ANDREW D. WASHTON BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS 411 East 83rd Street New York, New York 10028 168 Irving Avenue, Port Chester, New York 10573 914 933 0479 CATALOGUE 230A GERMAN-SWISS-AUSTRIAN-DUTCH- FLEMISH-SCANDINAVIAN PAINTNG ARCHITECTURE AND WORKS OF ART Revised June 2015 In nearly all cases, we have only one copy of each title, subject to prior sale. Monographs 1-389 Drawings and Prints 390 - 540 Art & Architecture, Sculpture and Painting 541 - 970 Medieval Arts (Before 1500), Inc. Ill. Mss. 971 - 1086 Private Collections, Including Many Auction Sales 1087 – 1201 In most cases, we have one copy of each, and books are subject to prior sale. MONOGAPHS Volumes in Friedlander’s Early Netherlandish Painting are listed in the section on Medieval Art, below. 1. Aachen, Suermont-Ludwig-Museum. Hans von Aachen (1552-1615) Court Artist in Europe. 2010. Sm. qto, 278 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Boards. ENGLISH EDITION. Unread copy. 40.00 2. Patrick Kragelund. Abildgaard around 1800: his Tragedy and Comedy. Offprint, from Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, XVI, 1987, lg. 8vo, pgs. 137-185, with 29 black and white ills. Wrappers.. Fine, sm. ink inscription by the author on the top of the title page. 25.00 3. Rolf Fritz. Heinrich Aldegrever als Maler. Dortmund, 1959. Sq. 8vo, 80 pgs., num. ills., a few color. Wrs. The dust jacket is missing, otherwise very good copy. 20.00 4. Zurich, L'Art Ancien s.a. Zurich / Gutekunst & Klipstein. Auktion 84. Eine Sammlung von Aquarellen von Rudolf von Alt 1812 Wien 1905. Sale Nov. 22, 1956. 8vo, 10 pgs., 12 works. 11 ills. Wrappers, a litle soiled and a little bumped. Small annotations in the front cover. 15.00 5. Alfred Werner, intro. 293 Renaissance Woodcuts for Artists and Illustrators. Jost Ammans' Kunstbuchlin. New York, Dover, 1968. 8vo, xviii + 293 ills. Wrappers. 15.00 6. Friedrich Winkler. Jos Amman von Ravensburg. In: Jahrbuch er Berliner Museen, Erster Band, 1959, Heft 1. Qto, pgs. 51-118, with 56 ills. inc. a few color., inc. some ills. from manuscripts, altarpieces, portraits. Wrappers a bit bumped around the edges, text fine. 75.00 7. Wien, Albertina. Karel Appel. Monumentale Aktzeichnungen. 2007. Qto, 48 pgs, many color plates, some folding. Wrappers. 25.00 8. Campione d'Italia, Galleria Henze. Karl Arnold. Werke aus den Jahren 1907-1942. 1990. Katalog 44. Sm. qto, 112 pgs., num. ills., some in color. Wrapper, price list stapled in at back, library stamp on title. Otherwise fine copy. 15.00 9. Clara J. Welcker. Hendrick Avercamp, 1585-1634 : bijgenaamd "De Stomme Van Campen" : en Barent Avercamp 1612-1679, "Schilders tot Campen". Doornspijk, 1979. Qto, xx, 384 p., 47 leaves of plates (1 folded) : ill. (some col.), maps. Cloth, fine copy; the dut jacket has some edge wear. 350.00 10. Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle. Hans Baldung Grien. 1959. 2nd, revised edition. Lg. 8vo, 401 pgs., num. plates and ills. Inc. cat. of the graphic works. Wrappers. Tiny, withdrawn pml stamp bottom of f.f.e.p., otherwise v.g. 35.00 11. Oskar Hagen. Hans Baldung: Rosenkranz Seelengartlein Zehn Gebote Zwolf Apostel. Munich, 1928. Lg. 8vo, 115 pages, 85 reproductions. Boards, nice copy in dust jacket that is worn. 25.00 12. Friedrich Winkler. Augsburger Malerbildnisse der Durerzeit. Berlin, 1948. Sm. qto, 30 pgs., 6 fig. ills. + 20 plates. Library buckram, orig. wrs. bound in. The portrait drawings are attributed here to LEONHARD BECK. 30.00 13. New York, Grace Borgenicht Gallery. Max Beckmann Paintings and Drawings. March-April 1985. Lg. 8vo, 24 pgs., chiefly ills., some color. Wrappers. 15.00 14. Amsterdam, Christie's. An Important Painting by Osias Beert I from a Private Collection. Sale May 11, 1994. lg. 8vo, wrappers, 19 pgs., several ills., several in color, inc. folding color plate. 10.00 15. Copenhagen, The Hirschsprung Collection. Wilhelme Bendz A Young Danish Painter of the Danish Golden Age 1804-1832. Feb. - May 1996. Sm. qto, 2269 pgs., prof. ill., nearly entirely in color. Wrappers, very fine copy, very very sl. rubbed at the base of the backstrip (just noticable). ENGLISH TEXT. 85.00 16. Emile Langui. Frits van den Berghe 1883-1939. Catalogue Raisonne de son Oeuvre Peint. Brussels, 1966. Lg. qto, unpgd., fully ill, partly in color. Cloth, sl. worn dust jacket. Captions in French and Dutch. Unread copy. 65.00 17. Peter Glum. The Key to Bosch’s "Garden of Earthly Delights" found in Allegorical Bible Interpretation. Tokyo, 2007. Two vols. in qto, in a slipcase: 515, 252 pgs., num. ills., some color. Cloth, new copy. 650.00 Fritz Koreny. Hieronymus Bosch. Die Zeichnungen. Werkstatt und Nachfolge bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Catalogue Raisonne. Turnhout, Brepols, 2012. Qto, 456 pgs., fully ill. in color. Cloth, d.w., new copy. 135.00 18. R.H. Marijnissen. Laatmiddeleeuwse Symboliek en de Beeldentaal van Hieronymus Bosch. Brussels, 1977 (Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Acade ie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie). Lg. 8vo, 54 pgs., 19 ills. Reseume in French. Wrappers. 22.00 19. Isidro G. Bango Torviso a.o. El Bosco y la Tradición Pictórica de lo Fantástico. Madrid, Fundacion amigos del Museo del Prado, 2006. 8vo, 394 pgs. + 64 color plates. Boards, dust jacket, unread copy. 50.00 20. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Gerard ter Borch. 2004. Sm. qto, 228 pgs., many plates and ills., many color. Wrappers. Cat. by Arthur Wheelock, Jr. 25.00 21. Campione d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Francis Bott zum 80. Geburtstag. Katalog 31. 1984. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., 54 color plates. Wrappers, price list stapled in at front, two art library stamps front and back, spine bumped at top. 15.00 22. Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts. Dieric Bouts. 1957. 8vo, 191 pgs., num. ills. Wrappers, spine a bit rubbed. FRENCH TEXT. 20.00 23. Catheine Perier-D’Ieteren. Dieric Bouts. The Complete Works. Brussels, 2006. Folio, 396 pgs., prof. ill. mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. English edition. 110.00 24. A. P. A. Worenkamp. A Silverpoint by Dieric Bouts. In: Smith College Museum of Art, Bulletin Number 38, 1958, pgs. 1-7, with 3 ills. Wrappers. Very good, covers lightly soiled. 10.00 25. Leuven, Sint-Pieterskerk. Sold. 21a. Washington, National Gallery of Art and New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery. Hans Baldung Grien Prints and Drawings. 1981. Sm. qto, xiv + 280 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white. Cat. by James Marrow, Alan Shestack, Charles Talbot, Linda Hults. Wrappers, a bit rubbed along the spine. Inscribed by Shestack on f.f.e.p. 30.00 26. Forster-Hahn, Francoise. Max Beckmann in Kalifornien: Exil, Erinnerung und Erneuerung. Berlin, 2007. 8vo, 96 pgs., 1 folded leaf of plates and other ills., some color. Wrappers. 20.00 27. G. H. Marius, W. Martin. Johannes Bosboom. ‘s-Gravenhage, 1917. Qto, xi + 162 pgs., inc. 80 herliogravures. Quarter-leather and marbled boards, a little rubbed, spine somewhatsunned; marbled endpapers; orig. wrs. bound in. 75.00 28. Catheline Perier-D’Ieteren. Dieric Bouts. The Complete Works. Mercatorfonds, Brussels, 2006. Folio, 397 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Cloth, dust jacket. ENGLISH EDITION. 110.00 29. Frima Fox Hofrichter. Leonaert Bramer 1596 1674 a Painter of the Night. Milwaukee, Marquette University,, 1992. Sm. qto, 144 pages, many ills., some color plates. Wrappers. New copy. Essays by Walter Liedtke, Leonard Slatkes, Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr. 50.00 30. Hamburg, Thomas Le Claire Kunsthandel. Peter Brandl (1668 Prag-Kuttenberg 1735). 11 Zeichnungen aus Privatbesitz. 1987. Sm. qto, 24 pgs. inc. 11 plates, some color. Wrs. with d.w. 15.00 31. New York, Noortman & Brod Gallery. Adriaen Brouwer Danvid Teniers the Younger. 1982. Sm. qto, 143 pgs., over 50 ills., most in color. Wrappes, fine, with previous owner's stamp on the f.f.e.p. however. Cat. by Margret Klinge. 40.00 32. Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett. Pieter Bruegel d.A. als Zeichner. 1975. Lg. 8vo, 214 pgs. + 313 ills. on plates. Wrs., spine very sl. rubbed. 40.00 33. Louis Lebeer. Beredeneerde Catalogus van de Prenten naar Pieter Brugel de Oude. Bibliotheque Royale Albert Ier ,1969. Oblong 8vo, v + 214 pgs., fully ill. Wrappers. 40.00 34. Louis Lebeer. Catalogue Raisonne des Estampes de Pierre Bruegel l’Ancien. Bruxelles, Bibliotheque Royale Albert Ier, 1969. Oblong 8vo, v + 214 pgs., fully illustrated. Wrappers, spine a little sunned. 50.00 35. Louis Lebeer. Beredeneerde Catalogus van de Prenten naar Pieter Brugel de Oude. Bibliotheque Royale Albert Ier ,1969. Oblong 8vo, v + 214 pgs., fully ill. Wrappers. 40.00 36. Amsterdam, N.V. Kunsthandel P. de Boer. De Helsche en de Fluweelen Brueghel en hun Invloed op de Kunst in de Nederlanden. 1934. Sm. qto, 75 pgs. + num. ills. on 48 plates. Wrs. somewhat discolored, binding reinforced with binder's tape. 20.00 37. Brigitte Volk-Knuttel. Peter Candid (um 1548-1628) : Gemalde, Zeichnungen, Druckgraphik. Berlin, 2010. Qto, 486 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Cloth, dust jacket. New copy. 115.00 38. Biesboer, Pieter; Klemm, sold.40.00 39. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen. Willem Buytewech 1591-1624. 1974. Sm. qto, xxii + 170 pgs. _ 148 plates. Wrappers very sl. rubed along the spine. 30.00 40. Schweinfurt, Altes Rathaus. Carl Gustav Carus und die Zeitgenossische Dresdner Landschaftsmalerei: Gemalde aus der Sammlung Georg Schafer, Schweinfurt. 1970. 8vo, 153 pgs., 49 plates, 14 in color. Wrappers. The artist: 1789-1869. 25.00 41. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Staatliche Museen Berlin. Carl Gustav Carus. Natur und Idee. Katalag. Wahrnehmung und Konstruktion. Essays. 2009. Two volumes in qto. Catalogue: 361 pgs. Essays: 354 pgs. Prof. ill., with much in color. Both illustrated boards, unread copies. 100.00 42. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden; Staatliche Museen Berlin. Carl Gustav Carus. Natur und Idee. Katalog. 2009. Qto, 395 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Illustrated boards; a new copy; one very sl. bumped. The second part of this catalogue contains essays. This part is the catalogue of the exhibition. 60.00 43. R.S. Johnson Fine Art, Chicago. Lovis Corinth, 1858-1925: Works on Paper. 1993. Sm. qto, 120 pgs., many ills., a few color. Wrappers. Library stamp on teh title page, price list stapled in at the back. 15.00 44. John Oliver Hand. Saint Jerome in his Study by Joos van Cleve. In, Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University, Vol. 49, Number 2, 1990, pgs. 3-16, with ills. Wrappers. Also articles on Maarten van Heemskerck and Hendrick Goltzius. 10.00 45. Frankfurt, Stadel Museum. Cranach der Altere. 2007. Qto, 400 pgs., 325 ills., 299 in color. Wrappers, new copy. 50.00 Brussels, Brussels, 46. Harald Marx, Ingrid Mossinger, eds. Cranach. Mit einem Bestandskatalog der Gemalde in den Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, 2005. Lg. qto, 607 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Decorated boards. 100.00 47. Guido Messling. L'Univers de Lucas Cranach. un Peintre a l'Epoque de Durer, de Titien et de Metsys. Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 2010. Qto, 272 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Boards, unread copy. French text. 75.00 48. New York, Van Diemen Galleries. Exhibition of Paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553). N.d., 1930's. 8vo, (8) pgs., lists 26 works, black and white ill. on the front wrapper. 25.00 49. Hamburg, Le Claire Kunst. Johan Christian Dahl 1788-1857. Zehn Olskizzen. 2009. Kat. 24. Sm. qto, unpaged; each work is il. in color; ther are some supplementary ills., some in color. Wrappers. Unread. 15.00 50. Eberhard Freiherr von Bodenhausen. Gerard David und seine Schule. New York, Collectors Editions, n.d. Reprint of the 1905 Munich edition. Lg. qto, (x) + 238 pgs., many plates and ills. Red cloth. 50.00 51. Madrid, Fundacion Juan March. Otto Dix. 2006. Qto, 231 pgs., many ills. and plates, chiefly color. Wrappers. 40.00 52. W. Martin. Gerard Dou. Des Meisters Gemalde in 247 Abbildungen. Stuttgart/Berlin, 1913 (Klassiker der Kunst XXIV). Lg. 8vo, xxi + 203 pgs., 247 ills. Red cloth, a bit rubbed, bookplate and very light foxing on the endpapers. Quite sound and sturdy. 30.00 53. Robert Didier. Jacques Dubroeucq Sculpteur et Maitre-Artiste de l'Empereur (1500/1510-1584). "Avec une préface de Charles Avery et des contributions de Jacques Debergh, Peter Kurmann et Christopher Wilson." Brussels, 2000. Qto, 247 pgs., num. black and white ills. and 69 color ills. on plates. Cloth, dust jacket, unread copy. Also, Jacques Du Broeucq. 150.00 54. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Museum of Art. Durer’s Cities: Nuremberg & Venice. 1971. Essays by Clifton C. Olds a.o. Lg. 8vo, 63 pgs. + 115 ills. on plates. Wrappers, ink signature on the title otherwise fine copy. 15.00 55. Baltimore, The Baltimore Museum of Art. Book Arts in the Age of Durer. 2000. Qto, 30 pgs., num. ills. a few color. Wrappers. 12.00 56. Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett. Durer und seine Zeit. Meisterzeichnungen aus dem Berliner Kupferstichkabinett. 1967. Sm. qto, 112 pgs. + 150 plates. Wrs., backstrip rubbed, a few pencil annotations in text. 20.00 57. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Department of Prints and Drawings. Albrecht Durer Master Printmaker. 1971. Qto, xxiv + 295 pgs., prof. ill. Wrappers somewhat yellowed and a trifle soiled. Sm. owner’s stamp on f.f.e.p. 40.00 58. Rudolf Chadraba. Durers Apokalypse. Eine Ikonologische Deutung. Prague, Verlag der Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1964. Qto, 214 pgs., 126 illss. in text and on plates. Cloth, dust jacket has minor wear. German text. 50.00 59. The Cleveland Museum of Art. Albrecht Durer. The Life of the Virgin. 1959. Facsimiles, all 20 plates, loose as issued in a cardboard portfolio, of artist's proofs of the set published in 1511, with a brief introductory text. 20.00 60. Henri Delarue. Albert Durer Miniaturiste. In: Pages d’Art, Geneve, May, 1920, qto, pgs.137-144 + 1 color plate tipped in + 16 plates. Wrappers a little worn and chipped, text and plates very good. 25.00 61. Campbell Dodgson, C.B.E. Durer’s Woodcuts. New York, M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., 1928. Sm. 8vo, 49 pgs., sev. ills. Wrappers, a little sl. worn around the edges and a little cover annotation, but internally fine. Interesting early essay by a well-known scholar. Reprinted from The Print Collectors' Quarterly. 15.00 62. New York, Theodore B. Donson Ltd. Albrecht Durer. Twenty-Five Years of his Art: The Engravings of the Madonna and Child 1495-1520. Uncommon Prints 4, 1979. Sm. qto, upaged, 15 ills. Wrappers. 10.00 63. Albecht Durer. Maximilian's Triumphal Arch. Woodcuts by Albrecht Durer and Others. New York, 1972. Folio, brief intro.+ 36 mostly double-page plates. Later buckram, orig. wrs. bound in. 45.00 64. Charles Ephrussi. Etude sur le Triptyque d'Albert Durer dit le Tableau d'Autel de Heller. Paris, 1876. Qto, 49 pgs., 25 gravure plates hors texte. Three-quarters red morocco, marbled boards, marbled end papers. Orig. wrs. bound in. Occasional foxing in the text, otherwise little rubbing. 1/400 copies on Holland paper. This is an ex. lib. copy with the following: white numbers on the base of the spine below the lowest band; the former library owner's i.d. is punched on the title page; a few other very small numbers in the text. 85.00 65. Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus Museum Alter Plastik. Durers Verwandlung in der Skuptur Zwischen Renaissance und Barock. 1981. Qto, 494 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and some color plates. Wrappers, near fine copy with a very slight bump near the bottom of the backstrip. 25.00 66. Kristina Hermann-Fiore. Durers Landschaftsaquarelle. Ihre Kunstgeschichtliche Stellung und Eigenart als Farbige Landschaftsbilder. Bern/Frankfurt, 1972 (Kieler Kunsthistorische Studien, Bd. 1). 8vo, 139 paes, a few fig. ills. in the text. A lib. dup. in black buckram with a sm. lbael at bottom of the backstrip and cancelled bookplate inside the front board, a couple of other very small stamps, none of the edges. 40.00 67. London, British Museum. The Graphic Work of Albrecht Durer. 1971. 8vo, ix + 62 pgs. + 17 plates. Wrappers a bit soiled. 10.00 68. London, P & D Colnaghi. Albrecht Durer. His Prints and his Influence. 1971. 8vo, unpgd., 203 works, priced, 57 plates. Wrs. 15.00 69. Horst Michael. Albrecht Durer. The Complete Engravings. Kirchdorf/Inn, 1987. Sm. folio, unpaged, with 106 plates. Boards, fine copy in dust jacket, but previous owner's small stamp on f.f.e.p. and bottom of title page. 35.00 Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Durero. Obras Maestras de la Albertina. 2005. Qto, 349 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. New copy. The images may be familiar but the plates are spectacular. 50.00 70. Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. Durero y Cranach. Arte y Humanismo en la Alemmania del Renacimiento. 2007. Qto, 541 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color, with 80 pgs. of English text. Wrappers, unread, but at bottom of backstrip, a ½” repaired tear. 75.00 71. Horst Michael. Albrecht Durer. The Complete Engravings. Kirchdorf/Inn, 1987. Sm. folio, unpaged, with 106 plates. Boards, fine copy in dust jacket, but previous owner's small stamp on f.f.e.p. and bottom of title page. 35.00 72. Charles Ilsley Minott a.o. Albrecht Durer: the Early Graphic Works. An Exhibition in Celebration of the Quincentennial of Durer's Birth. ecord of the Art Museum, Princeton University, Volume XXX (XXXI?), Number 2, 1971. 8vo, 75 pgs., 58 black and white ills. Wrappers. Near fine copy. A previous owner has neatly changed the XXI into XXX. I don't know which is correct. With essays be Robert Koch and Barbara Ross. 15.00 73. Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. Faith and Humanism. Engravings and Woodcuts by Albrecht Durer. 2002. 120 pgs., many ills. Wrappers. New copy. 20.00 74. New York, R. Ederheimer Print Cabinet. Illustrated Catalogue to an Exhibition of Engravings by the Three Great Masters of the 16th Century Albrecht Durer - Lucas Van Leyden - Marc Antonio Raimondi. New York, 1914. 8vo, unpaged, with sev. plates. Wrappers. Also an essay on Durer's Mystical Tetralogy. 25.00 75. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Vom Nachleben Durers. Beitrage zur Kunst der Epoche von 1530 bis 1650. Nurnberg, 1954. Lg. 8vo, 196 pgs., 60 ills. Cloth, nscription on top of f.f.e.p., small stamps on f.f.e.p. and lower edge; cloth a little darkened. Articles on Durer,tomb sculpture, Georg Schweigger, German scupture, fountains, Maximilian I. 45.00 76. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Vorbild Durer. Kupferstiche und Holzschnitte Albrecht Durers im Speigel der Europaischen Druckgraphik des 16. Jahrhunderts. 1978. Lg. 8vo, 180 pgs., many ills. Ex. lib. (no external marks) in buckram, orig. wrs. bound in. 25.00 77. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Albrecht Durer 1471-1971. 1971. Sm. qto, 414 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Black buckram, lib. dup. with cancelled bookplate and sm. call number of spine. 40.00 78. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Albrecht Durer 1471-1971. 1971. Sm. qto, 414 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Wrppers, minor cover wear around the edges. 40.00 79. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Meister um Albrecht Durer. 1961. Sm. qto, 232 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Wrs., light wear and soiling. 25.00 80. Ossolinski National Institute. Sold. 81. Erwin Panofsky. The Life and Art of Albrecht Durer. Princeton, 1965. THIS IS THE SECOND PRINTING OF THE FOURTH EDITION. Qto, xxxii + 317 pgs. + 326 ills. on plates. Cloth, very sl. worn dust jacket. 25.00 82. Erwin Panofsky. Albrecht Durer. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1943. Two vols. in qto. I: x + 311 pgs. II: xxix + 206 pgs. + 325 ills. on plates. This first edition CONTAINS THE HANDLIST OF WORKS which subsequent editions do not contain. Nice copies, but each spine contains, at bottom, mostly obliterated library white classification numbers. No other marks or labels. 150.00 83. (Paris, Petit Palais.) Durer. Special Number of Connaisance des Arts, H.S. no 85, 1996, based on the exhibition in the Petit Palais, Paris. Qto, 66 pgs., many color and black and white ills. Wrappers. 20.00 84. Parma, Fondazione Magnani Rocca, Mamiano di Traversetolo. Albrecht Durer Temi e Techniche. 1996. Sm. qto, 215 pgs., many ills. in b/w. A Lib. dup. in blue buckram, orig. wrs. bound in. Cancelled bookplate and call number on the spine. An exhibition about Durer's graphic work. 25.00 85. Lotte Brand Philip. Das Neu Entdeckte Bindnis von Durers Mutter. Stadt Nurnberg, Stadtgeschichtliche Museen, Renaissance Vortrage, 7. 8vo, 36 pgs. inc. 21 ills. (2 col.) Wrs. A few pencil marks on back wrapper. 20.00 86. Princeton. Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University. Albrecht Durer: The Early Graphic Works. An Exhibition in Celebration of the Quincentennial of Durer's Birth. 1971. Lg. 8vo, 76 pgs., many ills. Wrappers. 15.00 87. Roma, Farnesina alla Lungara. Alberto Durer Incisore. Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe, XXXVII Esposizione, 1953. 8vo, 52 pgs. + 16 plates. Wrappers and spine soiled somewhat. 15.00 88. Hartmut Scholz. Albrecht Durer und das Mosesfenster in St. Jakob in Straubing. Separate publication, which appeared as part of:Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins fur Kunstwissenschaft, Band 59, 2005. Qto, 24 pgs., 36 ills, part color. Stiff wrappers. 15.00 South Hadley, Mass., Mount Holyoke College. Albrecht Durer 1471-1528. A Selection from his Prints. 1971. 8vo, 35 pgs., sev. ills. Wrs., sl. soiled. This contains a 25-page essay by Marjorie B. Cohn. 15.00 89. Stift Gottweig, Osterreich, Graphisches Kabinett. Albrecht Durer. Sein Kreis und seine Zeit. 1969. 8vo, 55 pgs., plates. Wrs. 15.00 90. George Szabo. Durer and Italian Majolica I: Four Plates with "The Prodigal Son Amid the Swine." Offprint, American Ceramic Circle Bulletin, 1970/1971, 8vo, pgs. 5-28 18 ills., 4 color. With card color cover. Tiny ink annotation on the upper r. cover. 15.00 91. Hans Tietze, E. Tietze-Conrat. Neue Beitrage zur Durer-Forschung. Offprint, Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien, SEchster Band, 1932. Folio, pgs. 115-139, many plates and ills. Some foxing. Quarter leather and cloth, leather rubbed. Incs. articles on Durer drawings, Jorg Breu, Hans Sebald Beham. 45.00 92. Torino, L’Art Ancien. Albrecht Durer 1471-1528. 1961. 8vo, unpgd. cat. with 17 ills. Wrs. sl. soiled. Prints. 12.50 93. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. (Circulating exhibition.) Durer and his Time. An Exhibition from the Collection of The Print room, State Museum, Berlin Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbestiz. 19651966. Lg. 8vo, 120 pgs., + 150 works on plates. Wrappers, spine sl. sunned. Lib. dup with sm. stamp on f.f.e.p. 15.00 94. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Durer in America. His Graphic Work. 1971. Qto, 362 pgs., prof. ill. Wrappers. Very good copy. Cat. by Charles Talbot, Gaillard F. Ravenel, Jay A. Levenson. Sm. signature on half-title. 40.00 95. Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Albrecht Durer in Kunsthistorischen Museum. 1994. Cat. by Karl Schutz a.o. Qto, 181 pgs., prof. ill., nearly all in color. Wrappers, corners very very sl. bumped. 50.00 96. Franz Winzinger. Umstrittene Werke Albrecht Durers: Die Kaiserbrustbilder. In: Zeitschrift des Deutschen Vereins fur Kunstwissenschaft, Band XXXI Heft 1/4, Berlin, 1977, pgs. 17-50 with 31 ills. Wrappers a bit soiled. Also articles on Nicolas of Verdun, Hans Baldung Grien, Friedrich von Gartner, etc. 25.00 97. London, Thomas Agnew & Sons. Van Dyck : A Loan Exhibition of Pictures and Sketches Principally from Private Collections in Aid of the National Trust Neptune Appeal and the Kings's Lynn Festival Fund. 1968. 8vo, 57 pgs., num. ills. in black and white. Wrappers. 5.00 98. London, National Portrait Gallery. Van Dyck in England. 1982. 8vo, 120 pgs., prof. ill., some color plates. Wrappers. Fine copy. 15.00 99. Yokahama, Sogo Museum of Art. Anthony van Dyck. 1990. Sm. qto, 162 pgs., many plates, many color, wrappers. Some English text. 30.00 100. Hamburg, Thomas Le Claire Kunsthandel. Christopher Wilhelm Eckersberg 1783 Blakrog - Copenhagen 1853. Some Early Works Recent Acquisitions. 2007. Oblong 8vo, unpaged (20 pgs.), about 20 ills., 12 in color. Wrappers. Text is in English. 15.00 101. Keith pgs., 25.00 Andrews. Adam Elsheimer. Paintings – Drawings – Prints. New York, Rizzoli, 1977. Qto, 178 fully ill. inc. some color plates. Cloth. 102. Reinhold Baumstark, Marcus Dekiert. Von Neuen Sternen. Adam Elsheimers Flucht nach Agypten. Munich, Alte Pinakothek, 2005. Sm. qto, 240 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 35.00 103. Oud Holland, 119. Carel Fabritius: Beyond the Exhibition. 2006. Sm. qto, wrappers. Articles relating to the recent Fabritius exhibition, all in English, and illustrated, by Jonaaathan Bikker, Christopher Brown, J. Bruyn, Frederik Duparc, Walter Liedtke, Vilker Manuth, Peter Schatborn, Gero Seelig. 30.00 104. Stadtische Galerie Villa Zanders Bergisch Gladbach. Carl Ludwig Fahrbach 1835-1902 Leben und Werk. Two vols. in 8vo, 1985, 2004. Part two is: Verena Hornig, Carl Ludwig Fahrbach 1835-1902 Werkverzeichnis II. Part 1: 190 pgs., prof. ill., a few color ills. Part 2: 116 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. 45.00 105. Ingrid Mossinger, Kerstin, Drechsil. Lyonel Feininger. Sammlung Loebermann. Zeichnung Aquarell Druckgrafik. Kunstsammlung Chemnitz, 2006. Qto, 296 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Illustrated boards. 90.00 106. Hamburg, Thomas le Claire Kunsthandel. Joseph Anton Feuchtmayer, Johann Georg Dirr, Johan Michael Feichtmayr: Drawings by South German Rococo Sculptors. 2008. Qto, (40) pgs., num. ills., most in color. WRappers. Bibliography. 15.00 107. Pierre-Marie Auzas. 108. R. Vander Burght. 109. New Sold. Sold. York, Wheelock Whitney & Company. Johann Jakob Frey (1813-1865) A Swiss Painter in Italy. 1985. Oblong 8vo, (12) pgs. + 33 plates (part color). Wrappers. 25.00 110. Stockhom, Nationalmuseum. Romantiken I Dresden. Caspar David Friedrich och hans Samtida 18001850. 1980. 8vo, 112 pgs., many ills. and plates, some in color. Wrappers. Peder Balke, Karl Blechen, Carl Gustav Carus, johan Christian Dahl, Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich, Thomas Fearnley, Friedrich, Christian Friedrich Gille, Anton Graff, Johan Gorbitz, August Heinrich, Goerg Friedrich Kersting, johann Christian Klengel, Karl Robert Kummer, Jacob Wilhelm Mechau, Ernst Ferdinand Oehme, Ferndinand Olivier, Ludwig Richter, Carl Friedrich von Rumohr, Philipp Otto Runge, Johann Carl Rosler, Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Johann Alexander Thiele, Carl Vogel von Vogelstein, Adrian Zingg. 40.00 111. London, Christie’s. Drawings by Henry Fuseli, R. A. from a Private Collection. Sale April 14, 1992. Lg. 8vo, 57 works, all ill., most in color. Wrappers. With the price list inserted. All were previously unpublished. 20.00 112. Gert Schiff. Johann Heinrich Fusslis Milton-Galerie. Zurich, 1963. Lg. 8vo, 175 pgs.,64 black and white ills. Paper-coverd boards, very fine copy, probably unread. 30.00 113. Dra B. De Prest. Jan Garemijn (1712-1799). Kritische Analyse Van Schlderijen. Bruges, 1970. 8vo, 78 pgs. + 19 plates. Wrs. A few light pencil marks in the text. 30.00 114. London, P. & d. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd. Goltzius and other Northern Mannerists. May, 1980. 8vo, 91 works listed, many illustrated. Wrappers. Price list. 25.00 115. Zurich, Kunsthaus. Idyllen in Gesperrter Landschaft. Zeichnungen und Gouachen von Salomon Gessner (1730-1788). Feb.-May 2010. Qto, 275 pgs., profusely ill. in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. 50.00 116. Commune d’Auderghem Hugo van der Goes (1430/40 - 1482) L'Homme et son Oeuvre. Brussels, Le Cri, Le Musee de Louvain la Neuve , 1982. 8vo, 77 pgs., num. black and white ills. Wrappers. 117. Gorlitz, Kulturhistorisches Museum. Franz Gareis (1775-1803) : zum Maler Geboren. Gemalde, Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik eines Wegbereiters der Deutschen Romantik. 2003. 8vo, 144 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. 60.00 118. Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung. Niclaus Gerhaert. Der Bildhauer des Spaten Mittelalters. 2011-2012. Qto, 384 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers., new copy, very sl. bumped t the bottom of the spine, just enough to mention. 55.00 119. Hans-Ulrich Beck. Jan Van Goyen 1596-1656. Ein Oeuvreverzeichnis in Zwei Banden. I [only]. Einfurhrung. Katalog der Handzeichnungen. Amsterdam, 1972. VOLUME I only, which is the CATALOGUE OF THE DRAWINGS. Vol. II catalogues the paintings. Qto, 354 pgs., mot prof. ill. in black and white. Brown cloth, very fine copy, which however has a tiny tear of about 1/8" at the base of the spine. 300.00 120. Hans-Ulrich Beck. Jan Van Goyen 1596-1656. Ein Oeuvreverzeichnis. III. Enganzungen zum Katalog der Handzeichnungen und Erganzungen zum Kataloge der Gemalde. Doornspijk, 1987. VOL. III ONLY, which is the addenda to the catalogues of drawings and paintings. Qto, 321 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white. Cloth, dust jacket, unread copy. 250.00 – Riehen/Basel, Galerie Hense & Ketterer. George Grosz : der Akt 1912-1948. Katalog 73, Sm. qto, unpaged, 103 plates, most color. New, with sm. ink annotation on u.r. of f.f.e.p. 121. Wichtrach/Bern 2006. 25.00 122. Campione Katalog 20.00 d’Italia, Galleria Henze. 20. 1979. Sm. Erich Heckel Gemalde Aquarelle Zeichnungen Druckgraphik. qto, 56 pgs., num. ills., many color. Wrappers. 123. Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst. Hammershoi and Europe. 2012. Sm. qto, 255 pgs., fully-ill. in color. ENGLISH TEXT. Baords. Unread copy; two corners are very sl. bumped. 40.00 124. Campione Katalog 20.00 d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Erich Heckel Gemalde Aquarelle Zeichnungen Druckgraphik. 30. 1983. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., many plates, many color. Wrappers. 125. Mario Kramp. Heinrich Heines Kolner Dom. Munchen, 2002. 8vo, 1334 pgs., 40 black and white ills. Wrappers. Fine copy. 25.00 126. Friedrich Haack. Friedrich Herlin. Sein Leben und seine Werke. Nach der Habilitationsschrift Umgearbeitete Ausgabe. Strassburg, 1900. 8vo, x + 96 pgs. Lacks the 15 plates. Bound with: Siegfried Graf Puckler-Limpurg, Martin Schaffner. Strassburg, 1899. 8vo, 74 pgs. Lacks the 11 plates. Half leather and boards. From the library of Peter Schabacker with his booklate, Als Ixh Xan. 40.00 127. Karl Schwarz. Augustin Hirschvogel. Ein Deutscher Meister der Renaissance. New York, Collectors Editions, 1971. Fine reprint of the 1917 edition. Two vols. in sm. qto. Text: xi + 215 pgs. Plates: about 200 ills. on 215 pages. Cloth, a very sl. bit soiled. Fine set. 50.00 128. Georges Boulhiet. Meindert Hobbema (1638-1709). Paris, 1938. Qto, 485 pgs., 590 black and white ills. on plates. Catalogue of works. 1/1000 copies. Very good copy: text and plates near fine, but the cover is soiled and the spine has some wear and there is a small stain at the bottom of the backstrip. 355.00 129. New York, Andre Emmerich Gallery. Hans Hofmann : Ten Major Works. 1969. Qto, 21 pgs., 10 color plates. Wrappers with a few ink marks. 15.00 130. New York, Ameringer/Howard Gallery. Hans Hofmann: the Summer Studio. 2000. Qto, 16 pgs., col. ills. Wrappers. 15.00 131. Augsburg, Rathaus. Hans Holbein der Altere und die Kunst der Spatgotik. 1985. 8vo, 208 pgs. + 277 ills. on plates. Wrs., minor shelf-wear. 25.00 132. Christian Muller, Offentliche Kunstsammlung Basel. Hans Holbein D.J.: Zeichnungen Aus Dem Kupferstichkabinett Der Offentlichen Kunstsammlung Basel. 1988. Lg. 8vo, 272 pages., 82 plates + some fig. ills. Wrappers. 40.00 Wuthrich. Der Sogenannte “Holbein-Tisch.” Gschichte und Inhalt der Bemalten Tischplatte des Basler Maqslers Hans Herbst von 1515. Ein Fruhes Geschenk an die Burger-Bibliothek Zurich, 1633. Zurich, 1990. Sm. qto, 208 pgs. inc. 132 ills. + 3 fold-out plates inserted inside the rear cover. Wrapper. 30.00 133. Lucas 134. Basel, Kunstmuseum. Hans Holbein the Younger: the Basel Years, 1515-1532. Munich/New York, 2006. Qto, 526 pgs., prof. ill., many color plates. Ill. boards, fine except that the l. corner of the back cover is sl. bumped. 55.00 135. Katrin Petter-Wahnschaffe. Hans Holbein und der Stalhof in London. Berlin, 2010. Lg. 8vo, 420 pgs., 136 black and white ills. in the text, and 5 color plates. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 75.00 136. Heinrich Alfred Schmid. Hans Holbein der Jungere. Sein Aufstieg zur Meisterschaft und sein Englischer Stil. Basel, 1948-1955. Three vols. complete in sm. qto, two vols. of text and one of plates. Red cloth, fine set, faint foxing on a few early and late pages. Text: 470 pgs. Plates: 47 pgs. + 204 black and white ills. on plates. 95.00 137. Stuttgart, Qto, 90.00 Staatsgalerie. Hans Holbein d.A. Die Graue Passion in ihrer Zeit. November 2010-March 2011. 445 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Boards, unread copy. 138. Paris, Institut Neerlandais. Wenzel Hollar 1607-1677. Dessins Gravures Cuivres. 1979. 8vo, 77 pgs. + num. ills. on 30 plates. Wrappers a bit rubbed. A near lib. dup. with sm stamps on the title and half-title only. 20.00 139. Franz Winzinger. Zum Werk Wolf Hubers, Georg Lembergers und des Meisters der Wunder von Mariazell. Offprint, Zeitschrift fur Kunstwissenschaft, Band XII Heft 2-1, Berlin, 1958, pgs. 71-94, 20 ills. Wrappers a little soiled. 15.00 140. Houston, The Museum of Fine Arts. The Temptations of Flora. Jan Van Huysum 1682-1749. 2007. Qto, 390 pages, prof. ill., many color plates. Cloth, dust jacket. 60.00 141. N.a. Hildgard og Harald Isenstein 1920-1960. Privately printed, 1960. 64 pgs., plus cat. of an exhibition (1960) laid in. Num. ills. Wappers. 1 of 500 copies (this one not numbered), inscribed by Harald Isenstein. Forward in English and German. 50.00 142. Paris, Societe des Amis de Jongkind. Johan Barthold Jongkind (1819-1891) vu par un Ami de la Famille Fesser. Manuscrit de Louis Adolphe Poitout (1857-1913). Fin de Redaction dans les Annees 1905-1910. Paris,1999. 8vo, 185 pgs. Wrappers. 50.00 143. R.-A. d’Hulst. Jacob Jordaens. London, 1982. Lg. qto, 375 pgs., 252 ills., many color. Cloth, d.w. 40.00 d’Hulst. Jordaens' Drawings. London, 1974. Four vols. in lg. 8vo, 686 pgs. + 644 plates. Cloth, d.w., slipcase. Fine set. 275.00 144. R.-A. 145. New York, Mortimer Brandt Gallery. Exhibition Jacob Jordaens (1593-1678). 1940. Sm. qto, 20 pages, 15 works (6 drawings) ill. and described. Wrappers. A few ink marks top of the cover, otherwise fine. 15.00 146. Ottowa, National Gallery of Canada. Jacob Jordaens 1593-1678. 1968. Selection and catalogue by Michael Jaffe. Sm. qto, 416 pgs., prof. ill., partly in color. Cloth edition. Very good copy. 60.00 147. Lucius Griesebach. Willem Kalf 1619-1693. Berlin, 1974. 8vo, 323 pgs. + 199 black and white ills. on plates + color frontis. Very fine copy in cloth, with dust jacket that has a little wear. With catalogue of works. 350.00 148. London, Rafael Valls Limited. Angelica Kauffman in British Collections. An Exhibition to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of her Death. 2007. 8vo, 48 pgs., num. col. ills. Wrappers. 30.00 149. Dusseldorf, C. G. Boerner. Angelika Kauffmann und ihre Zeit. Graphik und Zeichnungen von 1760-1810. Neue Lagerliste 70, 1979. Sm. qto, 162 pgs., 340 works, many ill. Price list stapled in at the back. Wrappers, very good copy with a few nicks. 20.00 150. Museo Diocesano di Bressanone. Stephan Kessler (1622-1700). Ein Tiroler Maler der Rubenszeit. 2005. Sm. qto, 288 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. 50.00 151. Zsuzsanna van Ruyven-Zeman. Hendrick de Keyser: Draftsman and Designer of Stained Glass. In: Simiolus, Vol. 25, 1997, Number 4, pgs. 283-302, 15 ills. Wrappers. With other articles on Constantijn Huygens, Poussin, and book reviews. 15.00 152. Michel Draguet. Fernand Khnopff. Portrait of Jeanne Kefer. Art, 2004. 8vo, 104 pgs., num. ills. in color. Wrs. 20.00 Los Angeles, Getty Museum Studies on 153. Dusseldorf, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen., Schloss Jagerhof. Paul Klee. 1971. Third, enlarged edition. Lg. 8vo, 209 pgs., many plates, some in color. Wrappers, sl. rubbed and back cover somewhat soiled. 15.00 154. Christian ill. in 65..00 M. Nebehay. Gustav Klimt : From Drawing to Painting. New York, 1994. Qto, 288 pages., prof. color nad black and white. Cloth, dust jacket, unread copy. 155. Wien, Graphische Sammlung Albertina. Okkultismus und Abstraktion: die Malerin Hilma af Klint (1862-1944). 