1 - Department of Education and Skills

Guidance on completing the
Suitability Assessment
Questionnaire for Service
1st Edition Mar 2010
Planning & Building Unit
Department of
Education and Science
Tullamore, Co. Offaly.
Telephone: (057) 9324300
Fax: (057) 9351119
Web: http://www.education.ie
Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 3
SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE .................................................................... 4
GENERAL ................................................................................................................................ 6
DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................... 6
CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATION .............................................................................................. 6
WHO SHOULD COMPLETE THE QUESTIONNAIRE? ........................................................................ 6
TIME AND DATE FOR RETURN OF QUESTIONNAIRE ..................................................................... 7
COVER PAGE .......................................................................................................................... 7
SECTION 2 .............................................................................................................................. 7
SECTION 3 .............................................................................................................................. 8
MINIMUM STANDARDS AND MARKING METHODOLOGY .......................................... 10
SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................ 4
DE-BRIEFING ........................................................................................................................... 5
LIST OF QUALIFIED APPLICANTS ............................................................................................... 5
DEVOLVED GRANTS AND SUMMER W ORKS PROJECTS ............................................................... 6
GUIDANCE ON THE COMPLETION OF DOES-QC1 ........................................................ 6
LAYOUT OF DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................... 3
CONTRACT NOTICE/ETENDERS ADVERTISEMENT ....................................................................... 3
PROJECT PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................. 3
CONTRACT PRE-CONDITIONS ................................................................................................... 4
TURNOVER ........................................................................................................................... 10
PERSONNEL FOR THE PROJECT .............................................................................................. 10
MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL .................................................................................................... 10
SENIOR PERSONNEL FOR THE PROJECT ................................................................................. 11
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE WITHIN LAST 3 YEARS ........................................................................ 11
MEASURES FOR ENSURING QUALITY ....................................................................................... 12
MARKING THE QUALITATIVE CRITERIA ...................................................................................... 12
REVIEWING YOUR SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT RESULTS ........................................ 14
NOTIFICATION OF SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT RESULTS .............................................................. 14
SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS FORM.............................................................................. 14
SUITABILITY ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS FORM ....................................... 19
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Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
1. Introduction
Layout of Document
This document is divided into four parts:
An overview of the suitability assessment procedure for Consultants for Department of
Education and Science [DoES] funded primary and post-primary school projects
Guidance for applicants on the completion of DoES-QC1 [Suitability Assessment
Questionnaire for Service Providers]
The applicable minimum standards and methodology for assessment of applicants, and
Reviewing your suitability assessment results
Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement
The Department of Education and Science and bodies under its aegis may from time to time
advertise for consultancy services for projects or groups of projects on the eTenders web-site
and in the EU journal.
Each Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement will normally be for a group or batch of
projects, either divided into lots or the subject of individual tender award processes.
The number of qualifying candidates will be stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders
To register their interest applicants are required to complete the Suitability Assessment
Questionnaire for Service Providers [DoES-QC1] available on the Department’s website at
www.education.ie and submit it to the correct address by the due date.
Project Personnel
Applicants are required to submit a list of Management Personnel and Senior Personnel for
the projects (under Section 3.4a and 3.4b). These personnel will be assessed under the
relevant criterion individually on a pass/fail basis and those not meeting the relevant standard
will be excluded. (The names of the rest of the Project team are not required.)
As successful applicants may propose any of the above personnel for any project being
tendered for, the qualitative marks for qualifying candidates under these criteria will be on the
basis of the (qualifying) person with the least qualifications and experience.
It is at the discretion of the Contracting Authority as to which person (Proposed for the
project) is assessed (being deemed in the judgement of the Contracting Authority to be the
least qualified).
On completion of the suitability assessment process a list of that firm’s eligible personnel (i.e.
meeting the minimum standard) will be issued to each qualifying applicant (Whether the
applicant firm is short-listed or not).
Successful candidates (having been short-listed for tender) may propose any of the firm’s
eligible personnel (as listed on the notification letter above) for any project being tendered for
arising from the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement (See also 2.3 List of Qualified
Applicants). Prior to award the apparently successful tenderer will be required to
demonstrate that the personnel proposed have the capacity to undertake the commission (in
conjunction with their other work).
It will be a contract condition that one or more of the senior personnel (as listed on the
notification letter above) provide the service and attend at all meetings and site visits. Noncompliance with this requirement will be deemed a breach of contract resulting in financial
sanctions or termination of Contract.
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There is no process to change the personnel listed during the tender and award process. In
exceptional cases only (e.g. death or incapacity) during the lifetime of the Contract (at the
discretion of the Contracting Authority), replacement senior personnel of equal qualifications,
experience and expertise in all respects as those in the original approved list may be
Contract Pre-Conditions
Before appointment, the successful applicant will be required to produce evidence from their
Broker or Insurance Company confirming that the applicant has current Professional
Indemnity Insurance [PI] cover in the required amount complying with the conditions listed
below and that it will be maintained for six years after completion of the construction works in
respect of the services provided.
The minimum PI Insurance cover required is as stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement (If none stated the default is €1,000,000 for all disciplines).
The Maximum permitted excess is 1.5% of Turnover.
Cover must be provided on an ‘each and every’ claim basis
(iv) The conditions must provide for claims for breach of professional duty or civil liability as
well as negligence;
Cover must extend to include specialist advisers engaged as service providers by the
(vi) Cover must be provided in respect of Joint & Several liability; and
(vii) The jurisdiction in which claims can be lodged and settled is IRELAND.
Before appointment, the successful applicant will also be required to produce evidence from
their Insurance Company in the form of a copy of the policy confirming that the applicant has
current Public Liability Insurance with a minimum level of cover as stated in the Contract
Notice/e-Tenders advertisement (If none stated the default is €6,500,000).
