ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 24369 CODE 1000 ADDIS ABAB, ETHIOPIA TELEPHONE 0911-658102 SHIREGA MINUYE Date of Birth: January 22, 1968 Sex: Male Marital status: Single Nationality: Ethiopian EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND B.A degree in Economics from Addis Ababa University Computer Skill: Ms Word, Ms Excel., SPSS for Windows I. Translation Experience 1. Translating research survey structured and semi-structured questionnaire from English to Amharic. The contents of the translation include household demographics, education, health, food security, cultural issues, gender, labour migration and activities for CARE Ethiopia under supervision of CANGO/TANGO, 20072. 2. Transcribing and translating the qualitative data from Amharic to English for CARE Ethiopia under supervision of CANGO/TANGO, 20072 3. Translating research survey structured questionnaire and semi-structured questionnaire from English to Amharic. The contents of the translation include women empowerment, public services, urban-rural linkages and economic activities for Economic Association of Ethiopia under the subcontract from the World Bank, 2004. 4. Transcribing and translating the qualitative data from Amharic to English for Economic Association of Ethiopia under supervision of the Expertise from the World Bank, 2004. 5. Translating research survey structured and semi-structured questionnaire from English to Amharic. The contents of the translation include agricultural input marketing, agricultural productivity, food security, international trade, trade flows, market transactions and transport for Development Studies Associates, Ethiopia subcontracted from Agricultural Input Supply Enterprise Ethiopia funded by the World Bank, 2002. 6. Translating Coding Manual from English to Amharic for Poverty Action Network of Civil Society Organizations of Ethiopia in collaboration with Public Affairs Foundation for research on Citizen's Report Card Survey which was funded by UNDP Ethiopia, 2005. 7. Translating research survey questionnaire (semi-structured/structured and community) from English to Amharic for Danida, Imapct Assessment Group in Ethiopia, 2003. The lead consultants were in the status of calibre international consultants Page 1 of 8 from Denmark. The contents of translation include health, Nutrition, hygiene and sanitation, demography, social network, agriculture, demography, marketing and translating names of local unit measurement from Amharic to English. 8. Translating research Survey structured / semi-structured and community Questionnaire from English to Amharic for Institute of Development Research in Addis Ababa University subcontracted from Sweden International Development Agency (SIDA) in collaboration with Bureau of Finance and Economic Development, Amhara Region , Ethiopia, 1999. The contents of translation include education, health, food security, social networks, livestock, livestock diseases, Energy, Environment, agriculture, culture, agricultural technology, marketing, demography, traditional agricultural technology and translating a number of species into their botanical names. 9. Translating local names of human diseases, livestock diseases, plant diseases and symptoms of diseases from Amharic to their comparable scientific English names in Surveys conducted by Addis Ababa University, Economics Department in collaboration with IFPRI, USAID, and Centre for Study for African Economies in 1995, 1999 and 2003. 10. Transcribing, and translating of qualitative data in a cross-sectional survey on impact of HIV/AIDS on Education from Amharic to English for Discovery Consultancy Services commissioned by IRISH AID, Ethiopia, 2005 11. Translating the workshop discussion on Ethiopian National Combating of Desertification in Amharic to English in 2006. 12. Translating Economic News from English to Amharic for Economic Association of Ethiopia for Economic Focus Bulletin from1999 to 2003. 13. Contributing articles on "prostate" compiling from different medicine books in English to Amharic for local news paper called "ALEF" 14. Contributing articles on "human psychology" compiling from different psychology books in English to Amharic for local news papers called " Moged", "Muday", and " Alef", 15. Contributing articles on "proverbs" compiling from different English Written books and translating to Amharic for local news papers called "Addis Lisan", and " Muday." 16. Writing research paper on "Borrowed Foreign Words in Languages of Ethiopia" and submitted to Kotebe Teachers' Education, Ethiopian Languages and Literature Department, 1996. 17. Writing article on "Religion and Abortion" compiling from different religion books and translated to Amharic for local megazine called " Aimero". 18. Contributing article on "importance of market research" compiling from different marketing books for local news paper called " Alef". 