PLEASE USE BLACK INK SCHOOL AGE REFERRAL FORM: SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY GENERAL INFORMATION NHS NO: Please indicate reason for referral: (Please tick appropriate box(es) Communication Feeding Surname.................................................................. DOB............................................. First name.............................................................. Male/Female.................................. Parent’s surname (if different from child)....................................................................... Address............................................................................................................................ ..................................................................... Postcode............................................... Home telephone................................. Mobile (parent/carer’s)...................................... Would you be happy for us to contact you (parents/carers) by email? ......................................... Parents/Carers Email Address ........................................................................................... School.................................................. Contact person in school................................. GP.................................................................................................................................. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Home language........................................ Interpreter required for parents…YES/NO Other agencies involved (if any).................................................................................... Any hearing concerns? (If yes, please specify)............................................................. EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION: Code of practice stage (please tick): Not on code of practice School action School action plus Statement Please tell us what support is available in school for the child: Support in the classroom: 1:1 support to deliver speech and language programme of work: Education Sept 2010 D:\106748170.doc P T O Please give us some information about the child’s communication difficulty and explain how it is affecting them academically and socially What strategies are currently being used in school to support the child’s communication? Please tell us what are the child’s current National Curriculum Levels: English........................................................................................................................... Numeracy...................................................................................................................... Science.......................................................................................................................... Education Sept 2010 D:\106748170.doc REFERRAL Reason for referral: What specifically would you hope to happen as a result of the speech and language therapy assessment? Has the child been referred to speech and language therapy before? YES/NO................................................................................. If yes, please give details: Referred by: Name............................................................ Designation............................................. Address............................................................................................................................ .................................................................. Date........................................................ Postcode……………………………………… Telephone no:......................................... P T O Education Sept 2010 D:\106748170.doc CONSENT *Please note, parental signatures are required.* I give consent for my child to be referred to speech and language therapy ...........................................................................(Parent/Guardian please sign) I give consent for information related to my child’s therapy to be shared/ discussed with health/education/other colleagues including the sharing of electronic records with GP ........................................................................... (Parent/Guardian please sign) I give consent for information to be shared about the dates and times of my child’s appointments ........................................................................... (Parent/Guardian please sign) Ethnicity White Black or Black British 01 British 02 Irish 03 An other white background group 12 Caribbean 13 African 14 Any other Black background within this Mixed Other ethnic group 04 White & Black Caribbean 05 White & Black African 06 White & Asian 07 Any other mixed background Asian or Asian British 15 Chinese 16 Any other ethnic group Please note: the above ethnic origin classification is based on advice by the Commission for Racial Equality. 08 Indian 09 Pakistani 10 Bangladeshi 11 Any other Asian background within this group Please note, this form may be returned if not all relevant sections have been completed. Please return this form to, Speech and Language Therapy Service, Locala Community Partnerships, Batley Health Centre, 130 Upper Commercial Street, Batley WF17 5ED. Tel 01924 351546 For office use only: Education Sept 2010 Date referral received …………………………………. D:\106748170.doc CHILDREN’S SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY SERVICE DISCHARGE POLICY When will my child’s name be removed from the Speech and Language Therapy list? At any one time, there are approximately 400 children on the Speech and Language Therapy list some of whom are getting therapy and some of whom are waiting. Each week some children are added to our list and some children are removed from our list. This advice sheet has been written to help you understand when we would remove your child’s name from our list. Reason 1: Your child doesn’t need speech and language therapy. This will happen when your speech and language therapist decides that your child’s speech, language and communication skills are within normal limits. Reason 2: Your child doesn’t need speech and language therapy NOW. Your speech and language therapist will give you some advice about when your child might need to be seen again. Reason 3: You can’t keep or you miss your appointment and you forget to tell us - if this happens you need to let us know straight away. REMEMBER if we don’t hear from you, your child’s name will be removed from our list. The telephone number for appointments is: 01924 351577 PLEASE NOTE: If your child has been discharged three times for failing to attend, a fourth referral may not be automatically accepted. - - Sometimes the Speech & Language Therapist may see your child without you being in the room. However, please do not leave the waiting area in case you are needed Education Sept 2010 D:\106748170.doc