Ref Recommendations Overdue Issue 1.00 July 2013 Status Joint Inspection Group Page 4 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 5 of 22 A3: RECOMMENDATIONS - CURRENT INSPECTION Ref Recommendations Status Target Date Status Target Date (1) High Priority Recommendations: (Recommendations on fundamental QC, operational or safety issues which need to be addressed at the earliest possible opportunity.) Inspector should agree implementation target date with facility Manager. Ref Recommendations (2) Recommendations: Inspector should agree implementation target date with facility Manager Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Page 5 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 6 of 22 A4: COMMENTS Ref Comments Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Page 6 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 7 of 22 A5 GENERAL INFORMATION -OWNERSHIP AND USAGE Facility Owner / Operator Other Participants/Users ORGANISATION AND PERSONNEL Facility Contact: Title / Position Telephone number: Mobile/out of hours no: Email address 1: Email address 2: Aviation Grades handled at Facility Jet A Jet A-1 Avgas Other E.g. JP-8 (Tick as appropriate) A5.1: QC, OPERATING MANUALS, INSPECTION REPORTS AND NEW FACILIITES Inspector shall check that Standards and Procedures are available and up to date A1-1 QC and Operating Procedures Is a current copy of the JIG 4 Standards available for the organization/aviation fuel supplying company responsible for the quality control and operating manual in use? Reference 1.1 Name of the quality control and operating manual in use: A1-2 A1-3 A1-4 A1-5 A1-6 A1-7 A1-8 Latest revision: Is there a designated person at the airport for the day to day operation of the fuel facilities? Does the facility management continuously update and close out recommendations directly in the JIG Inspection Tracking System if relevant? Are inspection report recommendations and their status reviewed by the organization/fuel supplying company responsible for the operation? Where applicable national or regional legislation requires compliance with a standard that differs from JIG 4 Standards, is this clearly documented. Is there a document retention policy consistent with JIG 4 requirements? New Plant and Equipment Where there are new installations/alterations to existing facilities are they: - Designed to current standards? - Commissioned according to industry requirements? Other comments or recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.1 11.3 JIG 4 4.1.1 4.1.1 Page 7 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 8 of 22 B1 (ROAD RAIL): RECEIPT BY ROAD OR RAIL TANK CAR - FACILITIES AND PROCEDURES Inspector shall inspect facilities and witness discharge procedures B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 Receipt Facilities (Road and Rail) Are off-loading points grade marked and colour coded to EI 1542 and marked with flow direction arrows? Are discharge hoses in good condition, or an approved type for the grade and fitted with caps to prevent entry of dirt, etc.? Do discharge connections ensure a satisfactory degree of grade security? Is Avgas received via a 5 micron or finer microfilter qualified to EI 1590 or other approved filter? (For gravity receipts is a 100 mesh strainer used) Is jet fuel received via a filter water separator qualified to EI 1581 5th edition or other approved filter? (e.g. EI 1583 filter monitor? ) Are pump start/stop switches safely accessible, near to the receipt area, fully effective and clearly identified? Are bonding wires in good condition? Inspector to check electrical continuity. (not required for permissive bonding systems which are self-checking) Are bridger/rail car receipt areas constructed of a low permeability material and do the areas have a positive slope and drainage to an oil water separator? Delivery equipment (Road and Rail) Are road vehicles/rail tank cars dedicated? If road vehicles/rail tank cars are not dedicated: - Does delivery documentation state previous grade carried? - Does documentation show that satisfactory change of grade procedures have been observed? Are loading documents checked, and do they correctly identify the transportation equipment and grade and quantity loaded? Discharge Procedures (Road and Rail) On arrival, are seals on all filling orifices, manlids and outlets checked? Is equipment bonded to offloading facility before hoses are connected and is bonding maintained until hoses are disconnected? Is sampling conducted to required standards using approved equipment? Are drain samples drawn for Control Check and results compared with the batch density shown on the Release Certificate? After discharge, is a check made to ensure that all compartments are empty? If approved by the participants, are additional procedures in place for driver controlled deliveries? Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) Reference 4.3.3 8.6, 8.1 4.3.4 4.4.1 4.4.1 4.1.4 8.2.3 4.1.5 5.3 5.3 9.6 (JIG 3) 5.2 5.3.1 5.3.1 8.2.1 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 5.3.3 5.3.5 5.3.7 Inspector shall check the receipt procedure and storage of aviation fuel in drums (if relevant) B19 B20 B21 QC and Storage Procedures Reference Are the drums stored correctly? Where product is transferred from drums is a suitable filter used? Other comments or recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) 6.3, A12 6.3 A12 Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Page 8 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 9 of 22 B2: STORAGE FACILITIES AND PROCEDURES Inspector shall inspect facilities, including a selection of storage tanks, and witness draining and sampling procedures. B2-1 B2-2 B2-3 B2-4 B2-5 B2-6 B2-7 B2-8 B2-9 B2-10 B2-11 B2-12 B2-13 B2-14 B2-15 B2-16 B2-17 B2-18 B2-19 B2-20 Segregated Facilities Are facilities fully segregated? Non-dedicated Supply Systems (see JIG 2 for further information if relevant) If product is received via a non-dedicated supply system, are storage tank inlet lines equipped with positive segregation (double block and bleed valves, spades, blind flanges etc)? If positive segregation is achieved by double block and bleed valves, are routine checks performed to confirm integrity of the block valves? Tankage Is general appearance (paintwork, signs of rust or leakage) satisfactory? Do storage tanks meet the minimum design requirements of JIG (e.g. fully lined, floating suction, etc.) and is the following clearly displayed on the tank or adjacent sign board? - EI Grade Marking? - Dates of internal inspection and cleaning? Is there a system to indicate Tank Status? (Receiving, Settling, Delivering, etc) Are handrails, ladders and steps adequate and in good condition? Are P/V valves, flame arrestors, vents and wire mesh (~ 5mm) clean and free of damage? Are Floating Suctions OK? (Inspector to check buoyancy) Are valves in good condition and free of leaks? Are tanks fitted with high level alarm systems as a minimum? Where required are storage tanks equipped with a separate (high-high) level shut off system that stops the fuel flow at a predetermined level? Bunded Area Is bund capacity sufficient? (at least 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank) For “catchpot” or horizontal double skinned tanks, do they meet the overfill and containment requirements of 3.1.7? Are bunds maintained in good condition? Is bottom of bunded area free of vegetation? Are bund drain valves closed and secured? Fire Extinguishers Are the servicing dates shown on fire extinguishers? Draining and Sampling Procedures Is there an effective water draining / flush system on all storage tanks? Are quick flush tanks/sample receiving vessels of appropriate design and fitted with spring-loaded valves? Is draining and sampling carried out at full flow? Is sampling conducted to required standards using suitable equipment? Is Visual / Appearance Check on a running sample carried out correctly? Are suitable thermometers and density measurement equipment available? Is equipment stored correctly? Where long pipework is present, are suitable low points incorporated to facilitate water removal? Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 4.1.2 3.3.1 (JIG2) 5.1.1 (JIG 2) 6.1.8 (JIG 2) 8.1 4.2.2, 4.2.3 8.1 4.2.3(a) 6.1.4 6.1.3 8.1 4.2.3(i) 4.1.6 8.1 8.1 8.1 8.8 4.2.3(b) 3.2, 6.1.1 8.7.1 8.7.2 4.3.2 Page 9 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 10 of 22 B3: LOADING FACILITIES & PROCEDURES Inspector shall inspect facilities and witness a fueller loading operation, if relevant (including use of high level pre-check, observation of filter dP and draining & sampling after filling) Loading Fuellers B3-1 Is pipework separated between grades? 4.3.1 B3-2 Are loading points grade-marked and colour coded to EI 1542 and marked with 4.3.3 flow direction arrows? B3-3 Is Avgas loaded via a 5 micron (nominal) or finer microfilter or other approved 4.4.1 filter? B3-4 Is jet fuel loaded via a filter water separator qualified to EI 1581 5th edition or 4.4.1 other approved filter? (e.g. EI 1583 filter monitor? ) B3-5 Are pump start/stop switches safely accessible, near to the loading point, fully 4.1.4 effective and clearly identified? B3-6 Is fueller loading area constructed of a low permeability material and is there a 4.1.5 positive slope and drainage to an oil water separator? B3-7 Are hoses and nozzles in good condition and are they fitted with caps to prevent 8.1, 8.6 entry of dirt, etc? Do the hoses comply with the required standards? B3-8 Is fueller bonded to loading facility before hoses are connected and is bonding 9.1.1 maintained until hoses are disconnected? 