
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Teacher Name: Ann Schultz
Classes and Grades Taught: Honors Biology for 9th through 12th grades, Regular Biology for 9th through 12th grades
Lesson Dates: December 5-9, 2011
Unit Topic: The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Unit Objectives: Explain how characteristics of living things are passed on from generation to generation.
Previous Lesson Topic: Reinforce and extend understanding of replication, transcription and translation
Current Lesson Topics: Introduction to cell division and mitosis through Discovery Education video, Cell Division and
Mitosis PowerPoint slides, Focus Question, Objective, Vocabulary, cell division and mitosis notes and flashcards, cell
cycle and mitosis illustrations, Cell Growth and Reproduction reading and reflection, Mitosis Notes worksheet, Lesson 8:
DNA and Cell Division worksheet, DNA Replication quiz, finish watching “And the Band Played On”
Next Lesson Topic: Reinforce and extend understanding of the cell cycle and mitosis
Lesson Objectives
Students will be able to:
Explain that hereditary information is contained in genes, located in the chromosomes of each cell; that cells contain
many thousands of different genes; that one or many genes can determine an inherited trait of an individual, and a
single gene can influence more than one trait; and that before a cell divides, this genetic information must be copied
and apportioned evenly into the daughter cells.
Standards Addressed:
B1.1D Identify patterns in data and relate them to theoretical models.
B1.2C Develop an understanding of a scientific concept by accessing information from multiple sources. Evaluate the
scientific accuracy and significance of the information.
B1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion format.
B4.2B Recognize that every species has its own characteristic DNA sequence.
B4.3A Compare and contrast the processes of cell division (mitosis and meiosis), particularly as those processes
relate to production of new cells and to passing on genetic information between generations.
Students will demonstrate accomplishment of objectives by:
Responding to Impromptu questions
TE894 – Fall 2011
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Responding to Exit Tickets
Completing Lesson 8: DNA and Cell Division worksheet
Writing notes on cell cycle and mitosis
Creating flashcards on cell cycle and mitosis
Coloring mitosis drawings
Completing Mitosis Notes worksheet
Reading Cell Growth and Reproduction and answering questions
Answering Cook E-Question
Completing quiz on replication
Focus Question: How does each daughter cell receive a complete set of chromosomes?
Objective: Explain how characteristics of living things are passed on from generation to generation.
Daughter cell
Homologous chromosomes
Spindle Fiber
1. Cell division – definition
2. Three stages of cell division – name them (I, M, C)
3. Interphase – definition, including Gap 1 Phase, S Phase, Gap 2 Phase
4. S-Phase – what happens during
5. Chromosomes – definition and drawing with centromere and sister chromatids labeled
6. Mitosis – definition
7. Phases of mitosis – name them (P, M, A, T)
8. Prophase – definition and drawing
9. Metaphase – definition and drawing
10. Anaphase – definition and drawing
11. Telophase – definition and drawing
TE894 – Fall 2011
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
12. Cytokinesis – definition and drawing
Possible Class Activities:
Introduce the cell cycle and mitosis with pop bead demonstration
Discovery Education video introducing the cell cycle and mitosis
Mitosis flip book project
Chromosome foldable
Mitosis sequencing activity
Cell cycle drawing activity
Onion root tip mitosis lab - requires Feulgen stain, hydrochloric acid and rooting onions (in refrigerator)
Animal and plant cell interactive animations:
Animal cell mitosis animations:,,
23 and Me videos:
“Genetics 101 Part 1 “What are genes?” (4:26)
“Genetics 101 Part 2 “What are SNPs?” (1:53) (SNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphism)
“Genetics 101 Part 3 “Where do your genes come from?” (4:14)
“Genetics 101 Part 4 “What is phenotype?” (2:03)
“Surprisingly Interconnected” (1:00)
Genome BC
Mutations activity
Sickle Cell Anemia case study
Possible NetBook Activities:
Animal and plant cell interactive animations:
Animal cell mitosis animation:
Mitosis crossword puzzle:
Materials Needed:
Cards for Impromptu responses, Exit Tickets
TE894 – Fall 2011
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Pop beads
Discovery Education cell cycle and mitosis video
Cell cycle and mitosis PowerPoint slides
Copies of Lesson 8: DNA and Cell Division worksheet
Cards for mitosis flip book activity
Copies of DNA Replication quiz
Copies of mitosis sequencing activity
Copies of cell cycle drawing activity
Video tape of “And the Band Played On”
Internet access
Complete notebook entry for focus question, objective, vocabulary
Complete cell cycle and mitosis notes and flashcards
Finish coloring the cell cycle and mitosis drawings
Complete Mitosis Notes worksheets
Complete Cell Growth and Reproduction reading and questions
Complete Lesson 8: DNA and Cell Division worksheet
Complete Cook E-Question on
Beginning of Class (5 minutes)
Teacher will take attendance
Students will respond to Impromptu: DNA is __________ before cell division? Pages 284-285
Lesson Activities (45 minutes)
Teacher will review Impromptu, respond to student responses, correct misinformation and provide missing information.