19. Preparing training manual on entrepreneurship, marketing, accounting and business plan by compiling from different reference books and translated to Amharic commissioned by Food and Agriculture Organization, Marketing and Livelihood Diversification Department. 20. Translating research survey questionnaire on HIV/AIDS and Disability with reference to visual impairment from English to Amharic. II. Language Proficiency a. Amharic (mother tongue), fluent in four skills of languages. b. English (medium of instruction from grade 7) very good in four skills of languages. Page 2 of 8 III. Other Professional E X P E R I E N C E 1. As researcher in Evaluating USAID funded projects that are implemented by World Learning, Health Communication Partner, ESHE and Pathfinder International, Ethiopia from August 2007 to September 2007. 2. As personal advisor for private consulting firm in questionnaire designing and sampling methodology on survey of Ethiopian Microfinance Assessment which was contracted out by Association of Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions in July 2007. 3. As researcher in assessing gender mainstreaming in selected ministry offices in Ethiopia. My duties were questionnaire designing, improvement and report writing from March to May 2007. 4. As researcher in food security and other packages program assessment study at national level which was undertaken by Ethiopian Government in collaboration with national and international non-governmental Organizations (CANGO/TA NGO) in January and February, 2007. As personal advisor for PHD candidate in questionnaire designing, improvement, sampling methodology and analysis on livelihood strategies and land management practices in Eastern Gojjam, Ethiopia, June 2007 to September 2007. As export and import advisor for Tesfaye Export Company in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia particularly on Medical supplies and electrical products. As project advisor in establishing handloom for Edget Garment Factory Plc since October 2006 to January 2007 5. 6. 7. 8. As research co-ordinator in IBN PLC (Professional Support Unit for Research and Development Organization) in the National School Health and Nutrition Survey which was commissioned by Save the Children-USA. 9. As personal advisor for PHD and MSC students in questionnaire designing, improvement , sampling methodology and analysis in the area of Economic growth, household welfare, urban –rural linkage, HIV/AIDS and Disability with reference to visual impaired and land Degradation in Ethiopia, As team of consultants in the market appraisal and training need assessment survey for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Beneficiaries in South Tigray and North Shoa which was commissioned by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The objective of the assessment survey was to identify income generating projects to support OVC and their families. As team of consultants in the survey of the assessment of female students problems in teachers training institutions which was conducted by TREG Consult commissioned from FAWE Ethiopia Chapter in collaboration with UNICEF. My duties were designing questionnaire, data collection, data compilation , write up and preparation of project proposal to address the problems of the intended beneficiaries As business advisor for Edget Garment Factory PLC. My duties are preparing sound business plan, market assessment, preparing company profile, brochure, and diagnostic assessment of the factory for its profitability. I also delegate all business activities on behalf of the firm. My work of business plan for the factory has won the Enterprises grant scheme business plan competition. As business advisor for Tsehay Solomon Garment industry. My duties are preparing sound business plan, market assessment, preparing company profile, brochure, and diagnostic assessment of the factory for its profitability. I also delegate all business activities on behalf of the firm. As free lance consulting on researches for post graduate students on the topics of household resource management and food security, urban livelihood diversification and psycho-social impact on students’ education performance in Beninshangulgumuz, Addis Ababa and Tigray regions respectively. As an export market advisor for Tesfaye General Export company on part time basis. My duties are commercial correspondence, preparing export market planning, market assessment and joint venture searching. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Page 3 of 8 16. 17. 