VI. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS 1. Introduction International Affairs Division (IAD) of the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) has been maintaining assigned liaisons regularly with the international organizations and foreign countries since its inception. The liaisons are bordered normally to the nuclear technology transfer, enrichment of nuclear instrumentation and of infrastructure for nuclear energy, development of human resources for the peaceful application of nuclear technologies in the country. Under the supervision of BAEC authority and concurrently the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), IAD directly communicates with international organization to get international projects and simultaneously monitors the progress of the ongoing projects. In order to strengthen the overall nuclear capability of the country, this division makes liaison for foreign trainings, fellowships and scientific visits for scientists, engineers, doctors, geologists, technicians and administrators. IAD also works to arrange expert missions, international meetings, seminars, trainings, etc., In BAEC as well as in the country. In order to enhance R&D (Research and Development) works IAD plays an important role to execute bilateral and multilateral agreement with foreign countries. Moreover, in order to fulfill the international obligations related to nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, IAD has also been in constant communication with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations Organization (UNO), etc. since the inception of BAEC. A brief description of the activities of IAD during the period of “July, 11 – June, 12” is presented below: 2. Activities 2. 1 Technology transfer It is well known that BAEC has been receiving technical assistances mainly from IAEA since its inception through Technical Cooperation (TC) Projects, Regional Cooperation Agreement (RCA) Projects, Nonagreement Technical Cooperation (RTC) Projects, Coordination Research Projects (CRP’s) and other special projects of IAEA secretariat. As the assigned liaison point of IAEA, IAD is liable to monitor the progresses of these projects, to collect the development reports from the project counterparts and to submit them to the IAEA, to arrange expert visits, scientific visits, trainings and fellowships for the scientists involved with these projects. IAD also helps the project counterparts to organize training courses, seminars, meetings, etc. in the country. 2. 1.1 Technical Cooperation (TC) projects In the financial year 2011-2012, IAD worked for seven ongoing TC projects and simultaneously to obtain new TC projects in different piority fields of development perspective of the country. The TC projects are covering the areas on Establishing Nuclear Power, Upgrading Nuclear Instruments, Veterinary Drug Residue Measurement, Development of Radiotherapy for Cancer Treatment, Determination of Radionuclide and Trace Elements in Sediments, Promoting Radiation Processed Biodegradable Materials, Improving Childhood Nutrition, Research Reactor Safety, General Atomic Energy Development, Radiopharmaceuticals, Radioactive Waste Management Technology and Infrastructure, Soil and Water Management and Crop Nutrition with Plant Breeding and Genetics, Radiation Technologies and Tracer Techniques for Industrial Processes, and Ground-Water Hydrology. Table 2.1 includes the description of the ongoing TC projects for which IAD worked in the reported financial year July 2011-June 2012. Table 2.1.1: IAEA-TC projects for the cycle 2011-2012 Sl.No. 01. Name of the Project approval of IAEA Establishing Nuclear Power (BGD/4/024) Name of the Counterpart Dr. Md. Shawkat Akber CSO & Director, NPED, BAEC, Dhaka. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 2.1.2 Upgrading the Facilities for Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Nuclear Instruments(BGD/4/025) Mr. Mahabubul Haq Establishing a Veterinary Drug Residue Laboratory ( BGD/5/027) Dr. A.S.M Saifullaha Assisting the Establishment of 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy for cancer Treatment (BGD/6/020) Pro. Dr. Shahana Afroj Determining Radionuclide and Trace Elements in the Sediment and Seawater of the Southeastern Coast ( BGD/7/006) Md. Zafrul Kabir, Promoting Radiation Processed Biodegradable Materials for Healthcare and Environmental Protection( BGD/8/021) Dr. Emdadul Haque Improving childhood Nutrition and Reducing under five Mortality through Nutritional interventions(BGD/6/021) Dr. M. Munirul Islam Regional Cooperation Agreement (RCA) Projects: CSO, IE, AERE, Saver, Dhaka. PSO, IFRB, AERE, Saver, Dhaka. Member (Bio.Sc.), BAEC, Dhaka. Sr. Geologist, NMU, AERE, Saver, Dhaka. CSO & Director, NSSD, BAEC, Dhaka. Associate Scientist ICDDR’B Mohakali, Dhaka. RCA is an inter-governmental agreement among IAEA member states of East Asia, south East Asia and Pacific region. The cooperation agreement projects among the seventeen countries of this region are commonly known as RCA Projects. Such projects are involved in research, development and training activities in various fields of peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology through sharing of regional resources including facilities, equipment and expertise as well as pooling of knowledge. In the financial year 2011-2012, IAD performed liaison for fourteen RCA projects covering different vital nuclear fields namely- Agriculture, Food, Health, Industry, Radiation Processing, Environment and Pollution Control, Radiation Protection and Water Resources. Table 2.1.2 describes the RCA Projects for which IAD worked in the reported period. Table 2.1.2 RCA Projects Continued in the Financial Year 2011-2012 S.l No. 1. Project Name Improvement of Crop Quality and Stress Tolerance for Sustainable Crop Production Using Mutation Techniques Project Counterpart Dr. A. N. K. Mamun PSO, IFRB, AERE, Savar Dhaka. and Biotechnology (RAS/5/045). Novel Applications of Food Irradiation Technology for Improving Socioeconomic Development (RAS/5/046). Dr. Harun-or-Rashid Irradiation for Enhanced Sanitary and Phytosanitary Dr. Md. Khorshed Alam Treatment of Regional Products for Export (RAS/5/050 ). PSO, IFRB, AERE, Savar, Dhaka. Strengthening Medical Physics through Education and Dr. Kamila Afroj Quadir Training (RAS/6/038 ). CSO, INMU, BSMMU Campus, Dhaka. Strengthening Clinical Applications of PET in RCA Dr. Fazlul Kabir Member States (RAS/6/049 ). CMO& Director, INMU, Dhaka. 6. Improvement of Image Based Radiation Therapy for Common Cancers in the RCA Region (RAS/6/053) Dr. Golam Mohiuddin Faruque Associate Professor, Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka. 7. Characterization and Source Identification of Particulate Air Pollution in the Asian Region (RAS/7/015A). Dr. Bilkis Ara Begum PSO, AEC, Dhaka 8. Establishing a Benchmark for Assessing the Radiological Impact of Nuclear Power Activities on the Marine Environment in the Asia-Pacific Region (RAS/7/016). Mr. Masud Kamal PSO & Director, RTML, BAEC Chittagong. Regional Harmonization of Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques for Marine Pollution Management at the Mr. Masud Kamal PSO & Director, RTML, BAEC 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. CSO, IFRB, AERE, Savar,Dhaka. 