Importance of Prior Knowledge 1 Dennis W. Sunal, University of Alabama; Emmett L. Wright, Kansas State University; and Jeanelle Bland, Eastern Connecticut State University, Eds., Information Age Publishing Inc., ISBN 1-930608-84-5 Soft cover (2004). Reform in Undergraduate Science Teaching for the 21st Century Fisher, K. M., Chapter 5 The importance of prior knowledge in college science instruction. Abstract The chapter examines prior knowledge as both barrier to understanding and foundation for learning. Assumptions are that meaningful learning is desirable, new knowledge builds on old, and misunderstandings about learners’ prior knowledge can lead to instructional failures. Theory (e.g. Ausubel, 1963) and practice (e.g. Hestenes, Wells & Swackhammer, 1992) support the conclusion that students’ commonsense beliefs about how the world works play a dominant role in learning. Evidence supports Anderson’s (1990) claim that students who engage in explicit knowledge construction should be better able to retrieve and apply their knowledge than students who do not. Data are presented concerning use and impact of a tool to support students’ knowledge construction. Introduction I was waiting for a bus on a street corner in London when I struck up a conversation with the man standing next to me. I said, “I don’t go anywhere without my Macintosh.” He said enthusiastically, “Neither do I.” Our conversation continued for possibly several minutes before we realized that I was talking about my Macintosh computer (hanging on my right shoulder) while he was talking about his Macintosh rain gear (draped over his left arm). We had a good laugh. This illustrates the nature of prior knowledge and the way it can interfere with communication. Misunderstandings can often be quickly clarified in ordinary conversations. But when they occur in one-way information delivery (as in lectures or books), they can persist for weeks or semesters or quite often indefinitely. Sometimes the misunderstandings are direct as in this case, arising from words that have multiple meanings, where each individual associates a different meaning with the word. Sometimes the influence of prior knowledge is quite indirect. For example, the majority of students who study photosynthesis fail to understand that carbon derived from carbon dioxide in the air is used by plants to construct themselves, first by incorporating the carbon into sugars and then incorporating the sugars into cellulose. The persistent failure of understanding seems to derive from strong underlying assumptions that air (including carbon dioxide) has no weight, and therefore cannot be used to create a massive tree. This chapter examines prior knowledge both as a barrier to understanding and as a foundation on which to build new knowledge. It illustrates the incredible importance of interaction between teacher and students to achieve successful and deep understanding. Lessons from Research: The Importance of Prior Knowledge in College Science Instruction Hestenes, Wells, and Swackhammer (1992) used students’ ideas about physical phenomena to develop a test called the Force Concept Inventory. This apparently simple test has been used in hundreds of college physics classes across the nation. When instructors first review the test, they tend to think that it is much too easy and their students will ace it. In most cases, however, instructors are shocked by their students’ poor Importance of Prior Knowledge 2 performance. The test draws upon research into students’ prior knowledge, using common naive ideas as distracters for correct responses. The test reveals that even students who get A’s and B’s in physics classes often do not understand the most basic physics concepts. The authors conclude, Every student begins physics with a well-established system of commonsense beliefs about how the world works derived from years of personal experience . . . these beliefs play a dominant role in introductory physics. Instruction that does not take them into account is almost totally ineffective, at least for the majority of students. (p. 141, italics added) Researchers have discovered that in college science classes, the prior knowledge of learners determines to a large extent what each individual can learn from a particular situation. It is not productive simply to try and pour facts into their brains. Each student must assimilate and make sense of new ideas by connecting them to what they already know. Researchers have recognized that learning science is an effortful process that is promoted by engagement with phenomena and dialogue with peers. Eliciting and finding ways to challenge prior knowledge can be critical for successful learning. Researchers also realize that knowledge construction is hard work, especially when the knowledge is counter-intuitive and defies everyday experience. These observations are consistent with the prevailing learning theory known as constructivism (Ausubel, 1963, 1968; Wittrock, 1974a, 1974b; Ausubel, Novak, & Hanesian, 1978; Osborne & Wittrock, 1983; von Glaserfeld, 1987; Wandersee, Mintzes, & Novak, 1994; McComas, 1997). People construct meaning from their experiences in everyday life. Their knowledge is stored in long-term memory in part in the form of semantic networks. Research with the Force Concept Inventory and other assessment tools has shown that student learning increases significantly when students are given the opportunity to construct meaning