8.2.3 Are bonding wires in good condition? Inspector to check electrical continuity (not required for permissive bonding systems) B3-9 Does the operator remain in attendance throughout the loading and is there 9.1.1 direct access to a means of stopping the flow quickly? A deadman should be used to control the loading operation. B3-10 Are procedures and equipment available to prevent over-filling/ spillage? 9.1.1 B3-11 Is high level pre-check device tested shortly after the commencement of loading? 9.1.2 B3-12 Is loading stopped before the high level device is activated? 9.1.2 B2-13 Where fuellers are filled on the ramp from a hydrant system are additional precautions in place? After loading, and following at least 5 minutes settling time, is a sample drawn from the fueller tank sump for Visual Check? Is Visual check conducted correctly using approved equipment Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) 9.1.2 B3-14 B3-15 Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group 9.1.3 Page 10 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 11 of 22 C1: SMALL LOW PRESSURE HYDRANT SYSTEM (see Appendix 7) Inspector shall inspect facilities including low points (valve chambers) and witness procedures including flushing low points. (For larger high pressure hydrant systems see JIG 2) C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 Hydrant System Are new hydrant pumps controlled by PLC, fitted with means to prevent overheating and effectively protected by suitable fire fighting equipment? Is jet fuel transferred via FWS qualified to EI 1581 5th edition? If more than one grade is handled, are pit valves fitted with selective couplings? Do hydrant pit valves meet the 3rd Edition of EI 1584? Do hydrant systems/extensions built since June 2008 have pit valves equipped with dual air/lanyard pilot valves? Are hydrant pits and low point drains clearly identified and, where more than one grade is handled, grade marked and colour coded to EI Bulletin 1542? Are pit lids secured/ tethered to pit body? Is operation of the lanyard and hydrant valve closure checked correctly? Is the monthly static test of hydrant valves carried out correctly? Are Hydrant Emergency Stop Buttons (ESB’s): - Readily visible and accessible from aircraft fuelling bays? (Within 80m) - Clearly identified with a suitable high visibility sign? - Does activation of the ESB shut down the hydrant pumps and close the inlet control valves automatically? Inspector should validate the operation by activation of an ESB if possible. Is suitable equipment of a satisfactory design available for: - Flushing low points? - Flushing unused hydrant pits? - Cleaning pit box internals and valve chambers? Is flushing achieved by drawing 50-200 litres of product plus the capacity of sampling pipework at full flush when the system is under pressure? - Is a sample drawn near the end of the flush under full flow (running sample) for Visual Check? - After use, is the low point of the flushing equipment checked for the presence of water and sediment? - Is product settled and checked prior to return to storage? Flushing equipment shall not be bonded to Low Point. Are hydrant valve pit boxes, low point valve chambers and valves clean and free of accumulated water and fuel? Are warning notices displayed forbidding unauthorised entry to deep pits? Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 3.6 (JIG 2) 4.4.1 4.3.1 3.5.1 (JIG 2) 3.5.2 (JIG 2) A7.10 A7.10 A7.6 A7.10 A7.7 A7.5.4 A7.5.1 A7.5.4 A7 2.1 Page 11 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 12 of 22 D1: INTO-PLANE SERVICE - FUELLING EQUIPMENT Inspector shall examine a selection of fuelling equipment to confirm design, construction and operation to acceptable safety standards Fuelling Vehicles, Trailers and Fixed Fuelling cabinets - Condition Reference D1-1 Is appearance and paintwork of equipment satisfactory? 8.10 D1-2 Are “No Smoking” signs or symbols clearly displayed on both sides? 7.2.1 D1-3 Is equipment grade dedicated with EI 1542 product identification (both sides, 7.2.2 control panel and fill points)? 7.3 D1-4 Is the condition of tyres, lights and trafficators acceptable? 8.10 D1-5 Is the condition of meters, meter seals and gauges acceptable? 7.1.10 D1-6 Are vehicle tanks fitted with suitably sized manlids and vents to meet the 7.2.1 maximum loading and delivery flow rates? D1-7 Is the condition of couplers and dust caps acceptable? 