10. Regional Level (RAS/7/019) Chittagong. Assessment of Trends in Freshwater Quality Using Environmental Isotopes and Chemical Techniques for Improved Resource Management (RAS/8/108). Mr. Nasir Ahmed Principal Engineer INST, AERE, Savar, Dhaka. 11. 12. 13. 14. Radiation Processing of Polymeric Materials for Agricultural Applications and Environmental Remediation (RAS/8/109 ). Dr. Md. Emdadul Haque Applications of Advanced Industrial Radiography and Tomography in Industry and Civil Engineering (RAS/8/110) Mr. Jafar Sadique Diagnosing Industrial Multiphase Systems by Process Visualization using Radiotracers and Sealed Sources (RAS/8/111). Dr. Md. Ashraful Islam Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Dr. Aleya Begum Infrastructures (RAS/9/042). CSO, Atomic Energy Centre Dhaka. CSO, INST, AERE, Savar,Dhaka. Chief Engineer, AEC, Dhaka. CSO, AEC, Dhaka. 2.1.3 Non-Agreement Regional Technical Cooperation (RTC) Projects These projects are Asia Region Based 4 middleast IAEA Technical Cooperation (TC) Projects. In these projects countries from Middle East are also involved with the seventeen RCA countries. In the reported year, IAD made liaison for eighteen RTC projects covering- Nuclear power planning, Sustainability of Nuclear Institute, Nuclear Capacity Enhancement, Strengthening Radioactive Waste Management and Radioactive Exposure Control, Irradiation, Physical Protection, Strengthening Health Support, etc., which are enlisted in the Table 2.1.3. Table 2.1.3 RTC projects continued in the financial year 2011-2012 Sl.No. Name of the Project Project Counterpart Providing Decision Support for Nuclear Power Planning and Development. (RAS/0/053) Khandaker Mostafa Rezaur Rahman 2. Supporting Self-Reliance and Sustainability of National Nuclear Institutions. (RAS/0-054) Engr. Md. Mozammel Haque Chairman BAEC, Dhaka. 3. Reviewing Country and Regional Program. (NLO) Providing Pre-Project Assistance (RAS/0/058) Dr. Abdus Sattar Mollah Director, IAD, BAEC, Dhaka. 1 SSO, NPED,BAEC, Dhaka. 4. Enhancing Human and Nuclear Technology Capacities (RAS/0/059) Dr. Abdus Sattar Mollah Director, IAD, BAEC, Dhaka. 5. Sharing Regional Knowledge on the Use of the Sterile Insect Technique within Integrated Area Wide Fruit Fly Pest Management Programmes (RAS/5/052) Dr. Shakil Ahmed Khan Controlling and Preventing Childhood Malnutrition in Asia (RAS/6/055) Prof. Dr. Sanower Hossain Developing a Regional Screening Network for Neonatal Hypothyroidism (Phase II) (RAS/6/056) Dr. Faridul Alam Strengthening and Standardizing Nuclear Medicine Applications in Cardiology in Asia through Education and Training (RAS/6/057) Dr. Faria Nasren 9. Building Evidence on Nutrition Interventions for People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) (ARASIA) Dr. Kazi Jamil Associate Scientist, ICDDRB, Dhaka 10. Quality Assurance Team for Radiation Oncology (QUATRO) Training in South East Asia. (RAS/6/059) Prof. Dr. Mollah Obayedullah Baki Supporting Comprehensive National Cancer Control (RAS/6/060 ) Prof. Dr. Shahana Afroz Strengthening Occupational Radiation Protection (RAS/9/053 ) Dr. Aleya Begum 13. Strengthening National Regulatory Infrastructures ( RAS/9/054 ) Engr. Md. Mozammel Haque Chairman BAEC, Dhaka. 14. Strengthening Radiation Protection in Medicine (RAS/9/055 ) Mr. Md. Nurul Islam Strengthening Capabilities for Protection of the Public and the Environment for Radiation Practices ( RAS/9/056 ) Dr. Md. Moinul Islam Strengthening National and Regional Capabilities for Response to Radiological and Nuclear emergencies (RAS/9/057 ) Ms. Rahman Samina Supporting Education and Training in Radiation Protection Ms. Razeea Parvin 6. 7. 8. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. PSO, IFRB, Savar Director, CNMU, Dhaka. CMO & Director, INMU, Dhaka PMO, INMU, Dhaka. Director, NICRH, Mohakhali, Dhaka. Member (Bio-Science), BAEC, Dhaka CSO, AEC, Dhaka. PSO, INMU, Dhaka. PSO, INST, Savar, Dhaka CSO, NSRCD, BAEC, Dhaka. 18. 2.1.4 (RAS/9/058) PSO, NSRCD, BAEC, Dhaka. Strengthening Nuclear Regulatory Authorities in the Asia and the Pacific Region.( RAS/9/059) Engr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman Director, NSSD, BAEC, Dhaka. Coordinated Research Projects (CRPs) Bangladesh avails IAEA research supports through the Coordinated Research Projects (CRPs) too. Such research activities are normally (implemented by the research institutes of both the developing and developed countries those are member of IAEA) on the same research of interest. IAEA funds a portion of the project’s cost in the financial year 2011-2012, IAD liaison for a number of CRP projects covering the research area of Food and Agriculture, Human Health, Physical and Chemical Sciences, Nuclear Installation Safety and Nuclear Fuel Cycle, and Waste Technology. Besides BAEC, scientific institutes and Universities of Bangladesh such as ICDDR’B, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Radiation Oncology Department, Centre for Woman and Child Health, Clinical Science Division are involved with CRP’s. Table 2.1.4 enclosed the CRP’s of BAEC for which IAD made liaison in the reported period. Table 2.1.4 Sl.No. Coordinated Research Projects (CRPs) during the financial year 2011 -2012 Name & Designation Proposed CRP Remarks 01. PSO,IFRB,AERE Use of Symblotle Bacteria to Reduce Mass-rearing Cost and increase Mating Success in selected fruit pests in support of SIT Application, Vienna, Austria 21-25 May, 2012 02. Dr. Mubarak Ahmed Khan, Director, IRPT TM on Advanced Materials for Energy Storage, and Conversion 24-28 Sept. 2012 Vienna, Austria. Completed 03. Dr. Syed Mohammad Hossain 1st RCM Development of an intergrated Approach to Routine Automation of Neutron Activation, 27-31 August, 2012 Delft. Netherlands Completed Dr. Mahfuza Khan PSO 04. Kazi Md. Amzad Hossain PSO, AEC, Dhaka. 05. Dr. Md. Emdadul Haque, Director, NSSD & Dr. Md. Shafiqul Isalm, PSO, NSSD,BAEC TM on Advanced Materials for Energy Storage, and Conversion 24-28 Sept. 2012 Vienna, Austria. 