18. As acting manager and technical person for Discovery Consultancy services. My duties are acting as manager while in the absence of general manager, preparing winning proposals on education, HIV/AIDs, food security, market assessment, gender, and evaluation of projects. In addition, I was involved in preparation of training materials on project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, entrepreneurial development and entrepreneurship. I was also editing materials written on agro-processing. As team of consultants in trade diagnostic survey to assess the potential of Ethiopian Manufacturing sectors, services and food grain traders for Buying from Africa to Africa. As team of consultants in Business information and Training needs assessment which was conducted by discovery consultancy services subcontracted from Addis Ababa chamber of Commerce. As team of National and International consultants in mid term evaluation of Beneficiary assessment of BSF/FAO projects in North Shoa and South Tigray. 20. As free-lance consultant in Beneficiary Assessment of Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) projects in North Shoa and South Tigray December to February 2005 21. As assistant researcher for land tenure security survey in Amhara Region in selected Woredas in North Wollo and South Wollo for Phd Dissertation thesis. I was responsible for questionnaire improvement, GPS, Socio-economic Survey and report writing. 22. As researcher in the study of the impact of Economic Generating Scheme (EGS) on the women livelihood. My duties were questionnaire development, data processing, compilation and transcribing the qualitative data analysing it systematically. 19. 23. As field supervisor in the Survey of Resources Needs and Well-Being in Ethiopia which was Conducted by Sociology and Anthropology Department in Addis Ababa University. 24. As field supervisor in Ethiopian Child Survival and food security which was conducted by African Center for Economic and Historical Studies in collaboration with UNICEF, Ethiopia 25. As researcher in the study of rural household socio-economic survey in different rural parts of the country. My duties were collecting both qualitative and quantitative data using appropriate data collection tools. 26. As social research division head in Research Oriented professionals share company. My duties were managing social related researches. 27. As Researcher in Women Empowerment survey which was conducted by Ethiopian Economic policy Research Institute in collaboration with the World Bank from September 2004 to December 2004. 28. As team of consultants in PP-woven Sacks feasibility study project which was conducted by Discovery consultancy services subcontracted from Spotlight private limited company. 29. As professional part time staff in Abathun Admassu Management Consultancy Services and prepared several technical and financial proposals for consultancy Bid. To mention a few related to Child rights, Right based development approach, HIV/AIDS, Organizational Development, organizational structure and pay structure, training manuals on marketing, project evaluation (terminal, mid-term and ex-post evaluation). 30. As free-lance consultant in impact study of small scale projects in North wollo which was subcontracted from Danish international development studies from February to march 2004 31. As field researcher in the study of women empowerment which was conducted by EEA/EEPRI (Ethiopian Economic Policy Research Institute) in collaboration with the World Bank from December to end of January 2004. 32. As Field Manger in impact assessment study in North Wollo Zone in Amhara Region which was conducted by ABAT consult in collaboration with Ethio-Danish Joint Development Program from July to October, 2003. 33. As research assistant in the study of the impact of HIV/AIDS on Education in Ethiopia, this was conducted by Discovery Consultancy Plc. from mid march to April 2003. 34. As data verifier and coder of the survey of strengthening Ethiopian Research Capacity in Resource and Environmental Economics which was under taken by Economics Department, A.A.U, in collaboration with Gothenburg University, Sweden in January 2003. 35. As team of analyst on a survey of the nature, extent and problems of Girls’ education in Ethiopia, which was conducted by Discovery Consultancy, service PLC. From January to March 2003. Page 4 of 8 36. As field supervisor on a survey of profitability rate on all types of business sectors in Ethiopia which was conducted by Shawel Consult International PLC from December 2002 to May 2003. 37. As research assistant on a survey of construction industry, which was undertaken by Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) in collaboration with the World Bank from October 2002 to December 2002. 38. As team leader for the study of Exemption and Waiver system in Ethiopia which was conducted by ABCON Management Consultants funded by ESHE project, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia from August 2002 to October 2002. 39. As Research Assistant in Firm level survey in Ethiopia which is undertaken in collaboration with the World Bank and EDRI from October 2001 to August 2002. 