EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL INFORMATICS Information systems Directorate European Commission e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request Date: 27/03/2009 Version: 0.012 Authors: João Rodrigues Frade Revised by: Technical Review: Quality Review: Maarten Daniels Approved by: Public: Reference Number: Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11. Commission européenne, L-2920 Luxembourg. Telephone: (352) 43 01-1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. USE-CASE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Functional Features List ........................................................................................................................... 1 2. FLOW OF EVENTS ................................................................................................................................. 1 2.1. B1: Basic Flow ........................................................................................................................................ 1 2.1.1. User submits message ........................................................................................................................... 1 2.1.2. System checks conformance to the message schema rules.................................................................... 1 2.1.3. System queries the message repository ................................................................................................. 1 2.1.4. System builds the Status Response ....................................................................................................... 2 Variations of Data used in the Basic Flow (Same Behavior is expected) ....................................................... 2 2.2. SubFlows ................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3. Alternative Flows ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3.1. A1: At step 2.1.4 "System builds the Status Response" no document matches the query criteria ................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.4. Exceptional Flows.................................................................................................................................... 3 2.4.1. E1: At step 2.1.1 "User submits message" the system is down ............................................................. 3 2.4.2. E2: At step 2.1.4 "System builds the Status Response" there is a technical error reported regarding the connection with the supplier ......................................................................................... 3 2.4.3. E3: At step 2.1.2 "System checks conformance to the message schema rules" XSD constraints are broken ......................................................................................................................... 3 3. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 4 3.1. Interface(s) with other Systems ................................................................................................................ 4 3.2. Security Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 4 3.3. Other Non Functional Features ................................................................................................................ 4 3.4. Constraints ............................................................................................................................................... 4 4. PRECONDITIONS................................................................................................................................... 4 5. POSTCONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 4 5.1. Postcondition One .................................................................................................................................... 4 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 4 6.1. e-PRIOR documents hierarchy ................................................................................................................ 4 6.2. Example 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 5 6.3. Example 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 6 e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - Page i Document History Version Date Comment Modified Pages 0.001 14/05/2008 Creation All 0.002 19/05/2008 Implementation of internal comments As required 0.003 20/05/2008 Examples added As required 0.004 01/07/2008 The essential parameters of the status request of a business document are changed to encompass the Interchange Agreement parameter Section 2.1.3. 0.005 04/07/2008 The essential parameters of the status request of a Section 2.1.3. business document are changed to encompass the Supplier Agreement parameter not the Interchange Agreement parameter 0.006 15/07/2008 Implementation of comments from pre-Kick off meeting As required 0.007 25/08/2008 Update of Use Case following Kick-Off meeting with George Vaicar Chapter 6 – Additional Information² 0.008 20/10/2008 Update of the document to cater for the possibility of information being returned for two business documents sent with the same ID. As required Document renamed to "Status Request" 0.009 21/10/2008 Minor improvements As required 0.010 05/11/2008 The following note has been removed: Basic Follow Note: The request message XML Schema Design may contain additional information, such as the document Issue Date - this is not a problem however this additional information will not be used by the system. 