1st RCM Development of the application of performance-based methodology to disgn and evaluate the physical protection of radioactive nuclear material and associated facilities in Bangladesh 08-12 April, 2013, Vienna, Austria. Completed 06. Dr. Nirmal Chandra Dafader, CSO, INST CRP.No -17639 Application of Radiation Techniques in Development of Advanced Packaging materials for Food Products 2.2 Projects of the Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA) IAD is the focal point to implement the FNCA projects. The framework of this forum specified to various vital nuclear fields such as: utilization of research reactors, utilization of radioisotopes and radiation to agriculture, application of radioisotopes and radiation for medical use, public information of nuclear energy, radiation safety and radioactive waste management, safety culture of nuclear energy, human resources development and Industrial Application. Each field opens independent projects and project leaders. The present members of this forum are Japan, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. In the financial year 2011-2012, IAD made liaison for a number of FNCA projects which are presented below. Table 2.2.1 List of Project (FNCA, Japan) and Project Leaders (Not seniority basis) Sl. # 01. 02. 03. Name of the Project Name and Address of the Project Leader Human Resources Development Engr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman Beginning: 2009 Director, IAD, BAEC Research Reactor Technology Mr. Md. Jahirul Haque Khan Beginning: 2009 PSO, INST, Savar, Dhaka. Bio-fertilizer Beginning: 2009 Dr. Md. Saidul Islam CSO, Chairman Office, BAEC, Dhaka 04. Cyclotron and PET in Medicine Prof. Dr. Shahana Afroz Member (Bio-Science) BAEC, Dhaka. 05. 06. 07. Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation for Medical Uses Beginning: 2009 Prof. Dr. Shahana Afroz Nuclear Safety Management of Research Reactor Facilities Beginning: 2009 Engr. Md, Abdus Salam Electron Beam Accelerator Beginning: 2010 Dr. Md. Emdadul Hoque Member (Bio-Science) BAEC, Dhaka. Director, ROMU, AERE, Savar, Dhaka. CSO, INST, AERE, Dhaka. 08. Mutation Breeding Beginning: 2009 Dr. A.N.K. Mamun PSO, IFRB, AERE, Savar, Dhaka. 09. Neutron Activation Analysis Beginning: 2009 Dr. Syed Mohammod Hosain PSO, RNPD, INST, AERE, Savar, Dhaka. 10. 11. 2.3 Nuclear Safety Culture & Waste Management Dr. Moinul Islam Beginning: 2009 PSO, INST, AERE, Savar, Dhaka. Nuclear Security and Safeguards Dr. Md. Shofiqul Islam Beginning: 2012 PSO, NSSD, BAEC Exchange of experience and expertise Exchange Programs under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA) of Japan welcome nuclear researchers from neighboring Asian countries to Japan and dispatches Japanese experts to other countries. As the focal point of this program, IAD processed the necessities in favor of the selected scientists, engineers, doctors and technicians of BAEC. The fellowships offer Research Institute Course and University Course. Both of these courses are enable to gather state-of-the-art technical knowledge and to perform high grade research activities in Japan for contributing to build up and to strengthen nuclear base and nuclear safety works in BAEC. 2.4 Service Training In case of the appropriate set up opperation of procured new nuclear instruments specially under Annual Developed Program Projects, IAD works to complete the service training processes in order to avail them in the instrument maker countries. Such service trainings are financed by the instrument suppliers. 2.5 Data base of Foreign Visitors From July 2008, IAD has been maintaining a data base for the foreign visits. Generally, higher Authorities have attended in various vital conferences and meetings time to time such as RCA and IAEA annual conferences. On the other hand, scientists, engineers, doctors, geologists, technicians and administrators of BAEC, MOST and other organizations have attended in various meetings, conferences and workshops, and availed significant number of fellowships and trainings in the reported period under TC, RCA, RTC, IAEA Secretariat special projects, FNCA projects, special grant of IAEA, ADP projects and also under personal communications. The flowing Table summarized the Foreign Visit Database chronologically for which IAD worked in the financial year 2011-2012. Table 2.5.1 List of the meetings, conferences, seminar, workshop, fellowship, training, etc., availed under the TC projects, RCA projects, Non-agreement TC projects, FNCA Projects and from other sources. SL Name Subject Title Md. Sohelur Rahman Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology for Near-term Deployment Visit Type Duration Country Source Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Vienna, Austria IAEA Malaysia IAEA 04.07.11 1 SSO, NPED Workshop to 08.07.11 Md. Abdur Razzaque 2 SE, NPED Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology for Near-term Deployment 04.07.11 Workshop to 08.07.11 Debabrata Das 3 SE, QSC 4 Md. Mofazzal Fazzal Haider PSO, NSRCD Meherun Nahar 5 SSO, NSRCD Mahmud Hossain 6 SE, NPED Mahfuza Begum 7 SSO, INST, Savar Rabeya Akhtar 8 SSO, INST, Savar Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology for Near-term Deployment IAEA/ANSN-Regional workshop on establishing a Nuclear Safety Infrastructure for a national Nuclear Power Program IAEA/ANSN-Regional workshop on establishing a Nuclear Safety Infrastructure for a national Nuclear Power Program IAEA/ANSN-Regional workshop on establishing a Nuclear Safety Infrastructure for a national Nuclear Power Program Regional Training course on public exposure to naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) –as related to oil and gas industry (RAS/9/056) Regional training course on security in the transport of radioactive material 04.07.11 Workshop to 08.07.11 04.07.11 Workshop to 15.07.11 04.07.11 Workshop to 15.07.11 04.07.11 Workshop to 15.07.11 25.07.11 Training to 29.07.11 04.07.11 Training to 08.07.11 Md. Abu Hayder 9 SO, INST Faria Nasreen 10 PMO, INMU 11 SL Regional training course (RTC) on use of nuclear cardiology in myocardial viability assessment and introduction to PET and PET/CT for beginners (RAS/6/057) SO, INST, Savar IAEA/RCA Training course on advanced applications of radiation processing for recycling of polymeric waste (RAS/8/109) Name Subject Title Afifa Khatun Functional food sciences, specially radio-protective function of food ingredient Abu Rayhan Mohammad Tareq 12 SO, IFRB, Savar 13 Regional training course on security in the transport of radioactive material Mohammad Zahirul Islam Mollah 04.07.11 Training to Malaysia IAEA Vietnam IAEA Malaysia IAEA Country Source Japan MEXTJ apan. U. K. IAEA Vienna, Austria IAEA Vienna, Austria IAEA Vienna, Austria IAEA Russian Federati on BAEC 08.07.11 11.07.11 Training to 15.07.11 04.07.11 Training to 08.07.11 Visit Type Duration 01.07.11 Training to 31.03.11 18.07.11 Radiation processing facilities and applications Training SO, INST, Savar to 17.01.12 11.07.11 Md. Monirul Islam 14 CE, BAEC Meeting for emergency management decision makes Meeting to 15.07.11 11.07.11 15 ABM Abdul Fattah Secretary, BAEC Meeting for emergency management decision makes Meeting to 15.08.11 12.07.11 Shaikh Md. Yunus 16 CSO, RNPD, INST Potential international centers of excellence based on high flux research reactor facilities to 14.07.11 Dilip Kumer Basak 17 NDC, MOSICT Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation 12.07.11 Meeting to 17.07.11 Md. Ali Zulquarnain 18 CE, ROMU Rahman Samina 19 CSO, NSRCD 20 21 Md. Iqbal