EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE ACTION PLUS GUIDANCE AND AUDIT CRITERIA SEPTEMBER 2013 TO JULY 2014 DETAILS OF EARLY YEARS ACTION PLUS FUNDING APPLICATIONS CONTENTS Page 1. 2. 3. 4. A Guidance to inform practitioners of the Early Years Action Plus Funding Process 3 Early Years Action Plus – High Needs Funding Equivalent Tariffs (at school age) 11 Early Years Foundation Stage Action Plus Funding Application Form for children attending Pre-Schools, Nurseries and Childminders 12 Early Years Foundation Stage Action Plus Form 1a – Annual Audit Application Form 13 Early Years Foundation Stage Action Plus Form 2a – In-Year Audit Application Form 15 Applications for funding for children 18 months to 3 years: 17 Audit Criteria – Early Years Personal, Social, Emotional – EYPSED Audit Criteria – Early Years Speech, Language and Communication – EYSLC3 Audit Criteria – Early Years Physical Impairment– EYPI3 Audit Criteria – Early Years General Developmental Delay–EYGDD2 Audit Criteria – Early Years Combined Impairment – EYCI Audit Criteria – Early Years Medical – EYM 18 19 20 21 22 23 Applications for children 3 years to Year 1: 24 Audit Criteria – Early Years Personal, Social, Emotional – EYPSED Audit Criteria – Early Years General Developmental Delay – EYGDD2 Audit Criteria – Early Years Speech, Language and Communication – EYSLC2 Audit Criteria – Early Years Speech, Language and Communication – EYSLC3 Audit Criteria – Early Years Speech, Language and Communication – EYASD3 Audit Criteria – Early Years Sensory, Hearing 2 – EYSH2 Audit Criteria – Early Years Sensory, Visual Impairment 2 – EYSV2 Audit Criteria – Early Years Physical Impairment 2 – EYPI2 Audit Criteria – Early Years Physical Impairment 3 – EYPI3 Audit Criteria – Early Years Sensory – Combined Impairments – EYCI (not applicable for Reception/Year 1) Audit Criteria – Early Years Medical – EYM 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Applications for children entering or attending Reception Class Level 1: 36 35 The old level 1 categories are included in this document. They are there as a resource for schools to use internally to agree the funding that assessed need might require from the notional formula based element 2 SEN budget. Audit Criteria – Early Years General Developmental Delay – EYGDD Audit Criteria – Early Years Speech, Language and Communication – EYSLC1 Audit Criteria – Early Years Sensory Hearing 1 – EYSH1 Audit Criteria – Early Years Sensory Visual Impairment 1 – EYSV1 Audit Criteria – Early Years Physical Impairment – EYPI1 L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 37 38 39 40 41 2 EARLY YEARS ACTION PLUS GUIDANCE SEPTEMBER 2013 – 2014 A GUIDANCE TO INFORM PRACTITIONERS OF THE EARLY YEARS ACTION PLUS FUNDING PROCESS Purpose To support the process of funding applications to all Early Years provision. This funding supplements resources made available through Provision for All and Early Years Action. Information Detail as to how Early Years Action Plus resources can be applied for and are allocated through criteria (Audit Framework), following County Moderation to reflect need. Background Special Educational Needs Code of Practice Early Years Foundation Stage Framework Issued 1 September 2013 Link to High Needs Funding Guidance 2014/15 including 13/14 In Year Arrangements L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 3 CONTENTS OF GUIDANCE Page 1. Introduction 5 2 The Early Years Action Plus Funding Criteria 5 3 The Nature of Intervention 6 4 Allocation of Early Years Action Plus Funding 6 5 Early Years Action Plus Application Evidence Criteria 7 6 Process of Application for the Early Years Action Plus funding for children in Pre-school provision 8 Transition arrangements for funding where child is already in receipt of EYAP funding in Preschool into school 9 7 8 New Applications for children entering Reception classes 10 9 The Alignment of EYAP and SAP within school 10 10 Early Years Foundation Stage – School Action Plus Equivalent Tariffs 11 Early Years Action Plus Funding Application Form 12 Early Years Action Plus Form 1a: Annual Audit Application 13 Early Years Action Plus Form 2a: In-Year Audit Application 15 PLEASE NOTE: The term of ’setting’ refers to all provision delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage. The term ‘practitioner’ refers to all adults working within provision which delivers the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is a guidance to support funding applications and contains the Early Years Action Plus criteria for September 2013/2014. An Early Years Action Plus report on identification, levels of incidence across three years, funding trends and developments is published separately. Both documents can be found on the EIS website www.six.somerset.gov.uk/eis L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 4 1. Introduction Early Years Action Plus funding application process reflects the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and supports effective transition into Year 1. The Early Years Action Plus criteria applies to children from 18 months to 6 years of age who attend preschool, schools and accredited childminders. The guidance aims to provide information of the process for those working within provision supporting children with Special Educational needs. The information within this guidance refers to Somerset’s processes for early identification and assessment and reflects the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and the Early Years SEN Code of Practice Nov 2001. There is a package of training offered to support the implementation of Somerset’s processes for early identification and support. They are delivered by the Early Years Area SENCO Advisory Team and Early Years Educational Psychologists. Essential training for all Early Years SENCOs is 'Calling Early Years SENCO' (2 Days). Further training offering a focus on specific aspects of Early Years are as follows: ‘Manual Handling and Risk Assessment Planning' for settings who are supporting children with complex physical needs 'Complex Social Communicative Difficulties' (2 days) ‘Portage Workshops' (2 days) ‘Use of the Generic Developmental Journal’ (1 day) EYSTC Induction, Level 2 and Coordinator Level Behaviour as Communication (1/2 day) You may wish to contact your Area SENCO for further details, or refer to the Early Years Newsletter for dates for the year. 2. The Early Years Action Plus Funding Criteria The EYFS statutory l requirements for ratios of adults to children will impact on the criteria requirements for provision planning. The EYFS Action Plus funding criteria has therefore been divided into 3 different parts. EYFS Action Plus criteria for children 18 months to 3 years apply to children with the highest level of need and high level of adult intervention. Where a child has very complex needs, and is under 18 months, going into a setting please contact your Area SENCO. EYFS Action Plus criteria for children 3 years to Yr1 apply to children with highest level of need who require specific and targeted provision to facilitate additional actions required. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 5 3. The Nature of Intervention Monitoring children’s progress throughout the foundation stage is essential. Early years education settings should adopt a graduated approach to meeting a child’s needs as indicated in SEN Code of practice November 2001. There is sometimes an expectation that ‘Action’ in Early Years Action and Early Years Action Plus will comprise of support in the form of the deployment of extra staff to enable one to one tuition to be given to the child. This may not be the most appropriate way of helping the child. The ‘Action’ may take the form of training, physical or sensory adaptations or provision planning to enable the very young child with special educational needs to learn and progress to the maximum possible. The key lies in effective individualised arrangements for learning and teaching. The resources might be extra adult time; the provision of different materials or special equipment; some individualised or group support or staff deployment and training. Early Years Action Plus is characterised by the involvement of LA and the community health services who support early years providers with advice, provide more specialists assessments, give advice on strategies or materials and in some cases provide support for particular activities. It is essential that settings are able to show that advice and resources have been used to the benefit of the child. 4. Allocation of Early Years Action Plus Funding Early Years Action Plus funding is applicable for those children whose needs will determine appropriate modifications being made within a setting. Funding is allocated in response to the needs of the child and requirements of the provision at the time of application. The nature of a child’s development can change significantly in the early years. It cannot be assumed that once an application is awarded at a particular category or level that will remain throughout the time a child is accessing Early Years’ provision. The monitoring and review of a child’s progress and a setting’s provision to meet those needs must be reviewed on an annual basis. Entry into a Preschool and subsequently to School is a crucial and vulnerable time for a child and family. The Early Years Action Plus Audit process is designed to support transition. The children involved are likely to be known by a number of different professionals and agencies and will be on the MAISEY database. (MAISEY meetings coordinate actions, assessments and interventions from birth to the end of reception.) Involvement from agencies would indicate there has been a period of observation, possible immediate intervention and discussion as to appropriate intervention and additional provision necessary to support the child. This discussion should include possible recommendations for setting to apply for Early Years Action plus funding. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 6 5. Early Years Action Plus Application Evidence Criteria Early Years Applications should include the following evidence: 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Evidence of the child’s need Evidence of multi agency recommendations Provision planning currently in place and required to be in place Evidence of monitoring progress and reviewing individual plans Evidence for funding applications Attached to the criteria are copies of the Early Years Action Plus application form for Preschool providers and Early Years High Needs Funding application form for schools to use. 5.1 Evidence of the child's need will be indicated by reports from appropriate professionals, from parent observations and setting observations as indicated in the audit criteria. MAISEY referral needs to be considered. We recognise that a very few parents may not give consent for MAISEY but this will not affect access to funding. 5.2 Evidence of multi agency recommendations 5.3 Evidence of provision planning would include some of the following: 5.4 Examples of sharing relevant information – working in partnership with parent/carer to identify appropriate provision/ intervention Response made to Area SENCOs and Educational Psychologists, Community Therapists and Sensory Support Advisers recommendations Any adaptations made necessary for setting Equipment or resources required or obtained Staff training identified Specific individual support put in place to support child Evidence of collaboration with other professional agencies Observations of child’s strengths and needs and individual progress over time Preschool or School Entry Plans Medical care plan Evidence of monitoring progress and reviewing individual plans should include: L&A/SH/1013b010edo Examples of child’s progress against the developmental elements within the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Foundation Stage Profile, eg use of Personal Pathways and the practitioner copy of the Developmental Journal Evidence of graduated approach and interventions with outcomes, ie an IEP or PEP with appropriate reviews Outcome of 2 year old check EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 7 5.5 It is an expectation that there is documented evidence of parents involvement in the processes of monitoring and reviewing a child’s progress Once a child starts in the reception class there should be an Autumn review of the School Entry Plan (date of which should be agreed at the original School Entry Planning meeting) The School Entry Plan review fulfils the same function as the Annual review In year 1, the School Annual Review can be submitted for Yr2 funding application Evidence for funding applications should be gathered as part of practitioner’s normal good practice. Evidence collated for the Early Years Action Plus audit process are very often a valuable resource for subsequent use to inform a child’s School Entry Plan. 6 Process of Application for the Early Years Action Plus funding for children in Pre-school provision The Early Years Action Plus audit panel for preschool aged children will meet each term. Area SENCO, Early Years Educational Psychologist and MAISEY administrators will have the dates for the year. For preschools applications the outcome of the Audit panel decision is indicated on the Audit application form. If the application is turned down the reason will be written at the foot of the application form. A letter from the Early Years audit administrator follows successful application with details of funding. Please Note: the Pre School SENCO must make note of the period of funding and must coordinate re-application in the term prior to the funding coming to an end if required. 6.1 Additional sessions requested by setting Regard is taken for the number of hours a child attends a non maintained setting. It is not the sole determining factor for allocation of funds but does provide a guide to the audit panel as to percentage of time a child is within the setting. Should a setting significantly increase the number of hours a child accesses the setting they may need to contact their Area SENCO for a request for an increase in funding. Where settings request additional sessions, the Area SENCO will be approached to review the quality of provision and intervention before additional funds are awarded. The total number of hours for which additional funding can be awarded is 15 hours. Should a child attend two provisions the funding will be allocated on the basis of need within each particular provision up to a maximum of 15 hours. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 8 6.2 Monitoring and review processes In most cases funding in preschool will apply for 1-3 terms and re application will be necessary at the appropriate time prior to the funding ceasing. Please ensure the date the funding ceases is noted and a reapplication made in the half term prior to this date. All children who are identified as being at Early Years Action Plus level of need, whether in receipt of funding or not, will need a School Entry Plan to identify their child’s strengths, needs, provision requirements and possible funding category on transfer to school. 7. Transition arrangements for funding where child is already in receipt of EYAP funding in Pre-school into school There will be a review of funding requirements, when planning transition into school, and decisions confirmed after the School Entry planning meeting. They should be recorded on the front sheet of the School Entry Plan. The outcome of funding decisions may be to remain on the same criteria and tariff level. If this is a high needs (HN) tariff the decision must be recorded on the front sheet of the School Entry planning proforma and sent through to Simon Heritage, EYAP/High Needs Funding administrator, County Hall. NO roll over will take place unless confirmed by School Entry Planning meeting. If the level of funding needs to be changed to a higher tariff or a complete change of category is necessary, an application for a change should be made by the school at the Summer In-Year audit prior to starting school, or at an InYear audit during for the first year in school. For school aged children, High Needs Medical Funding will be allocated on the basis of TA costs rather than a weighted tariff. Therefore there is no ‘roll over’ of funding on school entry for this tariff. An application for Medical category must be submitted at the February Annual audit or Summer In-Year audit, to ensure appropriate funding is in place on school entry. Please note that a School Entry Plan fulfils the same function as the Annual Review fulfils for children in later year groups. There is no need to complete an Annual Review prior to admission to school or for an Autumn Term In-Year application. Once a child starts in the reception class there should be an Autumn review of the School Entry Plan, organised by the school, involving professionals as required. Please remember that High Needs Funding is for the highest proven level of severe and complex need in the County. It is the 'top up' funding source delegated to schools, where needs require funding of £6,000 plus. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 9 FOR SCHOOLS ONLY 8. New Applications for children entering Reception classes In the case of new applications it is the responsibility of the receiving school to collate relevant evidence and compile the application. It is also important that the Headteacher/Senior Manager signs the relevant application form (attached to this guidance pack). The School Entry planning meeting is an ideal time to identify the evidence available from the parent/carer, Preschool/Nursery and/or Childminder and involved agencies. Applications can be made at the In year Audit in June, prior to starting school, for the following reasons: The pre-school setting had identified the need but due to staffing ratios had not needed additional funding to provide for the child There has not been an opportunity to hold a School Entry Planning meeting Where a child’s needs has recently been identified and therefore detailed assessment/observations have not been carried out Where the child’s school entry may be deferred Where there are discussions about school placement Where transition planning requires an additional level of sensitivity There are circumstances where crucial reports or provision evidence, indicating the level of the child’s needs, are not available at the June audit and therefore could compromise the success of the application. In such circumstance or where a child is unknown to MAISEY and the child is due to start school with a high level of need, it may be more appropriate to make an application at the Autumn In-Year Audit. If approved this funding is then back dated. In addition schools can make In-year applications at the start of any term in the first year of schooling. 9. The Alignment of Early Years Action Plus and High Needs Funding within school Children in R (0) and Yr 1 will be receiving support according to the Early Years Action Plus criteria although funded from the High Needs Funding budget. Please ensure that you use the Early Years Action Plus Criteria in your applications in Year R (0) and use the High Needs Funding criteria for children in Year 1 for Year 2. Early Years Action Plus criteria are equivalent to Level 2 or Level 3 as indicated with the exception of EYPSED which will equate to BESD Level 1 funding. The table below should clarify the tariff allocation. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 10 Early Years Action Plus – High Needs Funding Equivalent Tariffs 10. Early Years Action Plus Category School High Needs Funding Category EYSCL3 HNASD2 EY ASD3 ( for school application only) HNASD3 EYPSED BESD1 (Element 2 Formula Funded) EYPSED2 ( exceptional application only) HNBESD2 EYGDD1 LGDD1 (Element 2 Formula Funded) EYGDD2 HNLGDD2 EYSCL1 LLC1 (Element 2 Formula Funded) EYSCL2 HNLLC2 EYPI1 PI1 (Element 2 Formula Funded) EYPI2 HNPI2 EYPI3 HNPI3 EYSH1 SH1 (Element 2 Formula Funded) EYSH2 HNSH2 No Early Years category HNSH3 EYSV1 SV1 (Element 2 Formula Funded) EYSV2 HNSV2 No Early Years category HNSV3 EYM – MEDICAL HNMEDICAL/OTH TA UNIT EYCI No equivalent High Needs Funding category on school entry (see note below) EYAP categories EYPSED2, EYM and EYCI do not attract rollover funding at school entry. Where High Needs Funding is required for these categories, the school should submit an In-Year audit application. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 11 EARLY YEARS ACTION PLUS FUNDING APPLICATION FORM FOR CHILDREN ATTENDING PRE-SCHOOLS, NURSERIES AND CHILDMINDERS Full name of child: Date of Birth: Name and address of Parents: Funding Criteria being applied for: eg EYSLC2 Application made on behalf of pre-school setting (please include postal address and email): Contact Name at Pre-school & telephone number: Application to be returned to if different from above: (please give name and address) Application completed by: (please print) Date: Number of hours child attends provision in a week State how much funded time you are requesting up to 15 hours (Pro rata for dual placed child) If child attends another preschool please give full name: Does the child receive Portage? Yes No Is child on MAISEY Yes No The following evidence may be available to be included when submitting the application: NB: Please ensure you have gained permission from the relevant person for their evidence to be included. Possible evidence to be included in the application Has the evidence been included? Parent Held Record Pre-school Observations/Assessment Additional notes from meetings, phone calls or liaison with parent/carers or other professionals Pre-school entry planning meeting notes, other transfer information Individual Educational Plans and reviews Reports from Area SENCO Reports from Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapist or Occupational therapist Portage Reports/Notes Reports from Educational Psychologists Reports from Paediatrician, GP, Health visitor Reports or intervention from Children Centre services Reports from Support Service Advisory Teachers, eg Hearing, Visual, Physical/Medical (PIMMS) Please send this application to: Mr Simon Heritage, EYAP Administrator, Learning & Achievement, County Hall, TAUNTON, Somerset, TA1 4DY Application Agreed: Yes No If No, reasons why rejected: L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 12 EARLY YEARS HIGH NEEDS FUNDIN FORM 1a: SCHOOLS ONLY 2013/14 ANNUAL AUDIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FUNDING DECISION (MODERATION PANEL TO COMPLETE) Approved Audit Category For Medical Cases: Please state Number of Units wef End Date Where a decision is NIL, a sheet will be included explaining the moderators' reasons SCHOOLS: PLEASE COMPLETE PARTS A AND B PART A – APPLICATION DETAILS Please attach to this form a copy of the relevant Audit Framework page which shows the audit category and lists the evidence for your application. Please tick box to indicate your Area Base Area 1 – Chandos Area 2 – Wells 1. Treasurer No: 2. Pupil Name (IN CAPS): 3. Date of Birth: 4. Year Group (NCY): 5. SEN Code of Practice Stage: (please tick) Area 3 – Buckland Area 4 – Holway School Name: at September 2008 (ie current year group) Early Years Foundation Stage Action Plus (previously School Action Plus for reception aged children) Additional Needs (Element 2 Formula Funded) High Needs Funded (Element 3) Under Assessment Statement 6. Dual Placement? Yes No If Yes, number of days per week attending: 7. Part time pupil? Yes No If Yes, number of days per week attending: Deferred entry? Yes No Date due to start school: 8. Current Audit Category if child in receipt of funding: Code (eg EYGDD2) 9. Audit Category requested for September 2014 (Apply for one only): Code (eg EYGDD2) For medical, please state Number of Units 10. Does this pupil have a Statement of SEN and reside in another LA? Yes No If Yes, which LA? 11. Is this pupil registered in a Resource Base? 12. SEN Support Services Contact: Yes No Part B Continues on second page L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 13 PART B – CERTIFICATION I confirm that, based on the evidence presented, this application should be considered for High Needs Funding Signed: (Headteacher/Senior Manager) Date: NB: THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IF IT IS SUBMITTED WITHOUT THE HEADTEACHER’S/ SENIOR MANAGER'S SIGNATURE PLEASE SEND THIS APPLICATION TO: Mr Simon Heritage High Needs Funding Finance Team Learning & Achievement County Hall TAUNTON Somerset TA1 4DY L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 14 EARLY YEARS HIGH NEEDS FUNDING FORM 2a: 2013/14 IN-YEAR AUDIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY FUNDING DECISION (MODERATION PANEL TO COMPLETE) Approved Audit Category For Medical Cases: Please state Number of Units wef End Date Where a decision is NIL, a sheet will be included explaining the moderators' reasons SCHOOLS: PLEASE COMPLETE PARTS A AND B PART A – APPLICATION DETAILS Please attach to this form a copy of the relevant Audit Framework page which shows the audit category and lists the evidence for your application. Please tick box to indicate your Area Base Area 1 – Chandos Area 2 – Wells 1. Treasurer No: 2. Pupil Name (IN CAPS): 3. Date of Birth: 4. Year Group (NCY): 5. SEN Code of Practice Stage: (please tick) Area 3 – Buckland Area 4 – Holway School Name: at September 2008 (ie, current year group) Early Years Foundation Stage Action Plus (previously School Action Plus for reception aged children) Additional Needs (Element 2 Formula Funded) 6. 7. High Needs Funded (Element 3) Under Assessment Statement Dual Placement? Yes No If Yes, number of days per week attending: Part time pupil? Yes No If Yes, number of days per week attending: Does this pupil have a Statement of SEN and reside in another LA? Yes No If Yes, which LA? 8. Is this pupil registered in a Resource Base? Yes 9. Audit Category requested for In-Year Audit (Apply for one only): No Code (eg EYGDD2) If Medical please state Number of Units requested 10. Additional In-Year Criteria: In addition to the above information, I confirm that the following criteria applies (please tick box) Moved into County from (LA) Transferred from Special School (School Name) L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 15 Transferred from Alternative Provision (please describe) First admission. Date due to start/started school Exceptional and Long Term change in medical need Traveller/Child in Care (new to school) (New would be within the last 3 months) Transferred from mainstream without funding but has sufficiently high level of need 11. SEN Support Services Contact: PART B – CERTIFICATION I confirm that, based on the evidence presented, this application should be considered for High Needs Funding Signed: (Headteacher/Senior Manager) Date: NB: THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IF IT IS SUBMITTED WITHOUT THE HEADTEACHER’S/ SENIOR MANAGER'S SIGNATURE PLEASE SEND THIS APPLICATION TO: Mr Simon Heritage High Needs Funding Finance Team Learning & Achievement County Hall TAUNTON Somerset TA1 4DY L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 16 EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE ACTION PLUS AUDIT CRITERIA 2013 – 2014 APPLIES TO APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING FOR CHILDREN 18 MONTHS TO 3 YEARS CONTAINS CRITERIA FOR: EYPSED, EYSLC3, EYPI3, EYGDD2, EYCI, MEDICAL Recommendations relevant for applications: Please take a copy of the relevant page of this framework, and attach the evidence. Please refer to Guidance if necessary. Evidence of targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations. Would recommend use of photographic evidence to demonstrate use of specialist resources and specific interventions. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 17 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS PERSONAL, SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT – EYPSED (PLEASE NOTE for Ages 18 – 36 months) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo The persistence and severity of a child’s difficulties has an impact on peers and practitioners within setting These difficulties could be demonstrated either as withdrawn, anxious or challenging behaviours which would equally indicate underlying emotional/social concerns or communication difficulties Child requires targeted intervention to develop aspects of development such as making relationships, behaviour, self control and self care, communication for language and communication for thinking Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Health visitors, Social Care Services Information from Portage involvement Pre-school entry or other transition planning, current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Developing strategies in place to provide more intensive and responsive support through partnership with parent/carers Evidence of a developing and consistent relationship in partnership with parents/carers Adult support is identified and organised to meet the needs of child and responds sensitively to his/her feelings, ideas and behaviour as required Training is planned to support practitioners to develop skills and abilities required Strategies are in place to promote interaction with peers and/or adults as recommended by Area SENCO and/or Educational psychologist An individual plan identifies agreed graduated response to meeting child’s social and emotional needs Ongoing support is required to adapt environment and teaching style Ensure there is a clear cycle of review involving child, parents, staff, and other professionals as appropriate Regular review child’s learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary. Records of additional observation and assessment Documentation and analysis of behaviours, eg ABCC (what is the child communicating), EYSTC Communication Profiles etc. Notes of discussions with parents and professionals Notes and outcomes of staff discussions Targeted intervention as noted on planning Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of Inclusion Development Programme resources Use planning, monitoring, assessment and evaluation cycles to support and