about science in their science classes. Further, an emerging theory of the mind explains why prior knowledge can be so difficult to alter and provides a theoretical explanation for the importance of eliciting prior knowledge. These things are described in more detail below, but first, a bit of history. The scientific community initially recognized the importance of prior knowledge in the late 1970s and early 1980s, especially with respect to its interference in learning. Various misconceptions were identified in the thinking of many students, and these conceptions proved difficult to change (Clement, 1982; McCloskey, 1983). These misconceptions were characterized as ideas that (a) tend to be shared by a significant proportion of a population, (b) produce consistent error patterns, and (c) are remarkably resistant to being “taught away” (Clement, 1982; McCloskey, 1983; Fisher & Lipson, 1986). While many other types of errors (such as slips of the tongue, miscalculations or confusion between similar terms) can be readily corrected, misconceptions are different. They persist. Further, good students can often memorize correct answers and regurgitate them on multiple choice tests, earning A’s and B’s, but if they have not understood why those responses are correct, the information will quickly fade away. A new field of study was born in 1983 when the first international seminar on misconceptions in science and mathematics was held at Cornell (Helm & Novak, 1983). Thousands of studies have since been done to elucidate naive preconceptions in fields of science (Novak, 1987, 1993; Wandersee, Mintzes, & Novak, 1994; Fisher & Moody, 2000; Wandersee & Fisher, 2000). Importance of Prior Knowledge 3 In every domain of science, commonsense beliefs are sometimes at odds with scientific theories. For this reason, effective instruction requires technical knowledge, not only of the subject being taught, but also about how students think and learn. No matter how often a piece of information is given or how cleverly it may be presented in a lecture, it is in some cases not learned by a significant fraction of the students. This resistance to instruction was perplexing to early researchers. Creative sleuthing was necessary to uncover the problem. It turned out that students have many underlying assumptions about how the world works. Sometimes those assumptions are wrong. Often they are implicit rather than explicit. In many cases students are not consciously aware of their assumptions and therefore are unaware of conflicts they have with what the instructor is telling them. They simply discount or discard the new information, or distort it to fit. Consider this example: In the Harvard/Smithsonian Minds of Our Own video series (Schnepps, 1997), an interviewer shows fourth graders first a seed and then a dry log from a tree. “Where does the weight of the tree come from?” she asks. The fourth graders say, “the sun, the soil, rain, nutrients.” The interviewer presents the same question to students graduating from MIT and Harvard and gets the same answers from most of them. Every student has had high school biology. Some have studied biology in college. Some have even majored in biology. Chances are they have all memorized the formula for photosynthesis in which carbon dioxide goes in and sugar comes out. But their answers are similar to those provided by fourth graders. These college graduates from prestigious universities do not understand that in the process of photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide from the air through their leaves, then break the CO2 apart and use the carbon to produce sugar molecules. The sugar molecules produced by photosynthesis support all living things. Biology professors who have asked this question in their classrooms, even after spending a week or two on photosynthesis, generally find that a large proportion of their students are unable to answer the question correctly. The students memorize details about photosynthesis including the formula, but they miss the main idea. The video goes on to show an interview with a middle school student. It is gradually discovered that the student believes that air has no weight. How can you take a substance from this weightless, invisible air and create something as massive and heavy as a tree? It does not make sense. Since it makes no sense, students dismiss that part of the formula. At the same time, students attribute the weight of the tree to the soil because soil is known to have weight, even though there is no soil in the formula for photosynthesis. The same idea was explored Jean Baptiste van Helmont about 400 years ago (National Science Teachers Association, 1998. Naive intuitive ideas observed in students often have historical roots. Notice that the misconception is not directly connected to photosynthesis. It focuses on the nature of air. These distant misconceptions are the most difficult to discover and to change. Further, a deep-seated misconception about the nature of air interferes with the learning of many things such as the conservation of matter (physics), change of state (physics, chemistry), nutrient cycles (biology, geology, oceanography), and so on. Alternative conceptions such as this one impact students’ abilities to learn every subject. Hestenes and Wells (1992)developed a multiple choice Mechanics Diagnostic Test to assess student understanding of Newtonian mechanics. The test was further refined to