Hussain Khan Director, MOFA Mohammed Zafar Ullah PS, MOSICT 22 Mohammad Abdul Halim S.A Secretary L&PAD Satyajit Ghose 23 PSO, NSRCD 24 Khandaker Mostofa Rezaur Rahman PSO NPED Jafar Sadique 25 CE, AEC Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation 12.07.11 Meeting 17.07.11 Russian Federati on BAEC Russian Federati on BAEC Russian Federati on BAEC Russian Federati on BAEC Russian Federati on BAEC Russian Federati on BAEC Russian Federati on BAEC Malaysia IAEA Malaysia IAEA Austria IAEA 12.07.11 Meeting to 17.07.11 12.07.11 Meeting to 17.07.11 Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation Meeting Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation Meeting Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation Meeting Consultation on Regulatory Documents between Bangladesh Government and Government of Russian Federation Meeting The use of ISee and a RTist software for DIR image analysis and interpretation to 12.07.11 to 17.07.11 12.07.11 to 17.07.11 12.07.11 to 17.07.11 12.07.11 to 17.07.11 25.07.11 Training to 29.07.11 Md. Ahasanul Habib 26 SO, AEC 27 Mohammad Jahurul Islam SO, IFRB, Savar 25.07.11 The use of ISee and a RTist software for DIR image analysis and interpretation Training Contaminants and Residues in Food and Environment Training to 29.07.11 01.08.11 (BGD/5/027) to 10.09.11 SL Name Subject Title Visit Type Duration Country Source Japan MEXT Japan MEXT Japan MEXT Philipines IAEA USA IAEA USA IAEA Korea RCARO Korea (IAEA) Korea RCA Korea 01.08.11 Zoairia Idris Lyric 28 SO, INST, Savar Reactor Engineering-I (Reactor Physics): ITC Training to 30.09.11 29 Mohammad Mezbah Uddin SE, ROMU, Savar Reactor Engineering-II (Thermal Hydraulics, Fuel and Materials Engineering): ITC 01.08.11 Training to 30.09.11 01.08.11 Anisur Rahman 30 SO, ROMU Reactor Engineering-I (Reactor Safety): ITC Training to 30.09.11 Masud Kamal 31 32 CSO, RTML, Chittagong Mohammad Khalaquzzaman SE, NPED Sagar Alam 33 Engineer, NPED Executive Management Meeting for Environmental Agencies and National Nuclear Institutes Training Course on Developing National Long-Range Nuclear Energy Strategies Training Course on Developing National Long-Range Nuclear Energy Strategies 08.08.11 Meeting to 12.08.11 08.08.11 Training to 19.08.11 08.08.11 Training to 19.08.11 Raihan Hussain 34 CMO, INMU Nurun Nahar 35 CMO, INMU 08.08.11 RCA/UNDP Training Course on Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Technologies Training RCA/UNDP Training Course on Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Training to 26.08.11 08.08.11 to Technologies 26.08.11 08.08.11 Md. Aliuzzaman 36 SO, INST, Savar Joint ICTP-IAEA School of Nuclear Energy Management Training to Trieste, Italy ICTP Taiwan Taiwan Australia Austral ia Austria IAEA USA IAEA USA IAEA South Africa IAEA Germany GmbH Germa ny Australia IAEA 26.08.11 10.08.11 Nasrul Haque Mia 37 SO, IE, Savar Spectroscopic Reflect meter (Film Thickness Monitor) Machine Training to 21.08.11 38 A.K.M. Mizanur Rahman SSO, CNMU, Dhaka A S M Firoz 39 Member BAEC 40 Mohammed Zafar Ullah PS MOST Md. Shafiqul Islam 41 PSO NSSD 42 Golam Qutube Rabbani Majumder SSO, NSRCD 15.08.11 Foundations of PET-CT ProgramClinical Placement, Training to 17.08.11 Upgrading the Facilities for Quality Assurance and Quality Control of Nuclear Instruments Regional Training Course on Management Systems and Development of the Safety Culture 15.08.11 Scientific Visit to 22.08.11 22.08.11 Training to 02.09.11 Regional Training Course on Management Systems and Development of the Safety Culture Regional Practical Workshop on Decommissioning of Uranium Contaminated Facilities (RAS/3/009) 22.08.11 Training to 02.09.11 22.08.11 Workshop to 26.08.11 28.08.11 A S M Firoz 43 Member, BAEC Sentech Instruments GmbH for visit Meeting to 03.09.11 44 Mohammad Zafrul Kabir SG, BSMEC 29.08.11 IAEA/RCA Initial Project Planning Meeting (RAS/7/021) Meeting to 02.09.11 19.09.11 Nasir Ahmed 45 PE, INST Isotope Study of River Groundwater Interaction Training to Austria IAEA Country Source Thailand IAEA Thailand IAEA Malaysia IAEA Austria BAEC Austria BAEC Austria BAEC Austria BAEC Austria BAEC 22.09.11 SL 46 Name Subject Title Md. Humayun Kabir Lasker DS, MOST Annual Meeting of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Topical Group and Regional Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Response on Longer Term Protective Actions and Related Matters M. Azizul Haque 47 PSO, INST Md. Nazrul Islam 48 SO, Savar Annual Meeting of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Topical Group and Regional Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Response on Longer Term Protective Actions and Related Matters IAEA/RCA Training Course on Train the Trainer for Quarantine Inspectors Visit Type Duration 19.09.11 Meeting to 23.09.11 19.09.11 Meeting to 23.09.11 19.09.11 Training to 23.09.11 19.09.11 Yeafesh Osman 49 IAEA's 55th General Conference Minister, MOST General Conference to 23.09.11 50 Permanent Representative Member PMB & Geneva IAEA's 55th General Conference 19.09.11 to 23.09.11 General Conference A S M Firoz 51 General Conference IAEA's 55th General Conference 19.09.11 to Chairman, BAEC 23.09.11 52 Rabindranath Roy Chowdhury, JS MOST IAEA's 55th General Conference General Conference 19.09.11 to 23.09.11 53 Abdus Sattar Mollah IAEA's 55th General Conference General 19.09.11 Director, IAD Conference to 23.09.11 54 Mohammad Shawkat Akbar PSO, NPED General Conference IAEA's 55th General Conference 19.09.11 to Austria BAEC Canada IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Country Source Austria IAEA 23.09.11 Md. Shafiqul Islam 55 PSO, NSSD 14th Interregional Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermally dailies NURETH-14 25.09.11 Meeting to 30.09.11 56 Md. Abdur Rob Howlader Secretary, MOST 26.09.11 Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting Meeting 28.09.11 Dilip Kumar 57 Bosak ndc to 26.09.11 Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting Meeting A. Secretary, MOST to 28.09.11 26.09.11 Rahman Samina 58 Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting Meeting to CSO, NSRCD 28.09.11 26.09.11 59 Mohammad Shawkat Akbar PSO, NPED Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting Meeting to 28.09.11 Iti Rani Poddar 60 DS, MOSICT SL Name Uddipan Das 61 SO, NPED Education and Training Topical Group (ETTG) and Workshop on Establishment of a National Education system for Countries Embarking on a Nuclear Power Programme. Subject Title Education Training Topical Group (ETTG) and Workshop Establishment of a National Education and system for Countries Embarking on a Nuclear 26.09.11 Meeting to 30.09.11 Visit Type Duration 26.09.11 Meeting to 30.09.11 Power Programme. 