extend personal social emotional aspects of development and learning EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 18 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL COMMUNICATION – EYSLC3 (PLEASE NOTE for Ages 18 – 36 months) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo The child will have significant difficulties with all aspects of communication as identified by speech and language therapist and/or Paediatrician This child has clear and long term difficulties within the following areas, ie restricted and rigid behaviours, social communication, sensory processing and social interaction as identified by Speech and Language therapist, Paediatrician or educational psychologist These difficulties have a substantial impact on child’s own learning Child needs to be explicitly taught communication strategies Child fails to understand consequences of their behaviour which can be challenging. This may present a risk to the safety of staff other children or themselves. Alternatively the child is extremely withdrawn. The child may display highly distressed behaviour arising from a significant lack of comprehension Child has been referred to MAISEY Evidence of regular partnership working with parents/carers Specific strategies are implemented to daily routine and to the learning environment to accommodate child’s needs as recommended by Area SENCO or Educational Psychologist Additional communication system is put in place as necessary to support communication Child is supported by an adult or team of adults to support the child at vulnerable times Detailed intervention to develop social skills Planned Support is necessary to develop interaction with adults and peers Approaches to managing behaviour and minimising consequences are developed by practitioners in conjunction with other professionals Pre School planning and other transition planning which requires multi agency liaison, preparation and training for practitioners Practitioners are actively engaged in County/other appropriate training opportunities to support child's inclusion Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services, Health Visitors, Information from Portage involvement Pre-school entry or other transition planning current multiagency planning Family Service Plan Inclusion Development Programme Resources Regular review child’s learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary. Sample of records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Planned use of tools of communication (STC or PECS) – photographs may be used to evidence this Evidence of structured language programmes Evidence of supporting child’s personal, social and emotional development in setting and home IEP – review and completed outcomes Photographs and/or description of use of visual prompts, such as visual timetable, dressing strip or communication book Certificates of practitioner’s attendance at course for autism or severe communication disorder You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 19 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT – EYPI3 (PLEASE NOTE for Ages 18 – 36 months) Need Need Evidence, which clarifies child’s needs. Please check age of reports Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Criteria Child has physical impairment, which has been identified by Paediatrician or Physiotherapist Child has a physical impairment which necessitates the use of additional equipment as main means to support all standing and walking AND/OR Child has a severe communication impairment diagnosed by a Speech and Language Therapist and they need augmented communication support and/or severe learning difficulties Need for specialist advice and support to progress through developmental elements within Physical Development and Language for Communication Regular programmes of intervention necessary to maintain and develop progress Regular involvement of health agencies Significant adult intervention necessary for child’s self care needs, eg eating, drinking, dressing, toileting and positioning Additional resources/equipment required to support child’s basic needs Child has been referred to MAISEY Would meet criteria for Family Service Plan Evidence of regular partnership working with parents/carers Strategies to facilitate inclusion within playroom and outside area Additional equipment required to support Physical Development and Language for communication Appropriate adaptations to environment to meet identified needs IEP showing evidence of adapted curriculum for Physical Development and Language for communication Programmes implemented following guidance of therapists Training for staff identified and implemented Ensure Practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning Reports from Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Health visitor, Social Care Services, Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning, Pre-school entry or other transition planning Family Service Plan Regular review of Childs learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, Learning diary, Developmental Journal. Sample of keyworker records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of STC, objects of reference etc Use of additional resources IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations Umbrella targets from therapists You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 20 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY – EYGDD2 (PLEASE NOTE for Ages 18 – 36 months) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s level of need. Please check age of report Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Child demonstrates significant developmental delay of twelve months or more across all areas of development Child needs structured individual attention to support all aspects of learning and development Child needs significantly more adult support on aspects of self care, mobility and engagement than other children of a similar age Use of practitioners Generic Developmental Journal makes it easier to celebrate child’s achievements and identify next steps Impact of Childs needs are such that they would meet criteria for Family Service Plan Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Learning environment is organised for child and adults to access and use STC tools for communication Learning environment and resources are organised to meet child’s physical/ developmental requirements Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers IEP identifies specific target and structured activity to support learning and development Requires targeted intervention from an adult to provide intensive and responsive support to facilitate progress in all areas of development Structured step by step programme in place to support learning Strategies are in place to promote interaction with peers and/or adults Ongoing guidance from support services is required to adapt environment and teaching style Evidence that key worker is to attend or has attended training to develop skills and abilities required Planning identifies learning objectives to meet child’s needs Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Documentation and review of child’s developmental and learning journey, eg Practitioners Generic Developmental Journal, Personal Pathways booklet, Learning diary Sample of records of observation and assessment Targeted intervention as noted on planning Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum, routines and staff deployment in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of STC, objects of reference etc IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations Planning needs to identify how support is deployed Evidence of staff members attending relevant training You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 21 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS SENSORY – COMBINED IMPAIRMENTS – EYCI (PLEASE NOTE for Ages 18 – 36 months) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s level of need. Please check age of report Child demonstrates significant developmental delay as a result of a combination of specific and non-specific developmental disorders The combination contributes to a significant developmental delay of 12 months or more across areas of communication/personal, social, emotional/sensory/physical development There will be a need for multi agency support from at least three agencies Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration The child will be receiving targeted intervention when working towards early developmental elements Evidence of regular partnership working with parents/carers Targets address the child’s needs under the following headings, where appropriate covering aspects such as: – Personal, Social and Emotional – Hearing – Visual impairment – Speech and language – Motor planning and coordination – Sensory defensive or integration difficulties Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Review to identify progress against IEP targets New targets set or revised at regular intervals Records of achievement/progress in relation to developmental elements Pen portrait Individual Profile demonstrates areas of need Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning Reports from Health Visitor, Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Audiologist, Opthalmist, ENT Consultant, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SI Support services Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning, Pre-school Entry Plan Family Service Plan Regular review of Childs learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, Learning diary, practitioners Generic Developmental Journal. Keyworker records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of STC, objects of reference etc Use of additional resources, photographs of Interventions IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations in at least three areas listed Umbrella targets from therapists You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting Review notes of meetings with parents and specialist agencies EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 