create the Force Concept Inventory (Hestenes, Wells & Swackhammer, 1992). The test was revised in 1995 (Halloun, Hake & Mosca, 1995). It provides a forced choice between Newtonian concepts and commonsense alternatives. These tests have been given in hundreds of college and high school physics classes involving thousands of Importance of Prior Knowledge 4 students. They have provided substantial evidence for the relative ineffectiveness of lecture instruction in introductory physics and for the relative value obtained with well-designed, hands-on, student-centered lessons. For example in one study by Hestenes and Halloun (1995), traditional college students earned an average score of 34 in calculus-based physics while students in a modeling section had an average score of 60. Hestenes and Halloun describe modeling or working with models as a major process for constructing and employing physics knowledge. Hake (1998) has summarized outcomes in 62 physics courses enrolling 6,542 students at high school, college and university levels. Of these, there are 14 traditional courses (n = 2,084) and 48 interactive engagement courses (n= 4,458). A consistent analysis over diverse student populations is obtained by using normalized gain1 scores.1 The 14 traditional courses had an average gain of 0.23 +/0.04 (standard deviation). In contrast the 48 interactive classes were almost two standard deviations higher with an average gain of 0.48 +/- 0.14. Diagnostic tests are useful for assessing what students know as they enter and leave a course. Ideally such tests would be used in every college course to provide a measure of relative success, both within course (from year to year) and between similar courses. These tests are designed on the basis of many years of research on students’ naive conceptions. The tests use those naive conceptions as distracters (incorrect responses). Working with a series of students over a period of seven years, for example, I developed a Conceptual Inventory of Natural Selection (CINS), a 20-item test that assesses understanding of 10 concepts intrinsic to natural selection. We reviewed the literature and then gave open-ended, short-essay tests to students. We also interviewed majors and nonmajors. From this response data combined with data from actual studies of evolution, we constructed a series of multiple-choice tests. These tests represented several iterations of testing and revision. The test was finally polished and evaluated extensively in collaboration with my graduate student, Dianne Anderson (Anderson, Fisher, & Norman, 2002. The CINS test is most appropriate for use as a pretest and posttest in nonmajors’ college courses (or in high school biology) or as a pretest in introductory biology for majors. Many other diagnostic tests in science have been developed and can be downloaded at the FLAG Web site (n.d.). Physics, chemistry, and mathematics are especially well represented in the test bank. Our CINS test will soon appear on the Web site and we look forward to several other tests that have been developed in biology becoming available as well. Extensive use of diagnostic tests has confirmed the value of interactive teaching methods. As noted above, researchers have discovered that the learning process is facilitated when students can observe and interact with phenomena, ask questions, engage in dialogue, and move at a comfortable pace (Duit, Goldberg, & Niedderer, 1992). Interacting with the object or phenomenon being studied can support thinking, generate conversation, and provide a basis for developing a shared language among learners. Such experiences convey a far richer view of the topic of study than can be captured in words alone. Images, smells, sequences, interactions, events, and feelings can significantly elaborate knowledge about scientific phenomena and therefore increase the likelihood of both understanding and retrieval from memory. 1 1 A normalized gain score is defined as the ratio of the average actual gain (% post – % pre) to the maximum possible average gain (100 – % pre). Importance of Prior Knowledge 5 Students also learn a great deal by making predictions. Predicting what will happen requires students to construct a mental model for a phenomenon that draws upon each student’s prior knowledge. A professor presents a situation to students, asks them to discuss their predictions in small groups, and then asks each student to write down his/her individual prediction. This can be done in large lectures as well as small classes. Once the model is tested by observing the phenomenon and outcome, students are asked to discuss their interpretations in small groups and to explain individually and in writing why their prediction was or was not correct. This process can help initiate conceptual change in students when they find that their mental models do not accurately predict what happens. When this occurs in small classes where students are conducting the experiment themselves, their first conclusion is that they did the experiment wrong. Only after they learn that all groups got the same result are they willing to consider the possibility that their mental model may be erroneous. Even a large-class demonstration may need to be repeated for students to be persuaded that the outcome is “real.” They say, “Seeing is believing.” But researchers have discovered that in many cases “believing is seeing,” you see what you expect to see. These interactive sessions