8.16 D1-8 Do hoses comply with EI 1529 or EN 1361/ ISO 1825? 7.1.3 Do pressure fuelling nozzles comply with SAE AS 5877? 7.1.5 Are hoses/nozzles in good condition? D1-9 Are overwing nozzles grade marked and colour coded? 7.1.6 D1-10 Do jet fuel overwing nozzles have oval section spouts with major axis of min 7.1.6 67mm diameter? Where required are additional precautions in place to control the use of smaller non-selective spouts? D1-11 Have "hold open" ratchets been removed from overwing nozzles? 7.1.6 D1-12 Are externally mounted emergency engine stop controls clearly identified and 7.2.4 easily accessible? Is there an emergency engine stop control on the elevating 7.2.14 platform? Are engine/pump stop controls on trailers and at fixed fuelling cabinets easily accessible and clearly identified? Inspector to check function. D1-13 Are there at least two 9kg fire extinguishers (Powder/ approved foam) with 7.1.8 servicing dates shown? D1-14 Are bonding wire and reels in good condition? 7.1.9 Inspector to check chassis/clip electrical continuity (25 ohms max). 8.2.3 D1-15 Is elevating platform fitted with at least two correctly located sensors? Inspector 7.2.14 to check function. D1-16 Does elevating platform have emergency exit or lowering device? 7.2.14 D1-17 D1-19 D1-20 D1-21 D1-22 D1-23 D1-24 D1-25 Interlock System Are vehicles equipped with brake interlocks on: - delivery hose coupling stowage? - hydrant inlet coupling stowage? - moveable fuelling platform? - fuelling cabinet cover? - Fueller tank top handrails? - Overwing nozzle stowage? Are interlocks and override functioning OK? Inspector to check. Are brake interlock override switches sealed? Is an interlock status warning light system (on/off/overridden) fitted and working? Inspector to check function. Deadman & Pressure Control System Are pressure control systems as specified in JIG Standards? Is deadman control of Intermittent type? If fitted, is deadman control override switch: - Push button type? (preferred) - Sealed, if not push button type? Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group 7.2.3 7.1.6 8.12 7.2.3 7.2.3 8.12 7.1.7 7.2.5 (7.3) 7.2.5 Page 12 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 13 of 22 D2: INTO-PLANE SERVICE - FUELLING EQUIPMENT (Continued) Inspector shall witness fueller tank sampling, hose-end strainer checks and deadman performance check. Are Fuellers equipped with: D2-1 Bottom loading self-sealing connections? D2-2 High level shut-off systems? D2-3 Selective couplings (where more than one grade is bottom loaded)? D2-4 Tank low point sumps with drain lines to valves? D2-5 Fuelling system designed so that all fuel which passes through the delivery meter and filter is only delivered to aircraft and cannot be diverted elsewhere? Are Hydrant Servicers equipped with: D2-6 Suitable lanyards? (Where lanyards are attached to the vehicle they shall be electrically isolated from the chassis) D2-7 Hydrant pit identification/protection equipment? D2-8 Hydrant pit couplers meeting EI 1584 3rd edition? Does the hose/pipework system comply with manufacturer recommendations related to the use of break-away couplers? Draining and Sampling D2-9 Are valves accessible and identified and fitted with dust caps? D2-10 Are suitable clean field sampling containers available? D2-11 Is draining carried out at full flow and is Visual Check OK? Inspector to check chemical detector is within expiry date D2-12 Is product from draining correctly handled, grade segregated (where required) and returned to service/ downgraded as appropriate? Hose End Strainers (overwing nozzles) D2-13 Is 60 mesh (or finer) strainer fitted? D2-14 Is strainer in good condition and free of particulate matter? Deadman function testing D2-15 Is deadman system checked for opening time and closing time requirements, as per the limits in 7.2.5? Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) D2-16 Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 7.2.10 7.2.10 7.2.11 7.2.8 7.2.6 A7.4 A7.3 3.1.5 (JIG 2) 7.2.8, 7.2.12 3.2 9.2.1 9.2.4 7.1.4 8.18 7.2.5, 8.14 Page 13 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 14 of 22 D3: INTO-PLANE SERVICE - AIRCRAFT FUELLING OPERATIONS Inspector should witness one complete aircraft fuelling operation, during the visit. Attendance at aircraft fuelling Aircraft type Fuelling equipment used Number of fuelling personnel Grade delivered (Jet fuel or Avgas only) D3-1 Does fuelling operator observe vehicle speed limit on apron? D3-2 Does fuelling vehicle approach aircraft in a safe manner? D3-3 If fueller has to be reversed into position for fuelling, is the manoeuvre