1991. Sm. qto, 195 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. 50.00 156. Schweinfurt, Museum Georg Schafer. Wilhelm von Kobell (1766-1853): Meister des Aquarells. 2006. Qto, 144 pgs., num. ills.,.nearsly all color. Wrappers. New copy. 35.00 157. Mikael Wivel. Christen Kobke. Hellerup, Denmmark, 1993. 8vo, 109 pgs., 37 color ills. Wrappers. ENGLISH TEXT. Fine copy. 20.00 158. Hans Edvard Norregard-Nielsen. Christen Kobke. Copenhagen, 1996. There volumes in qto. Catalogue of works. I: Omkring Kastellet. 2. Dosseringen of Frederiksborg. 3. Italien Tur-Retur. I: 358 pgs. II: 223 pgs. III: 286 pgs. Each prof. ill., much in color. Cloth, dust jackets. Slipcase, which is not sturdy. The three vols. are in new condition. 225.00 159. Ernest plates. 30.00 Rathenau, ed. Oskar Kokoschka Drawings, 1906-1965. Coral Gables, 1970. Lg. qto, 285 pgs., 134 Cloth, v.g.-fine; pervious owner's small stamp on half title and title. 160. Hans Maria Wingler. Oskar Kokoschka. Das Werk des Malers. Salzburg, 1956. Lg. qto, 401 pgs., many plates, many tipped-in color. With a catalogue of works. Cloth. Very good; sl. soiling, top of spine sl. bumped, very sl. rubbing on the tips of the covers. 90.00 161. Hans Maria Wingler. Oskar Kokoschka, the Work of the Painter. Salzburg, Galerie Welz, 1958. Qto, 401 pgs., fully-illustrated, some color plates. Cloth, fine copy with some wear to the dust jacket. 95.00 162. Dessau, Gemaldegalerie. Carl Wilhelm Kolbe d.A. (1759-1835). Kunstler, Philologe, Patriot. Dessau Paderborn - Zurich, 2009-2010 (Kataloge der Anhaltischen Gemaldergalerie Dessau, Band 15). Qto, 320 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and some oclor plates. Boards, new copy,two corners sl. bumped however. Cat. By Norbert Michels. 60.00 163. Hans-Herbert Moller. Gottfried Heinrich Krohne und die Baukunst des 18. Jahrhunderts in Thuringen. Berlin, 1956. Qto, 314 pgs. + num. ills. and plates. Cloth, d.w. Includes a catalogue of his architectural drawings. 75.00 164. Ieper, Stedelijk Museum. Maurice Langaskens 1884-1946. 2003. Qto, 160 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. The artists is famous for his depictions of prisoners of war during World War I. 50.00 165. J. Ph. van der Kellen. Michel Le Blon. Recueil d'Ornements. Accompagne d'une Notice Biographique et d'un Catalogue Raisonne de son Oeuvre. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1900 (Reproductions d'Anciennes Gravures d'Orfevrerie Hollandaise, III). Qto, 52 pgs + 52 pgs. + 164 heliogravures on plates and with a frontis. portrait of Le Blon reproducing an engraved portait by T. Matham after a portrait by Van Dyck. A very good Ex. Lib. copy in black buckram; each plate has a round pale rose library stamp on the corner of the bottom image reproduced on the plate; most images are not stamped; call number on the bottom of the spine; the title page is punched. Overall a very sturdy copy of this rare publication. 500.00 166. Landshut, Museum der Stadt Landshut. Um Leinberger Schuler und Zeitgenossen. 2007. Qto, 350 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Boards, unread copy, one corner very sl. bumped. Hans Leinberger. 50.00 167. Siegfried Wichmann. Franz von Lenbach und seine Zeit. Cologne, 1973. Lg. qto, 359 pgs., prof. ill. inc. many tipped-in col. plates. Cloth. 65.00 168. Jean Squibeck.. Notices sur les Artistes de la Famille Van Mansdale dite Keldermans. Sm. qto, two parts, I: 47 pgs.; II: 41 pgs., num. ills. Wrs. Offprints, Cercle Royale Archeologique, Litteraire et Artistique de Malines, Vols. LVI & LVII, l952, l953. A family of architects and sculptors, active from the 14th through the l6th centuries. 30.00 169. Haags Gemeentemuseum. Den Haag in de Pruikentijd Gezien door de Familie La Fargue. 1983. Lg. 8vo, unpgd., wth 23 ills. Wrs. Sl. sunned. 15.00 d’Hulst. Jordaens’ Drawings. London, 1974. Four vols. in lg. 8vo, 686 pgs. + 644 plates. Cloth, d.w., slipcase. Fine set. 375.00 170. R.-A. d’Hulst. Jacob Jordaens. London, 1982. Lg. qto, 375 pgs., 252 ills., many color. Cloth, d.w. new. 50.00 171. R.-A. As Munchen, Angela Grafin von Wallwitz Kunsthandel. Celebrating Kaendler Meissen Porcelain Sculpture Zum 300. Geburtstage Johann Joachim Kaendlers 1706-1775 Porzellanskulpturen aus Meissen. 2006. Sm. qto, 216 pgs., prof. ill. In color, parallel text in German and English. Boards. Unread copy. 60.00 172. 173. Hans Edvard Norregard-Nielsen. Christen Kobke. Copenhagen, 1996. There volumes in qto. Catalogue of works. I: Omkring Kastellet. 2. Dosseringen of Frederiksborg. 3. Idtalien Tur-Retur. I: 358 pgs. II: 223 pgs. III: 286 pgs. Each prof. ill., much in color. Cloth, dust jackets. Slipcase, which is not sturdy. The three vols. are in new condition. 225.00 174. Hans Maria Wingler. Oskar Kokoschka. Das Werk des Malers. Salzburg, 1956. Lg. qto, 401 pgs., many plates, many tipped-in color. With a catalogue of works. Cloth. Very good; sl. soiling, top of spine sl. bumped, very sl. rubbing on the tips of the covers. The standard work. 50.00 175. Augsburg, bumped. Rathaus. Johann Liss. 1975. 8vo, 196 pgs. + num. ills. on plaates. Wrappers, corners very sl. 30.00 176. Cleveland, The Cleveland Museum of Art. Johann Liss. 1975. 8vo, 192 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrappers. English text. The cello is peeleing a little around the edges. 25.00 177. Kobenhavn, Thorvaldsens Museum. C. A. Lorentzen Udstilling I 225-aret for Malerens Fodsel. 1971. Oblong 8vo, 58 pgs. In Danish inc. many black and white ills + 35 page secretion in German, Der Maler C. A. Lorentzen 1746-1828. Wrappers, fine copy. Inscribed by the editor on the f.f.e.p. 35.00 178. Jacques Squilbeck. Notices sur les Artistes de la Famille Van Mansdale dite Keldermans. Sm. qto, two parts, I: 47 pgs.; II: 41 pgs., num. ills. Wrs. Offprints, Cercle Royale Archeologique, Litteraire et Artistique de Malines, Vols. LVI & LVII, l952, l953. A family of architects and sculptors, active from the 14th through the l6th centuries. 30.00 179. Copenhagen, Thorvaldsens Museum. Johan Thomas Lundbye: 1818-1848. at Male det Kjaere Danmark. 1994. Qto, 234 pgs., num. color and black and white plates. cloth, dust jacket, unread copy. with English summaries. 100.00 180. Marc Rudolf de Vrij. Jan Mandyn. Zwanenburg, 2006. 8vo, 129 pgs. + about 20 small black and white ills. WRappes, unread. ENGLISH TEXT. 35.00 181. Firenze, Galleria Pasti Bencini. Otto Marseus van Schrieck. 2006. 8vo, 74 pgs., amny color ills. Wrappers. Mostly Italian text with a little English. 20.00 182. Isolde Lubbbeke. A Double-Sided Panel by the Master of the Crispin Legend. In: Record of The Art Museum, Princeton University, Vol. 52, No. 1, 1993, pgs. 2-25 with 26 ills. Wrappers, a little bumped all round. 15.00 183. C. M. Kauffmann. An Altar-piece of the Apocalypse from Master Bertram's Workshop in Hamburg. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1968. 8vo, 50 pgs. with many fig. ills. + 24 plates. Wrappers, very good copy. 20.00 184. Herbert Kessler. A Lost Design by the Master E. S. In: Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University, Vol. XXII, No. 1, 1963. *vo, pgs.. 8-14, 6 ills. Wrs. 10.00 185. Alan Shestack. Master E.S. Five Hundredth Anniversary Exhibition. Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1967. Sm. qto, unpaged, 84 ills. Wrappers a bit soiled. Cat. designed by Leonard Baskin. 15.00 186. London, Colnaghi. The Master of the Karlsruhe Passion. The Scourging of Christ. 1999. Lg. 8vo, 20 pgs., num. ills., part color. Wrappers. 15.00 187. Ulm, Ulmer Museum. Daniel Mauch Bildhauer im Zeitalter der Reformation. 2009. Qto, 337 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. 50.00 188. Munchen, Spiritist. 45.00 Stadtisches Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau. Gabriel von Max, Malerstar, Darwinist, 2010. Sm. qto, 375 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white nd color. Boards, unread copy. 189. Fritz Fischer. Meister des Buxheimer Hochalters. Ein Beitrag zur Suddeitschen Skuptur der Ersten Halfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1988. 8vo, 185 pgs., many black and white ills. Boards. A lib. dup. in fine condition, with a cancelled bookplate and a cardpocket, but no external marks. 190. Jan Lauts. Schwabischer Meister 1489 Geburt und Tod Maria. Zwei Altarflugel aus Kloster Lichtenthal. Karlsruhe, Statliche Kunsthalle, 1966. 8vo, 32 pgs., 31 ills. a few color. Wrappers. A lib. dup. in a very nice lib. binding with no external marks or stamps. 15.00 191. Jan Lauts. Schwabischer Meister 1489 Geburt und Tod Maria. Zwei Altarflugel aus Kloster Lichtenthal. Karlsruhe, Statliche Kunsthalle, 1966. 8vo, 32 pgs., 31 ills. a few color. Wrappers. Previous owner’s stamp on title. 15.00 192. Elfried Bock. Holzschnitte des Meisters DS. Berlin, 1924. Lg. qto . 12 pgs. + 22 works, on 14 plates, two double. Boards, cloth spine, light shelf wear; the pages have browned but are not fragile. 45.00 193. Barbara G. Lane. Hans Memling Master Painter in Fifteenth-Century Bruges. Turnhout, 2009. Qto, 386 pgs., prof. ill. inc. 27 color ills. Cloth, dust jacket. Catalogue of works. Unread copy. 225.00 Steffi Roettgen. Anton Raphael Mengs 1728-1779 and his British Patrons. London, Zwemmer, 2003. Lg. 8vo, 160 pgs., num. ills. in color and black and whitee, cloth d.w. Near fine, jacket has a bit of edge wear. 35.00 194. Alexandrea, Virginia, Art Services International. Adolph Menzel 1815-1905. Master Drawings from East Berlin. 1990. Sm. qto, 235 pgs., many plates., part in color. Wrappers. 16.50 195. Annette Schlagenhauff. Adolph Menzel. Works in Harvard Collections. Cambridge, Busch-Reisinger Museum, Harvard University, 1991. Qto, 36 pgs., num. ills. Wrappers. 15.00 196. Seymour Howard. Jacob Merz (1783-1807). Zeichnungen aus dem Crocker Art Museum, Scaramento, Kalifornien / Drawings lent by the Crocker Art Museum Sacramento, California. Zurich, Haus zum Rechberg, 1981. 8vo, 84 pgs., num. black and white ills. Mostly German text with some English. Wrappers, fine copy. 25.00 197. Dublin, National 198. Washington, Gallery of Ireland. Sold. D.C., National Gallery of Art. 2006. color plates, and other ills. Cloth, dust jacket. Frans van Mieris 1635-1681. Qto, 255 pgs., about 50 50.00 Berger. Paula Modersohn-Becker : Paris – Leben wie im Rausch. Biografie. Bergisch-Gladbach, 2007. 8vo, 320 pgs., 16 pgs. of plates. Cloth, dust jacket. 30.00 199. Renate 200. Paul Saintenoy. Le Statuaire Jan Mone. Jehan Money. Maitre Artiste de Charles-Quint. Sa Vie, ses Oeuvres. Brussels/Paris, 1931. Lg. qto, 84 pgs., 18 plates h.t. Wrs., two sm. tears on edge of back wr., internally fine. 30.00 201. (Mulier) Marcel Roethlisberger-Bianco. Cavalier Pietro Tempesta and his Time. University of Delaware Press, 1970. Sm. qto, 143 pgs. + over 450 black and white ills. on plates, including drawings. Cloth. 45.00 202. Rotterdam, Historisch Museum der Stad Rotterdam. Aangenaam Gezelschap. Zes Conversatiestukken van Nicolaas Muys. 1992. Sm. qto, 80 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrs. The painter died in 1808. 15.00 203. Fredo black 40.00 Bachmann. Aert van der Neer 1603/4-1677. Bremen, 1982. Sm. qto, 147 pgs. + 120 plates, most in and white, a few color. Cloth, dust jacket. 204. Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie. Balthasar Neumann in Baden-Wurttemberg. Bruchsal - Karlsruhe - Stuttgart Neresheim. 1975. Qto, 144 pgs., many ills., some in color. Wrappers very sl. soiled and top of the spine very sl. bumped, overall very good. 25.00 205. Susan Donahue Kuretsky. The Paintings of Jacob Ochtervelt, 1634-1682: With Catalogue Raisonne. Montclair, 1979. Sm. qto, xv + 245 pgs. inc.199 black and white ills. Blue cloth, near mint; the jacket has a littel bit of wear. 25.00 206. Avraham Ronen. The Peter and Paul Altarpiece and Friedrich Pacher. Jerusalem/London, 1974. Sm. qto, vi + 105 pgs. inc. num. plates, some color. Cloth, d.w. 15.00 207. Richard Braungart, intro. Georg Papperitz. Des Kunstlers Schaffen in Ausgewahlten Werken. Munich, 1912. Lg. qto, 10 pgs. + 10 autotypes + 20 photogravure plates, with titled tissue guards. No. 154 of 300 copies (supposed to be signed by the artist, but I can't find the signature if it ever was in here). Cloth, very good, but ends of spine rubbed, and former owner's sm. stamp on endpapers and title. 125.00 208. Arpad Weixlgartner. August Pettenkofen. Vienna, 1916 (K.K. Ministerium fur Kultus und Unterricht). Two vols. in sm. folio, 631 pgs., prof. ill., many col.plates. Vol. two has catalogue of works. Dec. Cloth, very good; previous owner's sm. stamp on half-titles and titles. 150.00 209. Munchen, Haus der Kunst. Frans Post (1612-1680) : Maler des Verlorenen Paradieses Painter of Paradise Lost Pintor do Paraiso Perdido. 2006. Cat. by Leon Krempel. Sm. qto, 167 pgs., many ills, some color. Ill. boards. Text in three languages. 45.00 210. Williamstown, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. A Golden Harvest. Paintings by Adam Pynacker. 1994. Cat. by Laaaurie Harwood. Oblong lg. 8vo, 81 pgs., 50 figs. And 18 color plates. Wrappers. Unread copy. 15.00 211. Koln, Walraf-Richartz-Museum. Johann Anton Ramboux. Maler und Konservator 1790-1866. 1966. Lgh. 8vo, 92 pgs. + 71 plates. Wrs. (sl. marked). 30.00 REMBRANDT We have other titles as well. Please inquire. 212. Amsterdam, Amsterdams Historisch Museum. Oude Tekeningen in het Bezit van de Gemeentemusea van Amsterdam waaronder de Collectie Fodor. Deel 3. Rembrandt en Tekenaars uit zijn Omgeving. 1981. Qto, 215 pgs., many ills. Cloth, dust jacket is a little worn. 25.00 213. Amsterdam, The Rembrandt House Museum. Uylenburgh & Son. Art and Commerce from Rembrandt to De Lairesse 1625-1675. 2006. Qto, 324 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and color. Wrappers. 40.00 214. Amsterdam, The Rembrandt House Museum. Bij Rembrandt in de Leer / Rembrandt as Teacher. 1985. Oblong 8vo, 96 pgs., num. ills. Parallel Dutch/English text. Works by many of Rembrandt's pupils. 15.00 215. Basel, taped. Katz Galerie. Rembrandt-Ausstellung. 1948. 8vo, 36 pgs. + 36 plates. Wrs. soiled. Ends of spine 15.00 216. John Anderson, Jr. The Paintings by Rembrandt, Van Eyck and Raphael. 1916. Published by Anderson to accompany his auction sale of April 16, 1916. Lg. 8vo, 10 pgs., no ills. Self-wrs. 12.50 217. Otto Benesch. Collected Writings. Volume I. Rembrandt. London, 1970. Sm. qto, xx + 456 pgs. inc. 250 ills. on plates. Cloth, with a dedicatory inscription to William H. Schab on the f.f.e.p. by Eva Benesch. 30.00 218. Otto Benesch. Rembrandt Selected Drawings. London, 1947. Qto, 254 pgs., 292 ills. Cloth, nice copy, but the top of the spine has faded about 1” and there is a small discoloration on the top of the back board. Ink inscription on f.f.e.p. 25.00 219. Otto Benesch. Rembrandt Werk und Forschung. Vienna, 1935. 8vo, viii + 113 pages. Wrappers a little soiled and backstrip a little worn. 1/300 numbered copies (this number 180). 35.00 220. Harry Berger, Jr. Manhood, Marrige, & Mischief. Rembrandt's 'Night Watch' and other Dutch Group Portraits. New York, 2007. 8vo, 272 pgs., num. platfegs and ills., some color. Wrappers. 25.00 221. Michael Bockemuhl. Rembrandt 1606-1669. The Mystery of the Revealed Form. Cologne, 1992. Qto, 96 pgs., many col. ills. Wrappers. 10.00 222. Hans Joachim Bodenbach. Rembrandt: Selbstportrats Von Fremder Hand. Dresden, 2003. Lg. 8vo, 45 pgs., 18 plates. Wrappers. 25.00 223. Jaap Bolten, ed. Rembrandt and the Incredulity of Thomas. Papers on a Rediscovered Painting from the Seventeenth Century. Leiden, 1981. 8vo, 54 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrs. 20.00 224. (Rrembrandt – Bonn Coll.) sold. 225. Boston, Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum. Rembrandt Creates Rembrandt. Art and Ambition in Leiden, 1629-1631. 2000. Qto, 144 pgs., prof. ill., with color and b/w. Cloth, d.w. 25.00 226. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, New York, Pierpont Morgan Library. Rembrandt: Experimental Etcher. 1969. Sm. qto, 185 pgs., prof. ill. Cloth. Errata sheet. The original editional in cloth. Ills. far superior to the Hacker reprint edition. 30.00 227. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum. Familiengluck. Rembrandt und sein Braunschweiger Meisterwerk. 2006. Qto, 112 pgs., many ills. and plates, some color. Boards. Rembrandt’s late “Family Portrait.” 40.00 228. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum. Braunschweiger Kupferstichkabinett. 2006. 40.00 Aus Rembrandts Kreis: die Zeichnungen des Qto, 192 pgs., many ills., some color. Boards. 229. Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago. Loan Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Etchings by Rembrandt and his Circle. 1935. 8vo, 56 pgs. + 21 plates. WRs. sl. soiled, sm. ink title on spine. 15.00 230. Chicago, The Art Instiute of Chicago. Rembrandt After Three Hundred Years. An Exhibition of Rembrandt and his Followers. 1969. Lg. 8vo, 280 pgs., many plates, a few color. Wrs. very sl. rubbed. 20.00 231. Kenneth Clark. Rembrandt and the Italian Renaissance. London, 1966. Qto, xv + 224 pgs., prof. ill. Cloth. 20.00 232. Suzanne Coblentz. La Collection d'Estampes Edmond de Rothschild au Musee du Louvre. Paris, 1954. 8vo, 158 pages + 24 plates. Wrappers, nice copy, tiny tear ata bottom of the front cover. Inscribed by the author to Frederick B. Adams. With a catalogue of the Rembrandt etchings in the collection. 30.00 233. Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst. Rembrandt? The Master and his Workshop. 2006. Qto, 344 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Cloth, dust jacket. ENGLISH TEXT. 75.00 234. Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van de Grafische Kunst Opgedragen aan Prof. Dr. Louis Lebeer ter Gelegenheid van zijn Tachtigste Verjaardag. Antwerp, 1975. 8vo, 466 pgs., many contributions, some in French. The Essays in Flemish have summaries in French. Many ills. Wrappers, sl. soiled and a bit rubbed along the edges of the spine, ends of the spine are neatly taped with transparent tape. 50.00 235. Edinburgh, National Galleries of Scotland. Rembrandt's Women. 2003. Qto, 272 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers, very fine copy, probably unread. 35.00 236. Frankfurt am Main, Stadelsches Kunstinstitut und Stadisches Galerie. Rembrandt Rembrandt. 2003. Sm. qto, 251 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. 30.00 237. Jeroen Giltaij. The Drawings by Rembrandt and his School in The Museum Boymans-van Beuningen. Rotterdam, 1988. Qto, 365 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Wrappers. 20.00 Grabar. NovootkrytyÄ Rembrandt [Ein Neuentdecktes Bild von Rembrandt]. qto, 93 pgs., with mny ills. Cloth. 40.00 238. Igor Moscow, 1956. Sm. 239. The Hague, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis. Rembrandt. 2006. 8vo, 70 pgs., many ills., part color. Wrappers. The Rembrandts in The Mauritshuis. English text. With comparitive ills. 20.00 240. Julius S. Held. Rembrandt Studies. Princeton, 1991. Lg. 8vo, xvi + 211 pgs. + many ills. on plats. Wrappers. THIS IS THE REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION. 15.00 241. Cornelius Muller Hofstede. Das Stuttgarter Selbstbildnis von Rembrandt. Offprint from Pantheon. No date given. Qto, many ills., 1 col. , inc. details, and a section on pigments. Wrs. a little worn alon the spine. 20.00 242. Indianapolis, John Herron Art Museum. The Young Rembrandt and his Times. A Loan Exhibition of Dutch Painting of the First Four Decades of the Seventeenth Century. 1958. Sm. qto, unpgd. cat. of 94 works, all ill. Wrs. 15.00 243. Istanbul, Pera Muzesi. Rembrandt ve Cevresi : Desenier : Rotterdam, Boijmans Van Beuningen Muzesi Koleksiyonu’dan / Rembrandt and his Circle : Drawings : from the Collection of Muzeum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam. 2006. Qto, 191 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Cloth, unread copy with dents in the gutter of the front board, top and bottom. Text in Turkish and English. 50.00 244. Kassel, Staatliche Museen. Rembrandts Landschaften. 2005. Qto, 277 pgs., num. ills. and plates, part color. Boards. New copy. 40.00 245. Kassel, Staatliche Museum. Rembrandt-Bilder. Die Historische Sammlung der Kasseler Gemaldegalerie. 2006. Qto, 287 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Boards. 45.00 246. Kassel, ill., 40.00 Staatliche Museum. Der Junge Rembrandt. Ratsel um seine Anfange. 2001. Qto, 415 pgs., prof. mostly color. Cloth, d.w. Almost new. Sm. signature on f.f.e.p. 247. Leiden, Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal. Rembrandt's Mother. Myth and Reality. 2005. 238 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. English text. Cloth, dust jacket. 60.00 248. London Horst 22.00 Matthiesen Gallery. Rembrandt’s Influence in the 17th Century. 1953. Sm. qto, unpaged, intro. by Gerson, 69 works, most ill. in black and white on plates. Wrappers. 249. London, National Gallery. Rembrandt: the Master & his Workshop. London, 1992. Two vols. in qto. I: Paintings. II: Drawings & Etchings. 396, 288 pgs. Prof. ill., much in color. Wrappers, unread copies. 45.00 250. Los Agneles, J. Paul Getty Museum. Drawings by Rembrandt and His Pupils: Telling the Difference. 2009. Qto, xii + 275 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers, unread copy. 30.00 251. Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Rembrandt. Artemisa y Mujer el el Lecho. 2002. Lgo 8vo, 48 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. New copy. 20.00 252. Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado. Rembrandt Pintor de Historias. 2008. Sm. qto, 236 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. The history paintngs = religous paintings and paintings from classical literature etc. of Rembrandt. 45.00 253. Bert W. Meijer. Rembrandt nel Seicento Toscano. Florence, 1983. 8vo, 63 pgs., 22 ills. Wrappers. With English summary. 30.00 254. Melburne, National Gallery of Victoria. Rembrandt in the Collections of The National Gallery of Victoria. 1988. Qto, 156 pgs., many ills., the paintings reproduced in color. Wrs. A little cover wear,mostly to the bottom of the spine, still very good copy. 30.00 255. Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, Albert Blankert, ed. Rembrandt: A Genius and his Impact. 1997. Qto, 462 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. Covers Rembrandt and Dou, Flick, Bol, De Gelder, Maes, Jan Victors, etc. etc. 45.00 256. Milano, Pinacoteca di Brera. Rembrandt, Trentotto Disegni. 1970. Sq. 8vo, 108 pgs., 38 ills. Wrs., ink title on spine, sl. soiled. 15.00 257. Nicole Minder. Rembrandt. Les Collections du Cabinet des Estampes de Vevey. Vevey, Musee Jenisch, 1997. Sm. sq. qto, 239 pgs., prof. ill., with some fold-out plates. French text. Wrappers with dust jacket. 25.00 258. Munchen, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung. Rembrandt-Zeichnungen. Ausstellung der Staatlichen Graphischen Sammlung Munchen. 1957. 8vo, 24 pgs. + 32 plates hors texte. Wrs. 25.00 259. Munchen, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung. Rembrandt und sein Kreis. Zeichnungen und Druckgraphik. 1966. 8vo, 64 pgs., num. ills. Wrs., corners sl. bumped. Lib. dup. with some pencil marks, but very good. 15.00 260. New York, Associated American Artists. Rembrandt Etchings. November, 1969. Booklet ill. 100 works. Price list inserted. Wrappers. The prices ranged from $90 to $45,000. Wrappers. 10.00 261. New York, C. G. Boerner. Rembrandt. The Richard Harris Collection. 2003. Qto, 40 pgs., 25 of the etchings ill. in color. Wrappers. New copy. 15.00 262. New York, Christie’s. Prints by Rembrandt from the Collection of Walter J. Johnson. Sale May 13, 1997. Wrappers, with prices annotated in ink and prices realized sheet stapled to the inside of the front cover. 15.00 263. New York, Theodore B. Donson Ltd. Uncommon Prints 3. Rembrandt. The Portraits. 8vo, unpaged, with 37 works ill. and described. Wrappers. 20.00 Spring 1979. 264. New York, Museum of Biblical Art. Scripture for the Eyes. Bible Illustration in Netherlandish Prints of the Sixteenth Century. 2009. Oblong 8vo, 223 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and some color. Wrappers, unread copy. 20.00 265. New York, Sotheby’s. The Dr. Otto Schafer Collection of Rembrandt Etchings. May 13, 1993. 72 lots, with ills. Price list. Wrappers. 20.00 266. Paris, Musee du Louvre. Les Peintures de Rembrandt au Louvre. 1982. Qto, 111 pgs., many color plates and other ills. Wrappers, celophane is crackling on the edges, otherwise nice copy. Inscribed by the author Jacques Foucart. 35.00 267. Paris, Musee du Louvre. Rembrandt et son Temps. Dessins des Collections Publiques et Privees Conservees en France. 1970. Sq. sm. qto, 119 pgs., many ills. on plates. Wrappers. 25.00 268. Paris, Musee du Petit Palais. Le Siecle de Rembrandt. Tableaux Hollandais des Collections Publiques Francaises. 1970. Lg. 8vo, xxxi + 278 pgs., num. ills., wrappers, very good copy. Particulary valuable for: Repertoire, list the artists and the museums in which his works may be found. For instance, there is one paintint by Barend Appelman in France, in Nantes. 25.00 269. Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Art. Rembrandt and his Pupils. A Loan Exhibition. 1956. 8vo, 120 pgs. + many plates and ills. Wrappers, somewhat rubbed, but internally v.g. The catalogue is by W. Valentiner, one of the great aesthetic optimists of the 20th century. 20.00 270. Schaffhausen, Museum zu Allerheiligen. Rembrandt und seine Zeit. Zweihundert Gemalde der Blutzeit der Hollandischen Barockcmalerei des 17. Jahrhunderts aus Deutschen, Hollandischen und Schweizerischen Museums- und Privatbesitz. 1949. 8vo, 79 pgs. + 32 plates. Wrs. sl. worn, ink title on spine. 20.00 271. Gary Schwartz. Rembrandt. His Life, His Paintings. A New Biography with all Accessible Paintings Illustrated in Color. New York, 1985. Small qto, 380 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Cloth, fine copy, dust jacket has a small amunt of wear. 20.00 272. Otto v. Simson, Jan Kelch. Neue Beitrage zur Rembrandt-Forschung. Berlin, 1973. Sm. qto, 234 pgs., + 210 ills. on 48 plates. Cloth-cov. wrappers. 17 contributions. 40.00 273. George S. Keyes a.o. Rembrandt in America. Collecting and Connoisseurship. New York, 2011. Catalogue of an exhibition in Cleveland, Minneapolis, and Raleigh. Qto, 224 pgs.s, prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread, but the dust jacket has a few small tears. 45.00 Paris, Musee du Louvre. Peintres Rembranesques au Louvre. 1988. Sq. 8vo, 120 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white. Wrappers, fine copy, but has a library stamp on the l.r. of the title page. 25.00 274. Hubert von Sonnenburg. Rembrandts "Segen Jakobs." In: Maltechnik Restauro, 4, October 1978. 8vo, pgs., 217-242, with ills. Wrappers. 25.00 275. Tokyo, Bridgestone Museum of Art. Rembrandt. 1982. Qto, prof. ill., chiefly in color. Wrappers. TEXTS IN JAPANESE, ENGLISH, AND RUSSIAN; CAPTIONS IN JAPANESE AND ENGLISH. All the paintings are from Russia. Paintings and etchings. 40.00 Tokyo, Bridgestone Museum of Art. Ishibashi Foundtion. In Darkness and Light. A Rembrandt in Tokyo Reconsidered. 1989. Sm. qto, 160 pgs., prof. ill., num. col. ills. Wrs. Out-of-print. Texts in Japanese and English. The painting, Br. 533, Corpus C10, is titled, for want of a definite title, Nocturnal Scene with Soldiers, and was painted, probably by Rembrandt, ca. 1625. 35.00 276. W. R. Valentiner. Rembrandt and Spinoza. A Study of the Spiritual Conflicts in Seventeenth-Century Holland. London, 1957. Sm. qto, 87 pgs., 13 plates. Cloth. 15.00 277. Dr. H. E. Van Gelder. Rembrandt. Saul en David. Petrus Verloochent Christus. Leiden, 1948. 8vo, 40 pgs., some plates. Boards, sl. soiled and sl. rubbed. 10.00 278. J. G. Van Gelder. Rembrandt's Vroegste Ontwikkeling. Amsterdam, 1953. 8vo, 28 pfas. + 28 black and whie ills. on plates. Wrappers. 20.00 279. Christopher White. Rembrandt. London, 1984. 8vo, 216 pgs., 171 ills., 16 in color. Wrappers. 10.00 280. Julia Lloyd Williams. Rembrandt. Artemisa y Mujer en el Lecho. Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 2002. Lgo 8vo, 48 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. New copy. 20.00 281. Dusseldorf, C. G. Boerner. Nachlassene Zeichnungen von Alred Rethel (1816-1859). Neue Lagerliste Nr. 49, 1968. Qto, lists 89 works, 36 of which are ill. Wrappers, a bit bumped. Price list stapled in at the back. 20.00 282. Hamburg, Thomas Le Claire Kunsthnadel, XIX. Ad Vivum Delineavit. Beobachtungen zu Mensch und Tier. Johann Elias Ridinger 1698 Ulm - Augsburg 1767. 2006. Sm. qto, unpgs., 20 works (for sale) reproduced in color and some figure ills. German text with English summary. Wrappers. Drawings of animals and figure studies. 20.00 283. Iris Kalden-Rosenfeld. Tilman Riemenschneider und seine Werkstatt: Mit einem Katalog der allgemein als Arbeiten Riemenschneiders und seiner Werkstatt akzeptierten Werken. Konigstein im Taunis, 2004. 8vo, 161 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and color. Boards. Unrad, ner new copy. 35.00 284. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Enthullungen. Restaurierte Kunstwerke von Riemenschneider bis Kremser Schmidt. 2008. Lg. 8vo, 127 pgs., many ills., mostly in color. Wrasppers. Fine copy. 30.00 Schloss Brake. Han Rottenhammer. Begehrt – Vergessen – Neu Entdeckt. 2008. Qto, 208 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. 50.00 285. Weserrenaiisance-Museum Salzburg, Residenzgalerie. Gabriele Groschner. Johann Michael Rottmayer. Barock in Salzburg. 1994. 8vo, 156 pgs., num. ills., mostin color. Wrappers, unread copy. 25.00 286. Richard Belgian 20.00 Dupierreux. Victor Rousseau. Antwerp, 1949. Lg. 8vo, 16 pgs. + 28 plates. Boards, sl. splayed. 20th century sculptor. Former owner’s stamp on f.f.ep., otherwise fine copy. 287. London, Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox. Gerhardt Wilhelm von Reutern, 1794-1865 Drawings and Watercolours. Nov.-Dec. 1978. 8vo, 19 pgs. + 24 pgs. of plates. Wrappers. 15.00 288. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Carl Rottman Heidelberg 1779-1850 Munchen. Aus einer Suddeutschen Privatsammlung. Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, ein Gemalde und einige Blatter aus seinem Kreis. 2007. Katalog 26. 8vo, unpaged, 31 works ill. in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. 15.00 289. Svetlana Alpers. The Decoration of The Torre de la Parada. London / New York, 1971 (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, Part IX). 8vo, x + 386 pgs. + 200 black and white ills. on plates. Cloth, sl. worn dust jacket, in sl. rubbed cardboard slipcase. 40.00 290. Antwerp, Stad Anatwerpen Museum Plantin-Moretus. P.P. Rubens als Boekillustrator. 1977. 8vo, 86 pgs. + 48 plates + 15 pg. summary in French, English and German. Wrs. Wrs. very sl. rubbed. 20.00 291. Arnout Balis, ed. Rubens and his World Bijdragen - Etudes - Studies - Beitrage. Opgedragen aan Prof. Dr. Ir. R.-A. d'Hulst naar Aanleiding van det Vijfentwintigjarig Bestaan van het Nationaal Centrum voor de Plastische Kunsten van de 16de en de 17de Eeuw. Antwerp, 1985. Lg. 8vo, xxviii + 350 pgs., num. essays in English, Flemish and French, with many ills. Wrappers. Fine copy, a bit of cover soil and signature on f.f.e.p. 65.00 292. Reinhold Baumstark. Peter Paul Rubens. Tod und Sieg des Romischen Konsuls Decius Mus. Vaduz, 1988. Sm. qto, 144 pages, prof. ill. in color and black and white. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. Rubens' tapestry designs. 35.00 293. Rolando Bellini a.o. Rubens's Ceres: Two Original Versions. St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum, 2007. Sm. qto, 95 pgs., many ills., some color. Cloth, dust kacket. Parallel texts in English and Russian. 25.00 294. Berlin, Gemaldegalerie. Jan Kelch, ed. Peter Paul Rubens. Kritischer Katalog der Gemalde im Besitz der Gemaldegalerie Berlin. l978. Qto, 116 pgs., 90 ills., 8 color. Wrs. 25.00 295. Christopher Brown. Rubens's Landscapes. London, National Gallery, 1996. Sm. qto, 128 pgs., num. ills. in color and black and white. Wrappers. e 20.00 296. Bruxelles, Musees Royaux de Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Le Siecle de Rubens. l965. 2nd ed. Sm. Qto, xliv + 393 pgs., prof. ill., a few color plates. Wrs. A reading copy, the covers are worn. Priced accordingly. 20.00 297. Dusseldorf, Staatliche Kunstakademie, Museum Kunst Palast. Himmlisch Herrlich Hofisch: Peter Paual Rubens, Johann Wilhelm von der Pfalz, Anne Maria Luisa de' Medici. 2008. Sm. qto, 222 pgs., num. ills., mostly in color. Ill. boards. 45.00 298. Hans Gerhard Evers. Rubens und sein Werk. Neue Forschungen. Brussels, l944. Qto, 387 pgs. + 370 ills. on plates. Cloth. Corners and spine sl. rubbed, tiny signature inside front board, edges pags a little toned. This was published during the war and good paper was not used. 45.00 299. Gustave Gluck, Franz Martin Haberditzl. Die Handzeichnungen von Peter Paul Rubens. Berlin, 1928. Sm. qto, 63 + xii pgs. + 241 plates. Red cloth, very good copy, edges sl soiled. 55.00 300. Jan de Jong a.o., eds. Rubens and the Netherlands / Rubens en de Nederlanden. Netherlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 2004 Deel 55. Zwolle, 2006. Sm. qto, 367 pgs., num. ills. All but one of the essays re in English. Cloth, dust jacket. 165.00 301. John Rupert Martin. The Ceiling Paintings for the Jesuit Charch in Antwerp. London, 1968. (Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burcahrd Part I). Lg. 8vo, xiv + 241 pgs. + 203 b/w ills. Cloth, dust jacket. 15.00 302. John Rupert Martin, ed. Rubens Before 1620. The Art Museum,. Princeton Unviersity, 1972. Lg. 8vo, xii + 186 pgs., man black and white plate, cloth. Fine copy in dust jacket that has some wear. 35.00 303. Munchen, Neue Pinakothek. Die Pranke des Lowen. Rubens-Skizzen aus St. Petersburg und Munchen. 1997. Sm. qto, 66 pgs., many ills., some in color. German text. Wrappers. 35.00 304. Hans Ost. Malerie und Friedensdiplomatie. Peter Paul Rubens' "Anabetung der Konige" im Museo del Prado zu Madrid. Koln, 2003. 8vo, 134 pgs., many ills., some color. Boards, unread copy. 20.00 305. Providence, Bell Gallery, List Art Building, Brown University. Rubenism. 1975. Qto, 278 pgs., 88 ills. Wrs. very sl. soiled. 20.00 306. Paris, Grand Palais. Le Siecle de Rubens dans les Collections Publiques Francaises. 1977. Sq. 8vo, 292 pgs., prof. ill. inc. some color plates. Wrappers. 40.00 307. Leo Van Puyvelde. Les Esquisses de Rubens. Basel. 1948. Qto, 97 pgs. + 104 black and white plates. Cloth, fine copy, ex. lib. Theodore Rousseau with his sig. On the f.f.e.p. 20.00 308. Charles Scribner, Peter Paul Rubens. New York, 1989. Sm. qto, 128 pgs., num. color plates and black and white ills. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 15.00 309. Pierre Souviron. Rubens et les Maitres Anversois au Musee de Valenciennes. Paris, 1958, Supplement to La Revue Francais no. 103. Qto, 12 pgs., 11 ills., inc. 2 tipped-in color plates. English summary inside the back cover. Uncommon (I have never seen another copy in 30 years). Minor cover wear, rubbing, and a little soiled, but inside in fine condition. 25.00 310. Stockholm, Nationalmuseum. Rubens & Van Dyck. 2010. 8vo, 399 pgs., prof. ill. in color. With an English summary. Wrappers. Unread. Main text by Gorel Cavalli-Bjorkman. 40.00 311. Wilhelm von Bode, editor. Peter Paul Rubens. Sammlung der von Rudolf Oldenbourg. Veroffentlichten oder zur Veroffentlichtung Vorbereiteten Abhandlungen ober den Meister. Munich and Berlin, 1922. Sm. qto, 220 pgs., num. black and white ills. Half cloth and boards, spine a little rubbed, and minor foxing inside. About 15 essays. 30.00 312. Christopher White. Peter Paul Rubens Man & Artist. New Haven, 1987. Lg. qto, 310 p gs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, near fine copy. LT. 100.00 313. The Hague, Mauritshuis; Cambridge, Fogg Art Museum. Jacob van Ruisdael. 1981. Qto, 271 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and color. Wrs., one corner very sl. bumped. English text. 25.00 314. Paris, sm. Institut Neerlandais. Saenredam 1597-1665. Peintre des Eglises. 1970. 8vo, 27 pgs. + 56 plates. Wrs., stamp on f.f.e.p., but very good copy. 15.00 315. Utrecht, Centraal Museum. Catalogue Raisonne of the Works by Pieter Jansz. Saenredam Published on the Occasion of the Exhibition Pieter Jansz. Saenredam. 1961. 8vo, 309 pgs., 238 ills. on plates. Wrappers. Good-very good copy; the foreedge is slightly spotted and the cover shows some wear and light soiling. 40.00 316. A good, useful study copy. Obviously has been put to use. Wolfgang Schulz. Herman Saftleven, 1609-1685: Leben und Werke Mit Einem Kritischen Katalog der Gemalde Und Zeichnungen. Berlin / New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1982 (Beitrage zur Kunstgeschichte, Band 18). Lg. 8vo, vi + 515 pgs. + 240 black and white ills. on plates. Cloth, fine copy in very fine dust jacket. 475.00 317. Dordrecht, Dordrechts Museum. Herdenkingstentoonstelling Ary Scheffer 1795-1858. 1958. 8vo, 40 pgs., no ills. (except the self-portrait on the cover. Text by Laurens J. Bol. Very good copy; covers a little soiled. Scarce. 20.00 318. Munchen, Sotheby Parke Bernet GMBH. Tier-Aquarelle von Franz Anton Von Scheidel. 1981. 8vo, 88 works, most ill., many in color. Wrappers. 