provide great teaching and learning moments. Many researchers have moved beyond mental models to facilitate knowledge construction and engage students in working with physical models, computer-based models, or paper-and-pencil models, as in the modeling physics approach cited above. What do we mean by the term knowledge construction? All individuals construct knowledge about science and other academic subjects in their conscious working memory and store that knowledge in long-term memory. The prevailing model for the way in which denotative knowledge is stored in memory is the semantic network (Quillian, 1967, 1968, 1969). Quillian’s model grew out of 50 years of research on free word association (Deese, 1965). One way to visualize the model is with the SemNet (Fisher, Faletti, et al., 1990; Fisher, 2000) or Semantica (2002) software . SemNet was designed in the early 80s by my research group as a tool to promote meaningful learning of biology among students in a five-unit biology course at a major university. The software was patterned directly after Quillian’s model and was designed for ease of use by busy students. Semantica is the modern reincarnation of the SemNet software (Semantic Research, 2003), being cross-platform and Java-based. Most semantic networking programs aim to make computers more intelligent (Brachman & Levesque, 1985). The most recent practical application of semantic networks aims to make the World Wide Web behave more intelligently (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila, 2001). In contrast, Semantica is designed to help people think more clearly. Semantica knowledge structures are complex, n-dimensional webs of ideas (see Figure 1). Importance of Prior Knowledge 6 Figure 1. An overview of four Semantica knowledge structures. From left to right they describe the human body (411 instances), a family tree (476 instances), a series of events (Attack on America, 739 instances), and biology (3,632 instances). A semantic network or knowledge structure is created with three primitives: concepts, relations, and instances. A concept may be defined as any idea or thought and is typically represented as a noun or noun phrase (e.g., acceleration, dog, evolution). A relation describes the link between two concepts and is typically represented by a bi-directional verb or verb phrase (e.g., has a part/is a part of). When joining two concepts together with a relation, a bi-directional instance is created (see Figure 2). A fourth primitive, a knowledge object (including images, texts, and URLs) can be attached to any element. Figure 2. Three primitive elements in a Semantica knowledge structure are concept, relation, and instance. Two concepts joined by a bi-directional relation constitute an instance. A fourth element, knowledge objects, can be attached to any of the primitives. Importance of Prior Knowledge 7 The computer-based Semantica network serves as a mirror of the mind: As knowledge is assembled in the computer, it either reflects existing knowledge or supports the creation of new knowledge in the mind. Since Semantica allows individuals to off-load their thinking to the computer, they then have increased capacity to reflect on, talk about, think about, point to, and revise their thinking (metacognition). As McAleese (1998) says, Semantica provides an arena in which individuals and groups can manipulate their thoughts. Modern human-oriented knowledge representation has been evolving since the 1880s, when Charles Peirce developed semiotics and existential graphs (Peirce, 1960). Semantica is a useful tool for capturing a learner’s prior science knowledge. The graphic frame view serves as the primary working interface, showing one central concept with all of its links to related concepts (see Figure 3). In one study, 19 college graduates enrolled in a teaching credential program were asked, as a homework assignment in a course on technology, to create a knowledge structure about the human body (Fisher, in preparation). They had 4 days to complete the assignment. Their knowledge structures ranged in size from 39 to 374 concepts, with an average of 119 concepts (Semantica keeps count of all elements in a knowledge structure). Students varied significantly in their knowledge about the human body. Differences in their prior knowledge were most striking in (a) the size of their knowledge structure and (b) the relative proportions of concepts used to describe external versus internal features of the body. The most common error was the inclusion of kidneys or bladder in the digestive system by 21% of the students (Figure 3). Interviewed students imagined that ingested fluids are diverted via a shunt from the intestines to the kidneys or bladder, without ever entering the bloodstream. I think of this “shunt” hypothesis as a naive conception but not a misconception, since I believe it is relatively easy to teach away. Figure 3. Display of one aspect of one student’s prior knowledge in the graphic frame view of the SemNet software, showing the belief held by 4 of 19 graduate students studied, that the kidneys and bladder are part of the digestive system. This is one of 186 graphic frames in a network containing 186 concepts, 6 relations, and 213 instances. This was the only student to include the liver in the digestive system; it is not included by experts but does play a role in removing ingested toxins from the blood. (Relation directions have been moved from original