performed with the assistance of a competent guide person? D3-4 Is vehicle positioned safely for fuelling and, if parked underwing, is there sufficient clearance between the vehicle and aircraft? Fuelling Procedures D3-5 Is vehicle positioned safely? For fuellers a clear exit route from aircraft is required throughout the fuelling. D3-6 Does fuelling stop/not start where aircraft de-icing is in progress or severe electrical storms are local to the airport D3-7 Is bonding cable connected to the aircraft before fuelling commences and is bonding maintained throughout the fuelling operation? For overwing fuelling are the additional bonding requirements followed? (ref 10.4) D3-8 Is a single sequence of connection/ disconnection defined and followed? D3-9 Are hoses positioned to avoid being run over by other aircraft servicing vehicles? D3-10 Does fuelling operator check (visually) the condition of the aircraft adaptor before connecting and after disconnecting the delivery hose? D3-11 For overwing fuelling are procedures followed to prevent misfuelling? D3-12 Are fire extinguishers readily available? D3-13 Is the fuelling equipment free from product leaks? D3-14 Is sampling procedure and disposal in accordance with procedures? D3-15 Where required, is chemical water detector within date and correctly used? D3-16 Does operator record the differential pressure shortly after start of fuelling at maximum delivery flow rate? D3-17 Where the fuelling operator performs additional services are these in accordance with the IATA Guidance material? D3-18 Does the fuelling operator perform a “360 degree” walk around the vehicle and look up at the fuelling connection at the completion of the fuelling operation? Deadman Control D3-19 If fitted, (and not push-button type) is override switch sealed? Interlock System D3-20 Is there a warning light system that identifies the status of the interlock system and is it functioning? Is emergency override sealed? Fuelling from Drums D3-21 Correct grade segregation (confirmation) and quality control before fuelling? D3-22 Check fuelling equipment and filtration used for drum fuelling operations? D3-23 After fuelling, are partly used drums and empty drums marked and stored correctly? Hydrant Fuelling – identification & protection measures D3-24 Is a high visibility marker/flag used to identify the hydrant pit? D3-25 Are fuel hydrant ESBs accessible and clearly identified with high visibility signs? D3-26 Is the hydrant pit & inlet hose area satisfactorily illuminated at night? Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) D3-27 Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 10.1 10.3.1 10.3.1,10.3.2 10.3.2 10.3.2 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.5.1(a) 10.4 A7.2 10.5.1(e) 10.5.3 10.5.1(c) 10.5.1(d) 10.5.2(a) 9.2.2, 9.2.4 9.2.1 (b) 10.5.2(a) 10.5.2 (e) 10.5.2(g) 7.2.5 7.2.3 10.5.5 10.5.5 10.5.5 A7.3 A7.7 A7.3 Page 14 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 15 of 22 E1: FILTRATION EQUIPMENT E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 General/external filter inspection Do new filter vessels meet the requirements of EI 1596? Do filter water separator vessels meet EI 1581 requirements and are 5th edition elements installed? Do filter monitors meet the requirements of EI 1583, latest edition? Do microfilters meet the requirements of EI 1590, latest edition? Are plates attached to each vessel stating that they meet the above standards and giving the correct designation, type and number of the elements installed? Is the maximum achievable flow rate marked on the body of each vessel and is it less than the rated flow for the vessel? Are dates of inspection and element changes displayed on the body of the vessels? Are filter elements stored and used in accordance with manufacturers requirements? Are pressure differential gauges of direct reading design and in good condition? Inspector to check for zeroing and free movement. (Not applicable to low flow single element filter vessels) Is a working and tested air eliminator and pressure relief valve fitted? Are any isolation/ maintenance valves sealed in the normal operating position? (Not applicable to low flow single element filter vessels) Are drain points readily accessible with sufficient clearance to accommodate a wide neck glass jar? Other Comments or Recommendations (R, C or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 7.1.2 A1.1 7.1.2 7.1.2 7.1.2 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 Page 15 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 16 of 22 F1: HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY & ENVIRONMENT This inspection is not an HSSE