15.00 Sale Nov. 25, 319. Agnes Husslein-Arco, Jane Kallair, eds. Egon Schiele Self-Portraits and Portraits. Munich, Belvedere, 2011. Qto, 263 pgs., prof. ill. in color. ENGLISH TEXT. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 40.00 320. London, Marlborough Fine Art Limited. Egon Schiele Pasintings, Watercolours and Drawings. October 1964. 8vo, 64 pgs., num. ills. inc. several tipped-in color plates. WRappers, a little rubbed round the edges. 12.00 321. New York, Serge Sabarsky Gallery. Egon Schiele. An Exhibition of 17 Paintings. Summer 1985. Lg. 8vo, 37 pgs., 17 color plates. Fine copy, although the wrappers have toned a bit. 10.00 322. Wien, Albertina. Klaus Albrecht Schroder. Egon Schiele. 2005-2006. Qto, 420 pgs., prof. ill, mostly in color. ENGLISH TEXT. Ill. boards. New copy. 50.00 York, Shepherd & Derom Galleries. The Emperor’s Gardener. A Painting by Albert Schindler (1805-1861). 2004. Qto, 6 pgs., sev. color plates. Wrappers. 10.00 323. New 324. Berlin, Kunstforum. Karl Schmidt-Rottluff: Formen und Farbe. 2007. Qto, 190 pgs., num. ills., mainly color. Wrappers. 30.00 Friedrichshafen, Zeppelin Museum / Graphische Sammlung, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Johann Heinrich Schönfeld : Welt der Götter, Heiligen und Heldenmythen. 2009. Qto, 279 pgs., prof. ill. much in color. Boards, unread copy. 50.00 325. Near Crewkernee, N. G. Stogdon. Catalogue X. Martin Schongauer. 1996. Sm. qto, unpaged, 54 works ill. with extensive texts. 30.00 326. Franz Winzinger. Die Zeichnungen Martin Schongauers. Berlin, 1962. Qto, 121 pgs., 86 pgs. of plates. Green cloth, a little sunned on the spine and tiny tear at the bottom of the backstrip. 35.00 327. Paris, Institut Neerlandais. La Voliere Imaginaire. Aquarelles d'Oiseaux par Aet Schouman (1710-1792). Paris, 1982. 8vo, 38 pgs., 5 black and white plates. Wrappers, fine copy but the covers are a little age-toned. 12.00 328. Binghamton, University Art Gallery. Claude-Emile Schuffenecker 1851-1934. 1980. Sm. qto, 111 pgs., many ills., part color. Wrappers sl. soiled. 20.00 329. Campione d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Bernard Schultze. Werke aus den Jahren 1952-1990. 1990. Sm. qto, 54 pgs., num. plates, some color. Wrappers. Lib. stamp on the title. 15.00 330. Wien, Kunst-Auktion E. Hirschler & Comp. Olgemalde Aquarelle Zeichnungen Miniaturen Alter und Moderner Meister. Aus dem Kunstlerischen Nachlass des Herrn Karl Schweninger Sen. Geb. 1818, Gest. 1887…. Sale Dec. 9-121903. Sm. qto, 39 pgs., 165 Scwheningers listed, some ill. on 7 plates. Wrappers and spine delicate and worn, internally very good. 40.00 331. Utrecht, Centraal Museum. Jan Van Scorel in Utrecht. Altaarstukken en Schilderijen Omstreeks 1540 Documenten Technisch Onderzoek. 1977. Qto, 136 pgs., num. black and white ills. WRappers, bottom of spine bumped and small piece of backstrip missing. 25.00 332. Utrecht, Centraal Museum. Jan Van Scorel 1495-1562 Schilder voor Prinsen en Prelaten. 1981. Qro, 55 pgs., num. black and white ills. Wrappers. 25.00 Matthias Kunze. Daniel Seiter 1647-1705. Die Gemalde. Berlin, 2000. 8vo, 180 pgs. inc. 106 black and white ills. and 34 color plates. Wrappers, new copy. 30.00 333. Munchen, Galerie Helbing. Handzeichnungen und Aquarelle Moderner Meister aus dem Nachlassen des Akademie-Professor Otto Seitz, Munchen, des Professor Franz Skarbina, Berlin. Etc. Sale May 30-31, 1913. Qto, 32 pgs., 512 works, many by Seitz and Skarbina; 42 text ills. Wrappers, soiled, annotated, some wear. 25.00 334. Actes des Journees Internationales Claus Sluter. (Septembre 1990). Dijon,Association Claus Sluter, 1992. Qto, 342 pgs., prof. ill., partly in color. Wrappers. The articles (mainly in French) include: Jacques BAUDOIN, Claus Sluter and the use of the embroideries with alphabet. - Susanna BICHLER, retables of Jacques de BaUrze. - Emmanuel BOURASSIN, Philippe the Bold one, the prince, the patron. - Did Andre BEQUEATH, Jacques MOREL and Antoine Moiturier disciples of Claus Sluter? - Marjoke of ROOS, Spectacles in the septentrional Netherlands at the time of Claus Sluter. etc GOOD. Jacques BAUDOIN, Claus Sluter et l"usage des broderies a alphabet. - Susanna BICHLER, Les retables de Jacques de Baerze. Emmanuel BOURASSIN, Philippe le Hardi, le prince, le mecene. - Andre LEGUAI, Jacques MOREL et Antoine Le Moiturier disciples de Claus Sluter ? - Marjoke de ROOS, Spectacles aux Pays-Bas septentrionaux a l"epoque de Claus Sluter. etc. (These are translated titles.). 90.00 335. Henri David. Claus Sluter. Paris, 1951. Sm. qto, 191 pages., 52 pages of plates. Cloth, sm. signature on f.f.e.p. Inscribed by the author to James J. Rorimer. 50.00 336. Kobenhavn, Thorvaldsens Museum. Jorgen Sonne 1801-1890. 1988. Qto, 217 pgs., many ills. in black and white and color. cloth, dust jacket, l.r. corners are a little bumped, but appears unread. 40.00 337. Horst Weiss. Carl Spitzweg. Wien/Munchen, 1972. Qto, 43 pgs. + 101 plates, some color. Cloth. 45.00 338. John Walsh. Jan Steen. The Drawing Lesson. Los Angeles, Getty Museum Studies on Art, 1996. 8vo, 88 pgs., many ills., part color. Wrappers. 25.00 339. Berlin, Galerie Paul Cassirer. Carl Steffeck (1818-1890) sine Kunst, seine Leben, Seine Werke, zur Ausstellung aus dem Nachlasse Carl Steffecks Okt. 1913. 1913. Lg. 8vo, 70 pgs., 12 mountd black and white plates. The text block and plates are very good; the backstrip is missing and the covers are broken off but present. 50.00 340. Basel, Kunstmuseum. Spatrenaissance am Oberrhein. Tobias Stimmer 1539-1584. 1984. Lg. qto, 519 pgs., prof. ill., and some color plates. Wrappers. 30.00 341. (Veit Stoss). Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie. Wokol Wita Stwosza. Krakowie, 2005. Qto, 382 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. With texts in Polish. 100.00 342. (Veit Stoss) Krakow, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie. Wokol Wita Stwosza: Materialy z Miedzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej w Muzeum Narodoym w Krakowie, 19-22 Maja 2005. Krakow, 2006. Sm. qto, 416 pgs., prof. ill., in black and white, with contributions in Polish, English and German. Wrappers. 100.00 343. Rudiger Klessmann. Unbekannte Altarentwurfe von Johann Baptist Straub. In: Zeitschrift fur Kunstwissenschaft, Band X, Heft 1/2, 1956, pgs. 73-96, 16 ills. Wrappers. Also articles on Peter Flotner, Guido Reni, Caravaggio, d'Arpino, Ingres. 25.00 344. Hortensia von Roda. Hans Sturzenegger: Personlichkeit, Reisen und Werk. Zurich, 2007. Lg. qto, 604 pgs., amny ills., chiefly color. Cloth, d.j. One corner very sl. bumped. Catalogue raisonne. 100.00 345. Paris, Galerie Canesso. Portrait de Jeune Homme de Michael Sweerts et Acquisitions Recentes, 2006. Sm. qto, 70 pgs., num. col. and black and white plates. Cloth. 20.00 346. Wolfgang Vol. 15.00 347. Dayton Stechow. An Early Landscape by David Teniers. In: Bulletin, Allen Memorial Art Museum, XXXI, Number 1, 1973-1974. 8vo, pgs. 22-33, 12 ills. Wrappers. Art Institute. Hendrick Terbrugghen in America. 1965. 8vo, 44 pgs., 19 ills., 1 col. plate. Wrs. 20.00 348. Ulrike Gauss. Andreas Thamasch 1639-1697. Stiftsbildhauer in Stams und Meister von Kaisheim. Weissenhorn, 1973. Lg. 8vo, 142 pgs., about 150 black and white ills. of the sculptures. Cloth, dust jacket. One corner is sl. bumped. 45.00 349. New York, Hirschl & Adlers Galleries. Frits Thaulow. Oct.-Nov. 1985. Lg. 8vo, 100 pgs., 42 color plates with text. Boards, ends of the spine a little bumped. 20.00 Frankfurt, Stadel Museum. HANS THOMA 'Lieblingsmaler des deutschen Volkes'. 2013. Sm. qto, 160 pgs., inc. 1076 col. ills. and 323 bl;ack an white ills. Wrappers, near new cond. 45.00 350. Kobenhaven, Wrappers. Thorvaldsens Museum. The Thorvaldsen Museum. 25.00 1985. 8vo, 206 pgs., num. plates. 351. Oldenburg, Oldenburger Landesmuseum. Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein 1751-1829. GedachtnisAusstellung. July-Sept. 1930. 8vo, 74 pgs., 10 pgs. of black and white plates. Wrappers, near fine but has small unk title on the upper spine. 25.00 352. Kassel, Kasseler Kunstverein. Schloss Bellevue. Johann Heinrich Tiscshbein d.A. 1722-1789 (Der Kassseler Tischbein). Gemalde und Zeichnungen. 1964. 8vo, 21 pgs. + 28 ills. on plates (a few color). rappers, very good copy, faint emains of a title on the spine, covers very sl. soiled. Cat. of 135 works (detailed catalogue). 20.00 353. New York, Galdy Galleries. A Facsimile of a Sketchbook by Jacob Toornvleit. New York, ca. 1983. Qto, reproduces in color 62 drawings. With an insert (briefintroduction, biograsphy, and prices). Boards. 1/600 copies, unread. 50.00 354. Stift Altenburg bei Horn. Ausstellung Paul Troger und die Osterreichische Barockkunst. 1963. Sq. 8vo, 226 pgs., num. plates, some color. Wrappers, extremities a bit rubbed. 25.00 355. Frans Grijzenhout. Cornelis Troost. Bloemendaal, 1993. Lg. 8vo, 96 pgs., 57 ills. Wrs. 15.00 356. Roterdam, Museum Boymans. Cornelis Troost en zijn Tijd. Schilderijen en Pastellen, Teekeningen, Beeldhouwwerken, Meubelen, Aardewerk, Porcelein, Zilver. 1946. 8vo, 118 pgs. + 46 plates. Wrs. 20.00 357. Frankfurt a.M., F. A. C. Prestel. Wilhelm Trubner. Graphischer Nachlass. Die Handzeichnungen des Meisters. Druckgraphik. Graphische Werke Alter und Moderner Meister. Sale May 13, 1918. Sm. qto, 44 pgs., 195 works, many ills. on 28 plates. Backstrip repaired with binder's tape, two corners chipped, reading copy, a valuable document. 35.00 358. Munchen, Hugo Helbing. Nachlass Professor Fritz von Uhde, Munchen. Gemalde und Handzeichnungen. Sale June 1, 1911. Qto, 36 pgs. + 22 plates. Wrs. The spine was bumped and there is a "crack" in it about three inches from the bottom, but the catalogue is otherwiese sound. 50.00 359. Campione d'Italia, Galleria Henze. Ursula 1951-1991. Katalog 48. 1991. Sm. qto, 80 pgs., many color plates. Ursula Schultze-Bluhm. Wrappers. Unread, with library stamp on f.f.e.p. 15.00 360. Leonce Deltenre. Petit Album de Lavis de Sepia Attribue a Jean de Vaere (1754-1830). Sites du Hainaut Oriental et du Namurois en 1822. Thuin, The author, 19547. 8vo, 14 pgs. + 17 plates. Wrappers. Incsribed by the author. 40.00 361. New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery. Felix Vallotton. 1991. Qto, 328 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Wrappers. 20.00 362. Martigny, Suisse, Fondation Pierre Gianadda.Felix Vallotton. Les Couchers de Soleil / Die Sonnenuntergange. March-June 2005. Lg. 8vo, 264 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. Parallel German-French text. Nice copy. 40.00 363. Zurich, Galerie Nathan. Felix Vallotton. Gemalde und Zeichnungen. 1975. Sm. qto, 95 pgs. inc. 35 plates, part color. Wrs. 25.00 364. Zurich, Kunsthaus.Felix Vallotton. 1965. Sq. 8vo, 115 pgs., 30 plates, some color. Wrappers. 20.00 365. Liege, Societe Royale des Beaux-Arts de Liege. Les Sites Mosans de Lucas I et Martin van Valckenborch. Essai d'Identification. 1954. Oblong lg. 8vo, unpgd., about 25 ills. Wrs. 20.00 366. Amsterdam, Gebr. Douwes. Tentoonstelling van een 60-tal Landschappen uit de Traditie van het Noordnederlandse Realisme Tussen 1615 en 1655. Esaias van de Velde Schilder: 1590/91-1630 - Jan Van Goyen Teeekenaar: 1596-1656. 1981. 8vo, 36 pages, 35 ills. Wrappers. 15.00 367. Frank Lewis. Simon Pietersz Verelst 1644-1721. Leigh-on-Sea, 1979. Small quarto, 55 pages plus many black and white plates + sveral tipped-in color plates. With a catalogue of works. Blue cloth, very fine copy, but the dust jacket has some wear and several tears. 1/500 copies. 90.00 368. Jacques Lavalleye. Pierre-Joseph Verhaghen. Brussels, Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Conferences 1943-1944. Lg. 8vo, 15 pgs., + 12 plates. Wrs. Age-toned paper. 15.00 369. Willy Koninckx. Trois Peintres Anversois. Charles Verlat/ Piet Verhaert/ Charles Mertens. Brussels, Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Conferences 1943-1944, 1944. Lg. 8vo, 52 pgs. + 27 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled. 20.00 370. Daniel Arasse. Vermeer. Faith in Painting. Princeton, 1994. 8vo, 136 pgs., 14 color plates and 45 b/w plates. Wrappers. 10.00 371. Ivan Gaskell, Michiel Jonker, eds. Vermeer Studies. National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1998 (Studies in the History of Art, 55 Center for the Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Symposium Papers XXXIII). Qto, 372 pgs. prof. ill., some color. Cloth, dust jacket, fine copy appears unred or little read. 23 contributions. 50.00 372. Ludwig Goldscheider. Jan Vermeer. The Paintings. Complete Edition. London, 1958. Qto, 155 pgs., 34 color plates, 85 bl;ack and white ills. Cloth, very good, but u.r. corner very sl. bumped. 25.00 373. Lawrence Gowing. Vermeer. New York, 1970. 8vo, 160 pgs. + 80 plates + 6 tipped in color plates. Cloth, dust jacket. 35.00 374. Axel Ruger. Vermeer and Painting in Delft. London, 2001. Sm. qto, 72 pgs., many color ills. Wrappers. 10.00 375. Donald Haks, Marie Christine van der Sman. Dutch Society in the Age of Vermeer. The Hague Historical Museum,1996. Qto, 144 pgs., num. ills. and plates, some color. Wrappers. 30.00 376. Irene Netta. Das Phanomen Zeit bei Jan Vermeer van Delft. Eine Analyse der Innerbildlichen Zeitstrukturen seiner Ein- und Mehrfigurigen Interieurbilder. Hildesheim, 1996. 8vo, 279 pgs., 40 plates. Wrs. 30.00 377. Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vermeer. Die Malkunst. Spurensicherung an einem Meisterwerk. 2010. Qto, 335 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Wrappers, unread copy. 50.00 378. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum. Adriaen de Vries 1556-1626. 1998. Qto, 311 pgs., prof. ill. Cloth, dust jacket. 40.00 379. Agnes Husslein-Arco, Sabine Grabner. Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller 1793-1865. Vienna, Belvedere, 2009. Qto, 240 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Boards, dust jacket. 60.00 380. Munchen, Galerie Helbing. Olgemalde Moderner Meister. Nachlass Kunstmaler Jos. Watter, Munchen. Sale Dec. 15, 1913. Qto, 52 pgs. + plates. Wrs. sl. worn and soiled. Incs. 46 works by Watter. 30.00 381. Willem Laanstra. Johannes (Jan) Weissenbruch Schilder-Graficus 1822-1880. Amsterdam, 1986. Qto, 222 pgs., prof. ill. (part col.). Cloth. Near fine, except previous owner's sm. stamp on edges, endpapers, and title. Cat. of works. 75.00 382. Dominik Bartmann. Anton von Werner. Zur Kunst und Kunstpolitik im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Berlin, 1985. 8vo, 313 pgs., 130 ills. Boards. As new. 25.00 Jurgen Glaesemer. Joseph Werner 1637-1710. Zurich / Munchen, 1974. Qto, 260 pgs., prof. ill in black and white and a few color plates. Cloth, dust jacket. Fine. Miniaturist, etcher, and painter. 100.00 383. Bruxelles, Musee Communal de Bruxelles, Maison du Roi. Rogier van der Weyden Rogier de le Pasture Peintre Officiel de la Ville de Bruxelles Portraitiste de la Cour de Bourgogne. 1979. Oblong 8vo, 232 pgs., prof. ill., some color plates. Wrappers. Very good state. French text. 25.00 384. Martin Davies. Rogier van der Weyden. An Essay, with a Critical Catalogue of Paintings Assigned to him and to Robert Campin. London, 1972. Qto, London, 1972. Lg. qto, 272 pgs., prof. ill. in b/w and color. Cloth, very slightest rubbing on extremities; previous owner's signature on f.f.e.p.; otherwise v.g. 85.00 385. Anke Lunsmann. Bernhard Heinrich Weyhe. Ein Augsburger Goldschmied des Rokoko. Berlin, 2007. Qto, 248 pgs., num. ills., partly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 75.00 386. Giuliano Briganti. Gaspar van Wittel. Nuova Edizione. Ed. by Laura Laureati & Ludovica Trezzani. Milan, 1996. Qto, 463 pgs., prof. ill., partly in col. Cloth, some wear to the dust jacket. 225.00 Basel, Kunstmuseum. Konrad Witz. March-July 2011. Qto, 392 pgs., prof. ill, nearly all in color. Cloth, dust jacket, unread copy. 65.00 387. 388. Campione d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Fritz Winter. Katalog 38. 1987. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., about 60 color plates. Wrappers. Price list stapled in at back. Bot. of spine a little bumped, fine, but art library stamp on f.f.e.p. 15.00 389. Amsterdam, ill., Bijbels Museum. In de Wolken. Jacob de Wit als Plafondschilder. 2000. 8vo, 112 pgs., prof. mostly in color. Wrappers. 25.00 390. Lowenthal, Anne W. Joachim Wtewael: Mars and Venus Surprised by Vulcan. Malibu, Getty Museum, 1995. 8vo, 84 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. 10.00 391. Munchen, Neue Pinakothek. Johann und Januarius Zick. Die Gemalde in den Bayerischen Staatsgemaldesammlungen. 1982. 8vo, 86 pgs., 33 ills., some color. Wrs., spine sl. rubbed, lib. dup. with bookplate. 15.00 392. Hugo Schnell. Die Wies: Wallfahrtskirche Zum Gegeisselten Heiland Ihr Baumeister Dominikus Zimmermann, Leben Und Werk. Munich/Zurich, 1979. 8vo, 144 pgs., 189 ills., some color. Wrappers. 15.00 Dresden, Kupferstichkabinett & Zurich, Kunsthaus. Adrian Zingg. Wegbereiter der Romantik. 2012. Qto, 279 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Boards, two corners very sl. bumped. 50.00 393. Albert Engstrom. Anders Zorn. Stockholm, 1942. Sm. qto, 95 pgs., num. ills. in b/w and color. Half-cloth and boards. Pgs. browning, but not brittle. Former owners' stamps on f.f.ep. and title page. 25.00 DRAWINGS and PRINTS 394. Amherst College, Mead Art Museum. Northern Travelers to Sixteenth-Century Italy. Drawings from New England Collections. 1990. 8vo, 18 pgs., 27 works, 4 ills. Wrappers, brief inscription on the u. cover. 10.00 395. Amsterdam, Christie’s. Fine Dutch and Flemish Drawings. Sale Nov. 22, 1982. Lg. 8vo, 199 works, most ill. on plates. Wrappers. 15.00 396. Amsterdam, Christie’s. Dutch, Flemish and German Drawings. Nov. 21, 1989. Lg. 8vo, wrappers, fully ill., some color. 15.00 397. Amsterdam, wrappers, Christie’s. Dutch, Flemish and German Old Master Drawings. Nov. 25, 1991. Lg. 8vo, many ills., some color. Wrappers. 15.00 Christie’s. The Hans van Leeuwen Collection.Part I: 16th and 17th Century Dutch and Flemish Master Drawings. Part II: 18th and 19th Century Dutch and Flemish Master Drawings. Both sales Nov. 24, 1992. Each sm. qto, cloth, d.w. Prof. ill., many col. ill. Price list. 30.00 398. Amsterdam, 399. Amsterdam, wrappers, 15.00 400. Amsterdam, wrappers, 15.00 Christie’s. Dutch, Flemish and German Old Master Drawings. Nov. 14, 1994. Lg. 8vo, many ills., some in color. Christie’s. Dutch, Flemish and German Old Master Drawings. Nov. 11, 1996. Lg. 8vo, many ills., a few in color. 401. Amsterdam, Christie’s. , Dutch, Flemish and German Old Master Drawings. Nov. 22, 1992. Lg. 8vo, wrappers, fine copy, most lots ill., some in color. 15.00 402. Amsterdam, Christie’s. , Dutch, Flemish and German Old Master Drawings. wrappers, appears unread, all lots ill. in color. 15.00 Nov. 10, 1999. Lg. 8vo, 403. Amsterdam, Bernard Houthakker. Dessins Exposes Chez Bernrd Houthakker (L.A. Houthakker, succr). 8vo, 86 works, 17 black and white ills. Wrappers sl. soiled. 1964. 10.00 Amsterdam, Bernard Houthakker. Master Drawings Exhibited by Bernard Houthakker. 1974. 8vo, unpaged, 64 works ill. in black and white, mostly dutch and flemish works. Wrappers, with sl. worn dust jacket. 10.00 404. Amsterdam, Museum het Rembrandthuis. Kleur & Raffinement. Tekeningen uit de Unicorno Collectie. 1994. Qto, 160 pgs., num. ills., part color. Wrappers. Dutch & Flemish drawings of the 17 th-19th centuries. 30.00 405. Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet. De Prentschat van Michiel Hinloopen: Een Reconstructie van de eerste Openbare Papierkunstverzameling in Nederland. 1988. Qto. 212 pgs., 208 black and white ills. Wrs. A little rubbed, corners a little rubbed. 20.00 406. Amsterdam, Sotheby’s. Old Master Drawings. Nov 10, 1998. Lg. 8vo, wrappers, many ills., some in color. Mostly Dutch, Flmeish, German works, 15.00 407. Amsterdam, Sotheby’s. The Unicorno Collection. Fifty Five Years of Collecting European Drawings. Sale May 19, 2004. Sm. qto, 270 pgs., 375 works, all ill. in color. Wrappers. This was the collection of Saam & Lily Nijstad. 15.00 408. Amsterdam, Sotheby's. Old Master Drawings. Nov. 14, 2006. Lg. 8vo, wrappers, many ills., most ills. in color. Mostly Dutch, Flemish, and German works. 15.00 409. Amsterdam, Vereeniging Nederlandsch Historisch Scheepvaart Museum, Stichtung Nederlands Scheepvaartmuseum. Jaarboek 1999. [Is that a name, or what?] Tekenen op Zee. Reizende Kunstenaars en Creatieve Zeelieden (1759-2000). 1999. Sm. qto, 126 pgs., many ills. Wrappers. New. 30.00 Mm. R. W. P. De Vries. Dessins et Gravures. Collections d’une Famille Patricienne a Utrecht, de Feu J. Kneppelhout, du Dr. V. B. et d’Autres. Albume de 26 Planches. Sale March 9-10, 1920. Porfolio of 26 plates, num. ills. Text part of this catalogue is not present. The drawings by Old Masters are from the Dutch, Flemish and French Schools (some correctly attributed). (Some Rembrandts and Rembrandt Schoool works.) The plates are clean and in very good-fine condition, the cardboard portfolio is worn, soiled, and coming apart. 20.00 410. Amsterdam, 411. Andreas Andresen. Die Deutschen Maler-Radirer (Peintres-Graveurs) des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Vierter Band. Zweite Halfte. Carl Agricola - Maria Ellenbieder - Herm. Carmiencke - Sixt Thon Rudolph v. Normann - Michael Moritz Daffinger - Franz Rektorzik - Johann Georg v. Dillis - Joseph Danhauser - Emil Ebers - Eduard Clemens Fechner - Hermann Plueddemann - Robert Eberle Friedrich Ezdorf - August Loeffler - Christian Freidr. Fues - Gustav Philipp Zwinger. Leipzig, 1870. 8vo, 299 pgs. Orig. wrappers bound in, internally fine, except for some light edge-toning. Bound in boards with mabled endpapers. The backstrip has been lost and there is some wear to the edges, but remarkably sound nevertheless. Could be rebacked. 50.00 412. Andreas Andresen. Die Deutschen Maler-Radirer (Peintres-Graveurs) des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Nach Ihren Leben und Werken. Funfter Band. Adolph Menzel - J. C. Bourde - Johann Fischbach - Fritz Werner - Carl Steffeck - Ludwig Emil Grimm - Friedrich Happel - Hugo Burkner - Alexander Michelis - Jacob Gauermann - Ludwig Schnorr von Karolsfeld. Leipzig, 1878. 8vo, 326 pgs. Fine contents and sound excpet for very minor edge-toning of the pages. Bound in boards, spine is gone and edges of the backstrip are rubbed, but the book block has not suffered at all. 50.00 413. Atlanta, High Museum of Art. Flemish Old Master Drawings from the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels. Sm. qto, 114 pgs., 40 works with plate and accompanying text. Wrappers. 15.00 414. Amsterdam, Bernard Houthakker. Aquarelles et Dessins Hollandais du 18e Siecle/ Hollandse 18e Eeuwse Aquarellen en Tekeningen. 1963. 8vo, unpgd., 8 ills. Wrs. 10.00 415. Claire Baisier a.o.17th and 18th Century Drawings The Van Herck Collection. Antwerp, 2000. Qto, 382 pgs., 144 color, 943 b/w ills. Wrappers. Unread copy. 40.00 416. Basel, Kunstmuseum, Kupferstichkabinett. Schweizer Zeichnungen 1800-1850 aus dem Basler Kupferstichkabinett. 1991. 8vo, 143 pgs., 71 ills. + 8 color plates. Wrappers. 35.00 417. Berlin, Kunstbibliothek. Suddeutsche Entwurfszeichnungen zur Dekorationskunst in Residenzen und Kirchen des 18. Jahrhunderts. 1976. 8vo, 100 pgs. 55 ills. Wrappers. 25.00 418. Rolf Biedermann. Meisterzichnungen des Deutschen Barock aus dem Besitz der Stadtischen Kunstsammlungen Augsburg. Augsburg, Zeughaus, Toskanische Sailenhalle, 1987. Qto, 419 pgs., 203 plates. Wrappers. 45.00 419. Jaap Bolten. Old Master Drawings from the Print Room of the University of Leiden. The Hague/Amsterdam, Rijksdients Beeldende Kunst, 1986. Lg. 8vo, 283 pgs., num. black and white ills. Wrs. Parallel English/German text. 30.00 420. Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum. Niederlandische Zeichnungen des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung Hans van Leeuwen Utrecht. 1968. 8vo, 88 pgs., 32 ills. Wrappers. 20.00 421. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum. Kunstlerbilder - Kunstlermythen. Graphik und Zeichnungen des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. 2002. Sm. qto, 79 pgs., inc. 51 ills. + 8 col. plates. Boards. New, but previous owner's monogram on f.f.e.p. 40.00 422. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum. Nolde bis Picasso: Eine Privatsammlung expressiver Graphik für das Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum. 2008. Sm. qto, 142 pgs., many plates, some color. Ill. boards. Unread copy. 50.00 423. Bruxelles, Bibliotheque Royale Albert Ier. Dessins de Paysagistes Hollandais du XVIIe Siecle de la Collection Particuliere Conservee a l'Institut Neerlandais de Paris. 1969. Two parts in lg. 8vo. Catalogue, x + 209 pgs. Plates: 175 plates (part col.). Wrs. The Frits Lugt Coll. The exhibition travlled to Rotterdam and Berne. 40.00 424. Stephanie Buck. Die Niederlandischen Zeichnungen Des 15. Jahrhunderts Im Berliner Kupferstichkabinett. Kritischer Katalog. Turnhout, 2001. Turnhout, 2001. Qto, 444 pgs., prof. il., a few color plates. Wrappers. German text. 100.00 Budapest, Szepmuveszeti Muzeum. The New Ideal of Beauty in the Age of Pieter Bruegel. Sixteenth-century Netherlandish Drawings in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Budapest, 2012. Cat. by Terez Gerszi. Qto, 239 pgs., 117 works ill. in color + many other comparative ills. Wrappers, as new, very light s. bump at the bottom of the spine (hardly noticable). ENGLISH TEXT. 50.00 425. Cambridge, Busch-Reisinger Museum. German Realist Drawings of the 1920s: Deutsche Realistische Zeichnungen Der Zwanziger Jahre. 1986. Sm. qto, x + 238 pgs., many black and white ills. Wrappers. Ends of the spine and corners very sl. rubbed. 20.00 426. Cambridge, Busch-Reisinger Museum. German Master Drawings of the Nineteenth Century. 1972. Sm. qto, unpgd., 93 plates. Wrs. 22.50 427. Cambridge, Fogg Art Museum. Drawings & Watercolors by Flemish and Dutch Masters. 1954. 8vo, 20 pgs., 7 ills. Wrs. From Musee Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels, de Grez Collection. 10.00 428. Campione d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Druckgraphik des Expressionismus. Holzschnitte Lithographien Radierungen 1906-1926. Katalog 47. 1991. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., about 60 plates, a few color. Wrappers, price list stapled in at rear, library stamp on f..f.e.p. 15.00 429. Chateau de Chantilly, Musee Conde, Institut de France. Dessins Allemands et Flamands du Musee Conde a Chantilly de Durer a Rubens. 1999. Lg. 8vo, 172 pgs., about 60 ills. Wrappers. Near fine. 35.00 430. Chicago, R. S. Johnson Fine Art. Aspects of Expressionism. Edvard Munch to Otto Dix. Spring 2000. Sm. qto, 112 pgs., many pltes, some in color. Wrappers. Unread, Oberlin College Library stamp on the f.f.e.p. 15.00 431. Chicago, R. S. Johnson Fine Art. Northern Printmakers Schongauer to Rembrandt. Fall 2008. Sm. qto, 176 pgs., 95 works ill. and described. Cloth, dust jacket. 15.00 432. A. J. J. Delen. Modern Belgian Etchers and Copper Engravers. New York, Belgian Government Information Center, 1951. 8vo, 61 pgs., many black and white ills. Fine lib. dup. with a few small stamps. 15.00 S. Dixon. Skating in the Arts of 17th Century Holland. The Taft Museum,. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sm. qto, 45 pgs.m num. ills. Wrappers. Fine ex. lib. copy in a very nice pamphlet binder. 433. Laurinda 1987. 15.00 434. Campbell Dodgson. Catalogue of Early German and Flemish Woodcuts Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. London, British Museum, 1903-1911. Two vols. in lg. 8vo, x + 568 pgs. and viii + 450 pgs, with 36 plates. Stamped cloth. Internally very good; tops of both spines are somewhat frayed, bottom of one sl. frayed. From the Breslauer Library. Original edition. With the index volume: A. Lauter, Index Dodgson / Early German and Flemish Woodcuts. Munich, 1925. Lg. 8vo, 48 pgs. Boards, a little rubbed. 100.00 435. Dusseldorf / New York, C. G. Boerner. Fin de Siecle. Late Nineteenth-Century Drawings from Belgium, France and Italy. 2007. Sm. qto, 48 pgs., about 30 color ills. Wrappers. No price list. 10.00 436. Dusseldorf, C.G. Boerner. Focus Leiden. Niederlandische Graphik und Zeichnungen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. I. Teil Graphik. II. Zeichnungen. Neue Lagerliste 100. 1993. Two parts in sm. qto. I: 149 pgs., prof. ill. II: 35 pgs. + unbound group of plates, part color. Both sections in cardboard slipcase. 25.00 437. Dusseldorf. C.G. Boerner. Focus Leiden. Niederlandische Graphik und Zeichnungen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Teil I Graphik. Teil II Zeichnungen. Neue Lagerliste Nr. 100, 1993. Two Parts in sm. qto, prints: 149 pgs., 66 works, all ill., with price list stapled in at the end. Bound. Drawings: Unbound portfolio of 36 works, all ill. in color. Cardboard covers. Parallel texts in German and English. Price list. Fine copies, but each has a library stamp on the title page. 25.00 438. Dusseldorf, C. G. Boerner. Neue Lagerliste 111 (1999). Deutsche Zeichnungen 1600-1900. Deutsche Zeichnungen 1600 - 1900. 1999. Lg. 8vo, 68 pgs., 32 works ill. in color, Hoefnagel-Klimt. Wrappers. 15.00 439. Dusseldorf, C. G. Boerner. Altdeutsche Graphik / German Old Master Prints. Neue Lagerliste 120. 2007. Sm. qto, 82 pgs., num. black and white prints. Wrappers. Price list inserted. 20.00 440. Dusseldorf - New York, C. G. Boerner. An Album of Landscapes. German Drawings, Watercolors, and Oil Sketches 1784-1868. 2011. Oblong 8vo, 60 pgs., 32 works ill. in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. 15.00 441. Kunstmuseum Dusseldorf; C.G. Boerner, Dieter Gleisberg. Goethe, Boerner, Und Kunstler Ihrer Zeit: Goethe, Boerner, and the Artists of Their Time. Dusseldorf, 1999. Qto, 286 pgs., prof. ill. Wrappers. With price list inserted. Parallel text in German and English. 25.00 442. Hanna Egger. Germanen und Awaren in Romantik, Historismus und Jugendstil. Schloss Grafenegg, 1978 (Schriften der Bibliothek des Osterreichischen Museums fur Angewandte Kunst, 14). 8vo, 19 pgs., 8 plates, 1 color. Wrappers. 15.00 443. Firenze, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, LXX. Disegni Tedeschi da Schongauer a Liebermann. 1988. 8vo, 73 pgs., 95 ills. on plates. Wrs. 35.00 444. Frankfurt, H. W. Fichter. Und Was Verschwand, Wird Mir Zu Wirklichkeiten. Die Kunst der Nazarener in Zeichnung und Graphik. Frankfurt, 2005. 8vo, 90 pgs., num. ills. in black and white and color. Wrappers. Price list inserted. 25.00 445. Gigoux Coll. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de Beaux Dessins Anciens et Modernes des Ecoles Hollandaise, Flamande, Allemande, Italienne, Espagnole Anglaise et Francaise Parmi Lesquels des Remarquables par Albert Durer, Rembrandt, Rubens, Teniers, Canaletti, Guardi, Tiepolo, J. Romain, L. de Vinci, Luini, Boucher, Fragonard, Saint-Aubin, H. Robert, Ingres, Etc., Etc. Dependant de la Collection de M. J.-G[igoux]. Sale March 20-23, 1882. Sm. qto, 776 works, no ills., many annotated with prices realized in pencil. Condition: disbound, wrappers soiled and chipped, needs to be rebound; the gatherings are still sound. Rare, priced because of the condition. 50.00 446. Curt spine Glaser. Gotische Holzschnitte. Berlin, n.d. (1923). Folio, 56 pgs., 55 plates, 8 col. Sl. soiled vellum and boards, fine except for insignificant foxing on endpapers. 50.00 447. 's-Gravenhage/Amsterdam, Rijksdient Beeldende Kunst. Oude Tekeningen van het Prentenkabinet der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden / Dessins Anciens du Cabinet des Dessins et des Estampes de l'Universiteit de Leyde. 1985. 8vo, 281 pgs., 102 works, wrappers, parallel text in Dutch and French. Wrs. Lib dup. with no external marks, sm. stamp on the title page and sm. label on u.l. of front cover. 25.00 448. Groningen, Stichtung Groninger Museum viir Stad eb Lande. Nederlandse en Vlaamse Tekeningen uit de Zeventiende en Achttiende Eeuw. 1965. Cat. by J. Bolten. Sm. qto, 193 pgs., many b/w ills. Wrs., very light wear. 25.00 449. The Hague, Galerie Cramer. Catalogue XVI, 1969. Revised, Enlarged Edition. 1969. Oblong 8vo, 89 black and white ills. Wrappers. Fine copy. 10.00 450. Hamburg, Dr. Martin Moeller. Deutsche und Osterreichische Zeichnungen / German and Austrian Drawings. 1966. Lg. 8vo, unpaged, 33 works, all ill., some in color. Wrappers. Parallel German / Eng. text. 15.00 451. Hanover, New Hampshire, Hopkins Center Art Galleries, Dartmouth College. Selections from The Collection of Dutch Drawings of Maida & Geoerge Abrams. A Loan Exhibition. 1969. 8vo, xi + 63 pltes with commentary. Wrappers, spine sl. yellowed. Insciption on f.f.e.p. 15.00 452. Hannover, Kestner-Museum. Deutsche Zeichnungen 16.-18. Jahrhundert. 1967. 8vo, 62 pgs., 137 works, + 39 plates. Wrappers. Sm. signature on f.f.e.p. 25.00 453. International Exhibitions Foundation. Dutch Genre Drawings of the Seventeenth Century. A Loan Exhibition from Dutch Museums, Foundations, and Private Collections. 1972-1973. Sm. qto, 65 pgs. + 110 ills. on plates. Wrappers. Except for a small scratch on the front cover, appears unread. Text and cat. by K. G. Boon and Peter Schatborn. 12.00 454. Ithaca, New York, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University. Dutch Drawings of the Seventeenth Century from a Collection. 1979. Sm. qto, unpaged., 63 works ill. and described. Wrappers. A very sl. bit of spine wear (enough to mention). 12.00 455. Ithaca, New York, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University. Fifteenth- and SixteenthCentury Prints of Northern Europe from the National Gallery of Art-Rosenwald Collection. 1973. 8vo, 52 pgs., 21 ills. Wrappers. 10.00 Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann. Princeton University Art Museum. Central European Drawings. A Selection from 20.00 American Collections. 1989. Qto, xvi + 292 pgs., 105 ills. Wrappers. 456. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann. Drawings from the Holy Roman Empire. A Selection from North American Collections. The Art Museum, Princeton University, 1982. Qto, xiv + 238 pgs., 88 works ill. Wrappers. 15.00 457. Kobenhavn, Statens Museum for Kunst. Tyske Tegnere I Det 19. arhundrede: Fra Staatliche Graphische Sammlung Munchen / Deutsche Zeichner Des 19. Jahrhunderts. 1991. Sm. qto, 210 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Wrappers. Parallel text, Danish and German. 35.00 458. Koln, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum. Deutsche und Niederlandische Zeichnungen aus der Sammlung Everhard Jabach im Musee du Louvre, Paris (Cabinet des Dessins). 1975. Sq. 8vo, 76 pgs., 62 ills. Wrs. 20.00 459. Leipzig, Museum der Bildenden Kunste . Kataloge der Graphische Sammlung, Band 1. Altdeutsche Zeichnungen. N.d. 1972? Sm. qto, 115 pgs., 58 ills. with commentary. Wrs., sm. amount of soiling and rubbing. Ex. lib. JANOS SCHOLZ with his bookplate and withdrawl stamp inside fr. wrapper. 20.00 460. Anne-Marie Logan. Flemish Drawings in the Age of Rubens. Selected Works from American Collections. Wellesley, 1993. Lg. qto, 251 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Boards, cloth spine. 20.00 461. Anne-Marie Logan. Dutch and Flemish Drawings and Watercolors. The Collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts. New York, 1988. Qto, 158 pgs., num. ills. inc. 16 col. plates. Cloth, d.w. 20.00 462. London, Emanuel Von Baeyer. Deutsche, Flamische und Hollandsiche Druckgraphik und Handzeichnungen von 1550 -1700 / German, Flemish and Dutch Prints and Drawings from 1550 - 1700. 2000. 8vo, 102 pgs., many ills., some color. Parallel German / English text. Wrappers. 15.00 463. London, 8vo, 15.00 Baskett and Day. Exhibition of Thirty Old Master Drawings of the Northern Schools. 1974. unpaged, all works ill. in black and white. Wrappers. 464. London, P & D Colnaghi & Co Ltd. Exhibition of Dutch and Flemish Drawings 16th-19th Century. 1976. Lg. 8vo, unpgd. cat. of 51 works, about 25 ills. on plates. Wrs., a little rubbed. 10.00 465. London, P. & D. Colnaghi & Co. Ltd. Mannerism and the North European Tradition: Prints From c. 1520 - c. 1630. 1974. 8vo, ca. 250 pags., num. ills. Each work is priced. Wrappers. 15.00 466. London, P & D Colnaghi & Co Ltd. Prints of the 17th Century from the Netherlands, Germany and England. February, 1975. Qto, 55 pgs., about 100 ills. Wrs. sl. soiled and corners sl. bumped. Each print is priced in the text. 15.00 467. London, Heim Gallery. German Baroque Drawings. Loan Exhibition from the Collections of Various Museums in The Federal Republic of Germany Organized by the Kunstmuseum in Dusseldorf. 1975. 8vo, 127 works, many ill. in black and white. Informative text. Wrappers very sl. soiled. 20.00 468. London, Sotheby’s. The Rosenheim Collections. Catalogue of Engraved Ornament including Goldsmiths’ Work, Jewellery, Furniture, Architecture, Interior Dedoration, Book Ornament, WritingBooks, Etc. Collected by the Late Max Rosenheim, Esq…. May 7-8, 1923. Lg. 8vo, wrappers worn and repaired, internally very good; 8 plates. 25.00 London, Sotheby’s. Catalogue of Fine Dutch Flemish and German Drawings Including the Property of Eva, Countess of Rosebery…. Nov. 22nd, 1974. Lg. 8vo, wrappers, 72 black and white plates. Including the addendum sheet with a Rembrandt drawing. Very ggood copy but the covers are a little worn and the front has an old shallow crease. 