for ease of viewing). Importance of Prior Knowledge 8 For students to effectively express their prior knowledge in Semantica, three conditions must be met. First, students must be generating knowledge from their heads, without reference to texts or other instructional materials. Second, they must feel free to express their thoughts, knowing they will not be graded with respect to scientific correctness. Third, they must be sufficiently familiar with the software so as to be able to express their knowledge effectively. Under these conditions, students are willing to include personal as well as objective knowledge—in this case referring to surgeries, back pain, split ends, and so forth. Can knowledge construction with Semantica promote college students’ conceptual learning about science? Absolutely. For example, Gorodetsky and Fisher (1996) studied two classes of a capstone biology course in which the SemNet section used the SemNet software as a study tool and the reference (control) section used traditional study methods. The sections were taught by two different experienced teachers. Students were prospective teachers in an upper division university biology course. Students in both sections were given a survey about learning and Schmeck’s Inventory of Learning Processes (Schmeck, Ribich & Ramanaiah, 1977; Schmeck & Ribich, 1978) at the beginning and end of the semester. As part of their final exams, students in the two sections were asked to describe the digestive system in a short essay. Both sections had studied the digestive system with similar (but not identical) hands-on activities, and SemNet students had summarized their knowledge in SemNet. In their essays, SemNet students wrote about twice as many sentences (10.3 sentences vs. 5.3 on average) and used almost twice as many words as reference students (79 words vs. 49 on average). The richer descriptions of the digestive system generated by SemNet students suggests that either their knowledge is more extensive or they were better able to retrieve it or both. SemNet students also used shorter sentences (relative to reference students) to describe their knowledge—likely a consequence of their knowledge organization. Not surprisingly, when the digestive system essays were evaluated in terms of quality of the descriptions, the SemNet section outperformed the reference section by more than a factor of two. As a control, students were asked to write short essays on two other topics that were studied in both sections but not represented in SemNet in either section. Their average performances on these two essays were indistinguishable. In response to a question on their learning survey about how to study, SemNet students used terms like “integrate,” “relate,” or “make associations” twice as frequently at the end of the semester (34 times) as at the beginning (15 times), whereas there was no change for reference students (15 before and 13 afterwards). In addition, SemNet students made significant gains on the deep processing scale of Schmeck’s Inventory of Learning Processes, whereas reference students did not make gains on any of the four scales. Students who used SemNet reported that they acquired two newfound abilities, first to recognize that some ideas are more important than others are, and second to be able to identify the important ideas. They said that these newly acquired abilities had a significant effect on their note-taking strategies in other classes, suggesting that knowledge representation experiences may be quite valuable if introduced earlier in students’ careers. Another comment students often made is that SemNet makes biology concepts more concrete. Perhaps this can be explained by Wilensky (1991) who suggested that concreteness is a function of a person’s relationship to an object rather Importance of Prior Knowledge 9 than a property of the object itself. That is, the concreteness perceived by an individual varies with the extent of their relatedness to the object, the richness of their representations, and the number of their interactions and connections with the object. This study confirms Anderson’s (1990) theoretical claim that students who engage in explicit knowledge construction should be better able to retrieve and apply their knowledge than students who do not. It is also consistent with the instructional strategies recommended by the National Research Council (2000, p. 207), to provide scaffolding to enhance learning, and to give students and teachers many opportunities for diagnosis, feedback, reflection, and revision. As instructors see what students are thinking, they can facilitate learning much more effectively. My classroom research revealed confusion about relations by second-language learners. ESL students often use relation rays such as “has a part” and “is a part of” either backwards or randomly. These basic relations seem trivial to native speakers, but language learners including both first- (Gentner, 1978, 1982) and second-language learners, including children and adults (Rosenthal, 1996) regularly learn nouns before verbs. Given that the whole/part relation is one of three relations used 50% of the time in describing biology knowledge (Fisher, 1988; Faletti & Fisher, 1996), getting this right can make a huge difference in students’ abilities to learn. Once the problem is identified and corrected, students are able to master the relations quickly. Diagnosis is the key. Is student use of Semantica