Likewise before appointment, the successful applicant will be required to produce evidence
from their Insurance Company in the form of a copy of the policy confirming that the applicant
has current Employer’s Liability Insurance with a minimum level of cover as stated in the
Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement (If none stated the default is €13,000,000).
Lastly it is a requirement of the contract that the applicant has the I.T. equipment systems
and current software necessary to send/ receive and read all technical documentation and
drawings, and to efficiently communicate with other Design Team members & the Client
2. Suitability Assessment Procedure
Suitability assessment
All submissions will first be checked for compliance with the Contract Notice/eTenders
advertisement, the requirements stated in the DoES QC1 questionnaire, and the instructions
to applicants in this document.
Applicants will then be assessed against the minimum standards set out in this document
(unless otherwise stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement)
Qualifying applicants will be assigned a category appropriate to their economic and technical
capacity (including Health and Safety) as follows:
Type 2a
Less than €2.5m with standard level of H&S competence as Designer
Type 2b
Less than €5.0m with a higher level of H&S competence as Designer
Type 3
All projects (incl> €5.0m) with higher level of H&S competence as Designer
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Type 1 (not listed above) applies to projects with a value of < €500k
All qualifying applicants (whatever category) will be then be marked on the qualitative criteria
and assigned an appropriate score, and a list of firms in descending order will be prepared.
There are only 2 qualitative criteria, 3.4a Management personnel (30 marks) and 3.4b
Personnel for the project (70 marks). If suitably qualified, (and listed in both criteria) the
Management and Senior Personnel proposed may be the same
Marks will be assigned on the basis of the least qualified person proposed in each category
(See also Chapter 4 Minimum standards and methodology for assessment of applicants)
For each lot or project within a batch the appropriate number of qualifying candidates having
the required skills for the category of project will be selected from the top of the list and
invited to tender for that project. If 2 or more applicants for a category of project have the
same marks as the last qualifying candidate (for that category) those applicants will also be
included in that Tender competition.
In the event that there are no Type 2a projects in the particular batch advertised, applicants
meeting the standard for Type 2a (but not being qualified for Type 2b or Type 3 projects) will
still be placed on a list (See Section 2.3) and will be eligible for future lots or batches of
projects and for Summer Works/Devolved Grants. See Sections 2.3 and 2.4 below
A letter will be issued to each applicant stating whether the applicant met the minimum
standard required, and if so, the assigned project category and marks. It will detail the
relative position of the applicant and the marks of the lowest short-listed candidate for each
category. A copy of the Assessment Sheet [See Appendix 2 - Suitability Assessment
Analysis Form] used to assess the applicant’s submission will be attached.
Where the applicant did not pass the compliance check or failed to meet the minimum
standard for any one criterion this will be shown on that assessment sheet. Where the
applicant met the minimum standard, the marks and the basis of calculation of those marks
will be shown.
Neither the letter to the applicant nor the Assessment Sheet will contain any other details.
There will be no verbal debriefing of applicants. Refer also to Section 5 Reviewing your
Suitability Assessment results
List of Qualified Applicants
The above assessment of each applicant’s submission (including the marks) will remain valid
for 12 months from the date for return of expressions of interest.
For subsequent Contract Notice/eTenders advertisements for further lots or batches of
projects, applicants being qualified and marked (within the previous 12 months) are not
required to re-submit a full response to the questionnaire as long as the details of their firm
and the personnel for the project(s) have not materially changed – it will be sufficient for
those applicants to respond (by the due date) stating that they have already been assessed
and including a copy of that assessment.
All applicants (having been previously assessed for an earlier competition) who wish to
submit a new or amended submission (e.g. a change of personnel or other details) for
subsequent Contract Notice/eTenders advertisements may do so and will be assessed on
the basis of that submission.
As stated above a list of all applicants meeting the qualification standard (and being assigned
a category) will be maintained on file in the Department. All applicants making a submission
in response to any one of the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisements are deemed to agree
to the storage of the above information in electronic form.
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Devolved Grants and Summer Works projects
A separate list of all firms meeting the minimum standard above will be maintained (without
reference to project category or marks). This list may (at the discretion of the DoES) be
released to Boards of Management who wish to appoint a Consultant for a Devolved Grant
or Summer Works project. (It may also be posted to the Department’s website.)
It will be clearly stated that the list is not a comprehensive list of all suitable consultants, but
that the firms listed are deemed to meet the minimum standard required for minor works
(Type 1 or Type 2a projects of a normal degree of H&S complexity)
3. Guidance on the completion of DoES-QC1
The questionnaire is an extract from the Department of Finance Suitability Assessment
Questionnaire for Service Providers QC1 with criteria not applicable to DoES Capital Projects
omitted and the descriptive text transferred to the guidance document. The same numbering
system has been retained.
The Questionnaire is a standard questionnaire. Project specific Contracting Authority
information (other than that available in the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement) is not
and will not be provided.
The onus rests with the Applicant to fill in all the details relevant to their consultancy. All
applicants must provide the information required under the relevant heading, in the spaces
provided, and in the format requested. Unless otherwise stated, attachments to this
questionnaire are not permitted and will not be considered for the purposes of assessment of
that criterion. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the exclusion of the
applicant from the qualification process.
The term Applicant is used for an Individual (Sole) Trader, a Legal Partnership, a Consortium
or any other type of Joint Venture that constitutes an acceptable entity for the purpose of the
Conditions for participation
If any individual or group of individuals is included in more than one application for the same
contract, a statement should be provided to the effect that the applicant is aware of this
multiple participation and that it has been brought to the attention of all the consortia of which
that individual or group is a member.