20.00 469. London, 1981. 25.00 Sotheby’s. Important Old Master Drawings from the Collection of Tobias Christ. Sale April 9, Lg. 8vo, 59 lots, all ill., some in color. Boards, d.w., one corner sl. bumped. 470. London, Sotheby’s. Old Master Paintings from the London Residence of Dimitri Mavrommatis. Sale Dec. 5, 2007. Sm. qto, with many color ills. Wrappers. Mostly Dutch and Flemish and French paintings, a few Italian. 15.00 471. London, Victoria and Albert Museum. Flemish Drawings of the Seventeenth Century from the Collection of Frits Lugt Institut Neerlandais Paris. l972. Sm. qto, xlvii + 185 pgs. + 128 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled and a trifle rubbed. 15.00 Lubeck, Museen fur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Hansestadt Lubeck, Graphiksammlung.Deutsche Kunstler Zeichnen in Italian 1780-1860. 1972. Oblong 8vo, 40 pgs., 17 ills. Wrappers, faint old label stain on near the spine front and back. 12.50. 472. Frits Lugt. Musee du Louvre. Inventaire General des Dessins des Ecoles du Nord Publie Sous les Auspices du Cabinet des Dessins. Maitres des Anciens Pays-Bas Nes Avant 1550. Paris, 1968. Qto, xiv + 150 pgs. + 203 plates. Cloth. 90.00 473. Marburg, J. A. Stargardt. Graphik und Handzeichnungen Sammlung Professor Dr. Ernst Kuster, Giessen. Sm. qto, 144 works, German works 16th-19th century, 24 ills. on 7 plates. Wrappers, corners a little bumped. 20.00 474. Norbert Michels, ed. Handzeichnungen. Die Deutschen und Schweizerischen Meister der Spatgotik und der Renaissance. Kritischer Bestandskatalog Band 4. Dessau, Anhaltische Gemaldegalerie Dessau, 2011. Qto, 304 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Cloth, d.w., new copy. 75.00 475. Moscow, Pushkin Museum. Nemetskaya Gryvyura na Dereve Epoki Albreekhta Dyurera. Katalog [German Engravings from the Time of Albrecht Durer. Catalogue]. 1988. 8vo, 111 pgs., 116 works, many ills. Russian text throughout. WRappers, light wear. 25.00 476. Munchen, unpgd., 15.00 Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Aquarelle und Zeichnungen der Deutschen Romantik. 1980. 8vo, 55 works ill. (a few in col.). Wrs. Price list stapled in at rear. 477. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. 70 Zeichungen und Bilder 1590-1913. Summer 1986. 8vo, 92 pgs., 73 works, all ill., a few in color. Wrappers. Price list inserted. Mostly German works. 15.00 478. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Deutsche Kunst 1600-1925. Neuerwerbungen Herbst 1999. 1999. 8vo, unpgd., 15 ills., some color. Wrs. 10.00 479. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. French and German Master Drawings Recent Acquisitions. Catalogue 23. Spring 2002. 8vo, unpgd., about 14 ills., some color. Wrs. 10.00 480. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Kunst in Munchen 1800-1914 und Weitere Neuerwerbungen. Winter 2002. Katalog Nr. 24. 2002. 8vo, unpgd., 26 works ill., most in color. Wrs. 10.00 481. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Vom Manierismus bis in die Goethezeit. Bilder und Zeichnungen. 1982. 8vo, 64 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrs. 15.00 482. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Deutsche Zeichnungen Aquarelle und Olskizzen 1550-1914. 40 Neuerwerbungen. Katalog Nr. 25 Herbst 2003. 2003. 8vo, unpgd., all works ill., many in color. Price list. Wrappers. 15.00 483. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. 70 Nordeuropaische Meisterzeichnungen 1500-1920. 1990. Sm. qto, 112 pgs., about 65 ills., some color. Wrappers. 15.00 484. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Von Runge bis Leibl. Deutsche Zeichner des 19. Jahrhunderts. Summer 1984. Kat. 12. 8vo, 84 pgs., 59 ills. Price list. Wrappers. 15.00 485. Munchen, Katrin Bellinger. Deutsche Zeichnungen eine Auswahl von Neuerwerbungen. N.d. 8vo, 12 pgs., 14 color ills. Wrs. 10.00 486. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Die Kunst der Deutsch-Romer 1780-1880 ind ihrer Zeitgenossen im Norden. 1976. 8vo, unpgd., about 40 ills. Wrs. Price list stapled at front. 15.00 487. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Deutsche Zeichnungen und Olstudien 1600-1920. Katalog 22, Spring 2000. 8vo, 30 works, all ill., many in color. Stiff wrappers. 20.00 488. Munchen, Arnoldi-Livie. 29 Drawings from the Michael Berolzheimer Collection Restituted by the Albertina, Vienna, 2010. 2011. Catalogue 27. Lg. 8vo, unpaged, with each work ill. in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. Mostly German works, with some works of other Schools. 25.00 489. Munchen, Kunstkabinett Dagmar Fleischmann. Der Sachsische Kunstlerkreis 1770-1870. Handzeichnungen - Aquarelle - Druckgraphik. 1981. 8vo, unpgd. cat. with many b.w ills. Price list. Wrappers. Covers a little soiled. 25.00 490. Munchen, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung. Von Dillis bis Plloty. Deutsche und Osterreichische Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, Olskizzen 1790-1850 aus Eigenem Besitz. 1979. Sm. qto, 126 pgs. + 112 plates, about 30 in color. Wrappers, a bit soiled, top of spine very sl. bumped. 20.00 491. Munchen, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung. Die Fruhzeit des Holzschnitts. 1970. Sq. 8vo, 42 pgs., 53 plates, 3 col. Wrs. sl. soiled. Previous owner's stasmp inside front wr. 20.00 492. Munchen, Staatliche Graphische Sammlung. Deutsche Kunstler um Ludwig I. in Rom. 1981. 8vo, 160 pgs., 57 plates + many ills., some color. Wrs. 25.00 493. Near Crewkerne, N. G. Stogdon. Catalogue VIII. German and Netherlandish Woodcuts of the 15th and 16th Centuries. 1991. Sm. qto, unpgd., num. plates, 24 color. Wrs. Exceptionally well-annotated, as usual. Spine sunned, library stamp on title page, fine overall. 20.00 Crewkerne, N. G. Stogdon. German Landscapes of the 16th Century. Catalogue IX. 1993. Sm. qto, upaged, 36 works, extensivse commentaries as usual, num. ills. Fine copy in wrappers, library stamp on front cover. Price list inserted. 20.00 494. Near 495. Near Crewkerne, N. G. Stogdon. Early Northern Engravings. Catalogue XI. Autumn, 1998. Sm. qto, unpaged, 50 works, extensive texts as usual in his catalogues. Watermarks. Wrappers, fine but has library stamp on title and back wrapper. 496. New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery. Prints and Drawings of the Danube School. An Exhibition of South German and Austrian Graphic Art of 1500 to 1560..... 1969. 8vo, 109 pgs., + 113 ills. on 61 plates. Wrs. Sl. wear and a bit of soiling. 15.00 497. New York, Theodore B. Donson Ltd. Pastoral Holland. The Dutch Landscape in the Time of Rembrandt. 8vo, unpaged fully-ill. cat. of 84 works. Wrappers. Price list. 15.00 498. M. Eugene Dutuit. Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes. Tome I. Ecoles Flamande et Hollandaise. Paris, 1881. Qto, xi + 528 pgs., several heliogravures. The text block is in very good condition, but there is occasional soiling and foxing. There are the small remains of a removed bookplate inside the front board and the binding, old library cloth, is soiled. Pages 227-238 are bound in upside down. This volume covers Jean van Aken to Goltzius. 60.00 499. New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery. Beyond Rembrandt: Dutch Drawings at Yale 1500-1700. 1992. 8vo, 55 pgs. No ills. Wrappers. 10.00 500. New York, Bob P. Habolt & Co. Netherlandish and Italianate Old Master Drawings. 1990. Sm. qto, 88 pgs., num. color plates. Cloth. 10.00 501. New York, Habolt & Co. Northern European Old Master Drawings and Oil Sketches. 2002-2002. Sm. qto, 195 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth. 20.00 502. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library. The Romantic Spirit. German Drawings, 1780-1850, from the Nationalgalerie (Staatliche Museen Berlin) and the Kupferstich-Kabinett (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden), German Democratic Republic. 1988. Oblong sm. qto, 275 pgs., prof. ill., some color plates. Cloth, d.w. 25.00 503. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library. The Romantic Spirit. German Drawings, 1780-1850, from the Nationalgalerie (Staatliche Museen Berlin) and the Kupferstich-Kabinett (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden), German Democratic Republic. 1988. Oblong sm. qto, 275 pgs., prof. ill., some color plates. Wrappers. 15.00 504. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library. From Michelangelo to Rembrandt. Master Drawings from the Teyler Museum. 1989. Sm. qto, 165 pgs., about 100 ills., pat color. Wrappers. Drawings of all schools. 20.00 505. New York, Shepherd Gallery, Associates, Inc. German Drawings at Shepherd Gallery 1790-1915. MarchApril 1994. 8vo, unpaged, 66 annotated plates in black and white. Wrappers. 15.00 506. New York, Sotheby's. Old Master and Modern Drawings and Prints from the Franz Koenigs Collection. Sm. qto, sale Jan 23, 2001. 110 pgs., 106 works, all ill. Cloth. Inc. works by among many other, Corot, Durer, Degas, Holbein the Younger, Manet, Rembrandt, Tiepolo,Toulouse Lautrec, etc. 20.00 507. J. W. Niemeijer. Aquarelles Hollandaises du XVIIIe Siecle du Cabinet des Dessins du Rijksmuseum d’Amsterdam. Paris, Institut Neerlandais, 1990. Lg. 8vo, 176 pgs., num. color plates. Cloth d.w. 25.00 508. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Bohmen und Mahren. Ansichten, Stadtplane und Landkarten aus der Graphischen Sammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums Nurnberg. 1995. Qto, 346 pgs., prof. ill. Wrs. 45.00 509. Paris, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts. Rembrandt et son Temps. Dessins et Eaux-Forts de Rembrandt et d'Autres Maitres Hollandais du XVIIe Siecle Conserves dans les Collections de l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts. 1955. 8vo, unpgd. cat. of 178 works + 8 plates. Wrs. 15.00 510. Paris, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts. Renaissance et Manierisme dans les Ecoles du Nord. Dessins des Collections de l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts. 1985. Qto, 268 pgs., prof. ill. inc. some color plates. Wrappers. 75.00 511. Paris, Galerie Jean-Francois Heim. L’Age d’Or de la Peinture Danoise. 1999. 8vo, 78 pgs., num. ills., many in color. Wrappers. English and French text. 20.00 Paris, Hotel Drouot. Collection de Monsieur J. P... 1re Vente. Dessins Anciens Aquarelles - Gouches Principealement des Ecoles Flamande et Hollandaise.... Sale December 8, 1938. 8vo, 134 lots., 11 black and white ills. V.g. copy; some annotation on the cover; the spine is very neatly repaired with transparent tape. 15.00 Institut Neerlandais. L’Epoque de Lucas de Leyde et Pierre Bruegel. Dessins Anciens Pays-Bas Collection Frits Lugt Institut Neerlandais Paris. 1980. Sm. qto, xxviii + 288 pgs. + 156 plates. Wrappers. 40.00 512. Paris, 513. Paris, Institut Neerlandais. L'Aquarelle Neerlandaise au Siecle Dernier. described on 48 pgs. + many ills. on 33 plates. Wrappers a bit soiled. 20.00 1963. Lg. 8vo, 140 works 514. Paris, Institut Neerlandais, Fondation Custodia Collection Frits Lugt. Acquisitions Recentes de Toutes Epoques. 1974. Sm. qto, xviii + 90 pgs. + many ills. on 88 plates. Wrs. a bit rubbed. Mainly drawings but also a few paintings and a few ancient sculptures, miniatures, etc. 25.00 515. Paris, Institut Neerlandais. Gravures de Paysagistes Hollandais du XVIIe Siecle. 1981. Sm. qto, 58 pgs., 38 ills. Wrs. 178 works are catalogued. 15.00 516. Paris, Institut Neerlandais. described on 48 pgs. L'Aquarelle Neerlandaise au Siecle Dernier. 1963. Lg. 8vo, 140 works + many ills. on 33 plates. Wrappers a bit soiled. 25.00 517. Rudolf Pferrerkorn. Von Schadow bis Gartner. Zeichnungen aus dem Besitz des Vereins Berliner Kunstler. Einfuhrung in die Vereinsgeschichte von Gunter Krueger. Berlin, 1980. Sm. qto, 240 pgs., 536 ills. (a few in color). Cloth, dust jacket a little tattered. Lib. dup. with spine call number and some stamped numbers on the title page, no marks on the edges. 20.00 518. A. E. Popham. Drawings of the Early Flemish School. New York, 1926. Sm. qto, 35 pgs. + 72 ills. on 36 plates. Cloth, spine very sl. sunned, tips very sl. rubbed. 20.00 519. Poughkeepsie, Vassar College Art Gallery. Seventeenth Century Dutch Landscape Drawings and Selected Prints from American Collections, an Exhibition Organized by Curtis O. Baer. 1976. 8vo, 69 pgs. + 50 plates. Wrs. 20.00 520. Rennes, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Rennes. De Durer a Friedrich. Dessins Allemands du WallrafRichartz-Museum de Cologne. 1994. Qto, 165 pgs., num. ills. Wrs. 35.00 521. William W. Robinson. Seventeenh-Century Dutch Drawings. A Selection from the Maida and George Collection. 1991. Qto, 236 pgs., 103 plates, most color. Wrs., corners sl. bumped. Travelling exhibition, Rijksmuseum, Morgan Library a.o. 25.00 522. William W. Robinson. Seventeenh-Century Dutch Drawings. A Selection from the Maida and Geoerge Abrams Collection. 1991. Qto, 236 pgs., 103 plates, most color. Wrs., corners sl. bumped. Travelling exhibition, Rijksmuseum, Morgan Library a.o. Aa bit of annotation on the f.f.e.p. 20.00 523. Rotterdam, Boymans-van Beuningen Museum. Duitse Tekeningen 1400-1700 German Drawings. Catalogus van de Verzameling in het Museum Boymans-van Beuningen Catalogue of the Collection in the Boymans-van Beuningen Museum. 1974. 8vo, 95 pgs. + 77 works ill. on plates. Wrappers with very sl. soiled dust jacket. Fully ill. 20.00 524. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen. Oostenrijkse Tekeningen van Barok tot Biedermeier. Rotterdam, 1964. 76pp. 12 plates. 8vo Wraps. Brief inscription by one of the authors on the f.f.e.p. Fine copy, but a library dup. with a tiny stamp inside the front cover, no other markings. 20.00 525. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans. Tekeningen en Aquarellen van Vlaamse en Hollandse Meesters uit de Verzameling De Grez in de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten te Brussel. 1954. 8vo, 18 pgs. + 24 plates. Wrapper, lib. dup with some internal stamps and marks. 15.00 526. John Rowlands. German Drawings from a Private Collection. London, The British Museum, 1984. 8vo, 72 pgs., 73 ills. Wrappers. 15.00 Werner Schade. Dresdener Zeichnungen 1550-1650. Inventionen Sachsischer Kunstler in Europaischen Sammlungen. Dresden, Kupferstich-Kabinett, 1969. Lg. 8vo, 122 pgs., 143 works ill. in black and white. Boards, three of the corners a little bumped, overall very good copy. 20.00 527. Simone, Daniel De. A. Heavenly Craft : The Woodcut in Early Printed Books. Illustrated Books Purchased by Lessing J. Rosenwald at the Sale of the Library of C. W. Dyson Perrins. New York, 2004. Qto, xiv + 222 pgaes., prof. ill. Cloth, dust jacket. 40.00 528. Felice Stampfle. Rubens and Rembrandt in their Century. Flemish & Dutch Drawings of the 17th Century from The Pierpont Morgan Library. New York, 1979. Qto, 298 pgs., inc. many plates in half-tone and a section of the watermarks. Cloth. 35.00 529. Felice Stampfle. Rubens and Rembrandt in their Century. Flemish & Dutch Drawings of the 17th Century from The Pierpont Morgan Library. New York, 1979. Qto, 298 pgs., inc. many plates in half-tone and a section of the watermarks. Wrappers. With an inscription on the 2nd free endpaper. 20.00 530. Felice Stampfle. Netherlandish Drawings of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries and Flemish Drawings of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1991. Qto, xii + 640 pgs., fully ill. in black and white. Cloth, dust jacket, unopened in original shrink wrap. 150.00 531. Wolfgng Stechow. Dutch Drawings of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Allen Art Museum. In: Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin, Fall, 1968. 8vo, pgs. 11-26, 11 b/w ills. Wrappers.. 15.00 532. Middle Chinnock, Near Crewkerne, The Old Rectory. N. G. Stogdon. Catalogue VIII. German and Netherlandish Woodcuts of the 15th and 16th Centuries. 1991. Sm. qto, unpgd., num. plates, 24 color. Wrs. Exceptionally well-annotated, as usual. Spine very sl.sunned, otherwise fine example. 20.00 533. Near Crewkerne, N. G. Stogdon. German Landscapes of the 16th Century. Catalogue IX. 1993. Sm. qto, upaged, 36 works, extensivse commentaries as usual, num. ills. Fine copy in wrappers, library stamp on front cover. Price list inserted. 20.00 534. Stockbridge, N.G. Stogdon. Catalogue XI. Early Northern Engravings. 1998. Sm. qto, unpgd., 50 works ill. Extensive commentary, as usual. Wrs. a bit rubbed. Library stamp on title page. 20.00 535. Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie. Deutsche Landschaftszeichnungen des 18. Jahrhunderts aus der Graphischen Sammlung Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. 1985. Sm. qto, 149 pgs., about 75 ills., a few color. Wrappers. One corner bumped. 30.00 536. Torino, Biblioteca Reale de Torino. I Disegni Olandesi della Biblioteca Reale di Torino. 2006. Sm. qto, 188 pgs., 50 works in color + some figure ills. Wrappers, as new, unread copy. 40.00 537. Washington, D.C., International Exhibitions Foundation. Seventeenth Century Dutch Drawings from American Collections. A Loan Exhibition. 1977. Cast. By Franklin W. Robinson. Lg. 8vo, 94 pgs., cat. 87 works, all of which are ill. on plates. Wrappers. Sl. rubbed. 20.00 538. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. The Age of Bruegel. Netherlandish Drawings in the Sixteenth Century. 1986. Qto, xii + 336 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Wrs. 35.00 539. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. From Schongauer to Holbein: Master Drawings from Basel and Berlin. 1999. Qto, 445 pgs., 193 col. plates + many fig. ills. Wrappers, unread copy. 15.00 540. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. From Schongauer to Holbein: Master Drawings from Basel and Berlin. 1999. Qto, 445 pgs., 193 col. plates + many fig. ills. Cloth, dust jacket. 35.00 541. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Drawings of the 15th and 16th Centuries from the WallrafRichartz-Museum in Cologne. American Federation of Arts, 1964-1965. 8vo, fully-ill. cat. of 78 works (mostly German and Italian). 15.00 542. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Fifteenth Century Woodcuts & Metalcuts from The National Gallery of Art. Qto, unpaged, ills. over 300 works. Wrappers, a very good copy that has been read. 20.00 543. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Fifteenth Century Engravings of Northern Europe from The National Gallery of Art Washington, D.C. 1967. Qto, unpgd. cat. 0f 261 works, all ill. on plates. Wrs. May be a little rubbed, internally near fine. 20.00 544. Wellesley, Wellesley College Museum. Selections from the Collection of Dutch Drawings of Maida & George Abrams. A Loan Exhibition. 1969. 8vo, unpgd., fully-ill. cat. of 63 works, text on facing pages. Wrs., sl. rubbed. 15.00 545. Friedrich spine Winkler. Altdeutsche Zeichnungen. Berlin, 1947. 8vo, 84 gs., 58 ills. Wrappers a little worn and yellowed. From the Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin. 15.00 546. Zurich, August Laube & Sohn. Schweizer Kunstler. Zeichnungen (Scheibenrisse) Aquarelle, Bilder. Schweizer Glasscheiben. Sale June 3, 1970. Sm. qto, 1309 works, num. ills. Wrs. 20.00 ART and ARCHITECTURE, SCULPTURE, PAINTING 547. Aachen, Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum. Gegen Den Strom: Meisterwerke Niederrheinischer Skulptur in Zeiten der Reformation 1500-1550. Aachen, 1996. Qto, 387 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. 60.00 548. Maryan W. Ainswworth, Keith Christiansen, eds. From Van Eyck to Bruegel. Early Netherlandish Painting in The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, 1998. Qto, xii + 452 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 45.00 549. Maryan W. Ainsworth, Keith Christiansen, eds. Amsterdam Historical Museum. Group Portraits in the Amsterdam Historical Museum. Part 1. Civic Guard Portraits. Amsterdam, n.d. Text by Bob Haak. 8vo, 24 pages, many ills., some color. Parallel text in English and Dutch. 10.00 550. Lothar Altmann, Fr. Rupert Thurmer OSB. Benediktinerabtei Weltenburg a.d. Donau. Gegrundet um 600. Geschichte und Kunst. Munich / Zurich, 1981. 8vo, 56 pgs., num. ills. some color. Wrappers. 12.50 551. Amsterdam, Kunsthandel P. De Boer. Catalogos van Oude Schilderijen. Nieuwe Aanwinsten. Zomer 1936. Summer 1936. 8vo, unoaged 20 works each with half-tone plate. Wrappers. Fine, a couple of cover marks. 20.00 552. Amsterdam, Summer, 15.00 N.V. Kunsthandel P. De Boer. Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens. Catalogue Supplementaire. 1937. 8vo, unpgd., about 30 ills., Wrs., ink title on spine. 553. Amsterdam, N.V. Kunsthandel P. De Boer. Catalogue of Old Pictures. Summer 1955. Lg. 8vo, unpaged., num. black and white plates. Wrs. a little soiled. 20.00 554. Amsterdam, Gebr. Douwes. Tentoonstelling van een 60-tal Landschappen uit de Traditie van het Noordnederlandse Realisme Tussen 1615 en 1655. Esaias van de Velde Schilder: 1590/91-1630 - Jan Van Goyen Teeekenaar: 1596-1656. 1981. 8vo, 36 pages, 35 ills. Wrappers. 15.00 555. Amsterdam, Kunsthandel Gebr. Douwes. Tentoonstelling van Schilderijen en Tekeningen. 1964. 8vo, 68 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrs. 20.00 556. Amsterdam, Kunsthandel Gebr. Douwes. Douwes Fine Art. Since 2005. 200 Years. 2005. Sm. qto, 160 pages., num. color plates. Boards. 25.00 557. Amsterdam, Kunsthandel Gebr. Douwes. Vijf Eeuwen Bloem- en Stillevenkunst. 1968. Lg. 8vo, unpaged., 56 works, many ills., a few color. Wrappers. A few minor internal marks and stamps. 15.00 558. Amsterdam, Drs Salomon Lilian. Old Master Paintings. 1994. 8vo, 50 pgs., about 30 color ills. Wrappers. 10.00 559. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum. Bulletin van her Rijksmuseum. Jaargang 41, 1993, 3-4. 8vo, pgs. 154-298. Wrappers sl. rubbed and sl. bumped top and bottom. The main long article is, H. Henkels, Cezanne en Van Gogh in het Rijksmuseum voor Moderne Kunst in Amsterdam: de Collectie van Cornelis Hoogendijk (18661911), with num. ills. and Eng. summary. 25.00 560. (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Voor Nederland Bewaard. De Verzamelingen van het Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap in het Rijksmuseum. Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, 10, 1995. Sm. qto, 480 pgs., num. ills. Cloth, d.w. 35.00 561. Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum. Hollandse Schilderijen uit Franse Musea. 1971. Sm. qto, 172 pgs., num. plates, a few col. Wrappers. Very sl. spine rubbing along the edges. 17.50 562. Amsterdam, Sotheby’s. Dutch Impressionists from the Collection of Jonkheer and Mrs. Louis C. de Villeneuve. Sale Oct. 17, 2006. Lg. 8vo, with 39 color plates. Boards. Eng. text. Lib. dup. with tiny stamp on bottom of title page. 25.00 563. Amsterdam, Sotheby’s. Old Master Paintings. Sale May 9, 2006. Lg. 8vo, ully ill. in color. Wrappers, crease on front cover. Mostly Dutch and Flemish works. 15.00 564. Amsterdam. Sotheby Mak van Waay B.V.Sale 395. Old Master Paintings from a Private Belgian Collection. Sale Nov. 26, 1984. Sm. qto, 77 works, all ill., some in color. Wrappers. Mainly Dutch and Flemish paintings. 15.00 565. Amsterdam, Sotheby’s. Old Master Paintings. Nov. 30, 2010. Lg. 8vo, wrappers, fully-ill. in color. Mostly Dutch and Flemish paintings. 15.00 566. Antwerpen, Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde.Het Aards Paradijs. Dierenvoorstellingen in de Nederlanden van de 16de en 17de Eeuw. 982. Lg. 8vo, 175 pgs., prof. ill., a few color ills. Wrs. 25.00 567. Antwerp, Veilinghuis / Hotel des Ventes Bernaerts.A Selection of Fine Old Master Paintings from The Antwerp Jesuit College. 1998. Lg. 8vo, unpaged, with color plates, some folding, English text. Wrappers. All Flemish works. 25.00 Anvers, Hessenhuis. Les Fresques Mobiles du Nords. Tapisseries de nos Regions, XVIe - XXe Siecle. 1994. Qto, 200 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. Tapestries and wall hangings. 25.00 568. Apollo. ill. Wrs. Art in Basle. December, 1976. Qto, Special issue, December, 1976. Qto, 80 pgs., many articles, all 20.00 569. Aosta, Museo Archeologico Regionale. Cielo, Terra e Acque. Il Paesaggio nella Pittura Fiamminga e Olandese tra Cinquecento e Seicento / La Paysage dans la Peinture Flamande et Hollandaise entre le XVIe et le XVIIe Siecle. 2006-2007. Sm. qto, 291 pgs., 94 color paltes and many black and white ills. Wrappers. Parallel texts in Italian and French. 60.00 570. Apeldoorn, CODA Museum. The Discovery of the Netherlands. Fouir Centuries of Landscape Painting by Dutch Masters. 2008. Oblong 8vo, 127 pgs., many color plates. Boards. English text. 30.00 571. Siegfried Asche. Sachsische Barockplastik von 1630 bis zur Zeit Permosers. Inaugural Dissertation, Leipzig University, 1934. 8vo, (7) + 240 pgs. This is an ex.-lib. contemporary photocopy of the typescript in green library cloth. Pages are yellowing, title page is a little chipped and punched with library name. With all that said, still a sturdy copy because of the binding. Extremely scarce. 100.00 572. Katrin Atzbach. Gotsiche Gewolbe aus Holz in Utrecht, Gent und Brugge. Schoneich b. Ber,in, 2007. Sm. qto, 240 pgs., num. black and white ills. and diagrams, and a map inserted in a pocket at the rear. Wrappers, as new. 75.00 573. Auckland, Auckland City Art Gallery. Still-Life in the Age of Rembrandt. 1982. Oblong sm. qto, 237 pgs., prof. ill., partly in color. Wrappers, very good-fine copy. 65.00 574. Augsburg, Maximilianmuseum Als Frieden Moglich War. 450 Jahre Augsburger Religionsfrieden. 2005. Qto, 688 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Boards. Unread copy. With numerous essays, ill. with contemporary prints, drawings, paintings, works of art. 90.00 . 575. Reinier Baarsen. Nederlandse Meubelen 1600-1800 / Dutch Furniture 1600-1800. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1993. 8vo, 143 pgs., num. color plates. Cloth, dust jacket. Dutch and English text. 65.00 576. Reinier Baarsen. 17th-century Cabinets. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Dossier, 2000. 8vo, 64 pgs., many ills., mostly in color. Wrappers. Eng, text. An unread lib. dup. with a small stamp on the title page. 20.00 577. E. F. Bange. Die Deutschen Bronzestatuetten des 16. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1949. Qto, 166 pgs. + 203 ills. on plates. Cloth, boards. Text block fine: cloth spine somewhat soiled; corners of boards rubbed, boards sl. soiled. 25.00 578. Basel, Kunstmuseum. Dumpfe Stuben Lichte Himmel. Bauern und Hirten in der Niederlandsichen Kunst des 17. Jahrhunderts. 1996. Qto, 72 pgs., num. ills., a few color plates. Wrs. 25.00 579. Basel. Kunstmuseum. Kunstmuseum Basel. Die Architektur. 2003. 8vo, 75 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Boards. 25.00 580. Herbert Beck, ed. Stadel-Jahrbuch. Neue Folge Band 18, 2001. Frankfurt, 2001. Qto, 359 pgs., prof. ill. Cloth, dust jacket. Among the many articles are those on rogier van der Weyden, Perugino, Mantegna, city hall of Brussels, Holbein the Elder, Marcellus Coffermans, Max Beckmann etc. 75.00 581. Otto Benesch. The Art of the Renaissance in Northern Europe. Its Relation to the Contemporary Spiritual and Intellectual Movements. Cambridge, 1947. 8vo, xiv + 174 pgs. + 80 ills. on plates. Cloth, spine sl. sunned. Two signatures on f.f.e.p., inc. Robert Enggass Ann Arbor 1949. And Wayne Franits. 15.00 582. Otto Benesch. From an Art Historian's Workshop. Contributions to the Oeuvre of Dutch and Flemish Artists.... Lucerne, 1979. Ed. by Eva Benesch. Lg. 8vo, 188 pgs. inc. 70 plates. Cloth, worn d.w. 30.00 583. Ingvar Bergstrom. Dutch Still-Life Painting in the Seventeenth Century. New York, 1956. Sm. qto, 330 pgs., 239 ills. and 8 color plates. Cloth, very bright and probably unread copy of the original edition. Needless to say the ills. are far superior to the "second" edition. 50.00 584. Berlin. Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 51. Berlin, 2010. Sm. qto, 151 + 75 pgs., num. ills., seome color. Boards. As new. 100.00 585. Berlin, Gemaldegalerie. Von Frans Hals bis Vermeer. Meisterwerke Hollandischer Genremalerei. 1984. Qto, 400 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 45.00 586. Berlin, Verwaltung der Staatlichen Schlosser und Garten. Charlottenbourg. Berlin, 1969. 8vo, 69 ps. + 35 plates. Wrs. Margarete Kuhn a.o. 15.00 Chateau de 587. Berlin, Dr. Gottschewski, Dr. Schaffer. Katalog der Ausstellung das Flamische Landschaftsbild des. 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1927. 8vo, 26. pgs., 120 works + 34 ills. on 34 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled. A rare catalogue. 50.00 588. Berlin, 589. Berlin, Nationalgalerie.Galerie der Romantik. 1986. Qto, 188 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrs. 30.00 Orangerie des Schlosses Charlottenburg. Deutsche Maler und Zeichner des 17. Jahrhunderts. 1966. 8vo, 163 pgs. + many plates, sev. color. Wrs. very sl. rubbed along the edges. 25.00 590. Berlin, Staatliches Museen zu Berlin, Gemaldegalerie. Hollandische und Flamische Gemalde des Siebzehnten Jahrhunderts im Bode-Museum. Berlin, 1976. Lg. 8vo, 160 pgs. inc. num. ills. on plates. Wrs. with rubbed d.w. 25.00 591. Berlin, Staatliche Museen Berlin. Die Gemaldegalerie. Die Deutschen und Altniederlandischen Meister. 1929. 8vo, 263 pgs. inc. 500 ills. Wrs. somewhat worn, bottom taped, overall good copy. 20.00 592. Patricia G. Berman. In Another Light: Danish Painting in the Nineteenth Century. London, 2007. Qto, 271 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 45.00 593. Anne-Marie Berryer. Essai d'une Iconographie de Juste Lipse. Brussels, 1940. Offprint, Annales de la Societe Royale d'Archeologie de Bruxelles, Tome XLIII, 1939-1940. 8vo, 66 pages, 27 ills. on 16 plates. Wrappers sl. soiled. Inscribed by the author on the f.f.e.p. Iconographie of Justus Lipsius. 50.00 594. Antwerpen, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten. Catalogus Schilderijen 14e en 15e Eeuw. 1985. 8vo, 187 pgs. + 87 ills. on plates, some color. Wrs., corners a little bumped. Nearly all, but not all, Netherlandish paintings. 35.00 595. Philippe d’Arschot, Gilbert van der Linden. Diest. Inventaire des Peintures. 1958. 8vo, 87 pgs., 17 ills. Lib. dup. in sturdy boards with marks, punches, etc. 20.00 596. M. H. De Backer. Iconographie du Prince Charles-Joseph de Ligne. Brussels, 1920. Reprinted from: L'Annuaire de la Societe des Bibliophiles et Iconophiles de Belgique, 1919. 8vo, 57 pgs., 5 plates hors texte. Wrs. 35.00 597. Baden-Baden, Staatliche Kunsthalle & Warshau, Nationalmuseum. Das Heilige und der Leib. Schatze aus dem Nationalmuseum Warschau. 2005. Qto, 176 pgs., prof. ills., many color plates. Boards, dust jacket. Medieval sculpture and painting, renaissance painting, and 19th and 20th century painting and scupture, of all schools. 30.00 598. Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery. Art in Poland 1572-1764: Land of the Winged Horsemen. 1999. Qto, 380 pgs., 248 ills., 183 in col. Wrs. Bottom of spine very sl. bumped. 35.00 599. Berlin, Galerie Dr. Schaeffer. Hundert Seltene Hollander. April-May, 1932. A 16-page booklet which lists 124 paintings, no ills. A little soiled. A rare piece of ephemera from this gallery (which later moved to America). 15.00 600. Laurens J. Bol. Hollandische Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts Nahe den Grossen Meistern. Landschaften und Stilleben. Braunschweig, 1969. Qto, xii + 398 pgs., over 300 ills., a few color. Cloth, very good-fine, sl. worn d.w.; previous owner's sm. stamp on two edges and endpapers. 50.00 Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum. Rheinische Landschaften und Stadtebilder 1600-1850. 1960. Oblong 8vo, 74 pgs. + 68 plates, a few col. Wrappers. 30.00 601. Dr. Jan V. L Brans. Vlaamse Schilders in Dienst der Koningen van Spanje. Leuven, n.d. (1959?) 8vo, 218 pgs. + 40 plates. Wrs. Sm. pale stain at base of backstrip, which does not affect text or plates. 25.00 602. Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum.. Miniaturen. Grosse Malerei auf Kleiner Flache. 2010. Sq. 8vo, 110 pgs., many color ills. and plates. Wrappers. Unread copy. Nerly all of these works are by German artists. 25.00 Bremen, Kunsthalle. Staffage Oder : Die Heimlichen Helden der Bilder. Eine Didaktische Ausstellung VII. 1984. 8vo, unpaged, over 100 works, many ill. Wrappers. 25.00 603. Brooklyn, The Brooklyn Museum. Belgian Art 1880-1914. color. Wrappers. 40.00 1980. Sm. qto, 256 pgs., many plates, a few 604. Christopher 1979. 10.00 Brown. Dutch Landscape Painting (Themes and Painters in the National Gallery). London, 8vo, 48 pages, 43 ills. Wrappers, backstrip neatly mended with binder's tape. 605. Bruges, Groeningemuseum. Primitifs Flamands Anonymes. Maitres aux Noms d'Emprunt des Pays-Bas Meridionaux du XVe et du Debut du XVIe Siecle. 1969. Catalogue avec Supplement Scientifique. Lg. 8vo, 325 pgs., over 100 plates, some col. Wrs. sl. bumped and rubbed. 25.00 Groeningemuseum. La Toison d’Or: Cinq Siecles d’Art et d’Histoire. 1962. Sm. qto, 346 pgs., many ills., some color. Cloth. 25.00 606. Bruges, 607. Bruges, Musee Communal. Le Portrait dans les Anciens Pays-Bas. 1953. 8vo, 88 pgs. + 128 plates, 5 col. Wrs. Ink notes on rear endpapers, not in text. 20.00 Musee Communal des Beaux-Ars, Groeninge. L’Art Flamand dans les Collections Espagnoles. 1958. 8vo, 150 pgs., many black and white ills. Wrappers, a little wear. Sm. lib. stamp on the bottom of the title page. 15.00 608. Bruges, 609. Brussel, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten. Ile de France - Brabant. 1962. 8vo, 202 pgs. + 115 plates. Wrs. Flemish text. Sm. ink signature on the title page. 20.00 610. Bruxelles, Hotel de Ville. Natures de Peintures / Schildersignatuur. Boulanger, Artan, Rops, De Braekeleer, Vogels, Ensor. 2005. Qto, 167 pages, many ills., all in color. Wrappers. 40.00 611. Brussels, Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique. Bulletin 28. 1999/2000. Sm. qto, 300 pgs., prof. ill. Wrappers, a few rubbed spots on the backstrip, but unread. Num articles, with summaries, on antique glass, sculpture, Peter Paul Rubens, dendrochronology of several panels from the Van Eyck altarpiece, etc. and more. 50.00 Musee Royal des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Catalogue de l’Exposition Retrospective du Paysage Flamande (XVIe, XVIe, XVIIIe Siecles). 1926. 8vo, xlv + 115 pgs. + 24 plates. Wrappers. Very sl. soiled. 35.00 612. Bruxelles, 613. Bruxelles, Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Maitres Flamands du Dix-Septieme Siecle du Prado et de Collections Privees Espagnoles. 1975. Lg. 8vo, 160 pgs., many plates, part color. Wrappers, a little sunned around the edges, otherwise v.g. 20.00 614. Bruxelles, Hotel de Ville de Bruxelles. Le Baroque Devoile / Barock Onthuld. Nouveau Regard sur la Sculpture a Bruxelles et en Belgique. Sm. qto, 191 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Parallel text in Fench and Flemish. WRappers. New copy. 50.00 615. Cassel, Musee de Flandre. Fascination Baroque. La Sculpture Baroque Flamande dans les Collections Publiques Francaises. 2011. Qto, 2o7 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers, new copy. 50.00 616. Gorel Cavalli-Bjorkman. Dutch and Flemish Painting I. C. 1400-C. 1600. Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, 1986. Sm. qto, 127 pgs., many black and white ills. and a few color plates. Cloth, ex. lib. copy, with no spine marks however. 30.00 617. Gorel Cavalli-Bjorkman, ed. Netherlandish Mannerism. Papers Given at a Symposium in Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, September 21 - 22, l984. 1985. Sq. 8vo, 199 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white. Ill. boards. 50.00 618. Albert Blankert. Selected Writing on Dutch Paintings. Rembrandt, Van Beke, Vermeer and Others. Zwolle, 2004. Qto, 352 pgs., prof. ill. Cloth, dust jacket. 85.00 619. Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum. Verzeichnis der Gemalde. 1959. 8vo, 44 pgs. + 64 plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed. Mainly German and Netherlandish works. 30.00 620. Bordeaux, Musee des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux. L'Or & l'Ombre. La Peinture Hollandaise du XVIIe et du XVIIIe Siecles au Musee des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux. 1990. Qto, 459 pages, prof. ill., partly in color. Wrappers with dust jacket, a few sm. tears in the d.j. and has a few creases. 75.00 621. Helmut Borsch-Supan. Deutsche Romantiker. Deutsche Maler Zwischen 1800 und 1850. Munich, 1972. Sq. 8vo, 166 pgs., many col. and b/w plates. Cloth, near fine except for former owner's sm. stamp on endpapers. 25.00 622. Braunschweig, Herzog-Anton-Ulrich-Museum and Utrecht, Centraal Museum. Hollandische Malerei in Neuem Licht. Hendrick ter Brugghen und seine Zeitgenossen. 1986. Qto, 373 pgs., prof. ill., many coloir plates Wrappers. Fine, probably unread copy. 35.00 623. Bruhl, Schloss Augustusburg zu Bruhl. Kurfürst Clemens August, Landesherr und Mäzen des 18. Jahrhunderts. 1961. Sm. qto, 527 pgs. + num. p lates. Wrappers with dust jacket, internally very good, some minor wear to the jacket. 