audit. However, the inspector should check that the HSSE requirements outlined in Chapter 2 (JIG 4) are in place. HSSE Management F1-1 Is there a HSSE policy statement available and displayed? F1-2 Is a set of drawings of the depot/fuelling facility available on site? F1-3 Is an operating and HSSE training and induction programme implemented for all personnel? F1-4 Is there a policy on the use of cell phones (mobile phones)? F1-5 Is there an appropriate PPE policy in use? Risk Assessment F1-6 Are risk assessments used to control identified hazards associated with routine and non-routine activities? Work Control Procedures F1-10 Is there evidence that a work control system is being used with appropriate safeguards for confined space entry, hazardous entry (pressure etc.), hot work, isolation, electrical work and other activities requiring control? F1-11 Does the work control system include the assignment of competent persons to authorise permits? Security F1-12 Is the location adequately secured to prevent the access of unauthorised people? Inspector to check that there are no obvious security issues during visit Training, Product handling and PPE F2-1 Is there a training plan for new and existing personnel? F2-2 Do training records include: - HSSE awareness and skills training? - Regular Operating and QC training? - Fire fighting training? - Fire drills and emergency procedure exercises? - Where additional services are provided, details by aircraft type? - Follow up on-the-job observation training? F2-4 Can appropriate medical aid and ambulance service be obtained at short notice? F2-5 Is a stocked first aid kit available and has clear responsibility for maintaining it been assigned? F2-6 Are adequate washing facilities provided? Incident reporting and Investigation F2-8 Is there an accident and incident statistics reporting system available? F2-9 Is there a written procedure for incident reporting? F2-10 Are reports of accidents and incidents and actions taken shared with personnel and participant companies (lessons learnt)? Emergency Response Procedures F2-11 Are written pre-planned response procedures in place for: · Equipment breakdown affecting ability to operate? · Power failure? · Product spillage? · Serious injury to staff, contractors or third parties? · Terrorist actions, bomb warning, civil disturbance etc.? · Fuel quality problems? · An aircraft accident/incident where fuel could be a contributory factor? · fire? Evidence that personnel have been made aware of the contents relevant to them? F2-12 Are emergency telephone numbers immediately available and up to date? F2-13 Are emergency (engine) shut-down systems tested monthly? F2-15 Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 (A5) 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3 8.22 Page 16 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 17 of 22 G1: AIRPORT DEPOT - QUALITY CONTROL DOCUMENTATION Inspector shall check documentation for compliance with JIG 4 requirements. G1-1 G1-2 G1-3 G1-4 G1-5 G1-6 G1-7 G1-8 Product Documents from Supplying Locations Are Release Certificates confirming compliance with latest issue of AFQRJOS ("Aviation Fuel Quality Requirements for Jointly Operated Systems for Jet A-1") available and do they contain the following information: - Grade and quantity? - Date and time of loading or transfer? - Batch number relating to the origin of product? - Batch density at 15 degrees C? - "Water Free" certification? - Signature of releasing authority? Are Refinery Certificates of Quality (RCQ), Certificates of Analysis (CoA) or Recertification and Periodic Test Certificates, if relevant, available, signed/ dated and do they confirm compliance with the latest issue of AFQRJOS? Are release certificates (loading documents) for drums with all the relevant information from the filling depot available? Product Receipt Records Do product receipt records include: - Date, time of receipt and volume? - Product receipt Release Certificate details? - Tank dips and daily volume reconciliation – stock control? Settling, Testing & Release – Dedicated and segregated supply Do records show that product settled for at least the minimum required time? Are bottom samples taken for a Control Check and a Visual Check? Do tank records include: - Date, time and authority to release product? Other Comments or Recommendations (Limit to C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 3.4 (e) 5.2 3.4 6.3 5.2 5.2 1.5 5.4.2 5.5 5.5 Page 17 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 18 of 22 G2: AIRPORT DEPOT – RECORDS OF ROUTINE CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE Inspector shall check that records of