22 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS MEDICAL – EYM (PLEASE NOTE for Ages 18 – 36 months) Need Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Criteria Child has a diagnosed long term medical condition, which requires additional input to regulate and monitor the child’s condition particular to breathing, feeding, acute heart condition, uncontrolled epilepsy or diabetes which requires pump therapy and/or multiple dose injections regime Child Requires significant post operative care, which may be as a result of an unexpected illness or accident Intervention is identified by from primary health practitioner Child has been referred to MAISEY Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Evidence of close partnership working with parents/carers Regular involvement of primary health practitioners Setting staff have received specific training on the implementation of specific medical procedures Medical care plan is in place Setting needs to state how many hours support they require and specify exactly how this support is used Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning Reports from Health Visitor, Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Community Paediatric Nurse, Speech and Language Therapist, Opthalmist, ENT Consultant, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SI Support services Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning, Pre-school entry or other transition planning Family Service Plan Medical Care Plan Evidence of specialist equipment and how this is used Evidence of training received from specialist agencies Evidence of measures taken to adapt environment Use of resources and adult involvement identified on planning document Setting observations Evidence of multi-sensory experiences You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in setting EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 23 EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE ACTION PLUS AUDIT CRITERIA 2013-2014 APPLIES TO APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING FOR CHILDREN 3 YEARS TO YEAR 1 CONTAINS CRITERIA FOR: EYPSED, EYGDD2, EYSLC2, EYSLC3, ASD3, EYSH2, EYSV2, EYP12, EYP13, EYCI, MEDICAL Recommendations relevant for applications: Please take a copy of the relevant page of this framework, and attach the evidence. Please refer to Guidance if necessary. Evidence of targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations. Would recommend use of photographic evidence to demonstrate use of specialist resources and specific interventions. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 24 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS PERSONAL, SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT – EYPSED (HNBESD2) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Child has emotional and behavioural difficulties which substantially and consistently interfered with his/hers learning and that of the other children within setting Child needs support of consistently dependable adult to develop knowledge, skills and understanding that help them make sense of the world and support development of emotional well being Child needs adult intervention in a significant number of situations to support his/her understanding and consideration of the consequences and impact of his/her actions Child needs a safe place to develop calming or coping strategies suited to their developmental needs Child requires targeted intervention to develop communication for language and communication for thinking Child needs support for changes/transitions of any kind Evidence of development of strategies to provide intensive and responsive support through partnership with parent/carers Significant opportunities identified where key worker sensitively supports the needs of child and respond to his/her communication and interactions with peers Evidence provided of how child's support plan is disseminated to all staff Clear strategies in place to support child to access free choice of offered curriculum activities indoors and outdoors throughout the day Clear strategies identified and disseminated to all staff as to how to respond to times of crisis through positive intervention Management of intervention programme for child is reviewed regularly Projected plan for child entering school based on School Entry Plan Training or individual support is planned to support emotional health and well-being of key adult working with child Ensure there is a clear cycle of review involving child, parents, staff, and other professionals as appropriate Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to school School Entry Plan or Individual Profile clearly demonstrating areas of need Relevant reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services Evidence of ongoing Multi agency involvement incorporating evidence of consultation and planning with parents Family Service Plan Regular review child’s learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Records of additional observation and assessment Documentation indicating analysis of behaviours, eg ABCC, EYSTC Communication Profiles, Functional analysis etc Notes of discussions with parents and professionals Notes and outcomes of staff discussions Targeted intervention as noted on planning Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of Inclusion Development Programme Resources School Entry Plan and subsequent review Use planning, monitoring, assessment and evaluation cycles to support and extend personal social emotional aspects of development and learning 25 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY – EYGDD2 (HNLGDD2) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s level of need. Please check age of report Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Child demonstrates significant developmental delay of twelve months or more across all areas of development Child needs structured individual attention to support all aspects of learning and development Child needs significantly more adult support on aspects of self care, mobility and engagement than other children of a similar age Use of practitioners Generic Developmental Journal makes it easier to celebrate child’s achievements and identify next steps Childs needs are such that they would meet criteria for Family Service Plan Learning environment is organised for child and adults to access and use STC tools for communication to meet child’s needs of reference, STC Learning environment is organised to meet child’s physical requirements Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers IEP identifies specific target and structured activity to support learning and development Requires targeted intervention from an adult to provide intensive and responsive support to facilitate progress in all areas of development Structured step by step programme in place to support learning Strategies are in place to promote interaction with peers and/or adults Ongoing guidance from support services is required to adapt environment and teaching style Evidence that key worker is to attend or has attended training to develop skills and abilities required Planning identifies learning objectives to meet child’s needs Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress. IEP signed by parents Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Documentation and review of child’s developmental and learning journey, eg Practitioner’s generic Developmental Journal, Personal Pathways booklet, Learning diary Sample of records of observation and assessment Targeted intervention as noted on planning Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum, routines and staff deployment in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of STC, objects of reference etc IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations Planning needs to identify how support is deployed Evidence of staff members attending relevant training EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use 26 AUDIT CRITERIA –EARLY YEARS SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION – EYSLC2 (HNLLSC2) Need Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Criteria Child has significant speech/language communication difficulties/delay identified by the speech and language therapy service, paediatrician, Area SENCO or if in school from a representative from Area Specific Needs team Child needs consistent use of additional communication strategies adapted to the child’s needs Support is necessary to develop interaction with adults and peers Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Ongoing support is required to adapt the environment and teaching style Additional communication systems are required to support communication Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers IEP identifies appropriate planned activities or specific language programme to meet child’s speech, language and communication needs. Targets reflect recommendations from speech and language therapist and/or support services Requires targeted intervention from an adult in aspects of language for communication, language for thinking, making relationships, behaviour and self-control Detailed interventions must be planned to develop social skills Adult involvement required to support, interaction with peers and/or adults Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the regular review of child’s progress Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Evidence of multi-agency planning Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Regular review child’s learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Sample of records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Planned use of tools of communication (STC or PECS) – photographs may be used to evidence this Evidence of structured language programmes Implementation of Letters and Sounds Use of Inclusion Development Programme Resources IEP – review and completed outcomes Record of appropriate training for keyworker, TA You should show clearly how review of Individual Education Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs and reviews written appropriate for use while child is in setting 27 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL COMMUNICATION – EYSLC3 (HNASD2) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo The child will have significant difficulties with all aspects of communication which substantially or regularly interfere with child’s own learning Child needs to be explicitly taught communication strategies This child has clear and long term difficulties within the following areas, ie restricted and rigid behaviours, social communication, sensory processing and social interaction Child fails to understand consequences of their behaviour which can be challenging. This may present a risk to the safety of staff other children or themselves The child may display highly distressed behaviour arising from a significant lack of comprehension Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services, Locality team members Information from Portage/PERSCEY involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Planned Support is necessary to develop interaction with adults and peers Specific strategies are implemented to daily routine and to the learning environment to accommodate child’s needs Close daily links with parent/carers Child is supported by an adult or team of adults to support the child at vulnerable times Planned and detailed intervention to develop social skills Additional communication system necessary to support communication Pre School/School entry planning and other transition planning which requires multi agency liaison, preparation and training for practitioners Approaches to managing behaviour and minimising consequences are developed by practitioners in conjunction with other professionals Practitioners are actively engaged in County/other appropriate training opportunities to support child's inclusion Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Regular review child’s learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Sample of records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Planned use of tools of communication (STC or PECS) – photographs may be used to evidence this Evidence of structured language programmes Evidence of supporting child’s personal, social and emotional development in setting and home IEP – review and completed outcomes Photographs and/or description of use of visual prompts, such as visual timetable, dressing strip or communication book Certificates of practitioner’s attendance at course for autism or severe communication disorder You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting 28 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION – EYASD3 (HNASD3) (applicable only for school application) Need Need Clarify needs, not just a list of difficulties Child has a diagnosis of ASD requiring multi-agency involvement The pupil has clear and substantial long term difficulties within the triad of impairments and sensory issues Long term support, intervention and advice is needed from the Educational Psychologist, Autism Service and Speech and Language Therapist (as appropriate) Severe challenging behaviour with significant lack of compliance, failure to understand consequences, and therefore presenting a risk to the safety of staff and other children OR Highly distressed behaviour, anxiety (including passivity) arising from a significant lack of comprehension that requires all aspects of the social and academic curriculum to be supported throughout the school day Severe Autism/ASD/communication disorder which requires intensive 1:1 support Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency /duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Criteria School entry planning requires multi-agency liaison, parental involvement preparation and ASD awareness training for school staff Developing strategies and involvement of multi agencies in place to provide more intensive and responsive support through partnership with parents/carers Child needs augmented and/or alternative strategies to be able to communicate effectively Approaches to managing behaviour and anxiety and minimising consequences are developed by key staff in conjunction with SENCO and Senior Management Team and include liaison with parents There is a requirement for significant current and relevant staff training, eg PECS, SAC, TEACCH, Team Teach Evidence that School is to be actively engaged in County/other ASD training opportunities to support inclusive provision and Social and Emotional Development Evidence of planned involvement of ASD trained teacher on a weekly basis to plan, monitor and model delivery of support Evidence of organisation to ensure child is supported by an adult or team of adults to facilitate social interaction with peers, and help with self-care/ emotional awareness in all aspects of school life Ensure pupil, parents and school staff involvement in the experience of review of provision, in order that pupil progress is identified and recorded. EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry and continuing dialogue when in school Evidence of need and continued multi agency involvement within School entry planning and subsequent review of school entry planning actions Involvement of Portage/PERSCEY service Reports showing diagnosis of ASD from an appropriate assessment service (eg Paediatrics/SLT/CAHMS/ ASDAT/ Multi Agency Assessment Team) Records of collaborative planning across agencies and Early years support services involved Family Service Plan Evidence to demonstrate severity of communication difficulty, and consequent behaviours School Entry planning and evidence of implementation of actions required Regular review of child’s progress within all aspects of the curriculum Planning indicates how school has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate of child’s stage of development and particular needs Planned use of tools of communication (EYSTC, PECS, TEACCH) Evidence of structured communication programme Evidence of supporting child’s personal, social and emotional development in school and with home IEP review and completed actions Record of on-going training received by key staff You should clearly show how review of IEPs/PLPs directly links to targets on next IEP/PLP, and how provision is focused on pupil progress and future planning through Annual Review 29 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS SENSORY HEARING 2 – EYSH2 (HNSH2) Need Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Criteria Child has a severe or profound hearing loss in their better ear Meets the criteria for a Family Service Plan level 2 Acoustic audit of the listening environment Support from the Hearing Support Team to look at appropriate teaching styles and strategies Requires targeted support to progress in Communication Language Literacy and Personal Social Emotional development Requires targeted support to manage specialist equipment such as hearing aids, radio aids, cochlear implants and other assistive listening devices Needs individualised support to develop auditory awareness of environment and to maximise use of any residential hearing Needs targeted support to maximise opportunities for developing preverbal and early language skills Needs support to manage interactions with peers and/or adults Evidence that the provision delivers a listening friendly environment The child has access to appropriate supplementary communication methods to support interactions Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/ carers Planning identifies learning objectives appropriate to child’s needs Planning identifies vocabulary development specific to child’s needs Targeted auditory intervention to support access to all areas of the curriculum Use of specialist equipment as advised Staff have received training as approved by Somerset Hearing support team Specialist support as recommended from Hearing Support Team is required to support child’s progress through developmental elements in all areas of learning Time allocated for keyworker to liaise/meet with Hearing Support Team member when appropriate Ensure that pre-school staff and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from ENT Consultants Paediatrician, Audiologist, Hearing Support Team, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Individual Education Plan clarifies the types of support within the setting and from the teacher of the deaf IEP shows parent involvement IEP shows specialist equipment and how this is used Certificate of training and/or notes of liaison from Hearing Support Team Evidence of measures taken to adapt environment Use of resources and adult involvement identified within planning document Sample of records of observation and assessment set against the developmental elements of EYFS Developmental Profile from Early support ‘Monitoring Protocol for Deaf babies’ You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting 30 AUDIT CRITERIA – Early YEARS SENSORY – Visual Impairment 2 – EYSV2 (HNSV2) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Types of evidence which could be used to support the application The child is diagnosed as having severe/profound or experiences a sight loss so that learning is through alternative (none sighted) means or specially adapted materials Child has severe and long term condition which will require on going regular involvement from vision support team and adaptations to the environment and other resources Child has had significant multi-agency involvement which has been regularly reviewed Child meets criteria for Family Service Plan Level 2 Use of adapted materials and specialist resources to facilitate teaching and learning Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers Adaptations to learning environment and/or to building to facilitate child’s independence and mobility Specialist support is required to progress through developmental elements in all areas of learning as advised by Visual Support Team Targeted adult intervention to support child accessing all areas of curriculum Mobility assessment is required Ensure that pre-school staff