40. As Supervisor / enumerator in financing and quality of education survey which was conducted by EEA from March 26 to August 15,2001. 41. As data encoders Supervisor in World Vision Survey which was undertaken by JIMBED Consultancy Private Limited Company from May 15 to May to 27, 2001. 42. As regional Co-coordinator/ supervisor in the survey of fertilizer marketing and credit which was conducted by Development Studies Associates in collaboration with Agency of Fertilizer Industry funded by World Bank from June 3 to July 5,2001. 43. As supervisor in rural household Food Security survey which was conducted by Institute of Development Research- IDR in BASIS PROJECT, from November to March 2001 44. As a research assistant in the survey of metal industries development in Ethiopia: a case study from Addis Ababa in Metal and Wood Industries dated from August 2000 to October 2000. My duties were Questionnaire designing, piloting, data collection and writing summary report 45. As Research Assistant in strengthening Ethiopian Research Capacity in Resource and Environmental Economics which is under taken by Economics Department, A.A.U, in collaboration with Gothenburg University, Sweden from April, 2000 to June, 2000. The survey mainly focuses on soil conservation and tree planting behaviour of households under study. 46. As supervisor in Rural household socio-economic survey which is conducted by Addis Ababa university, Economics Department in collaboration with USAID from September 20 to March 4, 2000. 47. As supervisor on the survey of audience attitudes towards national and international media on five major urban centres in Ethiopia which is conducted by Forum of Social Studies from August 4 to September 15, 1999. 48. As a research assistant on the study of assessment of NGO’s under umbrella of CRDA in order that establishing database for all NGO’s which is conducted by WASS INTERNATIONAL in collaboration with CRDA from July 1 to July 30, 1999. 49. As a research assistants on the survey of strategies of reduction of youth unemployment in Addis Ababa which is conducted by pro pride (local NGO) in collaboration with pact Ethiopia from June 14 to June 21, 1999 50. As a research assistant on the survey of regional grain marketing conducted by Danagro consulting firm funded by EU form May 1999 to June 14, 1999. 51. As a research assistant in case study on adoption of modern technologies in Ethiopian farmers from April 1999 to May 1999. 52. As freelance writer on Economic focus (Economic Association’s BI-monthly Magazine) for features of Economic News and commentary for six issues. 53. As Zonal co-ordinator in base line socio-economic survey and community Questionnaire in Amhara Region which was undertaken by the Institute of Development Research, IDR, in collaboration with Amhara Regional State and SIDA from February, 1999 to April, 1999. Focus group interviewing method was dominant for Community Questionnaire. 54. As supervisor in constraints to private health care providers' survey, This was undertaken by East African Development and Training consultancy service in collaboration with Ministry of Health, Ethiopia funded by BASICS from December 1998 to January 1999. The interviewing method was mainly focus group. 55. As supervisor in Urban-Rural linkage survey which was undertaken by the Institute of Development Research, IDR from October to December 1998. 56. As supervisor I in new technology adoption among small-scale farmers survey in different parts of the country from August to September 1998. Page 5 of 8 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. As Zonal co-ordinator in base line Socio- economic and community survey in Amhara Region which was undertaken by the Institute of Development Research, IDR, in collaboration with Amhara Regional State and SIDA from April to August, 1998. It was used focus group interviewing method for Community Questionnaire. As supervisor in rural household socio-economic survey which was undertaken by African Inter Group for development from July to August 1998. The objective of the study was to make an investment on farmer’s land in order that make them secured by creating employment opportunities. As supervisor in wealth ranking of rural household socio-economic survey respondents from May 1997 to July 1998,by focus group interviewing method. The objective of the survey was to identify which is best suit for measurement of level of poverty (i.e. either social or economic aspect). As supervisor in community Questionnaire which was undertaken by the Department of Economics in collaboration with Oxford University from May, 1997 to January, 1998. The method of interviewing was focus group, which composed of individuals recruited from both types of sex. As supervisor in contingent evaluation on potable water survey in different Zones of Addis