40.00 624. Jules Brunfaut. Le Centenaire du Prince du Ligne. Brussels, n.d. (1915, offprint). 8vo, 10 pgs., uncut plus several ills. on plates. Bibliography. Wrs. with a few sm. tears, inside is fine. 25.00 625. Brussel, Flemish Paleis voor Schone Kunsten.Ile de France - Brabant. 1962. 8vo, 202 pgs. + 115 plates. Wrs. text. Sm. ink signature on the title page. 20.00 626. Bruxelles, Galerie Miodrag Boskovitch. Catalogue de la Galerie Miodrag Boskovitch. N.d., ca. 1970. Qto, unpgd., spiral-bounbd cat. of many works, mainly Flemish and Dutch paintings 16th-17th centuries, all il. And many in color, and a few works of other schools and a few late gothic sculptures. A bit of critical pen annotation. 20.00 627. Bruxelles, Institut Royale du Patrimoine Artistique. Bulletin. Tome I. 1958. 8vo, 175 pgs., many ills. Wrappers sl. soiled and a bit rubbed. Articles in French and Flemish, inc. a long article on Dirk Bouts' large panels in the Brussels Museum. 75.00 628. Bruxelles, Institut Royale du Patrimoine Artistique. Bulletin 28. 1999/2000. Sm. qto, 300 pgs., prof. ill. Wrappers, a few rubbed spots on the backstrip, but unread. Num articles, with summaries, on antique glass, sculpture, Peter Paul Rubens, dendrochronology of several panels from the Van Eyck altarpiece, etc. and more. 50.00 629. Bruxelles, Institut Royale du Patrimoine Artistique. Bulletin 29. Brussels, 2003. sm. qto, 287 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. Inc. articles on the reliquary of Sainte Waudru, goldsmiths’ work, Van Dyck, Lambert Lombard, Nicolas Van der Veken, etc. Articles in Flemish and French. 75.00 630. Bruxelles, Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Maitres Flamands du Dix-Septieme Siecle du Prado et de Collections Privees Espagnoles. 1975. Lg. 8vo, 160 pgs., many plates, part color. Wrappers, a little sunned around the edges, otherwise v.g. 20.00 631. Maria Buchsbaum. Deutsche Malerei im 19. Jahrhundert. Realismus und Naturalismus. Vienna, 19667. Folio, 24 pgs. + 100 tipped-in col. plates with facing text. Cloth. Very good; previous owner's sm. stamp on top and foreedge and half-title. 45.00 632. Cambridge, The Houghton Library. Erasmus on the 500th Anniversary of his Birth. 1969. 8vo, 39 pgs., 6 plates. Wrappers. 10.00 633. Campione d'Italia, Galleria Henze. Moderne Kunst. Gemalde Skulpturen Aquarelle Zeichnungen Druckgraphik. Katalog 29. 1983. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., about 70 ills., some color. Wrappers, spine a sl. but rubbed. Price list laid in. 15.00 634. Campione d'Italia, Galleria Henze. Moderne Kunst. Gemalde Skulpturen Aquarelle Zeichnungen Druckgraphik. Katalog 32. 1984. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., 62 plates, some color. Wrs. Spine sl. bumped, two library stamps, price list stapled in at front. 15.00 d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Moderne Kunst. Katalog 40. 1987. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., num. plates, mostly color. Wrapper. Price list stsapled in at back. Art library sstamp on f.f.e.p., otherwise fine. 15.00 635. Campione 636. Campione d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Moderne Kunst. Katalog 43. 1989. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., 56 plates., mostly color. Wrappers. Unread, with library stamp on f.f.e.p. 15.00 637. Campione d’Italia, Galleria Henze. Moderne Kunst. Katalog 45. 1990. Sm. qto, 80 pgs., many plates, most color. Wrappers. Unread, but library stamp on f.f.e.p. 15.00 638. Joseph Casier, Paul Bergmans. L'Art Ancien dans les Flandres (Region de l'Escaut). Memorial de l'Exposition Retrospective Organisee a Gand en 1913. Brussels and Paris, G. Van Oest, 1914-1922. Three volumes in lg. qto. I: Sculptures, Statues, Meubles. II: Orfevreries, Miniatures de Manuscrits, Tapisseries. Bd. III: Le Milieu: Vues de Villes. La Vie: Vie religieuse, Vie civile, Vie intellectuelle, Vie corporative. 122, 142, 164 pages + 456 ills. on 303 plates, all loose as issued unbound in cardboard portfolios, plus one map and 16 plates in the text. The text and plates are in fine condition except for a little foxing on the front and back pages of each volume; the boards are soiled, have some wear, and some of the joins have split (this can easily be repaired). Very heavy; extra postage will be required. 1 of 565 numbered sets. 350.00 639. Julien Chapuis. Duitse en Franse Schilderijen-Vijftende en Zestiende Eeuw/ German and French Paintings-Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen. 1995. Qto, 160 pgs., many ills., many color. Wrs. Eng./Dutch text. 40.00 640. Charleroi, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi. Art et Societe en Belgique 1848-1914. 1980. Lg. 8vo, 283 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Wrs., very good; previous owner's sm. stamp on two edges and half-title page. 20.00 641. Chicago, The University of Chicago, David and Alfred Smart Gallery. German and Austrian Painting of the Eighteenth Century. 1978. 8vo, 56 pgs., 20 ills. Wrs. Lib. dup. with a small stamp on the title page and a small label u.l. front cover. 15.00 642. Hanna Priebsch Closs. Magie und Naturgefuhl in der Malerei von Grunewald, Baldung Grien, Lukas Cranach und Altdorfer. Bonn, 1936. 8vo, 48 pgs. + 23 plates. Wrs. with soiled d.w. 25.00 643. Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst. Danske Malere I Rom I det 19. Arhundrede. 1977. 8vo, 58 pgs., 78 works, many plates, part color. Wrappers, sm. repaired tear at top of the spine, overall very good copy. 22.50 644. Cremona, Museo Civico Ala Ponzone. Luci del Nord. Dipinti Fiamminghi e Olandesi del Museo di Cremona. 1998. Qto, 94 pgs., many color plates. Wrappers, former owner's monogram on f.f.e.p. otherwise near fine copy. 25.00 645. Alexia pgs. Creusen.Femmes Artistes en Belgique: XIXe et Debut XXe Siecle. Paris, 2007. 8vo, 419 pgs., 32 of plates, some color. Wrappers. 50.00 Nicole Dacos, ed. Fiamminghi a Roma 1508-1608. Atti del Convegno Internazionale Bruxelles 23-25 Febbraio 1995. Bollettino d'Arte, Supplemento al N. 100 (1997). Rome, 1997. Qto, 316 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Num. articles, mostly in Italian, on the influence of Italian art on Flemish art and the influence of Flemish art on Italian art. Inc. Paul Bril, Scorel, speckaert, Hendrick de Clerck, Sebastiaen Vrancx, Cornelis Cort, etc. Wrappers. 50.00 646. Dallas, Meadows Museum of Art. Private Views. Flemish and Dutch Paintings from Dallas Collections. 1990. Qto, (20) pgs., num. ills. Wrs. 10.00 647. Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum. Visionen des Barock. Entwurfe aus der Sammlung Kurt Rossacher. l965. 8vo, 220 pgs., fully-ann. cat. of 96 works, many ill. in color. Cloth. Ptgs. + oil sketches, some Italian. 20.00 648. Martin Davies. The National Gallery, London, I and II. Les Primitifs Flamands. I. Corpus de la Peinture des Anciens Pays-Bas Meridionaux au Quinzieme Siecle. Antwerp, l953, l954. Two vols. in qto., 219 pgs., 462 plates, 2 color. Cloth. These volumes are out-of- print. 100.00 649. Martin Davies. National Gallery Catalogues. The Early Netherlandish School. Reprint of the 3rd edition, 1987. 8vo, 206 pgs., Wrappers. 25.00 650. Heinrich Decker. Barock-Plastik in den Alpenlanden. Vienna, 1943. qto, 86 + (235) pgs. + xiv pgs. Inc. 308 ills. and plates. Boards, quarter-cloth, corners sl. bumped. Sl. shaken. 30.00 651. The Denver Art Museum, The Newark Museum. Art & Home. Dutch Interiors in the Age of Rembrandt. 2002. Qto, 240 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Fine copy with owner's signature on f.f.e.p. 25.00 652. Dessau, Anthaltische Gemaldegalerie. Die Altniederlandischen und Flamischen Gemalde des 16. bis. 18. Jahrhunderts. Kritischer Bestandskatalog Band 2. Weimar, 2001. Lg. 8vo, 240 pgs., num. ills., part color. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 50.00 653. Dijon, Musee color. Wrs. 654. Dijon, des Beaux-Arts. La Peinture en au XVIe Siecle. 1990. Qto, 204 pgs., num. ills. and plates in 100.00 Musee de Dijon, Palais des Etats de Bourgogne. Hotel des Ducs et Palais des Etats de Bourgogne. 1956. 16mo, 45 pgs. + 20 black and white ills. on 15 plates. Wrappers. 15.00 655. Dordrechts Museum. Portret in Portret in de Nederlandse Kunst 1550-2012. December 2012. Qto, 336 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Wrappers, appears unread. 40.00 656. Dresden, Residenzschloss. Mit Fortuna Ubers Meer. Sachsen und Danemark -Ehen und Allianzen im Spiegel der Kunst (1548-1709). 2009. Qto, 344 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Illustrated boards, fine copy. 50.00 657. Dusseldorf, Galerie Lingenauber. Old Master Paintings and Drawings. 1990. 8vo, unpgd., 37 color plates with facing text, chiefly Dutch and Flemish paintings and a few Italian paintings. Wrappers. 15.00 658. Dordrechts Wrs. Museum. Mens en Muziek. Nederlandse Meesters uit Vijf Eeuwen. 1957. 8vo, 30 pgs., 16 ills. 17.50 659. Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen. Der Zwinger zu Dresden. 1981. 8vo, 72 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrappers. 15.00 660. Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen. Tulpomanie. Die Tulpe in der Kunst des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. 2004. Qto, 280 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Wrappers. One corner and top of spine very sl. bumped. 4o.oo 661. Dusseldorf, Kunstmuseum. Die Dusseldorfer Malerschule. 1967 (Bildhefte des Kunstmuseums Dusseldorf, 4). 8vo, 92 pgs. inc. 38 plates. Wrs. very light wear. 20.00 662. Dusseldorf, Kunstmuseum. Die Gemalde des 19. Jahrhunderts mit Ausnahme der Dusseldorfer Schule. Mainz, 1981. 8vo, 291 pgs. inc. 254 ills., 32 color. Ill. boards. 35.00 663. De. E. Duverger. Bronnen voor de Geschiedenis van de Artistieke Betrekkingen Tussen Antwerpen en de Noordelijke Nederlanden Tussen 1632 en 1648. Offprint, Miscellanea Jozef Duverger, Ghent, 1968, pgs. 336-373. Wrappers. 20.00 664. Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland. Julia Lloyd Williams. Dutch Art and Scotland. A Reflection of Taste. 1992. Sm. oblong qto, 179 pgs., many plates, some color. Wrappers. 35.00 665. Marc 1979. 40.00 Eemans, ed. Biografisch Woordenboek der Belgische Kunstenaars van 1830 tot 1970. Brussels, 8vo, x + 611 pgs., plastic wrappers. Very good. Page edges a little dusty. 666. Renate Eikelmann, ed. Meißener Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts.: Die Stiftung Ernst Schneider im Schloß Lustheim. Munich, 2004. Sq. 8vo,448 pgs., prof. ill. inc. 315 color ills. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 45.00 667. Anton von Euw. Meisterwerke des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts in den Sammlungen des Stiftres Einsiedeln mit Aufnahmen von P. Damian Rutishauser. Exhibition in Grossen Saal des Stiftes Einsiedeln. Offprint from Aachener Kunstblatter, Band 39, 1969. Sm. qto, 52 pgs., many black and white ills. Wrappers. Inscribed by the author on the title page. Mostly German baroque sculptures. 35.00 668. Enschede, Rijksmuseum Tweenthe. Landschappen, Stads- en Dorpsgezichten 17de-19de Eeuw. 1980. Oblong 8vo, 212 pgs., num. platgfes, some color. Wrs. Ends of the backstrip a little rubbed. 25.00 669. Elisabeth Fabritius a.o. The Ambassador John L. Loeb Jr. Danish Art Collection. New York, 2005. Qto, xxxi + 426 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. English text. 20.00 670. (Fee Coll.) Christopher Wright, Victor Koshkin-Youritzin. Catalogue of Old Master Paintings from A Private Collection in the United States. Privately printed, 1984. Sm. qto, 105 pgs., 26 tipped-in color plates. Quarter leather and cloth, fine, the bottom edges of the leather have rubbed a little from the shelf. This is the collection of Samuel T. Fee. Paintings of all schools, pasrticularly Dutch, French and Italian. 100.00 671. (Festschrift) Maryan Wynn Ainsworth a.o. Essays in Northern European Art Presented to Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann on his Sixtieth Birthday. Doornspijk, 1983. Qto, 318 pgs., + many black and white ills. on plates. Blue cloth, fine copy. Inscribed by Prof. Begemann on the f.f.e.p. 55.00 672. Willem G. Flippo. Lexicon of the Belgian Romantic Painters. Antwerp, 1981. Qto, ca. 800 pgs. inc. ca. 400 plates. Nice copy in imitation leather binding; previous owner's sm. stamp on all three edges, endpapers, and title. 50.00 673. Dieter Fischer, Hermann Maue. Die Medaillen Der Hohenzollern in Franken. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 2000. Qto, 319 pgs. Prof. ill. in black and white. Cloth. No dust jacket. 100.00 674. Frankfurt, Frankfurter Kunstverein. Frankfurter Malerei im 19. Jahrhundert. 1966. Sq. 8vo, unpgd. cat. of 198 works + many plates, some color. Wrappers, rubbed and a little soiled. 15.00 675. Frankfurt am Main, Liebieghaus, Skulpturensammlung. Elfenbein Barocke Pracht am Wiener Hof. Feb.2011. Qto, 256 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. Unread copy. June 60.00 676. Frankfurt am Main, Stadelsche Kunstinstitut. Katalog der Gemalde des 19. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt, 1972. Two vols. in 8vo. Textband: xviii + 511 pgs. Bildband: many ills. on 286 plates. Cloth, worn dust jackets. The previous owner stamped his small stamp on many endpapers and a few edges, unfortunately, still a very good set. 75.00 677. Frankfurt, Stadelsches Kunstinstitut. Kurzes Verzeichnis der im Staedelschen Kunstinstitut Ausgestellten Sigmaringer Sammlungen. 1928. 8vo, 107 pgs, 1201 works, 7 plates. Wrappers. 15.00 678. Max J. Friedlander. 679. Gand, plates. Volumes of Early Netherlandish Painting are listed in the Medieval Art section, below. Musee des Beaux-Arts. Charles-Quint et son Temps. 1955. 8vo, 187 pgs., 137 ills. in text and on Wrs. somewhat soiled and rubbed. 15.00 Geneve, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire. Emaux Peints de Geneve, 17e et 18e Siecles. 1975. 8vo, 32 pgs., 22 ills. in black and white of portrait miniatures. Wrappers. A fine library dup. in a library card binding. The booklet is in fine condition. Text by Marcel Gauthey. 15.00 680. Geneve, Musee d’Art et d’Histoire. Emaux Peints de Geneve, 18e et 19e Siecles. 1975. 8vo, 32 pgs., 33 black and white ills. Wrappers. A lib. dup. in a library card binding. Text by Fabienne Xaviere Sturm.. Chifely portrait miniatures, but somee miniature landscape as well. 15.00 681. Freising, Dommuseum. Die Rosenkranztafel Herzog Wilhelms IV. Von Bayern, 1536. Diozesanmuseum fur Christliche Kunst des Erzbistums Munchen u. Freising, 2005. Sq. 8vo, 64 pgs.s, many ills., part color. Wrappers. 35.00 682. Poul Gammelbo. Dutch Still-Life Painting from the 16th to the 18th Centuries in Danish Collections. Leigh-on-Sea, 1960. Qto, 183 pgs., 284 ills. Cloth, fine, somewhat worn d.w. Cornelis Gysbrechts is wellrepresented in Danish collections. 210.00 683. Gand, Musee des Beaux-Arts. Charles-Quint et son Temps. 1955. 8vo, 187 pgs., 137 ills. in text and on plates. Wrs. somewhat soiled and rubbed. 15.00 684. Gent, Museum voor Schone Kunsten. Gent. Duizend Jaar Kunst en Cultuur. 1975. Three vols. in sm. qto. I: Muurschilderkunst, Schilderkunst, Tekenkunst, Graveerkunst, Beeldhouwkunst. II: Boekdrukkunst, Boekbanden, Boduurkunst, Edelsmeedkunst, Miniatuurkunst. III: Stadsontwikkeling en Architectuur, Keramiek, Koper en Brons, Ijzerwerk, Tin, Meubelkunst, Tapijtkunst. Xvi + 1690 pgs. + 319 plates, some in color. Wrs. Two vols. have very minor wear, one vol. almost none. Previous owner's small stamp inside each front cover. 85.00 685. Alois Gerlo. Erasme et ses Portraitistes. Metsijs - Durer - Holbein. Nieuwkoop, 1969. 2nd ed. 8vo, 72 pgs., sev. plates hors texte. Cloth. Spine sl. sunned. Inscribed by the author on the half-title. 25.00 686. Alois Gerlo. Erasme et ses Portraitistes. Metsijs - Durer - Holbein. Brussels, 1950. 8vo, 72 pgs., sev. plates hors texte. Wrs. with dust jacket. 2o.00 687. Alois Gerlo. Erasme et ses Portraitistes. Metsijs - Durer - Holbein. Nieuwkoop, 1969. 2nd ed. 8vo, 72 pgs., sev. plates hors texte: the limited numbered ed. of 500 copies signed by Gerlo, on Holland Verge paper, specially printed for Mercator Fonds. 50.00 688. H. Gerson, E.H. Ter Kuile. Art and Architecture in Belgium 1600 to 1800. Harmondsworth, 1960. Sm. qto, xix + 236 pgs. + 160 plates. Cloth, very good lib. dup with bookplate and shadow of removed label at base of spine. 25.00 689. De Geus van den Heuvel Coll. Amsterdam, Kunstveiligen S.J. Mak van Waay. Catalogus SchilderijenAquarelles en Etsen Verzameling D. de Geus van den Heuvel, Nieuwersluis. N.d. (ca. l970). Two parts, text: 201 pgs.; plates, 382 ills., some color, 89 16th-l7th c. works, the rest later works. Wrs. 50.00 690. Louis Gillet. De Vlaamsche Kunst en Frankrijk. Bruxelles, Van Oest, 1918. 8vo, 51 pgs., 7 plates. Wrappers. Partly uncut. 15.00 Gottingen, Kunstsammlung der Universitat Gottingen. Die Niederlandischen Gemalde mit einem Verzeichnis der Bilder anderer Schulen. 1987. 8vo, 203 pgs., many ills. Wrappers. 35.00 691. Grand Rapids Art Museum. Landscapes from the Golden Age. An Exhibition of Seventeenth Century Dutch Paintings. 1972. 8vo, 52 pgs., 22 plates. Wrs. A travelling loan exhibition. 15.00 692. ‘s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum / Museum van het Boek. Catalogus van de Schilderijen in het Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum. 1987. Cat. by R. E. O. Ekkart. Sq. 8vo, 144 pgs., num. ills., a few in color. Wrappers. 25.00 693. Greenwich, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science. Love Letters. Dutch Genre Paintings in the Age of Vermeer. 2004. Qto, 208 pgs., many color plates and other ills. Wrappers. 30.00 694. Greenwich, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science. Danish Paintings of the Nineteenth Century from the Collection of Am bassador John L. Loeb, Jr. 2005. Qto, 115 pgs., 34 color plates. Wrappers. 25.00 695. Greenville, South Carolina, Bob Jones University. The Bob Jones University Collection of Religious Paintings Volume II. Flemish, Dutch, German and Spanish Paintings. 1962. Sm. qto, 177 pages., num. ills. Wrappers, a little rubbed all round. 25.00 Bruno Grimschitz. Die Altwiener Maler. Unbekanntes und Bekanntes Biedermeier. Vienna, 1961. Qto, 46 pgs. + 124 plates,mostly tipped-in color. Cloth, slipcase. Very good, except previous owner's sm. stamp on endpapers, title and 3 edges. The spine label has a scratch on it. 40.00 696. Den Haag, Art Agencies International. Najaarsexpositie 1988 Autumn Exhibition. 1988. 8vo, unpgd., 36 color plates. Wrs. 19th-c. Dutch painting. 15.00 697. Den Haag, Ivo Bouwman. Nederlandse en Franse Schilderijen 19e en 20e Eeuw. 1997. Lg. 8vo, 24 pgs., about 22 color plates. Wrs. 10.00 698. Den Haag, Maurishuis. Terugzien in Bewondering / A Collectors' Choice. 1982. Oblong 8vo, 244 pgs., 100 black and white plates. Boards. Most works from private collections. 20.00 699. Haarlem, Frans Hals Museum. Portretten van Echt en Trouw. Huwelijk en Gezin in de Nederlandse Kunst van de Zeventiende Eeuw. 1986. Cat. by E. de Jongh. Qto, 333 pgs., prof. ill., with black and white and color. A lib. dup. in buckram with a call number at the base of the spine and a cancelled bookplate. Orig, wrs. bound in. 40.00 700. Haarlem, Frans Hals Museum. Pride and Joy. Children's Portraits in the Netherlands 1500-1700. 2000. Qto, 319 pages, prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dsut jacket. Unread copy. 45.00 701. Berthold Haendcke. Die schweizerische Malerei im XVI. Jahrhundert. Diesseits der Alpen und unter Berücksichtigung der Glasmalerei des Formschnittes und des Kupferstiches. Aarau, 1893. 8vo, vi + 418 pgs., 8 text ills. and 30 plates. Quarter leather and marbled boards, sl. rubbed, internally fine except that the edgeds of the pages are a little toned. 45.00 702. Dr. Berthold Haendcke. Studien zur Geschichte der Sachsischen Plastik der Spatrenaissance und Barock-Zeit. Dresden, 1903. Sm. qto, 139 pgs., 11 plates in hlf-tone (one folding) and 4 text ills. With artist's biographies. Not a library dup., but bound in library buckrum. Title in gold on the spine. A couple of marks on the title page, otherwise a fine copy. 50.00 703. The Hague, Gemeentemuseum. Stedenspiegel. 1964. Oblong 8vo, 150 pgs. + 107 ills. on plates. Wrs. 20.00 704. Marie-Louise Hairs. Les Peintres Flamandes de Fleurs au XVIIe Siecle. Deuxieme Edition Entierement Revue et Augmentee. Brussels, 1965. 8vo, 436 pages, many ills. inc. 7 color plates. Wrappers. 35.00 705. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XIII, 1966/67. 1966. 8vo, 39 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrappers. Some marks and stamps on the cover. A few Italian works, mostlyu Dutch and Flemish. 15.00 706. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XIV. 1968. Oblong 8vo, unpaged, 58 works, most Dutch and Flemish, most ill. in black and white. Wrappers, a few cover marks and soiling. 15.00 707. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XVIII / 1970-1971. 1970. Qto, unpaged, 67 works ill. and described, nearly all Dutch and Flemish. Wrappers, top of spine a little bumped, sl. sunned. 20.00 708. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XIX / 1974. Part One. 1974. Qto, 104 pgs., 57 works ill. and described. Mostly Dutch, some German and Italian. Wrappers, top of spine bumped, a couple of ink marks on the cover. 20.00 709. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XIX / 1974 Part Two. Plus Addendum. 1974. Qto, pgs. 105-164, works 58-87 ills. and described. Wrappers, sunned. 15.00 710. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XIX / 1974 Part Two. and described. Wrappers, sunned. 15.00 1974. Qto, pgs. 105-164, works 58-87 ills. 711. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XX / 1975-1976. Revised, Enlarged Edition. 1975. Qto, 168 pgs., 90 works ill. and described, a few Italian and German. Wrappers, a little bumped. 25.00 712. The Hague, Cramer Gallery. Catalogue XXI / 1979. 1979. Qto, 128 pgs., 76 works ill. and described, a few German or Italian. Wrappers. 25.00 713. The Hague Historical Museum. Dutch Society in the Age of Vermeer. 1996. Ed. by Donald Haks and Marie Christine van der Sman. Sm. qto, 144 pgs., many ills., some color. Nine essays. Wrappers, unrd copy,fine condition. 25.00 714. The Hague, Mauritshuis. Princely Patrons. The Collections of Frederick Henry of Orange and Amalia of Solms in The Hague. 1997. Qto, 276 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 50.00 715. Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle. Hamburger Ansichten. Maler Sehen die Stadt. 2009. Sm. qto, 208 pgs., many color plates. Illustrated boards, new copy. 19th & 20th c. German artists, including some photography. 40.00 716. Hannover, Niedersachsisches Landesmuseum. Die Olskizzen in der Niedersachsichen Landesgalerie Hannover. 1983 (Katalog IV). 8vo, 143 pgs., hundreds of ills., some color. Wrs. Small label on u.l. of front cover, otherwise fine. 35.00 717. Ann Sutherland Harris. Seventeenth-Century Art and Architecture. London, 2005. Sm. qto, xxii + 426 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Wrappers. 35.00 718. Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum. Life in Seventeenth Century Holland. Views-Vistas-PastimesPantomimes-Portraits-Peep Shows[!]. 1950. 8vo, 25 pgs., 66 works, 24 ills. on plates. Wrs. 15.00 Haug. L’Art en Alsace. Paris, 1962. 8vo, 304 pges., 318 ills., 6 in color, 20 architectural plans. Cloth, dust jacket. 20.00 719. Hans 720. J. F. Heijbroek. Frits Lugt 1884-1970 Leven voor de Kunst. Biografie. Bussum / Paris, 2010. 8vo, 479 pgs., with numerous ills. in the text. Cloth, dust jacket. New copy, unread. 50.00 721. Dirk Herrmann. Schloss Zerbst in Anhalt. Geschichte und Beschreibung einer Vernichteten Residenz. Halle, 1998. Qto, 258 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Cloth, dust jacket. A lib. deaccession, never read: small stamp at the bottom of the title and another at the bottom of the rear free endpaper. 75.00 722. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Noordbrabants Museum. In Buscoducis 1450 1629. Kunstuit de Bourgonnnndische Tijd te ‘s-Hertogenbosch. De Cultuur van late Middeleeuwen en Renaissance. 1990. Two vols. In small qto. Catalogue: 352 pgs. Bijdragen: pgs. 353-634. Cloth edition, both prof. ill., with some color. Very good + copies, a few scuff marks on the covers and a few small inconspicuous wear spots along the tops of the boards. A library rubber stamp inside the front board of the catalogue. 50.00 723. Berthold Hinz. Die Malerei im Deutschen Faschismus. Kunst und Konterrevolution. Munich, 1974. 8vo, 320 pgs., many plates (some color). Wrappers, very good, previous owner's sm. stamp on three edges and title page. 15.00 724. Historische Kring Loosdrecht. De Loosdrechtse Porseleinfabriek Boven Water: Over Gebouwen, Porseleinproductie en ds De Mol, 1774-1784. 2007. 8vo, 184 pgs., many ills., many in color. Wrappers. 25page English summary. 40.00 Hoogsteder-Naumann Mercury (Later, The Hoogsteder Mercury). 1, 1985. 9, 1989. 11, 1990. 725. Number 726. Number 727. Number 12.00 12.00 12.00 728. Hoozee, Robert (edited by) . Museum of Fine Arts Ghent. Paintings catalogue. Volume II: 19th-20th century. Ghent: 2007. 383pp with 490 colour and monochrome illustrations. Boards, Cloth spine. New copy. 28x20.5cms. Complete catalogue of the 19th and 20th paintings in the Fine Arts Museum of Ghent. 90.00 729. F. M. Huebner. De Romantische Schilderkunst in de Nederlanden (1780 - 1840). The Hague, 1944. 3rd ed. Sm. qto, 115 pgs. + 80 plates. Boards, endpapers browned. 20.00 730. Adolphe Hullebroeck. Histoire de la Tapisserie a Audenarde du XVe au XVIIIe Siecle. Renaix, 1938. Qto, xix + 255 pgs. + num. plates hors texte. Wrappers delicate and some chips and wear, internally very good and partly uncut. 185.00 731. Jackson, Mississippi Arts Pavilion. The Glory of Baroque Dresden. The State Art Collections Dresden. 2004. Qto, 300 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. 20.00 732. Beneth A. Jones. Bob Jones University. Supplement to the Catalogue of the Art Collection Paintings Acquired 1963-1968. Greenville, 1968. Sm. qto, 194 pgs., amny ills., some color. A lib. dup. with a very small stamp on the f.f.e.p. 25.00 733. Erik de Jong, Marleen Dominicus-van Soest. Aardse Paradijzen. I. De Tuin in de Nederlandse Kunst 15de to 18de Eeuw. ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Noordbrabandts Museum, 1996. Qto, 2224 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. Gardens in Netherlandish Art. 50.00 734. Jan de Jong a.o., eds. Virtus. Virtuositeit en Kunstliefhebbers in de Nederlanden 1500-1700 / Virtue. Virtuoso, Virtuosity in Netherlandish Art 1500-1700. Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 2003, Deel 54. Zwolle, 2004. Sm. qto, 368 pgs., prof. ill. Cloth, dust jacket. 110.00 735. Leen de Jong a.o. The Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp. A History 1810-2007. Antwerp, 2008. Qto, 255 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Boards. Unrad copy. English texts. 50.00 736. Hans Karlinger. Munchen und die Deutsche Kunst des XIX. Jahrhunderts. Munich, 1933. 8vo, 254 pgs., 112 ills. in text. CLoth, sl. discolored, but previous owner's smallstamp on foreedge and endpapers and title. 30.00 737. Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle. Deutsche Meister 1800-1850 aus der Staatlichen Kunsthalle Karlsruhe. 1964. 8vo, unpaged cat. of 44 works, all ill. with plate (a few color). Wrappers. 20.00 738. Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle. Stilleben Alter Meister. I. Niederlander und Deutsche. edition, by Jan Lauts. 8vo, 92 pgs., 61 ills. Wrappers. 25.00 1983. 2nd 739. Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle. Spatmittelalter am Oberrhein. Maler und Werkstatten 1450-1525. Sept. 2001-Feb. 2002. Qto, 508 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and color, inc. paijting, graphic arts, drawings, early books, ill. mss. etc. Boards, dusdt jacket. Appears unread, but three of the corners are sl. bumped, as is the bottom of the backstrip. Price reflects this… 115.00 740. Rainer Kahsnitz. Die Grossen Schnitzaltare Spatagotik in Suddeutschland, Osterreich, Sudtirol. Munich, 2005. Sm. folio, 480 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 100.00 741. Trinita Kennedy, John Nolan. A Divine Light. Northern Renaissance Paintings from the Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery. Sm. qto, 192 pgs., many ills., nearly all in color. Wrappers. 25.00 742. George S. Keyes. Mirror of Empire. Dutch Marine Art of the Seventeenth Century. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1990. Oblong small qto, xiv + 444 pages, prof. ill., part color. Cloth, sl. worn dust jacket. 30.00 743. George S. Keyes. Mirror of Empire. Dutch Marine Art of the Seventeenth Century. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1990. Oblong small qto, xiv + 444 pages, prof. ill., part color. Wrappers, inscribed by the author on the f.f.e.p. 25.00 744. Kleve, Museum Kurhaus. Heilige aus Holz im Museum Kurhaus Kleve. December 1998. 8vo, about 175 pgs. (the pagination is peculiar), many ills., some in color. Wrappers. A very fine museum dup. with a deaccession stamp inside; and the remains of a label, u.l. on the cover. Appears unread. 25.00 745. E. F. Koldewij a.o Achter het Behang. Vierhonderd Jaar Wanddecoratie in het Nederlandse Binnenhuis. 1991. Qto, well-ill., some col. Cloth, d.w. Published to coincided with the exhib. held in Gooiland te Hilversum, Goois Museum. Interior decorations and furniture etc. of the Dutch house. 35.00 . 746. E. W. Kornfeld, ed. Otto Benesch. Verzeichnis seiner Schriften. Bern, 1961. 38 pgs., 1 plate. Wrappers. Assembed by Eva Benesch, intro by J. Q. Van Regteren Altena. 30.00 747. Kiel, Kunsthalle. Katalog der Gemaldegalerie. 1958. 8vo, 168 pgs. + 48 black and white plates. Wrappers, spine very sl. rubbed along the edges. 25.00 748. Yury qto, Kuznetsov, Irene Linnik. Dutch Painting in Soviet Museums. New York and Leningrad, 1982. Lg. 522 pgs., many color plates. English text. Cloth, fine copy. 25.00 749. Koln, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum. Die Sammlung Henle. Aus dem Grossen Jahrhundert der Niederlandischen Malerei. 1964. Lg. 8vo, unpgd., with about 50 b/w ills. Wrs., very sl. amount of wear. Celophane is peeling from the spine, but the book is v.g. 20.00 750. Artists' Portraits. Kobenhavn, V. Winkel & Magnussens, Kunstauktioner No. 151. Fortegnelse over en Samling Kunstnerportraetter Tilhorende Generalkonsul Johan Hansen. Sale Feb. 12, 1934. 8vo, 34 pgs., 350 works, 27 ills. Wrs. 30.00 751. Felix Kreusch. Uber Pfalzkapelle und Atrium zur Zeit Karls des Grossen. Aachen, 1958 (Dom zu Aachen, Beitrage zur Baugeschichte IV. Aachen, 1958. 8vo, 124 pgs. + 36 ills. + folding plates. Wrappers a little yellowed, title neatly inked on the spine. 20.00 752. Margarete Kuhn a.o. Chateau de Charlottenbourg. Berlin, 1969 (Verwaltung det Stattlichen Schlosser und Garten). 8vo, 69 ps. + 35 plates. Wrs. 20.00 753. Arthur Laes. Le Paysage Flamand au Musee de Glasgow. Offprint, La Revue Belge d'Archeoelogie et d'Histoire de l'Art, Tome XXVII, 1958. 8vo, 28 pgs., 11 ills. Wrs. sl. yellowed and two tiny chips, otherwise very good. 15.00 754. Landshut, Stadtresidenz. "Ewig Bluhe Bayerns Land." Herzog Ludwig X. und die Renaissance. 2009. Qto, 410 pgs., prof. ill., muchin color. Ill. boards. Unread copy. 60.00 755. Erik Larsen. Seventeenth Century Flemish Painting. Freren, 1985. Lg. qto, 364 pgs., prof. ill. in co,or and black and white. Cloth, dust jacket. 90.00 756. Sylvie prof. Lecoq-Ramond, Pantxika Beguerie. Le Musee d'Unterlinden de Colmar. Paris, 1991. Qto, 128 pgs., ill., nearly entirely in color. 25.00 757. Leiden, Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal. De Leidse Fijnschilders uit Dresden. 1991. Qto, 132 pgs., many color plates. Cloth, dust jacket. Dutch text. 35.00 758. Leipzig, Museum der Bildenden Kunste. Jahresheft 2001. Leipzig, 2001. 8vo, 101 pgs., num. ills. Wrappers, unread copy with two very small library marks (none on the spine). Incs. articles on Corot, Monet, Gustav Adolph Henning, Arnold Bocklin, Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael. 20.00 759. Prof. Dr. Ir. Stan Leurs. Barokkerken te Antwerpen (St. Carolus-Borromeus - St. Augustijn - Decoratie en Mobilier van St. Paulus). Antwerp, 1935 (Ars Belgica. II). Qto, 48 pgs. + num. ills. on 72 plates. Quarter leather, spine sl. rubbed, and boards. 1/200 copies. 225.00 Antwerp, 1935 760. Catherine Levesque. Journey Through Landscape in Seventeenth-Century Holland. The Haarlem Print Seris and Dutch Indentity. University Park, 1994. Qto, xxii + 169 pgs. +162 ills. on plates. Cloth, dust jacket. 40.00 761. Arthur Laes. Le Paysage Flamand au Musee de Glasgow. Offprint, La Revue Belge d'Archeoelogie et d'Histoire de l'Art, Tome XXVII, 1958. 8vo, 28 pgs., 11 ills. Wrs. sl. yellowed and two tiny chips, otherwise very good. 15.00 762. Elga Lanc. Die Mittelalterlichen Wandmalereien in Wien Und Niederosterreich. Vienna, 1983. Qto, lv + 416 pgs. + tipped in color plates + over 700 black and white ills. on pltes. Cloth, dust jacket. Remains of tiny inscription on f.f.e.p. otherwise fine copy. 150.00 763. Christiane Lauterbach. Garten der Musen und Grazien. Mensch und Natur im Niederlandischen Humanistengarten 1522-1655. Berlin, 2004. 8vo, 327 pgs., 34 ills. Wrappers, unread, one corner very sl. bumped. 30.00 764. Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek. Voor Nederland Bewaard. De Verzamelingen van het Koninklijk Oudheidkundig Genootschap in het Rijksmuseum. Volume X. Leiden, 1995. Sm. qto, 480 pgs., num. ills. Cloth, d.w. 35.00 765. Felicien Leuridant. La Maison Seigneuriale de Silly. Brussels, 1929. 8vo, 12 pgs., 4 ills. Wrappers. Prince de Ligne. 20.00 766. Michael Levey. National Gallery Catalogues. The German School. WRappers. A trifle soiled. 10.00 London, 1959. 8vo, 122 pgs., 767. Norbert Lieb. Barockkirchen Zwischen Donau und Alpen. Munich, 1953. Sm. qto, 175 pages + 172 plates, many fig. ills. in the text. Cloth, 25.00 768. Walter Liedtke. Architectural Painting in Delft : Gerard Houckgeest, Hendrick Van Vliet, Emanuel de Witte. Doornspijk, 1982. Sm. qto, 154 p gs. + 125 black and white plates. 13 color plates. Cloth, dust jacket, unread copy. 150.00 769. Universite de Liege. Piere-Yves Kairis, ed.Colloque. La Peinture Liegeoise des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siecles. Universite de Liege 20-22 Janvier 1986. Cahiers du CAEF, 1987 no. 127. 8vo, 56 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrappers. French text. 20.00 770. Liege, Musee des Beaux-Arts. Exposition le Romantisme au Pays de Liege. 1955. 8vo, 243 pgs. + 53 plates. Wrs., sl. soiled, corners very sl. bumped. 25.00 771. Liege, Exposition Universelle de Liege. L'Art Ancien au Pays du Liege. Album. l905. Sm. qto, 8 pg. booklet + portfolio of 200 plates of various works, middle ages-l8th c., unbound as issued. Half cloth and boards. The tie is missing. Contents and boards fine condition. 75.00 772. Aandreas Lindblom. Sveriges Konsthistoria Fran Forntijd till Nutid. Tredje Delen: Fran Gustav III till Vara Dagar. Stockholm, 1946. Sm. qto, pgs. 651-1000 + XXVI pgs. Many ills., some color. Covers late 18th c. to 20th century. Ex. lib. copy in green buckram, nice shape butusual library marks and stamps. 25.00 773. Laren, Singer Museum. Nederlandse Primitieven uit Nederlands Particulier Bezit. 1961. 8vo, 32 pages + 51 plates inc. some illuminated manuscripts and some sculptures. Wrappers. 15.00 774. Linz, Stadtmuseum. Kunstjahrbuch der Stadt Linz. 1984. Linz, 1984. Sq. 8c0, 184 pgs., many ills. Cloth, dust jacket. Num. articles on ancient Egyptian art, Menzel, gothic carved altarpieces, and much more. 25.00 775. Linz, Stift St. Florian und Schlossmuseum Linz. Linz, Kulturabteilung des Amtes der 00. Landesregierung und OO. Musealverein. Die Kunst der Donauschule 1490-1540. Werden und Wandlung. Studien zur Kunst der Donauschule. 1967. Catalogue: Sm. qto, xxiii + 289 pgs, 64 plates, some fig. ills. and some color plates. WRasppers, very good but back cover is creased, sm. tear at top. Essays: Sm. qto. 240 pgs., num. ills. Essays by 15 scholars. "Beitrage." The two volumes. 75.00 776. Linz, Kulturabteilung des Amtes der 00. Landesregierung und OO. Musealverein. Werden und Wandlung. Studien zur Kunst der Donauschule. 1967. Essays: Sm. qto. 240 pgs., num. ills. Essays by 15 scholars. "Beitrage." 40.00 777. Leueven, Stedelijk Museum. Lovaniensis. 2. Artes Atque Historiae Reserans Documenta. Jaarboek, 1973. 1973. 8vo, 320 pgs., num. plates. With 15 articles. Wrs. Published in 1000 copies, but this one not numbered. Spine a little worn. 50.00 778. Lochem, Nystad Antiquairs N. V. Vier Generaties Nystad 1862-1962. Jubileum-Uitgave. 1962. Sm. qto, unpaged, many black and white ills. of paintings and works of art. Cloth, a little bumped. 15.00 779. Fritz Loffler. Das Alte Dresden. Geschichte Seiner Bauten. Dresden, 1958. Qto, 427 pgs., 348 ills. Cloth, very sl. splayed boards, internally very good. 40.00 780. London, Appleby Brothers Limited. First Exhibition of Dutch and Flemish Oil Paintings of the 17th and 18th Century. 1962. Sm. qto, 82 pgs., 40 plates, some tipped-in col. Wrs., sm. reapir to top of backstrip. 15.00 781. London, Arts Council. Children Painted by Dutch Artists 1550-1820. 