0.011 23/11/2008 Minor Corrections 0.012 20/03/2009 Cross-references to SOAP Faults documents e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - As required Page ii 1. USE-CASE DESCRIPTION The system supports the request of a business document status. The business document must have been submitted via electronic means. 1.1. Functional Features List Phase: Phase 1 Cross-Functional Support of a technical and/or business response to every request Cross-Functional Supported response types Information Query of business documents status Cross-Functional Control of the data in all requests and responses Cross-Functional Support of hard and soft business rules Cross-Functional Accurate rejection notification Data Code tables support Security Restricted access to data based on the ownership of the data item 2. FLOW OF EVENTS The details of each message and SOAP Faults can be found in svn: and design/Data Model/XML_Data_Dictionary 2.1. B1: Basic Flow 2.1.1. User submits message This use case starts when the User submits a message to the Request Status service end-point. This opens an https connection between the User and the system. Include Use Case “User Access” to authenticate and authorize access to the User. Note: The request message contains the request for a single business document. 2.1.2. System checks conformance to the message schema rules The system validates the message against the Request Status XML Schema Design rules (i.e. data types, mandatory/ optional data elements and attributes, data elements multiplicity). 2.1.3. System queries the message repository The essential parameters for the system to perform the status request of a business document are provided below: The Supplier Agreement (parameter derived from the UserID - provided at authentication - and the SupplierID of the Requester – provided in the message header) The Document ID (parameter found in the request message) The Document Type Code (parameter found in the request message) The system queries for documents: With a specific Supplier Agreement and Of a specific Document Type Code (e.g. 380 for Commercial Invoice) and with e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - Page 1 / 6 A specific Document ID 2.1.4. System builds the Status Response Based on the result of the previously mentioned query, the system builds the Status Response. For documents matching the previously mentioned criteria, the following information is returned on the status response: The ID of the (matching) document The Document Type Code of the (matching) document The Status Code of the (matching) document The Issue Date of the (matching) document The Response Code (applicable for a response message only) Note: There could be one or more matching documents. When several matching documents exist then only one of them has a Status Code different than "REJECTED". However, all of them may be in "Rejected" status. When the Status Request is made right after the documents submission, it may happen that these documents are still in the state "RECEIVED". If existing, information on the document or documents related to the matching document is also returned: The ID of the (related) document The Document Type Code of the (related) document The Status Code of the (related) document The Issue Date of the (related) document The Response Code (applicable for a response message only) Note: The matching document may have zero or more documents related to it. When the matching document is in the state "REJECTED" or "PROCESSED", it should at least have one related document (i.e. the Application Response). For a given matching document, several related documents of the same type may exist. The typical example is Attached Document messages. For a given matching document, several related documents of the same type and the same ID may exist. If this happens then only one of them has a Status Code different than "REJECTED". However, all of them may be in "REJECTED" status. When the Status Request is made right after the documents submission, it may happen that these documents are still in the state "RECEIVED". For a given matching document, the list of related documents only displays the documents that contain a direct reference to the matching document (i.e. the level below of the hierarchy). For additional information on the document's hierarchy, the reader should have a look at chapter 6 Additional Information. System responds with a Status Response to the Request. This closes the https connection between the User and the system. Use Case Ends. Variations of Data used in the Basic Flow (Same Behavior is expected) B2 Matching document with no related documents. e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - Page 2 / 6 B3 When the matching document is in the state "REJECTED" or "PROCESSED", it should at least have one related document (i.e. the Application Response). B4 For a given matching document, several related documents of the same type may exist. B5 For a given matching document, several related documents of the same type and the same ID may exist. If this happens then only one of them has a Status Code different than "REJECTED". B6 There could be one or more matching documents. When several matching documents exist then only one of them has a Status Code different than "REJECTED". B7 For a given matching document, the list of related documents only displays the documents that contain a direct reference to the matching document (i.e. the level below of the hierarchy). 