26.09.11 Shafiqul Islam Faisal 62 SO, NSRCD Soma Shill 63 SO, NSRCD Waste Safety Practices and Establishing Regulations for Near Surface Disposal Waste Safety Practices and Establishing Regulations for Near Surface Disposal Workshop to Philippin es IAEA Philippin es IAEA Slovenia IAEA Slovenia IAEA Mongolia Japan Austria IAEA Thailand IAEA Thailand IAEA Malaysia IAEA 30.09.11 26.09.11 Workshop to 30.09.11 Meherun Nahar 64 PSO, NSRCD Rahnuma Siddque 65 Geologist, NPED Newcomers on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material & Facilities Newcomers on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material & Facilities 26.0911 Training to 06.10.11 26.09.11 Training to 06.10.11 27.09.11 Md. Saidul Islam 66 CSO, BAEC FNCA 2011 Workshop on Biofertilizer Project Workshop to 30.09.11 19.09.11 Nasir Ahmed 67 PE, INST Isotope Study of River Groundwater Interaction Meeting to 22.09.11 68 Md. Humayun Kabir Lasker DS, MOST M. Azizul Haque 69 PSO, INST 70 Md. Nazrul Islam Annual Meeting of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Topical Group and Regional Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Response on Longer Term Protective Actions and Related Matters 19.09.11 Meeting to 23.09.11 Annual Meeting of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Topical Group and Regional Workshop on Emergency Preparedness and Response on Longer Term Protective Actions and Related Matters Meeting IAEA/RCA Training Course on Train the Trainer for Quarantine Training 19.09.11 to 23.09.11 19.09.11 SO, Savar Inspectors to 23.09.11 Conference 19.09.11 Yeafesh Osman 71 IAEA's 55th General Conference to Austria BAEC Austria BAEC Austria BAEC Austria BAEC Austria BAEC Country Source Austria BAEC Canada IAEA Austria IAEA Minister, MOST 23.09.11 72 Permanent Representative Member PMB & Geneva Conference IAEA's 55th General Conference 19.09.11 to 23.09.11 Conference 19.09.11 A.S. M Firoz 73 IAEA's 55th General Conference to Chairman, BAEC 23.09.11 Conference 74 Rabindranath Roy Chowdhury, JS, MOST IAEA's 55th General Conference 19.09.11 to 23.09.11 Abdus Sattar Mollah Conference 19.09.11 Director, IAD 75 IAEA's 55th General Conference to 23.09.11 SL 76 Name Mohammad Shawkat Akbar PSO, NPED Subject Title Visit Type Duration Conference 19.09.11 IAEA's 55th General Conference to 23.09.11 Md. Shafiqul Islam 77 PSO, NSSD 14th Interregional Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermally dailies NURETH-14 Meeting 25.09.11 to 30.09.11 78 Md. Abdur Rob Howlader Secretary, MOST Meeting Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting 26.09.11 to 28.09.11 79 Dilip Kumar Bosak ndc Meeting Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting 26.09.11 to A. Secretary, MOST Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Philippin es IAEA Philippin es IAEA Slovenia IAEA Slovenia IAEA 28.09.11 Meeting 26.09.11 Rahman Samina 80 Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting to CSO, NSRCD 28.09.11 Meeting 81 Mohammad Shawkat Akbar PSO, NPED Pre-INIR Consultative Meeting 26.09.11 to 28.09.11 Iti Rani Poddar 82 S, MOSICT Uddipan Das 83 SO, NPED Shafiqul Islam Faisal 84 SO, NSRCD Soma Shill 85 SO, NSRCD Education and Training Topical Group (ETTG) and Workshop on Establishment of a National Education system for Countries Embarking on a Nuclear Power Programme. Meeting Education Training Topical Group (ETTG) and Workshop Establishment of a National Education and system for Countries Embarking on a Buclear Power Programme. Meeting IAEA Workshop on Waste Safety Practices and Establishing Regulations for Near Surface Disposal Workshop IAEA Workshop on Waste Safety Practices and Establishing Regulations for Near Surface Disposal Workshop 26.09.11 to 30.09.11 26.09.11 to 30.09.11 26.09.11 to 30.09.11 26.09.11 to 30.09.11 26.09.11 Meherun Nahar 86 PSO, NSRCD Newcomers on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material & Facilities Training to 06.10.11 Rahnuma Siddque 87 Geologist, NPED Newcomers on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material & Facilities 26.09.11 Training to 06.10.11 27.09.11 Md. Saidul Islam 88 CSO, Chairman office BAEC FNCA 2011 Workshop on Biofertilizer Project Workshop to Mongolia Japan Italy ICTP Japan IAEA Country Source Austria IAEA Romania IAEA Korea Korea Philippin es IAEA Austria IAEA 30.09.11 02.10.11 Md. Khairul Islam 89 PSO, IAD ICTP-ITER-IAEA workshop on Fusion Plasma Workshop to 14.10.11 Md. Emdadul Haque 90 CSO, NSSD SL Name Abul Kalam 91 SE, ROMU IAEA/RCA regional executive management meeting for policy makers and end users on super water absorbent, toxic metal absorbent and plant growth promoter for agriculture applications Subject Title Technical Meeting on Research Reactor Ageing Management Modernization and Refurbishment Including New Reactor Projects Meeting 03.10.11 to 07.10.11 Visit Type Duration Meeting 10.10.11 to 14.10.11 10.10.11 Md. Abdus Salam 92 CE, ROMU Technical Meeting on Incident Reporting system for Research Meeting to 14.10.11 Md. Khorshed Alam 93 PSO, INST Didarul Chowdhury 94 CSO, SIU 95 Syed Mohammod Hossain PSO, INST RCARO/KAERI Workshop on Research Reactor Utilization and Radiation Application Roles and Responsibilities of the Regulatory Body and Nuclear Power Plant Industry in Public Communication on Nuclear Energy and Safety Related issues and Annual Meeting of the Operational Safety Topical Group Sharing Experience, Current Status and Guidelines for Effective Utilization of Nuclear Instrumentation for Environmental Applications in 10.10.11 Workshop to 21.10.11 17.10.11 Workshop to 21.10.11 17.10.11 Training to 21.10.11 Developing Member States 96 Nirmal Chandra Dafader PSO, INST Demonstration on Up scaling of Radiation Modification of Polymer for Agricultural Applications: Plant growth promoters and Plant elicitors 17.10.11 Training 97 PSO, INST China IAEA Thailand IAEA Thailand IAEA Indonesia IAEA Indonesia IAEA India IAEA Japan MEXT Japan MEXT Portugal IAEA Japan MEXT 21.10.11 Workshop Md. Idris Ali to Regional Workshop on Clearance of Decommissioning Waste-Part-1 17.10.11 to 21.10.11 Workshop Md. Kabir Hossain 98 SSO, NPED Regional Workshop on Clearance of Decommissioning Waste-Part-1 17.10.11 to 21.10.11 Roksana Yasmeen 99 PMO, BAEC 100 Sayed Mohammed Jamiul Hossain MO, AERE 101 Md. Faruque Hossain Chowdhury PSO, AEC Regional Workshop on Medical Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Workshop on Medical Emergency Preparedness and Response Workshop to 21.10.11 Workshop 102 SO, BAEC 17.10.11 to 21.10.11 Radioactive Particle Tracking Techniques for Investigating Process Hydrodynamics Training 17.10.11 to 21.10.11 Training H.M. Borhanul Alam 17.10.11 Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Facilities 17.10.11 to 28.10.11 Sagar Alam 103 Engr, NPED Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Facilities 17.10.1128.10.11 17.10.11 Sushmita Hossain 104 Fellowship Programme Fellowship to SO BAEC 16.12.11 105 Md. Firoz Mortuza MEXT the Nuclear Research Exchange Program FY-2011 Fellowship 17.10.11 SO, INST to 27.07.11 Masud Kamal 18.10.11 CSO, RTML 106 IAEA/RCA Final Progress Assessment Meeting Meeting to Thailand IAEA Country Source Korea MEXT