valuable? David Jonassen (2003), who is one of the world’s leading authorities on cognitive tools, describes it in the following way: Perhaps the greatest benefit of Semantica is that most students find building concept maps both illuminative and enjoyable. I have collected numerous testimonials from students regarding the clarity of their understanding following the production of concept maps with Semantica. We are soon engaged in a project at the University of Missouri integrating Semantica into large, undergraduate lecture classes. Innovation in those contexts is very problematic. Our belief is that constructing concept maps with Semantica is probably the single most effective innovation that we could implement. The only potential drawback of using Semantica is that it causes students to think hard, especially if they build coherent concept maps. Lamentably, some students are not inured to thinking hard. I believe that it is time they should. (D. H. Jonassen, personal communication, April 14, 2003. Cognitive research may provide a simple explanation for the amassed observations about misconceptions. Psychologists have long been aware that the brain has vast capabilities for storing, processing, and retrieving information, yet conscious working memory is surprisingly small (can perceive five to nine “ideas”) and also is constrained (can only focus on one train of thought at a time, although can switch quickly). These observations are incorporated into global workspace theory (Baars, 1997). According to this theory, conscious working memory is both the “bottleneck” and the “activist.” It is the one place in the brain that provides conscious access to all the subconscious modules. Global workspace theory suggests that we are unable to modify knowledge structures in the subconscious modules unless we transfer that knowledge into conscious working memory where we can reconsider it. This would explain why lectures Importance of Prior Knowledge 10 are so ineffective. Students listen, take notes, and assimilate some new ideas. But they have no stimulus or time to bring up their prior knowledge and examine it, much less restructure it. Thus while some new ideas get assimilated and stored, they are “less competitive” than the well-established, familiar ideas which are also still there in the brain. The new ideas typically decay with disuse. Some students, of course, are spontaneous meaning makers. They are rather successful at doing these things on their own. In my classes of prospective elementary students (primarily senior undergraduates), there were usually about 6 such students out of 30 (20%). In other majors the proportion may be higher, ranging up to 30 to 35%, I would guess. The majority of students has been conditioned by our systems and by their natural inclinations to cram, memorize, and then forget. Global workspace theory makes sense of the practices that have been found to be effective in addressing alternative conceptions. Most strategies involve eliciting prior knowledge. This brings prior knowledge into conscious memory so it can be examined and potentially modified. Interacting with carefully selected phenomena (chosen specifically to challenge common alternative conceptions) can prompt the reflections that can produce conceptual change (Posner, Strike, Hewson, & Gerzog, 1982). It allows identification of anchoring conceptions in prior knowledge (Clement, 1983). In such settings, researchers and teachers employ strategies to promote conversations among students about their perceptions, interpretations, and conclusions. The dialogue allows give and take, question and response, clarification and negotiation, all of which can lead to discovery of new insights, adoption of common language, and identification and remediation of formerly unrecognized preconceptions. This mode of teaching is less effective than lecturing when effectiveness is measured by rate of information transfer. But it is more effective than lecturing when effectiveness is measured by the appearance of desirable long-term changes in students’ thinking. The accumulated research points to a variety of research questions such as the following. Is it possible in the United States to create educational systems that prompt students to think deeply from a young age? Can we refocus at all levels on depth of understanding rather than breadth as the ultimate test of rigor? Can we begin to test the hypothesis that global workspace theory does account for alternative conceptions, and if so, can it provide further insights regarding how to address them? Can teachers recognize that teaching students without knowing what they are thinking is like driving a car with their hands tied behind their back and a blindfold over their eyes? They have no idea what they are doing or where they are going, but they can do it at top speed! References Anderson, D. L., Fisher, K. M., & Norman, G. J. (2002). Development and evaluation of the Conceptual Inventory of Natural Selection. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39, 952-978. Anderson, J. R. (1990). Cognitive psychology and its implications. New York: W. H. Freeman. Ausubel, D. P. (1963). The psychology of meaningful verbal learning. New York: Grune & Stratton. Ausubel, D. P. (1968). Educational psychology: A cognitive view. San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. Importance of Prior Knowledge 11 Ausubel, D. 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