The Applicant should provide only evidence that is current up to the date of submission.
All signatures must be supplied in hardcopy.
Who should complete the questionnaire?
Where an applicant is an Individual (Sole) Trader, that applicant should complete the
questionnaire in full. Where an applicant is a Consortium or Joint Venture, the applicant’s
questionnaire (complete with all common information) should be copied and filled out for
each member of that Consortium or Joint Venture. The questionnaires should then be
submitted as a single application.
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Where the applicant is relying on specialist sub-contractors to meet the service requirements,
the questionnaire should be filled out by each specialist sub-contractor and submitted with
the Applicant’s submission as a single application.
Where the applicant is a subsidiary to a Parent Company, the relevant parent company
details must be included. If the applicant is relying on the Resources or Turnover of the
Parent Company for the purposes of qualification, the relevant details must be included in the
appropriate appendix.
Where any Applicant wishes to apply for engagement as consultant for more than one
consultancy discipline, a separate application must be made in respect of each separate
Time and Date for return of Questionnaire
The Time and date are as stated in the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement. The onus
is on the Applicant to check the date and ensure the submission is delivered to the
appropriate address also stated in the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement.
Unless otherwise stated the latest Time and date for receipt of queries is 5 full working days
prior to the date for the return of the questionnaires.
The DoES may, but is not required to, respond to queries received.
The latest date for issue of responses to queries is 4 days before the latest date for
submission of requests to participate. Responses (if issued) will be posted on the
government procurement web-site www.eTenders.gov.ie
Cover Page
The cover page sets out the purpose of the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire and refers
to the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement for project specific Contracting Authority
There is no Section 1 (Project Particulars) in this questionnaire. (All relevant information is
contained in either the Contract Notice/e-Tenders advertisement or this document.
The Project Title should be entered (by the Applicant) into the space for Project Title at the
top of the page. The Consultancy Service for which the Applicant is applying and the Name
of the Consultancy firm should also be entered into the relevant spaces.
Section 2
Section 2 is used to collect basic information about the applicant. The applicant must use this
form to provide the required details.
Under Section 2.1 Main/Lead Applicant Details enter the name and address of the applicant.
Unless the applicant is a subsidiary firm the name and address of the parent company and
other companies in the group should be marked “not applicable” or “n/a”.
Under Section 2.2 Main/Lead Applicant’s Authorised Representative enter the contact details
of the person in the firm dealing with the submission who may be a Project Senior
(Architect/QS/Engineer). It does not have to be a Director or Principal.
Under Section 2.3 Nature of Applicant, if the Applicant is a partnership, sole trader, or a
private or public limited company only the first box needs to be completed – the rest should
be marked “not applicable” or “n/a”.
Lastly 2.4 Main Applicant Subcontractor for Specialist Skills can be left blank or marked “n/a”
unless the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement specifically requires a specialist skill.
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Section 3
Section 3 lists the suitability criteria that will be used to evaluate the applications. The
applicant must use the form in the questionnaire to provide the required details, and to
confirm that other required information is appended as indicated by completing the checkbox
associated with each criterion.
For all criteria note that failure to enter a tick or the word “YES” against each of the criteria
will result in the exclusion of the submission (refer to the Suitability Assessment Analysis
Form at Appendix 2)
Under 3.1 Evidence of Applicant’s Personnel Situation, enter “YES” in the box and make
sure the signed declaration is appended at Appendix 3.1.
If the applicant firm is Irish or from the UK make sure that the form has been witnessed by a
Commissioner for Oaths and dated within the last 12 months. [In Northern Ireland all
solicitors are Commissioners for Oaths]
If the applicant intends to present a certified copy signed by the applicant or a person
authorised to sign on behalf of the applicant, it must be accompanied by a confirmation,
signed by the applicant or on behalf of the applicant that since the making of the declaration
the legal situation of the applicant regarding the circumstances in the declaration has not
changed in any way that would prohibit the applicant from making a new declaration on the
same basis. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to inspect the original at any time if
considered necessary.
Under 3.3a Evidence of Turnover, enter “YES” in the box and make sure you include an
original statement from your Accountant (i.e. certified by your accountant) dated within the
current financial year specifying both the overall services turnover and the turnover for the
relevant professional services only for the last 3 financial years.
If you can’t provide the above information for any valid reason, get your accountant to state
that reason and provide suitable alternative evidence as required. If you fail to provide such
an explanation, you will be excluded.
Likewise if your firm’s turnover is limited to one profession (e.g. Architectural Services only)
get your accountant to say so. If you don’t provide both the overall turnover and the turnover
for the relevant professional services (or a valid explanation) your submission will be
excluded. If your firm provides more than one Service (e.g. Civil/Structural and Building
Services Engineering Services) you must identify the turnover for the relevant service for
which you are applying (or a valid explanation).
There is no requirement to provide evidence of Insurances in response to the Questionnaire.
Applicants should note however that prior to appointment the successful candidate will be
required to produce evidence from their Broker or Insurance Company confirming that the
applicant has Professional Indemnity Insurance, Public Liability Insurance and Employers
Liability Insurance in the amounts required (as stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders
advertisement and in Chapter 2 above).
Under 3.4a Educational and Professional Qualifications Management, enter the names of the
personnel proposed and enter “YES” in the box. Make sure the relevant CVs are included at
Appendix 3.4a. Use the template (abridged) CV format at Appendix 3.4b which includes all
the information requirements for which marks will be awarded. Applicants must not submit
copies of qualifications, CPD courses or Safe Pass. It is not required. Refer also to Chapter 4
Minimum standards and marking methodology
To score well on this category it is important to list experienced personnel only, who will be
available at appointment stage and who have the capacity to undertake the work (in
conjunction with their other work). A minimum of 2 names are required here.