routine checks are readily available & up to date. Equipment Frequency Storage Tanks G2-1 Low point draining and Appearance Checks Daily G2-2 Low point draining and Visual Checks - jet fuel tanks in service Daily G2-3 Periodic Test Certificates (static stock – including drums) 6/12 months G2-4 Floating suctions buoyancy checks Monthly G2-5 Condition of free vents and coarse mesh screens (or PV valves Quarterly/ and flame arrestors where fitted) Yearly G2-6 High level alarm systems checks Yearly G2-7 Internal inspection and cleaning 3 years (5 years if fully lined) G2-8 If chemicals had to be used for the cleaning, records of additional steps taken to ensure no contamination of the fuel G2-9 Product recovery tank internal inspections Quarterly (or microbiological test results) G2-10 Draining of piping low points Monthly Bonding (Bridger receipt/Fueller loading) G2-11 Visual check of bonding wires and clips Daily G2-12 Electrical continuity check Weekly (not required for permissive bonding systems) Hoses G2-13 Dates of manufacture & into-service, and visual inspection Monthly under operating conditions G2-14 Pressure test of fueller loading hoses 6 months Meters and Gauges G2-15 Meter calibration test results accurate to required standard Yearly - For meters in service - For new/repaired meters prior to use (erratic/unadjustable meters shall be withdrawn from service) G2-16 Critical pressure gauge accuracy check with master gauge or 6 months dead weight tester Thermometers and Hydrometers G2-17 Accuracy check 6 months Fire extinguishers G2-18 Visual condition check Monthly G2-19 Maintenance by manufacturer/ competent employee/ Yearly contractor Electrical Equipment G2-20 Earthing straps/rods electrical resistance checks Yearly G2-21 Other Comments or Recommendations (C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 6.1.1 6.1.1 6.1.6, 6.3 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.2.1 6.2.3 A2 6.2.2 6.2.5 8.1 8.2.3 8.2.3 8.6.3 A3.1 A3.2 8.3 8.4.1 8.7.3 8.8 8.8 8.9 Page 18 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 19 of 22 G2: AIRPORT DEPOT – RECORDS OF ROUTINE CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE (continued) Inspector shall check that records of routine checks are readily available & up to date. Small Low Pressure Hydrant System Frequency G2-22 Low point flushing and Visual Check Weekly G2-23 Hydrant pit usage and flushing spur lines with unused pits 3 months G2-24 Pressure test of hoses used for low point & pit flushing 6 months G2-25 Additional flushing & QC checks on re-commissioning after hydrant maintenance/engineering work G2-26 Inspection and cleaning of hydrant pits Weekly G2-27 Pit valve performance checks - Static test (integrity check) Monthly - Dynamic test Yearly - After repair/overhaul and prior to use G2-28 Procedure for checking hydrant emergency shut-down system Monthly and test results G2-29 Cathodic Protection - Checks 3 months - Maintenance Yearly G2-30 Hydrant system integrity - Tightness Control Systems, or Monthly - Pressure Testing (if no TCS) Monthly G2-31 G2-32 Issue 1.00 July 2013 Valve chamber internal inspections (and water removal) - Without entry - Confined space entry Hydrant Pumps and alarms/detection systems maintenance Other Comments or Recommendations (C, R or NA) Joint Inspection Group If relevant: approved contractors maintenance personnel only Reference A7.5.1 A7.5.3 A7.5.4 A7.5.2 A7.6, A7.10 A7.10 A7.7 A7.8 A7.9 2.1 Page 19 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 20 of 22 G3: FILTRATION EQUIPMENT – RECORDS Inspector shall check that records of routine checks are readily available & up to date. Filtration Equipment Frequency G3-1 Draining filter vessel sumps under pressure & Visual Check Daily G3-2 Differential pressure monitoring and recording at maximum Daily when in achievable flow use G3-3 Graphs of differential pressure (dP) readings at or corrected to Weekly maximum operating flow rate Record of action taken when unusual dP result is found G3-4 dP gauge checks for zeroing & free movement Monthly G3-5 QC gauze strainers and draining Weekly G3-6 Microfilter element replacement with cause (eg max dP) 3 years (max) G3-7 Coalescer element replacement with cause (eg max dP or time 3 years (max) limit) For fuelling vehicles, 4,500 litre flush of new elements prior to use G3-8 Monitor element replacement with cause (eg max dP or time Yearly (max) limit) For fuelling vehicles, 4,500 litre flush of new elements prior to use G3-9 Internal inspections of filter vessel: Yearly - cleanliness - element appearance - element torque check - internal lining condition - cover seal condition - free draining to sump G3-10 Separator