Ababa from February 1998 to March 1998. As supervisor in sustainable Agriculture Development in Northern high lands survey from May 1997 to July 1997. As supervisor in the survey of the demand for schooling in Ethiopia which was conducted by East African Development Consultants in collaboration with the World Bank in May 1998. As supervisor in Rural household socio-economic survey which was undertaken by the Department of Economics in collaboration with IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) from May, 1997 to January, 1998. As food items price information collector in Addis Ababa as part of urban socio-economic survey under supervision of Economics Department, AAU from March 1997 to April 1997. As data verifier, coding and cleaning in Economics Department on collected urban socio-economic survey from January 1996 to February 1997. As supervisor in Urban socio-economic survey in seven major urban centres in Ethiopia which was undertaken by the Department of Economics in collaboration with Michigan University, America from November, 1996 to December, 1996. As supervisor in performance of manufacturing enterprises survey (i.e. small scale and large-scale enterprises) from October 1996 to November 1996. The Questionnaire mainly focused on profit and loss statement of business informal insurance, and Informal Institutions (i.e. Iqub). 69. As Research Assistant in a study demand analysis for perfumes and cosmetics in Ethiopian major urban centres which was undertaken by Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with ITC from August 1996 to half September, 1996. 70. As Research Assistant in budget evaluation on education and health sectors. The main duties were gathering information from secondary sources both quantitative and qualitative for a month (June 1996). As supervisor in budget evaluation and assessment on education and health sector in Ethiopia which was conducted by World Bank in collaboration with National consultants from March 1996 to May 1996. The nature of Questionnaire was mainly in qualitative form (i.e. open-ended questions). 72. As data verifier and cleaning in Economics Department on collected urban socio-economic survey from January 1996 to February 1996. 73. As Research Assistant in Urban Socio- economic Survey which was undertaken by the Department of Economics in collaboration with Gutenberg, Sweden from October 1995 to December 1995. The Objective of the survey was to measure wealth status of dwellers in seven major urban centres in Ethiopia to identify problems and provide suggestions for poverty alleviation to policy makers. 74. As market research Assistant in TESFAYE Import Trade organization from April 1994 to September 1995. 75. As market Research Assistant in Beza Import and Export Organization form June 1993 to January 1994. 76. As sales man of various merchandise goods in MAM private organization from December 1992 to March 1993. 71. 77. Professional Membership Page 6 of 8 Association of Agricultural Economists of Ethiopia Ethiopian Public Health Association Ethiopian Medical Association Society for African Agricultural Economics Ethiopian Information and Archives Professional Association Global Development Network (GDN) International Child Rights Network (ICRN) Evidence Based Policy Network (EBPN) Gender Based Violence Prevention Network in the Horn, East and South Africa Published Documents The Constraints of Micro-finance Demand in Ethiopia: The Case of Amhara Saving and Credit Institution, Economic Focus, 2006 Constraints to Fertilizer Loan Repayment among Small Scale Farmers in Ethiopia, Economic Focus, 2002 Institutional and Legal Constraints to Micro-Finance Development in Ethiopia, Abstract accepted, Economic Association of Ethiopia, 1999 Inter-generational Poverty in Ethiopia: The Case of Some Regions in Ethiopia, Abstract, Multi-dimensional Conference, Unity University, 2007 Macro-level Constraints to the Development of Long-term and Permanent Methods of Contraception Use in Ethiopia, Abstract, Ethiopian Public Health Association, 2007 Unpublished Documents The Determinants of Academic Performance in Primary School: Gender Perspective, project proposal accepted by UNICEF, Ethiopia Assessment of women focused organizations’ information networking and dissemination in Ethiopia: The Case of Addis Ababa, Abstract accepted, Ethiopian Economic Association, 2006 The impact of Public-Private health Mix in Provisin of Basic health services in Ethiopia, 2000 INTERESTS/HOBBIES Humanitarian, trekking, writing ,culture, computers, reading, Page 7 of 8 REFERENCES: Ato Getahun Taffese EEA/EEPRI- Dr. Tegegn G/Egizabher RLDS, Director, AAU Dr. Alemu Mekonnen Tel- 23-43-63 TEL 553900 TEL 09-21-88-68 Chairman, Economics Department, AAU Dr. Workineh Nigatu Ex-director of Institute of Development Research Institute. 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