2012 Volunteer Form - Society for Public Health Education

10 G Street, Suite 605 Washington, DC 20002-4242  Phone 202/408-9804  Fax 202/408-9815  Website www.sophe.org
Don’t sit on the sidelines! Become an active SOPHE member. Your talents and expertise are needed! Volunteer to work on one of the
following Committees and/or Communities of Practice. Please contact the chair(s) of the group(s) in which you are interesting in serving.
2012 Midyear Meeting Planning Committee
Chair: Karen Spiller, kspiller@bphc.org
Plans, implements, and evaluates the 2012 Midyear Scientific Conference, Nashville, TN
2012 Annual Meeting Planning Committee
Chair: Kelly Bishop, gpk9@cdc.gov
Plans, implements, and evaluates the 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
2013 Annual Meeting Planning Committee
Chair: Rebecca Reeve, rreeve@unca.edu
Plans, implements, and evaluates the 2013 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL
Advocacy Committee
Chair: Cherrylee Sherry, csherry.flowers@gmail.com
Identifies priority health issues related to health education and advocates for funding and science-based policies.
Awards Committee
Chair: Darcy Scharff, scharffd@slu.edu
Develops and reviews awards criteria, encourages submissions to the SOPHE awards programs, evaluates and recommends awards
winners, corresponds with nominees and award winners.
Bylaws Committee
Secretary: Linda Forys, lforys@hcphes.org
Reviews bylaws and prepares changes recommended by the Board for a vote of the SOPHE membership.
Chapter Development Committee
Speaker of the House: David Brown, david.brown@jsums.edu
Coordinates and provides leadership to the work of SOPHE chapters across the nation.
Continuing Education Committee
Chair: Kay Deaner, 44memi@lmf.net
Oversees SOPHE’s status as a multiple event provider of continuing education contact hours, and coordinates all distance learning.
Communications Committee
Co-Chair: Paul Froehlich, xanadu@nyc.rr.com Co-Chair: Frank Strona, strona@mac.com
Co-Chair: Patricia A. Thomas, pht7@cdc.gov
Coordinates SOPHE website major revisions and electronic communications policies affecting SOPHE members.
Plans/implements National Health Education Week, press releases and other outreach communication strategies. Coordinates
SOPHE website revisions and electronic communications policies affecting SOPHE members.
Ethics Committee
Co-Chair: Marc Hiller, marc.hiller@unh.edu
Co-Chair: Tung-Sung Tseng, ttsung@yahoo.com
Facilitates responsible ethical pursuit by health educators of their profession.
Finance Committee
Treasurer: Mary Cheryl Nacionales, maryhealthed@gmail.com
Develops SOPHE’s annual budget, reviews monthly accounting, and oversees SOPHE investments, SOPHE audit.
Membership Committee
Chair: TBA Trustee: Darigg Brown, dcbrown@rti.org
Develops and evaluates programs/strategies related to recruitment/retention of SOPHE members.
Newsletter Editorial Board
Co-Chair: Mayssa Nehlawi, Mayssa@editorwrites.com
Co-Chair: Melissa Shelton, eshelton03@gmail.com
Plans and edits the SOPHE newsletter, News & Views. Coordinates Editorial Board.
Nominating/Leadership Development Committee
Chair: TBA Trustee: Darigg Brown, dcbrown@rti.org
Nominates SOPHE members for office according to the SOPHE bylaws and coordinates leadership development.
Professional Development Committee
Chair: TBA Trustee: Cam Escoffery, cescoff@sph.emory.edu
Develops programs to address continuing education needs of SOPHE members and health education workforce.
-overUpdated 4/12
Professional Preparation Committee
Chair: TBA Trustee: Chuck Kozel, ckozel@nmsu.edu
Addresses quality assurance of professional preparation of health educators at the undergrad/graduate levels.
Publications Committee
Chair: Michael Fagen, mfagen1@uic.edu
Develops criteria for SOPHE publications, evaluates new proposals, & oversees SOPHE-sponsored publications.
Research Agenda Committee
Chair: TBA Trustee: Louise Villejo, lvillejo@mdanderson.org
Identifies research needs relevant to health education, creates awareness of needs among researchers and practitioners, and fosters
links between health education research to practice and vice versa.
Resolutions Committee
Chair: Omar Sahak, omarsahak@gmail.com
Reviews resolutions proposed by the SOPHE membership and refers them to the Board of Trustees for approval. Provides follow-up
on implementation of the action steps of approved resolutions.
Resource Development Committee
Chair: TBA
Develops and implements a plan to ensure the long-term financial stability and growth of the organization that is consistent with its
mission and strategic plan.
SOPHE/AAHE Baccalaureate Approval Committee
Co-Chair: Ellen Capwell, ecapwell@otterbein.edu
Co-Chair: Carol Cox, ccox@truman.edu
Develops standards for and coordinates the approval of undergraduate programs in community health education.
Strategic Planning Implementation Committee
Co-Chair: Rick Cain, cainr3@southernct.edu
Co-Chair: Diane Allensworth, dimaster6@gmail.com
Develops a strategic plan for the organization based on sound, strategic planning principles and develops a system to oversee its
implementation and periodic update/revision.
SOPHE Futures Task Force
Co-Chair: Rob Simmons, rob.simmons@jefferson.edu
Co-Chair: Kelli McCormack Brown, kbrown@ufl.edu
Explores strategic opportunities for SOPHE’s future partnerships/mergers with other organizations.
Third Party Reimbursement Task Force
Chair: Randy Schwartz, randy.schwartz@cancer.org
Explores strategic opportunities for reimbursement of health education programs.
Anthropology & Public Health
Co-Chair: Robert Jecklin, jecklin.robe@uwlax.edu
Co-Chair: Debra Bill, DBill@wcupa.edu
Co-Chair: Beth Stevenson, bvr9@cdc.gov
Co-Chair: Diane Allensworth, dimaster6@gmail.com
Chair: Marti Rice, ricemarilyn2011@gmail.com
Chair: Jen St. Clair-Russell, jenstcl@aol.com
Chair: Claudia Parvanta, c.parvan@usp.edu
Co-Chair: Cynthia Kratzke, ckratzke@nmsu.edu
Co-Chair: Carol Cox, ccox@truman.edu
Chair: Dhitinut Ratratradipa, dhitinut@siu.edu
Chair: TBA
Chair: Catherine Morrison, Catherine.Morrison@alz.org
Co-Chair: Holly Mata, hjdempsey@miners.utep.edu
Co-Chair: Mario Browne, mcb77@pitt.edu
Co-Chair: Kristen Frame, kframe@mhalc.org
Co-Chair: Joyce Morris, JoyceMo@health.ok.gov
Chair: Rachael Dombrowski, Rachael.Dombrowski@phimc.org
Co-Chair: Randy Cottrell, cottrer@ucmail.uc.edu
Co-Chair: Melinda Ickes, melinda.ickes@uky.edu
Children, Adolescents & School Health
International/Cross-Cultural Health
Medical Care/Patient Education
Social Marketing/Health Communications
Worksite Health
Environmental Health Promotion
Emergency Communications & Preparedness
Healthy Aging
Health Disparities/Health Equity
Tobacco Prevention & Control
Students/New Professionals
University Faculty
Updated 4/12