elements (Teflon/synthetic) testing Yearly G3-11 Servicing of air eliminators and pressure relief valves G3-12 EI 1582 Similarity Data Sheets confirming element configuration and flow rate for FWS vessels qualified to EI 1581 by similarity (and where vessels have been de-rated to reduced flow rate) G3-13 Other Comments or Recommendations (C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference A1.2.1 A1.2.2 A1.2.2 A1.2.3 A1.5 A1.3.1 A1.3.2 A1.3.5 A1.3.4 A1.3.5 A1.2.4 A1.3.3 A1.1 A1 7.1.2 Page 20 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 21 of 22 G4: INTO-PLANE SERVICE - RECORDS OF ROUTINE CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE Inspector shall check that records of routine checks are readily available & up to date. Quality Control and Maintenance Frequency G4-1 Service manuals for vehicles & aviation equipment and a preventative maintenance programme G4-2 Defect reporting system G4-3 Vehicle/fuelling equipment serviceability and maintenance checks G4-4 Re-commissioning procedure if fuelling equipment has been out of service for more than 1 month G4-5 Draining and sampling fuelling vehicles: - at start of morning shift - after loading fuellers (fueller tanks only) - after defuelling - after heavy rain/snow (fueller tanks only) - after washing or maintenance of tank, filter or fuelling system G4-6 Fueller tank inspection & cleaning: - visual inspection from top hatch Yearly - internal cleaning 5 years G4-7 Product recovery tanks visual inspection Quarterly G4-8 Fueller tank top drains check for blockage Monthly G4-9 Fueller overfill protection devices (high/high-high level cut-off 6 months checks) G4-10 Overwing fuelling: - procedures for grade confirmation - use of a Fuel Grade Confirmation Form G4-11 Functional check of interlock system, including warning lights and Weekly check of override system G4-12 Check of seals on interlock override switch and function check of a Daily single interlock G4-13 Function of the platform emergency lowering system and wand Monthly sensor checks G4-14 Functional check of emergency engine stops Monthly Bonding Cables & Reels G4-15 Visual check of bonding wires and clips Daily G4-16 Electrical continuity check Weekly Hoses G4-17 Dates of manufacture & in-service, and visual inspection (hose fully Monthly extended) at working pressure G4-18 Pressure test - routine 6 months - after fitting new hose or shortening (after repair) G4-19 New hose commissioning G4-20 Hose end strainers inspection and cleaning. Monthly/ (fitted to overwing nozzles-monthly and pressure fuelling-6 monthly) 6 months Hydrant Pit Couplers G4-21 Hydrant pit coupler wear checks Yearly G4-22 Any other comment / recommendation (C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 8.10 8.10 8.11 8.10 9.2.1 8.19 (a) 8.19 (b) 6.2.5 8.19 (a) 8.21 10.5.4 A6 8.12 8.12 8.20 8.22 8.2 8.2 8.15 A3.1 8.15 A3.2 8.15.3 8.18 A7.3 Page 21 of 22 JIG 4 Issue 2 Page 22 of 22 G4: INTO-PLANE SERVICE - RECORDS OF ROUTINE CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE (continued) Inspector shall check that records of routine checks are readily available & up to date. Meters and Gauges Frequency G4-23 Meter calibration test results accurate to required standard yearly - For meters in service - For new/repaired meters prior to use (erratic/unadjustable meters shall be withdrawn from service) G4-24 Critical pressure gauge accuracy check with master gauge or 6 months dead weight tester Pressure Control Valve Systems G4-27 Deadman performance check Monthly G4-28 Pressure control system check 6 months Thermometers and Hydrometers G4-29 Accuracy check 6 months Fire extinguishers G4-30 Visual condition check Monthly G4-31 Maintenance by manufacturer/competent employee/contractor Yearly G4-32 Other Comments or Recommendations (C, R or NA) Reference 8.3 8.4 8.14, 7.2.5 8.14 8.7.3 8.8 8.8 H1: NON-ROUTINE/INFREQUENT TASKS Inspector shall review the following activities if they have taken place within the last inspection period. H1-1 H1-2 H1-3 H1-4 H1-5 H1-6 Tank Sampling for Certification (laboratory tests) Tank Composite samples available and clearly labelled? Laboratory test samples taken in accordance with procedures? Flushing infrequently used hoses Are infrequently used hoses flushed at required intervals? Change of Grade Procedures Adequate change of grade procedures where required? Fuelling with fuel containing FSII Where FSII is required are satisfactory procedures in place and do they ensure that fuel shall not pass through EI 1583 filter monitors? Other Comments or Recommendations (C, R or NA) Issue 1.00 July 2013 Joint Inspection Group Reference 3.3 3.1, 3.2 8.15.3 9.2.5 7.1.2 Page 22 of 22