Vietnam IAEA Indonesia Host Organi zation Russia IAEA Russia IAEA Russia IAEA Russia IAEA 21.10.11 SL Name Subject Title Visit Type Duration 24.10.11 107 Md. Jahirul Haque Khan PSO, INST FNCA Workshop on Research Reactor Network Workshop to 27.10.11 01.12.11 108 Nirmal Chandra Dafader CSO, INST Fellowship Programme Fellowship to 31.03.12 14.12.11 Md. Monirul Islam 109 CE, BAEC Regional Workshop on Stakeholder Involvement Workshop to 16.12.11 110 Khandaker Mostafa Rezaur Rahman PSO, NPED Md. Kabir Hossain 111 SSO, NPED 112 Mohammad Khalaquzzaman SE, NPED Scientific Visit: Training course on project management for NPP construction Scientific Visit: Training of midlevel managers in vendor country for NPP 05.12.11 Training to 16.12.11 05.12.11 Training to 16.12.11 Scientific Visit Scientific Visit 05.12.11 to 16.12.11 Ashraful Haque 113 Scientific Visit Scientific Visit 05.12.11 to SE,ROMU 16.12.11 Jahirul Haque Khan 114 CSO, BAEC 115 116 Mohammad Mezbah Uddin SE, AERE Golam Shahinoor Islam SO, AERE Benchmark against Experimental Data on Nektonic and Thermalhydraulic Computational Methods and Tools for Operation and Safety Analysis of Research Reactors Workshop on Practical Application of the Graded Approach for the Safety of Research Reactor J7-TR40945 05.12.11 Meeting to France IAEA USA. IAEA Korea host Countr y Vietnam IAEA Thailand IAEA Indonesia IAEA Indonesia IAEA Japan FNCA and BAEC Malaysia Host Organi zation Austria IAEA 09.12.11 05.12.11 Workshop to 09.12.11 05.12.11 Training course on Technical Aspects for Nuclear Power Introduction to 16.12.11 Meeting 06.12.11 Kamila Afroj Quadir 117 IAEA/RCA Project Review Meeting to CSO, INMU 09.12.11 Meeting Ashraful Islam 118 CSO, AEC IAEA/RCA Final Progress Review Meeting 12.12.11 to 16.12.11 119 Engr Mohammed Zafar Ullah PS to State Minister MOSICT 14.12.11 Regional Workshop on Stakeholder Involvement Workshop to 16.12.11 14.12.11 Jafar Sadique 120 CE, AECD Regional Workshop on Stakeholder Involvement Workshop to 16.12.11 15.12.11 Yeafesh Osman 121 Minister, MOSICT FNCA 12th Senior Official Meeting & Ministerial Meeting Meeting to 17.12.11 Faridul Alam 122 CMO, INMU Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Technologies in the Region 20.12.11 Meeting to 21.12.11 123 Mahmud Hossain Regional Workshop on Financing Risk Management for Nuclear Workshop 12.12.11 PE, NPED Power to 15.12.11 124 Md. Mahbubur Rahman Workshop Regional Workshop on Stakeholder Involvement to CE, IAD SL 125 Name Salahuddin Sheikh (Not attended) 126 127 Md. Nasrul Haque Mia Subject Title Visit Type Duration Workshop 01.12.11 Special on the Job Training (OJT) Workshop on NPP construction to Engineer, NPED Country Source Korea IAEA Vietnam IAEA Korea Host Organi zation Korea Host Organi zation Korea Host Organi zation Japan BAEC Malaysia BAEC INDIA Self 01.12.11 Fellowship Programme Fellowship to 31.04.12 05.12.11 Technical Aspects for Nuclear Power Introduction Training to 16.12.11 Training 128 host Country 09.12.11 SO, IE, AERE Murshida Khatun Indonesia 16.12.11 SE, Eng. Divis., BAEC Nirmal Chandra Dafader CSO, INST, AERE 14.12.11 Technical Aspects for Nuclear Power Introduction 05.12.11 to 16.12.11 Training 129 Md. Golam Shahinoor Islam SO, AERE Technical Aspects for Nuclear Power Introduction 05.12.11 to 16.12.11 15.12.11 A. S. M Firoz 130 Chairman, BAEC FNCA 12th Senior Official Meeting & Ministerial Meeting Meeting to 17.12.11 Faridul Alam 131 Director, INMU 132 Tapash Kumar Datta Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Technologies in the Region Familial 20.12.11 Meeting to 21.12.11 31.12.11 PSO, INST to 29.01.12 12.12.11 Md. Mamunur Rashid 133 CSO, BAEC Md. Mizanur Rahman 134 SO, NPED Regional workshop on Financing Risk Management of Nuclear Power Place Site Location of Reactor Facility Course in Nuclear Safety Seminar2011 Workshop to Vienna, Austria IAEA Japan MEXT Philippines Host Country Philippines Host Country Vienna IAEA Canada Canad a U.K IAEA Philippin es FNCA Japan China FNCA Japan 16.12.11 16.01.12 Seminar to 20.01.12 135 A.B.M. Arshad Hossain DS, MOSICT 136 A.K.M. Raushan Kabir Zoardar PSO, NSRCD 137 Mohammad Shawkat Akbar PSO, NPED Bilkis Ara Begum 138 PSO, AECD 139 Mohammad Zahirul Islam Mollah Regional Radiological Security Partnership Review Meeting on Radioactive source Security Regional Radiological Security Partnership Review Meeting on Radioactive source Security Technical Meeting/Workshop in Topical Issues in Nuclear Infrastructure Development: Managing the Development of a National Infrastructure for NPP Upcoming Steering Committee Meeting for Pilot initiative on short lived Climate forcers Meeting 18.01.12 to 20.01.12 Meeting 18.01.12 to 20.01.12 Meeting 24.01.12 to 27.01.12 23.01.12 Meeting to 24.01.12 18.01.12 Fellowship Programme Fellowship SSO, INST to 17.04.12 30.01.12 Salma Sultana 140 SSO, INST Radiation Processing of Natural Polymers Training to 02.02.12 Selim Reza 141 PSO, BAEC FNCA Workshop on Radiation Oncology Project in 2011 10.01.12 Workshop to 13.01.12 Mahabubur Rahman 142 SSO, ROMU SL Name Winter course of the reactor plant safety course Subject Title Training Visit Type Training Satyajit Ghose 143 PSO NSRCD Technical Support Organisation Oversight 10.01.1203.02.12 Japan MEXT Duration Country Source Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Russia BAEC Austria IAEA 27.02.12 to 29.02.12 Training Shahadat Hosan 144 Assist Chief, MOST Technical Support Organisation Oversight 27.02.12 to 29.02.12 21.02.12 Shahana Afroz 145 Member, BAEC Asia and the Pacific National Liaison Officers Meeting. Meeting to 24.02.12 146 Mohammad Shawkat Akbar CSO, NPED Bilateral discussion on site specific issues and financial modalities for implementing Rooppur NPP 25.02.12 Meeting to 29.02.12 21.02.12 Md. Khairul Islam 147 PSO, IAD Asia and the Pacific National Liaison Officers Meeting Meeting to 24.02.12 Alok Chakraborty 148 SAO, BAEC The Nuclear Energy Law Conference Role of Law and Legal Institution 18.02.12- India 27.02.12 Jafar Sadique 149 CE, AECD IAEA/RCA Final Progress Review Meeting of RAS/8/110 Meeting to 02.03.12 China IAEA Workshop A.N.K. Mamun 150 PSO, IFRB FNCA Workshop on Mutation Breeding Project 20.02.12 to Thailand MEXT, Japan Japan MEXT, Japan Jordan IAEA Kuwait IAEA Kuwait IAEA U.S.A IAEA and Bangla desh U.S.A IAEA and Bangla desh Austria IAEA Vietnam IAEA USA USA 23.02.12 Workshop Md. Shafiqul Islam 151 PSO, NSSD FNCA Workshop on Nuclear Security and Safeguards 22.02.12 to 24.02.12 Shahana Afroz 152 Member, BAEC Development and Implementation of National cancer Control Programme 01.02.12 Meeting to 03.02.12 Meeting 13.02.12 Idris Ali 155 Regional Coordinating Meeting to PSO, INST 16.02.12 Meeting 13.02.12 Md. Mofazzal Haider 156 Regional Coordinating Meeting to PSO, NSRCD 16.02.12 157 158 Md. Abdur Rob Howlader Secretary, MOST Mahmudul Hasan (not attendet) D.G, AERE Debasish Paul 159 PSO, INST Consultancy meeting on the Development of Technical and Professional Human Resources