Course: Introduction to Business Administration

March 10, 2005
Course: Introduction to Business Administration (IBA)
Professor Dave Jaye 019-807-9024
Advanced level: All English Lectures and discussion Room L501
Office Hours Thursday 9:50 to 11am and by appointment, by email and by phone.
Course Description and Objectives: This course is designed to introduce elementary
concepts of business, practices in business and career paths by surveying functional
areas of business and management activities. This is a business survey course. Due to
the limited time allotted, all concepts, theories, case studies and applications cannot be
covered in depth. This class will help develop students’ English presentation and
interview skills. You will gain confidence with your English skills and working with
non Korean faculty and business people. After completing this course, students should
be able to: 1. Understand how contemporary business world and business systems
constantly interact. 2. Understand the elementary concepts of key business functions of
accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resources management,
management, marketing etc. 3. Examine the practices and potential of various business
functions to help students select a major and then a career. To develop the skills to
research, persuade, interview and then report in English on a major company.
Course Schedule: Tuesday 10am to 11:15am and Thursday 8:30am to 9:45am
Text: “Business” by Ricky W. Griffin and Ronald J. Ebert. International Edition with
CD. 2004, Pears Prentice Hall. Plus supplemental business articles and course hand outs.
GRADING/EVALUATION CRITERIA: This course is exempt from Dongguk
University’s normal distribution grading policy. Class grade will be determined in an
absolute manner as described below.
Quizzes (100 points total): To encourage students’ class participation, ten in-class
quizzes will be administered throughout the term. Each quiz counts for 10 points and
will consist of 3-5 questions about primary concepts, theories, principles, case studies
and techniques related to the class topics. Questions will be drawn primarily from
assigned text materials. Quizzes will be administered at the beginning of class. Once
the quiz is administered, students who arrive late will not be allowed to take the quiz.
One cumulative make up of quizzes will be held at the end of the semester for those
with a signed documentation of a legitimate absence. The make up quizzes will be more
difficult than the original quizzes.
Final Exam (100 points) A comprehensive exam composed of multiple-choice, short
answer, true/false and or short essay questions will be given at the end of the course.
Exam questions are drawn from lectures, reading assignments, classroom discussions
and exercises. The exam must be taken as scheduled and there will not be any make up
exam provided to students absent on the day the final is given.
Method of Evaluation:
In class quizzes 100 points
In Class final Exam 100 points
Team Projects 200 points: 25 points for market research on selected company, interview
preparations and confirmation of interview appointment before April 7, 2005, 25 points
for Mock Interview presentation, 40 points for team peer reviews of your individual
performance and participation, 35 points for Team Project Final Written Report, 75
points for final team power point presentation,
Class attendance and participation: 100 points.
Total possible 500 points.
Student Conduct: Students are expected to recognize and uphold standards of
intellectual academic integrity as set forth by the University. Students must not
commit any and all forms of dishonorable or unethical conduct related to their academic
work, including but not limited to: plagiarism, cheating on examinations, unauthorized
collaboration, falsifications and multiple submissions. Class members are expected to
treat each other with respect. I will not tolerate student’s laughing at another student’s
mispronunciation or other academic errors. All devices including cell phones, beepers,
MP3 players etc that can disrupt class must be deactivated during class. Students are
encouraged to audio tape this class to assist in course review and preparation. Students
will not sleep in class, hit each other, even in jest, apply make up, chew gum nor cause
distractions to class discussion. I encourage students to ask questions and ask for
clarifications. Students with disabilities should contact the instructor in advance to
arrange appropriate accommodation.
Special Attention to Cheating and Plagiarism: “Cheating is the actual or attempted
practice of fraudulent or deceptive acts for the purpose of improving one’s grade or
obtaining course credit.” These acts also include assisting another student to Cheat or
Plagiarize. Typically such acts occur in relation to examinations. For this class the
definition cheating will not be limited to examinations. Cheating shall include any and
all actions by a student that are intended to gain an unearned academic advantage by
fraudulent or deceptive means. “Plagiarism is a specific form of cheating which consists
of the misuse of the published and/or unpublished works of others by misrepresenting
the material (i.e., their intellectual property) so used as one’s own work.” Penalties for
cheating and plagiarism range from a 0 or F on a particular assignment through a F for
the course, to expulsion from the University.
Student Participation: Although we occasionally encounter unexpected situations, it is
expected that each individual will come to class on time having read the materials
assigned and participate in whole class and small study group discussion. You must
avoid leaving early. The notes will be helpful in understanding the material. The text
book questions will be useful in class discussions. I will select a class president who
will assist me with attendance, checking quizzes, departmental communication, liaison
with student concerns and other small tasks. I will also select a class Web Master. In
recognition of this service, the class president and perhaps Web Master will be granted
extra points for the class grade and receive extra help from me getting internships/jobs.
Your participation through contributing to discussion, responding to questions and
asking questions will help you learn more and perform better in the class and job market.