Do not be tempted to list the Managing Director unless he/she genuinely intends to actively
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participate in the project if appointed, and has the relevant experience and has the capacity
to undertake the work (in conjunction with their other work).
If the Senior Personnel for the Project are the same as the Management Personnel it
is not necessary to submit the same CV twice. It is however essential that you list the
names in the appropriate spaces in the questionnaire (in both 3.4a and 3.4b)!
Under 3.4b Educational and Professional Qualifications Personnel, again enter the names of
the personnel proposed, enter “YES” in the box and make sure the relevant CVs are included
at Appendix 3.4a using the template (abridged) CV format at Appendix 3.4b. The Fas
SAFEPASS (or equivalent) is an absolute minimum requirement as the above personnel will
be on site. Applicants should not submit copies of qualifications, CPD courses or Safe Pass.
It is not required. Refer also to Chapter 4 Minimum standards and marking methodology
This is the most important criterion and carries 70% of the marks. Only enter the names of
those staff members proposed to be Project Leader (that is the person in charge of the
project e.g. Project Architect or Project QS). The names of the other project team members
are not required (and should not be provided)
Again to score well on this category it is important to list experienced personnel only who
will be available at appointment stage and have the capacity to undertake the work. A small
group (e.g. 2 or 3) of suitably experienced personnel will score better than a large team of
variable standard. A minimum of 2 names are required here.
Remember that if the Senior Personnel for the Project are the same as the Management
Personnel you must list the names in the appropriate spaces in the questionnaire!
(Otherwise the Contracting Authority doesn’t know and may exclude you!)
Under 3.4c List of Services of a similar nature over the past 3 years, applicants must provide
details of 3 (Three) completed projects for which the applicant provided services over the
past three years. Again enter “YES” in the box, and make sure the details are included at
Appendix 3.4c in the required format. To meet the minimum standard (Category 2a) 3 single
building projects >€1.0m are sufficient. Previous experience in educational projects is not
required. Refer also to Chapter 4 Minimum standards and marking methodology.
Note that for Type 2a the experience of the Project Senior proposed is acceptable. For Type
2b at least 1 project carried out by the firm is also required, and for Type 3, only the
experience of the firm is allowed.
Under criterion 3.4d Measure for ensuring Quality there are 3 sub-criteria.
First the applicant must provide a brief description of the firm’s measures to ensure
quality (ISO 9000 or other external QA systems are not essential) of professional
Next the applicant must complete the H&S Declaration. As with the Declaration of
Personal Situation make sure it is signed in ink by an authorised person.
Sub-criteria (i) and (ii) are minimum standards for qualification. Sub-criterion (iii) is optional
but should be submitted if the applicant (except for Quantity Surveying Services) wishes to
be considered for Type 2b and 3 projects (i.e. >€2.0m or having a medium level of
Sub-criterion (iii) requires evidence of adequate structured H&S Procedures relevant to
medium to large scale Primary and Post-primary School projects, including an
adequate organizational structure, risk assessment procedures, arrangements for the
co-ordination and dissemination of information, and CPD/training arrangements (which
may or may not also include specific Health and Safety training). The most efficient
way for Designers to structure their response is to provide a Safety Statement within
which all the requirements can be addressed. It is recommended to use the format
outlined at http://www.hsa.ie/eng/FAQs/Safety_Statement_and_Risk_Assessment/.
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4. Minimum standards and marking methodology
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement, the default minimum
turnover requirement for Type 2a projects is an average of not less than €70,000 for the
relevant professional services over the previous 3 financial years. The evidence must be in
the form of a letter from the applicant’s accountant dated within the current financial year.
Photocopies are not accepted.
Alternative evidence (for a valid reason) is also permitted. Alternative evidence without a
valid reason is not deemed acceptable.
To qualify for Category 2b and 3, the above default minimum is €150,000
Personnel for the Project
In general a concise (abridged) CV is required. Applicants are asked not to provide
information which was not requested. Such information will not be taken into account in the
assessment of the application.
If the applicant provides more than 3 examples of previous work for one of the proposed
personnel, the Contracting Authority will take the first 3 examples into account in assessing
the application and will ignore the rest. Projects greater or less than the required value will
also be ignored. (For example a €300k project will be ignored.)
All personnel proposed for the project must have suitable professional qualifications and a
minimum number of years of post-qualification experience (as below).
In the case of Engineers and Quantity surveyors, professional qualifications are defined as
sufficient where that person is eligible for membership of the appropriate Institute.
In the case Architects, registration (or having begun the process of registration) is a prerequisite but the calculation of post qualification professional experience is based on the date
of receiving those qualifications (not the date of registration). Applicants stated to be
successfully assessed by the Panel established by the Minister for the Environment and
Local Government in 1996 (for the purpose of registration) are deemed to be eligible – their
experience will be calculated from the date of inclusion on that list.
Projects of a similar nature are defined in 4.5 Previous Experience. A single building project
is defined as a project consisting of a single building (3 individual houses carried out as one
contract is not sufficient). The project value should be EX VAT.
A senior role is defined as being in charge of the project either as the Project Senior (e.g.
Project Architect) or as Project Director for the majority of the project duration and including
having that role during construction.
Where Health and Safety CPD courses are required, these must be externally accredited
courses for Designers (e.g. the RIAI "Designing for Safety" half day course). Internal
seminars are not sufficient.
Management Personnel
If less than 2 suitable Management personnel are proposed for the project, the submission
will be deemed non-compliant and the applicant will be excluded.