and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from Paediatrician, Consultant Opthalmist, Vision Support team Portage Involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Sample of records of observation and assessment set against the developmental elements of EYFS/VIDJ Individual Education Plan clarifies the types of support from VST shows parental involvement, specialist equipment and how it is used Evidence of training and liaison from Visual Support team Evidence of measures taken to adapt environment/ Visual Support team access audit Use of resources and adult involvement identified within planning document Written advise on use of specialist equipment You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting 31 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT 2 – EYPI2 (HNPI2) Need Need Evidence which clarifies child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Child has significant physical impairment, which necessitates use of additional equipment to support standing and walking OR: A physical impairment which means child has restricted functional use of arms ALSO An impairment which has been identified by Paediatrician or Physiotherapist Need for specialist advice and support to progress through the developmental elements of Physical Development Regular programmes of intervention necessary to maintain and develop progress Significant adult support required for self help skills, eating, drinking, dressing and toileting Involvement of Physical Impairment and Medical support team who will get involved 4 terms before school entry Evidence of regular partnership working with parents/carers IEP showing evidence of adapted curriculum for Physical Development Additional equipment required to support Physical Development and Language for communication Appropriate adaptations to environment to meet identified needs Programmes implemented following guidance of therapists Adaptations and strategies to facilitate inclusion within learning environment indoors and outside Support with the management of resources may be required Organisation of adult support and resources identified through planning Moving and Handling Risk Assessment and provision plan ICT support may be provided Practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Criteria EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Regular review of Childs learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Sample of keyworker records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations Umbrella targets from therapists Log of relevant staff training Copy of supervision/care plan for trips You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while the child is in setting Any recorded liaison with parents 32 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT 3 – EYPI3 (HNPI3) Need Need Evidence, which clarifies child’s needs. Please check age of reports Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Criteria Child has significant physical impairment which necessitates the use of additional equipment to support child’s postural needs and positioning to access curriculum activities Child has a severe communication impairment. The exception being where there is a diagnosed significant progressive physical disability Need for specialist advice and support to progress through developmental elements within Physical Development and Language for Communication Adult intervention essential for child’s self care needs, eg eating, drinking, dressing, toileting and positioning Additional resources/equipment required to support child’s basic needs Regular programmes of intervention necessary to maintain and develop progress Significant involvement of Physical Impairment and medical support team who will get involved 4 terms before school entry Would meet criteria for Family Support Plan, Level 2 Strategies to facilitate inclusion within playroom and outside area Evidence of regular partnership working with parents/carers Additional equipment required to support Physical Development Augmented communication support and/or severe learning difficulties Appropriate adaptations to environment to meet identified needs IEP showing evidence of adapted curriculum for Physical Development Programmes implemented following guidance of therapists Adapted ICT access or software necessary (once pupil in school) Training for staff especially at entry to school Accessible transport and additional staff is provided for school trips Implementation of integrated health agencies targets Moving and Handling risk assessment and provision plan Medical Care plan Ensure Practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress. Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services, Locality team members Reports from Physical and Medical support advisory teacher (PIMSS) Information from Portage involvement Current multi agency planning Family Service Plan Regular review of Childs learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, Developmental Journal, FS Profile Sample of keyworker records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations Umbrella targets from therapists Evidence of how Key worker/LSA time used Evidence of ICT use (if pupil in school) Copy of supervision/care plan for school trips You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others You should include all IEPs written which are appropriate for use within setting 33 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS SENSORY – COMBINED IMPAIRMENTS – EYCI (applicable only for pre-school application) Need Need Criteria Evidence of child’s level of need. Please check age of report Child demonstrates a non-specific developmental disorder with delay across areas of communication/social/sensory/physical development. There will be a need for multi agency support from at least three agencies Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration The child will be receiving targeted intervention when working towards early developmental elements Evidence of regular partnership working with parents/carers Targets address the child’s needs under the following headings, where appropriate covering aspects such as: – Personal, Social and Emotional – Hearing – Visual impairment – Speech and language – Motor planning and coordination – Sensory defensive or integration difficulties Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Review to identify progress against IEP targets New targets set or revised at regular intervals Records of achievement/progress in relation to developmental elements EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Opthalmist, ENT Consultant, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SI Support services Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Regular review of Childs learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Sample of keyworker records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of STC, objects of reference etc Use of additional resources, photographs of Interventions IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations in at least three areas listed Umbrella targets from therapists You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting Review notes of meetings with parents and specialist agencies 34 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS MEDICAL – EYM (Reception and YR1 funding will be calculated on a unit basis) Need Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Criteria Child has a diagnosed long term medical condition, which requires additional input to regulate and monitor the child’s condition particular to breathing, feeding, acute heart condition, uncontrolled epilepsy or diabetes which requires pump therapy and/or multiple dose injections regime Child Requires significant post operative care ,which may be as a result of an unexpected illness or accident Intervention is required as identified by from primary health practitioner Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Involvement of the Physical Impairment and Medical support service (PIMSS) Setting needs to state how many hours support they require and specify exactly how this support is used Evidence of close partnership working with parents/carers Medical Care plan Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Protocols in place (in case of epilepsy, anaphylactic shock etc) Record of numbers of seizures on a daily or weekly basis Staff training specific to pupil’s needs Risk Assessments in place Toilet Management Plans if appropriate Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to setting Preschool entry planning or School Entry Plan Reports from Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Community Paediatric Nurse, Speech and Language Therapist, Opthalmist, ENT Consultant, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SI Support services Information from Portage involvement Current multi-agency planning Family Service Plan Medical Care Plan Timetable demonstrating how support is being used or is to be used during time child attends Record of staff planning and liaison both within setting and with external agencies, eg minutes of meetings etc Evidence of specialist equipment and how this is used Evidence of training received from specialist agencies Evidence of measures taken to adapt environment Use of resources and adult involvement identified on planning document Setting observations Notes of liaison with PIMSS adviser You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in setting 35 EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE ACTION PLUS AUDIT CRITERIA LEVEL 1 APPLIES TO CHILDREN ENTERING OR ATTENDING A RECEPTION CLASS IN MAINTAINED SECTOR ONLY 2013-14 CONTAINS CRITERIA FOR: EYGDD1, EYSLC1, EYSH1, EYSV1, EYPI1 The old level 1 categories are included in this document. They are there as a resource for schools to use internally to agree the funding that assessed need might require from the notional formula based element 2 SEN budget. L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 36 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY – EYGDD1 (ELEMENT 1 & 2) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s level of need. Please check age of report Child demonstrates significant developmental delay of 12 months or more across at least two areas of development Has need of visual, verbal and/or physical prompts to carry out aspects of self care and routine activities Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Learning environment is organised for child and adults to access and use STC tools for communication to meet child’s needs of reference, STC Evidence of close partnership working with parents/carers Appropriate adult support available to support aspects of self care and routine activities Planning identifies learning objectives to meet child’s needs IEP identifies specific target and structured activity to support learning and development Evidence of outside agencies involvement in planning and monitoring learning and development strategies Review Ensure that practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to school School Entry Plan or Individual Profile demonstrates areas of need Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services Information from Portage involvement Family Service Plan Regular review child’s learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Sample of records of observation and assessment Targeted intervention as noted on planning Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of STC, objects of reference etc IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations Planning needs to identify how support is deployed You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use 37 AUDIT CRITERIA –EARLY YEARS SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION – EYSLC1 (ELEMENT 1 & 2) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Child has significant speech/language communication difficulties/ delay identified by the speech and language therapy service Child needs consistent use of additional communication strategies adapted to the child’s needs Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Learning environment is organised for child and adults to access and use STC tools for communication to meet child’s needs of reference, STC Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers Learning and teaching is adapted to meet child’s individual needs Planning identifies learning objectives appropriate to child’s needs Access to planned activities or specific language programme, as recommended by speech and language therapist Ensure that pre-school staff and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to school School Entry Plan or Individual Profile demonstrates areas of need Evidence of multi-agency planning Reports from Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO Information from Portage involvement Family Service Plan Regular review child’s learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Sample of records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Evidence of use of STC tools of communication Use of Inclusion Development Programme resources Evidence of structured language programmes IEP – review and completed outcomes You should show clearly how review of Individual Education Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in setting 38 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS SENSORY HEARING 1 – EYSH1 (ELEMENT 1 & 2) Need Criteria Child has a diagnosed long standing or permanent moderate, severe or profound hearing loss in the better ear Ongoing monitoring is required from sensory hearing support team Acoustic audit of listening environment identifies alternative assistive hearing equipment required to address acoustic access issues Child requires targeted monitoring and support to understand the speech of adults and peers in order to access and progress in the aspects of Communication, Language and Literacy and Personal, Social and Emotional development AND/OR Child has significantly delayed vocabulary such that understanding and acquisition of specific vocabulary will required targeted support Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Evidence of Learning environment being a listening friendly environment Adult and resources organised to support access to all areas of the curriculum Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers Planning identifies learning objectives appropriate to child's needs Planning identifies vocabulary development specific to child's needs The child has access to appropriate supplementary communication methods to support interactions if required. Targeted support is required as recommended by sensory hearing support team advisers Staff have received training as approved by Somerset Hearing support team Use of specialist equipment as advised including Radio Systems and Sound Field Systems Ensure that pre-school staff and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to school School Entry Plan or Individual Profile demonstrates areas of need Reports from ENT Consultants Paediatrician, Audiologist, Hearing support Team, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist Family Service Plan Individual Education Plan clarifies the types of support within the setting and from the teacher of the deaf IEP shows parent involvement IEP shows specialist equipment and how this is used Evidence of training and liaison from Hearing Support Team Evidence of measures taken to adapt environment Use of resources and adult involvement identified within planning document Sample of records of observation and assessment set against the developmental elements of EYFS You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting 39 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS SENSORY – VISUAL IMPAIRMENT 1 – EYSV1 (ELEMENT 1 & 2) Need Criteria Need Evidence of child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose The child is diagnosed as having a severe visual impairment involving the loss of visual function to a level which requires visual materials to be adapted There is regular monitoring and support from the Vision Support Team Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Review Adult and resources are organised to support child accessing activities requiring detailed visual content Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers Mobility assessment is required Use of adapted materials and specialist resources as advised Planning identifies learning objectives appropriate to child’s needs Targeted support is required as recommended by adviser or HLTA from Vision Support Team Ensure that pre-school staff and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Pen portrait Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to school School Entry Plan or Individual Profile demonstrates areas of need Reports from Paediatrician, Consultant Opthalmist, Vision Support Team Portage Involvement Family Service Plan Sample of records of observation and assessment set against the developmental elements of EYFS Individual Education Plan clarifies the types of support from VST shows parental involvement, specialist equipment and how it is used Evidence of training and liaison from Vision Support Team Evidence of measures taken to adapt environment Use of resources and adult involvement identified within planning document You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while child is in the mainstream setting 40 AUDIT CRITERIA – EARLY YEARS PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT – EYPI1 (ELEMENT 1 & 2) Need Need Evidence which clarifies child’s needs. Please check age of reports you enclose Criteria Provision Describe strategies you are currently using (or plan to use) and frequency/ duration Types of evidence which could be used to support the application Child has a physical impairment, which significantly affects their mobility and their access to setting provision and some curriculum activities Child has a physical impairment which significantly affects their learning and they require additional support for aspects of personal social and emotional development Child requires an individualised therapy programme as recommended by OT, Physiotherapist or speech and language therapist Child requires additional support for self help skills such as eating, drinking, dressing and toileting Strategies to enhance inclusive provision of learning environment indoors and outside Adult and resources organised to support access to all areas of the curriculum Evidence of developing and regular partnership working with parents/carers Programmes implemented following guidance of therapists Additional equipment required to support Physical Development and Language for communication Review Review process in place L&A/SH/1013b010edo Practitioners and parents are involved in the review of child’s progress Once child is in Yr R in school there should be an autumn review of School Entry Plan. In Yr 1 School Annual review can be submitted for Y2 funding EYFS Action Plus Guidance and Audit Criteria – Sept 2013 Documented information from parents of child’s needs on entry to school School Entry Plan or Individual Profile demonstrates areas of need Reports from Paediatrician, Paediatric Occupational therapist, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologists, Area SENCO, SENCO, Social Care Services, Locality team members Information from Portage involvement Family Service Plan Regular review of Childs learning journey, eg Personal Pathways booklet, learning diary, FS Profile Sample of records of observation and assessment Planning indicates how setting has differentiated curriculum and routines in a manner appropriate for child stage of development and particular individual needs Use of STC, objects of reference etc Use of additional resources IEP – review and completed outcomes Targeted intervention demonstrates links to agency recommendations Umbrella targets from therapists You should show clearly how review of Individual Leaning Plan, directly inform planning and involve observations from parents and others. You should include all IEPs written appropriate for use while the child is in setting Any recorded liaison with parents 41