for New Nuclear Power Programmes Consultancy meeting on the Development of Technical and Professional Human Resources for New Nuclear Power Programmes Technical Meeting on Environmental Issues in New Nuclear Power Programmes Meeting 11.02.12 to 17.02.12 11.02.12 Meeting to 17.02.12 20.03.12 Meeting to 23.03.12 Md. Khorshed Alam 160 PSO, IFRB 161 A.K.M. Asaduzzaman IAEA/RCA Final Progress Review Meeting of Project RAS/5/050, Combining with Project Planning Meeting of RAS/5/057 Bangladesh Delegation to Visit for inspection on Technology Transfer 26.03.12 Meeting to 30.03.12 Visit 18.03.12 Addi Secretary, MOST to 23.03.12 SL Name Subject Title Visit Type Duration Country Source USA USA USA USA Austria IAEA Japan FNCA Japan FNCA Thailand IAEA Germany SIEME NS Germa ny Germany SIEME NS Germa ny Indonesia IAEA 18.03.12 Mahbubul Hoq 162 Director, IE Bangladesh Delegation to Visit for inspection on Technology Transfer Visit to 23.03.12 Visit Md. Shafiqul Islam 163 PSO, NSSD Bangladesh Delegation to Visit for inspection on Technology Transfer 18.03.12 to 23.03.12 Badrun Nahar Hamid 164 PSO, INST Workshop on Considerations of Human Factors in Different Phases of Research Reactor Lifetime J7TR-42627 12.03.12 Workshop to 16.03.12 Meeting 07.03.12 A.S. M Firoz 165 13th FNCA Coordinator Meeting to Chairman, BAEC 09.03.12 Meeting 166 Md. Aowlad Hossain Khan D.S, MOST 13th FNCA Coordinator Meeting 07.03.12 to 09.03.12 Meeting Faridul Alam 167 Director, INMU, Dhaka IAEA/RCA Initial Project Coordination Meeting to 23.03.12 Training Md. Selim Ansari 168 CMO, CNMU, Bogra 19.03.12 Clinical & Service Training on Duel Head SPECT Camera 10.03.12 to 25.03.12 Training Gazi Abul Hossain 169 170 CMO, CNMU, Mymensingh Shafiqul Islam Faisal Clinical & Service Training on Duel Head SPECT Camera 10.03.12 to 25.03.12 Waste Safety Practices and Establishing Regulations for Near Workshop 05.03.12 SO, NSSD Surface Disposal (part-2) to 09.03.12 05.03.12 Soma Shill 171 SO, NSSD Dilip Kumar Basak 172 Addi Secretary, MOST Mustafijur Rahman 173 PE, NSRCD Waste Safety Practices and Establishing Regulations for Near Surface Disposal (part-2) Transparency Openness and Involvement of the Public and Stakeholders in the Regulatory Process Transparency Openness and Involvement of the Public and Stakeholders in Regulatory Process Workshop 174 CE, INST Indonesia IAEA Austria IAEA Austria IAEA Sweden Host Organi zation Sweden Host Organi zation Korea IAEA Korea IAEA China BAEC Country Source 09.03.12 05.03.12 Meeting to 09.03.12 05.03.12 Meeting to 09.03.12 Training Imtiaz Kamal to Neutron Scattering materials for energy applications 30.04.12 to 06.05.12 Training Tapash Kumar Datta 175 PSO, INST Neutron Scattering materials for energy applications 30.04.12 to 06.05.12 Nusrat Jahan 176 SSO, INST Rajib Roy 177 Engineer, Engr. Division Technical Aspects on Feasibility Contracting and Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant Technical Aspects on Feasibility Contracting and Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant A.S. M. Firoz 178 Chairman, BAEC Training 16.04.12 to 27.04.12 Training 16.04.12 to 27.04.12 Meeting 34th Regional Meeting of National RCA Representatives 17.04.12 to 20.04.12 SL Name Subject Title Visit Type Duration Meeting Iti Rani Poddar 179 Joint Secretary MOST 35th Regional Meeting of National RCA Representatives 17.04.12 to China BAEC Russia IAEA Thailand IAEA Thailand IAEA Sweden SIDA Sweden SIDA Austria IAEA Korea IAEA Korea IAEA Austria IAEA 20.04.12 16.04.12 Kanailal Chakraborty 180 CSO, BAEC Rahman Samina 181 CSO, NSRCD 182 Md. Aliuzzaman Sardar PE, ROMU International Training Course on Physical Protection Inspections at Nuclear Facilities Training to 27.04.12 Regional Workshop on Periodical Safety Review of Research Reactors: Evaluation of the Operating Experience and Review of Safety Documents Workshop Regional Workshop on Periodical Safety Review of Research Reactors: Evaluation of the Operating Experience and Review of Safety Documents Workshop 30.04.12 to 04.05.12 30.04.12 to 04.05.12 15.04.12 Shahazad Hossain 183 SO, INST Asian-Swedish Research Partnership Programme Fellowship to 14.07.12 15.04.12 Sanjida Aktar 184 SO, INST Asian-Swedish Research Partnership Programme Fellowship to 14.07.12 Md. Monzurul Haque 185 CE, BAEC 15th Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) Steering Committee (SC) Meeting 11.04.12 Meeting to 13.04.12 186 Md. Abdul Malek Soner SSO, ROMU Md. Altaf Hossen 187 SO, INST 188 Protul Kumar Roy Safety Analysis Practice and Exercise Using Computer Codes: In-depth understanding of LOCA and Modeling of LOCA Test (IET) Workshop Safety Analysis Practice and Exercise Using Computer Codes: In-depth understanding of LOCA and Modeling of LOCA Test (IET) Workshop IAEA/RCA Project Planning and coordination Meeting 09.04.12 to 13.04.12 09.04.12 to 13.04.12 Meeting 10.04.12 PSO, IFRB to 13.04.12 01.04.12 Md. Moniruzzaman 189 IAEA Fellowship Programme Fellowship to Poland Geologist, BSMEC 30.06.12 Motiar Rahman 190 EO, ROMU 191 Mohammad Shawkat Akbar Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems for New Facilities and Modernization of Existing Research Reactors 14.05.12 Meeting to Austria IAEA Austria IAEA 18.05.12 29.05.12 Soft Coordination of Nuclear Power Infrastructure Assistance Meeting Director, NPED to 30.05.12 07.05.12 Md. Idris Ali 192 PSO, INST IAEA First Project Coordination Meeting (RAS/9/071) Meeting to Philippines IAEA 11.05.12 Mahfuza Khan 193 PSO, IFRB 1st Research Coordinated Meeting of CRP-17011, Use of Symbiotic Bacteria to Reduce Mass-rearing Costs and Increase Mating Success in Selected Fruit Pests in Support of SIT Application. 21.05.12 Meeting to Austria IAEA Korea IAEA Country Source 25.05.12 13.05.12 Sultana Razia 194 SO, INST Second WNU School on Radiation Technologies to 01.06.12 SL Name 195 Shankar Kumar Biswas PMO, CNMU, Dhaka 196 197 Subject Title Visit Type Meeting Scientific Visit to the Department of Nuclear Medicine & PET Duration 18.06.12 to Singapore Himself 15.07.12 Meeting Architect Yeafesh Osman, Minister, MOST International Forum Masud Ahmed International Forum 04.06.12 to Russia BAEC Russia BAEC ATOMEXPO 2012 06.06.12 Meeting 04.06.12 Member, Planning ATOMEXPO 2012 to 06.06.12 198 S.M. Saiful Haque Ambassador, Embassy of Bangladesh in Russia Meeting to Khorshed Ahmad Kabir Professor, D.U Russia BAEC Russia BAEC Russia BAEC Russia BAEC Vienna IAEA France IAEA France IAEA Korea IAEA Japan IAEA ATOMEXPO 2012 06.06.12 Meeting 199 04.06.12 International Forum 04.06.12 International Forum to ATOMEXPO 2012 06.06.12 Meeting Shahana Afroz International Forum Member, Bio-Science ATOMEXPO 2012 200 04.06.12 to 06.06.12 Md. Firoz Ahmed 201 Sr. Assistant Secretary Meeting to ATOMEXPO 2012 06.06.12 MOST 202 Khandaker Mostafa Rezaur Rahman 18.06.12 Technical Meeting on Evaluation Methodology Document and INIR Meeting PE, NPED Muhammad Ali 203 204 205 Member, Physical Science Md. Aowlad Hossain Khan, DS, MOST A.K.M. Raushan Kabir Zoardar PSO, NSRCD Uddipan Das 206 SO, NPED 04.06.12 International Forum to 20.06.12 Training Leadership and Management for Introducing and Expanding Nuclear Power Programmes Training Training Leadership and Management for Introducing and Expanding Nuclear Power Programmes Training Site Evaluation and Safety Improvement focusing on the post actions after Fukushima NPPs Accident and Annual Meeting of the Sitting Topical Group Interregional Nuclear Energy Management School. 