The default minimum standard for all management personnel is suitable professional
qualifications plus 5 years post-qualification experience plus 3 examples of single building
projects of a similar nature (within the last 8 years) > €1.0m in a senior role. It is not a
minimum standard requirement that the projects be either educational or used the
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GDLA/GCCC forms of Contracts. There is no upper limit on the value of the examples for
management personnel whereas for Senior Personnel there is.
While the SafePass is not a minimum requirement for Management personnel, where the
relevant person is also listed under personnel for the project it will be required.
The default requirements for management personnel for Categories 2b and 3 is suitable
professional qualifications plus 7 years post-qualification experience plus a minimum of 4
hours H&S CPD (as designer) plus 3 examples (within the last 8 years) of single building
projects of a similar nature > €2.0m in a senior role with at least 2 using the GDLA/GCCC
forms of Contracts. It is not a requirement that the projects be educational.
Senior Personnel for the Project
If less than 2 suitable senior personnel for the project are proposed for the project, the
submission will be deemed non-compliant and the applicant will be excluded.
The default minimum standard for all senior personnel is suitable professional qualifications
plus 3 years post-qualification experience plus Safe-Pass plus 2 examples of single building
projects of a similar nature (within the last 8 years) > €1.0m<€15m in a senior role. It is not a
minimum standard requirement that the projects be either educational or used the
GDLA/GCCC forms of Contracts. Note that projects greater than €15m are not deemed to
be of similar size and complexity
The requirements for senior personnel for Category 2b is as above plus 5 years postqualification experience plus a minimum of 4 hours H&S CPD (as designer) within the last 3
years plus 3 examples (within the last 8 years) of single building projects of a similar nature >
€1.0m<€15m in a senior role with at least 2 using the GDLA/GCCC forms of Contracts. It is
not a requirement that the projects be educational.
The requirements for senior personnel for Category 3 is as above plus 7 years postqualification experience plus 3 examples (within the last 8 years) of single building projects of
a similar nature > €2.0m<€15m in a senior role with at least 2 using the GDLA/GCCC forms
of Contracts and one of those an educational project.
Previous Experience within last 3 years
A concise record of previous experience using the template at Appendix 3.4c is required.
Applicants are asked not to provide information which was not requested. Such information
will not be taken into account in the assessment of the application.
If more than 3 examples of previous work are provided the first 3 examples will be taken into
account and the rest will be ignored. Projects greater or less than the required value will also
be ignored. (Projects greater than €15m are not deemed to be of similar size and
Projects of a similar nature are defined as single building projects (not necessarily
educational) with a similar construction requirements and services having the required
contract value. For example a shop fit-out or an advance factory is not a similar project,
whereas an extension and refurbishment to a Health Centre or Library is.
The default minimum standard (Type 2a) is 3 examples of single building projects of a similar
nature (within the last 3 years) > €1.0m<€15m. These examples may be from the previous
experience of the Senior Person proposed for the project (as long as that senior person was
in a senior role on that project). It is not a minimum standard requirement that the projects be
either educational or used the GDLA/GCCC forms of Contracts.
The requirements for previous experience for Category 2b is as above but at least 1 example
of previous experience must be a project undertaken by the firm (rather than the Senior
Person personally) and at least 2 of the projects must have used the GDLA/GCCC forms of
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The requirements for previous experience for Category 3 is as for Category 2b but all the
examples of previous experience must be projects undertaken by the firm, in addition the
projects must be > €2.0m<€15m, and one of the projects must be educational.
Measures for ensuring Quality
Under criterion 3.4d Measure for ensuring Quality there are 3 sub-criteria.
The first sub-criterion is a brief description (1 page should be sufficient) of the firm’s
measures to ensure quality of professional service. To meet the minimum standard
applicants must summarise the measures for project administration, Design quality control,
and contract monitoring. They also must identify a system of monitoring what is done against
what should be done and a procedure for taking corrective measures for all stages. (ISO
9000 or other external QA systems are not required but if identified are deemed to meet the
standard for project administration only unless the measures contained therein to address
the other requirements are identified in the submission)
Next the applicant must complete the H&S Declaration. This is a straight-forward Yes or No.
Has the Declaration (no copies allowed) been signed in ink by an authorised person or not?
The standard required for Categories 2b and 3 is an adequate response to sub-criterion (iii)
in addition to meeting the standard for sub-criteria (i) and (ii). Again, a brief response is
required. Evaluation will be on the basis of the following headings:
An adequate organizational structure document indicating the duty holders responsible
for Health and Safety
Standard risk assessment forms (relevant to projects of a similar size, and complexity)
covering all stages of the project life cycle from early design stage to project completion
Evidence of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) training arrangements in
place (for Designer) appropriate to the size and complexity of the work (This may or
may not also include specific Health and Safety training)
(iv) Evidence that there is an adequate organizational structure in place within the
company to facilitate the dissemination of up-to-date developments on Health and
Safety issues
Evidence that there are adequate arrangements in place for the coordination of
information between design team members with an adequate mechanism in place that
tracks, records delivery and receipt of information distributed; and
(vi) Evidence of adequate structured procedures (relevant to school projects between
€1.0m and €15.0m) to ensure that the applicant’s role as Designer within the project
team is clear and that Health and Safety information is disseminated to the relevant
parties and appropriate action taken.
If in the view of the DoES or Contracting Authority, the applicant has failed to provide an
adequate response to any one of the above headings, the applicant will be deemed not to
have met the necessary standard
Marking the qualitative criteria
There are 2 qualitative criteria, Educational and Professional qualifications (Management)
and Educational and Professional qualifications (Personnel).