2.2. SubFlows Not identified. 2.3. Alternative Flows 2.3.1. A1: At step 2.1.4 "System builds the Status Response" no document matches the query criteria No document is found in the message repository matching the previously mentioned criteria. When no document matches the previously mentioned criteria, the following information is returned on the status response: A note stating that "No matches were found" System responds with a Status Response to the Request. This closes the https connection between the User and the system. The Use Case Ends. Note: This may also happen should the Status Request for Invoice ID "009" contain ID "9". 2.4. Exceptional Flows 2.4.1. E1: At step 2.1.1 "User submits message" the system is down The User receives a 503 Service Unavailable The Use Case Ends. 2.4.2. E2: At step 2.1.4 "System builds the Status Response" there is a technical error reported regarding the connection with the supplier The system detects when a supplier closes its connection. In this case the system cannot respond to the subsequent request. The Use Case Ends. 2.4.3. E3: At step 2.1.2 "System checks conformance to the message schema rules" XSD constraints are broken When broken XSD constraints are reported (1 or more), the following information is returned: System submits a SOAP Fault [6] e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - Page 3 / 6 This closes the https connection between the User and the system. The Use Case Ends. The Use Case Ends. 3. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1. Interface(s) with other Systems Suppliers' system 3.2. Security Requirements The reader should refer to chapter 1.1 Functional Features List of subtype "Security" 3.3. Other Non Functional Features Phase 1 Non Functional: Usability Exposure of an applications interface for data communications Non Functional: Usability Exchanged data in pre-agreed structure and format Phase 2b Non Functional: Reliability Use of SLAs 3.4. Constraints Phase 1 Constraint: Implementation Open standards support Phase 2a Constraint: Interface Support of Unicode Encoding Phase 2b Functional, Constraint: Regulation Retention period of data storage 4. PRECONDITIONS There are currently no preconditions defined. 5. POSTCONDITIONS 5.1. Postcondition One Following the basic flow the system responds to the Status Request with a Status Response. 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 6.1. e-PRIOR documents hierarchy The e-PRIOR document hierarchy is depicted below. e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - Page 4 / 6 ePrior Documents Hierarchy Request Level 0 Order 1 Order Cancellation 0...1 Order Response OrderProposed Change 0...1 0...1 0...n Order Confimation 0...n 0...1 Order Response Simple Order Change Level 1 1 1 0...1 0...1 Order Response Order Response 0...1 Order Response Simple 0...n Invoice 1 Level 2 0...n 0...1 Attached Doc 0...n Application Response 0...1 Credit Note 1 1 Level 3 0...1 0...1 0...n Attached Doc Application Response Application Response Level 4 1 0...1 Application Response Level 5 The documents coloured in yellow are the outbound documents of the e-Invoicing and eOrdering Project. The reader should note that the Application Response must be present when the matching document is in a state such as "Rejected" or "Processed". A few examples are provided in the next sections, the examples are run-time examples which intend to clarify the behaviour of this service. 6.2. Example 1 Having the above in mind, the table below provides an example of a status response produced on 16/05/2009 for Invoice ID 5000: ID Document Type Code Status Code Issue Date Response Code* 5000 380 for Invoice 2 for Processed 25/04/2009 Not applicable Issue Date Response Code* These are the related documents to this document: ID Document Type Code e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - Status Code Page 5 / 6 200 916 for Related Document (a.k.a Attachment) 2 for Processed 01/05/2009 Not applicable 3000 301 Application Response 2 for Processed 09/05/2009 380:2 for Invoice Disputed 1500 81 for Credit Note related to goods or services 2 for Processed 10/05/2009 Not applicable It should be noted that the Application Response for the Credit Note is not listed above. This is the correct behaviour; this information will only be provided in the Status Request/Response related to this Credit Note. The table below provides an example of a status response produced on 16/05/2009 for Credit Note ID 1500: ID Document Type Code Status Code Issue Date Response Code* 1500 81 for Credit Note related to goods or services 2 for Processed 25/04/2009 Not applicable These are the related documents to this document: ID Document Type Code Status Code Issue Date Response Code* 3020 301 Application Response 2 for Processed 14/05/2009 81:1 for Credit Note approved 6.3. Example 2 The table below provides an example of a status response produced on 17/05/2009 for Invoice ID 5020: ID Document Type Code Status Code Issue Date Response Code* 5020 380 for Invoice 1 for Received 17/05/2009 Not applicable These are the related documents to this document: ID Document Type Code Status Code Issue Date Response Code* 9 916 for Related Document (a.k.a Attachment) 1 for Received 17/05/2009 Not applicable 10 916 for Related Document (a.k.a Attachment) 1 for Received 17/05/2009 Not applicable * Response Code indicates the Response Code in the Application Response. e-PRIOR Use Case Specification: Status Request - Page 6 / 6