25.06.12 to 06.07.12 25.06.12 to 06.07.12 11.06.12 Workshop to 15.06.12 11.06.12 Training to 19.06.12 18.06.12 Tamiz Uddin Ahmed 207 CMO, CNMU Training Course on Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Technologies Training to Korea Host Korea Host 06.07.12 208 Shankar Kumar Dey CMO,CNMU Training Course on Promoting and Accelerating Nuclear SPECT/PET Imaging Technologies 18.06.12 Training to 06.07.12 Meeting Zahedul Hasan 209 CSO, ICS Meeting on 9th (ITSG) Information Technology Support Group 11.06.12 to Indonesia IAEA Indonesia IAEA Indonesia IAEA Country Source 13.06.12 Meeting Shakil Ahmed 210 PSO, ICS Meeting on 9th (ITSG) Information Technology Support Group 11.06.12 to 13.06.12 Meeting Mahbubur Rahman 211 SSO, ROMU Meeting on 9th (ITSG) Information Technology Support Group 11.06.12 to 13.06.12 SL Name Subject Title Visit Type Duration 25.06.12 Syed Md. Salehuddin 212 Swiss Basic Course Meeting to Switzerland OPWC CSO, AECD 29.06.12 213 Mohammad Zafrul Kabir SG, BSMEC Scientific Visit on Determining Radionuclide and Trace Elements in the Sediment and Sea Water of the Southeastern Coast 10.06.12 Scientific Visit to Germany IAEA U.S.A. IAEA 16.06.12 11.06.12 Debashis Datta 214 PE, NSRCD Nuclear Plant Engineering and safety for NEPIO Managers Training to 17.06.12 From the Table, it can be seen that in the financial year 2011-2012, in total 214 High officials BAEC authorities, Scientists, Engineers, Doctors, Geologists, Technicians and Administrators had availed different meetings, conferences, seminars, scientific visits, workshops, fellowships, and trainings through various projects, MEXT, private companies and other sources. VII. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1. Planning and Development Division As a premier research organization of the country, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) has been engaged in research and development activities in different disciplines of nuclear science & technology for peaceful application of atomic energy. Keeping the national interest on science and technology policy and objectives in view, BAEC identified the necessity of research & its particular field of area and launched vigorous & active efforts for solving those smoothly. There are 7(Seven) development projects of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) which have been included in the Annual Development Programme (RADP) of 2012-2013. The total ADP allocation for the year 2012-2013 for Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission was Tk. 7372.00 Lakh, An amount of Tk. 7372.00 Lakh. Out of this granted allocation, Tk. 7372.00 Lakh has been spent upto 30 June 2013 making an implementation rate of 100% under the reporting period. 6(Six) new projects, in total, have been proposed for the FY 2013-2014 from BAEC to the concerned Ministry. The entire picture on the advancement of all the development projects are shown in Table-1. Table 1: Status of advancement of all the development projects of BAEC under ADP. Sl. No Name of the Project, Approval Status and Implementation Period Estimated Cost Total (F.E) Cumulative Expenditure upto June 2012 (F.E) Revised Allocation for the year 20122013 (F.E) 1 A) 1. 2 3 4 5 2. (Taka in lakh) Amount of Expenditure Fund Released 2012-2013 (F.E) (July/ 2012June 2013 (F.E) Percentage of expenditure against allocation upto 30 June 2013 6 7 9 100% Approved On-Going Projects: Establishment of Atomic Energy Centre Chittagong (1st Revision) (July 2006December 2013) Accomplishment of Essential Activities to Implement 600 MW(e) Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. (July 2008December 2013) 2435.00 1284.81 650.00 650.00 650.00 (212.25) (140.00) (65.00) (65.00) (65.00) 2210.00 946.81 450.00 450.00 450.00 (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) 100% 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Infrastructure Development and Capacity Enhancement of Institute of Food and Radiation Biology (IFRB). (July 2010December 2014) Establishment of Nuclear Medicine Centre & Sterile Insect Technique Unit at Cox’s Bazar. (July 2011-June 2014) Establishment of Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography (PET-CT) with Cyclotron facilities.) (October 2011September 2015) Establishment of Radioactivity Testing and Monitoring Laboratory at Mongla. (July 2012-June 2016 Construction of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (First Phase) (March 2013June 2017) Sub-Totaol (A): 1796.00 594.85 450.00 450.00 450.00 (670.00) (217.00) (180.00) (131.00) (131.00) 1415.00 129.68 500.00 500.00 500.00 (740.00) (0) (250.00) (250.00) (250.00) 12000.00 40.00 987.00 987.00 987.00 (9655.00) (0) (800.00) (800.00) (800.00) 1559.00 0 50.00 50.00 50.00 (265.00) (0) (0) (0) (0) 508708.81 0 4240.00 4240.00 4240.00 (442577.00) (0) (3672.00) (3672.00) (3672.00) 530123.81 2996.15 7327.00 7327.00 7327.00 (454119.25) (357.00) (4967.00) (4967.00) (4967.00) Implementation rate with allocation : 100% Implementation with fund release : 100% Sl. No Name of the Project, Approval Status and Implementation Period Estimated Cost Total (F.E) Cumulative Expenditure upto June 2012 (F.E) Revised Allocation for the year 2012-2013 (F.E) Amount of Fund Released (F.E) Expenditure 2012-2013 (July-2012June 2013) (F.E) Percentage of expenditure against allocation upto 30 June 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Target 2013 1 2 3 B) Proposed New-project 1. Development of Industrial Prouction Technique of Jutin Reinforced Polymer Composite Corrugated Sheet (Jutin) 2025.00 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (993.00) (July 2012-June 2015) 2. Establishment of Centers of Nuclear Medicine & Ultrasound at Sadar Hospital Campuses of Kushtia & Jessore. 9560.00 (3170.00) (July 2012-June 2016) 3. Development of National Nuclear Information Centre for fast and effective communication among BAEC establishments and related international bodies. 1211.587 (0) (July 2012-June 2015) 4. Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority (July 2012-June 2016) 5. Establishment of Institute of Nuclear Medical Physics (INMP) at Atomic Energy Centre Dhaka (July 2013-June 2017) 6025.00 (3450.00) 9 6. Establishment of Advance Institute of Nuclear Education and Training 2394.62 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total (B) : (0) (0) (0) (0) 0.0 Grand Total (A+B) : 2996.15 7327.00 7327.00 7327.00 (357.00) (4967.00) (4967.00) (4967.00) (1459.99) (July 2013-June 2016)