Marks (up to a maximum of 30 marks) for Educational and Professional qualifications
(Management) will be assigned as follows:
Years post-qualification experience 1 mark per whole year between 5 and 20 years i.e.
1 mark for 6 years, 2 for 7 years etc up to a maximum of 15 marks.
Additional relevant Qualifications, 1 mark per qualification up to 4 marks maximum.
Relevant qualifications apply to degrees or diplomas related to the profession only.
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Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
Health and Safety training, 1 mark for each 4 hour CPD module (within last 3 years) or
for Safe-Pass, and 2 marks for a H&S Diploma or Degree, all up to a maximum of 4
Experience in the use of GDLA/GCCC contracts or educational projects, 1 mark for
each GDLA Contract and 2 marks for each GCCC contract (up to a maximum of 4
marks combined), and 1 mark for each educational project
Marks (up to a maximum of 70 marks) for Educational and Professional qualifications
(Personnel) will be assigned as follows:
Years post-qualification experience 2 marks per whole year between 3 and 20 years
i.e. 2 mark for 4 years, 4 for 5 years etc up to a maximum of 34 marks.
Additional relevant Qualifications, 3 mark per qualification up to 9 marks maximum.
Relevant qualifications apply to degrees or diplomas related to the profession only.
Health and Safety training, 2 mark for each 4 hour CPD module (within last 3 years) or
for Safe-Pass, and 4 marks for a H&S Diploma or Degree, all up to a maximum of 8
(iv) Experience in the use of GDLA/GCCC contracts or educational projects, 2 mark for
each GDLA Contract and 4 marks for each GCCC contract (up to a maximum of 10
marks combined), and 2 marks for each educational project
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Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
5. Reviewing your Suitability Assessment Results
Notification of suitability assessment results
Once the Department of Education and Science (or other Authority) has completed the
suitability assessment process, a letter of notification of the result will be issued to all
applicants. Refer to Appendix 1 for the template for the letter that will be used.
The letter will include a copy of your Suitability Assessment sheet. It will state the number of
applicants, the number of compliant applications, the number meeting the minimum standard
(Type 2a), the number of those meeting the standard for Type 2b projects, and the number
meeting the standard for Type 3 projects. It will also include the marks of the highest and
lowest (short-listed) applicants for each of the 3 categories/project types.
Lastly it will state your individual results in the following format and refer you to this appendix
for assistance in analysing those results:
Your submission met the minimum standard for Type 2b. For the personnel listed you received a score of 65
The following is your relative position for each of the three categories/Project Types:
Type 2a
Type 2b
Type 3
not applicable
Further details are included in the attached Suitability Assessment Analysis for your application.
Suitability assessment analysis form
All applications are assessed using the Suitability Assessment Analysis Form at Appendix 2.
A copy of your assessment form will be sent to you together with the letter of notification. The
following guidance is to assist you in reviewing your results.
The submissions are first checked for compliance using the above form. Next Applicants are
assessed against the minimum standards. Those applicants who meet the minimum
standard are assigned a Category/Type appropriate to their economic and technical capacity
(including Health and Safety). Qualifying applicants (whatever category) are also marked on
the qualitative criteria and assigned an appropriate score.
If the answer to any of the compliance check questions was “No” or “X”, the application was
deemed not compliant and was automatically excluded from consideration. All compliant
submissions were assessed against the minimum standards and a “” or an “” was marked
against each space.
To meet the basic qualification standard (Type 2a) all the spaces in the column marked
“Type 2a” must be ticked. To achieve a Type 2b category, all the spaces in the column
marked Type 2b must be ticked, and likewise for Type 3 all the spaces in the column marked
Type 3 must be ticked. Applicants are advised to cross-check their results against both their
application submission (Keep a copy!) and the detailed advice given in this Guidance.
The form states the Project name, Consultancy discipline and your firm’s name at the top of
page 1. Next your firm’s results are stated in summary form, for example:
Your firm was deemed to be non compliant and was excluded from further consideration
Your firm was deemed to be compliant but did not meet the minimum standard and was excluded from further consideration
Your firm was deemed to be compliant and met the minimum standard for Type:
Being compliant and having met the minimum standard your firm was qualitatively assessed and scored:
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Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
In the above example the application was deemed to be a compliant but did not meet the
minimum standard and was excluded from further consideration. In other words an “” was
marked against one or more of the spaces in the column marked “Type 2a”.
If the applicant had met the minimum standard, a category/project type and a total mark
would have been inserted in lines 3 and 4.
Under the section headed Compliance check, an “X” or “” is marked against each space.
Where an “X” is marked in any one space, the reason or basis for that decision is indicated
by highlighting or otherwise marking the relevant part of the descriptive text, for example:
Has the correct (DoES) Suitability Assessment Questionnaire DoES-QC1 been used?
Has the applicant entered the Project Title, Consultancy Service and name of the applicant firm on page 1?
2.3 nature of applicant!
Has the applicant completed the Applicant Details in Section 2?
Has the applicant ticked the boxes at 3.1, 3.3a, 3.4a, 3.4b, 3.4c and 3.4d and attached the relevant appendixes?
Has the Applicant listed a minimum of 2 (two) people for each of 3.4a and 3.4b
Has the Applicant used the Curriculum Vitae format required for all personnel and management personnel listed?
Has the Applicant used the format at Appendix 3.4c to list previous experience?
Has the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire been signed by an authorised person (Director/Principal) and dated?
Has the Declaration of Personal Situation at Appendix 3.1 been signed by an authorised person (Director/Principal), dated within the last 12
months and witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths (Ireland and UK firms), OR
(if certified copy) is required confirmation regarding the circumstances in the declaration signed by applicant attached? OR
If firm based outside Ireland and the UK has one of the alternative arrangements been provided?