1956. 8vo, 20 pgs., 53 works, 8 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled. A little annotation on cover and title. 12.50 782. London, Bury Street Gallery. Some Danish Paintings of the Nineteenth Century. 1984. 8vo, unpaged, 28 works ill., 29 cataloged. Wrappers. 10.00 783. London, works, 10.00 B. Cohen & Sons / Trafalgar Galleries. Exhibition Fine Old Master Paintings. 1968. Sm. qto, 37 most Dutch and Flemish, ill., some in color. Wrappers a lkittle bumped, other sm. defects. 784. London, Katrin Bellinger at Colnaghi. Out into Nature. The Dawn of Plein-Air Painting in Germany 1820-1850. 2003. Sm. qto, 27 color plates, unpaged. Wrs. 20.00 785. London, 1973. 15.00 H. Terry-Engell Gallery. Important Dutch and Flemish Old Master Paintings. Collection 1973. Oblong 8vo, 15 color plates with facing text. Spring binding, wrappers. 786. London, Hermitage Rooms at Somerset House. German Art for Russian Imperial Palaces: 1800-1850. 2002. Sm. qto, 128 pgs., many ills. in color. Wrappers. 25.00 787. London, Alan Jacobs Gallery. Spring Exhibition l973. Fine XVII Century Dutch and Flemish Old Masters. Lg. qto, 68 pgs., num. plates, some color. Wrs. Inc. a "Thomas de Keyser" Vanitas-Portrait of a Man who resembles very strongly a rather well-known Dutch Old Master Paintings dealer from 80th St., New York. 15.00 788. London, Leonrd Koetser Limited. Spring Exhibition of Flemish Dutch and Italian Old Masters. 1967. Qto, cloth, 56 pgs., 27 plates, some col. 20.00 London, John Mitchell & Sons. The Inspiration of Nature, Paintings of Still Life, Flowers, Birds and Insects by Dutch and Flemish Artists of the 17th Century. 1976. 8vo, 68 pgs., num. plates, some color. Cloth, fine copy. 45.00 789. London, John Mitchell & Son Fine Paintings. Gallery Notes. Spring 2002. Sm. qto, 12 pgs., num. color ills. Wrappers. 10.00 790. London, John Mitchell & Son Fine Paintings. Gallery Notes. Autumn 2002. Sm. qto, 12 pgs., num. color ills. Wrappers. 10.00 791. London, John Mitchell & Son Fine Paintings. Gallery Notes. July 2003. Sm. qto, 16 pgs., many color ills. Wrappers. 10.00 792. London, John Mitchell & Son Fine Paintings. Gallery Notes. July 2003. Sm. qto, 16 pgs., many color ills. Wrappers. 10.00 793. London, Wrs. John Mitchell & Son Fine Paintings. Gallery Notes. July 2004. Sm. qto, 20 pgs., many color ills. 10.00 794. London, John Mitchell & Son Fine Paintings. Gallery Notes. Spring 2005. Sm. qto, 12 pgs., num. color ills. Wrappers. 10.00 795. London, National Gallery. Dutch Landscape. The Early Years. Haarlem and Amsterdam 1590-1650. l986. Qto, 240 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrs. 25.00 796. London, Noortman. Dutch and Flemish Old Master Paintings. 1993. Lg. 8vo, unpaged, 35 works, most in color. Wrappers. 10.00 797. London, Hal O’Nians Gallery. Exhibition of Old Master Paintings. 1974. Oblong 8vo, unpaged, 40 ills. with accompanying text. Wrappers. Bit of wear. 15.00 798. London, Piccadilly Gallery. Vienna 1900-1931. Paintings, Sculpture, Drawings, Prints, Posters. JuneJuly 1973. 8vo, (16) pgs., 24 black and white ills. Wrappers. 10.00 799. London, Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace.Dutch Pictures from the Royal Collection. 1971. 8vo, 96 pgs., num. ills., some color plates. Wrappers. 15.00 800. London, Herner Wengraf. Quarterly Catalogue. Summer 1972. 8vo, unpated, 10 works ill. Dutch and French mostly. Wrappers. 10.00 801. London, Herner Wengraf. Quarterly Catalogue. Autumn, 1972. 8vo, unpaged, 23 works, all ill., mostly Dutch and French. Wrappers. 10.00 802. London, Herner Wengraf. Quarterly Catalogue. Wrappers. Netherlandish and French paintings. Winter 10.00 1972/1973. 8vo, unpaged, 1o works ill. 803. London, Sotheby & Co.Catalogue of the Milliken Collection of Small South German and Austrian Baroque Wood Carvings. Sale May 23, 1974. 8vo, 25 lots, 22 plates, a few in color. Wrappers. Price list inserted. 25.00 804. London, Weiss Gallery. Historical Reflections. A Catalogue of Early Portraiture 1520-1780. 2007. Qto, unpaged, 27 works with color plate and text. Wrappers. Inc. works by Hans Holbein the Younger and Jean Clouet and other English, Dutch, Flemish, and French artists. 25.00 805. 806. Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. A Mirror of Nature. Dutch Paintings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Edward William Carter. 1982. Qto, xxiii + 122 pgs., prof. ill., inc. color plates. Wrs. 10.00 807. Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Golden Age of Danish Painting. 1993. Sm. qto, 237 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. 20.00 808. Ernest Lotthe. La Pensee Chretienne dans la Peinture Flamande et Hollandaise de Van Eyck a Rembrandt (1432-1669). Le Christ et la Vierge Marie. Lille, l947. Two vols. in qto., xv + 398 pgs., 353 ills. hors texte. Wrs. Spines have a little bit of wear. 1/500 copies. 75.00 809. Bernhard Maaz. Skulptur in Deutschland : zwischen Französische Revolution und Erstem Weltkrieg. München: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2010. Qto, 2 vols., 760pp., 648 illus. Ill. boards; unread copies but the tops of the spine are sl. bumped and two corners also. 200.00 810. Madrid, Fundacion Juan March. The Abstraction of Landscape From Northern Romanticism to Absract Expressionism. 2007. Qto, 271 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Baords with d.j. English text. 60.00 811. City of Manchester Art Gallery. German Art 1400-1800 from Collections in Great Britain. 1961. 8vo, 88 pgs. 16 plates. Wrs., sm. ink title on spine. 15.00 812. Manchester. German Romanticism. Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. Volume 71, Number 3, Autumn, 1989. 8vo, 156 pgs., 16 plates. Wrappers. Num essays. 25.00 813. Maastricht, Bonnefanten Museum. Het Nederlands Staatsieportret. l973. Qto, 106 pgs., 55 ills. Wrs. Sm. bump at bottom pf spine. 25.00 814. Neil MacLaren, ed. National Gallery Catalogues. Dutch School XVII-XIX Centuries. Plates. London, The National Gallery, 1958. Two vols. in folio. I; A-M. II: N-Z. Together, 410 b/w plates, 24 color plates. Cloth, very good, quite sturdy and clean, except tops and bottoms of boards are sunned, and there is a very small repaired shallow dent at the bottom of the back board of volume II. 50.00 815. Mainz, Kunstgeschichtliches Sold 816. Fritz Markmiller, ed. Barockmaler in Niederbayern. Die Meister der Stadte, Markte und Hofmarken. Regensburg, 1982. Sm. qto, 301 pgs., num. plates. Boards sl. soiled. With contributions by 7 scholars. 35.00 817. Marsala, Auditorium di S. Cecilia. La Cultura degli Arazzi Fiamminghi di Marsala tra Fiandre, Spagna e Italia. Atti del Convegno Internazionale 7-9 Luglio 1986. Palermo, 1988. 8vo, 143 pgs., 64 pgs. of plates, 10 color. Wrappers. 60.00 818. Gregory Martin. 8vo, 304 National Gallery Catalogues. The Flemish School circa 1600 - circa 1900. London, 1970. pages, wrappers. 15.00 819. Mechelen, Cultureel Centrum Buirgemeester A. Spinoy. Stad Mechelen. 500 Jaar Grote Raad 1473-1973: Tentoonstelling , Van Karel de Stoute tot Keizer Karel. 1973. Sm. qto, 247 pgs., num. ills., some color. wrappers, Has been read, but still a very good copy. With: a 28-page French summary booklet included. 30.00 820. Monike Meine-Schawe. Die Sammlung Reuschel. Olskizzen des Spatbarock. Munchen, 1998. Sm. qto, 248 pgs., color and mostly black and white ills. 35.00 821. Edouard Michel. L'Ecole Flamade du XVe Siecle au Musee du Louvre. Brussels, 1944. Lg. 8vo, 100 pgs. + 48 plates with facing text. Wrs., some foxing and edgestains, mostly in the plates, but not obtrusive. 35.00 822. Albrecht Miller. Allgauer Bildschnitzer der Spatgotik. Kempten, 1969. Lg. 8vo,viii + 68 pgs. + about 100 black and white ills. on plates. Cloth, near fine. 45.00 823. Milwaukee Art Center. Paintings from the Von Schleinitz Collection. German Genre Paintings of the 19th Century. Sept.-Oct. 1968. 8vo, (54) pgs., 40 pgs. of plates, 11 in color. Wrappers. 10.00 824. Minneapolis, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Dutch Masterpieces from the Eighteenth Century. Paintings & Drawings 1700 - 1800. 1971. 8vo, 121 pgs. + 106 plates, a few col. + num. fig. ills. Wrs. Ink signature on half-title. 20.00 825. Minneapolis, The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Dutch Masterpieces from the Eighteenth Century. Paintings & Drawings 1700 - 1800. 1971. 8vo, 121 pgs. + 106 plates, a few col. + num. fig. ills. Wrs. Spine a bit spotted. 20.00 826. Miklos Mojzer. Dutch Genre Paintings. New York, 1967. Sq. lg. 8vo, unpaged, with 48 color plates with facing text. Cloth. In the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, and Istvan Dobo Museum, Eger. 15.00 827. Kurt J. Mullenmeister. Meer und Land im Licht des 17. Jahrhunderts. Band 2. Tierdartsellungen im Werken Niederlandischer Kunstler A-M. Bremen, 1978. Lg. qto, 118 pgs., some color plates + 274 black and white ills. on plates. Cloth, worn dust jacket. 100.00 828. Munchen, Alte Pinakaothek. Flamische Malerei des Barock in der Alten Pinakothek. Munich, 2002. Qto, 518 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 75.00 829. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Deutsche Kunst 1600-1925. Neuerwerbungen Herbst 1999. 1999. 8vo, unpgd., 15 ills., some color. Wrs. 10.00 830. Munchen, 2002. 10.00 Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Kunst in Munchen 1800-1914 und Weitere Neuerwerbungen. Winter Katalog Nr. 24. 2002. 8vo, unpgd., 26 works ill., most in color. Wrs. 831. Munchen, Arnoldie-Livie. Kunst in Munchen 1800-1914 und Weitere Neuerwerbungen. Winter 2002. 8vo, 26 works ill. in color, paintings, drawings, ans sculptures. Wrs. 12.00 832. Munchen, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum. Sammlung Wilhelm Reuschel. Olskizzen und Entwurfe zu Gemalden des 18. Jahrhunderts aus Suddeutschland und Osterreich. 1959. 8vo, 54 pgs. + many plates. Some color Wrs. sl. soiled. 20.00 833. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Vom Manierismus bis in die Goethezeit. Bilder und Zeichnungen. 1982. Lg. 8vo, 64 pgs., num. plates, some color. Wrs. Price list. 15.00 834. Munchen, Galerie Arnoldi-Livie. Sehnsucht zur Kindheit. Kinderdarstellungen in der Romantik und ihre Vorlaufer. Katalog 18, 1995. 8vo, 72 pgs., many color plates. Wrappers. Representations of children by German, French, English, Dutch, and Flemish artists. 15.00 835. Munchen, Julius Bohler. Kunstwerke des Deutschen Barock und Rokoko 1630-1780. 1986. Qto, 96 pgs., num. ills., some color. Lib. dup. with tiny stamp on the title and sm. cover stain from removed label. Wrs. 15.00 836. Munchen, Julius Bohler. Kunstwerke des Deutschen Barock und Rokoko 1630-1780. 1986. Qto, 96 pgs., num. ills., some color. Lib. dup. with small stamps on both endpapers, otherwise unread copy. Wrs. 15.00 837. Munchen, Galerie Grunwald. Drei Jahrhunderte Deutsche Malerei. 1982. 8vo, 72 pgs., 50 works ill. and described, 8 in color. Wrappers. Amerling-Zick. 15.00 838. Munchen, Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung. Deutsche Romantiker. Bildthemen der Zeit von 1800 bis 1850. 1985. 8vo, 315 pgs., many plates, many color. Boards. Pervious owner’s sm. stamp on the front free endpaper. 30.00 839. Munchen, Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung. Friedrich Der Grosse: Sammler und Mazen. 1992. Qto, 423 pages, prof. ill., much in color. Boards. Fine copy. Frederick the Great, Collector and Patron. 35.00 840. Munchener Jahrbuch der Bildenden Kunst. Neue Folge 1933, Band X, Heft ½, Heft¾. Munich, 1933. Both volumes bound in green cloth toether, internally near fine; cloth “tired” at the ends of the backstrip and a little marked. Ex. Lib. French and company. Original wrappers bound in. Qto, 336 + xlvi pages, many ills. and plates. The longer studies are on: Veit Stoss, ill. mss. in Bavaria in the 14th c.; Rubens, Andrea Sansovino; Friedrich Sustris, Lodewyck Toeput, Bernhard Bendl, and much else. 75.00 841. J. M. Nash. The Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer. Dutch Painting in the Seventeenth Century. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1979. Sm. qto, 271 pgs. inc. 178 plates, 48 col. Wrs. 15.00 Susie Nash a.o. Late Medieval Panel Paintings. Materials Methods Meanings. London, Sam Fogg, 2011. Qto, 298 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Wrappers, neasr fine copy. 40.00 842. Nederlands With 50.00 Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek. Deel 12. 1961. Lg. 8vo, 239 pgs., ills. SL. rubbed cloth. L.o.C. dup. tiny stamp on f.f.e.p. Articles on Rubens, Velazquez, Rembrandt, etc. 843. Arnold Neuweiler. La Peinture a Geneve de 1700 a 1900. Geneva, 1945. Lg. qto, 233 pages., prof. ill. Wrappers and spine have some minor wear. Edition of 500 numbered copies, this one H.C. 150.00 844. New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery. Prints and Drawings of the Danube School. An Exhibition of South German and Austrian Graphic Art of 1500 to 1560..... 1969. 8vo, 109 pgs., + 113 ills. on 61 plates. Wrs. 15.00 845. New Orleans, Isaac Delgado Museum of Art. Fetes de la Palette: An Exhibition of European Paintings and Decorative Arts from the Mid-Sixteenth Through the Mid-Eighteenth Century Dedicated to the "Delights of the Bountiful Table." 1963. Sq. 8vo, unpgd., num. plates and ills., part color. Wrs., two corners a little bumped. 25.00 846. New York, Artemis. Danish Paintings of the Golden Age. 1999. Sm. qto, unpaged, 32 color plates with text. Wrappers. 15.00 847. New York, Colnaghi. Italian, Dutch, and Flemish Baroque Paintings. 1984. Sm. qto, 29 wworks, unpgd., some in color. Wrappers. 10.00 York, Colnaghi, in Association with Alexander Gallery, New York. The Northern Renaissance. 15th and 16th Century Netherlandish Paintings. 1983. 8vo, 26 pgs., 24 works, all ill. on plates, part color. Wrappers. 15.00 848. New 849. New York, Durlacher Brothers. German Painting of the Fifteenth Century. March, 1947, unpaged pamphlet of 8 pges., 22 works, no ills. An old crease down the middle (faint now) and light soiling. 15.00 850. New York, Fifth Avenue Art Galleries. Catalogue of the Paintings from the Holland Section of Fine Arts at the World's Columbian Expositions Chicago, Ill. to be Sold at Auction.... Sale March 29/30, 1894. 8vo, 44 pgs., 153 works, 16 plates, mostly 19th c. works (esp. Hague School) and a few Old Masters. Wrappers sl. worn and soiled. 35.00 851. New York, Hirschl & Adler Galleries. British Life Through Painters' Eyes 1740-1840 and Some Aspects of Dutch Landscape 1640-1680. l982. Lg. 8vo, unpgd., 35 works, most in col. Wrs. 10.00 852. New York, M. Knoedler and Company. Dutch Masters of the Seventeenth Century. 1945. 8vo, unpaged, 20 works, 7 ills. on plates. a little foxed. Wrs. 10.00 853. New York, Minskoff Cultural Center. The Golden Ambiance. Dutch Landscape Painting in the Seventeenth Century. 1985. Lg. 8vo, 24 color plates with facing text. Wrappers. 20.00 854. New York, Newhouse Galleries. Scandinavian Paintings, an Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture from 1840-1930. Sm. qto, unpgd., with 33 color plates. Wrappers. Exhib. later in London, Verner Amell Gallery. 12.00 855. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library. William and Mary and their House. l979. Qto, 258 pgs. inc. 155 ills., some color. Wrs. a very slightly bit rubbed. Sm. signature on f.f.e.p. 20.00 856. New York, H. Schickman Gallery. Exhibition of Dutch and Flemish Paintings. November 1968. Qto, unpaged, 21 plates, some color. Wrappers, a bit of cover annotation. 15.00 857. New York, Sotheby’s. The Otto Naumann Ltd. Gallery Sale. Sale Jan. 25, 2007. Sm. qto, prof. ill. in color, inc. furniture, Delftware, frames, drawings, silver. 20.00 858. Bettina Niekamp, Agnieszka Wos Jucker. Das Prunkkleid des Kurfursten Moritz von Sachsen (15211553) in der Dresdner Rustkammer. Dokumentation - Restaurierung - Konservierung. Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung 2008 (Riggisberger Berichte 16). Qto, 184 pgs., prof. ill., with many color plates. Wrappers. 85.00 859. Georg Nordensvan.Sveriges Allmanna Konstforening 1832-1932. En Historik och Jubileumsskrift. Stockholm, 1932. Qto, 309 pgs., prof. ill., inc. several col. plates. Ex. lib. copy with usual marks and stamps in blue buckram, probably unread. 50.00 860. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Deutsche Kunst und Kultur im Germanischen NationalMuseum. 1952. Sq. lg. 8vo, 240 pgs., many plates, some color. With supplement booklet. Wrappers. Inscribed on f.f.e.p. by Dr. Ludwig Grote. 30.00 861. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Barock in Nurnberg 1600-1750. Aus Anlass der Dreihundertjahrfeier der Akademie der Bildenden Kunste. 1962. Sm. qto, 207 pgs. inc. num. ills. on 48 plates + some fig. ills. Wrs. Very sl. soiled and rubbed. Ex. lib. Theodore Rousseau, Jr. small stamp on f.f.e.p. 25.00 862. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Aufgang der Neuzeit: Deutsche Kunst und Kultur von Durers Tod bis zum Dreisigjahrigen Kriege 1530-1650. 1952. 8vo, 221 pgs., many ills. Buckram, orig. wrappers bound 25.00 in. A very good lib. dup. with a cancelled bookplate inside the front board. 863. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Enthullungen. Restaurierte Kunstwerke von Riemenschneider bis Kremser Schmidt. 2008. Lg. 8vo, 127 pgs., many ills., mostly in color. Wrasppers. Fine copy. 30.00 Oslo, Nasjonalgalleriet. Norske Forfatterportretter. 1993. Qto, 191 pages., over 70 portaits including paintings and sculptures. Wrappers. A lib. dup. with a blind stamp on the f.f.e.p. only. 35.00 864. Oslo, Nasjonalgalleriet. Katalog Over Norsk Malerkunst Tilkvest 1950 - I. Januar - 1960. 1960. 8vo, 40 pgs., lists several hundred works, 9 black and white ills. Wrappers., very good but small ink inscription on top of front cover and also on title page. 15.00 865. Derek E. Ostergard, Nina Stritzler-Levine, eds. The Brilliance of Swedish Glass, 1918-1939: an Alliance of Art and Industry. New York, The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, 1996. Qto, 336 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers. New copy. 30.00 Oxford, Ashmolean Museum. Dutch Pictures in Oxford. 1975. Qto, unpgd., with 15 ills. Wrs., sl. bumped. 15.00 866. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum. Catalogue of the Collection of Dutch and Flemish Still-Life Pictures Bequeathed by Daisy Linda Ward. 1950. Lg. 8vo, ix + 212 pgs., 94 plates. Cloth, nice copy. 35.00 867. Paris, Drouot Montaigne. Collection Georges Renand (3e Partie). Importants Dessins et Tableaux Anciens Primitifs Italiens et Flamands.... Sale May 31 1988. Sm. qto, 51 works, all ill., some in color. Wrappers. 20.00 868. Paris, Habolt & Co. Tableaux Anciens des Ecoles du Nord, Francaises, et Italiennes. 1990-1991. Sm. qto, unpgd., num. color plates. Cloth. 10.00 869. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Collection Tudor Wilkinson. Tableaux de Maitres Anciens. Important Ensemble de Portraits des XVIe et XVIIe Siecles.... Sale July 3-4, 1969. Lg. 8vo, about 20 ills. Wrappers. A few marks on the cover. Many important Northern School works. 20.00 870. Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais. Le Baroque en Boheme. 1981. Qto, 240 pgs., prof. ill., some color. Wrs. 30.00 871. Paris, 8vo, 25.00 Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais. L'Age d'Or de la Peinture Danoise 1800-1850. 1984-1985. Lg. 300 pgs., prof. ill. inc. 32 color plates. Wrappers. Fine copy. 872. Paris, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais. Vienne 1900. Klimt Schiele Moser Kokoschka. 2005. Qto, 364 pgs., prof. ill., nearly all in color. Wrappers. 50.00 873. Paris, Institut Neerlandais. Collections Flamandes et Hollandaises des Musees de Province. Tableaux Flamands et Hollandais du Musee des Beaux-Arts de Lyon. Paris, 1991. Sm. qto, xviii + 190 pgs., many plates (motly color). Cloth, d.j. 40.00 874. Paris, Institut Neerlandais. Erasme et Paris. Exposition Organise avec le Concours de la Bibliotheque Nationale. 1969. 8vo, 50 pgs., 8 ills. Wrs. Lib. dup. with a pen annotation on the top of the cover. 10.00 875. Paris, Galerie J. Kraus. Tableaux et Dessins des Maitres Anciens Hollandais et Flamands / Dutch and Flemish Old Master Paintings and Drawings. Automne – Autumn 1978. Sq. 8vo, unpaged, 23 color plates with text. Wrs. very sl. rubbed. 15.00 876. Paris, Galerie J. Kraus. Tableaux et Dessins des Maitres Anciens Hollandais et Flamands / Dutch and Flemish Old Master Paintings and Drawings. Automne –Autumn 1977. Sq. 8vo, unpaged, 27 color plates with t4ext. Wrs. very sl. rubbed. 15.00 877. Paris, Maison du Danemark. De Abildgaaard a Hammershoi : 75 Dessins Danois Collection Frits Lugt. 2007. 8vo, 121 pgs., many ills., chiefly coclor. Wrappers. French text. 25.00 878. Paris, Musee des Arts Decoratifs. La Vie en Hollande au XVIIe Siecle. Tableaux, Dessins, Estampes, Argenterie, Monnaies, Medailles et autres Temoignages. 1967. Lg. 8vo, unpgd., with num. ills. on 119 plates. Wrs. Lib. dup. with faint remains of a pencil inscription on the front cover, but a very good copy. 20.00 879. Paris, Musee du Louvre. Le XVIIe Siecle Flamande au Louvre. Histoire des Collections. 1977 (Les Dossiers du Depsartement des Peintures, 14). Sm. 8vo, 60 pgs., many ills. Wrs. a bit rubbed. 20.00 880. Paris, Musee de l'Orangerie. L'Art Flamand d'Ensor a Permeke. 1970. Lg. 8vo, unpgd. cat. of 270 works, many ills., some in color. Wrs. sl. soiled. 15.00 881. Nikolaus Pevsner. Leipziger Barock. Die Baukunst der Barockzeit in Leipzig. Leipzig, 1990. Reprint of the 1928 ed. With afterward by Ernst Ullmann. 8vo, 212 pgs. + 102 plates, 15 fig. ills., col. frontis. Cloth, d.w. 30.00 882. Maurice Berlin, 25.00 Pianzola. Bauern und Kunstler. Die Kunstler der Renaissance und der Bauernkrieg von 1525. 1961. Sm. qto, 140 pgs., num. tipped-in plates, some color. Cloth. 883. Vittorio Pica. Arte ed Artisti nella Svezia dei Giorni Nostri. Milan, 1915. Qto, 310 pgs., 210 ills. + 10 plates hors texte. Buckram, orig, wrs. bound in. Sturdy copy. Previous owner's sm. stamp on all 3 edges and half titles. Covers painting, decorative arts, and architecture. 75.00 884. John Pope-Hennessy, Anthony F. Radcliffe, Terence W.I. Hodgkinson. The Frick Collection. An Illustrated Catalogue. Volume IV. Sculpture. German, Netherlandish, French and British. New York, 1970. Sm. qto, (8) + 177 pgs., num. ills., a few color. Cloth, d.w. New condition. 45.00 885. Poughkeepsie, + 60 Vassar College Art Gallery. Dutch Mannerism Apogee and Epilogue. 1970. 8vo, 73 pages plates. Wrappers, very good but old crease l.r. front wrapper. 25.00 886. Vagn Poulson. Danish Painting and Sculpture. Copenhagen, 1976. 8vo, 234 pgs. inc. many black and white ills. Wrappers very sl. rubbed on the edges. 25.00 Priem. The “Most Excellent Collection” of Lucretia Johanna van Winter: the Years 1809-22. In: Simiolus, Vol. 25, 1997, Number 2/3, pages 103-235 with ills. Wrappers. 15.00 887. Ruud 888. Providence, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design. Northern Baroque Paintings and Drawings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Weldon. 1964. Lg. 8vo, unpgd., cat. of 38 works, all ill. Wrs. sl. soiled. 15.00 889. Raleigh, North Carolina Mueum of Art. Sinners & Saints. Darkness and Light. Caravaggio and his Dutch and Flemish Followers. 1998. Qto, 256 pgs., prof. ill., inc. many color plates. Wrappers. Unread copy. 35.00 890. Konrad Renger, Claudia Denk. Flamische Malerei des Barock in der Alten Pinakothek. Munich, 2002. Qto, 518 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 75.00 891. Christopher Riopelle. Forests, Rocks, and Torrents - Norwegian and Swiss Landscape Paintings. London, The National Gallery, 2011. Sq. 8vo, 96 pgs., over 50 color ills. Wrappers. Unread copy. 12.50 892. Roma, Museo di Roma, Palazzo Braschi. Artisti Austriaci a Roma dal Barocco all Secessione. 1972. 8vo, unpgd. cat. of 518 works, 118 plates, some color. Wrs. 40.00 893. Roma, Dyck 45.00 Palazzo Venezia, Saloni Monumnetali e Appartemento Barbo. Persone: Ritratti di Gruppo da Van a De Chirico. 2003. Qto, 254 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Wrappers. 894. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans. Drie en Zestig Schilderijen uit de Verzameling Willem van der Vorm. 1950. Lg. 8vo, 13 pgs., 16 plats (mostly Dutch paintings). Wrs. sl. marked and sl. soiled. 15.00 895. Rotterdam, Painting. 40.00 Museum Boymans-van Beuningen Museum. Dutch Classicism in Seventeenth-Century 1999. Qto, 352 pgs.s, many plates and ills., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 896. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen Museum. Nederlandse Portretten uit de 17e Eeuw / Dutch Portraits from the Seventeenth Century. 1995. Cat. by R.E.O. Ekkart. Qto, 238 pgs., prof. ill. (some color). Wrappers. Near fine copy. Dutch/Eng. text. 25.00 897. Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Lof der Zeevaart: De Hollandse Zeeschilders van de 17e Eeuw. 1996. Oblong qto, 471 pgs., rpof. ill.,much in color. Cloth, dust jacket. 45.00 898. Rotterdama, 226 Museum Boymans-van Beuningen. Old Paintings 1400-1900. Illustrations. 1972. Sq. 8vo, pgs., hundreds of ills., a few col. Wrs. 20.00 899. Sabatini, Liliane. Un Double Regard sur 2000 Ans d'Art Wallon. Tournai, 2000. Folio, 568 pgs., prof. ill. mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. This vol. is very heavy and will require extra postage. 175.00 900. Salzburg, Residenzgalerie. Katalog der Residenzgalerie Salzburg mit Sammlung Czernin. 1955. 8vo, 72 pgs. + 48 plates. Wrappers, sm. ink title on spine. Many Netherlandish, German, and Austrian works. 25.00 901. Salzburg, Salzburger Barockmuseum (Sammlung Rossacher). Barockberichte. Informationsblatter des Salzburger Barockmuseums zur Bildenden Kunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Heft 28. 2000. Qqto, pgs. 569-636, num. ills., many color. Wrappers. Inc. articles on Joseph Ignaz Mildorfer, Gregorio Guglielmi, etc. 20.00 902. Salzburg, Salzburger Barockmuseum (Sammlung Rossacher). Barockberichte. Informationsblatter des Salzburger Barockmuseums zur Bildenden Kunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Heft 29/30. 2001. Qto, pgs. 637-728. Num. ills., many color. Wrs. Inc. articles on Johann Goerg Mohr, Christoph Lowe, Meinrad Guggenbichler, Fischer von Erlach, etc. 20.00 903. Salzburg, Salzburger Barockmuseum (Sammlung Rossacher). Barockberichte. Informationsblatter des Salzburger Barockmuseums zur Bildenden Kunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Heft 31. 2001. Qto, pgs. 1-192, num. ills., many color. Wrappers. Inc. articles on Hans von Aachen, Domenico Gisberti, Matthaus Zehender, Karel Skreta, church altars, architecture, Claudio Francesco Beaumont, etc. 20.00 904. Salzburg, Salzburger Barockmuseum (Sammlung Rossacher). Barockberichte. Informationsblatter des Salzburger Barockmuseums zur Bildenden Kunst des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Heft 36/37. 2004. Qto, pgs. 453-544. Num. ills., many color. Wrappers. Inc. articles onState portraits, church altars, Giovanni Antonio Dariio, Andrea Pozzo, Matthaus Gunther, architecture, etc. 20.00 905. St. Petersburg, Florida, Museum of fine Arts. Art and Life in Northern Europe 1500-1800 The Gilbert Collection. 1990. Cat. by Debra Miller. Sm. qto, 45 pgs., 21 color plates. Wrappers. 15.00 906. St. Petersburg, Museum of Fine Arts. Dutch Life in the Golden Century. An Exhibition of Seventeenth Century Dutch Painting of Daily Life. l975. 8vo, 52 pgs. 38 plates. Wrs. 10.00 907. Salzburg, Residenz-Galerie. Romantik in Osterreich. Malerei und Graphik. 1959. 8vo, 84 pgs. + 24 plates. Wrappers, a sl. bit rubbed around the edges. Blechen - Waldmuller, 238 cat. entries. 25.00 908. Salzburg, Spatgotik 20.00 Residenzgalerie. Osterreichische Meisterwerke aus Privatbesitz und Stiftsgalerien. Von der zum Barock. l969. 8vo, unpgd., with 33 plates, some color. Wrs. 909. Sarasota, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art. Dutch Seventeenth Century Portraiture. The Golden Age. 1980. Sm. qto, unpgd., 140 works inc. paintings, prints, medals, sculpture + supplemental material, all ill. Wrs. 15.00 910. Sarasota, Wrs. John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art. Central Europe 1600-1800. 1972. 8vo, 60 pgs., 69 ills. 20.00 911. Yaqob Rafael Saraval. Viaggi in Olanda 1737-1771. Transcription of the Venetian 1807 edition. Milano, 2005. 8vo, xxi + 44 pgs., wrappers. 25.00 912. Raffaella Sarti. Europe at Home. Family and Material Culture 1500-1800. New Haven, 2002. Lg. 8vo, xi + 324 pgs. + num. ills. on plates (some color). Wrs. 40.00 913. Schaffhausen, Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen. Schaffhauser Kunst und Kultur im 18. Jahrhundert. l983. Sq. 8vo, 119 pgs., prof. ill., some color plates. Wrs. 20.00 914. Schaffhausen. Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen. Meisterwerke und Kleinode: Sammlung der Peyerschen Tobias Stimmer-Stiftung, Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen. Gesamtkatalog. 2010. Sm. qto, 155 pgs.s, prof. ill. in black and white and color. Cloth, dust jacket. Unread copy. 40.00 915. Walter Scheidig. Die Geschichte der Weimarer Malerschule 1860-1900. Weimar, 1971. Sm. qto, 152 pgs., 180 ills. on 139 plates (8 col.). Cloth, very good; previous owner's sm. stamp on all three edges and f.f.e.p. 30.00 916. Ernst Scheyer. Schlesische Malerei der Biedermeierzeit. Frankfurt, 1965. 8vo, 363 pgs., 124 ills. and plates. Cloth, d.w. 35.00 917. Hugo Schnell. Birnau am Bodensee. Basilika zu Unserer Lieben Frau. Munchen/Zurich, 1981. 8vo, 48 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrappers. 10.00 Fourth ed., Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, Zürich und Lausanne. Biografisches Lexikon der schweizer Kunst : Dictionnaire biographique de l'art suisse : Dizionario biografico dell'arte svizzera. [Zürich] : Neue Zürcher Zeitung, c1998. Two vols. in qto, (xviii, 1195 p.) : many ill. (some col.). Cloth, dust jacket, CD-Rom, unread copies in sl. worn dust jackets; board slipcase has some wear. In three languages: German, French, Italian. 195.00 918. Sevres, Musee National de Ceramique. La Faience de Delft. 1954. 8vo, 67 pgs. + 17 plates. WRappers, sl. bit soiled and rubbed. 20.00 919. Sotheby’s, Schloss Marienburg. Works of Art from the Royal House of Hanover / Kunstwerke des Koniglichen Hauses Hannover. Sale Oct. 5-15, 2005. Sm. qto, prof. ill. in color. Parallel text in German and English. Wrappers. 30.00 920. Larry Silver. Early Northern European Painting. Bulletin, Summer 1982, The Saint Louis Art Museum. Lg. 8vo, 47 pgs., num. ills., a few color. Wrappers. 20.00 921. Simiolus. Volume 24 2/3: Festschrift for E. De Jongh, with ten essays. 25.00 922. Seymour Slive. Dutch Painting 1600-1800. New Haven, 1995. Sm. qto, vi + 379 pgs. Prof. ill., some color. Wrappers. 25.00 923. John Smith. A Catalogue Raisonne of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish and French Painters... with a Copious Description of their Principal Pictures.... To which is added a Brief Notice of the Scholars and Imitators of the Great Masters of the Above Schools. Part V. Nicholas Berchem, Paul Potter, Adrian vander Velde, Karel du Jardin, Albert Cuyp, John vander Heyden. 1908 reprint of the orig, ed. of 1829-1842. 8vo, red cloth, minor shelf-wear and soiling, with remains of small paper label at base of spine; internally very good or better. With reproductions of the engravings that appeared in the orig. ed. 458 pgs. 55.00 924. Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age from the Collection of The National Gallery of Ireland. 1987. Qto, 80 pgs. inc. 11 ills. + 38 color plates. Wrs. 20.00 925. Ron Spronk. More Than Meets the Eye. An Introduction to Technical Examination of Early Netherlandish Paintings at the Fogg art Museum. Harvard University Art Museums, Bulletin, Fall 1996. Lg. 8vo, 64 pgs., num. black and white and color ills. Wrappers. 20.00 926. Wolfgang Stechow. Dutch Landscape Painting of the Seventeenth Century. London, 1966. 8vo, ix + 494 pgs., 369 ills. CLoth, fine copy in dust jacket that is rubbed around the edges. 20.00 927. Wolfgang Stechow. Italianate Dutch Artists in the Allen Art Museum. In: Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin, Vol. XXII, Number 1, Fall 1964. 8vo, pgs. 3-22, with 16 black and white ills. Wrappers, very good copy. 15.00 928. Stockholm, Nationalmuseum. Drommen om Italien. Nordiska Resenarer I Sodern 1759-1870. 2004. Qto, 151 pgs., many color plates. Boardss. With an essay in English. 50.00 929. Stockholm, Livrustkammaren The Age of New Sweden. Stockholm, 1988. Sq. 8vo, 131 pgs., many ills., part in color. WRappers. ENGLISH TEXT. 20.00 930. Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie. Die Entdeckung der Landschaft. Meisterwerke der Niederlandischen Kunst des 16. & 17. Jahrhunderts. 2005. Qto, 295 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Boards. 45.00 931. Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie. Die Entdeckung der Landschaft. Meisterwerke der Niederlandischen Kunst des 16. & 17. Jahrhunderts. 2005. Qto, 295 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. 45.00 932. Peter C. Sutton. Dutch & Flemish Seventeenth-Century Paintings The Harold Samuel Collection. Cambridge, 1992. Qto, 246 pgs. inc. many fig. ills. + many color plates. Wrappers. 40.00 933. Karin Tebbe, ed. Nurnberger Goldschmiedekunst 1541-1868. Band II. Goldglanz und Silberstrahl. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 2007. Qto, 31 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white. Ill. boards. 60.00 934. Hans Thoma, Herbert Brunner, eds. Residenzmuseum, Munchen. Munich, 1966. 8vo, 139 pgs. + 24 plates + folding map. Wrappers. 12.50 935. Hans Tintelnot. Die Barocke Freskomalerei in Deutschland. Ihre Entwicklung und Europaisches Wirkung. Munich, 1951. Sm. qto, 341 pgs., 166 ills., 3 maps, 8 color plates. Fine copy, tiny signature on f.f.e.p. 45.00 936. Toledo, Museum News, The Toledo Museum of Art. Late Gothic and Renaissance Painting in Northern Europe. Summer, 1970. Lg. 8vo, 20 pgs., 27 ills. Lib. dup. with minor wear. Wrappers. 10.00 937. Tromso, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum. Landet der Sitroner Gror. Johan Christian Dahl, Thomas Fearnley eg Johan Gorbitz i Syd-Italia. 2005. Sm. qto, 143 pgs., prof. ill., inc. about 75 ills. in color. Boards. Unread copy. "The Land Where Lemon-Trees do Bloom. J.C. Dahl, Thomas Fearnley and Johan Gorbitz in Southern Italy." 35.00 938. Ernst Ullmann. Deutsche Malerei Graphik, Kunsthandwerk 1470 -1550. Sonderband aus Geschichte der Deutschen Kunst. Leipzig, 1985. 8vo, 328 pgs. + 312 ills. on plates, some color. Cloth, d.w. 30.00 939. Utrecht, Aartsbisschoppelijk Museum. Catalogus Schilderijen. 1948. Lg. 8vo, xv + 176 pgs., several plates. Wrappers. 20.00 940. Utrecht, from Centraal Museum. Penningen met Vlijt Vergaert. 1977. Qto, 38 pgs., well over a hundred medals 16th-20th century are ill. Wrappers. Dutch text. 25.00 941. Bo Vahlne. Rosendahls Slott, en Kulturbild fran Karl Johan-tiden : en Portfolj med Ritningar samt Aldre och Nytagna Fotogrfier. Stockholm, 1985. 8vo, 71 pgs., num. ills., some color. With 31-pg. booklet in English (no ills.) Wrappers. Very good, but lib. dups. with a couple of small stamps (no external marks). 20.00 942. Markku Valkonen. The Golden Age: Finnish Art, 1850 to 1907. Porvoo, 1994. 2nd ed. Qto, 311 pgs., prof. ill., partly in color. Boards. ENGLISH TEXT. 145.00 943. Hans E. Valentin a.o. Die Wittelsbacher Und Ihre Kunstler in Acht Jahrhunderten. Munich, 1980. Qto, 505 pgs., prof. ill., partly in color. Cloth, very sl. bumped at top of the spine; dust jacket has some minor wear. 45.00 944. Bo Vahlne a.o. Mobelhistoria Pa Gripsholm. Stockholm, 1991? Sq. 8vo, 257 pgs., prof. ill., with many col. ills. Boards. The text is in Swedish but every important ill. has an English caption. 40.00 945. Carl Van de Velde, ed. Flemish Art in Hungary. Budapest, 12-13 May 2000. Brussels, 2004. Lg. 8vo, 100 pgs. + num. black and white plates. Wrappers. Essays in various languages. 60.00 R. Vipper. Stanovlenie Realizma V GollandskoÄ Zhivopisi XVII Veka [The Establishment of Realism in 17th-Century Dutch Painting]. Moscow, 1957. Sm. qto, 333 pgs., num. black and white ills. Cloth. Top of spine a little tired. Russian text. 50.00 946. B. 947. Florence Diderot. 65.00 de Voldere. La Peinture Flamande du XVIe au XVIIIe Siecle un Relais d’Idees d’Erasme a Paris, 2001. Lg. qto, 318 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Boards, wrappers. 948. Karl Voll. Entwicklungs Geschichte der Malerei in Einzeldarstellungen auf drei Banden: Altniederlandische und Altdeutsche Meister, Italienische Meister, Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Three volumes in 8vo. Munich, 1913, 1914, 1917. 190, 182, 132 pages, 29, 25, 23 plates. Boards and cloth spines, good reading copies only, internally very good. 50.00 949. Peter Volz, Hans Christoph Jokisch. Emblems of Eminence. German Renaissance Portrait Medals. The Age of Albrecht Durer. The Collection of an Art Connoisseur. Munich, Hirmer, 2008. Qto, 222 pgs., 85 examples reproduced with at least one color reproduction and as many as three. English text. Cloth. Unread copy. 90.00 950. Waltham, Poses Institute of Fine Arts, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University. 