Teacher will introduce the topic of cell division
Teacher will present Discovery Education video introducing the cell cycle and mitosis
Students will copy Focus Question, Objective and Vocabulary into their notebooks (NB#27)
TE894 – Fall 2011
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Teacher will present PowerPoint slides on the cell cycle and mitosis
Students will take notes on the cell cycle and mitosis (NB#28)
End of Class Activities (5 minutes)
Teacher will remind students to finish writing their notes for homework tonight.
Teacher will remind students to respond to last week’s Cook E-question on
Beginning of Class (5 minutes)
Teacher will take attendance
Students will respond to Impromptu: What is Mitosis? Pages 204-209
Lesson Activities (45 minutes)
Teacher will review Impromptu, respond to student responses, correct misinformation and provide missing information
Teacher will finish presenting PowerPoint slides on the cell cycle and mitosis
Students will finish taking notes and create flashcards on the cell cycle and mitosis
If time allows, students will begin coloring cell cycle and mitosis pictures
End of Class Activities (5 minutes)
Teacher will remind students to complete their notes and flashcards for homework tonight
Teacher will remind students to finish coloring their cell cycle and mitosis pictures for homework tonight
Teacher will remind students to respond to last week’s Cook E-question on
Beginning of Class (5 minutes)
Teacher will take attendance
Students will respond to Impromptu: What are the phases of Mitosis? Pages 206-209
Lesson Activities (45 minutes)
Teacher will review Impromptu, respond to student responses, correct misinformation and provide missing information
Teacher will introduce students to Before You Read: Cell Growth and Reproduction
Students will take turns reading Cell Growth and Reproduction
Students will answer questions from Cell Growth and Reproduction in their notebooks (NB#29)
TE894 – Fall 2011
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
All-school assembly 6th and 7th hours: Holiday Play
End of Class Activities (5 minutes)
Teacher will distribute Mitosis Notes worksheets.
Students will complete Mitosis Notes worksheets for homework tonight.
Teacher will remind students that new Cook E-question will be posted on
Beginning of Class (5 minutes)
Teacher will take attendance
Students will respond to Impromptu: What happens to a cell during Interphase? Pages 204-206
Lesson Activities (45 minutes)
Teacher will review Impromptu, respond to student responses, correct misinformation and provide missing information
Teacher will distribute DNA Replication Quiz
Students will complete DNA Replication Quiz
Teacher will distribute Lesson 8: DNA and Cell Division worksheets
Students will complete Lesson 8: DNA and Cell Division worksheets
End of Class Activities (5 minutes)
Teacher will remind students to complete mitosis sequencing or drawing activity sheets for homework tonight.
Teacher will remind students that new Cook E-question has been posted on
No school – teacher professional development day
Monday: Students will create chromosome foldables
Tuesday: Mitosis lab – students will work in pairs to answer pre-lab questions and identify phases of mitosis at
microscope stations with prepared slides, teacher will introduce Mitosis Lab Report
TE894 – Fall 2011
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Wednesday: Students will finish lab and work on lab reports on their NetBooks
Thursday: Students will work on lab reports on their NetBooks
Friday: Students will finish watching “And the Band Played On”
Mitosis Sequencing activity
Draw and identify interphase, the phases of mitosis, and cytokinesis activity
Mitosis Flip Books
Present “Surprisingly Interconnected” (1:00)
Explore DNA mutations
NetBook activity: Mighty Mutation Maker DNA name alias mutation activity:
Introduce meiosis
TE894 – Fall 2011