In the above example, it can be inferred that the Suitability assessment questionnaire was
not signed, that a minimum of two management personnel weren’t listed, that box 3.4c
wasn’t ticked and that the Applicant hadn’t answered one or more of the questions under 2.3
Nature of Applicant.
Likewise under Minimum standards where an “X” is marked against any one space (in any
one column), the reason or basis for that “X” is indicated by highlighting or otherwise marking
the relevant part of the descriptive text, for example:
Original certified average Turnover for relevant professional services for
last 3 financial years >€70k, or other acceptable financial evidence
provided (with valid reason)?
Type 2a Type 2b
Turnover meeting above requirements >€100k?
Type 3
Name of Person assessed: Joe Bloggs
Minimum 2 suitably experienced people proposed and CVs submitted
Professional qualifications + minimum 5 years post-qualification
experience. 3 examples single building projects >€1m in senior role.
As above + 7years post-qualification experience + min 4 hrs H&S CPD
within last 3 years. 3 examples building projects >€2m in senior role with
at least 2 using GDLA/GCCC Contracts.
Name of Person assessed: Jane Doe
Minimum 2 suitably experienced people proposed and CVs submitted
Professional qualifications + minimum 3 years post-qualification
experience + SafePass. 2 examples single building projects >€1m<€15m
in senior role.
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Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
In the above case the turnover was not certified (by the firm’s accountant) and without
explanation the separate turnover for the relevant professional service was not given.
Likewise the management person assessed did not have 7 years experience and his/her
safety training was not within the last 3 years.
Likewise the marks for each qualitative criterion are calculated based on the sub-criteria and
scoring methodology as stated in this document for example:
Name of Person assessed: Example only
Years post-qualification
1 mark per year between 5 and 20 years
Additional relevant Qualifications
1 mark per qualification up to 4 max marks
H&S Safe-Pass, H&S CPD
H&S Diploma/Degree
1 mark for each H&S Safe-Pass, 2 marks
for H&S Diploma/Degree (up to max 4)
GDLA Contracts
GCCC Contracts
1 mark for each GDLA Contract, 2 marks for
each GCCC contract (Max 4)
Educational Projects
1 mark each
In the above case the number of years post-qualification experience are taken from the date
of the award of a qualification entitling that person to become a member of the relevant
institute or be registered. The word “relevant” has been highlighted to indicate that not all
qualifications listed were deemed relevant. [Relevant is defined there as degrees or diplomas
related to the relevant profession only.]
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Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
Notification of Suitability Assessment Results Letter
[Enter name and address]
Suitability Assessment of Applicants for Quantity Surveying Services for selected Primary and
Post-primary school projects advertised on eTenders and in OJEU on [Enter Date]
A Dhaoine Uaisle
I write to inform you that we have assessed the requests to participate received for the above project(s)
in accordance with DoES-QC1-Guidance [Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment
Questionnaire for Service Providers] available on the DoES web-site at www.education.ie.
[enter number] applications were received for the above consultancy discipline. Of those applications
[enter number] number were compliant. The number to be short-listed in each category is [Enter
[enter number] applicants met the minimum standard (Type 2a). Of those [enter number] also met the
standard for Type 2b projects, and [Enter Number] met the standard for Type 3 projects.
The following are the marks of the highest and lowest (short-listed) applicants for each of the 3
Project Category
Management Personnel
Type 2a
Type 2b
Type 3
Senior Project Personnel:
The following are the summary details of your assessment:
Your submission met the minimum standard for Type 2a. See attached assessment form for details.
For the personnel listed below (based on the least qualified personnel) you scored a mark of:
Not applicable
Project Directors
Project Seniors
[enter name or n/a]
[enter name or n/a]
[enter name or n/a]
[enter name or n/a]
[enter name or n/a]
[enter name or n/a]
[enter name or n/a]
[enter name or n/a]
The following is your relative position for each of the three categories/Project Types:
Type 2a
Type 2b
Type 3
[enter relevant position or n/a]
[enter relevant position or n/a]
[enter relevant position or n/a]
Further details are included in the attached Suitability Assessment Analysis for your application.
To assist you in analysing those results an explanatory note with examples is included in Section 5 of
DoES-QC1- Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
available on the DoES web-site at www.education.ie
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Guidance on completing the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire for Service Providers
It is our current intention to issue invitations to tender to the appropriate number of applicants for each
project type stated above. It is anticipated that those invitations to tender will issue to them not earlier
than 10 days from the date of this letter.
As stated in the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisement, this letter comprises the full de-briefing for
your application. There will be no verbal debriefing and no additional information will be provided.
For subsequent Contract Notice/eTenders advertisements for further lots or batches of projects,
applicants being qualified and marked (within the previous 12 months) are not required to re-submit a full
response to the questionnaire as long as the details of their firm and the personnel for the project(s)
have not materially changed. It will be sufficient for those applicants to respond (by the due date) stating
that they have already been assessed and including a copy of this letter.
However all applicants (having been previously assessed for an earlier competition) who wish to submit
a new or amended submission (e.g. a change of personnel or other details) for subsequent Contract
Notice/eTenders advertisements may do so and will be assessed on the basis of that (new) submission.
As stated above a list of all applicants meeting the qualification standard (and being assigned a
category) will be maintained on file in the Department. All applicants making a submission in response to
any one of the Contract Notice/eTenders advertisements are deemed to agree to the storage of the
above information in electronic form.
I would like to thank you for the interest you have shown in this competition.