17th Century Paintings from the Low Countries. 1966. Sm. qto, 60 pgs., 26 b/w plates. Cloth. The paintings were loaned from the Emil Wolf coll., New York. 10.00 951. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art (and other museums). Mauritshuis. Dutch Painting of the Golden Age. 1982. Qto, 128 pgs. 41 color plates. Wrappers. 10.00 952. Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art. Gods, Saints & Heroes. Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt. l980. Qto, 308 pgs., num. plates, 14 col. Wrs. "History Painting." Very good condition, just a trace of wear. 20.00 953. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Service. Secessionism and Austrian Graphic Art 1900-1820 from the Collection of the Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz. Sm. qto, 126 pgs., prof. ill., part color. Wrappers. 15.00 954. Wausau, Wisconsin, Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum. Delights for the Senses. Dutch and Flemish Still-Life Paintings from Budapest. 1989. Sm. qto, 176 pgs., many plates, some in color. Wrappers. 15.00 Martin Weinberger. Nurnberger Malerei an der Wende zur Renaissance und die Anfange der Durer Schule. Strassburg, J. H. Ed. Heitz, 1921. 8vo, 255 pgs. + many ills. on 29 black and white plates. A museum library duplicate in later rose-colored cloth; the only external mark is a small label at the bottom of the backstrip. All the pages have yellowed, and the title pages has been neatly repaired; the plates, printed on coated paper, are still in excellent condition. Overall, still a very good copy, which must be handled carefully when read. 40.00 955. 956. Dennis P. Weller. Seventeenth-Century Dutch and Flemish Paintings. Raleigh, NOrth Carolina, North Carolina Museum of Art., 2009. Qto, xv + 415 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. New copy. 40.00 957. Wiedmann, Bern; Berg, Karin. Die Grafen Von Montfort: Geschichte Und Kultur. Friedrichshafen, 1982. Lg. 8vo, 228 pgs., many ills., some color. Boards. Sl. soiled boards. 40.00 958. Wien, Akademie der Bildenden Kunste. Osterreichische Landschaftsmalerei von Schindler bis Klimt. 1955. 8vo, 32 pgs. + 12 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled. Cat. by Ludwig Munz. 12.50 959. Wien, Galerie Sanct Lucas. Gemalde Alter Meister. Winter 1967/68. 1967. Oblong 8vo, unpaged, 30 plates., a few color. Wrappers, a few marks and title on spine. 10.00 960. Wien, Galerie Sanct Lucas. Gemalde Alter Meister. Sommer 1969. 1969. Oblong 8vo, unpaged, 36 black and white plates. Wrappers, a few makrs and title on spine. 10.00 961. Wien, Galerie Sanct Lucas. Gemalde Alter Meister. Sommer 1971. 1971. Oblong 8vo, unpaged, 34 black and white plates. Wrappers, a few marks and title on spine. 10.00 962. Wien, Galerie Sanct Lucas. Gemalde Alter Meister. Sommer 1972. 1972. Oblong 8vo, unpaged, 33 plates, 1 col., wrappers, a few marks, title on spine. 10.00 963. Wien, Galerie Sanct Lucas. Gemalde Alter Meister. Winter 1975/76. 1975. Oblong 8vo, unpaged, 30 plates, a few color, wrappers, a few marks, title on spine. 10.00 964. Wien, Galerie Sanct Lucas. Gemalde Alter Meister. Winter 1984/85. 1984. Oblong 8vo, unpaged., 35 plates, most color. Wrappers. A few marks. 15.00 965. Wien, Graphische Sammlung Albertina.Gedächtnisausstellung Otto Benesch : Erwerbung und Bestimmung Grosser Meisterwerke fur die Albertina. 243. Ausstellung, 1975. 8vo, 70 pgs. + 35 plates. Wrappers. Hardly read copy with tiny withdrawn pml stamp inside the front wrapper. 20.00 966. Wien, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien. Traum und Wirklichkeit. Wien 1870-1930. 2nd printing, 1985, Square sm. qto, 795 pgs., most prof. ill., much in color. Wrappers. Paintings, drawings, architecture, and decorative arts. Expressionism. 40.00 967. Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Die Sekundargalerie des Kunsthistorischen Museum. Teil I: Niederlandische Meister des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts. 1968. Sq. 8vo, 17 pgs. + 32 black and white plates. Wrappers. 15.00 968. Wien, Oberes Belvedere. Osterreichische Barockmaler aus der Nationalgalerie in Prag. 1977. 8vo, 197 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrappers, sm. stamp on title page, very sm. label on u.l. front cover. 25.00 969. Wien, Osterrreichische Galerie. Belvedere. Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts. Bestandskatalog der Osterreichischen Galerie des 19. Jahrhunderts. Band I: A-E. 1992. 8vo, 262 pgs., hundreds of ills. Boards. 25.00 970. Wien, Osterreichische Galerie. Belvedere. Kunst des 20. Jahrrhunderts. Bestandskatalog der Osterreichischen Galerie des 20.. Band I : A-F. Vienna, 1993. Lg. 8vo, 276 pgs., hundreds of black and white ills. Boards. 25.00 971. Wien, Osterrreichische Galerie, Schloss Halbturn. Geschichtsbilder aus dem Alten Osterreich. Unbekannte Historienmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts. 1989. Lg. 8vo, unpgd., 40 color plates with facing text. Wrs. a little rubbed. 25.00 972. Wien, Osterrreichische Galerie. Prinz Eugen der Edle Reiter. Der Prunkstall des Turkensiegers. 1986. 8vo, 137 pgs., many black and white ills. and plates. WRappers, some wear. A lib. dup. with a stamp on teh title and a small label on the u.l. of the cover. 20.00 973. Wien, Galerie Friederike Pallamar. Katalog der 14. Ausstellung in Wien Herbst 1967. Gemalde Bedeutender Niederlandischer Meister des 17. Jahrhunderts. 1967. 8vo, 196 pgs., num. black and white ills. Wrappers. A bit of wear. 20.00 974. Wien, Galerie Friederike Pallamar. Katalog der Ausstellung 1971. 1971. 8vo, 168 pgs., 30 works in black and white. Wrs., spine sl. rubbed. 15.00 975. Wien, Osterreichische Galerie, Schloss Halbturn. Geschichtsbilder aus dem Alten Osterreich. Unbekannte Historienmalerei des 19. Jahrhunderts. 1989. Lg. 8vo, unpgd., 40 color plates with facing text. Wrs. 15.00 976. Wiener Secession. CXII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Kunstler Wiener Secession. Fruhjahrs Ausstellung. May-August 1930. Lg. 8vo, 23 pgs., 253 works described + many black and white plates. Wrappers a little soiled and rubbed and endpapers foxed a little; overall very good and sound copy of this rare catalogue. In addition lists the addresses of the artists, some of whom were German or Czech. Most were Viennese. Lists some Jewish artists who were killed a few years later. 60.00 977. E. Zarnowska. La Nature-Morte Hollandaise. Les Principaux Representants Ses Origines Son Influence. Brussels, 1929. Qto, xxix + 30 pgs., num. plates. Wrs. 1/1000 copies. 35.00 978. Reinhart Coll. Stiftung Oskar Reinhart Winterthur. Band I: Schweizer Maler des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Zurich, 1981. 2nd, rev. ed. Sm. qto, 399 pgs., fully-ill. cat. of 188 works, some in color. Boards with d.w. 50.00 979. Zurich, Kunsthaus; Christian Klemm. The Paintings of the Betty and David M. Koetser Foundation. Zurich, Kunsthaus, 1988. Sm. qto, 166 pgs., 68 color plates. Cloth, dust jacket, Dutch, Flmeish, and Italian paintings. 60.00 980. Zurich, Stiftung Sammlung Emil G. Buhrle.Schweizer Maler aus der Sammlung Buhrle. Zurich/Munich, 1990. Lg. 8vo, 99 pgs., many plates, part color. Wrappers. New condition. 20.00 981. Zurich, Schweizerisches Institut fur Kunstwissenschaft. Aspekte der Schweizer Kunst 1880-1980. 1987. Qto, 64 pgs., 132 works works ill. in black and white, and sicussed. Mostly paintings. Also sculptures and other works. Wrappers. 20.00 982. Armin Zweite, Annegret Hoberg. Der Blaue Reiter im Lenbachhaus Munchen. Munich, 1991. Qto, 288 pgs., prof. ill., 121 in col. Wrs. Nearly mint copy. 40.00 Medieval Arts – Art Before ca. 1500 inc. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Ill. Mss. 983. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum. Bourgondische Pracht von Philips de Stoute tot Philips de Schone. 1951. 8vo, 99 pgs., pplus 64 plates. Wrappers a little rubbed. 15.00 984. Antwerpen, Bank Brussel Lambert. Gotische Groepen uit Antwerps Prive-Bezit. Antwerp, n.d. (ca. 1980?) 8vo, (202) pgs., 69 works ill., with brief text in four languages, inc. English. Wrappers. Gothic sculpture in private collections in Antwerp, inc. ivories and stone works. 30.00 985. Ilona Bajorat, Rudiger Wilfroth, eds. Verlustdokumentation der Gothaer Kunstsammlungen. Band I. Die Kunsthandwerklichen Sammlungen. Gold- und Silberschmiedeobjekte, Arbeiten aus Edel- und Halbedelsteinen, Elfenbein, Bernstein, Holz sowie Glas, Keramik, und Varia. Gotha, Schloss Friedenstein, 1997. Sm. qto, 158 pgs., num. black and white ills. Wrappers. 40.00 986. Ludwig color. 15.00 Baldass u.a. Romanische Kunst in Osterreich. Vienna, 1962. Qto, 120 pgs. + 120 plates, 24 in Cloth, somewhat soiled, edges stamped in light purple, overall very good. 987. Basel, Kunstmuseum. Kreis und Kosmos. Ein Restauriertes Tafelbild des 15. Jahrhunderts. 2007. Sm. qto, 64 pgs., num. ills., many in color. Wrappers. 30.00 988. Julius Baum. Der Bildnerische Schmuck des Westlichen Munsterportales. Offprint, Mitteilungen des Vereins fur Kunst und Altertum in Ulm und Oberschwaben, Heft 25, 1927. Qto, pgs. 33-48, with 28 ills. Wrappers and spine chipped, cover soiled, text and plates very good. In German sscript, difficult to read. 20.00 989. Jean Beaudry a.o. Burgogne Romane. Paris, 1954. 8vo, 252 pgs., prof. ill., some color plates. Cloth. 25.00 990. Rudiger Becksmann. Die Mittelalterlichen Glasmalerein in Baden und der Pfalz. Ohne Freiburg I. Br. Berlin, 1979 (Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi, Deutschland Band II: Baden und Pfalz, Teil 1). Qto, lxiii + 325 pgs. + num. plates and ills., some color. Cloth. 100.00 991. Ellen J. Beer u.a. Berns Grosse Zeit. Das 15. Jahrhundert Neu Entdeckt. Bern, 1999. Sm. qto, 685 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Cloth, dust jacket. With substantial sections on the arts, inc. stained glass, architecture, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, painting, etc. 60.00 992. Bern, Bernisches Historisches Museum. Die Burgunderbeute und Werke Burgundischer Hofkunst. MaySept. 1969. 2nd edition. Qto, 399 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white, color frontis. Wrappers, internally fine, covers sl. rubbed along the edges. 30.00 993. Shirley Neilson Blum. Early Netherladish Triptychs. A Study in Patronage. Berkeley, 1969. Qto, xv + 176 pgs. + 11 color plates + 80 ills. on plates. Cloth, fine copy with bookplate. The dust jacket is worn. 65.00 994. Dr. Jan V. L. Brans. Vlaamse Schilders in Dienst der Koningen van Spanje. Leuven, n.d. (1959?) 8vo, 218 pgs. + 40 plates. Wrs. Sm. pale stain at base of backstrip, which does not affect text or plates. 25.00 995. Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum.Aus Rheinischer Kunst und Kultur. Auswahlkatalog des Rheinischen Landesmuseum Bonn 1963. Dusseldorf, 1963. 8vo, 184 pgs. inc. sev. col. plates + 150 plates, of ancient to 19th c. art. Sculture,m metalwork, etc. Wrs. 30.00 Joseph de Borchgrave d’Altena. Notes et Documents pour server a l”histoire de l’Art et de l’Iconogrpahie en Belgique. IreSerie. Sculptures Conservees au Pays Mosan. Verviers, 1926. Lg. 8vo, xlvi + 228 pgs., 116 ills. Later buckram. 75.00 996. Comte 997. 998. Bruges, Musee Communal des Beaux-Arts .La Toison d'Or. Cinq Siecles d'Art et d'Histoire. 1962. Sm. qto, 346 pages, many ills., some color plates. Cloth. French edition. 25.00 999. Bruxelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts. Tresors du Moyen Age Allemand. 1949. 8vo, 54 pgs. + 94 plates. Wrs. sl. worn, ink title on spine. A reading copy. 15.00 Bruxelles, Musees Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire. La Sculpture des Pays-Bas Meridionaux et de la Principaute De Liege: XVe et XVIe Siecles. 2000. Qto, 272 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Wrappers. French text. 85.00 1000. Walter Cahn. A Romanesque Capital from Burgundy. With 6 ills. Bulletin, Bulletin of the Wadswoth Athenaeum, Winter 1967. Wrs. 15.00 1001. Cambridge, Harvard University, Germanic Museum. Catalogue of the Germanic Museum Exhibition of German Paintings of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Lent from American Collections. 1936. 8vo, 14 pgs., 40 works, 11 plates. Wrs. 15.00 1002. Julien Chapuis. Duitse en Franse Schilderijen Vijftiende en Zesstiende Eeuw / German and French Paintings Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Rotterdam, Museum Bobymans-van Beuningen, 1995. Sm. qto, 160 pgs., num. plates, some color. Wrappers. Parallel Dutch/English texts. 30.00 1003. 1004. with Jeamn Cledat. Le Monastere et la Necropole de Baouit. Cairo, 1999. Lg. qto, 446 pgs., prof ill. photographs, diagrams, and maps. Wrappers. 55.00 Rene Crozet e.a. Histoire de l'Art en Berry. Cahiers d'Archeologie et d'Histoire du Berry, No. 35, Deceber, 1973. Bourges, 1974. 8vo, 101 pgs., 7 articles with ills., plus 20 pages of bibliography on history and art in Berry. Wrappers, sl. soiled, sl. bumped at the bottom of the spine. 40.00 1005. Darmstadt. Hessisches Landesmuseum. Alte Kunst am Mittelrhein. 1927. 8vo, 131 pgs. + 48 pltes. Wrs. sl. soiled and rubbed. Ends of spine taped with transparent tape. 25.00 1006. Ghislaine Derveaux-Van Ussel. Le Retable Malinois de l'Eglise d'Odeby. Bruxelles, Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, 1973. Lg. 8vo, 95 pgs., 61 black and white ills. plus a folding insert. Wrappers, Fine copy, with a small minor old crease on the l.l. of the back cover. 25.00 1007. Elisabeth Dhanens.. De Artistieke Uitrusting van de St.-Janskerk te Gent in de 15de Eeuw. In: Academiae Analecta, Mededelingen - Schone Kunsten . Jaargang 44, Nr. 1, Brussels, l983. 8vo, 147 pgs. With plates. Wrappers. 45.00 1008. Robert Didier. Sculptures Mosanes des Annees 1400-1450. Offprint, Clio et son Regard, Melanges d'Histoire, d'Histoire de l'Art et d'Archeologie J. Stiennon, Leige, 1982, 8vo, pgs. 143-173, 23 ills. Slef-wrappers, inscribed by the author. 25.00 1009. Robert Didier. Sculptures des Annees 1400-1450 en Hainaut. Offprint, Recueil d'Etudes d'Histoire Hainuyere Offertes a Maurice A. Arnould. N.p., n.d. 1970's? 8vo, pgsp. 361-400, 38 ills. Wrappers, inscribed by the author. 25.00 1010. Patrick M. De Winter. La Bibliotheque De Philippe Le Hardi, Duc De Bourgogne (1364-1404): etude Sur Les Manuscrits a Peintures D'une Collection Princiere a L'epoque Du style Gothique International. Paris, 1985. Sm qto, xiii + 462 pgs. inc. 272 ills. on plates. Cloth. 125.00 1011. Fritz Dworschak, Harry Kuhnel, eds. Die Gotik in Niederosterreich. Kunst, Kultur und Gschichte eines Landes im Spatmittelalter. Vienna, 1963. Sm. qto, xiii + 245 pgs. + hundreds of plates (some color). Blue cloth. 50.00 1012. H.L.M. Defoer, W.C.M. Wustefeld, eds. L’Art en Hollande au Temps de David et Philippe de Bourgogne. Tresors du Musee National Het Catharijneconvent a Utrecht. Pariss, Institut Neerlandais, 1993. Lg. 8vo, 144 pgs., num. ills., part color. Wrs. 35.00 1013. Detroit, Institute of Arts. Flanders in the Fifteenth Century. Art and Civilization. 1960. Lg. 8vo, 467 pgs., prof. ill., some col. Wrs. sl. rubbed. 25.00 1014. Diest, Stedelijk Museum.Tentoonstellung Handschriften uit Dieste Kerken en Kloosters. 1983. 8vo, 219 pgs., 46 plates (2 color). Wrppers with dust jaket. Dutch text. 35.00 1015. Dortmund, Dortmundes Museum in Schloss Cappenburg. Aus Dortmunder Kunstbesitz. 1953. 8vo, unpgd., about 25 ills. Wrs. Including medival arts, sculpture, painting etc. and modern works. 15.00 1016. Dresden, Gemaldegalerie. Niederlandische Malerei: 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Dresden, 1966. 8vo, 61 pgs. + 39 leaves of plates. Wrs. (a bit of rubbing around the edges, and an owner's signature on the f.f.e.p. 25.00 1017. Adolph Feulner, Theodor Muller. Geschichte der Deutschen Plastik. Munich, 1953. Qto, 655 pgs., inc. 12 color plates and 523 black and white ills. Cloth. From the Carolingian period to early 20th century. 40.00 1018. Festschrift Alfred Schadler. Rainer Kahsnitz, Peter Volk, eds. Skulptur in Suddeutschland 14001770: Festschrift Fur Alfred Schadler. Munich, 1998. Sm. qto, 387 pgs., many black and white ills. Cloth, dust jacket. 125.00 1019. 1020. Firenze, Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Sold. Johanna Flemming a.o. Dom und Domschatz zu Halberstadt. Berlin, 1973. Qto, 273 pgs., many plates in black and white and color. Cloth, dust jacket. Architecture, sculpture, stained glass, ivory carving, metalwork, goldsmiths' work, illuminated manuscripts, enamels textiles, painting. 35.00 1021. Max. J. Friedlander. From Van Eyck to Bruegel. Early Netherlandish Painting. London, 1956. Sm. qto, vii + 425 pgs., 293 b/w ills. + 9 tipped-in color plates. Cloth. Very good. 25.00 1022. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume III. Dieric Bouts and Joos van Gent. New York, Washington, 1968. Qto, 101 pgs. + 128 pgs. Cloth, sl. worn dust jacket. Also, Albert van Ouwater, Albert Bouts. 150.00 1023. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume IV. Hugo van der Goes. New York/Washington, 1969. Qto, 12t pgs. + 124 plates. Cloth, sl. worn and darkened dust jacket. Very nice copy, the edges of the plates are sl. yellowed from age, but the images are not affected. Also covers: Master of the Legend of St. Catherine, Msater of the Legend of Saint Barbara, Master of Sainte Gudule, Master of the Joseph Sequence, Master of the Embroidered Foliage, Colijn de Coter, Master of the Portraits of Princes. 210.00 1024. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume V. Geertgen tot Sint Jans and Jerome Bosch. New York/Washington, 1969. Qto, 113 pgs., many ills. on 135 pl ates. Cloth, dust jacket. Also, Master of the Brunswick Diptyxh, Master of the Virgo inter Virgines. 165.00 1025. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume VIb, (Vol. VI, Part II). Gerard David. New York/Washington, 1971. Qto, pgs. 77-154, plates 161-270. Cloth, dust jacket a little rubbed. With a few aditional Memlings from part I and some minor masters. 110.00 1026. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume VII. Quentin Massys. New York, 1971. Qto, 106 pgs., hundreds of ills. on 135 plates. Cloth, sl. rubbed dust jacket. Also covers The Master of Frankfurt, Master of the Mansi Magdelen, The Master of the Morrison Triptych, The Master of Hoogstraeten. 145.00 1027. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume VIII. Jan Gossart and Bernart van Orley. New York/Washington, 1972. Qto, 134 pgs. + 142 plates. Cloth, dust jacket, probably unread copy. This vol. covers Jan Gossaert and Bernard van Orley, Cornelis van Coninxloo, Jan van Coninxloo. 145.00 1028. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume XI. The Antwerp Mannerists. Adriaen Ysenbrant. New York, Washington, 1974. Qto, 128 pgs. + many hundreds of ills. on 207 plates. Cloth, just a trifle dusty, probably never read; sl. worn dust jacket. One of the scarcer volumes in the set. Covers: Jan de Beer, Master of 1518, Jan de Cock, Albert Cornelisz., Ambrosius Benson, Lancelot Blondeel and others. 500.00 1029. Max J. Friedlander. Early Netherlandish Painting. Supplements. New York/Washington, 1976. Qto, 40 pages. Wrappers. The supplements, corrections, additions, and errata to Volumes I-XIII. Also, index of artists and additional bibliography. 100.00 1030. Ernst Garger. Die Reliefs an den Furstentoren des Stefansdoms. Vienna, 1926. Sm. qto, 52 pgs., 32 leaves of plates. Cloth, sl.splayed, and all; tips a little rubbed (inc. ends of spine). A very good reading copy. 25.00 1031. 1032. 1969. 15.00 William Gaunt. Flemish Cities. Their History and Art. Bruges Ghent Antwerp Brussels. London, Sm. qto, 160 pgs., num. ills. in black and white and color. Cloth. L. Gillet. De Vlaamsche Kunst en Frankrijk. Brussels/Paris, 1918. 8vo, 51 pgs., 7 plates. Partly uncut. Wrappers a little soiled. 15.00 1033. ‘s-Gravenhage, Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum, Museum van het Boek. Kriezels, Aubergines en Takkenbossen. Randversiering in Noordnederlandse Handschriften uit de Vijftiende Eeuw. 1992. Lg. 8vo, 176 pgs., prof. ill., with some color plates. Wrappers. 40.00 1034. Meinrad Maria Grewenig. Der Akt in der Deutschen Renaissance. Die Einheit von Nackheit und Leib in der Bildenden Kunst. Freren, 1987. 8vo, 144 pgs. + 148 ills. on paltes. Wrs. a bit soiled. 30.00 1035. Gut, Stadtbaudirektor Dr.-Ing. Albert. Der Wohnungsbau in Deutschland nach dem Weltkrieg. Seine Entwicklung unter der Unmittelbaren und Mittelbaren Forderung durch die Deutschen Gemeindeverwaltungen. Munich, 1928. Qto, 568 pages, num. text ills., diagrams, & charts & many hundreds of ills. on plates. 12 color plates. Cloth, soiled, bot. of spine rubbed, damp stain bot. of spine & u.r. corner of last 20 plates, no sticking. 50.00 1036. Hamburg, Hamburger Kunsthalle.Goldgrund und Himmelslicht. Die Kunst Des Mittelalters in Hamburg. 1999. Qto, 359 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Boards. Inc. painting, sculpture, illuminated manuscripts, etc. 45.00 1037. C. F. R. de Hamel. Reflexions on the Trade in Books of Hours at Ghent and Bruges. Offprint, Manuscripts in the Fifty Years After the Invention of Printing, London, The Warburg Institute, 1983. Qto, pgs. 6 pgs., 6 ills. Stapled wrappers. Fine, inscribed by the author. 15.00 1038. John Oliver Hand, Martha Wolff. Early Netherlandish Painting. The Collections of The National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue. Washington, D.C., 1986. Sm. qto, 271 pgs., many ills., a few color plates. Wrappers, unread copy a bit rubbed around the edges. 30.00 1039. Christian Heck, ed. L'Art Flamand et Hollandais : Le Siècle des Primitifs, 1380-1520. Paris, 2003. Folio, 611 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Cloth dust jacket, slipcase. Will require extra shipping charges. 300.00 1040. Andre Humbert. La Sculpture sous les Ducs de Bourgogne (1361-1483). Paris, 1933. 8vo, xvi + 175 pgs., 48 plates. V.g. copy in later blue buckram. Former owner’s name stamped on f.f.e.p. 75.00 1041. Rainer Kahsnitz. Carved Splendor. Late Gothic Altarpieces in Southern Germany, Austria, and South Tirol. Los Angeles, 2006. Folio, 480 pages., prof. ill. in color. Coth, dust jacket, slipcase. 85.00 1042. Koln, Kunsthalle. Rhein und Maas. Kunst und Kultur 800-1400. 1972. Stout qto, 425 pgs.s, prof. ill. inc. some color plates. Wrappers, corners sl. bumped. 50.00 1043. Louis Kubler, ed. Unterlinden – Museum zu Colmar. Kurzer Fuhrer und Katalog der Mittelalterlichen Gemalde und Skulpturen. Colmar-Paris, 1959. 8vo, 40 pgs., plates. Wrs. 15.00 1044. Arne Karlsen a.o. Contemporary Danish Design. Copenhagen, 1960. 8vo, 117 pgs., many ills. in black and white. Wrappers. 15.00 1045. Karlsruhe, Badisches Landesmusuem. Imperium Romanum. Romer, Christen, Alamannen – Die Spatantike am Oberrhein. 2005. ONE VOL. ONLY of the two vol. set, but self-contained. Qto, 320 pgs., hundreds of color ills. Wrs., corners very sl. bumped. The other vol. covers: Roms Provinzen an Neckar, Rhein und Donau. 50.00 1046. Engelbert Kirschbaum, Wolfgang Braunfels, ed. Lexikon der Christlichen Ikonographie. Freiberg, Verlag Herder, 1990 edition. Eight volumes in sm. qto, about 5200 pages., many hundreds of text ills. Wrappers, set in new condition, lacking the slipcase however. 225.00 1047. Wouter Kloek. Gewelfschilderingen in de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam. Amsterdam, 1975. 8vo, 40 pgs., 24 ills. Wrs. Some of the color plates weren’t screened well. 15.00 1048. Klosterneuberg, Stadtgemeinde Klosterneuberg. Klosterneuberg Zentrum der Gotik. 1961. 8vo, 55 pages. + 16 plates (of paintings and works of art). Wrappers a little rubbed. 20.00 1049. Koln, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum. Gotische Malerei in Koln. Altkolner Bilder 1300-1550. Koln, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum. Bildhefte zur Sammlung 3. 1989. Lg. 8vo, 107 pgs., many ills., some color. Wrs. 20.00 1050. Krems an der Donau. Ausstellung Gotik in Osterreich. 1967. Third, corrected edition. 8vo, xxii + 457 pgs., 16 color plates, 97 black and white plates + maps and plans. Wrappers. 50.00 1051. 1052. pages 15.00 Laren, Singer Museum. Nederlandse Primitieven uit Nederlands Particulier Bezit. 1961. 8vo, 32 + 51 plates inc. some illuminated manuscripts and some sculptures. Wrappers. Isabelle Lecocq. Ed. De Glasramen van de Sint-Michiels- en Sint-Goedelekathedraal te Brussel. Geschiedenis, Conservatie en Retauratie / Les Vitraux de la Cathedrale Saints-Michel-et-Gudule de Bruxelles. Histoire, Conservation et Restauration. Scientia Artis, Deel 2 / Volume 2, Bruxelles, Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, 2005. Sm. qto, 294 pgs., prof. ill. in color and black and white, parallel French and Flemish texts. Wrappers. New copy. 90.00 1053. Leuven Stedelijk Museum. Aspecten van de Laatgotiek in Brabant. Tentoonstelling. 1971. Stout 8vo, 655 pgs. + 77 ills. on plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed. Essays by sev. scholars. 50.00 1054. Liege, Institut Saint-Joseph. Art Anciens dans le Patrimoine Prive Liegeoise. l976. Sm. qto, 128 pgs., num. ills. Wrs. Bottom of spine bumped. 15.00 1055. Hans A. Luthy, Albert Knoepfli. Zwei Konstanzer Altarflugel von 1490 aus St. Katharinenthal, Heute in Bischoflichen Besitz St. Gallen. In: Schweizerisches Institut fur Kunstwissenschaft, Jahresbericht, Zurich, 1963. 8vo, 10 pgs., 13 ills. on plates. Wrs. sl. soiled. 20.00 1056. James H. Marrow. Simon Bening in 1521: A Group of Dated Miniatures. Offprint from, Liber Amicorum Herman Liebaers 1984, pgs. 537-559, with 9 ills. Wrappers. Inscribed by the author. 25.00 1057. L. Maeterlinck. Le Genre Satirique, Fantastique et Licencieux dans la Sculpture Flamande et Wallonne : les Misericordes de Stalles (Art et Folklore). Paris, 1910. Lg. 8vo, 3 + 380 pgs., 275 ills. (chiefly after line drawings by the author) and 8 plates. Later buckram. 150.00 1058. Helene Mund, Cyriel Stroo, Hans Nieuwdorp.Magdeburg, Magdeburger Museen. Heiliges Romisches Reich Deutscher National 962 bis 1806 vom Otto dem Grossen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. Essays. Katalog. 2006. Two volumes in qto. Essays: 510 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Katalog: 687 pgs., prof. ill. in color. Ill. boards, in slipcase. Unread copies, a couple of the corners very sl. bumped. German text. 135.00 1059. Munster, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Westfalisches Landesmuseum fur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte. Der Hochalter der Zisterzienserklosterkirche Marienfeld. 1987. Text by Jochen Luckhardt. 8vo, 47 pgs., num. ills., part color. Neat lub. dup with no external marks, few internal marks. Wrappers. This is a painted altarpiece. 15.00 1060. The Mayer van den Bergh Museum, Antwerp. Brussels,, 2003 (Corpus of Fifteenth-Century Painting in the Southern Netherlands and Principality of Liege: 20). Qto, 468 pages, num. plates, some color. Cloth, dust jacket. Two corners very sl. bumped. 100.00 1061. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg 1300-1550. 1986. Qto, 497 pgs., prof. ill. in black and white and color. Wrappers, bottom of spine and one back corner very sl. bumped. 25.00 1062. P. Paulus Niemetz. Die Babenberger-Scheiben im Heiligenkreuzer Brunnenhaus. Heiligenkreuzer Verlag, 1976. Lg. 8vo, 48 pgs., many ills. inc. several tipped-in color ills. Wrappers. Unread copy. Stained glass windows. 25.00 1063. Nurnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nurnberg 1300-1550. Kunst der Gotik und Renaissance. 1986. Qto, 505 pgs., prof. ill., much in color. Wrappers. This is the German edition of the 1064. exhibition which was also shown in New York. 25.00 Ottowa, National Gallery of Canada. A Loan Exhibition of German Paintings 1400-1550. 1949. 8vo, 6 pgs., 18 works, no ills, but ill. tipped on to the cover. Wrappers. 10.00 1065. Paris, Galerie Charpentier, Art Bourguignon et Bourgogne. Exposition Organisee sur l'Initiative de la Compagnie P.L.M. Feb.-March, 1936. 8vo, 48 pgs., no ills. Wrappers soiled and one corner bumped, internally very good. Sections on sculpture, medals, paintings,tapestries, manuscripts, documents, maps. 30.00 1066. Assaf Pinkus. Workshops and Patrons of St. Theobold in Thann. Munster, 2006. 8vo, 154 pgs. + 90 ills. on plates. Wrappers. (Studien zur Kunst am Oberrhein, 3.). 45.00 1067. Gottfried Richter. Romanisches Burgund. Zur Geschichte des Christlichen Abendlandes. Stuttgart, l962. Sm. qto, 83 pgs. + 98 ills. on plates. Cloth. 35.00 1068. Dr. Berthold Riehl. Studien zur Geschichte der Bayerischen Malerei des 15. Jahrhunderts. Munich, 1895. 8vo, 160 pgs., 37 plates. Half-cloth and marbled boards sl. rubbed. 35.00 1069. Stefan Roller. Nurnberger Bildhauerkunst der Spatgotik. Beitrage zur Skulptur der Reichstadt in der Zweiten Halfte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Munich, 1999. Lg. 8vo, 360 pgs. inc. 318 black and white ills. Cloth, dust jacket. Apears fine, but l.r. corner is bumped and l.r. of the front board has a faint damp stain; and there is an ink inscription l.r. of the front free endpaper. Priced to reflect this. 100.00 1070. Edith Rothe a.o. Brandenburger Evangelistar. Dussseldorf, 1961. Sm. qto, 80 pgs., 30 laves of plates, some color, some color facsimiles. The book is in nice shape, but the edges of the cloth are age-toned top and bottom. 25.00 1071. Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans-Van Beuningen. Schilderkunst van de Late Middeleeuwen. Vroege Hollanders. 2008. Qto, 351 pgs., prof. ill., mostly in color. Wrappers. 75.00 1072. Felix Rousseau. Introduction Historique a l'Art Mosan. Brussels, 1942. Sm. qto, 29 pgs., 3 maps (1 folding). Ws. sl. soiled. 15.00 1073. Kathryn Rudy. An Illustrated Mid-Fifteenth-Century Primer for Flemish Girl: British Library, Harley MS 3828. In: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LXIX, 2006, pgs. 51-94, with 23 ills. Wrappers. 75.00 1074. J. Schouteden-Wery. A Propos d'un Tableau de l'Ecole Flamande du XVIIe Siecle Acquis par La Societe des Amis du Musee Communal de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, 1939. 8vo, 16 pgs. + sev. plaes. Wrappers. 15.00 1075. Antoine de Schryver. The Prayer Book of Charles the Bold. A Study of a Flemish Masterpiece from the Burgundian Court. Los Angeles, The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2008. Sm. qto, 310 pgs., many ills., some color plates. Cloth, dust jacket. 45.00 1076. Herbert Siebenhuner. Deutsche Kunstler am Mailander Dom. Munich, 1944. Lg. 8vo, 120 pgs., 6 ills. (2plans, 3 diagrams), 40 platers. Paper-coverd boards,spoine yellowed and worn at the ends of the spine. Text toned. The text and plate block is in fine condition. 25.00 1077. Jeffrey Chipps Smith. The Art of the Goldsmith in Late Fifteenth-century Germany: The Kimbell Virgin and Her Bishop. Forth Worth, 2006. 8vo, viii + 86 pgs., 778 ills., many color. Wrappers. New copy. 12.00 1078. Ron Spronk, ed. Essays in Context. Unfolding the Netherlandish Diptych. New Haven, 2006. 8vo, 256 pages, num. essays with ills. Wrappers. 40.00 1079. Alfred Stange. Vier Sudflandrische Marientafeln - Ein Beitrag zur Genese der Niederlandischen Malerei. Offprint, Alte und Moderne Kunst, Heft 89, 11. Jahrgang, 1966. Qto, pgs. 2-19 with 24 ills. Wrappers, corners a little creased. 25.00 1080. Stad Mechelen. De Habsburgers en Mechelen. "De Dynastie." "Binnenhuis van Gotiek naar Renaissance." 1987. Sm. qto, 115 pgs., num. ills., some color. Wrappers. 35.00 1081. Alfred Stange. Kritisches Verzeichnis der Deutschen Tafelbilder vor Durer. II. Band. Oberrhein, Bodensee, Schweiz, Mittelrhein, Ulm, Augsburg, Allgau, Nordlingen, von der Donau zum Neckar. Munich, 1970. Ed. by Norbert Lieb. Sm. qto, 268 pgs. WRappers, very sl. soiled. 75.00 1082. Stockholm, Nationalmuseum. Christina Queen of Sweden – a Personality of European Civilisation. 1966. 8vo, 622 pgs. + 96 black and white plates. Wrappers. 25.00 1083. 1020a. Hanns Swarzenski. Eine Handschrift von Gregors “Moralia in Job” in Herzogenburg, Niederosterreich. In Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, Neue Folge Band I. Frankfurt, 1930. Qtro, pgs. 9-25, 39 ills Cloth. Withg much else, inc. Otto Benesch,Grenzprobleme der Osterreichischen Tafelmalerei, 35 pages, 15 ills. The vol. is 308 pgess, 278 ills. 100.00 Bengt Thordeman. Medieval Wooden Sculpture in Sweden. Volume I. Attitudes to the Heritage. Stockholm, 1964. Sm. qto, 104 pgs.,m many ills., col. frontis. Ex. lib. Eric Carlson. Wrappers, a little rubbed around the edges. 35.00 1084. Valentina Torri, ed. Der Heilige Abt. Eine Spatgotische Holzskulptur im Liebieghaus. Berlin, 2001. Sm. qto, 248 pgs., 156 ills. on 79 plates. Cloth, dust jacket. 50.00 1085. E. G. Troche. Painting in the Netherlands. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. New York, 1981 (Reprint of 1936 London ed.). Qto, 32 pgs. + 104 plates. Cloth. 35.00 1086. Ernst Ullmann. Von der Macht der Bilder. Beitrage des C.I.H.A.-Kolloquiums "Kunst und Reformation." Leipzig, 1983. 8vo, 483 pgs., num. articles, no ills. In a black library buckram binding, but NOT a library duplicate. The edges of the pages have toned slightly throughout. 30.00 1087. Ulm, Ulmer Museum. Alamannen an Donau und Iller. Archaologie des Fruhen Mittelalters vom 3.-7. Jahrhundert. 1992. Lg. 8vo, 93 pgs., prof. ill. some in color. Wrappers. 75.00 1088. Utrecht, Rijksmuseum het Catherijneconvent. Middeleeuwse Nederlandse Kunst uit Hongarije. Ee Keuze uit de Collecties van het Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Boedapest en het Museum voor Christelijke Kunst, Esztergom. 1990. Qto, 128 pgs., prof. ill. inc. some col. plates. Wrs., bottom of spine sl. bumped. 35.00 1089. Ignace Vandevivere. Het Koperen Wijwaterbekken van de Sint-Leonarduskerk te Zoutleeuw (1468-1469). Offprint, Bulletin van het Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunst patrimonium, dl. VI, 1963. 8vo, 4 pages, 1 ill. Wrs. French summary. 10.00 1090. Ignace Vandevivere. Le Mobilier Liturgique en Laiton Fondu dans les Anciens Pays-Bas Meridionaux du XVe au Milieu du XVIe Siecle. Precisions Technologiques. Offprint, Bulletin de l’Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, t. IX, 1966. 8vo, 10 pgs., 5 ills. Wrappers. 15.00 1091. Ignace Vandevivere. Le Retable Sculpte a Volets Peints de la Chapelle des Rois Mages d'Estreito de Calheta, Madere: une Production Anversoise des Annees 1520. Ofprint, Revue ds Acheologues et Historiens d'art de Louvain, III, 1970. 8vo, 20 pags., 6 ills. WRappers. 15.00 1092. Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, ed. Autour de la Madeleine Renders. Un Aspect de l'Histoire des Collections, de la Restauration et de la Contrefacon en Belgique dans la Premiere Moitie du XXe Siecle. Brussels, 2008 (Scientia Artis, Deel 4 / Volume 4). Qto, 307 pgs., prof. ill., some color plates. French text. Boards. About Jef van der Veken and his forgeries of Early Netherlandish paintings. 100.00 1093. William Voelkle. The Stavelot Triptych. Mosan Art and the Legend of The True Cross. New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1980. Sq. lg. 8vo, 45 pgs. + 68 ills., some of them in coloir. Wrappers. 15.00 1094. Dr Hist. E. Warlop. The Flemish Nobility Before 1300. Kortrijk, 1975. Four vols. in sm. qto, about 1332 pages altogether. Vols. I and II, Historical Study: Vols. III and IV, Annexes, Repertory of Nobel Familes, with reproductions of seals. In the first two parts, some tipped in color plates with reproductions from ill. mss. and some black and white plates. Cloth, fine copies, dust jackets a little worn. Each vol. has a previous owner's bookplate inside the front board. 195.00 1095. Wien, Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien. Wien im Mittelalter. 1975. 8vo, 176 pgs. + 36 plates, part color. Wrs., spine worn, top 1/4 of f.f.e.p. clipped off (I suppose to eliminate an inscription). READING COPY. 15.00 1096. Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Osterreichische Tafelmalerei der Spatgotik 1400-1525. 1934. Cat. by Ludwig Baldass. 8vo, 56 pgs. inc. 32 ills. on plates. Wrappers, spine sl. worn and repaired with transparent tape. 20.00 1097. 1098. Yale University Art Bulletin. Correlations Between German and Non-German Art in the Nineteenth Century. A Symposium Held at Yale University, November 1970. Vol. 33, Number 3, 1972. 8vo, 102 pgs., num. ills. Wrs. With contributions by six scholars inc. H.W. Janson, R. Rosenblum, & L.D. Ettlinger. 15.00 Zurich, Schweizerisches Institut fur Kunstwissenschaft.Jahresbericht 1963. 1963. 8vo, 56 pgs. + 19 ills. on plates. WRappers a little soiled. Inc. articles on Zwei Konstanzer Altarflugel von 1490 and Pressbrokat-Applikationen. 35.00 1099. PRIVATE COLLECTIONS MOSTLY AUCTION SALES Most of these are duplicates from a well-known art reference library. Condition is carefully described. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. 40 Dessins Anciens Provenant d'une Collection Connue. Sale Nov. 21, 1929. Qto, 12 pg. booklet, 40 works; + portfolio of unbound plates with 29 ills., both parts in worn cardboard portfolio; contents fine. Many fine Northern drawings. 30.00 1100. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. 40 Dessins Anciens Provenant d'une Collection Connue. Sale Nov. 21, 1929. Qto, 12 pg. booklet, 40 works; 29 are ill. on fine plates. In blie lib. cloth binding with gilt spine title, overall fine. 50.00 1101. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. 40 Dessins Anciens Provenant d'une Collection Connue. Sale Nov. 21, 1929. Qto, 12 pg. booklet, 40 works; + portfolio of unbound plates with 29 ills., both parts in worn cardboard portfolio; contents very good. Many fine Northern drawings. 30.00 1102. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue d’une Vente de Tableaux Anciens… Provenant d’une Collection en Province, Etc. Sale Nov. 30, 1909. Sm. qto, 115 works, about 25 ills. on plates. Wrs. Very sl. worn. 25.00 1103. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue d’une Vente de Tableaux Anciens… Provenant d’une Collection en Province, Etc. Sale Nov. 30, 1909. Sm. qto, 115 works, about 25 ills. on plates. Wrs. Very sl. worn. 25.00 1104. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue d’une Vente de Tableaux Anciens… Provenant d’une Collection en Province, Etc. Sale Nov. 30, 1909. Sm. qto, 115 works, about 25 ills. on plates. Wrs. Very sl. worn. Sm. ink title on spine. 25.00 25.00 1105. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens Provenant de I. La Collection d'un Amateur a B... II. Diverses Collections et Successions. Sale April 13, 1920. Lg. 8vo, 27 pgs., 128 works + 14 ills. on plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed. 25.00 1106. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens Provenant de I. La Collection d'un Amateur a B... II. Diverses Collections et Successions. Sale April 13, 1920. Lg. 8vo, 27 pgs., 128 works + 14 ills. on plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed. Sm. ink title on spine. 25.00 1107. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens Provenant de I. La Collection d'un Amateur a B... II. Diverses Collections et Successions. Sale April 13, 1920. Lg. 8vo, 27 pgs., 128 works + 14 ills. on plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed. Sm. ink title on spine. 25.00 1108. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue de Tableaux Anciens Provenant de I. La Collection d'un Amateur a B... II. Diverses Collections et Successions. Sale April 13, 1920. Lg. 8vo, 27 pgs., 128 works + 14 ills. on plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed. 25.00 1109. D'Aoust Coll. Paris, Galerie Georges Petit. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens et Modernes... Composant la Collection de Madame la Marquise de X... [d'Aoust]. Sale June 5, 1924. Sm. qto, 84 pgs., 107 works, many plates. Lib. dup. in red buckram binding, spine sl. sunned. Nostly 17 th c. Dutch and Flemish works. 35.00 1110. Bellingham-Smith Coll. Amsterdam. Ant. W.M. Mensing (Frederick Muller & Cie.) Dessins Anciens Italiens, Français, Allemands, Hollandais et Anglais. I. Collection Bellingham-Smith, London. II. Collection Cte. de Robiano della Faille de Waerloos. Sale, July 5-6, 1927. Lg. qto, 64pp., 43 photogravure plates. Wrs. with minor cover wear and soiling. 50.00 1111. Bellingham-Smith Coll. Amsterdam. Ant. W.M. Mensing (Frederick Muller & Cie.) Dessins Anciens Italiens, Français, Allemands, Hollandais et Anglais. I. Collection Bellingham-Smith, London. II. Collection Cte. de Robiano della Faille de Waerloos. Sale, July 5-6, 1927. Lg. qto, 64pp., 43 1112. photogravure 50.00 plates. Wrs. with minor cover wear and soiling. Berlin, Hermann Ball, Paul Graupe. Eine Gemaldesammlung aus Suddeutschem Furstenbesitz. Mit Einigen Beitragen aus Berliner und Westfalischem Privatbesitz. Sale Sept. 26, 1930. Qto, 23 pgs., 93 works + num. ills. on 28 plates. Wrs., spine taped top and bottom. Many older Netherlandish works. 25.00 1113. Berlin, Hermann Ball, Paul Graupe. Sale XVIII. Niederlandische Gemalde Kunstgewerbe des 16. – 18. Jahrhunderts aus Verschiedenem Besitz. Sale June 28, 1932. Qto, 63 pgs, 2oo works, 28 plates. Wrappers. Very good copy. 25.00 1114. Berlin, Boerner & Graupe. Eine Wiener Sammlung. Erster Teil. Alte Handzeichnungen von Hauptmeistern der Deutschen, Englischen, Franzosischen, Hollandischen, Italienischen, Schweizer. Spanischen und Vlamischen Malerschulen des XV. bis XIX. Jahrhunderts. Sale May 12, 1930. Qto, 42 pgs., 164 works, many ills. on 37 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends of spine sl. bumped. 40.00 1115. Berlin, Boerner & Graupe. Eine Wiener Sammlung. Erster Teil. Alte Handzeichnungen von Hauptmeistern der Deutschen, Englischen, Franzosischen, Hollandischen, Italienischen, Schweizer. Spanischen und Vlamischen Malerschulen des XV. bis XIX. Jahrhunderts. Sale May 12, 1930. Qto, 42 pgs., 164 works, many ills. on 37 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends of spine sl. bumped. 40.00 1116. Berlin, Boerner & Graupe. Eine Wiener Sammlung. Erster Teil. Alte Handzeichnungen von Hauptmeistern der Deutschen, Englischen, Franzosischen, Hollandischen, Italienischen, Schweizer. Spanischen und Vlamischen Malerschulen des XV. bis XIX. Jahrhunderts. Sale May 12, 1930. Qto, 42 pgs., 164 works, many ills. on 37 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends of spine a little bumped. 40.00 1117. Berlin, Boerner & Graupe. Eine Wiener Sammlung. Erster Teil. Alte Handzeichnungen von Hauptmeistern der Deutschen, Englischen, Franzosischen, Hollandischen, Italienischen, Schweizer. Spanischen und Vlamischen Malerschulen des XV. bis XIX. Jahrhunderts. Sale May 12, 1930. Qto, 42 pgs., 164 works, many ills. on 37 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends of spine a little bumped. 40.00 1118. Berlin, Boerner & Graupe. Eine Wiener Sammlung. Erster Teil. Alte Handzeichnungen von Hauptmeistern der Deutschen, Englischen, Franzosischen, Hollandischen, Italienischen, Schweizer. Spanischen und Vlamischen Malerschulen des XV. bis XIX. Jahrhunderts. Sale May 12, 1930. Qto, 42 pgs., 164 works, many ills. on 37 plates. Wrs., some spine damage, but very nice internally. 30.00 1119. Berlin, Karl Ernst Henrici. Auktion CXVI. Kupferstiche und Stadteansichten. Handzeichnungen und Gemalde.... Sale March 22-24, 1927. 8vo, 131 pgs. + 31 plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed and soiled. 25.00 1120. Berlin, Hollstein & Puppel. Auktion XXXVII. Zwei Kupferstichsammlugnen… Kupferstiche Radierungen / Holzschnitte - Schabkunstblatter des XV. Bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts…. Sale May 10-12, 1927. Qto, 108 pgs., 1409 works + 18 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled and rubbed, ends of spine a littled bumped. 25.00 1121. Berlin, Hollstein & Puppel. Auktion XXXVII. Zwei Kupferstichsammlugnen… Kupferstiche Radierungen / Holzschnitte - Schabkunstblatter des XV. Bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts…. Sale May 10-12, 1927. Qto, 108 pgs., 1409 works + 18 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled. 30.00 1122. Berlin, Hollstein & Puppel. Auktion XLI. Kupferstichsammlung Schloss E... Auslandische Museums-Dubletten und andere Beitrage. Seltene Graphik.... Sale May 6-8, 1929. Qto, 122 pgs., 1637 works + many ills. on 18 plates. Wrs. Ends of spine a li ttle bumped, otherwise very good. 25.00 1123. Berlin, Hollstein & Puppel. Auktion XLII. Sammlung eines Westdeutschen Schlosses und Andere Beitrage. Wertvolle Handzeichnungen... Kupferstiche.... Sale Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 1929. Qto, 108 pgs., 1478 lots + num. ills. on 34 plates. Wrs. Very nice copy. 40.00 1124. Berlin, Hollstein & Puppel. Auktion XLIII. Zwei Sammlungen aus Auslandischem Besitz. Dubletten eines Deutschen Museums... Wertvolle Kupferstiche, Radierungen, Holzschnitte.... Sale April 29-30, 1930. Qto, 120 pgs., 1205 works + many ills. on 27 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled and spine chipped and bumped at ends. 20.00 1125. Berlin, Lepke, Auktion 2020. Galerie eines Wiener Sammlers. Sale Dec. 3, 1929. Sm. qto, 33 pgs., 46 works, wrs. sl. worn and soiled. Many Neth. paintings. 30.00 1126. Boreel Coll. Amsterdam. Frederick Muller & Cie. Catalogue d'une Grande Vente de Dessins Anciens Formant un Choix des Collections Jhr. Alfred Boreel, Jacobi, C.G.V. Schöffer, H.C. du Bois, S.S., A. Coster. Sale, June 15-18, 1908. Qto, 120 pgs., many ills. on plates. Text and plate block very good wrs. sl. soiled and worn (bot. of spine bumped and repaired). 40.00 1127. Borgholz Coll. Amsterdam, C.F. Roos & Co. Catalogue des Tableaux Modernes et Queques Sculptures etc. Provenant des Successions de Feu Madame Vueve A. M. Borgholz et de Feu Monsieur L. G. Van Oostvenen.... Sale April 21, 1896. Qto, 60 pgs., sev. b/w gravaure plates. Half-cloth and marbled boards. Modern Dutch painting, Apol - De Zwart and some French works as well. 40.00 1128. Bosch Coll. Wien, Villa Bosch in Dobling. Katalog der Sammlung Gemalde Alter Meister Ersten Ranges der Hollandischen und Flamischen Schule aus dem 17. Jahrhundert des Verstorbenen Herrn Ad. Jos. Bosch Stadtbaumeister in Wien…. Sale April 28, 1885. Qto, 58 pgs., 56 works, many ill. with gravure or etched plate (16 etched plates in all). Internally v.g. Wrs. with dust jacket, a little soiled and chipped, sm. ink title on spine. Parallel text in French and German. 65.00 1129. Bosch Coll. Wien, Villa Bosch in Dobling. Katalog der Sammlung Gemalde Alter Meister Ersten Ranges der Hollandischen und Flamischen Schule aus dem 17. Jahrhundert des Verstorbenen Herrn Ad. Jos. Bosch Stadtbaumeister in Wien…. Sale April 28, 1885. Qto, 58 pgs., 56 works, many ill. with gravure or etched plate (16 etched plates in all). Internally v.g. Wrs. but lacking printed dust jacket, a little soiled and chipped, sm. ink title on spine. Parallel text in French and German. 55.00 1130. Burton Coll. Anvers, Cercle Artistique. Vente Publique de la Collection des Tableaux de Maitres Anciens de Feu Flor Burton. Sale March 14, 1927. Lg. qto, unpgd., 82 works, many ills. on plates, many of them Dutch and Flemish paintings. Internally v.g., wrappers and spine somewhat bumped and some spine chips. 30.00 1131. Campe Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner. Sale 133. Handzeichnungen Alter und Neurer Meister Ehemals in der Sammlung des 1862 Verstorbenen Finanzrats H. W. Campe..... Sale April 25, 1921. Sm. qto, 210-item cat. partly priced in pencil + 41 ills. on 21 plates. Later half-cloth. Piece of tape on top of spine. 40.00 1132. Cremer Coll. Amsterdam, Sotheby Mak Van Waay B.V. Sale 319. Important Paintings and Drawaings Collected by J. Theodor Cremer for the Cremer Trust. Nov. 17, 1980. 8vo, 150 lots, most ill., some in color. Baords, very good, one u.r. corner a little rubbed. 15.00 1133. Dahl Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens Formant la Collection de Feu Monsieur Werner Dahl a Dusseldorf. Sale Oct. 17, 1905. Sm. qto, 68 pgs., 183 works + many ills. on plates. Wrs. sl. rubbed and soiled. 40.00 1134. De Stuers Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller & Cie. Tableaux – Sculptures – Tapisseries – Etoffes – Tapis Persans – Meubles… Faisant Partie des Collections Formees par le Chevalkier Alphonse De Stuers…. Sale April 12, 1932. Lg. qto, lots 250-512 + many ills. on 16 plates (some good German, Flemish and Dutch paintings and other works). Wrs., cover sl. soiled and marked. 25.00 1135. Dreesmann Coll. Amsterdam, Christie's. The Dr. Anton C. R. Dreesmann Collection. Dutch Pictures and Works of Art. April 16, 2002. Lg. 8vov, wrappers, all works ill. in color. Very fine copy. 385 lots. 15.00 1136. Ehlers Coll. Leipzig. C.G. Boerner. Sale 164. Handzeichnungen alter Meister des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz von Frau Geheimrat Ehlers-Göttingen. Und andere Beiträge aus Privatbesitz, dabei die Sammlung Dr. Gaa-Mannheim. Handzeichnungen zumeist der französischen, italienischen, niederländischen und schweizerischen Schulen. Eine Sammlung von Schweizer Scheibenrissen und Zeichnungen des XVI.-XIX. Jahrhunderts. Kostbare alte Miniaturen. Sale, May 9-10, 1930. Lg. qto, 109 pgs., 49 plates, 1 col. Wrs., very good internally, ends of spine a little bumped and mended with transparent tape. 45.00 1137. Ehlers Coll. Leipzig. C.G. Boerner. Sale 164. Handzeichnungen alter Meister des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz von Frau Geheimrat Ehlers-Göttingen. Und andere Beiträge aus Privatbesitz, dabei die Sammlung Dr. Gaa-Mannheim. Handzeichnungen zumeist der französischen, italienischen, niederländischen und schweizerischen Schulen. Eine Sammlung von Schweizer Scheibenrissen und Zeichnungen des XVI.-XIX. Jahrhunderts. Kostbare alte Miniaturen. Sale, May 9-10, 1930. Lg. qto, 109 pgs., 49 plates, 1 col. Wrs., very good internally, ends of spine a little bumped and mended with transparent tape. Wrs. sl. soiled. Ink title on spine. 40.00 1138. Ehlers Coll. Leipzig. C.G. Boerner. Sale 164. Handzeichnungen alter Meister des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz von Frau Geheimrat Ehlers-Göttingen. Und andere Beiträge aus Privatbesitz, dabei die Sammlung Dr. Gaa-Mannheim. Handzeichnungen zumeist der französischen, italienischen, niederländischen und schweizerischen Schulen. Eine Sammlung von Schweizer Scheibenrissen und Zeichnungen des XVI.-XIX. Jahrhunderts. Kostbare alte Miniaturen. Sale, May 9-10, 1930. Lg. qto, 109 pgs., 49 plates, 1 col. Wrs., very good internally, sm. piece missing at top of spine, sm. tape repair at bottom. Wrs. sl. soiled. 40.00 1139. Feggen Coll. Amsterdam, C. F. Roos & Co. Tableaux Modernes. Dessins, Anciens et Modernes. Succession Feu Monsieur P. Janson Van Feggen. Collection W. Pitcairn Knowles etc. Sale May 16-17, 1899. Qto, 69 pgs., 210 works, 5 plates with tissue guards. Priced in blue pencil. WRappers, shaken and back wr. lost. Modern Dutch works mostly. 30.00 1140. Forst Coll. Koln, J. M. Heberle. Katalog der Vortrefflichen Sammlungen von Gemalden Alterer Meister des Herren Regierungsbaumeister W. Forst zu Koln / L. Metchovsky zu Brussel u.a. Sale Dec. 13, 1899. Qto, 169 works, 3 ills. Wrappers missing, edges chipped. Only fair copy. Netherlandish and German works. 30.00 1141. Friedlander. Amsterdam, Paul Brandt. Tableaux Dessins Estampes de Maitres Anciens Meubles Objets d'Art Collections de Feu M.M. Dr. Max J. Friedlander / H. E. Ten Cate / SteengrachtSchimmelpenninck van der Oye van Duivenvoorde. Sale March 17, 1959. Qto, unpaged, 299 lots, many ills. in 16 black and white plates. WRappers, some wear to covers and top of the spine a little bumped; price list inserted. 35.00 1142. Von Gerhardt Coll. Berlin, Lepke, Auktion 1623. Sammlung des Konig. Ungar. Hofrats Gustav von Gerhardt, Budapest. Zweiter Teil: Gemalde Alter Meister des. 15.-18. Jahrhunderts.... Sale Nov. 10, 1911. Lg. qto, 48 pgs., 113 works + num. ills. on 49 plates. Ill. boards, rubbed and soiled, ink title on spine, but internally v.g. Mostly, Netherlandish paintings. 50.00 1143. De Geus van den Heuvel Coll. Amsterdam. Kunstveilingen Sotheby Mak van Waay. Sale 258. The B. De Geus van den Heuvel Collection of Dutch and Flemish Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings and Etchings.... Sale April 26-27, 1976. Lg. 8vo, 208 pgs., many ills. Minor pen annotation (of prices). Wrs. Very good copy. 25.00 1144. Van Gogh Coll. Amsterdam, R. W. P. de Vries. Catalogue des collections de feu M. Vincent van Gogh. Troisième partie: Dessins Anciens et Modernes. Ajoutés les Dessins et Aquarelles Modernes de feu M. P.A.M. Boele van Hensbroek. Sale, 2-3 Dec. 1913. Sm. qto, 177, (3)pp., 31 plates with numerous illus.. Wrs., very sl. rubbed at the corners. The collection of the uncle of the artist. One drawing by Vincent van Gogh was offered in this sale. 50.00 1145. Guterman Coll. New York, Sotheby's. The Linda and Gerald Guterman Collection. 1988. Log. 8vo, unpgs., 47 works with color plates. Price list. Cloth, d.w. 15.00 1146. Sale Jan. 14. De Haas Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Collection J. H. L. De Haas de Bruxelles. Tableaux Modernes et Aquarelles. Sale April 29, 1914. Qto, 26 works, 19 ills. on plates. WRappers bumped at top of spine with tape repair and sl. soiled. 19th-c. Dutch and French works (sev. Troyon). 30.00 1147. Hofstede de Groot Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Auktion 174. Handzeichnungssammlung des im Haag Verstorbenen Dr. C. Hofstede de Groot. Niederlandische Meister des XVII. Jahrhunderts. Originalzeichungen Rembrandts. Sale Nov. 4, 1931. Qto, 322 lots, many ills. on 21 plates. Wrs. sl. worn and ends of spine repaired with transparent tape. 35.00 1148. Holle Coll. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Collection A. Holle. Neuf Tableaux de l'Ecole Hollandaise du XVIIe Siecle.... Sale June 23, 1950. Lg. 8vo, with 8 plates. Wrs. 12.00 1149. Holle Coll. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Collection A. Holle. Neuf Tableaux de l'Ecole Hollandaise du XVIIe Siecle.... Sale June 23, 1950. Lg. 8vo, with 8 plates. Wrs. 12.00 1150. Holle Coll. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Collection A. Holle. Neuf Tableaux de l'Ecole Hollandaise du XVIIe Siecle.... Sale June 23, 1950. Lg. 8vo, with 8 plates. Wrs. 12.00 1151. Holle Coll. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Collection A. Holle. Neuf Tableaux de l'Ecole Hollandaise du XVIIe Siecle.... Sale June 23, 1950. Lg. 8vo, with 8 plates. Wrs. 12.00 1152. Horstmann Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller & Cie. Collection F. J. E. Horstmann a Oud Clingendaal. Tableaux Meubles Tapisseries Porcelaines Pendules Bronzes Estampes en Couleurs etc. Sale Nov. 29-21 1929. Sm. folio, 349 works + num. ills. on plates with tissue guards. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends sl. 1153. bumped, top of backstrip with sm. tape repair. 35.00 Huybrechts Coll. Bruxelles, Le Roy Freres. Catalogue des Tableaux de Maitres Anciens et Modernes des Ecoles Flamande, Francaise, Hollandaise etc. Composant le Collection de Feu M. Edmond Huybrechts. Sale May 12-15, 1902. Sm. folio, 159 pgs., 443 works, num. fine plates. Internally very nice; printed on fine laid paper. The first 135 works are Dutch and Flemish. The wrs. are stained along the edges and the backstrip is discolored and chipped top and bottom. The binding is still sturdy however. 50.00 1154. Katz Coll. Paris, Galerie Charpentier. Succession N. K[atz]. Important Tableaux Anciens Provenant de la Succession N. K[atz]. Sale Dec. 7, 1950. Sm. qto, 72 works, many ills. on 46 plates. Wrappers. Very good copy. 30.00 1155. Katz Coll. Paris, Galerie Charpentier. Succession N. K[atz]. Important Tableaux Anciens Provenant de la Succession N. K[atz]. Sale Dec. 7, 1950. Sm. qto, 72 works, many ills. on 46 plates. Wrappers. Very good copy. 30.00 1156. Katz Coll. Paris, Galerie Charpentier. Succession N. K[atz]. Important Tableaux Anciens Provenant de la Succession N. K[atz]. Sale Dec. 7, 1950. Sm. qto, 72 works, many ills. on 46 plates. Wrappers. Spine and wrs. a little worn, ink title on spine. 25.00 1157. Katz Coll. Paris, Galerie Charpentier. Succession N. K[atz]. Important Tableaux Anciens Provenant de la Succession N. K[atz]. Sale Dec. 7, 1950. Sm. qto, 72 works, many ills. on 46 plates. Wrappers. Spine and wrs. sl. worn. 25.00 1158. Katz Coll. Paris, Galerie Charpentier. Succession N. K[atz]. (Deuxieme Vente), Importants Tableaux Anciens. Sale April 25, 1951. Lg. 8vo, 80 works, many ills. on 55 plates. Wrs., small ink title on spine. 30.00 1159. Katz Coll. Paris, Galerie Charpentier. Succession N. K[atz]. (Deuxieme Vente), Importants Tableaux Anciens. Sale April 25, 1951. Lg. 8vo, 80 works, many ills. on 55 plates. Wrs.. 30.00 1160. Katz Coll. Paris, Galerie Charpentier. Succession N. K[atz]. (Deuxieme Vente), Importants Tableaux Anciens. Sale April 25, 1951. Lg. 8vo, 80 works, many ills. on 55 plates. Wrs., small ink title on spine. 30.00 1161. Knight Coll. Amsterdam, Kunstveilingen Sotheby May Van Waay. Sale 301. Fine Dutch Drawings: A Collection formed by F.W.A. Knight, Esq. Sale Oct. 29, 1979. Lg. wrs., 123 works, many ills. on plates. Wrs. Spine sl. worn and neatly repaired with transparent tape. 15.00 1162. Knight Coll. Amsterdam, Kunstveilingen Sotheby May Van Waay. Sale 301. Fine Dutch Drawings: A Collection formed by F.W.A. Knight, Esq. Sale Oct. 29, 1979. Lg. wrs., 123 works, many ills. on plates. Wrs. Spine sl. worn. 15.00 1163. Kohn Coll. Wien, Kunst-Salon Pisko. Katalog der Sammlung J. M. Kohn in Wien. Gemalde Moderner Meister. Sale April 6, 1908. Qto, 56 workss, many ills. on plates with tissue guards. Wrappers, sl. soiled and sl. worn, ink title on spie, overall very good. Incs. modern German works by Achenbach, Alt Defregger, Pettenkofen, etc., and some French, Italian etc. 45.00 1164. Koln, J. M. Heberle. Katalog Gemalde Alterer Meister aus Franzosischen Besitze. Sale Nov. 18, 1907. Qto, 19 pgs., 76 works, many ills. on plates (mainly Netherlandish paintings). Wrs., sl. wear. 30.00 1165. Koln, Lempertz, Sale 265. Sammlung eines Rheinischen Grossindustriellen. Meisterwerke Neuerer Malerei von Hochstem Rang. Sale April 24, 1928. Qto, with many ills. on 45 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled and bot. of spine bumped, small piece of backstrip nissing, but internally very nice. 35.00 1166. Komter Coll. Amsterdam. A. Mak. Tableaux Anciens. Tableaux Modernes. Antiquites. Bibliotheque. Collections D. Komter Marchand d'Art a Amsterdam. Sale March 9, l926. Lg. qto, 126 pgs., over 1l00 lots + num. ills. on 20 plates, mainly old Dutch & Flemish pictures. Wrs. sl. worn and spotted, text fine. 25.00 1167. Koster Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Katalog Nr. CXLV. Wertvolle Handzeichnungen Alter und Neuerer Meister des XV. bis XIX. Jahrhunderts dabei Bekannte Handzeichnungssammlung von Geheimrat A. Koster, Leipzig. Sale Nov. 13, 1924. Qto, 88 pgs., 546 works, pgs. browning at edges + many ills. on 40 plates. Lib. dup. in brown buckram. 45.00 1168. Kuhn Coll. Amsterdam, F. Muller. Tableaux Anciens. Collection Mme Vve Kuhn a Brunn. Sale June 4, 1929. Lg. qto, 18 pgs., 94 works + many ills. on plates with tissue guards. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends of spine sl. bumped. 35.00 1169. Kuhn Coll. Amsterdam, F. Muller. Tableaux Anciens. Collection Mme Vve Kuhn a Brunn. Sale June 4, 1929. Lg. qto, 18 pgs., 94 works + many ills. on plates with tissue guards. Wrs. sl. soiled, some spine chipps. 35.00 1170. Kuhn Coll. Amsterdam, F. Muller. Tableaux Anciens. Collection Mme Vve Kuhn a Brunn. Sale June 4, 1929. Lg. qto, 18 pgs., 94 works + many ills. on plates with tissue guards. Wrs. sl. soiled, top of spine very sl. bumped. 40.00 1171. Kums Coll. Anvers, M.E. Le Roy. Catalogue des Tableaux de Maitres Anciens et Modernes des Ecoles Flamande, Francaise, Hollandaise, etc. et des Tapisseries etc. Composant le Musee Forme a Anvers par M. Edouard Kums.... Sale May 17-18, 1898. Sm. folio, xvi + 171 pgs., 161 works, most with plate hors texte. Wrs. soiled and backstrip somewhat worn and repaired with archival tape, internally nice. 1 of 1000 copies on Holland paper. Mainly older Netherlandish paintings. 75.00 1172. De Kuyper Coll. Amsterdam, Frederick Muller & Cie. Catalogue des Tableaux Aquarelles & Pastels Composant la Collection de Feu M.-J. R.P.C.H de Kuyper de la Haye. Sale May 30, 1911. Sm. qto, 55 pgs., 124 works + 124 plates, all modern French and Dutch works. Wrs. sl. soiled and backstrip sl. worn, otherwise very nice copy. Bakker Korff- Ziem. 45.00 1173. Laan Coll. Geneve, Galerie Moos. Tableaux Dessins, Aquarelles et Gouaches des Ecoles Hollandaises, Flamande, Francaise, Anglaise, Allemande et Italienne du XVe au XIXe Siecle. Provenant des Collections de Mr. W. F. J. Laan Chateau Singraven, Denekamp. Sale June 9, 1934. Qto, 159 lots, 44 plates, wrappers. Many prices in pencil. Wrappers and spine chipped, contents fine. 30.00 1174. Lanfronconi Coll. Katalog der Ausgezeichneten Gemalde-Galerie des zu Pressburg Verstorbenen Herrn Gazioso Enea Lanfranconi. Sale Oct. 21-23, 1895. Qto, 221 lots, many plates. Internally very good, wrappers chipped and soiled. PRICED IN PENCIL, a few buyers' names. Many Duthc and Flemish works. 40.00 1175. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner. Sale 144. Kostbare Kupferstiche von Alten Meistern des XV.-XVII. Jahrhunderts Dubletten des Britischen Museums in London und der Kupferstichsammlung Albertina in Wien… die Bedeutende Goya-Sammlung von Dr. Julius Hofmann, Wien. Sale Nov. 14-15, 1924. Qto, 95 pgs., 887 works. Many ills. on 40 plates. Pgs. browned, wrs. sl. siled and ends of spine bumped, other minor wear, overall very good copy. 30.00 1176. Leipzig, C.G. Boerer. Katalog 157. Kupferstiche des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus den Sammlungen Dr. Gerhart Guttler, Berlin und Fritz Rumpf, Potsdam. Fruhe Italienische Stiche aus der Kupferstichsammlung Konig Friedrich August II. zu Dresden. This was a 1651-item sale Plate volume only, many ills. on 54 plates. Wrs., spine ends sl bumped and two sm. pieces missing, internally v.g. 25.00 1177. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Sale 172. Originalhandzeichnungen Deutscher Kunstler des XIX. Jahrhunderts. Die Graphischen Werke von Chodowiecki, Erhard, Ludwig Richter, Klein, Menzel u.a. Sale April 29, 1931. Lg. 8vo, 345 works, about 30 ills. on 7 plates. Wrs. Very nice copy. 25.00 1178. Leipzig, C. G. Boerner. Katalog Nr. 189. Kupferstiche Radierungen und Holzschnitte des XVI.XVIII. Jahrhunderts. I. Abteilung: Alte Meister. Durer und Rembrandt.... Sale Nov. 26, 1935. With 11 plates. Buyers' names annotated. Cloth spine and marbled boards, sl. rubbed. 25.00 1179. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Katalog 192. Kupferstiche Radierungen und Holzschnitte des XV. Bis XIX. Jahrhunderts darunter Bedeutende Blatter von Durer und Rembrandt…. Sale Dec. 10, 1936. Lg. 8vo, 147 works, many ills. on 13 plates. Cloth spine and marbled boards, a little rubbed, Very nice copy. 20.00 1180. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner. Katalog 197. Sammlung E.F., Berlin Enhaltend das Werk der Lithographien Daumiers.... eine neure Zeichnungen.... Sale May 23-24, 1938. Lg. 8vo, 64 pgs., 1162 works, about 50 ills. on 16 plates. Wrs. 15.00 1181. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Sale 199. Deutsche Handzeichnungen der Romantikerzeit dabei ein Teil des Nachlasses von Ph. O. Runge aus dem Besitz der Familie. Deutsche Graphik des frühen XIX. Jahrhunderts. Deutsche Zeichnungen der zweiten Hälfte des XVI. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung Ehlers-Göttingen. Sale May 25, 1938. Sm. qto, 604 works + many ills. on 38 plates. Wrappers a little soiled. 30.00 1182. Lissingen Coll. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de Tableaux de Premier Ordre des Ecoles Hollandaise & Flamande Composant la Remarquable Collection de M. le Chevalier J. de Lissingen de Vienne. Sale March 16, 1876. 8vo, xii + 40 pgs., 52 works + 13 etched plates by Unger and others. Nice condition, lacks wrappers, in a velo binding. Fully priced in pencil with some buyers’ names. 75.00 1183. Lobmeyr Coll. Wien, 243. Kunstauktion C.J. Wawra. Versteigerung der Olgemalde, Aquarelle und Handzeichnungen aus dem Nachlasse des Herrn Ludwig Lobmeyr.... 1185. Sale Oct. 22/23, 1917. Qto, 51 pgs., 449 works, very many ill. on fine plates, a few color. German 19th-early 20th c. painting. Wrappers with parchment dustjacket (sl. chipped and marked.) Catalogue fine. The Lobmeyr of the famous glass works. 45.00 1184. Luzern, H. Gilhofer & H. Ranschburg. Handzeichnungen Alter Meister aus Zwei Privatsammlungen. Sale June 28, 1934. Sm. qto, 38 pgs., 333 lots, num. ills. on 31 plates. Wrs., top of spine sl. bumped. Intro. by Otto Benesch. 35.00 1186. Luzern, Gilhofer & Ranschburg. Katalog 3. Katalog einer Kostbaren Privatsammlung von Kupferstichen Holzschnitten und Radierungen Alter Meister des XV. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts.... Sale June 7, 1926. Qto, 51 pgs., 438 works, + many ills. on 28 plates. Wrs., some general wear and soiling 30.00 1187. Madsen Coll. Kobenhaven, Winkel & Maagnussen, Auktion 237. Fortegnesle over Danske Malerier og Tegninger M.M. Tilhorende Dodboet Efter Museum Direktor Dr. Phil. Karl Madsen.... Sale Sept. 29, 1938. 8vo, 70 pgs., 392 works, num. ills. Wrs. marked, otherwise v.g. 25.00 1188. Madsen Coll. Kobenhaven, Winkel & Maagnussen, Auktion 237. Fortegnesle over Danske Malerier og Tegninger M.M. Tilhorende Dodboet Efter Museum Direktor Dr. Phil. Karl Madsen.... Sale Sept. 29, 1938. 8vo, 70 pgs., 392 works, num. ills. Wrs. marked, fully priced in pencil. otherwise v.g. 25.00 1189. Seymour Maynard Coll. Berlin, Lepke, Sale 1574. Gemalde Alter Meister des 14. bis 18. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz Dr. Seymour Maynard, London / Dr. Lothar R. Von Berks, Burg Ostrozac u. a. Sale March 22, 1910. Qto, 115 works, many ills. on 27 plates, many Dutch and Flemish. Wraps. s. soiled, nicely repaired with a velo binding. 40.00 1190. Meder Coll. Munchen, Hugo Helbing. Sammlung von Olgemalden Moderner Meister aus dem Besitze des Herrn Professor Fr. J. Meder / Munchen. Sale June 11, 1912. Qto, 46 pgs. + 86 ills. on 48 plates. Wrs. a bit soiled, overall very good copy. Works by Spitzweg, Lenbach, Keller, Dietz and many other modern German artists. 50.00 1191. Meyer Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner. Sale123. Handzeichnungssammlung Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg. I.... Deutsche Handzeichnungen des XIX. Jahrhunderts... Moritz von Schwind... FrenzDreber...Feuerbach... Schnorr von Carolsfeld...Genelli... Preller... Richter... von Steinle..... Sale March 16-18, 1914. Qto, 96 pgs, 870 works + many ills. on 58 plates. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends of spine neatly taped, otherwise v.g. 55.00 1192. Meyer Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner. Sale123. Handzeichnungssammlung Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg. I.... Deutsche Handzeichnungen des XIX. Jahrhunderts... Moritz von Schwind... FrenzDreber...Feuerbach... Schnorr von Carolsfeld...Genelli... Preller... Richter... von Steinle..... Sale March 16-18, 1914. Qto, 96 pgs, 870 works + many ills. on 58 plates. Later, sl. splayed boards, sl. rubbed, inernally very nice copy. 55.00 1193. Meyer Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner. Sale 124. Alte Handzeichnungen des XV.-XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg.... Beruhmte Spezialsammlung von Handzeichnungen Anton Graff's… Sammlung von Zeichnungen Johann Heinrich Fussli’s. Sale March 19, 1914. Qto, 546item cat. + num. ills. on 38 plates. Wrsl. Sl. soiled, sm. bump at bot. of spine, sm. ink spine title, otherwise quite sound and sturdy. The Graff Coll. belonged to M.F. Arndt. The sale included many Dutch 17 th c. drawings. 50.00 1194. Michel Coll. Berlin, Lepke, Sale 1775. Sammlung des Verstorbenen Herrn Geheimen Kommerzienrat Stefan Carl Michel, Mainz. Erste Abteilung. Gemalde Alter Meister. Sale Feb. 27, 1917. Qto, 42 pgs., 82 wqorks, most ill. on 58 plates. Boards, cloth spine, ends a little bumped. Nearly all Dutch & Flemish. 45.00 1195. Otto Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Sale 163. Sammlung von Handzeichnungen Altniederlandischer Meister des XVI. Und XVII. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz des Kurzlich Verstorbenen Herrn Dr. Curt Otto, Leipzig…. Sale Nov. 7, 1929. Lg. 8vo, 46 pgs., 169 works, many ills. on 17 plates. Priced in pencil. Wrappers, removed from a binder and tape remnants along spine and a couple of chips, otherwise nice copy. 25.00 1196. Otto Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Sale 163. Sammlung von Handzeichnungen Altniederlandischer Meister des XVI. Und XVII. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz des Kurzlich Verstorbenen Herrn Dr. Curt Otto, Leipzig…. Sale Nov. 7, 1929. Lg. 8vo, 46 pgs., 169 works, many ills. on 17 plates. Wrappers, a few pencil marks, otherwise very nice copy. 35.00 1197. Otto Coll. Leipzig, C.G. Boerner, Sale 163. Sammlung von Handzeichnungen Altniederlandischer Meister des XVI. Und XVII. Jahrhunderts aus dem Besitz des Kurzlich Verstorbenen Herrn Dr. Curt Otto, Leipzig…. Sale Nov. 7, 1929. Lg. 8vo, 46 pgs., 169 works, many ills. on 17 plates. Wrappers, a few pencil marks, u.r. corner of fr. wrapper clipped, otherwise v.g. copy. 25.00 1198. Papin Coll. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de Tableaux des Principaux Maitres des Ecoles Anciennes Hollandaise, flamande et Francaise et de l’Ecole Moderne Composant la Precieuse Collection de Feu M. R. Papin. March 28-29, 1873. 8vo, 60 pgs., 110 works, no plates. Removed from a binder, back cover missing, but sturdy copy. 30.00 1199. Paris, Hotel Drouot. Catalogue de Tableaux de Maitres Anciens… Sale Jan., 27, 1882. Lg. 8vo, 64 pgs., 94 works mostly Dutch and Flemish, sev. etched plates. Wrappers, missing front wrapper and spine chipped, but sturdy. 30.00 1200. Petit Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens Formant la Collection Petit. Sale June 19, 1913. Qto, 33 pgs., 76 works + many ills. on plates, all Netherlandish paintings. Wrs., spine neatly repaired with archival tape. A few prices. 40.00 1201. Petri Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Tableaux Anciens - Antiquites - Objets d'Art... Collection M. – Harald Petri Consul General de Suede a Anvers. Sale Nov. 30-Dec. 3, 1926. Qto, 38 pgs., 396 works, inc. 156 ptgs., of the Netherlandish Schools, many ill. on plates. Wrs. sl. soiled, ends of spine sl. bumped. 35.00 1202. Preyer Coll. Preyer Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Collection de Feu M.- A. Preyer. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens et Modernes des XVe au XIXe Siecles. Sale Nov. 8, 1927. Qto, 28 pgs., 111 works + 39 ills. on plates. Wrs. Very good. 40.00 1203. Preyer Coll. Preyer Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller. Collection de Feu M.- A. Preyer. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens et Modernes des XVe au XIXe Siecles. Sale Nov. 8, 1927. Qto, 28 pgs., 111 works + 39 ills. on plates. Wrs. Corners and spine ends a little bumped. 35.00 1204. De Ridder Coll. Paris, Galerie Georges Petit. Sale June 2, 1924. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens… Composant la Galerie de Feu M. A. de Ridder. Sale June 8, 1924. Lg. qto, unpgd., 87 mostly first-rate Dutch and Flemish 16th and 17th c. paintings, all ill. Internally very good, some minor soiling and wear to the wrappers. 40.00 1205. De Ridder Coll. Paris, Galerie Georges Petit. Sale June 2, 1924. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens… Composant la Galerie de Feu M. A. de Ridder. Sale June 8, 1924. Lg. qto, unpgd., 87 mostly first-rate Dutch and Flemish 16th and 17th c. paintings, all ill. Internally very good, some minor soiling and bottom of spine bumped. 35.00 1206. Schamp d’Aveschoot Coll. Gand, Librairie General de H. Hoste. Catalogue des Tableaux des Ecoles Flamande, Hollandaise, Italienne, Francaise et Espagnole Composant la Magnifique Galerie de 1207. M. Schamp d’Aveschoot de Gand. Sale Sept. 14, 1840. 8vo, 109 pgs., 251 works. Priced in ink with buyers’ names throughout. Wrs. somewhat soiled and worn, text v.g.; in library pamphlet binding. 125.00 Schonlank Coll. Koln, Lempertz & Heberle. Katalog der Ausgewahlten und Reichhaltigen Gemalde-Galerie des Rentiers Herrns Alexis Schonlank zu Berlin.... Sale April 28-29, 1896. Lg. qto, 90 pgs., 217 works of all schools, but many Netherlandish works of quality. Many fine plates. Lib. dup. in dark green buckram. Inner margin of frontis. Plate creased, otherwise v.g. copy. 85.00 1208. Slagmulder Coll. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller & Cie. Tableaux Modernes Collection J. Slagmulder Amsterdam. Sale Nov. 20, 1923. Qto, 59 works, many works on plates. Wrappers sl. soiled and spine bumped at top. 19th-c. Dutch, French, German painters. 30.00 1209. Schubart Coll. Munchen, Hugo Helbing. Aus dem Kunstbesitz des Verew. Herrn Dr. Martin Schubart. I. Gemalde. Sale Oct. 23, 1899. Lg. qto, xvi + 32 pgs., 102 works, + many plates in half-tone. Cloth sl. soiled. Ink title on spine. 60.00 1210. Seilern Coll. Count Antoine Seilern. Flemish Paintings & Drawings at 56 Princes Gate London SW7. Addenda. London, Shenval Press, 1969. Lg. 8vo, vii + 77 pgs. + 24 pgs. + 45 leaves of plates. Both parts in cloth slipcase. The spine is sunned and a l;ittle bumpy; but the text and plates are in very fine or better condition, perhaps never consulted. 65.00 1211. Vlierbom van Hoboken Coll. Amsterdam, A. Preyer. Collection de Feu M. Marius Vlierbom von Hoboken, de Bruxelles. Tableaux Modernes et Anciens. Sale, Hotel de Brakke Grond, Feb. 18, 1896. Lg. 8vo, 59 works, 20 plates. WRappers a little soiled, but sturdy copy. 45.00 1212. Warneck Coll. Paris, Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Warneck. Tableaux Anciens et Modernes.... Sale May 27-28, 1926. Lg. 8vo, 134 pgs., 115 works, many plates. Wrs. sl. worn and soiled. Many Netherlandish works. 40.00 1213. Warneck Coll. Paris, Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Warneck. Tableaux Anciens et Modernes.... Sale May 27-28, 1926. Lg. 8vo, 134 pgs., 115 works, many plates. Wrs. Soiled and a little worn. 40.00 1214. Warneck Coll. Paris, Galerie Georges Petit. Collection Warneck. Tableaux Anciens et Modernes.... Sale May 27-28, 1926. Lg. 8vo, 134 pgs., 115 works, many plates. Wrs. Soiled and a little worn. 40.00 1215.