Too many Koreans are at a big disadvantage in the classroom and business world due to
being too quiet and shy. Students are expected to vote for the best student book report,
Mock Interview and Team Business Power Point presentation. To avoid problems of a
few students ‘free loading’ off the other student’s work, four anonymous study group
surveys will be taken.
Course Methods: All English lecture and discussion. Students must be prepared having
read the assigned materials before class. Class discussion by students is expected and
graded. I will randomly call on students to ask for their opinions on class reading and to
test their understanding of course material, very similar to the Harvard MBA approach. I
reward students who volunteer their opinions and bring new material to class. Students
will be randomly assigned to a 4 member study group that shall meet for at least one
hour a week to review the week’s class and focus on the upcoming week’s materials.
Student’s must sign their name at the weekly study group meeting and hand in
attendance sheets at each class. It is the students’ responsibility to re-read materials after
the class, participate in study groups and sit in class next to a superior English Language
skill student. You must bring an English/Korean Korean/English Dictionary to class. I
recommend you audio tape the class to listen to the class again since the material is
complex, important, in English and to deeply understand the material in pursuit of a
high grade. It is the absent student’s responsibility to get an audio copy of a missed
lecture. When you introduce yourself in class I request you say your Korean and
English name and your business interest or specialty. A high ranking business person
will appear as a guest speaker if the class makes sufficient progress with assignments.
Team Project: Team project is designed to facilitate students’ learning process by
providing real business research, interview and presentation opportunities. You will not
have a choice of who is on your team just like the real business world. I will also
randomly assign study groups. A team of 4 people shall prepare a power point
presentation and written report discussing a company’s department’s core competence,
business culture challenges, successes and failures. Students must interview a company
official on site. You will wear business attire for the Mock interview and actual
company interview. The success of a team project will be determined by the quality of
written assignments and presentations. A business team’s success is determined in large
part by the extent to which team members communicate and coordinate their effort
effectively and efficiently.
Selection of A Company: I prefer that you select one of Forbes Magazine’s top 400
International Companies to interview. Your interview must be conducted in English. The
Instructor must approve of the company and the target department.
D. Time Line
1. Thursday March 3 Course organization and discussion of syllabus. Bring a color
photo of yourself with your name on the back of the photo and English resume if you
have one. Students are strongly encouraged to select a business English name to be used
along with their Korean name, reference You are expected to
read and prepare questions and opinions on Chapter 1 of ‘Understanding Business
System’ before this first class due to Korean Holidays on Tuesday March 1, Tuesday
April 4 and Thursday May 5.
2. Tuesday March 8 Chapter 1: of ‘Understanding Business System’
3. Thursday March 10 Chapter 1: of ‘Understanding Business System’ election of class
President, Vice President and Translator Discussion of Text reading methods
4. Tuesday March 15: Chapter 2: Understanding the Environments of Business: Quiz #1
on Chapter 2 given at 10am Discussion of Team Projects
5. Thursday March 17: Chapter 3: Entrepreneurship and ownership Quiz #2 on Chapter
3 given at 8:30am
6. Tuesday March 22: First Team Report and Team Peer evaluation due Chapter 4:
Global Business.
7. Thursday March 24: Chapter 5: Business Ethics
8. Tuesday March 29: Chapter 6: Managing Business
9. Thursday March 31 Chapter 7: Organizing Business
10. Tuesday April 5, No Class Korean Holiday.
11. Thursday April 7: Chapter 8: Human Resource Management,
12. Tuesday April 12: Chapter 9: Motivating and Leading People
. Second Team Project Due. Second Peer Evaluation Due
13. Thursday April 14: Chapter 10: Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior
14. Tuesday April 19: Chapter 12: Distributing Products,
15. Thursday April 21: Due Team Project 3 Video Taped Mock Interviews of Business
Leaders. Third Peer Review of Study Groups. Chapter 13: Promoting Products
16. Tuesday April 26: Video Taped Mock Interviews of Business Leaders
17. Thursday April 28: Chapter 14: Producing Goods and Services
18. Tuesday May 3: Chapter 17: Accounting
19. Thursday May 5 No class Korean Holiday
20. Tuesday May 10: Chapter 18: Money and Banking
21. Thursday May 12: Chapter 19: Securities and Investments. Team Project 4 Final
Reports are due. Fourth Peer Review of Team and Study Groups.
22. Tuesday May 17: Chapter 20: Financial and Risk Management
23. Thursday May 19: Chapter 15, Managing for Quality and Productivity
24. Tuesday May 24: Power Point Presentations on Company Interview
25. Thursday May 26: Power Point Presentations on Company Interview
26. Tuesday May 31: Power Point Presentations on Company Interview
27. Thursday June 2: Power Point Presentations on Company Interview
28. Tuesday June 7: Power Point Presentations on Company Interview
29. Thursday June 9: Guest Speaker. Fifth and final Peer review of Team and study
group due.
30. Tuesday June 14 Course Summary and Review
31. Thursday June 16 Final Exam, Presentation of Student Awards and Student Course