Is mise, le meas
Signed :
For and on behalf of Department of Education and Science
Department of Education and Science, Planning and Building Unit
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Appendix 2
Suitability Assessment Analysis Template
Suitability Assessment Analysis Form
Project title:
Consultancy Service:
Applicant Name:
Your firm was deemed to be non compliant and was excluded from further consideration
Your firm was deemed to be compliant but did not meet the minimum standard and was excluded from further consideration
Your firm was deemed to be compliant and met the minimum standard for Type:
Being compliant and having met the minimum standard your firm was qualitatively assessed and scored:
If the answer to any of the compliance check questions below is “No” or “X”, the application is not compliant and is automatically
excluded from consideration. All other firms are assessed against the minimum standards and a “” or an “” is marked against
each space. To meet the basic qualification standard (Type 2a) all the spaces in the column marked “Type 2a” must be ticked.
To achieve a Type 2b category, all the spaces in the column marked Type 2b must be ticked, and likewise for Type 3 all the
spaces in the column marked Type 3 must be ticked. Where an “X” was marked against any one space (in any one column), the
reason or basis for that “X” is indicated by highlighting or otherwise marking the relevant part of the descriptive text.
Has the correct (DoES) Suitability Assessment Questionnaire DoES-QC1 been used?
Has the applicant entered the Project Title, Consultancy Service and name of the applicant firm on page 1?
Has the applicant completed the Applicant Details in Section 2?
Has the applicant ticked the boxes at 3.1, 3.3a, 3.4a, 3.4b, 3.4c and 3.4d and attached the relevant appendixes?
Has the Applicant listed a minimum of 2 (two) people for each of 3.4a and 3.4b
Has the Applicant used the Curriculum Vitae format required for all personnel and management personnel listed?
Has the Applicant used the format at Appendix 3.4c to list previous experience?
Has the Suitability Assessment Questionnaire been signed by an authorised person (Director/Principal) and dated?
Has the Declaration of Personal Situation at Appendix 3.1 been signed by an authorised person (Director/Principal), dated within
the last 12 months and witnessed by a Commissioner for Oaths (Ireland and UK firms), OR
(if certified copy) is required confirmation regarding the circumstances in the declaration signed by applicant attached? OR
If firm based outside Ireland and the UK has one of the alternative arrangements been provided?
Original average Turnover (certified by accountant) for relevant professional services for last 3
financial years >€70k, or other acceptable financial evidence provided (with valid reason)?
Turnover meeting above requirements >€150k?
Name of Person assessed:
Minimum 2 suitably experienced people proposed and CVs submitted. Professional qualifications
+ minimum 5 years post-qualification experience. 3 examples single building projects >€1m in
senior role.
As above + 7years post-qualification experience + min 4 hrs H&S CPD within last 3 years. 3
examples building projects >€2m in senior role with at least 2 using GDLA/GCCC Contracts.
Name of Person assessed:
Minimum 2 suitably experienced people proposed and CVs submitted. Professional qualifications
+ minimum 3 years post-qualification experience + SafePass. 2 examples single building projects
>€1m<€15m in senior role.
As above + minimum 5 years post-qualification experience + SafePass + min 4 hrs H&S CPD
within last 3 years. 3 examples building projects (within last 8 years) >€1m<€15m in senior role
with at least 2 using GDLA/GCCC Contracts.
As above + 7 years post-qualification experience + SafePass + min 4 hrs H&S CPD within last 3
years. 3 examples building projects (within last 8 years) >€2m<€15m in senior role with at least 2
using GDLA/GCCC Contracts and 1 educational project.
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Type 2a Type 2b
Type 3
Appendix 2
Suitability Assessment Analysis Template
Previous Experience within last 3 years
Firm or senior person proposed for project. 3 examples > €1m<€15m. Single building projects.
Firm or senior person proposed for project. At least 1 project by firm. 3 examples > €1m<€15m.
Single building projects, at least 2 using GDLA/GCCC Contracts
Firm in question only (Not senior person proposed). 3 examples > €2m<€15m. At least 2 using
GDLA/GCCC Contracts and at least 1 educational example.
Measures for Quality submitted. Includes project administration (or ISO 9000), Design quality
control, and contract monitoring. System of monitoring what is done against what should be done
and corrective measures for all stages.
Original H&S Declaration signed by authorised person (Director/Principal) dated in last 3 months
Structured H&S Procedures relevant to medium to large scale Primary and Post-primary School
projects to ensure role of designer is clearly demonstrated, appropriate general H&S policy
document, and standard risk assessment forms
Adequate organizational structure to disseminate H&S information, and arrangements for the coordination and dissemination of information (both H&S and between DT members)
CPD/training arrangements for Designer (which may or may not also include specific Health and
Safety training)
MAX 30
Name of Person assessed:
Years post-qualification experience:
1 mark per year between 5 and 20 years
Additional relevant Qualifications
1 mark per qualification up to 4 max marks
H&S Safe-Pass, H&S CPD
1 mark for each H&S 4hr CPD or Safe-Pass, 2 marks
for H&S Diploma/Degree (up to max 4)
1 mark for each GDLA Contract, 2 marks for each
GCCC contract (Max 4)
GCCC Contracts
Educational Projects
1 mark each
H&S Diploma/Degree
GDLA Contracts
MAX 70
Name of Person assessed:
Years post-qualification experience:
2 mark per complete year between 3 and 20 years
Additional relevant Qualifications
3 mark per qualification up to 9 max marks
H&S Safe-Pass, H&S CPD
2 mark for each H&S 4hr CPD or Safe-Pass, 4 marks
for H&S Diploma/Degree (up to max 8)
2 mark for each GDLA Contract, 4 marks for each
GCCC contract (Max 10)
GCCC Contracts
Educational Projects
3 mark each
H&S Diploma/Degree
GDLA Contracts
TOTAL Marks:
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